Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 12

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a -a
laat Holds firm, Tbtnch' Tnde ! it
' "L f mall Yolumt. . 1 ,
Cora lacltaed Kaslaeaa, Tkoas.81
Held Steady W Otker Grtlta
Oats tha Ceater of Spera
Satire Activity.
'.' OMAHA. January IS, 1907.
, Wheat waa firm, though the trade wa
r not Ot large proportion!. ' Northwestern
news waa something of a factor. Mm
; peapolls reports quit liberal aalaa from
, fort Arthur for all rail shipment east and
i On of the largest of the export houses
- reporla nine cargoes loading this month at
the seaboard for porta other "than thoie
, made by regular liners. Cash whHt waa
atroni In Ktnau City and there appeared
to be some ease up In recelpta. The cash
avrtlol waa firm locally.
Corn waa rather Inclined to eailne,
. though holding quite ateady. affected by
. wheal end oata. Cable crnni a shade
lower. The weather la mild and damp
; through tne belt today, but a aharp drop
, to seasonable temperature la forecasted.
; The cash market la about ateady.
Toe oata pit waa really the canter- of
-. speculative activity. For week every ad
' Vance in the May haa been checked by
; resting order, but today the war -
, aorbed and proved of muoh less volume
than anticipated. Sample market . Waa
Primary wheat recelpta were ftM.On) bueh
, ele and ahlpmenta 1M.&0 buahela, against
recelpta laat year of 344.000 bushel and
ahlpmenta of 172,0X10 buahela. Corn reertpl
. were 8(JO,0O0 bueliela and ahlpmenta JM.iOO
, buahela, against receipt laat year of tM.08
,. buahela and ahlpmenta of 8K,uO btishrls.
. Clearance were 3;S,00 buahela wheat. ir,T3l
buahela corn, 1,030 bushel oata and flour
' and wheat equal to STo.Cts buahela.
- ,. Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd lower
On wheat and Hd lower on corn.
j- Broom hall estimates world wheat Sfllp
anents at 8,4oo.fliio buahela.
"Country offerings of corn have fallen off
'. considerably." saya the Exchange Grain
' ' Onmpany, "aolely for the reason that ahlp
' Par cannot get the car and do not care
to enter Into contract that they may not
be able to fill on thla account, yet the
. week's primary recelpta will toot up nearly
' 2t par cent more than lat year. They would
' have overrun largely without doubt could
care have been had."
"Advancing price In Minneapolis will not
' for the moment bring any more wheat In
' here," say Wataon of Minneapolis "It I"
! 'simply physical Inability on the part Ot
' . the railroad to move the a tuff. If climatic
,' condition permit the line will be opened
; and cleared a quickly as possible, and
, every effort will be made to. relieve the,
. strain, with further atorma and drifting
Immediate relief Will be Out' ot the ques
tion." .- ,
Local- range '0t-options .
, Articlee.l Open. Hign.1 Low. Cloie.l Tee'y
' Wheat-H
' Corner
. May..
- KB
'-4JL aaked.
B bid.
' Omaha Caah Prteea.
WH(AT-N, 1 hard. 7ftc: No. t hard.
S4fiio; Mo. i hard, &74jJ4Ho; No. I spring,
COIIN-No. S, KHci No. I yellow, S5Hci
No. t white, rVc.
iJAlo MO, I mii-ea, travel wo. a wniie,
tZc; Not 4 white. 82HaMo.
KYBNo, 1 68c; No. S. S7Hc.
Carlet Receipt.
Wheat Corn, oat
Chloago 1.....
Kansas City
Minneapolis, .
Duluth .......
, ,s)U. Louis ....
...... M W 130
' 80 . M
SO ' 87 35
...... SI
3 1CH 97
t'eataree of the Tradlaa; aad Closing
Prleas Board f Trade.
' CHICAOO. Jan. 18. Heavy anow in
- North Dakota and weatern Mtnneaota was
the chief cauae' or firmness today in me
local wheat market, the May option cios.
' Ing at a net gain f 4o. Corn was a
, shade lower. Oata were tfp HOUC: Pro
visions were IHc lower to 2 Ho higher.
in wnwi mttraei wv uuiiiiiiaivu t
' Viost entirely by the situation In the
. northwest. Reports from St. Paul were
- that railroad traffic in certain sections
or Minnesota .and. North Dakota la almost
At a standstill because of enpw blockade
and the official forecast waa for additional
- anow tonight, followed by much colder
Weather. These conditions seem to favor
till smaller receipts of wheat at Minne
apolis and Duluth and caused a firmer
feeling on the local exchange. With a
gopd demand by commission houses and
local bulla prices steadily advanoed, and
the oloalng quotations were at th high
est point of the day. A lively demand
for caah wheat at outside markets also
etrengthened price. The market closed
Arm. May opened unchanged to He
lower at. 74H07SHC and sold up to 74H
where It closed. Clearancaa of wheat and
flouf were equal tp Sdtt.OOO bu. Primary
recelpta were 65(1.000 bu., against 114.000
bu. for the corresponding day one year
ago. Mlnneapoll. Duluth and Chicago re
ported, recelpta of 324 car a agalnat 437
- oar laat week and 4SS car a year ago.
Trading In th corn pit waa quiet and
pricea were ateady. A leading elevator
concern waa the principal buyer and pit
trader were the chief aellera. Weather
- .'Snnditlons throughout th corn belt ex
. erted a depressing effect during the last
fialf ot th aeaalon.' Th close was ateady.
- ' May opened unchanged to c higher at
4344t?4St4e t 4STc. aold off to 434,0
and closed at 4144 c. Lxcal receipt were
383 car, with, two of contract grade.
Oata Were In good demand all day and
the market-showed considerable strength.
Loral bull and pit trader were good
buyers, the chief cause of the demand
' being light receipt and an Improved de-
- rnand for rash oats. May opened a ahade
tower at 3H 1184 41c. advanced to-84eO
, and closed at 34H0tHc Local receipts
Provisions were weak early In the day
On celling by local holder, who were dis
couraged by, the liberal reoeipt of live
nog. Later the market became steady
.on fair buying by packer. At th doss
May pork waa up iHc at 114.16, Lard
waa pff SUo at S-42Vi. Rib were 2 Vic
higher at U.OSVi. 1
. , Estimated recelpta for Monday are:
T Wheat, IAS cars; corn, 17. care; oata, lit
Car; hogs, 43,000 head
' Th leading future ranged as follows)
'Articles. I Open. I High.) Low. I Close. Tes7
, May
Jan. .
7H Wa'
78 784
S4U 3T4
- 40
34 '4
3JH; 33H.38tfH
11 so
Hi 40
14 64
14 45
M t
15 80
14 30
18 40
16 0
18 44
18 80
IS 8?4j
14 4
14 40
3 4?t
3 a
8 00
8 12H
3 1SH
8 12H
t 40
8 4iH
8 47H
8 411 I 47H
8 KU
3 cm
3 074
a s ?h
1 m
8 10
3 0.'
a i
a is
No. 2.
I Cash cniotatlona war as ollows:
1 FLtrR-flteady; winter patent, S3 SOO
i860; winter straights. 83.4Ot43.40; spring pat
lenta 82.7iilw; spring afralght. Slluo3.40:
I baker. 82 20U2.80.
I WHEAT No. 2 prinK, 7Cfirc: No.' S
I Spring, aRttlaei No. 2 red. 744:2Vc.
CORN No. 2 40.4jc; No. S yellow. 41c
I OAT8V Ne. I, S4c No. 3 White, S64o; No.
! white, SiKbSiW. ,
1 RYE No. S. 82c.
I . HARLKy fr'air to choice malting. WnMV
rBKEUS-No 1 flax 31.13; No. 1 north:
'Western, Sl-SWa. Prime timothy, 84.35
i Clover, contract grade, 814.00.
1 PHOV1SION-Kliort ribs, aides (loose)
1 S8.sisjtsi.87. Mee pork, per bhl., SlS Sft. Ij,rd'
j per lbs.. 8,i?0. Short clear td (boxud)
la 124.j1h.
