Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1907, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 8, Image 28

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High Quality i Low Prices are Powerful Arguments for Monday Buying
Plain and Fancy Silks
Worth up to $1.00 per yard at '..
Over 7,000 yards of Beautiful Silks, the display of
which in our 16th St. window has created so much excite
ment the past few days, WILL BE PLACED ON SALE
All classes of silks, short lengths from our own stock, mill
lengths and remainders of job lots, values, if sold in a reg
ular way up to $1.00, to close Monday, on bargain square
at, yard 15
75c and $1.00 novelties, checks, stripes, figures, Foulards,
Louisienes, Taffetas, etc, in great variety of colors, on sale
in main silk department Monday at, yard 49 1
27-inch Glasse Taffetas and Fancy Suiting Silks, Plain
Louisienes, 19-inch color Taffetas, 27-inch black Taffetas
it's an unusual assortment of high class silks, Monday
at, yard 59
Soft Finish Black Taffeta, 35 Inches Wide Just five pieces
in stock will be placed on sale Monday at, yard G9
You could not buy this silk at wholesale today at the
prices we offer it in Monday's sale.
A 6plendid new line of Corset
Cover Embroideries on sale
Monday at, yard, 59cj 39c, 29c
and 19
New Embroidery Ckirt Floun
cings, a beautiful assortment,
of newest patterns specially
priced for Monday's sale at,
yard, C9c, 59c, 49c, 39o
and ; 29
Edges and Insertings A big lot
of strip pieces on sale Monday,
great snap, at, yard 3
Allover Embroideries A full
line of new goods. Unmatched
values at, yard, 98c, 59c
and .39
Final Clearance of Winter Garments
New spring stocks are rapidly arriving. Our cloak buyer is now in New York, purchasim?,
gooas w complete our spring siock oi reaay-to-wear garments. This
means sacrifice every winter garment to make room for new, spring stock
you'll never surpass the values.
915 and $20 Coate la great assortment
and fancy mixture, will go Into this sale,
at, choice $4.00
Handsome Coat that Bold regularly at $?5
-and $30, la Monday's sale, choice $10
Women's Skirts that sold at $6 and $7,
cnolc $2.98
Women's $8 and Walking Skirts,
at $4.98
Elegant Tailor Suits Regular $20 and
$25 values about 175 garments In the
lot to select from, at, choice. .. $8.90
Only a few Fur Coats left and they must
be closed out this week. Now is your Op
portunity to secure bargains never before
Astrakhan Fur Coats that sold at $40 and
$46 choice in this sale. $19.90
Fine Near Seal Coats that sold at $60 "and
$66 choice' In this sale $2o
Women's $6 Silk Underskirts, choice
i o no
Women's Walsta In great assortment of
wool materials, nun's veilings and wash
fabrics, all colors and styles $2 values,
to close, at G9
From 8 till 9 a. m. Women's $1.00 Under-
k,rt 390
From 8:30 till 0:30 a. m. Women's $5.00
. Beaver Shawls $1.98
From 9 till 10 a. ra. Women's $1.50 long
Kimonos , 590
From 0:80 tUl 10:30 a, m Children's
76c Bonnets ; 190
From 10 till 11 a. m Children's $1.00
Dresses 390
48 lb. Sack Uayden Bros.' XXX X Flour
We have decided to continue our Intro
ductory sale of Women's Underskirts for
one more day, Monday, January 28th, and
on this day to Introduce our new spring
Underskirt stock we will give, free of
charge, one sack of Hayden Bros.' XXXX
Flour Free with every underskirt pur
chased at $1.08 or Over.
The final wind-up of our Janu
ary Linen Sale will be a hummer.
