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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1907)
IT 8 TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 27, 1007. B i 3 it !i 8 ) FEDERAL COURT CLOSES TERM Uaras ( Llacola mm -Will Held Wet AHt Beseloa la Mar. I The January tprm of the United Btats fcoirrts clorrd at Lincoln Friday evening Wfter leas than one wk'i snlon. The n)y mm tripd was a Nebraska City liquor Ke, In which a vsrdlct was renlred for IW.000 damages for the plaintiff, hut which raa subsequently reduced to 15,000 at tha instance of tha plalntlft'a attorneys, on tha 'Cround that tha taw permits but S5.000 dam-'-ea. In tha event of death, upon which a 'damae ault can ba brought under tha lawa 'Of Nebraska, Iteas of rullty were accepted In two or 'three postofflce cases of a minor char 'aoter and nominal fines Impoaed. About tha only other business transacted was tha . continuance of canes and the disposal of one or two on demurrer. Tha entire federal court machinery waa . transferred to XJncoln during the brief period of ne day. Including the drawing of a panel of fifty petit Jurors, Involving ' ft total cost of approximately (4,000. The court officials. Including Judge Mun-rer, Circuit Cleric Thummel, x District Clerk Hoyt, United Btatee Marshal Warner, Dep uty Marshals Mathews and Bammon and the necessary court bailiffs, returned to Omaha. Saturday. No active session of court will be held In the Nebraska district aaln until the May term, at which time a srrand and petit Jury will be empaneled. The court will, however, tt in chambers to dispose of such cases as may come before It on argument or other process. On February 4 the argument on the mo tion for a new trial In the Richards and Comstock land eases will be heard. None of the other land cases will be reached before the May term. Announcements, wedding stationery and calling cards, blank book aad magaslne binding. 'Phone Doug. 1904. A. L Hoot, Ino. t'pward Tendency nt Land Valors. Land values are permanent and lasting. Fire, flood and earthquake may devastate the cities, but farm lands are seldom in jured. Increasing population in this coun try Is creating a new demand for farm land and prices must continue to rise. James J. Hill of the Great Northern rail road predicts a population of 200,000,000 for this country within the next forty yean. This population must be fed and those who own the land will reap a great and a sure profit. Land le still cheup. Look " through the want ad page a There are 'many bargains offered. Have Root print It Mangum A Co., LETTER 8PECIALIBT& Douglas (644) Printing Co., 314-1 & 19tl. MONDAY AT THE . BIG SALE Irish Frelse 8torm Ulsters, 14.86; Fur Coats, I7.S0; Sheep Lined Duck Coats, fl.96; choice of any Overcoat In the house (ex cept fur lled) Hi. 86; Men's Suits, worth up to 111 BO, aale price, S4.86; Men Pants, worth up to $3.50. sale price, U-t0; Men's Pants, worth up to (5, sale price 13; good every day Pants reduced to 86c; Men's $20 Bulta, now only $9; Choice of any Suit In the house (except black) $14.85, this in cludes some of the finest makes in the land, can be compared only with high grade tailor's $50 garments. In Boys' Department Choice of al! kinds of Boys' Shirts, 25c; Boys' Fur Oloves, 25c; Boys' Good Hose, 8c; Boys' Overcoats, $3 'Value, aale price, $1.98; a few Boys' Suits as low as 98c; Boys' Suspenders, 98c; Boys' Cravenette Coats, ages 19-18, aula price, $6.90, eta Guarantee Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Doug. 8t BAILEY MACH DENTISTS Thlrfl Floor, Putorv Block Kijhesi Grids Dentistry FAILURE To ure diseases is due f X viia ap plications of medicines. The ALMIGHTY has created a remedy fur every disease, but it takes much time, hard study and practical experience to discover the proper remedies. DR. C. N. BOMMER, the progressive homeopathic specialist, guarantees to cure disease of every description. He Is having wonderful success In the treatment of chronic ulcers, sores with bad discharges, cancers, tumors, piles, scrofula, ecaema and also all diseases of the blood, stomach, liver, akin and kidneys. The doctor has demonstrated In his everday practice that I pure homeopathlo medicines taken Intern ally are the only remedies to cure the above ailments permanently. CALL AND i BOB HIM. Ccnsaltalloi Fret for thi I tit Tin Dtjs 210 Deo Bide;. 