Kat-eiluta and - ahlpmenta of flour and
Receipts. Shipments.
flour.'' bhla
1 W Boat. bu.;. .......
I Corn, bu
(lata, bu
iRve. bu
.... n.asi.
.... i.t i r,fl
.,..MH). 143,)
....1Mi0 2M,)
.... 8 (HO
87.4XA ljiao
lisrloy.. bu.
On th Produce exrhaage todav the hut.
iter market waa weak: rreameriea. 2ieJk-;
1 dairies, hio??c. Kgg. eteadvt at tnarki. t-aae
Included. 21t)k-; tlrsta 23c; prime first.
tec; extraa See, Ch. ateady, 13tj14c
LlTrpl Grata aad Pravlaleeo. .
i MVKRPOOL. Jaa. U.-WH EAT-Bpot.
firm; No. 3 red weatern winter. 8a; futurea
, ulK Mart;h. 4 44. May. 4a SreA. Jul, tsv
PORN-BooC firm: American mlxd new.
4a Wd. American mlaed old, ad; futurea,
dull; January, 4a 2d, March, ,4a V.
Qaotatlttaa ( the Day eaj Tarleaa
NKW TORK Jan. it FTX)fR Receipt.
1111 M.le ; exporta. ll.UTt bhle. Market
dull but ateady. Winter patent. ta"3i ;
winter etralghta, S3.4nul.6o; Mlnneeota pat
enta, MM ..!: winter extra. . t2 ifutt 0;
MlnnMjiii baker, H.Sf.'bJ 7f; winter low
grda, 13 7ii.lw. Rye flour quiet; fair to
good, S3 choloe to fancy, S3-MT4.S0.
UlK'K wheel flour dull: j;.lM)2.Z6.
HI CKWHKAT-Inli, II per ICQ pounrla.
CORNMEAL Steady; fine whit and yel
low, Sl.lR4il.SU; coarae, Sl.0u4il.10; kiln dried,
RVE nominal.
H A HI.KY Nominal.
VVHKAT-iHecelpta I1S.008 bil t eaporta, 10,
017 bu. Spot market firm; No. I red. TSVkC
nominal, elevator: No. t red, SAc f. a. b.
float; No. 1 northern Duluth, Mc f. o. b.
anoat: No 2 hard winter. MHc f. O. b.
afloat. There waa a quarter of a cent ad
vance In wheat today aa a reault of email
north went receipt, a better caah and es
port demand and covering. The market
clneed firm and at the best. May. SiSfr
8111-lrtc: July, KltZSc. lod ftiSe.
CORN-Recelpta, S2.4M) hu.; export. 1,300
bu. Bpot market steady! No. X, &3c elevator,
and brc f. o. b. afloat; No. S yellow, One;
No. 2 white, 604c. Option markot wa with
out trananctlnna, doting net higher;
January rluaed t'ic; May cloeed Wtfcd July
Closed HTc.
OATH-'Recelpta. ST.IB0 ba.; exports, 1.S60
bu.; epot market quiet; mixed oata, M to
S3 pound. 3c; natural white, 30 to S3
pounria, 4f"B41c; Clipped White, 34 to 49
pound. 4041x140.
MAY rirm; ahlpplng S(Mf4c; good to
choice; S10 0I11.SO.
HOI'S--Bteady; state common to choice,
lfel crop, lxatc; 16 crop. 8011c; PaclAc,
li. crop, Ira He; 1905 crop, lofilSc.
HIOI0A-tenv; Oalveaton, a to 24
tmunda Snc; California. 21 to 35 pound, Sloj
Texaa dry, M to 80 pound. lc.
l'EATHKR Quiet; acid. 27' 3t.
PROVIHUtNH fWf fli-m: fmllv tU BOW
IS 0; mean, r.0ui.40; beef hams,
raraec;, l l.oofll.M); city extra India meaa,
.n.Ho(?jia.Sti Cut meat steady; pickled
belllea. S10.2S1!.60; pickled ham. 11.6ty
If.CQ. Lard barely ateady: weatern prime,
S4iff60: refined barely ateady; continent,
8011th America, S10.A4; compotind, S.35
48 60. Pork steady; family, 118 Wrl.0O,
hort olear, Sl7.Xtili.00: meaa, $l7.S("Wl4o.
TALl.OW Stead) ; city (S2 per packag),
Hp; country, (paokagea free), Vdlo.
RICK Steady; domestic fair, to extra,
3MMHo! Japan nominal.
BUTTER Weak; atreet price, extra
creamery. SOJic. Offlelnl pricea: Cream
ery, common to extra, 21iiiS0c; held, common
to extrn, qi!c; atate dairy, common to
extra. IKKjJ28o; renovated, common to extra,
HiWfvHHc ; western factory, common to
firsts, l,H2io; weatern imitation creamery
flrata, 2i'-a23c.
CHJCRHE Quiet; atate. full oream, small
end large. September, fancy, 14Sc; Octo
ber, beet, MHO lo; good to prime. l&Hfl3e;
winter tnafle, averege best, I20; Inferiorst
Uil2c. ...
EOQ8 flteadyr state Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected whit, IJWHiij'Oholoe,
30c; mixed, extra, 30c; werterh flrt. Zt
37ic; offlolal price first. S7oi seconds, Sbvt
POlTLTRt Alive, quiet; western chick,
fn. HHe; fowls, l&Vjc; turkey. 12HO.
Dreaeed, eaay; western chicken, lagleo;
turkey, 13Q17o; fowl. S13o.
St. Ital General 4tYtet. ' '" ' r
T. LOVIB, Jsn. U.-WH EAT-HI gher ;
trark. No. 3 red caah, TWtWftc; No. I hard,
7nHc; May. 7Mie75Vi JW. :
CORN-Hlgher; track. No. S caah, 40H:
No, 2 white, 42iVtc; May, 47V 'uly.
OATS-Higher; track, No. S cash. S61J1
3Hc; No. 2 white. SawWo; January, SOeci
Mht. uc.
f'txUR Bteady; red winter patent-!. SS.55
frS76; extra fancy and straight, S3.104j44
BKfcr) Timothy, atMdy at SlaS'filTl
CORNMKAL-Dull; S2.20.
BRAN Sacked, east track, ttftfe.
HAY Quiet; timothy, $18.00jl.00; prat
lie. S11.0Ii13.00.
RAOniNO-9Hc ' '
rrtOViaiON3-Pork, steady; Jobbing.
S1440. Lard, lower; prime steam, SR.rH.
Dry salt meat. tearly; boxed extra abort.
S9.35; lear nbe, Vt.r,W, short clears, $4 60.
Baron, steady; boxed extra snort 310.00;
cieAr rib. SioIpa; short clear. S10.2S:
POULTRY Weak ; chlckena, 10c;. springs,
Hot turkeys, UVtfflZHc; ducks, UHot geeee,
BUTTER Quiet; creamery, SftfJOSHo;
dairy, Kl&rtc.
KaOS Lower at 21c, case count.
Receipts and ahlpmenta of flour and grain
were a follow: . - Receipt. Bbirjments.
Flour, bbl, t. ....... 12.000 , 13,000
Wheat, bu 23.000 24.0TO
Corn, bu.. , JO. 000- 02,000
Oata bu 38,000 91,000
Kauai City Grata aad Prevlsloaa. .
Mny, Tie; July, 70c: fleptember, , 70Ho.
caan; iso. 1 nam, (nyni1: no. 3.
TiW'itia. f red. TlVtyEWlViei No, I.; 8jjp71a
CORN May, 38o; July, S9VxO: September.
o'4)C. biin: no. 1 mixea, sc; no, I,
37c; No. 8 white, 88c: No. 8, 370. .
OAT8 No. S white, 36036c; No. S mixed,
HCTTER--creamer3r, 29c; packing, 17Ue.
ftYE-Bteady; ofi62o.
KG4JS Steady; flreta, 21c; seconds. I8U0.
HA Y Steady, unchanged; choice Hlmothy,
SlS.6ii7iaoo; choice prairie, 8n.O(eil.36. ,
BUTTER Creamery, 2c; packing, 17fl.