Read the foUowing Items and come
and see for yourself:
All our 72-in. double satin Table
Damask, sold regularly at $4.60
a yard. at. yard $3.98
AU our 72-ln. double satin Table
Damask, that sold regularly at
$3.60 a yard, at, yard. . .$2.98
All our 72-ln. double satin Uble
Damask that sold regular at $3
yara. at, y $1.98
AU our 7J-in. Satin Table Damask
that sold regularly at $3.00 yd.,
yd $1.25
All our 72-ln. Satin Table Damask
that sold at $1.76 yard, at,
ard 980
All our Irish bleached Table Linen
that sold regularly $1.76 yd.,
at. yd Qg
All our bleached Irish Linen that
Bold up to $1.16 at yard, at 75
Pattern Cloths with napkins to
match. In all the latest designs
for both round or square table,
plain and scollop edges, all sizes,
that sold from $5.00 up to $30
a set. We will give 26 off for
this sale only.
All our Satin Marseilles Bed
Spreads, fringed or plain cut or
square corners, that sold from
$4.25 to $16.00. We will give
25 off In this sale only.
Domestic Bed Spreads, In Mar
seilles and honeycomb patterns,
fringed or plain, full size, at
$2.00, $1.75, $1.49 and... 080
81x90 bleached seamless Sheets,
extra heavy, regular 85c quality,
only 6 to a customer at..(J5
81x90 bleached seamless Sheets,
regular 76c grade, at ....55
81x90 bleached hemstitched Sheets
.made from the best sheeting,
regular $1.25 grade, only 6 to a
customer, at, pair gg
42 and 45-in. Pillow Cases, reg-
ular 15c quality, at 10$
42 and 45-in. hemstitched Pillow
Cases, regular 18c grade 120
42-ln. Pillow Cases, made from
good heavy muslin, only 6 to a
customer, at, pair 8W
One lot of assorted Huck and Da
mask tdwels, all linen and
union, extra large size, worth up
10 ic, at -in
Curtains and Draperies
We carry the finest goods made in this department, as
well as the most popular. Don't miss Monday's special
Laces 2c
"We will clean up every one of
our odd pieces in Val. Laces
and Insertings that sold at 5c,
8c and 10c a yard, Monday in
one great lot at one 0 1 1
price, per yard tLC
25c Handkerchiefs 75c
All odd lots or slightly soiled
Handkerchiefs from our im
mense stock, worth up to 25c,
on sale Monday, to 7'
. close at, choice .. I C
Duchess Lace Curtains at
$15, $12.50 and.. $10.00
Saxony Brussels Curtains
at $25 down to $12.50,
$10.50 and ....... .$9.00
Double Net Brussels Cur
tains at $8.50, $
Hand Made Arabian Cur
tains at $20 down to $12.50
and $10.50
Zion City Lace Curtains at
$8.50, $6.50, $6, $4.50
and $2.98
Zion City Barnett at $2.50,
$2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25
and 98
1,500 Lace Curtains, full
size, at, pair, 98c, 75c, 69c,
59o and . .. . 49
Dentelle Arabian, corded
pattern, extra heavy, full
size, $5, $4.50, $4.25
and $3.75
Cluny Lnce Curtains, 3-inch
hem, linen lace, $6, $5, $4.50
and $3.95
36-inch Fancy Swiss at 25o,
15c, 12i2c, 10c and..72
50c Madras, 45 inches wide,
at 35
Oeonne, Satins, Cotton
Tapestry, at, yard, 19c
and 15d
Rorento Jlepp at, yard.35
Pacific Taffeta, in new de
signs, at, yard 50
Tape try Portieres, in all
colors and styles, at, pair,
$15 down to $6.50, $4.98
and $2.98
Unmatched Furniture Bargains
The tremendous increase in sales in our Furniture Depart
ment during this month has been no surprise to us. We were
confident of the appreciation of value by the general public and
knew our complete assortments would please the most particular
purchasers. .
