TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 18. 1907. 3 t Hi f i rr '- , a"e- SALTER EXPLAINS HIS CASE Firs Chlsf Gmt Teebnfqm ofHs Opposi tion to Doubls Shift. , DUMST CONTRARY TO BEST INTERESTS reiki. Cls) Cessltee Oppose Bleaswr Oalr II era as of Relsttea to Omaha's Welfare, The? fay. . ., . The Commercial club commute, which went to Lincoln 'Wednesday to preaent to the legislative committee on labor argu ments why the proposed double shift bill for the fire department should, not ba passed returned well pleased with the showing .made. r . Just what kind of a report the labor com mittee will present Is not yet known, but the Commercial, slub oommlttee hope to .defeat the bill on purely business grounds. The Douglas .sounty delegation Is divided on the .matter- . . ; ... The bfir wm , fc brought up Thursday. Those whd went for the Commercial club were W. 0. Wright Frank Carpenter, Frank Sanborn, David Cola. Kd Georse. Byron Hastings, .""yyslteV ; Jardlne, John I. Brady and O. W. Hoebler. Chief Salter of the fire department accompanied the Omaha committee to explain" conditions as -they dually Alet In Omaha end to give expert testimony on the question of a double shift system. N : ' '''' ' In Justice te hlms'eff Chef Baiter wanted It understood he did not go to Lincoln with any Idea of either opposing or supporting the bill, but merely on requeat of the Com mercial"" club and rtth permission of the Board of Flre and Police Commissioners. States His Position. "I really did not want to go, but felt' It my duty when the Commercial club made the requeat. and If any of my statements had the effect of placing the double shift bill In an unfavorable light I could not help that, for I sgid only what could be verified by Investigation and answered such questions as' were asked me," Chief Baiter explained.' An Impression got out that the chief went to Lincoln with the avowed r purpose oi opposing lot measure. Part of the facta and figures presented by Chief Salter Wednesday before the commit tee on labor, of which Representative Ed Leedcr la ohalrman, ws: Bhould the double shift system be adopted It would entail an additional coat of nearly $100,000 to maintain the department on a safe footing, allowing for a reduction of one man from each hoi company and figuring tho salaries on a basis of the high est that might be paid according to present conditions. At present th department has 117 men besides the chief, two assistants and a sccretary'the snlarles amounting to J11B.100. With the double shift system In operation and allowing but five men to each hose company. In place of six aa at present, and eight men for ah engine com pany, the salaries would figure tlM.OCO, or a difference of seventy-seven men and $78,WiO Ip expense. . Constat? Down to Brass Tacks. . Chief Salter explained that by reducing the number of. men on tha hose wagons and engines the salaries would be reduced, but to cut tha department, under the double shift, from tha, figures presented by him, would make the department inefficient and rouse excessive Insurance rates. At present, he said, the men receive twenty-four hours In "offs" each Id, at days and ten days a year vacation with pay, making about seventy-two days a year off duty. The chief explained how leas than five men to a hose ' company would not be practical even under the double shift system. He said: - fOnemart hag 6 lokaot-e- of the horses, one man staya at tha plug, ; a third man i may ba absent for one of several reasons t jnnA there yau have two men to carry a hose i A and handle )t. It Is not feasible " f , j ; Kdv Oeorge, one of the Commercial club ! committee, said the Commercial club was I opposing the bill on straight business lines i land hud not the least desire to entail any unnecessary hardHhlp or. the firemen, "The double shift system has been tried i elsewhere and found wanting." he said. s "By the best figuring the adaption of the ( system would entail an added expenditure f of nearly tioo.000 and would not yield re- I 'turns commensurate with ths expense. It : Is, therefore, patent