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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1907)
A niE OMAHA SUNDAY TWZE: JANUARY 27, 1007. THOMPSON IS ; SATISFIED gUtornrj Oenfral Ditcnis Ftarine f th Tu Leghlgticn. THINKS ATTITUDE OF COURT FAVOR ABlt saa4 Abandon Their Contention thai Other Property In State la Assessed Too LoiMKra Ftarea aa , Valaatloa. (From a Staff CorresDondent.l UNCOLJM. Jan. 2ft. (Special.) Attorney wenenu THirniMon returned last nleht from Washington, where he, with Senator-Elect Horrlg Brown, represented the state In the taaea brought by the Union Pacific and BurUngton railroads to make perpetual a temporary Injunction to prevent the collec tion or their taxes In Nebraska, In excess of 80 per cent of the amount levied. 'Mr. Thompson la Well satisfied with the treat tnent accorded the Nebraska lawyers by the United States supreme court and feels safe In predicting a verdict against the railroads, II bases thta on the way the eourt treated the corporation lawyers and the many embarrassing questions asked them by members of the court. The fact that Justice Moody did not sit with the court during; the hearing operated to defeat the contention of the railroad for full court to hear the case. It was upon this ground the railroads secured de lays In the hearing. .. When the- case was ealled Justice Moody remarked that as he owned some stock In the Union Pacific he would not take part In the case and ex cused himself. . In discussing the case Mr. Thompson said: "Mr. Baldwin, for the Union Pacific, fetid the court the .late Edward Rosewater wae responsible for the . Increase In tho assessment of railroad property and that ha had created a public clamor for the Increase, and the State Board of Assess ment had - acted In accordance with the demands of the public and Edward Rose water, rather than upon the actual value of railroad property in the state." A Justice Interrupted to ask Mr. Baldwin tf Mr. Rosewater was a party to the suit. When Informed he was not the court re quested the railroad attorney not to "waste any time discussing public clamor." Mr. Thompson said the attorneys for the two railroads abandoned their contention that other property In Nebraska had been assessed too low.., 6ne of the lawyers was asked what ths Union Pacific was worth a mile In Nebraska and he replied S4S.000. Mr. Baldwin contended the state board 1 bad Included In Its calculations bonds and ! stocks of auxiliary roads, while Mr Greene contended the value of the Illinois and I' Iowa terminals had been imported to Ne braska to make up the board's assessment of the Burlington. Both lawyers dwelt at ! length upon the fact that the board had made an "arbitrary" reduction of $10,000 a mile to cover certain deductions, and they were Informed by the eourt that the arbi trary" reduction would cut no figure. FARMERS' INSTITUTE) AT BEATRICE i Gage Ooaaty Association , Baa Inter esting Pregrajn. BEATRICES, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.) Friday was the big day at the farmers' Institute nera and there was a much larger attendance than on the previous day.- J. E. Atkinson of Pawnee -City spoke on good roads at the morning session, which brought out a lengthy discussion, partic ipated In by J. U Rhodes, ' Robert Wilson and many others.- The use' of the. King drag for Improving the road was advo cated. ' '' A free lunch waa served at nooo. and at t:-"Ccock President Nlckell announced the following' prlae winners: i. W1Ue . Bread First. Mrs. John Car tnlchael: second, Mrs; Ellsa Morse; third, Mrs. Idary Stutsman; fourth, Dora Stuts man.' ' . ,,',".. Corn Bread First, Mrs. Estella Sparks; second, Mrs. Estella Lewis; third, Mrs. Robert Wilson; fourth. Miss Mary Wilson. Doughnuts First, Mrs.