THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, ' JAVUARY 14, 1007. Tiie Omaiu Daily Bee FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR, Enter at Omaha poetoffloe a second cIm matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dully Be (wtthent Sunday) on year...l08 Illy Be and Sunday, on year J 22 Sunday liee, on year f gj Saturday be, on year-. - -M DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Be (Including Sunday), per week.ljjo THilly Bee (without Sunday), per week,..10o Evening Be (without Sunday), pe' week. o Evening Bn (with Sunday), per wek....lJ .Address complaint of irregularities in de livery to City Circulating Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Be Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluffs 10 Parl Street. Chicago 160 Cnlty Building. New York-lBna Home Life Ins. Building. Washington 601 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to newa and edi torial matter ahould be addresaed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. Remittances. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent atampa received In payment of mall account!. Personal check, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Stat of Nebraska, Douglaa County, a: Charles C. ' Roeewater. general manager of The Bee Publishing cdthpany. being duly worn, says that the actual number of full and complete coplea of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Be printed during the montn oi December, inos, waa aa loimw.; 1 61,870 I 0,SO 1 31,610 31,710 1 31,700 ( 31,590 T 31,880 1 33,080 30,630 It 31,700 11 33,160 II 33,060 II 31,630 14 81,660 II 38470 II . 30.400 Total. 983,380 Leia unaold And returned coplea,. 9,341 Net total:... '.I.... 973,149 Dally average 31,391 CHARLES C. ROSEWATER. General Manager. Subscribed in my presence and s-wom to before me thla Slat day of December, 1806. (Beat.) M. B. HUNQATE, Notary Public WHEN OCT OF TOWH. Subscribers leaving the cltr tem porarily should have The Bee mailed to them. Address will be Eastern railway men should prepare to learn a thing or two when the Har rlman Inquiry starts on the Pacific coast. Greater Omaha Is sure to come. Its advent may be hastened or retarded by legislation, but it cannot be pre vented. Dispatches from Baku show that Russians are so much different from Americans that the ordinary man robs the coal oil producers. Senator Bailey says he prefers to be Indicted as .a citizen rather than. to. be investigated as a senator. He may be accommodated both ways. Remarks by Chairman Weber indi cate that Representative Van Housen may call himself a democrat without hurting popullstlc feelings. ' Governor Sheldon is fooling them all by prolonging the siege of the office seekers. The governor must believe that haste makes repentance. . President Roosevelt's message on the Colorado river situation contains an intimation that the promoters put more water in stock than on land .held by settlers. . The universal street car transfer problem as tackled by the. city council seems to be a 13-15-14 puzzle. Every time they think It is solved It turns out that it Is not. Perhaps residents of 8t Pierre and Mlquelon whQ want to come under the American flag have offered the best so lution ot the ood fisheries problem, but Newfoundland Is yet to report Kansas has raised the pay of its su preiue court 'Judges from $3,000 to $4,000 and of its district Judges from $1,600 to $3,000 per year. Nebraska will have to Join the procession before long. . After his experience in a train col lision in Montana, Colonel Bryan should be ready to let the federal gov ernment take over the railroads branches and feeders as well aa main lines. N ' It is an even guess' which bill will be the first law enacted by the Nebraska legislature the bill making approprt atlon for the payment of legislative salaries or the bill making approprla tlon for the payment of incidental ex penses. 1 Our bank clearings continue to re flect a remarkable tide ot business prosperity, which seems to be con stantly rising and never ebbing. With weekly clearings exceeding the $10, 000.000 mark Omaha is certainly do- ing quite well for midwinter. A move is on foot to repeal the wolf bounty act, which forms the excuse (or the raid on the state treasury in Nebraska every two years. If a farmer or stockman will not kill a wolf to protect himself, why should he be paid to kill them to save damage to some one else? The democrats in the Nebraska leg islature are not to be blamed tor try ing to utilise to the utmost every op portunity to make political capital tor themselves and their party. The re publican majority, however, is to be blamed It it knowingly plays into the bands at the democrats. 