Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Vhiat Sttonc in Early linim, but
lecliDti Later.
Cora a Trifle Weak, C'laslatf l'a
changed from Satarday, Market
Ket Ressveadlagr te Pros
pect el Bad Weather.
OMAHA, Jan 14. WW.
Wheat was lit rone- In the early houra, due
to continued norma and consequent light
movement In the northwest. Trade, how
ever, waa too light to hold up the price,
which declined at the clone to Saturday a
figures. Lack of anap In European markets
wss helpful te the beara. The total vlalble
supply much lancer than a year a"
Corn waa a trifle weak, but closed un
changed from Saturday. The prospect of
had weather did not aeem to affect trade.
The apot market aleo waa weak.
Primary wheat recetpta were 787,000
buahels and shipments 265,0H buatiels.
sgainat recelpta laat year of 1,183,000 bushela
Lard, higher; prime steam. t9 10U
t 18, Dry salt meats, Bteady; boxed, extra
shorts, tK I.'H: short clears, t 50. Bacon,
ateady; boxed, extra shorts, 11000; clear
rlha, tlOoev,; ahort clears. 110.26.
POCL.TR V I'ull: chlckena. avc: springs,
lSc; turkeys, lafiitHc; ducks, USc; geeae,
HUTTFR Steady; creamery, r4c;
dairy, K'STTc.
EGOS Higher at Oc. case count
Recelpta and shipment of flour and grain
were aa ronows: iteceipia. onipmrni.
Flour, bbls..
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu ...
Data, bu ..
.. ()
qaotatloas at the Day oa Varloos
NEW TORK. Jan. 14 -FLOUR-Recelpts.
M.411 bbla.; eiporta. 7.871 bbls. Market waa
steady but quiet Winter petenta, $S.0tir.7;
winter straights. t3 4fmt.50: Minnesota pat
enta, M0t)-30; winter extras, I2.8o00;
Minnesota bakers, 13.3Srr8,78: winter low
grades. 13.70i5ltO. Rye flour, firm; fair to
good, IJ.HfiiiidJtu; choice to fancy, $.1. 164.10.
Buckwheat flour dull: ftlf'31
BUCKWHEAT-Gulet, 11. Per 100 I ba.
CORNMEAL-Steady; fine white and yel
low, tl.lfitjfl.20; coarse, 11.05491.10; kiln dried.
RYR Nominal.
It A BU T-Nominal
WHEAT Recelpta. W.OOO bu.: expnrtn, 184,-
bushels wheat, 408.74)
bushels oats, and (lour
233.000 bushela.
IJverpool closed unchanged to Hd higher
on wheat and VaCi'id higher on corn.
i n, visidis supply oi wneat incrtw
Early Market ia Atrcrewita and Wittero.
Bailwaji Ehow Fame AuTanoe,
Northwestera Rreaka oa Raaaora ef
laaae ef New Stock -Close Below
Level af Satarday'a Final
NEW TORK, Jan. 14. There was some
early aggressive demand for stocks to
day, which showed some aggieaatve
strength In the market for a time. A
demonstration of leadership for an ad
vance waa In evidence In the market
handling of a handful of speculative fa
vorites, but the later market showed a
decline of speculative Interest. The mar
ket lapaed Into dullness after the working
oft Of the orders accumulated In commis
sion houses over Sunday. The later aag
In the market was partly due to a dis
appointment over the volume of these
accumulations, which gave rise to com
plaints from commission houses-and lit tl
promise of a growth of outside Interest
In the market sufficient to sustain a cam
paign for a rise In prices.
the early strength centered largely in
snces were l7.w( fl,j hlaherVl o'na to small the western railroad stocks, with Southern
aUdwheaCtrSuaTto thptlti. .hlJ! I and St Paul the most conspltaiou.
and wheat equal to ,h brwlk features. Southern Pacific was the sub-
..4 . uj t,t,her noon and was easy forthe balance of the of some rumors about the Stock ex-
day on a decline In the northwest and un
loading Iait nrtcea were uaUc net lower.
i svio; iuiy
change of an Intended further Increase
In the dividend rate. London supported
Americana and sent over some buying or
ders. The early carrying rates on Ameri
cana in connection with the stock mar
ket settlement were high, but there was
vator, and 494c f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow, eome recession in me rates nerore the any
60c: No. I white. tOUo. The option market I ?nded. The Bank of England secured
was without transactions, cloalng net un- W.iw.ow gold from, India, and there was
rhanrni a. fniiow.? J.nn.rr. siTic: ,Mav. I some revival of the discussion of prob
ISofec- Julv Bonn labilities of a reduction In the Bank of
riiTK-hiwuinir tj nrm K..- Timrii 1 446 I England discount tate this week. For
mi. Hnot market nrm: mixea oats, xa to b muvou in mur ui in-
Ibs., SSc; natural whits. 30 to 83 lbs.. tOHfflP I on ana lessened me tnreat or. a aeman
42e; clipped white, M to 40 lb.,4iHi844c. I on mat market a gold holdings. The cop4,
ha Fieaoy; snipping. swatc; gooa w f " .nuns, imiu nen; in
Choice. 10 ifill.6o. I Ixndan. Official Intimation was given of
HOPS Owlet: state, common to oholee. me intention or the united mates Bteel
crop, IK 23c; 1905 crop, Mi'llc: Pacific, I corporation to hold the prices of steel rails
W crop, liVul&c; i(B crop, 10(fl3c. ana oi oiner proaucta against any rising
HIDES Steady; Galveston, H to C tendency, with the purpose of conserving
pounds, 20o; California, 21 to 26 pounds, lie; the stability of conditions In the trade.
Texas dry, 24 to 10 pounds, 19c. It waa also asserted In the same statement
j.kaihkk CJUtet; acia, cl 2NC. mtii contracts iur sieei thus lor luiure
PROVISIONS Beef firmer: family. tlS.00 delivery are not cancellable at the will
irnftAi-nv. . iiiu, - ..--, I .io.ou; mess, sn.uoziv.ou; parsei. 9ii.MFQij.ifu; i wi ma purcnaaers, as waa me case in paai
"'gc; No. 4 hard, WnW, No. I spring, 1 cty extra India mess, tao.KE23 00. Cut years. The possibility of the revocation
1.472.000 bushels. bVrn Increased 470.000 bush- J1?1 J'PT1
bushels. "corn deceeV.ea L941.0O0 bushels. I CORNRecelpts, 10.86O bu.J exports. J07.-
World s corn shinments were a.470.0flO bush- . ". Bpot market. eaev; wo. a, Jc eie
els, against 4.314,000 bushela last week and
t.US.AOO bushels last year. World s corn
shipments were S.472.000 bushels, against
.mlOOO bushela last week and 1,320,000 bush
el lsst year.
Local range ot options:
Artlclea.l Open.) Hlgh. Low. Ooae.! Bat'T.
May... Corn
. Mar...
Oats i
t I
(9tiB . &B wHiA 6U4A
iWfcB 38HB 36-4B
i. B bid.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 1 hard. artTCStto; No. I hard,
corn No. a, aso; No. 4, t3tT34o; no grade,
SflftMc; No. I yellow, Sto; No. white,
OAT8 No. I mixed, 2WW8c; No. I white,
S3Ht33c: No. white. Sic.
RVE-No. 2. frro; No. L 67Hc
, Carlat Meeelata.
Wheat Corn. Os
Kan sua City
Mlnneapolle ,
St. Louis .....
meats, easy: pickled hams. til. 60311.76: I of contracts, which form an Important
pickled bellies, t10 2B912.6rt. Lard, firm; I element In the unprecedented volume of
western prime, ID.60iUtt.eo; refined, nrm; con- I unniied orders on hand of the steel cor-
tlnent. tlOOO; South America, 110 66; pom- I poration, haa been dwelt on In recent
pound, tS 25ft&.60. Pork, steady: family, tit 60 1 discussion as an uncertain factor In the
fil8 00: short clear. tl7.2&&l.00: mess. 117.00 I future of the trade.
&18.60. I In the late reaction there was evidently
TALLOW Firm: c.ltv III Ter mc.karel. I some recurrence of influence from the fears
OHc; country, (packages tree), 6HQtic. I of unwieldly capital Issues still to be placed
RICE Bteady; domestlo fair to extra, I In the market. Chicago & Northwestern
'T I tmwue: Jspan nominal
extra creamery, ' 2tV9'28r4c. street prices!
