r 3 TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 13, 1007. J SHELDON NAMES DELEGATES i I Ifsn Who Art Fririleted to AtUnd th D17 Tanninr Csorrsii DeilmaUd. MRS. ULUE IS VISITING IN LINCOLN Gla4ae Tate, a Brtkmia mm th rllagtea Read, Falls lader th Cara aa la Fatally " Iajared. rchard & Wilhelm Carpet 2o. 1 7 n i m I I i b J, 7 4 (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. U. (Special.) Governor Sheldon made his flrat official appointment! today. Ha ahook the plum trea vigorously and the following la what happened, the men named being delegate to the Trans mlssouti Dry Farming congress to be held In Denver, Colo. January 24 and : Prof. K. A. Burnett. Unooln; E. O. Mont- ? ornery. Lincoln; W. T. 8nvder, North latte; J. W. Plllibury, DeWItt: A. 8. Campbell, Imperial: Pane T. Francis, Craw ford; Robert Walsh, Morrill; Judge Hurl burt. Oaring; John Powera, Mitchell: W. J. Harris, Ogalalla; H. L. Oould, Ogalalla; John E. Myera. Broken Bow; J. T. Ream, Broken Bow; A. Dobson, Lincoln. Mra. Mill Visits la Llaeola. Mm. Margaret Lena Llllle, who was par doned by Governor Mickey and released from th penitentiary a week ago Thurs day, la vlaltlng friend In Lincoln. Mra. Llllle went out to Rutler county Immedi ately after being released, and before go ing announced ahe Intended to go to Cali fornia. 8ha la staying on South Eleventh at reel. Railroad Brakemaa Killed Gladstone Tate, ago 27, a brakema.i em ployed by the Burlington, was run over and killed In the yards at an early hour this morning. After being struck by the cars he was taken to the Everett sani tarium, where ha died at 7 o'clock. The young man was making a coupling when ha fell beneath the wheels. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tate, 2419 Mander aon street, Omaha. The body was sent to Omaha this afternoon. The funeral will be held at the home Sunday at S p. m. and the body will be taken to Burlington, la., for Interment. LAKOL.LETTH OR HORR MACES Conflict of Dates Already Tronhfes Haatlna-s Chnntaaqna Managers. HASTINGS. Neb., Jan. .-(Speclal Tele-ram.)--By drawing a crowd of 7,000 persona,- the largest that ever assembled In Hastings to hear a speaker, Senator La Foilette last year made the first Hastings Chautauqua a financial success, and In the hope of having the performance repeated, the Wisconsin statesman was engaged for the chautauqiy next summer. Now, how ever, the outtook Is not no favorable to tha managing board, for It has transpired thai La Follette will have to compete with horse races for public favor. Th circuit committee of the Nebraska Speed associa tion has given Hastings a plnre In the circuit which' will bring the horses here for chaUtauqua week. As a result Secre tary H. Harrison of the chautnuque as sociation Issued a statement today In which fee aald that both the Chautauqua and the races oould not succeed. This meann a Conflict between the two enterprises. La Follette Is on the program for Thursday, the big day of the races. Other speaker vho will hare to compete with the harness 'vents ' for public patronage are Judge Llndsey of Denver Juvenile court fome and Guy Carleton Lee. The Chautauqua dates are July 19 to 28 and the races will be on July 21 to 88, Inclusive. REWARD IP FOR-WHITE'S SLAVER Caramer's Jury Says Man Found on ' ' Trsrki Was Mnrdered. '' 'KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. 