17 3H.1TU It 31,760 If 31,760 20 33,670 11 81,630 Jl 31,900 2 30,850 24 81,710 26 81,600 16 33,180 11 81,770 21 81,110 t 31,830 10 30,900 II 81,310 MR. HAXKMKYf.R 8 HXPLAKATfoy- In his annual report to stockhold ers. President Haveuieyer of the Amer ican Sugar Refining company pro pounds a singular, bur suggestive, ex planatlon of the trust's course In plead ing guilty to rebate Indictments and paying fines to the amount ot $150, 000, Terr shortly after it had been tried, found guHty and sentenced to pay 118,000 under other Indictments for similar violations. "With all re spect for the, court," says Mr. Have meyer, "Ha decision failed to convince the (Sugar trust's) board or Its coun sel of its correctness, but In view of Nthe whole situation the board con cluded that It was In the Interest of the stockholders to settle on the basis of pleas of guilty." Whatever the stockholders may think of It. the public will hall as a wholesome sign the fact that typical trust violators, like less magnificent offenders, concur practictlly with courts and Juries to the extent, ot pleading guilty . and submitting to heavy penalties, however they may see tit theoretically to dissent. It is pre cisely the "view of the whole situa tion" which it is one of the central purposes of an aroused public senti ment to produce In the trust managers. Indeed, only one modification of that view is desired, namely, such' as will prevent them altogether from violat ing the law. And to make It more binding, the law was fixed at the last session of congress so that Mr. Have meyer's board could not plead guilty and have the penalty paid out of the pocket of the stockholders, but those guilty of the same violations would have to face the penitentiary, a ma terial fact which must henceforth be included In a "view of the whole situa tion." - i WILLIAMS OR CLARK. The shadow ot partisan politics re lating to 1908 is already seen in the! contest between John Sharp Williams of Mississippi and Champ Clark ot Missouri for the house minority leader ship in the next congress. The contest, though heretofore carried on quietly, represented as determined and acute, involving practically the atti tude of the democratic party Jn the lineup for the presidential caritpalgn. While ostensibly objection to Wil liams Is on the score of physical de fects for the arduous part of leader, it is no secret that the real motive is to secure a thlck-and-thin follower of Mr. Bryan and thorough-going radical. In the St. Louis convention Mr. Williams held up a strong hand against the Ne braska statesman, and in leadership tn the house has shown pronounced in dependence of hla dictation. A party's record in the congress preceding a presidential election goes far towards foreordaining the action ot its national convention, both as to ticket and platform, or, if Us action be otherwise foreordained, towards favor ably disposing circumstances for ' if in the ensuing campaign.- As Mr. Wil liams is among the foremost democrats who have publicly and "unqualifiedly repudiated government railroad owner ship and are known or strongly sus pected to be opposed in Judgment to another Bryan candidacy,' it is natural that those elements already active In preparing therefor should seek to sup plant him In the Important place which he occupies. IX COLORADO. Out in Colorado they seem to play In Cop politics very much as they do in some other states. As soon as It became known that the republican majority of the Colo rado legislature had agreed in caucus to vote . for Simon Guggenheim for United States senator, the democrats became suddenly imbued with an itch ing desire to investigate certain ru mors which they had themselves been circulating. To bring the matter to a head one of the - democratic senators introduced a resolution with a long succession of whereases, intimating that he had heard various stories about Guggenheim to the effect that he con tributed $50,000 to the campaign of Governor Peabody two .years ago to put himself In line for future political honors; that he contributed to the campaign expenses of candidates for the legislature who were to vote for him, and that he had in his business accepted railroad rebates, concluding with a resolution that a committee be appointed forthwith ' to investigate, with power to send for witnesses, books, papers, checks, stubs and doc uments, and report what they might find. The investigation resolution, ot course, received widespread publicity in all the newspapers, with specially big headlines In the democratic or gans, and the next day it was laid on the table without debate. All this has Just happened out in Colorado. ...... RAISIXQ THE LIMIT. A general disposition Is being mani fested by nearly every branch of our municipal government to raise the limit ot the funds which the charter at present permits to be appropriated for the work under its special charge. There is such a thing, however, as overdoing the limit raising. It may be reasonably inferred that whenever the limit is raised the next appropria tion sheet will go close to the top fig ure as soon as an Increased tax rate can be imposed to bring in enough money to honor the requisitions. The purpose of establishing limits to the different funds Is to bold the tax rata down and prevent extrgva gance for indulgence in luxuries the community , cannot afford. At the same time it should be, and is, recog (Used that Omaha is a growing city and that the demands upon Its city government are steadily increasing. Several municipal departments are badly handicapped and hampered from lark ot funds and. the taxpayers are not unwilling to provide the remedy on condition that their acquiescence Is not abused.' Those connected with each depart ment naturally think of themselves alone, but the law-makers who are re sponsible, for charter changes must look at the situation as a whole. If what is demanded by each department were to be granted without question the city tax rate would' be Jumped up to an alarming height, with conse quences disastrous