I TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. JANUARY 17, 1907. CRAW AND PRODUCE MARKET heat ia Bold by Commiuioa Eonsel and v cilp era. STEADY BY STRENGTH lM REST OF LIST Moderate Desnaad lor Cora aad ttata, . -sella Prleee Higher om Bath Coaanaedltles Firm Foreign Market Helot. OMAHA, Jan. IS, 1907. Wheat wes barely steady, borrowing Bom strength trom the coarse grains. Trade was very light and yet ottering were greater than tha demand. Tne sell ing wai by commission huuwa and scalp ers and wuenever there m a tendency to decline the strength In oorn caused reac tion. May dropped on at the close to HO know yesterday. There waa moderate demand for both coin and oato and prlcea were higher on both these com modi tlea. The bulla were helped by the atrength In foreign market. Receipts were loo.ouu buabela larger (did a year ago. Cum Wa up o at the oloae and oata V4c Primary wheat recelpta were 28,000 busncle and ahlpmenta 264,oo busheie, tgalnsl recelpta las year of 703.000 bualiela and ahlpmenta of 10.5,000 buahels. Coin re coipU were 788,000 buabela and ahlpmenta fc,iM buahela, against ahlpmenta of eeo.ouu buahels. Clearances were 70.000 bushels wheat, 14,0u0 barrels flour, 614,0o0 buahela corn. 1,000 buahela oata Liverpool ckased unchanged td d lower n wheat and m'ai higher on corn. Patten bought loo.OOO bushels oata at Win nlixig yesterday and advanced the price Vc. Him purchases at Chicago were .60.000 buahela and the plica moved up to the hlgh f"t alnce but July. The market la show ing the efTeuta of hi ateady concentration of Mar. Tha south la buying oata In Iowa and Nebraska, and some In Illinois. It la claimed that Indiana, and Ohio have very few oats and the oaatern trade, which usually draws Its supply from thoae states. Is going- to the went. The Von Oorn Ornimln-lon company re ceived the following telegram from Prlngis at Chicago: "The snow blockade In North Itokota has upset all calculation relative to amount of wheat we will have In store her by February 1. Instead of our stocks Increasing;, as ws expected. It now looks as If it would be Just tho reverse. Our leading elevators people don't look for any Increased movement before April 1. About all the rallroada are doing iww and I guess all they ran do Is to keep passenger and coal trains moving." Local range of options: July. stesdr: March. a 2d: May. to 2d ee li-vi. COHN-Fnot, firm; American mlxM new, 4s VI; American mixed old. 4s M; futures, firm ; Januaty, 4s JVd; March, 4a Id. JKW 1 ORK GEIERAt, MARKET Articles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Tes'y Wheat4 May...) Corn--., i Mayt..) Oats i May... C9HA 69iAj 68',4A 9B (9HB tSHB 8SBJ S8HB SSB SSB $6B KB UB $6B $5B A asked. B bid. Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. I hard. 67Hi&S8Hc; No. I bard. 4f67Hc; No. 4 hard, 68i&4c; No. I spring. 63fi9c CORN-No. , 8i&e; No. I yellow, IVVoMa; No. a white. WltXlc. OATS-No. I mixed, Kic; No. I whits, 4ii.Nc; No. 4 White, SJifi'34c. RYJ-No. 2, Be; No. S. 670. ' Carlo Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City .. Minneapolis ... Omaha ......... Duluth 2 40 131 11 ,7 . 210 24 62 CHICAGO O It A IS AND PROVISIONS Featares of tho Tradlaaj. sal Closlag ' Prices Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. A sharp advance In the price of oats completely offset today favorable conditions for the fall sown wheat crtiD. At the close wheat for May delivery was a shade higher. Corn was up Sc. Outs gained AC,o. Provisions were fcO'loc lower. S.-veral factftrs Affected the wheat mar' ket during the day, but the moat Important was tne nullum entnusiaam aispisyea in ,' the osts pit. The market opened a trifle easier because of lower camea ana favor able weather In the winter wheat territory Extremely small receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth partly offset "thess bearish in fluences and later when the nrlce of oats advanced Te trie sentiment 1rt the wheat pit became bullion. Prices, however, showed only moderate changes. Other Influences strengthening the market were a lively demand for cash wheat at Minneapolis and Kansas City and an improved demand for flour for exnort- The market closed steady. May opened unchanged to a shads lower at 7ftft7SMiC to 78o, sold between 76T'T6o and "ic, and closed at 766:76o. Clear snces of wheat and flour were eaual to 139.400 bu. Primary receipts were 338,000 bu. against 704,000 tor tne same any last year. Minneapolis. lXiluth and Chicago reported receipts of 1M cars against 340 cars last week ana 4W cars one year ago. Wet weather throughout the central states causes firmness in ths oorn market. Local receluts today were less than one- half of the estimated amount and this brought out a good demand for cash grain, The volume of trading was small and the market closed firm. May opened un changed to Ho higher at 4374 to 44c, sold up to 44&44v.c. and closed at 44c. Local receipts were 210 cars with none of contract grade. The market for oats was strong and ac tive, leading: bulls buvlnsr heavily of both May and July. This demand Induced free covering by shorts. Most of ths offerlnc came from small holders. Continued amall local recelDla strengthened tha market. May ODened a anuria to W.Q hlirhar at 27 Un to 27UO. sdvanced to tfc, and closed at the highest point. Local receipts were 76 cars. Provisions oneneri Arm heeAtiae of a &e advance in the price of llvs hogs, but the marset soon weakenea on free selling by pit traders. Local packers were apparently disinclined to suDDort ths market and until the close of the session sentiment favored the bears. At the close May pork waa down 10c, at 216.66. Lard waa off 6c, at u mx. nius were a tower, at s 1. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow are Wheat. 40 cars; oorn. 344 cars; oata, 154 cars; nogs, soouu neaa. Ths leading futures ranged as follows: Qaotatloas ' of the Day Varlees Cammedlllea. '' NEW YORK. Jan. 16 -FLOUR Receipts. 23.f71 bbls.: exports. I.7H0 bble. ; market dull, hut steady; winter patent, 23.OutiJ.75; winter otralghts, U.4Wi2.an; Minnesota pat ents, 24.0011 4..10; winter extras, $l43.00l Minnesota bakers, .3F1i3.7S, winter low grad, t2.7mi.to. Rye flour, dull: fair to good, 23&XM; choice to fancy, 23.Mrt.20. Buckwheat flour dull: lt.KW&. Bl'CK WHEAT Wulet; 21.25 per 100 lb. CORNMEAL Steady; flne whits and yel low, 21.154)1.20: coarse, 21.ojQl.10i kiln dried, KYE Nominal. ' MARLKY- Nominal. WH KAT Recelpta, 7,0l bu. spot mar ket firm; No. 2 red, 7!c, elevator; No. 2 red, (Hc, f. o. b afloat; No. 1 northern, Puluth. r-9c, t. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter. fciSc, f. o. b., afloat. The wheat market waa Irregular again today, but wound up at about the best point and He above the previous night. Reports of now and easier cables caused the- early depression and some bullish news on Rue elan stocks caused the later rail v. May, 82 l-lSft2 7-lac, closed at iic; July, 81if 82 1-lSo, eloped at S2c. CORto-Receipts, 24,926 bu.; exports, 11L 112 bu.; spot market firm; No. 2, 53c, ele vator, and 60e, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 50Hc; No. 2 white. 