Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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rlcplion Donglai 6 IS.
Thompson, Belden 6l Cos
G r eatest Linen Sal e
Fancy the reserve strength of such a sale as this; after fourteen days of busy selling and still
many price wings to tell about. Little wonder that our linen store is busy every hour of these
January days.. - ' , -
All 10c Huck Towels, January price, to
Alt ISo Turkish Towels, January price,
10c Aden.
All lfjc Turkish Towels, January price,
VPc each.
All I0o Turkish Towels, January price,
15c each. "
All Xc Turkish Towels, January sale,
19o each.
All 35c Turkish Towels, January price,
!5o each.
All 4eo Turkish Towels, January price,
JPc each.
All 6T.c Turkish Towels, January price,
40 eaett.
All 11.00 Turkish Towels, January price,
69c each.
AH 7ie Brown Linen Crash, January
price, IHc yard.
All 10c Brown Linen Crash, January
price, $e yard.
All 12He Bleached Linen Crash, January
price, 10c yard.
AH IWm Bleached X.lnen Crash, January
price, Uttc yard.
Our January Sale of Muslins
A great many have already taken advantage of the extra low prices we are making for Jan
uary on all of our Sheetings, Muslins, Ready-made Sheets and Pollow Cases. It will pay you to
lay in a supply at these low prices before stock is sold out. Later on these prices will' be a thing
of the past. v
All of our sheets are made of the best
standard muslin, seamless, torn, ironed
and perfect In every way,
SIZE 83X90.
Sac plain hem, now Wc each.
70o plain hem, now Mo eaoh.
loo plain hem, now 6.1c each,
$1.15 plain hem, now 98c each.
Ko hemstitched, now 73c each.
$1.26 hemstitched, now 98c each.
SIZE 81X90.
70o plain hem, now 49c each.
75c plain hem, now 58; each.
Oo plain hem, now C9c each,
tftc plain hem, now 73c each.
$1.10 hemstitched, now 88c each.
$1.3C hemstitched, now $1.07 each.
SIZE 72X91.
45c plain hem, now 48o each.
85c plain hem, now 83c each.
JOo plain hem, now 59c each.
Extraordinary Value Triday in
Black Dress Goods.
All of the most beautiful quality. Not
made for "sales ". .As to wear and quality,
we absolutely have nothing; In stock equal
to tt; purely alt wool, deep, rich black.
Put a dress made from this worthy ma
terial right In the bottom of your trunk,
pavk everything on top of It; you cannot
muss or hurt It. THE GREATEST VALUE
January Clearing Sale of Down
Comforts at the following Re
ductions. to. U and $8.00 down comforts at $3.98 each.
$8.60 down comforts at $4-41 each.
$7.00 and $7.50 down comforts at $6 49 each.
tlons and for other purposes shall be made
In specific sums lusleud of by levy, with
the exception of those Institutions which
now receive their' appropriations by levy,
ha been mads a special .order for next
Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. When
Tucker palled the matte. up this morning
there was a division on the question, and
v while none of those who opiwsed the
adoption of the resolution offered any rea
sonable . argument against tt, Tucker ac
cepted the suggestion of EUer of Washing,
ton to make it a special order. Walsh ex
plained to the house the purpose of the
solution was. not to handicap any insti
tution by a lack of funds, but to compel
all Institutions to say exactly In dollars
and tents what was necessary for main
tenance. Ned Brown and Elmer Brown of
Lancaster, of course, objected to the adap
tion of the measure, while Barnes and
Tucker of Douglas spoke for It. These
men believed that to let down the bars
for the allowance of Vk-inlll levy for the
state fair will result In a general rush for
a levy by the state normal schools and
later, by other Institutions, and that the
only way to put the state on a business
bails Is to have each Institution superin
tendent and each board of managers say
exactly how much money is needed and
have It specifically appropriated'.
On the other hand. Secretary Mellor of
the State Board of Agriculture Is arguing
that Inasmuch as the estimated expendi
tures will exceed the estimated receipts
during the blennlum the only way the state
fair ran be md- a pernnnent fixture In
Nebraska la by a special levy.
Among the bills" Introduced this morning
was a measure in both the house and
senate which provided that insurance com
panies appealing claims to the federal
court should forfeit their right to do busi
ness In this state.
The revenue committee of the house
cleaned up Its slate this morning by re
ferring Clarke's terminal taxation bill to
Always J9Jtarrtr tat fyH
1 ax&tivo Rroxno f)m
L poking I
Powder f
All 15.00 Table Cloth, January price, I3.M
each. 1
All $S.W Table Cloth, January price, W.28
All $10.00. Table Cloths, - January price,
IS. 89 each.
