Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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t but Hold Firm, Thtueh Trtdi it la
Email Volimsk
Cara Inclined to fcaslaess, Tbengk
1114 Steady ar Other Oralna
Oats tha t'tilcr at Sneea
lntlva Activity
OUAHA, January IX WT.
Wheat wes firm, though the trada was
lot ot large proportlone. Northwestern
. awa waa something ot a, factor. Min
neapolis report quit liberal Bale from
Port Arthur for all rail shipment caat and
ne of tha largest ot tha export houses
report nine cargoes loading this month at
Ilia seaboard for porta other than lhee
made by regular linera. Cash wheat waa
itronf In Kenan City and there appeared
to be anmo ease up In receipts, 'in caslj
article waa Arm locally.
Corn waa rather Inclined to eaalnese,
though holding quite ateady, affected by
wheat and OHta. Cables came a "hade
lower. '1 ha woather la mild and damp
through tnc bell today, but a sharp drop
to sttiisoimhln temperatures la forecasted.
The cuxli market la about steady.
The nats pit waa really the center of
speculative activity. Fur Weeks every ad
vance In the May baa been checked by
resting orders, but today these were ab
aorbed and proved of much less volume
than anticipated. Sample market was
strong. .
Primary wheat receipts were 656.000 bush
el and shipments 1x2,0-0 bushi-ix, agalnxt
receipts last year of 84.000 bushels and
shipments of 172.000 bushels. Corn reeclpls
were 300,000 buxhels ami shipments 46V 0
bushels, against recelpti-Hast year of 637.010
buahela and shipments of SS.i00 bushels.
Clearances were 875.000 bushels wheat, 1.t5.31
bushels corn, 1,030 bushels oats, and flour
and wheat equal to 6i0. bushels.
Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd lower
on wheat and Wd lower on corn.
Rroomhall estimates world'a wheat hlp
menta at 8,t0O.OO bushels.
"Country offerings of corn have fallen off
considerably," aavs the Exchange Grain
company, "solely for the reason that ship
pers cannot get the cars -nd do not care
to enter Into contracts tha they may not
be able to fill on tlila account, yet the
week primary receipt! will foot up nearly
26 per cent more than last year. They would
have overrun largely without doubt could
cars have been had.
"Advancing pric e In Minneapolis will not
for the moment bring any more wheat In
here," says Wataon of Minneapolis. "It Is
elinplv physical Inability on the part of
the railroads to move the stuff. If climatic
condition permit the llnea will be opened
and cleared as quickly as possible, and
everv effort will be mnde 10 relieve the
strain. . With further storms and drifting
Immediate relief will be out of the ques
tion." Local range ot options:
Artlrles.) Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Yei'y
69HBI 69HB
May... 35B SSHAl
A asked B bid.
. Omaha Cash Prls.
WHEAT No. t hard, 7tiBc: No. S hard.
Wikaci No. 4 hard, 67i&Vo; No. I spring.
COHN-No. , SSVicj No. I yellow, tio;
No. S white, tHVxc.
OATS-No. 8 mixed. RHci No. I white,
Be; No, 4 white, JSU,33c.
KYI&-NO. 1 c; No. 8, 67Ho.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
Chicago 64 2SS ISO
Kansas City , HO 3 M
MlnneaDOllS' 239
Omaha 20 91 S6
Duluth' M
Bt, Louie 28 107 97
Featnrea of tha Tradlaa; and Cloalugr
Prleee oa Board at Trada.
CHrCAOO. ' Jan. 12.Heavy anow In
North Dakota and western Minnesota waa
the chief cauae of firmness today In the
local wheat market, the May option clos
ing at a net gain of Ho. Corn was a
shade lower. Oata were up H Pro
vision, wara 2Vc Jovter tu.ZVc higher., i
The wheat market was dominated al
moat entirely by the situation In. the
northwest. Report from St. Paul were
that railroad traffic In certain eertlons
I of Mlnneaota and North Dakota is almost
at a standstill because of aupw blockades
and the official forecast waa for additional
anow tonight, followed by much colder
weather. These conditions seem to favor
atlll smaller receipts of wheat at Minns
apolls and Duluth and caused a firmer
feeling on the local exchange. With
nod demand by commission bouse and
local bulls price steadily advanced, and
the closing quotation were at the high
est point of the day. A lively demand
for cu-eti wheat at outside markets also
strengthened prices. The market closed
firm. May opened unchanged to He
lower at 7'Aii 7tS4c and aold ud to 76"SiC
where It closed. Clearance of wheat and
flour were equal ts !). 000 hit. Primary
receipt were SKA, 000 bu., against 564,000
bu. for the corresponding day one year
ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re
ported receipts of 124 car, against 437
car last week and 43t car a year ago.
Trading In the corn pit wa quiet and
prices were steady. A leading elevator
concern wa the principal buyer and pit
trader were the chief sellers. Weather
condition throughout the corn belt ex
erted a depressing effect during the last
half pf the aesalon. The close wa ateady.
May opened unchanged to He higher at
43HC43c to 4JT4C aold .oftSto 4JSo
and closed at 43 c. Local receipts were
2S -ears, with two of contract grade.
Oats were In good demand all day and
the market showed considerable strength.
Local bull and pit tradera were good
buyers, the chief cause of the demand
being light receipt and an Improved de
mand for cash oats. May opened a shad
lower at 3IOtHc advanced to StSc
and closed at iHj3Hc. Local receipt
were llu ear.
Provision were weak early In the day
on aelllng by local holders, who were dis
couraged by the liberal receipt of live
hogs. Later the market became steady
on fair buying by packer. At the close
May pork waa up 2So at Itrd
waa pft 2Uc at $9. til,. Rib were 2Vo
higher at t.02Vi.
Estimated receipt for Monday are:
Wheat, 103 care; corn, SS7 car; oat, 221
car; nogs. 43,000 head
The leading future ranged a follow:
Article. Open. Hlgh.l Ixw. Close. Yes,
Jan. May
Jan. May
July .
Jan. May
43S 4S,tt
84 4
83 844
16 0
II 80
18 60
16 89
II 46
14 80
II 9?H
II 42s
1 u
t 42V4
8 42HI I 46
I ?H
I 50
$ 8?4
8 80
t on
16 ! I 07H 16
I 12H
No. 1
Cash Quotation were aa follow..
FLOCR-Bteady; winter patents, ta.JttS
.w, -i.ttiii., t.wa.wi spring pat.
nt. $17ttiM; spring straight, W.l5a4.o
bakers. 8? 22 60.
WHEAT No. t spring, 74r7c: No. I
spring. fctfTtc; No. I red. nifc7tse.
Corn No. 1 touc: No. i v.u..
RTR No. 1 0.
MARLEY Fair to chile fniin. mmi.
