Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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l'r. Blackburn Gives Notice of Amendment
to Foraker Resolution.
Actio Bald to Be Result of
Drmorralle Cancne Repnblicnne
Will Make Attempt to
Tabic It.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-The legal phase
tf President Roosevelt's discharge of the
negro troops was again Injected Into the
controversy In the senate today 'by notice
f an amendment to the Foraker com
promise, which Bcnator Blackburn said he
rould press.
Mr. Blackburn's amendment states that
be senate expressly disclaims any Inten
Jon "to question or deny the legal right
)f the president to discharge without honor
enlisted men of the army of the United
Senator Foraker, who concluded his ar
gument, at once declared his opposition to
the amendment. He discussed the power
of the executive, holding that the affray
at Brownsville ought to be Investigated
simply as to the facta and the question of j
power determined later If It should arise
as the result of the Inquiry. He reviewed
his previous utterances, maintaining the
same position In every respect- He replied
to arguments which have been made slnoe
hla first speeches, especially those of Bena
tora Bpooner and Knox. He defended the
Twenty-fifth infantry, reviewing the "esca
pades" It la charged with, expressing his
astonishment that the record furnished the
senate by the War department in this par
ticular was not complete and stating that
in response to his request It had been sup
plemented by Information considered favor
able to the regiment.
Consideration of the resolution was de
ferred until Monday at the conclusion of
Mr. Foraker'a address.
The republican leaders accept the Black
burn amendment as a political move and
most of them express the opinion that It
Is the result of a democratic conference.
This, Senator Blackburn denies, but he
aaya with apparent confidence that It will
hay practically the unanimous support of
democratic senators. "The amendment Is
not the result of a caucus," he sld, "but
It has general endorsement."
He says he will press it to a vote.
The republicans re trying to got a unan
imous agreement to lay the amendment on
the table, but some republican senators
express a disinclination to pursue that
course because they fear It would be con
strued as a reflection on the president.
There Is talk of a caucus If later develop
ments should mnke one advisable. Several
senators advocate an amendment along
the lines suggested by Senator Aldrlch, say
ing in the language of a western senator
that It would have the effect of "de
naturizlng" the Blackburn provision. For
the present the Intention of the republican
managers Is to confine their efforts to hold
ing back debate and to await developments.
They express confidence In their ability
to ahape the matter so it will embarrass
the democrats more than the republicans.
Senator Tillman does not stand with the
supporters of the Blackburn amendment. .
Eulogies on the life and character of the
lata Senator William B. Bate of Ten
nessee were delivered, after which the
senate adjourned as a mark of respect to
hla memory.
Informal Asrtvententtn. Table Black
burn .Amendment.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17, After Senator
I"braker concluded his speech on the
Brownsville resolution tonight a number
o fthe republican senators met In Informal
conference and made an effort to agree
Upon the program with reference to that
measure. So far as they could do so, thr-y
agreed that all republican senators should
vote against the Blackburn amendment
upholding the president's authority In the
discharge of the negro r too pa. Senator
I.odge will withdraw his substitute for
the Foraker resolution, announcing
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he considers that the Foraker resolution
In Its present form covers the same ground
as his own. It Is probable that the mat
ter will not come up tomorrow and It la
understood that the senate will adjourn
from tomorrow until Monday, thus throw
ing the matter over until next week.
Senator Aldrlch at one time today an
nounced his Intention of offering an amend
ment to the Foraker amendment provid
ing for the extension of the Investigation
to the charge that the southern states
discriminate agalnet negro soldiers. If
such an amendment should prevail It would
load to an Investigation of the entire race
question, and before leaving for New York
at 4 o'clock today the Rhode Island sena
tor said that he had about changed his
mind on the subject and probably would
not offer the amendment.
President Sends to Senate Names of
Postmasters at Alliance, Bloom
field, Crawford anal Fremont.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. The president
today sent to the -senate the following
Postmaster Iowa: 8. J. Robertson, Fort
Dodge. Nebraska: L E. Tash, Alliance; W.
