Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1907, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
rarihtt City of Xlirrton May Blip Into
the Bay.
nako Tormi Hole and Cracks Hundred
Feet Deep.
Dispatoh from Governor Beporta Bnrial of
843 Bodies.
Partial Lift of Most Prominent Persons
Haenttal Carps from VU ''y''ff
aval TentU AM la R. V
Worh-Only BmUtM Pa
of City Burned.
BT. AUGUSTINE. Fla.. Jan. 17. Wlrs
leee m essngea received at the station on
Anaatasla Island, today by hlef Electrician
lilklne say that Kingston Is slnklna (grad
ually, that many holes and cracks 100 Test
dasp were formed by the earthquake and
that grave fears are felt that the entire city
will slip Into the bay.
Another message says the hospital corps,
attendants and supplies from the United
States naval vessels at Guantanamo have
been sent to the stricken Island.
NEW TORK. Jan. 17. The shores of the
harbor of Kingston are sinking; and there
is terror lest the city slip into the sea,
according; to a private dispatch received
by a large mercantile house here today
from Port au Prince, Haytl. The bed of
the harbor is aald to be sinking; and the
crater in many places is now 100 feet deep.
Every wharf is said to have sunk into the
sen. or to have been rendered worthless.
NEW TORK. Jan. 17.-Accordlng to In
formation recnled today the Klng-ston hor
ror la growing;. Communication with the
Island is partially restored and every mes
sage that comes brings fresh details of the
appalling catastrophe.
The number of dead is placed variously
at from 600 to 1,100 and the number of
Injured runs into . the thousands. Ten
thousand people ..are said to be homeless.
'The -dnnger' of 'famine has increased and
with It stalk the spectra of pestilence.
There la urgent need of supplies of all kinds
and erergetle efforts are being made in
this country and In England to send aid.
The business section of the city has been
wiped out and the estimates of the damage
range from 810,000,000 to 136,000,00a
Among the dead and injured are a num
'oer of prominent English persons and al
most every dlspatoh adds a new name to
the list. Eight Americans are recorded as
mining and it is aald that many touriata
undoubtedly were crushed by falling walla
in the shipping district. 'he American
battleships Missouri and liana have
reached the scene and A an officers
and rallors are standing by . ..-j, to render
any assistance In their powers. A new
horror Is added tq the situation by reports the city soem, to be slowly sinking
Into the sea. The contour of the bottom
of the hahor materially ohanged and
two Ughf. houses at the harbor entrance
are said to hive disappeared. '
The ships In the harbor are "crowded with
Injured people, and the death list is being
Increased daily. Corpses lie in the streets
or are being thrown Into trenches.
The fearsome extent of the appalling
Calamity that baa visited the capital of
Jamaica haa not yet been recorded to the
outside world and It la doubtful If even
the people of Kingston themselves are
yet aware of the full extent of the disaster
that overwhelmed them last Monday after
noon. Partial Mat of Dead.
Following Is a list of the more important
1 ';im reported killed In the earthquake:
A-1 JAMBS FEROU890N, M. P.. deput
tin; of the Royal Mail Steam Packet
cui:uy of London. .
tendent In Jamaica for the Royal Mail
Hteam Packet company.
CAPTAIN YOUNCl, commander of the
Steamer A mo of the Royal Steam Packet
company's fleet.
CAPTAIN LA1IONT, who was soon to be
married to en American girl.
LiR. KuPhUtToON AND WIFE (perhaps
X. O. D. F. Robertson and wife).
CHARLES SHERLOCK, a well known
A. M. NATHAN, partner of Charles Sher
lock, In the firm of Nathan. Sherlock &
UltADLET VERLET, extensively Inter
ested In sugar cultivation.
G. MuN. LIVINGSTON, senior clerk In
the auditing office ef the Colonial govern
ment. 1II R. C. OIBB.
M1SH LOCKBTT. killed In Jamaica club.
BDMAR D. CORDOVA, carriage and
vaou maker.
The mlealng:
J W. Mlddleton.
Charlea D. Cordova. Importing provision
Eua-ord D. Cordova, a brother of Charles.
A brother of Cheriee Sherlock.
Red Cress Begins Werk.
The tret cargo of supplies to be aent from
New Tork In aid of the stricken people
of Jamaica will be shipped tomorrow.
President Cleveland Dodge of the New York
late branch of the National Red Cross
ka authorised by the national organisation
kJay to spend IC.OOO in the purchase of
juppUea. '
The Red Cross contributions will be sup
plemented y a suantlty of food, medlolne
and other auppllee gathered by a commute
of steamship and commercial Arms. T'.j
Hamburg-Amertoan, the United Fruit co:r
any and the Royal Mall Steamship com
pany tonight announced that all the vee
aals of their lines to Kingston would be
ai the disposal of relief organisations de
siring to forward supplies to Jamaica.
