Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Charm Af Ifau of filte Grading; of
Qrtii at Bt Lonh sni Eliswler.
aFrf. Brier Make Some Starlllasr
tatcsseats a- Gatfcerlasr (
AgrlcaMarlsta .at Lla-
' ' coin. '
(PWi a Btff Correspordent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special Tele
Tm. Charges that other train market
war stealing business -rom Omaha by
mean of falae trading of grain were
mads today , at the meeting of the Farm
era Co-Operative drain and Llva Stock
association by Tremonl Cone, leader of
tha minority In the house ' of representa
tives and a prominent grain mat Mr.
Con presented lettera to ahow that grain
whipped from Omaha territory' to Bt.
Louis waa graded higher than It ahould
ba and that thia waa done In order to
Induce dealer to patronise the St. Louis
market. The association paaaed a resolu
tion favoring tha inspection of grain by
tha national goremment. provided for In
tha Maeumber bill now before congress.
Members of the association In a spirited
fllscusaion tonight charged the railroads
give many town In Nebraska such poor
ervlca . Into tha Omaha and Bt. Joseph
markets that the ahrlnkage of lire stock
on the cars eats up all tha profit. A leg
islative committee has been appointed and
tha association will endeavor to get drastic
legislation from the legislature to cure the
ML Tha association discussed tha ques
tion of co-operative creameries today, and
ft committee of three was appointed to go
to Omaha and Investigate the oo-operative
methods of the Harding Creamery com
pany, . with Instructions to make public
the result. The following officers have
teen elected for the ensuing year:
O. O. Smith,, Kearney, president; T. W.
Lnedon, Gretna, vice president; J. 8.
Canaday, Mlnden, secretary; directors, F.
H. Stump, 8trawsvUle; T. W. Langdon,
Gretna: Hans Belck, Elgin; D. W. Baker,
Benedict; J. 8. Canaday, Mlnden; C. 8.
Pee to, Kearney; O, G. Smith, Kearney.
The two days' meeting closed tonight
sjvtth a banquet at the Llndoll hotel, at
which Tremont Cone waa toastmaster.
That one-fourth of the corn raised IA N.
braska Is destroyed by pests was the, start
ling statement of Prof. Bruner of the State
tuUyerslty than address before the Nebraska
Corn Improvers' association today. His lec
ture waa Illustrated by lantern slides. Pocket
gopher alone, ha said, destroyed $1,000,000
worth of grain annually. Insects, -Jie, de
clared, caused , the destruction of $10,000,000
worth of corn every, year. He then dis
cussed tha best way to get rid of tha most
destrvrttv pert. .
William Ernst, president of the associa
tion, and a number of othera addreased tha
Prises at the annual corn exhibit were an
ocneed this afternoon as follows:
White Corn First prise, Lee Smith
Bon, OeSoto; R6. per cent, corn planter.
Baoona prise, Henry Belts, DeSoto, 86 per
Cent; grader.
Yellow' Corn First prise, Lee Smith At
Son, DeSoto, 86 tef cent: corn harvester.
Second prlxe, J.' F. Olson, Ithaca, 85. & per
mii corn cultivator.
Calico . Corn First prise, Charles Orau,
PennlnsrOn. A8.6 rer rent: im cultivator
Second prise, R. M. Wolcott, Palmer, 70.6
jer ceni: porraDie corn cno,
Single Eai Ffrat prise. A. J. Olson, Wa
poo, corn planter; second. C. M. Schmale,
Emerald; third. R. Hogue, Crete; fourth,
l ee Bmlth A Bon. DeSoto; fifth. A. J. Olson,
Wahoo; sixth, W Belts, DeSoto.
In the yellow, white and calico com con
tests two prises each were offered. In the
single ear. contest. JJiere wer six, prises.
v ill celveX castC
Fifteen doilara waa divided pro rata among
W1 . -
w. iira were several nunarea con-
tssrtants and ell -nvm m naM I v
- I . -WMI.
jrera given amall sums of money.
Tha Apple Growers' association met to
Iflay and listened to discussions on subjects
f Interest to -orchard man. ; The follow
ing! were on the program: G. A. Marshall
f Arlington;. J X. Craig, president of the
park board of Omaha; J. W. Murphy of
Olenwood, la., and Prof. C.E. ClemenU of
the state university.
