Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 17

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1 5e,
ant - cids
I Aflrertlaetneat far the want ail
tolamna will b tikri antll IS m. for
the ftcalK edition and aatll O p. ai.
fop th mora I us and Sandafy Hill
: nt Insert lo a, 1 1-3 rents wer
Iro ap nun riarritlr Insertions,
I ift per word rack. Inaertlaal mora
than one Insertion, If aot raa eon
eentlvely will be rhariril for at taa
rata of 1 1 -J rente per word.
$1 60 par Una for one month.
No ad taken for Iess,thaa BO cents.
Death and Fancrnl Notices, Tarda of
.Thank and Lodge Notices, T eeata
per Una for ono edition, marnlna or
Hlonal edition. Bandar, m "
Mine. Ko ad taken for leaa than SO
Want ada for The Bee mar '
any of the following draft mores
'one la "joar corner druggist" they
jar all branch offlcca of The Bea and
roar ad will be laaerted Just aa
prompt I r nnd at the aame ratea a at
'the mala ofllce In The Ilea building
Seventeenth and Farnam atreata.
Albnch. W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranek, 3. A.. 1402 8. 16th St.
Beeht's Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St.
Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb.
Bcmls Park Pharmacy, S;id and Cuming.
Cnughlin, C. K.. 6th and Fierce Sts.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Av.
Conte, J. B.. ilst Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th nnd Lake.
Cermnk. Emll. 1264- 8. 13th St.
Knit man Pharmacy. 4H Hamilton.
Khler, P. H.. 2V2 Le avenworth.
i Foster & Arnold, 213 N. 25th St.
' Frevtag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St.
1 Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
jt Goldman Pharmacy, 2oth and Lake Bta.
Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ava and
i Pacific.
Oreenough, a. A., 1026 S. 10th St.
i, Oreenough. G. A., 10th and Hickory.
t Hayden, VV'm. C, 2!0 Farnam ft.
Har.scom Park Phar.. 1501 S. 29th Ava.
Hoist. John. 624 N. 16th St.
Huff. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St.
' Klns'a Pharmacy. 2238 Farnam St.
Kt"i'w Place Pharmacy, 3S04 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1G N. 24th St.
Lathrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St.
Peyton L. K., 24th and Leavenworth.
Hnrntnra Drue (7ft.. !i4th and Ames Ave.
Brhaefer's Cut Plica Drug Store. 16th and
Schaffer, August, 2fi31 N. lfitn Bt.
Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts.
Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace Sts.
Wlrth, O. II., 40th and Hamllten Sts.
The ' following births and death were
reported to the Board of Health during the
twenty-four nours ending caiuruay noon:
Births John Carlson. 4009 North Twenty
;f f fifth avenue
boy; J. T. Cunningham, 403
?l it Bancroft, girl; . V. Irape
V V avenue, boy; John Fry, 4818
jf C. H. Stltzer, Mm St. Mary'l
Draper, an uapitoi
l cnaries boy;
i rj. auiaer, MM ni. iviary a aveoua, uvy.
: Henry L. Trotter, z?24 Harney, gin.
'" Deaths Sam Otx)dman. 122 North Four-
' tnenth, 30; S. Nada. 122 North Fourteenth,
' 24; Frank Nunc, 14ii2 South Thirteenth, 40;
Kens cousin, VJz Houtn Jentn, tL
ARNOLD Lucia Lee, January 12, aged 86 I
vears and i) months
; Funernl from her late residence, 823 North
Seventeenth street. Tuesday afternoon at
I o'clock. Interment at Mt. Hope ceme-
. tery. Frlonds Invited to .service. Inter-
j ment private.
jMl'LLEN IJllian, at the residence of her
fmotner, i( eoutn iniriy-nrm strewt.
Funeral at house to be Sunday afternoon,
; remains to be taken to Cincinnati, O., for
i Interment.
j We desire to express our sincere gratitude
to our friends, neighbors and the Degree
; t i of Honor lodge No. 26,
nd especially their
IndneHS during the
and death of our beloved wife and
( ? muuiHT.
i i The undersigned desires to thus publicly
fx press his thanks ana gratituae to too
5 ' 2 kind friends, especially the Eagles, who
I kind friends,
i ao kindly Rsslsted during the late lllnei!
( 4 of his son Adulph. THOMAS HKUZA.
, . L
For 8ale The St. Paul. Neb., Electrlo
Light Plant. Modern. Standard appara'
It Interested
R M746 14a
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe
cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and
sates, u. Auareen, rrop., iu a. loth bt.
81QN PA1NTINO-8. H. Cole. 1303 Douglas.
IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
it SlJ
DAVIS RROS., machinists; general repair-
lug, ituo jauason bi. ii uougias a).
Hm Jit
AUCTION ER If you want your stock of
goods sold or reaucea write me at Ulan-
wovu, ia., capu r. tr. rowier.
- R-M7C J23
BUT out envelopes and ba sure of sani
tary gumming. Jiurkley Envelope Co.
It M76S F1I
RUBBER STAMPS Western Stamp and
Stencil Co., 3U S. 12th SC Send for caia-
logua. . R M14 F7
Yni'NQ man wants Dlaca in private family
to work tor board and room while go ng
to school, ttoyies uuiiege. leu uuug. ls4.
A t4
WANTED Situation by man of more than
Hveraaw aoiuiy, in wnoie.iais grocery
house. Salary, to start not so much of an
objert as a good connection. Addresa
Q-6U. Bea. A-&4 lax
TOUNO LADY stenographer deslrea offlco
space where she may compensate "r
same by doing light stenographic work
and minding the ottti-e, with privilege of
taking in worn, A-idress l, a He
A Uo 13X
SITUATION WANTED By practical hotel
man of fourteen yeare' experience In every
branch of the business. Can furnish re
ference from leading Chicago and Si.