Ottr a Haas) ef Bnlaa.
LONDON. Jan. 17. It la now known that
the death Hit from the Kinrtton. earth
euoke certainly will exceed SO persons aad
nay even reach 1.030, and that large aunt-
(Gvutinued aa Third Pm4.
Friday, Jaaaary IS, 1HOT.
ioo7 January 1907
so mon rue wto tmu ri sat
? I; 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 0 10 II 12
13 N 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 J
cloudy Friday and warmer In west portion,
Saturday fair.
FORECAST FOR IOWA'-Fair in west,
rain or snow In east portion Friday. Sat
urday generally fair.
Temperature at oniahn vrstcrday:
Hour. LVg. Hour. Deg.
5 a. m, 23 i p. m a
a. rrv. a p. m 2)
I - m 20 a p. m 23
I a. m ja 4 p. m S4
" 1 5 p. m 24
J m. in p. m . 26
H a. m. 19 7 p. m 25
" m.. 20 8 p. m 26
p. m 28
Assistant attorney general of United
States at Pueblo, Colo., and starts investigation-
Into alleged land frauds in
that state. rage a
Heavy snows have fallen in North
Dakota and a renewal of railroad block-
,e is probable. Vage
Mo river is still rising and a sixty
foot stage is expected at Cincinnati
Sunday. rage
intra! shakeup In army pay depart
me. is rumored. 'age 1
Senator Blackburn submits amendment
to Fp raker resolution admitting right of
president- to discharge soldiers without
honor. Page 6
Reports from Kingston say bed of har
bor Is sinking and fears are expressed
that ruined city may slip into the bay.
At least 1,000 persons are dead. Page 1
House Judiciary committee hears rep
resentatives of women's vluba. Women's
Christian Temperance union and others
on child labor bill and recommends it
for passage. Page 1
Prof. Bruner tells corn growers Insects
and other pests destroy one-quarter of
the crop each year. - Page 3
Supreme court decides scavenger tax
case in favor of The Bee and allows Its
bill for publication in full. Page 3
Bill to be introduced in the senate
changing the Judicial districts, Increas
ing the number to seventeen, but making
a reduction of eight in the number of
Judge. Page 9
Charges are made at meeting of Farm
ers' Co-Operatlve association that Omaha
la robbed of grain trade by false. grading
at other markets. Page U
Nebraska Volunteer Firemen's associa
tion elects ' officers at Grand Island and
decides to meet I nex". year at Nebraska
City. Page 3
Joint committee of house and sentae
holds Its first session to formulate a
railroad bill and question ' Is Informally
discussed. ' Page 1
oovaron b&vppb ajts xowa.
Report of Engineer Klerated puts re
muneration of water rates at higher
figure than those contained In ordinance
passed some time ago. Page
Governor Cummins in his Inaugural
address advocates some changer in state
constitution. Thinks powers of states
should be increased rather than dimin
ished. Page
Pnrt. ArrlT.d. . Sal tod.
NIW YORK Kalnrta Aug. VleLa Barale.
BOB TON JSionl Jjmria.
HAVRB Sardlalaa
ST. JOHNS Montreal.
NAPLES Sicilian Prtaae....8lavsala.
NAFL.KB Caroolau
LONDON dUaaibriaa Mlnnahaha.
dCKU.NBTOWN... Arable.
Alabama "Learns How Gold aad
Platiaasa Hay Be Hardened
ad Tempered.
MONTGOMERY, Ala., Jan. 17. Mr. Al
fred D. P. Weaver of " this city haa. In
collaboration with John Edward Carney,
and while engaged In laboratory experi
ments in search of a new coherer material
for wlrelesj telegraphy, discovered the art
of hardening and tempering precious and
seml-preoloue metals, suoh as platinum,
gold and the like, without alloying them
With other metala The oharacteristio re
sultg obtained by Mr. Weaver'a process are
the enormoda reduction in the fusing point
of those metals and the iiapartiug to thera
of a dewee of hardness. In some Instances
surpassing that of the best steel tool when
Platinum, one of the moat refractory of
metals, heretofore requiring for its fusion
the uxy-hydrogen flame, or the voltaio aro,
la, after being subjected to the new process,
easily melted, before a gasoline blow pipe
and may be cast,' again melted and recast
So great a hardness Is Imparted to these
metals by Mr. Weaver's process that a
piece of gold or platinum, for Instance, can
with the greatest difficulty be abraded by
a bent steel file, and a sphere of either of
these metels ef,' say two millimeters dla
meter, when placed upon a hardened steel
anvil and struck sharp blows with an
elght-ounoe steel hammer, will resist such
a blow and suffer only the slightest altera
tion In shape.
B. A. Baraett of Llneela, Wka Was
eeretary ef Aalamal Beerlea,
v Bet tree.