The advantages of our perfect Credit System are freely of
fered all purchasers in this department '
Extension Table Quartered oak.
polish finish, top 45-lnches in
diameter. In 6 ft. a $15.85
value, at
In 8 ft. a $16.85 value, at.91S.8S
Weathered Oak root Stool (like
cut) 6 Inches high a regular
45c value Just 100ln the lot. at.'
eacn aoo
UI Corner Chair (like
cut) solid oak golden
finish, neat and strong
sale price 91.99
A 912.50 Conch 78 Inches long, 80 Inches wide,
made of quarter-sawed oak, upholstered in best
grade velour, has steel construction spring and
Is SDlendid value at' 112.60 sale price $8.50
Dining Chairs About 160 box seat Dining Chairs,
made of quarter sawed oak, fine golden finish,
has leather seat with hand made cane seat under.
neath S3 values, while they last $1.05
mcbrealcsiBargainslhalWcre Ever Knownin Omaha Will Be Given in Our BargainRoom Commencina MondavMorninnatSA M
regular 10o and 12i2c, will go at, yard 33 ROOM S rLinJ ?n! ? JP" m this sale at, each 5 12-50 pair, to close quickly, win go at
&j&mi&t 1. ?f A 50 pieces TnrfeyTed Damask, in S.,,," 50 dozen of 19 d 25c ''
Une largo counter of mite Goods, Prints, stnpes, fancies, etc., that checks, plaids, all fine styles reff- 50 pieces of extra wid 14 f ToweIs Linen Huckaback J;11- Pa,r- to close quickly, at,
SrrtolJ Sr11?111'-31 gradiwmgnSrai "SSkS will go in this sale at. 10 it''uj'JSt
C:'Z, up t0 19c' wdl S h 36-mch Percales, fine styles, that at, per yard If ular kq nuv w;n 5 !t 100 dozen Towels. bWlmd . wul1 8n uiariy at each; m this
per yard ...5fc
100 pieces of 25o Dotted Swiss,
strictly fine goods, on sale at, per
yard 934
One large square of Fleece Lined
Flannelettes, 27 in. wide, regu-
soid for 10c and 120, will go
ftt 434o
36-inch French Percales, extra col
ors, extra cloth, that sells at 12y2o
and 15c per yard, finest styles
made, will go at, per yard. .7Vs
trr-w TrniiH aft 1
' h" UC
50 pieces of 25o Bleached Table
Damask, will go in this sale at, per
yard j :12V2
50 pieces Pure Linen Damask, regu
lar 75c goods, will go in this sale
at, per yard 38
ular 59o quality, will go in this
sale at, per yard...' 9
100 dozen Sheets, regular 50c qual
ity, will go in this sale at. . .34
100 dozen Towels, in bleached and
unbleached, Turkish, Bleached
Huckaback, that sold up to 12Vc,
The Leading Dress Goods House ',1 West
This is the last call for, winter goods, and in order to make room for the
largest stock of high grade Wool, Dress Goods that was ever brought to Oma
ha for Monday and Tuesday we will make the most sweeping reductions that
were ever miown m ims town in mis class 01 goods.
All our $1 All Wool Fancies will go at,
per yard : 48
All our $1.25 Fancies, 46 and 54 inches
wide, that we sold for $1.25 a yard,
will go at, per yard 69
All our 46 to 54-inch Fancies that sold
at $1.50 will go at, per yard. . . .78
All our $1:98 Cloakings, $1.98 Fancy
Dress Goods, etc., will go in' this sale
at, per yard, .OS
All our $2.50 extra fine Tailor Suit
ings, in fancies, including grays and
other shades will go at, per yard,
only .....?1.12la
All our $1 and $1.25 Cream Fancy Mo
hair Waistings will go at, per yard,
only 744
All our Black Dress Goods, includ
ing the entire stock excepting Lans
downe, for these two days' sales, 40
per cent off.
1,000 other bargains too numerous
to mention.
Our High Grade Wash Goods De
partment is now complete, and the
finest 6tock of foreign and domestic
wash fabrics that was ever seen in this
town is now on display. Be sure and
examine them before buying.
Arnold's Print Silk Wash Goods at,
per yard 25t
Arnold's Print Silk Wash Goods at,
per yard .30
Arnold's Print Silk Wash Goods at;
Per yard I....50
All the finest woven fabrics that are
made, including foreign and domes
tic, at, per yard, 50c, 39c and. .25
Anderson Genuine Scotch Ginghams,
in checks and 6tripes, 32 inches wide,
at, per yard 25
Parkhill's, finest Ginghams made at,
per yard, 25o and 19,
The, celebrated Toil du Nord Ging
hams at, per yard lSVa
These are only a few Items as an index to
what we have In stock.
