Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Campaicn of Grind Island Factor On of
LoacMt ii Iu Bitter,
1 aires Mere Are Rtlirl la Vletalty !
Fester? Fears Art Eirtaif4 It
Mill B Dismantled
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Jan. a7.-Spe-cial.)
The longest run In the history of
the local plant of the American Reet Sugar
company la about to draw to a close. The
factory haa now been In operation on
the 1M crop of beets of 131 days, while
the average run will not be much over
100 days. Over S.OGO acres of beets were
contracted for and the tonnage and quality
Of beets has been good above the aver
age. A fine product of sugar Is being
turned out, and, especially considering! all
of the. disadvantage the management has
been under, the "campaign" has been a
very favorable one. The factory .uses car
loads upon carloads of coal, coke, lime
rock, etc.,' besides having to haul most
of the beets by rail. With the condition
of traffic, the railroads" having not been
able to forese and prepare for the Immens?
Increase In this section, there has been
little of a shutdown, night or day. in the
process of making sugar. Two hunderd
men, one-half each for a day and night
shift of twelve hours eaoh, have been em
ployed In the direct beet campaign, not
Including the force necessary in the earlier
osmose campaign of working over syrups,
and about 178,000 In wages have been paid.
About lOO.OrX) will have been paid out for
beets, for which the factory has been pay
ing !& per ton, flat, for all beets contain
ing U per cent of sugar or over. The
average tonnage In the Grand Island terrl
tory will be nearly eleven.
Something like 1.100 acres of the (.000 have
been raised In Orand Island territory, by
which Is meant within a radius of thirty
miles from the factory. The rest have been
raised from Kearney west and some In
the Republican valley. In the outside sec
tion better results are generally secured
It Is sald. on account of the fact that by
Irrigation moisture can be more readily
applied just when needed.
However, successful as haa been the cam
palgn, both for the factory and the beet
raiser, there Is some question whether the
future la Just as bright as the result this
year would Indicate'.
The directors of the company have de
elded that for the ensuing year the con
tracts with the farmers shall be on the
augar teat basis.. Instead of paying a flat
price of 15 per ton for all beets testing
from 1 per cent or over. $S will be paid
for beets testing 15 per cent, 4.50 for at
testing from 14. to 13 per cent and 14 for
all beets tenting less than 13 per cent of
sugar content. Tears ago auch contracts
were In force. They almost Invariably
caused dissatisfaction. Farmers, rightly
or wrongly, found fault with the teatlng.
They are privileged to make their own
test, by their own chemist. In the factory
with free use of the factory's laboratory,
but that did not seem to fill the bill com-
' pletely. Whether there will ' be a mate
rial reduction In the acreage for next yeai
on this account yet remains to be seen
Borne of the old and steady beet raisers
are taking up the contracts without much
dissent. But these are experienced men,
some of them Germans who were ac
qualnted with the Intenaive nature of tha
culture In the old country and know how
and ' are willing . to do intensive farming.
Others are using Japanese labor. '
On, the , other-hand,! the company holda
out, not without aome good reason, that
the flat scale Is unbusinesslike and has,
as Its tendency, tonnage instead of quality
careless culture Instead of the best sul
ture and over-fertilisation Instead of that
degree In which' the beet thrives beat and
does best for Its Intended use. The fac
tory of Norfolk was dismantled several
years ago. The machinery In the local
plant, the first to be built In Nebraska
haa been used, the greater part of It, for
' seventeen years. In Inside circles there
la some question, particularly If the per
centage of acreage should continue to be
less In the Immediate vicinity of the fac
tory. If new machinery will ever be In
stalled and If the factory baa' many more
years to run.
Tho Institution Is an excellent one, and
every effort ' will be made to keep it In
operation. And that It will be for another
year or' two at least Is certain by reason
of the fact that contracts are being en
tered Into for 1907. The result of the
change In the contract, the corresponding
proportion of acreage with Ita freight ques
tion and the success of the next campaign
will, however, be watched with somewhat
more anxloua Interest than heretofore.
; Murder at Fort Robinson.
CRAWFORD, Neb.. Jan. S7.-(8peclal.)
On Monday the residents of Fort Robin
son became alarmed because they had not
several days and his mall remained un
seen C. B. Brown about tils premises for
several daya and his mail' remaining un
called for In the postbfflce. The door of
his dwelling apartment .was locked, and
after consultation and report to the au
thorities It was ordered thst the door be
fereed open. I'pon so doing, the desd
body of Brown was found upon the floor.
It appearing upon examination that death
was rallied by a bullet entering the back
of the vhead. The hair of the head was
somewhat singed, indicating that the
weapor) was held close to the head when
the shot -was fired.' The body was taken
to the solitary hospltuj and a search- was
a-.' t i i i .i
First, that almost very operation
in our hospitals, performed upoa
women, becomes neoeeaary because
of neglect of guoh symptoms aa
Backache, Irrerularitlea, Displace
ment.. Pain -in the Side, Drag-fring-bensatlona,
DlsxlneM and Sleepleaa
naaa. - . ' -
' . Sacond, U&t Lydl E. Plnkbam'i
Vegetable. Compound, made from
naure root and herbs, haa cured
mora caaeg of female ilia than any
other one medicine known. Ik reg
ulaVra. strengthens and restore women's health and Is inraluabls tn
preparing" women for child-birth and daring ths period of Cbanf
of Llfs. ;; .