BEEDd Nol flaxll.m,; No. 1 north:
western. 81 Prim tlmoihv t. u
Clover, conu-.ct grade, 81400.
PROVISION 6hort ribs, ddo (loosed
S8.6uttl.87. Mes pork, per bbl., 815 80. Iard"
perlOO lbs.. S9.M. Short clear side tboxed).
Recelot and shipment of four and
Receipt. Shipments
Flour, bbl
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu...
ft., bu...
Kvs. bu....
.... n o it no
.... H.o it
....4.V I4t,
... .14 000 fcSXO
.... i.ouo t
.... 87.000 i 5.0
Itarlsy, bu
On the Produce exchange todar the hot
ter market waa weak; creameries, tlflo
flulrte. a'X7o. Eggs, ateady; al mark, case
included, Sl0-J3c, Hrsts. 28c; prime nista.
tic; extra.
Cheese, steady, 131314c.
Mtttsa.1 Grain jnd Prlslona.
LlVFRPOOt. Jaa. ' H WHEAT Bpot,
fiim; No. 8 red Wesiera winter. ; futurea
antlj karvh. 4U; May. to $d; July, tl
16 0 16 90
It 40 It 46
U 66 II 0
18H 80
t 40 4iH
I 46 8 47V;
8 82H 8 ru
00 ffjl
$ 10 16
CORN-Fpot. firm; American mixed new,
4s An erican mixed old, 4n (d; future,
dull; January, 4a 2d; March, 4a S1.
NEW TORK Jan. U-FLOUR-Reeelptft,
10.n bbl.; exports, 11,87 bbl.
dull but steady. Winter patents, HOKtfS-Tb;
winter tralght, 13 4U-,j$.5o; Minnesota pat
enta, ti &a- X; winter extras, ;
Minnesota takers, SX.J&'iil.TI; winter low
grade l7fii 2.90. Rye flour quiet; fair to
good, MSifiJuu; choice to fancy, $-4.0.
buckwheat flour dull; H.1&S2 86.
BUCKWHEAT Dull, $1.26 per 100 pound.
CORNMEAL Steady: fine white and yel
low,; coar. Sl.o&tfjUO; kiln dried,
Ri E nominal.
HA FILKV Nominal,
WHEAT-Otecelpt 12S,000 btl.: export. 10,
porn, tw,
red, 78,c
c f..o. b.
7 mi. Hrot market nrm: ro. r
nominal, elevator: No. 2 red, 80140
aflnaf Nn 1 nnrltiorn Tullllh WC f. O. be
afloat. There wa a quarter or a cent ad-
vane in wheat today aa a reeun 01 sme.ii
norinwesi receipts. "e 'er n I
pon ormana ana coverms. TVi
closed firm and at the best, May, iV
MU-lScj July. RJHL'Hc, closed Pc.
COHN-Recelpta, H2.4W bu.l exports, 1.S00
bu. Bpot market steady; No. 1 Mc elevator
and &uc f. o. b. afloat; Pio. z yenow, w-c;
No. I whit, 60'4 Option market wa with
out transactions, closinc Ho net higher:
January closed 62c; May closed 60TtQ July
ft a -ra rt una k. ,r,ni-a 1 XKA I
bu.; spot market' quiet; mixed oata, 2ti to I
32 pounds, Sc; natural white, 30 to 13
pounds, 4tfc41c; clipped white, 34 to 40
pounds, Mai-c.
HAY Firm; shipping fc3S6c; good to
choice. 310 004fll.fj0.
HOPS Steady; state common to choice,
irxm crop, 18'u23c; 1905 crop, Italic; Pacific,
19n cNp, lH'aliic; 19(6 cropaj loijjl3c.
HIDES Steady; (lalveaton, 20 to B
pounds, 20c; California, 21 to 26 pound, 21c;
Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 19c.
ir-A i n i,k yutet ; acia. ii aic. I
PROVISIONS Heef firm: family. !14Soa
if (,.. t o t.ufc.-K rti I
n.?u.m .f tJlB,iT.
iahlX cui "'mt. .te-adyT Plckre"i
ZZ'iKilEiZiV? -.:,.? VlZ
39ti9iO: refined barely steady; continent,
t!' 90; South America, 10.fi6; compound, tx.26
.... ca 1 1 . i. . j . . m ..... i a c . i n nt 1
short clear, 117. 19.00; mens, IW ewa IS .60.
TALLOW Steadv: city 12 per package).
6c; country, (packagea free), 6Vii4H'.
kick steady; domestic fair to extra,
iMaiiMio: japan nominal.
i civ vvrafi; m iBfll priur', van i
creamery, gotilo. Official prices: Cream-
jr, wmiiiun io txrri, 41 'tl ; neiu. vuniiuoii i
to extrn, agZ9e; state dairy, common to
extra. 2oi28c: renovated, common to extra. I
liiH4i'23t4n ; western factory, common to I
iimia, iivm; western imiraiiun urwauiwij i
nrsts. 21(623c.
rilt'L-OL' . -. ..11 nvuvM .mall
and large, Beptember, fancy. HVic:' Octo-
winter mada. ava'raae best. 12e:' Inferior.
ner, Desi, 134,1 c; good to prime, tSTixc;
life 12c. I
EOaS Steadv: state Pennsylvania and
nearby fancv selected white. 82(&34c: choice.
80c; mixed, extra, 80c; western flrt. 87
27',ic; official price first, 27c; seconds, $
POULTRY Alive, oulet: western chick
ens. llHc; fowls, 134c; turkey, 12Ho.
Dressed, easy; western 'chicken. 12tfoi
turkeys, 13fjl7c; fowls.
Bt. Loots Grnesal Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 12.-.WHEAT Higher:
track, Nn. S red cash, 76fi16c; No. I bard,
7?a7Hc: May, 7&V?i76Tc; July, 74C.
(JOHN Hisner: track. No. z casn. "ic:
No. 2 white. 42a4iHc: May. 47U01 July.
OATS Higher: track. No. 8 cash, sm
HH4c; no. 2 white, 3tHiH'3Tc : January, sevao;
Ainy. 3iM,c. i
FLOUR Steady: red winter Detents. 83.S6
vo.ia, rn iih.v u nis".. , i
Clear. 82.662.86.
BKF7i-Tlmotny, steady at X3.2&Q3.76. .
COHNMEAL Dull; 82.20.
BRAN Sacked, east track, 93950.
HAY Quiet; timothy, 816.0019. 00; prat
rle. 311.
PROVISIONS-Pork, steady: Jobbing.
814.40. Lard, lower; prime steam, 88.97. I
Dry salt meats, steady; Doxed extra ahort.
89.26; clear rlba. 89.37; short clears, 89 60.