- Estella Sparks; second, Mrs. J. A. Elliott; third, Mrs. Mary Folsom; fourth, Mrs. 8. W. Wadsworth.' These officers were elc'.ed for. the coining year: A. H. Kldd. president; J. U Rhodes, vice president; R. E. Blodgett, secretary ; M. A. Bhedd, treasurer. . Ex-Oovernor Poynter's lecture at I o'clock on "The Kind of a Dairy Cow for tlge Farmer" waa full , of "meat and was listened to with the closest attention. He Is an excellent speaker, and a profitable and . lively discussion, led by J. B. Smith, followed. "Poultry and Profit" was the next subject, and It was handled In a very practical way by D. P. Ashburn of Gib bon. Neb. Speaking of the incubator, he said It' had coma to stay, but the faculty of eternal vigilance was neceasary in run ning IL Short talks were made by Dr. MeCleery. J. -A. Elliott and Q. A. Wleve. 'after which Miss Rosa Bouton of the state unlverlslty gave an Interesting address on household economics in the equity court room. This was attended mainly by mem bers of the Woman's club and girls of the i high school. During Miss Bouton's lecture the prise products were sold at auction by Amos Queln, ten ears of White Yellow ; Dent corn bringing as high aa II X. Butter sold for 36 cents per pound. At the evening session D. P. Ashburn i spoke on "The Boys and Girls of American 'Homes"- and ex -Governor Poynter. on ' "Some Essentials to Successful Farming." , These addresses were the best of the entire Institute. Prof. Watts' military band fur- ' nlshed the music. - The Institute has been the most success ful In point of attendance and Interest shown of any yet held. In Gage county. BIO Mil OF POLAND-CHINAS Bayer Come . from Six States aad Prices Rale Hlah. FVLLERTON, Neb., Jan. M. (Special.) ' This is undoubtedly the largeat Poland China sale ever held In Nebraska" were the words of T. C. Callahan yesterday at the close of the sak at Cedar Bank Poland China farm of T. F. Miller, a mile east of this city, where he had In two hours sold forty thoroughbred sows and two thtrough bred boars for the sum of S3.875. an average Of $87.60 each. Peter Sterling, a seven-year-old boar, the head of Mr. Miller's herd, was sold to B. T. Wray of Maryvllle, Mo., for $112. while nine sows of. the hog's get sold for tl.197. or an average of $13$ per head. - There were men In attendance at the aale from the states of Illinois. Iowa. Missouri, Kan sas. South Dakota and Nebraska Out of the forty-two bead sold only nve head were purchased by Nance county breeders. Mr. Miliar has been a breeder of Poland China hogs for twenty-eight years and has spared neither time nor money In the bus iness. He is highly gratified at the result of the aale and la the recipient of many eomplimenta from breeders assembled here. KCOKD TRIAL OF DR. CATC ENDS Defease Seeka ta Shew He Stabbed Loo Craaa ta Bell-Defease. NELSON. Neb., Jan. Si (Special.)-The evidence In the .trial of Dr. W. A. Cate, ehaiged with assault with Intent to kill lm Grata, was concluded late Friday night and the attorneys spent today in argu ment. . . . . County Attorney J. T. Dyaart. assisted by ea-Gouaty Attorney W. F. Buck of . Su perior and Charley Sloan of Harvard, ap peared for the state and H. H. Mauck for the defease. About fifty witnesses ware Tiny biti of former prices represent mi r present valua' lion, the divert nee your gain mm 1 rchard & Wilhelm Carpet So. 414-16-18 South Sixteenth .Street. The i tore that serves you best. Courteous attention, prompt deliveries, and bargain prices SfSfOOO WORTH OF LHCE CURTAINS go on sale tomorrow, Monday morning, at 25 percent less than wholesale prices. These are odd lace curtains and dropped numbers, taken from our wholesale stock: Notting ham Cable Nets and Dentelle Arabians. See them tomorrow. It's a money-saving chance you can't afford to miss. 25 Per Cent Less Than Wholesale Prices Odd half pairs of Curtains, traveling men's samples and all odd lengths; go on sale Monday in one lot, each . . . 14c $2.00 Nottingham Curtains, novelty de signs. Though not finely woven, there are more Nottingham curtains sold than any other kind. It's because they wear well and wash well; special sale, per pair . . . 