Third, ths great volume of no solicited and grateful testimonials on
file at ths Pink ham Laboratory at Lynn, Maea.. many of wbioh are from
tlms to time being- published by special permission, g-lve absolute eri.
denos of ths Talus of Lydl E. Pinkhaxa'g VsgsUbU Compound, Jd Mrs.
Pink ham's advice. h .
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
For mors than 10 years has been curing Female Complaints, ssea as
Dragg-lntf Benaatitms. Weak Back, Falun r and Dis pi aec men ta. In
flammation and Ulceration, and Or -am la Plseasss, and it dissolves
aad expels Tumors at aa early ttag-e. 5
Mrs. PlnkhanVa Standing Invitation to Women
Wcroen suffering- from any form of female weakness are Invited to
writs Mrs, Pink ham, Lynn. Mass. foradvios. BhsisthsMra. Fink hana who
has been adriaina; slok women free of chargw for more than twenty
years, and be five that sha assisted her mother-in-law, Lydia B. link-
Dam in adruing Thus she is especially well quaimed to g-uiae sick
woman back o health. Writs) today, tioa wait until too lata,
made by the surgeon In charge for the
bullet, which is found In the fore part
of the hesd and appeared to be of the
M-callber variety.
Xekraika Hews Rote a,
PliATTBMOtTH This eres thS roldeet
mnrnlng of the season, the mercury regis
tering l below. '.
BEATRICE Mr. Genres ftavaare and Mlsa
Mary Gallagher both of this city, were
married here Sunday.
FriATRlCB The Farmers' Institute at
Virginia closed Saturday afternoon after
a successful run of two daya.
PLATTBMOLTH William Hutchison and
MIm Daley Campbell, residing eaiith nf
riattsmniith, were united In tnarrlaae to-
WISNBU Wednesday and Thursday.
February t and 7. ara set for the farmers'
Institute . at Wiener, with an attractive
program. -
BEATRICE Mr. Thomas F. Fielding and
Mrs. Ida McNalr. both of Lincoln, were
married here Saturday night. Judge Ppaf-
ford officiating.
BE.ATR.ICF H. H. Harney, for the last
five years baggageman at the Burlington
station here, has resigned his position. He
Is succeeded by Ed Jones of this city.
BEATRICE A valuable cow belonging to
William Floyd, living In West Beatrice,
was killed by a Rock Island train yester
day, and an hour later he lost a horse.
NEBRASKA CITT In an exciting and
welt nlarert Hme nf basket hall Friday
evening the Peru normal team defeated
tne local high school players oy a score
of 43 to a.
BEATRICE C. B. Rodgers of Wymore
has presented the Beatrice firemen with a
check for 126 In behalf of the Burlington
company as a donation to the firemen's
monument fund.
BEATRICK The Gage County Teachers
Reading circle held a meeting at the eourt
house Saturday afternoon, at which an in
teresting program was given. Fifty teach
ers were present.
NEBRASKA CITT The Otoe Preserving
company, can tiers, has purchneed a canning
plant recently erected In Rockport, Mo.,
ana win operate it in tne tuiurg in cuniiet
tlon with the plant here.
NEBRASKA CITY The Commercial ciiiD
hss suhleused the Overland theater from
the present lessees, Woodward ft Burgess,
and will operate It in the future. Charles
Koire win assume tne management.
NEBRASKA CITT George W. Hameyer
of the Otoe Lumber company 'has pur
chased the Interests of W. H. Hogrefe and
R. II. Welter in the company ana win con
tinue the business under the same name.
FREMONT Mrs. Nancy Melford died of
old age yesterday at the residence of her
daughter. Mrs. W. A. O. Castle. 8he was
89 years old and had lived here for twenty-
soven years. Her nusDana aieo. nine years
BEATRICE Word has been receiveu nere
announcing the marriage of Mr. Bon Ral
ston and Miss Nellie llelfrlch, which oc
curred Thursday at the bride's home In
1 tit a burg, Kan. They will muke Beatrice
their home.
BEATRICE) The wrestling match held
here Baturday night at the auditorium be
tween Charles Bluker of Table Rock and
the Dago Kid was won by the latter after
as pretty an exhibition of wrestling as was
ever pulled off In Beatrice.
BLl'E HILXrThe residence of Frank
Vnrrlcka, about twelve mllea south of this
Itv, was destroyed by Are Friday morn
.ng. The fire started from a detective flue
ind the loss Is about $700. By the timely
assistance of neighbors the furniture was
BEATRICE The funeral services for the
ate Mrs. Amelia Osborn were, held Sunday
it 2.3 from the family home, conducted
hv Hw w r. Drawn. She was a native
of New York and is survived by her hus
band and a son, who is engaged In the
theatrical business.
BEATRICE C. J. Claaasen. for the last
two years cashier of the State bank at
Jansen, has resigned and left Monday for
Winnipeg. Man., where he becomeg man
ager of the Saskatchewan Elevate com
pany's Interests. He Is succeeded In the
bonk by J. E. Grebe. -
BEATRICE The Board of Supervisors
has let the contract for printing and sta
tionery to Mllburn Scott of this city
and the contract for furnishing psncils.
pens, etc., to Walter Bfos. The Beatrice
bally Sun will print the proceedings of
the board for the coming year.
