Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1907, Image 1
The Omaha i Daily Bee n VOL. XXXVI-NO. 183. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17, 1907-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. T" EAD REACH A THOUSAND Latest Estimate Icoreasos Vimbet of Vlotimi of Kiintoa Disaster. NINETY THOUSAND ARE HOMELESS Damee in the City Alone ii Plaoed at Ten Million, PROVISIONS OF ALL KINDS NEEDED Stench from Emofcioc Debris ii Described u AwfuL NEGROES LOOTING DAMAGED BUILDINGS Eiok and Poor FnffeT Alike and Misery on All Eidei 1b Indeeorlba.le, UNITED STATES TA' PROMPT ACTION eeretary Metcall rbee F4 from Naval Stores ''''r. t Walt- la for Formal bjr rei(r. BrLLETIX. V, BT. THOMAS, t). W. I., Jan. Reports received here from Jamaica say It la estl ' mated that 1,000 persons have been killed br the earthquake and Are and that 90,000 persona are homeless. Tho damage to Kingston alone ta placed at fully 110,000,000. Advices received from Jamaica declare that alt people have bean warned to keep away from Kingston. The stench la de scribed as awful. Money Is useless. The banks have been burned, but the vaults are supposed to- be safe. The misery on all sides Is indescribable. Rich and poor alike are homeless. Provisions of all kinds are urgently needed. It la impossible to say where anybody can be found. Blr James Fergusson, vice chalrmnn of the Royal Mall Steamship company. Is among the killed. The dead are being burled under smoldering ruins. People In the mercantile community suffered most severely, ware houses falling on them. Many professional men are dead or Injured. The negroes are looting. Ghastly scenes are being witnessed Alt the shops have, been destroyed and all the buildings In and around Kingston are' in ruins. Very few of them are safe to live In. The governor and his party are safe. It Is reported that an extinct volcano In the parish of Portland is showing signs of activity, but this has not been verified. No news has yet been received from other parts of the Island of Jamaica. . Great Anxiety la London LONDON, Jan. M. The brief dispatches received here tonight. Including some from Kingston direct, declaring that 100 per sons had been killed in the earthquake of Monday, leave the country a prey to re newed suspense as to the fate of Jamaica's capital Karller reports, Including dlspatohea, had tended to minimise the worst features of the first messages received and although there Is an Inclination still to credit these official accounts in the absence or con firmation of the later reports,' the relief felt title afternoon tends to give place to despondency at the possibility that the worst fears will be realised when the full accounts of the disaster come to hand. Two things stand out of the general gloom and bring Intense satisfaction to the British public. The first Is the fact. confirmed tonight In a dispatch from Sir Alfred Jonea himself, that the Jones' party are all safe. The second Is found In the prompt and active steps taken by the American government to Investigate the real conditions and afford the necessary succor to the unfortunate people. ' Es pecial appreciation is felt at Secretary Met calf's decision to act without waiting lor congressional sanction. All possible steps are being taken here to the same end, but America's generous action is none th less appreciated. The' king and queen and also the premier. Sir Henry Campbell-Banner-man, have hastened to telegraph expres sions of the country's sympathy, and pub Ho bodje are arranging to hold meetings to express their sympathy and afford re lief to the victims. Up to a late hour tonight the colonial office had no further pews to communicate and the publto found satisfaction In the belief that the casualties among the Eng lish residents in the Island had been tew. At the moment of writing this dispatch, however, a message was received from Sir Alfred Jones, addressed to Elder, Dempster as Co., which confirms the worst fears. The message follows: Kingston was overwhelmed by an earth quake Monday afternoon at 1:30. All th house within a radius of ten miles hav . cwed here from all parts of the state, been damaged and almost every house In i n , .una . n.,,. i,t th city destroyed. Fire broke out after BILLINGS, Mont.. Jan. 16.-Extreme cold the earthquake and completed the dost rue- ! weather still prevails In eastern Montana, tlon. It is estimated that 100 persons have ; i Billings the lowest point yet reached been killed and 1.000 Injured. The public ' w.. ,,, ..Mri,,n. to r.,M,rt. iiv offices and hospitals are in ruins. Among w" ffl b"ow- According to reports, live th killed are Blr James Fergusson. many ! stock Is suffering badly and losses will b prominent mrrchanta and professional men , great. In the extreme eastern part of th no fatalities at the Constant Springs hotL The business quarter of Kingston Is now mouldering sshe. W sr thankful that our im.rtr la all right. This dispatch I mm Sir Alfred I prac tically identical with other message re ceived from Kingston, Including one from a correspondent of the Standard, who 1 alth th Jonea party, with th exception that all th other glv th death list as "several hundred" while a dispatch of a .similar purport received by th direct Wet Indian Cable company say th loss of life was "heavy" and add that Port Antonio w is not baoly Injured. At th present time, therefore. It