Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    the omaha daily bee: Tuesday, jaxuarv i:, 11x17.
Pure, Healthful, Refreshing
' The Queen of
Cst Ensured En Dcrra by TJtkn TaxiSc
Trail ia Baburbt f Lis cole.
aa Wan' Hcrata Taaaa
ta Mt Tkra 0, fcat
Tfcer Kef aa Ca rartl tbe
EagTiaa rmaadea Tkrm.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LJNCOLJV. Ju. 14. Bpeciai Telegram )
I nton pacific jiuwurer train from Cunaha
ran into a drovs of ibwp about two miles
from tswn this ifiTnnon, nar the Burlington-
crossing, and U1M over M head.
Tbe train was almost thrown off the track
and tba passengers were shaken up. When
tbe collision occurred it vu snosing and
almost dark, and the man In charge of the
sheep could not drive them from the track,
where they huddled to keep act of the
' deeper innw on the level ground.
lirtr Is Careless.
Ja j Barnard, son of Chief Clerk Barnard
of the house, ho underwent an opera
tion in Kansas City two months ago, had
a large section of cause taken from the
wound this morning- and Is no
petting along better. The operation
failed to heal as It should, and yeaterday
tbe local surgeon at Table Rock dis
covered Um gause working out of the
wnond. A second operation was performed
and a large section was removed
Free Heat (or Paaltry Show.
VI. M. Johnson, the incubator man of
day Canter, ta appreciation of the busi
ness sfricn-Uis paultry fanciers and poul
try, raisers of ihe atata have given him in
tX paKt, rented tbs A sdttortum at Lincoln
for tbe weeks of January 4 to It and
donated its use to tbe Nebraska Poultry
association . for ttoa association's annual
how. '
tata JBaara af Asriralt are.
Organised agriculture began to arrive to
night for tbe meeting which tn-gins toroor
" row. The Btate Board of Agriculture will
meet tomorrow afternoon and hear the an
nual report of Secretary Mellor and the
report of the Auditing committee. New
officers will be elected during the week
and new members chosen to take tbe place
of tbe following, whose terms expire: C H.
Budge, , I jmcaster; i. B. Lnnnmore, City;
t T. Hendernbat.. Thayer; O. H. Mickey,
Pulk; O. H. Williams. Douglas; U W.
Leonard, pawnee;' H. I Cook, Howard;
1. W. Hawed, Kearney; W. C Caley, Knox;
Elijah rUley, Jefferson: C. Ji. LeweJllng.
Flirnu; J. A. OtUs. Jr., VaTler; EL it.
Bearle. Jr.. Kelrh; VS". w. Cole, Antelope;
Bamuai Riley, Boone.
Xaasr aad Uwtr Teaisrratsre ate
t part with Reetr Walks. ,
PEATRICEi Jan. 14 Speclal Tea
gram. Asu naasauming the propor
tions of a bliasard ia raging here tonighfc
, Tbe ground as covered with snow and tbe
temperature ss falhag.
' HUMBOLDT. Neb, Jan. 14. Special.)
"The misty and disagreeable weather of
Bunday was followed this morning by a
decided drop in the tetrperatura.
CAMBRIDGE. Neb, Jan. 14. (Special V
A light rain fD iiere Saturday night and
everything Is now covered with ice. Sun
clay evening the storm turned to snow.
, TDCTM6EH. Neb.. Jan. 14. (Special V
Mrs. Ellen Beaver fell on the sleety walk
at her home here yesterday and broke her
left wrist. The Injury was very painful.
B. R. Steele, an old soldier, aged 71 years.
iad hia leg broken Just below tha hip
as -the resort of a fall on an Icy walk.
Iroopecta for a large ice crop In this vicin
ity are not gaod up to this time. On tbe
Nemaha river there la but three Inches of
Joe. i ,
. HERMAN. Nth, Jan. 14. Special)-1
Orchard &Wilhe!m Carpet eo.l
aeS-eft-M Seat Sixteeatk Street.
i Lace (Curtain Sale
Lace Certains zX values that you hare not been accus
tomed to. Curtain Swiss and Madras that saves you money.
$5.00 Cluny Curtains; linen edges, heavy net . . .
$5.00 Irish Point Lace Curtains
$5.00 Brussels Curtains
36-in. Curtain Swiss, figured, stripes and dots, at, yd, 12lx
42-in. Curtain Swiss, figured, stripes and dots, at, yd.,. . 19
4 5. in. Madras, white, ecru and colored, worth 50c jier yard.
Special, per yard 35
Furniture Sale
Great price reductions on Tables of all kinds, chairs of
all kinds, Bed Room and Dining Boom rumiture besides
numerous odd pieces.
$9.00 good substantial, 34-in. round top tables. Any finish,
hand polished. January Sale price SG.25
$10.50 Fancy Bedroom Table; very pretty design, comes in
bird's-eye maple, curly birch and golden oak. January
'Sale pri'o $S.Q0
Suitable for statuary and lamps. We have a nice array at
greatly reduced prices; all the way from $2.50 to $15.00.