BEATRICE Yesterday Sheriff Trude
levied on the stock of novelty goods be
longing to Walt Son, who recently came
here From Atchison, Kan., to satisfy a
claim of 140 for rent held by Mrs. Sarah
Orlnsberg. The case will be heard In
county court next Wednesday morning.
WEST POINT The marriage of Jacoh
Blrky of IUinols to Miss IJssle Oswald of
Beemar was celebrated at the bride's home,
Rev. Jacob Blrky, pastor of the Mennontte
church, officiating. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Oswald
of Bsemsr and a niece of ex-ftheriff Chris
GRAND ISLAND William Crawford, a
negro, who has been employed at the Bon
Ton restaurant skipped out yesterday
morning after. It Is alleged, having robbed
the trunk of a student who was acting
is waiter at the restaurant while attending
-he business college, and taking therefrom
$ gold certificate and a rasor.
i vii.i.KVTh Woodmen of the World
have Inatalled John Yeager, C. C; John
wail a I. John Monahan. banker: Wil
liam Dubola, clerk; 8. J. Rice, eacort. A
farewell reception was given tor B. F.
McDuffle. who will move soon to his new
home in Saunders county. The lodge pre
sented a chair aa a token of esteem.
GRAND ISLAND J. J. Walker, an em
ploye of the American Beet Sugar com
pany, was severely scalded yesterday by
the blowing out of a boiler tube at the
factory. Mr. Walker waa standing In such
a position that he could not Immediately
?et clear of the escaping -steam and his
ace and hands were aeverely soaldad.
PLATTSMOUTH Tho Engineer Johnson,
who was killed on the Atlantic Coast line
last week, waa not Engineer Frank H.
Johnson, son of Captain J. W. Johnaon of
this city, who was an engineer for the
Burlington for many years before going
to Florida, where he holda a similar posi
tion, but is not pulling a passenger train.
FREMONT Carl Engberg. . a gardener
living west of this city, died last evening
after a brief Illness, aged 00. He came
from the extreme northern part of Sweden
and had lived here for twenty-five years.
He Waves a widow and two sons. Prof.
C. H. Engberg, Instructor In mathematics
at the University of Nebraska. and one
residing in South Dakota.
NEBRASKA CITY-Johrt Bridges, who
lost his wife last November, left for parts
unknown a few days ago, leaving six chil
dren from 4 to 15 years cM to be cared
for by chanty. He had previously told the
children that he was going away nd that
he would not return. The children are
being cared for and an Investigation will
probably lead to the prosecution, of the
father should ha be apprehended
WEST POINT The iewly elefted officers
of the local branch of the Catllollc Mutual
Benevolent association were Installed on
Thursday evening by Very Rev. Joaeph
Ruesing sa. follows: President, Ruaolph
Britxda; first vice president, C. A. Hugoi
second vice president. J. Fr Kaupr accrs.
tary. William Uentrup; recording Secre
tary. William Harstlck; treasurer, John
x i-vi . s a - -t m
rVhneth; guard, Joseph Gerken: trustees,
Frank Resac, F. H. Ollverlus, Joseph Kou
dele. Chris Schlnstock and C. A. Hugo.
WISVNER At the annual meeting of the
Wiener lave Stork and Agricultural as.
soclatkm all the old ofttcers and directors
were re-elected, as follows: Rylvester
Rmley. president; J. R. Mansfield, vice
president; Leo Mfere, secretary; W. M.
Armstrong, treasurer: J. G. Voa Seggern,
I. H. Prltchard. W. E. Kelso. H. A.
lielsf and J. P. Mnile-an, directors. At a
meeting of the board Saturday it re-elected
F. J. Buck manager and selected Septem
ber 11. 12 and 13 to' hold the stock show.
(Continued from First Page.)
counting combined of the Individual pieces
of third, fourth and second-class matter,
according to Its natural subdivision In
such matter as to show not merely the
average weight of a piece of such matter,
but the average weight of the Individual
pieces according to the classification In
respect to character and method of
handling; the ascertainment of the average
haul of all classea of matter under each
subdivision or those classes and the ascer
tainment of the average lead of railway
postofllee cars, as well as the average
load of storage cars.
Continuing, the report says:
This commission Is In accord with the
views of the postmaster general that tne
whole business system of tne postal service
should be examined and overhauled by a
set of expert accountants end statisticians
secured from the ranka of those professions
Outside the department.
It Is believed this examination can best
e made through the agency of congress.
The commission realises that this Is a task
of great magnitude, but It must not be
forgotten thst great Interests are at stake.
It Involves, flist of all, the expenditure
every year of 1176,000,100 of the peoples
money. It will shortly Involve even more
than that, for at the rate at which the
postal service Is growing It will not be
many years before the annual expenditure
Is l.'fiO.uoo.iioO or even IdOO.ow.OUO. The object
of this inquiry Is not a temporary or pro
visional one. It Is en attempt to get tnat
gigantic organisation known as the postal
service organised once for all on an
economic and administrative basis. It In
volves even more than that. It Involves
the way In which the burden of that tre
mendous service Is to be adjusted be
tween the various classes and elements of
the Immense public which makjei use of It.
