Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI-NO. 192. OMAHA, MONDAY MOI1XINO, JANUARY 28, 1907. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. POSTAL LAW REPORT Commission Beoommendi Vital Change in Existing Laws. ' DRAWS LINE OH SECOND-CLASS MATTER Not to Exceed Half of8paoe to Be Deroted to Advertising Purposes. ALL PARTS MUST BE SAME WEIGHT PAPER FroTldei for Commiesion to Fan on Appeals from I, u'inca. GENERAL WEIGHING IS RECOMMENDED Schotao la Propose to' Redaction l Par to Railroads tor the Trans portation, of Malta Traak Lines. WASHINGTON. J' T-Th report of tha Joint postal com n authorised by tha teat session of coM; ' to Investigate and report to that bod-vt elusions on tha operation and effect t' xisting law relative to second-class mt Mter ana wnai cnangns, it any. biiui . un, . i made oubllo today. The comm a number of sweeping recomrv . 'Ions looking to a reform In the postaf.v ce and has drafted a measure mlj r uch changes as It thinks ought l je made. " Among the most Important addi tions to the existing law as regards second- class mall matter embodied In this measure tn tha fnllowinn: A newspaper or other periodical may be Borne drastic recommendations for shut in part composed of advertisements which ting out many publications from second are permanently Inserted In or attached c1"" rata and for cutting down compen to the same, but such advertisements shall Batlon of railroads. Page 1 not constitute mora than per cant of Antl-treatlng society organised among the superficial area of any Issue of the publication, nor Bhall any advertisement be printed on card, cloth or any substance other than paper, nor upon paper of any greater weight than tha text of such pub- Ucatlon. An laaua of a newspaper or other period!- cal may be composed of parts or sections, but all such parts or sections shall be made of tha same site, form and weight of paper 'and shall, when taken together. form one complete and Identifiable whole, All provisions of law applicable to a news- paper or periodical snail appiy equally 10 every amnion mirai. mm niuw inug of a newspaper or oth pertlcal tha supplement may be anclosed or folded, Supplements shall not be printed on other substance tban paper nor, except In the case of maps and plans Illustrative of the text, shall be of different form from the main body of the publication. No supple ment shall be composed of or contain ad vertisements,' but the same shall be con fined to matter germane to tho regular Issue and supplied In order to complete "' tor majeste prosecution on oe metter left Incomplete tn tha main bodr ot I caslon Of his birthday. Page 1 tho publication. Bar Cf an Fiction. Tho proposed law refused tha aecond-eMara4u-t-- periodical fubllcattons ooa- glstlng Whblly ot1 substantially of fiction. Wits, each Issue rf newspaper or other pertodlcal the pt t may mall at the second-clas- rate postage samples of uch issue, but "not to exceed 10 per centum of tha total number of the copies of each Issue mailed by him to actual subscribers. as tha same appears by a sworn statement of such Issue required to be submitted to the postmaster at the office of mailing." The appointment of a postal appeals com mission, in tha Postofllce Department Is provided for to conn I at of three members. at least one of whom shall be a person who has had actual experience in the conduot sf the ' publishing business, and at least One ot whom shall be learned In the law and a member of ten years' standing of tha bar of tha highest court of soma state or territory of the United States or the Dli trlot of Columbia. The commission is to enter upon Its duties July 1 next. ThB object of this commlaalon la to allow the proprietor or publisher of any news- paper or periodical publication, the appllca- tkn for the admission of which Into the second elaea of mall ha a-,a h. tha noatmaatar n.r.l i i. and Which commlaalon shall h.ar mmm.. and determine .uch anneal with , BB well to matters of fact as to law. Au- Ihorlty la given the postmaster general to reanlra a decision of the commission re- tarding questions of law respecting the laaalnontlon ot all mall matter and tha rlaht I admluinn to th. ..! rUU . , .. . t t ..r;:;," "I.." '- . a it ' uuiiit:ii va nsillianir;r general the class privilege of any publica tion should be suspended, revoked or an- "T mu" ou. or peu or by Information to the commission. Pub- !?.:..Tf"' Z " r.w :r : ,D unu" " w. "v." Tl " . ' L ' ' . "T - . given axs required to answer such rule. petition or application and th. commission IB empowered to hear tha case and render a decision. The findings, determination, decision or Judgment of the commission on any appeal from a refusal to admit second class publications or for the removal from the second class or ths suspension, annul ment ' or revocation of Its second class privilege shall be Anal and conclusive. Ths construction or application of any law or statute relating to classification of mall matter made by the commission shall be controlling on the postofP.ce and All Ifa nmnlnvDl unlMn nv-trriilMt hv anma competent court of the United States. Pro- prietors and publishers ot newspapers or nerlndU-ala mav arDlv to hava tha same nlacad an a Mtat-r of tha Poatofflce de- . T " : 7 ' ' . ". ' " ; . .,. li luivn, mm i-fiua uivu w wiw v ratea sufh SDDllcation to be verified br the oath of ths applicant and accompanied If m wyf v. tw .