Two hundred representatives of State
' Mutual Insurance companies are In session
kere. The first meeting- of the annual
convention was. held this morning. About
twenty-flv companies are represented. Tha
convention la considering matters of inter
est relating to' the local insurance associa
tions. . ' .
The seventeenth annual meeting of the
Nebraska Academy . of Sciences met this
tnornlng in. the Mechanical arts hall at
th Stats, university. Sessions were held
In the morning and. afternoon and In the
evening the members attended the concert
of the University Glee club at the univer
sity. Among those on the program are: B.
R. Town. F. D. Baker. H. 8. Bmlth. R. II.
Wolcott. A. E. Sheldon. H. B. Ward, E.
S5V. Davis, O. E. Cohdra and K. H. Barbour.
1 oil Istuftu , n
Bute OH. Inspector Ed A, Church has
Clsd hjs report for ihe month of Decern -s
bar. It shows receipts of the office to have
ieen W2.w r d the, expenses $982.17, mak
soar a toiai paw io treasurer ot $1.Z 13.
Bearel tea Reject Appralaesaeat.
The supreme court holds that the Board
f Educational I.anda and Funds has the
light to protect the stale and refuse to
teed school lands on appraisement and be
low the actual value of the land. This
right was. challenged in the case of Delilah
flutledge jn, an ' application for a writ of
mandamus directing State Land Commis
sioner H. M. Eaton to execute to her a
tats deed for -eight acres of school land
In Jefferson county, the land having been
appraised by county appraisers at $17.60 an
acre for ssls purposes.
There are hundred of thousands of acrea
s school land, comprising lands leased
rlor to 1S97, still subject to ssle. This
decision may Increase the revenues of the
atate school fund materially. The right ot
the state board te reject appraisements
that are deemed too low has been disputed
for many years.
In the case of Rachel Markham against
. the vprem qpurt of the Independent Or
der of Feresters 'the court holds that a
rule of .a fraternal benefit association
which requires an appeal from the ac
tion of Ita officer, vested with authority
to allbw Or reject death claims to the
ajuprem body whose action thereon is de
clared to be final, is unreasonable, and Is
old as against public' policy.
Bewlkr Taa Hold OSBee.
Charles E. Bowlby, county treasurer of
Ballne county, has been decreed to be In
rightful possession of his office, although
ba has been appointed once and elected
'Aalt any physician Vbout
tke 11 Ml book, The Bo4 U
WeiirtUe." la pkgs.
twice consecutively to tha position. Por
ter F. Dodson, the contestant, claimed
that this gavs Bowlby three consecutive
terms of pfflce, which Is prohibited under
the statutes.
State Htaterteat fleclefr.
At a meeting of the State Historical
society tonight Dr. George U Miller of
Omaha was re-elected president and the
following other officers were choeen: Robert
Harvey, vice president; James E. North of
Platte county, second rice president; J. EL
Oelsthardt, treasurer, and C. & Paine, sec
rets rr.
Robert F. Gilder of Omaha, who recently
broke Into the limelight by discovering tha
bones of the oldest man known to scientists.
told In an Interesting sddress of his mound
explorations near Omaha, while Edwin H.
Barbour supplemented his talk. K. E,
Blackman of Lincoln exhibited Indian cos
tumes and talked of Indian customs.
Nest Coaveatloa .at Nebraska City
Names of New Officers.
GRAND1 ISLAND. Neb.. Jan. 17.-8neclal
Telegram.) The Nebraska Veteran Fire
men association held Its annual meeting
hei-e today for election of officers.
The following officer Were elected:
President. J. V. HrJer. York: 'first vice
president, Mark Mortenson, Fremont;
second vice president, Bert Galley, Colum
bus; secretary, E. A. Miller, Kearney
treasurer, Henry Graff. Seward: board of
control, George Howe, Fremont; J. F. Mc-
isee, Kearney; R. N. McCalllster, Grand
Island; R. H. Reynolds, Norfolk, and John
McKay of Blair.