that tha taxpayers would ba paying for something they would ot To reducs ths force numerically 1 to offset the added expense would be out I I of the question, because the force is none 1. Moo strong as It is.1 ( Mangum & Co.. LETTER SPECIALISTS. PORTERS FROM THE WRECK Several Colored Mrs Wha Were en ' Fated Trala Pass Throaa-h the City. ' Beveral porters who were on tha Sonth trn Pacidc No.' 10 when It struck" broken rail Monday morning at Death's Curve, nrar Gardner. New. arrived in Omaha Thursday enroute to their homes In Chi cago. N"' pa."ner wss injured in this wre'k, although tho 'engineer was killed. Frank Knox, one of the porters, wss suf fering from a broken nose, J. Jackson had Itla hand aeverely ctrt by gloss and W. Adams was also slightly Injured. Jobasoa Case Delnyed. rtnrinv tn a' delay the hearing on the In function case of Cook Johnson, poultry man, to restrain Postmaster Palmer from withholding mall addressed to Johnson, the ase has not yet come to trial and in tho m.hii mail Is accumulating In the postornce for Mr. Johnson, being held thars under the fraud order Issued agalnat him aom time no bv the postmaster general. The hearing of the case has not been defi nitely fixed as yst and it may not take Complies with all requlrementa of "For oref dity yean." wrkea gentleman tn Lest Angeles, "1 have used ArbociW Coffee Many tiroes my family Eas tried other coffee only to comeback to cue oil reliable, unchanged lie ArbudW No other coee haa tliis uniform never (ailing aiot&a, I care hot at what pice. I have often wished I could tel you this." Many other people have the saroe opinion ArWtUs was ike tret lussiii psflagoj tales, ami its atlas sac nil afl lU etien Md place unlit sfter the rli of the UneMn term of the federal court. WORDS OF DEAD AT OWN BIER Jasaea . KJteaea Write lilrtii B Real at Ilia " Faaeral. The funeral services over James B. Kitchen will consist merely In the reading of an address which wss written by Kir. Kitchen In Novemlx'r, 1S96, upon upon the theme, "Where Life I, there Death Is King." These serv ices will ha held at the Kitchen home at l p. nv Friday and the body will be takpn v,hworXK Ktn.; rr1day lfnt for burial. Mr. Kitchen wss a member of aev- eral secret organisations, but none of these wll partlcipste In the obsequies. George E. Prltchrtt. vice president of the Kitchen Bros. Hotel company, will read the ad- dress left by his dead associate. There will be no active pallbearers in Omaha,;1"1 ,n8 engineers In their demands for but these have been seelcted as honorary: i mor8 P "nd houra. General John C. Cowln, Oeorge E. Prlteh- ' "Tn committee haa been dismissed," said ett, Guy C. Barton. VT. W. Morsman. 1 Mr' MnhWr- "nd verythlng adjusted sat Oeorge F. West. John R. Rlngwalt. Bamuei i l"f,rtnrl"r to both "aM- T"" agreements Bums and C F Weller i are all signed and will be effective February At 10: Friday night' the body will be ! ,or a" tne engineers employed on forty taken to Leavenworth and will be accom- 1 "n roads- "iu ' Chicago, panltd by Mr. Kitchen's nephew,' Ralph T ln"r withdrew their request to Kitchen; the la tier's son, Richard; Miss Rubel and Mr. Catherine Bprague, niece and sister, respectively, of the deceased. Definite arrangements for the funeral of Major Furay have not been made as yet, ttknnvk I. a It, w. 1 1 ... " ' " ' , ' ' TW'" . TO "'a. Da'uJ" I day morning at Rt. John church Tiim I Knlghtg o( Columbus and other Catholic organisations will participate In the cere- I monies. Interment will ba at the Holy ' Bepulcher cemetery, Major Furay had a kindly feeling for the lata Colonel' Frank: E ' Moo res. The two were . the closest of friends. Mr. Furay i and Charles H. Gulou were Mr. Moores' original bondsmen, Mr. Furay- remaining such during Mr. Moores' term of eight years as clerk of the district court, and when the late mayor waa elected In 1897 Major Furay called on his friend and asked to be one of the bondsmen. Mr. Fu ray was bondsman with George T. Mills, park commissioner, during Mr. Moores' mayoralty career. When Mr. Moores was In trouble over an alleged mlaapropriatlon