Table Waters
Today Is about the first real win
ter weather here. It has been a little be
low aero nearly all day. The Icemen hare
br-gtm to get ready for their harvest. If
It remains cold for a few days Ice will
be in good shape. Parmers all seen to be
well prepared for bad weather.
David City rwle Da V
ressee ta Ceatlase la Oatee.
IAVID CTM. Neb, Jan. 14. (BpeciaLV
Beveral citiaena of iJavtd City went to Lin
coln this morning, taking with them a peti
tion g'jnarally signed aaklng Ooreroor Shel
don not to reappoint A. L. Bremer as
aardea of the state penitentitry. Petitions
of similar purport from other towns ia
Butler county were mailed to the governor
today. Following Is the petition that was
presented to tha governor:
To Hon. Qeorie L Fheldon, Governor of
the Btate of Nebraska : We, the under
signed electors of the state of Nebraska,
do hereby protest arainst the reappoint
ment of A. L. Beemer as warden of the
state penitentiary of this state for another
term fir tbe following reasons:
1. Bald Beemer has been in said position
for a period of four years and should now
tie retired, and there are plenty of good
and well qualified men competent to man
are the financial affairs of the state Institu
tion and perform the other duties in con
nection therewith, and that a chanre in
the wardenshtp would be for the best In
terests of the law-abiding cittaens of Ne
braska. Z. It Is a notorious fart that the said
wniw umu iwrn unauiT active in mil units;
IMru'WR, mmniuwuimii. ir'rir1 miiu
ps-role for some of the worst criminals
he have been Incarcerated In the peni
tentiary during tbe term of said Beemer.
I. We think that the best Interests of
the law-abiding citizens of Nebraska will
be best served br not retaining the said
beemer in said office.
Helsa Others ta Eaewp aad leaalat
Behlad ta Create Gss4 Isanresetaa.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Jan. 14. Speclal
August Mueller, a prisoner in tbe Stanton
county JalL who is under sentence of fifteen
years in the penitentiary for shooting his
wife, his father-in-law and his mother-in-law
last spring, worked a clever scheme.
It is alleged, to excite sympathy for him
self, in the boue that If the supreme court
grants him a new trial be might stand
better chance of being set free. He broke
open the JaU liberated a fellow prisoner,
and then told Sheriff Etucker that three
men had come and freed the escaped horse
thief. He declared that he had remained
in Jail because he did not care to run away.
People of the community began thinking
Mueller was a model prisoner on til Geb
hardt. tbe escaped Jail bird, was re
captured and told how Mueller had sug
gested the escape and had liberated Geb
hardt by means of an Iran bar which
sprung open tbe window bars. Gebhardt
said that Mueller told hlra as soon aa he
was Jailed that be ought to get out. and
then showed him how. Mueller declared
that he did not wish to escape, because
he knew he would be recaptured, and by
remaining he might have a chance to be
acquitted fn case a sew trial eras granted.
Tear hers at Beaver 1ty.
EEAVEH CTTT, Neb.. Jan. 14. tSpecial)
The first annual meeting of the Films
County Teachers' asoclatlon convened here
tn the high school building. In spite of
the threatening weather there was a large
attendance, and an active Interest In school
affairs waa manifested. A resolution en
dorsing the uniform eighth grade examlna-
tlons for tbe entire county was unanimously
adopted. Superintendent Adams was
elected president for tbe coming year,
County Superintendent Munaay announces
that tlas had been raised for prises for a j gtltte Superintendent J. L McBrten de
county corn and cooking contest. Music j iiverwj the address to a large and apprecia
for the occasion was lurmahed ry tbe
Beaver City High school quartet. Superin
tendent Mr Brian, as usual was enthusiasti
cally received by tbe teachers and offered
some very sage advice on tbe subject of
Successful Lrring."
DIAMONDS Frenser. 15 ta and Dodge.
$7.50 Mahogany Table (like cut);
"clover leaf top $5.75
$5.50 quarter-sawed golden oak, hand
polished Table, 24-inch, shaped top,
French leg. January sale
l'rice .....$3.85
$3.50 quarter.sawed golden oak, hand
polished Table, 24-in. top. nicely
shaped base. January Sale
price ...$3.50
Official tars E Did lot Vkt 12rd
Charrw 1 gainst District,
fesitst rsMlskei Letter
frasa Mas by. Whe Thinks later
view Was SI aa a fart a red
la Kearaskm.
