Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    TliK OMAHA M)M)A1 lin,: JAMJAtlt 1.1, J'.i.
; , ' si, ,4iJ Qn'nt FftiM. V :
v- - . , ..
Daataat et Coatribatla LHtl
Saelal Wklrl, Belaaj. Caialr ...
0trihiiwf4 a- AeOrltr
f Warrleal Pl.
A Twlllgal Dra. '
W leaned upon the pasture rail;
The nmt swee euu-e were la the any...,
W heard Uie clink of milking pan; -
Vs watched the clrrling bats go by
Wltli outstretched wing Ilka dusty aafl.
The orchard tree" Were dim n'"'- '
Breathing aweat frsgrsnre in their Bleep,
And meadow land and field and hill.
The same nft slsmber seem to keep
Even the rlppls of tha rill . ,
Win like mourner In a draam. .
And we. too. dreamed Her penaiva
Pale aa a atar, I, aaw It iIhbi .
A tll! light. In a lonely place
A bending fiowr above a trem!
Her Utile hand, within my reach. ?
I.y gulta uatauched. You wonder why
I answer you, with frankeat speech,
That marrled-and so waa I
And we were married, each to fjjgg
Tha facial Calendar.- '-
MONDAY Mr. Joseph Houghton., lunch
eon for Mlsa I.orna Elliott; Hoard of
Governors, dinner at Onmha -Club -for Mr.
Oould Diet;' Dancing party. o( P. . E, O.
BocMty a. Chenibera.
TUESDAY Thimble dak with Mr. J. O.
Phllllpl; Mr. Arthur English, card
' i.srty; Mr Oeoriia Trout, boa party l
Hurwood for O. C. C. club; Misses
Brandeis enterulna for debutantes, and
WEDNKBDA Y- Wlgman-KOdmarr waddrng:
Mm. Arthur English, cards; The Metro
politan club, whist party; Mrs.. 1 un Allen,
Koumxe Ptsce luncheon club, Mm - Ben
jamin tiallagher. luncheon l lowed by
brldgo; Mr.. J. U Pato.i. bridge for Mrs
Clarence Hlchniond Iay; Mr. - Paul
Wherner "At home": Mr. W. J. Hunter,
kenslngton for the K. K. K. club: Mrs.
W L. Helby and Mrs. Colfax, Round
Dosen club. ''
I THrnsrAY..w. r Mlkeeel' C Ty-euchr
club; Mrs. Elmer J. Neville, luncheon;
Mrs.'Preeon C Davleon .and Miss Water
man, cards for Miss Grace AIHon:
ham-Diets weddlntt. . . .
FTtJUAt-Capttol . Hill ancln Club a,
Chamber: Mra. Thomas A. Creljh, .whlal
TURDAT MUa Alice Fawcett knd Mies
Acnes Weller will ntertaln the Kountse
Plac Whls. club; Mlea Alice Bwltslar,
luncheon for Miss Grace Allison; .Mrs.
Charles K. Clapp, luncheon; Mrs. J H.
Pratt, lunvheor.,
Tha eaMy part fit this week waa remark
ably lacking In large affairs. But surely
no more appropriate time conM be selected
fof lull, considering tha rush and hilarity
of tha past few weeks. This Is the first
real breathing spaU tha women of fashion
has had since early In October, so Invari
ably her attention turns now to the refur
nishing of her wanlrllw. She was rigged
out, booted and spurred- for the first round
of the social campaign early In the autufnn,
but ' the' gauses and chiffons that have
served to adorn her foir a short time have
taken On the shabblneim of perpetuai wear
and either new gow'ns or a decided remodel-:
lnf becomes a necessity. This overhauling
of ona's wardrobe may be a good-..icus-
for 'n temporary retirement. v from - the
syncopated, rag time pace that society
has 'been going, but strange to say this
j retirement 'seems to be' principal! among
! tha debutants set, some of ' whom have
j already announced that the' are tired -)
tired on tha very threshold of their so
ciety life. .
j Now It ls merely coincidence .that' many
;of their admirers among the masculine set
jars also offended in this respect and ronny
'of our cleverest men are refusing lnvlta
Jtlons except in their own circle of con
! genial friends. In fact this circle ha be
com ao small that their "parties': .are not
considered Important to chronlcl.. at least
not yet. As for the married set they have
kept 'tha wheel of gayety whirling and the
days'atnra Wednesday have been crowded
with numerous larg and small affairs,
principally given In honor of the: popular
visitors. Miss Burgort of Toledo. O., guest
I of Mr. And Mrs. P. P. Klrkendall; Mr. and
Mra." Wager Remington of New 'Tort,
l lutni 01 nr. ana nn. vrxiiur nvniingion,
; Mlea O'CroWley of NewaTk. N. J., guest of
, Minn' Katherine O'Donohoe; Mlas Ewlng of
! recatur, in , guest of' Mies Mary Let- Mc-
Bhane. anl Mrs - Clarence Richmond' Day
who Is visiting her mother. Mrs. A. B.
I ' Bmlth.' The social calendar shows0 that
I their) popularity continues to be scheduled
far sent, week, with tha. exception' of Mr.
Plinples Stopped
V , in 5 Days
' , '. ' '-I III i
Evftf TuHfllble bkJn Kmptloo .Cared
Jn Marveloualy Quick Time by
" t . r the New Calclam 1'reatmrnt.
Hentl for Free Sample Package Today.