to the city in Its Blending both at home and abroad. In raising the limit It will be well to go slow by easy gradations. IX COM IS TAX IX SEW YORK. A serious movement In New York, of all states, for a thorough Income tax system must at this Juncture be regarded as significant. It Is the more significant because not the result ot sudden Impulse. The stress of the re port of the special tax commission ap pointed under an act of the legislature passed two years ago to revise the whole tax code bears upon a scheme for a graduated tax on incomes, al though many other changes are also proposed, Including an extension of the Inheritance tax. On the main point a bill has been elaborated by the com mission for the benefit of the sitting legislature exempting incomes below $500, and imposing a tax of 1 per cent on incomes up to $10,000, then 2 per cent to $25,000, then 5 per cent to $50,000, then 10 per cent to $100,000, then 15 per cent to $200,000, and 20 per cent over that figure, with drastic means for listing and penalties for vio lation. That such a measure In the state of greatest incomes should thus be put forward Is tangible proof of strong and growing public sentiment in favor ot its principle. Even in the cities and In the metropolis Itself, the centers of fixed incomes, there is less opposition and Criticism than were naturally to be anticipated. One Important reason undoubtedly is the preposterous spec tacle presented by the personal prop erty tax In New York. The revenue from this tax has been steadily shrink ing during a long series of years when the total value of personalty, has no toriously been prodigiously increasing, so that so far as it remains effective It has tended to become a tax on ver acity rather than on personal property. Moreover, the matter of revenue is becoming vital in New York both as regards the state and the local treas uries, and it is urged that a graded in come levy of the kind proposed would be a fruitful ' revenue producer, the plan being to apportion one-third of the avails to the state treasury and two-thirds for local purposes. While the system Is proposed exclusively as a revenue measure, the recommended graduation would work In . with the ''swollen fortune'' phase of the subject which President Roosevelt has within a year enforced upon public attention. And the adoption of the system in the state of greatest Income density, or even its becoming a critical issue there, would certainly impart a tremendous impetus to the general agitation and discussion. The democratic World-Herald wants the republican legislature by all means to investigate the record of Attorney General Brown. It voluntarily admits that the Investigation would tell us nothing we do not know, and further that it would in no way affect Mr. Brown's election as senator, which was practically assured by his nomination at the last state convention, but it wants, the legislature to investigate Just the same. That is about as much logic and force as is usually to be found in World-Herald arguments. The railroad lobbyists are not all down at Lincoln. The railroads have pliable spokesmen in every city and town in Nebraska upon whom they pull the strings by virtue of past obll gatlons, or expected favors, and through whom they are bringing pres sure In the rear of well-meaning legis lators. Members of the house and sen ate will do well to look for the con nection with railroad headquarters whenever Mr. Leading Citizen attempts to persuade them to take the railroad end of any measure before them. ' An article In the Saturday Evening Post gives a roll-call of the "dead ones in the United States senate, in eluding among the names that of one senator from Nebraska, But the "dead ones" are almost all headed for inter ment In the political graveyard. The people of Omaha are again re minded that they have a cowboy mayor by the pulling off of a knockout prize fight thinly disguised as a ten-round boxing bout. Omaha is not in the field for honors as a pugilistic arena. Omaha seems to be up against a small-sized suicide epidemic. As this Is not the season of the year supposed to be specially conducive to self-pro duced snuffling off, some other ex planation must be read In the stars. The information that the rivers and harbors appropriation bill is to be re ported out of the house committee at Washington next week is notice for our new Missouri River Barge com pany to get up steam. The decision of the Standard OH company to lay no more pipe lines in the central west may give independent refiners a chance to become real com petitors, but the company's decision Is susceptible of change. Health Commissioner Connell wants the city's sanitary ordinances thor oughly revUed so that ho can do more to earn his money.. A different mi crobe must be Inhabiting the health commissioner's Office than Is found In most of the officcajn the city hall. Political bomb throwers at Lincoln might at least have put some new in gredient Into the explosive material hurled at Norrls Brown. It might then have given a detonation instead of merely a sizzle. That Oregon lawyer suspended from practice for ninety days for swearing ( with hla closest friends among the nows falsely In a lawsuit must realize theirs men. The negro vote in Mr. Long- value of standing at the bar, since the same offense In an ordinary witness would be a felony. t'aefnl Reminders. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. In hla opening Invocation In the senate Chaplain Edward Everett Hale said: "Pre. serve ua in this dangerous day ot pros perity. We have borne adversity; give us grace t endure prosperity." Such remind ers are useful, lest we forget. Hknrryln for Their Health. New York Bun. James Btlllman, whose appearance be fore the Interstate commerce committee In the matter of the Union FacMc Inquiry j had been Invoked or was to be Invoked by a subpoena, has very properly shown a preference for the waters ot Marlenbad, and has departed thither on a swift and comfortable steamer.' This proceeding in the case of Mr. Btlllman will be regarded as the equivalent of a vindication. Making War on Lobbyist. Louisville Courier-Journal. According to the reports professional lobbyists are likely to fare badly hereafter. Various states have legislated to make their business less easy or to prohibit It. The Nebraska house of' representatives has passed a resolution for ejecting all lobby ists from the floor, forcibly If necessary. We must wait to see how well these laws will be enforced and whether they will cure the evil. There la such a thing as seeing a legislator elsewhere than on the floor of the house and sometimes he la "seen" to the great advantage of the lobby ists and those whom he represents. It may turn out that legislators are not so much foea of the lobby aa they pretend. Control of Railroad Finance. Chicago Record-Herald. What the Investigation will develop fur ther we shall see. Enough is known, how ever, to emphasise the urgency of the strictest control of railroad finance, as well as of railroad rate making and railroad Combination, by the state and federal gov ernments. It has been suggested that the commerce commission ought to be given power to regulate the dividend Increases and Issues of additional stock. Other In teresting propositions have been and will be made. Without passing on any of them offhand. It Is abundantly clear that the near future will see very substantial ex tensions of the salutary principle of the rate act. The shippers and the consumers must and will be better protected against manipulation and stock jobbing in the field of public utilities. ' Government Ownership's Growth. Charles E. Russell in Everybody's. Perhaps we In this country give Insuf ficient heed to the Immense force of this trend (outside of our own country) toward the communal good. Take but the single Item of government ownership. In the be ginning practically air railroad enterprises were owned by private capital. In 1900 there were 167,811 miles rof government rail roads In the world eotslde of the United States. Since that . yearj.Swltserland, Italy and Japan have taken i over their privately owned lines, and the principle of gov ernment ownership has been extended everywhere, so that In 1906 there were 0,750 miles (outside of the United States) owned by government and only 91,946 miles owned by private companies. It seems likely from present Indications that in a few more years there will be hardly a mile of privately owned railroads in all Europe except possibly In Spain. The life of pri vate ownership In England will certainly be short, and the nationalisation of the French railroads la definitely settled. A DAILY. ROMANCE. ITnfatliasr Record of the Needs and Habits of the People. New York World. The small classified advertisement popu larly referred to aa a "want ad" has be come a dally record of customs, manners. needs and habits of the people. Buckle said history could not be written with out statistic; a page of "want ads" is a page of statistics. : Without reference to tha advertising columns ot the news papers ot today no future historian can write fully tha story ot our tlmea. As money is a medium of exchange, so a ' want aa is a medium or communica tion. It is the real repubyo of letters where the rich and the poor, the power ful and tha distressed, the corporation and the Individual meet cn equal terms and have an even chance of obtaining what they wish. To And a wife or to get a baby for adoption, advertise; to And a flat or a house suitable in slie, price and situation, advertise; to buy or sell furniture, books, pictures, clothing all the necessities, com forts and luxuries of life advertise; to find missing heirs, runaway sons, wayward daughters, advertise; to summon the es tranged to a deathbed reunion, advertise. Such has become the general practice. To know the wages 'paid and the hours required in almost, any given branch of Industry, to ascertain whether a majority of shops In a given class of employment are union or open, what seasons are busy and what dull. It Is necessary to read the want advertisements. They are a dally compilation of the law of supply and de mand. The want advertisements constitute a calendar of their own. The approach of winter la ahown by the advertisements of Florida and California fiotela; of summer, by the advertisements of country and sea side boarding places, of boats and fishing tackle; of fall, by the announcements of achoola, colleges and mountain resorts. September and October are unerringly In dicated by the appeal of the houaewlfe for domestic help an appeal heard less often just before Christmas than at any other time of the year. The advertising column la the temple to which the honest people go to announce