Nebraska City was chosen as the clans
of the next convention.
The convention then adjourned. The vis
iting delegates were banaueted by the
local firemen tonight.
Traveling; Mem Tell of Shipments
Ilvered from Railroad.
YORK, Neb. Janl7. 8peclal.r-At one
of the leading hotels several traveling men,
traveling out of Omaha, Chicago and other
points, were telling how they had diverted
shipments away from the Rock Island. One
of the traveling men said he had diverted
shipments from Chicago to Omaha, Topeka,
Denver and Kansas City to the amount of
6U0 cars, and that If the Rook Island had
treated Omaha right they could just as
well have received all these shipments. The
other traveling men told of carload lots
they had diverted causing a loss to the road
amounting to hundreds of doilara. They
estimated "that if all traveling men were
doing as they were the Rock Island was
losing thousands upon thousands In freight
shipment on account of their treatment of
Farmers' Baslaess Assoelatloa.
WILSONVILLE, Neb., Jan. 17. 8peclal.)
The Farmers' Independent Business as
sociation held It annual meeting and elec
tion of officers. L. W. Young was elected
president to succeed O. C. Burns, who was
elected vice president; Ralph Anderson was
re-elected secretary, as was also George
Kllnglngsmlth for treasurer. George An
derson,' John Van Cleave and Charles
Ttland wer each elected to fill three-year
terma as director. The association Is com
posed of about 200 farmers and ha been
in existence about eighteen months and
was formed for the purpose of shipping
grain and live stock. When first organised
a shovel house waa built and used for the
first yesr, when a 12,000-bushel elevator was
built. Since the completion of the house
a large amount of grain has been shipped,
as have also cattle and hogs. The general
price thus obtained have been considerably
better, thus benefiting the whole commu
nity. Farmer . Loses Hsmd. i ' "
CALLAWAY. Neb., Jan. -17. 8peclal
Telegram.) John Bams, while shelling corn
near Arnold today, had his - right hand
ground up In a horsepower so that ampu
tation waa necessary above the wrist.
Nebraskaa la. Hard Lack.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Jan. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) Harry Theves of Lawrence, Neb.,
reports tonight to the police that he lost
today, In the main waiting room at Union
station, his railroad ticket to Lawranoe,
News of Nebraska.
YORK Representatives Hart and Baker
have returned to Lincoln.
MCOOL JUNCTION William Gateway
was married this week, to Mis Grace A.
BLUE HILL A new real estate firm has
been formed In Blue Hill, composed of
B. K. Brown and Harm Rose.
BEATRICE William Brandt, a boy. Is
suffering from blood poisoning In his foot
caused by stepping on a rusty nail,
PLATT8MOUTH-J. B: Thompson is re
ported te be in a critical condition from
the effect of a fall on the Icy sidewalk. .
BEATRICE-TroXel A Bens yesterday
shipped thirty-two head of horses to Lane
dale, Pa., to be disposed of on the markets
YORK The Ladles' Amateur Musical
club program given at the Young Men'a
Christian association building waa highly
appreciated. (
BRAD8HAW Miss Anna Llnstrom or
York and William A. Smith of Omaha were
married at the home of the bride's parents
near here.
BLUE HILL Frank Delahoyde has pur
chased the Tund store building on the
south side of Main street, which he has
been occupying as a pool nail.
YORK Louis Rothman, the York artist.
is sick at Fairbury, where he was deco
rating a new church. His wife has left to
Join ltlin. He I threatened with pneu
monia. WILSONVILLE Th third number of
the Wllsonvtlls teachers' lecture course
was alven at the Methodist church laat
Thursday night by the Bterltug Jubilee
BEATRICE An Interdenominational mis
sion study clsss was organised yesterday
afternoon In the Presbyterian church. It
was arranged, to hold meetings twice a
BEATRICE "Bill" and "Jim" Blowers,
brothers, fought a fast mill In West Beat
rice last night, but neither wss badly In
jured. The former was abusing his wUs,
when the latter Interferred.
