Values of Greater Bargain Merit Were Mever Offered for Sale Our Annual White Goods Sale Fin In quantity and quality of showing and in low prices on high-quality of merchandise, surpasses any sale of the kind ever attempted in the west Buying in large quantities direct from the manufacturer, we are enabled to make you prices much lower than you'll find quoted elsewhere on goods of like quality. Table and Dress Linens, Lawns, Nainsooks, Dimities, Swisses, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bed Spreads, etc, all at Substantial Cash Saving Prices. Bleached Table Damask by the 1 8-4 and 10-4 dice Pattern yard. All our 72-ln. bleached Cloths, extra heary. regular satin Damask that sold up to hotel linen, sells regularly tip JU Ijvk January Sale of Draperies .$3.75 a yard, on sale at, a $2.49 All our 72-ln. doable satin Da mask, that sold at $1.50, All oar $1.25 bleached Batln finish Damask, at, yd. 89 Unbleached and silver bleached Table Linen, regular 75c tual ity, at 49 All our $1.50 silver bleached Damask at, a yard . . . .89 All our unbleached and silver bleached Table Linen, that sold at $1.25 a yd., at 75 Pattern Table Cloths, 8-4, 10-4 and 12-4 sizes, bleached, for both round and square table, all new designs, at $19.60, $12.50. $9.95, $7.50, $6.60, M-M and. $3.75 Napkins to Match All Table Linens 10-4 and 12-4 hemstitched Table Cloth, our regular $4.00 quality, at ...52.49 6-4, 6-4 and 7-4 bleached Lunch Cloths, in both plain and hemstitched, at $5.00, 13.60 and $1.25 to $1.76, at a yard . .-9S BED SPREADS Genuine Imported Marseilles Spreads, extra large size, In both satin and plain finish, cut or square corners, at $12.60, $10.00, $9.60, $7.60. $4.98 and .$3.50 Domestic Bed Spreads, both plain and fringe, full site, in Marseilles and honeycomb pat terns, at $3.00, $2.50, $1.75, $1.26 and .'-93 Sheets and Pillow Cases, 81x90 seamless bleached Sheets, our regular 85c grade, only six to a customer, at 69 81x90 bleached, seamless hem stitched Sheets, sell regularly at $1.26, at ."98 42x36 and 45x36 extra heavy bleached Pillow Cases, at 18c, 15c, 12V4c and 8& TOWELS Bleached and unbleached Turk ish Towels, extra large size, sells regularly up to 15c, at, each 20x42 bleached and unbleached all linen Huck Towels, both plain and fancy borders, worth up to 25c. In this sale at, each 12K 18-in. Glass Toweling, all size checks, regular 10c grade, at a yard 6& WH1TK GOODS Dress Linen Department A new line of St Gall Swisses, in dots, stripes and figured, 32-ln, wide, at, yd., 39c, 45c, 69c, up to $1.50 All our new Spring Walstlngs, all new patterns, at, a yard, 69c, 49c, 39c, 25c and 15 LVD I A L1XOXS Imported and domestic, at. a yard, 65c 60c, 39c, 25c, 12 He and 7s Persian Lawns, 32-ln. wide, at, yd., 39c, 25c, 19c and 12 H French Lawns, 45-in. wide, at, a yard. 25c, 39c, 50c np to $1.50 French Lawn, 2-yds. wide, reg ular 85c grade, at, yard, 69 Wash Chiffon, 48-in. wide, at, yard, 89c, 75c, 69c, 39c and 25 Old Glory Longcloth, 1-yard wide, at, yd., 19c. 16c, 12 Vic, 10c and gfc Countess Nainsook, 36-ln. wide, at, yard 29c, 25c and. ..19 English Nainsook, at, yard 19c, 16c and 12M Irish Iimity, In checks and stripes, at, a yard, 39c. 25c, nd 19 Fancy Pique, regular 25c grade, at, yard 19 THE RELIABLE, STOKE Three Remarkable Silk Specials Mcuday's sale of Silks wifT certainly surpass all pre vious records in value giving. Our Silk sales always at tract great crowds of buyers, and Monday's exceptional largains mean unusual selling even for this department. Come early before the assortments are broken. 75c and $1.00 Plain Taffetas, Louisenes, Peau de Cygnes and Fancies In great assortment of colors and patterns. These silks have been on display in our lGth street window the past few days on bargain square Monday, "ZQf at, per yard, IN MAIN SILK DEPT. $1 to $1.50 Novelties, 36 in. wide; 27-in. wide Novel ties, Black Taffetas aAd Black Peau de Soie, $1 and $1.25 values; Mondav, at, yard GG IN MAIN SILK DEPT. $1 to $.150 Novelties, 36 in. wide, spring 1907 styles; 36-inch Black and Colored Taffetas, Peau de Soie and Colored Satins; go Mon day, at, yard 89 Saxony Brussels Iace Curtains, In very neat patterns, worth $17.60. go at. pair $15.00 Saxony Brussels Lace Curtains, worth $7.60 to $10.00, go at, pair $5.9S Duchess Point, worth $15.00, go Monday, at, pr., $19.50 Reversible Corded Arabian Cur tains, that sold at $16.00, go at. pair $9.75 Zlon City Cable Net, exclusive designs, in white or ecru, worth from $7.50 to $9.00, go at pair $4.98 Zlon City Barnett Lace Cur tains, worth $4.50 to $6.00, go at. pair,- .'