M "S la? RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET 2tioni Btmno- r..1. TV... T.v. . j Wttker Ton. 'IT ACTIVITY GREATER THAN USUAL fwadosty to Tak Frost PrOToat All .tea of Llat (rem 11m1i( Higher Xekraska Mot. ' aawt Light. . ' OMAHA, Jan. K 107. . rJD" strong at th opening. rL- 1 weather and the Improved cash situation, the latter Influ- TU.JTJ " """ extent by belter export de hnu'. ,tJirU..wh,t off higher, with a . u"ad Higher foreign market mad the tendency till firmer. Front taking on the advance wu responsible for the slump. M2Z w" unchs-nged at the close. There wu considerable soiling of corn at the opening, but the demand more than ab sorbed the offerings for a while. After a hort period of strength the tendency to take profits prevailed. While the move ment of corn haa Increased In Illinois and Indiana, there eeema to be no correspond ing lnoreaae In Iowa and Nebraaka. The movement la light In three two stalea and the farmers are not anxiou to aell. . Broomhall estimates Argentina wheat shipment at tuO.OUO bu., against 1,896,000 bu. laat week and 1.176,000 bu. last year. Corn shipments this week are estimated at w, bu., agalnat 640,000 bu. laat week and 171,uu0 bu. last year. Primary wheat recelpU were 234,000 bu. and shipments 172,0U bu., against receipts last year of jaK.OOO bti. and shipments of 1X1,000 bu. Corn receipt were 458,000 bu. and shipments 8Jb,0oo bu., against receipt last year of 475,009 bu. and shipments of 466,000 bu. Clearances Tr 467,(A) bu. of wheat, 17,000 bbls. of flour, 379,000 bu. of corn, 7.0U0 bu. of oata. Liverpool closed H&Hd higher on wheat and Ha higher on corn. Broom hail Argentina cable aaya: "The prospects for corn have shown further de terioration during the week. The strike la becoming general and serious apprehension la expressed." The Cincinnati Price Current will say to day: "Cold weather awakens a little ap prehension concerning growing wheat. High waters not disturbing general situation. In terior offerings light V under bad roads and holding sentiment among farmers. Borne damage to corn by wet. warm weather." Local range of options. Artlcles.1 Open.j Hlgh. Low. ( Close. Tes'y Wheat 1 1 May 72B July .. nB Corn ' May 41SA iuly B Pt. 42HB Oats v Way . 87143 July... M,B ' 1 i 1 1 A asked. B bid. v Omaha Cash Prleoa. WHEAT No. hard, 6H(B70Hc; No. S hard, WWOfbytc; No. 4 bard, eftgfeftc; No. I spring, b,a70Ha. CORN No. 8, arc; No. 4, K36o: no grade, tV9Ma; No. I yellow, I7H&37HC; No. I white, 89c OATS No. t mixed, 84H&34Vs; No, I White, 86H&35V: No. 4 white, 36U35Ho. . R IE-No. x, tec; No. , 67 Ho. Carlo Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oata Chicago 11 194 110 Kansas City 40 U I Minneapolis 157 Omaha 5 22 13 Duluth 8 St. Louis M 111 UJ CHICAGO ORAIft AND PROVISIONS Features of th Trad I as aa Closing . i ' Prleea oa Board of Trade. , , CHICAGO, Jan. 34. The local wheat mar ket was weakened today by general realisa tion, the May option closing at a net Ions of Ho. Corn was down Wuc. Oats were a shad lower. Provisions were 2V406c higher. Trading In the wheat pit was again of large proportions. Immediately after the opening the market showed some strength because of a sharp advance at Liverpool and email receipt at Minneapolis and Du luth. The den id ahrunk rapidly, how ever, -when late- numerous buylng-ordera which had been placed overnight were tilled. At the same time the pit was flooded wtih selling orders from local and outside longs. This started prices downward. Selling- became more general as trade pro gressed and toward the end of the session the market became decidedly weak. The movements of the day favored the bulls, there being almost nothing in the situation to encourage selling. The market closed weak, with prices near the lowest point of the day. May opened Hitc to He higher at 7AHo to 7W4c7ic, sold off to ;V"78Ho and closed at 7sH3roHo- Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 633, Out) bu. Primary receipts were &J4.0O0 bu., against 636,000 bu. for the correspond ing day laat year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of ITU cars, against 346 cars last week and 347 cars a year ago. The corn market was weakened by gen eral realising. This seemed to be due en tirely to the desire to secure profits. The market closed weak, with prices almost at the lowest point.- May opened a shade higher to H'S'Ho lower at 4tHi6Hc sold off to 46&46To and closed at 457iC Local receipts were lot cars, with none of con tract grade. The weakness of wheat and corn had llttie effect on the oata market, which waa firm, because of buying by a leading bull. Slight receaatona In prleea took place late In th day, but the market closed ateady. May opened unchanged to a shade higher at 3a4803Ho. sold between 3sH3sHo and 88H nd closed at SfViOSHc Local receipts were 110 cars. Trading In provisions was quiet. The festure of th market was buying by ex porter. Because of a smaller movement of live hogs there- was less disposition to sell. A scarcity of offering was chiefly responsible for a firm close. Final quota tions on May pork were up 6c at $16.4iv4 Iard was up 2Ho at SU.42H, Rib were 2H to higher at 19.10. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 33 care; corn, 333 cars; oata, Its) cars: hogs, 36,00 head. Th leading future ranged as follows: Article.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ta'y Wheat May July Sept. Corn Jan. May July Sept. Oat Jan. May July Sept. Pork May July Lard Jan. May July Ribs May July TfrH :79 cv;i TW(,!Tn4fr'H"79HS Tri,!7H1iH 7X'4 '7KHW70 ,79 7 42H 43H 4?H 4f!46HJ'H 4SHI 4vt 4N 46H 4 46VH . 4H 4H 3 i 46 WP4 ,4 46 M 36H Mi H eoHft-H 3SfS814f!' S6i 85S 33H' S2H 11 3S 14 60 11 4S 1 60 1 36 16 SO 16 4?H 16 67H 18 S7H 16 62H 12H 17H1 37S 3 42HI 1 2?H! 30 40 46 t 4?H' 40 431 47H! 47H' 42H 06 10 06 t 10 35 3 OCH 17 I 17141 I 2H 17H! No. 3. Cash nuotatlons wer as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, 13.20 .mi; winter straignts, sj. imai.a); spring pat ents. I3.7twi3.a0: spring straights, 13.luflS.40; Daaers, i "U .ou. WHEAT-No. 1 apring, TMrIc; No. 3 pring. rurnmc; wo. z red, TlVaiMrC. CORN-No. 1 434e OAT3-No. X 7iia7Hc; No. I whit. 37f RTF) No. t 63c BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 6ieKa. SEEDS No. m 1 flax. 1116; No. 1 north western, 31.23. Prime timothy, 14.4bqf4.46. t. lover, cnmrmci iranv, Slf.uu. PROVISIONS Short rlba aldea (loose) iATf.m'l no. Mesa pork, tier bhl.. II Hunt I . rv ner W lbs.. 39.&W. Short clear side (boxed)j Following wer th receipt and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bhl 45 UK . 14.o10 Wheat, liu aott) 3ift(i0 O.rn. bu 1W.OO 76,sno Oata, bu l)7.ntO 64 ) Rve. bu Ki.OO 1 y Parley, bu tl.ort Mono On the Produc exchange today the but ter market was nrm; creameries. dairies. IXJTTe. Eggs, easy: at mark, cases Included. n24c: first a. Mc: prim flrata. ttc; extra. c. Cheese, steady, trm.c. Pklla'delakln rrodae Market. PHTIJl DETPHIA. Jan. 34 FJtiaS-FIrm good demand; western fresh, 26c at mark I'HEtJtW Unchanged; New Yorh full aseaiua, 14C14c UmMl Grata Market. LfVrRPOOl Jn- 34. WHEAT Spot, Arm; ho. I red weaterll winter, 6s; future. teady: March. C KTLd: Ma. 6d: Julr. 4a CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, s M; old, 4s M; future, quiet; January, s lied; March, 4 3d. RBW YORK GENERAL MARKET atlene of the Day oa Tartoa Cmsltla. NEW YORK, Jan. r4.riOUR Raeelpta, bbla.; ports, lH,g6S bbla ; market dull nut nrm; Mmrieeota patent. 