12. (Special Tele r gram). Richard White, who was supposed to ' have been run over by a train, was found by the coroner's Jury to have been murdered, and a reward of fr00 has been offered by the Board of Supervisors "for tha arrest and bringing Into custody of the person or persons who were guilty of mur dering Richard White on Thursday night. January " The reward will be paid as suon as the murderer Is convicted of the crime. Th offer of a reward was made by the board at tha request of Sheriff gammons and Mr. Grimes of Amherst. It Is expected ' the town of Amherst will also offer a re ward and It ur Intimated that several In dividuals at Amherst, friends of Richard White, wiil also offer a reward for the ap prehension of the murderer. Street Car Mea at Piatt smonth. ' PLATT8MOUTH. Neb., Jan. 11 (Spe clal.) A party of the prominent official of f tha Omaha' ft Council Bluffs Street Rail- . way company, Including Prealdent G. W. Wattles. Generat Manager W. A. Smith, Dr. W. H. Bets and Frank Hamilton, came ; from Bellevue over one of the proposed '-routes of the Interurban line to Oreapolts - In an automobile, where they were met by Charles C, Parmele, president of the Bank f Cass county, and others, and accom panied to this city over one of the pro posed routes. t Is understood that the engineering corps will soon commence the irork of survoylng the different proposed routes from Fort Crook to this' city. It Is also understood that the Omaha com pany Is back of th Nebraska Lighting company In Us bid to the city council to furnish light for this city. v Bask Officers Elected. WAHOO, Neb., Jan, 11 (Special.) Offi cers elected at the three banks this week were:. First National Bank Charles Perky, President; J. D. Cook, vice president: Oscar Union, cashier; Ernest Hanson, assistant cashier: directors, th above and E. E. Good. Frank Gross. B. F. Good. C. T. Cwndlt. O. W. Simpson and R. A. Heaton. Cltlsena' State Bank-E. E. Lyle. presi dent; Henry Hastlnga, vice president: L. H. Lyte, cashier. Director, the aame as last year. Saunders County National Bank W. C. Klrohman. president; W. J. Harmon, vice prealdent; J. J. Johnaon. raahler. The di rectors same as last year. Newa ef Nebraska. WAHOO Th Knlghta of Pythias Instal lation la postponed until Monday, Janu ary tL WAHOO Saunders county this year had receipt No. 1 from the atate treasurer which Is quite an honor. WAHOO The enrollment at the Luther Academy to date Is the largest In the his tory of the Inatltutlon. PLATTBMOUTH V. E. Wells of this city and J. R. Coatea have purchased the Emerson (la.) Chronicle. PLATTSMOl'TH The Murray Messen ger, owned and edited by Harrv L, Graves, suspended publication this week. WAHOO Since Christmas electric lights are now turned on at o'clock In the even ing and stay lit until daylight. DAVID CITY J. C Fleming was called to Portage. Wis., Wednesday In response t a telegram stating that his father was very 111. WAHOO After Monday, January It. tha merchant will cloae their p ! of busi ness at P. m., except Saturday, until prU 1. KENN1RD The Modern Woodmen of America hell their annual banquet last night In connection with their Installation services. BEATRICE A drlnllng rain fell here all day yesterday and last night. The moisture will be beneficial to (he winter wheat crop. HASTINGS In the oratorical contact at Hauling college N. B. Knapp received fire honor. H. C. Welker second and Eugene blah op third. DAVID CITY A resolution was adopted by a unanlnkous vote of the council Wednes day evening Instructing the mayor to re move all machine and games of whatsoever kJnd or character from Ue aaJoone, PLATTSMOL'TH The funeral of Mtae Lease Iay, who died at the home of George Brooks, took place today, funeral ii i r 414-16-18 South Sixteenth Street, THE JANUARY.' FURNITURE SALE Never in the history of Omaha has such interest been centered in the furniture selling of one house as has been the case with this etore. Tli is great sale has already added many new customers to "The store that serves you best." Tomorrow, Monday morning, we place on special sale at great reductions the entire Mission Dining Room Furniture stock from the Sprague Smith