OfTlclal prices: Creamery, fair to srood.
i 1 27W28c; common to extra. Ef(j27Hc; state
common to extra, lb'etiKic: western rac
maoe, average, c: vHima, lire. tne underwriting contract for the con
EGOS-Steady: Pennsylvania and nearby vertlbla bonds, said tn ha frnm Ml. tn at
fancy selected white, sagMc: choice, 80c; The transaction constitutes sn Item In the
mlxea extra, anc; western nrsts, THSTJ'Ao formation of the uncertain sentiment over
(official price, firsts, Z7o) ; seconds. 26aaSo. the money outlook. Money continued to
waa conspicuous on the break orr rumors
of an early Issue, of new stock. Canadian
Pacific also waa affected by revived rumors
of an early Issue of new stock. There
was a call for the payment of a fourth
Installment of 10 per cent of subscriptions
I I. tl.mAAlA - .11. 1 w . a
CHICAGO ' GRAIN AND PROVISIONS tory, common to firsts, 17W!MnUo; western I the American Telephone A. Teletrranh
imitation oreamery, nrsis, company, following the sale of aJ&.OUO.uuO
Feat.rea ot the Tradlag and Cloalas; zPJzzSlZXl tJwt ,,fi.! ? . ""V?y. ."T-P"? weeKi "
Prices oa Board ot Trade. I fui cream, small and large. October, best. I tlon for the nureha.a of those nntt was
CHICAGO. Jan. 14. A decline In the price 13?14c; good to prime. my3l8He, winter I the scaling down of the original price of
of wheat at Liverpool weakened prioes
today in the local market, the May delivery
closing at a net loss of Vic. Corn was a
shade lower. Osts were up Vtj-Wc. Pro
visions were IbttJfa higher.
The grsln situation at Minneapolis and
rinlnth swayed nrloea on the local ex-
change during the greater part of the 8irl3V4c.
day. Early in me session prices rdre
were nrm, because of strength at Minne
apolis and Duluth, where receipts of wheat
were small, but when prices In the north
west declined values hers followed to a
considerable extent. Newa of the day fa-
POULTRT Dressed, Irregular; western
chickens, llNgi&c;, turkeys, lijpnc; fowls,
trtS.X'a.SKO: gold coin and bullion, Iim.to2.04l;
gold certificates, a.l.k."4,7B0.
New York Moaey Market.
NEW TORK. Jan. 14. MONET On call.
steady at Iti per cent; ruling rate, 4
rr cent; cl"lng bid. I f'T cent; onerea n
per cent. Time loan, easier; sixty and
ninety days, t per ceuf; i.i months, t per
per cent.
oTr.KU r;At HA?f-rirm, wun i--
tn.l hu.lne.a In hankers' bill at Hwif
4 VS20 for demand and at 14 W"!? 4 for
SO-dnv bills; posted rates. H .ltM MVi ana
tt.WH'tJtKfi; commercial bills, Ra-
PILVElt Har, wc; Mexican aonare, wu.
ItnNDS Oovernment, steady; railroad.
firm. . .
Closing Quotations on bonds wers as toi
a. ef. la. nt....1ll,ru . " senss.. rt
4o eonson Wi io ctf
r. a. u. m ki iti ctts....
to asutvon t"! so d iie...
tt 8. .14 4a res. I L. A N. iinl. 4s
do eoupea M.n. c. f 4s
V. I. n. ta. r( livt Mex. Ontral 4.
flA eAunnn lttvi Ati 1 at Inr
Am. ToUko 4s. nMinn. A St. I 4s. . M
do lt0VM . K. m T. 4...
Atchlion tea. 4 104 V do to
do IJ. 1 N. K. a. ol m. .
Atlantic C. 1 4..... ft. Y. C. t. ..
IUI. Ohio 4,. in! jN J. C. t.
do Ki M14 No. Pclo 4o
Rrk. R. T. e. 4 t I do ie
Central of Oa. 1104 ft. A W. e. 4a....
do lt Ine to o. g. U rfdf. 4a.
do M inc ni p.nn. conr. IHa.,
dn Id Ine Cl !HMdln. van. 4a..
Thea. a- hl. 44a...l04 St. I. I. M. e. la.llSH
Chicago A A. Wa... 7f4 Bt. 1 A a. T. ft- 4a ?
C.. B. A Q. a. 4a ... St. U . W. . 4... T
C. R. I. A P. 4a... T1 Seaboard A. U 4a..
do col. (a t4 go. Pad no 4a
TCC. A 8. L. (. 4a..lljl do lat 4a ctfa
Polo. Ind. on. aer. A. 75 So. Rallwar Ba
Colo. Mid. 4a 71 Taaaa tt FA la
Colo. A Bo. 4a 14 T., St. U A W. 4a
llina fra Wl I'nlos Pacific 4a...
V. R. O. 4a H IV 8. 8teel M aa...
M I'Wabaah la
aHl do deb. B
7 Weatarn Md. 4a.
in4, w. U K 4a...'
SH Wla. Cantnl 4a...,
... 74
4a "S
Planners' Bac.
Rrla p. I. 4a..
do sea. 4a
Hocking VaL 4U,a.
4apn aa
'Bid. "Offered.
Killinc Cattla Generally Tea Centt Lower,
reedert Steady,
Receipts af Sheep aad Lambs Large,
with Deaaaad Good aad Trade
Active at Deellsta ot Tea
to rifteea Ceats.
BOOTH OMAHA. Jan. 11 107.
Itecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Official Monday 4.4UU 1,00 12.1
Banie dsy last week .4t t.7Jt
Pame any 2 weeks ago.. 1.M7 t.42T H-K
Same dsy t weeks ago.. WS i.Kl 34
Bamg day 4 weeks ago.. t.4j0 i.9Si H.M4
Same day last year 4.041 s.fc 7.174
Tne following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, compared with laat year:
1917. UKW. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 44.908 31.784 11.124
7 I Hogs 70,714 t.fl4 1S.&10
I Bhfep 58.536 54,SS 4.14
Oood to chnlca corn fed steers. .. .16.40St.a5
Fair to good co'n fed steers 4..e0
Common to fair steers 4Ou4.90
Good to choice fed cows I ft tj4 60
Fair to good cows and heifers 1.7frJ 3.60
Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1.7ria'2.76
Oood to choice st'kers and feeders. 4.Jfvg4.0
Fair to good Blockers and feeders. 3 6fvif 4 3o
Common to fair stockers i.enwl.55
Bulls, stags, etc t -6W4 .60
Veal calves 4.0008. So
The following table shows the average
price ot hogs at Bouih Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
. 1V
. M
. er
. M
. 11
Ronton Stocks aad Bonds.
BOSTON. Jan. 14 Call loans, 6. per
cent: time leans. BUT per cent, umciai
Lquotatlons on stocks and bonds ware
Atrhlaon adl. 4a ri
do 4a "
Mel. Central 4a. ..;.r 1
Atrhlaon 10444
dDfd l""Ta
Boatoo A Albanr.,. 7
Bnatnn a- Malna 140
Bnaion Klevatad l&o
Fltchborf pfd 134
Meilran Central .... SMi
N. T.. N. H. ft H...1J7
Para Marquatta
Vnlon PaclOc
Am. Pneu. Tuba..
Am. Bugax
do ptd
Am. T. A T
Am. Woolen
do pfd
Edlaon Etec. Illu. .
Mas. Electric. ...
do pfd
Mana. Oaa
Vol ted Fruit
United 8. si
do pfd
U. B. Steel
do pfd
Asked. "Bid
Cal. ft Hecla..
Canlannlal ....
Copper Rang
Pair West ...
Iala Rorala ...
Maaa. Mining .
Old Dominion .
Onreola .......
cerned the large receipts did not appear lo
hare any Influence on th demand, aa
buyers evidently wanted everythlt g good.
both sheep and lambs. All they asked waa
that eeilt-rs take off enough to keep this
market somewhere near In line alth other
selling points. Aa a result both sheep and
lambs, while active sellers, were generally
ItMoloc lower than lsst week. Aa prices at
the close of last week were very high, the
decline today still leaves the market In
very satisfactory condition.
