THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1907. S 1 In i r; t : i 2 Telephone Douglas 6 Iff. Hearing Bee, January 28, 1907 tlhie ICod Of Our Greatest January Clearing Sale Truly! this 1ms been tho greatest sale in the history of our business. The (Treat crowds that have gathered in our store every day; the heart interest that all have taken has demonstrated that we are Omaha's foTemost store for "Genuine Bargains." These last days of the Great January Salo will witness some lively price cutting. It will pay you to give our ads your closest attention. They always match our goods. There Are Many Bargains Not Advertised Only Three More Days Of our Great Clearing Sale of mussed and soiled Table Cloths and Napkins at just half price. - TaMe Cloths at Just Half Price. 'apklna at Just Half Prire. Half Dozen Napkins at Just Half Price. Cloths, In all sices, from 2 yards up to 6 yards long. . Main Floor. The Great January Clearing Sale of Cloaks Still Goes On -: The assortment rets smaller and smaller every day. Still there are many choice garments to be had for little money. There Is not a Fall Salt In the house. Wc closed them all out in about 10 minutes last Saturday. -' All the Coats now half price. All the Fur Coats now half price. All the Dainty House Gowns now half price. Second Floor. Wait for the Great January Clearing Sale of Colored Dress- Goods Remnants Wednesday, January SO, 8 A.M. Every remnant In ..' the Great January Clearing Sale is a beauty, and at prices you will say at once: "No sales like Thompson, Belden & Co.'s when it comes to quality and price." But this does not tell half the story. See remnants dis played in our Sixteenth St. win dow. Then come Wednesday, you'll not be dlsapppolnted. Our January Muslin Sale Now nearlng an end. Have you shared T A few' more days and the opportunity to buy Sheetings, Mus lins, Redy-Made Sheets and Pillow Cases at away below values will have passed. You know by this time that it Is not idle talk when we advise you to" buy now for the coming year. - Our, 30c 81-inch wide Sheeting at 25c yard. , Our 18 c 45-inch wide Pillow Casing at 14c yard. Our 95c 'size 81x90 Sheets at 73c each. Our 32c size 45x36 hemstitched Pillow Cases now 26c each. Our 12c Bleached Muslins at 9Ho yard. Our 7Vc unbleached Muslins at 6c yard. Our 18 4c half Bleached Mus lins, 10c yard. . . , All fine Cambrics at greatly re duced prices. Reduced prices still prevail on all of oar fine Blankets and Com forters. Basement. ... Howard Cor.. Sixteenth Street STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENItfGL. board may require. Freight companies must report the value of their cars, the number owned, the business done and other Information desired by the board. In case any railroad, depot or freight company shall refuse to furnish any in formation . to the local assessor or the state board, the assessing authorities are given authority to assess the property tn their discretion and the companies af fected are estopped to question or Impeach . the action of the assessor or the board upon any grounds not affecting the sub stantial justice of any tax which may be levied. Any officer of any company mak ing a false return shall be guilty of per jury. Connty aad City Clerks. The several county and city clerks shall prepare separate assessment rolls for the companies mentioned In this act and shall deliver the same on or before the first day of April of each year to the proper assessor for each city and village of his county. Between April 1 and June 1 the assessor shall value and assess alt the property of each company mentioned In each city and village within his jurisdiction, all property being treated as personal property. The assessor shall forward to the state board on or before June 1 a statement of all the property assessed by him under the pro visions of this act. He .may at bis option append to the assessment roll an Itemised Hat of all the tangible property aesersed by Mm In each city and village, as well fcs a statement showing how ,he reached his conclusion. The state board shall act as a board of equalisation and any company shall have the right to appear, and be heard on Its assessment In any city or village, and the city or village shall also have the right to appear. At