4.B4i Minnesota bakers. 13.Z4il.76: winter pat- ents, Uul7i; winter straight. U4C3 i Winter extras, (S.M'VQ.OO; winter low grade; U 7f,, so. iRye flour, quiet; fair to good, 13 6iWiJ.W; choice to fancy. 13.s504.3O. Buck- wneat nour. dull: ii.lfc(i. spot ana t arrive. BUCKWHRAT Dull- 11 r, nominal, car 19u pounds. CORNMEAL Wesdy; fine white and ret low, tl.i64ai.30; coarse, (1.091.M; kiln dried, 31.lsVaiJ.70. 7 V HKAT RecelDts. 1.006 bu.: exDorta lne,626 bu.; spot market easy; No. 3 red, uc, elevator, and uc, r. o. o. anoat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 91Hc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 hard winter. 7o, f. o. b. afloat. After an expression of bullishness, during which forenoon prices sdvanced to a new high level, wheat turned weaker, omi heavy unloading developed, breaking the market nearly lc per bu. Newa, however, con tinued mostly bullish her and abroad. Laat prleea In New York wer HHo net lower. May, 84&6!fcc closed at MWo: July. H'iS sdHc, closed at MHo. CORN Receipts, 61,776 bu.: exports. 31,230 bu. Spot market easy; No. 1 64c elevator. and 61,c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 yellow, 61c; io. z wnite. The option marKet was without transactions, clnalnf VLc net Inwar. January closed at 64Hc; .May oloed at 64c; July closed at 62?,o. OATS Receipts, .6u0 btt.; export, 6,33 bu.: spot market steady; mixed oats, 36 to U lbs., 41c; natural white, SO to 83 lb., 43H tic; clipped white, 36 to 40 lb., 43r04Mo. i HAY-Hrm; shipping, B609Uc; good t Choice, 81.0E41.16. HOPS Steady; stnte, common to choice, ISM crop, 184jVJc; 1V06 crop, 3llc; Paciflo coast, 1 crop. U&lici lJo crop, 1013c. H1UKS Steady; Galveston, 30 to lb lbs., iOc; California, 31 to 36 lb.. 31c; Texas dry, 4 to lbs., 19c. 1.KATHKR Steady; add. 2762SC. PROVISIONS Reef. Arm! 'omllv. IIS V 15 50; mesa, linoh.60; beef hams, 123&t"5 S6.00; packet. U.O(12.00; city dressed extra India nieBS. tZu.&Cut in). Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, $10.Ku 12.00; pickled ham. U.50uU.76. Lard, .steady; western prime, 13.4619.56; refined, steady; continental, f.l); South America, 110.75: compound, W.flixiiS 62H. Pork, steady; family. 119.00; snort clears, iw.ZMro.OO; mess, 17.60ijjl8.60. HICK Steady: domestic, fair to extra. SWirSc; Japan, nominal. lAUiOW-f'irm: city (12 ner Dk). 6Ho: country (pkgs. free), eiHc tt UTrKn Kirtn; street prices, extra creamery, 31H&32C. Ofllclal prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 3133c; held, com mon to extra, 20ti;)c; state dairy, common to firsts, 2USc; renovated, common to ex tra, l4f23Mc; western factory, common to firsts, 17H4tac; western Imltal.on creamery, extras, 24c; firsts, 2122c. tiiKKBlk-rirni; atate full cream, email and large, September, fancy, 14Hc; October, oeat, uwiw; state, good to prime, liiiySP 13c; atate, winter grade, average best. 11c: state, Inferior, llfilHc. tUUS- Easler: state. Pennsvlvanla and nearby fancy selected white. 3bni2c: state. choice, 2nu29c; state, mixed extra, ac; western firsts, aHc Ofllclal prices, firsts, 26Hc; secotids, 26c. . POULTRY Live steadv: western fowl a 13c; turkeys. 13e. Dressed Arm; western chickens, U&VSc; turkeys, 14al4Ho; fowls, Sffllic. , St. Loals Geaeral Market. ST. IX)UIS. Jan. 24. WHEAT Lower: track. No. 3 red, cash, 78H1l,7!c; No. 3 hard, 74f&Tfic; May, 77Hj77Hc; July. 7WtHGc. tUKN-future lower; cash Arm; track. No. 3 cash. 42V4c: No. 3 whlta 4444V4: May. : July. 44'o, . , UATB-nrm; track. No. 3 cash, 37Uo; No, 3 white. 38Vc: May. 37ti38c: July. 34Hc FLOUR-Market firm: red winter patents. 13. 55itf76: extra fancy and atralcht. ts.lbfs 1.46; clear, 12.66W2.86. . , BKED Timothy steady; t3.768M.2B. "ORNMEAL 4Julet: 12.20. BRAN Dull, firmer; sacked, east track. 95S'J6c. HAY-Dull: timothy. 116.00013.00: nralria 11.0t8 13.00. IRON COTTON TIES W. 03. BAGGING 9 C. HEMP TWINE OB- - PROVISIONS Pork, higher: lobbing. 116.40. Lard, higher; prim steam, 33.00. Dry ami meis, ifHiijr t uuaeu ' exira snorts,' .o'H, clear nos, jk &o; snort clears, X9.6H-' Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. 110.12": clear ribs, tl.r short alearai HO,27H. - ' POULTRY Weak ; chicken. Uc; springs He; turkeys, 12Htfl3Vo; ducks, 11c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Quiet: creamery. 364131c: dalrr. 2tU2c. . S - EGGS Steady at 23a. Recelnts. Shlnments. Flour, bbls 7.000 11.000 Wheat, bu 36.000 18,000 Corn, bu 182,000 . 89.000 Oats, bu 112.000 61.000 Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 14. WHEAT-May, i.fc; juiy, nt,c; deptenioer. jae; cash, no, 3, kUc; No. 3 white, 4tH4c; No. 3. 4fl'tji OATS No. 1 white. 38c; No. 3 mixed. S7Vo3?Hc. RYE Steady; 6fV82c. HAY Prairie, 26c higher: choice tlmothtr. 115 SO, 16.00; choice prairie, fll 60&11.76. EGGS Unchanged; firsts, 23c; seconds, SOc. BUTTER Creamery, 34fj4oi dairy, 17V4C. Receipts. Shipments. UH a...... WI,IHV Corn, bu 32.0)0 WW OaU. bu 4,000 3.000 Board of Trade quotations for Kansas City delivery. Th range of prices, as re ported by Logan A Bryan, 113 Board of rraae ouuaing, Article. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat May .. July .. .. July .. Z hard, 73W7tsc; No. 3, BXHHc; No. 2 red, 76"t7i,Wv No. 3, 68V(i74o. i CORN May, Hc; July, 4me; Septem ber. 42HC. cash. No. t mixed. 39V4fti.c: No. 7SS 72 41 41H No wire. Pe-orta Market. PEORIA. HI.. Jan. 34 CORN Higher; No. 3 yellow and No. 3, 43c; No. 4, 41c; no grade, 39c OATS-Hlgher; No. white. STUc; No. I White, 36c; No. 4 white. 36C. RYE Firm ; No. 1 64S7e, WHISK Y-On basis of 31.39 for finished goods. Mlaaeapolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. M. WHEAT Moy, goc; July, SlfmSc; September, 7He; No. 1 hard. 80Hc: No. 1 northern. 83c; No. t northern. HoHrfMOic; No. 3 spring, 7?7o. FLOUR First patents. MS4.40; second patents, t4.1fn4 2f: first clears, 13.2663.36; second clear a, 12 40rQ SO BRAN In bulk. )l6.60a6.76. Mllwaake Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. M. WHEAT Firm: No. 3 northern, 82c; No. 8 northern. TVS soHc; Mmv, TKVYTSSc, bid. RYF Firm; No. 1. itfjW; BARLEY Flrro; No. 3. 67Ha68c; sample. 4Kf67Hc. X)RN-Hlgher; , No. t cash. 42c; May, 4S7o asked. . Dalatk Grain Market. DULUTH, Jan. 34.-WHEAT-On track: No. 1 northern, 82c; No. 3 northerr. 80e; May, OlVcr July. 614e; September, foe. OATS To arrive, fciHc. RYE BARLKY-364o. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., - Jan. 24. SEEDS Clover, cash. p : January, 38.46: February, I8 47H: March. mH; April, In .r.. Timothy, lid. Alalke, $7.76. Isxsr and Molasses. NEW YORK, Jan. 24 SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining. 3 16-16e; centrifugal. 