All 12.00 Table Cloths, January price,
M.S8 each.
All 13.00 Table Cloths, January price, 12.00
All (3.75 Table Cloths, January price. J2.T5
All W.M Napkins. John 8. Brown A Sons,
January price, 12.73 dozen.
All $8.75 Napkins, John S. Brown A Sons,
January price, $5.00 doien.
All 10c Scrub Cloths, January Bale price,
6c each.
All $1.00 Bleached Damask, January
price, 75c yard.
All $1.50 Bleached Damask, January
price. $1.00 yard.
96c plain hem, now 73e each.
$1.05 hemstitched, now 88c each.
$1.26 hemstitched, now $1.02 each.
$1.10 hemstitched, now 88c each.
$1.30 hemstitched,, now $1.07 each.
SIZE 81X99.
$1.00 plain hem,) now 78c each.
$1.40 plain hem, now $1.18 each.
$1.15 hemstitched, now 9Sc each.
$1.35 .hemstitched, now $1.12 each.
SIZE 90X99.
$1.05 plain hem, now 83c each.
$1.50 plain hem, now $1.28 each.
$1.20 hemstitched, now 98c- each.
$1.40 hemstitched, now $1.18 each.
These are made of regular pillow casing,
lorn snd Ironed.
SIZE 42x38 INCH.
14a plain hem, now 9c each.
18c. plain horn, now 14o each.
20c plain horn, now 15c each.
Sateen covered wool comforts now $4.69
Bllkollne covered, filled with four pounds
Of fine Iambs' wool, at $4.9$ each.
Sllkollnc covered, with dainty silk bor
ders, filled with two pounds of lambs' wool,
reduced to $4.4$ and $6.59 each.
Special Sale Cashmere Hore.
Women's fine black cashmere hose. $1 1
quality, Friday 75c ter pair. I
Women's light-weight, black - cashmere
hose, 76c quality, Friday 60c per pair.
Women's) ribbed cashmere, lack. oesh.
mere with natural wool split soles, .plain
black cashmere and black cashmere with
natural wool feet, regular 60c qualities;
Friday 89c per pair.
Women's ribbed or plain black cashmere,
89c and 350 qualities, Friday 25o per pair.
the Joint committee and Mike Lee's pro
P3sed amendment to the constitution to pre
vent the enjoining Of the " collections of
taxes until the same had been paid, was
referred to the committee on constitutional
amendments. H. R. No. 12, by Fries of
Howard, allowing road districts to improve
roads without the formality of a survey
by a county surveyor, will be reported
for general file, as will be Ned Brown's
bill to put the Lincoln library under the
general library laws of the stste. '
Employers' Liability
The judiciary committee of
the house
listened to Frank S. Howell of Omaha talk
on the Cone employer liability hill this
afternoon and accepted a substitute .bill
from him endorsed by Mr. Cone, removing
the $5,CC0 limit to the liability of a cor
poration. The bill Is practically, the same
now as the bill introduced in the senate
and endorsed by the Brotherhood of Hail
road Conductors and the three measures
will be considered together. .
Following is, the bill which Mr. Howell
drew at the request of Representative Cone:
Sestlon 1. No common carrieV or corpor
ation engaged In business in this state shall
be exempt irom (lab'llty to its . empli yes for
Injuries or death, fur damages resulting
from the negligence of any of their agents.
officers or roiiloves, rior on account of
any negligence or defect, or Insufficiency,
due to the conduct of the business, or af
fairs for such carrier or coi poratlon. re
sulting: from the negligent acts or omis
sion of employes in respect to the conduct
of Its business or affairs, or in respect
to cats, engines, appliances, tnacnimry
track, roadbed, ways, works or imple
Section I When any Injuries are here
after inflicted upon an employe by any
common currier or corporation, or their
agents, officers, servsnts or employes, r -suiting
in damages to such person Injured,
or in the death if the injured person, slight
negligence on the part of the Injured per
son contributing to sild injuries shall not
bar recovery, whether negligence of the
company or corporation, or its officers,
agents, servants cr employes waa grusa
In comparison with the negligence of tne
injured person, but in arriving at the dam
ages to be awarded the Jury Is author.sed
to take such contributory negligence Into
of its verdict In proportion to the amount
of Its verdict lnproporti n to the amount
of negligence and contributory negligence
shown by the evidence. ,
Section 8. No contract of employment, In
surance, relief, benefit or indemnity lor in
jury or death entered Into by or on behalf
of any employe with his employer, nor the
receipt of any insurance relief, benrnt or
Indemnity by such employe, shall constitute
a bar or defense to any action brought to
recover damages for such injury or death;
provided, that upon trial ol sucn action
the defendant may plead a set off iu the
sum or sums it may have contributed to
the plaintiff tovard such Insurance, relUf,
benefit or indemnity that the uefendant trtiy
have paid to or for such employe with hu
consent, or In case of death to or for his
personal representative.
