The Omaha Sunday Bee A Paper for the Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best if. West EDITORIAL SECTION PACES 1 TO 8. VOL. XXXVI-NO. 30. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1907. SINGLE COPY" FIVE CENTS. PART II. 4 3 I L3 1HE GREAT WHITE GOODS SkLE,' Viit" nmmkS ?e Tery, tt?T ot "Potable manufacturers' stocks-gathered the most beautiful, the excellently finished, the properly sued, and above all things-THE POSITIVELY uJumiDAULE. And we ve looked so carefully after prices, we've bought so shrewdly and so successfully, WE OFFER THESE EXQUISITE ITEMS AT PRICES THAT MAKE PEOPLE TALK ABOUT US Let'8 ve vou the secret: WE ARE PAT AND PARCEL IN THE GREAT MANIX BUYING SYNDICATE OF AMERICA WE ARE ONE OF THIRTY SIX GRFAT DFPAPT S?NT,SwRE?h BAf DE G? F2? THE NE AND NLY PURP0SE 0F SECURING THE MOST IN QUANTITY AND QUAWT Y FOR TBE LSSi? DOLLAR AND CENTS. We-these immense institutions-BUY AS ONE, ACT AS ONE, PULL ONE WAY, ARE ONE. RESULT: This Mighty Buying Syndicate, this Tremendous Purchasing P-O-W-E-R can scoop the very world of dry goods merchandise JUST WHEN IT PLEASES. SNAPS IN Picture Department Raging Discount Sale Now in Progress 20 Off 20 Off A Stirring Sale ?j Fine Undennnslin a Record-Brcaiunn Event It must outstrip all similar sales no matter where, Fill your needs now, Attend the Bale, attend it regularly. Stocks full and irresistible? prices absolutely "bed rock C . ...... ..,1,. r 1 i . ws uic siiuwwnut new coiners iresn, crisp, immaculate This is THE Muslin Underwear opportunity of 1907, Main Floor 15c Coraet Cover While supply lauts 35c VtJue for 19c Drawer, Corset Co?rs, trimmed i lace, embroidery, tucks and ribbons. 50c Value for 29c Cor u t Covers, Drawers anil Che noise, lace and Am broid ery trirarawd, finished with ribbons. 75c Value for 39c Gowns, cor set covers, chemiso, drawers, trimmed in tucks, ribbou, lace and embroidery. $1.50 Value for 89c Skirts, Corest Covers, Gowns, Chemise and Drawers, daintily trimmed in lace and embroidery. $2 Value for 98c Skirts, Drawers, Corset Covers and Chemise. Skirts have 18-in. embroidery flounce. Jc Ail I 17.TJ5sX S1.25 Value for 69c Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers, Chemise and Drawers, trimmed in tucks, lace, embroidery and inserting. Lingerie Underwear Sale Second Floorat 1.48- 3.95 White Silk Petticoats 2d rioo Extra M'SXffSSt. heavy TaX.W ieia aeep Accordeon Pleated Flounce, $7.50 value- Monday for Waists Special Sale of Laces, Embroideries and Robes for Monday LACE AND SPANGLED ROBES AT ONE'THIRD LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. Assortment comprises spangled lace, white lace, ecru 1 ' Jfn 4.95 "M"";.t.. , "Mi, Mr 9,. I Second Floor Linen, Madras. Lawn and Lingerie. Sole Agents for the Pop ular Royal and K nickerbo cker "Waists. Lawn "Waists for Monday special Jiandsome trimmed in embroidery in serting, tucked fronts, short or long OR sleeves, at . ...OC Linen Tailor Made Waists, three sizes, tucked fronts, fancy Q stock, tucked cuffs, special. . . tJO LINGERIE WAISTS made of fine Lawn, trimmed in Val lace and inserting; also , Embroidered fronts with embroidered collar and cuffs- short sleeves spe cial, at lace and various other kinds. FANCY NET ROBES-In white, ecru, light blue and pink, worth Z $5.50, at JtZJ Lace and Spangled Robes, in white, ecru and silver spangle, worth $12.50, at . . . , 7.98 3.95 l - . . . 1 1 T" A A WSW- WTiT v --. w I I Allover Fancy Black Lace Dress Nets, iTR . 