94. test, t 16-33c; molasses sugar, 3 23-12c; Refined, steady; No. 6, 4.30c; No. 7 4 25c; No. 8. 4 20c: No. . 4.16c; No. 10. 4.0Be. No. 11. 4.00c; No. 12. 3 36c; No. 13, Iwicf No' 14. 3.86c; confectioners A. 616o: cut loaf' 6.50c: crushed, 6.60c; powdered. 4.S0e; granui lated 4.HK-; cuhea 6 06c. " MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans onen kettle, good to choice, r&4c NEW ORLEANS. Jan. $4 SUGAR NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 23 SUGAR steady; centrifugal whites. 4 l-ltti4V,c; cen trifugal yellow. lii4Hc; seconds. !t 17-liic; molssae syrup, 3u&34c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Jin. 34.-DRT OOOD8 Market was steady. Further advances were announced In bleached goods and ginghama. prints are atiU having a large aule at the new price levela Dress goods for fall are selling well. Heavy brown goods are In better call and prtoea' art firmer. I TOE OMAHA NEW YORK STOCKS ANDBONDS kfgrket ii Dvll tud Harrow and Itrcsly rrofafsloasL PRICES HELD ABOVE WEDNESDAY'S LEVEL Where List Showed Sign of Weak ness Ra sport Was Immediately , Portkcoaaiag Beade Are Steady. NEW YORK. Jan. 34. Ther was another dull and narrow market today which marked the lapse of speculative operations Into the hands of the strictly professional class of traders, ths origin of orders ap- rroaehlng closer to the Slock exchange as heir volume decrease. Most of today s business was believed to originate on the floor of the exchange Itself. Commission houses complain of entire lark of outside business nnd in fluential financial powers stem disposed to let the market lie fallow, so far as any evidence of their activity can be discerned. Speculative sentiment continues mixed as to manner of Issue for the market from the present dullness, whether by a renewal of the recent liquidation or by a recovery. Bo far the Immediate condition of the market Is concerned It was free today from any perceptible pressure of liquidation, and where any signs of weakness showed there was the same resisting power asserted as for several days past. There were fewei signs of such weakness today thnn yester day and prices were held well above last night's level throughout thn large part of the session. In contrast with the recovery late In the day yesterday from early heavi ness. Although a slightly improved tone Is inferable from this contrast the charac ter of th market la not ass n tally oar.ged Railroad notes In Issues of varying sises continue to come upon the mnrket and this continues to be recognised as evidence of the difficulty in the way of flotation of capital Issues In more permanent form. Growing notice la attracted, however, to the avidity with which these note issues are sought and the quickness with which offerings are sold, showing that capital, however limited the supply may be now. Is nevertheless procurable at a sufficient rtte of interest. , In view of the profitable terms at which bankers are securing theso note Issues a motive Is perceptible for them to refrain from making easy the way for marketing securities. Considerable attention was given to the review of the Iron Age, pointing to the termination of the famine in the Iron mar ket nnd an increasing spirit in concession amongst sellers of Iron for spot and early delivery. Even more Impression seemed to be caused by this view in Berlin. than had been, apparently, on the assumption that a decline of domestic consumption of Iron and steel would be followed by the Invasion of foreign markets by our prod ucts. Money conditions continued to work ensler. Rates for time loans here yielded notably and were quoted practically for all periods half per cent lower. Th Bank of England and the Bank of France showed a further strengthening opposition and dis count rates at Berlin yielded further during the day. The presence of the secretary of the treasury in Wall street afforded op portunity for a denial of the rumors circu lated yeaterday that a further postpone, ment was Intended of the data for th return of the government deposits to' the treasury beyond February 1, to which It ha been advanced already. Thl mav have accounted Tor the ea-tng of prices late In the day although the market was Impressi ble to the profit-taking on the day s move ments In the narrow dimensions of the trading. Call money hardened perceptibly when the Intended policy of the Treasurv department became known. Net change were small at the Irregular closing. .." w'r twy. Total sales, par value, tills 000. united States bonds wer un changed on call. v8aie"0.an.l ramT of Price on th Now York Stock exchange were: . . . Sale- High. Low. Closs Aatms Win i mi .. ... m Aatslmmat Copper ., Am. (X r Am. C. tt T. pfo. ....... Am. Cot I oa oil Am. Cotton oil pra.. Amorteu Ciprms Am. H. A U pli , Amort cad Ice .... Am. Llnmd Otl Am. Llnm! oil pM... Am. LocomotlT , Am. Locomotive pf4..., Am. S. A R. .'..'.. Am. g. A R. pf4 Am. Sur Rsnnlsf Am. Tobacco pM etra... Aosoooda mining Co..., Atrhlaoa , Atrblsoa era Atlantic Coast Un ... Baltimore A Ohio...... Bal. A Oslo pti Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclfla T, Cantral of Nw Jarmr. Cfcaaapaaka A Ohio rales ot. W Chlosao A N. W C. M. A it. P Chleago T. A T Chicago T. a T. pf... C, C. a A it. L Colonda P. A I. Colorado A 80 Cola So. 1 at pf...., Colo. A 60. Id pfd Conaolldatad Oaa ...... Oorn Predacts , Dalawan A Hodaon..., Dal., L. A W Dsnvar A, Rio Grande.. D. A R. 0. pM Dluiiiara' 'Bacurttlao .. Erie Brie 1st pfd Brio Id pfd Oenaral Klcetrle Hocking Vallar, offarad Illlnola Central International Paper .... Int. Paper pfd..., Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd leva Central Iowa Conttal pfd Kansas CUr So Loularllle A N .., Msilcas Central Minn. A it. L..' 41,400 115S 1144 lltUj , 1.400 44 44 I 4414 10114 It rO to 14 0 Jl lit S5 n it M 300 100 1.404 T4H 71 Vi luo 111 11: 111 I.Tt 14H 1414a 14H lit . 1.104 11 111 112 400 4714 7 pj , UJ.-400 5 fTtU, K4 . 4.200 104 10444 10444 100 117 . I.140 117 117 117 II , IPOO T 77 77 . 7.700 15 114 ,J4 110 , 1,100 tt u ei 404 17 14 14 0 14144 14 10 . 14,100 1(0 140 140 ... ..... ..... 11 RS 4S'4 (S 1.1 14 M 44 4 4 47 47 44 1 14 14 14 ft 114 500 114 41 71 71 7144 40 14 a! 1,400 700 100 100 'boo 504 11.1110 4J 1.404 141 14 l..- IJ 144 17 100 145 100 17 too r4 184 17 10 "tl" 444t 0 17 77 tt 4 404 104 400 174 4444 40 44 44 00 14 IM 14 IKK) 104 I 4 14 17 47 114 1M 744 1 Tl 44 117 15 1744 Jl St., It. P A 8 t. M., St. P. A g. 8. M. . M. 400 114 Pfd. too 154 Mlaaouri Pacific K. A T M., K. A T. pfd National Land N. R. R. of M. pfd... New York Central...., N. Y., O. A W. ...... Norfolk A W ?... Norfolk A W. pfd.... North American PaolBo Mall , Penaerlvenle People's Oaa P . C, C. A St. L. ... Praaaad Steal Car Pramtd S C. pfd Pullman Palaoa Car... Reeding Reeding 1st pfd Reeding Id pfd Repnnllo gtml Republlo Steal pfd,... Ruck laland Co Rock laland Co. pfd... St. L. A S. P. Id pfd St. Lonla S. W It. L I W. pfd 80. Paclnc So. Parlflo pfd So. Railway 80. Rali war PM Tonnaeeta C. A 1 Taxaa A Pacific 400 1.000 too 41 M 71 1404 iioit ir4 ik 404 44 44 45 i wo 400 404 44 44 I 4.0 lit 1644 4714 14 194 47 17 74 l.H . 