Paeon, ateady: boxed extra shorts. 810.00;
clear ribs, 810.i2i; short clear, 810.26.
ruiiuini-wmn; cnicaens, 10c; spring,
11c; turkeys, UVtt?12Vxc; ducks, livio) geese,
BUTTER Quiet; creamery, XtSQSttc;
dairy, KiZ7c. .
KCKiS Lower at lie, case count. I
Receipts and shipments of flour and craln
were as 'follow: - Receipt. Shipments,
Flour, bhls..... lt.nno 13.000
Wheat, bu 23,n) 2M.0
Corn, bu 1 os ,000 92,000
Oats, bu 88,000 91,0u0
Kansas lty uraia ana rrovlslnna.
M.ty. 71c; July, 70c: September, 70Vo.
Cash: No. 2 hard. dXfHe; No. 8. 2
Kansas City Grata and Provisions.
T7Hc; No. 8 red. 7H4yS72Hc; No. 3. 4871o.
CORN May, 3ST,crJuly. S9V4ci SeptTmber.
40c. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 37V; No. 8.
S7Hc; No. 2 white, 38Vic; No. 8, S7ic
OATS-No. 8 white, 36Ci38c; No. 2 mixed.
jkatV.v.c '
BCTTFR creamery, 29c; packing, 1714c.
nwr-n s " w' fM"
irrLiia aox . riM.. ri. .
HAY-Steady. unchanged: choice tlmothV
816 6fil.00; choice prairie. 8H.0Oflill.26.
BUTTER creamery, 29c; packing, 17Ho.
neceipta. smpmenta.
Wheat, bu soooo kaivm
Corn, hu Mono i
Oats, bu.
Board of Trade ouotatlon. for Kuu.
rV delivery. . The range of prices, a i ral
ported by Logan ft Bryan,
liz uoara of
Trade ouiiaing, was:
ArtlcU. Open.j Hlgh. Low. Close.
Wheat j
May 70Hf44! 71 7H 71
July 70HtTOyiTOKB 70 7014B
Corn I
May 89 89 JST4 STU
July 89 1 W4 89 aait
B Bid.
Mllwsskes Grain Market.
No. 1 northern, 78S"9c; No. S northern, 74
ft7Bc: Mar. TWtc.
ryio steady; mo. 1 7ttc.
BA RLE Y Steady : No. 2. 66H4S56C! sam.
pie, taVDOttC.
CORN-Hlgher; No. I cash, SSHIMOo:
Mtaaeaaolls Grain Market.
... w .... , w m ii, 1 m ,,41 Cm. A f Uf.
TSo; No. 1 hard. 81Hc; No. 1 northern.
80V,e; No. 8 northern, 77Hltf77S4C! No. S
nonnern. UTri&c.
FLUI R First patent, m Irll.S): mnniul
patents. 84.064 15: first clear. 83.2as.tS:
eeconns ciesr, .f.wrjzvf.
BRAlV-ln bulk, 815. 7691100.
Philadelphia Prodnca Market
Market 2 8 3c lower: extra western cream.
Vxiilr&r n
'1j 'rm nearoy prima, sac.
EGOS Steady; western fresh. 27a at
CHEESE Steady; New York full
cream, nvic.
Peoria Market.
Jan. 11 CORN Dull
No. t
yellow. 40Sc; No. . 4OS4C: No. 4. SVc-'no
j .T. .I. ' H ' w' no
KgrHoe, .uooc.
KoATS-Flrn.; No. t white. S&Ci No.
wlte. 85c: No, 4 white. 84c.
V IT mimiIv Vrt T ii'tJL
WHISKY-On the baala of tl S foe .
unca gooas.
nnlnth Grain Mnrket.
DULUTH. Jan. IS. WHEAT On lrak
No. 1 northern, itc; No. 8 northern. 77 0:
May. 79Vfr;1t.c; July, 8oq.
(JA 10 iu iii, rye, (c; barley,
Tolede Seed Market,
TOLEDO. Jan. 12 SEED Clover, ca.h
$8.56; Jan.. 88 53; Feb. 88 60; March, 84 66:
April. $4.46. Timothy. .05; alsika, $7.
CaCea Market
Nk'W iuniv, jan. ij. f tD-Th
market for coffee futurea opened ateady,
but at a decline of 2woJ& polnta. making a
new low record for the season under active
liquidation and bear pressur encourag.d
by the lower European cable and tha of.
tidal cable to exchange reporting the ton
of the S litis market panicky at a decline
of 1W ret. The. waa a big demand at the
decline here for the account of European
shorts and local trade Interests and th
market recovered part of the loan during
the session. Reports that the government
nurchasee In Uraxll were belns- mnllnn,
and that bid from local Importer sent to
Rantoa laat night 'c under offered oricea
were turned aown inn morning neiped the
recovery. The market closed steady at a
net decline of 10 points. Sale for the half
es.ton wei T9.25u hag-a. Including March
6 154'.c.; May. u6 ,c; July. .4&i 4 o;
September, 6.oK.bci Oc tober, 4.46c; Noreni.
her, 6iloc: Doceinber. 5 75 jj 4 Hoc Spot colTe
steady; No. 7 Rio, fr. Santos No. 4
Mild cuffs quiet, Cordova, tyUc
Cattle) Generally Ebad Eiteir Thin
Cna Wtk A to. -
Both Sheen and Lamb Oesd tellere
asi Generally Tea ta Flfteea
Higher Tha a tha Close
f Last Week.
SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 12,' 1907.
Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Cheep.
Official Monday 4.348 S.7rt 8,o0
OfnclaJ Tueday 6.79 S.443
Official Wednesday 6.636 t,m 4.017
(.imciai 'i nuraaay i,3ii o.tvi
Official Friday 2,590 4.3'.8 4.007
omclal Saturday
.... Z3 o,iw i, iv
,. . .
26.93 41.4S3 2.7S
18.M1 27.94 2-i,t6J
7.117 .9l 1.44
iM. week
Twn Uki am
i?" V.A- --
Three weeks ago 26.W4 44.733 80,1
5 r,"
Bm" wrf
ago 31.K17 46d3l
last vear.... 19.361 60.377 U,ltf
The following tahla al nwa the receipt ol
cattle, hog and sheep at South. Omaha for
Ui year to date, compared with taat yean
1907. l4. lno. Deo.