Redaction ef Cost.
The commission recommends:
The scheme of progressive reduction of
compensation for mall rarrled In excess of
5,000 pounds a day, which la embodied In
the accompanying bill. The reduction be.
fins with a weight In excess of 5,0 pounds,
t leaves untouched the present rate of $171
for the dally average weight of 6.WJU pound i
for the reason that we uo not believe that
density of that degree permits sufficient
economies In the methods of transportation
to Justify a lowered compensation. Where
the dally weight, however. Is In excess of
5,000 pounds we think that the economies
above mentioned are now possible and can
De increasingly uiuiieo. scneme ci re
duction which we recommend is thereore
progressive, beginning with a 6 per cent re
duction between 6,0iK) pounds and 48,0n0
pounds, and Increasing to 10 per cent be
tween 48, Out) and (tOAM) pounds, and there
after st the reduced rate of $18 per ton per
mile per annum carried Instead of the pres
ent A-ate of IE1.37. In our Judgment 60,10.)
pounds mays be safely taken as the paint
where the returns from the Industry be
come practically constant. In other words.
Increase In the mail handled simply means
duplication' of t entile and the next 80,001
pounds cannot be cnrrled any more cheaply
than the first 80,000 pounds. It is esti
mated by the officials of the railway mall
service that the total decrease In compen
sation will be for the fiscal year 180s ap
proximately 33,000,000. . .
- Defects In Present Law.
The commission points out that there are
four cardinal defects in the present system
of charge for sec d class matter, as fol
lows: The difference between the second class
rate and the next higher rate, the third
clam, la too great. In other words, the
second class rate irrelatively too low.
Wholly dissimilar services are performed
for the same rate. Substantially similar
services are charged. different rales.
Concerning the first defeot th.e commission
ays: - '
The" mere "fact that (he iiext'hfgher rate,
that for printed matter. Is 800 per cent
greater than the periodical rate, creates an
almost Irresistible temptation to give all
printed matter the periodical form. Im
mense quantities of printed matter are put
up In periodical form for the bald purpose
of accomplishing Its distribution at the
cent-a-pound rate.
It Is pointed out that this abnormal dis
proportion does not exist outside of the
United States and Canada.
Qaalat aad Carioas F.atnres of Ufa
la a Rapidly Growing
Chances for Cupid W. R. Bowman haa
some woefully pretty valentines In. Hay
Springs correspondent, Rushvllle Recorder.
Expert Opinion Wanted Can anybody
answer this question: Why Is the cuticle
on a woman's knee always rough? Silver
Creek Sand.
Reports of railroad building In Nebraska
Indicate that managers have less fear of
unfriendly laws than remarka of press
agenta would indicate.
Pity the Preacher A dense audience
packed out the Methodist church lost Sun
day night, many having to turn away for
lack of room. Nelson Gasette.
Nebraska weather to date has carried
little Joy for either .the Ice man or the
Coal trust. It la a powerful combination
which can overthrow the laws of nature.
Farmers' Institutes are sweeping Ne
braska with all the fervor of the old
"alliance" movement, but the theme of
discussion today la cultivation of soil and
"feenanctt" is left tn th tpnrlnr iiiapaL.
of congress, while the farmers are swelllnri'd'cam'nt- To, the rsprsssntatlvs's chagrin.
I . V, slants, Inata ntll. .nl A . n 4 k
their bank accounts.
No Ceremony Forgotten The party of
young people who went out for a sleigh
ride Monday night had a general break
down In the south part of town. . Ths
whole party was dumped promiscuously
Into a large snow drift and after the usual
ceremonies on such Occasions wended their
way home on foot. Nelson Gasette.
Pad Took the Hint Some time ago
Breeses remarked why live alone when
there were so many charming widows that
might be won. It is, said this put Dad
Tyler to thinking, and the result of his
think was he took Breeses' sdvlce, and we
see the potlce of hla marriage in last week's I
News. Ws wish you success and happi
ness, Dad, and may your days be many
and all shine. "Breeses," In Crelghton
Slippers td the Rescue There are a num
ber ot young rowdies In Tecumseh, whose
ages run from U to 18 years, who seem to
take especial delight In going to churches, t
theaters snd public halls and devoting
their beat energies to disturbing the preach
ing, entertainments, etc. They coma from
some of our very best families, sre old
enough to know better, and we predict soms
of them will And themselves In serious
trouble unless their demeanor is Improved
in the near future. Tecumseh Chieftain.
ratal Fight for Water.
EL PASO. Tex.. Jan. 17.-1 n a fight for
water on the Arlsona desert Friday one
prospector was wounded and ths owner
of the water hole with Ita slender supply
of what. In that barren recton. waa price
leas fluid, was killed. William and Lynn
Desplaln, brothers, nearly perishing for
water, came upon the water hols twenty.
ve miles from Haloma, Aria. An old man
named Jones had taken possession of It
and fortxtde tha prosrmctors fll, 'n: their
kegs. They disregarded Jones and Jones
fired upon them with his rifle. A fight
bgan and hrn It was over Jones ws
dead and William Deaplals was badly
Conresimea lr Uadsr Bmpieiei is
Stw Eoslety.