I quite Impossible to form a reliable Idea ot th number of Uvea lost from th Information available. Hellef from t atted State WASHINGTON, Jan. K.OffUlal news of the disaster at Kingston, Jamaica, reached Washington slowly today; la fact th first report did not com to hand until weil along In th afternoon when a dispatch was received at th stats department dated "Jamaica. I 31 p. m., Jan. IS," and signed "American cousul." stating that Kingston had been destroyed and hundreds of lives lost and stating that food was badly wanted. As a matter of fact th signature to UU dispatch was misleading, for the conaul la abasnt on leave from hi post. It Vis assumed at th department that the aOeatiaued. a bUU Page., SUMMARY OF THE DEE I Thursday, January 17, 107. ioo7 January 1007 sua won rut wee tso ri st ' 5? I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 II 12 13 II 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 J Til wunz& FORECAST FOR NEBRASKA Thurs day fair, except probably snow In north east portion; warmer in west portion. Fri day fair. rnnmicp B"AD IAU', T I -. ' Thursday" Friday fair, except rein or sm w In extreme eajt portion. imperature at Omuha yesterday : Hour. Lie. Hour. Deg & a. m.. 8 a m.. 7a m.. 8am.. (a. m . . la 15 15 , 13 15 Is , IS 20 1 p. in.. 2 p. m.. 1p.m.. 4 p. m.. 6 p. m . . 21 11 10 a. m. . p. m zi 7 p. m..i.. 21 8 p. m 23 p. m 1 I a. m.. 1J m WASXIHOTOIT. Foreign trade entension convention dis cusses ship subsidy, but Is not unani mous In approval. Page Senator Foraker submits substitute for resolution for investigation of discharge of negro troops. Page House passes fortifications appropria tion bill without amendment Page 6 Special senate committee reports In favor of sale of surface pf segregated Indian coal lands. Pag 6 Representative Lacey of Iowa presents . bill providing that lands required for extension of army posts shall be obtained by giving in exchange other public lands of equal value. Page 1 Owing to Representative Terrell's ill ness the Nebraska delegation did not ap pear before the subcommittee in support of the Norrls Judicial circuit bill. Pag 1 POBEIOW. Thousand persons killed by earthquake and fire at Kingston. Jamaica, and ninety thousand are homeless. Pag 1 HIBBAIZA, Legislature In joint session formally declares Norris Brown elected senator. Pag 1 Jamestown Exposition commission to ask for $12,000 appropriation. Paga 3 State Agricultural society elects offi cers for current year. Page S Senate discovers It has three more em ployes than the law allows Pag B Bill Introduced which alms to stop mar gin trading of all kinds Pag a LOCAL. James B. Kitchen and Major John B. Furay die within twenty minutes of each other. . Pag 1 OOTTVCIXi BX.UPPS ABTD IOWA. Grand Jury at Council Bluffs completes labors, returning number of Indictments. Page Error discovered In tabulation of vote on governor raising the pluralities of Cummins to over twenty thousand. Page B WANT RECIPROCAL DEMURRAGE President Hears Appeal of Lumber "' Dealers Who Want Law y on Subject. WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. The president today heard an appeal In favor of federal legislation for reciprocal demurrage to meet the situation caused by the lack of railroad equipment and the delay In mov ing cars when loaded. The appeal was presented by the executive committee of the national reciprocal demurrage con vention recently held at Chicago, headed by Victor H. Beckman of Seattle, Wash., chairman. Chairman Knopp of the Inter state Commerce commission was also pres ent. The appeal says that the lumber trade, whose commodity is one of the heaviest contributors to railroad revenue, has been perhaps the chief sufferer from Inadequate transportation facilities. It was argued that properly framed federal legislation, made with due regard to the operating questions Involved and the respective rights of the public and common carriers, would In a short time permanently relieve the country of the present menace and result In added prosperity to both the railroads and to the Interests they serve. The presi dent promised to take up the matter with the committee again tomorrow, when other members of the Interstate Commerce com mission are expected to be present. SNOW BLOCKADE IS BROKEN Great Northern Mala Line Blow Opea from St. Paal to Spokane. HELENA, Mont., Jan. IS The blockade of the main line of th Ureal Northern has been broken. Several stalled passen ger trains In northeastern Montana and North Dakota have been started west. Th track from St. Paul to Spokane Is clear for th first time in a week. It is In tensely cold at Havre, 42 below being reg istered there today. Reports of heavy 1 losses of cattle and sheep are being re taU ,nep "n1 ct" r una,le el food on account of the deep snow and are j starving. A stockman near Glendlve, who owned a flock of 10,000 sheep, has offered them for sal for $3,000. WEATHER HAVOC IN SOUTH Worst Sleet Wires Storm la Low and Traflle. Years Lay Stop ST. LOnS. Jan. 16. The wcrst sleet storm conditions In year prevailed In bt Louis and vicinity. Electrio wins are down all over the city, trains are delayed, street oar traffic la badly Interrupted and during the day St. Louts has practically h ml nff from communication with lh. ' outside world. In th suburbs hundred of tree hav broken down under th weight of ice and telegraph and teltphon pule hav snapped off. Aldermen Deny Charge. NEW YORK. Jan. IS Four aldermen ap peared today before toe federal grand Jury ta response to subpoenas Issued yesterday in connection with th alleged bribery tit procure th iectlon by the Board of Alder men of a succeitsor to John W. Goff as re corder. They were Henry Clay Peters, Joseph Flak and William Kowcroft of th borounh of Brooklyn and Thomas J. Mulli gan of th borough of ths Bronx. Ail de nied any knowleu uf th alleged LleaDt V bilbcry. NO HEARING ON NORKIS BILL One Member of Eubcommittee la 111 and Action is Pottponed. LCEY PLAN FOR FORT EXTENSION era Congressman Frames Bill Pro viding that Lauds Reqalred Shall Be Obtained by Exchunae for Other Public Lands. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Jan. 16 (Special Tele gram). Senator Burkett and several mem bers of the Nebraska delegation 1n the lower houso expected to appear today be- f"re the eub-cemmittee of the judiciary committee of the house to speak In favor of Representative Norrls new bill to rn'nii iwu jumciat circuits ill ninteha. Senator Burkett was early on the floor of I . V. J 1 I Jl. 1 L11I 1. 1 1 .1 Judiciary committee was In executive ses Hon the representatives from Nebraska gathered In an embrasure of a window on the upper gallery of the house side and told stories, as well as exchanged political experiences. Senator Burkett was ex tremely active In urging his friends to stand by and help pull his chestnut out of the fire. Owing, however, to the Illness of Repre sentative Terrell of Massachusetts, who, with Representative Alexander of New York and Smith of Kentucky, constitute the sub-committee. It was decided to post pone the hearings on Judge Norrls' bill until the recovery of the Massachusetts member. Lacey Proposes Land Trades. Following close upon the heels of the notice served by Senator Burkett that ho Intends to press an amendment to the leg Inlatlve bill providing for the purchase of 10.000 acres of land adjoining Fort Robin son to be used as a target range and for a drill ground for the Infantry, cavalry and artillery, comes a bill today framed by Congressman Lacey of Iowa, which will be Interesting to property owners holding lands abutting on Fort Robinson. The text of the Lacey bill follows: "That whenever the secretary of war shall deem an enlargement of any. military reservation necessary and the title of land required for such enlargement shall be In private ownership, the secretary of war may certify to the secretary of interior a description of such specific tracts of land as ha may deem necessary for such pur poses and the secretary of the Interior may, with the approval of the president, exchange an equal area of any of the un occupied non-mineral, untlmbered public land subject to homestead entry tnerefor; the public land ao exchanged to be of sub stantially equal value to the lands ex changed for." Barkett and Pollard Appear. Senator Burkett. and Represenatlve Pol lard today appeared before the sub-committee of the military affairs committee of the senate to explain the purpose of the bill Introduced Jointly by them pro viding for recognition . of the services of the officers and, enlisted men of the Ne braska territorial militia. The bill seeks to aire-a wrHrtary certificate to foe troops called out In KM by Governor Saunders to defend the borders of Nebraska and other contiguous states from Invasion by the Indians. Most of the Nebraska com- panics served three months and even more. They were officered, so far as command- ing omcers wars concerned, by . regular United States officers, and were mustered out at the end of the campaign without recognition of their service in any man- bishop may exercise in quieting the aglta ner. The sub-committee having consider- tlon for a united Polish republic. Prussia atlon of this bill is oomposed of Senators j complained that Monslgnor Stablewski was Scott of West Virginia, Warner of Mis- disloyal to the government In refusing to sourl and Pettus of Alabama. After the ! condemn the school strike and as being presentation of the Nebraska case and in view of the manner In which both Senator Burkett and Mr. Pollard were received, It was their conclusion the bill would not come out of the committee. Shoshone Hot Spring's Reserve. The secretary of the Interior today sent a communication to congress urging the passage of a bill which will permit him to lease what Is known as the "Hot Springs reserve," comprising forty acres 1 lying about four miles from the agency. In the Shoshone Indian reservation In Wyoming. This request Is made upon re quest of Indian Commissioner Leupp and meets with the hearty approval of Secre tary Hitchcock. It appears this land about the spring is unallotted, having been reserved by the allotting agent be cause of Its medicinal qualities. Commis sioner Leupp has drawn the following memorandum bill for consideration of the committees of congress: "That the secretary of the interior be authorised, with the consent of the In dians of the Shoshone reservation. Wyo ming, to be obtained as he may deem best, to lease for a term not exceeding twenty-five years lot 1, section 2, town ship 1, range 1, west of the Wind river ! meridian, in said reservation, for the erec tion of a sanitarium at such rat of rental and subject to such rules and regu lations as he may prescribe." Coal Lnnd Frands In Wyoming. An Important conference