Manufacturing Company, CThicago. This concern makes high grade china cabinets and dining room furniture and owing to their big increased business decided to close out all Mission dining room furniture and devote their entire plant to making china cabinets exclusively: The first car shipment of their goods has just arrived and go on sale Monday at big price inducements. . . Ever on the alert to give customers of "The store that serves you best," special values, we've secured from the Ford & Johnson Co., of Chicago, the largest manufacturers of chairs and fancy rockers in this country, a great assortment of their sample line of rockers. These go in the January sale at a tremendous saving in price. Do you need a rockert Come, look and be convinced of the great values this January sale offers. i (if i r&i?7Z Voi Early English Buffet, like cut. 63xl0-inch mirror back, cop per knobs, a beauty. Form erly sold at $80. On sale for I5K.00 $40.00 China Cabinet to match above buffet 29.00 128. DO Serving Table to match above buffet $20.00 $49.00 -Early English Buffet for $34.00 $L'B 00 China Cabinet to mutch for , $21.00 $50.00 Fumed Oak Buffet.$37.E0 $29.00 China Cabinet to mutch for $21.00 $18.50 Serving Table to match f for $13.60 $28.00 Early English China Cabinet $1D.60 DBESSEBS AND CHEF 7 OK IE Kg $215.00 Oolden Oak Chiffoniers; January sale price ....$20.00 $33. B0 Oolden Oak quarter sawed Dresser $26.26 $176.00 Mahogany Chiffonier for $131.00 $56.00 Tuna Mahogany Chiffon ier $44.50 $48.00 Tuna Mahogany Prin cess Dresser $38.00 $28.00 Mahogany Chiffonier for $20.60 CHAXmS CXAZKS CKAXKS $13.75 Piano Bench, golden oak, January sale price. 1 8. 7 5 $9.00 Oolden Oak or Mahog any Piano Chair, January sale $8.00 "$12.00 Imitation Mahogany Rocker $7.76 $11.60 Oolden Oak Rocker. $8. 75 $12.60 Early English Rock er $800 $12.00 Mahogany Hall Chair. January sale $6.75 $17.50 Weathered Oak Bet tee. January sale price ...$12.60 $960 Weathered Oak Chair, January sale price ....$7.60 $10.00 Weathered Oak Rocker, January sale price ....$7.00 $9.00 Imitation Rocker Mahogany $6.60 $9.00 Imitation Mahogany Arm Chair $6.60 $7.60 Oolden Oak Rocker .$5.00 $7.60 Weathered Oak Rocker for $5.00 $9.00 Oolden Oak Arm Chair for $6.60, $13.00 Weathered Oak Rock er $9.75 $20.00 Mahogany Rocker.$14.60 $15.00 Oolden Oak Arm Chair for $10.26 $13.75 Weathered Oak Recep tion Chair $10.00 $27.50 Weathered Oak Settee for $18.76 $13.50 Early English Chair 9.50 a raw or tki bio bax- OAIBTB rBOM THB MOB OAK MTO. GO'S CI.OBX OUT TOOK Mission Table (like cut) solidly ' made of select oak, weather- . ed finish, 24-Inch top, regular selling price, $6.50; January sale price $3.75 $16.60 Parlor Table, heavy oval 2-lnch top, French legs, hand carved; January sale price $12.50 $13.00 Mahogany Table, top is 24 Inches In diameter; heavy rim, with pattern undershelf; January sale price ....$9.75 Hundreds of pieces for the hall, den, living room, parlor, library and dining room, all go at big reductions In price. BricaBrac Closing out sale . of Odd Pieces of Brlc-a-Brac at Im mense reductions. Odd Elec tric and Oil Lamps, also odd pieces of brass greatly re duced, tn some cases half price. 1CTTBIO CABINETS ABD XJL DIES' DESKS The Udell Works Indian apolis, Intl., closed out to us about 160 pieces of Music Cab inets and Ladies' Desks. All go cheap In this January sale: $9.60 Music Cabinets, January sale price $7.75 $8.50 Music Cabinets, January r sale price $6.60 $16.50 Music Cabinets, January sale price ...$12.75 $20.00 Desks, January sale price $16.50 $14.50 Blrdseye Maple desk,. January sale price .. $11.60 $21.00 Curly Birch Desk, Jan uary sale price $17.00 129.60 Electric Reading Lamp, 12-in. globe, art glass, mission style, brome, spe cial value 111. 