95c $3.75 extra fine Madras weave Notting ham Curtains, dainty bordered pat terns, full 3V2 yards, long, 50 inches wide, 340 pairs, each worth $3.75; spe cial sale, per pair $1.85 $5.00 Cable Net Curtains, in Battenburg patterns, most serviceable curtain made, 1,150 pairs, 12 patterns; special sale, per pair $2.95 $8.75 heavy corded Dentelle Arabian Curtains, only 380 pairs, 7 patterns. They are beauties, every pair worth $8.75; special sale, per pair $3.65 liemnants of Cretonne, odd lengths,- worth up to 75c yard; special, each, 9c Window Shades, made from odd lengths of hand made cloth, worth 75c; sjiecial '. 119c $12.50 Mercerized Portieres, in all col- ors, silk cord edge or fringe top and bottom; special, per pair $6.35 BED SETS Made from cretonne cr French muslin all colors, with bolster covers, reg ular price $6.75; special, each, $2.75 BRie.a.BRAe OIL LA'MPS- AT HALF PRICE. LAMP SIIADES- AT HALF PRICE. VASES-ONE-THIRD OFF. MARBLE PIECES- GREATLY REDUCED. STOVES AND KITCHEN FURNISHINGS All the latest kitchen appliances and conveniences. Everything to make kitchen work easier and pleasanter. ' '.- - 'We are importers and sole agents for the celebrated Elite Enameled Ware, in white. The cleanest and most sanitary ware you can put in your kitchen. It means long service, good looks and extraordinary, values., , ,We give an unquestionable guarantee with every piece sold. i . , In buying' a Buck's Steel Range you get the very perfection of the stove maker's art,, both in construction and material.- We can save you money on a range or cook stove. Let us show you. ...... A complete and attractive line of Chafing Dishes, Coffee Percolators, Bak ing Dishes, etc., at the most most reasonable prices. a- 3S-- ill mi PTl mm Music Cabinet (like rut) Quartrrruwed golden ox.k. highly polished; French legs; top is 19xH In. Regular priee, $14.00, January Sule $10.75 Mission Taboret (like cut) Weathered oak; top Is 14-ln. square, covered lt.i Spanish ieathnr, Mu lshed with antique nails. Heavy un suhntantlal. Regular price, $5.00. Jan uary salev $1.7S JANUARY FURNITURE STILE has broken all previous records. Heavy buying of manufacturers' sample lines, and in some cases, entire made-up stocks, enables us to offer values that the public is quick to take advantage o If you have not seen the bargains we are offering, come tomorrow. Positive worth and genuine reductions make this a buying 9pportunity not to be missed. SSTv Sfou Davenport, large and luxurious; highly polished w I niltirfprantrod oml.lon .-voir framo. tl. Iu :n red silk vclour; January sale .$37.00 $60.00 Parlor Suite; mahogany; pretty divan and arm chair; January sale $27.50 $106.00 Antwerp Oak Dining Suite; round table, pretty buffet and china cabinet with leaded glass doors January sale $83.75 $153.00 EarlyEnglish Dining Suite; table, china cab inet and buffet; massive design with dull brass trimmings January sale .$111.50 $40.00 China Cabinet; popular Early English fin ish January sale $29.00 $50.00 Fumed Oak Buffet, January sale $37.50 $17.50 Early English Serving Table, Jan. sale $12.00 T-A BLES $3.50 Tables, in oak or mahogany, brass feet, . January sale '.....$2.25 $5.50 Mission Table, weathered oak, 24-inch top, January sale.1 y $3.75 $9.75 Parlor Table, massive design, mahog any finish, heavy twisted legs, feet of brass claws and glass balls, January sale... $7.50 $11.50 Mahogany Parlor Table, octagon top, January sale $8.76 $24.00 Tilt Top Table, genuine mahogany, round top, 42 inches in diameter, January sale : ....$12.75 $24.00 Work Table, hand polished golden quarter-sawed oak, colonial pattern, with glass knobs, January sale $18.75 $35.00 Library Table, heavy design, top is 48x28 inches, January sale. $24.50 ROCKERS , $7.50 Golden Oak Rocker, large size, January sale $5.00 $9.00 Golden- Oak Ann Chair, January sale $8.75 $11.00 Golden Oak Ann Rocker, leath- , er seat, "January sale $8.75 $12.00 Rocker, mahogany finish, Jan uary sale $7.75 $15.00 Golden Oak Arm Chair, leather upholatered, January, sale. . . .$10.75 $52.00 Rocker; solid mahogany,' or nately carved, leather upholstered, January sale ...... i .. w ... . $37.00 Music Cabinets and Ladies' Desks; 18:50 Music Cabinets, January gale. . .'