1 t rt Monday DR.EXEL Will GIVE 25 OFF On the Finest &.nd Best MEN'S and WOMEN'S Shoes Madt in America y rLtnn best quality Imported pat ent colt, double sole, regular SG shoes, for J50 Hanan best quality veloar calf, French calf lined, double sole, regular $6 shoe $4,50 Hanan' best quality plump kid, kid lined, double sole, regular fC hoe , $4.50 Clapp's custom-made doable sole kid shoes, kid lined, regular $6.60 $4.88 Clapp's French calf, button and blucher, regular $6 shoes, per pair $4.50 Boy don's French enamel, kid lined, cork filled, regular $6.60 shoes $4.88 H Hoyden's genuine French calf, regular $6.00 $4.50 We have added ten lines of men's $5.00 shoes, In box calf, patent colt and kid, at $3.75 WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE SHOES AT 23 TEH CENT OFF Hnnan's women's gun metal calf shoes, in blucher and button, regular $5.60 $4.13 Foster's gun metal calf, in button only, $3.00. go at $3.75 Wright & Peter's women's gun metal calf, In blucher and but ton, $5.00, go at $3.75 Zelghler Bros, gun metal calf, In blucher and button, $4.00, go - $3.00 Armstrong; women's gun metal calf, blucher and button, at 25 per cent off $2.63 All our $3 women's gun metal calf, blucher and button, at one fourth off $2.25 Ten lines of misses' and chil dren's box calf, velour and gun metal calf shoes Included in this sale at 25 per cent off. We positively will not charge any of these shoes at the discount prices. GLOBE CARD INDEX SYSTEMS Tell you all about your business point out Its weak places stop financial leaks direct your efforts In profitable channels. They are record keepers for Information, records and statistics of all kinds. They Index automatically and classify perfectly, and are as far ahead of ordinary book systems as the electric light Is ahead of the tallow dip. Let us show you how they work where, they will reduce your expenses and Increase your profits. Call or write for catalogue No. )u ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. 414-16-18 South 16th Street DR. BRADBURY, Dentist " low. rnl, OMAHA Try th. new roofless plate, mad. to era ok nut. with. 614 Fillings 1 Crews. UM sf Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street ffardys "THE 69 CCNT ST0S1 1513 DODOS 8T. Take Advantage of This Fine Skating and Coasting Closing Oat SKATES and SLEDS Al a Great Sacrifice All Skates that sold at $1 and 11.50 a pair, go at 50C Pair 81di and Coasters 25c-48c and op jy 16 Year Sam ooatlon 'Phone Douglas 1786 Teeth extracted with oat pain 6 different Ways. We give gas and oxygen, also Vr tilised air. Werk Csarsateed IfytarS) KEYO-ALL KINDS rttiittiiiTii (f ..minaasun- jWy raritam lei. eus.l74 UkSuira. C. R. HEFLIN Wnen You Writ6 Advertisers remember it takes only an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the tact that yon saw the ad. to The Bee. mz CUBA, FLORIDA AND NEW ORLEANS' Via Illinois Central Railroad X Double dally service 'hrom Omaha. Winter Tourist tickets on sals dally to resorts In the south; also Hotneseeaera' tickets to points in tha south and southeast. 1st and Sd Tuesdays. MARDI GRAS AT NEW ORLEANS Tickets on sale February 6th to 10th. good returning until 16th. with privilege of extending until starch Id. oa payment of 10 cents. LOW RATES TO HAVANA, CUBA Steamship "Momui" leaves New Orleans every Saturday at 1 p. m. Direct connections made with "Cuban Special" in Chicago, landing passengers and baggage at the boat side for each sailing. . Bend for finely illustrated literature on Cuba and Florida: also for booklet, entitled "New Orleans for the Tourist." Tickets and Information at City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St. Omaha. S. NORTH, District Passenger Agent 1 " i " i1 '" " ,III JL'- eMsrM,!PJsasia i .) IflfffftaTl bTs'iT jalOBlsBSBSsBaasBk sjubsss jsalSBaUaaStx Baa-B-sksv Vmi3 mams titi jftmitmiimttm i a?sS Tho Overland Route to California Is the most interesting way of all to the Golden State because the land you see and the trail you follow is the original land of the pioneers of the West when tbSy made their Journey in caravans, on horses and even on foot. If you go out this winter go that way, too, but in the great electric-lighted