-- t-mi-B ui iuu.vk. as well aa a fee $f $&. Pending final action on ths application the poatmaater general la authorised to laaua a temporary permit for the transmission or sucn publication at second class ratea The requirements made that where an article Is made for sals In combination with ths subscription for a newspaper or periodical admitted to tha second class ths price of such article shall be clearly stated In such publication. together with ths price of ths publication. and la all cases the regular advertised price of the publication. ThB proposed bill provides for the ap polntmenl of a joint . commission of own- gross to Investlgst th entlr postal ays- General Weighing and Ceaatlag. Th commlaalon urgently urges a new weighing, similar to that now In progress. but extended to smbiac for th period of six saodtha, begtnulng July L ltUT, a weigh- big of all mail matter transported through out the entire United States, class by class; a coupling of all pieces of mail mailer, class by olaas; e weighing and (CouUuued on Second fa-aj summary of the bee Monday-. Jannnry 2S, 1907. 1907 January 1907 SUN WON TV! WIS TNU BAT ' 5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 TXl WEATXIB. FORECAST FOR NERRA9KA Rnow Monday; Tuesday, probably fair and wrmw, FOKECA8T FOR IOWA Fair Mnnrliv I V runf nrtalhlis airmen In mwaw.m. eauA tion; Tuesday, fair and warmer. Hour. Deg. Hour Deg. ... 14 ... 11 ... 19 ... a ... 2 ... 19 ... 1 ... 18 ... 10 6 a. m... 6 a. m... 7 a. m. .. t a. m... 9 a. m... 1 p. tn.... 2 p. m.... 3 p. ni.... 4 p. m.... 6 p. tn.... p. m.... 7 p. m.... 8 p. m.... 10 a. m... U a. m... 12 m 11 p. m.... X.OCAX, Dan McNabb, SO yeara of age. Is found In shark with legs frozen and nearly starved; death la Imminent. Tare Several hundred Zionist Jews meet in Patterson hall to hear reDorts of their . . .i, i x tion in Chicago. Para 8 Canon Bell, at Oood Shenherri Knlii-nnnl church, draws lesson of practical life from the parable of the master who hired laborers and paid last more than first. Pag-a a WABKXWQTOZf. Commission on postal service makes the opngresaman, but doubts are expressed wnemer members will stick to the agree nent. .Pago 8 Formal announcement made from White House of award of canal contract to Wlll- D. Oliver. page 1 Debate in congress Saturday forcibly calls to attention of country the lmpor. tancs pf Omaha as a primary receiving pplnt and market. Page I Abolition .ot pension agencies cuts off large amount of patronage from some of the congressmen. Page B flnnl T.l.r.4 v... ...,. K, fof th ye after one of longest runs in Its history Page a Almost half of time for Introducing bills i In U4.ln.... 1 i m . -u P1"""" measure, have been reported. but committees are working on them, Pars 1 poaxxaw. Emperor William of Germany relaxes Announcement Is made that Governor Bwettenham of Jamaica has tendered hla resignation. Par 1 COUKCXX. ,.BX.VPrM , AJTD IOWA, Legislature) of Iowa has less than 11.000,000 to devote to special approprla- ons. out institutions nave presentea ue manda for over $2,000,000. Page 3 Company With $100,000 capital forming to aid industries deserving to locate in Council Bluffs. Page 3 SWETTENHAM HAS RESIGNED Tendered to Lord Elgin, Secretary for tbe Colonies, gome Dnys Ago. KINGSTON. Jamacla, Jan. 27. It Is understood that Governor Bwettenham tendered his resignation to Lord Elgin. secretary for the colonies, a few days ago In HQ"ence 0f the Admiral Davie Incl dent and his Inability to solve the problem created by the earthquake. 00 Saturday the governor visited the temporary offices of the .municipal council nd """"" tha vice chairman, who is acting In the absence of Mayor Talt, who s injured, that the government had de- elded to relieve the people ot Kingston all rates and taxes for a period of flften months, beginning January 1. This announcement has been received with gratification by the residents of the city, who wl D ancouraged to start the work of rebuilding as early as possible. Moat Rev. Enoa Nuttall. archbishop of the West Indies, in an Interview, said that th, municipal council unable to deal with the present extraordinary emergency and should be abolished and one commis sioner, with full powers, should be ap- th c aurl the period ,, . rt.,aH .h-t J addinon t; the generous contribution. from th, t,n,ted at4tMi Canada and else where It was absolutely necessary to ob- tain an Imperial grant and a large 1m rial lo(tn to rebulld Kingston, more par- y,ew f th, attUude of th. ln.urane, companies, which have disclaimed all liability for losses sua- talned during the earthquake and fire. EMPEROR OBSERVES BIRTHDAY I Promulgates Special Rnla as I that to Less Majeate o Occasion. BERLIN, Jan. $7. Bmperor William's 1 Mrthriuw -ra r-Jehrated tndjLV bv the populace throughout the country. Tho emperor and members of the Imperial fam- n innunkl nn tha at reel a and were Lv. i .n.h.la.il.ll-- " ....... T V . . j,mporor uuani wu7 . ihu-u nn wrur n.n thai hennefnrth nenaltlea for less majests will only be Inflicted Upon those i persons wno commn ino ononcv wiib pnj- I meditation and evil Intent and not upoa I tnoM who do It through Ignorance or thoughtlessness. CUBAN BANDIT CAPTURED Has Terrorised Province ef Banting far th Last Twe Years. HAVANA. Jan. $7.