HASTINGS, Neb, Jan. 1
About a week ar a Lincoln
published what purported to be an Inter- . txi baoly beaten. Uecrai action will l
view with Colonel Mosby of tbe Iepart- ! taken aa soon as the young men can appear
ment of Justice, In which that official was 1 , ,
. , . i PLATTRMOlTll The series of interest-
quoted as having said that former Senator i rvtvaJ meet inas which hare t r c-n-iHetrich
had aided the cattlemen In fencing ; ducted in the Firth Methodist Epistv jiil
and holding public lands In this state. Mr. j
Iouich denied all of tbe charges and took j
tbe matter tip with the president. I
This morning Mr. Dietrich made public j
the correspondence which be has had with
tbe president, and which has brought about
a denial by Colonel Mosby to tbe alleged
Interview which appeared hi the State
Journal of January I: Mr. Dietrich's first
letter follows:
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. (. lnT My Dear
Mr. President: I ask aa a personal favor
that you read the witbin clipping and give
me a personal answer. This Is tbe second
time that Mosby baa been quoted as making
false statements ss ta myself. With com
pliments of the season. 1 am. sincerely
yours, C. H- DIETRICH.
To this the president replied:
Jan. ft. IXC My Dear Senator: I'ntil I
received your letter I had no knowledge
of tbe matter to which you refer. I have
at once sent It for report to the Iiepart
ment of Justice. Wishing you and yours
many happy New Tears, believe me, sin
cerely yours,
This morning Mr. Dietrich received the
following letter with correspondence from
the Department of Justice:
Jan. 11 lmfl My Dear Senator: Referring
to your note of the 6th Instant, with en
closed elipping. the president directs me to
se-nd to you. for your perusal and return,
the enclosed correspondence from Attorney
Oene:al Bonaparte, which will explain it
self. Very truly yours.
Secretary to tbe President.
The following Is that portion of tbe letter
received from Colonel Mosby by tbe De
partment of Justice, which refers directly
te tbe alleged interview which appeared In
tbe State Journal:
The correspondent of the Richmond
Times-Dispatch came to my room and In
formed me be had a telegram from his
papr saying that Mr. Dietrich had de
nounced an interview of mine published in
the Lincoln State Journal as a lie. The
reporter wanted to know what 1 had to
say about it. I replied that 1 had not men
tioned Mr. Dietrich's name for some years
and hud no interview with any newsjiaper
man cm any subject and had nothing to say.
I advised him to -call on Mr. Scott Smith.
hich lie did. This correspondent also went the office of tbe .Lincoln Journal to ftsd
I san if t ant Knv stiamak trVt 41 1 na I
out the author of the dispatch in that
paper purporting to come from Washington.
He was told there that it was not sent
from or through the local office here. My
omn opinion is that the alleged interview
mas written up in Nebraska and falsely
represented as a dispart h from Washington.
In making public the above correspond
ence, Mr. Dietrich said today:
"Having so often been the victim of false
charges by vicious and reprehensible news
papers and certain of their allies, I feel
that an apology la due Colonel Mosby for
having paid any attention to the purported
interview which appeared hi the State
Journal of January 3, 1WT, which Colonel
Moaby In such strong language brands as
false. Were I guilty of the charges made
against me by such papers and persons,
they would not be as wicked and aa un
pardonable as the malicious, cowardly and
wicked, assassination of character , which
they have been guilty of in order te gain
political power and prestige. " The con
spiracy against myself, like that against
Alfred Dreyfus of France, has been most
cruel inhuman and wicked, and some day
will be righted."
Sew Hick ftehaal BaHllax.
BEAVER CITY. Neb, Jan. 14. (Special.)
Tbe new high school building at Beaver
; Clty waa formally dedicated Saturday. City
; Superintendent Jensen and the school board
j nBve .pnt no utfje tilM m equipping the
buiidinr with all modern improvements.
tive -audience. After the exercises about
Td patrons inspected the building. (Refresh
ments were served by the teachers of the
high school
Sews af leanaka.
DAVID CITY There are several cases or
pneumonia reported here.
DAVID CITY Mrs. Dr. Lewis of this cltv
niv.n rrrr-TK. f.r.i f x.
tianaber took place tn St. Mary's Catholic
. - .. - . - . . . . ... v.-uu
'church Punday.
I EEKMHR Loral Ice dealers are putting
j up their season s supply of Ice. It ia of
' fine guality and about twelve Inches ta
: thirJuieaa.
TECCM8E3H A. C. Sullivan has been
el-eted president of tbe Tecumseh Hoard of
Education, to succeed . M. Tracr. who haa
' moved to Texaa
i TFXTMEEH The concrete work on tbe
Burlington a new stone and lroa bridge haa
been finished. Tbe workmen are waiting
for the arrival of tbe Iron.
DAVID CITY Four fire have will U.
Tbursdar morning Urr Grand . Island to mi-
tend the firemen s twenty-fifth annual con- !
vention. to be held tn that city. i
BLl'E HILL E. MiBnoe. cashier cf I
tb Commercial bank of this city, returned !
home baturday from Ipwa. where be nas
called by the death ol hia father
OSCEOLA-The Polk County Fair ;
1 uon cioana ue year wnu money in trie ;
bank It had in the treasury f at the j
beinmng i and now h. lit
1 CAMBRIDGE L R Wickers ham dellv- 1
. ered his lecture, "Chickens Come Hume to I
;Koosl." at me opera house. Senator Till- i
tn . . . . .