1.004 . BOO 4H (4 54 44 104 17714 17IU 171 .101,100 U 1144 144 II 40 tise 40 44 ' 47 45 00 404 (.404 "ioi 44 17 'ii" 7 44 24 100 47 ., IT IT.M0 14 44 I'O 117 117 117 1.100 14 t n . " aa m 7V 111 11 42 174 41 104 41 44 104 404 44 400 43 ft 5 ti o in . lu 41 It., a. l a w 44 its 4 174 T., St. L. A W. pfd.. Vnloa Peetne t'aios Paelse pfd V. s. Kipraas. V. S. V. V. g. V. a. t. a Realty Rubber Rubber pfd Steel Steal pfd 400 tl to 4,0 17 47 47 1.400 11X144 104 lo Va.-Cal Va.-Ca Una Chemical 44 44 45 I Cham. pfd... IOT Wabaah 04 17 17 17 17 14 Wabeih pfd Walla-Parao Bipreea .. Wastlncbouaa BierUI Weatera I'nlon W. A L. C Wla Central Wla Ceatrml pfd Northern Paelta Central Leather Central Leather pfd... Iloae-Shaaaid Steel ... Oreat N art bar a pfd Int. Metropolltea 44 M4 150 100 1144 Ue4 Uu l i 11 4TU. ,tl.t U4 1(4 151 t.404 ' 7 101 100 74 71 171 171 1U4 101 lu 74 1.4u 174 14. let 17 17 14 74 74 Int. Met. pfd. 1.4U4 Total sales for the da, 104,404 share. Bask of Esglssd "tateaneat. JNTJON Jan. M.-Ths weekly atatement of the Bank of England shows the follow. Ing changes: Total reserve. Increase i . ltiiUUO; circulation, decrease, 17luo: bul lion. Increase, 1. 438,701: other aecurlties decrease. l.K6,0uu; other deposits, in crease, 133O.0U; public deposits. Increase A2.MI2.0OO; note reserve, Increase, 1,451 f): government securities, unchanged. The froportlon of the bank's reserve to liability his week is 4K 1 per eepnt, a compared with 44 40 per cent last week.. . M Bask Clearlaaja. - OMAHA. Jan. M Bank clearings for to day wer II W1.07 and for th corre sponding date last year (1.422,490.4. Bask of Prases tateaaeat .PARI5 T'"i 4-T, weekly statement of tha bank of Fraao shows th following change; Notes In circulation.- decrease KJftOtaO franca; treasury notes, increase tt.ra,0U franc; general depuaita, decrea. DAILY BEE; FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1907. 22.43fi.flno francs; gold In hand. Increase, 2,ii,io francs; sliver lo hand, decrease., h noo franca; bills discounted, decrease I4.Oiii.noo francs; advances, decrease, 21.817,- franc. Hew York Mosey Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. -MONEY On call, easy at IVrlH per cent; ruling rate, t per cent; closing bid, t per cent; offered at 4 IT cent. Time loans, dull and easy: sixty day. 4Vu per cent; ninety days, I per cent; six months, fiv,6U per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER- per cent. 8TF.RLINO EXCHANGE Ptrong, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 S6, 4 sT)7& for demand and at 4 14ofl4 814S for sixty-day bills; posted rstfS, t4Pvu4.8: and 4.Wif 4 4j; commercial bills. 4.1V. 8ILVER Bar, Mexican dollars, 2c. BONDS Oovarnmant and railroad steady. Closing quotations en bona wer as fol lows; V. I. rat. 4a, rat ... Japan la, id series... S te . .lo da 4a etfa. 45 V. 4 h, re. 1S4 101 to 4a etfa 44 do Id aeries 11 so coupon , V. 4. old es, rag..., 100 ! A N. unl. 4a. ...100 ..14044 Man. e. g. 4a .c . 5 . 24 . tn . 4 . 47 TJ. A new 4a, rag. te eoupon Am. ToSe.ee 4s dc 4s Atcaieoa gaa, 4a.. do ad), as Atlantlo C. L. 4a., Bal. A Ohio 4a..... Mo l( Bra. R. T. e. 4c.... Central 'of Oa. 4a.. do let Ine Mo M Inc do d Ine Cnea. A OMo 4 Ha.. Chleato A A la.. C, B. A Q. s. 4a.. C, R. 1. a p. a.. 1l 1 Mrs. Ceniral 4a... .11444 do tat Inc. 74 Minn. A St. U 4a. 110 hi. , K. T. 101 do la . 41 . 41 .141 . 41 . 40 .110 . 44 . 74 . 44 .104 . 71 . . 74 . M N. R. R. of M. 4 4a. M N. T. C. g. Ie. 41 N. i. c. a. (a No. Paeltc 4a do la N. A W. c. 4c o. 8. L. rfd(. 4a. Penn. oonv. Ia... ..1K ..101 .. 7J .. 44 .. 4 .. 47 .. Hearting sea. 4a.. 0t. L II. M. e. lOt. L I I. K, e. 4a. .111 St. U A B. P. fs. 4s. It St U t W. e. 4aT. 77 Seaboard A. L. 4s.... 11 do eol. 4e Ho. Pacific 4s CCC. A St. L. g. 4c.. 101 do let 4c etfa Colo. lad. la ser. A. 74 Bo. Rallwar 4a 44 11 Colorado Mid. 4a..... 74 Teiae A P. la .117 . i .101 . 44 . il . . 44 ioio. a so. 4a 13 T., St. L. A W. t ya 4a 101 felon PeclBo 4a... I). A R. O. 4a 44 V. S. Steel Id 4a. Dlitlllere" Sec. Sc.... 14 Wahaah lc rle p. i. 4a 41 do deb. B do gen. 4s 44 Weatern 4d. 4c... Hocklnt Val. 4a...le4 w. A L. B. 4c... "'Pf,0, . t central 4c... Bid. Offered. Bostos Stocks aad Bosds. BOSTON, Jan. 24-Call loans. 60 per cent; time loans. B0tV per cent. Official quotations on stocks wi bonds were; Atchlaon. sd 41 .Atlantic 17 ao w 100 Blntbam .. 1 ..P40 .. 14 .. II .. 24 ..131 .. 11 .. 4 .. tl .. II .. 1 .. 44 ..147 .. 11 ..111 .. S3 ..1M .. 41 .. 73 .. I .. 12 .. 73 .. 7 .. 13 ..14 .. 87 .. 11 ..111 .. 11 Me. Central 4a 44 leal. A Hecla. Atchlaon 104 do pfd 11 Bnaton A Albenr Ill Boaton A Maine lag Boaton Eleeaied 151 Copper Range ielr Wect .... Krenklln tlranby Iale Royale ... Macs. Mining . Miihlsan Mohawk Mont. C. A C. old Dominion . Oaceota . , Parrot "Fltchbtirg pld Meilcan Central ... N. Y., N. H. A H. Pere Marquette ... Vnios Paclflc Am. Pnea. Tuba... Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen ....... do pfd . Iom. I. A 8 Rdiaon Eleo. Ilia... Maaa. Klectrlc do pfd Maaa. Gaa fritted Fruit United 8. at .11 . :i .184 . 13 .174 41 .131 .!' 4jNinr .1178hannon ... .. 13 Tamarack ..100 .. 21 .114 .. 11 .. 49 Trinity t'alted Copper .... I). 8. Mining V 8. OH Utah 41 V Victoria ...104 j Winona ...at Wolrerlne 1.. t'Butte Coalition ... ... 47Nerada ...104 Cal. A Artaons.. ... 4iArlcona Com ...44 Oreenc Con do pfd . . . U. 8. Steel. do pfd Adeenture Alloues Amalgamated ...... Bid. Asked. .11414,1 Loadoa Closlngr Stocks. LONDON. Jan. 14. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were; Conaole, money .. 44 14-14iM., K. A T do account 14 1-1 N. T. Central.,.. Anaconda 14 I Norfolk A W Atchlaon l4 do pfd to pfd 104 Ontario A W Baltimore A Ohlo....l20IPennaylTanla .... ... 40 ...1S4 ... 41 ... 41 ... 44 ... 4 ... 7 ... 44 ... 14 ... 44 ... ...lfcl ... 41 ... 4 ... 14 ... 14 ... 14 Canadian Pacific .140!Rand Mines .' U Reeding Ches. Ohio.,. Chlcafo Ot. W. 17 southern Railway C. M. A St. P 1U do pfd DeBeerc - 17 Southern Pacific t'nlon Paclflc t. A R. O do pfd ..... rl . de 1st pfd. do Id pfd... Illinois Central .. 40 .. 44 .. 41 .. 74 .. 41 ..171 ..144 do pfd U. 8. Steel. ...... do pfd Wahaah do pfd Loulsrtlla A N Spanlalv 4a SILVER Bar. arm. 31V1 per ounce. mufiii yflo per cent. Th rat of discount In the open market for short bills Is 4?v6 Pf cent; for thre months' bills, 44fj4Ti per cent, Boaton Copper Market. Closing quotstlons on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, Omaha: AdTsnturc 1 Maeaaehusetts 1 Allouea 14 Michigan 12 Atlantlo 17 Mohawk 11 Blntham 11 Nevada Consolidated.. 11 Black Mountain 4 North Butte 114 Boaton Consolidated.. 11 Old Dominion 44 Butte Coalition If Oaceola la Calumet A ArUona..l4t Pneu. Service 144 Calumet A Hecla. ...444 Poeu. Berrloc, pfd... Mi Centennial 40Qulncr U7 Copper Range 44 Shannon uu Hair Wcat 14 Ttminuk m Kaat Butte 11 Trinity 41 'rankllo K Vnltad Prult 1M Oreene Copper ti I'nlted States, com... 44 Ho'tla 1 I'nlted Btatec. pfd ... 47 Iale Royal 11 Utah Conaolldatrd.... 73 Keweenaw 13 I'tah Copper 40 U A A Plttabarg... 