50Hc. Option market was without transactions, closing Ho net nigner. January cloeea at 63",c; May cioacn oiv,c; juiy Closer at !c. o i n Keceipia, tu.: exports, bio bu.; spot market firm; mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, SH'tHOc; natural white, 90 to 38 pounds, 41(tH2"4,c: clipped white, 26 to 40 pounds, 41tfr44ttc. HAY Steady; shipping, 885c; good to choice. 210.00TQ 11.60. HOPS Steady; stste, common to choice, ln crop, I8i;i3c; 19 crop, Wile; Pacific, 190S crop, lgrloc; crop, lo12c. ni utuH Btesav; ualveston, to a ounds. 20c: California. 21 to 26 pounds. 21c: rexns dry, 24 to 20 pounds, lc. i..r.A l MKK viuiet; acid, X7- Sic. PROVIPIONP Beef, firm: family. 216.00 015.50; mess, 2004f.50; pscket. 2U.ffl12.nO; city extra India mess, tiO.toS23.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled hams, 2U.6Kpll.75; picsiea Denies, I0.3U1Z 60. LAra. steady; western prime, X9.6l.60; refined barely steady, continent. 28 SG: South America. 21066; compound, 28.268.60. Pork, steady; tamiiy, i.&ojri.oo; short clear, 617.2612.00; mess, $17.0')a'18.&0. TALLOW Stead v: cltv (11 ner nnckan). 6c: country, (packages free), 6c. RICK Oulot; domestic fslr to extra, I1!!!,?; Japan nominal. BUTTER Steady; extra creamery, tRtyQ 29c, street prices. Official prlcea; Cream ery, fair to good, 272Bc; common to extra. tit&ciw, stats dairy, common to nrats, "ct 26c; renovated, common to extra, 19 a3c; western lactory, common to nrats, ivtf-ic; western Imitation creamery, extras, 239 24c: firsts, 21 tKtc CHEE:SB-tesdy: state full cream, small and large, September, fancy, 14Hc; state full cream, small and large. October, best, 1314c; good to prims, 12WQ13H4; winter msae, average, lzc: stums, lac. EGOS Firm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected wjilte. 23jf34c: good to choice, fe83c; mixed extra. 21'a2c; western flrsts, 29c; official price, firsts, 29c; seconds, Zftfi&c POULTRY Live steady; western chick ens, 11c; fowls, 13V4c; turkeys, 13o. Dressed, firm; western chickens, l&gl&c; turkeys, 13l"c; fowls. 8&13c St. Loals Oeaeral Market. ST. IjOUIS. Jan 16.WHH5AT Higher: track No. 2 red cash, 76H77c; No. 2 hard. 4aiVtc; May, ffrfto; juiy, (4c. CORN Hlaher: track No. 2 cash. 80O 41c; No. 2 white, 42V&42Hc; May. 42o; July, 43c OATS-Higher; track No. 2 cash, 27o; No. t white, 88c; May, 27ft37He; July, 834(0. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. 3. 68.76; extra fancy and straight, 23.1033.46; clear, t2.662.5. SEED Timothy steady; 3.Z6cg.76. CORN MEAL Steady; 22.JO. BRAN Dull; sacked east track, 93tf95c. HAY Firm; timothy, 2l6.00Sia.50; pralrls. 2U.OOi4J.oa IRON COTTON TIES 61.03. BAOOINO c. HEMP TWINBJ-60. PROVISIONS Pork" lower: lobbing. 216.66. Lard lower; prime steam, 29.06. Dry salt meats steady; boxed extra shorts. 29.27H; clear ribs, 22 60: short clears. 29.62H. Bacon steady; boxed extra snorts, lo.uVki clesr ribs, 210.26; short clear, 210.37H. 10c: turkeys. 1212tto; ducks, llVic; geese. 'lUTTER Quiet; creamery, J&QSOHo; dairy, XKiSfio. tsteaay, zxc. RecelDts. Bhlcments Flour, bbls C. 6,000 1 2.000 Wheat,, bu IR.OoO 66.000 Corn, bu. 70,000 68.000 Oats, bu ,.24,000 . 121,(1)0 Kaasas City Orala and Provision s. Articles. Open.j Hlgh.j Low. Close.Yes Wheat I May K 7576,g"4 76H July 76' 7oH 76 J5!l 7o" Corn ... Jan, 4014 4H 4fV. 0 40 May WiuH U 43 ' 43 July 43 W - 43, 4iH43t0', 44 Oats , Jan. ' 26 26 25 36 M May yrHt' 27S 27 37H Tfa July 24-uV 24S 24 34140 H 237 Sept 21S 21H 21 il Pork Jan. 16 0: 16 02 16 Khk 16 02 14 10 May 16 70 16 70 16 66 16 66 16 66 July 16 72 16 7i 16 70 16 70 16 W Lard- Jan. 35 925 80 120 127 May t 67 0 6o t Hi U July 6J .' 2 66 9 66 9 60 Ribs Jan. 906 9 03 9 00 9V I W May J 92U 9 15 9 15 9 23 July 920 920 926 9 27 922 No. 1 Cash Quotations were as follows: . FLOL'i; Steady; winter patents, 93.204J I 60: winter stralshU. 63.0t3 40: spring pat ents. U'lfi Wl spring straights, 23.Kku2.40 bakera IJ.axoltiO. I WHEAT No. 2 spring, 76079c; No. 2. 650 7c; No. 3 red, nif.J'iii. COR V No. X 4loi No. 2 yellow, 41 c. OATH No. 2. 26c; No, I whits. 3.a. RYE-No. 2. 62o HARLKY Pair to choice malting, 60 64u. SEEUSNo. I flax. 21.12: No. 1 north western. 21.20. Prime timothy. ( $4.26. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides (loose) ls.76n9.06. Mess pork, per bbl., 216.02 lrd, per !() lbs.. 22.). bhort clesr sides ttoxed). 22.Xv4iS.ru. The receipts and shipments of flour and gram were aa follows: Kereinta utilpments. 4.ll Flour, bbls NS'heat. bu Corn, bu .., Oats, bu ., Rye. bu .... Barley, bu ...la (no ...i-t.") . ..2i3,h ... .0i ...142.2-I0 4,7 4 fr 16.600 42.2u 011 the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; ereameilrs. axn-ik i4iilrs. lrJb- Kst!. Arm: si mark, cases included. 21a-'3c; nrsta, BV: prime nists -4c; extrss, -60. Cheee, steady at 13(il4c reerla Market. r-EoRIA. Jan. 16 CORN Higher; No. 2. v: No. 4. ;ttK ; no grade, c. OATS-Hlgher: No. 2 white. J6c; No. hit. 2c; No. 4 white. Hl(36c. RVK nrm: Nil 2. kJ'llCC. WHISKY On the basis of 21. 29 for fin. ''ied gooda f LUtrvaal firala Market. KRWKIL Jan. 14. WHEAT Snot, funi; No. I it a e.ira oni.. oa, fuluits, NEW YORE STOCKS AND BONDS Demindi cf Bailrosd for Hew Capital Ctn!69 Heatj Liqaidttiso. LEADING ISSUES SELL OfF "FAPIDLY Slemp llasleaed by Rassors that Garslsti Will Be tsed for Ira prevemeate Rally Near the Close. NEW YORK. Jan. 16.-There was heavy liquidation of stocks on the stock market today, due to the constant extension of the demand for more capital by the railroad companies. Ths most conspicuous phase of the situation developed today was the seem ing Intimation of the need of ths resources In hand, for the work of the railroads might bring about a check to the dlsburse n ent of profits to stockholders In the case of jwme companies. This suggestion prove! especially Influential to speculative senti ment towards the low priced railroad stocks. Companies whose securities are In this class are at a natural disadvantage In raising new capital, owing to the heavy discount which must be allowed for ths sale of se curities with a margin of net earnings so narrow aa to reduce the security for the payment of fixed charges. Published re marks on the subject of capital require ments by President Thomas of ths l.ehlrh Valley and President Flnley of the South ern railway, were Interpreted as threaten ing a necessity of greater outlay of earn ings in Improvements owing to the dif ficulties in trie way of raising capital. Tho first effect of this new element In the situation was most acute on the Morgan group of stocks. The Southern railway stocks broke violently and the preferred stock especially seemed to lack any bids for offerings pressed to sale. The remarks of the two railroad presidents referred to were accepted also in a wider sense ss en forcing the universal requirement of the railroad industry for great additional out lny cf capital In the face of heavy growth In the cost of material and labor. The feel ing was revived In