of fees as clerk of the district court Major Furay wrote to him: "Never mind, old comrade; I'll stay with you." Colonel Moores wrote back, saying he never would allow a bondsman, to pay a cent for. him. MAYOR BECKER THE FEATURE Toathfnl Executive of Milwaukee Will Be Star at McKlnley Clnb Banquet. Speaking of the McKlnley club banquet arrangements, John J. Ryder of the com mittee having the banquet In charge says: "We considered ourselves fortunate In being able to secure Mayor Sherburne M. Becker of Milwaukee for this annual event. He Is In constant demand as a speaker at political and commercial banquets and will oome to Omaha from Louisville, Ky., where he addresses the Board of Trade a day or two previous to our date. While not as radical a republican as La Follette, Mayor Becker' Is every whit as forceful. His fight for tha mayoralty against -democrats, socialists and 'conservative' repub licans was one of the most notable po litical battles ever fought In Wisconsin. Becker always has something to say that makes people talk. "In cldltlon to the Wisconsin leader we havo the promise of I'nlted Btates Sen ator Norrls Brown that he will make all possible effort te gut back from Washing ton In 'time for the'toanerurt,' and the tone of hi letter 'leaves no doubt of Ms in-' tentloA to be with us. ' He wants to' meet and become acquainted with the ' Omaha leaders tn business and politics, and has let his friends so understand. The Mc Klnley club, because of Its position as a boosting club purely, provides a safe meet ing ground for men of all elemonts tn the party, and Senator Brown has always been a very popular man with the membership. He knows, too, that his friendliness Is heartily reciprocated. "Governor Sheldon has also given the committee an acceptance of Its Invitation, conditional on his official duties permitting the trip. As matters demanding his Im mediate attention will be pretty well set tled by tho end of the month, we are conti nently counting on his attendance. "Tickets will be on sale with the mem bers of the club the coming week. Those wishing to attend must make their reser vations early, because we expect to test the capacity of tho Millard to accommo date the crowd on the evening of Janu ary IS." MAN ON WARPATH IN HOME Thirteenth Street Restanrnnt Keeper Threatens to Exterminate Ills Whole Family. Theodore Klgbey, proprietor of a restau rant at 10 Bouth Thirteenth street, went on the warpath Wednesday night by threat ening to exterminate his family. His wife ard children wsnt to the city Jail for pro tection, and during their absence Rlgbey transferred his attention to roomers In ths house, who also complained to the police. Sergeant Samuelson and Officer Glover were sent to the scene, of the attempted carnage and placed Rigbey under arrest. His wife appeared against him In police court Thurs day morning and testified" that her husband had threatened many times to kill her and their children. In sentsnclng Rigbey to tn days in jail Judge Crawford said hs would either have to be good or spend the rest of his life la prison. the National J'ura Food Law, Guarantee No. 2011, filed at Washington. (avC thch Afiamon ahotw POWC TMATTUantDTHCWlUlfe- mjs nro wc mc3T IsfCtW. TVstkmiy WkoW-nrpry to aT cofee basnets bsmg so Slue sreataf thaa aar compcoioo. at lad, k is larger thaa tha next four Uqjmt anas im tb world comLisod, naturally eaa sad actually do g bennr cof es m ARi53X Ibaa) anyooTsLe caa fnre ft tha pries; Bsssg tU f'j artkle k is asU at lis asrtowest ssargia oi ffoU. Some grocer, will try to wll you instead loose coffee which the toaster i. suhamed to tell ia a SAS ALL IS WELL Union Pacific Genml Manirer Satitfitd With Eesult of Conference. PEACE FOR FORTY-SEVEN : RAILWAYS Guilaeeri Complimented ' aa Betas Able Body af Nr., 14 hy Stroasi Eierntlve la "tone. Ge nernl Manager Mohler of the Union Pa- (cillc, who has been attending a meeting of j ,ne executive committee of the managers I r tne western roads, returned to Omaha rhursday morning. Mr. Mohler waa one cf committee of twelve who represented IO"r-ven western