Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1907, Page 10, Image 10
to THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1907. OMAHA WKATHKR FORECAST Friday: Fair. amain 77s It Remnant Sale at Drandeis Friday's Tremendous Bargains at the Boston Store Will Be the Talk of All Omaha. REMNANTS OF THE FINEST 1937 WASH FABRICS Sample Strips and Factory Trial Pieces of Elegant Em broideriesOdd Lots of Fine Laces Broken Bolts of Dress Goods Remnants of Silks. Friday will be a bargain day extraordinary. All over this great house great values will predominate. Unprece dented January sales have left us with thousands of broken lots short pieces, odds and ends. We will sell these on great bargain squares Friday, and at prices that wiiras tonish every woman in Omaha. Friday will be distinctively Brandeis Remnant Day and you cannot afford to miss this unheard of bargain getting. English madras, 32 inches wide, newest designs, in cluding mercerized dots of various Bizet and neat mer cerized figures, sold at 85c from the bolt; here in lengths suitable for waists, men's and boys' shirts at, yard Thousands of yards 40-inch India linon, Victoria lawns and batiste, values up to 25c yard at, yard . Remnants dotted and plain silk mull that you woud expect to pay up to 3Bo f A yd- at, yd... 1UC A 86c quality of white pique for entire suits and children's wear at, yd . . 1 D C RI? bargain square as sorted white goods, plain lawns, dotted Hwlnaea. fancy open work, a t r i p a and checked lawns. Nainsooks, heavy twilled suiting, etc. worth up oc yd.. In mill length at, yard S, CVVi, 5c Woven madras for cur tains and drapery purpoge.n, sella f f regularly at S5o. IjC In remrants, yd. . Seersucker striped ginghams, Scotch and . chambra ginghams. will wash ar1 wear splendid ly, at, yd 6ic New light percales, full yard wide, good grade C at. yard . ....IC Heavy grade unbleached muslin, equal to the regular 9c quality at, yard Very finest cambric, including Wamsutta, Lonsdale, T7-l- AFTERNQON ONLY 5c New York Mills, etc at, yard. FORENOON ONLY Remnants of Amoskeag apron check ginghams, worth 6 He yard wholesale at, each remnant Ic Remnants percaline, silicla, sa teen and other desirable lin ing that are worth up II to 15c yard at, yd. . . JjC IN THE BASEMENT REMNANTS FROM THE JANUARY SALE of LINENS Remnants of table damask in all kinds and lengths, the accumulation from our January sale, at less price than cost to import. Remnants of towels, in linen and cotton. These are mostly halt towels, each 1 Big let of slightly Imperfect large size bleached Turkish towels, the 15c kind, each 7H One lot of heavy table padding, in mill remnanU, yard 10 Remnants of bleached and un- ble linen toweling at linen square at. yard, up from Zi Remnants, Sample Pieces and Trial Strips of LAGES at 2c.3Vsc.5c Yard These are fine torchons, French and English vals. and plat vals, in desirable widths of edging and in-sertings. Remnants, Odd Lots and Sample Strips of Embroideries at 5c-72-c-122C These are high class embroideries, insertings and galloons all new patterns (desirable widths great varieties on bargain squares. Remnants of Dress Goods At a Great Saving of Prices Remnants of plaids, challis, waistings and fancy dress goods, worth up tp 25c a yard 3 to 12 yard lengths O basement, Friday, at, yard OC Remnants of cashmeres, voiles, mixtures, plaids and check suitings 3 to 10 yard lengths worth up to 39o OI a yard basement, per yard Iw2C Odds and ends 4 to 12 yard lengths of henriettas, mohairs, ; English checks, cheviots, panamas and novelty suitings worth up to 75c yd Main floor, Friday e0C A Friday Sale of Silks We have taken several lots of silks from our regular stock, values up to $1 