full force, which per vaded the market when the Pennsylvania stock issue was first announced, that es timates hitherto presented of the capital needs of the railroad corporations had been grossly miscalculated. Erie was the earlier stock to show close sympathy with the slump In Southern railway, the rest of the market being disposed for a time to ignore the movement. The first spread of the movement was to other low prlcd stocks which might be supposed to have similar difficulty in raising capital. The growing weakness of the market was due very generslly to the consideration of the same topic from different points of view. ine strength which has been shown re cently in copper stocks on the talk of a merger or important Michigan properties gave way to sudden weakness In Amslga- mated Copper, when the suggestion found utterance that a new Issue of that stock might be Involved In the supposed merger. The vulrerablo condition of the market In vited aggreslve tactics by the bears and they operated with great boldness and on a large scale. This was manifest In the rumors which circulated and which met with authoritative denluls and also In the extent of the demand to cover shorts at the times when the liquidation spent its force. The forces of replenishment of money supplies continued to operate and tne call money market showed positive ease at 4 per cent and below. Funds are reported to be flowing to New York from the Interior in large volume and sub-treasury operations have yielded to the banks this week 17,109,- 0(10. Discounts In London yielded a train and the Impression was strengthened that the Band of England discount rate will be low ered tomorrow. Sterling exchange at Parts, however, broke" sharply. The continuation of the liquidation caused stocks to sell at the lowest of the dsy in the final half hour, but the demand from uncovered shorts caused a substantial rally, which was held to the closing. Bonds wee irregular. Final sales, par value, 23.946.000 United States bonds were unrhanged on call. Balos and range or prices on tne New York Stock exchange were: . galea HI in. lum. Cloae. 22C.04A.M5: gold ooin ant! bullion, 2104.7o2.60i; gold certificates, 147,046.870. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 16. MONEY On call, easy at Mi4 per cent; ruling rate, 2c; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent: time loans, easy: ninety days snd I sixty days, 6 per rent; six months, 6 per Closing quotations on bonds were as follows: V. S. erf. 4s. ns....14 Japas ta. 14 series.. 4a revBoa 1I At ctf r. . . rvg lt in 4Ha rtfa S is emjDoa do M asrtaa... "S U. S. al4 4a, ref llk Ma.. e. f. 4a lv4 60 coupon '..I1' Mn. Central 4a. V. I. a. 4a, ras I4i do let Ine IT do reupon lSi MlBn. at It. U 4a.. .. 74 . .llH ,.12 .. M4 .. ..ln, .. WTi'N. A W. Central at Oa. ta.... 1 104 jo. S.'U rfdf 4a. Mn lit Ino WO Pane. conr. 14a. lo 14 Ine 17U, Roadiac tn. 4a. do Id Inr M in. U I. M Am. Tobacco 4a.. da la Atrhleoa fa. 4s.. le adj. 4 Atlantic C. L. 4a.. Bal. Okie 4a... do ma Brk. k. T. c. U . K. 4k T So la N. ft. a. of M. t. N. T. C. t. ! N. J C. s. ta.... No. Parlfto 4a.... do I 4a rhoa. A Ohio 4H...104H Cblcaso A A. la. T7 C. B. Q. a. 4a... C.. ft. I. A P. 4a... 1 do col. ta tnu rT. 8. U ( 4a. .1011, So. Railway ta... olo. lnd. Bu, arr. A. 71 ,Taaa at r. la. Colorado Mid. 4a,.., 71 Colorado A So. 4a. ... M Cuba r.i ieuj u. a R. O. 4a DIMIilors' Sao. ta. Krle p. I. 4a do san. 4a Horklns Val. .1044 Wla. Central Japan aa li Bid. Offered. L ITT . HH .lif .101 . T6 . . M4 . . ta .111 at. U ft S. r. fs. 4a Itv, St. L. B. W. e. 4a.. T"1 Seaboard A. U 4t.... n So. Pacific 4a IM( do tit 4a ctfa 111 117 T.. 8t. U A W. 4a... 11 I'nloa Pactde 4a 11 l. t. Steel M ta.... H 7iWatath la HI a do dab. B TH OiilWnKcni Md. 4a 11 17 "W. A U B. 4a 17 I KANSAS CITY. Jan. 16. WHEAT-May. 7oUc: July. 6Wfco: September. 70e. Cash: no. z naro, b'a,c; no. s, ttuntic; mo. 2 red, Tihva'ic; rwo. x, boo .i". CORN May, 3Hc; July, 4oc; September. 40o. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 2eo; No. 2, 22o; Mo. 3 white, sc. oats-no. I wnite, Wiuzic: mo. 2 mixed. 2583H0. kie teaay; wbkc. HAY Steady; choice timothy. 216.60S16.00: choice prairie, 211.26&U.60. EUO& steady to nait cent higher. Firsts. 23c; seconds. 21o. BUTTER Creamery, Z8c; packing, 17c. Recelpta. ShiDments. Wheat, bu 40,000 61,0(0 Corn, bu. 24.0)10 29,000 Oata, bu 14,000 22,000 Board of Trade quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported by Logan 4V Bryan, 112 Board of Trade ouuaing, was: Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Wheat- May.... July.... Corn- May.... July.... ?0!70HtT ttH6SW 29 29.l !39Vl40 66lriiA 291 2?14 244O"40A A asked. B bid. teady; No. 2, 6o'(j66c; asm- Mlaaeapalta Grata Mar Jet MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 11 WHEAT - May. 7c; July. 78c; No. 1 hard, 81s,c; Mo. 1 northern, iwvc; no. 1 nortnern, .c No. I northern. 74WaT5VM5. FLOUR First patents, 4.Qr4 JO; second patents, $4.064.15; first clears, 23.263.35; seconds Clear, .;. mm? ov. B RAN In bulk, tl6.75gl6.00. Mllsraakee Orala Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 16. WHELAT Dull No. 1 northern, 79 hoc; No. t northern, 76V 7c; May, 76c, bid. RYE steady ; No. 1, 6S438V4o. BARLEY te nle. afuit6c. CORN Higher; No. 2, cash, 40o; May, 44c, bid. , Pklladelphla Pradact Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 16. BITTER Weak: extra western creamery. MI8U0. EviGS Market te higher; western, fresh. Sec, at mark. CHEESE Quiet; New York full creams, fancy, I3i4a Toledo teed Market. TOLEDO. O., Jan. 16. SEEDS Clover, cash and January. Wev; rebruary. X8.7V March, 2N.72; April, ).&-'. Timothy, 22.ua. Alsike, 67..0. Metal Market NEW YORK. Jan. 16.-METAL8 There was an advance of 5s In the London mar ket with spot clorlng at 108 and futures at 106 1 6d. Locally, the market was tlrm and urn-hanged with lake quoted at 24.50024.76; electiolytlc at $.'4 .2S&$4.5t. and casting at 1:4 0nC4.26. Lead was un ehansed at I6.l04i4.26 In the local market and at 12 17a 6d In Ixndon. Spelter was unchaneed at i.Zi Is d In London and re mained quiet at to ti-ij6 76 locally. Iron was higher In the English market with Standard foundry quoted at 4ua and Cleveland war wants at i; sd. Locslly the market was a little firmer, No. I foundry northern Is ouoted st -T 3ics 3; mo. I roundry north ern. -'4 ?j)-i.7i; No. 1 foundry southern. ItiWi'.iiW. and 1 ounory southern, liu M IW. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 16. METALS Lead, steady, 66.10; spelter, steaay, ts.iv. Kvaaaratrd Apples aad Dried Fralts, KKW YORK. Jan. 16. EVAPORATED AH'LE-.Prlme fruit Is offered fjr January delivery at about "c ana ma tune or the market Is easier lit consequence. Fancy are quoted at 04rVc; choice at Stic; and nrlma at i'. CALIKOKNIA DRIED FRriTS-Prunee are in fair demand win quotations nnrlnf fro.n 2'itao for California fruit nr,niH s and 4' are quoted at 7tic. irrT,-kta are unchanged with choice quoted al 16c. extra choirs at 174714c and fancy at lt.,(r:'V; peaches are ii qu el demand and holders are flrnx at recent prlues. choice i.m nuoied st IJc: extra choice st UWc and fancy at 13c. Ralalna sre 'jut the moat actus thing for the tune bring with --riVd raisins in light u:ply; loose inua- ral! sre quuted at I'liSU.