I TCu,
ASHLAl Peter Gruver and wife, who 1
nave oeen rrararou 01 .ua voumy iov over ,
fifty years, diea .! wek wlAm five Hours
u id r '
J,-7 trv . 1 1- . I
'I UU-KmN Lwls Kramer and Mum
F-mma palmer were martiod laat eveianrf (
at tiie borne of tha unoss fatner tn Uus
oity. Hev. W. H. Ciooper af tha First Prua
hylenaa church ofrinia t ins.
UKATRICK atlss Lml ly Pitt, formerly
a achool teacher of Beatrloe. was up be
fore tbs Insanity board Monday. Kh was
1UU1H IWl ML 1VT Ull flOSpiLaj
tor toe insane uo waa rbisaaaq.
Hl-MLOLirr-Women of the Alpha and !
ien-ntton club united l a reception -1 !
tie rooms of
tbe former for lira. ML
Wilson, who laves tnla week lor her m-w I ,a- i.,m,r 01 IP f", Jutin m-heil. out more protests from south side reai
hom. at Fall. Oty. Luncheon waa .ervd. j J. JStM -. 'P" " AI"
aHUi-Hw. i w. mimT, rector of .
"i" J1 ' wwi'ibq m emu 1 aars v ame jonea: senior vice iretiid't?
to Kane, Pa-, la tbe diooear of Pittstiuic- i Mrs. Alma Claar; Junior t ice p-wldent Mrs'
Kane la a city of fc.safc people. In. painjer Sadie Haiinum. cliaotaln. rs.-Aitu W -in-has
befca ur.uaually successful to his Asb- j wrurht : secretary. Mra Martle Mayie: tiaas
laod cbarse. urer. Mrs. Minnie Wiunini. condaitoi.
AHLAKI A large star shining brichtly Mra Eirll Ktesart; aanietant Ofnductor.
at koiu yeaterday attracted the attenuoa Mra. cue Mllock; j-uard. Mrs Llui-
01 many perauns la Aahland. Tla j.ianet : sun . aaststant guard. Mrs Matthews: pr-a
Venua now the murrain- star, owing 10 trie ' currespuudr-nL, -Mrs. tval.nt ixirce; '-t.lor-reniaiaabMi
transparency of tn auuupnere. , tearTa Mrs May henrd. Mra. Liczie
aaa puiuy vuhlue until long after r i-n 'uiff. Mrs. eV'fa Wincbell Mra. Narn-e
OeK-EOLA-Ruang Btar lodg. Na 7S, In- i
Iiiacaiitnl E. A. Snider as secretary for tbs
fourteenth year, liar other ofnoars are Wu
uua &Jverstraad, ix-b. STaad: tiarles
W aisirora. vice grand. J. t. Hart man,
NO RFOLK General etuperrntendent S M
Braora. waa baa suooeeoed C. C. liugties ia omor, has movd his family tu Nor
f u.k and will maa this las kon Already
Mr. bradea baa baoome popular a Ha em
ployes and buatnraa aiai aJ tnrouch tua
BLAIR Tbe Young Mea's Commercial
club uf that city has surned a contract a-ita
tbe Redpatk Lyceum bureau for tbs nuidinc
uf a cJtautauqua in biair trum July 1 ta a.
and has sort with poud success selili.g sr
sua Ucketa. fcw of whirk must be auid ta
insure tha auminc uf tbe Chautauqua ta
mat city.
BLATR1C-Jaas Wolf a. aa employe
rf Iminj puultry and Cuid aivraa
cxir.paiiy. a bite ca(tad la ! 111a a r
fdl frwat tba tos af Uf cajr MMbdajr and
sustained a broken leg. I rk-B arm stid
Internal injuries. He was wmovH to
Hepperlin s hospital and Is In a senmi
condit Irn
NORFOLK Olia-les RoMrs-m. aed It.
was shot lull n the face Vt a sImhiuti m
the hand of his lull simer. near R-lr.
Neb., and will live Te harg-e. includ'-iv
snot and wal. ent"-ed tu' tar st the
nose, lore out hh teeth irl rr-nia'ne-1 :
j m7iesh'fr mricaT''aidt,'n
BE.KMER Beemer has added to its lm-
Ttivciwntu during tre year l!. six t'tiiid
tir. to the value of ah ut !. hi h in
cludes tbe aew elevaicw ectKj tr W T
FrHl, arH also the Hlm Mick, ahirh
rives Iwrmr one of the best store tuuirt
if tar in Cum!tif courtT. It bopsl that
the year lf'7 will add as writ b more.
PAPlLJJCiN An assault was cimmltt
here daturtlar rveninc ut.'n and
1 hlTsey, to younn nen fr(m Fjnrield.
j by Mark J-we anrt Inheleher The yuung
men had come to town to artend the nuuri
church in this cltv for two we-efcs i-y Rev.
1. E. Houlcate, tle past ir. assisted by Fv
Irvln C Lemon of M ef-pina Water. cUie-d
last evening A "revive us afain" spirit
seemed to have par-railed and much gtd
was accumplisbed.
