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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1907)
The Omaha Sunday Bee PART IL A Paper for th Hm THE OMAHA DEC EDITORIAL SECTION "PACES 1 TO 8. Best ':. West VOL. XXXV1-XO. 32. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1907. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. j p) 1 30 137 a Again! Again! Again! Let's remind you of Green Trading Stamps. They'll furnish your home without cost of a cent to you. It's our little way "of giv ing some emphasis with "thank you." A little money goes a very long way ift this great store a much longer way than else where and then we positively throttle competition by giving GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH ALL PURCHASES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ALL THE TIME a Linen Bargains for Monday Final Clearance of Odds and Ends of Linens and White Goods. 80c Cream Table Damask, yd j) j li-ia. Eleached Napkins. uoien...50c 50c Cream Table Damask, yd 35k 21-ln. Bleached Napkins, tlozen .gl.23 75c Bleached Table Damask, yd.. 50 I Si-c White Waistinps. yard 15. ZZc White W listings, yard.... 20c4, On Special Table-All remnants of Table Damask. Tuwolicg and "White Goods at prices that will appeal to you. Trimmings, Laces and Em broideries, Etc. Specials 3 i J 2 2 -In. Embroidery Allorer, In SwIsb and Nainsook. In English eyelet and Jap ef fects, worth tip to $ 2.00, t OS Point de Paris Lace and In sertion to match, from 2 .to i-in wid all new pat terns, worth op to 12 c, 7t 20-in. Lace AD overs. In oriental and imitation Irish crochet, worth $1.25 yard, at 49 Silver and Black Spangle Imported Robes, $10. DO valu, for $6.9S $19.50 value, for. $12.50 White Embroidered and Lingerie Robes, new Im portations have arrived and are ready for exhib iting and sale, represent ing the finest work of the leading robe makers of Europe: $15.00 Robes at. 12.50 $19.50 Robes at.5i5.OO $22.50 Robes at.gi9.50 $25.00 Robea at. 23.50 Sample lot of 1,800 yard Colored Novelty Trimmings from 1 to 4-ln. wide, consisting of black and colored Silk Appliques, jet and pangled bands, worth up to $2 yard, at 19 CLOTHING The Voll mer Clothing Company's Closing Out Sale in Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. FOR MONDAY'S SELLING MEN'S ULSTERS, $20 value for $10.00 MEN'S ULSTERS, $10 value, for $5 00 BOYS' PYJAMAS, $1.00 value, for r..50 MEN'S PYJAMAS, $1.50 ones, for 75 MEN'S PYJAMAS, $2.00 ones, for SI 00 MEN'S PYJAMAS, $2.50 value, for $1.25 MEN S PYJAMAS, $3.00 ones, for. . . . .' S1.50 MEN'S PYJAMAS, $400 ones, for $2 00 MEN'S PYJAMAS, $6.00 ones, for $3.00 Cotton, Domet, Silk Mixtures, etc MEN'S NECKWEAR Four-in-Hands, De Juveniles and Tecks, $1.00 values, at ' 05 NIGHT ROBES, 75c' values, at ". 3 New Creations in Dress I Goods 2 Silk Sections Jus: a peep in this section at thosa dainty, airy, cloud- ? likfi ' fa brics. with their beautiful colorings, exquisitely p designed. Plaids, shadow checks, stripes and florals, intermingling their exclusiveness and originality of de sign. together wiih their low price quotations, will make your visit to this section long remembered. AAA V w i. VA V- - 50c Women's Suits, Coats, Skirts and Waists-Spring 1907 Our early offering of Spring Suits is the most extensive lino ever brouglit to Omaha, and will be plaoed on Eale Monday morn ing. Styles are very comprehensive and unique in designs; cloths are broadcloth, voile, Panama and fancy suitings; color range is brown, navy, garnet, new shades of tan and the staple black. Prices. 395-35-295-250 and - $19.50 . Women's Suit .Section 2nd Floor. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Monday morning we place on sale over 1.000 Skirts new Spring: models of 1907. All the new pleated models Panama, Serge and Voile $19.50, $15, $12.50, $10, $7.50 and $5.00 See window display. ' Eu-ly Spring Suitings in light grey, tins. browiiS, biues, greens in fact u full racge of all the most desir able shades, ranging in jrice from $2.50 yd. down to Silks in Great Demand is indicated by the wide variety of styles in garments wherein silks can be utilized to the best advantage to give that chic ap pearance obtained by the use of no other fabric beautiful Persian plaids, stripes, checks, bars, shadow designs a