-. seedrd ral'ius el 71 and Lundou layers at Il.4cul.ai. ..nil oft 111 nt lt .. 1.400 44 41 4o a 10l 10 M .... 140 10 . MH ,.!.., 16 ....... 17 M4 2ttt i 14 t"0 7H 7 TS ion 111 ill to 14.100 111 14 160 1,110 117 11 115 1,400 1S4 113 in T tn.One 14 177 I7 M.100 107 1011 loft 100 100 100 too 12 irr in 4,400 un im 11 100 13 M 3 11.000 11 71 10 1.500 111 1N 1 Ill 7.400 11 11 12 TOO 17 11 1 J0.4OD 12 187 1M 44.W0 1U 1U 163 II 88 M 17 It M 1M 11714 11 13 H 14 111 214 471 II M II 71 7t 81 74 74 3 14 100 14.400 100 M M 18 JOO 188 1.600 14 i.ioe 17 l.wo 111 '"ioo 4.700 wwio 1,000 700 71 4! 74 2,400 1M 1U 1M 110 00 II "ioi '17 too r Adams Kxpraao ........ Amalfamatad Copper . Am. C. ft r Am. C. ft F. pfo Am. Cottoa Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd.... Am, ExDram Am. H. A L. pf4. Am. loa secarttias Am. Uaaeed 011..; Am. Lineaed Oil atd... Am. LoeomotlTS Am. IvocsmatlTS pfd... Am. t. ft R Am. B. ft R. ptd Am. Suer Reflnlnc.... Am. Tobacco pfd ctf.. Anaooeda Mining Co... Atchlaoa Atchtaoa pfd Atlantio Coaat Una.... Haiti mora ft Ohio.... Bal. ft Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr..... Caaadlas Pacific ...... Central of N. J Chesapeake ft Ohio..... Chloata Ot. W, Chloaso A N. W C. M. Bt. P Chlcaso T. ft T Chleaso T. ft T. pfd... C, C , C. ft St. L.... Colorado T. A 1 Colorado ft Bo Colo, ft Bo. let pfd.... Colo, ft Bs. M pfd Ooneoltdated Oas Cars Products Corn Products pfd Dataware ft Hudaoa... Dal.. L. ft W Denvar ft R. O D. ft R. O. pf Dlatillara securities .. Brta Erie 1st ptd Erie Id pfd Oaaeral Elactrtc Hocking Vllr Illlnoli CSntral lateraattonal Paper Int. Papar ptd Int. Pump Int. Pump pf4 Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa Cltr Bo K. C. 8a. pfd Uaulavllle ft N Maxloaa Central Mian. A at. l U , Bt. P. ft B. a. M m.. Bt. r. a. a. m. ptd. Mleaourt Prtnc M , K. ft T M . K. ft T. pfd. National Laad N. R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. ft W Norfolk A W Norfolk ft W. pfd Nona A mart can Paeloo Mall PennartvaaU ,,, Paople'a Oas P., C. C. ft Bt. L mail ataal Car Prcaaed B. C. ' pfd Pullman Palaoa Car... Raadlnf Raadlns tat pfd Raadlni Id ptd Raublla Itl Rapublla ataal pfd Rook lalaad Ca Rock laland Co. pfd.. at. u ft a r. id pfd at. u a. w , Bt. u a. W. pfd Soothers Pad 80 So. Paelfto pfd So. Hallaar So. Ratlwar pfd Teaaaaaee C. ft I Taxaa ft PacISc l.eno T.. at. U A W too T . Bt. L. ft W. pfd W I'nloa Paot t nloa PaclSo ptd II. a. Eipraaa I'. 8. Raaltr t". 8. RubOar V. 8. Rubber pfd F. 8. Steal I'. 8. Blaal pfd Va-Carallna chemical Va.-Caro. Cham. pfd.. WabaaS Wabaah ptd Walla-Parso Eipraaa Waatlnshouaa Kiectrle Waatara I'nloa W healing ft L. Wtacooala Caatral .... Wla Caatral ptd 500 4( Nanhara Panic 4 0 lei Caoiral Laaihar SO u Casual leather pfd luO lo Sluae-ShaBeld Btaal I X 4 74 Oraal Nanhara ptd. Int. MatrapollUB .. Int. Mat. pfd , Total aalae for tha ear. 1.IM.M aoarae. 88 H 18 Boston Topper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, Omaha: Adventure 4 NcTtda Consolidated., to Allouoi North Butta 111 Atlantic 14 Old Dominion M Bingham 14 Oaceola 14 Ulaik Mountain 1 Poau. Service 12 Boston Conaolldated.. 11 Pnau. Bervloe. pfd... 81 Butte Coalition 17 Qulncr Ill Calumat ft Arliona...ll Rhannon 11 Calumrt A Hecla....l50 Tamarack 1M Centennial 41 Tcnnaaaae Copper ... 11 Copper Range Si Trinity 17 Dallr Weat lt Cnlted rrult 107 Kast Butts 17 United SI a tea. com... 17 Franklin 14 I'ntted States, pfd... 47 Greene Copper II Vtah Conaolldated Helvetia 8 Cteh Copper .... lie Roral 84 Vic toria U 8. ft Plttaburg. ... 8 Winona MaaaachuaatU 1 Wolverine Michigan IS Cananea Mohawk It. Nlptralng OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle .'ally (ttadj and in Born Caaea & trouper. HOGS HIGHZST SINCE LAST JULY Moderate Receipts el Ikrep anal Lassbs, rrUm Demand oo2 ana Trade Active at Slightly Better Prleea. SOUTH OMAIIA, Jan. 16, 1907. Receipts were: Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 6,26 4.672 14.237 Ofllclsl Tuesday 7.6-7 ,W 4.6o6 Official AVednesdsy 6.100 6.200 ,) Three days this week. 12.54 1.7 26.243 Same days last week. ...1S.7X2 24.0 21.2J' Pame days 2 weeks ago . 10.146 10, KM U.f- Same days 2 weeks ago.. 2.2K1 .4il 6.0i Same days 4 weeks ago.. 20,72 20.763 .323 Same days last year U1.616 23.652 22.234 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year; 1XJ7. 190. Inc. Dec. Cattle , 67.791 29.808 17,fc Hogs ,7S3 102,174 16,291 Sheep 72.R92 T2.lt 727 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Oood to choice corn fed stesrs.... 15. 496.24 Fslr to good cr.'n fed steers 4.iu.o0 Common to fair steers 1 "UrvJ Good to choice fed cows 2-6.K34.aO Fair to good cows and heifers 2.ifq.1.W Common tn fair rnwa ind heifers.. 1.70 U 2. 10 Oood to choice st'kers and feeders. 4.V.0 C ' . - . , 1 A w. a An 1 rair 10 gooo stocKers ana ieeuer. Common to fair Blockers 2.0Ou3.80 Hull stags, etc 2.507 4.1.5 Vesl calves 4.003C.S4I Ths following tabls shows the sve.age price of hogs at South Omaha for ths last several days, wltk comparisons: little essler. with ths Chlcsgo market re porting the esrly advsnf-e ail lost. The re sult was thst the buoyancy of the market disappeared and the trade became slow. The late market was eanler. It being hard work to get over 26.40 for anything on the close. Representative sales No. Ae. 8k. Pr Kt. Av Ih Pr 81 .ISI ... 117 V, til ... 4 4! 77 114 10 n ! 40 I 4! M ITT ... I 17 54 147 ... 4 4J 7 04 ... 1 4 74 244 1JC 4 47 SI ... I 40 14 710 ... ? 71 tit SO I 40 1 lit ... I 41 M 1 ... 140 117 ... 142 8 148 ... 140 48 SIT ... 141 4l.M.....rt ... 4 to' 17 .HI 40 4 II 141 ... 14 If 11 300 1 11 DO 21 8 I 4 T 18 0 6 4? U t4 ... I 40 7T 131 ... I 41 71 lit ... 144) 71 248 ... 4 42 -.1 to ... I 40 (1 171 40 I 41 TT. Itl ... 6 4" 84 II ... 4 41 TJ lot ... 140 B jut JOO 6 41 78 110 tm I in 80 104 80 I 4t tt 171 ... I 40 7S ?n ... f 47 Tl 121 ... 1 40 75 ..tot ... 4 42 . .224 ... 140 TO IPO ... 142 14 ...1M ... 40 5 241 ... 6 41 l 228 1 2 I 40 44 S ... I 41 48 171 I V, 277 ... I 48 21 Itl I 40 44 173 ... I 4S 71. II .... I 4 74 148 ... I 77 2.1 ... 40 41 21 40 6 IS 4J.. 820 40 I 40 IS..-. 71 ... I 80 178 ... 1 40 12 2.T4 ... 148 41 24 ... I 40 II 2CI ... 4 4 Mt !3 ... 49 80 224 ... I t 7! rt ... 4 40 t 187 ... IH 14 2.TT 10 4 40 on the Bourse today was hesitating etrept In the rase of Kusslans, which Closed strong. Hiisalan ImperlHl in closed at 74 4 and Kusslan lmnda of 1! at 4!0X. BERLIN. Jan. 16 Trading on the Bourse was featureless. Operatr-re were under the Impression that the Bank of Kngland will reduce Its discount rste tomorrow. Date. 1207. 18O6.1206.1204.l02.12O2.19Ol. .. 71 .. 41 .. I .. 12 ..10 .. 10 .. 4 London Closing; Stocks. LONDON. Jatv 16. Closing quotations on tne Stock exchange were. Conaola, money .. 