Section 4. No employe of such common
carrier or corporation .hull be held to have
assumed the risk of a negligence of any co.
employe or servant, stem, employe or of
ficer of such corporation or company, nor
shall such employe he held to have as
sumed the risk incident, to his employment
when his injuries at received In the
obedience to instructions, ordeis or the
uttuitl method ef conducting sjch business,
when his jsiork Is dwt or being performed
under the directions of a superior employe
entitled to givo instructions and orders, or
done or performed in accordance with the
usual n:eihod of having said work per.
formed by said company or corporation.
Brcliea (. Nothing in this act shall be
Bee, Jn. 17, 1907.
All Rc Silver Bleached Damak, January
price. 4!c yard.
All $1.00 Silver nicached Damask, Janu
ary price, 75c yard.
All $150 Silver Bleached Damask, Janu
nrv nrlce, $1.00 yard.
All $1.65 Silvt-r Bleached Dnmask, Janu
ary price, $1.10 yard.
All $1.75 Bed Spreads, January Bale price,
$1.39 each.
All $2.15 Bed Spreads, Jnnusry sale price,
$1.79 each.
All $3.50 Bed Spreads, January Sale price,
$2 49 each.
All $4.00 Bed Spreads, January sale price,
$3.00 each.
All 85c H. S. Scarfs, January price, 19c
All !5c H. S. Lunch Cloths, January
price, 19c each.
All 85c H. S. Scarfs. January price, 48c
All $1.00 Scalloped Scarfs, January price,
We each.
26o hemstitched, now 19c each.
36c hemstlched, now 29c each.
SIZE 50x38 INCH.
20c plain hem, now 16c each.
22c plain hem, now 17c each.
$5o plain hem, now 20c each.
Sfxj plain hem, now 29c each.
2Sc hemstitched, now 23c each.
40o hemstitched, now 34c each.
SIZE 45 x36 INCH.
15o plain hem, now 10c each.
19c plain hem, now 15c each.
21e plain hem, now 16c each.
SOc plain hem, now 24c each.
38c plain hem, now 31c each.
21c 50-lnch tubing, now 17c, yard.
20c 50-Inch tubing, now 16c, yard.
20c 45-Inch tubing, now 16c, yard.
18Vtc 45-inch tubing, now 15o, yard.
19c. 42-Inch tubing, now 16c, yard.
l'Mc 42-inch tubing, now 14'ic, yard.
Women's black cashmere hose, 23c
quality; 18c per pair, three pairs for 50o.
Main floor.
Very Special Value Friday.
Now for the last of these beautiful fab
rics. This sale started yesterday, which
was one of the greatest days of all the
January sale. Interested? You would be
If you could see the goods we are selling.
Now displayed in Sixteenth street window,
17-INCH, 64C A YARD. '
Not a silk that ie made for show and
cheap selling. Nothing tike It has ever
been sold In Omaha. Examine It, note the
! color, deep, rich black; crush It In your
'hands; Just the touch a good taffeta should
J have. For waists, skirts and full dresses.
held to limit the right to recover damages
tor negligence not nerein mentioned.
Trips Discussed,
bat So
Actios Taken. '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 17. (Special.) The senate
today spent considerable time discussing
Junketing trips, rules relutlng to em
ployes and listening to the reports of stand
ing committees. The session began at 10
o'clock and wes opened by prayer by the
chaplain President Pro Tern Saunders was
in the chair.. The judiciary committee re
ported favorable to these bills and they
were placed on the general hie:
B. F. 21 Permitting the construction of
slxt'en-foot roadways fro:-, the permanent
road fund provided for by the inheritance
tax law.
8. F. 64 By Burns. Making counfv. dis
trict and supreme judges ineligible f(-
nomination or election to office except re-
elections. Tne bill was amended in com
mittee to read. Judges becoming condidules
for other judlpial cfflcs during their
8. F. 12-By Root. DeSi.Inn the crime of
adultery and providing a penalty. . ,
8. V. 'ia lly Sunixl-rs Making It an
oneiina iar any employe to accept or re
rvrive any money or other valuable mn.
alderation wltlulut the knowledge of his
employer, the acceptance of which would
affect his employer's business or his rela
tion to his employer's popularity, known
as the anti-tlpping bill.
The committee recommended for indefinite
postponement two other bills on the subject
of adultery.
I.atta of Burt started some oratory when
the" committee recommended his bill pro
viding for a lucent passenger fare be re
committed to the railroad committee. He
charged this waa "horse play" due to the
fact he was a member of the minority.