Louis hotels and cluto. Have conducted
eastern dining car. Will take charge of
first class cafe, restaurant, bar, simmer
resort, hotel or club on commission It
deairea. Aaareaa x m, care vee.
A-MT08 17
WANTED Poaltlon by salesman of ability,
acquainted with the hardware and fur
nace trade In Nebraska. A4dres G-M9,
oarw xitfe. a uia 14 x
SITUATION WANTED as superintendent
or manager, by middle-aged man, with
selling. manufacturing, electrical and
shipping experience; thoroughly com in
tent to handle men: economical In man
agement; speaks English and Oerman;
ood reference Address M MT, Bee.
A-13 lSx
POSITION as aaststant bookkeeper or gen
erai omca worn.
Address a E. H
B. toth St.
A Hi 16X
JJXSa BVVOBODA, 1418 Farnam. -all
L, HENDERSON. 1U Farnam. Tel. Doug.
1U. i
1)R, ROY Wart a, molea removed by aleo
, Ululi. R. i, 1j6 Farueun. T Douai f I.
Concerning the Cost
of a Business College Course.
"You ran ret nothing: for nothing- and mighty llttla for ha penny."
Ypu know that you will have to pay a good price for a good suit
You know that anything worth a good price Is usually sold for a good price.
Business college courses and their costa are not totally unlike clothes and their
A business college worth ypur consideration will not have to Cut It tuition ratea
to gain your consideration or add you to Its roll of students. The very action of a
business college cutting Its tuition rates
weak point In the college course.
has never cut Its tuition rates any more than
nr of ltd stuff of InKtructora.
Wc charge merely a fair price for Just
that It Is possible for a young man or a young woman to obtain. If our tuition
rates were twice aa high as they are. It would pay any parent to pay them In order
to enroll his eon or daughter In Boyles College It would pay any young man or any
young woman to pay thm to become a pupil
Because iioylen College is a success, its
large percentage of Its graduates In the
mn of nil this section of the country when
keeper or a Telegrapher who will be successful In pleasing his employer, call upon
Boyles College and give employment to Boyles College graduates. Even though you
had to pay twice tur tuition rates, you
extra salary you would earn immediately
College graduates command higher suiariea man uo oruinary ousmers mii,,o
uates, becau.-e Boyles College is no ordinary business college. Befpre you decide
upon entering any Dusiness college anywoerr, uu juunm w.o , v"f. ;
vestlgatliig our claims, but visiting Boyles College and seeing fof yourself tha evi
dence of pur claims.
Bend for catalogue, anyway.
U. 8. NAVY enlists young men and me-
chanlcs of good physique and cnaracter,
cltixens of L". S., 17 to 35 years. Special
pay and training for qualtlled men. and
advancement when tjualltied. Greatly In
creased pay for men who re-enllst. Re
tirement arter so years service mr on
listed men. with H0.70 to $l,06il7 i pay)
per annum. Privilege of discharge by
purchase. Navy Kecruiting Stations,
P. O. Bldgs., Omarin, Lincoln, Hastings
and Sioux City. uMJUl 1U
WANTED Large, first-class house or
twenty-five years' standing, manuiauiur-
lng a staple line or gooua m rau'
daily use, wants a good man to manage
branch wholesale Dusiness; irj,
per year, payable monthly, together with
all expenses and extra commissions. Ap-
illcnt must furnlsn gooa reiereni;es ana
l.OTiO cash, which is satisfactorily secured.
Address President, 612 8. 6th St., St. LouiB,
TWO BOOKKEEPERS, wholesale, $75.
EXTENSION CLfcKK. young man, J46.
The above positions are oien for Immed
iate consideration Call or write lor com
plete list of vacancies.
Suite S4V-2 N. Y. Life BWlg.
B M7S2 12
WANTED At once, 600 sound young men.
aged in to 36, for nremen ana oraKni"i
on leading western ratlroada and for new
roads now being completed; experience
Unnecessary; firemen $100 per month;
oraKemen 1,5; positions now open; can
write at onoe for particulars. National
Ry. Training Aaa'n, 610 X, Paxton Blk.,
Omaha, Neb. F M40 F4
WANTED Men to learn barber trade, vve
you for positions,
$12 tO M
You can practically eari
earn your
tuition, tools
and board before
pletlng. Short time required,
or locations waiting, call
or write.
Muhler Barber Culleire. 1116 Farnam St.
i5 M I tt) 1 1 A.
WANTED Younar men for railroad service.
as clerks, operators, etc.; experience un
necessary. We teach and place you In
uosltlon: short course, low tuition, high
salaries. Write for catalogue. Chicago
Railway and Commercial Institute, K. ol.
lb w asiiington t., tjnicago. u-
A CORPORATION owning and operating
Industrial, railway and mining enter
prises desires representatives on a nwn
remunerative basis. Address Lt. a. n..
Room 606 Flatiron Bldg., New York.
a oio ui
MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying
trade pays to to Hi per day. we leauu
you by practical instructions In tnrea
months; position guaranteed; free cata
logue. Coyne Trade School. 4975 Eastpn
Ave., St. Louis. Mo. b-i
WANTED A watch. Tou get It for a
few hours -of your time. Write at once
to Malena Company, Warrlorsmark, -P.
1 Jklioo " "
WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma
nent jod. A. D. T. Co., m a. li ou
1 o 1 1
Drug clerks wanted. F,
V. Kniest, N. Y. L.
RULER and forwarder; must have god
references. A. I. Root, tine), J.uv-"i
Howard. B-814
man or woman.
keen hooka and handle typewriter,
to take permanent position In lumber and
coal office; resident of South Omaha pre
ferred. Address In own hand, stating
experience, salary expected to start and
references. Address Y 171, Bee.
