THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: ' THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1907. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office 10 rarl MIXOR M E1T10, Davis, drug. Btockert tla carpets. Fin engravings at Leffert. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beet. Plumbing and heating, BUhy A Son. Cutler, funeral director, 'phone W. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 83. DIAMONDS A AN TNVK.STMENT. TALK TO I-EFFERT ABOUT IT. Bl'DWEIBfeR BOTTLED BEER TS SKRVKD ONLY AT KI RJSrvCLA 8sl BARS AND CAFES.. ' Attorney A W. Ask 1th arrived home yesterday from Boston, where he went on legal business, A beautiful and ornamental gum burner, the Welsbneh rhtrk lamp, complete, 11.26. Btephau Bros,," West Broadway. Tha regular meeting of. Harmony chap ter. Order of. the Eustem Bier, will be held this evening In Masonic temple. ALL JIZMOK 8TORM !OORS. 8TORM BABIf, 8TORM WINDOWS AND WEATHER STRIPS AT GEO. HOAU LANU8. Sheridan "and Rock Springs. Wyo., 'coal In stock; also all other grades. Fen km WlrkhamCoal Co., 1ii7 Pearl street. Both phones 825. ; . W make, the lowest prices on picture framing til the city. Vlrst-elnss work. Council Bluffs Paint. Oil and Glass com pany, Merrlam block Cards have bean received here announc ing tha marriage ef Ir. O. W. Gordon of this city to Mr Sarah Beach of W'heaton, III., on January lo. . Members of True council. Knights and Ladles of Security, will meet thla after noon at 1 o'clock at Z7B3 Avenue A to at tend the funeral of the late Charles J. Stlmson. Woodworth Allen and George Oerner, Jr., have been named an administrators of the estate of the late K B. Bowman.- The es tate consists of Nebraska lands. Insure ance policies and Council Bluffs real es tate. Henry : Brandes and W'llloughby Dye, the two representatives In the stata legis lature" from Pottawattamie county, have discovered that they were' born on the sanis day, '"April 14. 1K2. By a strange coincidence they were both elected on the same day ' and an' the same ticket to rep resent this-county In tha state legislature. Martlq'Krayer of 8cranton;Ia.. has filed a voluntary petition In bankruptcy In the federal court here. He schedules but one debt and that a note for Ififil.HS, held by Mellnda Drew,' a resident of Palo Alto, Cal. The. schedule of assets reveals $100 worth of household goods claimed as ex empt. Will Councilman Wallace return from the Inauguration of Governor Cummins at Des Moines with the, title 'colonel" be fore his, name? It is said that the states man from the Third ward will succeed Colonel C. O. Saunders, who has resigned the position as a . member of tha gov ernor a staff., H. V.. Battey, clerk of thi district court, has become an author. It the recent Is sue ef. the Publio Service Review, pub lished at Iowa City, appears an article by him On "Legal Inequalities Affecting Clerks..". Mr. Battey Is president of the Iowa State Association of Clerks of the District Court. Judge -Mcpherson will be here Monday, January 28. to hold a session of United States fonrt -to-hear the suit of Mary B. Hammond of Missouri Vallev aaalnst George f. Oumb and other liquor dealers or inai town, in wnicn she seeks to re cover SU.7G0 damages for tha alleged sale of liquor- to her husband, who. It Is said, waa ma- down and killed by a. train while Intoxicated The. suit was transferred to tha federal .court on motion of tha de fendants. ' , , Mrs. Ruhama W. Guthery, aged 7, died yesterday morning at the home of her son, A. Wlndle, 21 Third street. Funeral services were held at the residence yester day afternoon, conducted by Rev. Charles MayiM, pastor of Trinity Methodist, as sisted by - Rev. Mr. McGregor of Omaha. Tha body will be taken today to Crest on, la., where Interment will be had. Be sides the son with whom she mads her home, Xrs. Guthery leaves another son. A. 8. Wlndle, a resident of Omaha. VBlas:lld Dsws ' "'': S For delivering a poor quality of - lumber haa not been, my experience, I am glad to say, haying, onlr. well seasoned stock of tha best grades obtainable. I am prepared to furnish hardwood and soft wood lumber In any- reasonable quantity at reasonable prices and on short . notice. , C. Hafar, Council Bluffs, la. Annual 10 account on mouldings. Alex ander Art Store, 833 Broadway. N. T, Plumbing Co. Tel. 280. Night, Q3. Marriage Ureases. Licenses to wed werw issued yesterday to the following: ' Name and Residence. Age. William r Hayeav Omaha 29 Peart M. rmsuli, Council Bluffs It A. Lee PnMiell. Lincoln n Tteasa EX Obert, Lincoln 2a Tkt Ctd Umt Ott ft lifaa "far Bwfl. Tht itorage battery of tha berrnaa system ia tht heart, Keep pumping good, rich. reel bleo4 into that organ and replenUn tha worn out tittvea ol your body by tha aid ef a tonic which will assist oatura in her work. To M atroog and vigorous b 4 blessing. . After