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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1907)
7 V 1 r -.. 'A' THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEK: JANUARY 27, 1007. --i'Ll II-- - - CRALN AM) PRODUCE MARKET Frees Etrooe Early, Comm aiioa Eonse Btin? Good BojtT!. REALIZING COUNTLKaCTS 1HI ADVANCE Close la All Mara U Easy at A boat i Previous Day's Kliarn-Talk t larger Corn Recelpta Nt Wtrk, ; OMAHA, Jan. 2, 1907. Th marliet ' aa (ju.te strong eaily," says the Lxchange Giaui coiuijk.iV. ' wuli commission houses good - uuyere, nun operators being Influenced uy uuiiitD I ji- eign news, especially tne reuueuou that la predicted In tne Argentina crop, with n-ai of damage on the continent, mm won us tne heatvy Austiallan shipments to China. Aa vances did not hold. However, cons.u-rao,e week-end realising taking piace, Willi sums bearish pressure, aue to expectations ot warmer weather In the while, wniat bell. The closing was busy." There was Influential buying bf eofn fu tures early on the bullish Argentina new, but cash houses sold and there was a good aleal or realising on talk of urge receipts next week, lth better ' griding on im proved Weather. The closing was steady to flrin. Oat a trad was very light, prices working Ofl slightly with wheat and corn. bVK there was fairly good commission house ouymg, ahd It looks as though Blocks would show large reductions. ITlmary wheat receipts were awi.AnO hunh- ?ls and shipments 24tt,iO bushels, ugainst ecelpts last year ot 4 ,. ) busnen and Shipments of 178,000 bushels, ('urn leoeipis Were 776.WXI bushels and shipments biiMO ftashels, against receipts last year of TU.1M) bushels and shinments of 3.3.0UU bushels. Clearances, 'were 147,omi bushels corn, 2,UJ0 bushels oata, and wheat and flour! to At. I.JIi 1 bushels. .tverimol rinsed i:d hla-her on wheat and higher on corn. Kroomhall estimates wheat shipments at S,0n0.Cou bushels. Australian wheat shlp- Sienis were a,64H,O0 bushels, against Ij96,l0 ushela last week and l.Ttil.OOO bushels last year. i lxcal rang of options. rticre Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close! Yes'y Wheat ( I t May... 7211 72-n 72 72 I 72 July... TlViH 71B TlViB 71B 71 Corn I May... 4H 41B 404A 4W4H 40 ; July... )U 40s, B ' 1 Kept... 404 40 B! r My... 84B 3flTiS7B ftA July... 33VA S3 331 B bid. 87 169 31 ' 24 35 Corn. 443 66 136 157 Oata. 192 31 27 121 ) A asked. I Omaha Cash Prleea. WHEAT No. I hard. ttVt1S704c: No. t liard, Vir8c; No. 4, 62'fjic; No. 3 spring, S6ffl7fHc. CORN No. 3, S6V4(go7c; No. 4. SoV43Sfic; No. I yellow, 17c I No. S white. SSc. OATS-No. mixed, S4Hi31ic; No. 3 White, 85Vrc; No. 4 white, MVu"J6c. RYE-No. t S9c; No. S, 67Hc Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Chicago 17 Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Iululh 6t. Lout .. , . - CHICAGO URAIX AND PROVISION Feat a res ot the Trading and Closing Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan." "2V liberal selling by longs cauaed a weak finish today In the local wheat market, the May delivery clos ing at a net decline ot Sc. Corn and oats were each unchanged. Provisions were HJ IKLo. hliihsr. . Weakness In wheat developed during the . last hour of trading, the market' prior to that lime Bhowlna considerable strength The selling seemed to be actuated, largely by the effort to obtain Immediate profits Instead of holding over Sunday. Tha nws of tha day was distinctly favorable to the bulls, cables being firm, receipts In the northwest light and weather In the wheat ectlqn extremely cold. Commission houses were active bidder at the opening, but as the session advanced the demand became leas urgent," The market closed weak, nnaj Quotations bolna at tha lowest point of the day.' Jaay opened unchanged to VtiiffSic I higher at 79o to TSHfokiC, sold at 79ig7Hc, "and then declined to 78Vii7SHc. The close was at "Rc. Clearances of wheat and flour were-equal to 46,000 bu. Primary re ceipts were. bu., against 4U6.IIU0 bu. for the corresponding day last year. Min neapolis. luluth and Chicago reported re celpta of -217 - cars, -against 22 curs last Week and 3o5 cars one year ago. A report that the Argentina crop'of corn will be only about one-half the amount trikinally estimated caused considerable firmness In the market early In the day, but later prices weakened on free selling by cash houses. The offerings to a large extent were brought out by the prospeot of material Increase in the movement. It 1 being estimated that the receipts for Mon - day will be 723 care. The market closed steady. May opened a shade to Viii'yic higher at 4fc to 46V?, advanced to 46c and then declined to 46Hi46o. LocaL re ceipts were 443 cars with 4 of contract grade. Trading In the oats pit was quiet and the market held stesdy on moderate buying by commission houses. The selling was mostly by longs. May opened a shade to He higher at 3KV,KK!S,c, sold between Vue and SXH3SVbc, and closed at 38Vc. Local re ceipt were 1M cars. A lively general demand for provisions Was in evidence for the greater part of the day,' but Offerings were light. The demand was' based on a 10c advance In the price of live hogs. Shorts and local packers led In the buying. At the close May pork wat up 7c at lt.72Vfc. Laid was 6c higher at ..87H. Ribs were 6c higher at t.S2 &. ICstlmated receipts for Monday are: Wheat. cars) corn, 723 cars; oats, 191 ' ears; hogs, 47,0uO head. The leading future ranged as follow: Articles. I Open. I High. Ixw. Uloe. Yes'y. 4s 6d; American mixed old, 4s (d; futures, rirm; January, 4s 3d; March, is 2d. OMAHA VtHOtRllLB MAltKFT. Conditio of Trade and laoatloBe on Staple and Fancy Prodne. EOQS--Per do., 22c. LIVK POCL J HT-H'ns, Hc; rooster, 6c; turkeys, lviac ducks, istflOc; young roosteia. iruSc; aeese, S'uitc. bL'TTKR Parking stork, lStil9c; choice to fancy dairy, Hl'o'c; creamery, 26-3 2c. HAT-Cholre ti) l-md. i:.b": mouiu o. - W No. 1 bottom. -Is IV; off grsdef, 16 WU4.iA Rye straw, $7.00, No. 1 alfalfa, $11. W. ttnJLirtr "on, i(mid. OLE VLOKTABLES. CAIir.OT" tiKKlU AN U tARSNIPS Per bu., 76o RWfcKT PO'f ATOES-Illlnois, psr large bbi., tvj.& i niti tsr-Aiso--er . cu., si si . a 'U.3U. LIMA PEANB Per lb., tMo. I CAbaAiiE Holland seed, home grown, '1H? per lb. ' ' KG PLANT-Per do., $2.25$3.00. 1 RUTABAGAS About 16u lba. . to ack, 1 U.'jO. I olATOE8-ror bu. 4Sf6Bc. TI HMFS-Kr bu., tc. ONluN-Honm crown, per bu.. ttoi ' Bpanlsli, per crate, 12. uu; Colorado, per bo. Joe NEW VEQETABLEa BEETS. ILKXIi'S ANO CARROTS Pet do , 4o'UiiOC. TOM A TuKS Florida, 30-lb. crate. 15.00. NV AX BKANH -Per bu. ox. $ LEAF LKTTL'CE Hothduae. i dog CELERY-Callfornla. per dot. IbcQtl 00. t l t'l MUE118 -Hothouse, per doa, $i.0U HORb.HAiiSU-t ase ot dox . $l.ku. RAUISHLS Per do, bunches, stc OREKN PEPPERd Par -basket srats, 14 vuhi W. PAltaLUY Hothouse per nog. bunches, HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per do., i .Mfa 1.2ft. HALIX)T8-Sotithern, per bunch, 60c. ' FRI'IUJ. CRA N BERRIES Per bM.. S7.006B.00. APPLIES ben Lavla. choice, li-uu; fancy, per bbl., .