Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1907, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI-NO. 180. OMAHA, MONDAY MOKNIXO, JANUARY 14, 1907. SINGLE COPY TIIKEE CENTS. MOSEY BILLS ON DECK Appropriation! Hare the Call in Both the lenite and Home. LIVELY FIGHT OVER TWO PROVISIONS One ii thi Creation of an Iiland for a Fort ii tho Chesapeake. SALARY GRAB MAY COME TO THE FRONT Ebarp Conteet Expeoted in Can it ia Eoucht to Pnih It. POSSIBLE COMPROMISE ON SHIP SUBSIDY Only Stumbling Block Jon Appears to Be Radical Adroratri of ' the Enter! Senate BUI Program. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13-Some of the time of the senate and most of the" me of the house during- the present we- bo devoted to the discussion of apt. ' n hllla Tha ..not. mill oi.nxliM. J'-l' eratlon of the legislative, executive fi (r judicial appropriation bill and may re. the Indian bill. The house will flnleh Ii work on the fortifications bill and will In turn take up the bill making appropria tions for the District of Columbia and the diplomatic and consular service. Before proceeding- with appropriation bllla the house will devote a day to miscellane ous bills In the Interest of the District of -Columbia, and Monday has been set aside for that purpose. It Is also possible that the appropriation bill before the senate will be temporarily displaced Monday by the Foraker resolution providing for an Investi gation of the Brownsville riot. Senator ('ullom, who has charge of the appropria tion bill, announce his purpose not to yield the floor again until this measure Is disposed of, and If he persists In his de termination consideration of the Browris vllle matter will necessarily be deferred. The prospect of receiving Assistant At torney General Purdy's report on that sub ject on Monday adds to what already holds a keen Interest, and a large attendance may be expected In he senate when It Is under consideration. Speeches are to be made by Senators Bpooner, Carmack and Stone, and It la not expected that Senator Foraker will permit the closing of the de bate without further remarks. The present prospect Is for the practically unanimous adoption of a compromise reso lution simply directing an Investigation Into the occurrence at Brownsville and remain ing silent on the legal phases of the ques tion. Salary drab Not Dead. In tha senate thsra will be an effort to Incorporate a provision In the legislative appropriation bill Increasing the salaries of aenators and representatives from $3,000 to 17, WO, and unless this proposition arouses debate, the legislative bill probably will be passed with but little discussion. There also will be an attempt to restore the house provision for an Increase of the sal aries of the vice president, the speaker, of he TKnise arid the" members of the cabinet. Some of the members of the house com mittee on appropriations will try Mo secure the Incorporation In the fortifications bill of an amendment looking to the creation of an Island at the mouth of Chesapeake bay an appropriating for that purpose about $3,000,000 when the bill comes up In the house. General Kelfer and Judge Walter Pmlth differed sharply over this point In committee and when Mr. Smith, who op posed the provision, prevailed there, the Ohio member announced his determination to appeal to the house. The house Is looking forward with great expectancy to the deolslon of the committee on merchant marine on the subject of the ship subsidy bill. The committee will meet on Tuesday and members say that the question will be decided finally on that day. Representative Watson of Indiana, who has consistently opposed the senate bill, now announces his willingness to accept a com promise measure providing for both At lantic and Pacific mall subsidies to South American ports and for an Increase of sub sidy to the Australian line, now In ex istence, as well as for assistance to a new line on the Pacific coast to Japan and China. It Is now asserted by the advo cates of compromise that only the opposi tion of the supporters of the full senate bill stands In the way of a report. moot Case Friday. Tha senate probably will return to the die I ousslon of the Smoot case on Friday, when Senators Sutherland and Dillingham will apeak la opposition to the unseating reso lution. Later Mr. Smoot will address the seuate la bis own behalf and the discus sion will be closed by Senator Foraker. Senator Fulton will make on effort dur ing the week to get the senate to fix a day to consider the revised penal code re ported by blm last week. Aa important national convention for the extension of foreign commerce will be held tO Washington this week. President Roose velt is expected to address the convention on Wednesday evening and Secretary Root also probably will take part In the pro ceedings. The opening session will be at 10:30 Monday morning and there will be Ijeetlngj for several days thereafter. The movement Is under the direction of the New York Board of Trade and Transportation, which sent Invitations to the governors of Uie various states and to numerous com mercial bodies throughout the country. Secretary Root will leave Washington January 17 for Ottawa, Canada, where he will be the guest of Governor General Grey. CONFERENCES