60 $82.60 Bronze Lamp, ETJhsj mian glass shade, good reading lamp, special, at J1.67 $45.00 Oreen Art Glass Lamp, two light special, . at . .i $29.50 Hundreds of other Electric Lamps, H Off regular price. Oil Lamps and Fancy Lamp Shades Half Price $46.00 Bronse base OH Lamp for .$23.60 $16.00 Oreen Pottery Lamp.7.60 $20.00 Japanese Brass and Bronss Lamps $10.00 $19.60 Japanese Brass and Bronse Lamps $9.71 12. 60 Brass Students Lamp for $11.50 $6.76 Black and Brass Art Lamp, base onljr ,..'...$$.38 $(.76 Red French Enamel base for $3.88 AH Lamp Shades Half Prices Vases In brass, bronse and art glass, W off regular price. Triple Mirrors, each $6o Marble Statuary, H off. Brass Wood Boxes, $16 and. $6 Japanese Brass Aah Trays, regular price, $1.00, on sale, each (to Lace Mrtaie Sale A BIG FACTOR IN OUR JANUARY LACE CURTAIN SALE IS THE QUALITY AND THE PRICE, NOTE THE FOLLOWING $5.00 Novelty Curtains, white and Arabian $5.00 Cluny Curtains, linen lace $5.00 Irish Point Curtain's $5.00 Dentelle Arabian Curtains $5.75 Cable Net Curtains $8.75 Hand-made Arabian Curtains $2.95 Irish Point Curtains, imported especially for this sale. Worth $5.50 per pair, special .i. Cluny Curtains, wide insertion and edge, white orl$Q ( Arabian, 3 yards long, 50 inches wide vuvV Dentelle Arabian Curtains ""Brussels Curtains ....... ' $1.50 "Ivory Colored Curtain's' . .'. ........... .". .'. " $8.75 Linen Cluny Curtains .'. . '. ............ '.':..) 5a05 $8.75 Real Scotch Net Curtains $8.75 Allover Brussels Lace Curtains. $7.50 Irish Point Curtains $7.75 Brussels Lace Curtains . , $6.95 Heavy Corded Novelty Lace Curtaina ......( $J M or $6.50 Colored Madras Curtains ..... vieOD ' $7.25 Ivory Colored Lace Curtains $6.75, Ileal Hand-made Arabian Curtains. $12.50 Fine hand-made Arabian Curtains t1'ir,n rinnv Pnrfnina '. w W A unj U A IU1UO e e-e e' e eVl e f $12.50 Colored Mission Curtains ;. ...$ Sf) 'pi-.uv xuliicoo xiaic vui Lama $12.50 Madras Curtain ....... '. $15.00 Duchess Lace Curtains $15.00 Double Net Brussels Lace Curtains. $15.00 Hand-made Arabian Curtains $15.00 Ivory Net Curtains . j $9.45 Traveling men's Samples or Corners, 1,500 in all,) worth; up to $7.50 per pair, while they last,( g Remnants of Cretonne, some 75c goods in lot, at,( " CIS per yard ' $10.00 Double Net Brussels Lace Curtains $10.00 Hand-made Arabian Lace Curtains $10.00 Duchess Lace Curtains $10.00 Clupy Curtains $6.35 pon't The greatest line miss this great opportunity to purchase your floor covering of drop patterns in carpets and rugs ever put on sale at one time. Guaranteed in every respect, patterns dropped by the mills that can't be duplicated. Every rug a bargain. $17.00 9x12 Brussels rug. An especially fine rug for bedroom or dining room, made of best qual ity of wool, special sale price, $9.95. $25.00 9x12 Body Brussels Rug, guaranteed to be ther best five frame Brussels. While they last for $19.50. $40.00 9 xl2 Royal Wilton Rug, beautiful line of Oriental patterns to select from. While they last for $29.50. $5.00 9x12 extra heavy granite art, suitablf for dining or bed room. On sale for $3.65. Remnants of Linoleum and Oil Cloth One Carload of remnants of linoleum and oil cloth, mostly all large enough for kitchen ' and dining room. In this lot of goods you can find all grades from the cheapest oil cloth to the inlaid $1.35 Axminster for 95c. patterns of linoleum. All on sale Monday morning. 