Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Cvird Quickly and Painlessly No
v Risk., No Hanger.
A lre Trial Paekag to Convino Sent by
Mall to Ail Who Writ
Common sens Is Just aa necessary (even
mora so) In medicine aa In business or the
affair of evry-dy Ufa. Paopla ara getting
to know mora tlian thjr uacd to. Not so
lon ago It waa tha fashion to maka all
aorta of claims for a tnedlclna and wind up
T aaklnt tha reader to go to a drug etor
ind buy a bottle. People won't atand for
jflhat kind of thing now. They want proof--r
tangible proof. They want to try tha rem
edy tlist, and If they find It to be what la
claimed, they will be clad enough to go
Mid buy It.
That Is why wa aay to every person suf
faring from piles or any form of . rectal
w wonao, nnu us ;vui iiaiuv njiu wo will
gladly send you a fre trial package. For
Wa know what the result will he. After
j umiia in irmi yuu will nurrjr iu ;vui ner-
est drugglat and get a o box of Pyramid
Pile Cure, now admitted by thousand to
be one of the most wonderful reliefs and
cures for piles ever known.
"Please excuse my delay In writing to
you sooner In regard to what your Pyramid
Ilia Cure bus dona for me. I consider it
ona of tha finest medicines In the world
for piles. I suffered untold misery for four
months, when my wife begged me to send
for a too box. When It was half gone I
knew I waa better, and It didn't take my
begging to get me to send for the second
box. I think I am about well now, but If
I feel any symptoms of a return I will or
der .at ones. I order It from the Pyramid
Drug Co. to be sure of the cure. Tell all
about this fine remedy for piles.
"And If there Is anything In this letter
you want to use, do so. I received your
letter a tew days ago. Your for a remedy
Ilka Pyramid Pile Cure.
J. 1. McElwee,
Honey Grove, Tex., R. R. 9, Box i.
"P. S I used only two boxes and don't
think I ueed any more. Plies of seven
months' standing."
To get a free trial package se,nd today to
tha Pyramid Drug Co., 64 Pyramid Build
ing. Marshall, Michigan. It will come by
' return mail and the result will both de
light and astonish you.
Big Rao and Wild Rabbit Chat on
Tuaaday Night
Cuts Some Ice to
Cut Some Prices
Tha latest slashing picnic' of the
Cut-Price Axe la certainly cutting
aoma tea with the awell dreaeera of
Omaha. It is cutting all the mora
Ice because the public haa learned
that our Bales really cut price
without cutting the quality of tail
oring or fabric,
Here are reeulta of the hacking
of the Cut Price Axe:
60 auita to meaaure for $30.00
$45 auita to measure for $27.50
$40 auita to meaaure for $25.00
$86 auita to measure for $22.50
Every lower priced suiting in
stock similarly reduced..--
Phone Doug. IM. SOt-SUS So. lstta St.
Next door to the Wabash Ticks offlo.
i'ich gan, Vicneiota, Wisoosiin and Chi
cago Siea Fcur-Yer Cootraot
Farmer Friendly Relatione Amis
Bis; Cnlvrlile Rnaf-
Tern; Conference Assent1
Foot Ball Rales.
CHICAGO, Jan. . Complicatlona sur
rounding foot ball among the colleges form
ing tha "big nine." which were brought
about by the efTorta to "reform" the game,
were swept away today ,by a peace con
tract signed by the official representatives
of the- universities of Michigan, Minnesota,
Wisconsin and Chicago. All athletic quar
rels among thpse Institutions are thus
burird and foot ball relations have been
With the new treaty also came the an
nouncement of foot ball gamea among the
four schools for the next four years.
Michigan and Wisconsin are to renew their
old-titne rivalry with Chicago, while Michi
gan and Minnesota resume friendly rela
tions. The new state of affairs was caused by
a conference on January U between Prof.
A. A. 8tagg and Prof. Albion W. Small of
Chicago, Judge E. H. Vane and Keene
Fitspatrlck of Michigan. Prof. James Paige
of Minnesota and Dr. C. P. Hutchlns of
The foot ball schedules, minus the dates,
which the treaty provides follows:
1WT7 Chicago and Michigan, Chicago and
Minnesota. Minnesota and Wisconsin.
limaChicago and Mlchlgsn, Chicago and
Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, Wis
consin and Minnesota.
IKKChlcHKO and Wisconsin, Chicago ana
Minnesota, Michigan and Minnesota, Michi
gan and Wisconsin.
1910 Michigan and Wisconsin. Wisconsin
and Minnesota, Minnesota and Chicago,
MlchlKn and Chicago.
linage In Foot Ball Hales.