17 1-14 M , K. A T do ai count iN. T. lntral.... Anaconda 1 Norfolk ft W Atchinon 11"; do pfd do pfd 104 Ontario ft W Baltimore ft Ohio. .. .112 Penntflvanla .... Canadian ParlDc ,...17 Rand Mines U iHeadlnf 17!southern Railway lo do pfd 17 Southern PaclBs 41, Union Pacllc .... , W do ptd , 48,U. 8. Steel. I'hea. ft Ohio.. Chicago Ot. W. C, M. ft at. P PeBeara Denver ft R. Q do pfd Erie do let pfd.... do Id pfd Illlnola Central Loulavllle ft N. . 48 .186 . K . II . 47 .710 . 7 . TO . 10 . II . 18 .184 . N . 81 .101 . 18 . 18 6 77 do ptd ., .. IS I Wabaah ... ..171 do pfd .. . .147!gpalah 4a SIVER Bar, steady, 2 -16d per ounce. M0iM!;y-3W3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 44 per cent; for three months' bills, 4 per cent. Bank Clearlaacs. OMAIIA, Jan. 16. Bank clearings for to day were 21.764,217.40 and for the corre sponding date last year 11,346,619.29. OMAHA WHOLESALEl MARK2CT. Coadltloa of Trade aad Qaotatlona on Staple aad Fairy Predaee. EGOS Per do., 2021c; market easy. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8Hc; roosters', 6c; turkeys, 104J13c; ducks, rXglOc; young roosters, SHc; geese, 69a. BUTTER Packing stock, lSglSHc; choice to fancy dairy, 22c; creamery, 26tfo. HAY Choice upland, 2260; medium, 22.00; ennree. tS.0Ou4.6O. Rye straw, $6.(097.00. BRAN Per on, 116.00. OLD VEGETABLES. CARROTS, BEETS AND PARSNIPS Per bu., 76c SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per large bbl., 23.25. .-... NAVY BEANS Per bu., 21.66; No. i, $1.60. LIMA BEANS Per lb., eHo. CABBAQE-Hollaad ' seed, home crown, IV per lb. ' ' -i. EGO PLANT-4sr dos.. 23.2frl721.0Q. RUTABAGAS About 160 lbs. to sock, $1.60. - fotatukb rer ou., woooc. TURNIPS Per bu- SOc. ONION-Hom grown, per bo., 60c; Spanish, per crate, 22.00; Colorado, per bu.. 76c. w . NEW VEGETABLES. BEETS, TURNIPS AND CARROTS Par del., 45'u50c. TOMATOES California,, per 20-lb. crate, $2.60. WAX BEANS Per bu. Sox. $2-60S-00. LEAF LETTUCE Hotbousa per dot, he.is. JCc CELERY California, per dog.. 75cfi$100. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos., U.0O& 2.50. HORSERADISH Case of 2 dos.. 2120. RADISHES Per doa bunches, . southern, large bunches, 76c; hothoarse. 40c. GREEN PEPPERS Per besket crate, 14 &itf,j ST,. 00. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dog. . bunchsa 40c. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per doa, Jl.O'Wl.26- ... SHALLOTS Southern, per bu.. 60a , FRUITS. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $8.00i3.SO. APPLES Ben Davis, choice. $2.00; fancy, per bbl., $2.26; Jonathans, $2.76; New York apples, 23.26. PEARS Winter Nells, per bog. $2.00, TROHtAL FRUIT. ORANGES Florida - ranges, all alsea, 22.2b: Cullfornla navels, extra fancy, all uZ I slfS, $3.6; fancy, $3.00. 7i DATES Kadawav. Ws: aayers 5o; Hal 27 1 low is, new stuffed evatn'i! d:vles, 2-lb. box, 4 ! $1.10. t l LEMONS Llmonlern, 200 and 360 slse. un m i J4.60; other branas, ooc lesa 2.400 148 Hi 142 I BANANAS J-er medlum-slsed bunch, - "! i iz.kMui ia; luniDos. 4Du a. ou. UKAftS Ki ll siso m w n nna eu, .ie j4 00. nna nuiifA.nl, Kll, tu.. O-AMwm BALL BTtX I K V,K Olliuni, wu,. ,71", w tw tm e 1,2 Turkish. 15c: D-crown, 14c; 2-crown. 12c. 7ou. !o2 COCOANUTS-Per sack of 100, $4.60. No. 1 ribs, 14c; No. 2 ribs, 10c; No. t ribs, 7C Jan. $.... Jan. ... Jan. 10... Jan. 11... Jan. 12... Jan. 13... Jan. 14... Jan. IS... Jan. 16... 27H J23i 6 " 6 M, S04 e 6 2Hi 6 26 417e 6 2CH 6 22 6 20 6 22 6 28 6 26: 4 63 4 60 $ 29 I 4B0I 4 61 4 62 4 6 4 Mil 4 62! 4 62 4 61 4 76 4 731 4 en' 5 29 4 62 4 74 4 4 3l 6 401 I 6 461 4 48! 6 27 $ 41 6 091 6 06 6 14 6 25 6 24 C 1$ e B 16 6 Ul 6 22 60 6 15 6 21 $ 16 6 14 6 04 6 ON 131 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICKS. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $2 87i.60 $6.36.u.do Chicago 1.6tij7.0O 6,iXSi.67',a Kansas City 2.2TV(iti.75 6.76u'vi.62 St. lx)uls J.6iK(i6.76 6.0WI6.66 Sioux City 2.6iV.28 6.30-(t6.46 The official number of enrs of stock brought In today by each road was: i ailie. Iiogs. enerp. r . C.j M. A St. P. Wabash .. 4 1 Missouri Pacific 7 Union Pad Ho system. 43 C. & N. W., east 4 C. & N. W.. west ..... 62 C, St. P.. M. er O.... 21 C, B. A Q., east C B. A Q , west Bo C, R. 1. oi P., east.. 7 C. R. I. A P., west.... 4 Illinois Central 2 Chicago Great West.. 2 Total receipts 212 7 2 S 16 20 2 4 6 "4 2 84 2 11 24 ittle. Hogs. Sheep. 1.19S t l.T-'2 8ft3 1,476 l,fl 1,648 1,6.18 1.7:8 M7 1,964 2,076 26 2 .... 68 21 1. 146 73 11 48 68 103 88 1 S 76 116 383 .... 213 6,038 6.133 7,727 lt 16 17 0 17 40 111 180 IS ire l.loo M I. WO 40 00 71 1.100 71 10 10 M I, lot 400 B3.400 18 700 41 hi 44 To 24 00 48 61. m m 4 111 11.400 11 1. NO II 71 7 11,400 111 124 1S 2.100 4 41 4;. 1,000 t M 84 M04 400 88 r 87 1.700 8 17 87 41.804 184 11444 13 I.SOO M M , T7 l,0 ii 11 14 18 1.10 171 171 178 111. UK) 114 111 1U I 0 18 M 13 21 27 40 4"i, 4 4b 28 14 II SI 14 4 117 117 n U 861, IS 4 14 I BJ. 81U 11 ilb tiu 112.IU0 111 171 171 aa ice 41 1.400 40 4014 io 11 10 10 14 Ml 4a 44 41 1.80 104 K4, l,t, 1.10 17 U 84 - 10 1.14 II 17 17U LM) N H 14 Ill 14 141 148 . 10 434, W4, Uw 4 14 14 144 4 4 1S7 W i 8t 101 101 T3U. T4 4.u 181 17 178 tW S Snt, lit, 1.1 78 Tl II The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- oer cf neaa indicated: Cl Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Vansant A Co Carey & Benton Ixibman & Co McCreay & Carey W. I. Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Lewis Huston A Co L. F. Hum Mike Haggerty J. B. Root & Co V. A. Britton Lehmer Bros Sheridan Meat Co Independent Packing Co. Other buyers Totals CATTLE Buyers seemed to want beef steers this morning and the trade was mora active and the feeling in consequence de cidedly better. As to prices there was no very great change, many sellers calling the market only ateady with yesterday. There was,, however, a stronger undercurrent and It might be safe to call the general market steady to strong. As a matter of iact some ateliers wno happened to have something that the buyer Just wanted thought they secured a substantial advance over yesterday. While the late trains pro longed the trade throughout the whole of tne forenoon, tne early arrivals changed hands quite freely, so that a considerable proportion of the receipts was disposed of before midday. Cows and heifers were also free sellers and buyers were out In very fair season looking for supplies. The result wns that the market was at least steady, and, In some casos, probably stronger. As was the case with steers, a large proportion of tha early arrivals changed hands In very fair season. Feeders of good quality continue to com mand strong price, the country demand being very brisk for such cattle as will do to go on feed at once. As high a 15.00 was paid for some very good heavy feed ers. Common light and trashy stockers are rather slow sale every day. Representative sales: ' BEEF STEERS. No. 1..., ..., I... 4..., tt... 24... 14..., 7.,., 10..., T... 14..., I... T... 4... I... 4... 24... !.., 4... 4... T... II.. A. Pr. 1071 I H 10 4 00 , 160 4 IS 146 4 10 7M 4 24) , 70 4 14 144 4 40 1021 4 41 no 4 10 1001 4 U 1034 4 II ....... I0 4 70 , 107 4 71 1141 4 7 No. IT 10 I 1 111. At. Pr. ....1?M 4 10 .... 