24 Victoria New York Mlslsg Stocks. NEW YORK, Jan. 24,-Closlng quotatlona on n:inina; iluvbc were Adama Con. Little Chief ... ... I ...464 ...m ... to ... 14 ... 41 ... 40 ...IS Alice Breece ........... Bruncwlck Con. . Comeiock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn eilver ..... Iron Stiver LeadvliK Cos. ' ,. Offei ... .i760 .. 40 .. 40 .. I ..104 ..170 ..421 .. I Ontario Ophlr Potoal Ravage H terra Nevada . Small Hopes ... unWrd - Treasary Sfatomeat. WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. Today'a state ment of th treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of th IloO.tXIO.OuO gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $-3,J3y,04; gold coin and bullion, $104,lbT, 606; gold certificates, $27,749,460. Wool Market. BOSTON, Jan. 24. WOOL Market la steady, lth trading moderate. Ther I considerable Inquiry, but little buying. Sell er are showing much determination to hold out for their own prices. A suc stantlal amount of Montana of various grade was sold. B super continues to sell at 50c for standard easteti and 476 48o for western. Th foreign wools are firm and ?ulet. Leading domestlo quotstlons follow: ndiana and Missouri, combing, three eighths blood, 33 it ,nc. Texas, scoured basis, fine, 11 months, 7343 7&o; fine, g to 8 month, 00A1 70c. California, scoured basis, northern, coarse, SHqUsc; northern, good, 66fio; mid dle county, 664itieo; fall free, 64u66c. Ore gon, scoured basis, eastern, No. 1 clothing, bviTToc. Territory, staple, scoured basis, fine, 72u7&c; fine medium, bxi70c; medium, 061a Wo. Territory, ordinal y, scoured basis, fine, i4f 70o; fin medium, C'titibc; medium, H'ii66c. Colorado and New Mexico, spring scoured, (TruMoc; No. 1, 63t)Ao. Bulled wools, scoured basis, extra, 7uii72c; line A, ttfguoc; A supers. 6Kfh&oc; B supers. 47,2e. LONDON, Jan. 24. WOOL Ths selection offered at the wool sales today anwunted to 104,102 bale, principally medium and Merino. Crosa-breds were quiet. Inferior and coarse- grade declined Hd below the opening rate. Superior greasy Merinos were In strong demand for America, and medium greasy waa taken by home and French buyers, scoured slLpes selling at a full rate. Following are the aitlea In de tail: New South Wales. 6.KJ0 bales; scoured. Is 1 dip is lVfcd; groasy, Sd'gls SSad. Oueens land, l.ifJ bales; scoured, Is 4dftls lid; greasy, ldt Is Id. Victoria, l.ouo baits; scoured. Is 2d: greasy, 7di&ls IVd. West Australia, l.hw bales; scoured, is "H1; greasy. 71d(?ils ld. New Zealand. 4,-00 bales; scoured, Is ldfils 6141. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 4U bales; scoured, lOdi Is i4jd; greasy, 6V7l01ed River Plate, 3o0 bale, scoured, J&lS Id. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Jan. 24.-WOOL-Steady: Medium grades combing and clothing 24J 2fc1c; light tine, 2uyUic; heavy line, lutalso: tub washed, toi&3oa Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 24. COFFEE Market for futurea opened unchanged to I points up. owing to disappointing French cables and European sellings. The continued lighter receipts at Braslllsn ports encour aged a renewal of local bull support, how ever, and during th middle esalon th market ruled about net unchanged, With soma positions selling I points over laat night's bid. The Improvement was lost In th later trading, under continued Euro pean offerings, to net unchanged to ( points lower. Sales. 4.000 bags. Including February at ( 46c; March, IS6c; May 4t' i ffjc; July, 7Uj S0c; September, l.bbtaf tOc " October. 6.16c; December. A 06c. Spot mar ket steady; No, 7 Rio. 1c; mild, steady Cordova, Kjlio. - . ! , Oils aad Rosla. OIL CITY Pa . Jan. 24 -OIIA-Credlt balances. II. M. Runs. lotuT bbls ; sver age. lot.62e bbls. Shipment, 14u,t7 bbls average, 147.64 bbla ' SAVANNAH, Ua.. Jan. K-OILSTur-pentlne, Arm, 70c. ROSIN-Flrmj A, B, C. 14.00; D, U 01 4 20; H, 4.1ui4.36: I. M 4; K. tali; M, , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle- Dill With Trad How to Ton CetiU Lows. s SHADE BETTER PRICES FOR HOGS Moderate Raa gheep, of All Klads Steady with Yesterday, hot Ewo aad Mediant Klad Lambs . Tweaty-Flve Lower. 1 .1 - SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 14, 1J07. . Receipts were: Oittle. iloga Bheep, Cfflcial Monday 2,4)1 7 Mil M23 Ottli-ial Tuesday 7.6NO 12.2V4 lO.K'l Offlrlal Wednesday .... .oinj 12.8SI I.H Ofllclal Thursday .... c,t 11.4V s.7u0 Four day thl week. .22.MS 42.233 36.133 Pttme day last week.... HO I7.SJ8 U.iKA Same day 2 weeks ago..2S.W4 28.416 24.6fi Same days t weeks ago.. 14.307 1S.177 U27! Same days 4 weeks ago.. 6 6.'2 KiM iv.'HV Sam day s laat year 14,477 J4.IM S2.54S Th following table shows ths receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for th year to data, compared with laat year: . t07. 190, Inc. Deo. r,R,tl 8e.7u 62 .814 i5,S H" ......i44.!c: iw.a6 a,4u Bheep 117.360 114.SK7 2.83 ..... CATTLE QUOTATIONS, good to choice corn fed ateera.. ..15.6043 SB alr to good corn fed ateera 4.SW16" Common to fair steers ,.. 4 ld4S lKod to choice fed cowa...'.i 8.754, 4.S0 alr to good cows and heifers I.ODg3.7t common to fsir cows and heifers.. tOtxyS.OO Uood U) choice st'kers and feeders. 4 l-air to good stocker and feeders. S. 7&i-4 60 loitinion to fair stocker I00i6S.76 Bull stags, etc 4764.00 v1 caive t.OOdri.U lh following table shows th average pric of hog at South Omaha for th last several day, with comparison: DtS. I 1307. 1M.1I6.11I04.1OI.12B.U01. Jsn. H., Jan. 16. Jan. 11, Jan. 1., Jan. 14. Jan. 10.. Jan. io., Jan. 21., Jan. 22. . Jan. 23.. Jan. 34., . 28V.I I 4 M 7S I7 .) t 35 I t 23; 4 69 41 .( 41141 4 20 4 621 4 741 601 HI 111 t ill 6 22 I 16 6 21 lit I 20 t2 6 i 16 2? I 271 I 16 6 21 I tui 6 13 I 41 24i 4 61 1 ! b aoi I c WI11 4 . 4 0 4 6l I I 40 1 6 2 4 661 4 741 6 SSI i til 4 67 4 1 ! 47' (44,1 j 4 631 4 7 5: o OINil b 3.-), ' I 4 SO; lot e ool 4 Ktl 4 KH 8 fill 03 6 15 4i 6 S2 4 W 1 6 6j ( 08! 6 22 Sunday, RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. 2.iayJ60 60uuv65 Omaha Chicago Kansas City ... St. I -ran I . I.iui.lll 0.a.oo ,. 2.25.(i0 6.K4ti..t .. 2ao44b'.76 e.lluo.0 . . l.tntuM as h2..iL Sioux city The official t.., v,-- A . ,. j . nil u BiUCK brought In today by each, road waa: c m. a et. p.....:u4 Hs- Bheep'H'r''' VVal,nsh 1 'j Missouri Pacific t 3 " cnion facinc avstem.101 O. & N. W., east C. & N. W., west 67 C. St. P., M. A O.... 2S C B. A Q., east 1 C B. A g., west 6i C, R. I. A p., east.. 10 C, R. 1. si p., west.. 1 Illinois Central 4 Chicago Ut. Western I Total receipts 271 42 1 17 41 , 1 t I 1 1 29 11 .1 15 " 7 4 .: :: 2 . 1 174 25 t The disposition of the day's receipt waa as followa. each buyer purchasing th num ber of head indicated: . , , Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1,016 2,4(K 7n2 Swift and Company 1,368 2,ti92 1.1S9 Cudahy Packing Co I,u26 1.760 . L7ol Armour & Co L107 4,737 1,620 Vansant A Co 13 ... Carey A Benton H "" McCreary A Carey 171 .... W. I. Stephen 174 Hui a son iho :: f. p. Lewis 4 .. : Huston A Co t Hamilton A Rothschild.. ls "' L. F. Huss 86 ., Mike Haggerty nj ' "" J. B. Root A Co htj T. B. Inghram I ., . ' Sullivan Bros..... 49 , Lehmer Bros 7 . , "" Asar Pncklnir r an .... Other buyttrs 4,1 .. 