Aatl-Troatfaa Society Started la
Washlnstea Its Membership draw
la Rapidly Need of Ameaded
Rales EHseovareS.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27.-An sntl-trestlng
society was organised In Washington on
new Tear's day. The original members
formed rather a small group, but now the
outfit haa become so formidable In num
bers that the boose grafters ef Washing
ton, who are known' as bell weevils, are In
despair. The organisation now Includes a
considerable number of senators ahd repre
sentatives. No member has yet been held up to gen
eral vituperation as a deserter from th4
cause, but many of the accounts of skillful
evasions of the basic principle of the outfit
are being whispered about. Two or three
prominent congressmen are under suspic
ion. One of these Is an extremely well known
representative from the south, front Mis
sissippi, In fsct, who, shortly after the re
convening of congress following the holl
daya, waa visited by s prominent planter
of his state. It was, of course, up to the
repiesentatlve to take his friend around.
The representative apprehended how fu
tile It would be for him to endeavor to
explain to the planter thst he was de
barred from staking him to a few drinks
becauso he waa a member of the Antl
Treatlng society. So before, starting out
he telephoned to the manager of a Wash
ington house of call noted throughout the
land for the excellence of Its liquor and
for the vast network of spider webs that
hangs from Its rafters.
How the Thtagr Arnse.
"8ay. George," the representative tele
phoned, "I'm going to be over there di
rectly with a friend from my state. He
likes corn liquor. How are you fixed for
corn liquor today?"
"Hogsheads of It, air." replied the man
ager at the 'phone. "Smooth as panne
velvet, fragrant as Jasmine, mellow as"
"Urn very good," Interrupted the repre
sentative. "Well, you know, George, I'm
a member of that Antl "
"Come right over, sir," broke In the
manager. "You'll be taken care of."
So the representative and hie planter
friend strolled over to the spider web sa
loon. A number of ' the antl-treaters
were lined up at the bar, buying them
selves drinks. The representative looked
a trifle hangdog at sight of hts fellow
members, but his embarrassment was only
"I wish you'd try some of this, sir," said
the manager to the representative, plant
ing a bottle of superfine corn liquor on the
bar. "IVs Just In from North Carolina
and It's been stowed In a cellar there for
eighteen years and"
"Well," said the represntatlve, "I'vs
a friend here from my state who Is a con
noisseur In corn liquor and maybo he'll
be able to tell you whether this article "
The two men poured out their drinks,
tossed them away and smacked their lips.
"Very choice, suh," observed ths planter.
"Tastes like moV and he picked up the
bottle to pour himself another ons.
"Like It?" said th manager Just then,
saving the situation.-.' "Well, our best
wishes for a Happy New Tear go with that
qu : and a couple other quarts of the same
that we've put aside for you. Like a little
carbonlo with jt this "time?"
Trouble Follows Content.
Then the representative and his planter
friend adjourned to one of the tables with
a quart of the com lisuor and a bottle of
carbonlo and enjoyed a reminiscent hour.
The antl-treaters viewed the proceed
ings with some gravity of mien, but It waa
clearly a case In which the manager of the
saloon did the treating, and, as such, called
fbr no action. But they straightway got
together and rectified an omission In their
one rule. They caused it to read that no
member should troat anybody, nor should
he accept a treat from anybody.
The representative was Informed of the
new reading- of the rule before the day
was over. He had nothing to do but prom
ise that he would abide by the amended
That same evening he again dropped Into
the spider web oasis with his plantei
friend. The manager met them as soon aa
they entered. Again a large number of
the antl-treaters were present, purchasing
libations for themselves.
"Here Is a package that waa left here
for you a minute or so after you went
out this afternoon by a gentleman who
hod Juat arrived from Tennessee," said
the manage! to the representative. "He
said he didn't know your address; but he
had, such an admiration for your work In
congress that he was Impelled to leave
this Httle gift, commemorative of the
season, for you. In my care," and the man
ager handed the package over to the rep
resentative, who undid It and found It to
contain two quarts of an exceedingly rare
and choice brand of Tennessee whisky.
Antls la the Game.
Instantly several of the antl-treaters sur
rounded the representative, politely but
firmly demanding that he return the two
quarts of liquor to their donor through
the manager. Thus the cat was" let out
of the bag and the planter friend was
made aware of ths representative's pre-
ths planter Instantly went ovsr to the
side of the antl-treaters snd Joined with
them tn Insisting that the representative
was bound by the amended rule.
The representative sought, by learned
quibbling. In which he showed his fine
knowledge of the law, to show thst goods
In bulk, or In the original package, could
by no process of reasoning be termed s
"treat." Hs maintained that a treat neoea
aarlly meant a dram, the dram being of
whatever dimensions the user thereof chose
to make it.
Ha sternry declared that It was wholly
Imrosslkle to regard two quarts of liquor
aa anything remotely resembling the thing
commonly known ah a treat. Thus declar
ing, he stood upon his fundamental right tn
carry the two quarts over Into s corner
and. at one of ths tables. Imbibe the two
quarta, or sny reasonable amount thereof,
with his planter friend.
On a vote by ' the antl-treaters present
the representative waa beaten In this con
tention. To hla profound depression the
I planter Joined with the antl-treaters In vot
ing him ddwn. ,
Cornered, the representative, with the
fighting instinct of s lawyer who finds him.
self la a hole, sought another method to
Your Hotel
will ssrvs
If you ask.