Cattla xx nil St xa 7.1M
ftS.O-JO 82,311 lt.W
46,694 K4,3)4i $.72
Good to choice corn fed eteers to 6CK&i r
Fair to good corn fed steers 4.906.60
Common to fair steers t.UOo-W
Good to choice fed cows 2.iu4.60
Fair to good cows and heifers 2.76j3.t
Common to fnir cow and heifers.. 1.76ru2.73
Oood to choice at'ker and feeders. 4.35ut.W
Fair to good atockera and feeder. 3.6(1436
Common to fair stockers 2.9ii3.65
Bull, stags, etc 2.5oii4.&n
veai calves t.OWOfl.SO
tk. , . ....
luiiuwHif muiw snows toe
Pr,c 4,1 no South Omaha for the last
"v oa- comparison.:
- I ll06.l.U904.l4a.102.l901.
eQ gy
rmc' ti"
B084624 6lS685
24H 4 47 4 44 4 26 t 24 4 30
24 6 14 4433lI2 496
21 Hl1439 4S163 422 4
6 2XH 6 07 4 43 t2 19 496
I29H 14 4 46 4 77 t 29 6 01
82V act 47 4 67 28 I 6 04
171 4 45 4 tv) 4 34 24
23 lt04664O0eSli
6 27HI86 449090
27Se22461 4t2689ll6tl4
6 20 4 62 6 40 14 6 36
29Vt 6 22 4 &8 4 63 104(24
6 28 4 42 4 61 I 46 I 6 18
Jan! t"
j "
Jan! t !
Jan. I..
Jan S
Jn. T
Jan. ,
jan, jq
.iun n
jan', 18. '
. l
Cat tie.
Omaha t2.4.r'ii6.00
Chicago l.aut7.15
n-ansas city 2.0U'(t.&0
Bt. Loula 1.7Ml.(5
Bloux City 8.60-&.00
The official numhee of cars of atnek
brought In today by each road waa:
Cattle. Hogs. Bneep.H'r .
C, M. & Bt. P
Missouri Pacific ..
U. P. System
C. & N. W., east..
I C. & N. W., west.
C, St. P., M. A O.
C U. A Q., east..
C. B. & Q., west.
C, R. I. & P.. east.
Illinois Central
cmcago ut. western
loiais receipt .... s si
Tha Hir.nninn nt ih. Aaxi-m nirii wa
aa tono wa, eacn Duyer purchasing tne nuin
bar of bead indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Omaha Packing Co.
Swllt and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour at Co
Lobman tc Co.
F. P. Lewi
A'tW buverT
Tntala 111 k 701 1 1&7
iaia 14J 6.7U4 i.iw
C ATTU& T he recerpta or cattle this
morning were very llgnt and there wa no
tjuotaoie cnange in tne maraei.
The receipts this week have been very
liberal, showing large gains over last wteK
and over the corresponding week ot a year
ago a will be noted from the table of re-
ceipi at neaa 01 column. The quality
haa not averaged very high, the supply
consisting largely ot quite ordinary to lair
half fat or warmed up steer with quit a
sprinkling ot teeaer and a very liberal
showing of cow stuff. A feature of the re
celpta la the unusually large number, of
I range oatue for thw season of the year.
The market haa not shown very much
in maraei naa not sno
Shan.t tlllJweek- .During
Jay. lh tendency of price
during the latter half of tl
me nrst two
wa lower, but
the week it wa
upward so that the weakness, at the be-
Inn'Dw f"8"9 u at hth Sl?"S f.i,th
el tr are a nade nigher than
on we't P't of the large re-
S!p,u ih.T trid" on "'S8,1 da,y" has be.en
fairly active, the demand keeping phc with
I 11 7 " ", uou
I nai n as nniri fur mVinrt -fmA r.ultla
1 irether with the nleh nrke of feed In the
country is evidently Inducing stock men to
mViet.t,nelr nh'aln,7 "".""i", WU ? to
finish them. This policy I being followed
so largely that a good many operators on
lne rnamei are Beginning 10 ibik mat there
Will be
a shortage of cattle In the sorlnK.
What has been said about beef eteeri
would apply In large part to cow and
heifer, that is the market the first of the
; .77- " - u
little stronger than one week ago
An Interesting feature of the cattle trade
haa been the very active demand for fleahy
feeder wetglng from 800 pounds upwarda.
The stockmen who have disposed of their
hort-fed cattle have, aa a rule, realised
good profits and seem inclined to fill up
their feed yard with a freen supply of
cattle for another short feed. Hence it is
that neshy feeder have been In the best
demand and have been strengthening up
until they are 15ir26o higher than they were
a week or ten day ago. A high a 84.80
wa paid for choice, well bred Idaho feed
er this week. The lighter stock cattle.
while not so mucn in demand, and while
1 not showing the advance have neverthe
less been fair sellers at fully steady prices.
Representative sales: . .
At. Ft. Me.
X4 8 41
.... m tk
.... lit I 71 1
.... 174 I 04 I
.... 120 I St t. ....
At. Pt
110 100
tit t
Frank Eyrhaner, Wyoming,
r.. 963 4 TO 22 feeder.. 1201 100
n faeilara.. U63 4 TO
7 cows 1008 S 66
HOGS First bids were weak this morn
ing, but there was no trading to speak of
on that basis. When buyer and sellers
finally got together It was on the bests of
na nXAlrl .VV.
pa V"e.te?dr;.y w e k
I tZt . .... nf i.kin. ntf .,.i
a shade better prices than prevailed yes-
fact, a rase of taking off yesterday and
putting oa today, a the hogs today sold
practically where they did Thursday. The
trade wa fairly active at the prevailing:
prices and the hogb were practically all
aold by 10 o'clock In th morning or soon
The receipt of hog tni week, while
oecldedly larger than tor the prevtou
I w .,111 .hnw a varv pnn .IH.r. hi.
I " ' . . , ' "
ereas a. compared with a year ago The
I market during the week ha fluctuated
hack and forth to considerable extent
Thu the .week tartd out with a
Thus the week started out with a good
sharp decline, which waa made up on Tues
day and Wednesday. Hogs sold still higher
on Thursday, but dropped back again on
Friday, only to recover the lost ground to
day. After an me cnange Dae and form
th week closes with the market on an
average about to lower than one wek
I ago.
Representatives sale:
S. tk.
At. 8k. ft
..) .... I M
. n ... im
.11 to 1 10
..lit 1.. M
... si ... 18
...117 ... 4 11
...tOO W 116
...1M ... It
...lit ... It
...117 let 4 rt
... im
...U4 ... 4 tt4
... 44 I 17S4
...tit It I 17
...tl4 ... It
..111 N III
11. .
Ml. .
U. .
ft ... IM
SI..... .11 IN IN
M IM 10 I H
U It ... I N
TT tU ... I M
Tt Ill ... t M
14 ... IN
Tl. N I M
M. ...... .11 IN I H
tot K4 ... 8 N
Tl tt IN IH
rt im tot 1 M
44 tit ... 4
it ,.tu a-iii
M. .
ta IH IH
114 I IN
tm ... is
..111 ... IH
,.H4 HIM
. - IH HIM
n ...
w ...
til HIM
.. I 114
.. I H
H 4 U
... 4 M
... i t
H. ...
iul IN
..Ul ... I H
,.M M I M
..M IN I
.HI ... 4H
..IH H I U
..Ul ... Ill
..141 H I lit
..Ut HI II
.. ... I I'M
..til N I It
.4H ... I ll
H rt N I H
M HI tu I H
a tit m in
t ri ... id
m tit him
in u 41 IN
71 a in n ra ... i tut
n HO w IS T..,... ht ... tut
71 n WIN too I
to rn ... it - (.... 74 ... in
0 1M ... I II) 1RT S ... 19
S7 tS7 ... M M tl ...