. $8.."?0 $19 MubIc Cabinet, January bale S15.7S $12 Desks, golden oak, January sale. 197.75 $11.60 Desks, bird's-eye maple, January sale . . . . SI1.50 $16 Desks, golden oak, January sale. .912.75 $18.50 Desk," genuine mahogany, Janu ary sale '. .914.50 gcala T 9 w ms Tarem7 53 iffSl J China Cab;net (like cut) Early English, with c-opper trlmmlnsd, largo mission dP slgn: 6.1-in. high. 49 wide ani 15 deep. Regular price, $4S, . January aale 133.75 Parlor Table Hike cut) Quarterftawed golden oak, highly hand-pnllnhed; oval top, IOxS2-ln. Pretty, grace - ful pattern. Itugular price, .$16. 80, January sale ..$12. 50 BIB Early English Buffet (like cut) Large copper hinges and handles; mirror- back, with pretty shelf; Is 60-ln. high, 49-ln. wide, 24-ln. deep. Regular price, $52.00, January , jsale $38.50 Dresser (like, cut) Genulna Tuna mahogany, highly polished; a e 1 1 top arid top drawers; dirge oval mirror; carved ornamenta tion. Regular price, $20.00, Jan uary sale $16.75 75c Brussels Carpet for. . . ,50c $1.00 Bruseela Carpet for. .75c CARPETS ( The greatest line of drop pat terns in ' Carpets ever put on sale at one time. Patterns that can't be duplicated and must be closed out at sacrifice prices. $1.20 Axminster Carpet for 90c $1.10 Velvet Carpet for 75c $1.35 Velvet Carpet for. . . .93c $1.75 Wilton Carpet for. .$1.25 STOCK RUGS Still further reductions on all Stock Rugs. These were great bargains at the original prices. $19 Axminster, 8-3x9, for $13.00 $20 Brussels, 10-6x12, for $15.00 $20 Brussels, 9x12, for. $15.00 $24 Axminster, 8-6x10-6, for... $16.00 $22 Body Brussels, 6x9, for. . . .$16.00 $22 Axminster, 8-3x10-6, for... $16.00 $21 Body Brussels, 8-3x8-3, for $16.50 $24 Axminster, 10-6x10-10, for, $18.00 $24 Axminster. 8-3x11-6, for... $19.00 $25 Brussels, 10-6x12, for. . . . . ; $20.00 $26 Axminster, 10-6x12, for. . . .$20.00 $27 Wilton, 8-3x11-9, for: .$21.00 $28 Axminster, 10-6x11-6, for. . $22.00 $25 Wilton Velvet, 8-3x10-9, for. $22.50 $28.50 Wilton, 8-3x10-6, for. . . .$24.50 , $29 Axminster, 8-3x11, for, .. . .$24.50 $30 Wilton Velvet, 8-3x10-9, for, $25.00 : $31.50 Wilton, 8-3x12, fpr. . . . . .$25.00 $31 Body Brussels, 9x11-3, for. .$26.00 , $38 Axminster, 10-6x12, for. .7.$29.00 COCOA MATS Made from the pure cocoanut fiber. The most durable mat purchasable 49c to the finest quality im ; ported mat, with inlaid colors, $4.00. . ' ' ; examined. The defendant endeavored to show that In atabbln Oraaa ha waa acting In Belt defense and had been forced to battle by him and tha Interference of hla brother. On the contrary, the state made tha claim that the doctor had made many threats of bodily Injunry, that Grass had no knife and that his brother, who had a knife, did not use It nor Interfere In the quarrel. The case waa heard In district court a year age and the Jury disagreed. Blnca that time the case has been con tinued several times until now there la a deep Interest manifested. Much difficulty was encountered In getting a Jury. OSBORN'S "KKIKK I T1IB DOOR" Blair Astker, Parnserlr af Taa Bea BtaaT, Has a Hew ls, BLAIR, Neb., Jan. J6- (Special.) A short story from the pen of Stanley It Osbern of this city, son of the late Hon. Ij. W.- Oeborn, who wis consul general to Bamoa for several years, haa been ac cepted by the Cosmopolitan and appears In the February number. The title of the story Is "The Knife In tha Door." It Is the second effort of Mr. Osborn to be ac cepted by a leading magasine'. The plot of the story la laid In Samoa, where the author lived with hla father for six years.' Mr. Osborn was at one time a member of The Bee staff. He now Uvea with his mother at the old home In Blair, where be was born and spent his boyhood. ISTEKVRBM (HiSGES PROPOSAL Hamlltna Connty Voters Have Sew Proposition aa Eleetrle line. AURORA. Neb., Jan. 2C (Special.) J. C. Baker of the Omaha A Hastings Central Nebraska Electric Railroad company was In the city Tuesday meeting the commis sioners and arranging for the calling of another bond