45-m. wide, newest Stt patterns, worth nn up to $1.25 Q yard, at ... IC VENICE LACE AND ALLOVER LACE NETS In white and ecru, 18 and 45-in. wide, all new patterns for warets and dresses worth up to $1.00 yJO yard, at 41C New Lot of 4,000 Yards Embroidery Flounc ings 27 and 45-in. wide, worth Zk up to $1.25 yard, at 69a and ..DJC 5,000 Yards 18-inch Corset Cover ery All new patterns, worth 6oo yard, at Extra Special Point Pe Taris and Torchon Laces and Insertions to match 10c and 15c values, yard 5c Embroid- 19c VALENCIENNES LACES WITH INSERTION TO MATCH, SPECIAL Clear ance by the dozen, regular value, T5o Jozen, Mlonday a dozen yards 1ft for Zyc Black Chantella Laces and In sertions to match, from 3 to G in. wide, worth up to C 50o yard, at ........ r'.OQ 500 dozen Swiss Embroidered Turnover Col lars, worth 5c and 10c each, Z at JC Assorted sizes White Pearl Buttons, worth 5c a dozen, Monday, two dozen F for JC Assorted sizes Ball Pearl Buttons, worth lOo a dozen, at 5c BARGAINS IN OUR BIG Furniture, Carpet, Rug, and Curtain Dept.- Greeiv January Clearance Sale Third Floor PRICES ON FURNITURE IN PLAIN FIGURES ON DIG GREEN TAGS Kitchen Cabinets 25 Off Side Boards 33i3ft Off Parlor Suits 33y,ft Off Parlor Cabinets 50 Off Mission Buffets S0fo Off CHAIR Odds and Ends Two to four of a kind Thirty Go-Carts at Greatly Reduced Prices up from Davenports 25 Off Brass Beds 25 Off Taborets 40 Off Chiffonieres 20 Off Dining Tables 20 Off 50 Off $2.25 All Mission Pieces, Desks, Sideboards,, Tables and Davenports, at 40 Off Were such cutting and slashing prices ever offered you before? Wo doubt it. Women's Coat Sale Third Floor " Third Floor January Bargains -in Drapery Sedion 000 yards Goblin Silkolihes and Colored Swisses, in ail colors and patterns light and dark grounds every piece worth lc yard on one table Monday a yard-- Ov Window Shades All colors, 6 to 7 feet long, some hand made shades, worth 75c; some slightly dam- aged in one lot; fj C each, i V w Filled Screens Three panels, filled with figured silkolines, full size, red and green, worth $2.00; Monday, each 7Sc January Reduction Sale Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums Smith's Palisade Velvet Rugs Size 27x54, all colors, in pretty floral pat terns, sell for $2.25; Monday, choice for 98 Granite Art Squares 9x12 size, in good, desirable patterns, regular $5 values; Monday $3.79 Heavy Brussels Rugs 9x12, in floral and conventional designs, colors to harmonize with all furnishings, sell regularly for $20; Monday.. $12.75 500 Women's Coats, Every One a Regular $25.00 Value, $13.75 Mads of Broad cloth and Fine Kersey, 50 and 52 inches long; the new tight fitting or the staple loose coat, all lined throughout with guaranteed satin. The Opportunity of the Hour $25 Women's Coats for $13.75. Monday Morning, Second Floor. CROCKERY Japanese China Cups and Saucers Finest of egg shell China, pretty Freiich decorations, a 35o value on sale Monday tomer each limit of six to a cus- 19c SO Plecea of the Very Best American Porcelain, decorated with pretty pink floral designs, 50 plecea complete, oa Bale Mon ay for $4.08 3:1 i per rent off any piece Bohemian Decorated Glaaa Prices, up from 76c Cut to 834 per cent off Monday. Sand Blast Tumbler A pretty, neat design on the best blown glass, 90c a dozen yalue, Monday, six for 30 All our Fanry EngUsh and Ponyat China Teas, I1ate, Sugars and Creams, Serrice Plates, BouUlon Cups and Saucers, on sale Monday at 33), off one-third former prices. CAPITOL COAL CAPITOL COAL Greatest Haat Giver and Cleanest Soft Coal Mined. Lump S6.50 Nut $6.25. Sack 30c lis: While the Streets Are Geed. Delivery Is Easy ORDER NOW. Linens Linens Linens! LINENS FROM BELFAST (IRELAND) and DUNFERMLINE (SCOTLAND) Exclusive Patterns. Solid, Heavy. Fine Linens, at Prices Actually tho Sam as Now Asked Where These Linens Are Spun and Bleached 50c .r. 89c 72-in. Bleached Damask, regular C A 75c quality, yard JUG 72-in. Bleached Table Damask, regular $1 quality, yard 72-in. Bleached Table Damask, regular $1.65 quality, for. . . . 