yard, all this season's silks that must be closed out to make room for our new spring lines. Plain and fancy dress silks, fine lining taffetas and waist ing silks, plaids and stripe silks, foul- 4 ftp.Oft. JQf ards, etc., on bargain squares, yard. . .J.iC"utlv"T JC Ileavy 27-in. white china silks, washable our own importations, always retailed at 65o yard, at, yard.JC New lot of silk remnants, to lx4 yards traveller's sam ples a great many match up, accord- C 1A. ing to size, each aCC-)C"1UC 20 pieces of 24-inch guaranteed black dress taffeta, PA positively worth 98c yard, main silk dept. yard. . C j I Omaha's Pare Food Center 1 . - , i a; Canned fruits and vegetables for K true flavor of 55 Seasonable Suggestions $ those who want the 2 freshly gathered fruits and vege- tables. ((ttliicicu ii una uuu .b w Now that winter is here, it ft Is impossible to get these right out J." H offer the'Terndcli" brand of these K a goods as the finest in the world. U They are picked in orchards where PS fresh SS grown flavor, and have that full, gathered with the dew on 1 them. There are none better. The line comprises everything in fruits s and vegetables. J Fish Market 1 Every day In our Fish market ji ! you will find a large and complete n 1 assortment of fresh, smoked and salted fish. , 3 Friday we will sell 1,000 pounds of i Columbia river Salmon at, per j pound 12CR Imported Norwegian Anchovies, h at, per pound 12cS Cromarty Bloaters, 2 for 5c P Virginia Peanut Hams, Smlthf leld B cured, at, per pound 33c 0 'Phone Douglas 647. Private Exchange Connects All Departments. U 3 Separate Entrances 8. Last Chance This Winter TO GET EGYPTIAN LOTUS CREAM FOR 6 CENTS, Is Saturday, January lDthi We have plenty this time to supply all; won't rvin out as we did last time. LIMIT 2 BOTTLES TO ONE CUSTO MER. ABOUT PRICES ON DRUG STORE THINGS: Mont every one In THESE PARTS KNOW our position when It comes tp sell ins; druf stare things; we have never been UNDERSOLD by anyone here and don't propose to be. The trust In the drug line has been, holding a strong hand for some time, bud our turn will come again pom a of these fine days! Drm't let anyone BUNCO you Into belleveing THET UN DERSELL US or that we PAT tribute to the trust gang of law breakers. WE DELIVER any place In these three cities without extra charge who else does? CUT PRICE DRUG STORES South Omaha N. W. Cor. 84th and N Sts. , Council Bluffs 6th Ave. and Main St. Omaha 16 th and Chicago is is. Schaefer's EVERT DAY CHOCOLATES The regular 60c grade, every day In the year, at, a pound JJC Washington Chocolates the best ever. SOc pound. Lowney's Chocolates and Bon Bona OOc pound. Monte Chrlsto Chocolates 60c pound. Vallno Mints 10c and 25c BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam. Colllus and Peter's Swiss Milk Choco- lates 6c and 60c a package. LOCAL MEN INVEST IN CUBA Garaer Raises e.a Others Galas; late the Baataeas af Track Garaealaa;. Gardner Haines and other Omaha men are buying up a large tract of, Cuban land 1U0.0W acres, it Is said, which they propose to 6evot to truck gardening. Luther Drake, president of the Merchants National bank, who with Dr. W. O. Bridges, left for Cuba Wednesday, Is said to be la the deal, ss also Is H, K. Burket. Tola la Dot confirmed however. The lata Herman Kountse, It la understood, was to have tdkea an Interest In It. The plan reported Is to raise four or five crops of vegetables a year and hustle then alt to market Iq New York by the most rapid transportation possible. It Is da termlaed at establish one of the most ex tensive truck gardening anterprlsea in the world. Mr. Haines la In Cuba and ha been there for some time, engaged In formulating the plana of his