BEATRICE Revival meetings are being
held at the La Belle street Methodist Epis
copal church in West Beatrice, conducted
by Rev. J. R. Lewis. Since the meetings
opened there have been thirty-two conver
sions. YORK Oecar Shlpnuui received a tele
gram notifying him that his eldest daugh
ter, who was visiting at Sargent, waa
thrown from a horse and had her arm
broken. Mrs. Stilpman left at once (or
CAMBRIDGE Icy and slippery conditions
of sidewalks snd roads have prevailed here
for several days and a very painful acci
dent waa sustained by Mr. A. L. Baugh
man of this city as a result. He fell aud
broke his arm. today.
PERU W. H. Lowe waa the guest of
the local Commercial club. Mr' Lowe Is
a practical canner and has sccepted a
proposition to come to Peru and put In a
canning plant in time to take care of next
season's fruit and vegetables.
BEATRICE The old exchange of the
New Home Telephone company, which baa
bren located In the Le Poidevln block for
the last five years, waa removed laat even
ing to th new exchange of tbe company
In the Beatrice National bank block.
. TEC I'M 8 mi John F. Kuhlman and Miss
Frances Hahn, both of this county, were
married St ths home of the bride's father,
William Hahn. in the Graf neighborhood.
The wedding was attended by 126 guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Kuhlman will reside on a
farm In Lincoln product.
WACO Fred Bllncow, who ha mad his
money as a tenant farmer near here, baa
purchased a large farm a llltea farther
west, to which he will move. He ha
made over $7,( In the laat Ave years on
the (arm which he la uow latvia niter
paying the prevailing rent.
YORK Considerable Interest Is . mani
fested In the recent meeting of the etock
holders of the York County Agricultural
eaaoulatlan. The - proposal to sell the
rounds met with considerable opposition.
Leading business men say. t fyY will assist
in promoting the York cou&ty fair and
make It one of th great (aire la N.
Half Price Sale Odds aid Eids aid Remnants
THE mighty upheaval of our recent gigantic Unloading Sale has brought to light innumerable odds and
ends and remnants of every kind and description, which have been gathered together, placed on
bargain tables and will be sold at Half Price Friday and Saturday. The collection is comprehensive,
embracing a representative showing of thousands of remnants, odds and ends and broken lots from every
department in the Daylight Store The values are, no doubt, the greatest ever given to the Omaha pub
lic. These remainders of our great sale we give you as a reminder of our matchless bargains hereafter,
every day in the week, this store will be center,
You will find hundreds of good, usuable
lengths in new, stylish Silks and Dress
Goods, suitable for waists, Bkirts and suits.
The Linen department offers tempting J2
price values in all grades of linens. The
Ribbon and Lace and Embroidery depart
ments are strongly represented. The Hos
iery and Underwear also fall in the Vfc
price line. The second floor, with its mag
nificent showing of Ready-made Garments
and Furs, will be a place of attraction with
its Yi price offerings. The Basement pres
ents scores and scores of Yz price bargains,
both in the Dry Goods and House Furnish
ing department.
braska. Next Saturday they will hold
another meeting.
NELSON The jury ha been dismissed
until Wednesday of next week, because
Hon. George w. Stubbs of Kansas City,
one of the attorneys In the Cate-Oress
trial, was called home by severe sickness
in his family. The court's time has been
occupied In disposing of -some civil mat
YORK J. A. Shoemaker of StromsbursT
purchased the Van Vlnet barbel shop and
took possession this week. Two of the
best barbers In the shop, Messrs. Ooble and
Boslough, purchased the barber shop under
the German-American bank and left Mr.
Bhoemaker short of workmen for a day or
M COOL. JUNCTION M. E. Boren & Co..
a hardware Arm, has purchased the McCooL
electric light plant, which was recently in
stalled by parties from Grand Island. It
Is believed the plant will be profitable by
reason of the tact that water power la
furnished by the McCool Roller Water
mills st small cost.
BEATRICE In the presence of a small
company of friends, Mr. Henry Flshbach
of Augusta, Okl., and Miss Rosa Kalten- j
bach of this city were united In marriage 1
yesterday morning at St. Joseph's Catholic ;
church. Father Petrasch officiating. Mr.
and Mrs. Flshbach left yesterday after
noon for their new home at Augusta.