PHEEP There were five fresh cat re
ported In this morning, all of them having
been sold before arrival, so that as a
matter of fact there wa nothing etually
on sale. For the week the receipts show
a decided gain over the previous week, but
a small decrease a compared with a year
ago. The fact I everybody combined this
wek to keep receipt down. The gTera.1
feeling wss that the market was not In
condition to stsnd large run. nd hence
all market reports sent out advised the
holding back of supplies. The result ha
been beneficial to the market.
During the first two days of the week
the tendency of prices was lower, but with
moderate receipts and a fair demand the
market took a turn for the better on
Wednesday and since that time ha had an
upward tendency. At the close of the week
prices an generally lffil5c higher than one
week ago, and in spots possibly nigner
than that. In other words, the market for
the week has been In very fair condition
and sellers without exception have been
well pleased with results.
The quality this week ha been very fair,
showing some Improvement over last week
that Is, there have been fewer short fed
and half fat sheep and lambs. Without
exception operators on the market are ex
pressing themselves as very confident a
to the future of the market. The only
thing to be dreaded Is excessive receipts,
which are always liable to occur when
prevailing prleea are so very attractive
and which are almost certain to be fol
lowed bv break In the market.
Quotations on killer: Oood to choice
lambs, 7.0rVg7.&O; fair to good lamb, $ft."5
M7.00; good to choice yearling, lamb
weights, $6 OTf6.26; fair to good yearlings,
lamb weights. 5.76f6.00; good to choice
yearlings, heavyweights, to. 76116.00; fair to
good yearling, heavyweights, t5.646.76;
good to choice old wethers, to. 35tft6. 76; fair
to good old wethers, I6.(KHI6.36; good to
choice ewes, H.86'5.2&; fair to good ewes,
Quotations on feeder: Oood to choice
lambs, 8A.25g3.50; medium lambs. 86. 75416. 26;
light lambs. t4.2frH6.2Ti; yearlinKS, .Uiftto.6o;
wether. 34.75& 26; ewes, 83.6v4.60; breed
ing ewe. J4.6iKii6.00.
Representative sale:.
79 western ewe
11 western ewes
991 western yearling ......
11 western lamb
. 110
. 86
,. 92
. 70
4 90
6 40
Quotations Are Steady for All
ot Stock.
CHICAGO, Jan. 12. CATTLB Receipts,
400 head: market steady: beeves, 84-20$n.15;
cows and heifers, 81.6fi'5.2f; stocker and
feeders, I2.60tj4.b6; Texans, 83.76"4.60; calve.
8tl.00ii8 25.
lKKJS Receipts, 19.000 head; market
steady; mixed and butchers, 8t20(y.B2H;
food heavy, $fl.viti.56; rough heavy, 8.2fKtf
30; light. 8.a'ii.47; pig, 86."06.; bulk
of sales, t(i.4ii?.50.
BHEEP. AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.000
head; market steady; sheep, 83.606.76;
lambs, 81.6667.56
Kansa City Lire Stock Market.
ceipts (too head; market steady; choice ex.
port and dressed beef steers, 85.50ij6.60; fair
to good, 84.0tXa6.40; western fed steers. 83.75
4j6.uO; stockers and feeders, 83.00(54.75;
southern steers, 83.2ot6.00; southern cows,
$2.003.76; native cows, 820CKri4.40; native
heifers, IS.CKX&.TS; bulls, 82.76S4.26; calves,
83.267.60. Receipt for the week, 68,600
HOGS Receipt, 6,000 head: market
steady; close 6o lower; top, t.50; bulk of
sales, 86 4'K') 47Hc; heavy, 8S.45tr6.50; pack
ers. 86.4o.47Vtc; pig and lights, 5.6u
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
market nominally steady; lambs, 85.50
7.50; ewes and yearlings. 84.75fi6.25; western
fed yearlings, 86.9006.60: western fed sheep,
64.6"S6.15; stockers and feeders, 83.264j6.0O.
Receipts for the week 28.500 head.
St. Lonla Live Slock Market.
BT. LOUIS, Jan. 11 CATTLE Receipts,
600 head. Including 150 Texans. Market was
steadv; native shipping and export steers,
84 40r.iti.76; dressed beef nd butcher steers,
84 00fi5.15; steers under l.OOO lbs., 83.7561.70;
stocker and feeders, 82.00S4.60: cow and
heifers, 82.755.25; eanner. 31.50(f2.35; bulls,
82.30ffi4.00; calves. 83(1i8.00; Texas and In
dian steers, 82.50tj6.50; cow and heifer,
81.75W860. . ,
HOGS Receipts," 6.600 head. Market waa
steady: pigs and lights. 3.0O3,,5.3o: packers,
. 0ft6. 40; butcher and best heavy, 8-350
8HEEP AND LAMBS-None on ale.
Sloox City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX OITY,. Jan.'UJ. tBpectal Tele-
aram.) CA TTLK 'Keceipis, jsw neaa; mar
r . a . . . 1 ti muKtf AA. K..1I.
ket steady; beeves, $4.00(fi.00; cows, bull
and mixed. $2.5tJ4.60: stockers and feeders,
$3.003.25; calves and yearlings. $2.50i3.76.
HOGS- . Receipts,. I.SW head; market
steady, soiling at 86.2&06.35; bulk of sales.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800
head; market ateady.
It. Joseph Live Stork Markrt.
ceipts, 149 head. Market steady; natives,
$4 61 "rt 4.75; cowa and heifers, $2.2&4H.tio;
stockers and feeders, $3.2&4.60.
HOGS Receipts, 7,142 head. Market was
active and steady; top, 8t.4c6.50; bulk of
ules. SA.40lii6.46.
SHEEP AND LAMOS Keceipt, none.
Stock la light.
Ttecelnt of live stock at the six principal
western market yeterday:
came- nogs, uneen.
South Omaha 2.9 6,7i
Sioux City 6.310
Kansas City 8"0 6.000
St. Joseph 149 7.124
St. Loula 600 5.500
Chicago 400 19.000
S.488 47,tS4
Cotton Mnrket.
closed steady; middling uplands, 10.80c;
middling gulf, 10.55c; no sules.