tha ae of thirty-fir tht tia aaea relate to renew thcmselrea with out aid. , The jenith haa beta reached, and decline begins and ia readily apparent unless advantage ia takes of the re searches that knowledge and acienct have put at our command. Ozomuliion if ' one of its greatest products. Oiotnuiiion stands on, a plane by it- ' : It ia the greatett nerve and bone food on the market '' Beneficial results are obtained after the first doie. By it use the whole system under goes a complete change. " It creates pew, rich blood, destroys disease germs, invigorates the nerves, and is a wonderful mental stimulant Begin today taking Ozomutsion, and the change from a worn-out, nervous state to a strong, healthy body and mind will become at once apparent. We don't want you to take our word for it but try it and be convinced. There are inu t-o. ,n(t Bottles the f ormula it prated ia T laagusgn en each. OxoMULsiON Laboratories ttt Pearl Btreat, New York. Till until IMI mm ritllMsSMlla'WPSalssMlall IsTef A. A Hlarfc ? Hn CHATTEL L0A11S Our bnslness was established SMrly 20 yean ao ( 18S8) . Both Phone MT. We losue home, cattle, household, f ami tare aad other -4tU Dor reputation and tha bualaee we enjoy ta the result of fair and liberal treatment ot oar patrona during these 10 yeara. Our rates are uniformly lower than other officea. . Our loana are made In our own name and never sold or negotiated. Remember our new offlcee are opposite aide of the hall from our old office, are conveniently arranged with private consulting rooms. We wlah to warm the publio that we have no connection with the firm doing business under the name ot the Clark Mortgage Co.. now occupying our old office. It Is a compliment we aprreclale giving ear name to their hualnees. hut It la confusing to the public . - COK. MAI N A XD BROADWAY. OVER AMERICAN EXPRESS OFFICE. BLUFFS Bt. Tel. 4S. GRAND JURY FINISHES UP Kanbtr of Indiotmentt Returned, bat Oalj a Few Art Hadt Pnblis. TOWN JAIL AT MINDEN IS CONTEMNED hot Knnlrlrnt Provision to Keep Pris oners WarnsAll Other Jails aad Hospitals In Coanty Are (liven a Clean Bill. The district court grand Jury completed Its deliberations for thla term yesterday and renprted a number of indictments, only six of which were made public, the de fendants named In the others not being In custody. The grand Jury also made a re port of Its examination of the Jails in Neola, Mlnden and Underwood, St. Ber nard's hospital and the city and county Jails In Council Bluffs. It gives all of the places visited a clean bill of health except the Jail at Mlnden, where It was found that the Inmates were not given proper and suf ficient protection against cold weather. The court ordered that the attention of the au thorities at Mlnden be called to the report and required to remedy the condition com plained of. The Indictments made public yesterday were: Two against John Pruett and Hal Mcr rlam. In one they are charged with the theft of a horse, valued at $100, the prop erty of Mrs. M. D. Fulmer, from the pas ture of Benedict Haag, and In the second they are charged with the theft of a horse, also valued at $100, the property of Haag, from the same pasture on November 30. Their bonds under each Indictment was placed at $800 each. Two indictments axe against Frank Fish burn, tender of the Rock Island pumping station at Neola, charged with mistreating young girls. One Indictment, charges him with a serious offense against Helen Doyle, aged 11 years, and the other charges a similar offense against Eva Sells, aged I years. In the first indictment his bond Is placed at $1,000 and In the second at S800. One Indictment Is against Charles Kther ton on the charge of larceny as bailee. On December 27 last. It Is alleged, EXherton hired a horse and buggy, valued at S300, from M. B. Weatherbee, proprietor of a Broadway livery, which he attempted to dispose of to F. A. Davts for 175. His bond Is placed at SHOO. One Indictment la against Fred Schlefler, charged with lewdness. Shlefler waa ar rested at Mlnden January S, where he was living with' a young woman named Hasel -Pierce. His bond was placed at S26& The grand Jury returned "no bills" In the cases of Dave McCreary, engineer at the Ogden hotel, charged with the theft of two automobile lamps, two Inner-tire tubes and seventy-two sheets of. tin, the prop erty of W. H. Kimball, which had been stored in an outhouse at the rear of the hotel; Charles Brown, charged with the theft of a revolver from the occupant of a room at the Metropolitan hotel, and Henry Watklna, the colored porter at the Metcalf building, charged with the theft of S3 from a desk In one of the offices In the building. ' In district court yesterday Judge Thornell, after. hearing the testimony of Ute 'defend ant In the divorce suit of Claude Blakeley against Ida Blakeley, granted her the de cree oh her cross