Roll have baen cured In I daya, and
i om Of th worat cases of skin diseases
; hav been cured In a week, by the wan.
dsrful action of Stuart' Calcium Wafer.
; i T he e wafer contali. a their main logre
, dlent, the most thoroughr quick end ef
Z i fectlve blood-cleanser known, calcium aul
; phtd. , .
j Most treatment for 'the bVo4 and for
- skin eruptions ars miserably slow In their
'. rasultt,, and, besides, many of them are
i , aalaobous. Stuart' Calcium Wafers opn-
; tain .nO poison or drug of any kind; 'they
i are absolutely harmless, and yat 4o work
which cannet fall to surprise yoC 'They.
' ars th most powerful blood purifier and
1 ' skin clearer ever discovered. and thev
Nd matter what you suffer from pim
ple, blackheads, sen, red rssh, spots,
blotches, rash, tetter or any other skin
eruption you can get rid of thsm long
before pther treatments can evaa begin to
how results. .
Don't . go around with a humiliating,
disgusting mass of pimples and black
hends bn your face. A face covered over
with these disgusting things snake peo
ple turn away from ypu, and breeds fail
ure In tour Ufa work. ' Stop It. Read what
I an Iowa man eaid wlran he wpk up 911
Iniuruing and found h had ft new faco; -'
"By Oeorg. I never aaw anything Ilk
It. There I've been for three yeara trying
to get rid of pimples aud blackheads, and
guess I used everything under th aun. I
used your Calcium Waferj for Just seven
duy. Thl morning every blessed pimple
1 gone and I can't find a blackhead. I
could write yau a volume of thank. I am
so graHefulto you." t;
Tou can depend upon thl treatment be
ing a never-falling cure. 1 "s .1
Just aend ua your nuhia and address In
full, today, and wa will aend you a' trial
l-ackagft of rttuart'a Caktum Wafer, free
to test. After you have tried th aample
; and been convinced that all we ay Is
, true, you will go to your nearest druggist
, and get a iOc bos and be cured of ypur
i fai'Ut trouble. They era In tablet form.
ind do troukl whatever Xo take. Tou go
about 'your work aa usual, and there you
ir cured and happy J
tie ml us yournams .and address today
ind we will at om-o send- yen by- avill.a
tiuple pui-kage free. Address F. A. Stuart
II otuurt Uldg, Marshall. Mlob, - .
- '
ana Mm. Wmw Betntngton wn returned
to thatr horn Saturday.
Now that Dam a Rumor, ha proved her
elf aurh reliable . prophetess, aha hints
at anoihar engagement and what la more
esoltlmr than an engagement? Especially
whan tha tuntr "Mtaa" In question In, ona
of tha moat Widely beloved of tha oelety
glfl. 8h Jf decided blonde, wht 'llvea
out - In tha TVt ; Famam district. - Tha
Vnan' In" question make Bl home In tha
t. Ha haa JiTorVd- Omaha i with
many vlalta aa yt, but Ma 'anticipated ar
rival In tha near futurs prom 1 Ma to snake
him batter known. . -
rroaelT A galea. , ,
Mrs. EVmer Neville will give a luncheon,
Thursday. .
. Mrs. J. Tf. Pratt will entertain at
luncheon Satnrday. , ,
. Mrs. Charlea E. Clapp will be hostess of a
targe bridge luncheon Saturday.
Mra. Thomas Cretgh has Invitations out
for a whist party Friday afternoon.'
Mra. Arthur English will entertain at
cards Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.
Mra. W. P. Mlkesell will be hostess of
the meeting of tha C. T. Csrd club Thurs-
, ;Mra.seph Ibtughton will give a lunch
ertn Monday In compliment to Mis Ixrna
Mrs. J. a "Phlllnpl will be hostess of
Tuesday, afternoon's meeting of the Thim
ble club.
1 v'Wf Hell Oallaghe will entertain " at
luncheon, followed by bridge. Wednesday
aTfetnoon. ' . ,
' The- Kountse PI flee I,unchon club' will
meet . al the home of Mra. jThojnss Allen
Wednerday, t: s . .
Metropolitan club will give an Informnl
whist party Wednesday evening In the
ctul parlor
. Mrs. W. U. flclby and Mrs. Colfsx. wtll
entertain tha Round Dosen club at Thiys
day's meeting. ; '
. The. Capitol Hill Dancing club, will glv
one of their, enjoyable partes Friday even
ing at Chambers'. . ,
Mrs. Ben Marti will be host cod Thursday,
January 17, at luncheon for the rheitibers
of the Comls club.
In compliment to Miss. Grace.. AJUIfon.
Miss Alice Bwltsler will entertain at
luncheon Saturday. . , .
" Miss Agnen Weller and -Miss ' Allck Faw
cet't will entertain the Kountse .. Place
Whist club Saturday.
Mra W. J. Hunter of 1S Miami atrect
wl entertain the K. K. K. -club at a ken
slngton . Wednesday afternoon.
.' The Misses ' Brandels will entertain at
cards; Tuesdsy afternoon In' honor of 'the
debutantes and a number of visiting girls.
Mrs, Qeorge'Trcnrt will entertain the
members of the O. C. C. club at a box
parly at the Burwood Tuesday afternoon.