WIL80NVIL.L.B Fourteen- carloads of
livestock were shipped from Wllsonvllle
Monday morning. At present there are
between 3,00 and 4,000 head of cattle being
fed in the neighborhood surrounding the
town, while many have been shipped, sub
stantiating the claim that this station
sends out more stock than any other In
HU E HIL.l Barcu St Burge are build
ing up a big business In the buying ot
horsee and mules. They are shipping on
an average of a car a week. This week
Mr. Bare us went down to Glenvllle, where
he purchased seventeen horses. Horse
buyers who have been making that place
heretofore, have been unable to buy over
there at the most.
BLUE HILL W. C. Frahm has disposed
of his stock of general merchandise In Blue
Hill to William Arndt, who until recently
was In the coal and Ice business. Mr.
Frahm found1 he could not properly care
for bis store and the duties of county
treasurer. Possession will not be given for
two or three weeks and In tha meantime
an Invoice will be taken.
M'COOK The Lyon union evangelistic
meetings continue to be the chief sub
ject of Interest In this city. While the
excellent music by Mr. Htents and the great
chorus Is an attraction, so also, are the
sermons of Evangelist Lyon. At tha In
vitation last night more than lot) church
member came forward declraing their pur
pose to cut loose from things that Hin
dered their spiritual effectiveness.
CAMBRIDGE The case of the state of
Nebraska against Aaron Strauser and Rob
ert Blrauser, which was continued from
December 13, was tried today In justice
court of O. E. 'Simon before a Jury. De
fendants were charged with having as
saulted and threatened to do great bodily
Injury to John Burke, a farmer living
five miles northeast of this city. The Jury
returned a verdict of not gnilty.
YORK County Attorney C. K. Ban da II
dismissed the case against J. Ernlsse of
Gresham for allowing minors to louf In his
billiard hall. County Attorney Sandall
visited Gresham and after a personal in
vestigation concluded there waa no evidence
that would convict Mr. Ernlsse. He found
quite a feeling against a billiard hall in
Gresham. The action of County Attorney
Bundall saved the county some expense.
FREMONT A consolidated back and
tarnafer company Is among the probabili
ties. The stables running hacks and bag
gage wagor.s to the depots propose to
organise a company and Issue stock to
each of the three in proportion to the
value of bis stock. This will leave them
but one competitor In the livery business
and none In the hack and baggage line.
As the hackmen are all charging the maxi
mum fares allowed by tha city ordinance
there ran be no advance in prices.
TECVM8EH David R. Oder of Nashville,
Tenn., formerly of this city, has sold his
Interests In the firm of Dillon. Oder to
Charles E. Buerstctta of thia city. , The
transfer Includes iui acres of blue graaa
pasture land which borders on the city to
the west, two Ice houses on the Nnaha
river and one uptown, horses, tools, etc
The buslnea of the firm Is Ice and pastur
age. Ths consideration was about UO.OuOi
Mr. Oder will make his permanent home In
the south.
FREMONT To prevent the flooding of
the south part of the city by the spring
rise of the Platte liver, a levee la being
built southweet of the city, a short dis
tance from the bank of the river, to keep
the water from flow ln further east. The
county board voted tiuu for the purpose, ad
ditional money was raised by subscription
and many of the smaller property owner
re donating their work. The Burlington
ha agreed to put 'In a culverv througn
their right-of-way south of the brewery to
let off tbe water In that part of the city.