NEW YORK, Jan. M. Borne important
thuuavs In the rules governing foot ball were
decided on today at a meeting of the new
Joint rule committee. These changes will
come hef ore the Joint rules committee for
final disposition probably In March. Among
the changes Is the lengthening of the halves
from 30 to 36 minutes each. The new rules
In reference to the pass provide, instead
of a penalty of loss of ball on an unsuc
cessful paw, a 15-yard penalty on the first
and second downs. When a foul Is com
mitted it counts as a down. The proposed
substitution for the present forward pass
rule Is as follows:
If a forward pas before reaching the
ground, or a kicked ball, either before or
Rftcr reaching the ground, goes out of
bounds the ball shall belong to the op
ponents ut the point where U crosses the
ide line. ' '
Field I'mplre Created.
Another important change Is the creation
of a new offlclul. the field umpire.
The new game. It waa stated today, often
made It difficult for tha referee and the
umpire to settle contested plays, so the new
official was created, to be on the field In
the defending territory and close to the
scene ot tha play.
Rule 19 of last year was chsnged so that
on a kick off after a touchback or a safety
opponents may not come within ten yards
of the side having a free kick.
In the present on-slda rule a provision
was Inserted that a, line player la per
mitted to carry the ball, provided ha does
not leave his position In the Une until
the ball is put into play. It waa also de
cided that a player may at all times pass
tha brill to another of his own aide who Is
behind him. ' - ; !
Chance In "Fair Catch" Rale!
A new section of rule 5 states that the
player shall be considered as having op
portunity to make a fair catch If he Is In
suoh position that It would be possible for
him to reach tha ball before It touches the
To the same rule waa added:
In case a signal for a fair catch Is made
by any player who has an opportunity for
a fair catch and another player of hie side
who has not signalled for a fair catch
catches the ball no run shall be made and
a fair catch ahall not be allowed, but the
ball shall be given to the catcher's side for
a down at the point where tha catch was
goath Omaha Beat Holdreare.
HOLJREGB, Neb., Jan. 28 (Special. -The
South Omaha High school basket ball
team won from the Holdrege High school
this evening by a score of 4 to 22 In one
of the fastest games seen here this season.
Tha South Omaha lads outclassed the borne
team. LwiToung of South Omaha played
a specially brilliant gam. Tha team wurk
of South Omaha waa perfect. The first
half stood M to 11 In South Omaha a favor
and the laat half resulted In tha same
Shipment received daily
w from our own mines.
Wo pride ourselves on
good service and
can make prompt delivery.
Central Coal and
Coke Co. ol
15th snd Harney.
Pbn-11211 CSS.
Catarrh Is
Thousands of Common Cases of
Catarrh Result in Consumption
and Oeath Every Year.
Gauss Combined Treatment Quickly
Cure Catarrh You Can Try It
i Free And Prove It.
Catarrh Is not only dangerous, but It
causes bad breath, ulceration, death and
decay of bones, losa of thinking and rea
soning power, kills ambition and energy.
BtlltTss Knights af tha Gridiron
Feast anal Hear Speeches.
BEU.EVUG, Neb.. Jan. M.-(6peclal.
The annual foot ball banquet and the
awarding of the letters earned laat fall
was held In the college dining room last
venjng. The dining room waa literally a
forest of pennanta, making It a mass ot
color. FTom the celling dangled pennants
and the walla were hidden by them. Prob
ably every school in the United States
was represented by Its colors. Indeed, tiie
room reminded one of the bygone
days, when tha knights were gathered about
the board, each resplendent in his particu
lar colors. Diagonally across the room a
long table stretched, daintily decorated
wltn carnations. In one corner stood a
piano and In the other a large aidebnard.
Seals were placed for forty-live, twenty
six for the squad, the remainder for the
fentlemen members of the faculty and a
ew Invited guests.
Promptly at 7:S) p. m. all sat down at
the table and for several hours made merry
on the generous dinner provided for the
heroes of the gridiron. At the conclusion
of the dinner, Lr. Ouy W. Wadsworth, as
toasunaater, with a few excellent Introduc
tory remarks regarding the erection of a
trophy room at Bellevue In the future and
the right kind of college loyalty, called
upon lr. C. K. Hoyt to respond to the
toast, "Mr Conversion to Foot flail." Hon.
F. M. Walcott of Valentine. Neb., was to
follow on the toast, "Why We Beat Donne,"
but was unable to be present. By the
unanimous spproval of the squad and
guests the following telegram was sent to
Mr. Walcott: "Bellevue foot ball team at
dinner sends greetings o the Jolly Judge."