This charge brought hot shot from Aldrlch
and King, members of the committee. They
declared partisanship had nothing to do
with the report. Several other bills of the
Fame nature had been introduced and It
was the opinion of the committee all of
jhem should be considered at once. After
the explanation I-atta rose and said he had
been laboring under a mlsspprehenslon and
be consented his bill should go to the rail
road committee.
The committee on Iruane hospitals re
ported favorably on Root's bill giving the
governor authority to appoint and dis
charge the superintendent of the hospital
for the insane at his discretion. At present
the governor's action may be reviewed by
the Board pf Public Lands and Buildings.
It required almost an hour to discuss
junketing trips and at the end of that
time It was decided to refer the matter to
the committee on public lands and build
ings, which Is to report bark to the senate
a piaa for making the trips and the num
ber of each committer to go on each trip.
This waa followed by a long and com
plicated discussion on a method of con
trolling the employes. Wllsey of Fron
tier called up his motion placing them In
charge of the secretary of the ec:Uo.
Thomas proposed to allow ths committed
on employes to have charge of them, but
this was voted down and Wtlsey's motion
Anally prevailed. Wilcox of Thayer ae-
cured the pimeaareVf' " resolntlfln to de
duct pay from the salaries of employes,
for every d:iy- they are absent without
leave. -' " f
At the afternoon session the committee
orr-printing, to whlchrwas referred tfi.i
matter of securing bids en the. printing
of the senate jpurnal dally and the com
pilation pf,th Journal at Ihe.eml'uf the
session reported the lowest bid was from
the Beatrice Express at 84,23.0. The sen
ale rtlrl not tade any teflon on the report.
The committee on finance, ways and
means reported in favor of the Indefinite
postponement of Senator Burns' bill to
amend the Lincoln city charter to limit
the power of the pol! Judge tt offense')
arising under the ordinances and to pre
vent his hearing cases under the statutes.
The report was adopted. The senate then
adjourned to give' the various committees
a chance to work. ' '
The following- bills were Introduced
Into the senate:
8. F. 148 By McKesson of Lancaster. A
bill to annul the certificates of Insurance
companies when they appeal 'suits bo fed
eral courts.
8. F. 149 By King of Polk. Allowing
cities and villages to reanilnte the growing
of weeds nnrl the raising of grain within
the city Umlta. .
a F. 150-Uy Thomson of Buffalo. A bill
prohibiting child labor..
S. F. 1fl-Hy Epperson ef Clay. A bill
to provide for county teachers' Institutes
In June, July and August.
8. F. 152 By Epperson of Clay. Making
fees of court reporters for furnishing bills
of exceptions 10 cents a hundred words,
and providing .county shall pay for swnie
when defendant In criminal case Is unable
to do so.
H. F. 153-By Root of Cass. A bill re
quiring a two-thirds vote to vote bonds for
Internal Improvements.
Speclal Prlvlleae Granted to Com
mittee nn Mines and Mlnlnsr.
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 17.-(8peclal.) The house
w as cnlled to order at 10 o'clock by Speaker
Ncttleton. Aldcrson - of Madison and
Fletcher of Antelope were excused to visit
the Insane ho spit 1 at Norfolk. Some
amusement was created when the chairman
of the committees on mines and mlnsrals
reported progress nnd Mked leave to sit
again. This committee announced yester
day It would meet at ( o'clock at the
"Flemish enfe," a well known eating house,
where the trlmmlnas are furnished. Amid
j the laughter of the house the speaker gave
I the committee permission to meet thero as
i often as It wanted to. 'This committee la
I composed of all the defeated candidate
for speaker and a couple of other rcprer
eentatlves. ,
I The Tucker resolution providing against
J any more appropriations by levy, was
made a special order for Tuesdnjr morn
ing. The committee on printing wns given
until Tuesday morning to report on print
ing the dally Journal of the house proceed
ings. The house adjuourned at 11 o'clock
until 10 o'clock Thursday morning.
The following bills were introduced:
H. R 112 By Hamer of Buffalo. To appro
priate ' $!00,0ou to erect and equip the north
and south wings of the main bul.ding for
the State Normal school at Kearney.
H. R 113 By Cone of Saunders. A Joint
and concurrent resolution memorialising
congress to enaetitn -substance semite file
lol of the Fifty-ninth congress, a tilll to
provide for fixing 'a ' uniform standard of
classification and grading of grain rn dif
ferent terminal markets of, it ha United
States. r - ',.
II. R. 114 By Frtts-of foward: County
clerks shall receive in addition to fees $JW0
a year In counties having a population of
6.0CO to 10,0:10, and where. population Is 10,000
to 20.100. $400 annually.