lines In the conference have the time reduced to eight hours and said their purpose In asking for eight hours ; was simply as a basis of value: that they ; knew trains could not be run between ttr- mlnals on that time and that to Inslst.on I eight hours as a day's work would chahge every terminal on most of the roads and ...... make men abandon their homes at the preaent terminals. : "The conference was most representative and Mr. Stone of the engineers showed him self to be a man of unusual ability, fairness and tact. All the chnlrmen of these lines ,un.n nn. .nnnorir,. a....i. , telllgcnt body." Four Sample Steel Cars. The Union Pacific Is building at its Omahtw shops four sample steel cars, two for freight, one for passenger service and one mall car. Steel car construction Is attracting the attention of railroad man agers all over the country because' of their great superiority over the old wooden type. The difficulty has been that steel cars were built along the same lines as the old wooden cars, and this has made them too heavy, although they were considerably stronger. The problem Is now to develop a, car wkloh will get the additional strength from the use of steel without piling on too much additional weight. . Deniarrsge Law Btar Help. The railroads claim the new demurrage law Is a great help to them In getting coal to tha centers where It Is needed. Under this new arrangement the dci.lers are re quired to unload the cars within a certain time or pay a heavy demurrage, while under the old ruling cars were held for weeks before they were unloaded. Take the Instance of the Burllngtonaaloni, which Is the heavy coal carrying line Into Omaha because it brings coal here from all dlrec tlons. Before the demurrage clause was enforced It was no uncommon occurrence for that roud to have 500 loaded cars on the tracks In Omaha at one time. Thurs day that roud had 200 loaded cars and all these probably would be unloaded before they began to draw demurrage. Omaha Is consuming more and more coal every year as the homes Increase In number as well a the manufacturing Institutions. DOWN WITH THE DEADBEAT lagan of Hotel Clerks Who Want Law to Prevent This Sort of Rasrallty. "Dow with the readbeat." . With this slogan as the shibboleth of their cauipalgn the, hotel uterks tat- Omaha-will go Into the meeting of the Nebraska and Iowa Hotel Clerks' association next Mon day night with a determination of devising a bill to be passed Into law at the legis lature which will give them and their em ployers some protection against the dead beat -more effectual than that now pro vided. The meeting will be In the building of the Hotel Reporter on Fourteenth street. TOM JOHNSON STILL ACTIVE Beats Oat Attack of Pneumonia and Is Worth Several Dead Men, He gays. Word come from the home of "Tom" Johnson, 4110 Rurdette street, that his threatened attack of pneumonia has been dissipated. - Mr. Johnson, one of the oldest and best known residents of the city, suf fered a stroke of apoplexy' something over a year ago, but was able to be out every day during the summer. A bad cold con tracted recently threatened to develop Into pneumonia, but the danger ta now past snd the veteran' assessor and politician as sorts he is still worth several dead men. Tho Time to Bny Vrm Usd. Many land investments have yleldnd 104 per cent during tho past year. This has been especially true of the cheap lands In Nebraska, Kansas, tho Dnkotas, Texas and Arkansas. Wheat lands, in many cases, have paid the purchuse price out of one crop. Uand has made a thousand fortunes where mines have made one. The most glowing prospectus of a mining company sounds tame beside the astuul profits reaped from bountiful crops and Increusing land values. And prices are still going up. Now la the time to Invest. Look for bargains In tha want ad pages of The Beo. Dan B, Butler Makes Blaf Hit. City Clerk Pun B. Butler has scored a ten-strike In the new official roster of ths city he has issued. The little card folder Is succinct and at the same time compre hensive. It really contains informiition that a