1,292 1,184 11,821 6,406 CAXiia-Receipis ot cattle continue quite liberal, although th run tor tn waetc to dat i not quite up to last weea's big record. As coiupareu with a year aasu, however, receipts are very much larger, a will be noted from th lalbl at head Ot column. Tn market on beef steers was In about the same condition as yetluraay, that is, packers seemed to feel that with oontiauvd liberal receipts they ought lo be able 10 lorce a somewhat lower range of prices. Almost witnout exception uuyers started out by talking lower figures than yester day. As was the case yesterday, however, the demand was pretty fair, and on th better grades It waa very hard work 40 force any concession In prices. Tho leas desirable killers, however, were slow to lower than yesterday. Tne market, both yesterday and today, haa been weak, with a downward tendency, especially on the medium to common grades. Cows and heifers were in practically the same position aa bef steers. Buyers seemed lo feel that thjfre was a chance to force the market downward, and they were not slow In taking advantage of the situa tion. In fact, tney started out talking lower prices, the same as tliey did yester day morning. On the other hand, th same as yesterday. It was very hard work to buy good cows and heifers very much lower. The trade, however, was slow and late In opening, and prices shaded off to aa much as loo lower on tho common to medium kinds. There was no change In th stocker and feeder trade. Good, fleshy feeder oontlnue to command very strong prices, but It will be understood that the high priced feeders at the present time are all cattle that have had more or leas corn. Feeders are buying those cattle and taking them back Into the country to be finished. It Is under stood that soma of the highest priced feed ers, that la, rattle that have sold con siderably above IS, have been purchased by parties who sort off the fat nd, placing only the thinner rattle on feed. While fleshy feeder are selling to such good ad vantage, light snd thin stock rattle ate slow, and it takes a great deal of work to keep supplies from accumulating In the yards. As a result,, the market on that kind is weak, besides being considerably lower than the best tlms last week. At the time of closing this report there wer still a good many cattle unsold, with beef ateera fully 10c lower and slow sellers at th decline. While some of the best oows, as noted above, sold about stesdy, th common grades were fully 10c and In some cases possibly KKrtl5c lower. Even retty good feeders wound Up weak to 10c ower. Representative aalea: BEEF STEERS. No. At. fr. No. Av. Ft. It 1100 4 14 It toil ot T IT4 4 40 t Hot 4 44 14 41 4 44 4. ...1 1144 40 tt 1:1 4 4 tn iiA -t it 11 1014 4 U 4 1077 4 14 40 ll' 4 44 14 lilt I it t 1040 4 40 M mi I M 14 1124 4 40 14 UU I e 1 10M 4 44 41 a. 1144 I C II .....lull 4 11 40 ,.1M 4 1 IT 101 4 M 1 160 I It It 1111 4 40 K )ii 1 14 t 1114 4 44 II Uf t 4 41...., 117 4 40 1 110 I 41 1 1V44 t 04 11 Ml 4 Tt COWS. 14 71 I 14 IT ior.4 t 48 II J t 44 4. no I Tt t 11 I It II U4 I TO 4 424 t 44 11 lotl I T4 44 441 I 14 4 T4 I 71 11 44 I 14 11 ...nit I 10 4 1074 I 10 T..., lino ag 1 471 t 14 II utT I e It 144 3 tt 1 11M t to IS 124 I IS t ...UU I to 24 174 I 40 II ln7 4 00 H 17 "I 44 1 12M 4 0 IT I 14 T low 4 ot I 441 I 40 14 1110 4 at I 4 I 44 4 1074 4 00 It 171 I 44 t 471 4 1 IT It I 44 3 1114 4 It 11". 41 I 44 t '...12 4 It 4 47T M 1 1,M 4 H 440 I 44 I mi 4 is 14 444 3 40 11 no 4 4 I..' 104 144 1 lie 4M HEIFERS. 14 I 14 I SI IN I -. T4I I Id I. II to 4 u T T 44 I 44 14 1J1 4 if tt I Tl It lor 4 10 "" "i'ViIb. u" 1 144 t 40 4 .141 I II 4 ll I 44 1 iua 4 m 4 1741 I 44 CALVES. 1 114 4 44 4 144 I tt 4 14 4 14 t 14 ( M I U4 t 44 1 10 t M FEEDERS. 1 TIT I 44 11 2t IN 404 I 40 . T al I tt I4 I 40 4 T74 4 14 4 4S4 t 44 I in 4 u Tl I 44 IT tut 4 44 Hot 4 BTCK KBHS ANO FKEDEftS. 14 V...... tl 171 I u is I tit 4 40 I " Horja Ondltfon seemed favorable for a lower hog market this morning, and pack ers' first bids wer not as good as yester tlay. They started out offering around I440 or a little better for a string of hogs. A few of the early sales may possibly hsve been a little easier thsn yesterday, but when th trade really opened It waa on tha basis of stesdy prices, that Is. K4Mis4i'4 for ine general run of hogs. Th market rapidly firmed up, until It wa fully IHo higher than yemerdny, th bulk of the hogs selling at .47y,y,.6u, as against V..4itl l-474j yesterday. The trade was active when nnco under ! way and practically ell the hogs In sight changed hand by 10 o'clock In th morn ing. No, At. h. r. He. At. la. lr. 41 14 ...'14 4 114 ... t 474 It 117 ... 144 U NT 44 4 47V 44. H4 ... 4 44 l. 141 ...It T7 tto ... t 44 t 144 ... 0 44 N ... t 44 1 44 4I ... I 44 14 tit ... 1 41 44 141 44 I M 40 141 344 t 44 44 144 ... 4 44 t IM ... I 44 II IF I ... t 44 17 IT ... I 41 44 Ill 10 t 44 71 mi ... t 44 44 ..14 ... t 4 I 14 ... 4 4 44 IN M t 44 71 Ill ... t 14 II 144 40 I 10 4 144 '10 I 47H Tt IM Ut 40 I 4 It t 4T H lit ... I 4 14 174 ... 4 414 4 11 ... Its t I4 ... 4 Cft TT fJ4 10 I 40 Til. Ill St. 41H T4 lot ... 140 tl til ... 4 471 44 117 ... 4 44 47... 141 140 ttlt.. M It ... 44 71. ...... .Ill ... I 41 H 44 ill ... 4 10 1 174 tot t 47t 41 24 ... I 60 M 141 ... 4 47V, 43 H M 10 44. 144 ... t 47j 4. ...... .21 ... tit 40 191 44 4 t'S II tU I 44. n 10 4 47H 44 271 ... 4 44 IM IN 4TUj 1 M S4 4 M 44 134 140 4 41H 47 ... 4 4 Tl tit ... t 47', 7 ..tt 40 I 40 4 Mi ... t 47', 44 141 10 40 I 144 ... t 471, MS ... I 40 10 ttl ... I 47H l 211 ... 4 40 T4 114 ... 4 47 H 41. ill ... 144 14 t4 ... 4 4TH t 14 ... 4 44 41 .MM .... 474 T4 142 ... 44 41 ITT It I 47V, 14 141 ... 4 40 77 1 n 4 471 Tt. 114 ... 4 MV 4 14 fit 4 47" 44 .tril ... 4 41V, I 14 tO I 47V 44 171 ... 4 V, 4t tT 40 I ttVI 40 r"4 ... 4 US 71 t!4 44 4 47H 44 Ill ... t ItV 11 i:i 44 1 47v, m rrt ... ' 1 civ, Tl IN) ... t 47V, 44 It ... 4 IV It 301 10 1 47 74 241 ... Ill 44 144 ... I4T 44 134 .44 147 ... 4 47 V, II 14 100 IIS M 20 40 4 47 4 44 Ill 44 4 44 SHEEP There was a moderate run her today and th market did not show any ma terial changn. remaining Just about steady at yctttruay's decline. Ewes, owing to the very lergs receipts of that kind, are fully 2So lower than the best time last week. It takes right srood ewes to bring IVi at th present time. The trade on ewes thl morn ing was slow, and as noted yesterday It is very apparent that buyers- have been get ting too many this week. Choice lambs contlnje about steady, a good bunch of westerns having sold up to V. 60 yesterday, which was as high as they have brought any time. On the other hand the medium kind of lambs, which have constituted the bulk of th receipts, ar alow and 2Bc lower than last week. Pretty uecent westerns todsy brought 17.20, with a little bunch of natives at 87.40. Owing to the very light supply of wethsrs snd ynnrllngs the market on that kind haa shown comparatively little change this week, prices being very nearly steady with what they were at the high Urn, or possi bly a little lower In spot. Shippers should understand from this that the market at this point has suffered this week from an oversupply of ewes and of medium grades of lambs. Th excessive re ceipts have brought about a sharp break In prices. If stilpoet will hold back their medium lamDs and forward only a few ewes o( the better grade there i no reason for believing that the market will not speedily recover the loa. Quotations on killers: Good to cholc lambs, 17.00-7.40; fair to good lambs, $0.76 7.00; good to chotoe yearling, lamb weight. 