180 4 80 ....lllXi 4 83 ....1111 4 si .1144 4 10 7 lo2 I 00 20 1141 I 01 4 1160 6 1 U00 I 10 104 I 16 .....1277 10 1206 I 24 1874 I It 111 I 10 14 II.. I.. II.. 18.. 12... COWS. Mew York Mlalaa Storks. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. -Closing quotations sa n.inina eio,ai wvavi A dame Can. A lie Braece UraaaarVrk Cea. . f'amatork Tuanal Coa. tal. A Vs.. Hara Silver Irea Silver Uasdvtli Cea. ... te I Lilt la. Ckaat ..S4 lOotarle .. Opair .. 18 iPoioet .. IT iSavas ..Ill iSlerra Nevada ..la IBaaatl Hopes .. ..42 Slaaaard .. 6 I .... I ,...T ,...2K .... II .... 84 TS Treaeery latesseal. WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. -Today's state ment of ths treasury balances tn the sen- ....I . . I . . . . , .... c .. . , I""' iu,i-., w .. inr e.o V gold l reserve, skuas. Available taii Uuauww No. 1 loins, 17c; No. 2 loins, 12c; No. 1 u. r I 2 round, 7c: No. $ round. 6Hc: No. I plate, 4bc; No. 2 ptate, 40; No. 2 plate, 2c. MISCELLANEOUS. FISH Trout. 12c; halibut, loc; catfish, lie; buffalo, 6c; bullheads. Ue; black bass, fins stock, 25c; salmon, l-'c; pike, dressed, lie; red snapper, 12c; Whitehall, 12c; perch, dressed and scaled, 6c; pickerel, dressed, 8Vkc; herring, 6c; crapples, 6ol6e; eels, loo; blueflah, 16c; lobBters, green, 2&c per lb.; mackeiel, Spanish. 16c; native, 26c; frog It-g, 45c per dos. saddles. CURED FISH-Family whltsflsh, per quarter bbl., 10 lbs., $4 00; Norway mack erel. No. 1, $36.00; No 1 $22.00; herring i bbls.. 2o0 lbs. each, Norway, 4k, tf00 Nor. way, 2k. $9.00; Holland herring. In kegs, milkers. 80c; kegs, mixed. Too. HIDES AND TALLOW Oreea salted. Na, 1, 12c; No. 2, llVc: bull hides, Jvloc; green hides. No. 1, He; No. 2, 10c; horse, flw $75; sheep pelts. 0cV.2&. TaUow, No. 4c: No. 2. lo. Kl To PTencn wainuts. ui'c; California walnuts. No. 2. soft shell. 13c; No. 1 aoft shell, loVtc: Braslls, 15ttl6c: pecans, 199':c; filberU, 13pl4c; peanuts, raw, THo: roasted, 9c; California slinonds, bard shell, 14c; Trsyonla, 17c. HUN EY Per 24 frames. 13 50. CIDER New York, half barrel. $2.7$: bar. rel. 26 0. COFFEE MoaslSO, H, S8. Zc Del Ih.l No. k. 21e oar lb.: No. 2S. 19c ner Ih N 20, 16c per lb. ; No. 21. lie per lb. 8l:OAR Oranulated cane. In sacks, $o.tl; granulated beet. In sscks, 25.11, SYRUP In bbls.. 27c per saL: In eaaee. 10-lb. cans, $1.7u; case. 11 6-1 b. cans, $1.80; esses. S4 i-iu. cana, 41. eo. CANNED OOOL8 Corn, standard west, ern. 6inat"c; Mains, $1.11. Tomatoes, 2-lb. cans, n.io: -id. cana, vcoii.oo. pine, apples, grated, 2-lb.. 22 OfVti'2 So, sliced. 21 91 rl20. Gallon apples, fancy, $2.06. Csll-rt-nia aprlcoU. l.Sf226. Pears, $1.752 160. Peaches, fancy, $1.7692 40; H. C peaches. 2 04T7 50. Alaska salmon, red, $1.26; fancy Chinook. F . $2 10; fancy uurk. eys, F-, 11.96- Sardines, quarter oil. $2.76; ttiree-ausrtnr ihuiuiii, u.wl oweet pota to, tl l'Wil.. Sauerkraut. 21 00. Pumn. kins, laXUtLOO. Wsx beans. 2-lb.. 6Vttoc; lltna beans, 2-lb.. 76cal.36. . Spinach. 11.36. Cheap peas, 2-lb., V; extrss. IncCl.lo: lancy. 4-4-41.. id. OUs aad Rasla. NCW YORK. Jsn. 11 OILS Cottonseed, e-jiet; prime crude, 4. o. b. mills. $V: prime yellow. 4oc. fetroieutn. sieauy. Turp-n- tme, nrni. tiTeVtac. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good. SAVANNAH. On.. Jan. It OIL-Turpentine, steady. e9:c. ROBIN Stes.lv. A. B. C. D. $4 06; E. i 10 t4 it: r, 4 iui4 ju; i,. h ami tn; u, 14.45; I $4.: K. IU1; M, $a.0; N, $.., W U, Wii w w, ..ua. 2.... J.::: 14.... 10..,. II... It.... 14.... I ... II.... 7.... I.... 1.... ..., I... I..., 22. .. 1.... I... I... II... I..., I... 11.... 4... I... 2... I... It... I... I. .. I... I. .. 4... II. .. 4... II. .. 1... I... I... t... I... 2... It... 1... IIS I M II. 103 I U 1 1024 I 0 II Ill t ID I M7 I 00 11 1046 I tW II Ill 1 00 1: 148 I 00 I Ml I 00 15 190 I 06 I 10fl I 16 II lit I 16 I 1260 I II 1 81 I 10 It 1161 I 26 17 Ml I 26 401 III I , Ill I M 14 1111 16 I ......10 I 60 II 1040 1 60 t 171 I 60 4 , Ill I 60 2 704 I 60 1 , US I I HEIFERS. 164 I 71 6 60 I 71 11 II 4 TT I 40 4 BULLS. 1611 I tft i U7I 1 ie i 1180 1 00 I CALVES. 27 1 76 I 170 I 40 1 lii 4 1 16 I 0 1 , 100 I 0 117 I 76 4 ITT I 00 I 141 I 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 171 14 1141 I 14 Ml I (0 1176 I 43 1164 I 46 107 I 4 IT I tl 110 I 7 ml 1 71 lt4 I 7 1104 I Tl 1046 I 78 117 I Tl 10M I 16 171 I 84 1296 I M Ill I 86 Il I 10 1077 4 00 mi 4 00 Ill 4 0 1187 4 10 llitS 4 71 1400 4 11 ... 164 II ... M IK ... in 4 00 ... Ill 4 M ...1181 160 ...Hi I 46 ...117 I Tl 111 I 00 14 I 24 180 60 120 I 10 171 4 60 110 I 6 tut I 6 630 t 76 64 If 46 I 0 .... 64 I OS .... 14 I M .... 441 I Oe .... 681 I 80 .... 127 I II .... 446 I 88 .... 418 I IS .... 171 I 40 474 I 4 ....101 I 60 HI lit .... 117 I 6 .... Ill I 46 .... 70 I Tl 14. 14 1 4... II 12 I 4 4 I 1 I IT 14 II 44 It te 8 I 0 , Til I II .660 I 10 .111 IH . T 4 00 , 484 4 04 , 41 4 00 .781 4 0 , 140 4 10 .601 4 1 ,70 4 11 . Til -I 8 .M IS . M0 4 4 , 16 4 4 .146 16 .Mitt SHEEP Receipts of both sheep snd lambs were quite moderate at this point, although Chlcsgo had quite liberal re ceipts. The demand wss good as usual and the market opened early In the morn ing, with prices a trifle stronger thsn yes terday or the first of the week. Oood west ern lambs sold up to $7.40 as against $7.35 for the same kind yesterday. 1-ambs that brought $7.15 the first of the week sold at $7.20 today. A string of very choice ewes Drougnt Ij.Zi. tne best price paid lor ewes thl week. The trade was reasonably active at cur rent rrlres and the most of the receipts were disposed of In good seas-in In the morning. It will be rightly Inferred from this tliut the market as a whole was In a good, healthy condition. Quotations on killers: Oood to choice lambs, $7.Ofvtj7.50; fair to good lambs, $l."6 i7. 00; good to choice yearlings, lamb weights. 2Oi5tJ.25; fair to good yearllnga, lamb weights, 5.'i5i6.00; good to choice yearlings, heavyweights, $5.76fi6.00; fslr to good yearlings, heavyweights, 25.6oti6.76; good to choice old wethers, $5.S5iyo.65; fair to good old wethers, $5.0056.36; good to choice ewes, $4.856.25: fair to good ewes, $4 36194.85. Quotations on feeders: Good to choice lambs, $6. 266,6 50 ; medium lambs, $5.75(56.26; light lambs, 24.2.V35.23; yenrllnKS, 25.164tS.50; wethers. $l.75fa6 .26; ewss, $3.60jj4.50; breed ing ewes, $4. 60i 6.00. Representative sales: No. Wirel Market. . . HO8TON, Jan. IS. WtTOL The market Is fairly active and buyer have tsketi on a fair amount of the staple. One buyer Is es timated to have liought near ouO.mW pounds of territory and Texas stock. All grades of domestic are Included In ths transactions. The outward movement Is Bgaln heavy, more than 11.oou.m pounds having been shipped out of Boston during the last fortnlttht. Ouotatlons follow: Indl sna and Missouri: Combing, three-elghths-blood. 2.Vu3lc: combing, quarter-blood, S-i 3;ic: braid. 2SWC!'C. Texas (scoured basisi: Fine twelve months, r."ii7Sc: tine, six to . . . . -, ... . .. 