AT WHITE HOUSE ew York Political Leader and Commerce Commissioner Bee the President. WASHINGTON. Jon. ll-Jaroes Wads worth. Jr., speaker of the New York as sembly, bad a confereauo tonight with President- Roosevelt, In which the New York political situation was thoroughly discussed for about two hours. Mr. Wads worth would not dlauuua tlut conference further than to say that It related to the New York political situation and the New York legislature, but said anything fur ther on tha subject or any result of that conference would have to be glvun out at the White House. Judswn C. Clements of the Interstate Commerce commission and Corporation Commissioner James Ii. Garfield conferred with President Roosevelt for two hours tonight, None of the parties would dis cuss the nature of the conference. Com missioner Clements returned yesterday from Chicago, where, with other members f the commission, he conducted the bear Ins rahtttn i-i Ik. . - , , , SUMMARY OF THE BEE Monday, Jnnuury 14, 10OT. 1007 January 1007 sua mom tv i wto tnu rai a AT X I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 II 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TM WEATHIl. FORECAST Fffa KEKRASKA Snow and colder Monduy. .Tuesday, probably fair. KORKPART FOR IOWA Snow and colder Monday. Tuesday, fair and not quit so cold. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Lk-s. Hour. Den. 5 m 22 1 p. m 29 - m it 2 p. , 27 I a. m 21 3 p. m 27 5 a- m 21 4 p. m 28 - m 21 6 p. m 28 Jj a- m 22 p. m 28 ' a- m 24 7 p. m 28 1 nr 24 p. m 28 9 p. m 29 WABEHrOTOlf. Abrogation of grade of lieutenant gen eral not Intended as a slap at General Wood. r-MT 1 Appropriation bills have the call this k In both branches of congress. Page 1 ; . DOMESTIC. y' .':. tor bringing water supply of N. 'rpm Katskill mountains across the ' . yiver well under way. Page S X.OOAXh Rev. Lucius O. Balrd urges Christians to unite for team work In the church. Pag 8 Omaha saloons take advantage of Mayor Dahlman's orders to chief of police, and keep back and side doors open on Sunday. Page 1 W. A. Paxton arrived In Omaha fifty, years ago Sunday. City at that time only a small cluster of houses. Page 8 Boyd offers extravagant with a good company Sunday evening, light comedy at the Burwood, Krug presents a well known melodrama and the Orpheum a vaudeville bill. Page 8 NEBRASKA. Review of senatorial battles In Nebraska up to the present session. Page 1 Each house of legislature votes sepa rately Tuesday for senator and Joint ses sion Wednesday doubtless will see Norrls Brown elected. Tag a COTOCXL BX.UPPS A1TD IOWA. Special water works committee not yet agreed on report and chances favor new franchise for company as a solution of difficulty. Pag 8 Joint revival meeting of a number fit Council Bluffs churches opens most au spiciously. Pag 8 Standpatters are ready to start a bolt on Senator Dolllver and elect Oovernor Cummins. Latter Is lending them no en couragement. Page 8 POPE PRAISES AMERICANS l see Strong Language In Speaking ., of . the. Present Conflict -with France. ROME, Jsn. 13. Pope Plua today re ceived the students of 'he American college In Rome, who' were presented by Mgr. Kennedy, the rector of the college. . Mgr. Kennedy said the American students were more numerous than those of any other nationality here, there being 120 at the col lege. Pope Plus, after praising the students for the success they havs attained in their studies, spoke to them about France, say ing: "In the war that Is being waged between the clergy and hell, the expression of unity and sympathy from Catholics throughout the world Is the greatest consolation. America especially has distinguished her self in this way; indeed. America is a great credit to us. When you return to your glorious country follow with the clergy and the people this luminous example of solidarity in the tremendous conflict against the church." SHIP LOST. CREW DROWNED Men on Board Save Their Door, bet Lose Their Own Lives. CUXHAVEN, Germany. Jan. 11 The British ship Pengwren, Captain Williams, from Taltal, Chile, October 6, for Fal mouth, with a cargo of saltpeter, grounded off Scharporn, about ten miles northwest of Cuxhaven, today. Twenty-four men comprising the crew were drowned and the cargo Is a total loss. The tug Vulkan went to the assistance of the stranded vessel and passing closely to It, the crew of the Pengwern threw a live dog and a bundle of clothes aboard the tug, but disregarded the appeals to Jump Into the water, so that they might lie rescued. The tug made repeated at tempts to reach the Pengwern, but a heavy sea broke over It and It disappeared from view. PAPAL DELEGATE NOT WANTED Italy and France Objeet to Vatican Bains; Represented . at . The Hagee. ROM E. Jan. 13. Unofficial advances made In an endeavor to ascertain Italy's attitude concerning a representative of the Vatican at the coming peace conference at The Hague have found no encouragement. Al though the relations between . Italy and the church are now of the beat the Italian government does not think it can abandon the principle established In 1899 when the papacy was excluded from the first confer, ence. besides this, there Is now another country that would strongly object to a papal representative-France. J . Wellmaa Balloon Inflated. PARIS. Jan. 13.