B M571 12
WANTED High claaa soap salesmen. Swift
and Company. Soulti umana. a un w
WANTED For tha U. S. Marine Corpa,
men between ages zi ana jo; an oppoi
tunlty to see the world. For full Informa
tion apply In person or by letter to Re
cruiting Officer, Cor. 12th and Farnam
streets, Omaha, Nebraska. B 667 F7
WANTED Bov of neat aDDearance to work
in onice, one wltn wneel preierrea. rosier
i Maxaen, all Paxton hiock.
B M fUB l-'X
BALE8.MHN to call on doctora. Clean,
well oajii work for hard womer. aiso
one for Central Nebraska. State expert'
ence. P. O. Box, SOS, Philadelphia.
WANTED Printers; write or wire: state
wages and when can coma, rne i rioune.
McCook, Neb. B-M714 13x
WANTED a Janitors; must come well
recommended. Apply to Bupt. nee mag.
B M71S 12x
WANTED An all-round laundry man;
atate experience and wages expeeiea ana
give reference. Albion Steam Laundry,
Albion. Neb. B M706 18
WANTED At once, fifty cash boys and
girls. Bee, Mr. Harvey, main noor. v ine
Bennett Company. B M75j'
WANTED Experienced linen salesmen.
Only experienced men neeu apply. J. i
Brandeis & Sons. B-M766 14
, 1 - ,
CIVIL service examinations will soon ba
held In every state. uil information ana
questions recently used Dy ine commis
sion free. Columbian Correspond enoa
College. Washington, D. C. B
WANTED Harness maker.
Frank Keld,
B 781 U
ler, David City. Neb.
IN SIX WEEKS you can become a success
ful commercial traveler; position guar
anteed upon graduation: tuition payahle
out of earnings. Bradatreet Commercial
School, Buffalo, N. Y. B-Mi lJx
WANTED Railway
mall clerks: salary
ikiii; preparation free.
Rochester, N. Y.
B 802 Ux
$mj0; examinations
Franklin Institute,
MEN To distribute samples, tack signs. $1
dally; steady, no canvassing. iHiver,
Monroe Bldg., Chicago. B 906 13 X
BILL CLERK In periodical department;
applicant must write a plain nana ana
be accurate In figures; wages $ per week.
Apply, at once, Manager The Omaha
News Co., 15th and Davenport.
B M914 14
SALESMEN Advertising side line; new and
useful; i-ommtaalon X per cem; vaiuaoie
samples fie. Address M. P. Bupt.. Box
23u, N. T. B-801 lSx
IN SIX weeks we educate you In salesman
ship, secuie you position as traveling
salesman with responsible firm. Addrexa
The Bradstrevt System, Rochester, N. Y.
B 845 13 X
WANTEIi A man In every city and town
to act as our representative; a one Dusi
ness. good pay and permanent. Lambert
feUivder Co 41 W, M 11, New York.
aa an Inducement is confession ol npme
It haa ever cut tho quality of Its course
the very best kind of a business education j
at Boyles College. -,,-t.
graduates are iui-re. 7 . T V
past have been successful, tha business
looking for a btenograpner or a inn
wouiu oe more man ainiuy rryniu m v..
upon going Into the business wor d. Boyles
Therefore you cannot waste time by looking
ror a position. To reglsier wun ua means
time fcaved and money made.
We need In part:
SALESMEN: Olgiir. city, $L5; specialty,
$160: hardware. $126.
MAN AG KJtS : Office and advertising, $12T;
business college, $126; retail lumber yard,
BOOKKEEPERS: Wholesale, $S0; supply
house, $76; Jobbing, $75; retail, $75; Mfg.,
STENOGRAPH KRS : Lumber, $75 to $100;
R. R., $75; R. R,, $65; commercial, $50.
OFFICE CLERKS : Wholesale, $60 to $75;
contractor. $'J6; R. K-. $o.
MISi EIaLANEOI'S: Gen. Mdse. clerk, $S0;
clothing. $i0: grocery. $75.
See us at once if you want to better your
position, t all or write ror complete list
of vacancies.
Bulla Mo-2, N. X. Life Bldg.
B 931 18
MEN Write at once and we will explain
how we will make you a present of $10,
give you a splendid suit of clothes every
ninety days, enlarge your picture free and
pay you a salary of $5 per month and all
traveling expenses, with our check for $50
when engaged, to take orders for the
greatest and most reliable Portrait House
In the world. All this will be guaranteed.
Address R, V. Mar tel. Dept. Uo". Chicago,
111. B 795 13x
WANTED Men to travel, deliver sample
and advertise our goods locally. Salary
$il per month and expenses. Beexley Co.,
Dept. B, Monon Block, Chicago.
B 787 13x
WANTED Men everywhere to tack ad.
vertlaing cards and dintrlbute advertis
ing oamples. Salary $Z1 per week, $3 a
day expense allowance. Unity Supply Co.,
Desk 4, Chicago. B 7M 13x
BCIBNCH of modern selling tells how to
increase your efficiency, multiply sales.
secure orders you almost get. Free
booklet. Elmer Dwlggins, 41 Astor
ineater Bldg., N. X. City. B 782 13x
MEN to travel, Salary $21 per week and
expenses, guaranteed. Expenses ad
vanced. Experience unnecessary. Ad
dress, with Btanru stating age. Reeve
CO., rsi Dearborn St., Chicago. B 781 13x
WANTED Man, each county, to advertise
our goods and leave samples; salary $J0
t weeaiy; expenses anvancea. Northwestern
Co., Dept. 41 A, 338 Wabash Ave., Chi
cago. B 826 lSx
WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to
aistriDute circulars, advertising matter,
tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address
National Distributing Bureau, 100 Oak
land Bank Bldg., Chicago, III.