COLUMBUS, a. Jan. 17. The American
Breeders' association closed its annual
meeting here today. The following officers
were re-elect ad:
James Wilson, secretary of agriculture,
president; William . Heys, Washington,
D. C. secretary; prof. Oscar Err of Man
hattan, Kan., treasurer; A. P. Grout of
Winchester, III., chairman animal section;
Charles W. Ward of Queens, N. Y., chair
man plant section; C. B. Davenport of Cold
Springs Harbor, N. T., was elected secre
tary of the animal section In place of E.
A. Burnett of Lincoln. Neb.; Prof. K. E.
H ana an of Brookings, S. D., waa re-elected
secretary of the plant section.
Resolutions were adopted urging the dis
continuance of Indiscriminate distribution
of aeed by the Agricultural department and
the application of the money previously
appropriated for this purpose to agricul
tural research and the Importation of new
seeds. The association also declared In
favor of the organisation of a national co
operative accounting assoolatioa, v
Bhakeup Coming; in Brigadier Geatral
Sniffen'g Deputmant
Lleateitaat Coloael Menleaber, Ac
cording to Raaaors Carrent,
Will Be Ordered te the
(From a Staff Correepondent.)'
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-(8pecial Tele
gram.) In army circles there la rumor
that the pay department, under Brigadier
General Snlffen, will shortly be reorganised
and that there will be a general change
all around, especially in the higher grades.
It is understood Colonel Tower, now sta
tioned at Chicago," who In all probability
will be the next paymaster general of the
army, will come to Washington as dis
trict paymaster here, relieving Lieuenant
Colonel Muhlenberg, who will be ordered
to the Philippines. Lieutenant Colonel
Tucker, son-in-law of Mrs. John A. Logan,
now on station In the Philippines, It Is
expected, will be assigned to San Fran
cisco. Colonel Charles H. Whipple, who
now Is chief paymaster In Cuba, it Is
thought, will be ordered to Chicago to re
lieve Colonel Tower, ranking colonel, and
someone in the Junior grade will be aent
to Cuba to succeed Colonel Whipple.
Appropriation for the Mlasoarl.
The river and harbor bill, which will be
reported to the house probably tomorrow,
will contain the appropriation of tlOO.AOO
for Missouri river work between Kansas
City and Sioux City, and $60,noo for work
above Sloiix City. Representative Pollard
and Kennedy appeared before the com
mittee today and urged that a larger ap
propriation be authorized for that stretch
of river between Kansas and Sioux City,
but Chairman Burton was informed by
army engineers that the work could be
done for $60,000. The money will be used
In clearing the channel of snags and other
(obstructions to navagatlon. When this
work is completed, engineers say the river
will be navigable almont the entire year.
The committee inserted the appropriation
on the showing made by the Nebraska
congressmen named. They submitted a
statement presenting plans of the pro
motors of the Omaha-Kansas City barge
line and made a strong argument for an
;-Amendment to Coal Laaa Law.
Representative Martin of South Dakota
today introduced a bill, Its Intent being
to amend the existing laws relating to
public .coal lands. The Martin bill pro
vides that any person or association of
persons, seve01y qualified, who have
opened and Improved any coal mine upon
public lands and shall be In actual pos
sesion of the same shall be entitled to
preference right of entry. When an asso
ciation of not less than four persona shall
have x ponded not less than 15,000 they
may be entitled to enter not exceeding
1,280 acres. Those who have expended
$10,000 may enter 2,510 acres. The bill also
gives the president power to set apart and
reserve from entry such unappropriated
public lands aa he may deem necessary
to -protect, the coal supply from passing
Into the ewrftrot at naonopatles; . '
' Passes for. Tralamea, "
Senator Burkett Introduced a bill to
amend the anti-pass provisions of the rail
road rate law. Mr. Burkett, after looking
over the enacted bill, believes an Injus
tice has been done and now aeeks through
his bill to amend the act. It la the pur
pose of Senator Burkett to permit railroad
companies to issue passes to traveling rep
resentatives of the Brotherhoods of Loco
motive Engineers, Firemen, and Railway
Trainmen, all trainmen and the Order of
Railway Telegraphers.
Pensloas for Weatera Men.
Senator Burkett also lntroduoed a bill to
Increase the pension of John S. Burke to
$30 per month.
Representative Klnkald waa today ad
vised that John W. Hoerbaugh, Ravenna,
had been allowed an increase of pension to
$8, dating from December 8. He was also
Informed that an original pension of $13
had been granted to Charles' I Paxton
of Gordon, Neb., at $12 per month.
Representative Kennedy has secured a
pension of $12 for Samuel W. Young of
Minor Western Matters.
Lieutenant Colonel John M. Barrister,
deputy surgeon general, will proceed to
Omaha for temporary duty aa acting chief
surgeon of the Department of Missouri.