election. Tha precincts that will ba Included In the election call In this county at this time will be Aurora, Hamil ton. I'nlon and BcovllL The proposed routs will be cleared up at this end of the line before proceeding farther east, as some da. elded changes are contemplated along trie route east from Grant precinct in this county. The election la to take place Mon day, February B. Numerous ohanges have been made la what the people may expect In case bonds are voted and ths road built On of the most Important changes Is that the company binds Itself and agrees to accept shipment of stock In carload lots and another wherein the rate of interest on the bonds has been reduced to 4' per cent. CHILD PROTECTION AND PI RE FOOD West Point Woman's Clab Endorses Proposed Leatalatlon. WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. S.-(gpeclal.) The Woman's club met at the "home of Mrs. J. F. Losch. The subject for the evening was the works of Oliver Wendell Holmes. f The following resolution was adopted; Behaving that the child labor law af. fords Insufficient protection for children, and that Nebraska should adopt measures similar to those enforced In Illinois and other states, which have recently con sidered this question, we endorse H. R. 9. And also believing the most effective means of preventing child labor Is a xtrong cornnulHory education law, we endorse 8. F. 60, and earnestly request your sup port of these two measures. And also believing that there is great need of a law In our state which shall prevent the sale of adulterated, deleterious and polaonnus foods, drugs and medicines, we do petition you to use your best efforts to secure the passage of a state pure food law In conformity with the national law, and that sufficient appropriation be made to enforce the same. elk from which tho horns came was killed by Indians In the southwest part of this county thirty-five years ago. The antlers were found by Gustave Sonnenscheln und Carl Beyendorf and were sold by them for a trille to Tobias Mack. Mr. Mack placed them In the haymow of hla barn and there they remained until a year ago, when they were purchased by Mr. Miller and sent to a taxidermist to be mounted. They are a One pair with six prongs each and are In a good state of preservation. Mr. Miller values them highly because the elk was killed by Indians and In this county. Rl'lVAWAY BOYS ARE GATHERED IX West Paint Yoangsters Who Left Home Armed Are Bresskt Bark. WEST POINT. Neb.. Jan. 28. (Special.) Tha two boys, Joseph Peatrowsky and Vlo tor Dornblaster, who rsn away from their homes and whose description was circulated broadcast, were captured by the city mar shal of Emerson, and returned to their parents yesterday. The boys, after leav ing home, were apparently undecided as to which section of the country offered the greatest Inducements, they having doubled on their track Jeveral time visiting Teksmah twice and Journeying from there to Emerson, where they were captured, avoiding all towns between the two placea rtae Elk Aatlera with History. STANTON. Neb., Jan. M.-(8peclal.)-Lav! Miller, president of the First National bank at this place, has Just had mounted a pair of n elk antler that are historic la oonnectloa with Stanton count. Ths SIX IX FAMILY MEET FIRST TIME Thonsk Yaaanjest la Past Flftr. Broth ers Were Never Together Before. BLAIR. Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.) Six brothers and sisters, the youngest 61 and the oldest 72, were together the first time on Thursday evening at the home of the late Hon. Perry Selden In this city. Mrs. Llda M. Selden entertained her three brothers, Wlllard, Job and Myson, and two sisters. Mrs. Mattte Davis of Omaha and Mrs. Elizabeth Skinner of Coffeyville. Kan. Twenty relatives attended the unique family reunion. Not even when children at the old home at Amherst. Hampshire county. New Hampshire, did the six brothers and sisters ever come together at one time. The elder brothers had left home before the younger ones were born. Mrs. Selden and