project. Mr. Drake and Dr. Bridges went Wednesday, Mr. Burket. ac companied by Mrs. Burket and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Webster, left last night. All will go over from New Orleans oo the new Illinois Central vessel. Momua. Tbe Webster and Burket parly will sail next Saturday for Havana, where Mr. and Mrs. Webster expect to remain for about three weeks, but Mr. and Mrs. Burket will be in Havana only a few days, after which they will sail to Rhla Honda, Cuba. Mr. Burket la Interested In' a citrus fruit plan tatlon of loot acres at Bahla Honda, which la under the management of W. P. Page, a f6rroer resident of Omaha. Mr. Burket will remain upon the plantation for about three weeks and will then return by slow stages to Omaha. Bea Want Ada produce results. (IB Wish to Deposit their private Income v and draw checks against It In payment of bills will find Our Ladies Banking Department offers every modern convenience special Pass and Check Books of convenient aUa are issued for this department. . AH checks are cashed in New Currency I It's business to have a Checking A coo u at of your own. Our Deposits HI. 000, 000. , First National Bank OMAHA. NED. P 17 n IN A SURE-IHOVE- m CLOTHING THE VOLLMER CLOTHING CO'S LEASE EXPIRES APRIL 1, AT WHICH TIME THEY MOVE OUT. NOTE THESE BARGAINS: 0 wrcoats 10 'Pweoats . $9.50 values, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats, 3 to 16 years, at Children's Suits and Overcoats, values to $3.50, at 4 ; Children's Suits, OveTcoats and Reefers, values to $2.50, at $4.98 ...3.98 195 98c Double Green Trading Stamps with every yard of Silk or Dress Goods Purchased Friday "WE SHRINK and SPONGE DRESS GOODS - yard at- Bargain Friday in Domestics FRIDAY WE OFFER A TRE MENDOUS LOT OF REMNANTS OF DOMESTICS Every remnant of Outing Flannel, Flannelettes, Percales, Silkolines, Shaker Flannels, Moleskin Flannels, Prints, etc., some of these goods sell as high as 15c to 18o yard nearly every piece worth double the price we ask Friday, yard ...... Largo Lot Fine Moleskin Flannels, in mill ends pieces that can be matched up for dresses, sacques and kimonas, sell regularly for 15c yard, Friday, a yard 3 Ileavy Dark Outing Flannels, yd.2V Large, extra heavy Comforters, on sale at 98 WaJsts, Petticoats, Cokts fSSr Se"nd Flow 11.25 Flannel Waists, made of fine flannel, pleated fronts, fancy stock and cuffs each 69c $1.50 Muslin P e tticoats trimmed with 18-inch em broidery, full body, extra wide flounce, Bargain Frl- 79c $25 Fiic Kersey , Coasts for Styles are tight-fitting -and semi fitting, full satin lined Bargains Friday in Crockery , ON EVERY SALE IN CROCKERY. MANY SPECIALS IN CHINA AT 1025 and $1.00 TOR ONE DAY ONLY. BARGAIN TIMES GREEN TRAD ING STAMPS Richard i. Metcalfe's Book "Of Such It h Kingdom" On sale in book department EMBROIDERY REMNANTS All Odds and Ends and Left- Overs From the biggest January Embroidery Sale we (and that means Omaha) ever knew At NcxMo-Nclhina-al-All Prices $1.00 I GROCERY TALK NO 2 Ol'B ENORMOUS BUSINESS modestly alluded to in Talk No. 1 sprang from the humblest beginnings. Old settlers will, readily remember that In the Fall of '78, the late Samuel F. Bennett, founder of this house, opened a little 2x4 grocery at 15th street, between Capitol avenue and Dodge street. He didn't have a wagon, nor had he even a wheelbarrow. He visited the jobbers every morning, bought sugar, flour and other things sufficient for the day's business. Old settlers will also recall that he had a habit of wheeling goods on a truck from the store to the sidewalk and from the sidewalk to the store and back again, just "to stir things up a bit." Indeed, he always kept things moving; he was ever on the move