-Enrtque Moss, th I bandit of ths province of Santiago who for more than two years had terrorised I eaatern Cuba and defied th rural guards ana wno was wamea ror various alleged murders, was captured her last night by th secret police. King Receives Amrlean. ROME, Jan. 17. KJng Victor Emmanuel today gave a privats audience to Com mander John B. Bernadou, ths American aaval attache. Th king greeted Comman- I der Bernadou cordially and spoke In terms of appreciation of America and Aiuerl- OLIVER TO DIG THE CANAL Official Announcement of the Award U Made frem :hi h.te House. MUST TAKE IN TWO OTHER CONTRACTORS Saceesafnl Bidder Kiprfi Cnn fldence In Hla Ability to Comply with Conditions Laid Down by War Department. WASHINGTON. Jan. 27.-Followlng a conference at the White House tonight it was officially announced that the contract for building the Panama canal would be awarded to William D. Oliver, who. with Anson M. Bangs, was the lowest bidder In the recent competition, provided that within the next ten days he associates himself with at leaat two Independent contractor wHoee skill and experience, combined with his own, shall cover the entire field of the work to be performed under the contract. The official announcement tonight con firms the Associated Press statement of last Friday night. President Boosevelt then took the position tiiat since Mr. Oliver had met all the requirements of the gov ernment. It would be unjust to reject his bid of 6.75 per cent for the construct!6n of the canal or even to require him to submit a new bid fur the contract. Department f unvested Bam. Mr. Oliver had Informed the president that it Was his desire to submit an Inde pendent bid for the work and that when the canal commission officials Informed him that it would be necessary to form a partnership with some other financially responsible contractor they even went so far as to suggest that he enter Into an agreement with Anson M. Bangs of New York City. Mr. Oliver said that after re ceiving this suggestion from Chairman Shonta he visited the War department and was Inform that Mr. Bangs would be entirely satisfactory to the government. Mr. Oliver told the president that with this assurance as to the reliability of Mr. Bangs, he Immediately entered Into an agreement with the New York contractor. Powerful Influences were brought to bear on the president and Secretary Taft to re ject all bids and advertise for new pro posals, but the president Insisted that Mr. Oliver should be given a reasonable time In which to make a satisfactory arrange ment to substitute some other contractor or group of contractors to take the place of Mr. Bangs. At the White House con ference on Saturday night the friends of the McArthur-Glllesple syndicate argued that the contract figure should be Increased to I per cent of the total cost of construc tion and the contract be awarded to Oliver, McArthur and Gillespie. This suggestion, however, did not meet with the approval of the New York firm, who insisted that they could not undertake the work for less than 12.80 per cent of the total coat, tha figure mentioned In their original bid. The president. Secretary Taft and the canal commission officials then decided to award the contract to Mr. Oliver, provided . he could make satisfactory arrangement with at least two other financially responsible contractors. 1 Secretary Taft and R.. R. Roger, general counsel to the canal commission, were In conference with the president for ' two hours tonight and the whole matter was again gone over. At the direction of the president, Mr. Rogers prepared the official statement for the press. Oliver Confident of Saccess. When informed of the statement Issued by direction, of the president, Mr. Oliver's representatives tonight said: "There is absolutely no doubt about Mr. Oliver being able to fulfill the requirements of the canal commission. There are now at least twenty of the moat responsible contractors In the United States who have expressed a willingness to Join Mr. Oliver in the work of constructing the canal at the figure mentioned In his original bid. These names will be submitted to President Roosevelt tomorrow with proof of their financial ability. Before entering into an other, arrangement, Mr. Oliver wants to know positively that the contractor he chooses will be acceptable to the govern ment." The official statement, given out tonight, follows: A a result of conferences at the White House, it was today announced by the Isthmian Canal commlsalon, that. In view of assurances that had been received from Mr. Oliver and capitalists associated with him, that Mr. Oliver was prepared to make good his bid to complete the construction of the Isthmian canal at a percentage of 6.7S. with an organisation of contractors and with financial resources in full compli- j and Missouri which has been Investigating ance with the requirements in the lnvlta- I the alleged Irregularities in the manage tlon for the bids, he will be given an I . ,n(l Kansas Citv Stock Yards corn- opportunity to do so. Mr. Oliver has been ! ment f ,tl?e vl" .,.Lv T.V,ita notified that within ten days he will be ! pany finished Its labors yesterday and dls requlred to associate with himself at least ! solved as a committee last night, an In two Independent contractors whose -kill I formal meeting of the legislators was held and experience, combined with his own.;' . van t, general man- shall cover the entire field jt work to be today to allow Eugene Rust, general man performed under the contract, and to or- agar of the stock yards company, to ap- ganixe a corporation tor me express pur- pone of carrying out the proposed contract, with a capital of $6,000,000. of which not less than $1,600,000 shall be paid in cash and 1 1.6iO.0iO in the form