Quotations on kUiers: Good to choice
lambs, t7.r437.4; fair to good lam be. &7l
rii.w; good to choice yearlings, lamo
weights, tX&.U; fair to good yearlings.
lamb weights, o. i&tiS.OO; good to cnoice
yearlings, heavyweights. 5.7Mj.0O; fair to
rood vearllnsa. heavyweights. 15 toot.Tt;
good to choice old wethers, to t54jVl5; fair
to good old wethers, ao.torjtisb; gooa m
choice ewes, KIMro.16; fair to good ewea,
4 3t fl4 KS.
Quotations on feeders: Oood to choice
lambs, 6.25 Of! medium lambs, 15 7MT t5;
light lambs. 14 tf.fe X. yearlings. t.15i.o;
wethers, 14. 7546 15; ewea, tl.5u4.0; breed
ing ewes, ts.5tfu6.ti0.
Representative sales:
1312 western ewea
23 western ewes
76 western wethers
136 western wethers
4tlt western ewes
79 western lamb culls
332 wextern yearlings
2t'6 western lambs
ITS western year's and wethers.
4X7 western ewes
itsc aa , . t and an, tin
Date. 1907. 1906.19U6.1904.1JJ. 11902. 11S01.
Dec. to..,
Dec 81...
Jan. 1...
isv ' Jan.
m Jan.
14 I Jan.
41 V4 I Jan.
..1TH, Parrot
... 4V
... 1H
... 70
... 45
Shannon ......
United Copper
It. 8. Mining..
V. S. Oil
Wolrerlna ....
North Butte
.. 2 iButte Coalition
. . 4! NTada
..1MH Cal. ft AHaona. .
.. 44 iTeeumeeh
.. TO Greene Con
.. 1KV,
.. 7
.. 4'4
.. tn
.. ilHi
.. ia"4
.. tt
.. 3tt
.. 74H
.. 47
.. 11
.. T6U.
.. I
,.. '
... 17
... 11
... M
,.. n
... 1H
I.oadoa Cloning Stocks.
LONDON, Jan. 14. Closing quotations on
the Btock exchange were:
Conaola. money ., 14 15-14 M., K. ft T
Kaaaaa Cltr Grata aad Previsions
No. I nara, etrarisc; rxo. a, ptKO'iic; ino. a red, 1 tate i acuon ana generally oeiow tne level
work easier In this market. Subtreasurv
operations are yielding a large amount to
the banks, the gain on the new bank week
already amounting to 14.267,000. The sub-
treasury also waa a debtor at the clearing
house today In the sum of t2.199.404. The
mark"' closed under the Influence of the
t. Newa of the day fa- TLS72Hc: No. a, toOnc. of Saturday's closing,
vored the bulls. The world a shipments I CORN May, t84c; July, rWHo; September, I Bonds were nrm. Total sales, par value,
showed a decline In exports from Russia I 4014c. Cash: No. 2 white, tffcc; No. t, 3714c; IU. 412.000. United States bonds were un-
1 cnanfcs on can.
No. 1 1 Bales and range of prices on the New
1 or a Dioca exenange were;
and ports on the Danube, compared with
last year's movement, whs shipments
from America continued on a liberal scale.
The visible supply showed an Increaae of
531,000 buahsls, against an Increaae of
1,688,000 bushels last year. The brunt of
the selling- nrenaura fell on the July de
livery, which wss sold by pit traders on seconds. ?Oc.
the theory that the growing crop will BUTTER Creamery, ttc: packing. 17c.
probably be damaged by cold weather. Receipts. Shipments.
The principal demand came rrom snorts. 1 wheat, bu. 136,000 to.000
The market closed easy, with nrloea nar corn, bu 48.000 58,000
tne loweei point 01 wio uiy. nmjr "'jr" I Oats, bu. 84,000 22,000
No. 1 white. 38ifr38ic.
OATS No. I white. WHSHtc;
mixed. IcAtc.
HAY Prairie, 2Bo higher; choice timothy,
elD.Mxa 10-uu; cnoice praine,
RYE Bteady: flOBfiZc
E009 Steady to Mo -higher; firsts. nc;
do aocount
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio
Canadian Paoiflo
Chea. A Ohio
Chicago Ot. W
C, M. A 8t
Denver A R. Q...
do pfd .......
do lat pfd
do td pfd..
Illlnola Central ...
Loulrvltla ft N
87iN. T. Central.
. 16 .Norfolk ft W
.1IH do pfd
.lCMVOntarln ft W
.12A;Pannaylvanla ....
.1M 1 Rand Miaea
. 64U, Reading
. 174 Southern Railway
P 11 I do pfd
Vfc BOUinarn racino
B Bid.
fo and closed at 7Vc. Clearances of
wheat and flour were equal to 233,000 bush
els. The' amount on passage aecreaaea
244,000 bushela. Primary receipts were 7'J7.
000 bushels, against 1.613.000 bushela for
the same day laat year. Minneapolis. Du
luth and Chicago reported receipts of 648
cars, against 660 oars last week and 844 Wheat
cara a year ago.
Trading In the corn pit waa quiet and
the market waa Inclined to be weak, be
cause of the prospect of an Increased
movement. A cold wave was predicted
for tonight throughout the corn belt, and
receiving houses here reported mors liberal
country acceptances. Cammlsslon houses
were the principal sellers, while demand
was scattered. The market closed easy.
May opened unchanged, at 43H. sold oft
to 43Hr43V and closed at 43Ht43c. Lal
recetpta were 565 cars, with 1 car of con
tract grade.
Oats were firm and trading at times waa
quits active. lngs and commission houses
were the best buyers, while offerings came
mostly from small holders, although cash
houses sold moderately. May opened
ahade to Vi&Vc higher at aiSS6V and
held within that range, the close being at
8o. IxK-al receipts were 234 cars.
Provisions opened easier on selling caused
by a 5e decline In the price of live hogs,
but the market rallied on active buying
by peckers and the market wss strong
for the remainder of the day. The mar
ket closed strong, with May pork 26c,
higher, at 116.70. Lard waa un 15c, at
19 57H- Rlba were 15s higher, at t917Hc
Ksti mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
93 cars; corn, 464 cars; oats. 137 cars; hogs,
SO.ono head.
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Adams Express
AmalgamaUd Copper
Aa. v. r.,
Am. C. A r. pfd.,
am. txHioa 011.,
Am. Cotton Oil fd.
Am. Express
A IK. H. A U. pfd..
Am. Ice Securities..
Am. Lineeed Oil.
Am. Unaaed Oil pfd.
PnarA nf Trans auotatlona for Kim.. Am. Locomotive
City delivery. The range of prices, aa re. am- tocomotiTS pfd
ported by Logan A Bryan, lit Board of
Trade building, was:
ArUcles. I Open.j Hlgh. Low. Close.
Wheat- l I I
May 71H4 711 701 70B
July tv 70S1 r '0 vV4B 70ttHA
Ma7 Xfm tt assUA
July WH 304,,14
a. a r..
a. 4k B. pfd ,
Am. Sugar Raflntng ...
Am. Tobaaco pfd etfs. .
Aaacooda Mining Co...
Atshlaea pfd
Atlantis Coaat Una....
Balumora ft Ohio
Hal. ft Okie pfd
Visible Sapply ot Grata.
NEW TORK. Jsn. 14.-Tha visible supply Chicago T. A T.'.!!"!!!!l-1
Central ot Nee Jeraey.,
Chaaapsako A Ohio
Chicago Ot. W ,
Chicago A N. W ,
a, m. ft at. p.,
Wheat. 4a.ISO.0OO bu.; Increase, 631.000 bu.
Corn, 6. 469, 000 bu.; lncrsaae, 676,000 bu.
Oata, 12.667.000 bu.; decrease, 288.000 bu.
Colorado A so
Colo, ft Bo. lat pfd...
Colo. A Bo. id pfd....
Consolidated Oaa
Corn Products
Cora Products pfd
Uvarpool Graia aad Provisions. uaiawsrs Haoaos...
LIVERPOOL, Jan. 11-WHKAT-Bpot. noei.r ft a. o
firm; No. 1 red. western winter. 6s. Fu- i. R. o. pfd
Barley, 2.93,000 bu.; Increase, 86,000 bit.
turea, quiet; March, 6a 4Vd May, 6a tHd;
juiy, as a,
CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new,
4a 4t,d; American mixed, old, 4a 6d. Fu
tures, steady; January, is l"d: March, 4s
HOPS (In London) Pacific coast, quiet.