the finding of that which belongs to others; It is the recourse of. those who have lost things for the recovery of which they are willing to pay a reward. Its voice ran reach the ear of the thief and atay the hand that would melt family heirlooms in order to make the disposal pf stolen property more easy and lesa dangerous. The "want ad." coating little and mean ing much often the stu-pplng atone from despair to hpe, from Idleness to employ ment, from dhwress to comfort has be come, quite as much as tha presentation of the newa Itself, a feature of twentieth century Journalism, lta tales, like truth, are stranger than fiction. Thsy reveal all the elementary passions, love and hate, ambition and despondency, gratitude and selfishness, the d-sir to acquire and the j Instinct to trade. They are all things to I all men. ll irwv miiTfwvnra mm Hi All kind ver made. BITS Or WASHINGTON LIFE. Minor Scenes and Incident Sketched the Hpnt. Representative Long worth of Ohio, son-in-law of rrealdent Roosevelt, la keenly Interested In the discussion In the 'senate over the discharge of the negro troopaSJor their connection with the Frownsvllle f falr. "The young Clnclnnatlan,' sayi the Washington Herald, "enters the senate chamber every day soon after Chaplain Hale has delivered prayer, and remain there -until the last word has been spoken ter, , to d,.cu-. th. .ubieet even worth's district Is said to be even heavier than It In In the New York district rep resented by Herbert Parsons, the Presi dent's recognised spokesman In all mat ters pertaining to party management In the metropolis. It Is contended by persons who clnlm to know the facts that had the president Issued hla order affecting the Twenty-fifth Infantry before the No vember election, both hla son-in-law and hla New York representative would have been defeated. As It Is, It la believed each will have hard sledding In the next cam paign for the nomination." There la a well-known South American diplomat tn Washington who la rather nig gardly In his expenditures. He was at the president's reception to the diplomatic corn and was fairly ablaze with gold lace. Be cause of his rank he was well toward the end of the line. Everyone noticed that he wore no gloves, but carried a package car, fully wrapped In tissue paper In hla hand. As the line filed past the president this diplomat, when only tour or five files away from the president, unwrapped the pack age and1 pulled on a pair of white gloves. After shaking hands with the president he carefully removed the gloves, wrapped them In tissue paper and put them lh his pocket to await the next reception. A Washington dispatch to the New York Press reports that another change In the president's cabinet is gossiped among poli ticians who think they know. James Wil son, secretary of the Department of Agri culture Is the man chosen by the gossip to go. Glfford Pinchot, now chief of the bureau of forestry, Is the man picked to re place Wilson. Secretary Wilson and Secre tary Hitchcock are the only two surviving members of the McKlnley cabinet left In the Roosevelt official family. Mr. Wilson's retirement would make a complete Roose velt following In the cabinet and there have been rumors for some time that he would quit soon. Congressman Lacey of Iowa dropped Into the senate chamber during the Brownsville debate and took a seat beside Senator Al ger of Michigan. The resemblance be- twer. the two is so strong that a woman visitor .n the gallery asked her escort: Who are the twins?" "They are not ex actly twins," was the reply, "though they have something In common. Both retire from public life next March one volun tarily and the other against hla will." The stranger's mistake waa not to be won dered at, as the likeness between the Mlchigander and the Iowan are certainly striking. Both are about the same height and each keeps his Iron-gray whiskers trimmed in exactly the same style, and each one has about the same number of gray hairs brushed carefully over his head. Their drees Is precisely alike and their ges tures and movements are quite similar. A flashily dressed negro went ' to Major McDowell's office In the house and asked for a job. "Where do you come from?" the major asked. I'ae from the" first state In the union. boss; dat'S where I'se from," the negro said, drawing himself up haughtily. "Oh, you're from New York, are yout" "No, sah; I'se not. I'se from Alabama, Bah." But Alabama Is not the first stats In the union." "Alphabetically speakln' It Is, boss; al phabetically epeakln' it is." Joaquin Miller, "poet of the Sierras," is back In his home near Oakland, Cal., after a visit to Washington and tha eaat. In terviewed on his impressions of the na tional capitol, he prefaced hla remarks with the prayer be heard Rev. Edward Everett Hale deliver In the senate: Preserve us In this dangerous day of unexampled prosperity. We, Lord Ood, have borne adveralty; give us grace to endure prosperity." There never was delivered a more fer vent prayer," said the venerable poet. And tears rolled down the cheeks of more than one senator as tha solemn petition for grace and temperance was offered. The eaat ts dangerously prosperous. Money Is poured out In rivers, and every phase ot activity is being pushed to the utmost. The country is humming like a hive with industry, and all over the land I saw the people well dressed and well