ASHLAND A Lincoln contractor named
Murphy has lceed the Lansing stone
Quarry east of Ashland for a term of years.
nklng a full payment for the first year
kase. Jt is unotrotoud the quarry is to be
or tied at once and a sttine eruehinr ntarvi
! Installed. It is nis reported th" bur.itiK-
ton Intends Installing a sind dredge in the
Platte river east of Aahland.
ASHLAND Business men of Ashland I
nave arranared to hold a corn sr-w and a
poultry exhibit in connection with the an
nual farmers Institute, for February 1 and
2. Liberal pris-s have been offered and
free lun h wiil I provided on tlioM" dUs
P. W. Chase of Pawnee City. O. Hull of
Alma and Prof. R. A. Condra of the ttete
university have been secured sa !tr.ekers.
FREMONT James Caulley, a printer
living on East First street, has tieen
missing since Sunday morning. His lum
lly ia searching anxiously lr him He
has been in poor health and at times men
tally untialanred. It is feared he has
wandered am ay in a fit of temporary al
erratann and on account of his weak phys
ical condition will not be able to survive
much exposure.
FREM vNT The Burlington passenger
depot will aeon he opened for use. It
contains but littis leas Moor space than
the Union depot and in construction and
arrangement is in every way modern. The
appointment of an agent has not been
announced. There are many aspirants for
the place. If a local man Is selected !t l
thought he Seltm Mttcbel an old
employe of the Nrrtr.wesern.
ASHLAND Tbe Astiland Business Men s
asa :iation has Inrited F. W. Chase of
Pan nee City, the good roads- expeit. te aa
dress the association and its friends on
February 1. It has also invited W. H.
Manas, Industrial commissioner for the Bur
lington, to visit Aahiaud on his contem
plated trip to Nebraska during this month
and meet with the Business Men's associa
tion relative to the future development of
Ashland as a shipping point and Industrial
center on the Burlington system.
BEEMER The blue rock contest between
Beemer and Plum Creek, which n post
poned from January 1 was won by the
Plum Creek farmers by a margin of ten.
There were ten men on each team and fif
teen tarrets to each shooter, cm account
of the disagreeable weather a poor sere
was made ail around, less than hiilf of the
targets being broken. A return shot will
be held February k, when also a team from
near Bancroft will compete. In tbe mean
time tbe Beemerites will try to find cut how
it happened.
FREMONT Postmaster Swanson's four
years have expired, but he is still holding
the office and it looks as though he would
continue to do so. Mr. Swanson took no
active part in the preliminary fight in
Dodge county before the county conven
tion was held, nor afterward. C. I). Marr
was the first In the field against him acd
it Is now said C. E. Abbott has some sup
port from one element of the fiarty. Little
interest is taken its the matter and it
seems tc be the opT:kin that sooner or
later Swanson will be reappointed.
FREMONT John Hassett and wife cel
ebrated their goloen wedding yesterday.
Mr. Hassett served In the Crimean 'ur
and waa married at his home in Ireland
immediately after hia discharge. They
lived for a time 'la' New Zealand. About
thirty years age they -came to Fremont
and for the last twenty years Hassett has
been Janitor of U Fremont National
bank building. Both Mr. and Mrs. Has
sett talk- tbe old rstsb language and are
as strongly attached e tiie ould sod" as
wben they left it -half a century ago.
TBCUMSEH Early Monday rooming the
one-story frame house on the farm of
Prank Howarth. two and a half miles south
of Cook, mas completely destroyed by tire.
Mr. Howarth, hia wife and two children
barely had time to eecai. Nothing was
saved. The nlgbt was cold and the Ho
warth family was at once taken in by the
neighbors. The house ml aorth tl.C and
the ccT.tenta and Mr. Hoaarth had no
insurance, hia insurance on the building
having recently expired. He will probably
rebuild. The origin of tbe fire is not known.
HUILBOLD1 Dr. L K. Snaaldina. rep
resenting tht State BJd f Uruitti. came
I down from Omaha and confirmed the oin-
nosi of lr tieorge O. Gaudy" in tie cuse
of Mies Hope Abbott, teachrr in the pri
mary room of the city schools. ho la un
der diphtheria quarantine. S me d!Or-
tvtn if nmnlnti .vi.imI u . . a, . K
case mas genuine diphtheria, but the ver- !
diet of Dr. pauld:rc mill ;-obably setiie j
all doubw. The Hoard of Education has i
ordv-rod the dismissal of the is-o lower 1
rooms until dai.ceT if contagion is paused, i
FREMONT Mrs. Mary J. Remich. who i
died here last week, a as s daughter of
Lieutenant Zebulon Pike, disi-everer of
rise a peak and erplorer of the Korkiea.
l:ul Prevented by the Intimities of age
, m-ha null u-lir in f ' h n
auite active In church and so
ciety, and tliourh deeply interested In
renealorical matters rarely spoke of her
father and then only to intimate frienda.