YORK The Young Men's Christian asso
ciation has organised a business men' club
which will bays room In th association
ggllllM ill
building. At the meeting thirty-one mem
ber and three guests were present, and
after lunch the following officers were
elected: Dr, J. N. Plumb, president; Al
White, vice president; H. W. Price, secre
tary; C. J. Stauffachert 'treasurer. After
dinner talks by CI. W.- Post, Dr. Reynolds,
Rev. Mr. Medlar, Dr. Snyder,- Dr. Hanna
and Mr. Van WtokWWere listened to with
great Interest. . The Club Is furnishing the
GRAND ISLAND There is a good deal
of feeling here that the failure of Hastings
to join in tbe State League, ot Base Ball
Clubs' movement, owing to controversies
over grounds, should not prevent the other
cities from organising such a league. The
leader of th movement in Kearney hav
also this same determination and If tbe
clubs In the eastern part of the state are
as earnest as heretofore and Superior or
Holdrege can be Induced to Join In the
movement. It la regarded here as making
little difference In the outcome, though
Hastings would, of course, have been much
PLATT8MOUTH At the regular meeting
of the Women's Relief corps the following
officers were Installed for the ensuing year:
President, Mrs. Bertha Peterson; senior
vice president, Mrs., Elma Kuhney; Junior
vice president. Mrs. Mary Currey; treas
urer, Mrs. Sarah Kerr; chaplain, Mrs. Gal
lagher; conductor, Mrs. Loretta Ault;
guard, Mrs. Williams; secretary, Mrs. Jen
nie Dodge; musician. Miss Minnie Ault;
patriotic Instruction, Mrs. T. M. Clarter;
press correspondent, Mrs. J. W. Thomas;
assistant conductor, Mrs. Ellen Hlckson;
assistant guard, Mrs. Frances Hospenthal;
color bearers. Miss Gertrude Btenner, Miss
Daisy Thomas, Miss Cella Matson and Miss
Pearl Barker.
GRAND ISLAND While trying to clean
some windows In ths sugar factory, by
leaning over some shafting, the clothing
of John 8. Jay, a laborer, was caught in
the shafting and he waa aped around a
big wheel msklng 160 revolutions to the
minute. He waa then hurled to the floor;
his left leg was broken below the knee,
the small bone of the right leg was badly
fractured In half a dosen places and the
right foot was broken and badly crushed,
and there were also Internal Injuries. The
Injured man waa taken to the St. Francis
hospital, where the fractures were reduced.
The Injuries were regarded ss fatal, but
this morning, twelve hours after the acci
dent, the man Is said to have withstood
the shock well and that the Internal in
juries may not be as severe as waa first
(Continued from First Page.)
bers have been Incapacitated by their In
juries. The city 1 a heap of ruin.
The royal family hastened to set the
country an example of generous assistance,
to the afflicted city. The king and the
queen each have contributed $6,000 to the
lord mayor's fund. The prince and princess
of Wales have contributed 12,500 each and
the big companies Interested In the West
Indie are following suit.
Should the reports of the subsidence of
Kingston harbor be confirmed a new peril
will be added and further dispatches on
this subject are awaited with the greatest
According to further dispatches received
her from Jamaica dated Thursday the total
list of dead at Kingston Is expected . to
approach 1,000. Many bodies, In a state of
decomposition or charred beyond recogni
tion, had to be burned.
Fortunately the water supply 1 holding
The American battleships Missouri and
Indiana have arrived In the harbor. Thirty-
five out of a total of fifty-five employe
In a tourist bureau wer killed.
The Plum Point and Port Royal light
houses are both at the bottom of the har
bor. The navigation channel ha ma
terially changed and In some place the
depth of the harbor ha been altered by
from forty to sixty feet.
It I reported that the Hamburg-American
steamer Prtns Waldemar, which
reached Kingston from New York January
t. Is ashore at Plum Point.
Report fresa the Goveraor.
The colonial office baa received a cable
dispatch from Sir Alexander Swettenham,
governor of Jamaica. It Is without date
and run as follow:
"Continuing my previous telegram on the
subject of tha earthquake: Th evil ef
fects bar been confined almost to three
parishes ot th Island, namely, Kingston,
Port Royal and BL Andrew. Th fir at
Half Off Sale of Odd Garments
in the Ready-to-Wear De
partment Second Floor
y2 PRICE. 1
Kingston ha practically ceased; only coal
and rubbish are now burning. The district
burned comprises a triangular area be
tween the parade gardens, the foot of Duke
street and Princess street. The parish
church forms the apex of this triangle,
which comprise about one-thirtieth part
or the town. The wharves burned are the
George & Branduy, Malabre, Ilaggart,
Lyons, Solomon's demercado, Hcnrlques
and one, not both, of the Royal Mall Steam
Jacket company's wharves. The burned
area Is being cleared slowly, owing to the
Indisposition of the population to labor at
double the usual wages. There are a few
bodies still covered with ruins. The burials
to noon this day comprise 341 The per
sons admitted to hospitals In Kingston
total 410, excluding some sixty cases sent
to Spanish Town from Kingston for treat
ment. "The population generally la encamped on
the parade grounds, the race course and
the open spaces. The usual provision shops
are In the burned area and there Is con
siderable difficulty In buying provisions. I
am arranging for sales temporarily, and
for the transfer of persons to other par
ishes. There waa some pilfering last night
from the deserted shops. The population
Is wonderfully patient, but listless.