69c 1.00 21-in. Bleached Napkins, 75o quality, for, dozen 22-in. Bleached Napkins, regular $1.JD dozen; Monday, adoz, 22-in. Bleached Napkins, regular rn $3.75 dozen; Monday, a doz. . 1? New Spring Silks and Wash Fabrics Arrive dally. For the past week we've been busy arranging the Bilk and Wash Goods Department to accommodate the spring goods coming in. Our First Showing ot New Spring Silks At tracts Many Cuntomer The many varie ties of fancy silks for waists or suits are almost cenfuslng. Beautiful and rich plaid effects, magnificent striped silks of various colorings, many checked effects. Prices ranging from f 1.60 a yard down to. . .85c Extra Special 1,000 yards fancy Shirt Vaint Silk. In hair line stripes, some checks, very desirable for suits and waists, rich and pretty, on sale Monday, yard.r 48J New Wash Silks for waists, children's dresses, etc., In corded stripes or checks, all colors, beautiful, neat designs to choose from, best quality, yard , 44 Specials in Hardware MONDAY 20 Per Cent Discount on Heating Stoves Monday. Pancake Griddles, extra quality. . .3G And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Rosette Irons, per set 50 And Thirty Green Trading: Stamps. Mail Boxes, extra quality, lock and two keJ3 S1.25 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Food Choppers, best quality, $1.33, $1.08 and .94 a And Forty Green Trading Stamps. lU gular 25c Braided Wire Clothes Line. . .10 Itegular 23c Ilread Toaster, special "Plumber's Friend," saves plumbers' bills. And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. NEW WASH GOODS Are prettier this season than ever before. The styles are exclusive In many instances; the prices are low. We call your special attention to the fact that this Is the first Wash Goods season we experience In our New Dry Uoods Departments, therefore no old goods everything new. Ginghams In hundreds of various checks, stripes, plaids, etc., every piece fresh and new. Prices, from 2Vc a yard down to 10 Fancy Fmbroidewd Swisses, In beautiful styles, entirely different from last season, large dot and floral effects, In every dainty color, on sale, yard Mercerized Silk Cherk Suiting, in fine or large black and white effects, also some colored Ideas, especially desirable for street or house dresses, yard ' Cotton Tollas, tn i-hlffen iualltl (which man very noft). Th.e ood promive to be In gnat demand for shirtwaist ireeg; we show them In Kclf-color check effects, cieum, pink, tan, blue, brown, black etc. on sale yard a5o .- FrtaUd Cotton Bttlits Very m went fabric out slir und bishly finished, a pretty an silk; while grounds Willi black and white check or plaid ef fects, on sale, yard 89o Bilk Organdies I n hundreds of different styles large or small riural dclgnx. some black and white' mi.' effect, etc., all 011 tale, yard 39o Many Slffsrtnt Plata Tabrlcs Desirable for dresses or separate waists ranging In price from GOc down t0 ia LET'S SHOW YOU OtTBj COIXrCTIOHr, TOM OVM SFACB 1U LIMITED. X.rT'8 BHOW TOW THE TAmiOUa Z.EVXB WHETHEB TOU BUT OX HOT.