South Dakota poatofflcea established:
Hause, Day county, Ole Hauae, postmas
ter; Mobridge, Walworth county. Archie
B. Flick, postmaster.
Third Convention Called to Order by
Mas Who Declares Plaaters
Are Roabaa.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan. 17,-The third
annual convention of the Southern Cotton
association began here today with a big
attendance. After several welcoming ad
dressee. M. L. Johnson of Georgia, president
of the Georgia division, responding, said in
"My friends. It Is war. Not a war with
powder and lead, but a war requiring aa
much bravery, aa much brains and call
ing for as much sacrifice and patriotism aa
nerved the arms and inspired the spirit of
the Lees, the Jaaksons and the Johnstons,
heroes of our lost cause, but a cause never
to be forgotten."
He said that for forty years the south
had submitted to being robbed on the price
of Ita chief product because of its proverty.
"For forty years," he continued, "we have
paid tribute to Wall street gamblers, the
spinners of Europe and spinners of our own
country. Are you ready for the battle
against this robbery T"
The speaker scored the American spinner
for "allaying themselves with the interests
of the foreign spinner to the detriment and
improverlahmant of their own people and
their own consumers."
President Harvle Jordan then delivered
hia annual address.
Fort Rice Praesereas.
SAN JUAN. P. R., Jan. 17,-Oovarnor
Wtnthrop, In his annual message to the
legislature, congratulates the people of the
island on the commercial , and financial
prosperity. He recommends changes In the
judicial system and an Increase In school
facilities and in the civil service laws. The
governor also recommends the continuance
of the Porto Rico commercial agency In
New Tork.
Filiplaea Aftet .aaeard Oil.
MANILA. Jan. 17. The Insular govern-
tnent demands payment of the Standard
Oil company of $i,614 In gold., duty upon
oil brought Into the Philippines prior to
1901, upon which the proper tax was not
paid. The Standard Oil company will con
test the matter wtth the Insular govern
ment, which will bring suit.
Senator Millar Makea Pablle Report
ef Commlaaloa aa Berlaga
Rcccatly Made,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Chairman Mil
lard of the senate aenata committee on
Interoceanlc canals today made publlo
the report of the Interoceanlc Canal com
mission on the boring at the Gatun dam
site, which was furnished In response to a
request from the committee. The report
Includes a cabled statement from Chief
Engineer Stevens In which he says twelve
holes have been bored at the Gatun site
and all show that the lock walls will rest
on Arm and suitable soft rock. He also
says that sixty-three borings, all extending
to rock, have been made across the valley
at Chagrer covering the dam site and that
pervious matter was found In only four
holes and below X feet. At the Plero
Miguel lock walls there have been ten bor
ings, all ahowlng rock suitable for f undatlon.
The following statement was issued by the
Isthmian Canal commlssron today:
Chairman Shonta today announced that at
a conference between the president. Secre
taries Root and Taft and himself with
re pert to the pending contract for the con
struction of the Panama canal. It was de
cided that the lowest bid that Is of 6.76
per cent wae a porcentnge at which tho
government would be Justified in placing the
The second point In the determination of
this matter is whether or pot the persona
making this bid that is, Messrs. Oliver
& Bangs can qualify flnacially under the
requirements; that is to say whether they
can show that they have or can control
$5.Wj.(mi available for this work; that Is
5.XVO0O above lfablllllea, tnrludine; the
000.0.10, which will be required to make the
It waa further decided that If their per
sonal record and the bualness standing are
found after Investigation to be all right,
they ought to have the contract.
The correspondence accompanying the
report shows that the Information was
transmitted In response to a letter from
Senator Millard dated January 8 In which
he informed the commission of the desire
of the committee for Information. '
In his response Mr. Shonts Included
not only the statements of members of "the
engineering commltteee of the commission,
but also a cabled statement from Chief
Engineer Btevens giving full Information
on the point in question up to. January 12.
The letter from the engineering committee
bears the signature of Its chairman. Ad
miral Endlcott, who says: "We know of
no foundation for the report "that the pro
posed lock on the Paclflo aide has been
changed some two or three miles from the
original point designated. The locks both
at Pedro Miguel and Sosa occupy sub
stantially the sites chosen by the minority
of the advisory board. The locations are
necessarily general. When special exami
nations were made it was found that the
rock foundations at Pedro Miguel did not
extend over the entire area covered by the
structures, and a alight shifting of the
position may be advisable, but there have
been no other changes contemplated.
"The investigations which the committees
caused have thus tar led to no disclosure
of extraordinary difficulties requiring
changea of previous plana. The continua
tion of surveys has for its object the com
plete adaptability of the design of locks
and other features of the plan to the ex
isting surface and sub-surface conditions.
There is nothing In the -examinations af
fecting the practlblllty or permanency of
the Gatun dam.' .