The Mapto Leaf chant ec Order, of tha
Eastern Star." wll! give Its annual dancing
party at Chambers' Monday evening, Janu
Mrs.. Paul-Wemhes has announceVJ four
afternoons at which she will be at hom
Informally, Wednesday!, January 16. it ani i
SO and. February 1
Mrs. Preston C, Davison and- Miss
Waterman, hays Issued ,ln,vlttlors for a,
cftr party given In honor of Misi Grace
Allison, Thursday aft'rnoon.
(One'of 'the smart aftalr.i scheduled for
thls week Is th brldg party to .be given J
i ' jnmrm ujvr i-sxion. i nursnay i
afternoon. In honor of Mfa Clarence R.
Day. . ' . .
: Th hoa'rd Of governors of' Ak-Sar-Ben
Will give a dinner at the Omaha club Mon
day evening In honor of Mr. Oould Diet,
whose marriage to Mlsa Putnam of Lin
coln" wll! take plac, January 17.
Among thr-anticipate! functions of : the
near futurs Is the reception to be given
by Mrs. Warrei Swltiler on the afternoon
of January !. hetween S and o'clock.
at her hon on St Mary Hvenue, at which
sne win formally present her daughter.
Miss Alice Switslsr.
rial Chlt-Cnat.
Dri Jonas ha returned front a trip to
Cuba. .
' Mr. and' Mra- Oaorge N.. Robert! are In
New Orleans. . , . .
Mrs. C' Hartmau-pj aerldusly 111 at her
home.. 1411 Farnani street.
A daughter was born to Mr. snd Mrs. I
Franklin A. Shotwell on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gibson nd family will '
leave In about ten daya for California. i
I Miss Adrtrnn Walker ha returned from
Auburhv .wheia,he ba been the guest ot
friend. . . I
Mrs. MUdred Riley of Salt Lake City Is
tke gueat o' Mlsa Margaret A. Dairl f 358J I
iiarney. t
Mr. nnd Mrs.
John A. Dempster are
occupying their new horn at 11! South'
Thirty-seventh atreet. .-'" ,'f 1 f ' v
Mis Kthel Morse, who .underwent M
operation ior appendjcltla Thursdav, 1 con.
vslesclqg. satisfactorily. . ' , '
Mlsa Jeanne Wakefield Is spending sev-eral-
months with keif cousin, Mr. T.'tt.
Spvlford In Kanaa City. - h
Mr. Luther Drake and Dr.' Brlditea will
leav thl week for Havana, where they will
remain two or three weeks... , ' 0 !
Mr. and Mr. W. W. TroxeU and family
are gueata for .tbei month au th Jbosnafof
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Troxeli at 11 Emmet
Mr. J. Ilenyy Dempster of Bloux Falls. 8,
D., Is the guest of his parenta, Mr. and Mra. I
John A, Dempster of a; South Thirty-seventh,
etfeet.s ''...' 4,
Miw. J, Summers.. Jr.. and son. Jack,
anJ Mrs John B. Wilbur left Friday even
ing tor Paint; Beach, Fla., and will be gone
abouj' two months. , .
;"Mr. and Mrs, C.- C. Troxeli are spending
tlje week at Jxs Angeles, going from there
to El Paeo, Tex., .and expecting to return
home In about six .weeks.
Miss Jean CuJahy. who was to -have left
last Saturday fQr her school In Washington.
Was detained by an vttack of tonsllltls and
did not leave until Saturday.
F. W JudSon and family will move Sat
urday Into, their new homo at Thirty-fifth
street and' Woolworth avenue. They have
been living two weeks at the- ler Grand.'
"Mr." and Mra. John R. Webster and ron
and. Mr. and Mr- H. K. Burket will take a
trip to Cuba, leaving Omaha Thursday. Th
Webster .win stsy three weeks and the
Burkets about a. month. '
Miss Ruth Holmes, sister of Mrs. C. A.
Hull, who haa been lnjone of the hospitals
her and underwent an operation for ap
pendlcitla, ha now recovered and. returned
Saturday to her home In Lincoln.
Mra 'XT'. R. Hobbs sailed on the New Tork
for Europe Saturday, 'where she will met
hef husband, who h.s been .broad th. last
six ninths After spending son,, time In
London. England, they will visit Italy. Ger-
many and Scotland. ' -
Pleaaaree -Past, '
, Mra. F. A. Kwlng waa.'hostess Saturday
at th meeting of the Harmony Card club'.
Mr. Charlea G. Hunt, gave a. dinner Fri
day In honor of .Mra 'Day of Baaeo, 111.,
Who ia tha guest' of Mr and Mrs. Taylor
Day. Those present were: Mrs. Day. Mrs.
Jack Innla, Mrs: Edward Splllett, Mra.
Frary, Mr. Taylor Day and Mrs. Hunt.
Mlsa Luclle ' Hayden gave a luncheon tt
tha Omaha club Saturday, followed by a
box party ,at the Boyd, In honor of Miss
O'Crowley, the g"ueet of Miss Catharine
O'Donohoa. Tbosa present wero Misses
Marie Coffmsn, Ruth Moorheid. CUIre
Helen Woodward. 1 Mary HaydVn. Alice
McShan aad Paulina Schenck, and Mes
dames A. 8 Kir sWe and -Percy- Jensen.
Oa Friday enlng little Mis Bonnie
Tsllmadge nterlalned several ' of her
j young friends at her home at .Tmenlleih
1 and Antes avenue. The evening was spant
I In. playing gajnea and daaulng Those
'Vresent were: Misses Mary Romtnl.