Receipts. Ahlpmenta
Wheat, bu; .ooo so.noo
Corn, bu 88.000 . i orA
Oats, bu - 18,000 18,000
Board of Trad quotations for Xanea
City delivery. The range of prices, sa re
ported by Logan 4 Bryan, 111 Board of
Trad building,, was: , , v .
Article. t Open.) Migb. Low. Close.
Wheat . j-" y
May 7ift 71 TOH 71
July 70ft7vVb,7Oi8, 70 70B
' Jul? Ill II 1 834 IS 88H1 89
B Bid.
Mllwaakee Grata Market. .
MILWAUKEE. Jan. 12-WHEAT-8teady.
No. 1 northern, 7fl79oi No. S northern, M
t7o; My. 75t,0,
RYB-Steady; No, 1 7Hc
BARLEY Bteady 1 No. 3, KHfMc; sam
ple, 4Mi'6to (, ...
COKN-Hlgher; No. S eah. S9V440c:
May, 43o asked.
' Mlaave-anolla Grala1 Market.
7c; No.' 1 hard. 8IH10; No. 1 northern,
twvio: No. 2 northern, 7777c; No.
northern. 74fl7&o. -
FIjOUR First patent. S4 Sfttjt SOj second
patent. S4.06 4.16; first clears,;
aecond cler. S2 404'2.80.
0HAlM-in DU1K, 410.1W316.W.
Philadelphia Prodaee Market.
2 (6 3c lower: extra weatern cream
eVy, official price, SdHc; street price. Si
t32c; extra nearby prints. 33c.
BOOB Bteady; western f resh, , 27o at
CHEESE Bteady, New- Terg full
cream. 13 014c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Jan. It-CORN-Oull: No. 2
yellow. 40Hc: No. S. 40c; No. 4. SBc; no
OAT8 Firm; No. white, 8c: No. t
white. jRc; No. 4 whit. S4c.
RTK Steady; No. 2. ttlfooC. .,
WHISKY On the basis of SI. 28 for fin
ished good.
Dalath Oral Market.
rjULUTH. Jan. 12.-WHEAT-Oh track t
No. I northern, 7vtc; No. 3 northern. TT ;
Msy.'TyifiTSc; Jul?, 80Hc.
OATH To arrive, S6; rye, 7c; barley,
SfttjSSK:. t
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Jan. lf.J-BETOD-Clover.' cash.; Jan.. 8n 6i; Feb.. Sh 00 March, 8 861
April, 8H.4&. Timothy, S2 U6; alalke, Sl.Cu,.
CatTe Market.
market for coffee futures opened ateady,
but at a decline of 2tA points, making a
nrw low record for the season under active
liquidation and beer pressure encouraged
by the lower European cablea and the of
ficial cablea to exchange reporting the tone
of the Bantoe market panicky at a decline
of 100 re Is The.e waa a big demand at the
decline here for the account of European
hort and local trad interests end th
market recovered part of th lose during
th session. Reports that th government
purrhaaar In braall were being continued
and that "bids from local Importer sent to
Bento laat night tae under offered prices
ware turned dowa thla morning helped the
recovery. The market cloeed steady at a
net decline of 10 point, dale for the half
session wer T4.160 begs. Including March,
l lferi.Suc; May. 4 4J6.4Aci July, LSi too;
September. 6 ootitj 7fo; October, atbci Novern.
ber, 8 8uc; December, S.TtVuV3Ue. Spot eofTee
teady: No. T Rio, Tc; Santo No. 4, TW.
Miid.twa avusw CvhIoy. uu!c.
Market PirtUU Kottrs :'rom Wsaaaess
Oanrad j balls for Utn 'CapiUL
Peal, orthetera aad Readlaa
' Ala Adraaee Oata Malatalaed
la P"re of Profit Taklas;
-at ta Day. .
NEW TORK, Jan. 12. There was a con
tinuance today of th recovery In stock
from the weakness caused by th Penn
sylvania plan for new capital lasuea whi h
waa already In evidence before the mar
ket closed yesterday. - Pennsylvania wa
not fully abreast of the front rank In the
recovery In spite of Its severe decline ye
ttrriay. There waa a calmer feeling, how
ever. In regard to the conttmplsted capital
Issues by the Pennsylvania railroad. The
Indefinite future for which th issue I
left had something to do with thla feel
ing. Another consideration waa the large
portion of th propoeed Issue which will
be required for practically funding capital
expenditures already made. Included in
the estimate ot these are 3Mi.0iti.0oO of notes
maturing later In the year. 81.000,000 to
rover new car already ordered and prob
ably 34O,0O0,flO for carrying on the termliial
Improvement work In New York.
The principal strength today, however,
recurred In prevlousapeculatlve fvorltes.
especially th HarVlman Pacifies, St. Paul,
Northwestern and Reading. There was a
residue of uncovered short sa a conse
quence of ao considerable a fall In price
ocourrcd yesterday and the necessities
of theae In a rising market accentuated
the recovery. There were unconfirmed
rumors In connection with the atrength of
the llarrlman Pacific of Intended testi
mony to be offered to the Interstate Com
merce commission by the prlnclpul wit
nesses to be called, which might cause a
more favorable Impression on the public
mind toward th corporation. The bank
statement shorn ed the expected gain In
cash, which practically all accounted to th
advantage of the surplus, aa th loan ac
count waa decreased, although by a small
amount. The day'a report of sub-treasury
operations also showed a gain by the bank
of S2,?t.00O which did not figure In th bank
statement. Discount rose again In Lon
don. There waa aome profit-taking In the
late dealings, but the galna were very well
Total sale of bonds, par value. SflM.OOO.
The bond market showed aome alight re
vival to demand, but nothing like the usual
January Investment demand. United
States 2a have advanced 4 per cent on call
during the week.
Hales and range of price on the New
Tork Stock exchange tpday were as" fol
lows: , 4
galea Klgh. Iaw,Cln.
m m no 114 ut
600 44 44S. 441
20 101 t 104 10H4
' W
Adams tiprst 1.
AnMlasasted Copper ....
Ant, 6. r...
Am. C A P. pt4
Am. Cotton nil
Am. Cotton Oil ptd
America Ciprssa
Aa.i N. U ptd...v
Aat. I os Bootirltlss
Am. Ltnsred Oll,...,..,..
A)., Llnss OH p(4
Am. LeonatotiT
At. trotaottv M. ..
AM. 8. a.. .l,
Am. a. A R. ff
Am. (ussr RoRnlns
Am. Tonaoco pii ctts
Ansronda stiting Co......
Atchison pfd ..............
Atmstt Cost Lias
BalUmor A Ohio. .......
10 81
.100 14H 74 73
.....! ..1., '.I.-..- lcank
. 3.1W 161 1MV MS
, 11
1.700 14 14 V6 114
. 4.600 V 'H
llntxy IMS IMS, 104
' 300 101 11V4 101
.600 131 130 1
. l.tC 114 11 U
Bal. A- Otile pld .f.
Breoklra Rspld Tr. I 31 61
Caaadlsa P.ctM 4,600 161 160 161
Central f New Jersey.
Chesapeake A Ohio
Chicago Ot. W. ........
Chicago A M. W
C, St. A at. r...n...
Chlossii T. A T
.., 1,60 64 64 64
..4 TOO 17 It 17
,. 1.600 fa mt t
.. 44.400 16 164 164
Chicago T. A f. pfd....
c, c, c. a at. L.
Colorado F. a I..... ......
Colorado A 80
Oolo. A Bo. 1st pttt
Col. A ho. id ptd
Uonsolldstod Oaa
Cora Products
Cora Products pfd
Delaware A Hadsoa..
Del.. L. A W
bonesr A R. 0
0. A R. O. pfd
Distiller: Securities 1
Brls ,..........t.
1,60 64 66
' 6v 66 . U
"'too '47 n" "4 -M
700 44 6
400 630 31
600 4
'ilioo 't
4.600 .41
rls 1st ptd 1... ...... ....
trie 3d ptd -
General Elertrl 1.160 16t
Hocking Vsllsr. ottered.... 100 144
International Paper
Int. Paper pfd. ...
..... 4.
166 164
76 16
..... 46
Int. Puma
Int. Pump pld
low Central :
tew1 Central' ptd......