Commiaaloaer Proatr Decides to Take
Farther Testlmoay at Port
land April IB.
SPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 17. In concluding
the Spokane end of the hearing In the ap
plication of this city for in-proved freight
rates today, Interstate Commerce Com
missioner Charles A. Prouty ruled that
i further testimony would be taken in Port
land Monday, April 16, and In so ruling,
said that the case was of such Importance
that its scope extended far beyond Spokane.
He said that every community in the moun
tain districts of the western part of tho
United States from Spokane to the Mexican
border was facing practically the same
problem. He told of going to Denver next
week to hear evidence In caaes that were
exactly similar.
Commissioner Prouty followed up his re
marks by issuing an order that the North
ern Pacific, Great Northern and Oregon
Railroad & Navigation companies furnish
to the commission complete Information
regarding the number of cars of Interstate
freight hauled west through Spokane, east
through Spokane, and by the Oregon Rail
road Navigation company from the
Commissioner Prouty refused the request
of Attorney Adams of Boston, of counsel
for the complainants, to strike from the
complaint the section referring to sea-going
competition against the railroads. Mr.
Adams desired this stricken out on the
ground that Spokane did not care whether
Its allegations that the railroads could suc
cessfully compete with sea-going trafflo is
true or not.
fnlted Btates Senator Deales Aay
Improper Relations with Oil
AUSTIN. Tex., Jan. 17. United States
Senator Bailey addressed the house this
afternoon on Invitation of that body. Sen
ator Bailey's speech was an Impassioned
denial of anything Improper In his rela
tions with the Waters-Pierce OH company.
The documents In Attorney General David
son's possession, declared the senator, are
not authentic.
Representative Cock accepted, a chal
lenge from the senate Investigating com
mittee to prove Bailey's connection with
the Waters-Pierce company.
Cork today gave notice that he preferred
the charges against Senator Bailey as out
lined In the house resolution demanding
an Investigation and desired that Senator
Bailey be summoned as the principal wit
ness. Mr. Cock's announcement was In
response to an invitation for the special
advisory committee of the senate that If
any one wanted to prefer charges and
summon witnesses in the Bailey Investiga
tion they were willing to accept the notice
and summon the witnesses.
Following Senator Bailey's address the
house discussed the proposed campaign, but
took no action.
Grand Jnry Falls to Fix Reanonal.
blllty for Draw Bridge Dlaaster
at Atlantic City.
ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Jan. 17.-The
Atlantic county grand Jury today refused
to hold Daniel Stewart, the bridge tender,
responsible for the accident at the At
lanilo City drawbridge last October, in
which scores lost their lives. The jury
recommends that the railroad company
be instructed at onoa to repair the defective
rail connections and that the apeed limit
over the bridge enould not xcoed eight
stiles aa hour.
Joint LotriglatiTa Committee of House and
Benata Bold First cesiion.
Coaseasaa at Oplaloa Lea-tslatloa
Shoald Deal with Freight Rates,
Leaving Paticager Rata
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 17. (Special Telegram.)
At the first meeting tonight of the Joint
house and senate railroad ceminittre, em
powered to draft a bill outlining the duties
and powers of the state railroad commis
sion, it developed that the committee will
not favor a 3-ctnt passenger rate, but will
give the commission power to deal with
this matter. One of the committee men
tioned the passenger rate and both Aldrich
and Epperson and others said this was a
minor matter compared to freight rate re
duction and, apparently, a majority of
the committee is of the same opinion.
Epperson of Clay favored the appoint
ment of sub-committees to draft bills cov
ering the various powers to be conferred
upon the railroad commission. In favor
of which, he argued that should one bill
by some unforseen circumstance not be
legal there would be other laws left under
whose authority the commission could act.
Senator Aldrich favored one bill cover
ing the entire subject, Includjng the quali
fications of the members of the commis
sion, powers, duties, methods of procedure,
orders issued, and penalties for failure to
obey orders, but with a separate bill mak
ing a flat passenger rate, though leaving
the commission power to set this aside If
It was not compensatory to the rsilroada
Senator Aldrich favors a measure which
will throw the burden of proof In case of
appeal to the courts upon the railroad and
not upon the commission. In other words,
he would provide that the commission
could establish a minimum freight rate
and If it could be shown by the railroads
that such a rate was not compensatory, the
railroads would have to show the commis
sion or the courts that such was the case.
If they showed this then the commission
should have power under the law to In
crease the rate.
Power la Too Broad.
Borne of the members were of the opinion
this power to euange a rata In the statute
could not be delegated to the coinnilusion,
inasmuch as It would be equivalent to re
pealing a statute. The matter was re
ferral to Senator Root, who, though not a
member of the committee, was present at
the hearing. Mr. Root expressed the opin
ion that no such power could be given
the commission. In case the courts set
aside the rata fixed in the statute, he said,
the commission then could put other rates
into effect. v
Commissioners Wlnnett and Williams
were present at the meeting and Dr. Wln
nett explained Mr. Cowell was not there
because he had not had time to notify
him of the meeting, though he had prom
ised to do so whenever his presencs was
desired. The notice was received too late
from the committee to get word to the
Omaha member of the commission.