such meetings the attorney general shall represent the board. The board shall have the power to raise or. lower any assessment of any city or village for the purpose cf giving the property of each company full and fair valuation In the, several cities and villages. It shall be the duty of the board to fix the value of the various proportles returned, that the com panies assessed shall stand as near as may be upon a basis of equality with other tax payers In the same cities and villages re spectively. Cone Misses Fir Asrnln. Btate Journal company to Recover forfeits free postage stamps to the senators voted for the failure of the Company to deliver back to the senate printed bills three days after receiving the copy was rescinded. ; The original resolution called forth a state ment from the Btate Journal, calling at tention to the fact that it had had - the qpntract most of the time for thirty years and bad no been required to live up to Its terms. It declared under present circum stances It was Impossible to carry out the terms of the contract. In his resolution today Senator Epperson says the senate has other remedies to pro tect the state so far as the present session Is concerned. The receipts showing when copy was delivered and when the bills were returned at former sessions, which would be material evidence for the state, have been destroyed, according to the res olution, and It would be difficult to main tain a suit tn court. Just what method will be taken. If any. Is not Indicated In the resolution. It has been suggested the amount due could be withheld from the payments made to the Journal company for printing done during ths session. As the state could not be sued, the action of the legislature would be final. Jto Stamp Craft The senate, by action taken today, has declared, while It la willing the house of representatives should Indulge In the so- down. The only serious ODnoeitlon to any bill was to the one Introduced by Burns making county, district and supreme judges ineligible to any except judicial offices. At the beginning of the session Burns of Lancaster Introduced a resolution re questing the Nebraska delegation In con gress to oppose the ship subsidy bill on the ground it favors certain Interests and is not In the Interests of the people. The resolution went over a day. Epperson of Clay offered a memorial from 10 of his constituents favoring his bill to place telephone companies under the control of the Railway commission. The attempt of the judiciary committee to ' have In deftntely postponed S. F. 140, by Ald rlch, providing for a commission to pro pose amendments to the constitution, failed at leaet for the present, and the senate at the request of Aldri'ch recommitted the bill tor further action. Epperson's motion to rescind the former action directing the attorney general to be gin suit against the State Journal to re cover penalties for the late delivery of printed bills carried without opposition. Ths senate then went into the considera tion of bills on final passage. The follow ing bills were passed: H. R. 52 Providing for the appropriation of $20,000 to pay the expenses ol the legislature. 8. r . 8 By Root. Abolishing the tE.onn called stamp "graft," It Is not Willing to J limit to the amount which may be reeov- accept any of the tainted stamps Itself.. Randall of Madison Introduced a resolu tion authorising the secretary of the senate to furnish each senator dally with ten 3 cent stamps or the equivalent In other de nominations, twice the amount the members ered for. death due to negligence, 8. F. 27-By Root. Proviumg civil cases I shall not be reversed by the supreme court ; where it is shown substantial Justice hus ; been done the litigants. I 8. V. O-By Root. To authorize the ; county judge to receive costs, lees and uu ; claimed legacy and to pay them to tho or the house allowed themselves. He de- : proper persons and requiring an accounting dared this was necessary because so many " "f "!? applications for nrtnted hill, were received ' . F ' aj-By Root- Abolishing the hearing applications ior Printed oilia were race yen , of charges against superintendents of state by the members. Gibson, King and Wilson . institutions by the Board of Public Lands opposed the resolution and It