12 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1907. REMNANT DAY AT BRANDEIS Thousands of Odd Lengths and Odd Lots, of Flno Quality Goods, Gathered and Placed on Gpoclal Oalo AT WONDERFUL BARGAINS FRIDAY . t c Oplendld Lots of New Wash Fabrics and White Goods Remnants of Linens Odd Lots , and Sample Strips of Embroideries & V Laces Dress Goods, Silks, Etc. HERE ARE BIG SPECIALS III BRAIIDEIS' BASEMENT Eegular 40c quality black and colored sateens, highly mer-cerized-76kirts made from this quality retail J up to $3!60 one of the best lots ever JJ O offered t per yard New lot of white curtain swiss, dotted and fig- A g ured, .10 to 20 yard lengths 15c is the regu- II 10 f lax priced-Friday, at, per yard 1W w 3 to 10; yard perfect lengths, white lawn,' 36 ff inches wide medium and heavy, worth o 12Vfcc yard, at, per yard J 10,000 yards Standard Apron Check Gingham. All desirable lengths and plenty of salespeo ple to wait on you. at, per yard 3ic Jleavy seersucker and Scotch ginghams, large 1 assortment in long lengths, at, per yard U 2C Morning Only . ,pAfternoon Only On big bargain square Of 36-inch Shirting percales In desirable lengths medium ' and light colorings, will go at, per yard 5c Remnants of plain and printed Burlap, suita ble for wall coverings, carpet purposes, etc., will go at, per yard 5c From S till 10 A. M. We will tell accumulations of a great Eastern mill, consist- Inir of various grades and lengths of linings worth up tp 10c yard wholesale, at, yard .... lc At 1:30 Light Shirting Prints, with neat printings perfect remnants a new lot Just received will go at, per .yard 2c Remnants from the Great Linert Sale A great lot of Table Damask Remnants in all lengths and qualities accumulated from our January linen sale at prices below cost to import. Big lot of Imperfect linen and cotton huck towels. These are mostly , half towels Friday, each 10c Hemmed Huck Towels, will go t, each lc 5c 15c Large size bleach ed Turkish 7Lj Towels, each . . . S 2 C Thnnnnnds of .6 to 10 yard rem nants of bleached and unbleached linen toweling, at regular C linen dept., up from, yd. . . Large else crochet bed spreads that are 1 ( Imperfect. The -JfC usual 98c kind, ea. Trial Strips. Sample Pieces and Remnants of Laces at 2c-5V2C-5c Yd. These are fine Torchons, French and English vals and plat vals, in desirahle widths of edging and insertings. Odd Lots, RemnsLnts and Sample Strips of Embroideries at jW-lk-lIlc These are high class embroideries, insertings and gal loonsall new patterns desirable widths great va rieties on bargain squares. DRESS GOODS REMNANTS Just received a splendid assortment of new English Suit ings Every desirable design and most popular r weaves very special, at, per yard JjC A general line of panamas, taf fetas, mixed suitings, etc. etc., In black and colors worth up to one fifty, at, per yard , Clearing sale of remnants, 2 to 10 yard lengths all must go. In baseman, at, yard 59c Remnants from 2 to 10 yard lengths of English Suitings, voiles, etamines, tamiBe, silk and wool fancies worth up )Q to 75c a yard, at, yard. . ,JJG 19c Silk Remnants on Bargain Square Two big lots of silk remnants great variety of patterns worth 10c, 15o and 25o each' go according C 10 to size, at, each JC" I UC Bargain Friday Specials FANCY ART GOODS the Tinted Pillow Tops, floral designs, special, 10c I to 10c braids, Battenberg, Duch ess Point, lace, etc. "J special., yard 1C-C Stamped linen pieces, dollies and center pieces, worth 2 5c C to.9e special, at 1JC Perl Last, la colors only, f? A tllo, special, 3 skeins for. Battenberg rings, mostly ami 11 sixes, special, dos.... i Tni?n 0 i VS MM KOTIOX9 10c Net Shopping Bags...... 5 Dressing Pins (200 to paper) 1 10c leather Purses for 3 15c Warren's Colored Silk Feath er bone, yard 3h 10c Warren's Colored ' Cotton Featherbone, yard ........ 24 Ee "Satlna" Mercerized Crochet Cotton, per ball 1 10c Round Pocket Mirrors. . 