Overland Limited one of ths world-famous trains of today. Every com fort, convenience and luxury, which would have been astounding to the rugged pioneers ot the West, are of fered jou on The Overland Limited, via the Union Pacific Inquire at "CITY TICKET OFFICE ' 1321 Farnam St Phoue Douglas &M EVERY PUIT A DELIGHT i ii i i mi iii 1 nm. J Omaha's Pore Food Center Join The Pure Food Movement. It StartsWith Common Sense and Ends at Courtney's Every woman who manages a home wants pure food for the table. To be absolutely certain of high quality, purity and economy comIned the woman of experi ence calls Courtney's Grocery. Our Telephone Douglas 647 connects with all departments. You may call up any section of this great pure food center and receive Just as careful and satis factory attention as if you made the selections in person. TR1 OHDEKIXU HERE IiY FHOXK ON THESE COLD DAYS. None of the trouble and all the satisfaction of a personal call, if you 'phone Courtney's Douglas 047. OMAHA'S PUKE FOOD CENTER 'Phone Douglas 647. Private Exchange Connects All Departments. S Separate Entrances 3. !3Kgs2assggare s Da.ii.ty FootgeaLr for Reception or Pa.rty WeaLr... Can be had at our store in all of the newest creations. It it's a boot that you like you will find it here in the varied styles of heels and leathers. It it's slippers or pump effects that's desired, we have them. A patent kid Is always good. i Slippers of suede or castor are very popular, they are so comfort able for dancing' FRY SHOE CO. T K m O B eft f 16th and Douglas Streets -hi i ii n iuiiiii isim'ib uwiii IT TAKES nearly stx . months for Stors Beer to go from the kettle to you. It is thus thoroughly matured and agreeable to the most delicate stomach. To thus laser (or are) our beer la very costly, but it gives to Mors Bee that delicious, pal atable flavor that so distinguishes it, and that's why so many prominent physicians recommend eton iicer If you drink beer, get ths beat. Order Stors Beer. It costs you no more. Have a case sent horns today. Stors Brewing Co Omaha. Dt m Oil (I! 'HI Mali! rr QUALITY THE BEST ALWAYS UNIFORM V. R. lUcs UercanUU Cigar Co slaaHfactarers, St. LoaU. , Cold Weather Makes creams &r the skin a necessity. We recommend St. Claire's. Perfection Cold Cream is the purest and best cream for tHe most delicate skin. 7 BO Perfection Cream 60s (Different from all others) 60o Orange Flower Skin Food SSe 50c Dag-get A Ramsdell's Cold Cream eOe 60o Magda Cold Cream 40e Beaton Drug Co 15th and Farnam r. wasktbtotost cxocolates, ue best la tbs world, BOo ponad. DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMMACCIOTTI. 0. V.S. CITY VKTKHIIARIAN- Office and Infirmary, Still and Mason fits OUAilA. TeleKUune U. s Last Week of the January Clearance Hundreds of ' New Garments Brought Forward THK RELIBLB TR J The Best Bargain Week of Ml Dependable Clothing at About Half The Ilayden guarantee stands behind every garment as to quality, workmanship and ma terial and style. Every garment must come up to our high stand ard of excellence, for they're all part of our regular stock of winter garments. YOU'VE NOTHING TO LOSE In fact, you've much to gain by investigating these special clearance bargains: Styles and quality that will satisfy the most exacting Men's Suits Regular values up to $20, in four lots at $5, $7.50, $10 and $12.50 Men's Overcoats In medium and long styles worth to $20, at- $7.50, $10 and $12.50 Children's Knee Pant Suits worth to $3.50, at $1.50 and $1.95 Children's Knee Pant Suits worth to $5.00, at $2.50 and $2.95 Children's Overcoats Sold regularly up to $5 in this sale $1.95, $2.50 and $2.95 .V. fmm ,ti.v,v-j-.:.-i"-, i:--:h'--r..:-x;--j!: ? : is :-'.'-".",' : ' 'i. m Boys' Knee Pants Rgulai! 50o values, at 250 Men's Corduroy Pants Regu lar $1.50 values ..95 ii . First aid to the helpless Telephone Douglas 238 If you need any kind of help, put a want ad in THE BEE. I GBSEED CSEDS) Oar Wsddlng Qoods are tte recoe;ntsed standard, the engraving being done by skilled craftsmen, insur ing perfect satlsfactloa and th latest and most fashionable sizes. Oa request samples wUl be sent by malt and orders executed Just as satisfactory as If ordered la lersoa. A. I. Root, Incorporated. 1210 Howard St, Omaha. Nebraska. llliiil