Dlatlllan' Securities
Erta lat pfd ,
Erls td pfd
Uanaral Electric.
Hocking Valley, offai
Illlnola Castral
International Paper .
1st, Paper Bid
Inc Pump
14,100 110 IK', m
4.4 tbSi 444a 444
400 101 lot 1014.
100 17 17 H
100 74 74 7SUj
too 110 no 110
4.400 1M 1M14) 16lt4
loo ntuj litta lit
I, 700 1144a 4 13'4
100 II n Ms,
l.tOO IMUj M4 IM
II. aoo 1074a 104 104a
MO 1014, 1004 101
4o lst't, no in
l.xm 110 lust n
4.100 a a
10, 0 11 1K4, 101
8.S00 (4 MVa MS4
00 17 "4 11 17
1.700 04Vt 17 1S7V4
M.400 167 y, U4Uj 164
00 ant, wv, M
7.400 444, US, bk
laoo Mi, UVa
100 674, 67 V4 47
...V 17H
1,400 Ui Vl 23 '4
4.0 17 Va 84
400 120 Si 130 120
, too
800 41V, 40 4.1V,
, 1,000 734, 71 71
, 11.000 43S 414, 41 '
l 76 V4 744, 74
100 44 45
. 1,600 161 1MV4 1M
: 124
100 14 1 141
100 1IV4 livt 14
.. 41
,. &4
.. 44H
Vnlon Paclflo
do pfd
IT. 8. Btaal
do pfd
do pfd
141 J panlah 4a
... M
... 47S
... 704j
... 714
... TlVi
... 13V4
... S
... M
... 1H
... 14
... tnu.
... KVi
Jan. 11
Jan. 12...
Jan. 13...
Jan, 14...
t 24V,
t 21
t 2S
e aHi
5 14
5 11
a OT
6 141
6 221
I 17
t 210,1 t 26
6 2Ja 0 2
6 3o'S 5 20
6 2HV,! 6 22
t 30V 6 it
6 26
4 52
4 47
4 39
4 43
4 45!
4 47
4 4T
I 501 4 65
4 60
4 51
4 4
4 64
4 61
4 77
4 67
4 l
4 2
4 53
4 61
4 751
4 61
4 62
4 5S
4 67
4 6,1
t tW 4 73 6 87
t 26
t t3
t 96
a 2
t 28!
e 14
e 40
6 40
6 46
6 4N
t !4
t IZ
t 22
t 1
I 28
t 09
t 09
e 15
a 04
4 84
4 95
4 96
4 M
6 04
e it
i 14
6 26
6 24
6 18
t 16
It western wethers
195 western ewea ....
10 ewes, culls
91 western ewes ....
399 western ewes ....
"M western lambs ..
290 western lambs ..
46 western lambs ..
87 western ewes ....
74 western ewes ....
482 western ewes ....
27 western wot hers
14 western ewes ....
198 western ewes ....
376 western lambs .,
2t western lambs ..
Zi'l western ewes ....
236 western lambs ..
. 1
. 85
. 91
. 89
. 101
. 57
. 89
. 85
, M
, 94
, 104
, 106
, 122
, 75
. 76
, lit
, 76
4 75
I to
6 IM
I 86
J 00
4 75
4 00
4 78
T 10
t 16
5 00
4 85
I 40
4 78
4 80
7 00
1 00
6 00
7 00
10 wis. new stuffed aramut dates, t-ltx. boa.
I.EMONE4 IJmonlera, S0 and tW slse,
other brands. 5c less.
BANANAlo--f melmm-s1sed bunch.
t'lii : in moos, BHiiM
UKArh mi;ii-
fi4 IKI.
nu-aiiromf. bulk. hc; a-crowai
urklsh, lfk-: 1-cmwn. 14c; t-trown, Its.
COCOANUTo-Per srk of 100, 815ft.
No. 1 ribs. 14c: No. 1 ribs, loc; No. t ribs,
7c; No. 1 loins, 17c; No, I loins. 12c; No. J
loins. HVo; No. 1 churk. 6Wr; No. 1 chuck.
5c; No. 8 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round. 7V4C; No.
1 round, tc; mo. s rxnina, ko; mo. 1 piate,
4V,c, No. t Plate, 4c; No. t plate, tc.
FISIt Trout. 12c: halibut. 10c: catfish, loci
buffalo, to; bullheads. Uei black baas, fine
stock. Zbc; salmon, 12c: piks, oressea, 11c;
red snapper, 12c: whitenah, 12c; perch,
dressed and scaled. 6c; pickerel, dres4vl,
tvo; herring. 6c: crappies. Vul6c: eels. lcj
bluensh. loc; loosters, green, sac per it.;
mackerel, Bpsnlsh. 16c; natlvs, 35c; frog
legs, 4(Vc per dns. saddles.
Cl'RKP riSH Kamlly whlleflsh, per
quarter bbl., 1'o lbs., 84.00; Norway mack-
trel, CO. 1, ev wj cu a ewi nemnsr u
bbls., too lbs. each, Norway, 4k. t 00; Nor.
war, k, ta.00; Holland herring, in kegs,
milkers. 80c: kegs, mixed. 700.
HIDE AND TA1JX3W Oreen naltad. Na.
t, lJVo: No. 1, HVc; bull hldsa, JtflOe; green
btdsa No. 1. 11c; No. I, 10c: horse, tl-Kxd
175; sheep pelt a 60cStl.i&, Tallow, No, f.
4C; MO. I, S14C.
Nt'T 8 French walnuts. Hc; California
walnuts, No. t, soft shell. 13c; No. 1 soft
hell, 16-Ac; rrrnills, lhnnc; pecans, 19??c;
nibcrts, 13914c; peanuts, raw, 74
roasted, tc; California almonds, harst
shell. 18c: Trayonia. lie.
HONKT Per 24 rrames. p. so.
CIDKR New York, halt barri
rel. is oo.
COFFF.B Roasted, No. 15, 24to par Ih.j
No. to, tic per lb.; No 15. 19c per lb.; No.
to. 16c per lb. ; No. fl. Uo per lb.
81'GAR Oranulated cane. In sacks, 86. B
granulated beet. In sack a 15.11.
HIHir-in puis., ic por ibj.; in caaca,
10-lb. cans. U 70; cases, U Mb, Cana 81.80:
cases. 94 If4j-1D. rsns, si.aa.
Kansiis city
Bt. Louis ....
Bloux City
The official
... 1 ev.'o
... S.OOfpfS
... 1.0rni6.50
... 2. 6141; 25
number of cars
brought In today by each road was:
6.70irt .50
of stock
C. M. A St. P tel..
WauHBh 1
Missouri Pacific 8 2
I'nlon Pacific system 67 10 24 1
C. A N. V., east 15 8 2 4
C. & N. V., west..... 53 19 6
C. Ft. P., M. A O.... 14 9 10
C, B. A Q., east 3 2
C R. A Q., west 79 10 16
C, R. I. A P.. east.. 6 6 1..
C, R. I. A P.. west .. 1
Illinois Central 10 1 .. 1
Total receipts 259 64 61 8
The diRDvailion of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tlie num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Omaha Packing Co 1,146
Uwlft and Company..
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A Co
Vannant A Co
Carey A Benton
Lobman A Co
McCreary A Carey
W. I. Stephens.
Hill A Son
F. P. Lwls
Huston A Co
Hamilton A Rothschild..
U F. Huss
Mike Haggerty
J. B. Root A Co
T. B. Inghram
Bulllvun Bros
V. A. Britton
Lehmer Bros
Other buyers
Cattle Tea ta Tweaty Teats Lower
Hoars Five Cents Lowar.
CHICAOO. Jan. 14. CATTLE Receipts,
41,uu head; market 10 to kj lower. Com
mon to prime steers, t4.004j7.00; cows, t2-75
Cr4.76: hetfera t2.UOu5.O0: bulls. I2.754j4.50;
calves. 1176(&8.7o; stockers and feeders, 12 50
HOOS Receipts, 61,000 head; market 60
lower. Prime heavy shipping, t6.47Vti.5o;
butcher weights, t6.4Mi6.50; packing, to.264j
6.474, assorted light, tt(.JCa.46, bulk of sales,
SHfcfc.'F AND LAMBB Receipts, 88 Art)
head: market steady to loc lower. neep.
ttl.W7.75, yearlings,; lambs, 85.76
SILVER Bar. eteajy. 31 l-16d per ounce.