Hhe was I years old and her mental con
dition bad been feeble for the last year.
Had siie been able te travel her son-in-would
have taken her to Itenver and Colo
law. C R. Ie La Matyr. undoubtedly
rado Springs last fall at the time of the j
Pike celebration.
ASHLAND Another series r f accider.t '
bapf-m-d iu this vtntnny curing tl.e iat
Week. George Hoffman fell troro a load ol
nay, hreaJuug his arm. spraining hts knee
and bruising hia body 10 such an extent aa
to lay hitu up lor some ume to come. Rl'
Ounsel. a hile hunting near Louisville,
had the little finger of his lett hand torn
"'C fl'st 4nt and hia hand other-
',B bil' lacerated by the bursting of a
hotrun. John Kaaki. a latorer in the
stone quarry along the I'.atte river, who
frhtt, V7r4 'mtm Ta "week" i
t,.n la mrhi Th. mu m hi fn
fbroaVt'fgreatorce'WLi ' l.' of
and lul'lku;l IracturU P
irjrtL:iautm services ,
'd .St,?raI njfht b. '
Nu. Ll. CrriLnd Armv of toe ttemtltiK-. nrt
John A. 1MB Women. KeUef si.:.
acre attended by ove.r if of tl.eir menibrra
kud . h.. renor-t rl,. m,t -wi.l.
um( bt.i(i bT tu. wo Joo(re. fur Vveral
" A P-ciaJ feature was tbe elatK.ra
tianouet aiven from i to o c:io-Jt. iK-foie lt.e
tnata.iuun aeriMt on account cf tl.r a,d
meuilers and frltnda a ho could not keep
late hours, many 1 whom were ruivrivd
t and from tie lodcf hail izi c',aml car-ract-
The lnaiaii;i.c ofhit-r of tt.e iir.nd
Army of the Kt-putmc ptt waa ThMjdore '
Halier. mho inataiied the toilowint olticvra:
IVimmaMcr, r'. Boaerman: senior vice c. m-
matider. J. H. Haaxuii,, junutr vice corn- 1
mandtr. J. F. Curua;
adjutant. J w.
Hri,'70,i, ""arterniaater Joe g. Cook;
?k"',n- H" JuhB icMJ
x-iaiiap. omir 01 iuc oay. tnu tt-
folk.wii runibui into ofhee: lr.o,
f.tT " P,LrH'tK: ,nmirlOT- Mri un-
Tooth Powder
Dentists say "It is the best denti
frice and antiseptic ia the world
lor the teeth and fums Lesres the
enamel white and gleaming; also
Jeeves a delicious after taste."
1m aBaBaffsat aaTsaaSaaa4 (BM flT lss4sttTafi fa1
D: trim Teeth Pcwd.r Co.
Come end are
how mach a little
money w ill buy.
Only two days
longer. Brltrr
tmj than w ih
jtB had.
THIS means that we are extremely busy, that the crowds literally swarm in every
aisle cn every floor throughout the Daylight Store in search of the thousand
last-day wonderfml bargains in store for them. And they were well repaid for
their coming they profited greatly. The sensational values which they received sur
pass all values ever given by any western store. "How can you give such wonderful
values?" asked the people.
We answer, "By reason of
into our new building we are
winter goods." That's how we do it. That's how we can and will make the last two days
of this sale the greatest bargain days of the whole sale. The next two days will be a
marvel in modern merchandising. Some of Tuesday's specials follow:
Gigantic Unloading Sale
of Ladies Waists our
Supreme Effort
on Tuesday
sad Cotton Withoot Any
' Reserve.
Fine Wool Hat Me Wait In
dark, medium acd evening
Fancy Mohair Waist In plaid
acd checkf
Marked 12.95, I3.T5, $3.75. 13. 5.
all Tuesday, at S1.9S
The Very La(ct Models ia Moliair
and t ash n: -rc Waitts Flats
shades of navy, black and red
marked $2.25. $2.50. $2.75. all
Tuesday at SI. 19
IlUtk Taffeta Silk Waitt Plain
. tailored and fancy dress effect,
tucked, rlalted and trimmed
marked $:.. $4.50. $4.95.
$5.00, aU Tuesday at.. . -$3.0O
LadieV Waist Most of our choic
est stock In
Plain black and colored silk.
Fancy jilaid and brocade silks.
All our lace and net waist, in
cream and white.
Fancy lingerie waists.
An Immense display marked
$5.00, $5.50, $5.95. $6.50. $6.95.
all Tuesday at $4.T5
20 off all Black and
Colored Dress
Goods 20
The daya of our great Unload
ing sale are numbered. Have yon
profited by the money saving bar
gains? There'a no mistake about OVTt
reductions. No Juggling with
pricea. Our repotation preludes
that. On every piece of dreB
goods you 'ill find the regular
ticket with the regular marked
price, and also find everything
cut: cut: cut! cut! cut:
.. 20 OFF. 20 OFF.