.$2.98 Cluny Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 48-ln. wide, made with 3-in. hem and beautiful linen lace edge, real bargain, at $C50, $5.00. $4.25, $2.98 Novelty Curtains, worth $7.50, go at. pair .x. $1.98 Nottingham Curtains, that sell at $6.00, go at $3.98 Exceotionat Values for Monday ,1 t n..nn.v Klllr. In Brussels Net curtains, loom v""' - rn ,iff,ront atvion . nil 3 Vol exclusive designs; also a line long. 12-4 wide, with plain center; also very elaboraK borders, especially good val ues this week; $12.60 value go at $9.50 $10.00 values go at ..H.n'. $8.60 values go at ..$4.9 500 pairs Lace Curtains, wort $3.00 up to $6.00, go at. i at 81.5r pair $1.95 Lace Curtains, worth $2.50, k at $1.5( 200 different patterns that sei at $1.35, $1.25, 98c, 75c, 69r 69c, 49c, 39c and 25 Bonne Femnie at Half Prict Fish Net, Novelty Net and Gre adine, regular price 35c an 25c, go at 20c and 15- Curtain Swiss, at, yard, 15 12Vic 10c and JM- Cotton Madras, in all colors, a yard . ... 15 Imported Madras, in the late designs, at, yd, $1.25, 98 75c, 60c, 49c, 40c and 35 of plain colors, at, yd., &c, 86c, 75c and 49 )dd pairs of Madras Curtains, to close, worth $3.00 up to $7.50, in two lots, at, a pair, $2.60 and $1.9S rapestry Portieres, with fringe, worth $6.00 up to $9.60, go at, pair $3.98 loman stripes, worth $3.50, go at, pair $1.98 lercerUed Portieres, in all colors, worth $6.98, go at, a pair $4.25 hll. Art Loom Tapestry Couch Covers at half price. Those worth $7.50 go at $4.00; $5.00 go at $2.76; $4.00 value at $1.98; also a Cover tj inches wide, 3 yards long, at 98 lope Portieres, with heavy drape worth $10, at $7.50 eather Portieres, at $20.00 down to $12.00, $10.00, $8.50, $8.00 and $5.00 351 Discount Book Sale ) A general clean-up sale of books. All sets and thou sands of separate volumes, including fiction, history, travel, poetry and children's books. "While this discount sale does not apply to our entire stock, it includes an assort ment calculated to more than please the most particular. One-third off our usual low prices means about 50 per cent saved to you in this sale. A 7 Ses i Off 5,000 Volumes i Off VNEQUALED ASSORTMENT OF UNMATCHED LOW PRICES. January Furniture Sale Offers to our customers many exceptional saving oppor tunities. At all times, on all classes of furniture, our prices represent distinct cash savings to the purchaser. At this time all odd pices, sample lines, etc., are sold at remark able price reductions. No need for delay buy now, pay later. Your credit is good in this de partment. Space will permit of only a few of the many specials for Monday. Roman Chair Like cut, made of solid oak, up holstered in Verona tap estry and velour, reg ular $4.50 value; for Monday, only ...$2.95 Dining; Chairs All odd chairs, 1 to 4 of a kind, in this sale at Half Prica Sample Rockers A splen did line, only one of a kind, in this sale at Less Than Manufacturers' Cost. 'Iron Beds A job lot of Iron Beds, secured at a great bargain only one and two of a kind 35 6tylc to select from great snap at sale prices $40,000 Worth Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments . M Less Than Half Real Worth Monday 1,100 New Coats, 1,200 New Skirts, New Suits, Purs, Waists, Eta Secured by our New York buyer to reinforce and fill out lines of winter goods depleted fcy the past few weeks' tremendous selling. In many cases materials alone would cost more than the prices asked. CLOTH COATS. Women's Coats, worth $10, at $3.95 Women's Coats, worth $12, at $4.95 Women's Coats, worth $20 and $22.50, at $10.00 FUR COATS. Women's Near Seal Coats, beaver trimmed, $G5 values, at .. .