. These two members .were questioned re
garding their Investigations 6f the work-'
lnga of the commissi on In other states,
and especially in Iowa and Kansas, which
places had been visited. The information
brought ought waa practically that which
was published in statements from them
during the last week. - Both members were
asked by Walsh to tell what they thought
their compensation should be, and both
modestly declined to put a price upon their
services, saying the committee and legis
lature could well attend to that. After
some question by Chairman Wilsey, Dr.
Wlnnett said the average salary paid to
railroad commissioners in all the states
was $2,816. the range being wide. Thes9
two members were requested to consult
with Mr. Cowell and report to the commit
tee when It meets Tuesday night, on the
help which will be required and about how
much money it will take to run the com
mission. The members of the commission were
given to understand they would be ex
pected to devote their entire time to the
duties of their office and to withdraw from
any other business In which they might
be engaged.
Report at Paris that They Will Test
Temper of Parliament Be
fore Acting.
PARIS, Jan. 17. The Journal says it un
derstands that the bishops, at their meet
ing yesterday, decided to await the result
of M. Flandln's bill In regard to publlo
meetings before deciding how tar the Bri
and church law may be used.
It Is now possible to announce definitely
that the ultramontalaes were victorious at
the sessions of the French episcopate in
their determination to hold In suspense the
main question of how worship shall be
continued, a decision being arrived at not
to form cultural associations under the law
of 1901 and to at the same time ask for
precise Instructions from Roma. In the
meantime the status quo will be maintained.
The key to the Vatlcan-s position In the
matter was revealed by Cardinal Coullte,
archbishop of Lyons, who told the assem
bled ecclesiastics that a solution would be
contrary to the orders of the pope, who de
sired to compel the French government to
make a new convention.
According to an authentic version of hlsvl
"We can congratuate ourselves on having
already obtained important results. The
government has surrendered on several
points, namely, that the prosecutions of
priests for not making declarations of their
intention to hold meetings have given good
results. In some caaes the priests were
actually acquitted and the government has
been compelled to modify the law. We
must not pronounce the word "settlement.' !
There will be no solution until the govern
ment turns to Rome."
Among the minor question decided In
connection with the decision to deposit the
church funds abroad In the future, out of
the reach of the French government, were
to transform the seminaries into superior
theological schools and not to ordain any
theological students until they have com
pleted their military service.
Gearga Lever Weldaaaa ' Thought t
Have Died from Expeaure
la France.
MENTONE. France, Jan. 17.-Gorge
Lever Weidmann, sold to have been an
American, was found dead la the snow on
Mount Aiguille near Castlllon. Exposure
is believed s have beta the cause af hia
Thoaaand Delegates, Repreaenttn All
Sheep Balalng; Seel Ions, Meet la
Salt Lake City. '
SALT LAKE CITT. Jan. 17. -The forty
third annual convention of the National
Wool Growers association was called to
order at 10 o'clock this morning In Armory
hall. Owing to the nonarrlval of many
delegates a recess wae taken until 1:90 this
More than 1100 delegates were In at
tendance at the afternoon session, and sec
tions of the country where sheep are raised
were represented. The wool trade of Boa
ton and other eastern cities also were
represented. Governor John C. Cutler wel
comed the visitors In behalf of Utah.
Vice President J. M. Wilson then delivered
his annual address to the association. "
A feature of the convention Is an ex
hibition of standard bred and high grade
sheep, at the state fair grounds, where
more than 600 sheep, mostly from the Intcr
mountaln country, are on exhibition.
It developed early that the delegates al
most to a man are bitterly hostile to the
forest reserve policy of the government.
This sentiment was vigorously voiced by
the vice president In his annua) address,
which set the convention wild with enthusi
asm, while the defense of the administra
tion by Chief Forester Glfford Plnchot of
the Agricultural department waa very
coldly received.
At the climax of his address Dr. Wilson
declared that the transformation of the
ranges Into forest reserves from which
the sheep are excluded will put Wyoming
back twtnty years and reduce its wealth
M per cent He also discussed the trans
portation question, saying that the facilities
of the railroads should be ample In view
of the Increased equipment within the last
year. The trouble, he suggested. Is due
to the lack of speed rather than to lack
of cars.
Mr. Mnchot took the broad ground that
the sheep men represent only a small pro
portion of the people of the United States
and that their interests must give way. If
necessary, to the welfare of the nation.
He expressed his personal sympathy, but
"This question of ranges Is your ques
tion, not our question. Our concern Is for
the homesteader. The government wants
to raise children instead of lambs."