was killed by a vote of U to 17. Constitutional Convention BUI and Buildings, S. F. 61 By Wilson. Permitting clttsa of me secona-ciass ana villages to sell elec incuy, steam, neat, light or other prod Senator Aldrlch's bill providing for a com- j u f iByffohV mission to propose amendments to the state , ployment at the Milford Home for the constitution Is to have another chance for ' Friendless of either a male or female phy- Its life. When the Judiciary committee re- 1 .... . A tion to any but Judicial offices during their Gibson. Providing for tne payment of election boards at Joint election ..... . ... i o. n oar Burns. poneo. u ior inaenniie postponement loaay trict and supreme Judges ineligible for eloc- Aiancn movea it w reoommittea ror runner i non to any ou consideration and this was done by unanl- I term"i tnmia vnt. M. AMrltk malA h. AiA . ' ' . . f r, a A.m .ia . ik. i : payment or election ooarus at joint eieeu omu""r' " t know there was any opposition to the bill, oy the city, county and school districts In memoers oi me nouse inio u irum . ne oonMnted t( hav6 rauroaacomimiise an mc uiua rcrauns iu i -onni... ui - - It S-cent passenger rates and placing them ! on gegeral me, snooting mem over mo heads of the Joint committees which are preparing all railroad measures, but he heard by the ' Oniatyi or zz by each division. The committee. S. F. 6 Hy Root. Keuulrinar the words "Intoxicating liquors" to be placed on ex press packages containing the same and prohibiting the consigning of same to fic titious persons or the bringing of it Into 1 . I .. 1 .. J t .V. . ; . I 1-"-" . ...,.. 'ir.ui utth ui,iuuui;m tutu luv W1..110. . sale. It turned cut, was against it and he now asks for an opportunity to be heard. An unusually large number of bills have . -" j - wiiijr jii juiy pardons. Dins nad been introduced. railed miseraoiy. rusionisis ana . ToUy wg tne ,ighteenth. day of the. 8. F. 7-By Root. Making the place of alike recognising m his resolution merely 9alon tnA th. b1, waa off,,,..,,. Cn ! delivery of liquor the place of sale, a move to maka a little campaign than-! .,k..k a.. , , 8. F. 14-By Root. Abolishing Fourth of der. In fact, the ruslonlsU failed to vote with him. there being only eleven votes recorded for ths resolution and seventy one against It. Cone told the house It waa only neces sary to change the figure I In the present S. F. 18 By Thomas. Giving the state the same number of peremptory challenges as the defense when two or more de fendants are on trial. 8. F. 4ft By McKesson. Providing for fees to be charged life Insurance com- At . the last Ion the total number cf bills Introduced waa about BK, only sixty more than are already In at the present session. Senator Thomas has offered another enm- .j, .,, k.ii ,v. ,vi. v- panles by the state Insurance department. Us and Insert the figure t to enact a 2- : L .-trnAnrmA . .. ,w. : . J?" .v,.?'n r cent pasaepger rate am be told me nousa etherg ,xcept the provision requiring the surance companies by the state Insurance also that : all. the parties wre In favor Btt,ndanc, cf tne b:,n, Bd fleaf the oenartment. ... ... . of it i ' Ji L.. . , .i. 8. F. 9i By Thomas. Providing for a t'a . ;, ni.,.. .."J L. ... th first Ut8te ln,tUuUon sllrrvlnated. together COroner's physician In Douglas county. l.v thynUeman !r1,h BOm' mulrements Burn,. blll pronlbmng Jua8e. from run . r l. Z . n' in ntl' ot ro Th mr. contl nlng for , but Jualclal offlce(l aurln(r from Saunders waa not sincere In a mo-.,, .v. .... ,., - thjl -ttnn .w, .. " ; . . - - ineir terms aeveiopea conioeraoie opposi Din, wnicn, togetner wuri. tne secona sec tion, Is cut out. . tlon, but he felt sure his object was merely to make political capital. Harrison ' of Otoe, who Is chairmen of . the- railroad committee, said his committee' desired to treat everyone falny nrid had dona so and expected to do so..)' He aald H. R. I waa still In the hands, of the committee and ao were several republican bills re lating to 2-cent rates ' and therefore the fusion floor leader had- little cause for complaint Hamer of Buffalo said he be lieved Cone waa sincere, but he doubted the expediency of su?b a resolution at this time. Walsh cf -Douglas opposed the reso lution and went 'farther and said the re publican