Order the food served
dry and with cream to
pour over it.
wln out.
"Sir," he demanded of the manager of
the spider web establishment, "at what
hour did the gentleman from Tennessee de
posit this package here for me In your
Un Was Kx-Post Fart.
"At I o'clock, sir," replied the msnager.
"And, gentlemen," said the representa
tive, addressing the antl-treaters, "at what
hour was your amended rule, providing
that no member of our esteemed organisa
tion should accept a treat, ' made and
passed ?"
"About half-past 6," replied the spokes
man of the protesting antl-treaters.
"Well, gentlemen," said the representa
tive, then, the gleam of triumph In his
eye, "it Is a matter of fundamental law In
thin and all other civilised countries that
In no matter affecting his person shall the
Individual be bound by any retroactive law
or rule. Thus this gift Is not affected by
the amended rule."
The crowd of antl-treaters were cowed
by the representative's display of legol
knowledge. They allowed him his conten
tion without a vote. But they have had
their, eyes upon him.
What a Western Member Did.
Another representative, this one from a
western state, is now under close observa
tion by his fellow members of the Antl
Treatlng society on account of a circum
vention of the rule which he practiced
and got away with during the convention
of architects in Washington.
Accompanied by an architect from hit
own state, the representative entered a
Washington saloon that has many paint
ings scattered about Its walls and In alcoves
and side rooms. The representative ordered
a superior article of old rye, and the arch
itect said that his would be the same.
Then, although there were several of the
antl-treaters lined up at the bar at the
time, the representative boldly tossed 40
cents on the bar In payment for the drinks.
"Now, Just a minute," said the repre
sentative to the architect. "I'll drink mine
first," and he poured out a stilt one and
tucked It away. "Now, there's a llttlj
animal painting sheep, cows and such like
away out In the back room yonder that
I want to see again. I'll be back pres
ently," and - he hurried out to the back
The architect grinned and poured out a
drink for himself and (ossed It off. The
representative returned to the main room
of the saloon within about two minutes.
He was Instantly surrounded by the antl
treaters and accused of backsliding. He
looked greatly surprised.
"Me treat anybody!" he exclaimed with
heat. "When? Where? I treated this
gentleman who Is with me? I did nothing
of the sort! Did he take a drink? If he
did, I didn't see him. I wasn't with him
at the time he took a drink, If, aa you
say, he did take one. How the dickens
could I have treated him when I was no
where near him when he took hla drink?"
"But," urged one of the antl-treaters,
"how about that 40 cents we all saw you
put on the bar in payment for the two
"For the one drink for my own drink-
pray permit me to Insist that I disbursed
the 40 cents exclusively for my own drink,'
replied the representative. "I defy any
man here present to prove that I didn't
pay out that 40 cents for my own drink
and not for two drinks."
Bound to Beat It.
So the representative who gave his ar
chitect friend the absent treatment, as It
haa buen called, won out, but the antl-
treaters are now engaged In endeavoring to
find some method of flagging that absent
treatment system, which they fear may
endanger the existence of the order if it
Is not squelched In some way.
These, however, are unusual cases. The
vast majority of the antl-treaters are not
only bltliisf their1 thumbs at the thing known
as morning katsenjammer, but they ars
putting by money.
But the grafters of the Boll Weevil asso
ciation are plunged In profound gloom and
they are hoping with all their might for a
sudden or even gradual breaking up of
the Ordei of Antl-Treaters.
Old Concern Objects to New One
I sln the Name of
Monarch. '
SHERIDAN, Wyo., Jan. Z7.-(BpecIal.)-A
suit to restrain the Monarch Coal Mining
company from using the name "Monarch"
has been filed In the district court here by
the Wyoming Coal Mining company, ship
pers of "Monarch" coal. The suit Is against
John B. Kendrlck and K. E. Enterllne, well
known men of Sheridan, and W. C. Irvine
and J. T. Williams of Douglas, who have
recently Incorporated the new company.
The petition alleges the new concern seeks
to Injure the plaintiff "and obtain an undue
advantage, and to deprive plaintiff, fraudu
lently and unlawfully, of Just profits, and
to pirate, make use of and appropriate to
themselves the good will of plaintiffs busi
ness by appropriating Its trademark of
"Monarch Coal." The new company's
mines sre also at Monarch, but the old
company Insists It has no right to the use
of the words "Monarch Coal,", as the plain
tiff has "expended thousands of dollars In
advertising this name and la entitled to
the banent. The case will be heard as soon
aa Judgs Parmelee can assign a date.
Mrs. Crawford Daaneroasly III.
HLTtON, 8. D., Jan. t?. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Crawford, wife of Governor
Coe I. Crawford, was taken dangerously
111 yesterday and today waa aent by apeclAl
train to the hospital at Rochester, Minn.,
where she will undergo a surgical opera
tion. Bhe wss accompanied by Dr. Alford,
the family physician, snd Governor Crew
Rahhl Wise Formally Usaeaas the
Project, In New TarSx
NEW TORK. Jan. n. The movement te
establish what will be known as a 'Tree
synagogue" was formally launched today
at a meeting In the Hudson theater, at
which the founder. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise,
formerly of Portland, Ore., delivered ths
first of a series of addresses. Hs referred
to his call to occupy the pulpit of a New
Tork aynagogue, which was not acceptable,
be said, because certain restrictions would
hsve been put upon him.