of solvent subscrip tions shall be available for the purpose of carrying out the contract and of which the remaining $2,0no.0U0 may be devoted to the purpose of procuring a bond, aa re quired by the contract, or of substituting in lieu thereof. In whole or in part, and subject to the conditions of the bond, cash or current securltlwe satisfactory to the commission. Satisfactory aasurancea not having been received that ' the financial atandlng of Mr. Anson M. Pangs met the requirements of the Invitation, by direc tion of the president, he has been rejected as a participant In the bid filed by Messrs. Oliver and Banga Nest Lowest Bidders Sa.tls0.ed. The privilege has been extended to Messrs. .MacArthur and Gillespie, the only remaining; bidders whose bid has been deemed worthy of consideration, to either J Jo'1, bV"' th?"?! of Mr? OlWefg efforts to make good his bid as herein out- lined, tnen to be considered upon its merits. I The other bids hays been rejected because unrorma. ana in tne caee ot the highest Din. exceaaive as well. The foreiroins; action Is taken in con. , SorJyi.-i,h !le .Apre,"1. .w'8n "f Dot.h IDll syndicate that the contract should be let without a reoiddlng, and in view of the further statements of the spokesmen of the MacAruiur-oiuespie company to tbe presi dent that If the commission could close the contract' with a satisfactory and respon sible association of contractors at a rate as low as that proponed by Mr. Oliver. It should feel at liberty, so far as they were couoerced, to do so. Mr. Oliver resides at Knoxvllle, Tenn, VILATTE STATES HIS POSITION Wants Recognition for Validity mt Ordinations Ho stay Perform la Fraaee. PARIS. Jan. 27. Mgr. Vllatta. head of the Independent Catholic movement in America, who la now In Paris, has written a letter to Figaro Insisting upon- his posi tion aa "archbishop of tha patriarch of Antioch. of a which 6t. Peter was the founder." He says hs cares nothing, about personal vtlUAcatiooa. but that hs does want the legitimacy of his episcopal powers and the ordinations which hs expects to make in France before returning t America, unquestioned) FORMER OMAHA PASTOR DEAD Iter. Alexander Ullrbrlst Pnsaea Away nt Hla Ilonie In Pitts bare PITTSBURG. Pa., Jan. 27. Rev. Alexan der Gilchrist, D. D., secretary of the Home Mission Board of the Unltrd Piesbyterlan denomination and one of the most promi nent figures of the church, died at his home here today after an extended illness. Dr. Gilchrist was born at West Hebron. N. Y., March 26, m. He was graduated with the class of IS79 from Wooster uni versity, Ohio. From there he went to the Allegheny Theological seminary and was licenced to preach on June 7, ISSli by tbe Allegheny presbytery. Following his grad uation he received a rail to Richmond, Ind., whehe he remained until October U. 18.H6, when he accepted a call to tha Cen tral United PresbyteruMi church at Omaha, Neb. On June 2X, 1899, i he was called upon to take the office of corresponding secretary of the United PresByterian Board of Home Missions, with heti'dquarters In Pittsburg. He was recognise as one of the strong men of the denonlnatlon and his advice and opinion was frequently sought In mat ters pertaining to tie welfare of tha church. He served as moderator of the second synod In 1894 and Bess moderator of the synod of Nebraska In 1897. Funeral services fwlll be held Tuesday evening In this city. The body will then be taken to Richmond, Ind., for Interment and general services will be held on Thurs day In the Reed Memorial church ot that city. "To Mr. Gilchrist tp due the credit for having put his Omaha charge, the Central United Presbyterian church, on a sound financial footing," said a member of that church. "He came hers from his first charge at Richmond, Ind., in the fall of 1896, and left In the summer of M99 to be gin hla work for the missionary board. In the four years of his pastorate $30,000 was paid on the debt of the church. To be sure, the debt is not all paid yet, but by his efforts the ' burden became compara tively easy. "He was feet 4 inches in height and broad-shouldered, B man of commanding figure and face. He was a man 'of fine sympathies and a capacity for Influencing people. He was an able preacher and was a leader among the ministers of the city." TRIBUTE TO DEAD SENATOR Thonaands View Body of Rneaell A. Alger aa It tlea In State at D- rolt. DETROIT, Jan. 2j. Nearly 80,000 people paid tribute this afternoon to the memory of Senator R. A. Afeer as his body lay In state In the city i tt. For three hours and a half a cont nuoua line of people passed through the orridor for a last look at the dead senator. Pathetic and movl ig incidents abounded as the throng pasn d before the open casket. Old soldterp who had served .In the civil war with I him saluted as they slowly marched by the body of their old commander with tear dimmed eyes. When the last person had passed before the casket the senator" fl'jody-'WBB carried ont to the hearse fend taken 10 the family home on Fort street. The soeclal train on which the funeral party came from Washington arrived here at 10 o'clock this morning. Accompanying Mrs. Alger 'were Senators Burrows, Scott and Warren and all the members of the Michigan congressional delegation except Congressmen Darragh, Young and Hamil ton. ' After Mrs. Alger and her family had left the train and gone to their home eight members of the Spanish War Veterans association, who had served under the orders of Senator Alger when he was secre tary of war, marched out on the platform and took the casket from the funeral car. Mrs. Alger. It was stated by members of the funeral party, stood the Journey well and Is bearing up under the shock of tho senator's sudden death. The funeral ceremonies will be held from the senator's home at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. REPORT AGAINST STOCK YARDS General Manager at Kansas City Told Committee Wonld Retara tha Fneta. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. Z7.-Although the Joint legislative committee of Kansas i ear before them I . .i.i Mr. Rust tacitly admitted that the figures submitted by W. K. Reem, former yard master of the company, whose complaints started the Investigation, showing that patrons of the company had been victim ised by short weights, were correct, but he insisted that the stock yards company should not be held accountable for the actions of subordinates who acted, ho said, upon their own responsibility. Mr. Rust said that his company could not be ac cused of criminal Intent In the matter. Members of the committee said today that as the officers of the company admitted there had been gross Irregularities In the weighing of feed at the yards, ths report of the committee would necessarily be unanimous In substantiating such charges. Members of the committee from both Missouri snd Kansas said they would recommend legislation which would secure a 20-cent yardage fee for cattlemen. DAKOTA N0TSH0RT ON CASH Residents Hnvo Plenty of Money to Bay Coal If It Cna B Obtained. WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. Representstlve Marshall of North Dakota tonight in an interview declared that while there Is a shortage of fuel at some points In. North Dakota and a danger of shortage st others, growing primarily out of ths so-called car shortage and later out of the unusual snowstorms. North Dakota Is In no need of financial assistance. "Ths car shortage," hs said, "grew largely out of the enormous crops raised through out the state and the consequent ex pansion of business fsr beyond all ordinary limits, which literally swamped the rail roads, not only with products going out ot the aula, but with merchandise and mats rials coming In. "In an attempt to handle this tremendous volume of other traffic th railway com panies were grossly negligent with relation to the fuel supply,- so our great financial prosperity Is ths real cause of our tem porary smbarrasament. It is not a financial shortage, but a railroad shortage which embarrasses the people of tha Slate at this Uu " BOOST FOR OMAHA MARKET Growth of Grain Trade Here Forcibly Called to Attention of Ccniresa. MINNESOTA MAN HtLfS KENNEDY OUT Seeks Appropriation for Selrntllle Teatlnar of Grain at This City In Common with Other Re ceiving; Points. I " (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. (Special Tele gram.) During the debate on the agri cultural appropriation bill on Saturday Congressman Kennedy precipitated an extremely Interesting discussion on the national Inspection and standardising of grain. Incidentally giving the Omaha Grain exchange the biggest kind of an .advertise ment. The paragraph tn the bill relating to the establishment of laboratories for the purpos of "examining and reporting upon the nature, quality and condition of seed or grain, these reports to serve as atbasts for fixing of definite grades and tor Issuance of certificates of Inspection," was under consideration when Mr. Kennedy asked If the bill contemplated that the secretary of agriculture might establish one of the laboratories at Omaha. "Certainly," replied Mr. Wadsworth of New York, chairman of ths agricultural committee, "he has the power to do it if he deems It expedient, and I am sure that under the persuasion of my distinguished friend from Nebraska he will establish one there." Mr. Kennedy replied that he would en deavor to persuade Secretary Wilson of the necessity of locating a laboratory for standardizing of grain at Omaha, which Is rapidly becoming one of the greatest grain markets In tha country. Later on the Omaha congressman be came involved In a colloquy with Repre sentative Mann of Illinois over grain In spection tn Chicago, the latter stating that the inspection was satisfactory. "We are so anxious to establish a high standard of grading grain In Omaha that we want the government to establish one of these plants in that city," said Mr. Kennedy. Gets th Lansh on Mnnn. Mr. Davis of Minnesota remarked that Chicago at one time was regarded as the great grain market, but today its greatest grain market was upon the Board of Trade, where they deal In options. ' "Chicago used to be the city in the wheat line, but now it has become truly a windy city In the option line," said Mr. Davis, amid laughter. "Omaha more than doubles Chicago and receives almost five bushels of wheat to one received in Chi cago," said Mr. Davis, which remark was followed with applause at Mr. Mann s ex pense. Mr. Kennedy, who succeeded tn focusing attention upon the advisability of locating a laboratory at Omaha, further remarked during the debate "that corn, wheat and other grain raised in the state of Ne braska Is at least equal to the grain raised In any part of the country and that the grading ot grain as now conducted in the city ot Omaha Is as honestly done as any where In the United States." , Hs called attention to the recent consular report on the grain trade complaints and told how