Worth 5c up to 4 a Vard.
19t. 29s 39t. 59 tard.
For the day before tbe end of
this gigantic unloading sale. De
pleted lota have been replenished
and assortments made complete to
give you tbe some unprecedented
values Tuesday as during the first
phenomenal sale day.
60c values for. yard 19
75c and $1 values for. yard. -29c
$1, $1.25 and $1.50 values for.
rard 39
$1.50 and up to $4 values In trim
ming -festoons, appliques, gallons
and medallions, yard 59
German -and French Vals., tor
chocs, Normandy Vals.. lace
edges and Insertions, worth to
25c; Tuesday, yard 5
kfucb Ta'k in General Committes ot Trs
pcud Xtw Crdiranoca.
Rea-alatlaas aa Teats Micklly
asaeaded aad Are SrkeJaled a
Pass Wliaaat Oaaasltlaa at
MeetUf This Evf alas
Tne city council general committee held
a rn eesaii-'n yesierday afternoon until ths
dinner bour camr., the jastronomical r
gii.ns cf tticnte present critid out for some more substantial than sa- Two mat
ters acre under discuaalon, one bring the
... j.rrlinnnfe and the other Mr.
, .-khouBer-, 1eM ordinana.
I nknou"fT f' ' ...
as uauai. s ... ... ...
1 turner AltKtt. fur tbe eu con.pacy. ar-
gued f(r tne ocieai 01 xoe oruinan.. mr.
Abbott said thiit undur conditions
the gas company could not have more than
fixe hours reserve supply on hand, and de
clared the time had come when the com
pany's capacity must Ua increased to meet
the growing city. He said sertoua results
would follow should something happen to
the plant under present conditions, people
tie-iug plced In danger of their lives is
cases where burners were left on over
rictit and the supply suddenly shut off so
as to eaUnguish the llht, but allowing
gas ts escape. To vote against the or
dinance would be but a humane and bui
neos prttxr:ti"rv. Mr. Abbott ars-ued.
CouncilmeB Bridges and Zimman e?:gaged
In some argument with Mr Abtiott and
W. I. Kieratead over the ordinanoe. A mo
tion to amend the measure to Include the
precent site of the gas ccampary at Twen
tieth and Center streets was lost. A mo
tion to recommend the ardinance for pass
atre was lost on a tie vote. Poun-llmes
Bridges. Zimmaa. Funkhouser. ID jaaer
and Hansen voting for and Movero,
aheldon. Brucker. Johnson and Jacks n
betug against auch recommendation- As
tha I-"-"' now statids Coanciiniaa Fubk-
"Why is it other stores are not
the vast accumulation of stock due
forced to unload now as we positively will Eot carry over any .
A Rousing Silk Value
Not often are such extraordinary
high qualities offered as we have
given the public during this great
est of all great unloading sale, and
Tuesday, the day before tbe grand
final, we give you in unlimited
qualities a 36-inch black and white
taffeta tilk for drop skins and lin
ing that is a marvel of goodness.
Our regular fc&c quality, full one
yard wide; the day before sale
ending price will be. yard .-55
Ladies Handkerchiefs
That unusual purchase and sale
of ladies' slightly Imperfect (a
missing thread in the embroidery
here and there) sample lines of
linen lawn handkerchiefs will con
tinue Tuesday. The quality Is so
far removed from the ordinary
that we particularly desire the
critical Inspection of women 'who
are well posted concerning values.
25c, 60c and 75c values for, each.
5. 10 Mi 15
To see 16 to buy. to buy is satia
tion. The Day Before the End
Prices in our Linen
Section Tuesday
Heavy weight Scotch satin dam
ask table linen. 70 Inches wide
unbleached strictly pure linen, in
remnants of suitable length., worth
$1.00 yard. Tuesday's- price
J yards for SI. 4 5
2 V, yard for 31. SO
3 yards for $2.15
One hundred doaen napkins, union
linen, hemstitched ready for use,
checked patterns, good value at
$ 1 dozen ; price for Tuesday, per
doaen .... .............. 60
Irish twin linen rinish toweling,
good width, heavy and absorbent,
below cost of production Tues
day's sale price, yard 4
ISOand 175 Marwielle
Spreads- 98c
Out of 500 spreads we pnt on
sale -today there are about 100
left. We told you the story of
their good qualities and great
value in Sunday's paper, and
from the number who have
asked for spreads, guess they ap
preciate their worth. Tuesday,
as long as they laBt, we will sell
these fine extra large Marseilles
$1.50 and $1.75 spreads for.
each 9g
Basement Bargains
The heavy selling of comforts
and blankets continues unabated.
Regular $1 handsome comforts
Tuesday, at ; $2.79
Regular $2 handsome comfort--
Tuesday, at $1.48
Regular $10 handsome down 00m-
forth Tuesday, at $730
Regular $2.60 large heavy gray
blanket Tuesday, at . .$1.95
Regular $1.6 fine soft gray and
white bianketi Tuesday.