Vetltlon. Mrs. Blakeley testified to frequent assaults on the part of her husband and made special mention of the beatings she said she had received on tha Fourth of July and election day last November. The beating on election day brought their troubles to a culmination and a few days later Mrs. Blakeley was forced to leave her husband. A stipulation as to tha division of their property was reached. Mrs. Georgia Hull was granted a divorce from her husband, Roy Hull, as the latter Is now serving -a Ufa sentence In the Ana mosa penitentiary for the murder of Daniel Leary, foreman of tha Armour Paper com pany of Toledo, Qu, in December, 1906,. a few months after his marriage to the plaintiff. Owner needs money and will sell the fol lowing at bargain prices: Dwelling, rooms, modem, No. 113 8. Seventh Bt. Dwelling, 7 rooms, modern. No. . H4 8. Seventh Bt. Dwelling. 7 rooms, barn. etc.. Frank St. Dwelling. 7 rooms, Lincoln Ave. Several lotsE. Washington Ave., nicely graded. ' Six luts EL Broadway, nicely graded. Forty-four lots, near a Ninth Bt. CHAS. T. OFFICER, 419 Broadway. Saloon Man Cnsnsa Bad Check. Saloonkeepers have their troublee the same as othsr people and James Mont gomery, who catera to the thirsty on South Main street, is no exception to the rule. Several daya ago Montgomery cashed a check for S26 for a customer. The check was drawn on a bank at Harlan, Ia,, and waa signed "Chris Hansen." Tha check was returned as being worthless and Mont gomery commenced to look for the man who had passed It on him. Mont gomery's suspicions were directed against L. J. Buck, a resident of Harlan, who was said to have been in Council Bluffs and a patron of the Montgomery saloon. Mont gomery went to Harlan and called upon Buck to square matters. Buck, however, denied he was the man who had passed the check. Montgomery went before Jus tice Greene and filed an Information against Buck. Armed with a warrant for his arrest Constable Palmer Journeyed yes terday to Harlan to taks Buck Into custody and bring him to Council Bluffs. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP IRON, METALS AND RUBBER BY J. KATALMAN. 801 MAIN BT. 'PHONK (GO. ' ! Cnmnany Inooranratcs. Articles of Incorporation of the Bloomer Ice and Cold Storage company of Council Bluffs were filed for. record yesterday. The capital stock Is placed at S12&.000 and those signing the articles ara R, H. Bloomer, P. C, Rlcker. C. Hi price. A. P. Han- rhett, M. B. Snyder, W. P. Hotnbach. K, C. 8mltn. , W, C. Dickey, F. J. Alnsworth, Emmet Tinley. G. H. Vlayne. J. H. Cols, F. R. Children. J. Chris Jensen. The officer of the. company are, Pres ident, K. H. Bloomer; vice president, K. C. Smith; secretary, Thomas Green; treasurer, A. P. Hanchett; directors. R. H. Bloomer, W. H. Dudley, Lewis Hammer, F. R. Children, A. P. Hanchett. K. C. Smith, U F. Husa, .W. H. Kimball, T. O. Green. The company plans erecting a cold stor sge building at a cost of S75.0W In con nection with the artificial Ice plant of R. H. Bloomer, on Twelfth avenue and Fourth streer. The building, according to present plans, will be four stories and base ment. The company Is also contemplating doubling the capacity of the artificial Ice plant. DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK THAT THE PLACB TO GET COAL 13 WHERE THE STOCK 18 LARGE?. SEE THE COUNCIL, BLUFFS COAL AND ICE CO. TELEPHONE 72, . BROADWAT AND NINTH ST. D. L. KERR has WVacre Improved Okla homa farm to exchange for Council Bluffs or Omaha residence. Houses on monthly payments and for rent. Address M Broad way. 'Phones 417 and 40S Red. Stephen Bros, for the latest and best Inverted burners. 82 West Brosdwsy. Hospital Manaarement f'aoaen. The executive committee which will have cliaree of the management of the new Jennie Edmundson hospital has been named. It is composed as follows: Mrs. R. M. Sprague, Mrs. O, IL Lucas, Mrs. F. S. Thomas', representing the . Woman's Christian association; Dr. D. Jackson, Dr. J. C. Waterman, Dr. A. B. Beatty, rep resenting the medical and surgical staff of the institution. The medical and surgical staff selected by the directors of the Woman's Christian association Is composed as follows: Dr. Don Macrae, sr.. Dr. Don Macrae, Jr., Dr. Mary Tinley. Dr. Mat H. Tinley, Dr. F. E. Bellinger, Dr. M. J. Bellinger, Dr. Smith Bellinger, Dr. V. L. Treynor, Dr. J. C. Waterman. Dr. A. P.'llanchett, Dr. P. J. Montgomery. Dr. A. 8. Beatty, Dr. D. Jack son, Dr. C. S. Erickson, Dr. Rose H. Rice, Dr. N. J. Nice, Dr. F. W. Dean. The staff organised yesterday by elect ing its three members of the executive com mittee to have charge of the hospital and the following officers: President, Dr. D. Macrae, sr.; vice president. Dr. P. J. Mont gomery; secretary. Dr. D. Jackson. Combination gas and electric chandeliers and the celebrated Welsbaoh Incandescent gas burners. Why not see us before you buy. We can certainly please you on price and quality of goods. Stephan Bros., ts$ West Broadway, See our show wlndols for granite ware this week. Odds and ends sale on granite ware that will make you buy. See prices in our window. Swalne 4 Mauer, 836 and 338 Broadway. BUDWEI8ER BOTTLED BEER IS SERVED ONLY AT FIRST-CLASS BARS AND CAFES. A large, new Una of 1907 patterns in wall paper. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass company, Merrlam block. Real Estate Transfers, These transfers were reported to The Bee January It by the Pottawattamls County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Mary Lower to Christ Schmidt, lot 7 ' a.uu m mi OIOCK S, Kiddle S SUD Council Bluffs w A ', Executors estate of Horace' 'Everett ' to Fremont Barnes, iwU wU 29 and wv nw4 O-.e-ta, w. dT.. ....?..'. D. J. Smith and wife to Augusta Kruse Barrett, part nwhi ne 6,-74- Isaac N. Mlnnlck "arid" wife" to" John w. Mlnnlck. Interest in lot A. Bayllsa- strip. Council Bluffs, w. d.. Benjamln-Fehr Real IT t t - rv a S.900 2,000 4,750 H. Alger, lots S, S, 10 and 11, block c! Perry's 2d add. to Council Bluffs, w. d ,,ffl Bhugart and wife to Benjamin Fehr Real Estate Co., lot 24, block w 'd!rry Jd' to Counctl Bluffs. David Phiiilps to'So'reii "SorenMnV 'lots 13 and 14 block 52. Railroad add. to Council Bluffs, w. d L"c' B. Oocbrsn, guardian, - to Thomas H. James, lot 1. block g, Everett s add. to Council Bluffs, Cou nty 'treasurer ' to" Ada ' e! ' Wadd'a'l'l! Bluffs, td Ber"' "ub- t'o"10'! County .treasured ' to Ada ' B.' ' Wadde'lV, lot IX, block 17, Beers' sub.. Council osuns, - t. a . . C?u.niyt,ra"urer t0 Mary -L." Everett! lot block 2, Evans' 2d bridge add. to Council Bluffa, t. d " C?U.nt "SV i Ada Wadd'eli; lot 26. block 2, Banaim's 2d add. to Council Bluffs, t. d County treasurer to Ada E. Wa'd'de'l'l! ' iiV'w 4Pd block 1&. High land Place add. to Counctl Bluffs, t. a 600 100 80 17 17 13 C A. Hamilton and wlfe't'o J.' H." Bhu- ?. v. 1J, Ferry add. to Council Bluffs, w. d 1 Fourteen transfers, total A. Metsajar Jt Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery. 616 Mynster treet. Council Bluffs. Ia, Home-Made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. ICE CREAM AT WHOLESALE. WP! TAKE ORDERS TO BE DELIVERED ANT REASONABLE DISTANCE FROM THE CITY. I MUCCI. CO. BLUFFS. IA. BOTH 'PHONES. ' Merchnnt Arrested. CEDAR FALLS. Ia.. Jin. 16.-(Speeial.)-M. D. PhlUeo. a prominent cltisen of Cedsr Fells, who last summer made an assign ment for the benefit of his creditors, waa last night arrested by Sheriff Caldwell of Waterloo under an Indictment by the grand Jury for obtaining money under false pre tenses. PhlUeo has for years been a large dealer In farming Implements, and some of the creditors have been stirring up trouble for several weeks, which has cul minated In this action. Phllleo waa plan ning to go to California soon, with his family, but this has caused him to change his plana. Shoo Store for Bale. Will Invoice about $3,000, doing a good business and making money. Will discount 2S per cent for quick sals, Duncan A Dean. ROBERT BURNS 10c CIGAR, OLD TIMES So AND SPINA 10c CIGAR. MA LONET CIGAR CO.. DISTRIBUTORS. COUNCIL BLUFF 8, IA. Iowa Marble Men Meet. 8IOUX CITY. Ia.. Jan. 16.-(SpecuU Tele gaam.) Fifty members of the law u.i. wntms Dealers' association are , session In Sioux City. John R.nn lu of Leraars, presldeat of tha ajuoriutin. de- llvered the address of welcome this Ing. The association will ask the' Iowa legislature to Indorse Congressman Mad den's reciprocal demurrage bill In congress. The meeting will close with a banquet at the Chicago house tomorrow evening. Hard Coal. W k.v. mil h. . JIM. . - - - .. ... ... wi. eiuftTni aisva or Hard eoaL Bridenststa A Smith. Sixth and Four- teenui avenue. Both 'phones U3 i "ermnSie Man Wanted. SIOUX CITY, ta., Jan. lS.-(Spec!al Tele gram. The police are looking for J. M. imriey of Wayne, Neb, who la charged with impersonating W. B. Leahy and draw ! lug M In wages from the Omaha road. MISCOUNT Of VOTES MADE Corrected Total Bhowt tnmmim' Plurality Orsr Twenty Iboussni ERROR IS MADE IM BUTLER COUNTY TOTAL Caacas te Seme Repabllcnn Candidate for Senator Called to Meet Monday Kreslss-Klectlon Is ta Re Held Tuesday. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Jan. 1. Speclal). Gov ernor Cummins' plurality Is above 20.0i"0 after all, snd election bets paid on the first announcement of the official flgurea from the canvass of tho Joint session of the house and senate yesterday must be changed. It was discovered that a mistake of 900 votes was made yesterday in an nounclng the vote for Cummins In Butler county to the tellers working the addmg machine. This gives Cummins a plurality of 20.871 Instead of a plurality of 19.971 as announced yesterday, and a total vote of 216,996 Instead of ZlS.Of as announced yes terday. The mistake came In announcing the total vote for Cummins In Butler county. The vote was 1,941 and was an nounced 1.041. The semi-official returns an nounced shortly after the election gave Cummin plurality as 20,82. Date of Senatorial Canrns. The steering committees of house snd senate met this morning and decided -to hold the caucus on United . States senator Monday evening at 8 o'clock. This Is In flat opposition to the wishes of Senator Dolllver, whose representatives here have been arguing for an early caucus. The cau cuses are usually held much earlier and have been held as early as the first day of the session. The late date affords Chase's friends greater opportunity for bringing pressure to beer on Dolllver and Is a victory In their favor. Meservey has been urging all week, that the caucus be held Thursday. The efectlon takes place Tuesday next, and unless the call had been for that morning, as some were In favor of doing, the Saturday night date Is the latest possible. At a late hour tonight Senator Dolllver had not arrived and Victor Dolllver and 8. T. Meservey both stated that he might not arrive till Monday though It is possible he may reach the city 'tomorrow. Tobtn's friends In Marshall couaty have circulated petitions to Representative Arney and Sen ator Eckles asking thetrt to withdraw their support to Chase. . Lesrlslatlve Proceeding's. The bouse today did nothing but correct the Journal of yesterday. The' senate did but' little more. It authorised President Herrlott to appoint a committee of three on extra help and he appointed Senator Jamison and Bleakley, two standpatters, and Senators McManus a democrat. The resolution must be a concurrent one and It went over to the house. The house stu diously forgot to take up . the resolution till after It had adjourned. It will probably forget the resolution again tomorrow or until Garst Is Inaugurated lieutenant gov ernor. Then the senate committee win De changed and make a Cummins committee and a similar committee will be named In the house. A resolution providing that when the house and senate adjourn on Thursday after the Inaugural it be till tho following Tuesday vas, offered in the sen ate, Dut lata over uoer,-ine-rules. 4 Would Kll'4ftNrptc4ans. A bill that will kill off spectacle adjusters Is on its way to the legislature. It Is said the bill is being furthered by the eye, ear, nose and throat doctors of the state, specialists. - It will put out of -business the man who Is not a doctor, but has gone through a school teaching the adjustment of glasses. The Iowa 'State association of Opticians is opposed to It and is preparing to fight the measure. They will ak for a bill that will recognize theirs as a legiti mate profession, the bill to be patterned after the dental bill. Inaniraral Thursday. No session of either house will be held tomorrow morning. Both houses will meet at 1:30 In their respective chambers and at 2 o'clock in Joint session for the Inaugural, which will be held lo the house chamber. This Is the first time an Inaugural will be held In the house chamber. Two or three have been held In the rotunda of the stats house,, but most of them. In one of the big , K4HDS11YEARS Cracked ar.d Bleeding' In Many Places Became so Bad that Nail Came Off Finger Tried Many Remedies and Consulted Three Doctors, but Got No Relief Now Cured and Is Very i PROUD OF HAYING TRIED. CUTICURA REMEDIES I had erxema on my hands for about eleven years. The hands cracked open in many places and bled. One of my fingers was so bad that the nail ramo off. I had often heard of oures by tho Cutioura Remedies, but had no confidence in them as 1 hsd tried so many remedies, and they all had failed to cure me. 1 had seen three doctors, but (ot no reliuf. Finally my hus band said that we would try the Cuti oura Remedies, so We got a cake of Cutioura Soap, a bog of Cuticura Oint ment, and two bottles of Cuticura Resol vent Pills. Of course I keep Cuticura Roap alt the time for my hands, but tha ono cake of Soap and half a box of Cuticura Ointment cured them. It la surely a blessing for me to have my hands well, and I am very proud of having tried Cuticura Kemodjes, and recommend them to all sufferiu with ecaema. Mrs. Ellxa A. Wiley, Jt. F. D. 2, Lutcumb, Iowa, Oct, IS, 1900." . ITCHING PIMPLES Resulted from Poisoning. Cured by Two Sets o Cuticura . Remedies. " My husband gpt a Wood dlaease from wearing woolnn underwear. He was all full of pimples, and he had an awful itching, lie took a good many so caluxi blood remedies, and nothing did him good. Then we saw In a news paper about Culwura ftemedies, and they cured hjm aitur using in' all two : arte of Cuticura Soap. Cuticura Oint ment, and Cuticura lijsolvent, and now 1 wouldn't do without Cuticura boap, Mrs. Hamer, 1050 Banners bt.. Heading, ta., Jan. 24. ISKW." . SUMrnal sad Istsraal Ttsstmrst