M(INicr-3U4i.w ner cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bllla is 5?56t4 per cent; for three
months' bins, ovtH per cent.
Foreign Flnaaclal
IXINDON. Jan. 14. Money was In good
demand In the market today and the sup
plies were fairly plentiful. Discounts were
stesdy, but the. dealings were cautious. In
view of the position in New York. The
Bank of England1' secured the bulk of the
tn jot ftftn In ami. 4 w t !fc4,l.k In l,e market
Trading- on the Stock exchange was fairly I to be the case, were late In arrival, and ttie
nctlve and an Improvement was recorded J morning was well advanced before the
rates Were the chief Incentive for more I While there seemed to be a fair demand
confident operations. Kaffirs were the j for beef steers, advices of large recelpta
liveliest section and foreigners received and lower prices at other market points
more attention from the continent. Amerl-. had a depressing Influence upon the trade
cans were more favorably affected by th here. The result was that the general mar
New York bank statement. Thev opened ket was sbout loc lower than last week,
steady at over parity and improved Inter . Borne of the best cattle possibly were not
in nt the that the purrvjivur that much off. while some of the lass de-
rales, 8 to 10 per cent, were lower than ; slrable were possibly even lower than that.
466 .... 1.120
' Totals 6,54 4.548 12.126
CATTLE Receipts of cattle thl morning
were quite liberal, but trains, as Is apt
New York Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, 3,314 head: steers, slow and 10c
lower: bulls, steady: oows. steady. 10c to
20c lower. Steers, i4.nmb6.90; bulls, t3.4M$
4.20: cows, tl.tftu3.90: fat heifers, I5.2o. Uv
erpool and London cables quoted live cattle
steady at lie to 13c ner lb., dressed weight.
refrigerator beef selling at tc to 9Hc per
lb. Exports estimated for tomorrow, luO
CALVES Receipts, 1,742 head; market far
veais steady, western calves ac lower
veals, t5.6od.i6.00; culls, t4.OiKfti.00; barnyard
calves, H.7u4i4.l:!V4 Dressed calves about
steady; city dressed veals, 8c to 140 per lb,
fancy city dressed veals, 15c; country
clri-SBPrt. 7c to 13c ner lb.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,067
head: sheen, dull and easier: lambs, slow
top grades, 15c to 26c lower, others too to
Hi lower. Bheep, 13.6(6.00; culls, 63-00
lambs. 16.50fiK.S6: culls. lb.OOHi6.00.
HOOS Receipts, 14,293 head; market
steady; pigs, nrm; whole range, 56 907.15.
Kaaaas City Live Stack Market.
Receipts. 14.(1)0 head. Including 300 head
southerns; market alow and steady; choloa
export and dressed beef stscra. t5.Oia6.7o
fair to good, 14.HKu6.40; western fed steers,
13.7ofi6.76; stockers and feeders. I8.75ia4.65
southern steers, t3.0tKo6.00; southern cows,
2.1Mi3.76; native cows, 12. 21-4. 50; native
heifers, t3.O0V4.8O; bulls, 83.000-4-50; calves,
M. 3217. (0.
HOGS Receipts, 8,400 head; market
opened 5c higher and closed stesdy; top,
Xi.bO! duik or sales, tn.siwwi.ib: heavy
16.46t3.50; packers, 16.17W36.46; pigs and
lights, 15.36(176.40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10.000
head; market for lambs steady; sheep a
snaoe lower: iambs. 8.7btOT.60: ewes an
yeflrMngs, 14.80ft6.26; western fed yearling.
stockers and feeders, 13.26i(6.26.
Article. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Eat y.
Wheat I
May 76tn 76 76H 7KV4 tH
July 76H(& 7644 WVoTSUiO'H 7tft
Jan. K 194 tot,
May 43S 48 H1 '1s 4S
July 43 48 43Vi43Via4 43
. Jan. 84V4 I4V4 8414 t4 W
May KHa 86H toi, SaW
Jan. 1 07H It 16 16 07V, It IS 16 90
May 16 40 14 72V4 16 40 16 70 16 46
July It 70 16 86 It 79 It 86 16 60
t 7H t to 1 rrn t 40 t
Mav t 40 t 67V4 9 40 t 67A 8 4?U
July I 47V, t 63V, t 47H 1 tV.1 I
Jxn. I rW I rV t aTVfe I 97H I am
May t 05 I I 17W (-00 t 17V! t Ai
July I t MU to t 20 I I tVVfel t 15
Mlaaeapolls Grata Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 14. WHEAT May, Int. Pump pfd.
Ta-WtfTOHc: July. 7940 : No. 1 hard. 81 Vic: No. Iowa Central ..
1 northern, 794c; No. t northern, 77V4Ji774c; ,,,w Central pfd
No. t northern. 744S76C. Kaaaas city Bo..
FLOUR First Detents, t4.20fi4.80-. seennt K- -
patents, 84.0694.11; first clears, tA2ftja.5;
seconas ciear, a.tunr-z ou.
BRAN In bulk, tl4.7MiatO.
Nov t
Cash quotations were aa follows:
FUOCK Bteady; winter patenta
kTllwsskss Orala Market.
ket ateady; No. 1 northern, 71wo; No. t
nortnern, iwutw; May, wtc, saaea.
RTFJHlgher: No. 1. sjVkCfiSc.
BARLEY Firm; No. i 55ttc: samola
i 'OKN Bteady; no. 1 cash, 8&ttp40c; May,
4J" (J M1,0.
Pklladelpkla Prod ace Market.
47V, I Weak; market, lc lower; extra western
creamery, sou.
EGOS Steady, good demand; western
rrean, ic at mara.
CHEE8H Unchanged; New Tork fall
creams, 13tTl4o.
(aria Market.
49.atV I P1YU1T1 .Tan A PAOV T ...... a
OAiTa rirm; no. 1 white. sMie; No. I
bakers. t2 2Oil60.
WH EAT No. t spring. 764JTtc; No, a, &9
78c: No. t red. 724i72Sc.
CORN No. t, 40V40; No. I yellow, 410.
OATS No. t t4Vo; No. I white. 6Vo; No.
t white, SSttUo. v
RVE-No. x, 6Jo
BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 49fS4a.
8BED0 No. 1 flax, 1118V,; No. 1 north
weatern. tl.20Vl Timothy, prime, Hot.
Clover, contract gradea. 81100.
PROVISlONHflhort rlba aides (loose),
t liVr-hS no. Mess pork, per bbl.. 11611. Lnrd,
ner loO lha, 13. 10. Short clear aldea (boxed).
rhlte, t&o: No, 4 whits, t4Vgl4v,c.
RYE Steady; No. t 63&H6a.
WHISKY-On the basis of tt n
teady; No. t, atitiLx
Dalatk Orala Market.
DULUTH, Jan. 14. WH KAT On trackr
No. 1 northern, 79c: No, 1 northern, 77c;
May, ti'to; juiy, nrtc.
OATS To arrive, ttc.
RYE 67c.
BAR LE Y 864460.
Toledo) Seed Market
The receipts and shipments of flour and TOLEDO. O.. Jan. 14. SEEP Clover,
grain wers as follows: 4 rssh. U: January. 68.40; Fehrusry. 18.a;
neceipta bhlpmenta March. 8 77V,; April. 86.42 Timothy, 12.05.
riuu., uui. Aisiae, ea.ia-
r mill, uu M.UO .)
Corn, bu 2 4i 1 aon)
Oata, bu la.rt
Rye, bu t,o) t."J0
B4vriey. DU 61.700 26.500
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa easy; creameries. 204127a;
dairies. 194336c. Eggs, steady; at mark,
cases Included,; firsts. Jac; prime
finis, tec; extra sac Clioase. steady, it
SI. Laals Ueaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 14 WHEAT Futures,
lower: cash, higher; track, No. t red, cash,
7-Sf76Hp; No. I hard. Titltc; Msy. 78J
TvV: July. 74o.
CORN Firm; track, No. cash, 404M1C,
No. 1 white. 424-iVc; May. 41c; July,
OATS Firm; track. No. t cash. JHc; No.
t white. KU4t7c; May. MV: Julv,
H)UR-Steady; red winter patents. 13.55
tl6; extra fancy and straight, tl.lO4M.4fi;
Clear. t2 55rl 86.