H. R 115 By Wlisnn of Custer. Provid
ing when a school district shall have failed
to maintain Its organisation for two con
secutive years the school property m-ty
be sold and the affaira of the district
closed. - : . .
H. R. 116 By Quackenbush of Ne
maha, Providing for. the payment, or
court reporters for all transcripts for use
of county and tor payrut of a transcript
of opening statements of lawyers and re
marks, of Judge. ,t,? v .i
H. R. 117 By .-.Jfc'ffyr.nan. -To com
pel railroad compaftites' '.to provldo and
keep at all shipping Vlkccs a book called
a register, which shall be available to all.
In which all desiring cars for shipping
purposes shall register their request for
cars; t provide that all railroad com
panies shall furnish' such cars in the
order registered. '
H. R. 118 By Brown (E. P.) of
Lancaster. To prevent any foreign com
pany, association or corporation which
shall remove Its suits' to the federal court
from transacting the business of Insur
ance In this state and authorising ths
auditor of the state to 'Cancel and revpU
any authority theretpjore granted to such
Ksmber of Districts Increased and
J ad ores Decreased.'
LINCOLN, Jan. 17 (8peclal.) 8enator
King of Polk county has a -bill which he
will Introduce In the -senate Within a day
or two which provides for a redisricting of
the Judicial districts , of the state. The
bill increases the number of districts from'
fifteen to seventeen, , but ' provides for a
net reduction of judges from twenty-eight
to twenty-two, making a saving In salaries
f about $30,000 a yearT'The Fourth district
Is reduced to Douglas and Sarpy counties,
Washington and Burt, being transferred to
a new district known 'a the Seventh. The
number of Judges In, the Fourth district
is reduced from seven 4I five In the Third,
which consists of Lancaster, the number
of judges is reduced f.rotn three to two,
and In the First, Fifth,' Sixth. Eleventh
and Fifteenth the number is reduced from
two to one. Two additional districts with
one judge each are created, making the net
I reduction six. ,
18 v 1 " " -"l 1
hold office until their term exp
The bill provides the present Judges shall
ires, which
ta January 1, 198, and shall perform the
duties of i their office in the districts In
which they live. The term Is four years,
as In the old law.
The districts are as follows:
First Jefferson, Gage, Pawnee and John
son. Second Otoe, Cass, Nemaha and Richard
Third Lancaster. -
Fourth Douglas and Sarpy.
Fifth Seward, Butler. Polk. York and
Hnmllton. .
ftlxth Colfax, Platte, Merrick, Nance and
Boone. '
Seventh Saunders, Dodge, Washington
and Burt.
Eighth Saline, . Fillmore, Thayer, Nuck
olls and Clay.
Ninth Cuming, Stanton, Dixon, Dakota,
Cedur and Thurston.
Tenth Wayne, Mudlson. Antelope, Pierce
and Knox.
Eleventh Adams. Webster, Kearney,
Franklin, Plielna and Harlan.
Twelfth Hall. Howard, Greeley. Valley
anil Wheeler.
Thirteenth Buffalo, Dawson, Custer and
Fourteenth Lincoln. Igan, Keith. Chey
enne, Deuel, Scott's Bluff, Banner, Kimball
and McPherson.
Fifteenth Gosper, Furnss, Frontier. Red
Willow, Hayes, Hitchcock, Chase, Dundy
and Perkins.
Sixteenth Holt, Boyd, Keys Paha, 'Rook.
Brown, Blaine, Loup and Garfleld.
Beventeenth Cherry, Thomas, Hooker,
Grant, eiierldan, Dawes, Sioux and Box
Provided, that in the Fourth district there
shall be Ave Judges of the district court,
that in the Third dlxtrtct there shall be
two Judges of the dtmrlct court and in
each of the remaining districts there
shall be but one judge of the district court.
The bill makes the following changes In
the present Judicial districts:
Richardson and Nemaha counties are
taken from the First Utelrict and placed
in the Second district.
In the Fourth ilistrlct Washington and
Burt are taken out and placed in the
seventh district.
In the Fifth Saunders .county Is dropped
and placed Iq the Seventh.
In the Sixth Dodge Is dropped and Boone
is added.
The feventh district Is entirely changed,
the counties drop-j from the Fourth,
Fifth and Sixth making up the new dis
trict. The new Eighth district la the same as
the present Seventh.
The new Ninth is the same as the present
Eighth district.
The new Tenth Is the same as the pres
ent Ninth.
The us Elevcuth Is the same as the old
Tenth, excepting that Thelps county 'Is
The Twelfth district Is the same as the
old Eleventh, with Boone. Oartleld, Loup,
Blnlne, Thomas, Hooker and ilrsnt droppeit.