regarding coal land frauds In Wyoming was held at the White House today between the president. Commissioner Garfield of the bureau of corporations, who Is soon to take up his duties as secretary of the Interior; Milton D. Purdy, an assistant to the attorney gen eral, and Assistant Attorney General Cooley. Senator Warren of Wyoming was also present Secretary Hitchcock, who brought the revelations regarding the al leged frauds to the president's attention, preceded th others to the White House and left Just a th others were Joining th president. He was accompanied by Charles Nngel of St. Louis. Th charge of fraud were brought out some month ago during a hearing by the Interstate Commerce Commission which was conducting an Investigation into other matters. It I alleged the Union Pacific Railroad company, which owns th stock of the coal company, has obtained title fraudulently to large tract of land In Wyoming, considerable portions of which contain coal. No statement was made a to the results of th conference. Congratalntlon for Smith. Congressman Walter I. Smith of Council Bluffs, a member of th appropriation committee, who had charge of the forti fications appropriation bill, was congratu lated today by both republican and demo crats for th masterly manner In which h handled th measure. Not a single cent waa added to or taken from th bill a re ported from th appropriations commute. Baral Carrier Appelated. Rural carriers appointed: Iowa: Carson, route 2, Jack Robertson carrier, Toxena Robertson substitute; Patterson, rout 2. William L. Coen carrier, Ella Coen sub- ICoatlaued oa Sizta PagaJ FRENCH BISHOPS ARE DIVIDED mmr - sr u.klsk 1 Discussion la Episcopal Session. PARIS. Jan. IS. The French episcopate continued today In session at the Chateau de Ia Muette. The cardinals, archbishops and bishops are divided into two distinct parties tiltramontatnes, who are lrVeconcll able and determined to persevere In efTorts to compel the state to negotiate for a set tlenitnt with the Vatican, and those whose organ Is the Croix, which openly advocates as the only moans of possible victory to the organization of a political campaign by the Catholics, under the leadership of tho clergy In order to secure a change In the government's attitude, and the liberals or more liberal minded- prelates who believe that the high dignitaries of the French church should do everything not specially Interdicted by the pope In order to maintain religious peace. The latter consider t: reckon with public opt t It Is necessary to Ion. which, they be- lieve, condemn open rebellion, especially as the government continue to affirm Its de sire not to close the crurches and accuses the episcopate of obeying the suggestions of the reactionary parliament parties. As the pope's condemnation only covers the separation of church and state law and the new Brland law, amending the separation measure, the liberals favor taking advan tage of the law of 1901 to form cultural as sociations under the common law. The Catholic papers, however, believe that the ultramontalnes are In the majority. THOUSANDS ARE STARVING Epidemic of Smallpox Adds to Horrors of Famine la Ceatral China. SHANGHAI, Jan. 12. To the horrors of famine have been added an outbreak of smallpox among the refugees at Sing Klang, necessitating the demolition of the mat sheds erected to shelter -the thou sands of whom have arrived there In search of food. Captain Klrton reports that 200,000 destitute persons have been driven back toward their homes and that terrible scenes are being enacted along th line of retreat. He estimates that 260,000 persons are likely to be doomed at Slng-Klang alone and 400,000 at Antung, where small relief works have been started. The distress Is largely due to lack of means ft communication and the fear that the Chinese officials might appropriate any. work supplies they might send. The dykes being dilapidated renewed rains are certain to cause fresh floods. Every house In the neighborhood of Antung visited by Captain Klrton contained dead bodies or dying persons. The relief committee, which had 150,000 taels at its disposal, has Instituted relief works under foreign supervision. BISHOP OF PCSEN NOMINATED Prussian Government Will Permit No Polish Patriot to Occupy See. . GNEBHN. Prussia, Jar. 18. The chapter of the cathedral here- met today at the ancient crowning place of the kings and nominated six priests, whose names will be submitted to the Prussian government. from which to choose an archbishop of ! Posen a successor to the late Monslgnor Stablewski, which must be done under th I convention wun me Vatican. ino eiTO , tlon is of extraordinary political import' i ance, because of the power which the arch- opposed to enforcing the government's de cree in reguru to religious instruction te lng given In the German language. It Is understood that the government will approve no candidate whose political views are antagonistic to the policy of Prussia MUTINY ON FRENCH SHIP Aasjry Immlajraats on Steamer Caase Cralaer to Be Called to Assist. FORT DE FRANCE. Island of Mar tinique, Jan. 18. The French cruiser d'Etres left Fort de France yesterday afternoon for Trinidad, convoying the French line steamer Canada, which had been detained here by a mutinous outbreak among the Immigrants aboard that vessel. The steamer Canada, Captain Delanes left Havre, France, December 22, for