Kansas Ottr So
K. C. So. p(4... .......
UMlsrlllo A N..i
Msileaa Central
Mian. A St. 1. ....
,.,, .... ..., ..... 60.
...... , ICO 34 36 66
100 60 6 .
100 M 36 t
40 ( 64 60
600 143 14 141
....4 60 , 64 64 6
'L400 16614 16614 1U
m, at. p. a a. a..
M., at. P. A a. 8. at, p'd
Missouri Pad ...........
at., K. A T... '
M.. K. A T. td
National Load
N. R. R. ot 61. ptd
Nsw Tork Control
N. T p. A W
Norfolk A W
Norfolk A W. ptd
North Amertoee
Paciae Mall
Pansirlvanla .
People's Oaa ...............
3.60 6 66 66
3,000 40 66 40
604 76 71 76
,....' ..... ,.f. T4-
MO 64 M 66
1600 166 111 161
600 44 44 44
400 p0 60 60
, a6
80 67 '67 66
18.100 66 63 '66
86,600 16 164 !
40 66 .66 64
C. C. A St. L,
, 304 64 66 66
:.i 64
Steal Car
Pressed 8. C. pfd. .......
Paltmaa Palace, Car
heading t
Reading 1st P'4 .....
Rssdlng Id ptd,
Rspublla ateel
Rapablle ateel pfd......
Rock Island Co
Rock Island Co. pfd....
l. L. A 8. P. 3d ptd..
St. Urals S. W
it. u a w. ptd
Soathera PsclR
80. Paetae ptt.i
So. Rallvar
a, Ratlvar ptd
Tannesso C. A L
Texas A Psclle
T., Bt. U A W
T., at. U A W. pfd....
t'nlen Pacltc. ,
t'olon Pactflc pfd......,
I'. B. Blprsss
', a. Haaltr
I. a. Rsbber
. 8. Rsbbsr pfd
I. A l
IJ. B. steal pfd
V. -Carolina Chemical
V a. -Caroline Ckam.- ptd
Wabash ptd
Welli-rargo Cipress ...
Wortlngnouae Eloctrta .
Wsetsrn Union ..r.,ti..
Wtioallng A U a...;.,
Wmcossi Ceatral ......
Wis. Central pfd,
Northara Pacific
Csatral Leather .......
Ceatral Leather pfd
aieas-anslBald 8tMl ....
Orsat Northara pel
1st. stateopollua
.... 1,tOt 166 16 167
, 606. 6 66 . 66
' TO" 6' 64 M
60 66 . tt 6
3.600 46 :' 4t
19 47 47 47
...... ..',.' 84
63.409 66 64 66
60 61 31 31
. to 61 61: 61
' ...... 166
8.300 66 36 66
600 6 66 62
O0 63 6t 61
46,60 160 176' 160
...r. ft
64,100 46 44 4
6,600 104 104 104
100 81 47 61
..i.. 101
600 16 16 17
....4 V.... ...; 87
106 160 160 146
-- 8W , 66 66 6:1
. t 14 14 14
. 30 H 36- 66
6,600 14 166 1S6
..... W
106 76 76 76
400 144 .166 111
,im 64 14 44
100 14 14 16
Int. Mat. pfd
Boston Stoeks and Bonds. -
BOSTON. Jan. 12 Call loans, 6410 per
cent; time loan, 4417 per cent. Official
guotatlons on toca ana oona werei
Atckleo ad. 4s.,
. 46 lAtisrtl
. 64
... 81
... 66
... 1
... 64
... 8
... 61
... 60
... 7
... 11
... 46
... 1
... 18
... 16
...11 .
... 66
... 81
alai. Ceatral 4..
4 ('1. A Heila
Alohlaoe 104k
4 pld .101
Copper Haag ....
Boatoa A Albany. ..617
naijr wast ,
PrsBklla ..........
tale Roral
Maaa. Mlnina .....
Most. C. A C
Boatoa A Mala,
Boatoa ftlevstad ..
ritrhkurg ptd ...
Malices Central ..
N. T., 14. M. A M
Per Maeqaatt ..
t'atoa PsciBc
.. t4
.. a
old Domlnloa ...
ttersnla .'
la A. C. pfd........ H
Ana. Pneu. Tub 11
Amor. uar 164
s td 1M
Am. t. A T 161
Aav Woo laa 64
Taaiarack ........
United Cuppar ...
U. a. Mining
v. a. 011
Utah '
de pfd 11
Don. Y A a 3
EOlaoo Ele.. Ills... t
Maaa. Biacuts ....... 16'
do pfd ....
Maaa. Ua ...
I'ntta7 Pralt
44 IWIno
......loi Hv
I Winona
lolled 8. M
do pfd
V. a meal
4a pfd ..
Allettea '
Mid-, Aakodt
North Butte .
6 Suite Coalition ..
41 INevsd
UH,1'al- A Atlasaa..
4iArlaona Com
, 6 Oraoue Co. ......
Re York Mining Block.
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. Cloalng quotations
en Kitting stocaa werei
Adams Cea.
Brossvlak Coa. .
tosuetack Tassel
UttaT Chief
. 8
. 11
. to
... it
... 16
... 86
Sierra Nevada .
Small Hopes ...
Co, cat. a va
Hera Silver 16
ire am
Ivor 4
Ivtll Cea. t 3
CtMrlngr ttnne Btatexnent.
NEW YORK. Jan. 11-Th atatement of
th clearing hotue bank for th waek
ahatWA Wai tba. tAka boUl 4.44,nAt mvre
than the lepra reserve requirements. This
l an Inareeee of 8S.4flJ.C75 a compared with
last week. The statement follow:
Amount. Increase.
Itopoalt ,.
IMfHl tender
Reserve required ...
Kx.-l'. 8 deposits...
..81.0ts).7on S SM,!t
.. l,00,92.ew 8.3M.1O0
.. 177.U.X
1. tSLSW."
3,640. 70i
.. J2.7tiR.7U6.
4. w.3no
5. nti.0.
New Yark Maaey Market.
NKW YORK, Jan. 12.-MONKY-On call,
nominal; time loans dull and slightly easier;
sixty and ninety day and six month. S
per cent,
per cent. '
8TKRI.INO EXCHANGE Kalrly steady,
with actual business In banker bills at
84 MTftl4.S4&a for demand and at S4.8Mvft
l.W for sixty-day bills: posted rates, 34.81
and 4.k.-i; commercial bills. 4 R4-&4.H4H.
SILVER Bar, HU Mexican dollars,
KoNDS Government, ay; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds were aa fob
V. s. ft Sa
Jspsa , M series... '
do 4s rtts t'"4
do 4Hs rtts M
34 ssties 1
0. B. Is. rf. ..
4 souso
0. S. sl4 4. na
IOC L. A N. sal. 4a if"
do coupon
0. 8. n. 4s. trt...
60 Cnttpos
Am. Toescoo 4...
Atrbltoa gen. 4a...
la s4J. 4s
Atlantic C t, 4s..
Bsl. Ohio 4s....
4o tit
ftrk. R. T. e. 4s..
Central et OS. 6s.
l.l inr
Me M Inc
"do U Inc
..inoVMen e. f 4. WS
..1Hs1m. Central 4s H
.. i do Ut Inc 4
.. n4-Klnn. St. U 4s.. 4
II m ., K. T. 4a H
-.looTal 4 is 7t4
M 'N. It. R. of V. . 4s
Vl. T. C. g. IWl MS
N. 1. C. a. 6 114
No. Pacltc 4a 101
do 6a 76
N. W. 1. 4a. 64
f). a. U rfdf. 4.... 64
Pens. coot. 6s 61
Reading gaa. 4a 61
f4. L. A 1. . c. &a..lis
Dies. A Ohio 4HS....104U,
CMcato a a. is ... us
C, B. A Q. a. 4..... H4
C, R. I. A P. 4 7(14
St. L. A B. P. fR. 4s K
Bt. U 8. W. e. 4a.... 16
Praboard A. L. 4a 62
ao col. M. .
. 60, 'go. Paclflc 4s 6
Otx:. A 8. L. f. 4s.. IOJ14
do 1st 4a ctfs...... 64
80. Rallaar 6a Ill
010. inn. e, r. A. TS
Colorado Mid
14 Texaa A P. la 114
Colo. A So. 4s
Cuba 6s
D. A R. O. 4s
MMIIIers' 80, 6...