The new Thirteenth district Is the same
a the olj Twetrth. '
The new Fourteenth Is the Same as the
present Thirteenth, with ,Perkins county
The new Fifteenth Is the ssnie as the
present-Fourteenth,1 with Perkins county
The new Sixteenth Is the aanie as the
present Fifteenth, dropping Cherrv, Sheri
dan. lnwes. Sioux, Box Butte and adding
Bovd. Blaine. Iiup and Garfield.
Hie Seventeenth Is an entirely new dis
trict composed of counties dropped from
the Eleventh and Fifteenth districts.
Wastes of Men In Mills Advanced and
Other Espect Bliullar
PITTSBCRO, Jan. 17.-The American
Sheet and Tin Plate company announces an
Increase of 2 per cent in wages to all hot
mill tonnage employes' In tin mills. The
Increase went Into effect January 1. Al
though flat wage scales are signed with
its nonunion sheet and tin plate workers,
the company has decided to grant these
employes an advance in wages on a eliding
basis, as justlliad by the present selling
price of tin plate and sheets.
It is probable that sheet mill tonnage
men will receive an advance of I per cent
about March 1, dependent on the average
selling price at that time. The number of
employes affected will be about 7.0UU tin
mill and6,0u sheet mill men.
LINCOLN. Jan. 17.-Sreelal Telegram.)
In the presence of only relatives of the
two families Miss Florence Putnsm of
Lincoln and Mr. Gould C. Diets of Omaha
were married at 8 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. A. M. Putnam, the bride's mother,
521 South Twelfth street.
While the guests were confined strictly
to relatives and the ceremony was simple,
tho function was one of the most elaborate
ever held In Lincoln. The decorations were
on a very lavish scale and tho prominence
of both Mr. Diets and Miss Putnam and
their wide acquaintance over the slate
made it an affair of ttnustial Interest. No
reception was held after the wedding. The
relatives present numbered between fifty
and sixty. Prominent in the decorations
were southern smilax, palms and cut
In the parlor where the wedding service'
was pronounced ropes of smilax hung from
the celling on three sides of the room,
Uko Turkish portieres, and were massed
heavily over the arches and chandeliers.
On the third side between the windows waa
a heavy mass of green entirely covering
the background. At the base of this muss
there was a profusion of lilies. A bower
of green extended to the second floor and
through this the brltle and groom descended
attended only by two little ribbon bearers.
Master Earl porter of Lincoln,' cousin
of the bride, and Master Howard Diets Nel
son of .Omaha, nephew of the groom, both
dressed In tuxedo suits. ' Rev. J. W. Jones
of Grace Methodist church stood: In front
of the embanked gTeena arid pronounced
the service. The decorations in the other
rooms were also elaborate. In the dining
room refreshments were served after the
ceremony from a large round table cov
ered with a beautiful oriental white grass
cloth center piece with white roses sur
rounded by candlesticks. . .
A large bride's cake, surrounded by
asparagus ferns and topped with white
roses, stood on a separate table.
The bride wore a beautiful pattern dress
of white marquise lace over chiffon with
a foundation, of chiffon satin. The trained
skirt was,one.p(eqe of.laoe. Her.tulle veil
waa, fastened beneath sreatb of orange
The gift room showed a display of' rare
beauty and value. The groom's gift was
a heavy bracelet of diamonds and
turquoise. Among the presents was a chest
of silver from the bride's mother and a
very valuable silver service from C, N.
Diets and wife,
Mr. and Mr Diet left tonight for the
east, where they will make .a. tour of the
large cities and pleasure resorts. They will
sail January 29 on the Moltke of the Hamburg-American
line for Europe, During
the four months' tour they will go as far
east as Egypt and the Holy Land. They
will return .leisurely through England, and
a part of the return trip will be by auto
mobile. They will sail, fur home about
June 1.
The out-of-town guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Wilkes of. Grand, Rapids, Mich.:
Mrs Stlckney.and daughters. , Blanche.
Cora and Evelyn, of Minneapolis; Mrs.
Diets, mother of the room; Mr. and Mrs.
C. N .Diets Mrs. Leonora Diet Nelson
and Howard Diets Nelson of Omaha;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCloudo, Yo:k.
Nel.; Mrs. R. Saunders of Los Angeles,
aunt of the bride. . ... ,
David 8. Anderson of Council Bluffs and
Mica Grace Porter of this city' wera mar
ried last evening at the home of the
bride's uncle, F. M. Porter, of Omaha,
Rev; J. Randolph Smith officiating. Miss
Porter has been a teacher In the Omaha
public schools for a number of years. Mr.
and Mrs. Anderson will reside In Fort
Dodge, la
DIAMONDS Frenier, 15th and Dodge.