Brt closed steady; sales, 4,325 bales; low
ordinary, 6 3-16c, nominal; ordinary,
7 3-16c; good ordinary, 8Vc; low mid
dling, 9c; middling. lOHc; good mll
dllng, 11 15-16c; middling fair, 12 15-16c,
nominal: fair. 12 15-16c. Receipts, 10,814
bales; stock, 864.361 bales.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. IS. COTTON Steady ;
middling 10 ll-l4c; sales, 25 balea; re
ceipts, RO0 bales; stock, 81.075 balea,
rood business done; rrlces unchanged to
points lower; American middling falu,
I 7 Oil; good middling, 6.22d; middling,
6 94d; low middling. 5.72d; good ordinary,
6S2d; ordinary, 8.08d. The sales of the
day were 10,000 bales, fit which 1,000 were
for speculation and export and Included
I 300 American. Receipts, 16,000 bales.
Including 10,800 American.
Oil and Rosin.
NEW YORK. Jan. IS. OILS Cotton seed
oil, steady; prime crude f. o. b. mills.
35V4c; prime yellow, 4?e. Petroleum, steady;
refined New York. $7.60; Philadelphia and
Baltimore, 87 46; Philadelphia and Baltimore
In hulk, $4 36.
ROSIN Firm; trlned common to good,
$4.2M(4 80.
OIL CITY, Jan. 12. OII.S Credit balance.
$1.68; run, 143.168 bbl.; average, 104.070
bhls.; shipments, 199,954 bbls.; average, 156,
2V6 bbls.
SAVANNAH. Ga., Jan. 12. OIL Turpen
tine, steady: 69c.
ROSIN-Firm: A. P. C. P., $4.05; E.. $4.06;
F.. $4.15; O.. $4.20; H , $4 40; I... $150; K.,
86.15; M.. $6 60; N., $6.25; W. G.. $6.75; W.
W.. $7.40. .
Sugar and Molaaaea.
NEW YORK. Jan. 12 8UGAR Raw
firm; fair refining, 8c; centrifugal test. SHc;
molasses sugar, 2c. Refined steady; No.
6. $4.30; No. 7. $4 25; No. 8. 14.20: No. 9, $4 15;
No. 10. 14.06: ISO. 11. H.w; 10. 13, 1396;
No. 18. $3.90; No. 14, S3 86; confm'tloner's A,
14.60: mould A, 85.15; rut loaf, $6 50; crushed.
$5.50; powdered, $4.80; - granulated, $4.(0;
cubes, $5 05.
MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice. 37038c.
ket steady; open ketile centrifugal. 3 8-1 J
S13-16c: centrlrngal T.hlte. 4 1-Hc; centrif
ugal yellow. 8Str4 1-16c; aeoonds. $4,93 9-160.
MOLASSES New ayrup, 8o4j34o.
Eranorated Apples and Dried Fruits.
APPLES Market show rather an easy
tendency again. Fancy are quoted at
JtiSHC; choice at 8 '4c and prime at SV.tjlt.o.
are steady on spot with California fruit
ranging from 3 to 9 cents and Oregon ft s to
40 at 7'8c. Apricots ar quiet, but are rot
offering for sale In any quantity and hold
steady with choice quoted at 12c;
extra choice at 12Sc. and fancy at 13c.
Raisins are steady to firm with loose Mus
catel quoted at "Vk'flKV'; seeded raisins at
"tjioc, and London layer at $1.46frl.55.
Dry Good Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 12. The dry good
market waa quiet for th day, th storm
Interfering with the house trade. Buyers
are Increasing In number, and while they
are not taking large quantities ot giods
they are finding much fault because go ds
under order are delayed In shipment.
Stock. In linens are low and Jobbers ar.
1 willing to take forward deliveries nuw when
(The Old Company)
First and Refunding Mortgage Four Per Gent Bonds
Dated April 1, 1904. Due April 1, 1934. Interest payable April 1 and October 1 In New York
City. Denomination, f 1,000.
These bonds are secured by a direct first mortgage on 602 miles
off road, including the main line between St. Louis and Kansas
City and the terminal property in St. Louis. Minneapolis and St.
Paul; shops at Moline, new equipment, etc. They are also se
cured by a first lien on 548 additional miles (making In all 1,150
miles of first lien mileage) through the deposit of the entire Issues
of bonds of companies owning the same, and by a general Hen on
all other mileage of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway
(excepting 861 miles of leased lines) aggregating 5,689 miles.
The funded debt per mile is less than that of many of the other
leading trunk lines.
Over $5,000,000 of these bonds have been placed during tho
past few days.
Descriptive circular will be gent on request.
En. W. Harris l
New York
they can be granted. Burlaps are Inactive
but Arm. The Jobbing houses continue to
do an immense trade in printed and woven
cotton goods.
Condition ot Trade and Qaotatioaa on
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EGOS Per do., 20'21c; market easy.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8c; rooster,
6c; turkey, 1013c; ducks, 9 10c; young
roosters, 8(jjc; geese, 8'u9c. .
BUTTER Packing stock, 19gi9'c; choice
to fancy dairy, 2L'c; creamery, 2frij29c.
HAY Choice upland, 89.60; medium, $9.00;
coarse, 88.00frg.50. Rye straw,
BRAN Per on, 115.00.
dox., 4&yf0c.
TOMATOES California, per 20-lb. crate,
WAX BEANS Per bu. box. $3.5034.00.
LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse. er dog.
heads, 4Pc
CELERY California, per do.. 75c $100.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos,, $2.00
HORSERADISH Case of 2 dog.. $1.90.
RADISHES Per dox. bunches, southern,
large bunches. 76c; hothouse, 40o.
OREEN PEPPERS Per -basket crate,
PARSLEY Hothouse, per do, bunches,
HEAD LETTUCB-Southern. per do.,
SHALLOTS Southern, per bu.. 60a
Per bu., 75c.
SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per large
bbl., $3.26.
ONIONSHom grown, per bu., 60o;
Spanish, per crate, $2.00; Colorado, per bu.,
; 7oc. . . Mm ,
! NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 81.85; No, I
$1.60. .
IJM A mNB-P.r 1..6H0.
VAU I JACf U"llVllolit wa w
1V4 per lb.
EGG PLANT Per do.. $2.26$3.00.
POTATOES Per bu.. 4&4i4j&c,
RUTABAGAS About 160 lb, to aack,
TURNIPS Per bu., 60c.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl.,- $8.0(Vfr8.60.
APPLES Ben Davis, choice, $2.00; fancy,
per bbl.. $2.25; Jonathans, $3.76; New York
apples, $3.26.
PEARS Winter Nells, per box, 8S.0O.
ORANGES Florida oranges, all alxes,
$2.25: California navels, extra fancy, all
ixcs. $3.26: fancy, $3.00.
LEMONS Llmonlera, 300 and SCO aixe,
$4.50; other brands, &0c less.
H A N A NA8 Per medium-laed bunch.