himself; he never permitted a fly speck if he could get it moved; he believed in order and cleanliness; his heart was in his business. He was determined to make the name Brnnett a something to conjure with in western merchandising. He built wUer than he knew. Today we ell ton of sugar, a car of flour, for every pound of sugar, for every dinky little sack of flour he sold.. Yet, we are every whit as careful with the buying, with the weighing, with the wrapping and with the delivery of the same as he was. Better buy your groceries at Bennett's. It was Bennet who made Omaha grocery doui I . We Art Sole Agents for Hall Drochert Dress Frames E!IAIE3s THE RIIIABUI TRB Watch.Dailf Papers for I Great Sate or laces and Embroideries Best Remnant Bargains Ever Many; thousand yards of Dress Goods, Silks, etc. Thousands cfi odd garments, all of standard quality, priced far belov actual worth in order to close quickly Friday. Remnants of Wool Dress Goods 4 ON BARGAIN SQUARE Remnants of high grade Dress Goods in broadcloths,, serge, Sicilians, ba tiste, that sold up to $2.50 a yard, at, a yard ... .49 all wool Challies and Flannel that sold up to 75c, at, a yard 19 Regular 50c Cashmere and Henrietta, by the piece, at, a yard 25 All Wool Suitings, Granite Cloth and Batiste, in all colors, regular 75c quality, at. a yard 29 All wool Henriettas, Panamas and Voile, in all colors, regular 85c grade, at, a yard 39 Drapery Bargains for Friday: Odd T,ace Curtains, worth from to $5.00 a pair, at, each .f) Lace Curtains, worth $1.60, up to $2.25 yard, at, each ............. .49) Tapestry Portieres, in odd pafrs, worth up to $6.60, go at $3.08, $2.98.1,98 Silk Fringes, worth 25c W3Bc yard, to close quick, at, yard 5) From 2:30 to 3:30 will sell all the 12 Vic and 15c SUkollne 10 yards to customer at, a yard ....... 5 In the Bargain Room Wash Goods of all kinds, worth up to 12 Vic yard, Friday, at, yard 2 12 Vic Shirting Percales. 36-in. wide, Friday at 4 10c Snow White Muslin. Friday, at. yard -3H Remnants of Cotton Dress Goods, all kinds, long mill ends, worth to 15c yard. at 8 Vic Huck Towels,' large size, fringed, each ... 10c grade Linen Toweling, in Friday's sale at. Lonsdale CambrlcB. in long remnants at, yard at lAiiDuairj uaui ui icn, iu mug i ciuuauin ni( jam wvj f I 16c English Long Cloth. 36-ln. wide, at, yard J Vif V 15c Sheer India Linons and Dotted Swisses, long mill ends, Friday, at .. .5? 55c Ready-to-use Bleached Sheets, Friday at 37"J 12 Vic Pillow Cases, ready to use, exceptional bargain, Friday at ...... 8 Vij 35c Table Damask, fnll bleached, at, yard .........15 8 Vic Outing Flannels, extra heavy quality, on sale at, yard -3 Friday Silk Bargains On Bargain Square Handsome novelty and plain Silks, which sold regularly from 60c to 76c yard, Friday, at, yard. 25c IN Main Silk Department Beautiful Evening Novelties, Silk Voiles, Fsncy Suiting Silks, PlaidBand Checks, $1.00 to $1.25 values..... ..59 High Grade Linens ON MAIN FLOOR-Second Aisle to Right. 1 - Remnants of Table Linen accumulated from our big linen sale. These are all from our regular stock and sold up to $1.75 yard, in both bleached and un bleached, all good lengths. We will place in 3 lots, at, yd., 59c, 49c . -39 k Pattern Cloths, slightly soiled, in plain and hemstitched, 2, 2 V4 and 3 yards. J sold regularly up to $4, at, piece, $1:98, $1.49 and $1'.25 Napkins, soiled and mussed, good, large sizes, In both bleached and unbleached. worth up to $3 dozen, in 3 lots, at, dozen, $1.49, 98c and 59 Towels, In huck and Turkish, extra large sizes, all linen and union, sold up to 19c, at 8 Bed Spreads, full size, honeycomb and Marseilles patterns, slightly soiled, to close, at, pair 98 Remnants of Crash