-Walter Wellman's en larged balloon. In which he hopes to reach the north pole and which la now Inflated for the purpose of testing the Impermea bility of the envelope, was exhibited to a number of French aeronauts today. M. Santos-Dumont, M. Deutsch and Count de la Vaulx and other men prominent In aero nautics, were present and showed great In terest In the explorer's plans. Mr. Wellman considers bis balloon In perfect condition. French Cardinals Confer. PARIS, Jan. IS Three French cardinals, Richard, archbishop of Paris; Lecot, arch bishop of Bordeaux, and Coullle, arch bishop of Lyons, are holding dully meet ings preparing for the coming general as sembly of bishops. It is stated that these dignitaries are In full accord with tha encyclical of Pop piu on th church queeUou la Franco, LID TILTS HALFWAY OPEN Omaha H Laueer a Thinly Sahara on the Eabbath Day. SALOONS OPEN BACK DOORS TO PUBLIC .Many Places Keep Shot Tlsht and , Those that Do Hnn Keep Very Orderly Daring the Day. "As far as I have observed everything seems to be quiet and orderly," said Chief of Police Donahue Sunday when asked how til 8 elusive saloonkeeper was behav ing himself after the publicity given to the recent orders of Mayor Dahlman. "I have nothing to say for publication re garding the alleged raising of the lid, ex cept that the saloons will not be molested on Sundays providing order Is maintained; otherwise, the saloonmen .will have to answer to the court." Chief Donahue and the mayor had a heart-to-heart consultation Sunday morn ing In the office of the chief, presumably to feel the pulse of public opinion regard ing the re-opening of the saloons on the Sabbath after the recent drouth. While the front doors of most of the liquor emporiums were scrupulously closed Sunday, the populurlty In certain quarters of the orders Issued Saturduy by the mayor and chief of police was amply attested by the constant opening and closing of the back doors to the places of refreshment to thirsty mortals. In fact, the "lid" was knocked higher than Gllderoy's kite, and the man clad In the snowy white apron behind the highly polished mahogany was one of the busiest men In Omaha Sunday. Home Take no Chances. After six weeks of Bunday closing, many of the saloonmen have gotten into the habit of having one day of rest In the week, and, although the bars were raised Sunday, at least one-third of the saloons In the city were as tightly closed as even the heart of Carrie Nation would have de sired. Most of the hotel bars were open for business, with the exception ot the Murray hotel, where it was said thai no chances would be taken, even if the Sun day opening did have the tacit sanction of Mayor "Jim." The popular downtown resorts all did a rushing business, and the Sunduy opening was as successful as the periodical "openings" that delight the heart of the feminine bargain hunter. It was noticeable that the drug stores did not appear to be as popular resorts as they have been for the last few Sun days. Fewer sales of. "bug Juice" for "medicinal purposes only" were recorded at the fifty-seven drug stores of the city wbere fifty-seven different varieties of con coctions of vinegar and red pepper had heretofore been dispensed to a thirsty pub lic Whisky Brigade" Ont of Commission. On the mourners' .bench over the broad oast elevation of the lid were Officers Waters and Trobey, the faithful members of Chief Donahue's "whhsky brigade," who had for weeks'done such valiant duty In seeing the doors back, front and side of saloons were kept closed during the re cent "closed season." No more were they allowed to paue the streets la search of saloons bidding for Sunday trade, but were ordered back to patrol their respective beats, as Mayor "Jim" had said that they were sadly needed to assist In the pro faction of the city Instead of wasting their strength on the desert air In an effort to make the saloonmen walk In the way they should go according to the Slocumb law. Few arrests were made Sunday for drunkenness, and even those arrested were not charged with carrying concealed weapons In the guise of partially drained whisky flasks, as has been the case on re cent Sabbaths. JEROME MOVES ON GAMBLERS Proposes to Eliminate Bookmaklng on Race Tracks and Elsewhere. NEW YORK. Jan. 13. District Attorney Jerome has started a campaign to eliminate race betting in this state. He will go to Albany tomorrow and ask the legislature to wipe out certain sections of the Percy Gray law. In one bill he seeks to deliver a death blow to that section which says that the only penalty for bookmaklng at the track shall be recovery of the bet by a civil suit. In another bill he proposes to amend the penal code so as to make book making at the track or any other place a misdemeanor InBtead of a felony, the pun ishment to be not more than one year In the penitentiary, or a fine of $500 or both. Relating to these two bills, the district attorney has drawn a bill to provide for the income which agricultural societies throughout the state receive through the provisions of the Percy-Gray law. Instead of getting a percentage of the receipts, he provides that a certain fixed sum, not des ignated in the bill as drawn up, shall be appropriated out of the state treasury for agricultural purposes. MINE WORKERS' INVENTION Ko Labor or Other . ties to Oceupy the Attention of I the Body. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 13.-The eighteenth annual convention of the United Mine Workers of America will convene here next Tuesday. The convention la expected to be In session eight or ten days and about 6U0 delegates are expected. W. B. Wilson of the Mine Workers said: "Never In the history of the body have things been so quiet as they are now j Though there are a few strikes on in the I country, none of them Is of much more thin local Importance, and r.orie will require ' much of the time of the convention In dis cussion. Upon the whole the miners are prosperous and we anticipate no discussion of a sensational nature In the coming con vention." Old Town Is Moved. ARBORV1LLE. Neb., Jan. 13 Speclal.) It Is with regret that the oldest settler has to see the town of Arborvllle move, and It Is bard to believe that those who stood up for Arborvllle In the post should load thrir business houses on wheels and mov to th new town of Polk, on the Union Pacific extension from Btromsburg to Central City. At first the business men resolved that they would stay by Arbor vlll to the last, which meant that Polk would bavt considerable competition. Tbe City Improvement company of Polk has made some flattering offer to owners of business property and In many cases do nated lots and paid for the moving of the buildings and stocks, and one by on they have left, until all that Is left In Arborvllle, the Inland city of York county. Is a postoffice, blacksmith shop and meat market, and th town la liable to lose than. ... r- STATE SUES FOR ACCOUNTING Alleges Illinois Centrnl Has De frauded It of Lnrge Antonnt f Revenue. SPRINGFIELD. I1L, Jan. 1$. The suit ft the State of Illinois against the Illinois Central Railroad will be filed In the su preme court tomorrow or Tuesday. Prepa rations were completed tonight by the at torney general's office. The court will be asked to order an accounting. The state cannot ascertain, by reason of the com plicated records of the road. Just how much back taxes to claim, but this will be settled during the litigation. The state's bill ' of complaint, which comprises 135 printed pages, declares that nccordlng to the Illinois Central charter only one main line and two branches were authorized constructed: The main line from Cairo to Lasalie, one branch from I.asalle to Dunlelth and the other from Centralla to Chicago. To aid the project the state gave the company 2.850,000 acres of land. ; Notwithstanding this restriction, says the petition, the company in 1877 began to acquire and build other lines, with the object of forming a great system. A list of about fifty such branches is given. The additions to the charter lines are also said to Include the Cairo and Dubuque bridges. The company Is , required lo pay the state 6 per cent of Its charter lines' gross receipts and must supply the state auditor with an annual statement of its property for the purpose of taxation. The taxes and the 5 per cent must equal at least 7 per cent of the company's gross receipts. From 1859 to 1896, says the petition, the company refused to list with the auditor Its stock, property and assets for the pur pose of state, taxation, and refused to pay Into the treasury an amount equal to at least 7 per cent of the gross receipts or Income derived from tho charter lines. The company Is charged with falling to credit the charter line's with their pro portion of the entire system's earnings. Two cents hns been charged on every 100 pounds of freight Tarried across either the Dubuque or Cairo bridges, declares the state, and hundreds of thousands of dollars thus deducted from the charter line's Income. Under the present arrangement the branch lines are doing a large portion of the business, but that the charter lines do not receive their proportion of credit and hence, another large percentage on the gross proceeds Is lost to the state. The company's practice In this respect Is characterized as crafty, causing the state to be defrauded put of large sums. FATAL WRECK0N ROCK ISLAND Five People Killed When Passenger Train Ran Into an Open Switch. EL PASO, Tex., Jan. IS. Running at a high rate of speed. Rock Island passenger train No. 30, which left here at 6:30 Satur day evening for Chicago, dashed Into an open switch at Barney, N. M., 190 miles north of El Pasot early Sunday morning. Five persons were killed and eight injured, none fatally. The dead: iHI F. ACKLEY.rmo . OorJo, N. M., engineer. K. J. RED FIELD, Almo Gordo, N. M., fireman. HARLEY SPENCER, Corona, N. M.. Sheepman. ANDREW HERRON. Blsbee, Aril. MEXICAN CHILD. The Injured are two Arubs who went from El Paso, and nine Mexicans. When the train dashed Into the switch the engine left the track and turned over, plr.nlng the engineer and fireman under neath and killing them Instantly. The ex press car, dining car and a Pullman were thrown from the track. Of the eight pas sengers hurt none will die. The train wrecked today was In a col lision on January 2 at Volland, Kan., with No. 29, on the same road, and thirty-two persons, mostly Mexican laborers, on their way to El Paso, were killed, and