Gladys Iinpey. . Frances Blakely, Anna
' - '
CMnwell, Elisabeth Kruger. Honnlo TafJ-
malr; .Master CUbl Cornwall," Denton
rreeher, John Cameron, Chester Impey,
Edward Blakcly.
Wednesday STealng, January ' t, a party
of friends gathered at the home of Mr.
and Mra. T. Kiel, 171 i Canton street. In
honor of the fifteenth anniversary of their
marrlagw. .The evening ' waa pleasantly
spent with music. Those present were:
Mr. and Mra. John Pmlth, Mr. and Mrs.
K. 'Becker, Mr. and Mrs. it. Mikklen, Mr.
and Mrs. 8. P. PeteVsen, Mr.' and Mrs.
F." Hansen. Mr.' Thorn paen, Mr. Georga
Topp, Mr. E. Eskllsen, Mr.- O. La r sen.
Persoaal Meattoa.
Mrs. D. C. Psttereon expects to leave soon
for. a southern trip.. j
Mrs. Waddell la the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. D. M. Bchlnadel. . .
Mrs. J. E. Markell returned from Chl
csgo Snturdsy morning. '
Miss Genevieve Baldwin returned Friday
from a visit In Chicago. . . . . i ,
M!as Mildred Lomax spent, a few days In
Ohlougo- . last week, returning .Saturday
morning. . ..
Mine Ella Mae Brown expects to leave
this week for a visit of several weeks In
8t. Louis. .
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cullen-wlll leave
on Monday for a trip through southern
California. ;
, Miss Hester Tsylor haa returned from
New Tork, where she spent .tha .holiday
kith relatives. -
MN Gretchen Barbour of Cincinnati Will
spend the week In Omnha, the guest of
former sohoolmatea. .
Mr,. A. Msndelberg haa grne fast for a
month, which he will spend In New Tork,
Philadelphia and Baltimore. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 8. Reed eft pec t to a ill
for Kuropa January add will visit their
son, , Mr. Lewis B. Reed, In London. "
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenthal arid h.aby
hnve gone on a six weeks' - eaatwn trip.
They will visit In Philadelphia.' New York,
and Boston.
Mltw Grace Conklln, the ' Well known
reader, left Friday with the Imperial Male
quartet on a tour through Missouri and
Kansas. ...... ....
.Miss Hermione Blessing,' Mis Neva
Turner. Miss Margaret Barr and kllss Kelt
Carey have returned from a three weeks'
visit In Havana, Cuba. ."
Mrs. Joseph Redmond, Jr., of Bait Lake.
City Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jatnea
Llddell, and Mrs. J. E. Shaffer, ftnd her
mother, Mrs. Mary Wood.
Mr. and. Mra Gcorgs A. Lovsland of
Lincoln -are the-guests of Mr." and Mr:
John Steel. They were called vere by the
sudden death of MK -Harry Steel.
Mrs. A.' D. Robertson and children re
turned the early Vart ot the week' frohi
Swashta, la.,, where they were tha guests
of Mrs. Robertson's mcther, Mr. John B.
Mlsa Rnnla Dexter and Miss Helen May
Higby, who have been on the PAelfIc coast
for the last three montha, will relurn this
I week by the southern route, after stopping
st K1 Pnao and taking a two or thrte days'
trip Into Mexlci."
' Miss Pauline SchencW, Miss Amy Gllmore
and Miss Faith Heel left Saturday for
8ohuler, where they will be member of
house party given by Miss Olga Lknhofer.
The Rnrty wilt remain until after' Mis Ltn-
hoer a wedding, which will be January la.
- . . .
wraaiiRi ana unaaaieinrniM.
Too engagement la- announced . of Mlsa
Matilda Hald of 6W South Twenty-fifth
avenue, to Mr. Arthur BavarV , The wed
ding' will take place early In June,. .;. , ,
Mra.' J. . Dennis of South, pmaha an
nounces the engagement of, her daughter.
Miss Luclle, to Harry Albert Snyder. The
wedding will take place early In February.
A, wedding of much, aoclal Interest 1
that . of Miss Florence Putnam of Lin
coln,' daughter of Mrs. A. Jkt, Putnam, and
Mr., Oould 'Diets, which will take place at
Llngoin Thursday, , January 17.'. The wed
ding Is to ba very quiet, .only the relatives
and close friends being present.. Mls Put
nam will be, unattended, but Mr.-Conrad
E. Spens will act as best mart.. Imme
diately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
DleU.wlll leava for Fort Comfort, 'wher
they will remain until January 2t. at'whlch'
time, they will sail for an extensive trip
through Europe.
A 'pretty home wedding waa' aolemnlced
Saturday evening at the residence' of Mi'
and ' Mra. Henry Hardy, 281H- Poppleton
avenue, which 'made their 'daughter, -Mls
Edna Hirdy, the wife of Mr. .Freaerlck
Charles Hill of St. Louis. The rooms had
a charming decoration of men nnd' pink,
carnations, pink shaded light and green
being used in profusion. In the ffsnV ptbl
lor a large canopy waa formed pf ..exu,thertj
"emllax, on either side of which wa plaoed
a pedestal mounted with Immense clusters
of pink csmstlons..- Here tho marriage wa
solemnised. Rev. W. J. Conley .-peCfprrrUng
th ceremony. Mis Cora Hsrdy. who
served as maid of honor, waa the, bride
only attendant. Her gown was of light
blue silk and she carried a bunch of
carnations. The bride .was gowned In a
handsome Importation of cream -mull Inset
with Valenciennes lace. She wor a wreath
of hyaclntha In hr hair and carried a
shower of the same blossoms. 'Mr, Frank
Wi'lhelm served as best man. . Followliig
the wedding a supper was served to .thirty.
five of the Immediate relatives. For. this
the dining room was elaborately duorated.