Kev. J. H. Balsbury of Plattsmouth waa
the next speaker on the subject, "A Voice
from the Suburbs." B. A. Benson ot
Omaha had the subject, "Those Benson
Boys," and Covered It in his usual happy
way. Dr. James McDowell Patton of
Omaha represented the alumni and spoke
on "The Alumni Attitude." J. P. Bailey of
Omaha, state secretary of the Young Men's
Christian association, had the subject, "The
Christian Athlete." James H. Whltmore
followed on the theme, "Bellevue Grit." In
the course of his dissertation upon grit
he branched off onto a still better strain
and that waa a suggestion that the Belle
vue teams from now on should be known
as "The Indians from Klk Hill." For some
time Bellevue teams have been called
"Elks," but no official name waa ever
adopted until last night, when, by unani
mous assent, the Bellevue athletic teams
will henceforth be known aa "The In
dians." Charles C. Ball spoke on the sub
ject, "The New Rules." Captain Benson
on "The Team" and Captain-elect William
A. Kearne on "The Season of 1S07." Sev
eral times college songs were Inserted be
tween the speeches, and at the close of the
speeches all rose and sang "Cheer for Old
The last thing on the program was the
awarding of the letters. lr. Wadsworth,
with a few complimentary remarks,
awarded the letter "B" to B. Benson, W.
A. Kearna, Q. Benson, Edwin Harte, Fred
Rice, Rex Carey, H. Henderson, Irwin
Saunders, Jesse , Marvel, Chester Tolles,
Fred Jones and Brwln Patton. With the
letter each first-team man was given a
blue 'varsity cap, tha present of Cosch
Whltmore. A new feature was Introduced
this year, the granting of emblems to the
most worthy of the second team men.
The emblem was a coniDinaiion or a a
and an "R," meaning Bellevue reserve.
These were awarded to U. Sullenberger,
Clarence Pope, E. Roger, L. Ohman, H.
Nlcholls and A. Harvey.
Much enthusiasm and loyalty was mani
fested at the bnnquet and everything points
to an excellent team next year. Coach
Whltmore Is already laying plans to put
out another championship team, and the
temper of the old men may be seen In the
closing lines of the toast to the team of
So here's to the team of 1907,
Will sure land that pennant.
Or wake up In heaven.
Wiser and Billiard Champion Will
Give Local Exhibition.
Jake Bchaefer, the wizard, and George
Sutton, champion ot world at 18-Inch balk
Una ona and two shots In billiards, have
been secured for an exhibition at tha Lents
Williams' tablea on Farnam street for
January SL They coma under the auspices
ol the Brunswick-balk Collender company,
4U7-S South Tenth street. Local billiard
players who have learned of this coming
event are greatly pleased. Billiards are
having a decisive day In Omaha Just now
and the presence of these two great artists
will serve to stimulate this active interest.
An effort is being made at Crelghton uni
versity to get together a track team for
this spring. Crelghton has heretofore made
no effort in thla branch ot college sport
and nothing is known of what material
may be in the university waiting for an
opportunity to come forth. Several of the
men prominent In athletics In the univer
sity have been making a sort ot canvass
to see what the chances might be for get
ting up a good track team and a mass
meeting will be called In the near future
to see If a little enthusiasm can t be raised
over track athletics.
The cold snap put another layer of lea
on the surface at Cut-Off lake, which was
taken off by the ice harveaters. The new
crop Is five Inches thick and as smooth as
a whistle, making Ideal skating and Ice
boating. The skaters have bad a good
month of It In January, as there haa
scarcely been a thaw to ruffle the smooth
surface of the lakes. Hanscom park lk
Is not large enough to accommodate the
crowd which dally tries to make use of
that public park. The enclosed links have
all been doing a thriving business.
sthletlo program was carried out. Including
two three-round sparring exhibitions. Tho
on tha program were the Adklnson troupe
of equilibrists and tumblers, tha Pasrus
team In band to hsnd balancing and tha
triple bar act by the Uetlock brothers.
Etgnt-te-Oa Baet Sarnrlae Talent
at Emeryville.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. Kercheval. a
-year-old colt, ridden by Koerner, won the
Burna handicap today by two lengths. In
the presence of 15.000 people. Dogistllla
was second by a neck, while Sir tCdward
secured third position, two lengths In ad
vance of Ramus. Neelon. the favorite,
waa fifth. Tha field waa well bunched at
the finish. Time: :084. The winner waa
I to 1 In the betting. Kercheval had been
given a quiet preparation for the Burna at
Ascot track. Los Angeles, and, together
with Jockey Koerner, waa shipped to
Emeryville two days ago on a special train.
The Loa Angeles delegation Is reported to
have made a large "clean up on the
southern horse. Three favorites and three
outsiders divided the various events. The
weather waa cloudy and warm; track slow
First race, four furlongs: College Widow
won, Lannnrdsdale seoond, Raleigh third.
Time: 0:4H.