21st AnnuaJ Clearing Sale
rVKirt- "' "' ' ' i-'fl
will have to visit our wareroom to appre
ciate the truth of our statement firstcome
first served; so come as early as possible.
A guaranteed saving of $76 to $200bn
each purchase during THIS GREAT SALE
Sold on Easy Payments
Phone or Write for Prices '
Wholesale and Retail Piano Dept.
JL "the queen OP TABLE WATERS";
Contains Its Pare Ntarl Carbonic "Acid' Gas
as a Gastric Stimulant and Tonic , ,
Assistant Federal Attorney it in Fneblo to
Cold an Investigation.
Report Will Be Oabmltted to Wash
IntTton and Holders of Coal
and Timber Land May
Lose Title.
PUEBLO, Colo., Jan. 17. Disclosures of
publlo land frauds are expectfd In an In
vestigation opened here today by Assistant
I'nlted States Attorney M. 8. Burch. Sev
eral months have been spent in collecting
evidence of false entry to coal lands and
Illegal cutting of timber, and the investi
gators hsvo half a dosen trunks filled with
data, by which they expect to show that
title to several thousand acres t cosl and
timber land In southern Colorado Is Im
perfect. It Is announced that the Investigation
will not be completed for two months.
Many witnesses have bien summoned.
When their testimony Is finished a report
will be made to the attorney general at
Eighteen Thousand Dollars Levied
I pon Two Companies for Corn
bin i n a for Monopoly.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Tho Mac Andrews,
Forts St Co., of this- city was ' fined
$10,000 and- the J. S. Y6ung company - of
Baltimore s,000 in the I'nlted States d's
trlct court today for combining to mopollze
the trade In licorice paste.
A stay of sixty days In the execution of
the fines was granted, but a motion for a
new trial was denied.
Partly Cloudy In Nebraska Today,
Warmer In West Portion Fair
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
Fop Nebraska Partly cloudy Friday,
warmer In west portion; Saturday, fair.
For Iowa Fair In west, rain In east por
tion Friday; Saturday, generally fair.
For Missouri Rain or snow . Friday,
colder In south portion; Saturday, partly
cloudy Jn north.- probably rain In south
For Kansas Partly cloudy Friday anl
Saturday, possibly rain or snow. Friday.
For ColoradoGenerally fair- Friday and
Saturday, except enow, Friday In moun
tain districts and In southwest portion.
For Wyoming Fair Friday, warmer In
west portlon"8nlirdayv falr.-w
Fpr . Montana Fan- Friday, warmer - la
east, and .south sor tlons:- Saturday,' prob
ably snow,, xcept fair in southeast por
tion. .,. ... . I
For South Dakota Fair and not .so cold
Friday; Saturday, fair.
Local Record.' ' '
OMAHA, Jat. 17. Official record of temper'
ature und ptecipituUcn, computed with the
corresponding day of the last three years:
1807. 1808. 1905. 1D04.
Maximum temnerature.. 25 S8 88
Minimum temperature..., 18 11 24 ' 17 i
Mean temperature ti 13 31 88 .
Precipitation . ....... i..:t, - T ,w .00 .00 (
Temperature and precipitation departures'!
from the normal ut Omaha since March 1, j
turn i-ouiiiunsCTi wmi friw mm iwtj yvirs:
Normal precipitation 18
Exocss for the day............... 4
Total excess- since March 1 i..-. 24
Normal precipitation .02 inch
Deficiency for the dav ...v.-.. ""'.02 Inch "
Total rainfall -since. March- I. ...26.71 Inches
Ieticlency since Merely 1-....,,.. 11 PI Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, lft';. 2. fc3 Inches
Deficiency fijr, cor. period, 190&.'. .lG Inchus
. Reports rroni Stations at T' P. M.
8tatl6n and State
of Weather.
Bismarck, cloudy ...
Cheyenne, cloudy ....
Chicago -cloudy-..,,.,.
Davenport, cloudy- ..
Denver, cloudy .,jt.
Havre, clear ........
Tehip. ' stax. Rain-
Temp. full. I
46 .(. !
84 - .00
S4 .00
4 ...e.
14 ..00
,- ,8 . .00
8 .tO
" 81 .00
24 .00
K5 , T
SO .00
40 T
an t '
h .m I
40 .0)
-12 - -.00
. 8
- . Si
Helena, cloudy
Huron, clear .
Kansas City, cloudy..
. 82
. 12
.. Sfi
.. 18
. Wi
. 22
North Platte, cloudy...
nn aim, cloudy ..,
Rapid City, cloudy .....
St. Iyiuis, raining -.:
Kt. -Paul, cloudy...;..,.'.