In Germany dealers were uniting against American practices. Insisting on a higher standard being adopted. "Consul Wallace at Crefeld." said Mr. Kennedy, "has writ ten the Department of Commerce and La bor that there was dissatisfaction through out Europe with much of the grain received from the United States, and if the dis satisfaction should become general the losses to the people of America In this Important branch of their export trade would be enormous. Further on the grain report shows that France is objecting to faulty American grain inspection methods and strenuous objections are being made to variances in the grades at shipping ports, and It was for the purpose of having a uniform standard that the laboratory at Omaha was desired. "What we want in the west," said Mr. Kennedy, "and the west la gradually be coming the great grain center. Is to have an honest and uniform grade established and maintained, so that we may have the full benefit of the excellent quality of grain which we grow." He did not believe that there was any necessity at this time for general national Inspection ot grain, but he thought the appropriation of $16,000 for laboratories throughout the country was on the right line and would be beneficial. It is now up to the Omaha Grain ex change to say whether they want such a laboratory or not, Mr. Kennedy standing ready to go after it if it is desired. A "soil survey of Sarpy county," with maps, has Just been issued by the De partment of Agriculture. Mr. Kennedy has received 2,500 copies of this report, which he will be glad to send to any farmer In Sarpy county desiring same. ELECTION RETURNS DOCTORED Roaelan Government Aeensed of Giving Ont Fnlso Informa tion. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 27. Th ac curacy of the semi-official returns of tha first degree elections by peasants and small land owners, which Indicate that more than 70 per cent of the delegates chosen are conservative and non-opposltlonal moder ates, Is challenged by the opposition lead ers. These, taking as the basis for argu ment their own advices, sssert that th election service furnished by the official bureau was colored to influence th suc ceeding elections and that a large pro portion of the so-called moderates belong to ths constitutional democrats and other left parties. Reports of opposition victories are only shown slightly or suppressed al together, and they claim that tho next stage of the elections will prove that a majority of the delegates again are oppo sitional. The Russ prints what it calls an ex ample of th doctored report from th dls- trfot f nr.i nmnirr. where aimoat hlf the so-called moderates are avowed con stitutional democrats. OHIO RIVER IS FALLING NOW Wabash, on tho Other Hand, Con tlnnes to Rlao and Cnnaes Alarm. EVANSVILLE, Ind., Jan. 27. The Ohio river is falling here tonight and stands j ths Waters-Plerc company, are th only 46.7 feet. The Wabash river la agnin rising two Important witnesses examined, rapidly. At 1 o'clock this morning a break Chairman O'Neill tonight authorised tha occurred in the south part of the levee at statement that unless H. Clay Pierce ot Shawneetown. 111., and tbe men stationed the Waters-Pierce Oil company would come In the churches rang all the bells, and soon to Texas voluntarily to appear before the very able-bed led man In the town was at commute and avail himself of leglslatlva work on the levee and the break was finally . dispensation from arreat f Jr sny reported stopped. A telephone message from Bhaw- 1 pending Indictments sgalnat Mr. Pierce In nretown tonight stated that ths levee Is ' Travis county, the committee would send holding, but fear is expressed that ths great ! two of Its members to any point in th volume of water now coming out of the j United States to ses Mr. Pierce and got Wabash river wilt do serious damage to tho - bis testimony. In that event Senator Bailey big embankmsaC Ths levee is pat rolled to- I and attorneys for both sides would ao nighb I company th committee, . ..... i . CORNER IN COPPER MARKET Treat Allra-ed to Re Storing the Metnl to r rod are nn Artlflrlnl Price on It. NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-President James Noroton of the Northwestern Metal Deal ers' association tonight made public the following letter, which, on Instructions from the association, he has sent to Attor ney General Bonaparte at Washington: Referring to our telegram to you respect ing the combination of copper Interests in this country, 1 beg to lay before you the following facts, which we are prepared to prove: That the Copper trupt, so-called, has created an artllk-itil scarcity of copper by storing It In large quantities at Butte, Mont., Hohoketi, N. J., Perth Amboy. N. J.. Hayonne, N. J., Blibee, Aris., Cnnnnea, Mexico, Houghton, Mich., and other places known to our association, and refusing to sell It except In small quantities. That there Is now stored at Perth Ambov $.000 tohs of refined copper and that all Intending purchasers are told the supply has been exhausted. That thure are 1.700 tons of copper at Hoboken and that s.als were placed on tha store house there on October 18 last and have not since been broken. Trmt there, are stored In similar manner St Butte. M6nt.. ,onc) tons: at Blsbee, S.oiO tons, and 7.6U0 tons at Cananea and Hough ton, Mich. That the steamer Hindustan. Csntaln Rail ton, on October 20 last sailed for South Africa with l.OiiO tons of copper ballast, with no orders for