Second race, six furlongs: Oolden Rul
won, Chief Witt man second, David Boland
third. Time: 1:16V
Third race, mile and a quarter: Jake
Moose won, Iris second. Nine Spot third.
Fourth race, mite and a quarter, Burns
handicap, t-year-olds and upwards, purse
HO.OoO: Kercheval, 102, Koarner (. to 1),
won; Loglstllla, ill. Sandy (& to 1). second:
Sir Edward, 111. Graham (I to 1), third.
Time: 2:08'.
Fifth race, five and a hair furlongs, the
Janice handicap: Orasocutter won, Ocean
shore second, Tony Faust third. Tims.
Sixth race, one mile:' Vollday won. St.
Blmwood second, Fulletta third. Time:
New Foar-Year Agreement is Cnnstnst
Little Concern.
IOWA CITY. Ia, Jan. 26. 8peclal Tele
gram.) Iowa university authorities refuse
to believe that the action of Chicago,
Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin In or
ganising a big four and signing a four
year agreement will have any effect on
the standing of the big nine. While un
willing to be quoted the local authorities
are confident the western conference Is In
a stronger position now than it haa been
In sis months.
Standing of the teams In the Omaha
Bowling league at the end of tha seven
teenth week
Btors Blues U
Krug Parka
O. D. K.. B...
Mets Broe...
Onlmods ....
Hamilton! ..
Dresners ....
, 61
W. L. Pot.
M IS .75
83 IB .M7
28 UJ .683
2U 22 .f
iS 26 .479
23 28
14 tn .276
15 it 2t6
Detailed work of the teams:
Pet. Str. Spa.
.916 1.102 1.048
fitr,r nines
Krug Parks 9u2 U
O. D. K.S m 922 1,082
(Onlmods 680 901
Metl Bros 879 Vol
Hamilton 847 VM 1,029
Cudahys H ? !
Dashers 793 776 1.074
Individual averages:
8pl. El's.
lt9 101
Oatarra, Bad Breath, BTTKawxliur aa4 Bptv
tlag Quickly Oared With Oaaaa
Combined Treatsaeat,
often cause loss of appetite. Indigestion,
riyspenaia, raw throat and roaches to gen
eral debility, Idocy and Insanity. It ned
attention at unie. Cure It With Gauss, Ca
tarrh Cur. It la a quick, radical, perma
nent cure, bacauae it rid the system of the
poison germs that cause catsrrh.
In order to prove to sll aha are suffering
from this dangerous and loathsome disease
that Gauss' Catarrh Cure will actually cur
any case of catarrh quickly, no matter how
long standing or how lad. I will send a
trial package by mall free of all cost. Son 3
ua your nam and address today snd thn
treatment will be sent you bv ret-im mall.
Try it: It will poHltivelv cure so that you
will be welcomed Instead of shunned by
your friends. C. E TAl'83. 848 Msln St.,
Marshall. Mich. Fill out coupon bel iw:
I I i i
This ionp ai 04 r trial ssck&s
ut aar cUm4 fatarrk Cars. ! tzm
la piMi va. Sj 31 til la iw
SA mAirmm as Una b!w as sisll l
O. B. OAOgS, . Mala Strost,
Marshall. hUoa.
Harry Howell, the crack pitcher of tha
St. Loula Browns, Is uot with the state,
ment that his team stands a good show of
winning the pennant next season. So does
Boston and some of thers, but will they?
It Is announced that the salary of Mike
Kelley for managing the Des Motnea team
for next year will be $4,0ri0. Des Moines
must be figuring on keeping up the large
crowds which that team drew last year aa
pennant wlnnera and In spite of some ot
the managers which It had.
Although Pittsburg was not In the run
ning at the finish of the last . National
league season. It Is claimed the salary list
of tha Dreyfus club was 820,000 In exceaa of
that of any other club tn the league.
Both Farmer Burns and Charles Hacken
schmtdt are In hard . training for their
wrestling match, which la scheduled for the
Auditorium Wednesday night. Both are
more than anxious ta win this event, for
on this decision depends their prospects
for making future morn remunerative
matches. Several of th leading wrestler
in th country have written fof matches
and tbs Auditorium may b th seen of
bout between aom of th beat In th
fnder the tutelage of Prof. Bernstein
the Omaha High school Is developing a
star basket ball team. All the .players
seem willing to learn and tha Interest
which la being taken In the game by some
of the members of th faculty 1 spurring
th boy on to thlr best effort. Last year
th boy lacked a staunch lead r and many
of the games scheduled were cancelled at
the last moment becsuse there waa no
leader to get th players together. The in
terest is keener this year and by the time
the games are to be Dlayed the team should
be In a condition fit to meet all comers
snd not fear to enter th game because
there, was a prospect of being beaten. This
Is hardly the right aplrlt to ahow In any
athletic event
It remained for a match to be arranged
between Council Bluffs and Omaha to get
out the banner crowd. The Bluff boy
rsme organised, chartering their own car
for the trip to the boxing match Friday
night at OsthofTs hall.