A. Needham, Bloomfield; L. Van Voorhis,
Crawford; D. 8. Swanaon, Fremont,
President Will Send Special Message
to Cnnaress on Subject.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Congress will
be asked by President Roosevelt to give
the Interstate Commerce commission In
creased powers to enable that body to deal
with such emergencies as that now exist
ing with regard to the car shortage ques
tion. The commission already has sub
mitted to the president a preliminary re
port of the Investigations made by some
of Its members In the northwest Into this
matter and It will submit recommenda
tions very soon. When these are ready
the president will prepare a special mes
sage to congress, urging necessary legisla
tion. The president made this announce
ment today at a conference with Messrs.
Knapp, Clements, Harlan and Clarke of
the Interstate Commerce commission and
four members of the executive committee
of the National Demurrage association con
vention recently held In Chicago. They
Included the following: J. Van Hoos, Bir
mingham, Ala., representing the Southern
Wholesale Grocers' association; George H.
Emerson. Hoquiam, Wash., representing
the Pacific coast; Donald A. Sage, Chicago,
representing the coal Bhlppers, and J. E.
Defenbaugh, secretary of the convention.
The president took a deep Interest in
the appeal presented to him by the de
murrage representatives asking that he
recommend federal legislation giving the
Interstate Commerce commission power to
deal with the question of car shortage
when such an emergency arose, and setting
out the serious condition of affairs result
ing from the present situation. The presi
dent's Idea, as expressed by one of thoso
present, is that whatever amendments to
the Interstate commerce act on this sub
ject may be enacted they should not be
come operative until July 1, when the rail
roads would have had ample opportunity
to prepare for the change.
Interstate commerce commissioners un
officially say their recommendation to the
president will Include some form of recip
rocal demurrage so that the carrier may
be penalized for delay In moving as well
as the consignee for delay In unloading
cars and probably some suggestions for
the Interchange of cars by railroads to
meet extraordinary demands In one sec
tion not existing In another.
One of the demurrage representatives
told' the president that .because of a dis
pute, between the railroad companies
nj i
the consignees 1.600 carloads of conl were -I
held at Minneapolis and several hundred
at Chicago. The president directed the
Interstate Commerce commission to Investi
Prcaldent Writes Letter to Chairman
of Naval Committee.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. President
Roosevelt has written a letter to Chair
man Foss of the naval affairs commltteo
urging that an appropriation should be
made at once for two first-class battle
ships of the maximum speed and primary
batteries, all of 12-lnch guns. The letter
states that In addition to the battleship
i provided for last year of the Dreadnaught
class another should be provided for this
year without fall. The president also
urges the building of torpedo boat de
stroyers. The letter says In part:
I feel so strongly that there should be
two tlrst-class battleships of tha maxi
mum else and speed and with their pri
mary battery all of 12-lnch guns added
I U the navy this session that 1 desire to
luy. the matter before your committee
j through this letter. These two big ships
should Include the one provided foi last
year and tire one provided for this year.
It must be remembered that I am not
asking for any Increase In the navy be
cause, unless we can provide at the rata
of a battleship per year, our navy will gp
backward. Moreover, I am advising that
our money be spent economically. It has
1 been a waste of money to provide such
. ships as the single turret monitors, and
' while the cruisers, especially the great
armored cruisers, serve some useful pur
poses It wiuld nevertheless have been In
finitely belter to have spent the money
which was actually spent on them in the
. construction of first-class battleships.
, Our great armored cruisers are practically
as expensive to build and maintain as
t battleships; and yet, taking the battle
. ships all round for the purposes for which
I a navy la really needed Its superiority to
I the armored cruiser Is enormous.
I In my Judgment we are not to be ex
cused If we build any battleship Inferior
to those now being built by other na
. lions. I should be glad If a limitation
I could be put by international agreement
I to the size of battleship hereafter to be
built. I have found, however, that It will
undoubtedly be Impracticable to securn
.any such . agreement In the near future.
! In the flrst-clUHs navies generally theso
big ships have already been built or am
building. We cannot afford to fall be
hind, and we shall fall behind If we fail
to build first-class battleships ourselves.