$J.zi. Jonathans, $3.7$(i4."0; New York apples, $3.2f; Iowa ana Nebraska, tiling und rooking, $2.3rX(2.0o. PEARS-Winur Nells, per uox, 13.04. TROf tCAL FRUIT. i ' ORANOEef-Florlda "ranges, ail alxes. liu; Calilurnia navels, extra fancy, all sixes. fancy, U-0; choice, i.6. LEMONS Llniomera, uv and sou . tlie, 14 mi:'d-. 6ic less. LATLB Kadaway AWc; anyera, 5c; Hab lowis, ntw stuifeu wamui dates. V-lb. bog. ll. ltf. BANANA -T-e -nedl urn -sized bunch. OKAPK FKI'l.T taT 64 and 80, W.71 il 4 lu. FIQS California, bulk, CHc; -crowo Turkish, Idc; -crown, 14c; l-crown, Ud. COUOAftliTo-Per ssck of 100, 14.W. BfctiF CU To. No 1 ribs, ttc: No. 2 ribs. 10c: No. I rll'S, 7c; No. 1 loin, INC; No. 3 loin, 12ttc; Nu. 1 loin, pc, ro. l diucK, tie, ro. x chuck, oc: No. 3 chuck, ic; No. 1 round, TVic: No. i round, Otac; No. I rcund, lie; No. 1 plate. ic; No. 2 plate. 4c; No. I plate, 3c. U 1 SLILLLAfl t.KJ u o. CHEESE New lull cream Wlsoonsln twins, 164jc; new full cream brick, lfi&i lGc; wheel Swiss cheese, l(ic; block Swlts, llir; lltnberger, 14c; Young Americas, 16',4jC. FISH Tiout. Uc; halibut, Kic; catiiah, l&Oj buffalo, So; bullheads, Ue; black bass, fin lock, 2bc; salmon, l-c; pike, dressed, llo; red snapper, 12c; ahltellsh, l-c; peicn, dressed and scaled, Oc; pickerel, C-rrssed, SVc: herring, tic; crapples, ixo 16c; eels, liic: bluensn. 16c; lobsters, green, iibu per Ib.t mackerel, Spanish, ltlc; native, 36c; frog legs, 4.ic per dox. saddles; smelts, 12c. Cl'RKU FISH Family whitetlsh, per quarter bbl., lbs., I4 00r Norway niuck trel. No. 1. 136.00; No 1 I.00; b-rring u bbls., 2"0 poumla each. Norway, 4k, $11; Nor way, 3k, $12.60; Holland herring, In kegs, ml Ik era, S0c ; Kegr, mixed. 70c. HIDES AND TALLOW Qreen salted. No. 1, 12c; No. I, lie; bull hides. p; green hides. No. 1, 10o: No. i. Be; horse, $1.60(J 8.76; sheep pelts, 60ciai$1.26. Tallow, No. L 4c: No. 2, He Wool, l&ff22o. KITS French walnuts, Uc; Callfornl walnuts. No. 2, soft sheil, 11c; No. 1 soft shell, la"ic; Braxlls, I5ffl6c; pecan, lwg.'vr: fllberta, 1814o; peanuts, raw, 7Hci roasted. Bo; California . almonds, ' hard Shell, lic; Tiayonla, 17c. HONEY Fer 24 frame. $3.50. CIDER New York, btlf barrel. U.7I; bar tel. $5.04 COFFEE Roasted. No.. 86, 8e per lh.; No. 80. nc per lb.; No. 85, 18c per lb.; No. 80, 1r per In.: No. 81, ISC per lb. SUGAR Granulated cane, in sacks, $6,11; granulated beet, in aacka. $6.01. SYRUP In bbla., 27c per gal.; In cases, 10-lb. cans, 81.70; cases, U 8-1 b. cans, 81.80; cases, 24 SH-lb. cns. $1.88. . 3 CANNED aOOUS Corn, standard, west, ern. 666oc; Maine, $ Tomatoes,' 8-Ib. csna 4i.l0; 8-lb. cans, 7Hce$l.0o. Pine. apples, gratod. 2-lb,, U0toj.'ii; sliced. II 11 (12.20. Gallon apples, fancy. 8T.05. Cull iornls, apricots, $4.00. Pears, 8L759 !S0. Pesclies, faK'y, $1.75ri!.ki; H. peuchea. $2.uik2.60. Alaska salmon, red, $1.26: fancy Chinook, F.. $3.10; fancy sock, eye, F., I1.B5. Sardines, quarter oil, $8.75; three-ouart.r mustard, 83.00. Sweet pota. toes, $1.1001.26. Sauerkraut, $1.00. Pump kins, 80c$1.00. Wn beans, j-lb.. 6v)o, lima beans, 2-lb.. 76c$1.3j. Hplnach. ti.ii. Cheap peas. J-lb , Wo; ext.js, Bictjl.10; fancy. 11.831 1. IS . NEW YORK STOCKS AM) BONDS s'rit Cubjecttd to Fmaortgnd Biw L.w Lerel ii Beached, SHORT RALLY ON BK STATEMENT It Falla to Hold, Hewerer, and Close la Irreaalar, with Prleea Lower Than Friday of lst Week, NEW YORK. Jan. . The stock market today wab subjected to severe pressure again and the tail in prices aunea io y' ternay's decline forced a level geneiaily lower than that of the low level ot Frlmty of last week. The mysury of the sources and the motive of the selling Increased its effect on speculative sentiment. The tendency of the market to rally rrom time to time disclosed that short selling bv bears was holding a share In the re sponsibility for the weakness. The most pronounced of these rallies came after the anneeranre of the bank statement, not withstanding tne wchk snowing oi tne banks. Onlv $3.4,i0 of the expected $.s.(4i,0fi0 cash gain appeared and the $i!.- t.(V loan extension swelled the deposit Item and reserve requirements to an extent which reduced th surplus tO' 7 12 kK which compares with a surplus of $15.R:B.f.V) at this time ims. y.vii. I'he. loan Increase was attributed largely to the taking up of railroad note Issues, to which was added today $60.0110,000 of one year notes by the Vanderbllt railway companies. Reports from the bankers having In hand the sale of the notes of the eagerness with which they were bought and the higher relative price they were bringing compared with the recent Issues had an Influence on the stock market aa a possible indication of a release of capital for investment from the tled-up condition which has threatened a check to enterprise. The report from Wash ington that tho Intended recill of govern ment deposits from the national banks on February 1 and and afterwards was to ap ply onlv on the $12, deposited In De cember autl not to the $.10,coo.ij which baa been on deposit since last September, cor rected an apprehension felt yesterday of aevere pressure during February on the money market from that cause. The mar ket did not fully hold its rally and the closing tone was Irregular. The total sales of bonds, par value, were $1.04t),ii"ii. I'nlted Stales bonds are un changed on call from last week. Sales and Hinge of prleea on the New York gttock exchange were. gain. High. Low. Clone. Thursday Friday ... Saturday Totals. . 1.M1.0R7 S 1.762.B71.7B 1.671.K.73 l.J"7.iilS 34 l,3UhM.a 3J.Ms.888.32 $8.6R6,77. Increase over the corresponding week last year, $L351.01O.3. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 2 MONEY On call, nominal; time loans. Arm: sixty days, 6 per cent: ninety days snd six months, S'iV tVi per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-46i, '"STERLING EXCHANGE Easy with actunl business In bankers' bills at $4.8540 04 X560 for demand and at $4.li4 8136 for sixty day bills; posted rates. $4. It;!1 and 34tV4; commercial bills, $4.s.'j'4.Sl4. 8II.VF.R Bar. ttic; Mexican dollars. 53c. BONDS Government and railroad, stendy. - Closing quotations on bona were a follows. I.... IMS Jipen (a. M serlea V. . ret. 2a. r do coupon t'. S. Ss. re 0O OOUPOD V. B. old 4a, rex. do coupon I. 8. naw 4a. re do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a... do (a Atrhtann sen. 4a.. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. . Hal. A Ohio 4e... do IWa Bra. R. T. c. 4a.. Central of Oa. ta do let Inc do td Inc do 3d Inc Chen. A Ohio 4Sa... rhlcaxn ft A. ISa... C, B. A Q. n. 4s... C, H. I. ft P. 4... do col. Ra.... nr. st. l. 4. Colo. Ind. aa, sar. A Colorado Mid. aa.... Colo. A Bo. 4a Tuba Sa I). A R. o. 4a.,... Planners' Sec. 6a... Erla p. I. 4a do can. 4a Horsing Val. 4v,a... Japan as Bid. Offered 4 102 1"4 ..10O ..Ifr'VMaa Mri do 4a etra do 4Wa ctla do td etra. L A N. onl. 4a.... a. K. 4a Central 4a S ' Bit 101 IOC at !4S ..IMV do lat Inc .. HIMInn. A St. U 4a i . ll't;M . K. A T. 4a ..imi do ia f' .. 