r nu .pledged to a t-cent far. TheT resolution waa tabled. McMAillen of Gage Introduced his pri mary eleetlon bit this afternoon.' and un like the. Dodge bill, It provides for th nomination of all . officer ' except state officers. It provide also for a -state con vention to nominate- stst officer and Legislative. Gossip. Jones of Cass county had an experience during th civil war arhlch Illustrates the sterling character of the late John M. Thayer. Jones and General Thayer were members of th same regiment and having received word while at' Leavenworth that three men were to be hanged at Lexing ton for stealing negroes, Thayer, who was In command, called for volunteers to go to their relief. " . 1. . " .' .. i "It was a sixty mile ride, but there were plenty of volunteers and we got to Lex ington about day light. General , Thayer rode up to the Jail door and getting off of his horse hammered on th door with his saber. 'What do you want there?" Inquired someone within. " i ''You open that door and do It d a promulgate a sut- platform. Any on I quick," answered General Thayer. can file under hi bill by paying th filing j v After a little parley the door was fee, which, Is practically th am as under t opened and th three men were taken out tlon, though there waa no d!scusslon. Tha vote stood 19 to S. The only other bills to receive negative votes were No. 6 and No. T. by Root, relatttrg to the regulation of liquor sales. Ashton and Thomas voted against No. S, and Ashton, Thomas ami Saunders against No. T. 'Senator Patrick's bill relating to voiding Judgments after five years, after a hard fight, waa again committed to the Judiciary committee for specific amendment on mo tion of Root of Cass. An unfavorable re port by the committee a-veral days ago was voted down by the senate and the bill placed on general file. Most of the lawyers opposed the- measure. The senate received a specific message from the governor notifying It of the re ceipt of $790 17 from the United States government for the forest reserve fund. Randall of Madison moved the secretary of the senate furnish ten 1-cent stamps or their equivalent In other postage to the senators each day during the session. The the Dodg bill, though It la hot necessary for th candidal to secure a petition before filing. ' . v ; r Epperson Relents Prlallair. At bis own, request' -the action taken laat week on Vppersnq'a resolution directing th attorney general to' proceed against the Coffee r N-Dy$p?ft'a and Live "Troubles have wh'n POSTUM t is used in place of coffee. "There's tv Reason". and their lives saved. "I considered General Thayer one of the strongest governors Nebraska ever had," concluded Mr. Jones. The committee on other asylums will visit the Deaf and Dumb Institute In Omaha Tuesday and on Wednesday the committee on public lands and buildings will Inspect the Institutions. Tu mem bers of to first named committee will re main In Omaha to the McKtnley club banquet tomorrow plgbt - SENATE HAS A LIVELY SESSlOU Fifteen Bills Passed , la Two Hnar' Tins.' (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. i ( Special. )Ts aeriat put tn a busy afternoon today and as a re sult of two and a half hour' solid work fifteen blll wer passed, a resolution adopted ' rescinding the action taken last week directing the attorney general to bring suit against the Btate Journal to rexver forfeits for failure to deUver bills on time, and a - resolution providing for KODAK Exhibition this wank at Chambers' Academy 2 P. M. to 10 P. M. 300 MAGNIFICENT ENLARGEMENTS. Dally Lncturn By DR. DIXON, 5 and a P.M. Baautlful Lantrn Slidna. Now Moving Picture) COMPLIMENTARY. Tickets for th asking. at any Kadak Dealer. motion waa voted down by si vote of 11 to 17. The senate then adjourned. The following bills were Introduced: S. P. tXiHr Thomas of -Douglas. To regulate the name ot fotelgrt corporations. H. F. 221 By Thoma. A compulsory edu cation law. . 