Dr. Wise declared that the suspicion that
the ministry of both the Christian and
Jewish religion wss controlled and owned
by the rich, and that the ministers thereof
were mere "lackeya of the wealthy," waa
partially, at least, borne out by the conduct
of the ministers themselves.
"The sversge minister," he declared, "Is
a tolerated social necessity, who prefers
peace and servility to strife and freedom.
"Even If the Jews would not observe
their Sabbath, It would still be the duty
ot this synagogus to proclaim the message
to them on the one day in the week when
It la possible to reach them. If ws must
sacrifice the form of the Sabbath ws will
conserve Its substance."
DIAMONDS Frenaer. Uih and Dodge.
Oil Broker Dies SadSealy
ST. LOUIS. Jan. XI. W. P. Fife, an oil
and mining broker, aged tt years, died
suddenly from htsrt dlxeaso In Ills room
i ih fit. James hotel today. FlfUen
1 minutes before his dath he was In ths
hole! lobby In apparently tne Deat ot rieaitn
1 In his clothing were found papers algnsd
. by Dr. W. W. Flfs vf Dsavex, Cole., said
to be his
ibslition sf TsBsloa Arenoiei Btlrf D;
Komber of Concreiimen.
Total Pension Payment glare the
Close of the Revolatlnnery War
Asneaat to Three aad n
Half Billion.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington. Jan. n.-(Speiai.-fn-
less the senate amends the pension appro
priation bill by restoring the appropriation
for pension agencies every one of the eigh
teen agencies now in existence will be
wiped out except the one In Washington.
The agencies are located In Augusta, Me.,
Boston, Buffalo. Chicago, Columbus, Con
cord, Dee Moines, Detroit, Indianapolis.
Knoxvllle. Louisville, Milwaukee. New
York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Topeka
snd Washington. The committee on ap
propriations In preparing the pension ap
proprlatlon bill decided to reduce the num
ber of agencies to nine, as It was shown
that this could be done without Injury ts
the interests of the pensioners or ths grrr
ernment. But the threatened loss of patron
age crested a great howl, and Mr. IMlsetl
of Pennsylvania, who represents the Pitts
burg district, announced that If Pittsburg
was to be deprived of Ita agency he would
make a fight to have them all wiped out.
He carried out his threat and the house
struck out seventeen of the eighteen. Now,
If the sctlon of ths house It endorsed by
the senate, the government will save the
salaries of seventeen pension agents at
$4,0X per annum each and upwarde of a
hundred clerks at an average annual salary
of tl.000 each, or In round figures (168,000.
The number of clerks employed In each
of the elghteea agencies Is: Topeka, 99;
Columbus, O., 88: Chlc&go, S2; Knoxvllle,
: Indianapolis, 28; Boston, : 'Philadel
phia, 17; New Tork, 28; Washington, 14
Des Moines, M; Milwaukee, tl; Pittsburg
24; BuffaJo. 21; Ban Francisco. 20; Detroit.
20; Louisville, 14; Concord, 10. The numbe:
of employes now required Is 4S4. at an
annuel coat of (436,000.
Tha number of pensions paid at ths dif
ferent agencies Is: Topeka, 113.567; Chi
cago, 7,B4; Knoxvllle, 66,24; Indianapolis.
62.468; Columbus, 98.9BS; Boston, 59.9TJ; Phlla
delphla, 89,238; New tork, 68.SS2; Washing
ton, 54.177; Des Moines. H.651; Milwaukee,
49.60B; Pittsburg. 46,944; Buffalo, 46,818; San
Francisco, 42.514; Detrrtt. 41.888; Louisville.
27.644; Augusta, 17,723; Concord. 16.533.
It Is proposed to transfer abont 350 clerks
from the different ngeneJes to Washington
and It ts the opinion of the commlsstones
of pensions thst the change will not delay
the payment of pensions east ot the Missis
sippi more than twenty-four hours and It.
"most cases there will be no delay whatever.
" Cost of Pensions.
Under the present system the average
annual cost of payment It about 48 cents,
per pension. This cost varies In accord
ance with the number of pensioners paid at
each agency. At the Topeka agency, which
Is the largest In the United States, the
annunl cost Is' about 40 cents per pensioner.
while at the Concord agency, which is- the
smallest, the cost It 74 cents per pen
sloner. The number of clerks required
at the Topeka agency Is thirty-nine, or an
average of one clerk to every 2,900 pen
sioners, while at the Augusta the proportion
la one clerk to every 1,477 pensioners. Pay
ments were made at promptly at the larger
as at the smaller agencies. During quar
terly payments, on an average, 14,000 pen
sioners are paid eaoh day at. the larger
agenMes, such as Topeka.
In this connection the committee on ap
propriation has furnlahed an interesting
statement showing ths amount which the
United States ' has paid out for pensions
since the revolution. The totals are as
follows: r
War of the revolution (eatl-
mate) ; 70.000,000.00
War of 1812 (on account of
service, without regard to
disability) 46.642,068.24
Indian wars (on account of
service, without regard U;
dlaablllty) 8,268,143.38
War with Mexico (on account
of service, without regard to
disability) ....i.i
W of the rebellion I.26.19o.306.0
War with Spain and Insurrec
tion In the Philippine islands. 16. 4M, 868 .16
rteaular establishment 7.I28.81J.K
Unclassified '.
frnl illaKtireamanfa
pensions j,w,msi,ui.i
Of the abovexamount 896,445.444.23 was paid
from July 1, 1790, to June 30. 1866.