Cnlesn we Intend to go on building up
the fleet we should abandon every effort
to keep the position which we row hold
Our Justification for upholding the Monroe
doctrine and for digging the Panama canal
. must rest primarily on our willingness
1 to build and maintain a first-class fight
Ing fleet. He it remembered, moreover,
that auch a fleet Is by far the most potent
guaranty ft peace which this nation has
or can ever have.
President Authorised to Send Sapply
Steamer Critic to Kingston
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. The house to
day resumed consideration of the District
of Columbia appropriation bill under the
five-minute rule. During the day an emer
gency bill was passed for the relief of the
sufferers from the earthquake in Jamaica
clothing the president with power to send
the supply ship Celtic loaded with supplies
to the relief of the stricken Inhabitant of
the Inland.
After completing forty pages of the dis
trict budget the house adjourned at 6
lulu Watches Higher.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Importers of Swim
watches and clocks yealtuday announced
advances In prices varying from t to 13
per rent on all except the highest grade of
timepieces. The Swiss makers bave put
up price-, wagee in that country having
ulao linen.
Tnakearee Sehool laveettsjatloa.
"MONTOOMKRY. Ala , Jan. 17 -The
&rsMle todav i4iif,e.4 lh )wm rM..lut i..n
1 calling for an InvextlKitlon of the nieiUcU
uf Booker T. Waauiuglcu a exbuoL
Imminent Danrer ef Another Blockade in
Forth Dakota.
Bread and Fnel Sapply Are Light In
Some) Districts and There la
Great Snffcrlnar Among
ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 17. After being
delayed for ten days In Montana and North
Dakota the Great Northern train. No. 4,
from Seattle, finally arrived In St. Paul
this evening. The coaches were covered
with Ice and snow. Four trains were sched
uled to arrive today from the coast, all
that were tied up on account of the
blockade. Now that the great blockade
near Cut hank, Mont., Is opened, there Is
danger of another blockade In North Da
kota. It has been snowing for twenty-four
hours to such an extent that the drifts
are piling over tha rotary plowa. The
Canadian Pacific road is completely para
lysed and temporarily out of business In
the west. The farmers are suffering more
than any one else from the cllmatlo condi
tions, which, they ray are the worst for
twenty years. ' In some of the Isolated
points the bread supply Is exhausted and
a famine is feared unless some communica
tion with the outside world soon can be ob
Slxty-Flve-Foot 81 a fee Expected at
Cincinnati by Sunday.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 17. Thousands of peo
ple along the Ohio river are homeless on
account of the prevailing high water. In
dications point to a stage of at least sixty
five feet for the river in this city, making
this the greatest flood since February, 18fi4.
The city authorities today began to care
for the flood victims. School buildings and
churches have been opened as temporary
homes for the homeless. About 2,000 people
on a hill known as Turkey Ridge have
been Isolated by the flood, which cut them
off from the mainland. In Newport, Ky.,
the flood area covers eight blocks and 300
families huve bepn compelled to vacate
their homes. Traffic generally in the river
district has been suspended.
"Cincinnati Hhotild prepare for one of its
occasional floods."
This was the official announcement made
by Forecast Official Bassler today, biscd
on the conditions that have maintained for
the last few days and which sceni to be
likely to continue. The effect of the dam
age Is already great.
Said Mr. Bassler: "The river will reach
sixty feet before Friday and will continue
to rise Saturday and Sunday. It looks to
me as though the river will reach the stage
of slxtyrfive feet at Cincinnati. Of course.
It Is not my business to be a calamity
howler, but I am telephoning the various
people affected every day as developments
arise. I do not think the river will ias
the seventy-one-foot mark, which It did In
the great flood of 1884, but a. flood beyond
the ordinary Is certainly Indicated."