8. F. K Py Randall of Madison. Tn In crease the salary llml. of deputy county omc-ers in counuea having a popuiauon oi over 15,010 and less tban 25,i" inhabitantn. H. F. saHy . F.rtwrson of i'lay. lo authorise boards of eounty commissioners ana city councils to provide ior in ais covery of personal property withheld from taxation and lo provide a system for list ing the same and collecting tajes thereon. . t. liAtiy rnlllpa. fermimng aiiacn- ment to Issue to cover debt contracted fraudulently. ROITISE PROCKKD1SUS OF MOVSK asaer sf Bills Reported Back from Committees. (From a Staff Correspondent.) I LINCOLN, Jan. B.MBpeclal.) Speaker Nettleton called- the. house to order at t o'clock. Standing committees reported as follows: . H. R. M and It R. RT Appropriating tha money In the library (fusds of the Kearney and Peru Normal schools to the use of the library; to be engrossed for a third reading. ' ' It. H. S3 To prohibit the importation oi amicted children to become a care on the state; indefinitely postponed. it. n. oo to prevent juogee irom umni candidates for any other ottlc except for re-election; general tile. 4 ti. K. 71 Allowing Interuroan companies to do a heating and power business; re ferred to the railroad committee. H. R. 77 Defining burglary; general nie. rl. H. SO Providing county juages in counties of over lo.oiiO must, be lawyers; general file. H. K. So Repealing th dipsomaniac law; indefinitely postponed.. 11. 'it. MM Th bulk sales law, proviuing a merchant selling out must notuy nia creditors beforehand or the sale is void; general file. Cone Introduced a resolution to hav all the 2-cent fare bills in the hands of the railroad committee reported for general file. The resolution was tabled by a vote of 71 to 11. only that many fuslonists voting with their leader. Governor Sheldon today sent bis first special message to the legislature. It la as follows: v - Gentlemen: You are doubtless aware that within recent years the federal government has given much attention to the conserva tion of natural forests and also has sought to stimulate tree growth In prairlo regions bv the establishments of forest reset ves. Three of these reserves have been .located In Nebraska and are known as the Dismal river, the Niobrara and the Nrth Platte reserves, respectively. My Information Is that they are situated in the counties of Jilalne, Grant, Cherry, Thomas and Mc pherson. The act making appropriations for the na tional Department of Agriculture, approved June 40, liMi. (34 U. S. Statutes, 884) contains the following provision: "That 10 per centum of all money received from each forest reserve within any fiscal year, including the- year ending June 3, lWti, shall be paid at the end thereof by the secretary of the treasury to the estate or territory in which rld reserve Is situated, to be expended as the state or terrltortil legislature may prescribe for the benefit of the nubile schools and roads or the county or counties In which the forest reserve Is situated; Provided, That when any forest resorve is In more., than one state or terri tory tho distributive share to eich from the proceeds of said reFerve shall be propor tional to Its area therein: And. prcvlded further. That there shall not be paid to any state or territory for any county an amount equal to more than per centum or the total Income of such county from all other sources,". in harmony with tha provisions quoted I have received frOm thexn'udltor of the Treasury department Warrant for $790.37. being Nebraska's proportionate share - of the Income from the, forest reserves within the state for the fiscal year.. 1906, which I have paid Into the state treasury to the credit of the forest- reserve fund. The federal statute referred to makes It plain that this money is to be expended for tho "benefit of the public schools and public roads of the eounty .or counties rn which the forest reserve. Is situated," to be dis bursed as the legislature may prescribe. Refore these funds ' can be available for the several counties participating It will be necessary for your honorable body to pre scribe the details of expenditure, and It Is for that purpose thav I call your attention to the matter.' 'understand that the state's revenue .Xrom . the-.