Paul- lias, near Bordeaux, France. Thence It went to Santander, Spain, and sailed from there December 28 for Colon. Japs to Visit Jamestown. TOKIO, Jan. 18. The Japanese budget contains credits amounting to 582.632 yen, or about 291,310. to cover the cost of dis patching representatives of the army and navy to participate in tho international exposition at Jamestown, Va. The cruisers Tsukubu and Chltose will be sent to rep resent the Japanese navy. Ralsoull Wants Pardon. TANGIER, Jan. 16. The chiefs of the Ben M'Bur tribe, with which Ralsoull sought refuge, are negotiating with the Moroccan authorities to obtain pardon for themselves and Ralsoull. Spnnlnrds for Xew Orlrnns. MALAGA. Spain. Jan. 1. About 2,000 Im migrants, who have been granted free pas sage, are waiting transportation to New Orleans. SPOKANE HEARING CONTINUES Evidence Must Be All ta Thursday Night, bnt Arguments Come Later. SPOKANE. Wash., Jan. 16. In the Inter state commerce hearing here today the rail roads defended their policy of charging higher freight rates from eastern point to Spokane than to the coast cities. While the hearing in this city must be completed not later than tomorrow night, a final decision may not be reached until April, or even later. Commissioner Prouty states that the -final argument must be made before the full commission at Wash ington, D. C, after the evidence has been compiled and printed. Some week may then elapse before a decision Is given. Stones In Place of Silk. BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 16. Instead of receiving a half ton of silk goods from Chicago, valued at several hundred dollars, Uvingrton Bros., merchsnts of this city, received a large dry goods box yerterday containing cobblestones. As a result th detectives of Chicago and Sun Francisco were noUlied to try to discover who stole the silk and fl'led ths box with rocks George Beichel, a driver who delivered the lux. was taken Into custody last night and locked up at the police station. He denied that he Lad any knowledge of th substitution. KITCHEN AND FURAY DEAD Two Imminent Omaha Men Fasa Away Twenty lilinntti Apart MAJOR FURAY'S DEATH IS GREAT SURPRISE Succumbs to Paralysis, Dying Within Few Hears Mr. Kltchea Goes After Lens Straggle with Disease. Within twenty minutes of each other two of Omaha's prominent men. Major John B. Furay and James B. Kitchen, passed away yesterday. Mr. Kitchen went first. dying at 6:30 p. tn. at his residence, im South Thirty-second avenue, while Major Furay died at 6:50 at his residence, &U7 Seward street. Mr. Kitchen's death was the end of a long, patient struggle with sickness; Major Furay's the. result of paralysis which struck him at 11:60 yester day morning and again at 6:40. The death of Mr. Kitchen had been feared for weeks. though within the last few days he had, by his remarkable fight for life, stimulated th hopes of relative and friends that he might recover. Major Furay's death came a severe shock to his friends and family. With Mr. Kitchen at the last were Mr. Kitchen and her niece, Mis Rubel; th only child. Ralph Kitchen, his wife and son, Dick, and Dr. McClannahan, th family physician. With the major when he died were Mrs. Furay, a son. Dr. Charles E. Furay, and Mrs. Cella McShane, a friend of tho family who was at the horn at the time. The other members of the family who reside In th city were soon at th bedside of death. No plans have been made for th funeral of either. It Is determined to lay the body of Major Furay In Holy Sepulcher ceme tery under Catholic auspices and to bury that of Mr. Kitchen at Leavenworth, an old home, but th tlma Is not set In either case. The news of Mr. Kitchen's death cast a pall over the staff In charge and guests of the Paxton hotel, of which Mr. Kitchen was principal owner. He was president of the Kitchen Bros. Hotel company, the owners, of which G. E. Prltchett la vice president; J. J. Points, secretary, and Ralph Kitchen, treasurer and manager. Sketch of Active Life. Jnmes Butler Kitchen wss bom May 25, 1S33, tn St. Louis county, Missouri. His father, Henry Kitchen, moved from Vir ginia to Missouri in 1S29 and died at Leav enworth In 1862. James Butler wa the fifth of ten children. During 1SS4 he left his parents In Platte county, Missouri, and went to Now Mexico with little or no funds, much ambition and a restless en ergy. At Santa Fe he engaged as clerk, In a mercantile house. His first business strike on his own hook was a government hay contract, which he filled at Fort Union, N. M. He worked all summer In water over his shoe tops to fill the contract, which netted him 1900. In the meantime he formed the friendship of Dr. Connolly of Albuquerque. Dr. Connelly started Mr. Kitchen in business at Tecolate, N. M., with a $16,000 stock of merchandise. After seven year In that business Mr. Kitchen closed out with several thousand dollars to his credit. ' - w. . He returned to Platte Valley, Kan., In 1860, and with his brother, Richard, en gaged in freighting business for the gov ernment during the civil war. He was tn business with his brother, Richard, until the latter' death In 1S90. Before coming to Omaha in 18b. J. B. Kitchen managed the Pacific hotel in St. Joseph. For year the firm of Kitchen Bros., consisting of J. B.. Charles W. and Richard, was one of the leading hotl firms In the wert. Richard at one time managed th Wlthnell house In