46.0Ov3S.25; fair to good yearling, lamb weight, ii.V5u.00, rood to choice yearlings, heavyweights. 15.7631.00; fair te good yearlings, heavyweights, t6.VKu.76; good to choice old wether, 35 .36&6.to; fair to good old ewethers. I6.OO476.S6; good to to choice ewes, 4.8oi&o.t)0; fair to good I4.8664.tl0. Representative sales: No. At. Pr. 26 western ewes 90 ' 4 28 28 western ewes tfi 6 10 44ii western ewes 106 6 10 207 western ewea 107 4 80 4X1 western ewes 108 6 00 401 western yearlings 84 I 26 101 western yearlings 83 8 26 21 western lambs 62 I 0 111 western ewes 116 4 76 24 western lamb 97 7 26 44 western lamba , 100 7 25 28 natlv lamb 89 7 40 78 native lamb . 81 7 00 117 native wethers 94 660 106 natlv ewe 102 6 00 176 western cull ewes 78 4 76 310 western cull ewes 86 4 76 M western ewes US 6 00 800 western ewe 111 I 00 123 western ewes 110 6 00 46 -western lamb 81 7 10 224 western lamb 75 T 26 av western ewes 11 4 00 16 western ewes 92 4 00 866 western wethers lit I 40 Hi western ewes ,. 104 4 90 244 Western lamba 70 I 86 29 western yearling 87 6 86 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Weak Hogs gtroaaj fheep Loner. CHICAGO. Jan. 24. CATTLE Receipts, 8.000 head; market for best heavy steady, others weak and dull; common to best steers, 4.0ii47.S6: cows, 83.0tKii4.79; heifers, I2.60&6.60; bulls, I2.764i4.o0; calves, 2.6otj8.t4); Blockers snd feeders, I2.6oti4.90. HOOS Receipts, 33.0U) head; market strong; choice heavy shipping, I6.6inti6.ti6; light butchers, lo60S.62tt; light mixed, 8o.67H4l4.62H; choice light, iS.ftVg 05; pack ing fi.6()4ti.62H; pigs. I6.004j6.36. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 1K.O"0 head; market 10c lower: sheep, I.1.006.i'l; yearlings, $4.0aJ.40; lambs, tb.Mll.). Kassas City Live Stock Market.' KANSAS CITT. Mo., Jan. 14. CATTLE Receipts, 6.600 head. Including iOo head southerns; market steady to 10c lower; choloe export and dressed beef steers, 36 46 4V6.76; fair to good, $4.ui6.35; western fed steers, 33.7Ki6.75; stockers and feeders, 33.16 64.76; southern steers, 3.6i&6 26; southern cows, 82.264,3.76; native cows, 32.2664. 60; na tive heifers 33.,u4. o; bulla, 42.10&4.1&; calves, 3.2&ffr7.75. . - HOGS Receipts. 10.000 head;Amarkt 2Htt 5c lowrr; I need strong; top, ritjfj; bulk ot rales, fl.62H".t0; heavy, W.ea; pack ISTH 6'M"i''k' pis" nd "ht loooty SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts, 8,500 head; market for sheen weak; lambs. 10o higher: lambs, 7.0ikj7.So; ewes and year lings, i4.76Dt.28; western fed yearlings, 35.80 il-lo; western fed sheep, M.15i"7.2o; stock er and fteders, 6226j4.75. , 8t. Lost Mr stork Msrket. ST. IXIL'IS. Jan. 24.-CATTI Receipt 1.600 head. Including 1,104) Texan; market strong; native shipping and export steers, 86.264it.76; dressed beef and butcher steers, M.K.I&4.15; steers under 1,000 lbs.. 83.784 60; stockers and eeders, 12. 404.60; rows and heifers, i2.S0r35.26: canhers, 1 75435.36; bulls 2.76(((S.G0; calves, 3.25B.75; Texas snd ln dian steers, I3.00tg6.60; cows and helfera $28fxfl8.50. HOGS Receipt a. 1.000 head; market Jc lower; plga and lights, to.lu436.66; packers, tO0,t.0; butcher and beat heavy, Sooottf SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ' l.OfjO head; market strong; native muttons, 8.1.00 6.7; lambs, H.CoruH.26; culls and bucks 4.0ut4.26; stocker. I2.WS3.6U St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. ' JOSEPH, Mo Jan 24. CATTLE Receipts, 3.115 head: market active and steady; natives. 34.oW(j6.75; stockers and feeders, t&2664.0. HOOS Rccelrts. 10.565 head; market opened weak and 6c lower, but loss re gained: top, 6.Uui.J, pigs, $6 2t6.0u, bulk,' ii.60i8.eO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1 it,J head; msrket steady; lambs, 17.60; year ling , 16 60. , J sr looa City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Jan. 24 -(Spelal Tel, gram.) CATTLE Receipts, l.ioo hood market steady; breves, 84.25S6 ;; oows bulls and mixed, t2.wiRH6 itockers and feeders, 3 lJ4i4.50; calves and yearlings, 82. ff 6 so. HOGS Receipts, 6.RO0 head; market steady to 10c lower, selling at i.Mit.rt: bulk of sales, 6.I7H3.40. ra.-eiow. SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts. 800 head; market steady. ' 1 took la Sight. Receipt of lire stock at tho tlx principal western markets yesterday: ,t L " ' - Cattle Hogs Sheep. South Omaha .) i4.e 3 ;, Sioux City 100 g.5o) . too Kansas City 8rv o.uio 1 o' 6t. Joseph , 3.115 10. VI ' lj;l St. Louis .. f finO loon .) Chicago 8.000 33.0 0 l.to) Totals .18.415 84,44 lH.-i (ettca Market. NEW YORK. 'Jan. 24.-COTTON-8r,t closed stead), W point higher: middling uplands. 11c; middling gulf, 11 26c; aalea. 3ou hale. . NEW ORLEANS. Jan. I4.-COTTON Spot market closed firm; low ordinary 0c nominal; ordinary. 7c. nominal: gu.nl ordi nary, l-lc; low middling, It-lec; middling 10 7-lOc; good middling. 11 V; middling fair, U',c, nominal; fair, !-',', nominal; sales, lotai bales: receipts. li.8 bale: stock. 85.1i- bales LIVERPOOL. Jan. 24-COTTON-Spot, good business don, prices 4 points higher; American middling fair, AiNd; good mid dling, t.J.d; middling. 5 9"d; low middling, 4k4d. good ordinary. 5.24d, ordinary, 6 ttnl. 1 he sales of the day wer looit bales, of which 1,610 were for spcculmlon and ex port and lnrludd l,(4Ki American. 8T MlllS. Jan. 24. COT TON-fteady; middling, l"Ho; sales, Sf5 bales; receipts, 1K1 bales; shipments, loo bales; stock, 29,23 bale. OMAHA WHOI.K94LR MARKET. Coadltlna of Trad aad ttaotstlosa oa Itapl asd Fancy Prodat?. EGOS Per dot., Me. LIVE POL'LTHT Hena IV4c: roosters. lo; turkeya lOvjlJc; ducks, rtjlOcj young rooarers. i4ic; geese, suc. BUTTER Packing slock. 13190: cholc to fancy dairy, 211; C; creamery, 2f4j21e. HAT Choice uolnnd. ts.5: medium. " Oft; No. 1 bottom, lo o"; oft grades, 36 604 Ma, Rye straw, $7.00; No. 1 alfalfa, 2U.V0. jAf4 t'er on, is.t . , OLD VEGETABLES. CARROT? HEETS AND PARSNIP Pr bu., 76 SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per larg bbl.. 11.26. NAVT BEANS Per bu . 11. B:' No. L U.60. - ; .. LIMA BRANS Per lb.. IHO. CAUBAOE Holland seed, homo grows, lHc per lb, EGO PLANT Per dot., &ftlO, , RUTABAQAS About ISO lb, to ca 11.60. POTATOES Pr bU. 44VS6BO. Tl:RNIPcv-i'r bu.. 60c ONluNtr-Hom grown, per bu., ga Spanuii, per crat. (MvO; Colorado, pr bit, 7&c NEW VKOETABLES. BEETS. TURNIPS AN1 CARROTS Pat dos., aofuoOc. TOMATOES Florida, 30-lb. crat. K.0O. WAX BEANS Per bu. Vx, M.04.0O. , LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per doA heads. 