Kn-Tlinothy. steady at tJ.26TlT.
CORNMEAI-Steady at UtO.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. t34Mtc
HAY Quiet; Umolhy, Ua.004jll.u0; prai
rie, tu OuaSU oa
fauVISlONlt-Purk. blgher; Jobbing.
Loulnrlllo A N
Mexican Cantnl
sunn. A Bt. L
M., St. P. A B. S. td.
II.. Bt. P. B. 8. M.
Mlaaourl PaclBo
Hlaaourt. K. A T ,
M.. K. a T. pfd
National Land
N. R. R. ot M. pfd
Nav Tork Central
N. T.. O. A W
Norfolk A W
Norfolk W. pfd
Nortk American
Paclta Mall
Peseta's oaa
p.. c, c. a at. l
Proaaad Sual Car
a. c. pfd
Pallaaaa Palace Car
Heading lat pfd
Reeding Id pld
Raptlblls Steal
Republle Btaal pfd
Rock laland Co
Rock laland Co. pfd
Bt. U A 8 P. M pfd
Bt. L. 8. W
au 1 a. w. pfd
Bostbara Parlo
Bo. Paclfla pfd
Bo. Railway
Bo. Rallwar pfd
Tannaaaaa C. I
Taisa A Paclflo
T . Bl. U A W
T . Bt- L. A W. pfd
I'sloa Paella
inlon Pacine pfd
U. B. Eiproaa
ft. a. Raaltr ,
f. 8. Rubbar
U. B. Rubber pfd ,
l B Steal pfd.
I'. B. Steel pld ,
V a. -Tirana Chea leal ..
V a. -Corollas Caaaa. pfd..
Wabaab pfd
aalla-Pargo Ktpraao ....
Weotlnghouaa Ilactrta ..
Waotaro loloa
1,000 MVt ti MV)
a. uu 11 j3i
100 II
"100 'io"
" ioe 'iiii
1,400 144V.
100 11 V,
100 134
100 lf.4
1,400 04
1,600 40V,
400 rcv.
40 Vi
expected. Southern Pacific received atten
tion on rumors of an Increased dividend.
During the afternoon the Contango rate
eased to 8 per cent and the market, as
elated by advices from New York, Im
proved and closed firm, especially In tho
case of Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe.
Japanese 4s of 19M closed at lo2vt,
BERLIN, Jan. 14. Business on the Bourse
today waa Inactive, owing to the drarness
of storks.
One thing was certain, the gain made laat
week was wipea out.
Cows and heifers were In about the same
condition as beef steers, that Is, the gen
eral market waa 10c lower than lust week's
close. Last week's gain was wiped out on
this kind of cattle, as well as on steers.
Oood feeders did not show any change,
the very excellent demand for- desirable
kinds of feeders suitable to go into the feed
yards at once was so good last week mat
PARIS, Jan. 14. Trading on the Brhirse J speculates were all cleaned up and were
nungry tor rresn supplies hub nittrrung.
today was aulet and prices were steady
Russian Imperial 4s closed at 75.50 and
Russian bonds of 1904 at 496.
Bank Clearlasrs,
OMAHA. Jan. 14. Bank clearings for to
day were t2.051.542. 42 and for the correspond
ing date last yjar tl,6:9,6t3.50.
Metal Market
YORK, Jan. 14. M ETA L8 The
40 1,
41,700 13.', 1S 1U
. a,io aii, aa ?
. 1.109 IT uv, 16V1
100 M44 BeV,
.141.100 liOVb 1S644 1JA44
' li
It 44
la 14
41 Vt
100 etv, t4 4144
ll.loe 1(14, 17IV4 v
oe ui in no
eoe 11 - to44 (044
11.700 80 44 49V,
l.tOO 1U744 10444 1U4V1
400 17 Va (I lV
40 V4
47 Vi
M0 lUSfc 111
l.UlO 12V, SI V4
400 S1V4 ,1
1 oi "u 'ii 'vi
London tin market was higher, with spot
quoted at 1X9 and futures at 190 It's. Lo- ?
tally the market waa steady and about 10
points higher on tne average, wun soot
quotea at Hi-lMt-tiiJi. topper was aoout
5h higher In London, with spot Quoted at
108 17s Ad and futures at 109 tie. Locally' !""
the market shows continued firmness and ,""
available supplies are said to be sold well 1 ,""
ahe-d; lake In quoted at t24.50SfrJ6.00, elec-! 4""
trolytlc at 124.251.60 and casting at t24oop i.'.i.
24.2a. Lead was unchanged at 19 17s6d In 1 4....
London, but a shade easier In the local ' 1
market, with quotations ranging from 16.0.) 10....
to ao.3. opener was unchanged in both -
markets, closing at 16.65H6 75 locally and at 1
27 5s In Ixmdon. Iron was lower tn the
English market, with standard foundry
quoted at Sxt and Cleveland warrants at
60s 9d. Locally the market was steady and
uncnangea; ino. 1 rounary nortnern Is
The market opened active and
In the way of good feeders changed i.anda
In very fair season. Common and medium
grades were rather slow, owing to the weak
ness prevailing In the market for fat cat
tle. Representative sales:
No. At. Pr. . No. A. Pr.
4 844 4 M 14 1MB I 00
14 1114 4 It 17 1411 I M
.111 4 40
....111 4
....1270 4 M
1 .
in tto
Ml 1 10
Kit IH
137 III
til 1 70
44 1 SB
(50 I 00
(10 I 00
1017 1 (6
I 11
1011 1 11
171 1 tt
1011 I II
nil 1 to
111$ ii;
1040 1 15
11U I 4il
I. ..
II. ..
..1141 1 10
..1M I 10
..1441 I 10
.. M4 8 41
..1021 I 60
..oat ia
.. S4 8 40
..1071 140
..11S6 1 71
..1110 1 71
.. IM 1 Ii
.,1040 I M
..1120 1 B0
..1171 1 16
..1140 4 11
..1221 4 04
.. :l 4 10
..14: 4 40
..1167 4 IS
...1114 4 40
quoted at $24 2&!?r2.26. No. 1 foundry nort
ern at l"J4 7.V(j'j6.75. No. 1 foundry souths
J5 (HKfi'- OO.
M ETA 1.8 - Tead, steady,
steady, t66St6 70.
and No. 2 foundry southern
86.10; spelter.
CotTee Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 14 COFFEE-Market
for futures opened steady at a decline of
15 to 20 points, which was considered better
than due. In view of the sharp break In
the European markets and the lower cables
from Braxil. There was continued liquida
tion and some Europesn selling on the de
cline, but there waa also covering and sup
port from local trade imprest., and the
market rallied partially during the middle
session on a renewal of the rumors that
some of the big roasters were preparing to
take up all the coffee tendered on March
contracts. The close waa steady at a net
decline of 510 points. Sales were reported
of 101. 500 bs. Including February at 1.15c;
March, 6.V.'.l6c: May, o.804j6.4oc; June,
t.45c; July. j4rtfo55c; August, 6.45c: Sep
tember. 5.5CK&'5.7oc: November, 6.70c; Decem
ber, 6.70'iIb.S5c. Snot, steadv: No. T Ttln
67e; Santos No. 1 714c; mild, steady; Cor-
uuva, bvuvbv.
1 .
la. .
140 1 SO I
Ill I 46 11
ail II
1170 I 00 I
1231 I 16 1
1340 111 1 ,
1'U't I 16 t ,
UN t 16
106 I 60 1
110 e ti 1
110 I 16 t
140 I 16 1
Ill I 00 1 lie 4 os
lie 1 06 4 6J7 4 M
421 1 11 1 M 4 00
1.4 1 40 1 ai 111
Ill 1 06 1 614 4 10
, i 111 1 II 1 670 4 10
764 I X) 1 141 4 10
.1014 1 a
.Ml 4 M
..1410 1 41
,.1U0 I i
..1710 I 40
..176 I II
140 I M
, lie "4
171 I 60
170 I 64
171 I 11
29 feeders.. 838 t 90
HOOS Hogs were a shade lower
Cattoa Market.
NEW TOr.K. Jan. 14-OOTTON Boot
ln.l AlHtf 1A nnlnt, lnw I .... 1 1
ui'lnnda. ia70c; middling gulf, 16 90c; galea, !" A U B
!. naiea.