14N. R. R. ot M. C. 4a .. Ml, N. T. C. (. !' ..l'l N. J. C. 5a 12Wi .. J No. PaclBc 4a W"l .. do la T: ..1H'. N. A W. c. 4a W .. an (i. s. u rfdr. 4a 4 .. 7 Penn. con. Ia M .. U Readlnx sen. 4a 0s 'a ..l'VHt. U I M e. 6a..t)l .. 7f. st. L. A P. ( 4a M .. Mi4im. L. 8. W. e. 4a... 7T H .. 75 Seaboard A. L. 4a.... lit .. H So. Parltlr 4a i.. I'll do lat 4a etra ', A.' n "So. Rallvajr Ha. 11t4j .. 74 Taaaa A P. la 1 17' .. Mlt T., St. L. ft W. 4a... S! ..IO314 t'nlnn Pailflc 4a lom .. H( t 8. Btoal id (a it .. aa Wshaah la H"4 ... dn deb. B. 7 .. nut Waatrrn Md. 4a. ' ..HH "W. A L. ft. 4a.,... 7'4 Ml, Wla. Central 4a BJ't OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET A!l Kinds or Cattle Art t8 Wsek. Lower for NEW YORK flENKRAI, MARKKT (taotatlona on Various Wheat " July Sept. C01 n Jan. May Jul Sept, On is Jan.. My July Biept. lOTa-. May - July-. eV rd May July. Sept. Itlba May July 794i"4 8'fi79 " 73 41 4fAir 40', J3SW HON: 32,4 1R TK t 4 87441 9 7H! 7 -"r, 8. 36 B 46 ' 754, ,7! 79 41' 4'i; 4H 41) V 86 I 86. 31 SI 7IJ 78! 79 41V 41T4I 41's 4... 46VJJV. 45V: 4 4bli So 3 SM.! SfA SiW.t'Wy'Val 18 80 18 72V, 16 7Hl 16 96 le 87 18 87H B 70 B K5 . 8 67H B r.'H 9 674 9 70 B 86 9 80 - 8 b6 B 40 I B 32W 8 35 B 47HJ' 4J$ 9 46 4u4 .V. 3ft, 32V. 1 ffi 1 90 ' B 40 1 B 624 i 66 B I7t4 8 87 No. 1 Casii quotations were as follows: ' FLOl'R rrm; winter patents, $3.C0 860: straights. BS.Oftti 3. a ; spring patents; 83; straights, W lif8.60; bakers, fl.XH$ WHEAT No... 2 spring. 7ac; No. 8, V2fctc; No. 3 red. 740 75c. . CuHN-No. 2, 42c; No. X yellow. 43He. OATS No. Z. ; No. 3 white, 3iVi No. 3 Jrnlte. SH3Se. RYE No. 2, 63c. PARLEY Fair to choice malting. 8155a SEEDS No. 1 'flax, Jl.ln; No. 1 north, western, $1 2H. Prime timothy. $4 4Cij4 ii. Clover, contract grades, $13 S6. pROVlSI"N8 Khoi t ribs sides (loos), 89.0fgB.26. Mess pork, per bbl.. $1K .4:4. Lard, per 1K) ll . 847H. Short clear sides (boxed. 8912HB9S7H. Pollowtng ere Lhe receipts and hip men is of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 2u0 Sl.&tO Vheat. bu 17.0M o.i.7u0 Corn, bu 8S8.SH0 S-12.WI0 Oats, bu 244 MO 21S.21O Kye. bu ( 6.u parlay, bu 133.1U0 14.700 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was strong; creameries, acinic; dairies. l7c. Fs. steady; at maik. rases Included, 2.i-4c; flrsta, 24c; prime .firsts, 2c; extras, aeo. Cheese, strong, 1 ,Wo. Pkllaaelpkla Podlneo Market. - PHILADELPHIA. Jan. SB. BUTTER Firmer. good demand. extra western ereamwry. i-ij .'. HOUS Firm, good demand, western fresh, jne at mart, CHICKjr-l"nehangeo, New York full creaiuay U014ct Urers! Grain an4 Provlaiena. IJVr-RPOOU Jan. K-WHf AT Spot, firm; No. 3 red western winter, a; future. firm; March, ts id. May, as aVJ, juiy BS 9arl CoiwN Spot, Arm; American mixed new, of the nay Commoilltlea. NEW YORK. Jan. 26. FLOI R-Recelpts, 17.6HO bbls.; exports, 4.2R1 bbls.; market dull; winter patents, $3.artf3.85; winter straights, $3.4Y(ig.5n: Minnesota patents, $4.1iK(j4.a6: winter extras, $2.8rtfi300; Minne sota bakers, M.afVti3.7&; winter low grades. $2.7u2.0. Rye tlour, dull: fair to goo., $3.66&3.H); choice to fancy, $3.So(S4 20. Buck wheat flour, quiet, $a.HKitZ.a. Bl'CKWHEAT Quiet. $1.2B per 0 bs. CORN MEAL Quiet; fine white and yel low, $1.15(U1.20; coarse, $1.0&r1.10' kiln dried, $l.n-:.7(. WHEAT Receipts, r,iu nu.; exports, 10.000 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 82Wc, ele vator, and K34C, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north- em. IHiluth. WVaC, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, iiTV. f. o. b., afloat. In re sponding to the Arm cablea, fears of crop damage growing out of the severe cold wave west, prospect for mulish visible and world's shipments figures on Monday and covering wheat waa firmer tills morn ing. It yielded later to retlieing, and closed barely steady at Ho net decline. May, fall i'5. clotted at 85e; July, 84HtT'5c. closed at 84Kc. .. CORN Recelpta. 43.000 bu.; exporta, 1.144 bu. Spot, Arm; No. 2, 65Vc. elevator, and Ple. f. o. b., afloat; No. I yellow, 61Sc; No. 2 white, 52c. The option market was without transaction, closing H2?ic net hlKher. January closed at 64c, May at and Julv at 62so. OATS Rut clpts. 70.5(10 bu. ; exports. 1.460 bu. Spot, steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lb., 41c; natural white, SO to S3 Ihs., 42it:4Sc; clipped white, S to 40 lbs.. 4,Mt4o4c. HAY Easv; shipping, 77Mi5c; good to choice. fl.i4Viil.10. HOPS Steedv,' fte, common to choice. 19H6 cror. lhifiSc; 19t crop. 8rHle; Pacific const. IftU crop. lSWIHc; 16 crop, lOtfrl.'c, H I Dl- Steady; O.ilveston. 80 to S lbs.. 20r; CHlifornla. 21 to 25 lbs., 21c: Texas dry, 24 to S(i lbs.. 19c. I RATHER Steady; acid, r7H?29e. PROVISIONS Heef, llrnv family, flS.OtVfr 1S.50; mess. f!.0l'.fj . 60 ; leef hams, fil.5" 2S.0O; pHi-Vet fll.oiKi 12.00; city extra India mess. Xt: Xvu'a on. Cut meats, steady; n'ck led bellies. J10.UWT12.0o; pickled hams. $11. SO 4A 11,76. I-std. Arm; western prime, 99.6ofr 0; reflned, oulet; continent. $10 10; South America, $10.75: compoiinl. $s.5nrrf'l tcij. Pork, firm; famltv. 1900; hort clear, flT.i&lB.On, mess. $17."jlH 60. T A LLO W rirm ; city, 69-ldc; country. i.c. R lOK Steady ; domestic, fair to extra afar. BUTTER Firm: street price extra cream ery,; omcini prices, e-e-an-ery com mon to extra. ypT:c; state, dairy common to firsts. Jijic: western Imitation, cream ery, extras, NfiSc. rHEfc:su: Steaoy : state full rream small snd Isrse. September, fancy, 14c: October, best. UWltc: state, rood to prune. U& Vie. state, winter wrade. average best, 12c-,1.1- Inferior. 1HS12C. KOOS Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby f.tney selected white. 82o; state, choice. 2!4i3ic, mixed extra. 29f3c; west ern firsts. 2rV: crrlt'ial price, firs , itc; seconds. J,Wri5e. Ptl LTKl-Live, sienay; western fowls. loll3: tuikeya, !. Dressed, firm; we-t- ern cmcKene, uaisc; turkeys, HQlBo: fowls. Mj14c. . Adama Ripraaa Amalgamated Copper ... Am. C. r Am. O. A P. pfd Am. Coi ton Oil Am. Cotton OH pfd : American Expreaa Am. II. A L. pfd American Ice Am. Llneeed nil Am. Llnaeed Oil pfd Am. Locomotire Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. ft H Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Sugar Refining Aro. Tobacco pfd ctfa.... Anaconda Mining Co.... Aichlaon Atlantic Coaat L,lne Paltlmore ft Ohio Ral. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central of Near Jersey... Choaapaak ft Ohio Chlcaso Ot. W Chicago ft N. W C . M. ft 8t. P Chicago T. ft T Chicago T. A T. pfd...., C. C. C A 8t. L Colorado P. A I Colorado A 80 Colo. A 80. lat pfd Colo, ft 80. td pfd Cooaolldated Oaa Corn Products Corn Producta pfd , Pclnware A Hudson...., Pel.. L. ft W Denver R. O P. ft R. O. pfd niatlllers'. Securities ... Erie Erie lat pfd Krla, td pfd General Electric Hocalng Valley, offered.... Illinois Central International Paper 1st. Paper pfd.. 1st. Pump Int.' Pump Pfd...T. Inws Central Iowa Central ptd Kaneae City 80 K. C. Bo. pfd Louievllle A N , , Mrilrin Central Mlnp. A Bt. L M., . P. A 8.' i. M..:... M . Bt, P. A 8. 