Small table were placdd around th room,
each being adorned with a crystal candle
stick shaded In pink. The large , dining
table had aa a centerpiece a low mound
of pink rose resting on a cluoy lace place.
thl arched, over with pink aatln : ribbon
Intermingled with ropea of asparagus fern.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill left . last evening tor a
wedding trip of several weeks In the south
and will make their homo. -In St.. Louie.
Among tho out-of-town guests .were: . Dr.
F. K. Hill and Mr. and Percy Stevana of
Rockford, UK ( ,
' s
Have an expert pack wedding gift.- J
Burn. ' Telephone Harney-1129. '
Experts ay Bartal Plaea of Jesaa
; Is Now Part of
Cemetery. . 4
CONSTANTINOPLE. Jan. -l2.r-SreoWl.)
Afler long and patient investigation and
no little controversy It la now. believed by
experts, who hae devoted special . atten
tion to the subject for . se,vriil years,,. Ilia t
the real site of Calvary ,has been Identified
! A 1" 1 .J J""' v," " 'co"TT,4
I W,'U "" th only, n l '
! Usn ,h re.mirenie.ita of, the. gospel
narratives. Is entitled to..ake ,pfeveonco
In which the Savior was,. laid, away after
the crucifixion.
The "New CaJyaryJ' as It la rallcu! to
dlstliigulbh It from the traditional Calvary
has long been used aa a. Mohammedan
cemetery and Ita acquisition I therefor
Impossible. , But after much, ttoubl with
the Turkish authorities th tomb with the
I garden surrounding It ha ben purchased
for 10,000, the purchaser agreeing to build
a wall to separate It from the cemetery. 1
It Is he!d br a trust "to be kept sacred
aa a quiet apot and preserved on th an
hand from desecration and on the 'other
hand from superstitious eyns." .....
Among 'those who have . approved tha
plans and who. baye succeeded in. winning
a reluctant consent to these plana from
the Turkish government are many" distin
guished ecclesiastic and laymen. Now an
appeal Is being made to Christians tha
world ,ner to subscribe sn additional sum
to provide a fund for the proper rnhlnte
nance of spot which haa such a unique
claim to veneration.
Effort i to Itonr Ktsdsd Ltwi to Eo Oireti
Bjitomttio lupport.
tkslrmsa of Heaseliald Fcoaonlcs
.e-elaa 'of State Federatloa
Read's a. Letter ' to All
latereated Woasea.
Not a little confusion haa resulted among
the club 'women of the state from ' the
Introduction or several bills In the legis
lature during the week pertaining to mat
ter regarding which th women are ask
ing legislation this winter. It may be said
for the benefit of club women that only
three of th bills they have endorsed have
been Introduced a yet. These ar. . the
chIM labor bill, Introduced last Tuesday
In the lowef house by Henry T. Clarke, Jr.,
of Douglas county; the compulsory educa
tion Mil. Introduced In the senate 'last
Wedhesday by Senator Thomas of Douglas
county, and the bin abolishing dower and
providing for the descent of property. In
troduced In the senate Thursday by Sena
tot King of Polk county. The bills wero
Introduced In tha senate a senate flU
73, 74 and 78. ' The same day the same
mensure wss Introduced In the house by
Representative James Welsh' "of Douglas
eounty aa house foil 42, O and 44. ' The
other bills pertaining to the descent of
property and th pure food and drug bills
are not the bill the women have endorsed.
No specific nieasufe. In the way of pure
food legislation has1 s yet been endorsed
by the women, tint communication, which
follows, ha Juat been Issued by th chair
man of the household economics committee
of the Nebraaka Federation of Women'
Clubs. In th opinion of those who realise
the seriousness of the contention regard
ing a state food law, however, It will be
necessary for the women to concentrate
upon something definite It they expect
their efforts to avail anything. The fact
that at least two food bills have already
been introduced ought to b. significant to
the women, especially ' considering their
past experiences In trying to setfure thl
sort of legislation. The new national pur.
food law ha effectually, though but. par
tially, taken care of the food queatlon, but
a atata law to supplement the national
law will not be accomplished without great
effort, and the women, will be needed In
this effort.
. Saargestton for a Prttltlon.
Mrs. , Helen A. Norris of North Bend,
Chairman of the household economic of
the Nebraska Federation of Woman'
Club make this suggestion tor. a petition
to the member of the legislature:
NORTH BEND, Neb., Jan. 10. To .the
Club Women of Nebraaka: , Your attention
rs called to the necessity of Immediate
action in the Interest -of the pure food bill
Introduced by Senator Burns of .Lancaster.
We are confident you appreciate the im
portance bf a pure food law In Nebraska,
which will conform with the -national law
that went Into effect January 1.
- A recommendation waa presented bv tha
r,iushold economic committee at , the
Kearney state meeting last October 're
questing all clubs to petition . the next
legislature to support a pur food bill.
The recommendation wa adopted.