B 817 13x
wen ior easy wora: examinations or an
kinds soon; booklet E. 199. describing po
sitions and telling easiest and quickest
way to secure them. Is free. Write now.
Washington Civil Service School, Mary
lanu mug., Washington, L. (J. B 796 Ui
WANTED Good man In each county to
represent and advertise ha-dware depart
ment, put out aamples, etc.; salary fSlvt
weeKiy; expense money anvancea. Dept.
ai, i ne uoiumoia House, union go.
B-790 13x
MEN learn plumbing! Western Plumbing
Trade School, 1.109 Tremont, Denver, Tui
tion $50. W. T. Cream. B
WANTED An all around butcher for shop
and outside work In country town: one
who Is capable of running the business
as part or owner s time Is taken up with
other business; none but sober and In-'
dustrlous person need apply;1 references
required. Address L 142, care Bee.
B MS68 15 x
Mn to learn barber trade. Short time re
quired. Expert Instruction; tools and po
sitions furnished. Small expense. Write
or call. American Barber College, 12th
and Douglaa streets. B 041 ltx
WANTBD Bright, hard working young
man between the ages of 18 to 23. to solicit
advertising on large dally paper; moir-
ate salary to start on,, nut good future
promised for one with ability along thi
line. Answer at onoe In own hand-writ-
lng. K 48, care Bee.
YOUNG WOMEN of good address make
large Incomes taking subscriptions for
UK ESS, the most beautiful magaxina of
our times; sella on sight; commission most
liberal f any; spare hours can be turned
Into, money; regular systematio workers
can make $2,5UUilo $5.UU0 yearly; several
young women now make $30 to $o0 per
weeK. w rite ai once ior terms ana in
structions. DRESS, 24-26 E. 21t St., N. Y
C 4US Ux
TWO BOOKKEEPERS, $50 to $65.
The above positions; together with nu
merous others, are open for Immediate
ouiio ew- 4. x. ziiaK-
C M7S3 13
GIRLS to operate power machine In shirt
pnd overall factory; permanent work. M.
hi. bmltn uo.. utn ana Douglas Sts.
UiKLB wan tea; steaay worg; good wages.
WANTED 6 laundry girls. M. E. Smith's
factory, litn ana uougias Bis. c Ha
WANTED One good woman cook and din
ing room girl; little Sunday work: good
wages. AprJly Cudehy Restaurant, "South
Omaha. C M716 13
WANTED A good cook; must have ref
erences; no washing. Mrs. J. E. Baurn,
3545 Harney. C 6M 13
GIRL for general housework, small family,
good wages, no washing. Call on Mrs.
Murand. 4Mi Dodge. C 7.4 lzx
WANTED 100 girls to operate new, high
spued power machines In shirt factory;
good pay and steaoy employment. Api ly
at once to Byrne Hammer D. Q. Co..
Factory, Vth and Howard Bts. O 761 16
WANTED A lady In every town and city
to act as our representative; a fine busi
ness, good pay and permanent. Lambert
Snyder Co., tl W. 24th St., New York.
4 C-822 13 X
WANTED Ladles to advertise our gooda
and superintend work In several counties,
by correspondence: permanent pillion;
salary lis per teek. Addresa Manufac
turer, JU Tacoma Bldg., Chica'o.
C 799 13x
LADIES to make Sanitary Belts; material
all cut ready to sew; $1.20 per dosen; par
ticulars stamped Winitmtt. Lenox t'o,.
Dept. (0, Chicago. CMt Ux
Omaha Commercial College
19th and Farnam Sts.
"Were it not for our elegant and spacious new building with
the finest equipped school rooms of any business college in Amer
ica, we would be compelled to close the doors of every department
to the admission of new students but we have ample accommoda
tions for a 1,000 students, so are abundently prepared to render
tho best of service! Our enrollment for the year will exceed
1,200 and no other school has been purchased to increase the
The success of any school is largely due to organization and
thorough work. Our organization and work were never so satis
factory and this insures the best results to all students. Every
department is producing the best products obtainable at any
During the winter months more teachers are employed, mak
ing the faculty of the Omaha Commercial College the largest of
any commercial school in our city and state. We pay the highest
salaries and therefore get the best teachers.
We have without question the finest college building of any
business college anywhere. We
sive courses, new furniture and
machines, comptometers, and in fact every needed improvement
with which to do our work. You will find advantages at the
Omaha Commercial College unexcelled and rarely equaled.
In all departments. Good
convinced of our superior advantages. Catalogue free. Night
school Monday, Wednesday and
Begin tomorrow and tomorrow
LADIES to work piecework; $3 per doz. ;
materials iurnisnea; no canvassing;
steady work. Stamped envelope. . Best
Mfg. Co., Champlaln Bldg., Chicago.
C 834 13x
WANTED Ladies who want to earn money
we have an opening tor you; no can
vassing, premium work, or disagreeable
out-of-door taeks; you are even your own
boss; we can tit you for woman's ideal
home occupation, requiring no special
talents; practical In city, town or farm;
stamped addressed envelope for details.
Frank Halght, 46oi Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago. C 843 13 x
WANTED First-class cook at
the Pratt
C M767
m a 2oth st
GIRLS for sorting room: experience un
necessary. City Steam Laundry.
C-MS89 14
WANT girl for general housework! small
lamliy. Utt B. Z7lh St. C M893 14x
WANTED Cash girls and cash boys In
Brandeis' new basement J. L. Brandeis
& Sons. C MU15 15
WANTED A girl desiring a good home
and willing to assist with housework
and care of child; good wages paid.