"Among the killed are Sir James Fergu
son, J. W. Middleton, A. M. Nathan, Ed
ward De-Cordova, J. R. Mudon, J. A.
Payne, Dr. R. C, Olbb, R. W. Bradley, B.
Verley, W. George Burrous, Charles Sher
lock, E. Morris, Captain Constantino and
Miss Locket t.
"Great assistance ha been given by Sir
Alfred Jones, who converted the steamer
Port Kingston Into a temporary hospital
and refuge; by doctors and firemen from
Spanish Town and by the commander of
the troops, who supplied men to assist in
keeping order and to patrol.
"The direct line cable is broken three
miles off the coast; both the telegraph
offices are burned."
John Hennlker Heaton, M. P., has tele
graphed In a vivid account of the earth
quake, adding, however, no fresh details
to the Information already at hand. He
quotes Sir Alfred Jones as saying that
the catastrophe will not affect the pros
perity of the Island, because the products
of the country have not been Interfered
with to th slightest degree. The houses
destroyed were mostly old and of small
Reports from Klssitos Tell How
Shock Affected Town.
LONDON, Jan. 17. Some graphic details
of the Kingston disaster are given In one
of the latest dispatcher received here, dated
from Holland bay, January 15. According
to this report the whole city of Kingston
seemed to shrivel up, buildings crashed
together and fell In a crushed mass, under
th first shock. The business streets at tbe
time were well filled with tourists, and, ac
cording to this correspondent, no doubt
many of them were caught in the falling
brick work and burled In the debris. Fire
broke out Immediately after the crash at.
three separate points. Tne fire department
station was wrecked, rendering resistance
to the flame Impossible. The conflagration
continued unchecked until Tuesday morn
ing, by which time the whole business quar
ter of Kingston had been wiped out, th
damage area comprising about a square
mile. All the large warehouses In the lower
part of the city were consumed and not a
single house anywhere remained undam
aged, the majority being unfit for habita
tion. When the dispatch waa filed tbe bod
lea of many person who had been staying
at th Myrtle Bank hotel wer still be
neath th wreckage.
A conservative estimate of the casual
tie made by the police of Kingston place
the number of killed at 1,300, judging from'
the number of bodies already discovered
In the few buildings which have been ex
amined. This estimate, th correspondent
adds. Is likely to be largely Increased when
a thorough search la made of th wrecked
building. The treasury on Harbor street
Silk Remnants, k, i Price
2 to 8-yard Dress Goods Remnants y2 Price.
Plain and Fancy Ribbon Remnants y2 Price
Laces and Embroideries
Ladies' Plain and Emb'd. H'dkerchiefs y2 Price
Table Linen Remnants '2 to 3 yds, long y2 Price
Table Napkins half dozen lots x2 Price
Soiled Fancy Linens y2 Price
Remnants of Toweling y2 Price
Slightly Soiled Bed Spreads y2 Price
Slightly Sioled Bed Spreads y2 Price
Odds and Ends and Broken Lines of Underwear
2 Price
Ladies' and Children's Hosiery
The great values of our Gigantic Unloading
Sale pale beside the phenomenal offerings that
await you here Friday and Saturday.
was standing, but the postofflce and court
house were In ruins. The government offi
ces were unsafe for occupation, the gov
ernment house waa badly damaged, the
Colonial bank was burned out, the Nova
Scotia,, bank .was a heap- of ruins. .The
Roman Cathollcx cathedral, the parish
church and the Scotch, Wesleyan and Bap
tist chapels had disappeared and the thea
ter was destroyed. At Port Royal, at the
entrance of Kingston harbor, one of the
batteries sank and a gunner waa killed.