At 1 o'clock this afternoon the river was
67.1 feet and still rising. This Is the high
est water since April v27,. 1901, when 69.7 was
The McKlnley school In the east end was
vacated by the school children this after
noon and la being used to house thirty-six
houseless families whose homes are under
water. The Highland school In the east end
had to be closed today on account of en
croaching water and, many , children In
Cumininsvllle were unable to get-1 from
their homes to the schools. Water has
put out the fire m the Newport water
In Covington the Ludlow car line was
crippled by the flood and on Third street
omnibuses are transferring across a flooded
PITTSBURG, Jan. 17. Eight dynamite
blasts having failed to break the Alle
gheny river dam at Springdale, where the
current has already swept away ten houses
and several buildings of the Heidenkump
Mirror works, one more attempt will be
made tomorrow, and If that falls, a diver
will be employed to undertake the hazard
ous task of placing a ton of dynamite di
rectly under the concrete wall of the dam
where Its explosion will be effective. Un
less the stream Is quickly diverted by
breaking the dam enormous property losses
will be sustained. The value of buildings
and machinery already destroyed Is placed
at $50,000. while ground has been dug out
to a depth of nearly thirty-five feet.
Major Charles Slebert, resident govern
ment engineer who is directing the work,
declared tonight that unless a hole is
driven through, the center of the dam
within twenty-four hours It would be next
to impossible to save the Hcldenkamp Mir
ror company's plant, which Is valued at
PORTSMOUTH, O., Jan. 17. Several
hundred families have been forced from
their homes by the rising river, which now
exceeds ths fifty-four feet stage.
Mayor Hutchlns will probably order the
public schools dismissed tomorrow and the
buildings will be given up to flood suf
ferers owing to a lack of sufficient shelter.
Sold HI Snrt im ff uS kr Jobtxn.
'. Lamas kul. iwuacm, SX
, fftWrrW WtW
Man with Throat Cot Saya that Kansas
Woman Committed the
ELDORADO, Kan., Jan. 17. The dead
bedy of Miss Mary Glass, a young school
teacher, with the throat cut from ear to
ear, wns found early today Ip the school
house at Falrvlew, near here. Later, Rob
ert Hall, with his throat cut, admitted at
his home at Fairview, where he Is be
lieved to be dying, that he and Miss Glass
had quarreled at the school house last
night. He declared that she sttacked him
and cut his throat. When asked who cut
Miss Glass' throat Hall refused to reply.
Hall was barely able to speak because of
the loss of blood. At the school house
there were evidences of struggle.
The coroner's Jury returned a verdict
tonight which states that Mary Glass died
from wounds Inflicted by a raxor In the
hands of Robert Hall.
Few Men of Any Special Renown Are
in Them.
But a few players of any great renown
in major league base ball have been caught
In the outlaw league. Sebring and Ward,
the former of Chicago and the latler ot
l'lnludelpiila, are th-j two most proponent
contract breakers, while Doescher of
Brooklyn and Wlggs of Newark are both
tairly well known to major league tans.
Among the players who have jumped reser
vation to get Into the former outlaw
league, there are quite a bunch of well
known major leaguers, however. In the
bunch are included Mike O'Neill, Roy
Brushear and J. Calhoun, all three once
with the Currilnats: Harrv libason. form
erly with the Browns, and Ungiaub, Wol-
verton, wiegand, vvyaii, Lee anu joc
Deiehanty, all mure or lens known In St.