Omaha. ' Starts Blr Hotel. In 1881 the three brothers bought the present site of the Paxton hotel, which was opened in the fall ot 1883. From that time J. B. Kitchen concentrated his ener gies in his Omaha Interests. In 1886 Charles W. sold out his Interest in the Paxton, and In 18U0 Richard died, leaving James B. In control as president of the Kitchen Bros. Hotel company. Charles W. Kitchen, th sole surviving brother, resides at Seattle. Two sisters, Catherine Sprague of Omaha and Susan B. Gabbert of Columbia. Mo., are among the bereaved relatives. Mrs. Kitchen and their only child, Ralph Kitchen, associated In the management of the Paxton hotel; sur vive. The mother died In 1896 at the age of 93. Mr. Kitchen was of a studious turn of mind, philosophy being his favorite study. He was an active member of the Omaha Philosophical society, whose meetings were held at his hotel for year on Sunday after noons. He began to fail about a year ago, picked up In health, and had to remain home after November L from which time he gradually declined. General debility was his trouble. Major Fa ray Is tailed. Major Furay waa standing at Twenty- fourth and Seward street when the first paralytic stroke came. It benumbed his left arm and limb. He was taken horn Immediately and physicians were promptly summoned. Major Furay showed hopeful sign even under circumstance so alarm ing. He did not lose oonaclousnes and that effered encouragement. HI vigorous physique and his good health, considering hi advanced age, were regarded as point In his favor. Hope went out with the fatal stroke at 6:40. He retained consciousness until death. The news of Msjor Furay's death cam as a great shock to his host of friends in Omaha, where he had lived for over forty years. He had been In good health and none was prepared to hear that "Major Furay Is dtad." Paralysis had not been a family falling. Tuesday night Major Furay had attended the installation of officer of th Omaha branch of the Cathollo Mutual Benefit as sociation, of which he was president. The meeting was held In Arlington hall. He mad a speech which waa particularly ani mated and drew from his hearers vigor ous applause at frequent Intervals. He seemed In especially good spirits and health. It was hi first visit to th asso ciation's meetings In a long time, but none there would have guessed It was to be his last. There, In the secret chambers of fraternal association, the major waa a great favorite; regarded with deep respect by the younger member to whom h waa mora than merely president of th body a friend and counselor, a leader. Native or Ohio. Major John B. Furay was born June S6, IW. at Hlllsboro, O. He married Mis Catherine McShane April , 1608. John B. Furay breathed ths air of patriotism In liberty-loving Ohio and lost no Urns in de ciding that in Lincoln' call for troops to sav th Integrity of the union he dis cerned the call to duty. He responded. 4CodUbu4 oa Third Pag.J SOUTH DAKOTA RETAIL MEN Reports Read aad Methods of Moldlaa; ' Local Trade Are Belav Considered. MITCHELL, 8. D.. Jan. l.-(Ppecl Tel egram.) When the convention of the South Dakota Retail Merchant' association assembled this morning there waa a larger attendance noticeable. President Grimm In his annual address offered many valuable suggestions to the business men of the state, touching on methods to prevent the encroachment of outside business houses on local territory. A. George Pedersen of Chicago delivered an address on mall-order competition and the remedy for it. H. P. Packard of Red field presented th mutual Insurance Idea to show the saving made to the business men who patronised a home institution. Secretary Tyler' report was voluminous. He reviewed the work of the association, referring only Incidentally to th injunction suit of Montgomery Ward Co. against the association. He said the membership had doubled In the last year and that the members were banded together more firmly than ever. He gave Instances of where the state association had been of direct benefit to local associations against outside com petition. The secretary urged the legisla tive committee to secure a larger appropria tion from the legislature to enforce the pure food law. The catalogue house proposition will not receive much attention at the convention other than a It Is discussed in the various papers. The afternoon session was devoted to an executive meeting. This evening the dele gates were entertained at a smoker In the club rooms by th Commercial league and Irr pron ptu speeches were made. Tomor row morning the various committees will report, among them the resolutions com mittee, which, however, will not deal at all radically with the subject of catalogue houses. New officers will be elected and the corventlon will adjourn at noon. FOl'R CALLS FOR INVESTIGATION Two Faction Present Simultaneous Resolutions In Both Honses. PIERRE, S. D., Jan. 16. (Special Tele gram.) The senatorial situation promises more turmoil yet. Since the challenge Is sued by Senator Klttredge and Concressmen Martin and Burke, there has been a getting together among the representatives of the different factions. Action waa suddenly de cided upon today, resulting In the present ing ot two similar resolutions, each being presented In both houses. One by Senator Cook and Representative Glass asks for the appointment of committees of both houses to Investigate the