Mr. J. W. Newell lived for some years In Omaha. CIT ICE WHILE THE COLD LASTS Platte la Froaea from Bank to Bnnk aad Da image le Fenred Later. FREMONT. Neb.. Jan. 28. (Special.) The mercury reached t below aero this morning, the coldest of th season. The Platte Is now fmsen solid from bank to bank and as It was high there will be more Ice than usual to go out later. A plan Is being con sidered by the bridge committee of the county bosrd and of the Commercial club to devise some means If possible to divert the current west of the city to a channel south of the first Island where it once wss. FAIRBLHY, Neb.. Jan. .26. (Special. ) The tc cutting season commenced yester day. The weather haa been so warm until tVia week that no ice frose oyer four Inches thick, but tns last few days baa Increased Its thickness to eight Inches, and the quality la excellent. Smallpox at Ansler. AN3LEY, Neb.. Jan. 28 (Special.) On January 1G at the Methodist banquet at which Ex-Governor Mickey preached. Miss Ruby CannTm who was present took sick and has since been confined to her bed. Thursday afternoon Drs. E. A. Hanna and W. B. Young pronounced the case one of small pox and quarantined tha Cannon home. News of Nebraska. THfRSTON The new school house at Thurston is nearing completion. DAVID CITY The supreme court has granted a rehearing In the Cheney will' case. BEATRICE Mel Rawlings of Wymoro haa put a force of nearly lui men to work harvesting Ice. BEATRICE Mrs. Amelia Osborn. wife of C. A. OHhorn, an old resident of Beatrice, died suddenly on Saturday. DAVID CITY John Eberly will com mence work In the Central Nebraska Na tional bank as bookkeeper. COLUMBIA'S Rev. E. J. Ulmer has tendered his resignation as pastor of the First Baptist church to take effect June 1. SCHUYLER The annual masquerade ball will be given by the Schuvler Social club at the Yanecek opera house Monday evening. PLATT3MOUTH George W. Vallery, general manager of the Colorado Midland, and his wife have been visiting relatives in this city. DAVID CITY Rev. Mr. Butkner. pas, tor fit the Methodist Episcopal church, hue been chosen as platform manager of the David City Chautauqua. DAVID CITY The funeral of L. D. Hawthorne was held from the family residence. By request of Mayor Ross all business houses were closed. SCHUYLER-Wells. Abbott A Nlemans Villlng buxlness has shown a big increase recently. They shipped out seventy cars of mill products the last week. NEBRASKA CITY An Incipient Are wae discovered In the celling of the ottlce at the Morton house. Prompt action of the department prevented serious damage. COLl'MBL'8 The Oeriuan National bank haa been designated as the deposi tory of the county funds and haa put up a bond in tho sum of $40,000. SL'THER LA N D The Farmers' institute in the opera house was fairly well at tended, considering the Inclement weathtr. More Interest Is being taken In these meet ings. BEATRICE Rockford schools closed Friday Uiat lbs pupils could attend tH farmers' Institute here. Thirty pupils at- ( lenaea ine meeting, returning nome in ins evening. BKKMRR A special meeting of the town- smp uukiu wss uriu mis wees, xur mo yui- , pose of appointing a Justice of ths peace. I George Van Auker was appointed to the position. M INDEN Unless the weather gets too severe the new depot will be ready for use in a short time. Ths freight room is be ing pushed to completion In advance of the other parts. BKKMKR Emll Dossow Is up In Gregory county. South Dakota, visiting his brother. Erwln. Since going there he has secured a position aa assistant cashier of the Greg ory State bank. BEATRICE A farmers' Institute opened at Virginia Friday nornlng with a fair attendance. W. H. Moiiler of Falls City and Dr. Peters, state veterinarian, ad dressed the meeting. DAVID CITY Tha Union Pacific will complete Its track . this week between tStromsburg and Central City. Tha time card to Central City will go Into effect buuday, February t. COLUMBUS The trust formed by the liverymen of (Vlumbus haa been broken by the farmers not patronising them