person might be able to use. differ ing In this respect from many similar af fairs. (OLD 111 SEALED ro yoga OTCCTlOn package bearing his name. Doa I lake a, aekber & look not tke fmc untcshi ki cup qualiry. No Bisonr Waara yoa buy ArbudU ARJOSA, or wkat you pay lor a, it's tti ssas oU aaifom Aibacklss ARlOSACofea, If yout grocer will not supply, write to ARBUCXLE BROS, twwY-aOv. r - i rAJ hills and Fewer yiredl MIS8 uffy's If you wish to keep strong and vigorous and have on .your cheeks the glow of perfect Jjealth. take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, according to directions and take no other medicine. It Is dangerous to fill your system with drugs, they poison the body and depress the heart, while Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey tones and strengthens the heart action and purifies the entire system. It is recognized as a family medicine everywhere. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey hps stood severe tests for fifty years and has always been found absolutely pure and to contain great medicinal properties. CAU.TTON When you ask your druggist, grocer or dealer for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, be sure you get the genuine. It's the only absolutely pure medicinal malt whiskey and is sold only in sealed bottles; never in bulk. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, and make sure the seal over the cork is unbroken. Price $1.00. Illustrated medical booklet and doctor's advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. MODJESKA'S LADY MACBETH Impressive Fer'crmancs of Impcrtatit Character by Gieat o:resa. FAREWELL APPEARANCE" OF THE STAR Splendid Company r Supports Her Efforts, and Brilliant Audience Gives Her an Enthusiastic Reception. Mme. Helena Modjeska snd company in "Macbeth," a tragedy'-in-' six acts and fourteen scenes, by. :WUliam -tihakespeaie. The cast; , Duncan, king of Scotland..... Mc, -Edward N. Hoyt .. it?. Thomas R. Mills Malconl ... Donslbnln Macbeth .. M4ss Claia Athy Mr. CharJes D. Herman Banouo Mr. iMward lowers Macduff MJr fe:'C f;Knv"lu ' e full light . a dagger, Lennox Mr. Koss . Mentelth Angus Caithness Mr. I.. .. Me. Tom Robi nson ... Mr. Gilbert Parker . Mr. DuIIhs McDonald ..... Mr. Hirry Tubbett Drunken Porter Kleance, son to BHn(nio.,..Miss May Smith Slward, early of Northumberland, gen- ml of the English forces Mr. John McUeod young Hlward, ins son,. ...... ;,! Master itoneri iiirrio Cvtnn sn nfflcer attending on Macbeth Mr. Bonner Keel Gentlewoman, attending on Lady Mac beth Mlns Klsie rancnuri A Doctor Mr. Arthur Hinton A Bleeding Sergeant. .Mr. Sand McPhe am A Messenger Mr. John Alexander h ( , 1 Ail iml 1 71 First Murderer . Second Murderer Mr. Cyril Ward An Old Man Mr. Andrew Anson Lady Macbeth. .Madame Helena Modjeska First Witch Miss Amy Btnne Becond Witch Miss Margaret B'lcklin Third Witch Miss Grsce Vsresl First Apparition Mr. J. MooreWnd Becond Apparition Miss Jean Arthur Third Apparition Miss Jessie Brown Omaha will remember Helena Modjeska an standing wide-eyed and gasping, staring at her hand, the anguish of a soul torn by remorse written on her face, while her whole attitude and aspect depicted the ter ror and misery and sorrow of a kindly na ture overborne by sin. ) It Is Just a little singular that Mmo. Modjeska should have chosen to make her farewell appearance In the sleep-walking scene from "Macbeth," but she did, and she depicts with terrible realism the blttesness of that spectacle, prophetic as' it was of her impending doom, when all the fabric of her wrong-doing, born of ambi tion snd foxtered in lust for power, should come crashing down upon her and bury her bonnalh Its ruin. It msttera not here to debate the question as to which was first the sinner, husband or wife, or to argue as to which was the greater. Laily Macbeth In Helena Modjeeka's hands be comes the equal partner of her lord and sharer In his Inmost thoughts. Ehe fur nishes htm with that finer quality of courage which he larks, but saps her own strength in giving the inspiration for his bloody deeds. All this Is made