Base ball haa bad Its Anson. Its Brown
Ir.g. Its Waddeil, Its Lajoie and Its Wag
ner, but aa time rolls on It become mar
and mora apparent that there never wa
but on Itbam. II waa the moat original
character in diamond history. So savs an
exchange, and it says truly, too. Base sail
haa had Its spes who tried to Imltat
Latham, but only on real "Arlie."
What la a Boxcar? A boxcar belongs to
tba fowl family. During th apiing and
summer months It can b found in nearly
every part of the country. It favorite
haunt being railway tracks, and It Is easy
to caDtura. In th autumn, hn iih.
j crta:n other fowls It goes Into hibernation
or me u other cllmea. scattered instances
are known wher specimen are captured
during the autumn month. A lasso or a
well greased switch orw la sometimes used
In snaring the boxcar, but main strength Is
the best weapon, la any oaa th hunter
must b very win. aa any nolsa Ilk th
! fluttering of a waybill will make th quarry
oiaappear. nom railway own large Ducks
of domesticated boxcar, but they are care
fully guaraad during th clooea aaaaon.
The wild boxcar when cught and fairly
well loaded become parfacUy stationary
Th second annual athletic entertainment
and smoker of the Nonpareil Athletic club
aa gavaa Tbaraday nihU A
BmMh ,
U. rrtm...t.
Rio .'
Hlniicks ,
H. Piinwau
1121 Kaufman
.. Mil Polcar ...
.. Ill Harena ...
.. mi mcom ...
.. lll Friibla ...
.. 171; Camp ....
.. 171) spotmaa .
.. 17 Hamblat .
.. 1771 Eoflar ...
.. 1t Patterson
1741 Solomon
.. 17i Parorborg
.. 174 Huntar ...
.. 174 bouflas ..
.. 171 Boord ....
.. 1701 Parma .
... 1701 MrKelTer
.. 1U Btlna
.. 1M Baehr ....
.. lWj Huff ......
,.. 1471 Orlllln ....
... 146 Bauman ..
.. 1M C. Rice...
.. 1U Noal
141 Dattmaa .
ltlj Davis ....
... 1U! Hlsalna ..
... lUJnhnaea ..
... Ml) Wars.
... MilKollar ....
... Ml
.. Ml
.. Ml
.. Me
.. J6
.. lf
.. IM
.. 161
.. 167
.. M7
.. Ut
.. 161
.. m
... 1M
.. 164
.. 161
... 161
... Ml
,.. Ml
.. 161
.. 160
,. 14
. . 1
.. l
... 146
... 146
i.. 144
... 143
... 141
... 141
... 14
But one prise record haa been raised dur
ing tha last waek, "Teddy" Neale rolled 66H,
which put him In the lead for the Stors
monthly prise. Weber's 280 I still high for
th John Qund prise for a single game.
Laat week in the Commercial Bowling
league was th wlndup of the second round
of the league's schedule on the Metropolitan
alleys and finds the Falstaff team in fliat
place with a aafe lead to remain there.
The Life Malts and Colta are following,
with a possibility of still winning out. Gold
Too and Omaha Bicycles are nlD and tuck
for fourth place, and it th Daily News
team keep up it nrve work aa tney nave
done in the past It will also have a look at
fourth piaee. Black Kata and FJ Caudlllos
are like two twins, always together. Ar
mours and O'Briens bring up the rear with
good possibility of holding those honors.
There will be a league meeting Sunday
at 2:30 p. m. Some Important business 1
to be transacted. All captains are requested
to be sure ana attena.
Team standing of the Commercial league
W. U Pet. Pir
Falstaffs 44
Life Malts
Hull's Colts 80
Gold Tops 26
Omaha Bicycle 28
Dally News 22
Black Kats 14
Kl Caudlllos 14
Armours It
O'Briens 10 88
Individual averages:
Oaataa Av.l
C i. Pranclsea... 41 04i Molmoaui
Gamea. At.