fed. "In Washington new buildings, tha like of which Rome in its glory never dreamed of are being erected, and two sumptuous palaces for tha accommodation of members of the aenate and house are nearly com pleted. Yet It la my prophecy Washington will be sacked and burned again. So drunk are the people with the good things of life that with the blight of the frost of ad versity a hundred Coxey's armies will pour from the cities ready to burn and slaughter. The president Is light when he aska for a powerful army and navy, but they are needed against no outside foea. When this tide of prosperity turns both will be needed to save the country from Itself. "While In Washington I proposed a great exhibition, the greatest ever known, to commemorate the centennial of the burn ing of the capital city by British troops in the war of 1812-14. The plan includes the meeting of the heada and chlefa of all the republics, and will be only open to the countries of the new world. I think the Idea will be carried out on those lines." Senator Depew has stunned Washington with what is declared to be the moat mag nificent automobile ever seen in the capi tal. It la of the latest French model and apparently of tremendous power. The first time he appeared in hla new machine the aged senator waa wrapped in a huge fur coat that waa closely buttoned and upon hla head he wore a raktah-looklng felt hat whose brim waved gracefully In the wind. The senator looked better than he has ap peared In mora than a year. Hla cheeks were rosy and the old smile that won't wear off has returned to his face. Hock Distress of Senators. . Kansas City Times. President Roosevelt's majority In the electoral college, which was larger than his opponents' entire vote, aaid as plainly as the people knew how to say It that they rather like the Roosevelt brand of "usurpation," which is distressing the pompous senate to greatly. Incentive to Hustle. Baltimore American. Sitting on the cushion of prosperity will send us to sleep, while punched by the prods of adversity w wake up, grasp the demon of defeat and conquer him. Forceful F.sTcct of n load. Washington Herald. The national debt of Japan Is about one billion. It seems that tn aome cases a big debt la a better preservative of Inter national peace tliao a big navy. GOVERNOR 8HF.I.DO. Friend Telegraph: Nebraska now has s young man filling the chair of chief execu tive, who will be not only a credit to him self but to the state at large. Fremont Herald (dem.)t We have much faith In Governor Sheldon. He Is a mat nMeert young man. He Is finely educated, a student, a man of warm sympathy and naturally a kindly disposed young man. Let us hope he will quickly see the errors of his predecessor and take advantage of Ma mlstnkes. Columbus Telegram (dem.l: Taken as a whole, the message of Governor Sheldon must be favorably received by the people of the state. It bears the stamp of honesty and an earnest desire for the public wel fare. If the legislature shall he brave to carry out the recommendations of the new governor the result must be salutary. Holdrege Cltlsen: Governor Sheldon owes his nomination and election not to anv special Interest or corporation. . but to the Nebraska people who have believed in hlin and the principles he advocated during the campaign. We believe Governor Sheldon will give us the best administration we have had in the state for many years. Central City Nonpareil: Governor Shel don's message has a ring of sincerity and fairness about it and reminds Its readers of the speeches he made In the campaign. His recommendations are not numerous, but they are Important. On the whole the message Impresses on With the belief that Nebraska at last has a governor In the chair. Wood River Sunbeam: Nebraska may ex pect much from the hand of Governor Sheldon. He has the confidence of the people. He takes the office In history making times. His Inauguration wan an epoch In the history of the state and it Governor Sheldon ts not eoual to the emergency he will prove a disappointment to thousands of people In the state. Albion News: The Inaugural address of Governor Sheldon was no disappointment to his friends and supporters. It bore the Impress of sincerity and a determination to carry out the promises made tn the pre election campaign. There were no glitter ing generalities In his recommendations, but he called everything by Its right name. He stands firmly for a fulfillment of the platform pledges. Falls City Journal: Governor 8heldon has taken hold of hla part of the work and he Is just the same mnn that he was whon asking for votes. He Is atlll a be liever In the same principles and he is still lust as determined to do all that he can to right the wrongs that look the biggest. It Is a safe prophecy that Gov ernor Sheldon will havo more friends and admirers at the end of his term than ho has now. : Beatrice Sun (Ind ): In hla inaugural message Governor Sheldon speaks out against the promiscuous junketing habit as an unwarranted expense, and suggests that a joint committee visit nil of the atate Institutions and ascertain their needs be fore making appropriations. He also recom mends that passes be abolished. The new governor declares himself In great shape, and It Is to be hoped that he will remain steadfast. ' Weeping Water Herald: Nebraskans are expecting great things of their governor, and If he has the co-operation of the law makers the people will not be disappointed. The odium of bad laws will attach to -our executive, and good ones will redeem his credit, even though he has no voice In their passage, tie has a veto and a sanc tioning tbwer, though, and Is In a great measure responsible. We believe the beet administration the state has ever enjoyed will be that of the next two years, tor our legislative body ts in tor reform and just laws. . , - . ' Wi '.'