(area -resorvfs .is oou- iinuous sna win increase wnn eacn year. . The following bills wete Introduced in the house: H. R. 187-By McMullen of Gage. Pro viding for th nomination by direct pri mary of all oftwers except state oltlcers. . H. R. 188 By E. W... Brown of Lancaster. Provide for' change of mutual fire or windstorm Insurance company Into com pany doing business on stipulated premium f lan when it has 750,000 of insurance In orce and when it establishes a guaranty fund as members may direct. H. R. 1S9 By Blystone of Lancaster. Provides that no railroad In state shall be required to make a ' minimum charge of less than B cents for- any passenger any distance, carried. ,.; . II. R. 110 By Dodge of Douglaa Directing the Construction and furnishing of a brick and stone- gymnasium, library, dormitory and school building and their equipment at the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha and appropriating the sum of $30,000. H. R. 191 By Hart of York. Authorising the organization of trust companies and authorising Judges, courts and competent persons or authority to appoint such com panies to be executorsadministrators, trus tees, guardians, receivers, assignees, agents and attorneys-in-fact, H. H. 193 By Clarke of Douglas. To pro vide for the taxation of railroad companies. union station ana aepot companies, car companies and freight line companies by cities and villages and for th collection of such taxes. H. R. 193 By Messrs: Glleni, Green, Logs don, Henry, Snyder and Wilson. Provide not lee than five nor more than seven Junior normal schools shall be held, fixes three schools at aame places now provided by statute, gives state superintendent right to select other places, provides igatltute shall be held at time of school, shortens term to eight weeks, provides for ele mentary teuchers, certificate to sttendanta. H. R. 194 By Killen lof Gage. To provide four years of free public hlRh school edu cation for all the youth of this state whose Sarents or guardians live In public school 1st r lets which maintain less than four year high school course of study. School district of pupils' residence shall pay dis trict where Instruction Is given To cents for each week's attendance. H. R. 196 By Knowles of Dodge (by re quest). Giving small cities light to remove snow from sidewalk and charge to prop erty owners. , H. R. 196 By Byram of Burt. To punish for nng stealing and to punish persons re ceiving or buying stolen hogs. 1 H. R. 197 By Fletcher of Antelope by request). To authorise the Incorporation of accident Insurance companies. II. R. IMS By Kuhl of Cedar. Providing for the conveyance of real estate by guar dians of Insane persons, in completion of contract entered Into by such person be fore disability. H. R. It By Dodge of Douglas. Pro viding for the change of name for th Institute for the Ieaf and Duinb, and also for the Institute for the Blind, to Nebraska School for Deaf and Nebraska School for Blind. H. R. 100 By Culdle of Saline. Permit ting spearing of carp and buffalo fish dur ing open season. H. R. 1 By E. P. Brown of Lancaster, Making granting or refusal of a new trial a final order, ll u Si Rv E. P. Brown of Lancaster. Taxpayer may appeal from a levy made by county board, whether he appeared be fore noa'd or not. ' H. R- 203 By 1C. P, Brown pf Lancaster. Tit nrovide fur anrjeals to the supreme court ' In all esse except crlsnlnsl cases. H. R- io By E. P. Brawn of Lancaster. ' To provide for review-upon error In the I district court of Judgments rendered or final orders made by, a county court, a I Justice ef the pace. of any other tribunal, ! hoard or officer exercising judicial func tions and inferior In Jurisdiction to the district court. H. R- 2C5 By E. P. Brown of Lancsster. To provide for preserving and making a part of the record In the district court proofs and testimony taken' orally upan the trial or hearing of causes. L.ra'tLLgssaaLur v2 jJt May Mtnton Patterns Newest Styles 10c Our New Sa tionery Dept. i Offers Many Sensational Values PHONE 981 DOVGLAS. ' Ours and Hours-?. It's only hours now until the closing of our great pre-inventory sale a Bale that has put a smile of satisfaction on the face of every buyer. OUR prices keep people moving Inward, and OUR remarkable offerings moving outward. OUR stocks must be closed out in their season ?-prudence and wisdom demand it no packing away not us. OUR grandfathers did that, but not the aggressive merchant of today. It's etoele taking time and that's OUR .reason for converting as much merchandise into cash as pos sible. We offer no fictitious values or false assertions to destroy your confidence WE WANT IT and we feel proud of a recent exclamation" you never meet disappoint ment at the daylight store. 