Louis. The list- of . players who have
Jumped contracts Is as follows:
H. J. HresHitT, Wiilmmnpoi t. ...Boston Nat
J. H. Doesoher, liarrisburg Brooklyn
T. L. Owens, York Brooklyn
F. C. Relsling, Lancaster..... Brooklyn
James beaonng, VV illlamsport.. Chicago Nat
Joseph Ward, Altoona....l'hiladolphla Nat
Fred Badcl, Johnstown Buftalo
Fred Crolius, Lancaster.,...- Toronto
A. O'Dell. Iincuster Bridgeport
W. H. chuppelle, liarrisburg... Minneapolis
H. McFarlund, York Providence
Chaiies Cooper, Johnstown Providence
Bert Daniels, Lancaster Jackson, Mich
Jack Messerly, Lancaster Bliighamlon
Walter 8. Hartley, Lnneaster.Holyoke, Mass
W. Hemintur, Lancaster Holyoke, Mass
O. C. L'eininger, Altoona Toledo
L. D. Wlltse, Harrisburg Baltimore
A. Marshall, Johnstown Utlca
C. Foster, Harrisburg Newark
James Wipgs. Harrisburg Newark
Players vslio tuned to report to the na
tlouui agreement ciub, though under reser
vation, are:
M. J. O'Neill, Tork St. Ixiuls Nat
li. hi. McCormick, York. ...Philadelphia Nal
Joseph Myers, York.... . .Philadelphia. A. L
Harry Gieason, Williamsport St. Paul
Robert I'ngiaub, Williamsport. .Boston A. L
11. B. Wolverton, Williamsport.. Boston A. L
F. C. Rainier, Johnstown Boston Nut
L. Durham, Lancaster Brooklyn
C Weigund, Yoik Brooklyn
J. Calhoun, Harrisburg Toledo
J. Bonner, Harilsburg Kansas City
J. Martin, Harrisburg Columbia
Charles Shields, Ailouna Seattle
William Hartman, Altoona Little Rock
Wyatt Lee, Altoona Toledo
Itoy Brashear, Altoona Loulsvillo
Joe Delctiauly, Williamsport Buftalo
Bert Conn, York Providence
W. Mathews, York Butfalo
George Scott, Louisville
Kd Beclier, Johmitown Memphis
J. Flournoy, Johnstown.... St. Paul
F. Downey, Lancaster Bridgeport
F. Lucia, Lancaster.. Denver
At the Vegular weekly meeting of the
North Omaha Athletic club Friday night
Frank Blaezek, the crack Bohemian boxer
is matched for a ten round go with Harry
Wallace of Sioux Falls, S. D. Both has
been training assiduously for the event,
which takes place at Osthoff's hall and
the backers of bvith say they are In top
condition. The Turners of Omaha are all
backing their star to win in this bout and
a lively time may be expected. They will
weigh In at laO. A preliminary between
two of the llgbtor weights has been ar
ranged to add sent to the affair.
Bobby CarutheYsY (tie famous old pitcher
und the good olt- umpire of more recent
years too good sort a certain league has
been secured by Frestunt Kavanaugh of
the Soul htm league. Caruthers la a splen
did umpire and his work In the Western
league was of the best order, but he was
unfortunate in not being able to plumb
his decisions with the fancies and foibles
of a controlling power. Chlet Zimmer,
formerly of the Cleveland team. Is offered
a berth as an umpire in the Southern
league also. ,..
Frank Chance Is playing with San Jose
In Its contests for the championship ot
California with SVuckton. A few Sundays
ago, ut San Joae, an enthusiastic admirer
of Chance was sitting in the stand. He
was unable to sit on an even keel because
of a hugo wallet full ot bills In his hip
pocket and he was there ready and
anxious to bet nil or part that Chance
would make a hit.
The first time up the money-laden gent
from Alameda county wagered f0 against
tint) that Chance would make a hit. Chance
whacked away at three balls and retired
to the bench.
The Alameda man was stunned, but
game. He was convinced that Chance was
struck out simply because he was trying
to maks a, home run. So the next time
up he repeated his bet, and again Chance
tore holes In the air . and never scratched
leather. The man from Alameda began to
suspect something crooked. As a loyal
Californian, he could not believe any one
could strike Chance out twice. Besides, he
wanted to get even, so he stuck to the
system and Chance whiffed for the third
The fourth time Chance came i: . the
Alameda man plunged and bet t200 against
U) that Chance would make a hit. For
the fourth time Chance tried In vain to
hit the ball and Retired disgusted. For a
few minutes the Alameda man sat silent,
and then, ralHlng his yoice, he yelled:
"Say, how in h I did your team ever
win a pennant!"
He dtd not know that the opposing pitcher
'Win Strlcklett, the Brooklyn splj.-ba.ll
One of the reasons why Kanager Mc
Graw is said to desire to get rid of Joe
McGlnnity Is the "Iron man's penchant
for getting Into quarrels with other mem
bers of the team, whom he roasts unmer
cifully for any mistakes made. Seems
strange Muggsy would want to get rid of
a scrapper. J
Barney Dreyfus' now admits that he has
been angling for Abbattlccho for several
years. Two- years ago he vainly offered
Ritchey and five other players for "Abby,"
and last year again offered S,aoo without
The Krug Parks won two games front
the Hamilton last night at the associa
tion alleys. The handicap saved the Bluffs
boys from a shut-out and made all the
games close enough to keep the fight up
to the last frame. French carried off the
honors for high game and total, with 211
and to- Score:
ItS Tot.