$35.00 Women's Fine Astrakhan Coats, reg ular $50 values, Monday. . .$25.00 WOMEN'S SKIRTS. Hundreds of handsome skirts, in great variety of materials, colors, patterns and styles, regular $5.00 values; in this sale $2.95 Stylish Skirts, in the most popular designs and materials, regular $S and $9 values; in this sale. . .$4.95 "Women's $6 Silk Underskirts $.t8 From 8 Till 9 A. M. Women's Long Kimonos, TAILOR SUITS. Stylish Tailor Suits, worth regularly up to $20, in this sale, choice, $9.95 $30 Tailor Suits, in newest designs, colors and materials; at choice $14.75 SPECIAL WAIST BARGAINS. "Women's Waists, regular $1.50 values in this sale at G9 Women's Waists, regular $3 and $4 values in this sale at $1.50 Women's Waists, regular $5 and $6 values in this sale at $2.93 INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Sizes from 1 to 6 years ; come in curl y bearskins, fine broadcloths and vel vets, regular $5 values; to close, at '...'..$1.98 From 8:30 Till 9:30 A. M. Women's Shawls, January Sale of Undermuslins If it's a question of style, you'll find the greatest variety ol dainty designs from all markets here. If it's a question of quality, you need look no further. If it's a question of price, the most exacting buyer will be more than pleased with our offering. aq montiav RPF.fiTAT.S. Ladies Skirts Trimmed with deep lace and several rows of insertion of wide embroidery flounces, made extra long and full; unmatchable value at sale price v $1.50 Ladies' Gowns Daintily trimmed with laces, embroidery and washable rib bons, generously proportioned; a reg ular $1.50 value, at 98 Ladies' Gowns In great assortment, prettily trimmed with lace and inser- . tion; special Monday, at 75 Ladies' Drawers and Corset Covers Made of fine ma terials, covers trimmed front and back with several rows of lace and insertion, at 49 Ladies' Corset Covers Daintily trimmed with lace and era broidery, splendid assortment; special values, at,... 25 Children's Drawers Made of good quality muslin, neatly trimmed, lawn ruffles and embroidery; special bargains, at 19 and 25 $10.00 to S!L35 Bed Like Cut Regular $5.75 value, at. .$3.95 All must go this week to make room for reg ular stock. $4.50 Sanitary Steel Couch Monday $3.25 $1.50 values, at .69 regular $3 values, at.... .,.$1.00 From 9 Till 10 A. M. Children's Dresses, in sizes 6 to 14 years, $1.50 values, at. . . 59 Extra Special Grey Enamel Ware Sale Monday In Our Mammoth Hardware Department Wash Bowl, regular 30c value, una sale Pudding Pans, regular 30o value, this 6ale Colanders, regular 45c , valuo, this sale Dish Pans, regular 75o value, this sale Dripping Pans, regular 65o value, this sale Drinking Cups, regular 15c value, this sale Bat-ting Spoons, regular 15o value, this sale. . , Soap Dishes, regular 25c value, this sale Dippers, regular 40c value, this sale 17 c 15c 22c M5c 39c ...7c ...7c 12c 22c Dippers, regular 30o ? value, this sale IC Lipped Sauce Pans, regular 40c C value, this sale.' Tea Kettles, regular $1.25 value, this sale Granite Buckets, regular 45o value, this sale Coffee Pots, regular 60o value, this sale Water Pails, regular $1.10 value, this sale This ware. .79c 25c 33 c 69c is all the finest grey enamel 4-tie Parlor Broom, special for Monday, each 20 WO-Piece Dinner Sets $4.98 We have just received from the Vodrey Pottery Co., East Liverpool, Ohio, 1,000 decorated dinner sets 100 pieces in each set they come in three F4QR colors, blue, brown and green; entire lot will be placed on sale & .. Monday at, per set The Greatest Dinner Set Bargain Ever Offered. Decorated Wash Eowls and Pitchers 500 pairs to select from, 100 different shapes and decorations; QQ choice Monday, per pair. Plain Porcelain Cups and Saucers; Monday, each.. Uc White Haviland China, for decorating, at 25 per cent discount from our usual low prices; 33 Va per cent saving from prices elsewhere. Slop Jars, with handle and cover, each , ONE THING THERE is one feature of ''Queen Quality" Shoes that never fails to appeal to women of taste. That