tnr Cwckuim OtiuMi (Sue la Hcsi Ui Mia. lata. -4 Cuucurs Si vml (Sue t tor is If-, tmitm . .f o. w tt Hi. is Ito sac ( oui tu Punr iu (sue i ttorp. Jum J-r,.. tfcjsvua. Him ECZEMA COV down "town halls. ' After' the Inaugursl there may bo adjournment till the Tues day following, when a United States sen ator will be elected. Office Balldlnsr Changes Hands. F. M. Hubbell today bought' the office building of the Equitable Ufe of New Tork at Sixth and Locust streets In this city for the Equitable Ufe of Iowa. The building is the finest and most substantial office 'building in towa. The price was $350,000. Railroads Limit Lobbyist. It was announced today that the rail roads for this session of the legislature have adopted a new method as to lobbyists snd will limit the number strictly to their legal representatives and only one such for each railroad. It is said Carroll Wright will represent the Rock Island. W. D. Eaton the Burlington, Judge GeOTge M. Cnrr the Milwaukee, James C. Davis the Northwestern and George W. Seevers the Iowa Central and Missouri A St. Louis. It Is furthermore rumored that this move is In anticipation of the anti-lobby bill that will be introduced by Representative Sul livan of Polk defining lobbyists as at torneys or persons acting for corporations and limiting them to committee hearings. A neat window and many nice things In it. Look In; there Is something in It you want. -O, Mauthe, 23 West Broadway. Grain and Stork JodsjInaT School. RED OAK, Ia., Jan. IS (Special.) The Southwestern Iowa grain and stock Judg ing school, which opened here Monday with on enrollment of 265, Is the largest of Its kind held In Southwestern Iowa. Tomor row a l.sno-pound steer, which was es pecially selected and fed for this school, will be killed and dressed. Humbert & Son have their Imported horses, and Bixler A 8hocmnkcr a herd of fancy Shorthorn catt'.o from Corning. In., as specimens be fore the stock Judging school. In the Kdies' department of domestic service there Is an enrollment of 126. Iowa News Notes. SIOUX CITY-Oallnsky Brothers of Council Bluffs will establish a wholesale grocery and fruit house In Sioux City. ONAWA-J. M. Jlvlden, a retired farmer,, died at his home in Onawa, Bged 70 years. Mr. Jlvlden came from West Virginia to Lincoln township, Monona county, many years ago and for a long time was one of the best known farmers In that town ship. . . ATLANTIC The Atlantic station Is snorx on stock cars again. There are over bIx carloads of stock In the yards here whiting shipment to market, but the agent Is unable to secure cars In which to ship them. This condition has existed for several days now and there is no spparent relief In sight. IOWA FALLS After having voted for every republican candidate for president since the birth of the party, Silas Bond, aKed 96. with his wife, aged 80. celebrated the seventy-second anniversary of their mar riage Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bond were both born In Pennsylvania, and were mar ried in Indiana In 1836. They came to Iowa Falls In 186. .. ONAWA Dr. J. S. Battln, for severnl years a resident of Onawa, has sold his practlve, good will and residence to Dr. Macomb, recently of Paulina, Ia., and will remove to. Sioux City to engage In the practice of his profession. .Dr. Battln is coroner of Monona county, member of the Insane commission and a rlir.t.Lr nt the Onawa Library association. ONAWA-At the hog sale of Messrs. Falrchtld & Howard. Blue w h.r prices ruled high. C. H. Huff of Mon damln paid $100 for one sow. others sold for 177.60 and SU2.60. and nurilvi wr n,.,. ent from Lake City, Lakevllle. Mapleton, ivmgsiy, iaa urove, ia.. and Lyons, Neb., and farmers were ready to pay S50 or S100 for a hog provided they were suited and the prices Indicate pros perity. BATH HOUSE GRAFT ALLEGED Charges Against Prominent Thrrraop- olls Men Will Be Laid Before " Wyornln Legrlslatnre. SHERIDAN, Wyo.. Jan. 16.-(SDeelal.- Bensatlonal charges Implicating three prominent citizens of Thermopolis and the Wyoming State Board of Charities and Reform are published here. The report deals, with conditions at the stale bnth house at the Thermopolis hot springs, and reveals a conspiracy to defraud the state of the J2.O0O yearly appropriated for the malntalnance of the bath house, and com pel the public to patronize private Institu tions. The atatement Is made that the handsome stone building erected by the state as a free bath house has been closed since cold weather, and that the building has never been provided with either heat or lights, although the state has made appropriations to thoroughly furnish the institution.