Brls p. I. 4a
do gea. 4..
. 4 T., 8t. U W. 4.. 11
lit Vnlon Pacific 4a 101
. t t;. a. steel M 6.
, 6 Waoaak la
.. 76
.. 81
.. 61
.. 46
. 6 da deb. B
. 67 Weatera Md. 4s...
.114 W, A L C. 4s.
. 86 Wis. Central 4s..,
Hocking Vsl. 4s...
Japan la
Bid. Offered
London Closing Stocks.
LONDON. Jan. 12. Closing Quotation on
th Btock exchange were:
Consols, money M., K. A T
.. 40
.. 66
.. M
.. 47
.. 10'4
.. 1
.. 6!
... 66
da account 66 U-16 N. T. Central...
Anaconda 16
Norfolk A W..
Atthlaon 101
do pfd
Ontario A W
Pennsylvania ....
Rand Mines
do pfd
Baltimore A Ohio.
Canadian Paclflc
I has. A Ohio
. M Keadin
Phlrlga Ot. W.....
. 17 southara Rallwar
.166 da pfd
. In 1 'Souther Pad Bo .,
C at. A Bt. P...,
Denrar A R. O....
41'l'nlon Pacific
do ltd
. 66
. 46
. 71
. 6 .
do pfd
....... 16
V. a. Steal.
do ptd ...
do lit pfd
do Id pfd
Wsbsih ....
Illinois Central ...
do pfd ...
LoulHTllle A N.
SILVHR Bar. oulet. SlHd Per ounce.
MONKY-3ft3 per cent. .
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is fy&'i per cent; for three
months' bill, 64V per cehf .
Boils Copper Market.
rloslns- ouotatlona on ftoston Conner mar
ket, reported by Logan it Bryan, 112 Board
ot Trade building, Omaha: '
Adnntur Nevada consolidate, list
Allouet M 66 North Butta II?
Atlantic 1H Old Dominion 1 u
Bingham 64 Our cola 16
Black Mountain 66 Pneu. Service 11
Boatoa Consolidated.. 81 Pneu. Ban lea, ptd... II
Butte Coalition 84 Qulnry 124
Calomel A Arlaena. .160 Shannon 11
(Jalumet A H4cla....M Tamarack 18
Centennial .
46 Trna. Copper 48 .
86 Trinity 80
10 United Fruit 10
16 United States, oof.. 47
Copper Rang
Pair West
Bait Butt
Oreaae Copper 1
M t'niud State., pfd... 47
80 Utah Ceaeolldatad
4 Utah Copper
Isle Rural
......... 1
......... 13
U 8. A Plttiburg ... 34 Winona ...
Maaaachusetu 6 Wolvarina
Michigan 23 Csnanea .
Mohawk 88 Nlplaalng .
Foreign Flnanolal,
LONDON, Jan. 12. The rates fop money
were steady In the market today and the
demand waa moderate. Discounts Wer
firm. Trading on the stock exchange waa
quiet. There was no disposition to In
crease commitments prior to the setle
menti but the tone continued steady with a
hardening tendency at th close. American
opened steady at about parity. The over
night weakness In New . York checked
fresh ventures, but value .hardened near
the close In anticipation of a better New
York bank statement and the market fin
ished nrm. Foreigner generally were
teady. Kaffir were firm after early hesi
tation. Copper shares received good atten
tion. Japanese Imperial slxe of 1904 closed
at lot
BERLIN, Jn 11 Pricea on the bourse
today Improvedon the New York advlcea
PARlrJ, Jan. 12 Trading on the bourse
today waa quiet and a, better tone .pre
vailed: Ruaslan Imperial four cloeed at
66.85 and Rualan bond of 1904 at 4M,
Bank dene-las;.
' OMAHA, Jan. 13. Bank clearing for to
day were St738.630.87 and for the correspond
ing date last year n.88,671 .08. ' '
ism. law.
S 1.856.088.00 SU04.442.88
Friday 7
, 1.671. 194. t 1,473.68.70
1.639.4A3.0S 1, 3.123. 4
' 1.7K9.358.15 1,838,)2.44
1, 86 1.6i),7H0.36
1.738,630.9? 1.38a, 671 .OS
Totals .- S10.46,83n.28 89.188,879.74
' Increase over' the. corresponding wvelc last
year, Sl.270.468.i4.
Traalarv Statement.
WASHINGTON. Jan. lS.-Today'a atate
ment or tne treasury naiances in ine aren-
eral fund exclusive ot the. 3150,000,000 gold
reserve howa:
Available caah balance S242,150.2n3. Oold
coin and bullion S404,B3167. Oold Crti
Dcates M.43,2eo.
Cottoa Market.
closed steady; middling, upland, ill. Hue;
middling gulf. 10 65c; no sales.
8rt closed steady; sales, 4,324 bale; low
ordinary. 8 t-14c. nominal: ordinary,
t S-ltc; good ordinary, 8H0; low mid
dling, 8ot middling, 10 o; gpod mid
dling, 11 lS-ltc; middling fair, IS 11-180,
nominal; fair, 13 lt-ltc. Receipts, 10,814
balea: atock. 364.561 bale.
BT. LOUIS. Jan. 12. COTTON Bteady ;
middling. 10 31-iar; sal,. s bale; re
n.l in k.1.. hlnnli St A7K h.Ua. ..
LIvkRPOOL, Jan. 12 COTTON-r-8pot,
good business don;, price unchanged to
2 point lower; America middling falsi
.70d; good, middling. 8. Slid; middling,
6 84(1; lew middling. 6.72d; good ordinary,
6.S2d; ordinary, 6. Old. The salea of the
day were 10,600 bales, fit which 1,000 were
for speculation and export and Included
8,300 American. nereipia, i,ouu pales,
Including 10,800 American.
OU, and Rosin, ,
NEW YORK, Jan. U-OILS-Cotton seed
oil, ateady; , print crude f. o. b, mill,
36V4c; pi line yellow, 42c. Petroleum, steady ;
rerined New York. 37.60; Philadelphia and
baltimore. 37. 46; Philadelphia and Baltimore
In bulk. 34 So. -
ROSIN Firm; strained common to good,
l4.fc6Hi4.8fl. j
OIL CITY, Jan. 12 OILS Credit balance,
81.68; runs, 143.168 bhla.: average, 104,070
bbls.! knlprrierH. 1,864 bbls.; average, 154,
fc bbl. - .
BAVANNAH. Oa., Jan. lJ.-OlL Turpen
tine, ateady; o9d. v
ROSIN Firm; A. H. C. D., 34.03; B.. 84 05;
r., 4 ib; 4.3; it.. ei; 1,
35.16: M . 36.50; N.. 36.25; W. Q..
w r.oo. ,
34 SO; K.,
St.7; W.
liiar and Mnlnaae.
NKW YORK. -Jan. 13 81'0n Raw
firm; fair refining. Sc; centrifugal teat. 84jc;
molasses euaar, 84s Manned -ateady; Ho.
4. S4.Su; No. 7. 84-25; No. 8, 84.30; No. 6. 34 lSi
No. 10, 3405: No. 11. S4.00; No. IS. $1.96;
No. la, S3M; No. 14, S3. 85; confectioner's A,
14 00; mould A, $5-15: cut loaf, 86.60; crushed,
86&0; powdered, St. W; granulated, 34.80;
cubes, 86 06.
-MOLArWK Steady; New. Orleans open
kettle, good to choice, 374i3c.
NEW OKI.EANS. Jan. 12. Sl'dAR Mar
ket Bteady; open kettle centrifugal, 3 S-ltrti
S lS-ltc; centrifugal white, 4 1-loe; centrif
ugal yellow, JS'H l-lc; seconds, t3S-16c
MoLaBSEH New syrup, 3ujS4e.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Pratt a.
APl'I.ES Market show rather an easy
tendency, aaaln. rory are quoted at
tsuUVtc; choice at S'-iC and prime at ski'io.
fa ateady on spot with California fruit
ranging from S to 8 centa and Oregon SVe to
at 7ir. Apricot ar quiet, but are pot
offering for sale in any quantity and hold
teady with choice quoted at 13c
extra choice at 12Hc. aad fancy at 13c.