In view of thl. and realising the value
of united effort; 'club women are urged to
use all the influence at their command in
Inducing our senators and representative
10 .ltfic in us iavur.
The following 'form of petition I ug-
To the Honorable Senate and House of
Representatives' of the State of Nebraska:
We, the undersigned club women of Ne
braska, believing that there Is great need
of a law In our atata which shall prevent
the sale of adulterated.- deleterious and
mlsonoes foodr. drua and' medicines, do
betltlon your honorable body to uae your
Tjest efforts ' to ' erurt the passage of , a
staie .pure 100a law in conformity with,
the national law, and that aufllctent ap
propriation may be made to enforce the
Chairman ' Stat ' Household ; Economic
committee. J(
' Daaghtera af IhetCoafederaey- -
The Omaha Chapter ' of the United
Daughter. of th Confederacy held It an
nual business meeting Thursday afternoon.
The work of the organization 1 building
and supporting home for the confederate
soldiers, caring for the grave of the con
federate dead, and establishing schools for
the poor white children of the South.
The Omaha chapter was organised three
year ago by Miss Grace S. Conklln. who
has since then 'filled the office of president,
and upon retiring1 waa presented- with ' an
armful of; carnation and unanimously
elected honorary president. Mrs. , George
W. Covell wa elected president with the
following corps' of officer: First vice pres
ident Mrs. G. S. Bradley, second .vie pres
ident. Mr. F. N. Maxwell of South Omaha;
recording secretary. Mis Rebecca Maxwell
of. South Omaha; treasurer, Mr. W..R.
Davis; corresponding secretary, Mrs, J. K.
Stout. Mr. and Mr. 'O.' S. Bradley enter
tained tho chapter for Its business meeting
with true, old style, -southern hospitality.
and with the. game gracious spirit opened
their horde to f.t for its regular monthly
meetings. Tha jshapter la anticipating a
pleasant and ticsssftil year's work. ' - '
D'.' A.Ir. Elertloa. ''
Th local chapter Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution will hold Its annual meet
ing' and election bf officer Monday after
noon, January 14, at "ISO o'clock, in th
audience room of the Public library. Re
ports of the yea will be given and the del
egate and alternate to th Continental
Congress to ba held In Washington, b. C,
will ba elected. - -
Gin of Hooka. '
' The New Hampshire federation ' has re
cently made a gift of ' a valuable set of
books to the General Federation' bureau
library. . Mrs, Philip Moore, vice president
of the General Federation, has also re
cently made the bureau' a gift of Stoddard's
lectures. '. '
A suffrage association has been organised
among the student of the University of
Nebraska, with Mra. Minnie' L. England,
an instructor In the department of political
economy, as president.
The Nebraska Suffrage association will
devote its efforts" In the legislature this
winter to th adoption of a resolution ask
ing congress to pass a sixteenth amend
ment to enfranchise women. .
Dfcsaeetle grlenre gtadeats.
A large number of women have availed
themselves during the last week ot th
privilege of the short course In domertlr
science which ha been given at the Iowa
State college at Amis. Among the speak
ers named In the program were Mrs. J. C.
Cory of Spencer, Miss Rosa Bouton of the
University of Nebraska, Mr. Alice Feu
ling, Hon. Wesley Greene ami Prof. L. 8.
Rosa Dr. Margaret Jones Is pIso giving
lectures on sanitation and hygiene.
Loral dab Aaaoaapeueat.
'Truancy" , and the truancy . conference
held recently at Chicago will afford Ihe
subjects of discussion at the meeting of
th social science department of the
Woman's club Monday afternoon, the meet
ing beginning at 1 o'clock. Mra J. H.
Dumont, who attended the Chicago meet.
ln, win make a report, and lrubaMon
Officer Bernstein, who also attended the
Chicago meeting, will participate In the
discussion. Th discussion Will br followed
by; an address by Mra. Sloiiaker, a promi
nent lecturer on psychology. .
Th meeting of tha current topic d
purtment will be held at 1 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. Kate Remlngtcu will act
aa leader of tha seealon.,
The American history rlas will mevt at
the public library Thuis.lsy afternoon at
I e'eiock. . - .
Sold, Only atBrandcis
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4 . 1
"They Lace in Front"
' (Continued from Third Page.)
t'nlon Paplflc shops, and two small .chil
dren, one of them hut two weeks old, and
an uncle. Fred Roth. ' . .
BEATRICE The county physielan has
found six new cases of smallpox. ten miles
northwest of town. There are about fifteen
cases In that section, and a general out
break Is feared.
DAVID CITY Mrs. Abts, daughter ol Mr.
and Mra. William Tllzen of Center town
hip, died at her home In Sioux City, la..
Monuay. ine remains were Drougni u
David City Wednesday evening, acenm-
f anted by her husliand and mother. The
uneral took place Saturday morning a(
Bt. Francis" Catholic church In Center.
BEATRICE Gage lodge No. 161. Fra
ternal Union of AmeTlca, met lust night
and. Ins tailed these otlloers; H. K. Palmer,
fraternal master; H. O. Kemp, Justice ;
Ma Fryer, mercy; Jennie Whiteside,-truth;-
Stephen ' Bull, secretary; , W. ' W.
lAWson. treasurer; A. W. Fryer, guide;
Oscar Wayham. Polly Bull, II. Palmar,,
H. J. Kemp, stewards.
NORTH PLATTE The" relatives and
frlclids of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Comh of
Myrtle pfecinct tendered them a surprise
last Tuesday, on the occasion of their
fiftieth wedding anniversary. Mr. -Courtis Is
70 years and his wife DO years of age. Their
three children and families . were present
nd," together with the neighbor and
friends, the time passed very pleasantly. !
