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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1907)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANU.'.-IY 27, 1901 A SOCIETY IMPROVES EACH DAY Viiitisc Hnrsei' Association Announces He Data for Annual Birthdaj Pirtj. WttK WILL BE FULL. BUT NOT CROWDED KVT t Sorletr Mrm Wk SaerlSW blfcaltr lo Capri tif School ttlrl Ami Aaothrr Starr. To M1U. . Now winters her I'd like to t ler Mollies ermine fur, Ihn thrn she walked the avenue She'll take me oat with -her; I'd hsnf about Ivr slender throat In ra-eful, clinatns; strsnds. And then, you ewe, Id b her muff. And hold her dainty hand. Tht Pevota. '.The Aortal Calradar. M O N ! A Y Alllson-t.ehmer weddln; Whniim Whlot club. Mm. B. J. Adams; tlie Omaha Guard danelng party at ih. lr armory. , , , TKHPDAV-Mia. F. E. White. Thimble club. WKUKEFOAt-lln. I'aul Wernlier. at home: Mr. und Mr. John Campbell, 'din ner) Round Dozen ciub. Mrs. H. C Van Oelsnn; muslcale at home of Mrs. E. A, Cudnhy; Mra. Victor Caldwell, bridge luncheon; Mra. Goorge HuiU K. K, h. club meeting. Tllt'ItoUAY-A. O. T. Bowling club, Miss . Ftofenrs Mlllor;-Mra. E. W. Arthur. T. Euchre club; Mra. Ueorge Shields, cards for Mrs. E. W. Caldwell of Bloux Citr. FRleAf-Kenalnaum club, with thaAllsses Ketth; Mra. John Kyler, Friday club; Mra. Walter Preston, tea from I to 6 for Mrs. tlunran; Mra. Isaac Cole, dinner lnh 1 BATt ktA V-Vlsltlns Norses' birthday twrty. Mra. J. M. Metcalf; Orchard ItlU Whist club Mr. and Mra. VV. N. Alder Itm; Mra. Joseph Harksr, brldae luncheon for Mra. Clarke 1'oweH and MIk Helen Datla; Mra. K. L. Van Court entertain tli- KountM Flue Luncheon club. Evr since tho opening of the New Year, when there waa uahered in a aerlea of fashionable weddings, numeroua teas and a variety of entertainmenta, with Just a many future plana embryo, there haa been a predicted rush for the fashionable. Hury and worry promised to be syn onymous worry as to how to keep all the engagements scheduled In one all-loo-ahort day wlthout conflicting. This has hot been aucH a serious problem as ' was contem plated until t,he past week, when Indiffer ence to . a good time hus been relegated td the backgrounds and a storm of parties have followed principally bridge luncheons. Many more are on the calendar, and society is undergoing preliminary speed tests, to be tuned up to the pace It will have to go during the remaining days before Lent. Besides these last chances to do things that one might have been doing for the past few weeks, seem so much more at tractive now, that the time of penance In preparation for Easter Is almost at hand. Society has practically dedicated this week to several attractive visitors Mrs. John Meadows of Lincoln, guest of Mrs. Lydin Morrison. Mrs. Harvey Moss of Hastings, guest of Mrs. E. J. Speh, and Mrs. Clarence Richmond Day, guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar B Smith. Almost every day of this 'week some large affair has been giver In their honor. Mrs. Meadows and Mr. t)ny left for their homes Saturday, and their absence will be felt in their set. Another' large event which aided In dis tinguishing this week was the reception given by Mrs. Warren Bwitsler to Intro duce her daughter. Miss Alice Royall, the last of this season's debutantes to be pre sented. Miss Switxler haa a charming per sonality which wilt win for her a gay sea son and a large circle of friends. Since time began 'men have made them selves ridiculous for the sake of a woman, and have done It ohoerfully -and blindly. History abounds with Instances where oth erwise sane, reliable, level-headad men have sacrificed their future and their most sacred trusts, together with their dignity and self respect, at the shrine of some fair woman. Omaha waa recently treated to an exhibi tion of this sort and now that the little miss primarily responsible Is safely out of town, socleiy la having all sorts of sport at the expense of her victims. As all know who pretend to keep posted on the correct thing, the "Teddy bear" made quite as much of a hit v with the fashionable women of Paris as It did with the little folks with the nur sery, and these cunning little namesakes of the president were for a time seen quite frequently in the company of milady on her shopping or pleasure tours as with her Infant son or daughter In the park. Of course the fad got to New York but almost simultaneously a companion absurdity de veloped In the shape of the "Dachshund." Pimples Stopped ' . 