Mrs. Talmage, 'phone Harney 2918.
' C 786 13x
for family washing.
C 810 Lix
2204 Douglas St.
GOOD girl for general bouse work. 8219
Leavenworth St. C M878 16x
WE STILL NEED more ladles and girls
decorating aofa pillows; experience un
necessary; work taken home; call fore
noons at 2SU a 13th. C-DJ1 13x
Ml i, X. LAIO Bldg.
C-30 18
GIRLS To work on power machine and
finishers. Burgesa Shirt Co., 20C4 Farnam
St. C 122 Feb4
M' DOW ELL Dressmaking school, l3 Farn.
U-MMI f8
WANTED, at once, experienced head wait
ress at the Hoatwkk hotel, HaHtings,
Neb. ; references required; C 934 13
WANTED Men with team an rig to sell
a line of high-grade family remedies,
spices and extracts to consumers; must
be honest, sober and Industrious. Tha
Gladstone Medicine Co., Hawarden, la.
Aarons, Marks &, Co., EaHt Water St., Mil
waukee, wis., men s cunning manuiac
turers, want experienced salesmen with
at least $35,0") sales record for Iowa,
southern Nebraska or Kansas. Our line,
ranging from $5 to $16. haa established
merit and with good men who wish to
better themselves for the fall selling of
19if7, liberal contracta will be considered.
Applications strictly confidential. L
An experienced clothing
salesman for Kansas and
Nebraska and South Da
kota; men without trade
need not apply.
199 Market St., Chicago.
SALESMAN capable of earning $3,500 per
year, wltn run line or soaps, extracts, etc.,
furnishing dealer the $2 for $1 selllng'plan,
meeting mull-order competition. F. F.
Cook, Sales Dept., Detroit, Mich. I-i
WANTED A salesman handling stationery
or other office supplies to sell on commis
sion an attractive office speclulty, which
ran be handled as a side line. Address
. Y 237, care Bee. L-4 13x
WANTED-Salesmen of ability and neat
appearance to call on all merchants In
their territory; elegant side line; con
venient to carry; good commissions;
prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. t'o.,
Cincinnati. O. L 810 13x
WANTED A local salesman to handle eur
line of gummed labels and price tickets.
Write, alatlnr references and experience,
to The Tablet and Ticket Co.. 7-?9
Franklin St., Chicago, 111. L 807 13x
SALESMEN Side line; standard article:
liberal commission: small sumple; will
onlv place with limited number of men.
Trojan Mfg. Co., Station O, South Bend,
Ind. L 13x
WANTED Salesmen with regular route
and established trade, can add $la0 per
month to Income wlih our goods aa slrle
line, p'ioket samples. Model Cutlery Co.,
1502 a 10th St., St. Joseph, Mo.
L-786 lSx
TRAVELING shoe salesman for Omaha
and suburbs. Apply H. D. Raff & Co.,
manufacturers, Chicago. L 827 13
SALESMEN for 19i7 to handle our line In
Nebraska; we have men making over $1'X
per week: high commissions: permanent
position for capable salesman. MeAIMs-ter-Coman
Company, 856 Dearborn St.,
Chicago. L 826 13x
SIDE LINE traveling men can make $25 to
$50 per week carrying side line of most
up-to-date advertising fans of our excla
sive and special designs; season now
rvrtfnlne". sotilv t once. The Kemper-
Thomas Co., Fan Dept., Station H. Cin
cinnati, U. ti en J
WANTED Salesmen: something raw; easy
aeller to bankers and merchants: big com
mission. B"J Hi. St. Juaeyu. Mo.
L 7y 13
have thorough and comprehen
fixtures, new typewriters, adding
time to begin. Visit us and be
Friday nights of each week.
WANTED Traveling salesman before Feb
ruary 1 to handle our well advertised
line, unequaled inducements to the trade;
must be laminar wltn lowa and Me
braska territory, accustomed to culling on
country general stoies and drug trade;
preference given patent medicine, drug,
sundry, or man handling similar lines;
must be a salesman; slate age, lines him
died, average monthly sales, first letter;
replies eon nil en 1 1 a ! ; salary and expenses
to right man. aax ooo, micugo.
L 824 tlx
SALESMEN Local and traveling, to sell
the finest and most complete line of na
tive champagnes and wines to hotels, sa
loons, retail liquor dealers, grocers, drug
gists, etc., also to the best family anil
other consuming trade; no experience
necessary, but energy, good references
and $lti.70 cash deposit required for fine
valise nnd full line of samples; after short
tilal period, will contract tor one or mors
years on salary and expenses; pplendld
opportunity. Address P. W. Box 1107, Penn
Yan, New York. L 818 tfx
WANTED Several high grade experienced
road salesmen for 1907; men capable of
earning large salaries; staple line; old es
tablished jobbing house. Address 1110
Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn.
WELL RATED firm making a staple line,
sold extensively, wants several salesmen
for this section; big repeater; stocking
season now opening. Manufacturers, Box
1198, St Louis, Mo. L 794 13x
SIX SALESMEN for 1907: must be bust
ness producers; can make at least $4.JK
net. The Barton-Parker Co., Cedar Rap
Ids, la. L Wo 13X
SALESMAN Travel for old, reliable whole
sale house; staple line; sells to all classes
of merchants. Good hustler for Ne
braska territory for W7: $2iV0 a month
and expenses. Address Box 786, St. Louis.
Mo. L 831 13x
SALESMEN Traveling, to devote their
whole or spare time In handling an ad
vertlslnar sorclaltv of excentional merit
can be used by every tu,ness; samples
carried In Docket: averutte commission
each sale $-6; some salesmen earn $10,000
yearly. Taylor Mathers, 4o Broadway
New York. L-849 l3x
with us at once; excellent article; quick
seller: ilheral commission. Balm, 21 Lak
St., Chicago.