8. t. pfd. Mlaeeurl Pacific M., K. A T....- M . K. A T. pfd Natrorral Lead N. R. R. ol M. pfd New York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pfd North American. Pacific Mall Pannaylvanla gfPeople'a Oaa r.. c, i'. n st. u. , Preaard Steel Oar , Preaaed 8. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car... Readiss Reedlsg lat pfd Reading td pfd Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Inland Co Rock laland Co. pfd 8L L. A 8. r. M pfd: Bt. L. 8. W 8t. L 8. W.- pfd 80. Pacific 80. Paelfio pfd So. Railway Bo. Railway pfd Tennaee?e O. A I Teiaa A Pacific T., Bt. b. A W T.. Bt. U A W. pfd Union Pacific t'nlon Pacific pfd V. 8. Siprraa V. B. Realty C. 8. Rubber U. 8. Rubeer pfd I . 8. Bleel It. B. Steel pfd ... Ve.rCaroline Chemloel .... Va.-Caro Cbem. pfd Wabelh Wabaah pfd Wella-Pargo Eapreaa Weetlsghouae Electric .... Weetera Union Wheeling A L, B Wiaconaln Central Wla. Central pfd Northern Pacific Oreat Northern pfd Central Leather Central Leather pfd Sloea-Dhcfflcld Steel Int. Metropolitan Int. Met. pfd 7,!in m I.tnfl 4S 11t4 42S IO0 SO', JiH 1. 400 i.'lino 'iiino too It ion lt.snn 700 4, MO 'i.tiio 20. too l.ino , l.snn . n.too 12 7V4 124 lltte 'ttii lti l'H la HIS 7H iacvf io4 S7 I7 . 10014 1!.1 1HH T5V . 17H 'aiii im W, 14fiS 3no 1,SO ID ton 400 SfK) 6O0 10,100 '"ioi too "tio 100 100 M elH U4 'r.i 1UH H ' v !11H 714 H 'ii" tits iin" . net B"4i 7S M 'wii US 14 211 '" 'ii" S "it" if4 iteii 17H M4 too son 1 no . L100 ' 4,700 3110 too 1,100 1,000 100 400 io.ioft I. two 100 '"t'n'n O0 l.SOO 100 too too , BT.eoo ', " itoo poo 0 M-4 45i t7S fH 1S7V, n v u IrT 1M) 87 4 M 70S 70S 2S 4A "m" S7 184S 7 77 MS iit" ixs os 17 s I0 M 400 t.soo 1,00 ,t3S lsia 'ins MS tss 4"S ns MS 117 It 6 lit 1F.0 M 7S 70S 70S izS 44 7S "si" S7 ms s 77 s iiis IMS '" 17 8 'its' 'tis : lS 4S tOO US 35 S 100 173 S 172 iOO too S1,S"0 1,200 00 KO 1IX 4S lets S 4S loaS 4s iur,s u 500 17 IT 4'0 S'K) ' ' 'iiio 1.4H0 100 70Q "ir'o t.100 400 3 13 MS K.4 IMS 31 72 17 13 Total aalee for the day, Mt.tOO aharee. K3 its 'iaii U.1 14 34 'its 18 7 ran li: 43 101 31 a M 27S 03 17 33 71 110 14S lit ISIS 7 . n ' WOS 124 IKS IS 75 11 tot tlH 1S 1S 14 It 7S (1 7 t lit 24 M 111 tin ITS os IIS w 73 S M 1M 124 164 17 os 87 77 ! 45 . 17 US 137 M 11S 14S M 7 70 0 E 127 44 7 ao 4 37 ia K IS a H 171 125 81 17 (17 s 26 U 41 13 57 3 117 4 1U 33 to 11 17J 2 l.'l (1 4S 1U6 45 106 104 14 "S 176 150 at 13 4 153 185 M IiwS 71 37 71 London i'loalnsr ltorks. LONDON, Jan. 28. Closing quotations on the Stork exelmnge weie. Conanla, money .. 14 15-14 M., K. A T do account 87 i-H N. Y. Central Anaronda ,4 Norfolk A W Atchlann 1osi do pfd do pfd Kl flntarlo A W RaKlmore ft Ohio. ...120 Ipennaylvenla .... Canadian pacific ISTs'ltand Mines ....53 Reading . ... 17 ISouthem Railway ....151 S do pfd .... 27 southern Pacific Paelfio ....84 do pfd .... 40 ill, 8. HI .... 75 I do pfd .... US.Wabaah ...171 do pfd LoulaTlile ft Naah...l44Sl SII.VKR Bar. firm, 31 ll-16d per ounce. MONF5Y 4tyS4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 47 per cent; for three months' bills Is 4 per cent. Chee. A Ohio. Chicago Ot. W.. C. M. A Bt. P. Im Reera Dener A R. O. . do pfd Erie do let pfd do !d pfd Illlnnla Central el... . .132 . 0 . n . 45 'A . 68 . 1 . 45S . :t . o . t7 17 47 lot 11 34 HOGS OPEN HIGHER, CLOSING LOWER Light Meeelpta ot Baeeai 0 ad I. a as be, with Prleea Bteady for the Pay hat Decidedly Lawer for the Week. "SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 2. 1907. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. C tile la I Momlnv B.4S7 B.313 B.ilil Oftlcial Tuesday J.OW 12.- a"- Official Wedneeday .... i.tWi 12.993 . tJlrlcial Thursday t,70 lill 4,848 Oftlcial Friday 2,6t l."4 Ofnclal Bnturday l'H M27 1.244 This week 25.747 B7.229 3o.67 Last week 37.25S 46.97S 3H.T8 Two weeks ago 25.H34 41,477 f'.033 Three weeks ago 16,u31 27.SH4 210f2 Four weeks ago 7.117 29,tl 1.4 Same week Inst year. .. .16.830 60,Sb9 S4,3i3 The following table how the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha for the year to date, compared with laat yearj 1!M7. 1904, Inc. Deo. Cuttle 91.B13 67.104 24,409 Hogs 15W.21H 1.99 SfsTl Sheep 118,806 119.992 1.1W CATTLE QUOTATION3. Oood to choice enrnfod steers $8 40trt.2S Fair to good co?nfed steers ffoo.? Common to fair steers 4.0ti4.i Good to choice fed cows i? Fair to good cows snd heifers 8 tii3 .65 Common to fair cows and heifers.. 2.003.00 Good to ohoice Bi kers and feeders. 4 J6.10 Fair to good stockers and feeders. 3 t'C -40 Common to fair stockers "'y?Ix Bull stags, etc Veal calves 4.0O43.M Ths following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: 71. .....,.!? ... t rr 71 t.'t to 70 4 21 t7S T7 354 ... 4 71 H 3S ll I T 71 2::1 ... t 72 aa . 40 Ills 1 "4 ... 7.S 4 Ut ... t 7 : if-4 40 4 T.'S tl tU ... 4 47S 4t lit ... 4 1J t Itt ... t7S 7 110 ... t t?S 71 tr-i ... I rr Ml ... t 1? 7! 238 ... 147 88 f- ... t 7t 4 21 ... 17 (4 214 ... 13 as 121 ... t 70 14 248 - 10 t T2S 7t t"4 ... I 7 4t 251 ... 78 80 tot se 7ft 83 M ... 4 77 at If I s) 111 SI1EE1' Of the few sheep and lamb re- Krted in three ears were yearling sold fore arrival at 34 M and one car of good lamb also sold before arrival at J .".60, There were hot ehough actually on sale to make any test of the market and about all that could be said of the day trade Is to call It nominally steady. Rettipts of sheep this week have been sbout the same so - far as numbers were concerned, but slightly heavier than a year ago. This means that the run has been large. As noted before In these columns, the receipts have consisted very largely of ewes, with the result that packers became overloaded and the market broke sharply Even the best ewes declined 2fo. with ths medium kinds 2rVti.Ue lower. The break on ewes also carried down the market on wethers and yearlings, which are IRSSfto lower than last week. Strictly choice lambs on account of the moderate supply have remained fully steady, but the medium grades, which have been more plentiful, are 2fic lower for the week. Quotations on klliers: Oood to choice lamb, r.rS1.40; fair to good lambs, .. tt7.00: good to choice yearllners, lamb weight. e6.O04je.2e: fair to good yearlings, lamb weight. I6.7BHM.0O; good to choice yearlings, heavyweights, 5.7tia.0O; fslr le good yearlings, heavyweights, 35 !". T: good to choice old wethers, tVi.3Mrf.60; fall to good old. wethers. o. 006 86; good to to choice ewes, 4.80(B6.t; fs" to good M. aOJI.SU. No. 7V4 western yearling ..... 39 western ewes 278 western lamb close steady, net unchanged to 10 points higher. Sales were reported of llBfa) bags. Including February at B. 40c: March, B.rVV; May, 6. ,tr; September, tKvdo; Decem ber, tVOlVo') lOo. Spot coffee steady; Rkv No. 7, 7c; Santos, No, 4. 