The ships In the harbor wer trans
'ormed into hospital.
The cabin of the steamer Port Kingston
vere full of dead and dying. Dr. Evans,
he ship' doctor, waa busy from 6 o'clock
.a the evening until 4 o'clock the next
When Captain Young of th Royal Mall
steamer .Arno was killed First Officer Mo
Cauley assumed command of the vessel;
and, seeing the fire spreading ashore, he
steamed alongside the burning Royal Mall
company's wharves and there fought the
fir all night long and saved one of the
piers. In the meantime the decks of the
Arno had become covered with burned and
Injured persons, who wer without a doc
tor to relieve their sufferings. There ha
been a great exodus of people from Kings
ton to th hilltops, ships and other places
for safety. Many thousands ar camping
In the open.
The entire city will have to be rebuilt.
One unofficial estimate place th loss at
$26,000,000. .
A number of fissure In th earthhav
appeared, the street car track ar out of
shape, the rail ar twisted, the water
main and the gas and electric pipes and
wires are in complete disorder, while the
destruction of the bonded warehouse fill
the air with an overpowering odor of rum.
The statue of the late Queen Victoria
was. reversed by the earthquake, but It is
otherwise intact.
DIAMONDS Frenxer. 15th and Dodg.
Railroad Attoraey Arrested.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 17. Horace B. Hand, an
attorney and chief clerk of the Law de
partment of the 'Frisco Railroad company.
i was arresieu miu reieuiu vii ,wu uimiu iu
' day and strict secrecy waa maintained con
cerning tne nature or tne cnarge against
him. The charge was made at th instance
Great Clothing RIcws
OMETHING doing in the Clothing
businessSaturday, Jan. 19, wc will
inaugurate a clothing sale that means
something more than the usual run
of "Sales""not a lot of xso'called "Bargains"
but bona' fide reductions honestly made and
of magnitude. Watch for our ''ads" in
Friday night and Saturday's papers, they will
explain everything then if you want to
save more money than you ever thought
possible on high'dass cloths, we will be ready
to help you do it a is c a u
of. District Attorney Sagex. When Hand
was admitted to bond In the circuit at
torney's office all newspaper men were ex
State Assoelatloa .Adjourn Aniial
Meeilna- After Adopting Reso
1 Iatlons at Mitchell.
1 -
MITCHELL. S. D., Jan. 17. (Special Tel
egram.) The convention of the South Div
kota Retail Merchant' association ad
journed at noon today, with the aieollon
of the following officers: President, A. F.
Grim of Parkston; secretary X; 8. Tyler
of Sioux Falls; treasurer, H. O. Rime of
Dell Rapids; vice presidents,, G. Mittle
steadts of Mllbanks, Ed Oschner of Kimball,
L. Q. Levy of Webster, Robert Bundstrom
of Beresford, J. T. Hansen of Canton and
D. H. Loftu of Desmet; directors, II. F.
Wlckham, Alexandria; A. P. McMillan,
Conde; W. H. H. Bunting, L. N. Crlll, Elk
Point; ex-Oovernor A. T. Lee, Vermilion;
L. J. Cou ration.
The resolutions adopted urged amend
ment to the pure food law of the state,
to have an assistant appointed whose duty
will be to look after the enforcement of
th law; to olothe the commission with
authority and power to open any package
to determine its purity and weight a rep
resented; that it Is the unanimous Intent
of the convention that the effort cf any
combination of capital or corpora' Ion that
has for It object the annihilation and de
struction of the various retail merchants'
associations will be met with all the strength
of the association and that we will fight
to the bitter end this effort to destroy us
In the work that has already been exem
plified; that the association will uphold th
officer In their effort to defend thia as
sociation In the courts of the United States
from the malicious prosecution of the cata
logue house that Is arrayed against us,
and that we will furnish the mean to
carry on the case that ha been commenced
against u up to the court of last resort
in such cases; that the attempt of any firm
or corporation Is regarded as pernicious
and against the Interests of the association
memebers when they attempt to convert
the Postofflce department Into a freight
carrying department.