5 Days Every, possible Skin Eruption Cured In Marvelously Qmlck Time by the New Calcium Treatment. Bond for Free Sample Package Today. Boils have been cured in I days,, and soma of the worst cases of skin diseases have been cured in a week, by the won derful action of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. These wafers contain as their main Ingre dient, the must thorough, quick and ef fective blood-cleanser known, calcium sul phide. . . Most treatments for the bUod and for skla eruptions are miserably slow In their results, and. besides, many of them are poisonous. Btuarfa Calcium Wafers con tain, no poison or drug of any kind; they are absolutely harmless, and yet do work which cannot fall to surprise you. They ' are, the most powerful blood purifier and skin clearer ever, discovered, and ' they never derange the system. No matter what you suffer from pirn-pls.-DlB.ckheads." acne, red rash, spots, blotches, rash, tetter or any other skin eruptions you can get rid of them long before pther treatments can even begin to show results. '' Pon'tf go ,aroun4 with a, humiliating, disgusting mass of plmplea and black! heads on your face. A face covered-over with tae disgusting things makes peo ple turn away from you. and breeds fan ure in your life work, stop it. Read what an Iowa, wan said when' he woke up oue morning and found he had u new faco: "By, George. I nver saw anything like It. Thre I've been for three years trying to get' rid of pimples and blackheads, sad guess t used everything under the sun, I used four Calcium Wafers for just ieven days.- Thle. morning every blesaed pimple is gone and I cant find a blackhead. I could write you, a volume of thanks. I ana o gratefultq you." i toil can depend upon this treatment be ing a never-falUog cure. . Juat send us your name and address In full today, and we will send you a trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, free to test After you have tried the sample ud been convinced that all we say la true, you' will go to your neareat druggist and get a tOo box and be cured of ypur facial trouble. They are In tablet form, and no trouble whatever to take. Tou go about your work as usual, and there you re cured and happy. Send us your name and address today and we will at once send, you-by mall a sample package free. Address P. A. Stuart Qx, it Stuatl Bid.. Marshal t, MK He Is si) ugly. little tx-sst and his sawdust anaiomy haa been abbreviated and Ameri canised 1o resemble a parody on a Boston terrier, and equipped with a bark to match. Now It chanot-d that a little Omaha miss who summered sbrosd with her psrents last year and who Is now attending a select "finishing" school In New York, adopted her dog and Teddy bear together with a choice collection of other fade with which to regale her Omaha friends when ehe came home for the holiday vacation. On occsslpns people riding on the Dodge or Farnam cars were umazed to see this snln'rtly gowned young "rhlss complacently carrying one of her sawdust petq. but It remain! for a popular young fril-rw of the younger set to be sacrificed to thin caprice. He invited her to attend the theater and, knowing her careful rearing, was not snr UHlsed when she asked that a third seat be reserved. He was amazed, however so the story goes when the evening came, and, Instead of a chaperone. he was In formed that the extra seat was for her Teddy bear. Remonstrance proved unavail ing and TVddy. went to the show and the young man Wis privileged to carry him. On another occasion this young miss was a member of a box party. This time It was her dog's turn. He was not only very hiuch (n' evidence, but between acts further emphasised his "rjresrnre by barking vigor ously In response to the manipulation his accomplished young owner, affording enter tainment for the house tht rivaled that offered on the stage. ' No pne enjoys a good Joke more than Omaha's fashionables, especially when the luugh going the round of the clubs ami drawing room la on two bachelor mem bers of their own set. ; What Is funnier still, these two bachelors are quite un suspecting of the' merriment' they nre causing. It all hinges on the few mo ments' stay ' of an attractive: young divorcee, who passed through Omaha re cently en route to Europe from her home In Denver. She Is a tall, stunning bru nette and during her brief stsy here was demoted to a brisk walk tip ahi down the station, platform with these 'two willing bachelors, the trio