yard from $2 down to .; 69c Printed Silk Organdies Daintv flow ered checks, stripes and barred effects, from 59c yard down to New Wash Fabrics Such as Car- reaux de Soie, Voile de Lisle, fancy silk wash taffetas, etc., a yard, up from French Ginghams, yard 25 21c 10c Silk Chiffon Wash Goods Verr de sirable for early spring suits, yard 59c WASH GOODS AND DOMESTIC SECTIONS Latest creations in the best products. Many beautiful patterns. Lorraine Tissue An entirelv new weave, SU inches wide, yard Imported Swisses Beautiful pictur esque embroidered designs, yard at ". , l Other Swisses, a yard, up from 15 EXTRA SPECIAL - MONDAY MORNING 8 O'clock We place on sale 7.000 yards Silk Grenadines, 45 inches wide, black only, various strije, plaid or em broidered effects, worth A :J $1.50 and $2.50 yard, Ifelftf Monday, yard.-. 2k pictur- SI t Waists! Waists! 1907 Linen $2.48 $2.95 $3.50 $5.00 Lawn 59c 98c $1.48 $1.98 $2.98 Lingerie x $3.95 $4.95 $6.50 $7.50 $10.00 Waists! ML w $25.00 Women's CoaJs for $9.75 Fine Kersey Coats, 59 in. long, full satin lined SMALL FURS AT HALF PRICE $5.00 SCABFS FOE $2.50 $7.50 SCABFS FOR $3.75 $10.00 SCARFS FOR $5.00 $15.00 SCARFS FOR $7.50 $1.00 FLANNELETTE WRAPPERS for.59 75c FLANNELETTE GOWNS FOR 39 $1.00 FLANNELETTE KEMONAS F0R..69 50c CORSET COVERS FOR 1Q Second Floor. GREAT BARGAINS IN CHINA ii.jf..Afcf., Bennett's Big Grocery An Interesting List of Money-Savers for the Home Pro vider. Best Qualities, Fresh Goods. Big Varieties Cornmeal. yellow or white, t- lb. (k SI And green trading stamp. Bennett's Best Coffee, t lbs. for (1-00 And 100 green trading stamps Tats, your choice, lb cie And bt greea trading stamps. BmUi firtaa Trading Stamps ma These matst Cleaned Currants lb.. 10s Beedleas Raisins, lb ....10s Seeded Raisins, pkg. ...10s California Prunsa, lb. . . 6e Mains Bugar Cora. W close, can To; dosen Boo Home mads pars Jelly, Monday, , glass UHs New Terk full cream Cheese per lb SM And Zt green trading stamps. Domestic Swiss Cheese. lh gSs And 20 green trading tamps. Bennett's Capitol Baaing Pow der, lb. can Bo And 10 grxen trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extract, per bottle Lfco And 0 green trading stamps. pedal to mvedaoe snook, t Bennett's Capitol Premium Cboo- olats. lb JOs Three Star Salmon, tall can 14e Monsoon seeded Raisins, lb. pkg. for Ts Bennett's Capitol Minoemeat. pkgs Boo Maine Sugar Corn, oan Ts Diamond 8 Preserves, largs jar, at le Bee Hive Pears, largs can. 10s A. B. C. Catsup, bottle lse "Best Ws Have" brand Toma toes, large cat for ljs And 10 green Ajiy iv sen trading stamps, i Diamond 8 Plums, can. m for .. S6s And (0 green trading stamps. Velvet Coqpa Boap, ( oaaes for 85s And It green trading stamps. Largs church Candles, each. Be Double green trading stamps on Granulated Bugar. Bennett's Capitol Pancaas Flour. pag Us And 10 green trading stamps. Fruits and Vegetables FRESH DAILY Large Naval Oranges, worth 35c dozen, 25t Mixed Nuts, at lb 15 Oranberries, at, quart .... 10( Double Green Trading stamps on Fruits and Vegetables. MONDAY IN Hardware and House Furnishings uooa neavy isouers. ud Shaker Ftour Sifter 1 n from . 96? And twenty Green Tradins And forty Green Trading Stamps. Stamps Galvanized Wash Tubs at 85c, 75c and 65 And thirty Green Trading Stamps. Tin Steamers, at 28c, 24c and 20t And twenty Green Trading Stamps. Nickel Plated Flour Sifter, at 24 And twenty Green Trading Stamps. Coffee Mills, up from 45 And thirty Green Trading Stamps. Flour Bins 85 And forty Green Trading Stamps. Fall City Axes 93t And forty Green Trading Stamps. Bound Gt-atars. ...... S And ten Green Trading Stamps. M rW Eira heTT W 1 r Egg Beater. 4 Good hatcbet, 8t .... 60 And Thirty Gren Trad- Ing Buucps. Engraved Table ty, neat design, fgfS iiK aozen vaiue; on sale, 6 for 30t Hand Painted Rail or Fancy Plates, full deco rations, 75c val ue; on sale, while supply lasts, each 3S Hand Painted Jugs, in the Eansom shape, beautiful rose decorations, gold traced, $1.50, $1.50 and $2 values; on sale, $1.25 and . 