39c $15 Ladies Coats $5.00 Latest styles in light and dark mixtures, checks, plaids and plain colors, loose swagger backs. The very new bias seam ripple backs. Many black coats, silk braid and velvet trimming, coats that sold at $12.50, $13.50 and $16.00 your choice Tuesday, at $5.00 KACH. Ladies' Wor sted Waists Ten doien waists in heavy cotton brllliantine, corded madras, plain colors, fancy weaves and dotted waist that sold up to $1.50 Tuesday, your choicer 39 EACH. Basement Clearing Sale With reservation, all odd lots, short lengths and odds and ends will be closed out Tuesday at the lowest prices we have yet quoted. Tremendous Assortment of Rem nant) In good usable lengths, consisting of calicos, ginghams, outing flannels, comfort calicos, etc., will go put at the phenom enal price of, yard 2H 25 Per Ct. Discount China Dept. Lovers and connoiseurs of Hand-Painted . China, Cut Glass and Fancy Lamps should take advantage of onr extraordinary pre-lnventory re duction, The money saving is genuine... i - ,.-.!.. 25 Per Ct. Discount Tuesday Ladies' Knit Petticoat Fancy stripes In pink and white button hole stitched edge Tues day, at 7; 230 Kxtra Heavy Knit Skirts in plain colors and fancy weaves. Kx .trft futt worth up to 75c spe cial Tuesday ...... 39 Clearing Sale of Hos iery and Underwear Every hosiery and underwear table tells a strong tale of slaugh tered prices. . ( . Big Sale of Ladles' an(j children's Stockings af 5 pair worth double. IllK Sule Ladies' and Children's Vnderwear from 150 to 39S Our Great House Furnishing Dept. Filled with useful, household articles Should command your at tention at thtB season of special sales and enormous markdowns. What 9 will do Tuesday in the basement. Of A Mnmmoth Sah? J) Nickel plated Bath Room Fix tures v 90 Tumbler Holders 9 Cuspidors 90 Toilet Paper Holders .' 9 Soap Dishes to fasten on wall.9 Soap Dishes to hang on tub. . 9 18-lnch Towel Bars 9 13-lncu round . nickel plated Trays 90 Wooden Knife Boxes for Silver9 15c Steel Fry Pans -9 9 Granite Enamelware Q 15c Adjustable Mop Sticks . . -9 15c Butcher Knives 9 2,000-Sheet Toilet Paper Rolls. 90 90 f)0 90 90 90 00 90 Gas Maiitelsvcnp. and dduble wire, 20 values 9 One table of 15c values of fancy China, at ........... 9 Pudding Pans . ; Milk Pans . . Wash Pans . Stew Kettles Dippers .'. .i. Pie Plates '. These are mostly 25c values,. ' V .- ill'.:.. Glassware, Sugar Bowls, Butter Dishes, Celery, Trays, Water Pitchers, values tov25c, Tues day, each nvA .Of See Howard St. Window. Dependable Bargains, Have made our linen department famous and here are a few more for Tn pad a v. . t Heavy Weliitit Silver lUeacned ' Scotch Satin Damattk Very du rable and pretty patterns, cheap at 50c, for Tuesday, yard. .330 A Oood Size Turkey lied Fringed Table Cloth Medallion and, floral designs worth 75c for Tuesday, per yard 500 A Large Oat Meal Fringed Towel'' Size 17x42, heavy and absorbent regular 12 c value for Tuesdays selling, each g CO Pieces White Good A mixed lot including mercerized madras- sheer wastings, striped dimities, ' etc. Some 30c values all on one table for Tuesday's selling, per yard 12 HO Clearing Sate Price on Comforts and Blankets Closing Sale Prices on Lace Curtains .Closing Prices on Flannelettes and Outing Percales Closing Prices on Ribbons, Cheap Collars and Em broideries prices 1c, 2c and 3c , 29c WelV"S!! , 29c Tlie commotion round our shirt department was something m fierce and from the number that were sold. there's no question but what people know a good thing when they see it. Out of 1,200 shirts we have about 200 left. We want to sell them all, and as long as they last Tuesday, they are yours at the same low price 29. '$1.00 and $1.50 shirts, 29. In the woman and had charge of the op eration, being- asalnted by other ductom. T) .. 