attracting general at tention not only -with the huge bunch uf violets and" red roses she cnrried,vbut by the assiduous attent'pn of the ardent escorts. But when the parting came It ws amazingly tender for two such calloused bachelors. But somebody saw "Bsaw" and now the incident la a Joke a living the friends of these two men. Cards have been received in Omaha an nouncing the marriage of Lieutenant Will iam Benton Cowln, I'nited, States army, and Katherlne, daughter of Major and Mrs. Nat Poyntf Pblster. on the 9th of January, 1W7, . at Trinity church, Zam boangH, Mindanao, P. I. Lieutenant Cowln, who is , now ,wlth the Third cavalry on service in the Wands, is the son of General and Mrs John C. Cowln of Omaha and Is well-known here as one of the, younger men of the city, lie was Just home from Yale In N98 when the war with Spain broke out and entered the service as a captain of volunteers. At the close of the war he was attached to the regular establishment and assigned to, the. cavalry arm. He visited in Omaha last year Just prior to the sailing of hia regiment Pleesares Past. Mr. and Mra. R. W. Breckenrldge enter tained the Harmony club Saturday evening. Miss Georgia Kennard entertained Sat urday afternoon at three tablea of bridge in honor of Mrs. Harvey Moss of Hastings. Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall gave the second of two large bridge luncheons Saturday after noon. . Her guests Were seated at small tables, which were adorned with a variety of cut flowers. Those present were: - Mrs, Vlotor Caldwell entertained at din ner Wednesday evening. The table was decorated with a centerpiece of hyacinths, mignonette and stevia. Her guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Qurdon Wattles, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Prltchett and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Potter. Mrs. Walter O. 8paln gave a pink ken slngton for the Elaness club at her home Saturday afternoon. 1 Those present were the Misses Helen Branded, Nellie Fay, May Hantlng, Mauda Huston, Kafhryn Hantlng, Pearl Rockfellow and Meadames P. N. Bllxt, 'Hunt C. Maloney and F. Smyths. The Winona apartments of Mrs. F. P. Loomls and the Misses McChean, Wheat ley, Powell and Eddy was the scene of a pleasant gathering Baturday afternoon, when the members of the Teachers' An nuity and Aid association met for an In formal social hour. Mrs. J. E. Anderson. Miss Julia Newcomb and Miss Margaret Hamilton had the pleasure of dispensing the tea. At well appointed tables and over the teacupa the affair of the association were discussed informally. The teachers of Cass school were delight fully entertained at luncheon Friday. The table waa placed In the kindergarten and waa prettily decorated with a centerpiece of pink flowers. The room was darkened and pink candles furnished a subdued light. After luncheon the guests enjoyed a unique musical contest. In which the prises were won by Miss Slmonds and Miss Homellns. The Kountse Place Euchre club was en tertained Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen. . The prises were won by Mrs. Frederick and Dr. Owen. Those pres ent were: Dr. and Mrs. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, Mr. and Mra. Ed P. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs, Clinton Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Gate. Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. W. Moore was hostess to a very enjoyable meeting of her friends and neighbors from the J vicinity of ber old home at 2832 Ohio street where she lived for about eighteen years, Mrs. Moore's new home being 1620 Locust street. The occasion was a dinner given to renew old ties and acquaintances. Those present were Mesdames B. C. Smith, T. E. Price of Florence. J. U Godeon. D. W. TUIotson. W. H. Lafferty, J. T. Kinkaid, W. F. Nlesman. J. R. Perkins, 1 Lover ton, R. M. Remington, F. M. Hamllng, L Bmith, J. W. Moore, Misses Q. B. Moore and O. A. Moore. ... Mrs. M. Dowllng and Mrs. Frank Adams entertained at a six-banded euchre, party Wednesday 'afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dowllng. The parlors were decorated In pink carnations and pink shaded lights, while. the hall and. library were in poln setta, palms, ferns and red shaded lights. The color scheme of red was repeated In the dining room. The prizes were won by Mrs. F. C. Craig. Mrs. Frank Bllsh and Mrs. W. II. Sherraden. The hostesses were assisted by Miss Ruth Dowllng and Miss Jesslo