1 , 1 on :A eignt momne ortjwe. not mu, i-i'-n, ...ie ttfe. California (scoured hnslel: Northern, choice, 67(fitiSc; northern, good, tMiv; miii dle county, 6341 66c; southern, firfe'dc; fall. rree. M'U''c: li), acrcctive, t.o.vy urmi'ii (scoured basis): No. 1. staple. 7jrn73ei east ern No. 1 clothing, 684770c: valley No. 1. 60 tislc. Terrltorv. staple (scourei nasisi: fine medium. 6Mi'70c; medium, SoOO'c. Ter rltorv. ordinary (scoured basis: Fine. M 7or; fine medium. tWo'Jic;- medium, &'So. Colorado end New Mexico: Spring, scoured X, St7Pc; No. 1, esift'oc. ST. LOrlB. Mo., Jan. 18 v tjt i nteanr; medium grades combing and clothing. !3J 28Vc; light fine. 3iti23c; heavy fine, 16M8c; tub wsahed, Suisse. IjONDON. Jan. !. WOOI. The offering at the wool auction sales today amounted to 12,??2 bales. Scoured merinoa and good broken greasles were In sellers' favor. Coarse cross bred maintained the opening advances of 6 per cent. American and home buyer competed for fine greasles, the former taking a quantity or viciorinn st Is 4d. Following are the sales In detsll: New South Wales. 2.200 bales: scotiretl. is 2Uj2s; greasy, eiidfila 2yi. Queensland, 4O0 bales; scoured Is 4d'ft1s lid. Victoria, 4 000 bales; scoured Is 2ditils lid: greasy. 7d Is 4d. South Australia, 2.0m bales: scoured. Is 2d'ols 9Vid; gressy. 64dtls 2V,d. West Australia, 2.500 bales; scoured, is doi Is 7Hd; greasy, 7dls Id. New .palanil, 1 7iV hnlea' avoiirerl. la 4dlFfls 7Hd : rrensv. 6d'iils 2Vrd. Cape of Oood Hope and Natal, 400 bales; greasy, 7iiis. 112 westsrn ewes 4'0 western ewes 261 western ewes 438 western ewes 161 western ewes 51! wextern ewes 2 weMr-rn yearlings !"6 western yenrllngs ' 345 western ewes 3(4) western lambs 320 western lambs .... 274 western lambs .... 112 wiatern lambs 75 native lnmbs 60 native lambs 15 native lambs ..... 81 native lambs 41 native lambs Av. . 102 . 110 . 102 . 112 . 112 . 132 . 99 . 100 . 107 . 78 . 78 . 83 . 83 . 77 . 114 . 92 . 93 . 84 Pr. $ 36 5 16 6 10 6 26 6 25 6 36 5 SO S 80 5 20 7 36 7 35 7 40 7 40 7 40 T 65 7 65 7 60 7 30 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKUT Cattle and Sheep Steady Hogs Strong; to Five (eats Higher. CHICAGO. Jan. 16. CATTLE Receipts, 22. (M0 head, market steady; common to prime steers, $4.0U'(f 7.30; cows, $2.76ij'4.7o; heifers, $26Vu&.00; bulls, 12.754)4.60; calves, 22.75fe8.75: Blockers and feeders. $2.60ii4.60. HotlS Receipts, 33,000 head; market strong to 6c hlaher: choice shipping hogs, $6626.70: strong butcher weights, $6.6010 6.67". packing, $6.626.66; bulk of sales, Ib.&irtitl 2i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head; market steady; sheep, $3,004)0.85; year lings, $4.6046.60; lambs, $5.777.80. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 16. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,360 head; prime and choice heavy steers steadv; others slow and 10c lower; bulls, steady to firm; bologna cows un changed: medium and good cows, 10!rl5c lower; steers, $4-75&..00; oxen, $2.7oW00 bulls. $3.254.15: cows. $1.40414.00. IJverpoo and London cables quoted live cattle easier at llifil2.c ner lb., dressed weight; rerrig em tor beef slow; exports tomorrow, 911 cattle. 1.150 sheen and 4,0"O quarter or neer. CALVES Receipts, 1.271 head: market steady; veals. $5 5f?T10.u; culls, $4.0o64.5O; fed calves, 24.504J4.75; westerns. $.75Ji'4.75; barnyard iu cs nominal; dressed calves steadv. HOGS Receipts. 8.827 head; market firm; good heavy to light hogs, $7.0u87.15; pigs, 17. 164x7.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6,076 head; sheep steady; lambs firm to 15c higher; sheep, $4.0055.00: export wethers, $5.75; vearllngs. $6.50; lambs, $7.00o.00; one deck, $8.10; culls, D.ooiti.oo. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Jen. 16. CATTLB Re ceipts, 12,000 head, Including 2U0 southerns Market waa steady to loc lower; choice ex- nort and dressed beef steers. $6.60(1141.76: fair to good, $4.25i6.50; western fed steer, $3 74 us. is; Blockers a no leeaera, j.)'ji.4i; southern steers. 23.2.V6.26: southern cows $2.k64j3.75; native .cows, 22.35U4.&0; natlvs heifers. e3.lodi6.2B Duns. iaj4.w; oaives, $6.0ufc7.50. H OO 8 Receipts, 12.000 head. Market was 2V'aoc higher; top, $11.66; bulk of sales. $u60 4a.60;. heavy, $'1.60416.65; packers, $6 60iQ.60; pigs and lights, $6.75fj(.55. IHltlif AND LAMUD iieceipis, l,VV tiaa.l Market atpAriv Inmha tH 76ffr7.5o: ewes and yearlings, $4.756.25; western fed yearlings, $o.9uliii.o0: western fed sheep, $4.a04j&.i6; stockers and feeders, $3.2&4j4.76. St. Lesls Live Stack Market. BT. LOUIS. Mo., Jan. 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.&00 head, Including 1,400 Texan; market steady; native shipping and export otters, $4.5i.'(6.75; dressed beef steers ard butcher steers, $l.20ft6.36; steers under l.ouO pounds, $3.754.66; Blockers and feeders, $2.u0Q4.60; cows and heifers. $2.76tH6o; can nera, $1.604j2.25; bulls, $2.76ft4.40; calves. $3.00 &e.O0; Texas and Indian steers, .$3.606.60; cows and heifers, $2.003.60. HOOS Rece uts, 9.000 head: market 6c higher; pigs and lights, $4.1u4i.60; packers, $t.2o.(iti 66; butchers and best heavy, $6.66 4 70. : HliKKf Afiu LAMii- Jteceipts, Z.0OJ head; market steady; native muttons, $4.00 (j!4 60; lambs, $6.264i7.4fl; culls and bucks, $2.7t4.0O; stockers. J3.0&2.75. St. Joseph Live Itoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Jan. 16. C ATT LE Receipts, 2,290 head; market active, steady to strong; natives, 14. 6041;. 76; Texas west erns, H 75U6.5o; cows and heifers, $2.25 4.60: bulls snd stags, .&ofr4.76: veals, $4.60 t(.25; yearlings, calves, $3.004.00; Blocker and feeders, H.26(H.0. HOiS Receipts. 7.822 bead: market active, 647 loc higher; light, mixed, $6.46(1 4.57; medium heavy, $b.6oUj.u2; pig. $6.2t(6no: bulk, ").tO'ui.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.182 head; market steady to strong; lambs, $7.60; ewes, $5.20, Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. 16 Call loans. 64f per cent; time lesna, 64j7 per Cent, omciai quotations on stock and bonds were: Atchlaon adj. 4a.. do ptd Mei. Central 4.. Atchlaon do pfd Doaton A Albany. Uiieton a Maine., Boeton Klevated ,, Fluti bure, P'd .... Mas. Central N. Y., N. H. A H Cnlon Pacific Am. Pneu. Tube. . Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen do ptd Bttleon Bleo. Illu. Maaa. Electric .... do pfd Maaa. Oai l olted Fruit Vnlted 8. M do pfd . . . V. 8. Steal. do pfd ... Adventure . Aeked. I lAllouai ...100 Amalgamated . ... 14 AllanUc ...10!, Blnjham , .100 ( al. A Heels.. ...211 Centennial .... ...140 Copperv Rant . ...160 Dalv TA'aat .... ...ISI Franklin ... 26 lala Kovale ... .186 Maea. Mining . .17IMulilsaa . 11 Mohawk .113 Mont. t'. A O. .110 Old Dominion. .1.8 Oaceola ....... . U Parrot .101 Uulncy ..1 .Itl Shannon ...... . 11 Tamarack .... 41 Trlnltr .... 46 Vnlted Copper ....104 P. 8. Mining.. U 't . 8. Oil . II . 