3 25c Rubber Side Supporters, v el yet grip, per pair 194 Brook's 100-yard Machine Cotton, special, at, dozen 154 Saturday Begins Oar Grand Sale of Ladies $10-$12iL $15 $ Winter Cloaks Most Astonishing Cloak Bargains We Ever Offureel. Omaha's Pure Food Center Battle Creek BsaJtarlnm rood. These are the famous health-giving foods. Our lines are complete and we announce the following; low prices: Brnmose. Nut. 1-lb pkg MM H-lb. rkR .Bo Malted Nuts. 1 pint bottle. ...... .75o H pint bottle X Mrltose, l-ll. ran SO Protose, 1-lb. can So H-lb. ran .....ISO Nut Butter, 1-lb. ran 6o H-lb. ran lo Granose Flakes, pkg ISc Uranoee Biscuit, pkg lOo Hulless Beans, pkg... ISO Qranola, pkg ISO Oraham Crackers, pkg lc Fruit Crackers, pkg BOo Oatmeal Wafers, pks; 15c Whole Wheat Wafers,' pkg 16c Whole Wheat Cream Sticks 15c Zwieback, per pkg 15 Diabetic Gluten Biscuit, per pkg.. 40o Toasted Corn Flakes, per pkg-. ...10c Gluten Meal, per pks: ....BOo Caramel Cereal, per pkg- t.. 15c Baked Beans, per can 15c protose. 1-lb. can 30c H-lb. can 15o Nuttose, 1-lb. can 5o No-Coffee 85e Nut French Soup, 1-lb. can. . .... .S6e H-lb. can ,....15c Vegetable Soup, 1-lb. can. ....... .89c H-lb. can ....lie 'Phone Douglas 647. m Private Exchange Connect All M Itennrt menta. 3 Separate Entrances 3. '2ECS3ESSDR 1 Is BOCB j SPfflMGS COAL hipmenta received daily from our own minea. We pride ourselves on good service and can make prompt delivery. Central Coal and Coke Co. ol Omaha. 15lli and Harney. Phones-1221-U9S. OMAHA WKATIIER KORKCA8T Friday Cloudy .Dd colder. Sample Hosiery We will place on sale all of our winter sample lines of Hosiery, and we will make them In three lota, 10c, 15c. 25c. These roods are all our beat quality, and very heavy weight, also some fine weights, in fact, all kinds of weights, fine, heavy and medium, best value In the city. These samples are for Ladles' Gents and Children. Beads We are showing all the new styles In Beads. Remember we are showing the largest line of Beads In the West We lead, other try to Imitate, and our prices are right. Jewels and Spangles In all sizes and colors. Agency for Pictorial Review Patterns. Jos. F. Bilz 322 So. 16th St Omaha Beaton's Everyday Chocolates 30c The regular 60c grade, ' our price, pound .... Our Chocolates are made strictly In accordance with the pure food laws. Take home a pound box and you'll come again. BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnara Sis. P. S. big sale of Armour's Soaps opens Saturday Morning. YOU CAN RENT A TYPEWRITER. ANY MAKE FOR $2.50 PER MONTH. FOX TYPEWRITER & SUPPLY CO. 1822 Farnam St., Omaha. Tel. Doug. 8874. RICHARD Li. METCALIE'H ROOK "OF RI CH IS THE KINGDOM." Ef ff On Sale In Rnrk 8wtlon, ft r lli!fll J A GREAT 8KL.LKR- si.oo IT TFU sir MM Jl M LEST WE FORGET! 3 Been so busy trying to crowd in so many daily bargains we fall so wretchedly short of a complete list we look as though we'd most forgotten Green Trading Stamps They're an "addition to the bargain" as natural as "thank you." THEY'RE YOURS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS EVERY TIME AND ALL THE TIME. l the Rnxjus 1 .i WW" S rl nTradirK w"- . T-r Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves. Etc. Two more days of the Buyers' and Managers' Sale, and I'm going to make those two days beat any of the previous ones. ' day's selling: " UNDERWEAR Children's ribbed fleeced Union Suits, 25c value, suit 10 Ladies' Ribbed Fleeced Union Suits, 50c value, suit 31 ' HOSIERY Ladies' Fast Black Seamless Hose, 17c value, pair 10 Children's Fast Black Seamless Hose, 17c value, pair ....10 HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies' hemstitched embroidered and Lace Handkerchiefs, 10c value, each for 5e Men's Hemstitched Satin Stripe Handkerchiefs, 10c value, for... 6 GLOVES Ladies' Golf and Silk Lined 'Cashmere Gloves, worth to 50c pair, for. 15 Ladies' 1-clasp Kid Gloves, $1.00 