over thirty persons were Injured. POLICE IN CONSPIRACY TO ROB Two Officers at Butte Give Sensational Testimony Before Connoll Committee. ST. PAUL. Minn., Jan. 13. A special to the Pioneer-Press from Butte, Mont., says: A sensation has been created here by testi mony presented late Saturday night to the council committee which is Investigating charges of grafting among the police force. Two police officers charged that Captain McGrath of the police had Invited them to Join In a conspiracy to rob a delivery wagon of the Northern Pacific. Express company between the depot and the express office. The robbery, It was stated. Was to have occurred on the night of November 11 last, when it was expected a large amount of currency would be secured. Some one tipped the plan off to the manager of the express company, who Immediately telegraphed to headquarters at St. Paul. A force of armed guards was rushed to Butte with In structions to kill If neceaeary to protect the company's property. This precaution. It Is alleged, frustrated the plans of the conspirators. STEAMER FAST ON THE BEACH Strays Two Miles from Its Course Daring Comparatively Clear Weather. CHATHAM, Mass., Jan. 13.-Straylng from the beaten track, the Clyde line freight steamer Onondaga, Captain Bunnell, bound from Boston for Charleston, and Jacksonville, struck on Orleans Beach early today and is in a dangerous position. The chances of saving the steamer are consid ered about even. Two tugs arrived at the scene this after noon, but no attempt was made to float the vessel. It Is expected that the greater por tion of the cargo will have to be lightered before the vessel can be floated. At dark tonight the captain shouted ashore that his vessel was still tight and showed no signs of breaking up, although it had been hammering steadily all day and spray was continually flying over It. The Onondaga Is 2.155 tons net burden and carries a crew of twenty-eight men. ANTI CLERICAL DISORDERS Troops Held la Readiness and Pre ( vent Any Berloas Tronble la Bpala. MADRID, Jan. 11 There was a gigantic antl-clerlcal demonstration at Bllboa today which was attended by some rioting. The government's precaution In holding the gar rison In readiness prevented serious dis turbances. There .was a similar manifestation at Ban Sebastian, where S0,0u0 persons paraded about the town, but no clash with, th po lio resulted NOT SLAP AT GENERAL WOOD Eeaioni Ami cued for Cutting. Off lank af Liantenant General. DAWSON TO RESCUE OF PEARL BUTTON Iowa Congressman Trying to Find a "Way to Iacrease the Prodnctlon of th Fresh Water Clam or Mussel. (From a 8taft Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. tSpecial.)-The house of representatives has gone on record In opposition to the grade of lieu tenant general. While the army appropria tion bill was under consideration this week In the lower branch of congress, Repre sentative Dal sell of Pennsylvania, In re porting a rule permitting the house to vote on the question whether th grade should close with the present holder of the dis tinguished rank. General Arthur Mac Ar thur, said: "I believe that there Is an opinion pre vailing that It was a mistake to create the office of lieutenant general for any officer after the death of General Sheri dan; that the distinction should have been confined to Generals Grant, Sherman and Sheridan. But as often as one officer after another of the civil war attained to the position where he would be entitled to this place, If it was to be created, congress felt It would be unfair to deprive him of what his predecessors had had. The reason that existed for giving this distinction to these officers has now ceased to exist. All the officers of the civil war who would be entitled by reason of their seniority to become lieutenant generals have been pro vided for, and if the office Is to continue It will be conferred hereafter upon those who have no connection with the civil war. "I want to say her It la a great mis take to assume, as I have heard It as sumed on the outside, that this measure is aimed at the Interest of some or any army officer. The measure is intended, I think, by the house to be passed as a measure of Justice, because the reason existing for the creation of the office has ceased, and the office should likewise cease with the reason. The legislation has no particular party or parties in view." It is generally understood that Mr. Dal sell was referring to General Leonard Wood, now In the Philippines, but shortly to assume control of the Atlantic division when he disclaimed that the legislation was aimed "at tho interest of some or any army officer." The grade of lieutenant general has had a series of ups and downs since the be ginning of the government. Washington was the first lieutenant general and died with that rank, although In 1799 the grade of "general of the armies" was created by congress, but the act did not take ef fect so far as Washington was concerned, because he died a few months after the creation of the title and before the law became effective. Scott was made a lieutenant general by brevet in 1865. The grade was revived in 1864 with Grant, who became "general of the armies" In 186. Sherman was made lieutenant general In 1869 and Sheridan In 