Chansre la the Bankruptcy Law la
Advocated by Delegates at
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Important ac
tion was taken today by the National
Board of Trade at the closing session of
Its thirty-seventh annual meeting with
respect to the bankruptcy law. A resolu
tion was adopted approving the present
law, but suggested that It be amended so
as to provide the following additional rea
sons for a refusal to discharge an applicant
from bankruptcy:
First The loss by an Insolvent debtor,
within four months of filing of his peti
tion, of money or property by unlawful
speculating, betting or gaming.
Second The making away of the proceeds
of merchandise purchased within four
months of the Ailing of a petition In volun
tary bankruptcy.
Third The making of any preference In
an attempt to defraud a creditor. . .
Fourth The making of intentionally
false, statements to commercial agencies
to secure a false commercial rating.
In a resolution adopted the National Board
of Trade gives its approval to the shipping
bin now pending before the house of repre
sentatives and urges its enactment by con
gress. The resolution also approves legis
lation which will promote the national
defense, create a naval reserve and estab
lish among ocean mall lines to foreign
markets and especially to South and Cen
tral Amercla and to oriental countries.
A final adjournment was taken after the
transaction of some routine business.
Supreme Coart Says Publication Is
Legal aad Awards Entire Fee
1 i
(From a Staff Correspondent) '
LINCOLN, Jan. 17. (Special.) In the case
of The Bee Publishing company, appellant,
against the County of Douglas and the
World Publishing company, lntervenor, ap
pellees, the supreme court reverses the
judgment of the district court as to pub
lication fees and in all other things af
firms. The court holds that the county
treasurer has authority to designate a
paper for the publication of scavenger law
foreclosure sales If the county commis
sioners have failed to do so. The Bee Pub
lishing company Is entitled to receive $1
for each square of ten lines for the first
insertion and 60 centa a square for each
subsequent insertion, including matters of
description. The World Publishing com
pany filed an injunction suit against the
payment of the fees, contending that the
county was not liable In any amouut, for
the reason that appellant's paper waa not
legally designated for the publication of
the notice and tax lists.
Hobs Calls for Evidence aad Asks
Senator to Mak a
AUSTIN, Tex., Jan. 17. The house voted
today to have the attorney general present
all papers In connection with the charges
against Senator Joseph W. Bailey. Sen
ator Bailey has been invited to address
the house on these charges and will prob
ably avail himself of the opportunity be
fore the adjournment tonight.
Many speeches were made In the house
today on the continual question whether '
or not Bailey's re-election can be postponed
by resolution or joint agreement later than
next Tuesday pending a prospective lnves-
tlgatlon.' Bailey's adherents claim that a
vote must be recorded on that date and if j
enougn votes are caai-ror Bailey to elect
him he must be declared the regularly
elected senator -from Texas.
Ralph Barasld ef Oskalooaa, Iowa,
Chaws Presldeat sf North,
westera Assoclatloa.
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 17. Ralph Burn
side of Oakaloosa, la., was re-elected by
a unanimous vote to the presidency of the
Northwestern Lumbermen's association to
day; M. T. McMahon, Feigus Falls, Minn.,
vice president; Charles A. Fink bine. Do
Moines, la., secretary; directors. James 8.
Hart of Aberdeen, S. D., and Stanley D.
Moore of Waterloo, la.
Most of today's session wes devoted to
discussing the action of Chicago mail or
der houses, which have been underselling
ths lumbermen on sashes and doors. The
lumbermen decided to make an effort to
undersell the mall order Immisb la then
lines, a
Ecuie Judioiarj Committee Beoommendi it
for Ftesaffe.
Railroad Committee of the Home Has
Flentj of Work efor It
State Institutions Prefer Mill Levy to
Direot Appropriation.
Committee Aerepts Subatltute for
Peadlaar Measure, Which ts
Dapltcate of the Senate
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Jan. 17. Rpeclal.)-The pre,
dent of the Nebraska Federation of Worn
en's clubs, the state officers of the Wom
en's Christian Temperance Tnlon. the presl.
dent of the Woman's club of Omaha, tha
president of the Woman'a club of Lincoln
and representatives of these clubs, minis,
ters and a Judge of the district court of
Douglas county, united before the Judiciary
committee of the house this afternoon for
the passage of the child labor law, a bill
Introduced by Representative Clarke,
known as House Roll No. a. The bill was
explained at length by H. W. Pennock of
Omaha who by quotations from President
Roosevelt and from United States Senator
Beverldge showed the great Interest being
taken In such a measure by the highest
authorities In the land and by quotations
from the latter and from other data, he
argued the necessity of the enactment of
such a measure into law. The committee
voted unanimously to report the bill for
Terms of the Law.