- The tubs srs said to be board tanks, through which the water leaks, requiting the bather to frequently replenish the fluid to receive benefit from the healing, waters. The floors are covered with filth, according to the re port, and foul odors from within menace the public health. Beer bottles shoved Into holes furnish the means of turning the water on or off. A private company engaged In bottling the waters of the hot springs, tt Is charged, haa successfully kept out all competition by falsely claiming to hold a franchise from the state, when as a matter' of fact It has been ordered to remove from the state reserve, and has made representa tions to the state that they have so re moved. Three Thermopolis citizens, financially Interested in the bottling works and private sanitariums, are charged with having In fluenced the state board through false representations. The charges are to be laid before the Wyoming legislature In printed form tomorrow. Bnlldlns; and Lots Officers. YANKTON, S. DK Jan. lS.-(8peclaJ.)-At the annual meeting of the Yankton Building and Loan association the follow ing officers were elected: O. Feemlller, prexldoni": ' W. B. Dean, vice president: George Wilson,' treasurer, and 8. 8. Buck waiter secretary. The annual report showed the company had 146,000 Ih gilt edged loans. The directors elected were: E. D. Wsrd, E. O. Walgren, O. Peemlller, William Bader, O. E. Lloyd. W. B. Dean, M. W. Jeneks, H. Tammen and A. Sneen. Father Takes tare of Erratic Child., CHEYENNE. Wyo., Jan. 18.-(8peclal.)-Ilenry Pounds of Pender, Neb., father of M. C. Pounds, who on Saturday night ac cused ths physicians of Cheyenne of try ing to poison " the whole community and demanded tlO.OOO hush money and was held on a charge of Insanity, is here to look after the young man. tie - will take tits son to Pender, where It Is hoped a change of climate and location will restore him to his normal condition. Wynmlaar News Notes. KEMMEfiEIW. P. Folger, for a long time chief dispatcher at this point for the Oregon Short Line, has been notified of his appointment as trainmaster of the first and vcond districts. extending from Granger, Wyo., to PocateJIo, Ids. This is a weli-deaerved promotion. Mr. Folger was elected mayor of Keuimerer in May, lbuH, and his term of office will not expire until June of this year, WORLAND More than fifty car loads of supplies have arrived, to be used In the building of the railroad between here and the coal fields twenty-five miles southwest, and laborers ara coming in on every train. After the road Is completed to the roul fields ths mines will be developed and will give employment to thousand of people. Ths eoal fluids are sixty mllee long and twenty-nve milts wide. . HI V Eft TON Work Is being pushed on ths Wyoming Central Irrigation company s canals in ths Mhoshone reservation. Over lu) nten era at work and the fore will probably be doubled In a short time. Oov trnor Chatterton. who will move with his family from Cheyenne lo Klverton, will lake yvr the auUve managnuient of the work. Tha lower ditch will be completed In time lo have the water on lbs land fur fM aitrUig. . I V ft ft i leii' fc. v I J? 1906 The TDIRTT-TniRD Tear In the History of ttV Remington Typewriter Stows an Increase In Output of 31 OVER TOE PREVIOUS TEAR Typewriters come and typewriters jfo Bat the Remington runs on forever Remington Typewriter Company 1619 Faxnam Street, Omaha J, SLEET IN SOUTH AND WEST St Lonii it Nearly Cnt Off from tha Best of the Wcr'.d. TRAINS ARE MANY HOURS LATE Telegraph and Telephone Wires In Missouri, Kansas aad Oklahoma Are Down Man Killed la Bt. Louis. 8T. LOUIS, Jan. 16. The worst sleet storm conditions In years prevailed In St. Louis and ' vicinity. Electric wires arc down nil over the city, trains are delayed, street car traffic Is badly Interrupted and during the day St. Louis has practically been cut off from communication with the outside world. In the suburbs hundreds of trees have broken down under the weight of Ice and telegraph and telephone poles have snapped off. Three trains from the east and southwest, due to arrive between 7:30 and "9 o'clock this morning, were lost for several hours today. The wires were down and the roads were unable to get any trace of them. They were Missluri, Kansas & Texas from Galveston, the Iron Mountain from Texar kana, and the Baltimore tt Ohio Southwest ern limited from New York. Finally the Iron Mountain rolled In over seven hours late, ths Baltimore and Ohio was four hours be hind time and up to early evening the Missouri, Kansas & Texas had not ar rived. ' At union ' station great confusion prevailed. Trains were late leaving be cause of . the departure from the schedule, tracoublo to the Irregular arrival of in bound trains. John CKKeefe was Instantly killed today by coming In contact with a broken tele phone wire, that dangled In an alley and crossed a cable of high power wires. Sup erintendent Altman of the fire alarm and municipal telephone system, stated that the sleet storm has caused more damage to the city's telephone system than has been suffered since the tornado of 1896. The alarm system in twenty fire engine houses waa rendered useless by falling wires. Hundreds of telephones In private resi dences ara out of commission. Storm Extends Into Oklahoma. KANSAS CITT. Jen. 1.