, 41 11
Anderson 44 lM'Foracutt 41 Ml
Cochran 44 14! Liggett it 17
OlarH 41 lMIChandler M 17
Mct'asM 41 ll Jonas 10 171
O. O. Pranolaco., M MliKarp 17 17g
Naala a M Maclll 17 171
johosoa 41 MljTarlor 14 177
Wabar It Mil Williams M 177
Bpragua 41 11 Fnuh 41 174
Donman 4 Mil Oraanlaaf 14 176
tiarbl II lU Tosnamaa t 171
Prltackar 41 MS; Tracy 11 174
Pick. ring a 1U H. D. Ree a 174
Huntington U MS! A. C. Reel H 171
Brunk 41 lMIChatelals 11 171
Rtmpke 46 1H OofJ U 147
glmmannaa ...... 41 IM GrtfBtba 41 M4
J. C. Rae IM Ramla M Ml
Bangol 41 1IS Waltr 141
Hartlojr M 1U Oordr 10 Mo
E Deal I 14- lUiBaarta 161
Krsnck 41 1UI Wblt II IM
Blakaner 41 M3 Crooks 16t
gbalfloa t 11 OtrtMf 151
Nlooll 11 Mil Gatherwooa M 164
Norao a Mil
Schedule for next week: Mondsy, Armours
against Dally News; Tuesday, Falsi ilTs
against El Caudllloa; Wednesday, Oold Tops
against Life Malts; Thursday, Black Kats
against Colts; Friday, Omaha bt cycles
against O'Briens.
On tha basement alleys of tha Metropoli
tan laat night the two teams of "mixers"
met In a fast game of tenptns. Captain
Koller's Mixers were quite out of luck and
not In old-time form. Beselln's Mixers
took them down for a total of 80S pins, but
Captain Roller aays hs will play them
again at any time. Koller has been mak
ing some big scores lately. Th score:
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Traynor IM 140 126 421
Maltha 123 121 130 2M
Butler 16 141 113 415
Koller 162 142 176
Gllbreath 147 130 174 441
Total 748 667 708 2,121
1st. td. d. Total
W. Schneider 1 1 , 11 few
R. Beelln 136 144 1S1 401
H. Cole UA 131 125 415
R. A. Schneider 167 138 lf3 4S1
K. Beaalln 13 164 zot 68
764 Ttt 107 1424
Bn4 Bias at Irr-y.
PFJRRT, la., Jan. !C (Special On
month later to th day Perry, la.. Is swept
by a seoond firm. Flra waa discovered this
morning after It had partially consumed
tb Umphenour restaurant- It spread from
tber to other buildings. Th losses ara:
Co-operative grocery store. Q. H. Mellck,
proprietor, total destruction; loaa, $9.00).
teaurano 86.00. Restaurant and candy
altcban. B. N. Umphenour. proprietor loss
88.000, maurano rutot. Captn 4t Son. har
na and hardware, stock damaged; loss
IXOta. Inanranc t9A Baglea' hail, damaged
I by amoaa; leaa (309, lnuraao (Jut
u u IA M k
jJ Li u L
In cur own RegUtered Distillery, No. 2, Tenth Dittrict, Ohio, tinder tba direct anparvlglon f
tba U.S. Internal Revenue Department.
lr nrTTTT 1 1 i 1 iVi ii i - '
Stamp I ffikJ' XmW&i
tar ;.-; iT5&HL iWgy
oi tin ('-j J:i2&52 ".Mr"
lr7 fx
Direct From Our Distillery to YOU.
owalitv uMsni:
jfTnimiM RHND
t t-aw in ww.--,
.7 ratruwa, e.uuu Mlflit 77
ftrntt . vrr kt4avvWsnB - .
P.'S IU&j aa staau aa nsix.
1 Ulili
inaM.iaani ani aBSiii.iaiiiiiiiiw
1 Yon could not aik (or a higher or mora trnatworthy andoraarnent than thla
stamp ot tha U. S. Government on each bottle it meana that from the first
moment this whiskey is distilled, through all the years it ia being aged, and until
it ia finally bottled, it ia in tha care of tha U.S. Government and in charge ot tha
U. S. Government Storekeeper and ia a positive assurance that the whiskey Is
fully aged, full proof, full measure and free from every particle of dilution and
By shipping direct from our distillery to yon, wa out out all tha dealers' and
middlemen's profits and are able to offer you this absolutely pure and "bottled
in bond" whiskey at tha distiller's price.
Sind ut your trdtr. Homy back If yeu ir nit pirfietly plottid.
OUR flFFFR We will hlp yoo 1n plain aealad ease, with Bo marks to thow content, FOUR
BOND WHISKEY (or 18 to, and we will pay th tpra ehargea Take It home and samp) It.
hT your doctor test It. erery bottle If you wish. Then, If you don't And It perfectly satisfac
tory, satp It beck to u AT OUR EXPENSK and yotirSlxO will be promptly refunded. How
could aay oflsr b (airarf WRITE OUR NEAREST OPriCE and mention ' Dl? isloa tu
I., Cel., Idaho, Motit ,Nr., V. Msi , Or . Utah. Waih. er
i bails of 4 OCA.RT8 for S4.M by KXPRaSS r REPAID or
20 by f RK1&HT PREPAID.