It was explained that the bill as Intro
duced Is not for a law which will be an
experiment, but a law which has been tried
In other states and found to be Just to all
pnrtlee Interested. Ths bllj ts a compile
tlon from the laws of Oregon, Illinois,
Colorado, New Tork and Massachusetts.
Its principal features, as explained by
Mrs. Draper Smith, are aa follows:
No child under 14 shall be employed In
any gainful occupation during school
In certain occupations named, no. child
under 14 shall be employed at all.
No child between 14 and 18 may be em
ployed without securing a certificate from
the superintendent of schools, statins' age
and school record.
There are several Important require
ments. Including school attendance and
the completion of a certain amout of
school work before a child under 16 may
secure an employment certificate.
The law contains several provisions
guarding against mis-statements and false
oaths by parents and others regarding the
age of a child.
A child of 14 who haa not completed the
prescribed school work may secure a certi
ficate by showing regular attendance at
night school.
No child under 18 may be employed mora
than eight hours In one day. nor more than
forty-eight hours In one week: nor before
T o'clock In the morning nor after T o'clock
In the eveiiltig.
No child under M may be employed In
any occupation dangerous to health or
The enforcement of the law Is left pri
marily to the deputy labor commissioner
and truant officers, assisted by a state
board of Inspectors, serving without pay,
to be appointed by the governor.
Compulaary Education BUI,
The amendments to the compulsory edu
cation law were lntroduoed In the senate
by Thomas of Douglas, and are known as
Senate File No. 60. Briefly stated, they
are as follows:
When not legally and regularly employed,
compulsory attendance is required to 18 in
stead of IB years of age.
Attendance Is required for the full per
iod each year Instead of two-thirds of that
A child of 14 may be legrally employed
for his own support or those dependent
upon him, providing he attends a nlnht
school, or Its equivalent, six hours a week
for a school year of not less than twenty
The following were present at the com
mittee meeting: Mrs. H. L. Keefe of
Walthlll, president of the Federation of.
Women's Clubs; Mrs. Draper Smith, chair
man' of the State federation industrial
committee; Mrs. O. M. Stonebraker, presi
dent of the Lincoln Woman's club. State
officers of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance union: Mrs. Frances Beverldge
Heald of Osceola, president; Mrs. S. K.
Dally of University Place, vice president;
Mrs. Emma Starrett of Central City, cor
responding secretary; Mrs Fred Patter
son of Omaha, recording secretary; Mrs.
Annette Nesblt of Pawnee City, treasurer;
Mrs. Mamie Claflln, editor of the state
paper; Mrs. Halleck Rose, Mrs. H. II.
Wheeler, Mrs. English of the Lincoln
Woman'a club, 1 Judge Howard Kennedy!
H. W. Pennock, Superintendent of Charities
Morris of Omaha, State Superintendent Mo
Brien, Superintendent Hayward of the
Kearney Industrial School for Boys, Labor
Commissioner Bush and Rev, Mr. Wlllls
ford of Lincoln.
Work for Railroad Committee.
To the house committee on railroads hava
already been referred eighteen measures
relating to railroads. Some of these bills
will go to the Joint committee on rail
roads, while others will be killed by the
house committee. The first pne to bite
the dust was a bill by Whltham of John
son. Hpuse Roll No. 8, which provided a
.-cent rate be charged for adults on pas
senger trains and 1 cent for children un
der II years of age. The committee was
unanimously opposed to it and It was
discussed very little. The bills which
have been referred to this committee to
date are the following:
H. R. No. 1 By Lee. Street railroads
to acquire and hpld bonds of interurban
II. R. No. 4 By Cone. Relative to lia
bility of railroads for accident.
H. R. No. 7 By Whltham. To compel
telephone companies to connect.
. H. No. k By Whltham. Two-cent
passenger rate.
11. H. No. li By Clarke. Terminal tax
ation. ii. R. No. 14 By Quackenbush. En
forcing maximum rate law.
H. R. No. 1 By Phubert. Run regu
lar and stop all trains at depot.
II. R. No. 2 By Quackenbush. Antl
paaa. H. R. No. 80 By Buckley. Anti-pass.
II. II. No. 84 ay Thlessen. To regu
late demurrage.
H. R. No. 10 By Van Housen. Two
cent rata.
H. R. No. 84 By Harrison. Action
for damages.
II. K. No. 71 By Walsh. To authorise
Interurban roads to sell electricity.
H. R- No. 78 By Cone. Prohibiting
the employment of tower men uader 11
H. R- No. 82 By Kelfer. To prevent
Obstruction of atreeta.
11. R. No. 10S By Jennlaon. Declaring
teleplvwie companlea common carriers
11. R. No. 110-By Hcudder. Prohibit
ing stealing of rides.
H R. No. 117 By Heffernan. To fai
nlah cars.
Fight aa Taeker Beselatiaa.
The resolution by Tucker of Douglas,
providing appropriations for state last