BEATRICE Rollins Roller, a son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Roller of . this city, cAme
ery near being drowned yesterday while
skattng on- the- Blua rlvuv-Jacob. Paine, a
blacksmith, saw him when he brcke
through the Ice and, securing a rope, threw
It to young Roller, who quickly seized It
and was pulled ashore, badly exhausted
and thoroughly chilled from his Icy bath.
DaV ID CITY-Whl!e -returning-tcr-hrr
home lh the north part of the city aft-T
being down town doing some shopping
Thursday afternoon, Mra. John Dana her
propped dead In front of .the Christian
rliurch. Heart failure was the cause of
her death. FUneral aervlce Will be held
in fit. Mary church of this city SuTidiy
moriiln at 10 o'clock. She, leave a hus
band, four daughters and seven sins.
1 DAVID CtTY-DavId City Are department !
held it annual Installation of officers Mon
day evening, after 'which memb-rs retired
to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows'
temple -with their wives snd a fewlnvrted
friends ' and enjoyed ia social time and a
grand banquet. After an excellent program
was rendered game of vaxlous kinds were
indulged In until a late hour. It was ohe
of the most enjoyable events of the season.
BEATRICE Word wa received here yb
terday from Portland, Ore., conveying the
news that Douls Meader, a forpier-resident
of this city, had been drowned at that place
and that the body had not been recovered.
At tho time of his death he was employed
In a lumber mill and was crossing the river
cn rout home In scow, when he fell over
board In some-way and wss drowned. He
was married In this city two years ago to
Mlsa Kdlth Funk. ., : .
XORTH PI.ATTB A Greek laborer was
arrested last night on tho charge of threat
ening the life of one of the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Baker. He met the
girl on 'the street and tried to Induce her
tp meet him later In the evening at a cer
tain point. When she indignantly refused
to grant his rdquest, he drew a gun and
made threat. The girl escaped and -on
reaching home told her parents-and the
fellow wne thereupon arrested.
BEEMER Wurtxel Brothers' sale, held
six and one-half miles northeast of
Iteemer Tuesday, was one of the most
largely attended sales ever held In this
part of the country. Everything-brought
gpod-prlcns, especially the thoroughbred
Poland-China hogs. There Tyas a number
of breeders from abroad present, but most
of the stock went to local parlies. Alfred
Mlllur of . Bnemer bought three of . tho
best brood sows sold for 1133. - ' " ,
PDATTSMOrTH The wife of Jacob Jcl
eik,'age4 Ti yean, pasaed away at bar home
In this city yesterday. The funeral services
will be Sunday afternoon in th4 Bohemiarn
Catholic church.- A husband, two sons and
one daughter survive her. During her hist
hours site informed her daughter. Mary,
who cared fur her during her last Illness,
where she had hid a stocking containing
11,6(4) In gold, which she had. managed to
save during her eighteen years residence in
this city. She gave the money to her
daughter. -,.. . .
WAII0O- The following officers were
elected at the annual meeting of the Wahoo
Volunteer Fire department: Chief, Juhn-H.
Manners, of Co. No. 2; assistant chief,
James Kearney, ot Co.-No.- ; president, i.
M. Ohslundt o) Co. Mo. 3; secretary, O. E.
I. oder, hook and ladder; treasurer, Charles
Holt, hook and ladder; sergesnt-at-arms,
Oscar Dantt of Co, No. - 1; trustees, hook
and laddar company, M. Carlisle; hose com
pany No. 1, Joseph Hudlc; company No,. 2,
Frank Koudelc, Jr.; company No. I, J. M.
Ohslund. .
BEATRICE-The German'. Mutual 'Tele
phone company, comprining about 1Q0 stock
holders living In. northern Qage county,
held Its annual meeting yesteiduy at tha
home ot Al. U. KiiHwing. j n- bucks or
the treasurer showed that the affairs of the
company were In first class shape. The
proposition of the New Horne Telephone
company of this city to crnuect up Us lines
with the Mutusl company was taken under
advisement. These c nicer were elected: H
Hurms, president; F. Hueckel, secretary;
David TtHsslng, treasurer. I
STA N TON The Stanton Picket has beiii
sold by James 8. Picket, who has besn
Its publisher for ten months,! to a company
of local politician.. The Picket wan
atarted thirteen years ago last October 6v
A. F. Enos, who remained lis publisher
until last March, when It was sold because
of other business Interests, Mr. Plclert
being the purchaser. The new inuimgc-.
men! will sa.sume control February 1, K
which time Mr. Picket .will leave for,
On l.i noma City, where he has a- better
opening awaiting him. The management
of the paper under the new proprietorship
has not been -made-public." -
WEST POINT-Stockholuers of West
Point banks elected officers and directors,'
aa -follows: ' West Point .Natlvnul-Praei-dent,
W'llllsm Stu'fer; vice president, J. T,
Batiman; casnler, James Shearer; directors,
William Bturft-r, H. W. Huunian, J utiles W.
Shearer, Joseph Hunker ar.d J. ' Uau
nian. First National President, W. A
Black; v(ce presld- nt, Henry Hunker;
cashier. C. Hlrsthnmn; directors, Henry
Huak-r. C. Hirsohniao.. W. A. hUck.