cleur by the star whose light will soon be lost In voluntary eclipse. It Is a great character, and lias been daemed worthy the Lt ef forts of ths greatest of tragediennes. In this attitude Mme. Modjeska has ap proached It. and with careful, well consid ered steps she develops It from the first scsne, In which a newly hatched hope fledges Itself into bloody resolve, to that ending wherein remorse and horror for the crime blots out all else. The climax is reached by such degrees as lessen the shock, but do not disturb the impressive- ness of the cumulative effect. Herman Klne Macbeth. Supporting Mme. Modjeska is a company of uncommon excellence. Mr. Herman gives such a presentation of Macbeth as might In the main be called a star performance Itself. He shows a rare and discriminating Intelligence in his reading of the lines, majestic in their poetry and Impressive in their tenor, set down for the part, and il luminates their meaning perfectly. Once or twice during the evening he seemsd to re cede from the high plane on which he pitched his conception of the part, but only for an Instant, and these brief relaxations were more than compensated for by the fire and vigor with which he renewed his effort to make the real Macbeth live. Al together Mr. Herman quite dominated the situation, sharing with the star the credit (or the success of the evening. Seen Call for Mr, Montague. , Mr. Montague was the reclplentvaf what Is an honor decidedly rare In Omaha, a scene call. At the close of the scene la which be voiced bis grief at the massacre ( Us family and vowed but vow of veo-' MAY COYNE Pure Mali B?ance against he tyrant who had slain th'm, he was recalled to bow Ills acknowl edgement of the storm of applause that followed him. Those lines were never read with more force or better judgment as to emphasis and Inflection In Omaha. Mr. Mills as Malcolm shows strength, and Mr. Lewers Is satisfactory as Bunquo. Others In the long cast contribute to the success ful production of the play. Piece Rlaboratcly Staged. . The piece has been staged with much elaboration. In the witches cavern a realis tic touch has been added that hlghtens the general uncanny effect and gives the wlerd slstcis all the verisimilitude of those encountered by the thanes on the blasred heath and after sought by the king in their den. in the banquet hall something of the pleading, effect is sacrificed to the effort to preduee a startling illusion. The lights are turned off, and Banquo actually appears under a ray of blue light. This detracts, rather, from the scene. It would se?m that Macbeth could as well see nd C. Phillips'1"" auoience woum understand 11 quits as i well. A slight awkwardness In restoring the light on the disappearance of the ghost lends further objection to the plan. Heccpfteu to Mtnr Warm. Mine. Modjeska has reason to feol pleased with her. reception at the Boyd last night, for it was not only an enthusiastic audi i ,, , dice, but a studious one us well. The in tellect of Omaha as well as the wealth and fashion was there, and the warm applause that caused the star and her leading man to appear again and again to bow acknowl- edgenient of the appreciation of their ef- ' ' ; ,l,rt" as a genuine tribute to the efccel- lence oi me performance. FAT MAN WEARS A BARREL Robbed of Ills Trousers, Nam Morris Dona tho First Thins; In Sight. For the Immediate present, at least, Sam Morris of 2011 Webster street Is fancifully attired In a barrel of the latest London cut, due to the operations of two burglars, who stole the trousers of Mr. Morris early Thursday morning, and, on account of the portly form of Mr. Morris, he has been un able to find trousers that will fill the va cancy. Mr. Morris was wakened about I a. m. Thursday to hear the two burglars running down the stairs leading from his room, but too late to rescue his Irouiers, which contained only 35 cents and some letters. Burglnrs also entered the house of W. M. McElry, 630 South Twenty-eighth street, Wednesday night by breaking open a rear window. The thieves ransacked tho house and broke open two trunks, bat