89t 7 Beautiful New Lot English Rock Teapots, fancy colors and fancy shapes on sale at $1.00, 57c, 50c and. .... . .45 Hundreds of Pieces Added to Our Close-Out Dinnerware Lines Flatters, cover dishes, plates, cups and saucers, fruit 6aucers, bowls, sugar bowls; values up to $1.00 each, 25c, 10c, 5c and 3 New Cut Glass Thousands of the most beau- t tiful cuttings. OiJ bottles, $3 val., at $1.9S & Sugare and creams, pair 2.9S Bon-bon disLes, olive trays, spoon trays, vases, etc, values to $2.50; on sale at $1.49 w IF. VARIOUS VILWS F WORDS Etrlkisr Differssos is Tcniomi of Comioll'i HeaiarLi Ftiturs of Trial RKsTEST IKJUSTkCE SPEECH THE PIYOT Atfnvr tmt Deelar FessUi Wrs with Cert Ik ere f"l tavc svad Betklas; ksl nicest Srt ef HrKntM. Tne tisarlng In tlis Connell contempt Saturday morning brought out the fact there ts considerable difference in tlie pretstlua put on Mr. Connrll's ord by the county atuirnejr and tte court and sir. Council sod asms of bis witnesses. When sir. Conwll declared after Judge Button bad said bow bs Intended to rule da the evcluatiio of ltness Oninib and 21r. Con. Bell had declared la arguing the question of wbt-tlier Mr. GrifBtb abould bs eadudea r hot. tnat such ruttng would be the ranheat tnjustlc and tbs groaeest error, bs was not referring to thsruling of Ju?ge Button, but to an, lllustratloa be bad re ferred to prertouaiy In his argument, ss the Arfenss daloia. Tbs oontention of the stucuuos) Is that bs was ralsrru.g to the already mads by ruling that had Judge Button. - Justice of the Peaos Cockrell was the first witness exaaiined by the defense Saturday. He was in the court room at the time Mr. Co an el made refert-noe ts the ruling. He said Mr. Cunnell was not' talking unusa allly loud far him and LhaJ he thought the reference be mads to grossest error and rankrst Injustice was to as illustration he had previously used. He did not consider the attitude of Mr. Cbnnel disrespectful, ladg EiaailiM W ttaeaeea. After the attorneys bad finished Judge Sutton examined him. "If yon were aitung la a oass and after you bad passed on a matter the attorney had declared it was rankest injustice, what would yon have thought of ltr aaasd Judss Button. "1 would say it w&a not very respectful. " was ths answer. "If yon bad passed on a matter and ths attorney had said in a loud voice ths ruling was the grossest error, what would you say as to that?- "I would have fined htra rtrtit there." The defense entered objections to ths questions, assarting they did not show h real situation. Former L-puty County Attorney T. A Shot well, who assisted Judge S.abaugh In prosecuting ihe Howell rue was ons of ths principal witneesrs for tbs dWense. He said Mr. Council did hot us the lan. guags Imputed to him by County Attorney Blabaugh. When Mr. Connell asked, to blc address to the Jury, why the prosecution was started Just before election. Mr. Shot ell said bo thought be was renewing on ths county attorney "and not on the court. He said Mr. Connell a as evidt-nUy trying ts ir.fluence ths Jury to believe ths prose cution was for political purposes. He admitted on cross-cxaniliiatlon that it was the court and not the county attorney who cailea the grand Jury, but fcaid it was dons at the request of ths county attor ney. He said U had beta ofheffty re ported that Mr. English had said the proae cuusn was fur politic! purposes and to help Judge Slabautrh in his campaign for re-election. When aaked hat be meant by XifhciaJly reported" ha explained it had beea so rtjMjrted in oeaspapers supporting Mr. English and had been toM him by other peopla, Hs said he couia not say positively that Mr. iullat hid used turn language. Cou-jiy Attorney nglinh made frequent objecuvus mv tcnotaeu s rxantinsnos to his amplifying his ansaers. The county attorney hocused him of making "stump speeches" in ths aitneu boa. Juugs but ton sustained the objection and said: Tou can't go on hers like a boy in a vaudeville snow. Vou niuit ansae ques tions hke any other witness, because you are a member of the bar docs but "- any differences J. F. Stout, who assisted Mr. Connell In ths Howell case, was ths last witness at ths forenoon session. Hs said Mr. Connell s atutude was respectful and not boisterous, but pleasant. One of the controversies, be said, he considered rtpartee between the judge and Mr. ConneU." He said Mr. Coa neii made his retort in a pleasant and laughing manner." Hs said Mr. Connell did not at any time show disrespect to the court. . STIMULANTS CAUSE OF DEATH Veralet of Cvreaer s Jsry la leases! Om