Orders for Arli.. Pal.
Wyo. matt hs os tha 1
XV S1UAKI8 (or SU.i
.lull iiiaw .
only two Have declined
All Others Invited to McKinlsy Clnb
Bacquet icoept tbs Honor.
Bo Will Senator Brown and Other
Prominent Republicans to Make
Impression on Mllwankeo's
loans; Mayor.
1'p to data the banquet committee of the
McKlnley club has received but two declin
ations of Invitations extended to the state
officers to be their guests on Tuesday even
ing, with the members of th legislature.
Abuut every republican member of the sen
ate and house has signified his Intention
to be present. United States Senator Brown
and Attorney General Thompson left Wash
ington for home Friday evening and both
will be present at the banquet. Senators
Millard and Burkett, whose duties will keep
them In Washington, have sent messages
to be read at the banquet, as have Con
gressman Kennedy end others.
The men whose names are printed below
havet been selected to act as a reception
committee with Messrs. Frank Crawford
and Harry S. Byrne, who will directly rep
resent the club at the Informal reception
to be held at the Millard from 7 o'clock
until 7:4S. Other names may b added Mon
day, In order that all elements of the com
munity can be represented In the bunch
that will greet and entertain the visitors
from Lincoln. Music will be rendered dur
ing the reception and while the dinner Is
being served. Manager Clark has promised
the menu will be worthy of th occasion,
and that It will be served expeditiously, so
that th toaatmaster can open th speaking
at 9 o'clock.
Personnel of Committee
Following Is the make-up of the reception
committee ao far decided on: "
Victor Rosewater, a. W. Wattles. Frank
W. Judson, Oforge A. Day. William A.
Redlck, Charles Y. Manderson, Charles J.
Greene, Howard Kennedy, L. C. Gibson,
Frank C. Host, A. R. Harvey, F. H. Tucker,
& G. Solomon, William G. Ure, U. M.
Haverly, A. J. Donahoe, John L. McCague,
Charles Leslie. K. J. Cornish, Arthur C.
Smith, William P. Warner, Howard H.
Iialdrlge, John L Webster, Lee S. fc telle.
W. G. Bears, A. C. Troup. B. F. Thomas,
Jamea Walsh. Michael Lee, H T. Clarke,
Ji A. W. JcfTerls, P. J. Tralnor, Fred prun
ing, P. A. Wells, B. E. Wilcox, C. F.
Weller, Wes Adklns, M. L. learned, A. L.
Reed, Robert Cowell, C. M. Wllhelm, R. W.
BreckenrkUe, A. L. Sutton, Howard Ken
nedy, Robert O. Fink, T. B. Pysart. Charles
L. Saunders, S. C. Barnes, Ed Leader, N. P.
Dodge, Jr., H. B. Zlmnian, M. J. Kennard,
Rev. Frank L. Loveland, Frank Koutsky,
R. B. Howell, A. P. Tukey, K. Q. McGllton,
H. K. Palmer, C. F. McGrew.
Entirely Informal.
As the reception and banquet are to be
entirely Informal In character, it Is optional
with all ticket holder to wear dress suits
or not. The club members who hav th !
affair In charge have arranged this com- I
pllmentary banquet to the legislators and t
state officers with th central Idea of al- I
lowing Omaha republican and tha people's
representative from all over the state to
become batter acquainted, and with that
Idea alone. It la also calculated to give
the speaker from abroad. Mayor Backer of,
Milwaukee, th bast possible impression of
Omaha and the state at large by making
him aoqualnted with the leading men of
Nebraska In business and politics.
Those members of th club hsvtng ticket
for sal report a strong demand, and by
Tuesday lata comer may hav difficulty
In getting a ticket It Is Intended, how
ever, to make every effort to e that no
one who desire to attend th banquet
shall b barred, but aa SOO la the limit of
seats at th board th sal must be gov
erned accordingly.
stem sl attorn ouf Saeo
hearty appi
the Pure F
and Drugs
GREET with
. .
which waa passed by Con
gress on June 30, 1906, and
went into effect January 1,
1907. The people of Amer.
ica are entitled to protec
tion of their health against
adulteration and misrepre
sentation of their food, drink and medicine, and the new law
will go a long stride in the direction of accomplishing this purpose.