1.102 $2,000? 25; jumbo. $2 50frS.50.
8u0 DATES Kadaway, 6V1C; aayer, 6c; Hnl
....'lowi. new stuffed waluut dales, 8-lb. box,
!!!! I "oRAPK FRUIT-Sixe 54 to 64 and 80, S3.7S
2,000 4 00.
1 figs cniirornia. duik, pc; rcrewu
Turkish, 15c; 5-crown, 14c; S-crown, 12c.
COCOANUTo Per sacK 01 iv,
No. 1 lib, 14c; No. S rib, 10c; No. 8 rib,
7c; No. 1 loin, 17c; No. 2 loin, 12c; No. S
loin, 9c; No. 1 chuck, 6V4c; No. i chuck. 6c;
No. 8 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 7yc; No. S
round. Vfrc; No. 8 round, 6c; No. 1 plat,
4 Vic; No. 2 plate, 4c; No. 8 plat, 8c,
FISH Trout. 12c; halibut. 10c; catfish, 15c;
buffalo, 80; bullheads, lie; black baas, fine
stock, 25c; salmon, 12c; pike, dressed, 11c;
red- snapper, 12c; whlteflsh, 12c; perch,
dressed and scaled, 6c; pickerel, dressed,
8.c; herring, 6c-; crappies, 6gl&c: eels, li,c;
blueflsh, 15c; lobsters, green, 35c per lb.;
mackerel, Spaniah, 1c; native, 35c; frog
legs, 46c per dox. saaaies.
CURED FISH Family whltefish, per
quarter bbl., 103 lbs , 34 00; Norway mack
erel. No. 1, $85 00; No S. $3.00; herring U
bbls.. 2o0 lbs. each, Norway, 4k. $?00; Nor.
way, 8k, 89.00; Holland herring. In kegs,
milkers, 80c: keg, mixed, 70o.
1, 12c; No. S, lllic; bull hide, 4!10cj green
hide. No. 1. lie; No. S. 10c; horse, tlJtxa
876; sheep pelt. 60ct$1.26. Tallow. No. 1,
o: No. S. 8c.
tTSl French walnuts. 34c: California
walnuts. No. 2, soft shell, 13c; No. 1 soft
shell, 16V4c; Braxils, 15il6c: pecans. 19SJ:c;
filberts, 1314c; peanut. raw, 7c:
roasted, 9c; California almonds, hard
shell, lc; Trayonla, 17c.
HONEY Per 24 frames. $3.50. '
CIDER New York, half barrel, 83.76; bar
rel. 1500.
COFFFIT wated, No. 86, Mc per Ib.
No. 80. 81c per lb.; No. 26, 19c per lb.; No.
to wtr nor lh No. 21. 18c per lb.
SYRUP In bbls., 27c per gaL; in cases. -
10-lb. cans, $1.70; cases, U 6-1 b. cans, lido;
cases. 24 2V-lb. ran. $1.86.
SUGAR Granulated cane. In sack, $JH;
granulated beet, In sacks. $5.11.
CANNED GOOD8 Corn, standard west
ern. 55fi6oc; Main. $1.15. Tomatoee, 8-lb.
can. $1.10; 8-lb. can. 87Hcj$100. Pine,
a pple. grated, 2-lb.. $2.05(82.80; sliced, $1 90
T2 20. Gallon apple, fancy, $2.06. Call
fornla prlcot. $1.9fft26. Pear. $1.75'?
2 50 Peaches, fancy, $1.7692.10; H. C.
peaches. $2.002 50. Alaska salmon, red,
$1 26- fancy Chinook, F., $2.10; fancy sock.
ey. F., 11.90. oarainea, quarter 011, ai.i.i
three-quarter mustard, $3.00. Sweet pota
toes, $1.101. 26. Sauerkraut. $1.00. Pump
kin, 80cfc$1.00. Wx beans, S-lb., 660C
lima beans. 2-lb.. 75cti41.36. Spinach, 11.86.
Cheap peas. 2-lb., 60c; extras, B5c1.10:
fancy. r. lJft T6.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 12. WOOL Steady;
medium grade combing and clothing, 24
eZlVfcc; light fine, 20tt28c; heavy fine,
ll18e; tub washed, 30618c.
LONDON. Jan. II. The first series of
th wool auction sale. I scheduled to
open next Tuesday ana to ciose January
81. Turlng the first week 60.660 bales will
be offered. The arrival for th second
series amount to 17.000 balea, Including
14,000 forwarded direct to spinners.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. M ETA LB The
metal markets were quiet as usual In the
absence of Indon cables Tin wa more
or less nominal at ttl.Ouirrtl.X. Th situa
tion In copper continues very firm and lake
la quoted at $24 2fr& J5.00; electrolytic, $:'4.o0
024 50. and casting at $i37524.25. Lead
Is firm at SlOxfid SO and spelter at $8.46fr8.76.
Iron barely steadv at recent prices.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 12 M ETA I J4 lead,
steady at $6 10; spelter, steady at lo.65i 70.
Na Bottom.
Borings 1.000 feet deep In New Orlesna
have encountered aolhlng more solid taaa
Rook Island & Pacific Ry.
204 Dearborn Street
mud, sand and a little thin clay; hence the
problem of making safe foundations for the
pier of a gigantic railroad bridge which Is
soon to be built across the Mississippi near
the city I a hard one for engineering sci
ence. The pier will rest on timber cais
son, each measuring over 60 feet by 126
and 140 feet high. The bottom of these
caissons will be 170 feet below the surface
of th river.
Remarkable Leaning; nnd Restoration
of Fire-Story Building; In
Since the establishment of the French
protectorate over the Beylik of Tunis. Its
capital of the same name has never ceased
to grow In alxe, population and weu'th.
While the original Arab city occupied and
still occupies the higher and finer ground,
the new French extension spreads from
this In the direction of the Bahira, or Lake
of Tunis, to the modern port, which, by
mean of a canal constructed at a cost of
many million of francs, traverses the
shallow and silting lake and debouches In
the sea at Halg el Dued, La Goulette, the
former port. This flat stretch of land,
some miles broad, on which the French
town Is built. Is In the last degree marHhy
and - unstable, a terror to architects and
builders, and wonderful are the directions
from the perpendicular and' the horizontal
which many of the structures, for ttin
most part temporary, exhibit, collapsing
Into X-like or bulging Into O-llke forms.
A recent example, however, on this
marshy ground, far exceeding in Importance
any of the numerous and previous In
stances, and which offered for a few days
a modern analogue to the well known
leaning towers of Pisa or of Saragossa, de
serves record. The 8ocIete des Mlnorterles
Tunlslennes ha had In construction for
many months past three large buildings
for the storage of wheat and dour, which
Tunis now, as Carthage aforetime, ships
In abundance to Europe, a central and two
lateral block, the latter separated from
the central one by some little distance.