Spot closed easier; low middling and lower
rd" ... ,or.'rj-,wAUn.L-.,nA-!?th'r ci l'nor rr:.
ri . ..V 7.1.7 . i.i 1 w Central Uaikar pfd
rair demand, prices s points lower: Amen,
can middling fair. 6.62d; good middling
114d: middling. t65d: low middling. laid:
ordinary, loud. The sales of the day were
120U0 balsa, of which 1.00 bales were fr
speculation and export, and Included 10
bales of American ftecelpta were 48,0OC
bales. Including SZ.eno American.
ST. LOl'Ia. Jan. 14. COTTON-Uteariv
mlrl4lln 10 11.HL- nlu m lkaL.a- - I BiaacB
MM' ariltnmento anna- ora.'k ,1 07K Ke 1-e I Braaawlrk Caa.
II '
wiaconalB Cantnl ..
Wis. t antral pld
Nonaera Paella ....
Oraal Norther pfd.
Bioao-SbaSald Btoal
lnu klelrspollun
lat. Uatropollua pfd
Total aalaa tor ibo dar.
141 V, 11744
Evaporated Applea aad Dried Frat,ta.
APPLES Market is not active, but shows
a fairly steady tone, with prima quoted at
tVas'vC, choice at B'v and fancy at o9Vc.
seem to be In a little better demand on
spot, although the Improvement la not yet
Keneral: Quotations runaa from 3c tn fin
, for California fruit; Oregon, toa to 40s, 7
Raw Yark Mlalaat Itseki.'
NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Closing quotations
oa nrlnlna a Locks woroi
Aaaaa Com. 1
Alloa 460
HjO laliv, laov i,.u , tsUc. Apricots are nominally uruiiianaerl
i aim cnoice quotea at iw. extra cnoe at
140V4 17t18c and fancy at lWyCOc. Peaches are
74 quiet and ateady. with choice quoted at
44 1 12c, extra choice a 12V4C and fancy at 13c.
"V4 iKalalns are ateady on spot, with looae Mm.
catels quoted at 7V4aVrc seeded at 7&luc
and London layers at tl 46 1.66.
ioe lot im
14 144,
1.1U0 17
, 1.UUS 14V4 -14
TM.eU akajraa
Wall Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 14.-WOOL-8teady ; me
dium araaea combing and clothing, asaaue!
light line. t"4i2c; heavib. Ana, loOikc; tub
wasnea. aiajiic.
Caaaalook Tvanol
Cos. Cal. A Vs..
Mors Slleof
Iroa Bil-rar
Lead -nils Cos. ...
. II
. is
. I
I Utile Chief ...
'Pousl ,
:Baeo ,
Sierra Nevada .
Simall Hopes ...
.. I
.. It
.. to
.. a
.. M
Elala Batter Market
ELCilN. III . Jsn 14 -BITTER-Firm at
tto a lb. Output for the week. tniO lite. reserve, shows
Trtaastf Slatesaeat.
WASHINOTON. Jan. H. -Today s state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the fltatvOCa) aju gulj
Available caatt kaiaova,
morning. It being largely a 16.274 market.
as sgalnst a o w market on Saturday.
While the trade was slow to open, it waa
fairly active when once underway and the
early arrivals changed hands In very good
season. Since Thursday of last week Drires
have been fluctuating back and forth at the
rate of 2Vc a day. Friday's market waa ' arg9 hunches. 75c; hotht ao. 40c.
ft. Loals Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jsn. 14. CATTLE Receipts
S.ono head, including 1,800 Texans; market
steady: native shipping and export steers,
t6.lo4V6.50; dressed beef and butcher steers,
.4.9ott steers under l.ooi lbs.. 84.75i.u:
stockers and reeaers, jz.omni so; cows ana
heifers. t2.7M5.25; canners, 1.50fi.85; bulls,
!2.3'4.ii; calves, 83.ijtxH7.75; Texas and In
dian steers, 12.50iji6.5o; cowa and heifers,
HOOS Recelnti. 7.000 head: market
lower: pigs and lights, t5.Hoi6.30: packers
lX.CWit.40; butchers and best heavy, t6.3ui
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. l.SilO
head; market steady; native muttons, 13.25
tifs.ii; iambs, 84 5CX87.50; culls and bucks,
K.ooifjt.oo; stockors, 12.iMj3.50.
irreL H7s: bap-
10-lb, cans. H 70; oases
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west-
ern. 5VQ60C; Maine, Tomatoes, t-lh.
cans, alio: t-lb. cans, tTHcfWiao. pine,
apples, grated, Mb., 12.06tJTi.0. sliced. 81 90
2.20. uauon apples, fancy, uo, 4.T111
imla apricots, tl.t04J4.2S. Pears, tl.7t.ft
1.50. Peachee, fancy, tl.7MJfl.40; H. C.
nenches. 12.00ti72.50. Alaska salmon, red.
fl.26; fsncjr Chinook, F., tt.10; fancy stick.
eye, t ., ei.vo. oaroinca, quarter on, satsx
three-quarter mustard, 18.00. Sweet pota
toes, tl.lo43"l.tS. Bauerkraut, 1100. Pump
kins, SOcti 11.00. Wax beans, l-lb., 6p0c
lima beans, t-lb., 7Bciffl.S5. Spinach, 11.85.
Cheep peas, t-lb.. 6c; extras. Motfl.10;
Ernest Wilson Is the Original Bin
Ribbon as Ma a Who Never
Works. -
Ernest Wilson, colored, waa the recipient
of the attention of the entire detective
force and a number of officers In police
court Monday morning, with the result
that Judge Crawford sentenced him ta
spend the next ninety days tn the county
jail. Each officer testified with alacrity
that Wilson was the real goods aa a va
grant; that he never was known to work
and that he lived off the spoils received
from women 'thieves In the Third ward.
Wilson was arrested on the charge of
being Implicated In the theft of t6 last
Tuesday night from Nathaniel Miller of
Tekamah. It la alleged that Lulu Patter
son, a colored woman, who Is now In jail
awaiting trial, stole the money from Miller
and divided It with Wilson.
Colored Wo ma a Willing; to Retara
Two Dollars of the Twelve
8he Stole.
Charged with the theft of 111 from Mra.
Patterson, colored, who. lives at 1011 Capi
tol avenue, Ida Woods, a colored woman
of the Third ward who haa a notorious
reputation as a thief, waa sentenced to
thirty days in jail by Judge Crawford
Monday morning. The .Woods ' women
magnanimously offered to return tt of the
stolen 112 to Mra Patterson, but her offer
waa not accepted and the ensuing alterca
tion led to the arrival of the officers and
the arrest of Ida Woods.
tt. Joseph Live Stock Market.
Recelpta, 3,019 head; market steady to 10c
lower: natives. 4.www. id; cows and heir
ers, t2.264j4.60; stockers and feeders, t3.2o0
HOOS Reclpts, 4.455 head; market steady
io oc lower; top, att.jMJti.4B; Dulk or sales.
BUb.t-P AMU l.AMBH rlecetnts. 4.773
head; market Bteady; lamba, 17.40; year.
lings, eo.Zi. '
gloax City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Jan. 14.-(8neclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 4.0J0 head; mir
ket 10c lower; stockers steady; beeves 13.73
mn.Jb; cows, nuns ana mixed, ;.& i4.o;
stockers ami feeders, 13.00414. W; calves and
yearlings, t2.50US75.
houb Receipts, i.oou neaa market ioe
lower, selling at 16.1596.80; bulk of sales.
Effect oa Certain Property In Vlelalty
ot I'nlon Parldc Head
qaarters Site.
Rents are going up on certain property
near the site of the proposed Union Paclflo
headquarters. When A. B. McConnell
bought the Cumberland hotel, at the south
west corner of Flfteentb strest and Capl
told avenue, two or three montha ago It
waa bringing an income of 1130 a month.
Mr. McConnell has loasnd the building to
Walter Molse As Co. for five years at $264)
a month.
Stock la light.
RecelDts of live stock at the als nrinclnal
western markata yesterday:
cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... 6,400
... 4.0)0
... 1.019
... 6,0110
.73.419 77,055 61,65
South Omaha
Sioux City ...
Kansas City .,
St. Joseph ....
St. Louis
Chicago ,
Total ......