obtained nothing, as they were evidently in sea sen of money only. CRAZY MAN SHOOTS AT DEVIL Demented Srgro Poura Toiler Into Celling:, Sending Terror Through out Neighborhood. Repeated fusillades or revolver shots startled the occupants of the house at 182 North Twenty-third street shortly before noon Thursday and gave the Impression that some desperate outlaw was in the art of committing murder. The police were notified and a hurry run was mad in the patrol wagon by Sergeant Renlfrow and Officer I-ahey, who found John Howard, colored, shouting the celling or Ma room PREAMBLE DENTISTRY Toitb Talk No. 104 In my office you will find much that Is dreadable in dentistry haa been taken away. For Instance, there Is no pain In the Ailing or crowning of teeth when my pain less method is used. Again I In sert porcelain fillings that cannot be seen atid one no bng-.-r dreads the display of gold in the front tenth. Another thought you'll find my Instruments, ortice, linen, etc., In perfect harmony with those who desire cleanliness In their' dental work. DR. FICKES, D""st 'Fhone Doug. t7. lit Bee Bldg. - --- ' Miss May Coyne, a promi nent young woman of St. Louis, Mrx, who was a great sufferer from malaria, chills and fever, was cured by DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY. "I was a great sufferer for many months from Miliaria, accompanied occasionally by chills and fever, brought on from living In a swampy ectlon of the country. I tried nu merous remedies, with little or no re sult. A friend advised me try DUFFY'S MALT WHISKEY, with the result that Lam now enjoying perfect health, and do cheerfnlly recommend It to anyone suffering from that disease. Any one Is at liberty to write to mo as to the good DUFFYY'S MALT WHISKEY has done me. "Hoping this will be of good to some one, I am, MIS3 MAY COYNE. 2930 Lucas Avo., St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 1st, 1906." Miss May Coyne Joins the thousands of men and women who have been cured by this great family medicine, and of her own free will Is anxious to tell the people what It has done for her." Whiskey full of hok'S. Howard is demented and was under the impression that his majesty of the land of brimstone was after him. How srd was taken to the city Jail and locked up for safekeeping. Howard recently achieved notoriety by trying to sell an In fallible cure for asthma and hay fever to Mayor Dahlman and others In ths city hall UPS AND DOWNS OF PALMER Information Bureau of PostofTlce Is MnklnsT tho Postmaster's Hnlr White. The old adage of "telling your troubles to a policeman" is not In It with the num ber and variety of Inquiries received at the Omaha postoffice during the day for In formation. These run all the way from a pathetlo Inquiry for a lost child, wife, hus band, father, mother or sweetheart, sup posed to' be swallowed up In the great maelstrom of dally life In thla metropolis, to an Inquiry as to the reliability of i clairvoyant. A letter was reveled Thursday morning asking "confidential" Information as to the accuracy of the skill of certain advertised astrologers, fortune tellers In foretelling the future, offering liberal compensation for the Information, as the writer (from Sibley, la.,) had some Important matter to confide to the fortune teller, whose advice was asked for. Only recently a Jealous wife wanted the postoffice department to keep track of the letters received by her husband and save out a few for her, but not let him know anything about It. Then, again, there occurs the dally kick for the nonappearance of some expected letter or Inquiry for the recovery of a let ter which the writer forgot to stamp, or. in some cases which they forgot to ad dress. The day's routine in the Omaha postoffice la filled with stories of hope deferred dis appointment, Joy, sorrow and unwritten ro mances that would make a thrilling story of life surpassing In reality the wildest dreams of a novelist's fancy. And It la just these . troubles that Is making Post master Palmer grow more gray each day. HIS HEAD THE STORM-CENTER Man Accuses Wlfo of Hurllnar