is their "FIT." That "they fit where others fail" is proverbial. And this matter of Fit means so much. It means prettier and more styl ish feet, and it means the difference between dis comfort and pleasure The "Queen Quality" Shoe has made walking a pleasure for thousands of women. It can de it far you. Let us prove this to you. Priced at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 the pair. Hayden Bros. Bleached Lincoln Sheeting, 9-4 wide; Monday, at 18V2 Bleached Utica Sheeting, 9-4 wide; Monday, at 25 Mercerized Dress Sateens, all colors, 30 inches wide, looks like satin, regular 18o quality, at 10 Berkley No. 60 Cambric 9Y2$ Lonsdale Gambrio 11 No. 90 English Long Cloth 11 Fruit of the Loom Muslin 8ls$ JANUARY RUG SALE Comparison of quality will prove these unmatched bar gains at our sale prices. . Genuine wool faced standard Tapestry Brussels Rugs, size 9x12, regular $15 values; special, at $12.49 Size 9x11, regular $12.00 value, at $9.98 Genuine Royal Wilton Rugs, size 9x12, regular $42.50 value, at .'. $28.50 Seamless Velvet Rugs Handsome Persian patterns, size 9x12, snap at $18.25 27x64 Smith Axminster Rugs, at ; $1.75 Sale of Sheetings I Domestics In Omaha's Greatest Bargain Room Compare these prices. You'll quickly see the saving opportunity. Quality always fully up to standard. Don't miss Monday's specials. ' 9-4 bleached Pepperall Sheeting; on sale Monday, at. .22 Bleached Lockwood Sheeting, 9-4 wide; Monday, at .23 Bleached Pequot Sheeting, 9-4 wide; Monday, at 25 Bleached Fruit of the Loom Sheeting, 8-4 wide; Mon day, at 22H 19c Apron Lawns, 40 inches wide, sheer quality, at ........ v 12V$ 1214c Pacific Percales, 36 inches wide, Monday, at 7V$ 18c Madras Shirting, 36 inches wide, light or dark, at 10 15o Toil de Nord Dress Ginghams, new spring styles, at 8 12o Shadow Plaid Cotton Dress Fab rics, 36 inches wide, at 5 lOo Outing Flannels, extra heavy qual ity, light or dark patterns, at. .. .5 Groceries! Groceries! Groceries! Hayden's, the Greatest Grocery Department In the West Freshest Goods, Highest Quality, and Lowest Prices Always 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap for 5c 10-lb. eacka best Pure Buck wheat Flour 35c 10 Iba. beat Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal 20c 2-lb. cuua Standard Sweet Su gar Corn 4c 2- lb. cans Sao City Sweot Sugar Corn Bo 3- lb. cans Golden Pumukln . .Co 3-lb. cans Bobton Baked Beans Dried Fruit Sale Monday Fancy Anti-Lye California Prunes, per lb 4c Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb. 10c Fancy BeeJlesa Raisins, lb. 10c Fancy 3-crown Muscatel Rais ins, per lb 10c Fancy Seeded Raisins, lb. . . 9c Fancy California Grapes, per lb , 7 ftc Fancy California Peaches, per ID 12 Vic tor 7 Vi o ! Fancy California Pears, 50c Hil WEI MOS. 2.1U. cans fancy Waxr String or Llma Beans 7Vao Quart cans Golden Table Syrup for 9c 1-lb. cans Flat Salmon 9o Bromangtlon, Jellycon or Jell O, ptr pkg 7 Vic Tar Soap, per bar 2 Vic Cold Water Starch, per pkg. 3c Egg-O-Bt Breakfast Food, per pkg 7V4c 1-lb. pkg. Bull Durham S. no Ic ing Tobacco 49c per lb 12 Vic 1-lb. pkg. Condensed Mince meat 7 Vic The best glazed Lemon, Orange or Citrju Peel, ptr lb. . . .19c Duller and Chet'tw Kule Mouduy. Fancy Brick or Uinburger Cheese, per lb 15c Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb 15c Fancy Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb 19c Sap-Sugo Cheese, each . . . . 7 Vi c Fancy Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb 29c Imported Roquefort Cheese (purity brand, per lb... 35c Neufchatel Cheese, each... 3o Fancy Country Roll Butter, per lb 22c Strictly No. 1 fresh- country Eggs, per doz 21o Frd Fruit aud Vegetable Hale Mouday. Carrots, Beets, Parsnips. Tur nips, Rutabagas, red or yel low unload, per lb 2 heads fresh Lettuce 2 bunches fresh Radishes., Large heads fresh Cabbage. Large bunches fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnip J Fresh Parsley, pur bunch. . Per lb 7 vie Fancy Cooking Figs, per lb. 6c Fancy late Red Cranberries.. per quart a FreBh roasted Peanuts, qt. . 6c lc 5c 6c 6c 5c 6c