80; mild coffee quiet; Cordova, BglSSrC. Dalalh Oral Mavrhet. ' TT'Lt'TH. Minn.. Jan. X-WllEAT-On track. No. 1 northern, ft"So; No. 3 north ern, !V; May, 81o; July, elVfro; Septem ber. B"c. OATS-To arrive, 36e. R T FT V. i) ARLKI 36-340O. Av. . 03 . M . 77 Pr. I 93 4 30 7 (0 Date. I 1907. 19t.il906.r904.19O3.1903.1901. 37 13 t It (learlnir Honse Statement. NEW YORK, Jan. 2. The bank state ment of clearing house bnnks for the week shows that the bank hold llS.B62.Sfi0 more than the legal reserve requirement. This Is a decrease of 82,n7,f)00, as compired with last week. The statement follows Jan. 14... t 28l 1 4 60 4 73 Jan. IS... I Ii 9 4 69 Jan. 16... 4lTi 6 29 4 62 4 74 Jan. 17... 6 41 b 21i 4 Bl Jan. 18... 6 4H t 27) 4 65 4 6B Jan. 19... 49 I 6 29 4 66 ' 4 74 Jan on els oil a k- a Jan. 21... I 64 I 4 68 Jan. 22... I 6 61 6 36 Jan. 23... 6 4d 6 38 4 631 4 8X Jan. 24... ( 43 S 32 4 6 Jan. 26...' 6 33 4 7.t 4 87 41 6 U) ( t 6 6 161 8 17 32 27' 6 39 6 47 4 79 6 69 lb 4 )' o 0-1 4 8X 6 22 t 21 fi 20 I 29 6 Tt a 5 n 6 5 13 6 f.9l 6 03i 6 IB 6! 6 11 6 21 6 73 (5 13 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha t! 2f.B0 I6.6tnii6.80 Chluago 1.6.o7.( 6.0fi'a.9 Kansas City 2.Vn 60 B.Hiiti.S.'Vi St. Ixiuls 2.0i'M"5 6.6'(i.K779 Sioux City 2.5o'f)26. ,6.biu'.75 The oftlcial number of cars of stock Loans Deposits Circulation Iegal tenders Specie Reserve reserve required ... Surplus F.x-lT. S. deposits. Decrease. ..31,flS5.!Wo,4iii) .. l.Oi'J.OIl.WO fS.B43,71 HS.442.5nn .. 19t.S73,2O0 . .. 2. 2. 31 5. 700 .. 2Vi.7.r2.9fV) .. . 1B.Bri2.HO0 19.703,675 brought In today tor each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's. C, M. & St. P. Ry.... Wabash Mo. Pac. Ry Union Paclnc System C. & N. W. Ry. ( ri . . c. & N. W. Ry. (W). Increase. ! C, St. P., M. & O. Ry. j.t r. oc w. inj C. R. I. A P. uy. C. R. 1. At P. Ry. Illinois Central Chic. Great Western i4,677.tJO KH.ZIIO 1.016.214) 4,22,r1 3.2K4O0 rl.141.4tiO ,R!7,00 2,81,350 Kevr Tork Mlalng Stocks. NEW TORK, Jan. 26. Closing quotations tlons on mining stocks were Adams Con Alice Breece Brunaerlck Con. ... Cometeck Tunnel .. Con. Cat. A Vs.... Horn Bllrer Iron Sllrar Lesdvllle Con JO ..too .. ts .. BO .. t ..100 ..17 ..400 .. I Little Chief .. Ontario Ophlr Potoei Ravage ........ Sierra Neyada Small Hopee .. Standard ...... .. . .860 ,.20 .. 18 .. fH) .. 84 .. 38 ..310 Foreign Financial. LONDON, Jan. 26. Money Was much wanted In the market today and rates wera firm. Discounts were steady. 1 rauing on the stock exchange was light, the nearness of the settlement Inducing a reduction rather lhan an Increase of commitments. The prices of British securities declined In the absence of support. Americans con tinued weak. Yesterday's disappointing ad vices from Wall street caused renewed liquidation, especially In Canadian Pacific and Union Pacific. After the transaotlon f a small amount or businens tne market closed steady. Southern Paclflo was In good emand In anticipation or an increased aivi- dend. Foreigners and kafflrs were dun, Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 closed at H.02HV liH.KL.ir4, jan. oa. rncra un 1110 duuiso today were Irregular. PARIS. Jan. I'rices on ine nourse today were dull and weak. Russian Im perial 4s were unquoted and Russian bonds t I90t closed at tas. Treaaary Statement. WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 Today s state ment of the treasury balances In the gen-. eral fund, exclusive of the floO.OOO.OOi) gold reserve, shows: Available casn Daiance, ri4O.0J8.8S3; gold coin and bullion, 3100,266,436; gold certificates, $37,788,470. Exports and Imports. NEW TORK, Jan. 26. Total Imports of pecle for the week ending today, P,I silver, and 448.684 gold. Total exports of specie for the week ending today, 3672,666 silver and 3870,970 gold. (E). (W) 1 4 1 1 1 .. 12 X 13 23 6 1 , S 11 6 I .. 1 . 1 3 1 . 8 81 6 Total receipts The disposition of the day'a receipts was as follows, eacn Duyer purcpasiiig tue num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. 912 61 73 'i 1 1 1.3K9 1.716 1.814 8-0 278 147 . 153 6,840 ' 1,246 Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. a.-iin loans, tWl per cent; time loans, 6Vii per cent. Official quotation on atocxa mn nona wsrer Grain Market. MILW Al'K EE. Wis., Jan. 26. WHEAT S' o. 1 northern. Bi'aMc: No. 2 northern. 79 JjMHc; May, 7fc bid. PORN Steady; No. 3 cash, 4242e; May, 4&MHi4c. RYK Ixiwer; No. 1. SSfiCV. BARLEY Finn; No. J, 69c; sample. 48 68c. Atchteoa adj. 4a.. do 4a Max. Central 4a Atchlaoa io pfd Boeton A Albany.. Boaton A Maine.... Boat on R leveled ... ruchburg pfd Mrilcsa Central ... N. T., N. H. A H. fere Marquette ... t'nlea Paclnc , "Am. A. C. pfd.!.. Aaa. Tnei. Tube.... Atner. tugsr do pfd Am. T A T Am. Woolen de pld 100 Pom. I. A a Kdiaos Else. Ills f.i Maav Klectrte da pfd Meee. Oee tailed rmlt ....... letted . M de pfd II. 8. Bleel do pfd Adventure Allouea Amalgamated . bid. "Asked. tl ..100 .. 84 ..lui ..100 :.t ..leu ,.181 ..131 .. 12 .183 . u .171 . II . It .131 .130 .127 . 12 1 Atlantic biogham .' cel. A Hecla.. Centennial .... Copper kange . Kaljr West .... rranklta UranbT lata horale ... .Maaa. Mpilng . Michigan Mokavk Itoal. C. A C. 'lid Dominion'. Oeceole Parrot Juim jr Shannon Tamarack rrlnltr I'nlted Copper V. . Miami.. 1 U. 8. Oil 4lCtah .. 88 Victoria . h 18 iWolrerlne .. at North Putt. ... .. 28 Butte Coalition .. ei Neesda ..106 Cel. A Artaooa 4 Ariaone Com. . .. ts Oreeae Cea. ... ..mi . i . 31 .KO . 38 . 81 . It 14 .130 . a . 8 . 20 . 81 . 1 . 58 188S 31 118 2 .1 141 ... S ... 73 ... ef. ... 13 ... 81 ... a ...187 ...111 ... 18 ...18 ...180 ...17 Peerta Market. PEORIA. Jan. 3S. CORN-l'nchnged; No. 3 yellow and No. 3. 41Vic; No. 4. no grade. ti3c. OATS Finn ; No. I white, 7Hc; No. 3 white. S7c: No. 4 white. S. ' RYE Steady; No. 3. 64iAc. WHISKY On tuuaia of 11 2 for finished goods. Toledo Seed Market. TOLfcU0. O.. Jan. 26. -4? E EDS Clover. raeh and January. s3,s; feuruary, tx0; March, .; April. lluiotOy, Alslks. :.76. Boaton Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar bC reported by Logan A Bryan. 112 Board nf Trade building. Omaha; Atlantle KStjl 11 Maaa Bingham 11S4) 31 Mohawk BUa.b Mt 87f 8sNorth Butte.. Boetoa. Cena.... Ut 31 Old nooilnioa Butte Coalition 8t) 18 Oeceoie Cel. A Arts..l8e Shanuoa ( el. A Hetia. .teuA Trn.117 Centennial t 1'. . com . Copper RABge.. ti ' Biiplaelng .... Dalr Waat .... lt O. Cenanea.. Caat Butte lt Butte Kl .... Greene Copper. r4 tl Neat Hease... U . r.... HN M . 8 gt a .111 trll . 1.11 ee .lr4lM . US) 12 ' . H . 17 14 . Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Jan. 2 Bank clearings for today ll.671.2M.7f and for the corresponding oat -last year ai.aoo,iuB.9. 1906. 1907. Monday 31(6.1,5.10 06 $l.46 897r: Tuesday LlrM.J t 49 1.4M4.9M7 1 Wednesday l.ooa,U3 .64 L3K.21179 St. I.ools General Market. ST. LOITIB, Jan. 26. WHEAT Weak ; fu- ure lower; iraca, rto. e reu, cueu, inTw So; No. 2 hard, 74V4S76Hc; May, 77H8T7Hc; July, 76c. CORN Bieaay; traia, i-u. t. tmn, it-it:. No. 2 white, 44c; May, d-ilko; July, 44c. OATS oteaoy; iraca rso. t casn. vk ixo, white, 8Hc; May, ST?c; July, 347c. FIvOL'R Firm; red winter patents, $3.60 474.76; extra fancy and straight, 33.1UO'3.40; clear, a.504i.75. ' SEED Tlmotny, sieaay st v CORNMEAL Steady at fLX. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, Bitj96c. HAY Dull; timothy, 16.ai9.iX; prairie. lll.oo&is.oo. 1 RUN CO I i on I1.VZ. BAGG1NG-4)C. HEMP TWINE Sc. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, $16.75. Iard, higher; prime steam. $9.22 Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, IS.STt; clear ribs, $9.50; short clears, $9 62). Bacon steady; ooxea extra snort, i.i.vt; clear ribs, $10.25; short clear. $10.37H- POl'l.TR Y Quiet; cnickena, C; springs, lie: turkevs. l'Uloc; ducka, lie; geese, 8c. BUTTER Bieaay ; creamery, ituoic; dairy. 2o4TAc. EUUa Bieaay, nc, ce count. Recelpta. Shipments Flour, bbls.. ,0u0 8,00) Wheat, bu ST.OuO 17.u Corn, bu...- 164. ) 8S.00) Oats, bu 122.GMO 63.UjO Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co F. P. Lewis 1-ehmer Bros Other buyers Total tt CATTLK-r-There was the usual dearth ot Cattle at the yards today and nothing of any consequence was doing, .,'hlle tlio re ceipts have not been as large ae tho ex cessive run ofjast week, they nevertheless show an enormous gain over the corre- I spontling week of last year, ns will be i noted by a glance at the table ut the head of this column. With two successive weeks of such liberal receipts, and ..with othet. market points suffering: under the. same oversupply. It Is not Surprising that values have had a lower tendency. -This tias transpired in spite of the fact that the .de mand has been exceedingly good, conse quent upon an unprecedented demand for meat products. ... During the first two days of .the week beef steers were very free sellers at good steady to strong prices. On Wednesday It became apparent that packers, owing to liberal purchases on the two preceding days. Were getting pretty well fHled up and the market showed some signs of weakness This was followed on Thursday by a break of fully 10c, and as no Improvement took place on Friday the market at the close of the week is generally 10c lower than at the close of last week on good kinds, with warmed up and inferior grades lower or more. Cows and heifers kept pace with tho, steer market during the first of the week that la, the market was active and fully steady. During the latter half of the week the proportion of cows and heifers received waa very large and the market broke un der the Influence of the large offerlnea In spite of the very good buying demand. Today it Is snfe to quote the market for the week 10fil5c lower on fair to good kinds, with common and medium grades loffili&c lower. During the first half of the week fleshy feeders were In extremely active demand and sold at the highest figures of the season. A good many weighty feeders that, had more or less corn sold at tS.OO and up, as hla-h as $5.35 being paid for some. During the latter part of the week fewer country buyers were In attendance at the yards, due possibly to rough and cold weather keeping them at home. For the lack of good buying support the market eased off, the weakness being still further Increased by a tendency toward sn accumu lation of cattle In the yards. The. result was that even the best grades at the close of the week are lOtfJ-lSo lower-that! the high time. The light and thin stockers have suffered worse than heavy cattle, for the reason that they have been more plentiful, while the buying demand haa been at no time very active. Tlrey are In consequence 15f725c lower than Inst week, with the com mon kinds 2M740c higher. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKKT Cattle and Sheep Steady Hogs Ten Cents Higher. CHICAGO. Jan. 26. CATTLE Receipt. 300 head; market steady; beeves, $; cows and heifers, $l.tvfi.36; stockers ana feeders. $2 &o&4.75; Texans, . $3.7iij4.&0; calves, $6.00018. CO. HOGS Receipts. 15,000 head; market l"e higher; mixed and butchers. $A6Mr90; good heavy. 36.7tVnti.90; rough heavy, $6 6B 6.70; light. $i vt! 86; pigs, $6.05t&.0; bulk of sales, $6.80(S 85. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,300 head; market steady; sheep, $8.7543i,76j lambs, $47&a7.70. Kansas City Life Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 26.-CATTLE Re ceipts. oo head. Including 100 southerns; market unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.50Jl.r; fair tf good, $4,251)6.40; western fed steers, $3.75fc6.7ri; stockers and feeders, $S.00t84.66; southern steers. $3.2rVii6 25; southern cows. $2.3513 75; native cows, $22fy&4.35; native heifers, $3.1 4j4. 80; bulls, $3.00414.26; calves, $3.254f7.60. Receipts for the week, 46,800 head. HOC.3 Receipts. 4.000 head: lc higher; top. $8.65; bulk of sales, $.75'(ffi.8214; heavy, $6.S0((t.86; packers, $; pigs and light. $5.ent()6.75. Receipts for tho week, 62,800 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 head; market steady; lambs, $6.60ii7.50; ewes and yearlings, $4.8fyi$.:X; western fed yearlings, $.0ltfirt60: western fed sheep, $4.7Mj6.7R; stockers and feeders, $3. 2jj4.2S. Receipts for the week, 30,000 head. New York Lire Stork Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 26. BEEVES Re ceipts, 60O head; steady: dressed Deer quiet at 7fi9 cents for native sides; fancy beef, 9'(i91c. CALVES Tl ecelpts, 81 head; steady; Oood fed calves. $4. Dressed calves weak. City dressed veal, otfl4c per pound; country dressed. 7tftl2Hc. HOGS Receipts, 2,896 head; nominally steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 424 head; slow with prices shout steady. Medium sheep, $4.60; medium to good lambs, $i.00g T.bO. DESTINY OF THE JAPANESE Denver Rxplorer gay a Islanders Mast Colonies Islands and Mar Take Australia DENVER. Jan. 26. In A signed article on "Japan," published In the Denver Time today. Major William Cooke Daniels, ex plorer, who recently returned from an ex pedition In Borneo, says: "A Japanese Russian entente Is by no means Impossible. "Japan," Major Daniels says, "must col orrlxe to fulftlll Its destiny as It sees IL Ths tropics do not attract Japanese, evert as possessions, at present. China, or at any rate a largo part of China, comes first; sn , infinitely richer prise than . all the land north of 10 south latitude and west of 100 east longitude. In good time It will turn its attention to those lands, excepting the Philippines, since the slates cannot be bribed with bits of Chins, nor Mocked by a European combination snd will not glvg them up without a struggles 'Java and Sumatra would do Instead, so ; would Dutch Borneo, with Celebes ndi Gllolo for pendants, lying In the shadow t , Dutch New Guinea. "England may easily find that an unprofit able Australia under the British flag Is un , necessary to its existence; England may see that Its safety would be better served by s , flourishing Australia tinder the flag of the Rising Sun." Weavers Want a Raise. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 26,-Followlng the success of the upholstery workers In' obtaining an 11 per cent Increase In pay, the Cloth and Dress Weavers' union hag decided to ask for a 16 per cent Increase. A committee has been appointed to draft a formal demand for the increase and this demand will be sent to the mill owners In a few days. The Cloth and Dress Weavers union numbers about 12,000 men, who are employed In fifty mills. Right mills have already granted the increase and the others are expected to follow suit within wsek. The cotton and woolen goods wearers. It Is expected, will also make a demand upon the manufacturer for a 16 per cent in crease. Other branches of the textile trade will also follow the lead of the Upholstery Weavers' union. No. 3... II.... 1.... Ae. Pr. 825 4 2S No. 788 . 81 .. 124 ..1170 COWS. I 18 1 3 28 HEIFERS. 1 Tt BULLS. I II 1 Ar. Tt. .1173 3 10 Wool Market. LONDON. Jan. 26. WOOL The offerings at the wool auctoln sales today amounted to 3.752 bales. Including a good selling of greasy Merinos. Fine grades were In spirited demand for all sections. Fine cross- breds were uncnangea ana low graars were Irregular. Americans bought croaa-breda at Is 4Vadfjls 7d. Following are the sale.4 In detail: New South. Wales. 1,300 bales; scoured, la ldlils IlVd; greasy, IkKyls 4d. Queensland. 1,100 bales; scoured. Is Vidfrl 1oh1; greasy, 7Hdi(jls 2H4- Victoria, l.mO bales; greasy, 7utj is di. - south Austra lla. 1.O0O bales; scoured, Is 3Vkd; greasy. 8rtd'9'ls md. West Australia. 2.000 bales; sco urea, ldis i-4a; greasy, uitiis 10. -New Zealand, 1.0"0 bales; greasy, Sl als 3d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 600 hales; scoured, la Vdi2e gd; greasy, 71 ld. The ar rivals of wool for the second aerlea of sales amount to 112.0U0 balea. Including 8'i.kiO balea forwarded direct to aplnners. The importa for the week were: New South Walea. 16.426 bales; Queensland, 6.&U0 bales; Victoria. B.2U0 bales: South Australia, 2.100 bales; New Zealand, B.SoO balea; various, 6,100 bales. BT. LOUIS. Ma, Jan. 28. WOOL Steady ; medium grades, combing and clothing, 24 :3V: light fine. 3p'23c;. heavy fine, lta luo wasnea, vo. St. Louis Lire Stack Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 26. CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head, Including 1.200 Texans; -market stefldy; native shipping and export steers. $5.4of(f'7.60; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.1iw6.50; steers under l.otJO ins., X3.7Dinn.ra; stockers and feeders. $2.0lKfi4.60: cows snd heifers, $2.B04jf. 26; canners, $1.75r2.35; bulls, $21ooi3.76; calves,' $3.6tXq.26; Texas and In dian steers, .$2.50i6.50; cows and heifers, $2. HOGB Keceipts, 6,ii neaci; 10c nigner; lgs and lights, $6.66'a6.75; packers. .Wii Kit; butchers and best heavy, $.7bfiV?rr4. SHEEP AND LAMBS None on sale. glonx City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY. Jan. 26.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLB-Receipts 3o0 head; mar ket steady; beeves, $4 fMlfi.26; cows and heifers, $3.004. So; stockers and feeders, $3."(i4 So; calves and yearlings, $2.6ii3 76. HOtJS Heceipis, t.vuu neaa; market higher: selling at $t.5o"a4.75; bulk of Sales, $6,554(6.60. Bt. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JO8EPH, Jan. 26 CATTLE1 Re ceipts, 297 head; market steady; natives, $4.5ot'rM.75; stockers- and feeders, $3.2tyii4.60. HOGS Receipts, 3,211 head;, market 5tH0c higher; ton, $ 7o-u.82r1; pigs, $6.5ifdS.oO; bulk of sales. $6.706.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts. Stock In Sight Receipts of live stock st the six prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 104 6.27 1,341 Sioux City Bl 4,700 Kansas City 4,ono aoo t. Joseph 27 3,211 ...... St. Louis -..-...... I,6o0 6,(M Chicago 300 16.000 1,300 Total 3,101 37,193 2,844 Antelopes for Bonthveeat. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 26.-A dispatch from Los Angeles this morning aaya tha southwestern deserts and the forest re serves of this region are to be restocked with antelope, to be brought from Africa. Private capital has already been secured for the purpose, snd the project. It Is stated. Is already under way. It is Intended to secure a species of antelope that thrives In the hot desert region and are able to live a long way from water. In former days antelope were numerous In southern California. . St. lonls Police Shakenp. ST. LOITI8. Jan. 26, After an all-nlsht session of the Board of Police Commission era announcement was made by the secre tary that Chief of Detectives William Des mond had been reduced to a lieutenant of police and J. H. Smith, recently reappointed to tne ponce inrce as a captain, una Dcen made chief of detectives. Desmond had been head of the detective bureau for six teen years. Desmond's reduction was the result of a general shakeup In the depart ment and no specific charges of any kind were preferred against him. Jockey and Trainer Rnled Off. LOS ANGELES, Cel., Jan. 26.-Jockey Kent snd Trainer Morton, connected with the . stable .of . Joe. Cooper at Ascot Psrk, have been ruled off the turf for ' fraud In connection with the running of the horse .Round Dance In s race on January g. From all accounts the evidence shows that Kent was the real owner of Round Dance, which won at a long price, while Kent rode- the favorite, Susannah, which fin ished third. Kent denies that he owned Round Dance. ftKAI. BSTATH TRANSFERS. Heirs of Harriet Lovls to Franklin Benchor, lots 19 and 22, Kountxe's , "A" add $ 160 Fannie Wilson and husband to Tho Franklin Realty Co., lot 3, A. P. Tukey's re-plat of block. 2, Bemls Park . 1 John Muckley to August Clive, lot (, block 6S4. Bedford Place 3K S. B. Rowley and wife to Osear Tal ent t, lots 1 to 18, block 2, Mayns A Riley s sub 400 The Westland Realty Co. to The South Omaha and Western Railroad Co., tract In 32-16-13 S Mary Anna Joerger and husband to Frank W. Carmlchael, lot 11, block ' 6, Lincoln place BOQ James W. Hamilton and wife to Elisa beth Burgess, lots 1 and 1 and north LH feet lots 23 and 24, block 3, Reed's Fifth add 6,000 .. too 1 71 HOGS Opened close to loc higher this mornlrg, the early sales being right at $6.70. with a sprinkling at $ii.724 and a top as high aa $6.77,. The market waa not particularly active at the advance, but still the hogs kept selling and a considerable proportion of the recelpta had changed hands within a comparatively short time. By the time half or two-thirds of the hugs had sold advices from other selling points indicated a lower close and buyers here suddenly came to the conclusion that they did not want the hogs at such high prices. The trade came to a sudden standstill and from that time on It wa hard work to get ove- $6.66 for anything. In other word, good share of the early advance was lost. . -Thi hog market this week hss been very erratic and prices have swung back snd forth with surprising rapidity, but the gen eral tendency has been sharply upward. Thus on Monday tha prices on an averaxe were about 6c higher, hut this advance wag lost on Tuesday and still more on Wednes day, the hgs that day seuing at the low point of the week, or "Vic lower than on Monday. Thursday s market was a shads higher and Friday's market I24je higher. The advance today leavea the market fully 2nc higher than It waa at the close of last week. That Is not all. hogs sold today at the highest point touched since May 3, 1903. Representative sales: a, A. Ba. FT. No. ltc; Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 26. -COTTON Spot closed quiet: middling upland, 11.00c; mid dling gulf. 11 35c; no sales. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 26.-COTTON-Bpot. moderate business done; prices unchanged; American middling, i.90d. The aalea of the day were 7,o balea. of which Din were fr speculation and export, and included i,70 American. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. M.-COTTON-Spot closed rirm; low ordinary. 41-1': ordinsry, 7 1-loc; good ordinary. IWc; low middling, 9S: middling. Wc; good mid dling. llHc; middling fair. 12 6-lc; salea, $. bales; receipts. 11,46 bales; stock. 34 957 bales. 8T LOUIS. Jan. M.-COTTON-Qulet: middling. UHc; sales, 160 bales; receipts HP hales; shlpinapu, I bale; stock, 30,1.3 bales. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Jan. 26. EVAPORATED APPLES Market for future delivery is said to ba steadier, but the spot situation appears somewhat unsettled, as the hold ers were willing to pae. Prime are quoted at V4,c; choice, o"iK4c; fancy, 9c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are steadier on spot, owing to the weed ing out of the less firmly held supplies end In sympathy with strong advices from the coast. Quotations range from ttWc for California fruit. Oregon 60s to 40s are quoted at 7'uhc. Apricots are firmer, owing to light supplies, with choice quoted at lxc; extra choice. 18H5i'19c: fancy. lWJOc. Peaches also are firm, with choice quoted at llT12Vc: extra choice, 12i&'13Vc; fancy, U''frl4c. Raisins are unchanged, with looae Muscatel quoted at 8419c; seeded raisins, 7trKc; London layers, 31.4&31.65. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK Jsn. 28.-OILS Cottonseed, 1 Irregular; crude, f. o. b., mills, 87c bid; crude yellow, 4CHc. nominal. Petroleum, steady; refined New York. $7.70; Philadel phia and Baltimore, $7.70; Boaton, $7.60. Turpentine, steady at 73Hc. ROSIN Steady ; strained, common to good. $4.3514.40. OIL CITY. Pa., Jan. 26.-OIL-Credlt bal ances, $1.58; runa, 106,730 bbls.; average, 107.407 bbls.; shipments, 161, XS4 bbls.; aver age, 149.580 bbls. SAVANNAH, oa., Jan. . oil, Turpen tine, firm at 70c. ROSIN Firm; stock, 74.117 bbls.; quota tions: A. B. C. D. E. $4.00tg4.10; F, $4 Kr 4 16; G, $1.15'r4 26; H. $4.$o; I, $4 60; K, $6.00 &6.16; M. e6.26fil.40; N, $6.00; W O, $ti.2f B.50; W W, $660. lagar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK, Jan. 26. SUGAR Raw, steady; fair refining. 2 3)-32c; centrifugal, 9S test, 8 15-32c. Molasses sugar. 2 23-3?". Refined, steady; No. 6. 4.30c; No. 7. 4.26.:; No. B. 4.30c; No. B, 4.15c: No. 10. 4.06c; No. 11. 4.00c; No. 12, 3.95c; No. 13. 3.90c; No. 14. 8.8Se; confectioners' A. 4 66c; mould A. 6.1Be; cut loaf and crushed. 6 5oc ; powdered, 4.9uc; granulated. 4.80c; cubes, 6.0Sc. MOLAPSES Stesdy ; New Orleans open kettle. 871648c. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 26. SUGAR. Steady; centrifugal white, 4 S-ltva44c; cen trifugal yellow, 3V(l4c: seconds, ' VVSt syrup, 30364c. Total .$6,976 No. ... 100.. M .. 81... 38... 71... 88... 88... 78 .. 87... 38... 78... ... 81... 73 .. tel.. a .. 80... at... 81... 84... 80... 14... le... 87... .181 ....145 184 2l t'.'l 28 148 tbO lit 234 IM .... 120 tn tilt .... 2"t Ill l0 178 13 ....800 333 ! 148 2a .... Sf.8 ....1st 28 ttt I 80 I 88 3 80 I 81 88 t 88 88 4 85 4 88 48 4 46 4 88 88 4 48 4 41 48 4 88 4 88 4 88 M 4 83 I 87 4 rr I 87 4 47 4 41 S 37 I t: I ' 87. 33... 80... tl... 78... T... 78... 10 .. 88. .. 78... 88... 71. .. 48. .. 84... 81... 11... 77... so... 88... St... 80... 4... 1... Tl... 10... 44 .. 74... 84... Ae. ..184 .118 .134 ..111 .128 ..114 ..111 ..127 .281 ,318 ..270 ..280 .114 ..133 ..un ,.M .. . .173 ..rrt ..324 ..214 ..121 .13 ..241 . ...h4 .11 .lit B0 12S 140 to to Pr. I 7 1 78 4 10 I 10 10 I 74 4 10 I 18 4 10 4 70 4 T 4 TO I 4 T 4 TO 18 I 10 TO Tt 4 10 w 4 74 4 TO 4 74 I 1 4 TO BIB FREE MONEY MAP or NEVADA Only correct and ttj4oiAt top fiVa4A B tart nee. Compllm. by our own tngiDBMrs trom V. A. Gvrament urvy and otbr ol-Wil dsvtnv. 0bo all th sitting, urvX44 and profoatd Uro44a 1b WtTfla. ' Mrm iot loctio4Q- of all mlnlo oaata, with th production of Men, bo that ?ou van aaallf find tha tnlnea that ar Tangled in the Trail of Wtalth Wrtta today for a fro popf of our WMkly marttat letter, which Is making; our ellooU tha boat aat4 mining tnvcatora 1q tha world. THE- R. L. BERNIER COMPANY 35 Kixdn Building S10 Security Building Ouldfitld, Kev. - - Vhirayo, 111. , . Addreee Chicago Office tor. Qulok Its lies. I WILL BUY HWiO Waldorf 100 Hubtera Elliott' 6011O Tecoma 8(10 Lucanta Tunnell 1000 Aurora Conaolldsted tl0 Ooldfleld Hub 200 Mogul Mining I WILL SELL 1800 Vlinaga 800 Pioneer A leak a IIKiO Gold Coming Natloa 1000 ral. A N. Y. Oil 80110 Tacoma. fa. . me oiote b, h. loot MenJiettaa Neesea 3 T-lc. MOLASSES New Metal Market. NEW TORK. Jan. M -METALS Market was quiet, sa usual in the absence of Lon don rabies, but prices were well maintained. Tin was quoted at $41 7fy?j42 00. . Copper con tinues firm, with lake quoted at $24.7h3 56 : electrolytic, T-S 34K!4 87H : casting. t'l'Jfi-g-rt To. Lead was unchanged at $6.00 trt '. Spelter. $.7fi 80. ST. LOl'ia, Mo., Jan. Jo ME7TAL8 Lead, firm st $4.10. Spelter, steady st $fi D&4f.7H,. Minneapolis drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. $6. WH EAT May. BOK&oWc; July. klV6lc; September. 704 lose; Not 1 hard. Wc; No. 1 .virthern, tlc; No. 3 northern, 8Wtj4)lc; No. $ north ern. 7S(8'7c. BRAN-Jn built. $16.60m.78 Cofee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. M "OFFE-Market for futurea opened ateady at unchanged prices to a decline of a points under scat terms llnuidatlon and featureless cabks. but offerings were very light snd the mar ket rallied during the later trading on bull support tf lbs near positions, with th 180 Raumea Copper - ' lone Empire Gold iwjo Hills. Jerome Cop. 80U Canadian Mart-onl BOOH Alice Wonder 8SM Cnlealel too per touo Bullfrog Keyetane' ' moo Rlrtileld Mining ltWAJei HulMrog loot Ort. Wee'ern Oold lnoo Bldweil Ktertrte teeo Vr4e Oraade Swift Md. Too. A O'Bel low Peno wjfo. Copper AND MANY OTHERS.' IBNU gOB List C. F. SESINGER, OSAlZa lt TJaTXISTalD CUm1 03, .406, 407 Worth Amertean BIO-. VbRadelpbia, Fa. Establlahed iTst SUREl Probabilities: 12 AN IDBAL INVESTflENT Poll tONSERVATIVH INVESTORS Let us tfll you about It LEWIS a CO., Fiscal Agents. Department A. L. 80 3tOADWAT, raw YOB3C BtepreseatatlTes Was tea W. Farnani Smith & Co, Stocks, Bonds, Investmsntjecurities. 1320 Farnam St.. Tel. Douglas 104-3