Charles H. Wilde and Henry Schlnstock.
Nebraska State lnk Directors; Junie
Mfrtenson, Dr. T. D. Thompson. J. K.
Kaup, Hrrman Koch and 'Julius Thlele.
The other officers will be choaen next, week
WAHOO-Wahiai "lodge No. o. Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, Installed the
following ofiiceis: Trenmor Cone, ruullu
grand: John ti. Schmidt, vice grand; J U.
Uundean. secretary; Elmer Julmeon. treas.
urvri Euen Teou'letoa, right supporter to
"Thov Lnco
The Sale of These Splendid Corsets In Omaha
is Controlled Exclusively by Brandeis.
L'lRRESISTIBLEIs a French corset that attains prac- "
: tical perfection in corsetry. In showing a complete line k
of these Brandeis is introducing a higher grade of cor- ,
set than has ever been shown in Omaha. &jj
THE G0SSARD In this corset American ingenuity has tjj
combined with the French idea in achieving the manu- o
facture of a beautiful and scientifically correct front p
lace corset. gj
These Corsets Contribute Successfully j
. These coret ha the habit back, without which no figure ran , U
how to perfection Impart a genuine straight front support the h
abdomen and back and lengthen the waist. U
Heretofore the price ha always been a bar to great popularity. N
Now the high price are eliminated In the Oosaard corset and there a
Is Improvement as well. q
PRICES are S5-SS-.S12-S10.50 nnd up.
For Sale Exclusively in.
in, these days. of adulteratlona and deception It 1 fomfof"nK
know that a concern like our. I devoted exclusively to .the sale
of htgh-grad candle, made In our own confectionery, where we
are assured that the best Ingredients are used, and surrounded
by trlctly sanitary conditions. Those who hav candlea to bur
for the children owe It to themselves to buy only the best, w .
carry every known kind of enndy at amazingly moderate prlcea..
When you want a really superior chocolate, one that la made
fresh dally, oni thiU 1 ure to please, come In and get our
DVnALI8 CHOCOL.T!iJS, per lb
'Every Few Minutes" Chocolates Is our new popular price
. - -chooo4t,..-PapuUr. la pric and popular In quality, Npne half,
so good for the money. v
Dyball, 1518 Douglas St.
ieoiliiatiiil f oiajl
. - '"" " AT ' ' ';.
Take Hansoom Park
JPraetloally fireproof. During tba past
summer entirely refitted and deeora.ted,
hot and cold running water In every room.
American and European plan.
. J. It. HATBI, Ise nl Maaara.
It I wast or money, time and patience
to study music In the old way. Near meth
ods of teaching are constantly coming be
fore the public but only improved methods
should b recognised. The rapid- results
galnod by the Effu Ellis Illustrated Music
Courses establishes U . as an Improved
method and on that will soon b In us
throughout the country. In five month
students accomplish more than In one year
by the old methods. Adults learn a
readily as children. '
On account of the large number of new
adult students wishing to Join Ihe Monday
Evening Class, Miss Ellis will give special
instructions to them at 7 o'clock, at the
store of th Perfield Piano Co., 1811 Famam
St. Telephone Dougla T01.
noble grund; Fred Eberhardt, left sup
ports to noble grand; Frank Koudele, Jr.,
wardeq; J. W. Knapp, conductor; John H.
Couchman, K. 8. ,8.; D. A. Dayton. I.. 8.
8.; Charles Holts, outside guardian; Anton
Johnson, Inside guardian; Nvls Brodahl.
left supporter to vice grand; John Neft,
right supporter to vice grand; trustees,
Oscar lent, Nels Brodahl. Eugene Tem
pletpn. After installation an oyster supper
ws had.
NORTH PLATTE At the Commercial
club Tuesday evening occurred the annual
meeting, when the business for the year
was reviewed. Tha mombvrship ia now
composed of over kO members of the cltl
sens of North Platte. The following dlrec
turs .were elected: T. C. Patteraon, Dr.
D. T. Qutgley, C. C. Hupfer. J. J. Hal
llgun. J. V. Clabaugh. J. B. McDonald, f.
F.: Mdings. Henry Waltrmath Arthur Mc
Namara, E. V. Seeberger and Ira D. Bare.
The following officer were re-elected: T.
C. pHttern preldent. J. F. ClatJaugh vice
president. E. F. Heeberger treasurer and
Ira 1 Hare rotary. After dlocusslng
matters relating to the welfare of the
city, they were served with a nice lunch
by rer V1L
In Front
Palace Sveta
Always Pure
and Wholesome
Line (East Side) Cars to
1516 Dodge Street. ' "v
Table d'Hote Dinner 40c
With Fowl 50c
Oyster Cocktail.
Celery en Branch. Spanish OUrea.
Canape a la Rumhc.
Supreme Chicken With Noodle.
Consomme Celestlne.
Roast Young Turkey Stuffed, Cfaa
berry Sauce, or "
Domestic Goose with Baked Apples.
Prime Rlt of Native Beef Deml-Glace.
. Mashed or Steamed Potatoes.
June Peas.
Sponge Pudding, Wine Sauce.
Cfike. Ice Cream. Cafe Nolr.
Special Preparation for After-Theater
1308 and 1510 Howard St
Everr Eveulng S (o .
Sundays, 11:30 to 0.