Samples snt to all out-of-town customers.
Mall orders promtly attended to.
Our Great White Goods Dept.
is the finest in the West. Everything new , for spring, 1907, from all countries
in this department, and prices are as low as others ask for inferior quality.
All our new spring Waistings, in
fancy checks, stripes and plain, at, a
yard, 75c down to 3)c, 2oc, 19c
ad 15
Heavy Vestings at, a yard 50c, 39c
and 25
A new line of Shirtings, yard wide, at,
a yard, 25c, 19c and 15
Imported Swisses, 32 inches wtde, in
all the new patterns, at, a yard, $1.75
down to 75c, 65c, 59o and 45
Domestic Swisses at, a yard, 39c, 25c,
19o and 15
Dress linen at, a yard, 59c, 45c, 39c
and x 25
Sheer Linen, 1 yard wide, at, a yard,
$1.49 down to 75c and 59
Butcher linen, 36 inches wide, at, a
yard, 50c; 39c, 25c and 19
India Linon, 1 yard wide, at, a yard,
80c down to 15c, 12oc, lOo
and 7H
Persian Lawn, 45 inches wide, at, a
yard, 25c and 19
Longoloth and Nainsook at reduced
bleached and n.
bleached Turkish, also Hucka
back, that sold up to 15c each,
will go in this sale at, each. 7
50 pairs of $3 all wool Blankets to
close quickly at 91.98
sate win close the entire lot at, ea. 83
WOOL press coops bargains in
60 pieces of $1 wool fancies, to close quick
ly, at, per yard " 39A
86 pieces of Jamestown Fancies, regular
69c goods; to close, at, per yard. . .25
Odds and ends of goods that sold up to
$1.60 per yard; will go at, per yard,
9o and 25
THAT "Queen Quality" Shoe are the most
a&tkf ying women's shoe in the world b
proved by the fact that more women persist
in wearing them than any other shoes in the
world. You don't need to be a shoemaker
to know that they please you, look hand so roe
on the feet, are comfortable, fit smoothly,
and satisfy. We are the exclusive agent.
Glad to show you our new Kid and Gun Met
al style at Three and Three Fifty per paow
The Greatest of Ml Pure Food Depfs.
Read our prices and compare with
what you are paying for the same
quality of goods elsewhere,
tl lbs. beat Pure Cane Granulated
Sugar 91.MI
10 bars beat brands Laundry Soap.860
The test Hand i'lckod Navy limum,
par pound 8Vae
The best Kolled Breakfast Oatmell,
fier pound SHo
is best 1'earl Tapioca or Sago, per
pound THe
The best Pearl Barley or Farina, per
pound s
10-lb. sacks best Pure Buckwheat
Flour sso
Quart jars pure OhU Maple Syrup 3So
Bromangelou, Jellycon or Jell-O. per
package TVo
CHI or Mustard gardlnes, per c&n.SVte
Quart rana Oolden Table Syrup. .. .So
Cold Water Starch, per pkg So
Pure Horaeradlsh. per bottle be
Gallon cans N. O. Molasaea 3&o
The beat Soda or Oyster Cracker,
per pound go
The bt-st XXXX Ginger Snaps, lb. .60
Egg-O-See Breakfast Food, pkg. TVke
t-lb. cans bast H City Sugar Com
for Se
l-lb. cans Victory Wax. String or
Lima Beans 7V
S-lb. cans solid parked Tomatoes Vo
Fancy California Prunes, lb e
Fancy Cal. Dried Grapes, lb.... f 10
Fancy Cal. Seeded Ralslua, lb fte
Fanoy Cal Mulr Peaches, lb...lSH
Fancy Cleaned Currants, pkg lOe
Fancy Seeded Raisins, per pkg ....To
l-lb. pkg. Condensed ill nee Meats H
Fancy Santos iCoRee, lb 16o
Fancy B. F. or Sun Dried Japan Tea,
per pound T-. 8Se
Fancy Tea Slfttnirs, lb ISHe
Fancy lalry Butter, lb 83
Fancy Country Roll Butter, lb... Sao
Fancy Separator Creamery ButUr,
equal U any butter put up In pack-
ages for much higher prices, lb 87o
Fancy Llmberger Cheese, lb laVkO
Fancy Domestic Swiss Cheese, per
pound ITUe
Roquefort Cheese, Society brand, per
pound 350
Edam Cheese, each 860
Pap Sago Cheese TVo
Neufchatel Cheese, Durham brand,
each 30
rasa tsoetablh axb
Fresh Spinach, per peck lOe
Fresh Cucumbers, each 6e
Iarge heads Cabbage, each be
Beets. Turnips, Carrots. Rutabagas,
1'arsnlps or Onions, pound lo
Two heads Fresh Lettuce 5o
Two bunches Fresh Radlt'.hes Be
Extra fancy large Hlghlaud Naxel
Oranges, per dosen 85e
Fancy Fard Dates, per ppund. . . .100
Some Remarkable Rug Bargains
A sale remarkable not only in the unusual values offered, but in the va
riety for selection. Never have values been shown to surpass these. .