Johnson 17 1ft; KM 615
Zimmerman 189 ( lw 1X0 617
Marble 1M 1W W Ml
French 1114 210 158 6M
Betigele 176 191 173 630
892 931
873 2.6M
1 2
Rempke .,
Hunter ...
Nlcoll ....
Totals 918 8a5 Ml 2.644
Ijtst night on the Metropolitan alleys the
Colts won two out of three from the
FalstafTs. The Colts had hard luck In
losing the last game on account ot draw
ing so many splits. Klauck had high single
game with 244, also high total, with 6J1.
Tonight the Omuha Bicycle Company and
Gold Tops bowl. Score:
I S Tot.
146 ITS 6
167 l: 47
214 M ltd
178 l'S 6i7
175 192 kl
870 8J1 2.681
S S Tot.
1H& 191 618
Vtt 244 6.1
If 1S1 4'0
171 170 Vi
17 149 61a
fc K7 2,660
Drink water . .
Davis ...
Kluurk .
' Henelln .
. Berger .,
Yuan Woman's Christian Association
Hans for Final Campaign.
Will Do Their Work Between Feb
ruary S and 19, with Fifteen
Thonaand Dollars the
Objective Amount.
The directors and building committee ot
the Young Women's Christian association
met Thursday morning and planned for a
fund-ralBiiiK campaign to be prosecuted
February 6 to 19, during which time Slo.OuO
will be the objective amount for the cam
paigners. The following five teams, with
I effective designating colors, huve been
chosen to lead la the campaign: Mrs. W.
P. Harford, Mrs. P. M. Garrett and Mrs,
J. P. Bailey, luvender; Mrs. J. H. Dumont,
Mrs. A. W. Bowman and Miss Halite Hood,
pink; Mrs. Clement Chase, Mrs. J. P. Lord
and Mrs. I. W. Carpenter, yellow; Mrs.
Emma F. Byers, Mrs. H. F. Kellogg and
Mrs. F. P. Loomls, red; Mrs. George Til
den, Mrs. J. M. Alkin and Mrs. Edward
Johnson, blue. The first named of each
team will act as captain.
The following financial report was Issued
by the association January 1: Pledged and
collected for lot, 115,000; needed for build
ing, 1100,000; amount needed for equipment,
123,000; amount still needed for building,
112,466, and for equipment 25,to0.
The site selected Is at the southwest
corner of Seventeenth and Howard streets.
The building will be five stories and base
ment. At a recent dinner and meeting at the
Paxton hotel several prominent business
men encouraged the women in the work of
completing their building fund and prom
ised to raise subscriptions. Mayor Iahlman
promised to assist.
W. F. Wapplch Takes Exceptions to
Some of the Proposed
1 Amendments.
Contributions on timely topics are
Invited from readers ot The Bee,
Communications should be written
legibly on one side of ths paper only
snd accompanied by the name and
address of the writer. The name
will not be used If the writer asks
that it be withheld. Unused com
munications will not be returned.
( urrtasuondentM are advised to limit
their letters to 300 words or they .
will be subject to being cut down
to that limit at the discretion of the
editor Publications of views ot cor
respondents must not be taken to
commit The Bee to their endorse
ment. OMAHA, Jan. 17-To the Editor of Ths
Bee: The secretary of the Ni-bruska State
Banking board In his suggestions to ths
state legitdature recommends an Increase
of salaries snd expenses (all public officials
do this as soon as elected or appointed o
office). He also recommends that borrowers
of money from savings banks be permitted
to receive, and the bank be authorised to
loan to any one Individual 20 per cent of Its
capital and surplus.
At present a bank may loan to one In
dividual 20 per cent of Its capital. This, In
my Judgment, should not be permitted, and
the law not amended. It Is better to mrjee
many small loans than a few large loans,
which will wipe the bank out In rase of
hard times or a shrinkage on values.