18X8, k on whose'; deatTV both grades, gen eral and lieutenant general, became ex tinct. Scefleld was appointed lieutenant general In 1885. In 1900 congress enacted that the senior major general should have the rank of lieutenant general, which Is now the law. The action of the house, however, abolishes the rank of lieutenant general, the grade ceasing with the retire ment of the present holder of that rank, Arthur MacArthur, who retires In 1909. The legislation In nowise affects those on the retired list holding the grade. Dawson Promises Well. Albert F. Dawson of the Second Iowa district bids fHlr to become one of the strong men of the house of representatives. If there is anything in training, Albert Dawson has every reason to expect a use ful and maybe distinguished career In the lower branch of congress. For several years he was the confidential secretary of William B. Allison, one or the great lead ers of the republican party in the United States senate. Dawson took the nomina tion for congress In the Second Iowa district,- which has been looked upon as safely democratic, but In the Roosevelt landslide of 1904 he beat Judge Wade by 186 votes, the then only democrat In the Iowa delegation. Mr. Dawson was renom inated for the Sixtieth congress and con siderably increased his majority. During the first session of the Fifty-ninth congress the young congressman from the Second Iowa district made his speech on the "American Hen," which attracted nation wide attention, and now he is directing all his energies toward the perpetuation of the pearl button Industry, which thrives In his district. The pearl button Industry, coupled with the manufacture of pearl button machinery, amounts to about $10,000,000 a year, $1,500,000 of which Is contributed to the mussel fishermen In the Second Iowa district. It Is well known that pearl buttons are made from frenh water mussels taken from the Mississippi, Missouri and Arkansas rivers. So large has the Industry become that the mussel beds In these rivers are becoming exhausted Just as the oyster beds along tho Chesapeake and rivers emptying Into that bay are becoming depleted, requiring state legislation to protect the beds from oyster pirates. Mr. Dawson, with an eye to continue th pearl button Industry In his district, be lieves that the raw material can be per petuated, and has taken up with the sci entists connected with the Shell Fish com mission in Maryland, and one of the most famous biologists In the United States, Prof. Oilman A. Drew of the University of Maine, who, by the way. Is an Iowa boy, the habits of the mussel with a view of ascertaining If the seed cannot be propa gated. Do you know anything about the life history of a mussel? It Is extremely Interesting. The mussel lay Its eggs In an egg pouch In tbe fall of the year. In the spring those eggs, being released, float around in the water, and the only ones which survive attach themselves to the side of a flsh. as a parasite. They remain there and grow until they obtain an adult structure, when they foil off and go to the bottom of the river to make the freeh water mussel from which the pearl button of commerce Is made. It 'is the purpose of Mr. Dawson to have a scientific Investi gation made as to what kind of flsh the seed mussel attaches itself, together with the habits and life history of the bivalve. Tho Mississippi valley, according to the scientists connected with the bureau of fisheries In Washington, Is the most favored place for the growing of fresh water mus sels In the world. Increased Cost of Building. No mere forcible statement as to the enormous Increase of haildlng operations has been called to th attention of the public than, the statement made by Chief (Continued en becoud Pag. COLD WAVE FOLLOWS SNOW Below Zero Temperature In Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota. i ST. PAUL, Minn.. Jan. 13.-Accordlng to Information received by the local weather bureau a cold wave of considerable In tensity has developed In the wake of the heavy snowstorm In eastern Montana and western North Dakota. At 8 o'clock to night the reading at stations In the Cana dian northwest showed temperatures ran ging from 14 below aero at Minnesota to SS below at both Battleford and Swift Cur rent. In the Vnlted States the coldest place was Havre, Mont., where there was a sub aero mark of 22 degrees. Other tempera tures were: Helena, Mont.. 14 below; Miles City, Mont., M below; Bismarck. N. D., below; Wllllston. N. D., 18 below; Devils Lake. N. D., 16 below. The Intense cold will materially add to the sufferings of those communities experi encing a fuel famine. HELENA. Mont.. Jan. 13.