" $1.19
tiouser will bring In a minority committee
report this eve 111114- at the retrular council
meeting and the ordinanoe will he placed
on Its third reading. It does not seem now
that tba measure will
Caa Test! a T Ordlaasee
The gas testing ordinanoe was taken up
by special appointment made a week ago
with representatives of tbe gas company.
The discussion waa merely over a few
features of the ordinance, that a better
understanding might be arrived at by the
gum company and the councllmen. In tba
main the ,gas company had no -Abjection
to tbe ordinanoe and the councllmen are
unanimous as to Its passage.
President F. T. Hamilton. Secretary G
W. Clabaugh and Superintendent O. H.
Waring cf tbe Omaha Gaa company, W. F.
iKjiahirt of the Vnlted Gas ciimjnj- of
Philadelphia, J. B. Klumpp. an expert
chemist of the same city, and Attorney W.
J. Connell were present for the gts com
pany inieresia. Most erf the discussion
waa of a technical nature and resulted in
amending the ordinance to read that gas
shall test not lower than t wenty-three-candie
power at bolder and 2.1 at tasting
station. Tbe gas representatives tried to
get an amendment on tha candle power of
all-coal gas. making it fourteen Instead of
eighteen, but the councilman stood pat on
that proposition and refused any change
Tne ordinance w!H be passed this evening
ntf af (sstk Oaaaha feraetaally
Eatalaad trass Warm aa
tsaaart gva-aaa.
Judge Troup yesterday handed down a
decisioa In tne paving suit of Michael f:run-
I aki against the city of South Omaha, tne
mayor and city council, regarding the pav
ing of Misaouri avenue. The mayor, city
council and all other employes of tfie city
are perpetually enjoined from proceeding;
with the paving of Mlasmrl avenue from
Thirteenth to Twenty-fourta streets, and
from drawing money from the city treas
ury for paving purposes and from levying
taxes for this purpoae.
yirraaa Hart la Track Haaae.
Frank Mature, a firamaa al Trunk No.
l' Eftjteei.tb and Harney streets had an
arui ia u kawJt wf L- rmn ha nd cat
Tbe- wry bet
harcaln not ad-rr-niiwd
f the I Ira I t e (I
nalitjr la the
selling goods as cheap?"
to the long delay in getting
Regular Cfc a pair gray blankets.
single. Tuesday, at. each .
Fine 11-4 white or grsy wool
blankets, worth $5.75 and I.
Special lot ladies" extra quality
gray or white fleeced rUb
vests and pants, regular 3;
vaJccs; s;n-cial Tuesday, at
only 19
Special lot child-en's heavy feeced
knit rests and pants, shirts and
drawers, worth 3c; Tuesday,
at 19
Ladies' fast black 10c stockings;
special at, pair - 6
Children's 10c and 12 He last
strong school stockings; at,
pair 6C
One lot edgings and inserting,
worth 5e to 10c; at, yard. . - If
Extra wide Swiss and cambr I em
broidery, worth up to 25c; at,
rard 10
Tremendous lot of torchon, Plxt
Vals. and applique lace, worth up
to 12Hc and 15c; at. yard m
Vast assortment of 10c and 12 He
pretty flannelettes, light and
dark grounds, with attractive
floral designs, very wifle and su
perior quality. The entire lot
goes on sale Tuesday at only,
yard 7 He
Every table and counter in the
basesnetit is heavily laden with Ktn-
pendons bargains, both in tbe dry
pood and china sod km.
One sjeeial lot ladies' pure wool
black hose, worth 3 5c; Tuesday,
pair i 19
House furnishing Dept.
SI JS5 Food Choppers at 5c-
Large Universal food choppers
(not the small ot sometimes
offered at this price), regularly
- iold mt $.I5; at. each. . . .93
YanlH-WM-a Cake Pans.
The best moulds for cake baking
manufactured ail styles, round
and square, 25c value; at,
ach 15
Rice root Bcrub brushes, with -Inch
wooden back, each 3
22c heavy galvanized water pails,
each . 15
Sheet Iron baking pans, 15c size;
at, each Q(
Best white English and semi-porcelain
cups and saucers, with neat
embossing, per set of six cups
and saucers 49
Be6t white English 108-plece semi
porcelain dinner sets, with neat
gold decoration; at, per
Large table of fancy china cups
and saucers, plates, vases, crack
er jars, shaving mugs and Jardi
niere; values up to 75c each
L 39
about J" 30 Monday morning by b-4ng hit
mith s falling chisel. He aaa staDdiiig on
a ladder repairing a tratiduor in the track
house, m hen t he accident occurred. H s
loet oinKluerKhle 1'IlmhI and mas at .ended
by tr. Connell. city physician.
Black or Blue Cheviot or
TLibet Suit -With extra
Trousers or
same or strip
ed materia..
It Keeps Our Tailon Busy.
SOft-tl So. 15tn tt
Tog its qo
Prevents Wrinkle
Prk BOr At g Daslsea.
M Bartk in a.