Toweling, good, long lengths, suitable for roller towels, in all linen and union, sold up to 15c yard, in 3 lots, at, yd., 7 Vic, 5c and.3 Unmatched Notion Bargains - The Greatest Notion ale of the year will begin Friday morr ing at 8:30 a. m. High' grade staple notions will be sold for lel5 money than goods of like quality are quoted elsewhera Never be fore have such bargains been offered. COMPARE THE PRICES WITH QUOTATIONS ELSEWHERE Darning Cotton, first quality, fast black, per spool 1 Hump Hdok and Eyes,' Friday, per card 1? Dress Makers' Tape Measures, 60-in. long, Friday It Thimbles of all kinds, Friday's sale price, each 1 Good Pearl Buttons, In Friday's sale, at, dozen It Shoe Laces, per pair 1 Corset Laces, per pair 1 Bone Hair Pins, extra large size, each for 1 Cotton Tapes, all widths, per roll.le 200 yards Machine Thread, Friday at lVi Ladles' Back Combs; each 5 Silky Crochet Cotton, 3 for 5 Mohair Dress Binding, 6 yards, best quality, at, bolt 7H 100 yards. Sewing Silk at ....... 5 arning nd 8JV t s$F 2ViS'i .5 S Tooth Brushes, each 4Vit 6-in. Horn Combs, metal back, Friday, special, at 5 25c Combination Needle Books, con tains 4 pkgs. needles and 14 darnfng needles, 6 hat and veil pins and 8JV pins, Friday, each 15c Rubber Fine Combs at Linen Thread, per spool .., 15c Tack Pullers, each .......... .5 15c Curling Irons, each 5 20c Rope Shopping Bags, each ,.5 Basting Cotton, 2 spools for Safety Pins, 2 doz. for.... 1 40 Corset Mourning Pins, per box.J Sampson Brand Pins, full counts, per package Crimped Hair Pins, assorted sizes, 10 packages .......... .' ....... . J EClelnert's Dress Shields, Friday, per Pair v...l2Vi Stockinette Dress Shields, Friday, at, Pr 7 Vi,. Friday's Furnishing Bargains Men's and Ladles' Underwear, heavy fleece Hnd, all sfzeS, 60c values at 25f !, t . t Men's Heavy Working Shirts and Jersey Ribbed Shirts, in all sizes, worth TT -' $1.00. at, choice 29" 25c Mittens and Gloves, men s, ladles ana children s, snap, to close at 12 Vi fWS 100 f Men's and Boys' Suspenders, worth up to 25c, at, pair Children's Underwear, heavy fleeced, regular 26c value, at ....... .12 Vi Ladles' Gowns, in heavy outing flannels, generously proportioned, well made, $1.00 value, at .Haydens', the Greatest of All Pure Food Depts. In the West Not only the lowest prices, but the highest quality and fresh est goods always. 21 pounds Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar $1.00 10-lb. sacks Best White or Yellow Cornmeal 12Vio 10-lb. sacks Best Pure Buckwheat Flour c 35 2- lb. cans Best Sac City Sweet Sugar Corn j0 3- lb cans Best Lye Hominy ...,7Vio Quart cans Golden Table Syrup 90 Potted Meats, per can 2Vio 1-pound package Macaroni it 8Vio Large bottles Worcester Sauce 70 Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, per package 70 Uneeda Biscuits, per package 8 Tbe Best Soda Crackers, per pound 60 1-lb. package Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco ..,,,.f..49o The Best Tea Sittings, per pound ........12 ViQ FRESH FRUIT DEPARTMENT PRICES Beets, Carrots. Turnips, Rutabages, Parsnips, red or yellow Onions, per 1 Two Heads Fresh Lettuce ...60 Two Large Bunches Fresh Radishes 6o The Best Kllu-Drled 8weet Potatoes, per pound 3 Large Heads r'resn uaDoage 6J 8 Vi a JT e e tea) lJVio . . . . i .100 The Best Late Red Cranberries, per qt. California Figs, per psg New Honey, per rack Fancy Fard Dates, per pound Mexican Pinon Nuts, per pound English Walnuts, per pound Black Walnuts, per peck Large Cocoanuts, each Fancy Cooking Figs, per pound Extra large and fancy Higland Navel Oranges, retail size, everywhere per doi.. S&C ana twe, our ice, yer uuiou t.,... , 25 . ...llVio " ...15a 26a I so ...7V4a V M U 9 0)0) fm c;iJ