its delivery In any port ot South Africa, snd that the Hindustan returned to New York on or about Decem ber 29 still carrying the copper as ballast, and that Captain Hallton on seeking orders for the delivery of the copper received orders the next day to continue the 1.000 tons of copper as bnllast. The Hindustan sailed subsequently for a South American port, still without orders for the delivery of the copper. His affidavit reciting th above facts Is enclosed. We submit that the prewnt danger to th trade Is not so much the high price of corner as Is the fear that the price. Doing neld at an artificial height, may be lowered suddenly should the copper combi nation succeed In selling; Its stored up product at the present quotations. President Noroton said he would go to Washington tomorrow or Tuesday to see the president snd Attorney General Bona parte, with reference to the matter. HARRY THAW IN AN ILL HUMOR Xewspnper Comment Concerning th Trial Grently Dlsplenses tho Prisoner. NEW YORK, Jan. 27. -Harry K. Thaw, whose trial for the murder of Stanford White will be continued tomorrow, was In gocd spirits today until he had read the Sunday newspapers, the contents of which, so far as they Indicated that there was dissension among members of his family or counsel, displeased him greatly. A note of Inquiry was toS-n to bits unread and the messenger Instructed to say that the pris oner desired neither to see nor to hear from newspaper men. When hs arose this morning Thaw was cheerful and reiterated . his confidence In acquittal. To his keepers hs expressed sat isfaction. After reading the papers his mood so changed that when the hour for divine worship arrived he for the first time In several months declined to attend. The seven Jurors who, under guard of five officers of the court squad, occupy a suite on the third floor of ths Broadway Central hotel, passed an uneventful day. Unabta to agvee on a chureh - which . all might attend snd not being permitted to separate, they compromised by spending the morning hours at the hotel. In the after noon they were taken for a drive in Cent, tral park. They, had tbelr meals together tn a private dining room. No mail was received by any of the seven. Two Jurors during the day wished to telephone to busi ness associates. They were escorted to a telephone booth where an officer communi cated for them. . Neither was allowed to talk or listen on the wire. Sunday papers from which all reference to the Thaw trial was clipped were provided for the Jurors. AU were In good health and spirits. They treated the restraint placed on them phil osophically, viewing It In the light of a dis tasteful, but necessary, civic 'obligation. They expressed themselves as well pleased with the arrangements made for their com fort. MOTHER BRANDS CHILDREN Possessed of fneontrollnnle Impulse When Noise Annoyed Her. NEW YORK. Jan. 27. Two little tots. Nellie, aged 7 years, and Jennie, two yeara younger, told Magistrate House In the Harlem police court today how their step mother. Mrs. Kate Cravlus, had branded them with a red hot stove lifter when In play they had made too much noise. Twice during the recital the prisoner, a woman of Intelligence and pleasing appearance, not more than 20 years old, fainted. When restored the woman admitted that she had burned the children, but said that at the time she was possessed by an un accountable mania. The two girls, shn said, had been playing with their dolls until the noise and confusion robbed her of her reason and left a resistless lmpluse to punish the little ones. Seising the stove lid lifter, she pressed the glowing end on the back of the right hand of each child, causing scars that tha little ones will carry to their graves. A peculiar feature of the case was the apparent affection for the children felt by the prisoner, and that the attachment was reciprocated was repeatedly demonstrated In court. When Mrs. Cravlus lost con sciousness ths children walled in unison. The prisoner was paroled tn custody of her counsel pending a further hearing to morrow and the children given in care of the Children's society, which brought the complaint. PROBING BAILEY RECORD Former Employes of Oil Company tha Next Witnesses to Bo Called. AU8TIN, Tex., Jan. 27. Th legislative Investigation of Senator J. W. Bailey will ! begin Us second week tomorrow. It Is said Important developments are near. H. Gruet and his son of St. Louis, for merly conected with the Waters-Pierce Oil company, in afl likelihood will be the star witness before the commission tomorrow. The Gruels arrived here today and were closeted with the attorney general. Up to the present judge jonnson. tne Btandard Oil company's general attorney, and Gen eral George li. Clark, local attorney for BILL TIME PASSING Almost Half tf Limit for Introducing Meainmt is Already Gone. NONE OF PLATFORM BILLS PRESENTED Committees Are Woikin? on Them, How erer, snd They Will Soon Appear. QUIET WORK AGAINST THE PRIMARY Eaiimda Seek to Crests Impression Kb One Cares Aboit Them. FAKE REFORMERS JABBING AT OMAHA Object to Legislators Accenting th Hospitality of tha McKlaley Clnb at Its Anaaal Bnnq.et. (From a 8taff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 17. (Special.)