Raisin are (teady to firm with loose M us
ee i el quoted at 7V43fcWc; aeeded raiMlna at
ta ws aad tandoa le si at 41.45QI.U,
Cattle e.urall? Cbada Eicaar Than
Both Sheep aad Ijinahs Geod Seller
and neeerally Ta rifteea
Higher Thaw the Cleae
f tt Week.
SOUTH OMAHA. Jan, 12, 1907.
Receipt wer;
Oftlclal Monday
Omtlaj Tuvaday
OITIclal Wednesday..,.
Official Thuraday ....
Ofllclal Friday
Official Saturday
Cattl. Hogs. Bbeep.
; 23
4.0 7
This week 2S.923 41.4K3 273
IJist week 18,531 27.IM B5.!
Two weeks ago 7.117 2.4 16.44
Three week ago 26. 44.738 SO.'l
Four weeka ago 31,817 45.131 38.33
Same week laat year.... 18,361 60,377 Sl.lhS
The following table show the receipts ot
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, compared with tat year:
1807. ld. I no.
cattle Ss,6r7 31 3 9 T.1M .....
Hog K.OJ0 82, 8 it ...... l.t7
Sheep 4fi.6M 64,8) 8,783
Good to choice oorri fad tMr....SS.60Tjt).rx)
fair to good corn fed steers i.Va6 .40
Common to fair steers 4 11,4 BO
Good to choice fed sow ifr-HeO
Fair to good cow attd heifers 3.76-ijS-ta)
Common to fair cow and heifers.. I.7Va278
flood to choice St'kers and feeder. 4.84-4.
rair to good stockers and feedrs. 3 6fa4 36
Common to fair stockers............ 1.401.6
Bull, stags, etc 2.6M?4 S0
Vsal calves l6O4jc.Su
The following table show th average
price of hoars at South Omaha or th laat
several tlay, with comparison I "
Data. 1807. 19O6.lS06.18O4.lut.lnt. 11901.
Deo. SO..
Deo. 81..
808 4 S1 4 61 48E4SS
4 24V, 4 47 4 64 8 36 4 24
824 6 14 4 64 4 83 i 32
821 Sll4lt84 818IK623
2S07443 4 28 8 16
4 29H 6 14 4 46 4 77 128
32. 6 22 4 47 4 87 8 S
S 17 4 46 4 B S 34 24
8 23 e I 60 4 45 8 40 3 04
8 27 S 26 4 80 4 I 09
23 S 2i 4 51 4 83 8 3 16
6 80 6 20 4 62 40 8 14
4 29 6 22 4 58 4 68 104
6 28 4 62 4 41 8 44
4 86
4 M
5 02
I 08
5 14
6 26
6 24
an, 1...
Jan. S...
Jan. S...
Jan. 4...
Jan. 6...
Jan. 8...
Jan. S...
Jan. 12.
Sunday. '
Cattl. 1 Mogs.
Omaha 32.434.00 6.261J,8S
Chicago l.K7.16 S 74W4I.6
Kahaa City 2.0W.60 S rva.47M
8t. Loul 1.754.75 S.Oftert.SS
Sioux City 2.604.00 8.2ift4.36
The official number ot car of atock
brought In today by each, road was;
c M. st. P.....Ca.!ut Uo1 Bh,!fH'r'!:
Missouri Pad flu ...... 1
U. P. System 1
; :j
12 ..
19 ft
S . ..
S1J . ..
C. St N. W., east
C. N. W.. west
G. Bt. P.. M. A O
C., H. & Q.,,eaet , ..
C, H. Q.; wast..... 4
C. H. 1. dt P., east
Illinois Central
Chicago Ut- Western. .
Totals recelpta .,...8
as followH, each buyer purchasing to num.-
ur ot oiaa inaicaiea:
Cattl. Hng. Sheep
Ores tie T ,.W I r, rn .
Swift and. Company ......
Cudahy Packing CO
Armour 4k Co...,,
Lohman- A fn
F. P.. lewl.,.
T. B. Inirhram
6(.her buyers
Totals , 142 6,704 1,467
CATTLE The receipt of cattle thla
morning wer very Ugnt and there waa no
quotable change In the market.
The receipts this' week have been Very
liberal, showing large galna over last weea
and over the oorreapondlng, week of a year
ago aa will be noted from the table of re
celpta at head of column. The quality
haa not averaged very , high, the aupply
constating lacgejy of quite ordinary to lair
half fat Or Warmed Up steers with quite a
sprinkling of feeder and a very liberal
showing of cow stuff. A feature of th re
celpta Is the unusually large number of
range cattle for thi Season uf to year.
The market haa not shown. very much
change thia week. During the first two
days the tendency of price waa lower, but
during the latter half of the wk It waa
upward ao that th weakness at the be
ginning wa made up at the close 'of" the
week. Beef steers are a shade higher than
one week -ago. In spite of the aarge re
ceipt the trade on most . days, ha been
fairly active, the demand keeping pace with
the increased arrivals. The very good
prices being paid for. short-fed oattler to
gether with th high price of feed, la the
country Is evidently Inducing atock mn to
market their holdings without walling to
finish them. This policy is being followed
so largely that a good many opera tola on
the market are beginning to talk that there
will be a ihortag of cattle In the spring.
What ha been ald about beef steer
would apply in large part to cowa and
heifers, that la the market the first of the
'week eased off, but, later On th loss Waa
mad up so that at th close price are a
little stronger than one week ago-
An Interesting feature of the cattle trade
ha been the very active dementi for (leahyj
reeaera weigmg rrom suv pounas upward.
The stockmen who have disposed of their
short-fed cattle have, aa a rule, realised
f ood profits and seem Inclined to nil up
heir, feed yards with a fresh supply of
cattle for another short feed. Hence It- la
that fleshy feeders have been la the best
demand and have been strengthening up
until they are 16fr26c higher, than they were
a week or ten days ago. As high as 34 80
was paid tor choice, well bred Idaho feed
ere this week. The lighter stock settle,
while not p much In demand, and whll
not showings the advance have neverthe
less been fair sellers at fully steady prloes.
Representative ale:
N. Av. Ft. Ma. A. Tt
1 644 3 46
106 We..
3 M 111 1 ...... 184 8 44
, It..
670 8 00 6
464 3 68
618 3 44
68 6 6 8..,.
Frank Eychaaer, Wyoming.
43 feeder,. 18 4 7- 11 feeder. .1208 i 00
7 cows lOOa S 6
HOOS-FTrst bids were weak thla morn
ing, but there whs no trading to speak of
on that basia. When buyers and aellera
finally got together it wa on th baa la of
a shad better prices than prevailed yes
terday. The hogs sold largely at 3430, as
against M.87Vri. yesterday. It was, in
fart, a (as of taking off yesterday and
putting on today, a the hog today sold
practically where they did Thursday. The
trade waa fairly active at the prevailing
prlee and the hog were practically all
aold by 10 o'clock In the morning or soon
The recelpta ot. bog this week, whll
decidedly laxaer than ' for the previou
week, still show a very considerable de
crease as compared With a year ago. The
market during the , week has fluctuated
back and forth t considerable extent.
Thus the week started out with a good
sharp decline, which was made up on Tues
day and Wednesday. Hogs sold still b I gher
on Thuraday, but dropped back again on
Friday, only to recover the lost ground to
day. After allUh changes back and forth
the week closes with the market on aa
-average about SHo lower than one wtelt
Representatives saiea:
Ha .
A, as. Pr
...1M ... 3 6
...176 ... 6 60
...ill M 169
...147 ... 3 6.
,..4 ... 6 6
,..87 160 3 6
...136 I' 60
...IK ... 3 60
...111 ... 4 6'
...111 ... 6 60
i ..
8 66
4 I
, r. ,tr--. .
60 4 15
4 64
4 6
.167 140 6 I7S
4 61V6
4 87
4 4 17 Hj
110 4 3T",
... 4 60
60 6 60
.840 ... 4 80
M 60
111 83 6 60
.104 ... 6 6
ISO tUQ 4 60 .