. .' 'i ' V'i. r un .i A SWEEPING DECISION. 'I Increased Vitality Pnt Into the Bher aaan Antltrnst Act. V Washington Poet. Decisions of the federal courts have for several years past, in cases where th con tentions or pretensions ot mergers, com bines or trusts have been at issue, been extremely discouraging to both the capital ists and the legal talent in their service. Beginning with the great victory won by Attorney General Knox In the Northern Securities case, there has been an almost continuous series of decisions by th su preme and district courts In favor of the government. The latest and on of the most Important of these Is that of Judge Landls In the United States district court of Chicago, delivered last week, which means that th purification of rebaters through an "Immunity bath" will here after be Impossible. The suit was brought against th Standard Oil company for ac cepting preferential rates on shipments ot oil. Judge Landls overruled the demur rers, brushed aside all technicalities and struck out for the heart of the question. The repeal of the Elklns act, he said, did not exculpate any who had violated that act and escaped Indictment. Tha more stringent law, with heavier penalties, which was enacted In Its place, ha said, now ap plies. He stated the object of the act of the present congress in terms that are as Intelligible to the general reader as to persons learned in th law. "What was th purpose of congress," said he, "In re pealing th Elklna law and passing a rate law still more strict and carrying heavier penalties? Tha thing sought by congress," he declared, "was a fixed rate for all ship pers. The thing prohibited was a depar ture from that rate." It begins to look aa If the rebate law would be found much less difficult of enforcement than has gen erally been expected. A very prominent attorney In- Ohio Is quoted as having aaid that "Judge Landls has don for tha in terstate commerce act, by hla decision, Just what Secretary of War Taft did for th Sherman anti-trust aot as a judge In Ohio. He has put life Into th act end mad It a real power. It will com to be known aa on of th moat sweeping de cisions ever given on th subject of cor porate control." Rebating has long been a source ot almost unlimited outrage, ut terly fatal to competition, and th ruin of manr honest business men. Its prevention is quite as necessary ss Is the preventions of burglary; In fact. It Is more so, for th burglar's operations are on a scale which, compared with that of the rebater. Is Insignificant. Valne of Coaanton Conrteslea. Los Angeles Times. On of th great questions "still to be solved is how to make life more bearable by filling it with those little common cour tesies that should go with everyday re lations between people aa they move along th highways of life together. It la tha little courtesies that we have learned, aa human beings, to extend to on another that almost mure than anything else, make Ufa worth living. Bad manners and bad breeding ar among th offenses that make th way we travel th harder to endure. And the worst of It la that men appear to be no better in this respect now than they were before they had book to read, forks to eat with and street cars to ride In. Giving Ton to a Lynching. Indianapolis Newa. Among the other Improvements of our advanced civilisation Is the ton of th mob. According to a dispatch from Charles City, la., "four or five ministers and a Urge number of women" were In th crowd that lynched a wife murderer there. BASIS OF COMPETITION. Hnmorona Feature of the Form, In of Traffic Mannater Stnhha. nttsburg Dispatch. Competition hna bern reduced lo a formu la by J. C. Btuhbs. director general ot traf fic on the Harrlman lines. The Inter Stat Commerce commission. Which has been en. deavnrlng to discover whether Mr. Harrt. man's absorption of competing roads waa a combination In violation of Ur, has been plying witnesses with questions Intended, to bring out whether pompetldon continued sfter assimilation, f sually, when the wit nrssea were pinned down to th fact ot joint ownership, they were unable to prove that th keenest competition was to b se cured by a man competing against himself. But that never worried Ptubbs. Harrt. man ownership of competing lines, ha said, would not make any difference. Mr. Hill, probably the leading railroad man In the country, he said, could not, If he would, de atroy Competition between the Great North ern and Northern Poclllo because he must employ vice presidents and general man agers, and these men have their reputa tions to make and to uphold. They will, according to the Btubba theory, work for their own line against other lines and com petition is unavoidable. Otherwise Mr. Hill might aa well supplant these high-priced, men with $100 clerks. Th abashed commissioners should go and abet themselves. How ridiculous their theory that a man cannot compete with himself In th light of