L 847 13x
SALESMAN Experienced In any line, to
sell the general trade In Nebraska an un
excelled specialty proposition; commis
sions with $35 weekly for expenses, Tha
Continental Jewelry Co... Cleveland, Ohio,
L 846 13x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line, high commaTslons with
$100 monthly advance; permanent position
to riKht man. Jess H. Braltn to., Detroit,
Mich. L 821 13x
WANTED Live agents In every county
and town In the United Btates lo aell the
Acme Metallic Sanitary Hens' nest the
best nest en the market; price, 50 cents
for single nest, or $i per dozen; territory
for sale; a quick seller. Metallic mik. uo.,
Uu Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. J w6 15
WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men
with rias to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept
64, Parsons, Kan. J
GET NEXT to newest goods; slickest
schemes, money getting plans, forinul.ts,
etc Three blif 4S-uage books. In Ceiita.
Progressive Monthly, Brooklyn, N. Y.
ntrc Northwestern Live Stock Insurance
Co.. 1710 Broadway, Seattle, Wa-sh.; In
sures live stock against death from any
cause. Aitents wanted. Write the home
omce for terms and particulars.
J 804 liX
AGENTS Gas lamp with detachable heater
and cooker; lamp manes us own ,
equals electricity; heater heats any room
L..r e.xiks anvtliinx: all three com
cent daily; booklet free, giving wholes.ila
,i,eu. Monarch Co.. 11 Liberty 61.
Dept 88. Nw York. J 851 13x
inuVTS-Homelhlnc: extraordinary; self.
generating gas Durnera, iiiuiia k
r.mosi brilliant wlilte gas light; liberal
,.,,4..,.AmAntH- MvrliiHive territorv: dohiIIvi
nionoiHilv: description free; established
reliable. Eastern Uas Light Co., i8o 1 road
way. New York. J 620 isx
WANTEI Live agents to sell the latest
in.iimvrH Monarcn nanu i"jwi i"
..i,,H-r n1 Hharn.ner: outsells every
tiling on market; extra good profits; big
ri..m..nri: eel our uiouoemon umi n.
Starr Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee, Vis.
.null murir II. A2e HH riieiini,.,,
quantities Medicated Gloves, Armlets i nd
Masks, which cure chapped, rough or dis
colored hands, a-ms and face urd ke p
skin soft and white. We have fine pro o-
Bition ti make you. Common Sense Mlg.
Co.. 8u26 Olive, St. Louis J Sol 13X
vof CAN MAKE $3mm yearly handlln
.4ollne lambs snd lighting syaten
M-rit. nulck far territory, catalogue an
r,orictilurs. W. E. Bible, manager, :)02
V. l ake St.. Chloago.
J 833 13 X
m a rirn rUHtrict aaents for largest Sic!
and Accident Insurance Company In mid
dle wet: bl comniis'on, or c mm'ssien
aiid salary, to producers. American Ben
evolent Association. St. Louis, ilo.
PICTURES AGENTS Our specialties for
1H07: Pillow tops, lace medallions, veneer
medallions; big money; Urgent portrait,
frame anil picture supply house In the
world; send for catalogues. Indiana Por
trait wU Fraaua Co.. JUU'orte, Ind
- . J 840 13X
ELL our repptvolr dusttess floor and car
pet brushes In stores, schools, residence",
fmbllo buildings, hotels, halls; field tin
Imlted; reduce dust 97 per cent actual
test; gold medal at St. Louis World a
fair; strictly guaranteed; big margin and
great seller: opportunity to P'llld great
trade; exclusive territory; no competition.
Milwaukee lmstless Brush Co., Milwau
kee, Wia. J IMJ 13x
WE will send free, to anyons of good
standing, a IS Commercial Fountain 1 en,
simply to advertise; you are not asked to
canvass or sell anything, write t a let
ter; inclose stamp nnd Itate occnpitlon.
J. W. Ureely, Fen Mfgs., Portland. Me.
J S69 KX
AOENTS can easily make $l(t a day selling
our cold window letters, noveltv sigis ana
changeable xlgns; catalogue fiee. Sullivan
Co., 4u6 W. an Buren St., Chicago, m.
j w 1JX
BIO eay money fitting glasses, $.0 to $100
weekly. Experience unnecessary, write
for free 'Imuklct five." National OrtlciU
College, St. Louis, Mo. J 7S9 lSx
WANTED Agents to soil Dry Fut Insoles,
a noon to rheumatic, callous and ternicr
feet; 1(0 per cent profit. Dry l'lt Insole
Mfg. Co., 802 West l:;th St., New York.
J SoO 13X
WANTED A sent s; legit Imnta substitute
To- slot machlnis. patented, sells on
siutit. for ll.iiii. Particulars, Cisra Co.,
Anders n, Indiana. J !7 1SX
Did you ever notice how Quickly you get
down to Thompson, Helden at Co. when
lny advertise a stioclal sale? VNhyT Be
cause you have learned to know they ad
vertise THE TRUTH.
Ve cannot al'lurd to advertise anything
Isc, because newspaper biace costs a lot
of money. The following are exce.Vnt bar
gains, some practically new Inaciiines
Reriilnt; ton
4 modal. 76
i.t mniKl'JO
It', iningion
Btuliii Picmler No. 2.
Smith l'runuT No. 2.
1. nderwot'd, latest, No.
I'ndi twood No. 4
Iillckunsderfer No. 6.
Hiukcnsdcrfer No. 7 io
Biickt nsderiur No. 7 80
Chicago 15
We rent typewriters $in) a month up.