Velvet Rugs, 27xG0 size, regular $1.50 values, at .95
Velvet Rugs, 27x60 size, regular $2.50 values, at .81 45
veivei jxugs, zxtu size, regular $2.00 values, at S1.25
Velvet Rugs, 36x72 size, regular $5.00 values, at .'.'.$3.25
Axminster Rugs, 27x63 size, regular $3.00 values, at $1.75
Sample Rugs About GOO Rugs, traveling men's samples, regularly worth
.up to $3.00, on sale in four lots at 93c, 89c, 69o and 29t
Art Squares, size 6x9 feet,. $3.00 values, sale price $2.25
Art Squares, size 7x9, $3.50 values, sale price ". $2.75
Art Squares, size 9x9, $4.00 values, sale price $3.25
Art Squares, size 9x10-6, $4.75 values, sale price $3.75
Art Squares, size 9x12, $5.50 values, sale price . -. S 1.25
Floor Oilcloth A great lot of regular 35o quality Floor Oilcloths, slightly
damaged, on sale, while they last, at, yard 15
The Great Manufacturers' Enamelware Sale
This is the greatest opportunity the housekeepers of Omaha have ever
had offered them in this line of goods. It is not a question of our cost, but ,
simply a matter of reducing our enormous etock in this department. Don't
miss it Come yourself and bring your neighbors with you. It will be the
greatest favor you ever did them in your life. If you don't need the goods
now buy them for your future use, as you may never have the opportunity
Lip Saucepans and Preserving Ket
tles, costing us per doz. "fg
$3.50, sale price ,...IlC
Lip Saucepans and Preserving Ket
tles, costing us per doz. f r
$3.75, sale price I lL!
Lip Saucepans and Preserving Ket
tles, costing us per doz. f
$40212, sale price iUC
Lip Saucepans and Preserving Ket
tles, costing us per doz. 1(1-
$4.25, sale price IUC
Lip Saucepans and Preserving Ket
tles, costing us per doz. f f
$4.75, sale price 1 UC
10-quart Dish Pans, costing O C
us per doz. $5.10, sale price. .atCeVC
14-quart Dish Pans, costing
us per doz. $6.00, sale price. .Je-JC
Large size Wash Basins, costing us
per doz. $4.00, sale 1 f)f
price 1 "C
Lip Saucepans and Preserving Ket
tles, costing us $3.25 per "f )
doz., 6ale price 1 lt
Lip Saucepans and Preserving Ket
tles, costing us per doz. ' f f
3.27V2, sale price .....IUC
Pie Plates, Dippers, Drinking Cups, Pasting Spoons, etc., etc.
ing us from $1.25 to $2.50 per dozen, to 'sell at, each
Hundreds of other articles too numerous to mention will be placed on
sale at less than one-third their regular cost.. This is the finest gray enamel
ware made, no job lots, seconds or cull s, but strictly first-class goods.