this revelation! Th fact that these vice- presidents, so strenuously competing against each other to uphold their reputation, may be repre sented, by the earn agents at t raffle points Is entirely Ignored by th explanatory Stubba. So, too. Is th probable fate ot either vice president who In his mad com petition against his .rival should so far forget himself as to Impinge upon th profits of their joint bos. Tha chances are that th underling who undertook to get business by the methods of competition usually followed by competing lines to the detriment of his own competitor would soon find himself out of, a Job. These Inquisitions on the railroad kings are a serious busineas, but they boaalonally hav their humorous episodes, and Stubba Is one ot them. . - PERSONAL NOTES. The prince of Monaco Is again afloat' on science bent. This time he has sailed for Spitsbergen to prosecute his investigations aa to th currents of the upper air. Th Pittsburg m!!k combine, which raised Its prices when it thought th peopl were not looking, mm down with a dull thud when Its customer would not longer buy. That Is a pretty' good way to break up a combine. Milton H. Smith, president of th Louis villa & Nashville Railroad company, will resign on March I. His advanced age la the reason assigned for the step; ho being now 77 years old. H will be succeeded by Vice President George B. Evans. A St. Louis millionaire, F. S. Ludtngton, will gratify a peraonal whim by spending; 140,000 to see In St. Louts a reproduction of the Campanile of Venice. The tower Is to be 200 feet high and will be situated between the Auditorium' and the chapel of the Second Baptist church. Senator Albert J. Beverldge, the youthful statesman from Indiana, Is the moat Indus trious magaiine writer in congress. H contributes regularly to certain publications and says that but for the money he earns in this way It would be unprofitable for him to remain in the senate. Last week Sen ator Beverldge wrote three articles fpr magaslnes, for which he received $1,600. Henry white, the retired American am bassador of Italy, has presented , Queen Helana a complete collection of United States postage stamps, sent, to her by the" postmaster general at Washington, with the approval of Prea.dent Roosevelt. She expressed a desire to have this collection. Fifteen men are known to be still alive who served as confederate congressmen John7 Goode and Roger A. Pryor, Virginia; A. 8. Colyar, J. D. C. Atkins, Joseph D. HelBkel and John V, Wright, Tennessee Hiram P. Bell, Georgia; Henry C. Jones, Florida; John L. Pugh, Alabama; S. B. Cal lahan, Indian Territory; J. A. P. Camp- Pbell, Mississippi; 8. H. Ford, Kentucky; W. H. Tiubs, North Carolina. SMILING REMAHK9. Mrs. Jawback I married you because I pitied you. Nobody else would. Mr. Jawback Well, everybody does now. Cleveland Leader. "8he's very wealthy, of course. " i "Oh! Immensely." "And quite a society woman, I pose." sup- "Oh! gracious, no. Why, she has chll dren and actually insists upon seeing them every day." Philadelphia Press. Railway Magnate I don't see how th accident could have happened. We run our road on the block system. Unreasonable Person 1 know It. You'r so busy running out blocks of watered stock that you can t pay any attention to the way you run your trains. Chicago Tribune. ' The Sphinx had propounded her riddle. "What would you do if I got on a crgwded car and you had a swat?" she asked. Once again mere man was compelled' t give It up. Harper's Basar. The Professor's Wife Bobby has been very naughty, my dear, and you must whip him at once. Th Professor (wearHyV Must It be- donef Yes; I gave hlra hla choice getting whipped or going to hear your lectura," New York Herald. ... "I notice you are sticking It out. said the NeedJo-to the Pin. .--..'; are you coming onT" - " I ' V. u 1111 41UW "Oh." replied tha Needle, Baltimore American.: - . "sew,' sew ! "History ought to be able to teach us now something about thes railroad Mas dents." . j . . j . "In what way?" "Why, In former times,' people ' fr- qunnuy nwi meir neaos Dy me block y-tem."-Phlladelphia Press. , , , "Borne of tha American millionaires are ' people whom we wouldn't think of inviting to our homes," said the snobbish English woman. "Perhaps," answered th English woman who is not snobbish, ''and If It weren't for some of th American millionaires, a num ber of us wouldn't hav any bornea." Washington Btar. - ' LOOKING Hit'KWlHD. New York Bun. I cannot buy th old foods, , I cannot find them now; I cannot get a can of milk That never saw a cow. I wish that I could And th man, . Who knew another man That lived next door to him that put New labels on each can. From cocktail cherried I am kept,. (Ukewl-e from cocktails fine) Because th color on th fruit la only aniline. ,v I cannot touch th rarealn ' .' t- i Without dlgestlv muss: -' " Th breakfast foods ar labeled, too It's getting serious. Th "pies that mother used to make" (How closely did I watch!) . Must now have all their inaides taggadt Bo must th highball Scotch. What la th us of living thus, A dreary, dull divorce From all th things I usd to lovet This Is reform perforce. For ollv now Is cottonseed, And corn Is merely 6a.t; While Mocha Is a barnyard blend, And whisky creosote. Oh, give me hack unlabeled days. And time for which I weep. When I could eat all sorts of suUf And then drop off to sleepl