40c best grade of oil cloth at 25c a yard. Carpet Bargains All drop patterns in carpets must go at a sacrifice to make room for new goods now on the road. Carpets 5-8 border to match, $1.35 Velvet Carpets, 5-8 border to match, $1.10 Velvet Carpets, without border to 85c Brusels for 93c. match, 75c. match, 50c 30c No. 1 grade, of oil cloth at 19c a yard. 50c printed linoleum, standard grade, at 29c per yard. 75c printed linoleum, standard grade, at 39c per yard! 90c printed linoleum, standard grade, at 45c per yard. $1.50 inlaid linoleum, standard grade, 95c yard. per Carpets, without border to Our Kitchen Furnishing Department We have the most complete and up-to-date stock of Kitchen Appliances in the west and can furnish your kitchen in either tin, copper, galvanized iron, granite, white enamel, blue enamel or alluminum ware. Remember we are the sole Omaha agents for Buck's stoves and ranges and Insurance Gasoline stoves. We would be pleased to have you call and see the stoves that cook without fuel. The Key nold's and Caloric cook stove. : : : ; ; : Vrvlcea by Rev. A. L. Ztnk. pastor of the Christian church. kfk'NARD The Mutual Telephone cora- p,y at Ha nual meeting Jfuihorlaed I an Sasessment of $U on each ahare of atock. Pl,ATTSMOi:TlI-Ife BorufT. who Ii em pl!wed In the navy yard In Malbourne. Australia, la vlsltlne; his sister, Mrs. H. M. Cvi?UaBD C. B. Hansen, president of the Panlsli Brotherhood with hie corp. of offlcers was Installed. ex-President Jphn Nls.en performing the ceremony. PIATTBMOl'TH Herman Smith of Ne liawka and Miss Clara Hall, daughter of Mr and Mra John Hall of this city, went t.i Omaha and were married by Judge Leslie.- PI ATTSMOITTH While Clarence Ligett was unhitching his team one of his horse hit a large portion off of the man s upper lip. The piece was found and sewed back by DAVID CITY K. W. Ruzlcka, cashier of the Flrat National bank of this city, re- staned his poinMi " ' i- i, Neb., with the view of buying an Interest In a bank. BEATRICE Several nunarea persons Dartlclpeted In the circle hunt held Batur Xiy near Plckrell. The hunters caught many Jack rabbits, but throe wolves es caped 'through the east line. HCRMAN-There Is considerable aickness here among ,-hlldren. H. H. Hersog's chil dren have ben sick, for a week, also O. N. 'Hose's two small children. vThe cold damp weather Is the cause of moat of the sick ness. KKARNEi' Another addition to Kear ney's public Institutions will be mads In the spring when a new hospital and sani tarium will open here. The locatiun Is the large atone building west of the c4ty known as the Frank property which has .been pur. chased by I Grotham of St. Paul. Neb., and la now being remodeled and Improved In readiness for Its new purpoee. The pro prietor Is expected to arrive about March L The completion of the Improvements and the final tilting up of the hospital wlli be done under hla personal aupervlfilnn. WAHOO The Commercial Club elected the following officer Friday evening for this year: V. J. Hapke, president; B. E Hendricks, vice president; K. Conley, secre tary; Oscar Hanson, corresponding secre tary; M. A. Phelps, treasurer. WEST POINT At the last meeting of the Board of (Supervisors of Cuming county, Joseph Sinitli, county assessor, ten dered his resignation. Miles M. Tyrrel of Cleveland township was selected to till th-3 vacancy. NORTH PLATTE A farmers' Institute will be held In Maxwell on Monday, Janu ary VL- At th.s Institute various prises will be o flared for farm and dairy prod ucts, and th attendance will undoubtedly be large. v BEATRICE The funeral services for the bite Mrs. H. J. Melnts were held yes terday from Hanover church, conducted by Rev. J. H. Reents. The attendant s was very large and Interment was In Hanover cemetery. WK8T POINT The school board has unanimously elected Prof. Charles R. Weeks principal of the high school. Mr. Weeks Is a graduate of ths slate university. He Oils the vacancy created by the resigna tion of Prof. Moffet. WEEPINO WATER At the. Congrega tional church Filday night. January 11, the sacred cantata entitled "The Triumphs of Oat-Id." by Dudley Buck, was rendered by s, chorus of about thirty