Body of Charles CrrlL Coroner Bralley held an Inquest Saturday morning over the body of Charles Carroll, who was found dead early Friday morning in room at the old European hotel Tenth and Howard streets. The Jury rendered a formal verdict that Carroll cams to bis death from nhturai causes due to the ex cessive use of alcoholic stimulants. A telegram was received by the coroner Friday night from V. J. Iiouui. secretary of the International Brotherhood of Bteam Ehovel Firemen, stating that Carroll was a member of that organization and that his horns a as at LUin. flks county. O. In quiries havs been made b Coroner and arrangemenu fur the funeral will uol oe niaos unui some Information is received from the author! ties at ti IRISCO MARKET OF WORLD Eeuon Vly Werteni Cities Cannot Get Desired Eatei to Golden late, CROSBY TALKS ON TARIFF MATTERS stetaras fross Dcsnr latere tale CMsaerro Cosssaisslea Meet lag J hleh Uraa Pasers lsesr rweUy Reverted, Ho ha a. Freight Traflic Manager Crosby of the Burlington was in Omaha Saturday, en route from Lenver to Chicago. Mr. Crosby was one of the a-ituefu-B in it. hit.r.u. Commerce hearing of the complaint oil lenar against the raiiroadK, chrgli a discrimination against Ijenver. "Ths railroads havs announced that a reduction miU hs mads from Ix-nver to Idtho points of a per cent in accordance with tbe reoomm adati'in of Comjniauonur TTouty," stid Mr. Crosby. "Ths Xenver newspapers gave an erroneous Impression of what would be done. While on the stand at Denver Mr. Crosby was aaked why Omaha and the Mbtsouri river was a basing point for rate. Hs re plied It bad been a baamg point saos ths railroads were first built, forty years ago. "Are not conditions different Bow than forty years agof as asked. "Forty years ha ve been insufficient In time to change the geographical location of Omaha and the Missouri river," replied Mr. Crosby. "San Franclsoo is a market of the world," said Mr. Crosliy, "and ths middle western towns can't expect to get a pro poruonste rate on stuff which ts named acrs the continent to that city, for some of it comes from the old world on a through rate Another condition is arising: A boia is now loading .t New York to carry a cargo of goads via ths Tehuantepoc railroad across Mexico, which guarantees to make the trip tn twenty-five days, and that Is better than is done by most trans continental linea" ftpeas at DakeU Beetles. C. E. Bpens, general fr-lght agent of tbs Burlington, has returned from Bioux Fells here he siiended a met ting of the rail road commission of ttet stsU. day aas put In hearing testimony from tbe Northwestern road. Another bearing will be bad at Bioux Falls Feb.-uery l., and a second bearing at Ieadwuod February 4. Mr. Bpens will attend both these bearings. AU ts Well st Waaklaitaa J- N. Baldwin, general solicitor of the Tnion Pacific, returned Saturday from Washington, where hs baa been arguing the railroad tax cases before ths supreius eourt. Mr. Baldwin said he searched dill, gently to find If the Interstate Commerce commission had reached a decision la ths elevation caae-i. but that, no decision had. ben f.led. and he could find out nothing in reftn nee to the decision which rums had was leached. Mr. fcaldmin said the president and the senators had "itched up their little diffi culties tnd tverything Is now runjiituj smooth!)' again." Rassell bwea to Barllartea. Jamea Russell, superintenflent or tho Oniatia division of the Mjasouri Facinc, has rts.goed his posu.on alth that rvsd. ef fective Feoruiiry 1. to take the superln tendency of one of the most Important di visions of tbe Chicago. Burlington as Quincy railroad. Mr. F.ussell has been with the MiHuouri Pacific for three and one-halt yenrs and has bad his headquarters la Omaha for over one jetr. His experienos In the operating and trrfhc department has made blm a moat valuable man and bis loas will be regretted by his old associates. tall read Ikesaarrers In rrralrl. MINNEAFOIJA Jan. Jt.A dwishm was hied in the I'niied tjLates court In Mlnns spohs overrulinc- oemurrers to ths louictmeiiis in the relate c-ms recently brouglit by the goverrnuent syainst t Omaha. Great Northern. W "isconsin Cen tral. Mini.eup-ihji ai fct. Iouis railrosds. Ths cases aiil go to trial at ths Au-tf term of court.