Sherwood. Those present were: Mes dames W. H. Sherraden. E. H. Howland, A. G. Buchanan, Ira Porter, J. E. Van Dorn,E. V. Smith. E. E. Huntley. Went worth. C. W. Eagle, L, M. Oonden. Albyn Frank. W. H. Munger, J. A. Mclntyrr, Chesney, Van Kuran. F. Cx Tym. Frank M. Bllsh. J. B. Sherwood, B. B. 8hrwnod. C. Walrath, A. P. Tousalin, J, E. Sherman,- F. C. Craig. John - Bryan, Charles E. Burmeiater, v. E. Palmatier, K. W. Oetten. Rahley, J. T. Dale. Fulton-of Chi cago, Misses Alice Buchanan, Olive' Hdnt ley, Blanche Howland, Rvans and Axtell. Mrs.. John S. Brady, Mra. J. E. Urown. Mra A. Q. Beeeon, Mrs. O. Barker, Madams Barker. Mrs. E. E. Balch, Mra. J. N. Bald win. Mra, Howard Baldrlge, Mra. B. D. Barks Ww, i4rs. E. C. McShane. Mrs. K. M. Mors man, Mra James McKenna. Mrs. U. W. Kaah. Mia FaUtp Potter.. Mrs. a. E. Pritchett Mra A. L. Heed. Mrs. Arthur Remington, Mra W. A. Redlck. Mrs. War ren Rogers, Mrs.. J. R. Scoble, Mrs, Bprague, Mra Scott, Mra Arthur C. Smith, Mrs. Charles 8wert. Miss Sharp. Mr. J. J. Brown, Mrs. E. A. Cndahy. Mrs. Clement Chase, Mrs. Frsnk Colpetser, Mrs. Candee, Mi fhaths Clapp. Mrs. C. K. Couunt, Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr, nett. F. S. Cowglll. Mrs. Harry dimming. Dubois. Mr. F. H. Davis. Mr. Deuel. Ben Gallagher. Mra. Arthur Gulou. Charles Greene. Mrs. Herbert Gan- Mrs. Charles George. Mrs. C. W. Hull, Mrs. F. B. Hochstetler. Mrs. W. J. C. Holcomb. Mr. Harry Jordan. Mrs. Ken yon, Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey, Mrs. H. T. Lmlst. Mrs. Wilson I -owe, Mr. Myers. Mr. Charles Martin. Mr. E H Martin,' Mrs. Chnrles Manderson. Mrs. J. McShane,. Mrs. Gurdon Wattles, Mrs. Cssper Yost and Mrs. Guy Barton. Comlna Rveata. Mrs. Ishsc Coles will entertain at dinner and bridne Friday evening. Mrs. VW tor Caldwell haa cards nut for a bridge luncheon Wednesday. The C. T. Kuchre club will meet Thurs day at the home of Mrs. K. W. Arthur. The A. O. T. Bowling club will be enter tained this week by Miss Florence Hlller. Mr. F. F White will be hoe-teH of the meeting of the Thimble club Tuday after noon. , The Mlssi' Keath will be hostesses at Friday afternoon's meeting of the Kensing ton club. Mrs. Psul Wernher will give the third of her series of post-ntiptlsl at homes Wednesday.'. Mr. and -Mrs. John Campbell wlH. enter tain at dinner Wednesday evening at their tiome at Walnut Hill. The Omaha Guarus will give another of llielr series of dancing parties Monday evening at their armory. Mrs. E. D. VanCourt will be hostess of the Kounlre Place luncheon Saturday at her home on Wirt street. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Anderson will en tertain the members of the Orchard Hill whist club Sitturuny evening. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy will entertain the members of the Tuesday Musical society Wednesday evening at her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McAdams will enter tain the meeting of a whist club Monday evening at their home on Pacific street. Mrs. George Shlelda will entertain at cards Thursday afternoon, complimentary to Mrs. E. W. Caldwell of 8ioux City. Mr H. C. VanGiePon will entertain the members of the Round Dozen club at this wivk meeting, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Joseph Barker has invitations out for a luncheon to be given at her home Saturday for Mrs. Clarke Powell and Miss Helen Davis. One of the large affairs of the week will be the tea given Friday afternoon between 3 and 5 o'clock by Mrs. Walter Preston In honor of Mrs. Duncan of Bath. Me. The bridge party to have been given at the Normandle last Thursday evening for the benefit of the Creche, has been post poned until the afternoon of "February 11, when It will be given at Chambers'. The Visiting Nurses' association has an rounced a cha.ige of date for, Its annual birthday party February 2 to be celebrated this year Instead of Washington's birthday. Mrs. J. M Mt-hlf has. given the use of her spacious home on South Tenth street where the reception will be held between 2 and 5 o'clock. For years February 22 has been dedicated to the Visiting Nurses' birthday party, always one of the brilliant functions of the season, and other hostesses have graciously conceded the day. Some of the largest homes of the city have been thrown open for the occasion, but for the past two years the Elks have given the use of their club rooms. Last year an even ing as well aa an afternoon reception was held. The birthday party Is one of the