It Is almost certain that the senate will
restore the asencles stricken from the bill
by the house, and almost equally certain
that the conferees will support tne sctlon
ot ths senate. ' '
earns Were Good.
Many amuaini stories are told In con
nection with the experiences congressmen
have with their constituents growing out
of the distribution of seeds of "the com
mon a-arden variety," The latest is told
by Representative Ryan of Buffalo.
'Munv of my constituents. said Mr.
Ryan, "live in small houaes, with no apace
for gardens around them. I have always
tried to distribute my quota of seeds among
such of my constituents ss can maae
CteaeShraak Oar&Jss Ceuaf
iwsyt .tvui4tiii." tafc fan .Nfma
axatsve uromd .fmsuid
Cum fiCoU taOLsDay, CsTtsTat t staya
Oo tyvsjy
r , 1 . 1 a . I
IHlaimsooinn) FairCt
l t
Take Hanscom Park Line (East Side) Cars to
Hickory Street
proper use of them, but occsslonally a
package gets Inte the wrong hands. A
short time ago I sent out a sack full and It
happened that the name of an old fellow
wss put outside one- par-kage jrhtoh con
tained an assortment of beans, peas and
corn. The recipient Is what may be called
an old rounder. He doesn't own a garden
spot aa big as a pocket handkerchief and
he spends most of his time In a saloon
where a hot lunch Is served each day wltlt
a glass of beer.
;'The proprietor of the saloon bears ths
name of Mike and my constituent on re
ceiving the package went to him and aaked,
Molke. hav' ye a kittle on the sthovst'
" 'I have thot.' replied Mike.
" 'Wud yet cook these vlaitlbles fer meT
" I will thtt,' was tho response. And they
were cooked. '
"And I have Just received this letter,"
continued Mr. Ryan, and he handed It
"Ilonrabll Wlllyum Ryan Deer 8ur: I
thank ye extremely f(r the pease, corn
and other vlgltlhles which ye sint me be
the mnlls. They made a flne male. Mike
O'Flahertv cooked a soup outern m and
I nlver ate anything liefore which was
quite st good. Yonurs respectful.
Ball Fixed at Twenty-Five Thoasawd,
Which He le t nable to
NEW TORK. Jan. 27. Moses Silverman,
the St. George hack driver who was ar
rested after Dr. Charles Wllmot Townsend.
a prominent physician, had been shot and
mortally wounded at his home In New
Brighten, 8. I., yesterday was arraigned
In court today and held In trS.OOO ball for
further examination.
Mrs. Silverman today said she and her
husband entertained callers until after mid
night Friday night. The husband went to
bed after the visitors left and did not leave
the house again until 8:30 Saturday morn
ing. Dr. Townsend, the said, attended her
professionally nine months ago. He also
attended her husband shortly after that,
but was never In the house again. I-ast
week aha communicated with Dr. Townsend
to engage his services again. Hs did not
call st ths house.
Two Million Hollars More
that of the Precedlna '
WASHINGTON. Jan. I7.-Never before
in the history of United States commerce
with Cuba was the export trade of this
country to that Island so great as durmg
ths last calendar year. American importa
tions from that republic are considerably
below that for the preceding years, accord
ing to a statement issued by the bureau
of statistics of the Department of Com
merce and Labor today. The total exports
from this country to Cuba were valued
at 846,491, M4, which la more than 82,000,000
over the exportatlons for 1906.
The importations from Cuba were valued
at $85,066,296, showing a falling oft of
110,000,000 as compared with inns. The
marked decline In American Importations
from the Island Is accounted for- because
of the reduction in the price of sugar.
BOYD'6 "SSZ&r Mflri.
Wednesday Mat. and NlgJit Return
Of the Musical Success,
Land of Nod
oo SKATS ldwi rz.oo, vuoo.
Thursday Ths Brant of ths Senses,
Mme. Schumann-Heink
tsT COlTtXEKT. Prices, 0o to $2.00.
Friday, Saturday Matinee and Night
Coming Next Sun-Mon-Tues-Wed.
Mats. Tues-Thur-Sat-Bun.
Next Week LOST S4 XOOat.
v. .
Charles Hackenschmldt
Wednesday KvsnintY Jn. 30
Besenred Seats 800, 7 Bo and 91.00
General Admission to Balcony ass
Seats go on sals at the Audltprlum Tues
day morning, January 81th.
Bvery Bight Matlmeeg That- Bat., Son,
Jnllns Stager k Co., Billon Bros., Clara
Bsaecr'a Cats, afnsloal Avolos, Z.lna Vant
ser, Knight Bros. S) BawtsUe. OlUe Tone
and Bro. and the Xinodrome.
Prices 10o-j6e-0c.
W Bl l&c-aic-SOo-TBO
Tonight 8 lis, X.ast Verfomanee Ths
.. eat Mnsleal Comedy Saoeess,
' the Yankee Consul 1
..Roller Rink-.
Thursday Ladles' Day.
nra Today