value, for 59 Remnants of Table Linens Napkins. Toweling and White Goods Main AlsU Main Floor Remnants Table Damask, from to 3 yds. long a piece, from $3 down to ...29 Remnants Towel eling, 1 to 6.yd lengths, piece, from 7So down to :...3 Remnants Napkins 4-12, 5-12 and J-dozen ' lots each, from $2.98 down to .. .25 Remnant9 "White Goods, from to 10-yd. lengths a piece from $1.98 down to 2 To Pyrogiaphy Buyers Platinum has ad vanced 100 . Former price of Platinum was $16 per ounce, today it is $33. Hence the advance in price of outfits. "We have a limit ed number of Out fits on hand which we will sell Fri day at 98c Old prices will hold good Fri day only. This is the greatest win ter pastime, for it places many useful as well as ornamental arti cles in the home. Second Floor. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods and Domestics v Every piece of goods included. Great bargains are plentiful in these departments. DRESS GOODS Every piece of goods has been taken out of the windows and will be sold . Friday at these prices: on sale, yard 29 $1.00 Black Batiste, yard. for .....49 $1.00 Black Mohair, yard for 49 85o Plain Suitings, very fine, especially desira ble for children's dresses, ail colors, now asp SILKS Best grade of Crepe de Chines, dark or light grounds, with dots, etc., sold at special price for 49c, on sale now, yard 29 BLACK WASHABLE TAFFETA- Sells for $1 everywhere, 24-in. wide, wears fine and not shiny, on sale now 44 yTTi illy Buyers' and Managers Sale RARGA1N FRIDAY Second Floor. Not a winter garment reserved. Extra spe cials for Bargain Friday. $15 Women's Tailor-Made Suits for $5 Only 68 Suits, every one this season's most ap proved style, plain and fancy mixture. Fri day special 2d floor at $5.00 $15 Women's Plaid and Fancy Mixture Coats, 50 In. long, Friday special, 2d floor $5.05 75c Waists for 19c 20 dozen Women's Wool Waists, made of serge and brllllantines. Friday special, second 1 floor, for iue $2.00 Women's All Wool Sweaters, black, wmie, navy and red, 2d floor, each 05 FUR COATS AXD SMALL FURS HALF PRICE CROCKERY W. R. ELMS, Buyer. MUST HAVK ROOM. My purchases In the Pittsburg and East Liverpool market will require ROOM. Prices on lines I want to close out cut to 20. 25 33W- HALF AND LESS THAN HALF. Ten patterns of Dlnnerware, hundreds of pieces, each piece at 25c, 10c, 5c and.. 2 Special Corset Sale Two Cents an inch Salesmen's sam ples and discon tinued styles, in all the standard makes. Every pair in the lot worth from $1 to $2.50 all shapes and col ors, in batiste, cou til and fancy fab rics. While they last- ' 2 an inch, ac cording to size. Second Floor. I Friday Is Bargain . Day See Skirt Sale fid on Page 5 liilMu (yEWS THE RBLIAILK TRI $ee Skirt Sale Rd on Page 5 Remnant Day in Our Immense Bargain Room 250.000 yards of various kinds of goods In remnant and full pieces to bm sold at one-fifth of their cost. Greatest Clearlnn Sale on record. 26,000 yards Prints, Ginghams, Percales and other kinds of Cotton Goods that sold from 7 He to 12 He, In remnants from 1 to 6 yards at, per yard. . .J.C 3,000 yards Dress Gingham, Everett Classics, A. , F. C.'a Toll du Nord and other Dress Ginghams that sold from 10c to 12 He, In good, long lengths, at, per yard 40-Inch Lawns, India Linen, Nainsooks and other White Goods, worth up to 1 5c a yard, will go, at, per yard Remnants of 7 He and 8 Vic Unbleached Muslins, extra heavy, good quality, at, per yard 34 36-Inch Sllkollne, to good, long remnants, worth 8 Vic to 12 Vic, will go at, per yard . 2 Vi Remnants of Linings, In all colors and black, worth up to 35c per yd., at. 5 50 dozen Towels, from 7 Vic to 12 Vic, slightly soiled, all go at, each... 4 Remnant of Table Damask, bleached and unbleached, that sold from 39c to $1.60 per yard, will go In 6 lots at, per yard, 69c, 49c, 39c, 25c and.. . 154 Thousands of yards sf other goods too numerous to mention. Silk Special at 19c Over 5,000 yards of Plain and Fancy Silks, In all colors and weaves, la remnants, Including many dress lengths, a general clean up of our silk stock at, yard, 10c- 60c Black Peau de Cygnes, 18-ln. wide, at, yard .. ..25 85c Pongee. Silks, 36-in. wide, In tans and black, at, yard 45t Handsome Chiffon Swiss Taffetas, 36-in. wide, regular $1.25 values, In Fri day's sale at, yard 85 From 9 Till 10 a. m. 69c Foulards, In new Spring colors and neatest patterns, 22-in. wide, special, Friday, for one hour only at, yard 397 From 3 Till 4 p. m. Our $1.00 Guaranteed Black Dress Taffeta, 27-in. wide, limit of one pattern to customer at, yard 690 REMNANTS OF Wool Dress Goods Broadcloth, 64, 52 and 60 Inches wide, strictly all wool, sold up to $2 per yard, in 3 lots at, per yard, 49c, 89c and 254 Remnant of Mohairs, worth up to $1 per yard, all colors, will go' at, per yard 254 Remnants of Henriettas, that sold up to 60c per yard, will go at, per yard .....104 Remnants of Danish Cloth, in both cream and colors, that sold up to 16c per yard, will go at, per yd.ViJ A large variety of remnant of other kinds of Dress Goods too numerous to mention at equally low prices. Manufacturers' Stock Sale of Men's and Boys' Pants Boys' Knee Pants, worth regularly up to 65c, all sizes. In casslmeres, chev iots and corduroys, to close quickly at, pair 254 Men's Corduroy Pants, In all sizes, would sell regularly for and are well worth $1.56, on special sale Friday, at, pair 054 HIGH GRADE Linen Department Main Floor, Second Alrtlo to Right Remnant of Table Linen of all our high grade Linens, in bleached, Sli ver Bleached and Unbleached, good lengths, from 1 Vi yards to 3 Vi yards long, goods that sold up to $1.75 yard, In 3 lot, yd., 69c, 69c. 404 Mill ends of mercerized Table Linen in 2, 2Vi and 3-yard lengths, extra heavy and fine finish, worth 66a yard, yard 244 Napkin Slightly soiled and mussed, lot of these In full dozens, good, large sizes, In both bleached and un bleached, goods that sold up to $3 dozen, In 3 lots, dozen, $1.49, 98o and 504 Odd lot of Towels, In Turkish and Huck, extra long and heavy quality, worth up to 19c piece, to close, at. Piece 8H4 Dollies, Dresser Scarfs and Center Pieces, slightly soiled, all sizes, sold up to 98c piece, to close, at, piece, for 244 Odd lot of Pattern Cloths, soiled and mussed. In hemstitched and plain, S, 2 Vi and 3 yards long, all linen, sold up to $3 piece, to close, at, piece, for $1.49 Special Drapery Bargains Odd pairs of Colored Fish Net Curtain, worth $3.60 pair, at, each 084 Royal Art Portieres, worth $8 pair, also Madras Curtains, worth $3.50 up to $5.60, at, pair $1.9(J . Snowflake Curtains, in odd pairs, at, each 694 Silk Fringe that sold at 25c to 85c yard at, yard .54 tapestry Portieres, worth from $4.60 to $8.00, go at, pair $2.08 Odd Lace Curtain, worth from $3.50 to $5 pair, go at, each 404 Lace Curtains, worth from $1.98 up to $3.00, go at, each....... 254 600 pair Lace Curtain at, pair, $1.60, 98c, 75c, 49c, 39o 254 .....7Vi4 Dotted Swiss, at, yard, 15c, 12 Vic, 10c Men's Shirts, 29c and Wc Worth up to $2.50. An immense stock of manufacturers' samples, including California Flan nels, Scotch Flannels, Silk and Wool, Heavy Corduroy, Black Sateen, Black and White Drill and heavy quality Old Hickory Shirt, in all sizes for meiv and boys, on sale Friday in order to close quickly. In two great lot at, garment 204 nd 404- .' Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular 60c garments, heavy fleece lined, Friday per garment 254 Ladles' Vests and Pant, heavy ribbed, fleeced, regular 89c numbers at, gar ment 104 Men's Ties, 26c and 39c value, high grade silk, four-in-hands, all clean, new stock, at, choice 154 Misses' and Children's Vest and Pant Heavy Fleeced and worth regularly 26c, at ...124 The Greatest Graniteware Sale Ever known In the history of Omaha. Sale to commence Friday morning. 