-With al most half of the time gone In which bilk can be introduced In tha Nebraska legia lature, except at th request ot the govs ernor, none of the Joint commute bills covering the pledges In the republican state platform have been prepared. This la no Indication ths legislature Is wasting time or that it will not enact Into law every promise made to the people by ths Individual members. During the coming week It Is expected the bill conferring power upon the State Railway commission will be Introduced In both tha house and senate and started well on its wsy to passage. The enactment Into law of th Joint committee bills will take little time. It Is believed, becsuse each of th meas ures doubtless will have the unanimous support of the Joint committees, and as these committees have consulted with other members of the legislature it Is presumed the entlr legislature will Una up for th bills, providing, of ' course, tha fuslonlsta conclude to do business right. Opponents of ths state-wide primary, which Is one of ths things the peopls of the state have been promised both by th republicans and th fuslonlsta havs adopted clever methods to prevent this legislation. In the lobbies of the hotels railroad hench men quietly drop a remark that no on seems to be bothering much about th state primary bill; pretended friends of such a measure scatter the sams kind of reports, their object being to make th real friends ot the primary believe th people of the state do not want auoh a law even though thay demanded It and fought for It and are expecting It. The fualonlsts will try to make a Uttl trouble during ths coming week by ob jecting to ths Joint committees and by working on ths vanity of th Individual member, but nothing of a serious natur Is expected to result from this method of procedure. Joarnnl Admits Onllt. 4 Considerable Urns has been taken up during the last week in a discussion In, . ths house and senate regarding ths Stat Journal and th other members of ths ' Printing trust, which is chsrged with hay- ' trig bilked ths state oat of several thou sand dollars annually for year. Th fact that th State Journal admitted It had not kept Its contracts with ths stats during the last thirty yeara it has been printing bills has stirred up many of the members and this loud shouting faks reform organ may be compelled to toe the mark in tha future, while the legal department has been ordered to go after It to compel It to disgorge tbe great amounts due tha stats under the penalty clause of Its past con tracts. Some amusement was created her when the railroad fellows and the fake reform Evening News began to knock on th members accepting ths Invitation of the Omaha McKlnley club to attend its annual banquet Tuesday evening. Ths fake sheet is not sure whether it will allow any of the members to go, as It fears It will put them under obligations to Omaha. Inso much as the city of Lincoln has never yet furnished any entertainment for th mem bers, except that for which tbey paid, and paid dearly, many of ths members ars glad of the opportunity to enjoy a little hospi tality at the hands of ths big city, at whose heels the fake reformers sre continually snapping. Th Blair Pilot also objects to any of the members going to Omaha. It also objected to the election of Norrls Brown, senator, and George Sheldon, gov ernor. Incidentally, as the McKlnley club of Omaha Is going to pay th expenses of the members to Its banquet, it may hav tbe effect of forcing the Young Men's Re publican club here to doing something along the ssme Unas, which may be a reason for the wail ot the fake sheet. This latter banquet Is to be pulled off on Lincoln's birthday. Christian Scientists Plan Bar prise. Christian Scientists may ' spring a sur prise on the doctors who ars working to compel the healers to pass an examination before tbe State Board of Health be for they are permitted to correct errors. On of the arguments used by ths doctors against the scientists Is that they do not report contagious diseases and go , after them ths sams wsy ths doctors do, and thus diseases spread and sickness stalks In the land and some other things happen along tho same lines. The healers will ask the doctors to produce statistics showing whers members of Christian Science fam ilies have caught smallpox or other dlseaxeg from other members of the same family thus afflicted. A public- hearing on the anti-Christian Science bill is set for Wednesday evening. Monday , night th primary election committee will listen to suggestions from any one who has sny thing to say. Ths legislature will meet at I o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The house committee met with the Board of Regents and the secretary of the board Saturday afternoon and night and dlsousaed the needs of the university, Its system of accounting and other matters. Numer ous questions were asked by members of ths committee snd to most of them It Is understood satisfactory answers were given. Other meetings will be held and the regents will be questioned about all of the transactions of the management of , the lnatltutlon regarding fees, text books an(1 molt everything elae. The committee on game and fish laws spent the day at South Bend Inspecting the fish hatcheries, and came bark tonight in favor of anything Game Warden Carter and Fish Commissioner O'Brien want in ths way of appropriations for Improvement out there. . Move Agalast Rnlanll. TANGIER, Jan. 27. Operations for ths pursuit of Ralsull will begin tomorrow with the bombardment of ; Zellat'e fortress. In which Ralsull Is surrounded. Large quan tities of artillery and ammunition havs been forwarded to ths front and a number of ths friendly tribe will participate la th attack.