116 ... 6 60
ll 80 4 to
147 40 4 60
64 60 4 6
IS 10 4 60
ts 164 6
8h6 40 6 60
36 148 4 68
6 80
6 6 ,
6 60
6 60
3 6 '
4 6
6 6 '
6 8t4
4 8i
6 6A
. .618
,....314 4
,...368 - ...
....Sit 84
4 14
4 60
4 l
4 60
4 6
4 60
4 6
..! 16 6
. 147 ... 4 40
..V 6 3o
. lv He 6 6
..111 61 6 M
.611 ... 6 6
, .ai 88 4 8 .
..660 160 61 4 30. 4 61 .
... 4 n
40 4 11 Sa
4 liS
... 6 82
88 3 3s
From a
To Invest th saving of a lifetime In something safe, yet In something
that will pay a good return, la hard work for the man whose tlm Is occupied
witn greater tilings. .
That la where the broker steps In. Ilia "greater thing" are. Investigat
ing, studying, comparing, reading, figuring, and th Investor haa but to take 1
advantage of his work. V.
This is Your Opportunity
Thr ar many dlfrrnt tot inv.Unr, many bafl tuid many fannl.
The Broker Says, "Buy Stocks and Bonds"
There la real estate. All right, hut there are the taxes, rent to be col- "
lee ted, abstract to be approved and repair to be made.
. Hank. All right, but the rate of Interest la loo low tot t,h mart Of mod
erate capital. Invest your own money.
Mining schemes. All right, but the chances are ten to one ejralnst yni
that you will pick out A good one. Why guesa when you mm buy womethlnat
The Broker Says, "Buy Stocks and Bonds"
Your dividend la delivered to your office. When you wish to aril ther
are no formalities.' T)pmestlo corporation are exempt from ttutatlon. Yo
. have a ready collateral. There 1 no attorney to be consulted. No personal
attention ,1s required.
Here I where you need Ihe broker help. Naturally, vau have not th
1 time to ra the financial papers, study annual report, make comparison of
aarnlnge, lotfks Into physical conditions; that's for the broker to tin. and all
the broker wants ot you Is to come u lilni as your financial physician.
If frou want absolute security and a very low rate of Interest, w pre- .
tcrthe government and railroad bohda, but If you want a good return, and yet
A safe Investment, one that w can call gilt-edge, we euggast aome ptiblto
utility, high class industrial fr municipal.
In brief, my policy Is to give the man who la getting .4 per cent a safe,
ane 8 per rent Investment In an established company; 6 handle aecurltiea :
that have a market value and are readily convertible Into rash.
For fuller Information allow tne to call upon you, or, better yet, oma In:
Samuel Burns, Jr.
614 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doul. 895. Omaha.
77., 814
6 60
Tt 840 ... 4 I24
77 JS ... 6 6JH
70. 647 ... 4 66
66 646 104 6 !Uj
46 644 ... 4 66
167 i ... 6 66
64 1..61 ... 4 66
626 40 30
640 160. 6 60
71... 176
7... lit
60 4 SO
4 60
4 60
60 114
67....... tbt . 6 80 64 ...21 ... 6 66
BHEEl There wer five fresh cars re
ported In tht morning, all of them having
been- sold before arrival, ao that as a
matter ot fact there Was nothing actually
on Bale. For the Week the 'receipts show
a decided gain over the previous week, but
a small decrease as-compared with a year
ago.- The fact Is everybody combined this
week to keep receipts down. The general
feeling was that the market was not in
condition to stand Urge runs, and henco
all market reports sent out advised the
holding back of supplies. The result haa
been beneficial to the market.
During the first two . days of the week
the tendency of pricea was lower, but with
moderate recelpta and a fair demand the
market took a turn for the better on
Wednesday and since that time has had an
upward tendency.- At th close of the Week
prices aro generally lOfilSc higher than one
week Ago, ' and In spots possibly higher
than that. In other words, the market for
the week has been In very fair condition
and sellers without exoeptlon have been
well pleased With results.
Th quality this week has been very fair,
showing some Improvement over last week
that Is, there have been fewer short fed
and - half fat sheep and lambs. Without
eaception operators on the. market are ex
pressing -themselves as very confident a
to the future of the market. The only
thing to ba dreaded Is excessive recelpta,
which ara. always liable to occur when
prevailing pricea are so very attractive
and which are almost certain to be fol
lowed by break In the market.
Quotation on killers: Oood to choice
lambs, . S7. 0O417.8O; fair to good lambs, 36.75
f7.00; good to choloe yearlings, lamb
weights, til,0r3.J6; fair to good yearlings,
lamb weight, ' 85. 766. 00; good to choice
yearlings, heavyweights, 35.7f.4i6.00; fair to
good yearltnga, heavyweights, i.6K?i6.75;
good to choice old wethers, t6.S5tJ5.76; fair
to good old Wethers, S6.O0fiu.35; good, to
choloe ewes, S4.863S.Zb; fair to good ewes,
Quotations On feeders: Oood to choice
lambs.' 38. a&6.5d; medium lambs, 85.7MI3.26;
light lambs t4.avaS.33 yearlings, 36.1t,46.6o;
wethers, 31.764(6 S6; ewes, 83.6Gtf-4.60; breed
ing ewe. t4.oWjS.O0. ...
RetireaentAtive sales:
No. - - - ...... Av.
7 western ewe : 110
11 western ewes ......,.......... 8S
VA western yearlings 82
11 western lambs 70
4 90
5 40
6 00
(notation Are Steady for All Classes
- ' " ' ' f Stock.
CHICAGO. Jan. 12. CATTLB Receipts,
400 head; market steady; beeves, S4.Xi37.1&:
cows and heifers, Sl.OOift.; stockers and
feeders. 8f.80lj4.Si6, Texans, 34754.50; calves,
S&ooli ,
HOU8 Receipts. 19.000 head; market
steady; ' mixed and butchers, S6.3n0t.&24;
good heavy. 8A.4ofi6.56; rough heavy, tti.tuty
(.80; light.' S iWi4i. 4-rH: Pigs, 35. TWo 4. 26; bulk
of sale, t.40$.50.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.000
head; market steady; sheep, S3.0&6.76;
lambs, 34.06417.05
' Kaaaa City Stock Market.
oeipta, BOO head; market ateady: choice ex
port and dressed beef steers, So.DOti4.60; fair
to good, S4.0nig6.40; western fed steers. 33.75; . atocker and feeders,- S3.0u6H.76;
Bouthern sft-ers, S3-2rfi6-00; southern cows.
82 6U-63.7S: native rows, S3.ntfi4.40; native
heifers. 3.Xg4.7e; bulls, S3.766-4.ltt! calves,
S3 X-ftTSO. Receipts for the wrek, 68,600
head" ' ' w
HOOS IWrelptn, 6,000 head; market
steady; close Se . lower) top, 38 60; bulk of
sales, M.40fc 47V4C; heavy, S6.4&4i.50; Pack
ers, S6.40iT4).477c; pigs and lights, S5.5Utf
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, none;
market tiotnlnally steady; lamb, S6.6"0
7.841; ewes and yearling. S1.7504.2&; western
fed yearling, 36.804.60; weatern fed sheep,
34.60ifi6.lS; stockers And feeder, I3.2S36.U0.
Receipts for the week 28,600 head.
St. S.onla Live Stock Market.
'Bt. lOVltf &an. It. CATTLK Receipts,
600 bead. Including 150 Texana Market was
steadyi native shipping and export steers,
S4.40ii(ti.75; dresed.beef and butcher ateers,
S4.0Mft.ll; afeere under l.ono ibs., S3.761.70;
stockers and feedere, 2.on&'4.60; cows and
heifers, t2.7afirfi.a; oanners. Sl.60gr3.36; bulls,
82.20ro4.Oft; calves, S3 U 4J.4J4I; Texas and In
dian steers, . Si30(iJ6. 50; cows and heifers,
H(KJV Ttecelpts, 8,500 head. Market was
steady; pigs and lights 3.tiH 30; packers,
86 Uitj 40; butchers andv best heavy, So.35
6HEE1P AND LiAMDS None on sale.