Coadltloa of Trade aad Qaetatloaa aa
taple aad Fancy Prodace.
EGGS Per dox., 2vjf21c; market easy.
LIVE POULTRY-H'ns. syc; roosters,
tc; turkeys. 10013c; ducks, axtflOc; young
roosters. hijfcVic; geese, hihto.
BUTTER Packing stock, 191V; oholce
to fancy dairy, 22c; creamery, 262to.
HAY Choice upland, 19.50; medium. tt.OO;
eon rue. 8.00a8.60. Rye straw. 86.50(87.00.
BRAN Per "on, tlS.OO.
dns., afVu&Oc.
TOMATOES-Callforntct, per 20-1 b. crate,
WAX BEANS Per bu. Sox. . 5036.00.
LEAF LETTUCE Hoinouas, ner dox,
CELF.RY-Callfornla. per doa.. TScfitl 00.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doa., $i.0t
H OR SERA DISH Case of 2 dox.. 1180.
RADISSHKS-per doa botches, southern.
Both Fall to Retara Home aa Tim
aad Woman Appeals to
Mrs. Alfred Aldre of Fort Crook haa re
ported to the police that her husband came
to Omaha Saturday morning and has failed
to return aa yet. Aa he had over 1200 with
him when he left home Mra. Aldre la fear
ful that he may have met with foul play
and has requested the police to make a
thorough Investigation.
2vc lower. 1 ne oecnne waa put Dack on
Saturday only to be taken off again today.
A feature of the trade today was the ex
tremely narrow range in prices. The mar
ket was the best at the close.
' laiar aad Molasses.
NEW YORK. Jan. 14 SUOAR-Raw,
firm; fair refining. 3c; centrifugal test, 3'c;
molasttes sugar. ic. Kenned steady; No.
6, ti ai; No. 7. 14 25. Na 8. 14 .2t: No. 4. 14 15;
No. 10, 84.01; No. 11. M.ou; No. It 13 96;
No. IS. 13.90. No 11. 8353; confectioner's A.
14 so; mould A. 85.15: cut loaf. f 50; crushed,
1550; powdered. 84-80; granulated. ttbO;
cubes. 85 (a.
MOLASSES Steady: New Orleans open
kettle gt-xl to chidce. tTfiSSc.
ket steady; open krttle centrifUKal. I k-lbtt
tl3-16c; centrifugal white. 4 116. - centrlf.
ural yellow. 8Sl74I-16c; second. 2 t )-lec
MuLAtrita-Nw syrup, Mllto.
No. At. Bk. Pr. No. Aa. 8k. Pr.
M 164 Iw I W II UI Bt I 87V4
44 Ul ... IM 74 Kl 40 1 tT4
74 lal 44 I M II M ... I r7V4
64 1B0 ... 4 u ta MS I r7s4
17 141 60 I tt II M4 a I rvi
It all ... 6 II 16 176 ... I I7V4
M lul 40 I H 44 let 840 I
41 Ill ... 6 I7V4 111 104 ... i 80
t2 146 ... 17V4 1)4 Hil ... BO
II HI ... 4 7V4 14 k.7 ... 8 M
64 147 ... 117(4 M u ... to
10 MO ... I 77 II. 44 ... I 10
14 lit ... I 17(4 44.' KB4 00 0 SO
II ll ... 4 17 'a 14 131 40 60
44 WO But tit 04 161 40 8 BO
10 tM tut t 17 VI 61 141 00 I M
11 tae 40 l nvk 16 M to I to
66 Kl 40 I FV 14 IM ... M
71 tit 40 17Va u 146 ... I la
It....... 4 40 err 46 1.4 ... 4 tk
74 BM 18U 6 UVa lo Ill ... I 60
tl lat ... 4 77V4 71 Ill ... Ito
TI 6 ltO i7Va 44 lit lot I 10
00 UO 10 I r4 16 4 ... I t2Vi
I ill ... 0 17 ao t4 ... I 14
71 Ill 40 1 17 va 10 tat ... 1 16
aa I'.l ... Ill1,
GREEN PEPPERS-P-a 4-bsiket crate.
14 5ii.Ov.
rAltDLi.1-itotnouae. per oca. cunensa.
IIEAD LETTUCE Southern, per doe..
SHALLOTS Southern, per bu.. tOc
Per bu., 75c
SWEET POTATOES-llllnols, per large
bbl.. 13 26.
ONION-Home grown, per bu., 60c;
Spanlan, per crate, k.w; colors ao, per bu..
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. C.65; No. t
LIMA BEAN 8 Per lb., ivia
CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown,
lVve per lb.
EGti PLANT Per doa.. 82 toQUOfc
puTATOLS-Per bu., 4tl4c.
RUTABAGAS About lio lbs. to sack,
TURNIPS Per bu.. 50c.
CRANBERRIES l'or bbl.. tSOnig.iO.
APPLLS-tjten Dnvla. choice. t2.0u; faney,
per bbl., t.'ii. Jonathani, iXit: New Vora
Kltilt s. 83 X.
PEARd-Wlr.ter Nollt. per box. tlm
ORANGES Florida -rai.gta. sll alsee,
SHEEP The very good prices paid for
ihatru and lambs the laat part of last wark
bad the natural effect of bringing In '!-.; ( aiilurnla novels. exLra fancy,
lu u run Ihlo 1m, th lir, anil at I -Ins X.! fkni'V. 3.(eJ.
C'liicago. kW lar as litis market was cou-1 &ATkal-Kdaway. ila.C eayera. fc; Hal- f
Kite Stemm and husband to
William Redgwlck, part of lota 23
and 24. Clark a addition t 2,000
J. J. Fttsgerald et al. to John H.
Tienerry, lot 18, block 1, Harris aa
PalteraofTs addition, ekiuth Omaha.. 1
Edward tt. Balch and wlfs to Albert
N. Glover, lots 8 and a, block 1,
Monmouth Park I
Francis J. Collier and wife to Emma
Jane Glover, same 460
J. H. Slert and wife to Louise K.
Wltte, eVt of lot 7, block 4, Benning
ton, Neb LtOO
Hulda Slert and husband to aame,
wV4 of lot 7, block 4, Bennington,
Neb 100
William B. Parka and wlfs to L. F.
lmm, half of nw of nei,
4-16-lt 1
Alfred Hodgetts and wife to Amos
Snyder, hit 11, block 1, Melrose Hill. 126
Sarah J. Hansen and husband to
Clyde O. Connor, w54 feet of lot
f, block 15, Omaha 1.600
Manda ttlnen et al. to Dora M. Olsen,
lot 1. Summit Hill adillllun I
George T. Mills and wife to Charles
H. lsard, lots 1 and 8, block L
Clarrndon 724
A. G. Skinner to Emma Johnson, lot
24. block f, Ames Place IM
Flora G. Vance to the Michigan Ma
tuul Uf Insurunte company, lots
t and 8, block 23, Boyd s addition t
The Fourth National bank of Cadis
Ohio, to James '. Dysart. eoO feet
of lot It and w50 feet of lot 16,
block 8, Shull'e Second addition
Robert O rink to Gtorgs Hoffman,
lot t, block 7, Albr.ght's Annex,
South Omaha
HHdur and John A. LI m berg to
William G. Macon, lot to, block 11,
Omaha View 1.000
Frederick A. Weed to Jens Jorgensen,
will feet e52 feet of lots 1 and 2,
block 4, Potter A Cnbb's Second
addition. South Omaha l
Joaephlns McDrrmott to Ixiulsa Mc
Iieimott, ii35 feet of lot 7, block 12,
Parker's addition l.M
Oeorge R. Crosier and wife to Mra
Minnie R. Crosier Nichols, e5t feet
of lot lk, block 4, Plainv.ew 400
Charted B. Keller and wife to Joseph
M. Cudahy, lots 1 and 2, block 1,
Jerome Park 4,100
Continental Trust company to Theo
oi,re Vugel. ni! feet of lot t, block
8. S. K. Rogers' addition US.
Ja'nea J. FilXgeralil t al. to Ellen
Bred: It k et al., lots 23 and 24, blink
t. Ma honey A Mlnahan's addition.. 150
L. S. McDonald to Highland R'slty
company, lots 23 and 24, blink 1.
'Harris A Patterson's Annex, South
Omaha, and lot 10, blurk 8, Creigh
ton Heights M