Asking the legislature to exempt (he sur
plus In excess of 20 per cent of Its capital
from taxation is a wise and good sugges
tion to the legislature. This will Increase
ths reserve and the depositors should have
the greatest security.
I would suggent that the laws be amended
something like the following: t
Whenever a savings bank fulls or Is
placed in the hands of the State Banking
board, said board shall have authority to
at ones maae a lvy upou ILs uiivald as-
The total value of farm products, live
stock and products of the mines in
South Dakota in
ed to $146,000,000 " an increase of
$20,000,000 over the previous year
$222,250,000 represented the amount
of taxable property in the Statevan
increase of two and onchalf million
over 1905,
The amount of miney deposited in the
various banks in the State in 1906
reached the total of $45,000,000an
average of $93 for each of the 485,000
inhabitants of the State,
There are excellent opportunities for
the farmer, rancher, merchant ' and
professional man along the new lines
of this Railway from Chamberlain to
the Black Hills and from Glenham, in
Walworth County, to Butte, Montana.
Descriptive Booklets Free on Request,
Gajn'l WUrn Aft,
1524 Farnam Street,
sessment due on any stock, and also the
constitution's liability or so much thereof
as may be necessary to pay depositors
and creditors. It shall further be the
duty of the banking board to file with the
clerk of the district court a list of stock
holders and r mount of stock upon which
they are liable and tnelr1 liability thereon,
which shall operate aa a lien to the extent
of their liability upon all property owned
by the stockholder until discharged by pay
ing or liquidating the liability. (This Is the
case In assignments and bankruptcy pro
ceedings.) When the German Savings bank of
Omaha failed In 1S96 It had Issued stock
to the amount of 11,000,000, upon which only
V) per cent had been paid. Instead of the
board of directors calling for the amount
due on stock 80 per cent they let the
bank fall. Had the banking board had the
right to make the assessments there would
have been liens upon 1,800,000 of property
and the depositors would have received
their deposits in full (about $350,000), as it
was, only about 63 per cent, was paid de
positors, after waiting five years.
The State Banking board has never
sought to remedy this defect In ten years.
Will some concerted action be taken to
protect depositors nowT
Mnrder and "olclde.
COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 17. Alex Ballanec,
a Hungarian miner, today killed his wife
and daughter Pearl, aged IB years, and
then committed suicide at Baton, in Bel
For 50
A. Gnckcnbclmer A Bros.
wn w
"t6i. ""'""", 87o -
3ftV, fJs 6ns Osor kss xl
'Ob'VV, never varied LVS?--
nw 1 1 , .
The least expense ia Invariably Incurred
through the early employment of gen
uine professional skill. Health Is too
precious to trifle with, and you cannot
afford to jeopardize It by neglect or ex
periment with uncertain and unre
liable treatment.
The Reliable Specialists of the
Call and Do Examined Free or Write.
X308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Irruanenlly Kslabllalied iu Omaha, Nettraska.
(. .1 ir
the oast venr nmnunt
mont county. Ths family had. been quar
reling over the receipt by the husband of
some several thousands of dollars received
from an estate In Hungary, the woman de
manding that she be given some of the
money Jn her own name. Ballenec killed
the women with a butcher knife and then
shot himself. -
Mangura A Co.," TJE7TTERJ8PBCTAl.T8Ta,
Verdict of the Coroner's Jary In
Case of Edward Arnold
Bernhnrd. ' n
An inquest and autopsy were held ThursH
day afternoon by Coroner Bralley over "tho
body of Edward Arnold Barhhard, ?"Who
died suddenly Wednesday evening , in a
room at the Ivy lodging house, 1317 Doug
las street. It was . ascertained at the
autopsy that Bernhard had an acute at
tack of penumonla, which was the 'eausa
of his death, and tha verdict of the coro
ner's jury was to that effect.
The funeral will be held Saturday at 1
p. m. at the home of a brother, Julius F.
Bernhard, 1317 South Sixth street, and will
be In charge of Rev. John IS. . Humraon,
pastor of the Kountze Memorial Lutheran
church. Burial will be at Forest Laws
Pittsburgh, Pa.
siafe y
1869 .
"Since 183V
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