Tang. Ible and Intangible Bind, geons at It. Tf all Is true that William Waack sl leges In a petition filed In the district court Thursday he probably will not be de prived of a decree of divorce from Louise. C. Waark. He says she threatened him with a revolver, saying, "I will blow your head off;" offered to cut his head off with a butcher knife, struck htm over the head with a granite dish full of milk and "whitened" him and his brother with the mlk. He says she used. In fact, dishes, pans, knives ard every culinary article 1, the house and threatened to destroy his looks and sight and "face" by throwing blue vitriol upon him. He alleges that ahe followed him to work and denounced him before his employers, and had him arrested twice without cause. He went to Lincoln to get work, and she followed him there, he says, and had him arrested. Waark says he earns lit a week as a steam fitter and that lie has always given his wife 110 or 113 of this. He asks a di vorce, the custody of their two children an an order restraining his wife from fol lowing him or their children or threatening them with bodily harm. WADSWORTH BACK FROM EAST Prealdeat Belleva Visits Eastera retirees for Notes osi Sam saev Assemblies. Dr. Guy W. Wadsworth. president of Bellavue college, returned Wednesday from New York. Philadelphia, Pittsburg. Wheel ing, Cincinnati and Chicago, where he had been in the Interests of the college, princi pally to Investigate the methods of operat ing summer assemblies at the eastern col leges. Bellevus is to have a summer as sembly this year, snd Pr. Wadsworth Is endeavoring to get the work outlined as early as possible. Dr. Wadsworth attended s reunion of the Amherst foilege class, iu which he grsdusted. Rev. Anderson Crane of Obsrlln, Kan., has been enguged as business manager for the college and he will manage the affairs of the summer assembly as well. Ha haa resigned his pulpit position at Obrlln and baa already arrived at Boltevua. Bargain Friday Genuine Money-Saving Reductions Compare with values offered elsewhere and you will know it. Underwear for Women Roduml from S.V W omen's heavy fleered vesta and pants good quality will go f Cl Friday at I.C Kwlurod front flOr W o m n ' heavy derby ribbed vests and pants, hand finished In Bilk, cut extra large Friday. . . 39C Reduced front 91 .25 Women's medium and heavy weight com bination atilts, ribbed 70 Friday .'. W Reduced from 9173 Women's merino and woolen combination euits fine quality will 98c go Friday Women's Belts Reduced from 7.V W omen's silk and leather belts f beautiful stylos Friday.. UC Women's Flannel Skirts Reduced from 75c W omen's outing flannel skirts good quality and extra full width Friday aiC Women's Flannel Gowns Reduced from 08c W omen's flannel gowns best quality of outing flannel and nice- J t ly trimmed Friday .... Ladies Felt Slippers Ladies' Felt Slippers, worth up to 12.00 sizes up to 5 C Friday OJC Though Blindfolded you could select from this stock without any danger of not getting your money's worth. You simply cannot help It. thla Daily Dollar Reduction Sale Is making to measure anyone's choice of anyone of our $30 Fall andWinter Suitings (Except Solid Blacks and Blues) For $14.00 Friday No furthur reduction will be made. Only a few patterns left Better hurry. It Is giving you your pick from Suitings of such startling worth that you could pick up the first one you came to and be sure that you would get more than your money'a worth. Each Suit Is tail ored 60 carefully that again more than your money's worth la aa suiad you. Thla sale makes new customers for us. We simply must make that sale Suit satisfactory If we expect to retain their pat ronage. MacCARTHY-WILSON TAILORING CO. . Phone Doug. 1808. XH-iOt Bo. lth 81. Next door to the Wabash Ticket office. V- '-.' Adding Machine Is the latest, roost modern, up-to-date Adding and 'Listing Machine on the market. It must be see to be appreciated. Correspondence Solicited. Iriul Examination r i A. L. MoCreary Kebrackn Agent, P. O. IlOX 80li UMCOL.M. TWENTIETH . CENTURY FARMER Ssturies AM Classes. 'i