Una City, Live Stack Market.
SHOUX CJTY. Jan. ll-(Spewlal Tele
gram.) CATTLE 'Recelpta, 8U head; mar
ket steady; beeves. 84.0o.00; cows, bulb
and mixed, I2.60g4.60; stockers and feeders,
Si, ( j4ji3t8; calves and yrarllngs, S3.kU3.76.
Ht35 Reoelpts, S.300 head: market
leady. selling at S.36.35; bulk Ofr sales,
A.- UT y. ,i 4AA
head; market steady.
Receipt, Sot
. St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ceipts, U9 head. , Market steady; natives,
S4.6Wo.7fi: - cow and heifer, - Si.XiM.wi;
tucker and feeder. 83.2fc'('4.'. ''
HOGS Receipt. 7,142 head Msrket waa
active and steady; top, S0.4t4.S0; bulk of
sales, Ss 4U ...
BtiitEP AND LAMES Reoeipta, none.
- Stork la Slaht.
Receipt of live stock at the all principal
western market yeaterday:. ,
Cattle. Hog. Sheep
Bouih' Omaha 239 b.7tsj 1.102
Bleu- City ... fO 3.0
Kanaa City.,......-. 8 6.O1O
Pt. Joseph 148 7, lit
gt. Louis 60O S.fyio
Chicago 4o0 1K.0UO
2.4K8 47,624
Wool Market. - '
ST. LOUIS, Jan. II. WOOI Hteady;
medium grade, combing and clothing, 24
2St4c; light tin. lot) 38c;v heavy no.,
14trlic; tub washed, SAJ38c.
LONION. Jan. 13. Th first aeries of
th wool auction eaies I scheduled te
open next Tuesday and to close January
31, - I Hiring-h first week 80.460 balea will
be offered. The arrivals for the second
series amount to 17.000 balea. Including
18,006 forwarded direct to spinners.
Dry 34Mls Market.
NFW YORK, Jan. .-The dry goods
market was quiet for the day. the storm
interfering with the house trade. Buyer
are -luusaalfig la number, and while Uiey
W, Farnam Smith & Go.
Stocks, Bonds, :
We are In the market for 60 to ISO ahareav
1320 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1048
Only Correct and up-to-date map' of Ne
vada In existence. Compiled by our own
engineers frbm V. S. Uajvernment aurvey
and other official data. Hliows all tha ex
isting, eurveyed and proposed railroads tn
Nevada Olvea exact location of all min
ing campa, with the production of each, ao
that vou can eaally find the mines that are
Write toriuy for a free ipy of our week
ly market " letter, which Is making our
clients the beet posted mining investor
In the world.
th m. Xm. bebitxeb coMVAirr
38 Xlxon Bldg. 310 Seourlty Bldg.
Ooldfleld, Ber. Chlcage, XiL
Address Chicago Office for Quick Repltea.
6, DM Tacoma Btael,
1,004 Cl.-Ne tors Oil,
l.ono Waldorf,
4,000 Pnuman repeen
. 6 Huhbar Blilott, .
I,n Manhatua Narad.
too Pioneer Alaaka,
304 Black Diamond Cop- Aurora Conanl,
r, , 2t Basltel ( h.mlcal,
1,006 Manhattan Vnlnn
1,000 Ooldfleld Coming
1.000 Silver Leaf Cobalt.
6,000 North Verde Cooper, 1,000 ti. a. Graphite, " .
600 Atnerlcan DeK MJ n.djan
1.000 Murchl. Praf.. J;J ftjji.g1.,; '
8,000 Kureka Oil A Oas, j.noo Red Mnuntaln.
(00 Hullfrng Alllancs. 4.000 mark Pearl,
1,000 8n Tedro. 100 IHnislaa Copper,
Dealer In ITnlisted Securities, , , '
4OS-405-4O7 North American Building,
Philadelphia. Pa.
Established IMS.
"Mow 180 Mad la,600' In the title of
tbe moat Interesting book on nuinoy-malc-Wig
ever published. It tells you how small
amounts may be Invested safely and
profltalby In the greatest Industry on
earth It makes plain the rosd to wealth
and should be in the hands of every think
ing Investor. Don't fall to secure a free
copy fit this valuable book. Edition la
limited. Write today. N. C. B. CO;, tno.,
106 Krelder llldg., San Francisco, CaL
Louis Nachtlgal and wife to Harvey
C. Hesld. lota 1. J, 8 and 4, block 21. "
Millard, Neb........... f L00O
Helen K. FYeeman to Asarleah Eld
rldge, lota S and 4, block IS, Weat
Omaha .......... 1
Nels Robertson and wife to Vaclav
and Anna Pavllk. lots- 8 and lu, '
block 1a, Browrl Park... 1,600
Charles Ladd Thomas to Hugh 8.
Thomas, lots I to 20, block 114.
Florence 40
Frank W. Fegr and wife to Roea M. - :
Beard, lot 8, block S, subdlv. of
John I. Redlrk'a add., ...t.. 1,600
Andrew Anderson to Hysted Abbott,
lot 6 and w5 feet lot 4. block 2,
Pmlthfleld , 1
t'red Johansen and wife to Krud
Butler and Wife., tot 16, block 14, '
Halcvon Height SM
John W. McDonald to Hana 11. StfltV
tenberg, lot '2X, 32. 34, S8 and 48,
mock l, Howard a i
subdlv., and other '
Omilcs Flngerlos to Kails Miller.
! nH lot 9 and lot 10, block 364: lot 6, I
block 365; nV lot 13, block 348, and
n't) lot 1,-block M7, South Omaha, 10,000
Louis Schrneder to Columbian Invest,
ment company, lot 7, block 1, and -lota
S, S, 6 and 10, block S, Cleveland '
Place i , 4 " 1
Ha tile A. and Anson K Havens to
William B. Roney, . aSTVi feet lot.,
block 4. Alamo Plasa...... ........ LMX
6am to Kverett C. Sawyer, a30 feet
lot 6 and n7V feet lot 6, -block 4,
Alamo Plusa. LBGO
lloulevard Park Improvement com
pany to Oeorge W. Platner. trustee, ,
lots 1 and 1, btock 7, Boulevard '. !
Park . 1800
Tdtal Amount of transfers .....S34,SS
are not taking large . quantities of,g
they are finding much fault becauea goods
under order are delayed In ablpnient.
rltocka In linen are low and Jobber arw
willing to take forward deliveries how when
they can be granted. Burlap are Inactive
but firm. The lobbing bouses continue to
do an Immense trsde in printed and woven
cotton goods.
. . , . - i ;
Metal Market.
NKW toRlC. Jan. II METAL-The
metal matketa were quiet aa uaual In the
absence of Ixmdon rabies. Tin waa more
or less nominal at S41.0oo-41.2S. The situa
tion in copper continues very firm and lake
Is quoted at tlleW'AM; electrolytic. 324.00
tJ'UJii. and casting at t-3.7E4i 24.25. I-ead
Is flrtu at S4.OOftti.30 and apelter at S9.4J&4.75.
Iron barely steady at - reoent prices.
BT. LOl'I8. Jan. 12. METAL Lead,
steady at Stf.U); spelter... steady at 8j.i4.7.
Plttsbsrst Caarllnsas Cuavlsted.
PITTSBL'RO, Jan. 12. W. A. Martin, a
member bt common counsel' ttf ' thla city.
Was found guilty tpday. pt eoflclttng a
bribe In connection with a proposed fran
otiloe granting- the HtUburg tt Tuba City
Railroad company an entrance to Pitta
burg.' Martin waa recommended to the
extrhi merer of. tha court. Th verdict
wa reached aftef the Jury had deliberated
seventy'!! hours. ' '
, Harder mm Sal late.
NKW TORK. Jsn. 11 Harry gehnellen
burger a saloon keeper, after a quarrel
With hi wife today in their home In Jersey
City, shot ber In th head with a revolver,
killing her Instantly. He then billed hJm
elf with the um weapon. Tbe tragedy
took plate in th presence of f9hstljr8.
burger s 11-year-old daughter. Ins, XAa)
Utter la the eldest et al otilldraa.
. 4