Lchlef sources from which this very worthy charity derives Its support, as each guest at the reception brings a penny for each year' of his age. While a large number of cards are usually Issued with . the little silk bsgs for the pennies, the invitation Is general and all Intereeted in the work of the association are cordially Invited to at tendand bring their pennies. " Oosna anal Oo Gossip. Mrs. D. C. Bradford left Friday for a southern trip. Mrs. J. C. Fulton of Chicago Is 'the guest of Mra John Dale. Miss Essie Aarons has gone to Chicago for a two weeks' stay. . Mrs. Walter Taylor Page Is spending two weeks In New York. Miss Addle Keenan of Madison, Wis., Is the guest of Mrs. H. P. Btoddart. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keellna are spend ing two months in Rock Ledge, Fla. Miss Florence Power haa returned to her school at St. Mary's, Knoxvltla, III. Mra Ira W. Porter and little daughter are spending the winter months in. Florida. Miss Ellf Turner of Washington. D. C is the guest of her brother, Mr. W, W. Turner. Mrs. I.. 8. Caldwell of St. Paul. Minn Is the guest ot ber sister. Mrs.. R. J. Scannell. . . Mlss Ada Klrkendall leaves soon for New Orleans. La., where she will be the guest of friends. Mrs. J. W. Robbins and three, children left Wednesday for a two monthu' visit In California. Miss Velma Prouty of St. Paul who haa been visiting Miss Laura Dale, left for ber home Friday. Mra. Elizabeth Goodrich left yesterday for Kansas City to be the guest ot Mrs. Stephen Mltcrll. , Mrs. K. Sanford and daughter, Miss Sadie, of Fort Thomae, Ky., are the guests of Mrs. C. K. Weller. Miss Adelaid Manderson of Mlddleton, Tenn.. will arrive this week to be the guest of the Misses Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry King and Miss Bavllla King left Friday for a two months' viatt In Florida. Miss Helen Rahm and Mrs. J. B. Rahm will leave today for Knoxville, 111., where Miss Rahm will enter St. Mary's school. Miss Baldwin of Elkhorn Is the guest of Miss May Mahotiey, having come to attend the coming out party of Miss Alice Bwltsler. Mr. Guy Doane was the guest of , his parent for a few days of this week, being en route for "portlsnd. Ore., from New York Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kllpatrlck and daughter have gone to Pasadena, Cel., where they will spend the rest of the winter season. Mis. Leo Baroch has returned from an ex tensive trip through Europe which Included France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Mrs. Baroch has been gone since the first of October. ,"" Weldlsgf Coaalag. The marriage ot Mies Mary McMenemy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. McMenemy. to M.r. Frederick Farrar of Fort Collins, Colo., will be solemnised at the family residence on Georgia avenue at noon Tuesday, Feb ruary 12. The Invitations have been Issued for the marriage pf Mias Elisabeth Stewart of Council Bluffs and Captain Leonard Dels cour Wtldman of Fort Omaha, which will take place Baturday, February , at t. Paul's church, in Council Bluffs. A large reception will fallow at "The Gables," the home of Miss Stewart. The wedding of Miss Grace Allison and Mr. Charles B. lhmer will take place Monday evening at I o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. Mr, and Mrs. Irving Allison. In Florence. Rev. Dr. Leavltt will officiate. Miss Mable Allison will be maid of honor. Miss Hophle Shirley brides maid and Mr. Philip Uhracr best man. Miss Conant will play the wedding march. If you have anytning to trade advertise it In the For Kxchsnge cohintw, a The B Want Ad pegs. WORK OF THE CLUB WOMEN Eu'dV Fori Tood I. ill End wd by the Nebraika Federation. IQUAL INHERITANCE BILL IS COMING UP lvle Improvement Committee to Have Charce of the Program at the Monday Mcellnsi of Omaha Woman's Clnh. The Burns pure food bill Introduced In the senate as 8. F. t;4 has received the en dorsement of the club women. This an nouncement was made at the meeting of the household economics department of the Omaha Woman's club Thursday morning, the department 'having been delegated by the club to decide upon one of the , pure food measures already Introduced In the legislature. The Burns bill provides that the governor shall be-the head of the food, dairy and drug commission. The equal Inheritance, or descendent bill. In which club women are Interested will come before the judiciary committee of the senate nt a spcial meeting Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. D. L. Johnson