st their trust rates. Teams can now be cared for at old prices. PLATT8MOUTH Ed Fltxgerald Is posi tive he saw Roscoe Wort man and Frank Dewey, each 13 years of age, who ran away from home near Cedar creek about Christ inas time, in this city recently. SUTHERLAND Revival services are being held at the Methodist Episcopal church. It Is expected to have day serv ices, as- well as the regular evening meet ings during the coming week. SCHUYLER A banket ball game will be flayed here Wednesday between the Schuy ler High school and the South Omaha High school Both schools have strong ' teams, so a hard played game la expected. BEATRICE Frank salts, a local les dealer. Is harvesting Ice fourteen inches In thickness on tils artificial lake north went of town. He Is also putting up eight-inch Ice from the Blue river. WEST POINT Former Deputy Sheriff H. K. Kelso has purchased the meat market lately owned ky Geqrge Mulllna at Pender, and will conduct the aame In the future, making Pender hla permanent home. TBCI H8EH Dillon tt Buerstetta, the local icemen, expect to begin storing! he crop next Tuesday. The ice on the Nemaha la said to be from seven to nine Inches In thickness. It Is hoped to harvest ten-Inch ice. liEEMER-H. W. Ludwlg received a mes sage from Atlentown, Pa., announcing the death of his mother. Mrs. Ludwlg had many friends In this vicinity, having visited here twice. Apoplexy was tha cause of death. NORTH PLvATTE Miss Nettie Himanta and Timothy Lake were united In marriage at the bom of tn bride a parents la tha presence of 100 guests. The ceremony was erted three-course lunch Was hYLi'KT.Ti!i.debaUn1 elub av ' third debate Friday evening. The subject discussed was, "Resolved, That inventions classes" condition of the laboring VALLEY The Standard Bridge company haa a steam plledrlver and force of men st work upon the Platte river brldgv. Extra heavy ice breaks of twenty-one long pH a each are to be put In across the entire west Channel. TECUMSEH Big prices were realixed at the sals of Duroo-Jersey swine of f'evk He Putman. Thirty-four animals were sold, averaging M. Banner's Top. a 2-year-oM sow, was sold to W. H. Halth, sr.. of Vest. for $r2n. i FAIRBURY The second annual fair iT the Eagles has been a great success. Val uable presents have been awarded ticket holders each evening; Including a driving horse and buggy, a diamond and other val uable articles. COLUMBUS The board of supervisors estimates the amount required to pay the expenses of running Platte county for the year 107 at Mi.iOO. This Is the amount that will have to be paid by thn taxpayera. . COLUMBUS Transfers of property recorded In the county clerk's office for the last week amounted to the sum f 139.138 and the decreased Indebtedness as shown by mortgages filed and released was I9.SS3.70. TABLE ROCK Masonic and Eastern Star lodges gave a farewell reception to Mr. and Mrs. James Tlllotaon, who are leaving for their future home at Hebron. NVI,. Nearly W0 were present. An elaborate lunch waa served. COLUMBUS The fire whistle and the ringing of bells called the firemen down to the south part pt the city near Seventh and Q streets. There wss a small fire In a building owned by Mr. Covey and occu pied by a Polish family. PLATTBMOUTH The finance committee of the Degree of Honor, Grand t'hlef Mrs Mary A. Latkey. Mrs. Lorena Callin.'Mrs. Anngbella McDonald Mrs. Prona V an Andel, Mrs. Chapman and A. G. Greeulee held a session here Friday. SCHUYLER The Wells Orocery company has sold Its entire stock to T. L. Maurr. A Co., who will carry on the business In tha same place. T. L, Maurer ac Co. has four stores now, Including one at Atkin son, Neb., and two in Iowa. NEBRASKA CITY Articles of Incorpora tion are being drawn up by local residents to form a company to be known as the Western land company. The capitaliza tion Is to tie for SloO.uOO and the uAirp of the organisation Is the development en I operation of lo.kxi acres or land In Keith coanty. Lagan Enyart. H. 11. Hanks, F. " 1 : ' . (Continued on Fourth Page.) ..