-The worst spell of winter weather experienced In Mon tana for many years Is now prevailing. Unusually heavy snow, especially In the northern part of the state, and extremely cold weather Is stopping the operations of trains, endangering the Uvea of cattle and sheep, and even menacing human life In remote districts. Old stockmen say the out look Is more serious for their herds than at any time since the memorable winter of 1S87-8, when the loss was extremely heavy. MORE PRIZES F0R BALLOONS Nine Conteatnnta Assured as Start ers la the International Rat. NEW YORK, Jan. IS. Cortland Field Bishop, president of the Aero Club of America, has announced a list of five sup plementary prizes, amounting to $3,000, to be offered In connection with the coming International cup balloon race on October 19 next In St. Louis. Under the rules gov erning the race James Gordon Bennett gives $2,000 to the winner. (The following supplementary prizes were announced: $1,000 to the second balloon In the race, donor unannounced; $750 to the third balloon, offered by the combined rail roads running Jnto St. Louis; $500 to the fourth balloon, offered by Daniel 8. Nugent of St. Louts, and $250 to the fifth balloon, offered by a German newspaper In St. Louis. These prizes are for balloons 'traveling the greater distance. In addition, the Aero club has decided to offer a supple mentary prize of $500 for the balloon stay ing longest In the air. Up to this time, of the eight countries eligible to enter the race, only Great Britain, France and the United States have forwarded their entries, which guarantees that at least nine bal loons will start In tho contest. FRENCH LINER HAS ROUGH TIME Last Tuesday Night Especially Tem pestuous, According to Passengers. NEW YORK. Jan. lS.-The French liner lA -Carole;- front Havre,-arrived In port today after a stormy voyage. Among the passengers were R. E. Mac klsson, former mayor of Cleveland, O., who said he had crossed the Atlantic many times, but last Tuesday night was the roughest night at sea that he had ever experienced. Major W. Cook Daniels of Denver also was a passenger on the steamer. He had been away from home for six years, much of which time he has spent In New Guinea. Major Daniels Is a student of anthropology and some years ago. In London, fitted out an expedition for a voyage to New Guinea. He returned to London recently. Major Daniels has brought much valuable data regarding the natives of New Guinea as well as a number of skulls and a large collection of photographs. He will remain In this country for a few months and then return to follow up his researches. He left today for Denver. SWINDLE SCHEME UNEARTHED Either Doctor or Gambling to Be the Victim of a Plot by Pair of Sharpers. WASHINGTON, Jon. 13.-What Is charged by the police to be a scheme to defraud a . Washington physician out of $6,000 led to the arrest today of Frank F. Homans of Paris, France, and David T. Tanner, alias Townsend, of White Plains, N. Y., on the charge of conspiracy. The men were arrested after Dr. Thomas J. Kemp of this city had told the police that Tan ner had made a proposition to him to enter a deal "to put a New York gambling house out of business." Dr. Kemp declares the men assured him that by Investing $5,000 he could easily win from $200,000 to $300,000 within one week. The "get rich quick" scheme ac cording to Dr. Kemp's report to the po lice, was that Dr. Kemp was to pay $5,000 and Tanner, who claimed to be manager of the gambling house, was "to tip Homans and the physician off on the run of the cards In a faro game." TRACK SLIPS UNDER TRAIN (lolck Action of Engineer Saves Wreck from Bring Mora Disastrous. WHEELING. W. Vs., Jan. 13.-Early this morning a tremendous slip occurred on the main line of the Wabash railroad on the West Virginia side of the Ohio liver at the bridge opposite Mingo Junction, O., which will put the road out of commission for several days, and In the meantime trains are being operated via other lines. Just as the slip started a westbound freight train In charge of Engineer Charles McCabe was pasalng onto the bridge. The engineer felt the track collapsing and opened th throttle wide. The caboose and six freight cars of the train were de molished by the avalanche of earth. NEW INDUSTRIAL RECORDS Value of Manufnrtnres Far Exceeds That of Any Previous Year. WASHINGTON, Jan. lS.-That ,1906 was a banner year In the history of the United States Industrial activity, far outdis tancing any previous record. Is the deduc tion of statistical experts of the bureau of statistics of the Department of Commerce and Labor. The value of manufactures, raw materials Imported In eleven months In the last year, was $402,0O0.0u0, against $370.000,0X In th corresponding month of 1905. The total value of manufactures exported during th year will axceed $700,000, 00& - - FIGHTS FOR SENATOR In Eiitery cf ttate Only Thrat Wen Hare Been Twice Elected. BREAK IN THE TERMS Or ONE OF THESE Knnberofthe CanteiU Hare Been Bitter and Lone Prawn Out HITCHCOCK CAMPAIGN ONE OF FIERCEST Most rretracted na. lhat of 1891, when Millard and tieirich Won. PRESENT ONE SETTLED IN CONVENTION Norrls Brown Receives Nomination and Hepnbllcna Legislators Pledged to Vote for His Election. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 13. tSpeclal.)