Vte are Bllckensderfer agents.
Gentral Typewriter Hxchanse,
1603 Leavenworth.
, q-s:4 13
Densmore, Model 4 ,
$25.00 to $1' ."0
15. oy to 25.00
Remington, Model i
RtMiitiKton. Model 6
37. 5o to
26. W to
4'.00 to
Smith-Premier, Model 1...
So. 00
Smith-Premier, Model 3...
Underwood, Model 1,
35. tW to
Underwood. Model 4 4o.'0 to 6A.U0
Oliver. Model 3.
37.60 to
Hn.ui to
, 12.50 to
, 30.K) to
, 30.00 to
36.00 to
50. 00
Ulickensderler, Model 7....
Densmore, Model 1
Jewett, new style
New Century, lata model..
Fox, Model 3
66. K
All makes machines rented $2.a0 per
mouth. Rental applied on purchase price,
Fox Typewriter & Supply Co.
1822 Farnam St, Omaha. Douglas 3S74.
U -S3U 13
FOR SALE Numbering stamp. In good
condition. Inquire George R. vvrigiit, Bee
onice. W-M221
SEND us your mall orders for drugs
freight paid on $10 lots. Aiyers-uuion
Drug Co., omaha.
SHERWIN W11L1AMS CO., best mixed
paint Sherman & McCuunell Drug lo.
y 931
tl ALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam.
FEW bargains in 2d-hand soda fountains
monthly payments. Derignt, iis r ai nam,
y iho
ONE 6-lnch Jenkins' valve for sale. Apply
W. li. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg.
GASOLINE engine and wood-working
machinery for sale cheap. Apply Anchor
Fence Mfg. Co., 2u7 N. 17th St.
y M431
BARGAINS In unredeemed Jewelry. 418 N,
16tb. W-J4 J13
FOR SALE A handsome bookcase, ma
hog any hnlsli, at a bargain. 33 Dewey
Ave. y ou;x
FIRE SALE on coal. Burr egg, $5.26 ton,
for stove or furnace. Tel. Harmon &
Weeth. Q M719 F10
FINE Leuben
slides; cheap.
stereoptlcon, with colored
308 N. 16Ul St.
y-M741 14 X
ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good
condition, for sale cheap. Call at lies
v office. Q M62Dx
FOR SALE Model "K" Wlnton Automo
bile: fully eauiDOed: top lights, etc.;
only run suO miles; guaranteed first-class
condition. Price ' l,M. Address C. U.
Dewev Hotel. Omaha. Neb.
y M947
1,600 fEET wire cable, In good condition,
for sale cheap. R. W. Baker, Bupt. Bee
. Bldg. W-3S7X
One office counter, I office desk, quartered
oak. For particulars phone Dcuxias 476.
Q-M'J78 14
$350 UPRIGHT piano, fine shape, $135; slo
. halltree and bookcase, cheap. 415 N. 2 lit
Q-M743 15 x
TWO fine store mirrors, cheap. 308 N. 16th.
Q-M743 14x
I have 50.000 pole. 7S,i0 posts, 25.i0
railroad ties; I prdUuoe my own stock,
do not belong to the trunt and can save
the consumer 5 per cent S. E. Thompson,
Tonstrike, Minn. Q-B 13x
CONCRETE" (hollow) block machine;
simplest, cheapest best; making 300
water-proof blocks duilv. Francis Ma
chinery Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. y 830 13x
A FINE sealskin rape, slr.e 120 inches by S
Indus, collar 24 Inches by t inches; RICH
London dyed: Skinner satin lined: would
make over into a beautiful Jacket: for
sale at a heavy discount. Add res II .V-6,
Bee. y-871 13x
16-FOOT Racine i.aunch.
Albright, Beemer, Neb.
Address, Edward
Q-MS.8 14
writer used
Red 6509.
new No. 4 Underwood type
two months, for $75. Ph'.no
I VN!r?CTAr High grade W07 Calendars,
LlhOJIAU B K. COT,.r 16. h tit. and
&JORVE Capitol Ava. -97
work; typewritten letters. 110 S. 17th St.,
lfe blocks north Bee Bldg. -18 Jl
las CA
'Phone Doug.
SOL S. GOLIiSTROM Whiskies, wines and
liquor for family use. Mill orders given
prompt attention. Send for pi Ice llt.
South Omaha, Neb., opposite stock yaid.
WILLIAM WAPT'ICTI, commercial lva-ytr
and collections; coriKiration litigation una
claims collected; estates probated; nb
atracts and lcgt! papers prepaxuU. No
tary publia CuIgUioft Block.
not ironed. 211 S. 11th Bt. iei.
PEWINO machines rented, any mka. 7M
per week or $2.i per month. recona
hnnd machines for sale, . "
Neb. Cjcle to., 15th ami ,iroy'uB1
LfT. Aing. 3018 N. iQst St Tel. loua.
- -
ttons, Ruchlnfc
Dyeing and Cleaning. Rnnnrinn and Shrink
ing, only 6c per yaid. Bend for price list
and sample.
400 Douglas Block. Tel. Dougis 1
LI 91W
YOUNG MAN af good character and habit
oeeiree ta correspond with a young iy
with a view to matrimony. Am not rich,
hut am steadily employed at a fair aalary.
If liny one thinks they can be satisfies;
with such conditions, let me hear from
that one. Am very much In earnest, so
don't write unless you mean It Addresa
Y 238, Ilea. U M003 12x
TUP SALVATION ARMY aollclta caataff
ciotning; in fact, anything you ao iwi
need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N.