46 .106 4 t'tah Victoria , Winona . Wolverine tl ,v..li 14 160 40 94 11 14 , 21 81 1 61 14 12 118 n 164 I 72 4 II T8 " 110 loaa City Live Stock Market. SIOl'X CITY, Jan. 16. (Special Telegram ) CATTLE Receipts, I.600 head; market strong and steady; beeves. $2.k&4iti.2&; cows and heifers, $J.6o'u4 60; stockers snd feeders, $1. 041 4 25; calves snd yearlings, 2 5o(;3 Hi. HOGS -Receipts. ii":0 head; market strong, selling at $6. 20446. 46; bulk of sales, $6.3t4 6. 00. Snaar and Molassea. NEW YORK. Jan. 18. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, c; centrifugal test, io; molasses sugar. 2Tc. Refined steady; No. 6 14.SI; No. 1. $4 25; No. 8. $4.20; No. 4, $4.16: No 10. $4-05; No. 11, $4.00; No. 12. $3.96; No ' 13 $3.90; No. 14, $3.85; confectioner's A, $4 60; mould A. $5.16; cut loaf, $t.50; crushed, $5.50; powdered, $4.90; granulated, $480; cubes, $5.05. ' MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 874l38e. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 16. - SUGAR -Steady; open kettle centrifugal, 3U43 13-16o; centrifugal whites. 4 1-I60; centrifugal yel low SSrfl4Hic; seconds, 24i3 7-16o. MOLASSES Syrup, HXfciMc. , Cotton Market. v NEW YORK. Jan. 16. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10.70c; mid dling gulf, 10.20c. Sales, l.ioa bales. ST LOUIS. Jan. l.-COTTON-Qulet; middling. lOHc Sales, 4 bales; receipt). 400 bales; shipments, 1,277 bales; stock, a,. WNEw"'ORLEAN8, Jan. 16.-COTTON-Spot market closed quiet. Sales, 4,150 balea Low ordinary, 5 16-16c, nominal; ordinary, $16-16c. nominal;- Rood ordinary, 8Vic; low middling. 9e; middling, '1m fnoi rnld dling 11216c; middling fair, 12$-16c; fair, 12 13-16C. Receipts, 13,070 bales; stock, 4u6 776 balea HIGH TEST FOR OSTEOPATHS Provisions ot Thomas Bill la Co. sonance with Wlslies of the Practitioners. ' In speaking of the bill that has been In troduced In the legislature by Senator Thomas of Douglas county to have the governor appoint a state board of osteop athy Dr. M. E. Donahue of Omaha says: "Under the existing laws of the state we are entitled to a member of the state board, but up to the present we have had no rep resentation on the board. The new law provides for an Independent board of os teopathy, the examiners to put them In a class by themselves, to have control of our own practitioners and to regulate them according to their qualifications. It pro vides for an examination In all things which any doctor should take In an ex amination txcept m,aterla rnedlca. The bill provides for a board of five examiner to be oppolntedby the governor from a list of ten osteopaths submitted by the Ne braska Osteopathic association. I know of no cor e'erted opposition to the bill, and medical men claim they have no reason to oppose 11 since It carries with It an ex amination which will be a high teat of effi ciency." BOYS AND GIRLS NEED HOMES Six Yoaaasters oa Head (or Whose Judge Keaaedy Makes aa Appeal. Judge Howard Kennedy wishes publicity given to the desire of the Juvenile court authorities to find homes for three boys and girls now at the detention school on South Tenth street. These children sre at the school as "dependent children" and not because of any delinquency or bad bablts. The girls are 8. 11 and 12 years of age, while the boys are I, 10 and 14. Two ot ths boy are brothers and are orphans. They . love each other dearly and . avre almost In separable.' Judge Kennedy would like to see the brothers go together. The pro cedure will be that If homes are not found for these children they will be sent to the Home for the Friendless at Lincoln., Block la Sight. Receipt of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Caltla Hog. Sheep. South Omaha 5.I00 6.200 k.2uo Floux City l.eoo Kansaa City 12.W0 81. Joaeph 2.390 St. Louis 4.600 Chicago 22,000 5.0u0 12.000 7.322 ,0j0 23.000 7.600 4.1H3 2.0U0 :o,uuo Totals .... ...47.690 72,522 38,883 M T . 680 T4 WESTERNS. Chambers Estate Wyo. 14 cows 712 2 66 C. B. Van Dorn Idaho. IX feeders. 212 4 60 I feeders.. 219 $ 60 15 feeders.. 144 4 36 71 cowe M H) 10 cows Has $ oa 12 bulls 14U) I to HOGS Hogs opened with buyers bidding around $ 271 for good loads, which was only a little higher than ths best lime yes. terdsy, but there was practically no trad. Ing done on that basis. When ths market reaily opened It woe all of 6c higher and under the Influence of the goud demand be. ame a big 6c higher and active st ths advance. Some hogs actually eoid 6tilk higher. The big bulk of the early arrivals rl auged hand at and right around $6.42, with a top at 150. the highest price paid f r a load of bogs on this market since last Jaly. By the time the inure urgent order r filled the provision market 1111 a Ferelaa Financial. LONDON. Jan. 16. Money aas plentiful In the markft and rates wore easy which caused a weakening of discounts. On the Stock exchange the settlement wns con cluded satisfactorily. Business for ths new account was fairly brink, cheaper money helping In the improvement of gilt edge securliles, though thr prospects of insur ance losses as a rcnult of an enrthouake In Jamaica claused slight easing Uei, Foreigners were quletlv supMrt,?d, Rus sians and Japanese hardening. Americans were quiet 111 the foren ion, The prospec tive naw isues offnet the cheiuer money' rate, but the tone waa Mteadv. The In terest was confined to er rUlt if. Atchlaon. Torwka A Sant t Ke. Southern Pacific and United States Steel receiving the moat at tention. Later the market became Irregu lar. New York oliernnt.ly bought and sold and neur the close reiterated rumors regarding the Illness of J. I'wrpont Morgan raUMod depression, a rile disappointment at the Southern preferred dividend weak ened Southern railroad snd the mtrket fluiahed weak. Kuftlra received more at tention, eapecially IMamond shares Japa-n-e Iii't!hI 4s of l"d closed at 1":. YAH.lt, Jau. 14. -Tho tendency of pricr , Rons from Visionary Demon. IOgan Helm. 616 North Sixteenth street, rushed wildly Into the police station about 3:45 Wednesday morning rdteously pleading for protection, s he said someone waa after him and had threatened to kill him. It waa evident Helm was demented and he was placed In a cell for salt-keeping, where he will be held until his condition Improves or relatives take charge of him.' HKAL KtJTATB TRAMFERI. Sooth Omaha land company to John Oscar, lot 1, block 297, South Omaha $ 200 Frcdeilik 11. Cole to Juaephln K. Wliletts, lot $, Patrick s riajMloga.. 44 Bert Campbell and wife to Samuel Rerkovltx, sVk lot 10. block 2.. &. V. Smith's , $.3t Tfuemun B Humes and wife to Enitna F. Wooley, lot $, block 3, Plalnvlew 1,67$ Willie Ho ben to Herman C Harm, lot 17, block 2, Collage park 1,009 John Ruts to Edward Hogucs, lot 2, block 7. Wilcox add 60) J. P. Therkelaen and wife to I. P. Lind. lot 6, block 6, Ke)tl park.. 100 Samuel Muahinney and wife to Mrs. Myrs K tUott, lot 14. block 6, tirlggs' Place tA Frank HruUky to Anton Rendu, lot 2, tieorge'a suo., Soutn Oinaha 650 John 1.. Maurer snd wife to John A. Hwanaon, lot 16, block 2, Wise and f'a4oa)e's 2.(80 John L. Maurer and aife to John A. Swanaou. P'.rlh 44 feet Mils le and 16. Kuell's sub. .: Total 2.600 .... la,. 1