charges which have been made against the different members of the congressional delegation, to report to the two houses later In the session. The other resolution, presented by Overholser In the senate and by Parmley In the house, calls for an Investigation by a Joint committee, and resolves, "That It la the sense of the legislature that no election of United State senatcr should be held until after the re port of the committees, which shall be com posed of members of the different faction and parties." In the senate both resolutions were referred to the commute on rule, and It Is expected a report on the Cook res olution will be returned tomorrow. In the house both resolution were allowed to lie over without action. The senate committees favorably reported the anti-pas bill,, but so amended that It 1 practicaiiy a new Dili, and tne anti-lobby bill. The house received another long list of new bills, the only one of general Impor tance being the new game law. Th house committee presented an amended anti-pass bill and recommended Its passage. The Klelnsasser resolution for postage allowance was favorably recommended with a limit of CO for each member for the session. The first completed action of the two houses was the passage n the house, under suspension of th rules, of the senate reso lution memorallslng congress to extend to April 1 the time of beginning settlement on lands west of the Missouri river. FIVE KILLED JN A WRECK Boiler Explode In Pennsylvania and Men on Train Senlded to Denth, NORRISTOWN, Pa., Jan. l.-Tho boiler of a Philadelphia Reading freight en gine exploded at Bridgeport,' near here today and five men were killed. The. dead: , CHARLES STETN, conductor. JOHN NOHLOCK. fireman. KOY 8CHEUER, brakeman. ELMER KANE, brakeman. i UNIDENTIFIED MAN, J u charge of a car of live stock. The rear portion of the boiler was hurled about 160 yards, while the wheels of the engine remained on the track. Scheder re ceived th full fore of th explosion add was torn to plecea The others were shocked and scalded to death. RALEIGH, N. C, Jan. 16. The seaboard line Florida special, northbound, ran Into an open switch two mile north of Ra leigh early today. Th boiler of th loco motive exploded and the train caught fire from a gasoline lamp. There were no fa talities. BOYCOTT ON ELECTRIC LINES Railroad la Central Passenger Lines Refuse to Exchange Business with Iaternrbana. CHICAGO. Jan. 16. All the railroad In th Central Passenger association today entered Into an agreement not to exchange business ' or courtesies with the electrio line. Th result of this aa-reement It ! lald. will be an appeal to the Interstate Commerce commission by the electric line to compel the eastern roads to put In Joint tariff with them and to treat them as they do th steam roads. Th electrio lines are adjusting their tariffs with th commission and declare they are common carriers and that the steam roads can be compelled to Inter change business. FAIRBANKS TO BE ARRESTED One Sheriff Reaaeats Another to Take Indicted Sen ( Vice President. STEUBEN VILLE, O., Jan. 16-Sheriff Voorhees sent a telegram to the sheriff of Clark county at 8prlngfleld, O., today to place Frederick C. Fairbanks, son of Vice President Fairbanks, under arrest, under his Indictment here yesterday by the grand Jury In connection with his procuring a marriage license to marry Helen Scott, daughter of the millionaire ironmaster of Pittsburg. SPRINGFIELD, O., Jan. 16.-Fred C. Fairbanks, who Is wanted on an Indict ment for perjury In Steubenvllle, left the city today. His wife and aunt say they do not kuow wLere b has gone, BROWN'S TITLE GOOD Cffijially Declared Elected Senator in Joint Cession of Legjalatnre, MEMBERSHIP IS ALL IN ATTENDANCE Lobby and Gallery of the Bonis Completely Filled with Spectators. NEW SENATOR ADDRESSES ASSEMBLAGE Fromisea to Obey Mandate of Teople ta the Bat ot His Ability. TALKS LARGELY OF STATE AFFAIRS Announce He Will Seek to Have Law Passed Maklna: Unjoining ot Taxes In Federal C'oart an Impossibility! (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 16.-(Spocial.) United States Senator-elect Norrls Brown mad hi acknowledgements to th Nebraska leg islature in Joint sesHlon at noon today In a speech of acceptance In which he reiterated his pledges made to the people during th campaign and paid a tribute to the pioneer in the great movement which I now sweep ing corporate Interests out of politic Speaker Netlleton, who lived to see his Idea of government triumphant; the lat Edward Rosewater, who waa called beyond Just after the principles, which' he spent hi lire fighting for hud been written In the platform of his party, and his party united, pledged to carry them out; Governor Shel don, young In years, but who nad the earn principles born Into him and who will sbar equally with the legislature the responsi bility of successfully completing the work now thoroughly begun. In speaking of the work of these three men. Senator Brown expressed the sentiment of the Joint ses sion and he was loudly applauded. Representative hall. In which the Joint session was held, waa packed, auditorium and gallery, before Lieutenant Governor Hopewell called the body to order, among the visitors being Mrs. Brown, the wife, and Miss June Brown and Miss LucJle Brown, daughters of the new senator, ac companied by Mr. 8. A. Bess of Kearney. They occupied seats to the right