-The most se vers sleet storm In twenty years prevailed last night and today In the middle and northern portions of Missouri. Scores of telephone and telegraph poles were carried down under the weight of Ice, rendering wire communication impossible. Trains from the east and north were late today. ARKANSAS CITT, Kan., Jan. 16. South- em Kansas and northern Oklahoma is cov ered with Ice today. Rain fell last night nd the temperature dropped below the freexlng point. Conditions are bad for stock. Wires are down and trains are late. JEFFEKSON CITY, Mo., JHn. lS.-The heavy sleet of last night ruined many of the large trees on tho state house grounds and around the governor's mansion. Dozens of wires also are down, and today the Capi tol walks wers almost lmparsable. PIERRI5. S. D., Jan. 11 Speclal.)-.Re- 1 i RYE. REAL WHISKEY fe AND "THE BEST." ROTTT I TVI. D A v n PURITY AGE Look for the word "RYE" in red on label. Distillery! . . Distributer r t t 1 1 . ( . fc P ticnmne nag didc signature There Is nothing quite so good as UEDIG COMPANY'S Extract ol Decl in the sick-room, and nothing nearly so economical In the kitchen, for Beef Tea, Bouil lona, and for full, rich Soups, Sauces, and Gravies. Only a small quantity should be used at a time, it ia to very highly concentrated. Genuine has bine signature ports from the prairie section about this city, both east and west of the- liver, in dicate severe loss of live stock unless there Is a decided change In weather conditions. The prairie Is covered with over a foot of snow, with a crust near the surface from early falls, and all grass is burled out of sight. Hi 'RON, S. P.. Jan. 18. (Special. )-Thie section of the. state has been experiencing a week of severe weather. There Is from ten to fourteen Inches of snow covering tha ground and tho temperature has ranged from 10 to 20 below sero. Railroading,, however, has not been Interrupted and there Is plenty of fuel at this point and at other stations on the Dakota Central division of the Northwestern. Stations on the Great Northern In this vicinity are also well provided with fuel. . Philippe to Marry and Qnlt flame. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Jan. 18.-S5eclal.) According to an announcement made by A. J. Philippe, father of Charles Philippe, the famous ball player, the latter is soon to enter the ranks of the benedicts. The father says his son expects to come to Spink county in the near future for the purpose of visiting relatives and that his friends In South Dakota and elsewhere need not be surprised if he brings a bride to South Dakota with him. The senior rhillppe is at present at Athol, S. ' D., where he Is the guest of a daughter. He 1 further says his son has abandoned pitch Ing, but may continue In the base ball i business as an umpire. Prior to gaining fame as a pitcher the younger Philippe was a resident of South Dakota. V . Train Collides With Bnsra-y. YANKTON. 8. D.. Jan. 18. (Special.) Ole Lee and John Efferson, both of Volin, driving a top, buggy, wcrs Struck by a Milwaukee passenger train. ' Both men were thrown out and received serious cuts and bruises. The horses were torn away from the rig, which was smashed to splin ters st the front end. The horses were ap parently not Injured beyond a great shukeup. ' ' ' oath Ilakota Brief News. GRFXJORY Trail) service from Herrlck to Gregory will be established in a few days. A large cut about two miles west of Burke has delayed the track laying for innui time, but Is about completed. Tha people of Gregory and the surrounding country expect some relief In the wuy of prices on lumber as soon as the road Is In operation. Trains began running as far as Herrlck this week. GREGORY-Thin section of the country, which usually has exceptionally fine win ters, has had to take a back seat this seay son, as there have not been two good daya In succession for three months. Consid erable snow has fallen, delaying the corn harvest, and a great amount 'of corn Is still In the field. Much small grain also stands In the stacks in the field Walling for favorable weather to thresh. Mora Land Withdrawn. WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. -Secretary Hitchcock has Issued an order withdraw ing from all forms of disposal under the public land laws, except mineral Jaws, the vacant, unappropriated publle'lands in Sis kiyou and Modoc counties. California. Tha lands withdrawn will be added to the Modoc forest reserve. They Include about 469. ltK) acres In northeastern California, ad joining the Mount Hoffman withdrawal and the Modoc reserve. CROW CRoJ HO fm is ss STRENGTH J 1