Salt Lake City, cloudy.
Valentine, clear
Willlston. , clear .......
;T" Indicates traoe Of oreclDltatton.
Indicates below sero. ,
L,. A. WELSH, Forecaster.
has already prov
ed to be a boon to
many particular
There afe a great
many bargains of real
value that consist of
the right price to the
most economical
buyer. Quality i n
every piano is lull y
auaranteed. You
Douglas St Entrance
Mine Workers Demand Creation ' of
Sew Department In Presl-,
dent's- Cabinet. -.v v
INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 17.-The fnlteil
Mine Workers convention today" nflftptcd
n resolution dcmnndlng n dt-nnrtmrnt of -labor
In the president's ciblnet. The'feso
Pitlon attacked Her rem ry RtraHt'of the
Department of Commerce ami Iiubor charsT
Ins; him with pormltflng and aiding em-
ploycra to violate the contract Ihtior-act'.
It was also declared -that the d'fartincnt -was
being conducted rhure In the tmeppsrs
of capital than Inbor, and tlmt In order
that the Interests of labor shall be gusrded, .
a consistent friend of labor should be :
placed In charge. '
The credentials committee presented n
amended report seating practically all of
the delejrates. The report Showed that less
than half a dozen delegates had failed to '
sign an agreement to pay the back strlka
Despite opposition -by President Mitchell :
and Secretary-Treasurer Wilson, the on
vtntlon endorsed the Teport of the resolu
tions committee. recOrnmendlrig that .no
separate order of engineers, firemen, Wsck-
smiths or members of any other mechanical -craft
employed In or aroithd the mines
should be admitted to thfl United Mlnsj !
Workers. ' f ' '' .t -'!": '
Frnnko Resigns Plara.-.
NEW YORK. Jan. 17.Nathan Frsnko,
concert master of the Metropolitan opera
house, has resigned his position, due, the
managemei.t of the opera' house said, to Ml
difficulties with the members of the or
chestra, with whom, It is said, lie had losuj
been unpopular. , . ," ' "
-1J 11
. a. komi schoox, rom oraisj .' .v
Advance course and college preparation,
Students who hold certificates covering In
full the admission requirementrtf a Htale'
university are admitted Co .the .Junior
class of the advance course without tx,- r
amlnation. Certificate In college-preparatory
course admits to Vassal, Wellesley,
Smith and other first rank colleges. In
structors college .graduates . of , Jarga -teaching
experience. Exceptional advan- .
tages in Music, Domestic Science, and Art, -Gymnasium
and Field Hports. Plrst.'mi
ester, September 20. Second emosLr j
February 2d. Write for illustrated Year
Book. Address KJSB MACKAB, Principal, .
Omaha,. , ; " '
Wm. Gentleman & Soir
Chickens Are Laying Again
Eggs 18c a pbis.:
. . .. ' '..-. i
Fresh Country Gutter
, And a Pull Lln pf ; lr . v;
i. , 1. ; . , ; t r. ''fin . i ' ' . -
24th and Lake
1 . . i.
oo vp's "a-j.y.r' Mgr
Tonlfht, Sat. Mat. and Kigali
The Pocket Edition Comedian,
Arthur Dunn
In the Musical Comedy, ' v
800 seats Lower Floor, 11.00. : . "
tartlog Stday Maa,. Wednesday
Dustin Farnum
m The Virginian ;
BUR.W00D s&
TOHIQBT BAT. 24A.T. tna XVM."-
Mats. Sun., Tues., Thurs.;'8atV"
Next week: The Unforeseen
'Phone Douglas 44.
Tonight aad Saturday Hat. and
Nick Long Idaline Cotto'n: Eight lis-,
ouln Arabs; Patrice; Four Ftlanos: Mr. 4
Mta, Allison; Anna Chandler; Hhlelda -A
Rogers and the. Klnodrome.
trices lOo, 16c, ioo.
24th ind Hamilton St..
Open 2 to 6 and 7 to 10 p.
Gentlemen . .'
Tel. Douglas 8188.
This sd and 10 cents will admit any" gen
tleman any night this week. - -
A Phone Douglas 8188.' ' ' ";
The only company of Its kind frl the
world. -
I'lKler the Ausplra of the BU tBlSU
Ilearrved seats 50c and 7 IV on sale at
Henderson The Florist, 15 10 Farnam.'
TesUght, gilt. Matlaee Saturday
Sua Ws.a galtratBood Was &lowei
' SKA IT a AXZ. TOI lfEftK. "
If Kaeeu Tassdsr, Thursday aad Situs
y'sTig-&te i w :. .
Aay 'sTig-ata i
eVdaOsslea 19 Oeata