of the speaker, near the rear of the house. Sitting with Lieutenant Governor Hopewell were Governor Sheldon, Speaker Nettleton. Chief Justice Sedgwick and Judges Barnes and Letton of the supreme court. Scat tered through the house were the state offi cers and numerous visitors from out In the state, though none of Mr. Brown' relative from Iowa were In attendance. Jolat Session at Soon. It was exactly 12 o'clock noon when Lieu tenant Governor Hopewell called th Joint session to order and the roll of each house was called, showing every member present. The minutes of yesterday's proceeding were then' read and Mr. Hopewell an nounced the election of Norrls Brown as United State senator "for a full term of six yeara" Representative Hart of Tork, Thleasen ot.Jsfferaon and Senator Thorns of Douglas were appointed a committee to escort the new senator to the bar ot the ) house.. Upon the appearance of the cora- mltte with, the senator at th door the members and visitors rose and stood until Mr. Brown had grasped th hand of Lieu tenant Governor Hopewell, who Introduced him In the following language: "Members of the Nebraska Legislature In Joint Session, ladles and Gentlemen: Our new senator needs no Introduction from me. Vou all know him. H goes to as sume his high duties at Washington with the confidence and good will of all th people of this great state. We confidently believe he will be true to the Influence of his own mind In the future a in th past. We expect him to be a portion of the new and young blood of that great body of which he Is to becom a member, at all times working with the prog-esslve element; at all times alert and working for the right. Ladle and gentlemen. Sen ator Brown", The new senator was greeted with pro longed applause. He spoke as follows: I come to thank you. I wish I had the power to make you understand how deeply 1 appreciate this honor. While today 1 ex preas my gratitude to you who have elected me, I trust' I may not forget my " obllgationa to the people of Nebraska who elected you. In the final analysis they are responsible alike for your election and mine; but with the election over our responsibility begins. May God give us courage to bear that responsibility bravely and wisdom to bear It well. 1 want to congratulate you men who hav been chosen by direct vote to enact luws for this beloved state of oura It Is a mark of esteem and confidence to be deeply ap preciated by you. The ' people have en- ' trusted you with a great work, a work certain and definite The campaign, which resulted In your election waa one of great interest and intense discussion. It was the culmination In this state of the strugKle for emancipation from railroad dictation in politics that had been carried on for many years. That struggle developed many notable men and leaders who are filoneers in the case. Among them Is no ess a character than the splendid man and valiant veteran, Siieaker Nettleic. He ha lived to see ths principles he fought for so long triumphant. Foremost and ablest among these leaders was the late lamented Edward Rosewater. For a generation till freat man, with steadfast purpose and un altering devotun, fought the peopis'a battle. The state ewes him a monument of love snd gratitude. I want to congratulate you, also, be cause the people have elected Oeorge Sheldon governor to share with you the labors snd honors of the worst you have been chosen to do. In my Judgment no stale in the union was ever blessed with a better or a oraver cnier executive man the earnest and modest young man who took the omh of office in your presence two weeks ago. Why Sheldon Won. Let me ask you why was Sheldon elected? Was It because ot his good name and family? No. Because at his splendid, sturdy personality? No. Was it because his opponent was unworthy? No. His op ponent was altogether worthy. Was it be cause he is a republican? No; though that helped. Bhldoti was elected governor of Nebraska because he stood fur the simple doctrine of equal rights and equal privilege for all men, a doctrine In affairs of govern ment as old as the declaration of Inde pendence and aa simple and sublime as the ten commandments, it was the doctrine of Lincoln and his friends, the doctrine of Grant, of Garfield, of Harrison, of the loved and lamented McKinley. and Is today the doctrine of Theodore Roosevelt and hi friends. It 1 the people's doctrine In eveiy late of the nation, and wlien they shall awake, as the people of Nebraska huve awakened, to the fact that state govern ment belong to tliein and not to :) in resident corporation, they will Join Hi army of equal right ana quat privilege, and elect governor of th lze and lu character of ours. This doctrine has come to stay. It I not here for a day, or a month, or a year, and the man, or the public officer, or tiie editor, who dubs this doctrine "a fad." "a tem porary Impulse of the people," will live to confess bis mistake. What does a doctrine or a principle avail unless It Is enforced? Of what v.ilue Is a good precept if it Is not followed? A doc trine or a principle needs something more than mere announcement. If any good is to result It must be applied. This doctrine of which we eiieak can be given force and effect In only one way, atid that Is by writ ing It into the statutes of the land, slate and federal. I am proud to say there Is no doubt it jour dvtei uuualloa aad ability