The REGULATION AND CONTROL of auch objectionable
and perilous condition has been demanded for many year by
the American people, until their insistence compelled the respect
of their representative in the National Legislature, and produced
the Pure Food and Drugs Act, so long a step in the right direc
tions. The victory was of and by the people, and the nation
should glorify in the consciousness of it
Whan, eUre year age, it becama ear desire to furnish tke American paopla
with a mild, gentle, coaveniaot laxative medicine for the family, palatabla bat
powerful, harmless but affactiT, we were actuated by a fundamental PURITY
OF PURPOSE to produoe a perfect preduct, strictly pure, clean, of vgtabU
ingradienU easy to buy, easy to take and easy in action. In the form of a
dainty, fragrant little tablet, ia a seat and bandy little enameled bos fit far puree
r VMt-pocket, we produce the greatoat medicine of the kind in the world, under
the motto, from it inception to this day, of "PURITY." We had ao guarantee
that our preparation, bow world-famous under the name Case rat Candy
Cathartic, would make so phenomenal a record, but we had the FAITH that with
our honest intention, our PURITY-PURPOSE, and our inaUtene upon perfection,
achieved by great scientists, the People would loara the TRUTH, would get tha
reeulta, and bestow thrar favor on our effort.
We have Barer found it neaossarjr to change oar methods, our formula or
the form or ejuality of our product ia those eleven year of ita history. The sale
of Caacareta, by the favor and appreciation of the American people, ha achieved
the phenomenal proportion of OVER A MILLION BOXES A MONTH,-12,000,
000 IN THE YEAR. ThU U the greatest demonstration of the succsas of aa
article ereated by a Purity-Purpose, that has bean recorded.
" .
The American people have recorded their MERIT-VERDICT a Wont CASCA.
RETS CANDY CATHARTIC They have found that this little tablet ha ever
accomplished what wa promised for it, that it was the purest, mildest, most
harmlcs, most trustworthy medicine FOR THE BOWELS, and with faithful ua
would accomplish the relief of many ailments arising from disturbances in tho
alimentary canal. We feel that the great CONFIDENCE of the American People
ha been d Marred, end yet wo feel grateful to them for this REMARKABLE
DEMONSTRATION and wish to express the HOPE that we wiU continue to
enjoy the confidence of tho American Home hereafter as heretofore. TM
If you have avr triad Caacareta, buy a little lOo box TO-DAY, and be sura
i GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR-the only GENUINE, Ail druggist 10c, 2 5c, 50o.
A. New Market Corner.
One of tha finest groceries and meat mar
kets (p. the olty haa Just been opened at
th northeast owner of Farnam and Twen
tieth! streets by Julius Dreifuaa, formerly
located at D00 Farnam. Th fixtures are
of quarter-sawed oak, gun metal gray ootar,
th design being to follow th mission style
aa closely aa possible. This is certainly a
most desirable location tor this lln of
business and aa Mr. DrMfuss has de-
I termined to handle only the best and purest
! brands, backed by years' of experleroe and
up-to-date method, h shiuld hav little
I trouble In making this a popular market
Anypn holding scrip issued by th
Transmlssisaippi Exposition conuntaaloa of
tb state of Washington will And It to I heir
advantage to oommunjrat with C. C.
water, gaoaral manager, Omaha Be.
The man with brain and nerve force. Tb man with
thf strength nd will, ready and equal to oopa with hla
felli' That'a what he ehould be. Are you uch a
on: Look In th mirror and ask yiurlf th au
t'.m. Are th trace of dissipation, wasted foro and
rirgy to b seen In your hrunken countenance
Are there dark circle under your eye? Ar you weak,
tired, nervou and glopmy? Ar you dlcouragd, on-he-M'l'
aril despondent? Thar ar many mn who ar not
sti'o.ig and have these symptom. It Is nrt right and .
If you ara suffering you should not let these conditions
We want all ailing men to
feel that they can coma to u
and b examined and find out
their, true condition whether
they contemplate treatment or
not. Tou are not bound by any
obligation to take treatment
unlea you o deelre. Prhp
a little advice 1 all you naed.
W are slnoer In the treat
ment of every case w accept.
We do th very beat that w
can for you and our best is due
to year of experience added to
our ability. We adroit that
there ar many c'asee that wa - :
cannot cure and we will not
accept for treatment theeH
cases. They are easily recog
' nlsed by us.
T7 have such cpnfldsnee In
our ability to successfully eur
tn cases that w accept that
wa will let th patient pay u when he Is cured. If a
fairer offer than this can b mad 1st us know what it
Is and we will accept It. v
If you are unable to call, write ti a full history of
your condition and get our opinion.
You Want IVrmanfnt Cnr We Can AwoiuplUb. It.
BTo matter bow skspttoal yoa bar b acorns over failure of
otbars Do not hasltst loafer W caa give you aoiok re
lief aal perfect health..
Oflh-e Hour 1.10 a. in. to S p. m. Hundays, lam. to It noon.
Consultation Free.
Northwestern Medical & Surgical Institute,
i i . TV, wvi. euuu atuiuuu Bio., uuuuia, iterj.
gMv"fiipa1ii . eiian i iwi iii awMawwiSj
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