11th St., foe cost of collecting, to tha
worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 nn4
wagon will call. U 511
FREE mealenl snd surgical treatment at
Creighton Medicnl college, 14th and Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Doug, lis
Calls answered day or night VJ 129
I am closing out all my antique and old
colonial furniture, which I am selling all
t almost any price. Including chaira,
chest of drawers, tables, sideboard, mlr
ror frames. Call Monday. Smith, 710
N. 30th. U 863 13
THE CITY GARBAGE CO., Office 4th and
Leavenworth Sis. Tel. Douglas
Stammerers' Institute,
M C M ITT 1 1 tnwtmnt and bath. Mm
lUtttJMC I itwtiuulh 118 N. Is, 24 flojc
u wo
ANY poor girl In need of a friend rail
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 8s24 N. Wto
St., Omaha, Neb. U MloO
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium. J28 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
Tel. 771 U-23
AfASSiAfJI fo1 circulation, 10 N. lttn,
iUlOOlUlii room .econJ floor.
U 3S6 F3
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut
prices; send for free catalogue. Myrs
Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha. U 923
MASQUE costumes. Lleben. TeL 4115, Op
evenings. V9-A
COSTUMES, 8318 6. 20th. Back. Tel. Red 7073.
V 362 fix
ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax
ton's salve. B. J. Scannell, agent, 509 Wart
Blk. U M787 J21
DR. C, N. SOMMER, homeopath. Bee Bldg.
U-M787 J22
TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent, $2 to
$4 month. Central Typewriter exchange,
1003 Leavenworth. 'Phone Red 699.
U M990 Jan28
DR. VOGEL'S private home for ladlee be
fore and during confinement; best and
cheapest In the city. 2319 8. 13th St.
$3 FOR POEMS. Write for particular
Orpheum Music Company, 1183 Broadway
New Vork. U M722 13x
FOR anything In the sewing machine Una
go to P. E. Flodmun & Co., 1514 '"up. Ave.
U M717 F10
WILL the party who answered Y-116, car
Omaha Bee, December 23, kindly writ
again, giving address? U M738 13x
Paste Co.
pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Telephone
lUglas 4521,
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and mole
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss AlUnder, 422 N. Y.
Life. U
WOUIJD you marry If suited? Matrimonial
paper containing advertisements marriage
able people, many rich, fn m all section
of the United States and Canada, mailed
free. K. W. Gunnels, Toledo, O. U
A MIDDLE aged widow, very Wealthy,
nice looking, tired of "single blessedneKS, '
wishes to correspond. Lock Box 4'i6. 8U
Joseph, Mich. U 788 lix
FORTUNE told free. Send blrthdate with
2-cent stamp and America's most success
ful astrologer will send a reading that
will astonish you. Fro. J. Verne, Hog
8404, Boston, Mass. U 7S3 13x
MARRIAGE PAPER Highest character;
Incorporated, lit li year, 2,000 members, 11
pages, sealed; send 100. R. K. Ixive, Fox
ltloo, Denver, Colo. TJ 818 13x
GO TO CUBA with me, sailing from Mo
bile January 22. Buy a round-trip ticket
to Havana. I will be on Prince George
steamship and see you through to Cam
aguey, center of American activity.
Cuba will pooh be annexed and land price
will go up several hundred per cent. IL
W. Sawyer, 922 Republic Bldg., Chicago.
U 837 I3X
FREE Your fortune told, future and pas
revealed, surprising, by America's emi
nent philosopher, sstruioglHt, clairvoyant
St. John, 12 Sheldon St., Chicago. Send
birth date and stamp. Know thys If.
U 841 13X
MIDDLE-AGED capitalist, rich, lonesome.
oesires compamonsnip oi loving wire)
rich or poor makes no difference. Bog
426, St. Joseph, Michigan. U 844 Ux
AN elderly doctor, alone In the world.
wealthy and liberal, wants a good, sensi
ble companionable wife. Address Y 140,
car Bee. U 857 18x
A OFNTLEMAN. aged 40, would Ilk th
acquaintance of a neat appearing re
spectable lady. Addresa Y-141, In care of
Bea. U-l lis
ELDERLY gentleman, with means, no
social opportunities, meeting Ideal, desire
early marriage. Address Merchant, 512J
Brown St.. Philadelphia, Pa. U 80 LH
YOUNG lady wishes to correspond with.
respectable young man; object matri
mony; country life preferred; enclose
stamp for answer. Address Miss Bertha
Si ger, care general delivery, Omaha. Neb.
Bf'fiT nerve bracer for men. "Orsy'a Nerv
Food Pills," $1 box. postpaid. Sherman aa
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 928
DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of woman
and children. Office, 21u5 Cuming. 'Phone
Douslas ,1t7. ,
ROSE Comb White leghorns; twenty,
three premiums at Kani-as and Nebraska
State i-hows last winter: at prices that
will move tLein. W. H. Lake, Hampton.
Neb. 731 20x
CHOICE Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels,
of the best Htraina of blood and rlrst-clas
birds, at $125 up. F. 8. Larklux. Fair,
field. Neb. 733 20x
FOR SALE Cheap, pigeons, pen and other
elTects; all In nrst-clasa condition. For
particulars apply IMS Burt St., Omaha.
!- 13X
FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock cock-re!.-j
pure "Plnglet" strain. F. C.
Ahlnulst. 27S2 Multdith Ave., Omaha,
'Phone Red 6470. M706 19X
FOR SALE Cheap, six dozen homer pig
eous. 2113 Locust St. Tel. Taylor f'1.
TO EXCHANGE $10.0ii0 all modern brlclc
rsldene In Lincoln for farm land,
Claience Reckmoyer, 129 North 14th St,
Lincoln, Neb. Z 842 13x
IF YOU do not find what you want In thl
column, put mi nil In and you, will v ,
auon t It ....-.-'
1 1
. I,
I "