1 1 i .nnri.rf in havA blamed Dr. Town- end for Ins wife's death. To Care Cold In One Da . . . ..i... . n rknlnln T9hl.fL Druggists refund money if It falla to eura. JC. w. urova signaiura im un SANTA FE RAISES NEW POINT Allegation That Country Waa Wltta ont an Interstate Commerce I.arr for Slty Days. LOS ANGELES, Cal., ' Jan. 28. -In at tempting to aecure the quushlns of two Indictments containing- alxty-elg-ht counts against tha Santa Fe Railway company, recently returned by the federal grand Jury, attorneys for the railroad company today set up a claim, which, if it should be sustained by the court, would . prove of far-reaching- consequence. They as serted that for sixty days lasf year, be tween June Wand August SO, the country was without any Interstate commerce law whatever. They argued that by the pass age of the Hepburn law all existing laws were annulled, and by the suspension of the operation of the former act for sixty days the country was deprived of any Interstate 'commerce law for that period. Judge Welborn took the matter under ad visement for one week. Owned by V. . OorernmeM. The Hot Springs of Arkansas, the na tion's cure and pleasure resort. Fine win ter climate; JOO hotels at all prices. Write Bureau ot Information for book. seven years and had owned valuable min ing property at Klrwln. ' The loss of his property caused despondency and he took to drinking heavily, which led to suicide. German Specialist for lllaalna. OLEAN, N. Y.. Jan. S8. Prof. Schatt. a noted heart . specialist of Nauhelm, Ger many, whoa has been lecturing In this country, la with former Governor tilgglns, having been brought here on a special train from Oil City this morning. Mr. Higglns' condition Is said to be about the Mini, AHGSEMEKTb. AMl'SEMESTl. CttttCYVON PrloXc DOUG. 494 Svry Bight Matinees Thai., Bat, Boa. MODERN, VAUDEVILLE Julias Rtegsr k Co., Dillon Bros., Clara Bsascy'a Cats, Musical Avolos, llilMnt ssr, Knight Bros. SawteUe, OUle Young aad Bro. aad the Xlnodrome. . Trices I0c-25e-60c Loss of Property Leads to Snlclde. MEETEETSEK. Wyo., Jan. tL (Special Telegram.) John W. Joyce committed sui cide Sunday night by shooting hlmstlf through the head. He had been here for Piles Core la tn 14' Days. Paso Olntmenr U giiRnnteed to cure any ease of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles la to U flays or money refunded -Mc. . , . DIAMONDS Frenaer. 15th and Drdge. Harder Isiseel Taken. NEW YORK. Jan. t Suspected ' of knowing something about the death of Dr. Charles W. Townwnii of gtaten Island, who was myslerluusly murdered In his home last Friday niht, the police l&nt night arrested John Bell, a firmer street rur conductor, at his home In Bro .kl.n. 1 The suspicions of the polite were directed I Inward Bell by dlnenve-y tSat h'a wf I died atMUt a year ago after aa eperat.oa dur 1 lug child blrta. lr. Tanaaeud waa nl'-ii I- AS OLD and WELL-TKIED RKMKDY. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS BfBS. WUIUIWI BOOTH 1ST O SIBU baa been used ror ever BlXTlf TEAKH by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL. DKEN WHILE TEETHING. WITH PER. KCT SUCCfcBS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD, bOFTENS the OL'MS. ALLAYS all PAIN, C URES WIND COLIC, and la ths best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Drug. gists In every part of the world. Be aura MRS.'wiNSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP MUSIC By Boyd's Theater Orchestra- . Ernest Nordln, Conductor. AT 6Ae CALUMET ECRUG THEATER X6o-aBo-eoo-7So Toaignt, SilS. Matinee 'Wednesday The Great - Melodramatic Srnsatlu-.i, A MIDNIGHT ESCAPE Thun BOX'S BA1 BOT. AUDITORIUM ..Roller Rink.. SKATING ALL WEEK IS ACt KVEtY MIGHT it -M CLOCB Thursday Ladl Day. Wednesday Mat. and Night Return r me Musical success, Land of Nod 300 SBATS LOWla TX.OOB, II. OO. Thursday Tha Bvent of b taaea, Mme. Schum&nn-Heink V COBCBBT. Prices, (o tl.SO. ' Friday, Saturday Matinee and Wight fLoaiagi suiisTB, in TBB ITB1H8TI Or Til TIAX Coming Next Bun-Mon-Tues-Wedi JAKE B K SACLETI. BUR.W00D ,cs Professional Mat. Today Tunlght LADY WINDERMERE'S FAN Mats. Tues-Thnr-Sat-flun. .-, rmorxsBiOBAXi mat. tubs bat. Next Week X.OBT 84 KOOBB. , , AUDITO RlUn Championship I WRESTLING MATCH FARMER OURNO vs. Charlss Hacksnschmldt Wednesday Evening, Jan. 30 Beserved Seats 'soo, TSe and 91.00 Oeneral Admlasloa to Balooay ........ Boa Seats go on sale at the Audltrlurd Tues day morning, January 2tth. Z.ASDIS II10IAUT ZBYITX9 ' leiilll taiino-Tqday :AT lartsooinni -Pairllt GOOD ICE WELL LIGHTED HO CHARGE Take Hanscom Park Line (East Oldo) Cara to Hickory Street i V i Evenings from i lo 8 F, II. I i