and T. J. Ma honey who drafted the bill will go to Lincoln for the hearing. The "Society for the Suppression of l'n necesssry Noise" has been organized by Mrs. Isaac U Rice of New York City, the woman who gut the government to regulate the steain whistle In the harbor, and to forbid whistles of sirens, except by govern ment or Are boats, or in case of distress. They did It by presenting to the steamboat Inspectors a petition signed by 700 residents on Riverside Drive, and a number of phon ographic records taken by Columbia Uni versity students. Her new society will grapple with the problem of early milk wagons, street cries, venders' bells and whistles, flat far-wheels and heavy traffic. She Is backed by the health commissioner, the medical adviser of the Board of Health and all the hospltalr. The 'civic Improvement committee will present the program at Monday afternoon's meeting of the social science department of the Woman's club. "Play Grounds" will be the sriecial loidc of the afternoon and an effort. will be mode to create a senti ment that will result In the permnnent maintenance of this work for chllden so well established through the efforts of the late Mr. Frank Heller. Members of the Park board have been Invited present and the meeting will be addressed by Judge Slabaugh, E. F. pennhion, boys' secretary of the Young Men's Christian association, and C. E. Williamson. The two young citizens, past and present mayors of Juve nile Cltr. will at so be present and will present the work of the ploy ground from their own' standpoint. All Interested, are Invited to attend the meeting. The current topics department will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Mrs. J. H. Chary to have charge. Mrs. C. R. Glover will give a resume of current events. Mrs. A. W. Baldwin will read a paper and there will be a debate on government ownership of railroads. Mrs. C. Vincent to take the affirmative and Mrs. Mary Andrews the negative. A-general discussion will follow. The program will be Interspersed with music. Mrs. C. D. Scott gave a talk on "Art in Everyday Life," under the auspices of the extension work department of the Young Woman's Christian aasoclatlon, Thursday evening. Among other things ah ealdl "Happiness Is the goal of every ljuman being. In one form or another everyone la striving for It. The artist Is the happiest person on earth, because he has solved this problem. He has learned to combine the real and Ideal In his search for beauty which harmonizes all life." Mrs. Scott will give art talks during the winter to thlt class of the ' Young Woman's Christian association. Mrs. John McDonald was hostess of the last meeting of the New Book Review club, twelve members being present. "Modern Madonna." by Stanley, was the book of the day, Mrs. W. E. Hitchcock giving the review. Mrs.. Fred Pearce will entertain the club at Its next meeting, February . The Women's Presbyterian union will meet at the First Presbyterian church next Wednesday. Devotional service will be held at 11 o'clock. Luncheon will be served at noon and In the afternoon a program will be given. . The Omaha Baptist women's quarterly meeting was held Friday at Grace Bap tist church. Devotional exercises were held In the morning and luncheon was served at noon. The afternoon waa devoted to the program, Reports were made from the various, circles, and Mrs. Kerr of Alnslee. Neb., state secretary of the Women's Baptist Foreign Missionary so ciety of the west, spoke of her work. Mrs. You'll find, If you haven't already done ao, that our "Nw Way" of laundry- ing ia by. all odds the bent way. It won't coat mucii to try It. A 'phone call to Douglas 254 will bring our wagon to your door. Better telephone now. CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 207 South 11th St. THE NEW WAY THIS WEEK ONLY we will offer a lot of fine, high grade FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA Haviland, Daulton and other renowned makes, at 331 DISCOUNT Regular retail price $10.00 to $50.00 per dozen. DON'T FAIL TO HEE THESE. Mawhinney (SL Ryan Co.N Jewelers and Importer. Fifteenth and Douglas. Only diamond importers in Omaha, as shown by the custom house record AUDITORIUM Championship Wrestling Match Farmer Burns - Chas. Hackenscfimldt WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 30 ItF.SERVED SEATS OOc, 75c and fl.OO General Admission to Balcony 25c beats go om sale at the Auditorium, Turadajr morning, January 229 