46c. CELERY-Callfornla, per do.. TtotTfl OS, CUCUMBERS Hothous, per dos., 32.00. HOHtlKHAIJ18H-t ace of 2 dot., $1.84). RADISHES Per doA bunches, 36c GREEN PEPPERS Par It-basket arato 46"t600. PARSLEY Hothous. per doa bunoh, 40c. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, par doa 1.041.26. SHALLOTS Southern, ner bu- Ma . FRUITS. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., H6O4J9.00. ' APPLES Ben Davis, choice, t.0: fanor. per bbl., 12.26; Jonathan, ei.76ni-4.00; Neaf York apples, $3.26; Iowa and Nebraaka, attrtg H-nd cooking, $2.2604.00. PKARS-Wlntsr Nells, per bos. 8S.0. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES Florida ranges, all alxcs. 2.2; California navels, extra fancy, all sises, 13.26: fancy, 13.00; cholc, 12,76. LEMONS Limonlera, 300 and o0 tit. 14.60; other brands, 60c lea. DATES Kada way We: sayera, lc; Hal loals, ntw aluftata wainut da tea l-lb. Dox i.ia BANANA ar-or medlum-slsd bunob, P.ouva2l6; JumUn. la toUAIO. GRAPE FrtllT-Siao i 14 and 80, 33.71 64 00. FIOS California, bulk. 6H0; f-crowtj Turkish. 15c; 6-crown. 14c; I -crown, Ho. ; COCOANUTS-Per sack of 100, Rett, BEEF CUTS. No. 1 ribs. 15c; No. I ribs, 10c; No. I Mhg, Tc; No. 1 loin, 18c; No. 3 loin, 12Hc; No, I loin, lc; No. 1 chuck, 6c; No. 1 cnuck, 6c; No. 8 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 7Hp; No. I round, 6Hc; No. 8 round, 6c; No. 1 plat, IHci No. t plate. 4c; No. I plat. 80. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE New lull oream Wisconsin twins, 15Hc.; new full cream brick. Wit 16Hc; wheel Swiss cheese, loo; block Swiss, 16c; llmberger, 14c; Young Americas, 16o. FISH Trout, 12c; halibut, loc; catfith. 16c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads. He; black bass, flno stock, 26c; salmon, lie; pike, dressed, 11c; red snapper, 12c; Whitehall, 12c; perch, dressed and scaled, tic; pickerel, dressed, 8H0; herring, Se; crapplas, Ma 16c; eel, lib; blueflsh, 16c; lobsters, green, 36c per lb. mackerel, Spanish, 16c; native, 36o; frog legs, 46c per dos. saddle. CURED F13H-Famlly whltefish, par quarter bbl., 10 lb.. $4.00: Norway mack erel, No. 1, $36.00; No 1 A2S.0O; herring Is bbls., 200 pounds each, Norway, 4k, 111; Nor way, 3k, $12.60; Holland herring, In kegs, milkers, 80c; kegt, mixed. 700. HIDES AND TALLOW-Oreen Salted, No. 1, 12c; No. 2. lie; bull hides, 9c; green hide, No. 1, 10c: No. 2. 9c; horse, $J.50i 1.76; sheep pelts, 60ce$1.26. Tallow, No. 44c; No. 2, 8c. Wool. 1622a KV'TS Freuch walnuts. wh: California Iralnuts, No. 2. soft shell, 13c; .No. 1 ooft hell, UVc; Fraslls, 15ifflc; p eel tit, 19Qi3c; filberts, 13i814o; peanut, raw, THoS roasted, lc; California almond, 1W4I hell, 16c; Trayonla, 17a HONEY Per 24 frames. 83 50. CIDER New York, btif burrel, H7: bar. ttl. 86.04 COFFEE Roasted, No. 38, K per Ih t No. 80, 21c rr lb.; No. 26, 19c par Ib.j No. to, lc per lb No. , llo par lb. SUGAR Granulated cane, In sACka, H.U1 granulated beet, in sack A It.OL SYRUP In bbls.. 27o per gal.; In cases. I 10-lb. cans, 11.70; cases, 11 6-lb. cans, H 80: cases, 24 2H-lb. cana. $1.88. , CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern. 66160c; Maine, $1.1C Tomatoes, 8-lb. can, 11.10; l-lb. cans, 97Hcttfl.00. Pino. pples, graUd. l-lb., I2.06iff2.80; sliced. $l f) JI2.20. . Gallon apples, fancy, 82.06. Call, ornla apricots. $3.00. Pear. L76, t.60. Peaches, fancy, $1.752.ti; H. cT peaches. $2. 2.5a Alaska salmon, red, tl.25; fancy Chinook, F $2.10; fancy gock eye. F., ,11.96. Sardine, quarter oil, $2.76 three-auarter mustard, $3.00. Sweet pota toes, tl.104jl.2B. Sauerkraut, 81.00. Pump, kins. 80c&,1.00. Wnx beans, 2-lb., sOQaOot lima beans, 2-lb., 75ct3ll.36. Spinach, 11 35. Cheap peas, 2-lb., tic; extras, 95c.ftl.10; fancy, tl.86tlt.75 Metal Market, NEW YORK. Jan. 24-METAI.S-TheTa Vas an advance of 6s In the London tin market, with spot and futures both closing at 192 10s. Locally, the market was easy, with apot quoted at 841.50 and. $42.00 asked. Copper was unchanged in the lxindon mar ket, with spot quoted at 106 15s and fu tures at 108. Locally, the market was firm and a little higher, with Inks quoted SJ $24.75336.25; electrolytic, $24.62H'fl24.87H; casting, $24.2624.76. Lead was unchanged at iiflu06.25 tn the local market and at 19 17s 6d In London. Spelter was 2a 6d higher st 27 In Ixindon and ruled Arm locally at an advance, of about I point to $fi.5t)36.60. Iron waa lower in th Engltuli market, with standard foundry quoted at 67s Id and Cleveland warrant at 6m. IO- . cally, the market waa unchanged; No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at JJB 265J2B.26; No. 2 northern foundry. $24.76$26.75; No. 1 southern foundry, I2ti fHV(i26.60; No. 1 south ern foundry, $26.50'n 26.00. ' , ST. LOUIS. Jan. 24. METALS Lead, ateady at $6.10. Spelter, firm at 16.66. Evaporated Apple asd Dried Fvslt. NEW YORK. Jan. 24 -EVAP0RATET -APPLES Market quiet and about steadv: fancy, 9ijHc; choice, 8V,&Mc; prime, 74 tHo. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune are In light demand and some sixes ar offered freely, with quotation ranging from 8c to 9e, according to grade, for California fruit; Oregon 60 and 40 at 7i!o-.. Apricot, quiet; choice, 16c! extra cholc, 17'a-lc; fancy, lRfi20c. Peaches ar quiet, but offerings light; choice, 11&I2H0. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Stephen D. Bangs and wife to Hen Ciu Isteiisen, 11 , lot 11, block 9, ' Summit add t jts Same to Soren P. Jrppsun, H lot 11, block 9, Summit auu Otto A. Joiuuion and wife to Carl A. Swanson, west 81 feet nwU lot 6. block 6, Park Place 30 Ed ward H. Callahan to James B. O Connor, half Interest east one tlilid lot 6, block 122, Omaha ' Enteit Kroegur and wife to Cornelius M. O. Donovan, lot 6, block 32. 1st add. to Coirlgan Place, South Omaha 1 Sts) ' Mary E. Kelkeiuii-y to James B. Kel- ' kenney, lot U and eaat lo feet lot ' 1 VS. Ouk Knoli 1 Anthoney Wilkinson to Emll Gall, ' ' lot 7, block 348, Omaha 14,01 Jane K. Kluimey and husband to Julius 8liiTii.ni, eH H lot 11, Pre- ' ton 4k William's add l.WO Edna and Myron U. Arnout to Oeurg -C. JolniHoii, east 60 fuet lot 2, block 18. Hanacom Place 2100' George T. Mill et al to Charles M. -I.entx, lot 1 and 2, block 8, Daor I"ik t Robert O. Fink to Charles F. Muff, lot 9. block 4JS. Orandvlew E. R. Hume to R. B. McGregor, lot 23. block 17. Orchard Hill ' Catherine B. Nash to the C. B. Nash Co.. lot 1, 2, 3. 7 and 9, block 121, Omaha, and other lots Bust P. Bailou and husband to West ern Investment, ouiupany, lot 3, foe' add 1,600 Highland Realty company to H. O. o Nell and J. J. Fltsgerald. lots 4 to 9 and 17 and 19, block 1, Harris c Patterson's add., and other lots. M0 Alva L. Tlmblln et al to T. J. O'Nell et al, lots 16 and 17. block I. Ian wood psrk. South Omaha Ut Arthur East to Jacob C. Cok, kits 12 and 14. block 30. AlbilgHt Choice. South Omaha Kg . Nora O'Connor and husband to Anna Offerman. ' lot 81. t.lm k 2. Hum. , numd Place. South Ontaha M Total ZM: