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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1907)
TIIE OMATTA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1907. 7 I; f bRALN AND PRODUCE MARKET f eniei ChemUriaed by Bart Trade is Six . Heaths. ; WHEAT SHORTS COVER, PRICES ADVANCE Close ea May Flve-Elarhts Higher ad Cora Gees tm Onr Ceat Above Previses Day's Flgrares. OMAHA. Jan. 17, 1(7. Strength characterised the whole list to day and there wu mora trade In all lines than there haa been (or torn, time. Wheat held steady In the early hours. In sym pathy with corn, and later shorts covered enough to score a rood advance. May at the close was So above yesterday. Cash wheat was In better demand. Reports from Kansas said fields were covered with wster and Ice. - Com was easy (or a short time, then began to advance on buying by large op erators locally and In the Chicago market. There was little corn (or sale. Receipts are tap light to Justify any considerable decline. May closed IVic above yestar l day. Oats were strong ' en good buying and light offerings. The weather is unfavor able (or corn and there were some re ports of damage from the north. Primary wheat receipts were 417,000 bu. and shipments 259.000 bu., against receipts last year of 717,000 bu. and shipments of 171.000 bu. Corn receipts were 622.0U0 bu. and shipments 809,000 bu., against receipts last year of 482,000 bu. and shipments of 644.000 bu. Clearances were 78,669 bu. wheat. 243.311 bu. corn, M10 bu. oats and flour and wheat equal to 134,643 bu. Liverpool closed fed higher on wheat and unchanged to Vtd lower on corn. According to reports received by the I Jail y Trade Bulletin, the quantity of wheat moved from the farms of the United States during the first half of the harvest year waa about 872.tMO.0uu bushels, ( which about 380,0uo,0oo bushels were used for consumption, SI, GOO.000 bushels exported and the available supply In second hinds enlarged about 81.000.0u0 bushels. In addi tion about 47,000.000 bushels were required for (all seeding. The aggregate disposed of waa about 419,000.000 bushels. The amount In farmers' hands on July 1. 1808, waa reported at 4.000,0n0 bushels and the crop reported at 78o,OuO,000 bushels, making a total farm supply of 7KL.0u0.Oj0 bushels, thus leaving on farms on January 1 about I62,000,ouo bushels. Of this quan tity 830,000,000 bushels will be required for consumption to July 1 and 30,000,000 bushels (or spring seeding. Local range of options: Artlcleal Open. High.) Low. Close.) Tes'y Wheat May., Corn May., Oats-Mar. 88A 70 B 0A TO B 69B SS4B 19B JS4B J3T4B $84B 86V&B 8CV.B 86 B 3GV4.B KB A asked. B bid. Omaba Cask Prices. WMBAT-No. I hard, 68&c; No. t hard, M7Hc; No. 4 hard, u94j0Vic; No. I spring1. 0c CORN-No. 8, 89c: No. 4. 3434 Vc: no frade. Sic: No. 8 yellow, 36Vso; No, 8 white, iVs. OATIV-No. 8 mixed, 334c; No. 8 white, 84oj No. 4 white, 34Vo. RYBV-No. 8, 69c; No. 8, 67Vic. , Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Com. Oats. Chicago 80 iao m Kanaaa City 41 1 14 Minneapolis 8u0 Omaha 8 44 . 18 Luluth 16 , St. Louis 41 .84 89 CniCAGO GRAIlt AND PROVISIONS -Featares ( tha Trading; and Closing; Prices oa Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Jan. 17.-A renewal of the bull campaign In oata Imparted strength today to all the leading gralna In tha local market. May wheat closing at a net ad vance of v. Corn was also up c Oats gained He Provisions were tWaba higher. Tha wheat market waa firm all day. ' Karly In the session trading waa rather light, but later the business expanded Into much larger proportions. The principal buying waa by local shorts, although there was a fair demand by commission houses ' throughout tha day. The mala factor In '.he market waa the strength of oata, but Ine continued email receipts In tbo north . west and an advance of Vio In tha prlca of I cash wheat at Kaneas City Imparted T strength to the market. Tha market closed itrong, with prices near the highest point of the day; May opened Ho to H'a'nO higher at 78Vl64kC to 7840. sold at 7Wfto and then advanced to 77V4o. Final quotations were st 774J'77Vc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 134.6u0 bushels. Primary receipts were 417.000 bushels, against 717.000 bushels for tha same time laat year. Min neapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 84 cars, against Sl oars last week and 618 cara one year ago. Trading in the corn pit was active and the tone of the market waa strong. The upturn In oats was tha chief strengthening actor, altnougn the market waa influ enced to a considerable extent by small local receipts and unsettled weather. Shorts were lively buyers and several large cnm. mission houses were also good bidders. The selling waa largely by local longs. The market closed atrong, with prices at the highest point; May opened a shade to He higher at 44V4&44HO to 44Hc, sold off to mho and then advanced to 4&H0, where It Closed. Local receipts were 860 cars, with two of contract gratis. The trade in oats was unusually active. The trading waa general and in large vol ume, lntereat centered In tha purchases by a prominent bull of more than 600,000 bushels. Pear of a corner In the market caused lively covering by local shorts and this aided In forcing prices higher. An advance or too in the price of cash oats, small local receipts and an Improved de mand by shippers were additional bullish Influences, Offerings were chiefly from longs. The market closed atrong and near the highest point; May opened unchanged to Ho higher at 8TS7Ho, sold up to SHHc and closed at 88a. Local receipts were 1 cars. ' The strength of grain Influenced the pro. vision market to a sufficient extent to off set a 64100 decline in the price of live hogs. lxoal packers were fair buyers, but the volume of trading waa not large. At the close May pork waa up bo at HI 60. Lard waa also up Ra at $3.56. Kibe were IWc higher at 3M.17V4, Estimated receipts (or tomorrow are: Wheat, M cars; corn, 878 cars; oata, lit cars; hogs. 8V.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open.) Hlgb. Low. Close. Yee y. Wheat May... July.., Sept... May... July... Sept... Oats Jan.... May.. July... te pi r." Pork Jan... May.., July... Lard Jan... May.. July.. Jan... . May.., July.. 7Hfr 77H 7V H,70 . is 7&TH ' 7H IB'A .tHl ,vJ 40HI 40H ,44h: .' 44 H ' 44H 41 H. . H 46HI 44S "4'....r 44VtcS 4b i4Ha-H 44 86 j H 3fi 36HfcH 86 87 irVirH H . 87H ' B4S $4H'0H KHi 81 Je ia opJ 14 Ol'HI 18 0tHj 102HJ 14 0?H 14 66 14 70 880 9 60 9 66 9 02 9 16 I 87H is w 14 76 1.7H IS bl) 14 m is n 14 76 t S8 9 66 8 ao sthJ 3 8!H s . 8 66 8 60 03H 0VH U 8 30 36 8 19 4 .'Hi 67H1 8 47H 9 66 9 (BH $ liH 3 02H 3 17U I to 37Hl No, 1 j Cash Quotations were as follows: FLOUl: Steady; winter patents, 83.30(9 I W, winter straights. $a.ui84o; spring pat- ents, 817uc4.wt spring straighu, M.lwilsj; bakers, $2. Mi 3.40. WHBAT-N 3 spring. T70c; No. 8. 46.9 c; No. 3 red. r.'H073Vc 1 CORN-No. 3, 41c; No. 3 yellow, 42Hc. 4)ATli-No. 3, 36SV:; No. 3 while. S8H t3. Ho KY E-No. 1 43c. BARLKY Fair to choice, . malting, 609 8EEDSN0. I flax. 31.ISH: No, i north WcHirrn, U-JuH; prima liiuuthy, 84 86; clover cviitrect grade, $14.ou, r'H"Vlili.Srt-hort ribs sides (loose) $K7ie06 Mess- pork, per' bbl., $140SH Iard, per V lbs . 89. aV. fethort clear sides (boxed). $9.Sj.37H The receipts ana shipments of flour and gram were as follows; rieceirta Shipments. I,..,-, . , 800 :46,t ITs.rtrt 841,:i .M........10M 831.1U .... & lkK fi A.., Flour, bbls. Wheal, bu.. Corn, bu.... cute. bu..,. K. bu.. barley, bu . 44. iM) . jj, On the lYnduc exchange today the bat ter market waa steady; creamery , IMiKSc; iry le.-rtr. flrin: at mark, rasas Included. Si.p-.J4H:; firsts. 4V: prime ftisis. 8bc; extras, Ko. Cheeae, steady, liaHc. X Llvra) Praia Matksl. . I "VERPOOU Jan. 17.-V H EAT-St-t. i mmi Ka. 8 red weetara winter, ta. i u- tures. steady: March. r,s IVd: Mnv. ta SUd: July. . CORN Knot, firm: American mlsed, 4s 4vd; American mixed, old. 4s ttd. Futures. steady; Jsnuary, 4s 2d; March, 4a Id. NEW TOttK OEJRHtL MARKET taotatloaa at Ike Iy Varloas 4 oiennetdttles. NEW YORK. Jan. 17 -FtOUR-Rwtp". IS. 44 bhls.j exports, ,1M bHs.; market dull, but firm; winter patents. 8)l.rt"U-S.7&; winter straights. S3.4OTi3.d0; Minnesota pat ents, $4.04.30; winter extras, liKo'fjS.flO; Minnesota bakers, MaS-TrSB; winter low grades, $2 7'vf,2.90. Rye flour. Arm; fair to good, $3.6a4.M0; choice to fancy. 83.Mj4.20. Buckwheat flour, quiet; t3.1Wj.25. BI'KVHEAT-Jiilet; 3136 per 1 lbs. CORNMRAb-FIrm; fine white and yel low, $1,101)1.20; coarse, 81.u591.10; kiln dried, 12 75. RVK Nominal. HA RI.KV Nominal. W H KA T Receipts, 68,OnO bu.; snot mar ket firmer; No. 3 red, 70Hc, elevator; No. 3 red. 81c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Dtiltith. Ve, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 3 hard winter, SMc. f. o. b., afloat. Sharp ad vances occurred In wheat today through sctlv covering of shorts, reflecting the strength In course grains. There was also good outside support baaed on bad weather reports, stesdy cables and light northwest revelpta. The market closed He to T,c net higher. May, opened at &t 6-lti8 6-16. closed at sane; July opened at SaS'ttf-!. closed at 82VtC. CORN Receipts, 103.200 bu. ; exports, 128, 821 bu.; spot market atrong; No. 8, oavte, elevator and 6c, f. a. b., afloat; No. 8 yellow. 6oc; No. 3 white. 51c. Option market was active and decidedly stronger on bad Argentine news, heavy covering and wet weather west, closing H'H'Hc net higher. January closed at 64c; May opened at 61V4ff62c, closed at 62c; July closed at 6lHc. OATH Receipts, 85.500 bu.; exports, 9. M0 bu.j spot market atrong; mixed oats, 24 to 33 pounds, 40c; mixed white, 20 to 83 pounds,; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, 42HB45c. HAT Firm; shipping, 80tc; good to choice, HOPS 8teadv; state, common to choice, loo crop, lSfjSHc; 1! crop, Affile; Paclflo, 19f crop, l.Valtk;; ln(i crop, 10al8c. HIDES Steady: Galveston. 30 to 85 pounds. 20c; California, 21 to 26 pounds, 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 pounds. IV. LEATinTR Steady : acid, 27023c. PROVISION? Beef, firm; family, $1600 4J15.60; mess, 3JOOS9.60; packet. IU.toigl2.00; city extra India mess, 330.60ttf23 00. Ctit meats, steady; pickled hams, 811.6iXy11.76; pickled bellies, llO,2Sfn2 50. Ijtrd. steady; western prime, $.ffli?i9.0; reflned steady; continent, ,: Hnuth America, $10.66; compound. 8S.25SS.50. Pork, steady; family, 18.WVfrn9.00; short clear, 17.1.u0; mess, 317.OOigl8.60. TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per package). 6Hc: country, (packages free). 6H8Hc RICE Steady; domestlo fair to extra, 3uroo: Japan nominal. BUTTER Steady; extra creamery, 39c, street prices. Official prices: Cream ery, fair to good, 27 'a c; common to extra, 2147Hc; atato dairy, common to firsts, P-Q 2tk: renovated, common to extra, lWt'23c; western factory, common to firsts, 17H81e; western Imitation creamery, extras, 23 24c; firsts, ZliQc. CHEESE Steady: state full cream, small anil large, September, fancy. 14Hc; stato full cream, small and large, October, best, 18'3'14c; good to prime, 12H13Hc; winter made, average. 12c: skims. 12o. EOQS Firm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 83iQ-34c; good to choice, 82ige3c; mixed extra. 31ii32c; western firsts, 29c; official price, firsts, POULTRY Live easy; western chick ens, 11c; fowls, 13Hc; turkeys, lie. Dressed, firm; western chickens, 12ISH1C; turkeys, 14 18c; fowls, 8(3140. St. Lou la General Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 17. WHEAT Higher; on track. No. 3 red cash. 76Htj'77c; No. 3 hard. 72M.T4Mtc; May, t4c; July, 7&H9 75Hc CORN Higher: on track. No. t cash, 41Hc; No. 8 white, 42a4j43c; May. 43Hc; July, 43HC OATS-Higher; on track, no. z cash, x? W'Aci NO. -8 white, 38Hc; May, 87,HB7c; July, 34c. . FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 83.60 fl.66; extra fancy and straight, 33.1084.40; clear, 32.W&2.80. SEBI Firm; timothy, $3.6084.26. CORNMEAL Dull; $2.30. BRAN Stronger; sacked, east track, 84(9 SaT Firm ; Umothy. tl.0O918.60; prairie, 311.0tK( 13.00. IRON COTTON TIES-31.02. ' BAOOINO 8H0. HEMP TW1NBJ-90. PROVISIONS Pork, ateady; lobbing. $16.65. Lard,, higher; prime steam, $9.10. Dry salt meats steady; boxed extra shorts, $9.87H: clear ribs, $9 60: abort clears, 39.62H. Bacon steady; boxed extra shorts, 810.UH; clear ribs,-310.26; short clear, 310.37H- POULTRY Firm; chickens, 9Ho; springs, 10Hc; turkeys, 12yUHc; ducks, lie geese, 8c BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 26SOOHc; dairy. 20fi"."c. EQOS lllgher at 22Hc Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 10,000 17,000 Wheat, bu 42.0U0 19,000 Corn, bu 101,000 118,000 Oats, bu 88,000 73,000 Kansas City Oralm aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 17. WHEAT May, 71 He: July, 70Hc; September, 7Sc. Cash: No. 2 hart). tKHk'73c; No. 8. 67&70C; No. 3 red, 73H474Hc; No. 8, tkiTSHc CORN May, 40Hc; July, 4oc; September, 41Ho. Cash: No. 2 mixed, SSc; No. 3, StiH: No. 2 white. 8H(54s. OATS No. $ white, 37ij37Hc; No. 3 mixed, 38H.C HAY Steady: choice timothy, $U.60(ffl6.0O; prairie, 811.2b4ril.6u. RYE Steady; tjt(3c, BCTTl-ltt-Creamery, 28c; packing. 17c. EGOS Steady; firsts, 23c: seconds. 20c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 41,000 - 93.000 Corn, bu 21 OO 84.000 Oats, bu 9,000 17.0U0 Mlaneapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 17. WHEAT May, 78HQ79c; July. 79Hc; No. 1 hard, 82 He: No. 1 northern. 80Xac: No. 2 north ern. 78H7IHc; No. 8 northern, 75H 7He. FLOUR First ra tents, 34.2094.80; sec ond patents, $4 06&4.15; first clears, $3.26 8 3.85; second clears, $2.400 2.40. BRAN In bulk, $14.60 18.76. Mtlwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 17. WH RAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern, 71X0 'hoc; No. 3 northern, TESH'; May, 77H" asked, RYI E Higher: No. 1. 6&WfVc. BARLEY Firm; No. 1 fo'uMVic: sample. 44!& fx. CORN Higher; No. I cash, 40o; May, 46Ho bid. ' Dalatk Grala Market. DULUTH, Jan. 17.-WHEAT-On track. No. 1 northern, 79Hc; No. 2 northern, 77HCI May. TVHc; July. W)V,c: September, 78Hc. OATS To arrive, 8tio. RYE 67c. BARLEY-3i&49c Pklladelahla Predaea Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 17. FX308 Firm and In good demand; western fresh, 3So at mark. CHEESE Market unchanged; New York full creams, fancy, 14Hc; choice, 14H0. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Jan. 17. SEEDS Clover, rash and January. 88. 63 Hi February, $8.47H; March. $3.73H; April. $8.62H Timothy. $2.06. Alsike, $7.76. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. n.-COFTEB- Market for coffee futures opened firm at an ad vance of IO4120 points, in response to higher European cables, smaller Braallian receipts at Interior points snd bullish arguments regarding future valorisation loans based on the cheaper English money market. Europe sold some here st the advance, and prices eased off slightly In the middle session, but firmed again In ths afternoon on the final cables frum Havre, showing a further advance In that market. The rloae was steady at a net advance of l&'3'-9 points. - Sales. 71.000 bags. Including Feb ruary. 6 36c; March. 4ic; May, 6 4fr 6 f6c; July, 6 -; September, 6.76tr6.c; December. 6.964r4c Spot coffee, steady; No. 7 Kio. V; Santo. No. 4. 7Hc; mild coffee, steady; Cordova, 94H3HC. Evaporated As plea aad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Jan. 17.-EVAPORATED APfLES Market unchanged, barely steady In tons and demand light; fancy, 9a4Hc; choice. N'mtH'; prime. Hc- CALIFORNIA DRIiSXl FRUITS-Prunes are not offered freely and pricea hold firm. California fruit la quoted at S"c; apricots are unchanged, with choice at 16c: extra choice. lTtrlNc; fancy, Uku'joc. Peaches are quiet and steady; choice, 12c; extra choice, 1-Hc- fancy. 13c. Raisins are in fair de mand on spot and hold firm, with loose muscatel quoted at 7H9Hc: seeded ralslus, 7tloc; Londua layers. 8i 4pLa6. OUa aad Raala t SAVANNAH. Oa.. Jan. 17. OIL Tur pentine, steady, 49 He ROSIN Firm; A. B. C D. E. 84.16; F. $4.26: O. 3 3; H. 84.60; I. $4.60: M. $6.60; N. $4.26; WO. $.T6; WW. 37. OIL CITY. Pa.. Jan. 17. Oil.. Credit balances. $168; runs. 142.214 bbls.; avtr, age. 99.920 bbls ; shipments, 145.114 bbls.; average, 161.1301. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS lfaTket is Dull tod Hear for Host of tha . Session. WEAKNESS DUE TO FEW LEADERS Calls for Additional Capital by Rail roads Caaaes Hesitation on Part of pecalatore Close Is Irregalar. NEW YORK, Jsn. 17. The dull and heivy tone which prevailed for most of the day In the stork market seemed to be due to the continued weakness in a handtui of stocks. There whs nothing like the gen eral weakness which developed yestaid.y at any time during the day. The general list moved narrowly throughout. There waa a dip along the whole line when any special weakness would develop at aome special point and an appearance of resiliency In the Intervals of liquidation in a few stocks. The hesitating and Incon stant movement of the market kept senti ment much confused. During thf of the day's trading a clearer percep.lon was acquired of the limits of the stilling and feeling regarding Its signillcanue be came better defined. The fact became known today that a syndicate had been dissolved which under wrote the last Issue of Erie convertible bonds. Official details of tne transaction are lacking, but it was generally believed that the largest part of the Issue had proved unreliable and had been distributed to the members of the syndicate, with some hasty sales aa a result at wide concession from the price of the underwriting. Tha outcome of the underwriting Is a reinforce ment of the lesson cf other examples snd Its effect is enhanced by the knowledge that similar conditions exist In the case of other syndicates. In order to move the marxct ror such holdings It seems necessaty to make large concession In prices. A like course la Indicated as necessary In the security overhanging the market to secu-e new capital to proceed with the great i largement of railroad facilities which ral. road authorities seem agreed in considering essential to cope with the present business of the country. But the belief gained ground today that there were special causes affecting the stocks which suffered most acutely in yesterday's decline, having to do more with the speculative' position In the market than with the financial affairs of tha companies. Yesterday's sincere In ference of an Inception of a stork market struggle between financial Interests gave place today to an alternative belief that crippled speculation acts of smaller import ance were Involved. Aside from these spe cial Incidents In tha market developments were favorable. The reduction In the Bank of Rnrland rate of discount was a decisive mark of the relaxed tension of the world s money mar kets. The weeklv statement nr the Rank of England showed clearly that the action of the governors had become necessary to conserve the volume of business, which Is a main object of the existence of the bnk. The Bank of France and the Imperial Bank of Germany also showed the, reflux move ment of cash Into bank reserves. In this market the rate for time loans for all pe riods yielded to below 8 per cent for the first time since the recent stringency pre vailed. The banks continued to gain heavily from the subtreasury the amount for the week's statement rtsins- bv todnv a statement to 88.174.000. The action cf Amal- gamaiea copper ror several days past has Indicated the yielding of earlier speculative hopes of an Increase In the dividend rate. There was. conseouentlv onlv a. mnm,ni. ary dip In the stock when, the rate was unounwa as uncnanged. constant fluctu ations marked the trailing up to the end of the day and the closing tone waa irregu lar. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, 3t.R.'4.0(i0. United States new 2a ad vanced H per cent on call. oaies ana range or prices on the New York Stock exchange were: galea High. Loir. Clow. m ...U4.BW 117 list UGTl ... 1.700 44H 4S't 43'4 Adams Rxprssf , Amalgamated Cop par .. Am. C. A r Am. C. r. pf Am. Cotton Oil , Am. Cottoa Oil pfd.... Am. Bxproaa Am. H. A L. ptd Am. lee , Am. Unaead oil 101 so I ti UVj e 100 10 wuj too IT , 84 ttOO WU, H 734 1" 111H 111 '4 111 10. MO 111 lit 150, Am. Llnaead Oil std... Am, Locomotlre Am. Locomotlre pfd..., Am. 8. A R.v. Am. g. A R. pfd Am, Susse Reonlnc.... Am. Tobacoo pfd ctfa.., us 132V l.XM 1SSH 1314 V 17 7 Anaconda Mining Co.. .. IS.000 11 too isi n .. 17.400 (K l(t4 W AUhlaoo Atchtaon ptd Atlantlo Coast Use.... to mi jm 10044 m U' 1201, 12s 14 .. 4.100 11814 nst4 liH .. 11.400 80 T8H 7 .. 3. TOO 10 t 181V4 115 SUA f,2H 51 524 .. 8.500 U It ltig .. 4.0O0 lmti 188 188 .. 34.800 1&5V4 153 1MH tt 8H .. Ii.409 51 63H 544 .. 1.100 M ST SI14 00 K 48H Baltimore A Ohio. Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr..... Canadian Pacific Central ot N. J Ctiaaapoaka Ohio.... Chicago ot. W Chicago A N. W C, M. A St. P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd... C. C, O. A St. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A So Colo. A So. m pfd.... Colo. A 80. 3d pfd Consolidated Gas Corn Products Corn Products pfd Delaware A Hudson... Dal.. L. A W Danvar A R. O D. A R. O. pfd Dtatlllara Securities .. Erls Erla lat pfd 1.100 UTH 1ST 134 l.V 24 loo 15 404 114 too 480 6,000 su 85 86 U 480 480 ST SO 71 S 71 41V lf I 72 40i TS " 71 1.700 44.404 1.700 , X.0OD TSti u Erls Id pfd Oaneral Eleftrla Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper lut. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City 80 K. C. so. pfd... Loulavllle A N Mexican Central Mlns. A St. L M., Bt. P. A S. g. at at.. St. p. ft a. g. at. pfd. Mlaaourl Pacific St., K. A T M., K. A T. pfd National ssd N. R. R. of at. pfd N. T. Central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A W ft. A W. pfd North American Paclfio stall (3 I.S00 151 167 157 Ill 146 ' ..... ..... ..... 300 It 38 S Tl 100 17 24 400 48 41 47Va S Soft 10 14 t04 SO 4.4O0 141, 141 14) 1.700 M ti 15 57 IIS 151 400 ISO 4 134 4.4y 8 H u m loo sm ssti si 00 70 7ft 70H lot 73 1 1 57 4.700 ISO 1 It!' l.TOO 484 4SS4 l.J'M 11 8i, 10 It 81 " ST 87 H l.lw s nk 31.100 1S51, 13F 1.400 IT M 45 IS 14 84 7 W 1S5 T7 5414 Pennaylvanls People's Oas , P . '.. C. A St. L Praand Steel Car Pnaaed I C. pfd Pullman PaJaos Car. Reading; Reeding lat ptd Reading td pfd Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock leland Co Rock lalaad Co. pfd 11. l t 1. r. h ptd.... at. u a. w -. n, u 1: w. pfd Southern PaolAa ......... to. Paella pfd So. Railway So. KaJIwar pfd Tennessee C. A I Tesaa A Pacific T., St. U A W T . fit. L. A W. pfd Caloa Paella t'aloa Pacific ptd U. S. Eipraas U. S. Reeltr V. 8. Rubber . V. S. Rubber pfd V. S. Steel V. S. Steel pfd Va Corollas Chemical ... Va Oaro. Cham, pfd Wabaak Wabask ptd Welle-yarxo Exprees Weatlngkouse Elactrls ... Westers Cnloa Wheeling A U E Wtaeonala Central Vt'la Central pfd Northers Pec I Bo Central Lealher ., Central Leather pfd Sloas-SheSleid Steel Orajt Northern pfd Int. atotrvpotltaa Int. BteC pfd Total sales lor the day. 1.500 ti 44 .t. l 400 171 171 171 .111.100 1S44 llf4 HI 100 SO 88 TOO 400 14,400 100 400 1. 1.400 t'4 17 S3 18 M ST 41 4t USt IT 4 to 14 17 ' 44 13 U M i 117 K 4 1ST S4V4 1 IS 34.400 KM) 117 11744 33.400 81 21 l.twO Ilt4 W l t4 too ti . l 41 11.100 1M 14 II II 1 178 171 IS 10 11 SO 1044 40 40 100 101 V, 104 101 44 .400 48. 48 U 48(4 .Too iot4 ns IO644 l.ioo 1 S5 lot 14 ss ISO l.eno I. Tut " 4 14 H 15 148 14 u u 14 14 14 14 S.4) I. K luO 14 n it. s- 4k 4t 11. T'JO 11.44 158 154 SS 10s T4 1T7 100 15 I'M 101 l' 1J44 I ft 17114 4.U.O S44, 101 Tl 171 S5 TSt4 m.l sharaa. 71 Mew York Mlalaar lUcka. NEW YORK. Jan. 17. Closing quotations en n:ininej mvMmm wvit. Adaau Cos. S Lltile Chief ... . I .384 . SS . so . 45 . 40 .3x1 Allee Bruce Bruaawlrk Cm. . Caoutock Tunnel Coo. taJ. A Vs., ..Tt .. M 7 .. ST ..101 Ontario Ophir Potoal Savage S larva Nevada Small Heaes .. Staadard Hern Silver .. I roe Silver ... Ijaadvllls Cos. 14 421 6 Bask Clrarlaa-a. OMAHA. Jan. 17. Bank clearings for to day were 31.17.414.88. and for the corre sponding date laat year 41.617,436 40. Btealg af Praais St.l.aae.t. PARIS, Jan. 17. The weekly statement of the bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, decreased 1 r. (l francs: treasury oVpoelts, decrease 1 LB,,(M raucs; (euaral dopuaila, dowreaiseil 2.' francs: gold Jr. hand, decreased 5.2W. francs; silver In hand. Increased 1,W..,io francs; bills discounted, decreased 17.KJ...ID francs; advances, decreased, 1, aoe.uiO francs. Sew Yark Maaey Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 17. MON BY On call, easy. 2Ti3 per cent: ruling rate, H per cent; rlosing bid, 7 per rent: offered at 3 per cent; time loans, very soft; sixty days, 6H per cent; ninety days, 6H per cent; six months, 6H4fV per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAFER-Vj per ceit. STERMNO EXCH ANOE Firm, with ac tu:il business in bankers' bills at 84.hT3i I.W for demand and at 34 8136474.91 for ftn-dny bills; posted rates. 84.f1tvf4.C2 and $4.i4 : commercial bills. 84.811mfi4.8116. , SILVER Bar, 86H0; Mexican dollars, S.'i'.c. BONDS Government, firm; railroad. Irregular. 29c: seconds, 2vr2Sc. Closing quotations on bonds wtre as fol lows; V. 8. ref. 4. rag.. 4o coupon ........ V. s. u. rf do coupon ., f S old 4s. roe.... 4o coupon U B. n. 4s. rf.... do coupon Am. Tobacco 4s.... do 4a 1"4 Japaa 4a. M series... t4 do 4e ctfa M .10 do 414a ctfa 'H .1014 do Sd aeries 1 .tMt, t,. N. unl 4a. 10H .lnoa. 'Man. c. g 4a inn1 .If" trx. Central 4s US .194 Mo let Inc., H . Tl 'Minn. A St. L. 4s.. M lo M., K. A T. 4a 87H Atrhlaon goo. 4s ica do ia rrva "rto 4s Atlsntlc C. L. it... tVj !. ft. R. of M. c. 4a . 14. T. C. S IHl BU. Ohio 4a lftiH N. J. C. S. 5s !Mj -ao is 6rk R. T. c. Central ot OS. 00 1st Inc.. , i4 No. Parllc 4a ims to do Sa 71 .linujlN. A W. e. 4s. MH . o lo. S. L. rfdg. 4s..... 4t4 . T7H Peon, oortv. IHa. . aa iRaadlna rn a M Mo Id Inc.. do M Inc.... Chee. eV Ohio 4 He... 14 fn I. A 1. at. c. ia.lllVi Chlcego A A. ISa... 74 ft. L t I f f H C, B. A 4. n. 4s.... 4m. u S. W. c. 4a.. 71 C, R. I. p. 4s.... 7t4 Seaboard A. U 4a.. 41 o col. ts 40 I go. Pacific 4a W ccc. A A L. 4a..lftiti: do lat 4s ctts M Colo. Ind. Ra, eer. A. T4Vj So. Rallwar 5a IKUj Colorado htld. it.... 71 jeieiaa A P. la 117Vi Colo. A So. 4a. 4 ey , 8t u A W. 4s. lit Csha 5s inf. I'nloa Pacific 4s lOlwj et n. u. ts 171(11. S. Steel Sd to. Dlatlllrra- gee. 5a.... Vtwehsh Is " ' " "' . do dab. B , do ges. 4s 8714 'Veetern Md. 4a... Hocking Val. 4H.. 1044 w. A U E. 4s... Jaoaa a agyj wis. Central 4s..., ttkui '-ottered. ...lit ... 1H ... 1144 ... 17 ... MVj Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. 17. Call loans, 6ffl0 per cent; time leans, 6fr7 peT cent. Official iiuuiiuuiii un iiuciti ana oonas wire Alchtaoo adj. 4a..... It nineham .. SI do 4a lt4 Mei. Central 4s t Atchison I05t4 do pfd lnr. Boeton A Alhsnr....tM Bnaton A Milne 180 Boeton Elevated 150 Fltchhurg pfd 114 Mexican Central U N. T., N. H. A H..185 Union PaclHo 17fH Am. Pneu. Tabs 11 Amor. Sugar ill do pfd 180 Am. T. A T 121 Am. Woolen ...' g! do ptd 101 Rdlaoo KIM. II1U....IZS t'al. A Heels. Centennial tii 40 HH 1'4 1S4 I"4 H tl 13 144 44 14! ..... II Ill WH 157 S7t T24 11 73 I IS llo ill II Copper Range . Ipalf Weat franklin Granbr tela Royals .... Maaa. Mlnlns .. Michigan Mohawk i. Muni, n a r Old Dominion Oeceols Parrot (Jutncr Shannon Tamarack Trlnltf Mm. Electrlo 11 United Copper . do pfd Maaa. Oas . I'nlted Krult I'nlted S. M do nfd . . . 41 .... 45 ...log V. S. Mlnln(... IT. B. Oil (t'tah .... 43 4 Ivirtnrt, .... 28 1 Winona U. 8. Steol do pfd Adventure Alloues Amalgamated Atlantic Bid. Asked. .... 45t4 IWolverins loest North Butte Rutte Coalition .. Nevada Cal. A Arllona... Oreens Con l"4 -Sl . 3011 London Closing; Stocks. IONPON, Jan. 17. Closlnar quotations on the Stock exchange were: Console, money .. IT 1-14IM., K. A T 40t do account Tn. T. Central 184 Anaconda Norfolk A W 134 Atchlaon 191 do pfd IS do pfd 104 Ontario A W. 44 t 41 II . 17 115 M 5014 101 II IT 44 Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C, M. A St. P... DeBeers D. A R. O do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do Id pfd , Illinois Central ., Loulavllls A N... Ex-dlvldend. ..m Pennarlvania ..15S .. 54 .. IT ..151 .. IT .. 41 .. U .. 4144 .. 77 .. 47 ..173 Rand Mlnea Reading Southern Railway do pfd Southern Pacific . I'm on Pacific do pfd U. S. Steel Ao ptd Wabaah do pfd ..1444 Spanish 4a SILVER Bar. uncertain, 81Ud per ounce. MONKY-8'A''a34 per oent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 4 per cent; for threo months' bills, 4 pen xU. . . . Foreign PlUanelal. LONDON, Jan. 17.t-8upplles of money were abundant and the demand waa fair. Discounts were easy. Although operators on the Stock exchange bad discounted the reduction In the Bank of England's rats of discount, the announcement, after the prolonged discussion of the matter, caused a feeling of relief, while the publication of the good return resulted in a general Im provement In values, but business did not expand materially. Consols and home rails gained fractionally, but. eased later. For eigners were firm. Russians hardened to 8 per cent discount. Americans Improved to well over parity after a dull opening, the reduction of the Bank of England's discount rate Inducing bear covering, but active operations were checked by fears of renewed liquidation In Wall street. The New York advices received during the afternoon were colorless, values dropped and the market closed dull. Japanese im perial os or IW4 closed at BERLIN, Jan. 17. The tone on the Bourse today waa undecided owlpg to London ad vices. Bank of Germany gtateaaeot. BERLIN. Jan. 17. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Oermany shows the following changes: Cash In hand, in creased, &2,4M,000 marks; treasury notes, increased 3.840.000 marks; other securities, decreased 140,400,000 marks; notes In circula tion, decreased, 146.9HO.O0O marks. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3160,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, 3241.914.661: gold coin and bullion, tl4,78,836; gold certificates. 346.463,000. Wool Market. BOSTON. Jkui. 17 -WOOL The market Is fairly active and buyers have taken on a fair amount c( the staple. Ons buyer Is es timated to have bought near duO.uuO pounds of territory and Texas stock,. All grades of C.omestlc are included In the transactions. The outward movement Is again heavy, more than ll.00u.000 pounds having been shipped out of Boston during the last fortnight Quotations follow: Indi ana and Missouri: Combing, three-efghths-blood, 33(1 34c; Vmblng, quarter-blood, iJit 83c; braid, ZoGT29o. Texas (scoured basis): Fine twelve months, 7i'fl(7Sc; One, six to eight months 67jjc; fine fall, clean, 0tf tuc. California (scoured basis): Northern, choice, a'fetioc; northern, good, tCqnc; mid dle county, 63g4ec; southern. 6--3c; fall, free, 64u6&c; fall, defective, 87C3c Oregon (scoured basis): No. 1, staple, 7 is 73c; east ern No. 1 clothing, 68&7uc; valley No. 1. 80 062c. Territory, staple (scoured basis): fine medium, 6sa70o; medium. 6c4fc. Ter ritory, ordinary (scoured basis): Fine. 6813 7c; fine medium, 66ii68ef medium, Aao. Colorado and New Mexico: Spring, scoured X. 684J70C; No, 1, Otnc. ST. LOU 18. Jan. 17. WOOL Steady: medium grades combing and clothing, U3 2Mk; light fine. o03c; heavy fine, 16 Loo; tub wanhed, eV3sc. LONDON, Jan. 17 WOOL A fine selec tion, amounting to 13,493 bales, waa offered at the wool auction sales today. Greasy merinos were in active demand for all quarters and scoureda sold at extreme rates. Americans bought "super" combing Victorian merinos at Is Id and New Zealand new clip half-bred hoggetts at ls6d. Fol lowing are the sales In detail: New South Wales. 2,000 bales; scoured, la 4dfj2a ad; greasy. tVd(rls Id. Queensland. 8X bales; scoured, Is6di2s2d; greasy. lGrfJlUvT- Vlo toria, 4,6Q bales; scoured, Is 3di is (Hd : greasy, (Kadlsed. South Australia. 8u0 bales' greasy, 7dj,ls ld. West Australia. 1,000 bales; greasy, lodiols lSwd. New Zea land, 4.UJ0 bales; scuured. llVjd'ffls lid; greasy, 7dg'ls &d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 700 bales; greasy, 6dtls. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 17. METAI.44 There was a sharp advancs.ln ths London tin market. Locally the market was firm and higher, but buyers snd sellers seemed to be apart In their views. Spot wss quoted at 341.35 bid and 8,1,66 asked. Copper was lower In London, presumably as a result of speculative liquidation. Spot waa quoted at 107 and futures at 107 12s ud. Locally the market was firm, with lake quoted at 3'i4.60 4T26 00: electrolytic. 34. 364.60; cawing, K4mxti4 &. Lead was lower In the Eng lish market, with spot quoted at 19 16a '3d. locally the market waa quiet and un chanired at 36 utafrt 26. Spelter was 2s 4d lower at 27 in Indon, but remained quiet at 34i&4.73 locally. Iron was lower In the Kngltah market, with standard foundry quoted at 69e Kd and Cleveland warrants at 6d. I-orally the market was without further change. No. 1 foundry northern la quoted st 33.2b4i26.3&: No. 2 foundry north ern. 3'-'4 7&tf IS 76 ; No. 1 foundry southern, t OCW.&u; No. 3 foundry southern, 34.H1 S6a. ST. IXVS. Jan. 17. M ETA IJt Lead, steady at; sjvclier, steadi at OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET No Vary FoUworthj Chase in Prioei for Cattle, HOGS GENERALLY A SHADE LOWER Sheep anal I.aanbs In Moderate Re eel pis, bat rrlees Are Mostlr Tea Ceats Lower Tha a Testerdar's Attract. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. IT, 1W. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday .o 4.0.3 14. i.' Official TueKday 7,8.'? 8.W7 4.6 Official Wednesday 4.i9 S,lb 6.7M Ortlolal Thursday ........ 4.UUU 7,7uO k.HUi Four days this week.... 33,133 Barns days last week....3J.W4 Same two weeks aito... .14,387 Hame three weeks aso... a.nii Hume four weeKs ao....34.Du3 Bams days last year 1,jo8 The following- table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 17. 1908, Inc. Deo. Vttls 61.440 44,3.10 17,340 Hos gsg iu,77 18,48 Bheep go73 7;i7a) i,563 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Oood to choice corn fed S'.ers....8i.4(f9.3t - to sjood Cf.en fed steers Lommon to fair steers Good to choice fed cows ralr to gootl cows and helferi .... Common tn fair o. .,. 4 K'Ui .60 4 (ltl4 90 3 J.lfyi 3. SO I.TViJZ.iS good to choice at'kers and feederi. 4 n6.iO ralr to food stockers and feeders. 8.nv84.40 Common to fair stockers Bull stas, eto 3.5g4.LS. Veal calves 4.0044. M The following .table shows the a.e price of hos at South Omaha for lbs last sevarsl days, with comparisons: Data. 1S07. 18OS.18O6.1804.l08.18O3.1901. Jan. 8.... Jan. .... Jan. io... Jan. H... Jan. 12... Jan. 13... Jan. 14... Jan. 15... Jan. 16... Jan. 17... 34.3:4 84,334 9,416 84.D0V 1i1I7 3.3 3 lo..Jt 10. A.) 3o.lti6 3o.314 A 203 8 081 K 08 8 lai 6 14 6 14 3 04 e 8 00 6 26 6 24 6 14 e n 8 1 6 22 6 k2 8 1S 5 21 8 17 6 20 Sunday. . RANGE Or PRICES. Cattle. Hots. Omaha 32.0mti6.5O 35.32Vii(iii.&0 Chicago 8.76 fa6 67V4 Kansas CTlty 2.2wS.76 6.75 4t67) gt. LkhiIs 2.0i.50 6 10 4).8 Bioux City 2.6oiijo.( 125 4(6.40 The oftlclal . number of curs of stock brought In today by each road was: CatUe.Hofc-s.&heep.H'r'a. Wabash ' Missouri Pacific 4 ; U. P. System 63 I C. & N. W., east 4 I C. At N. W., west 27 C. fit. P., M. & 0 26 IC., B. A Q., east 16 C, B. & Q., west 43 C, K. I. & P., east.... 7 C. R. I. A P., west.... 3 8 87H82& I 4 n 8 49 3 234, 6U 4 511 4 42 8 8 6 , 6 20 4 62 8 40 8 2!ii S 22 4 M 4 63 4 80'4 6 28 4 62 4 61 8 46 8 28 4 6.1 4 76 6 41 ait 494 73 837 8 86 6 4 69 8 41 8 41 8 291 4 62 4 74 8 60 8 41 6 24 4 61 8 SO . . . 1 3 14 8 3 8 32 1 .1 6 8 8 6.. 18 8 8 3 8.. 1 8 109 40 'e Illinois Central 7 Chicago Qt. Western. 7 Total receipts ....2f9 The disposition of th e day's receipts was purchasing the num- aa follows, each buyer ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Omaha Packing Co fi;2 Swift and Company 1.(67 Hogs. Sheep. 1.35 1.57 2.089 2.425 1.874 l,i-6 Cudahy Packing; Oo 1.SS7 Armour & Co 1,114 ' Van Sunt A Co 19 Lobtnan & Oo 87 McCreary & Carey 4 W. I. Stephen 1 Hill & Son 166 j P. P. Lsswls 25 j Huston & Co 47 iL K. Huss .r. 20 Mike Haggerty 35 ' J. B. Root A Co ii, 126 711 1.878 T. B. Inghram 6 V. A. Brltton 10 Iehmer Bros a Other buyers 861 7:9 Totals 4.941 7.428 8,319 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were again liberal this morning, but there wag also a very fair demand, so that prices were very well maintained and the general mar ket without any very noteworthy change. Beef steers were sought after and the desirable kinds were juat about steady snd fairly good sellers at the prevailing I prices. Common Inferior grades were ramer mow ana noiaers 01 sucn round It rather hard work cleaning up the pens. Cows and heifers were also In fair de mand and sold In practioally the same notches as yesterday. The trade, while not active, was In fair condition, so that a considerable proportion of the receipts changed hands In reasonable season. Feeders were In good demand, the same as they have been all the week, and com manded good strong prices. Among the offerings were some fleshy feeders good vjiHiugjii hi uring eQ.'jir. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. 4t. Pr. . 44 lot I T4 M 1080 I 11 13 1101 4 50 II 1110 I !5 11 151 4 44 41 1148 4 SO 4 1001 4 40 84 1JHI I 80 4 471 4 TO 14 1371 I S5 II 1SII 4 TO 14 185T I 45 1 10SI 4 10 11 IMS I 50 10 10SI I 00 IT 1311 I 10 SS 1S44 4 00 34 1441 4 70 40 1S2 I 14 COWS. It 717 8 40 18 MS I SO I Ill I II 1 1061 10 8 1001 I 40 11 181 go 1 101 I 40 10 10-JT I 44 4 1140 t 44 18 141 45 4 ! I SO 10 1104S I 74 1 tT I TS. 10 1110 71 1 10(0 I W It ......1041 71 1 481 I SO 1 1148 I 70 l 140 l so io isue i t I 1030 I 00 tt M4 I IS II 1011 I 04 15 1071 I 16 1 414 I M IS 1081 I 15 4 190 I IS t H4 I 14 tl 1023 I 14 II IMS I SO T 107S I tS 4 H35 I 10 1 1084 IN 1 1180 Id 34 M I li 11 1(1 4 oo I lOOS 4 St IS 114S 4 OS 14 S!0 I 14 t Hft4 4 40 T 1044 I 40 1 1S( 4 41 11 lml I 44 4 1187 4 14 2 st l 11 USt 4 14 IT 1075 I 50 It Ill 4 1 I Ill 3 44 15 1141 4 II II Ml I 14 10 1054 4 14 It. 144 4 46 1 ltot 4 14 11 U04 I 40 1 1111 4 15 HEIFERS. 4 '44 I 40 18 141 M 14 ISO 3 85 1 421 I TO 1 450 I SO , IS Ni in 1 17 I Ml i M N 4 W4 I 40 4 14T 3 10 4 Ill I 40 1 107 4 e 1 160 I 40 14 Kl 4 10 BULLS. 4 1141 I tt 1 1140 I 44) 4 1451 I 40 4 .....1444 I TO 3 ....1444 I 44 1 1740 I Tl 1 1440 3 40 1 ....1770 8 44 CALVES. II SSI I 50 1 Ko M Tl 141 4 oe t 110 4 w 1 35 I 71 t 1st I 50 I lit I 0 t 185 I 40 1 100 IN I lot 10 1 180 t U t 141 I 50 8 171 I St 1 170 I 10 4 144 4 34 1 141 50 1 110 4 SS 1 170 I M STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3 414 I 50 M 1051 I 44 3 US I II - 4 TM I SO I 44T I 10 I IS) H 461 50 1 764 4 00 at 131 I TO 1 741 4 14 0 T31 I TO 13 TUT 4 SS T I Tl I Bit 4 SO HOGS Hogs opened 3H43o lower than yesterday, first bids being generally on the basis of taS7Vt for average quality, with now and then 86-40 being offered for the better loads. Under the influence of the good demand the market steadily improved until It was very nearly steady with yes terday. This makes the averaare market only a shade lower than yesterday. The bulk of all the hogs sold at t.37ttrS.42 with 86.40 a very popular price, ths same as yesterday. There were hogs good enough to bring 86.60, which was ths top yester day. Ths trade was fairly active when once under way, and the early arrivals for the most part changed handa In good sea son, everything In fight being sold before 11 o'clock In the morning. The later trains fared even better than the early, the market continuing to In crease In strength so that ths extreme close waa higher even than yesterday. The last hogs to arrive sold at 8t 46 and on up to 3 to. or better than any time yesterday. Representative sales: tee. at. la. Pr. No. At. aa. Pr. 44 117 ,.. at aa ... t 40 U. IS ... 4 44 11 HI ... 40 4 351 8 4 17 71 fel 10 4 40 . 71 1M ... 117 17 tit ... 140 74. ITS ... 17 SO 117 ... 40 ' tTf SO' 37 IT. ....... 141 M I 40 1. SSI - IS I 17 71 M ... 140 51 "1 SO 17 U M ... I 44 71 lit it 4 40 4 .210 ... 1 40 40., tn ... 140 it tea M 112 7S .Shi ... 140 It 40 I UK, Ti ttl 10 I 40 14 4 ... I tt HI 4 40 10. ..i ... Ill, II. .Ill ua 4 41 44........8M M. 3 43 71 tl ... 4 47 14 7W ... 4 4T ss 11 ... 14: 78 Ill ... I 4-V 11. 144 M I 1 II Ill ... 4' 13S H ... I 41 Tl SIS ... I 40 r ft 4A I 41 II lei ... 1 40 44 117 ... 14! T. M ... 1 40 71 Ill SO 141 41 171 740 I 40 71 ft ... I 42 14 rtl 140 I 4A 41 ttl ... I 4S SI mt 49 I 40 M ttl ... I 44 to t7 10 I 40 71 tl 10 I 43 TT 187 ... 140 M S"l ... 141 Tl H ... I 40 41 4S8 ISO I 45 11 II ... I 40 II S'4 1K I 41 T4 tH ... I 40 14 St ... I .l I'l ... 4 44 5T I0 ... I 80 S4 1.11 10 I 40 II SOT 10 I SO BHEKP ftherp wers 10c lower this morn ing. While the demand was very fair snd the movement reasonably active at the decline, there was not quite as much life as noted yesterday. The feeling was that possibly a chol.-e bunch of lambs would not show much decline, as there seemed to be considerable Inquiry for that kind, but medium lambs and sheep gen erally could snfely be quoted 10c lower, as noted above. There were no very choice lambs to make a top on the market, but some pretty decent stuff sold at $7.2.1. A hunch of right good ewes sold ns high ss 3S.20. Some of th same ewes that brought 86 26 yesterday sold at 8S.1S today. There were wethers guod enough to bring 8.r.flY Considering the reports from other selling points were generslly unfavorable, the market here as a whole wss In fair condi tion and the big bulk of the arrivals changed hands In good season. Quotations t.n killers: Oood to choice lambs, 87.00417.50; fair to good lambs. 8H.78 ri7.00; good to choice yearlings, lamb weights, 16 noon. 15; fair to good yearllnus, lamb weights. M.75fi.00; good to choice yearlings, heavyweights, 85.7!Ma-.0O; fair to good yearlings, heavyweights, 36 60456. 76; good to choice old wethers, 3j.3tV6.65; fslr to good old wethers. 86.00im.36; good to choice ewes, 84.S60j6.2O; fair to good ewes, 4.Xtr4.i. Quotations on feeders: Oood to choice lambs, $6.E5i8.50: medium lambs, 35 76178.26; light lambs. 34.2fVaS.2S; yearllnrs. $5.1!7n6.60; wethers. 31. 7506 26: ewes. 83.o04H.60; breed ing ewes, $4.6041 6. W. Representative sales: . No. Av. Pr. 20 western cull feeder lambs.... 40 4 26 2H western ewes 118 8 IS ll4 western ewes 116 8 16 R3 western ewes 102 4 76 4i western wethers 106 6 00 873 western ewes 110 6 OS 411 western ewes 9S 6 10 4.'8 western ewes MS 8 06 tt western wethers 102 8 40 9x weatern ewes 105 4 H 814 weatern ewes I"10 3 80 164 western ewes 113 4 85 K4 western lambs 70 7 SO 40 native lambs 66 western lambs ... 92 7 25 71 7 25 160 western lambs 83 7 60 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Weak Hosts Steady to Lower. CHICAOO. Jan. 17. CATTLE Receipts, about 18,000 head: market for best steady, others weak; common to prime steers, 34.00 4(7.30; cows. 32.75fiH.75: heifers, $2-t0BOJi bulla, 32.76&4.60; calves, 32.7&Jo.?6; stockers and feeders. 32.6fVfH rX. HOOS-Recelpts. about 83,000; msrket steady to 10c lower: prime shipping hogs, $tt.&6rqtf.0; choice butcher weights, 86 5mU 6.57W; packing. 3fl.5"Ht;.C6; assorted light, 86.6Hi!j6.574j; bulk of snles. $i 6iii.D6. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head: market steady- sheep. 33.00ti3.6Q; yearlings, 34.60; lambs, S6.7oitjfb.80. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 17 BEEVES Receipts, ;l head, all consigned direct; no trading, with the feeling steady; dressed beef, quiet at 7ifi9c per lb for native sides; fancy beef, &Vii)Hc; exports today, 813 cattle and 4,000 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 88 head; little doing, with market feeling steadyi prime veals sold st loo per lb; no western or barnyard calves; dresned calves steady; dressed veals, Sea HSc per lb.; extra carcasses, I6c; country dressed. 7l3c. HOGS Receipts, 917 head; market feeling steady: hogs. 37.00iS7.16: dIks. 37.160 7.26. SHEEP AND CAMBS Receipts. 2,123 head; market for sheep nominally steady; no sales: lambs, 10c lower; fair to prime lambs, 3i.MXd7.87Vi; no very choice here. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,000 Lead, Including 200 southerns; market weak to 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, 86.604ro.76; fair to food, 34.2iu6.40; western fed steers, 33.704 76; stockers and feeders, 81.6024. 85; south ern steers, 83.26tt6.26; southern cows, S2.263 3.76; native cows, 82.16iuM.2fi; native heifers, 83.00ff4.90; bulls, 82.90414 00; calves, .0O?r7.&0. HOOB Receipts, 9. SCO head; market 60 lower: top, 36.67; bulk of sales, 86.47VHP 6.66; heavy, 3o.66i&6.57H; packers, S6.4646.S7Vi; pigs snd lights, .6(Hi6.60, BHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market steady; tArrbs, SH.760jT-; ewes and yearlings, 34.756.16; western fed yearlings, 35.75&6.40; western fed sheep, 34.606.75; stockers and feeders, 83.26Q4.75. St. Loots Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 17. CATTLE Receipts, 5,000 head, including 1,600 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 84.6tKii.o0; dressed beef and butcher steers, 4.1oo.65: steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.76 4.60; stockers and feeders, 12.00-4.76; cows and heifers, $2.6064.60; can tiers. $1.76fi2.S6; bulls. $2.75(4.26; calves, 32.ntkS8.O0; Texas and Indian steers, $3.605.60; cows and heifers, K.OOfto.oO. HOGS IUscelpts, 7.&00 head; market So lower; pigs and lights, 80.I046.66; packers, SB.2&.50; butchers and best heavy. 30. 4C 8.66. SHEEP AND LA M B 8 N one on sale. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Jan. 17 CATTLE Receipts, 2.7x8 head; market ateady: natives. $4.u02r 6.76; cows and heifers. $2.26'4.0; stockers and reeders, S1.fc'u4.Wi. HOOS Receipts, 11,466 head: market lower: top. r..37Vi.0; pigs. 85.36ffl7.7o; bulk of sales, $6.46ij.66. BH10EP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,869 head; market 10rJ15o lower. Sloaa City Live Slock Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia., Jan. 17. (Special Tele grsm.i CATTLE Receipts, (.(MX) head; market steady; beeves, 83.rl5tfj6.00: cows and heifers. 82.5tKU4.60; stockers and feeders. $2.6Kg3.76; calves and yearlings, $2,504x0.76. HOGS Receipts, 6,800 head; market 5c lower, selling at $6.2666.40; bulk of sales, S6.806.86. Stock la Stgkt. Receipts of live stock at ths six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha - 4,000 7,..i) 8,800 Sioux City 9,0.0 6.80O Kansas (Jlty s.utaj a.tniu 8,000 St. Louis 5.0i8) 7.5HO St. Joseph 2.7H8 11.44J& t8 Chicago 18.0U) 33.000 20,0u0 Totals .46,788 76,066 37,469 OMAHA WHOLES ALB MARKET, Conditio ef Trade aad 4eelatloas oa Staple aad Fasey Prodaee. EGGS Per dot., 20Jf21c; market easy. LIVE POULTRY Hens. IVvc; roosters. 8c; turkeys, NXa'lSci ducks, rtflOc; young roosters, noavsc; geese, Bitfso. BUTTER Packing stock. l&31Ho; choice to fancy dairy, 22c; creamery, 26fGo. HAY Choice upland, 35u; medium. 88.40; coarse. 80 (Wu 4.60. Rye straw. $6.U7.0a BRAN Per on, $16.00. OLD VEGETABLES. CARROTS, BEIlIo AND PARSNIPS Per bu.. 76o. SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per large bbl., $3 26. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.88; Ma $1.60. LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 5Vto. CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown. lVc per lb. EGO 1 PLANT Per dos.. 42.3f.O13.00. RUTABAGAS About 160 lbs. to sack. 48 4 ... 141 11 ?rt too 40 T4 747 ... 141 $1.54. POTATOES Per bu., 46$Bo. TURNIPS Per bu., 80c 1 ONION& Hoine grown, per bu., 80c Spanish, per orate, $2.00; Colorado, per bu 7oc NEW VEGETABLES. BEETS, TURNIPd AND CAHROTS-Per dos., 4Vu60c. TOMATOES California, per 30-lb. crate, $2 60. WAX BEANS Per bu. Sox. 31IO3&.00. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dos. beads. 4f CELERY California, per dos.. 75ctl 00. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doa, li.OmJ 160. HORSERADISH Case of 3 dos.. 8180. RAD18HES Per doa bunches, southern, large bunches, -75o; hothoea. 40o. GREEN pEPPKRaWPar 4-baskot crate. 84 5.WV.00. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dog. bunches, 40c. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per dos., iT m-ll 26. SHALLOTS Southern, per bu. 60a FRUITS. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $S (&: 80. APPLE Ben Levis, choice, 2 v; faney, per bbl., 32!o; Jonathans, $X7t; New YorK ll-nles, PEAKA Winter Nells, per box. 83.08. TROAMCAL FRUIT. ORANGES Florida ranges, all sixes. $2.0; California navela, extra faucy, ail all's, ts A: fancy. I1.0U. LEMONS Llmonlcra, 300 and 860 sisa, $4.00. other biatids. 5uc leas. LATL4J Kad , ay Ave; asrej-a, 8c; Hai- lowls, new stuffsy. sramut dales, 8-lb. Dos. II l'V BANANA -I-er medium-sized bunco) 82.t."(i 2o ; Jumbos. $Xb43.S& GRAPE FRl-lT-Biso - u nrvj w n (Ji4 110. FIGS California, bulk, 6Vc: t-rrowA Turkish. 15c; 6-crnwn, 14c; 8-ctown, I80. CUCOANl'TS-rer sack of 100, $4.50. CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 rts. 14c; No. 2 ribs. 10c; No. 3 rtba 7c; No. 1 loins, 17c; No. 3 loins, 12c: No. 1 loins. 8-; No. 1 chuck. 4',c; No 2 chuck, IV-; No. 8 chuck. 4c; No. 1 round, 7ie; No. 3 round, 7c, No. 3 round. !;; No. 1 plate, 4Vtc; No. 3 flute, 4c: No. 8 plate, 3c. MISCELLANEOUS. FISH Trout, lie; halltuit. ;; catfish. Ifo; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, Lie; black baas, flni stock, 25c; salmon, l-o; pike, dressed. Do; red snapper, l.'c; whltellsh. 12c; perch, dressed and scaled. 6c; pickerel, dressed, 8Vc; herring, Sc; crappics, &iil6c; eels, lKc; blueflsh, 15c; lohrters, green, 36c per In. macketel, Spanish. 1.5c; native, 3ic; frosj lias, 45c per dos. saddles. CURED FlSH-Fanilly whlteflsh, per qufcrter bbl., V1 lbs., $4.00: Norway mark ers 1. No. 1. $35.00; No 3. $.00; hrrtng U bbls., 2i0 lbs. each. Norway, 4k, $P 00; Nor. way, 3k, 8A.0O; Holland herring. In kegs, milker. 0e: kers, mixed. 70c. HIDES AND TALLOW-Oreen waited. Nta 1, 12c; No. 2, UVc, bull hides, tfl0c; g-eea hides. No. 1. lie; No. 8, 10c: horse, 31.30 3 75; sheep pelts. 50c41.26. Tallow, No. L 4Vc; tit. t. 8C. NUTH French walnuts, WHc; California walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, 13c; No. 1 soft shell. 16Vo; Bratlls, 15ff1c: pecsns, liW"; filberts, 1314c; peanuts. raw, 7vio; roasted, 9c; California almonds, hard shell. lc; Traynnia. 17o. HONEY Per 24 frames. 83 50. CI1ER-Nw York, half barrel, $8.78; bar. rel. 35 00. COFFER Roasted, No. 38, foe per lb 1 No. 80, 21c per lb.; No. 86. 19c per lb. 2 No! 20. ldc per lb ; No. 31. 18c per lb. Sl.'GAR Granulated cane. In sacks. $5.31i n.ii.iiiiiF., urr i , in r... una, eo.lA. SYRUP In bbls., 27c per sal.; In eases. ib. cans. $1.80; s 1-10. cans, si.fv; ohh, 14 e-ic cases. 74 2H-lb. cans, 31.88. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard ... rn, 85titkic; Maine. II. li. Tomatoes, 8-lh, cans, $1.10: 8-lb. cans, r7V4cJ$1.00. Pins, apples, grated, 3-lb.. $206.30; allced. II M f2.20. Gallon apples, fancy, $2.06. Cali fornia apricots, $1.902.28. Pears, $1.7671 160. Peaches, fancy, $1.75i7y2.4n; H. Q. Kaches, $2.sf2 6a Alaska salmon, red. .86; fancy Chinook, F., $2 10; fancy sork. eye. F., $1.95. Sardines, quarter oil, $3 T81 three-qtmrt-r mustard. 88.00, Sweet potae toes, $1.1001.28. Sauerkraut, $1.00. rump- kins, sucoii.t"-1. wax neans, l-lb., 860ci lima beans. 2-lb., 76C981.36. Spinach, $1.83, Cheap peas, 2-lb., 4Vo; extras, locCLlO; fancy, $1.36471.75. Baarnr and Molasses. NEW YORK, Jan. 17. SUGAR Raw, Arm; fair refining, 8c; centrifugal test, 3Hoj molasses sugar, 2Hc. Refined steady; No. 8. 4.30c: No. 7. 4 25c; No. 8, 4.20c; No. 9. 4.16c; No. 1, 4.05c; No. 11, 4c; No. 11, 8.96c: No. IS, 8.80c; No. 14, 8. 85c; confec tioners' A, 4.40c; mould A, 6.15o; cut loaf, 6.60c; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 4.90C1 granulated, 4.R0c; cubes. S.Ofio. I Mt)LA8SE8-Stear1y; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 876S8e. Steady; open kettle centrifugal! SHWS 13-lilot centrifugal whites. 41-lc; centrifugal yel- ,w " , o,,, , BTTVIIUS, t11 f-lOO. MOLASSES Syrup, 804)34c. Cotton Market. . NEW YORK, Jan. 17. COTTON Hpot closed steady, 10 points higher; mlddlln uplands. 10.80c; middling gulf, 11.06c2 sales, 1,680 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 17. COTTON Spot closed steady; sales, 8.700 bales; low ordinary, 6 lo-14c nominal; ordinary, 6 16-16c nominal; good ordlrary, 8V4c; low middling, 9 Vic; middling. 10p; good mid dling, 11 8-16c; middling fair, 13S-13e nominal; fair, 12 18-16c nominal; receipts. 16.017 bales- stocks, 414.845 bales. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 17. COTTON Quiet ; middling, 10Vc; no sales; receipts, 400 bales; no shipments; stock, 29,448 bales. ROOSTER HOODOO TO FITCH Fowl Dooms Probate Clerk In Bstla raatloa ef Fellow Workers at the Coart Hoase. Employes of the county judge's office regard Probate Clerk D. A. Fitch with suspicion. They declare sadly that, with his seeming fall, their faith In human na ture has been killed. Fitch says It Is due to the hnd of fate. His friends say It Is due to tha weakness and -frailty of human nature. The rooster whirth ran amuck In tha court house and which was captured by Martin Sugarman and a picked com pany Tuesday ts the cause of Fitch's troubles. It was at first supposed that the bird had been restored to tha farmer whose property it was. But the men In the county judge's office, shake theTr heads and say the bird met another fate. "That same evening Fitch called up over the 'phone and ordered some chicken feed." says John Helgrene, with a judicial look. "And he said he would stop for It on the way home, because he needed it right away," snys Chief Clerk Sundblad, sol emnly. . .. "I had always regarded him heretofore as an upright young man," says James Ruane, wiping .' his eyes. "But one can never tell." .',- , , When people enter, the office they are taken off in a corner, where the sad in telligence la Imparted to them wflh side long glances at the - disconcerted Fitch, who glares at his tormentors forbiddingly. And the stranger shakes his head and com presses his lips In sorrow, and with one look at the unhappy man goes out. Thus are his fellows working to make him an outcast, a parish. Fitch wants to have a committee appointed to search his premises thoroughly for the missing rooster, but the others shake their heads and Intimate that even this would not re move their doubts. LITTLE BOY CALLS FOR PAPA Sick ; Child and Aaxlows Mother Ash Help to rtad Mlsslasr J W ; . Mrs. Kate Cudney or Walnut Grove, lav, haa written the Omaha postmaster asking him to assist ' her In finding ber .husband, George Cudney, supposed to be In or about Omaha, . Their little boy la seriously lok and la constantly asking for his pap. The last heard of Oeorge Cudney was that he was employed as a switchman by the Northwestern railroad tn Omaha. Up to within a fsw wseks past he has called regularly at the general delivery for bis mall, but nothing has been seen or heard from him recently. The name of Oeorge Cudney does not appear In the Omaha olvr directory. REAL ESTAT3B TRANSFERS. Abraham L. Reed et al. to Ferdinand Haarman et al., part lot 4, block 222, Omaha $ (,000 George E. Barker and wife to Ferdi nand Haarman et al., lut 8, block 222, Omaha 2,500 Jan Bmlsek and wife to Anton E. Bmlsek, lot 8, block 4, Brown Park. I Joseph Abernathy and wife to Emma Crouch, lot 19, block 2, Cotter A Archer's, South Omaha 50 Helen P. Kuhn and husband to I H. Bach man snd wife, n(0 ft lot 32. Covell's Add 126 O. J. Wright and wife to Frank No vak and wife, lot 7, block 4, Patter son's First Add., South Omaha.... 178 John F. bet her and wife to Frank Novak and wife, lot 8, block 4, Pat- . terson's First Add., South Omaha . ITS Robert B. Windham, trustee, to lie- . romla E. Windham, lots 4 to 9. block 1, snd lots 4 to lo, block 3, Benson.. I Luther Kountxe snd wife to George J. Bird, lot 3. block 9, Druid Hill.. 7J0 Cornelia H. Bonewlts to Jacob P. Ja cobsen, nV lot 33 and lot 84. block 1, Hlmehajgh A Patterson's Sub.... 421 Mlcblfran Mutual Life Insurance Co. to Daniel U. Bents, lot 8, block 23, Boyd's 1.300 Jol.11 H. Kllnksr to F;ggert C. Hul ling, neVe seV sec. 34-16-11 $,600 John Lacina to Anna Iclna sVt lot 4, block 18, First Add. to South Omaha , 1 Guy D. Thxmss to " Charles 1-a.ld Thomas, u'Ji ft lot I, block 4, Boggs A Hill's 400 John If. Haney and wife to Peter llaney, lot 4. Baa he's Sub., South Omaha $) Julia Ixihle to the Carprnler Paper Co., W44 ft lot 2, block H. Onutha.s 7.a) Total