XiADlEs) SPECIALLY INVITED Pnrmelee of Teksmah, of the flnnnclal committee of this organization.' told 'of the w.irk of raising fund for the er c tlon of a building in Chicago for a Bsptls. training school for young women. Mine. 1 oral Ira In Opera. NEW ORLKAN8. Jan. LV Madame Lil lian Norillcn returned to the operatic sIhkc here today by Joining the San Carlo Opera company Of the French opera house, it Is annonnot she will r"tonln with the com pany through the remainder of the season. N3 AN ARTISTIC MEDALLION PORTRAIT FREE WITH PURCHASES OF $10 OR MORE AT BRANDEIS Reproduced From Any 9 P . Good Photograph p These medallions are genuine j works of art all the beautyof hand tinted - Ivory or porcelain miniature. An ornament v and a;) p life-long keepsake. $ 15 Samples at the medallion coun- v y ter. a 8 Ask any of our clerks. & ' y BRANDEIS. i p OMAHA. U Table d'Uote Dinner, 40c ...WZTX FOWL, BOO. T , Cavler Tartlne Celery Hearts Queen Olives Blue Pplnts on Half Shell Chicken Broth with Rice Cpnsomme Royal Chicken Croquettes with Green Peas en Cream Roast Prime Ribs of Native Beef, Demi Qlace Roast Young Turkey Stuffed, Cranberry Pauce Roast Domestic Goose, Baked Apples Mashed or Steamed Potatoes Scalloped Tomatoes Chocolate Blanc Mange Ice Cream Cake Coffee Table d'Hote Dinner AT... Chesapeake Cafe SUNDAY: 11:30 a. m. lo 8:00 p. m. 1508-10 Howard Street Mask by Moullon's Orchestra. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER SUNDAY at IShe CALUMET HOTELS. PARK HOTEL SKVa2? rraetlcally fireproof. During the past summor entirely refuted and decorated; hot and cold running water In every ropm. Americun and Kuropean plan. 3. B. HAYXB, Xiessee and Manager. AUDITORIUM 7 Are Tastier Than Other Confections They are Just a little better than the best of other kinds because we take particular pains to make them better. They are made from the very best and most wholesome Ingredients obtainable and made by ex pert randy makers under our personal supervision. Our counters are supplied daily with fresh made chocolates from' our confectionery. Come in and let us show you how good, fresh and appetizing our chocolates really are. Once tried you will have n no other. Price, per pound '. UUC Put up In all sices of attractive fancy boxes at different prices. "RVERT FEW MINITTE8" CHOCOLATES, per pound. c. . "Every Few Minutes' Chocolates Is our new, popular price choco latespopular In price and popular in quality, None half so good for the money. DYBALL, Piano Have taken the musical critics of Omaha completely. The tone, touch and desgins of MEHLIN PIANOS are irresist ible and quickly find buyers whenever shown. NOTE THE ARTISTIC LINES OF STYLE "C" MEHLIN w.'-r. .oestfar BJ Ml! .. r iii y Stores: LINCOLN, BEATRICE. NORTH PLATTE. Wow Is the Time To purchase a SEWING MACHINE. Get ready for Spring Sewing. We carry a COMPLETE LINE. You should test the merits of the CELEBRATED NEW HOME MACHINE before deciding what make you will buy. Machines sold for Cash or Easy Payments OLD MACHINES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Supplies for all makes of Sewing Machines. Machines repaired and Machines for rent. Hayden Bros.' Sewing Machine Dept. DOUGLAS STREET ENTRANCE. Phone Douglas 2600 20 DISCOUNT SALE OF Picture Frames and Framing 20 per cent discount given on all mado-to-order and' ready-made frames commencing Monday, January 28th, and continuing for ten days. DO NOT MISS this opportunity to save money on framing those pretty calendars, photos, etc. Exquisite Calendars and Mottoes at 33V6 per cent off. A. HOSPE CO., 513 Douglas St. To tho Ladies of I wish to announce that I have opened an Exclusive Ladies' Tail oring Establishment at 2902 Farnam St. I am an expert Ladles' Tailor and Designer, having been employed in the largest ladles' tailoring es tablishments in the east. All work and fitting guaranteed to be first class. Being desirous of getting samples of my work before the ladies of Omaha-as soon as possible, I have placed my prices at the very lowest limit. You are cordially invited to call and see me. JAS. HEIMAN, Phone Harney 2047 -AT- - RIVERVIEW PARK THIS (SUNDAY) AFTERNOON GOOD ICE Take Albright Cars 6?0Goafes cPalaceS-Swttfs D ball's Chocolates 15 IS Douglas Street o mm tit JAP AA You are cordially Invited to rail at our HalcNroom and hear the swoet, singing tone of the Mehlln. Matthews Piano Go. 151315 Harnsjr St.. O n aha Opposite Burwood Theater 8 Omaha: 2902 Farnam Stree NO CHARGE to Dominion Street A i