voices assisted by soloists from Lincoln. DAVID CITY-A double wedding took place Tuesday morning at the Catholic church, la Center, when Cornelius Daneker and Mlaa Mary Zeagair and T. J. Kearney and Miss Anna Zegitlr were united In tha holy bunds of wedlock. DAVID C1TY-L. R. Confal. who has been working In the City National hank for the last year, went to Trenton. Neb., this week and purchased an Interest In the First Na tional bunk at that place. He expects to move and take up his duties at once. BEATRICE The new telephone line be tween Fllley and Adams will be completed next week. This will be a trunk line owned Jointly by the Home Telephone com pany of Fllley and the Johnson CounfrV Tel ephone company, of which the Adams Is a part. BEATRICE Mrs. Grace Bumgardner and daughter, Ada, were thrown from a buggy In a runaway two miles north of town on Saturday and severely bruised. Mrs. Bumgardner struck on her head end shoulders and narrowly escaped being killed. BEEMER The Mennonltes of this vi cinity have completed arrangements for the erection f a church on Plum creek. IWd miles north and two miles east of Beemer, on the Dan Blrky farm. Work has already begun on the foundation of the building. A I N8 WORTH Prof. Ma Wit has sent In his resignation as superintendent of schools and ths school board unanimously accepted it. to take effect at onoe. John M. Oraybiel of Crete. Neb., will be here and be ready to commence school Mon day as his successor. NORTH PLATTE Six appraisers were appointed on Wednesday by Judge Elder, who w.ll serve Ir. the matter of determin ing tre value of the property which the Nebraska, Wyoming St Western railroad requires for a right-of-way. Th board will b-gln work January 22. WAHOO After three unsuccessful at tempt to burn the home vt Otto Ander son, a prominent farmer living about ten miles west of here, bloodhounds found the trail, but Anderson didn't want them to go any further, as they went far eneugh to convince him who the evil person was. No arrest or anything has been done. WEST POINT The Women's club met this week at the home of Mrs. William Oentrup. The roll call was answered by quotations from "Oliver Wendell Holmes and tive-mlnute papers from the writings of Mr. Holinea were read. The next meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. J. F. Loach. WEST POINT The stockholders of the West Point Brewing association at their annual meeting elected the following di rectors: M. E. Kerl, F. Koch, William Stuefer, J. T. Baumun, A. H. Chambers, John Meier and William Breldlnger. An annual dividend of per cent was de clared. BEATRICE The estate of the late Sam uel Clark, which consisted of a farm in southern Gage county, was bid In by the heirs for 7,oo0 at referee's sale. Mr. Clark owned some valuable property In Jefferson county, which will be sold at referees sale at Fairbury next week. The estate la val ued at toU.OUO. AINS WORTH Alnsworth school teach ers are all In Valentine today, by order of the board here, to visit the school there, as It Is said that they have the best conducted school west ot Norfolk and the object of the visit Is for the teachers to take notes and see If they can Improve on their system here. GRAND ISLAND Mrs. Stells Guthmann riled last night of peritonitis.. Her mother, Mrs. McDowelle, Is on a pleasure trip hone: tu Germany and did not even know of her daughter's sickness. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, an employe of the Continued on Sixth Page.) j Is a Howling Success CompeUed to double, our force of tailors. Don't 'miss this . chance of buying reliable garments at so low a price. , Remember our entire stock of ' Suitings, worth np to $40, at $20. ' Herzog Tailoring Co. D. H. BECK. Mgr. Evry Garment Ma4 in Omaha- 1415 Dougla Strt '