-Tlie tw houses of the legislature will ballot sep arately for United States senator Tuesday, and In Joint session Wednesday the result will be announced and the choice of a suc cessor to Senator Millard proclaimed. For the sccoi.d time In the history of tha state the legislature Is simply to ratify th choice made In state convention and en dorsed at the polls, the election of Senator Burkett two years ago being the first time that such a nomination was mado effec tive, although at least twice previous to 1805 the people had expressed a preference for United States senator, as provided, by the law of the state, but this preference had beeij Ignored. The first senatorial battle In Nebraska oc curred In 1867, while the capital was still at Omaha. The principal competitors were Alvin Saunders, who had been territorial governor for six years; Algernon 8. Pad dock, territorial secretary; General John M. Thayer and Chaplain Thomas W. Tip ton. The contest was short, aharp and de cisive. Thayer and Tipton were chosen. They drew straws for their respective terms. Thayer securing the longer, or four year term, and Tipton the short, or two year term. At the end of his term In 1869 Mr. Tipton was re-elected to a full term of six years after a most exciting canvass. Ills chief competitor, David Butler, then governor, came within two votes of carrying tha caucus nomination. Mr. Tipton, who died about three years ago, was one of the two men whom Nebraska has honored by re election to the United States senate. Gen eral Charles Fv Manderson being the other senator who served two terms In succes sion. Senator Paddock served two terms In the United States senate from Nebraska, ' but they were not consecutive terms. Third Contest Fierce. ' The third senatorial campaign. In 1870 " and 187L was fierce, vindictive and des perate. General Thayer was a candidate for re-election and the seat of war Omaha, whore Thayer then resided. His only com petitor before th people was A. 8. Pad. dock, Thayer was supported by General Grant and the stalwarts who held office under him, while Paddock headed the op posing faction. After a desperate battl In which the backers of both are said to nava spent huge sums of money In the Dot lag county republican primaries, Thayer ( ime off victorious. He carried the primaries and elected his full republican delegation from Douglus county, In spite of a bolters' ticket, supported by many self-styled Simon-pur republicans.. Regarding himself virtually elected Senator Thayer hurried on to Washington, remaining at his desk In the senate until the legislature convened. In his absence a new candidate was sprung In the person of P. W. Hitchcock, who had kept dlscretly In the background while-the canvass was pending before tha people. Hitchcock had been a radical re publican at the outbreak of the war and as such had been rewarded by the party with the office of United States marshal and territorial delegate to congress. After the assassination of Lincoln he Johnson Ized to keep bis grip upon the patronage. In 1866 he accepted the surveyor general ship of Iowa and Nebraska at the handa of President Johnson, and with other of ficers who had affiliated with democrats at that critical period, he was summarily de posed In 1869, after Grant became presi dent. With a number of "Independent" republicans and the solid democratic force Hitchcock defeated Thayer In a pitched battle before the legislature. The fourth senatorial contest was fought In 1876. when Tipton's second term expired. Although the vacancy occurred south of the Platte river, Thayer and Paddock were again competitors. By this time tha Platte had been recognized as the state di viding line and It had become an accepted rule that both senators should not come from the same side of the river. Thayer had taken up his residence In Lincoln to avoid this obstruction during the preceding year and Paddock had established himself on a sheep farm near Beatrice. In popular tongue this migration was called the "trans fusion of blood from Omaha to the South riatte." When the legislature convened the race appeared to be between John M. Thayer and Elmer 8. Dundy, with Thayer considerably in the lead. Dundy at that time resided In Falls City, Richardson county, removing a year or two later to Omaha. In the start Paddock mustered but two lonely votes, with half a dozen stray democrats to keep them company, J. N. H. Patrick, who figured as the mon eyed candidate, was keeping his name be fore the legislature with the loud and solid vote of Church Howe. After two days' balloting Thayer was on the point of car rying away the prize, when Judge Dundy, exasperated Jby the alleged alliance be tween Thayer and Patrick, threw the vote of his followers to Paddock, who had also negotiated for and secured the solid dem ocratic support. Jay Gould Tnkes a linnd. The fifth, and up to that time the most exciting campaign, was fought In 1877. Jay Gould had personally taken a hand In th state campaign and the people had been aroused to a high state of excitement at the effort to pack the legislature through his Influence end that of federal officials, backed by an unlimited supply of money and patronage. In many. If not most of th counties, candidates for the legislature were pledged to oppos the re-election of P. W, Hitchcock. When the legislature met th opposing factions confronted each other like hostile armies, with lines of pickets from depots to hotels keeping the managers Informed of every movement. Th field which opposed Hitchcock was known as th "quadrilateral." composed of Alvin Saun ders, Clinton Brlggs. Lorenzo Crounse and Charles F. Manderson. On the third day after the balloting began sn antl-Hltchoook caucus consolidated all the forces of the "quadrilateral" upon Saunders, and th nt&l day tine stampede ton 14 evw aU