One of the latter waa observed to be grad
ually deviating from the perpendicular to
ward the central block, without, however,
losing It rigidity, and this movement con
tinued en masse for several hours, until
an angle of about twenty-five degrees waa
attained. The mass gradually displaced It
self a a whole, a monolith, a It were, but
the fall of the block wa pronounced on
all hand Imminent. The engineer and con
tractor, he eever, however, took heart of
grace, and, confident in the cohesion ot
the reinforced concrete, set about restoring
the Immense mas to the vertical.
This wa duly effected. In less than a
fortnight. The floor on the elevated aide
of the building were weighted. This coun
terpoise consisted ot aome 2,000 ton of
sand in sack on th ground or basement
floors and 2,000 tons on th upper stories.
Excavation war also made alongside tha
foundation on the high side so a to allow
of the soli giving way more easily. The
result wa all that could be desired under
the circumstances. The edifice returned to
the vertical (n a few days and wa then
The settlement has been very considera
ble, (or th building now stand some fif
teen or eighteen fet below its Intended
level. The site is, of course, In the last
resort responsible for these accidents, which
have been a source of no little expense,
delay and vexations. The ground, however,
wa declared sufficiently solid by the en
gineer whose plan were followed. The
displaced building remain whole and lt
part undisturbed, a wonderful testimony
of the cohesion and tenacity of these con
crete structure. Th reinforced concrete
I. of course, In consequence lauded to the
skies, but there are those who maintain
that In such situation th better course
would be, at whatever expense, to adopt
the American system of building upon a
foundation of piles. Engineering New.
Man'a Power of Scent I Five Time
Mora Delicate Than
An English doctor, having arrived at the
conclusion that no woman wa a Judge of
wine, atarted a series of experiment re
cently to determine th reason. He atarted
out with the proposition that the feminine
taste waa so bad that a woman could not
even distinguish whether a sample of wine
wa very good or very bad.
He located the Incapacity in the sense
of smell. A woman' sensitiveness to odors
he appraises far below that normally pos
sessed by men. The experiments were
made by diluting essences with pure water
and testing the limit of strength at which
men and women could detect them and dis
tinguish their character.
Th average man. It waa found, could
easily detect the presence of lemon essence
diluted with 2O0,0u0 times Its own bulk of
water. Women could only recognise It In a
mixture of one part In 4u,0u0.
He concludes that the reason why some
woman us large qua n title of perfuma
that their sense of smell I specially ob
tuse and that they only obtain from a "on
sldcrable quantity of eau , de cologne or
perfumed toilet waters the same aenaatlon
that a man would gain from a drop or
Only Red Man Who Ha Taken Holy
Order la the Cathollo
Chare a.
To bo tho first full-blooded Indian to b
come a Roman Catholic priest Is the un
usual distinction of the' Rev. Father Al
bert Negahnquet of Kansas, now con
ducting religious labor among hi fellow
tacemen In Oklahoma and Indian Territory.
80 far a now known. Father Negahnquet
Is the only living Roman Cathollo priest
who la a full-blood Indian.
Father Negahnquet waa born on tha Pot.
tawatomle reservation, near St. Marya,
Kan., in 1877. , Soon afterward ha waa
taken to Topeka by hi parent, and in
the Church of Assumption here he waa
baptized. He was the youngest of a fam-
Jly of ten children.
His parent and member of the family
moved to Pottawatomie county, Oklahoma,
where there are now many member of
hat tribe. In the southern part of that
ounty the Catholic In an early day ea-
abliahed a great community-, monastery,
schools and the like. The missionaries of
that church naturally came and worked
among the Indiana near by. Father
Negahnquet aa a boy waa sent to tha
He waa an Interesting child, readily
trak'table, and he applied himself to hi
studies. Mother Katherlne Drexel, daugh
ter of the millionaire Drexel of Philadel
phia, had given large sum of money to
the support of these Cathollo Institutions,
and on the occasion of one of her periodi
cal visits she took notice of this particular
Indian boy. She never forgot him, and
when he became old enough, at her own
expense, she sent him to the large Indian
school at Carlisle, Pa. Later he wa trans
ferred to the Catholic college at Washing
ton, D. C, with the purpose In view of
educating him for tha priesthood.
He wa th honor man at Washington,
and from there he went Rome, the aeat
of the great church In whose cauae he
afterward wa to devote hi life. He
studied philosophy and theology there In
the Propaganda college, being one year
In the College of the Pope. He received
the blessing of Pope Leo XIII a ahort
time before the late pontiff waa stricken
with his last illness. Hi first maa a a
priest .he said at the hlstorlo column of
the Church of Santa Prasaedo, Rome, and
at the altar of Santa Colonna.
Before the departure from Rome of priest
of thl clans It I customary for each In
hi mother tongue to give an address, it
must have been strange when th young;
American Indian priest came forward and
In the tongue of hi fathers, the warlike
Pottawatomie, spoke. In tha class In
which he graduated these closing address
were given In forty-eight different lan
guage, as showing the groat variety of
nationalities represented.
Then Father Negahnquet sailed away to
Oklahoma territory and for a few weeks
wa th guest of hi parent In their rude
home. Boon afterward he sang th first
mas given by a full-blooded Indian priest
on American soil In the big Cathollo church
at Oklahoma City, Okl. HI consecration
was by Bishop Theophile Meerachaert of
Guthrie, Okl. The bishop spoke proudly
of the honor of consecrating the first In
dian priest and of having him In that
Since coming back to America three year
ago. Father Negahnquet ha labored faith
fully among hi people and bl efforts
have been well rewarded. '
In a personal way he 1 an enterprising
young man, quiet, disliking greatly any
notoriety, and preserving In a way tha
dignity which haa characterised tha great
Indian chieftain. He apeak devotedly
of the church and believe there I A great
future for him In the work among peoplt)
of hi blood. New York Herald.
Jernaaleae Rellca.
Jerusalem papera report that on tha
opening of grave at Pergamo a number
of rare rello were brought to light. In
pne grave lay a golden rosary. In two
other tomb two wreath were found, rep
resenting artistically made gold Imitation
of oak leave. A wolfs head of gold waa
discovered, a well aa various farming Im
plements, sword and other weapon. Tba
antiquities have been sent to th Museum
of Constantinople. New York Tribune.
ld Light en Hl.tery.
Captain Kldd was burying hi treasure.
"li better than putting it In suburban
lot." he chuckled. "Th money will alway
be there."
Fully aware, too. that the authorities
couldn't rob him of It by taxes and apotal
assessment, he satisfied himself that no
meddlesome reporter wa nosing around In
the neighborhood and betook himself again
to th long, low, rakish craft that lav wait.
ng for him two cable' lanxth. from tha
Is j shore. Chicago Tribune,