10-qt. DUh Pan, our coat, $5.10 doz., on sale 254 14-qt. Dish Pan, our cost, $6.00 doz., on sale 354 Water Dippers, our cost, $2.10 dos., on sale 104 Wash Basins, large size, our cost, $5.10 doz., on sale 104 Lip Saucepans or Preserving Kettles, our cost, $3.25 doz., on sale.'. 104 Lip Saucepans or Preserving Kettles, our cost, $3.27 Vi doc., on sale. 104 Lip Saucepans or Preserving Kettles, our cost $3.50 doz., on sale. . . .104 Lip Saucepans or Preserving Kettles, our cost $3.75 dot., on sale. . , .104 Lip Saucepans or Preserving Kettle,. our cost $4.02 Vi doz., on sale. .104 Lip Saucepans or Preserving Kettles, our cost $4.25 doz., on sale... 104 Lip Saucepans or Preserving Kettles,' our cost $4.75 doz., on sale...lO Milk Pans, Pie Plates, Wash Bowls, Frying Pans, Cake Tins, Drinking Cups, Bt.stlng Spoons, etc., etc., etc. This Is the finest grey ganlteware made, bought direct from one of the largest manufacturers in the country. We are overstocked In this line of goods and are going to give the peoplo the benefit regardless of all cost. Lota of articles ranging as high as $4.50 to $5.00 per doz., all to go la this one great sale, at, each.. 10 Buy now for your future use, as you will never have this opportunity again, HAYDEN'S FOR GROCERIES, BUTTER, CHEESE, CRACKERS, FRUITS, GROCERIES AND VEGETABLES The Greatest Pure Food Department in the West. FRESH 21 lbs. best purs cane granulated sugar for 1. no 10-lb. sack best white or yellow oprn- meal .12Ve The best hand-picked navy beans, per lb IHc The best rolled breakfast oatmeal, per lb :40 10-lb. sack best Wisconsin buckwheat flour 8 do Quart Jar pure Ohio maple syrup Sac i-lb. pkg. self-rising pancake flour. .. ,mc Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per pkg 7Hc 4 -lb. can breakfast cocoa 20c 1-lb. pkg. best corn starch .....4c 1- lb. pkg. macaroni Sj 2- lb. can best Sac City sweet sugar corn 6c 2-lb. can Victory was or string beajis.TVic 2-lb. caa Early June peas, slf ted. . . . 8 V c 1-lb. can solid packed tomatoes KVic 1-lb. can (olden pumpkin, hominy or squash to Egg-o-See breakfast food, per pkg....THo California Dried Trait Sale Fancy California prunes, per lb e crown . .10c irun.-v rullfomia Mulr peacnes, vrr - , . lh 2 C Fancy California Seedless Raisins, per lb c Fancy California grapes, per lb 74c Fancy California pitted plums, per lb 12Vc Fancy cleaned currants, per lb 10c Fancy New York evaporated apples, per lb ...10c Fancy lemon, orange or citron peel, per lb 1-lb. pkg. condensed mince meat IVsc MAY 0 Teas sad Coffees, Street Importers of ta flaest Fancy Pantos coffee, per lb., l(q Fancy Marlcaibo blend coffee, per lb. 17 Ha Fancy Porto Rico blend coffee, perlb..20o Fancy Ankola blend coffee, per lb 25a Fancy U. F. or sun-dried Japan tea, per lb )50 Fancy Oolong, gunpowder, Ceylon or Eng.. Haiti Breakfast, per lb Jj The finest tea slftings. per lb ItVie Batter and Cheese Sept. Vrtoee . Extra funcy country ril butter, per lb 236 Fancy separator creamery butter, "per lb J7a Fancy llmburger cheese, per lb 12 Ha Fancy Wisconsin brick cheese, per lb..l&a Bap Pago Cheese, each T Ha Neufchatel rheese, each Highland Xavel Oranges Our first solid car of the awmn arrived. They are very fancy, rich flavored and sweet. These we will commence to sell tomorrow at, per doxen Sa These are extra larKB and are worth iio to 4io per doxen. Remember, there are no substitutes tor the Highland navels. 'm rnvrrn aid TxaaTaax,xsj, Beets, Carrots Parsnips, Turnlpa, Rutabagas, or Onions, pound 1a 1 heads Fresh Lettuce j, 2 bunnhe, Frsh Beets '.65 2 bunches Fresh Radishes s 2 bunches Fresh Parsley 2 bunches Hlialet Onions ... 6o Fancy Late Red Cranberries, quart. . Ho Crown Imperial Figs, pound 12Ho Fancy Conking Figs, pound 7v Heads Fresh Cabbage... .la Mexican pinon Nuts, per peund. , , . 12 Ha Fancy Hickory Nuts, per pound la New Honey, per rack 12Ha TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 6a.Uaf.iea All Claaae