Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    In 1906, The Omaha Be pub
lished almost a bait million
Psges 9 to 16.
agate llnca more dUrlajj
advertising, man lend
The Omaha Daily Bee
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V .Ro
i 3
Common Sense Trading
IUs Its Greatest Frce m Buying Things You Need at the Right Time, at the Right Nace, at the Ri?ht Price
Merchandise that's dependable and satisfactory is the only kind of merchandise this great store will handle.
Nor do we seek to attract you by ridiculous exaggerations, preposterous claims or "hot air." You can get enough of that
elsewhere in this newspaper. Come Saturday to the right place for the right thing at the right price. Here!
Here I where everything is all right, all right. Big moeny-saving in it, tool '
Furniture. Carpets and Draperies
Extraordinary reductions throughout the entire
line Furniture Rugs Carpets Linoleums Lace
Curtains Draperies else. etc.
A Special for Saturday
worth $2.25 at
Sacrifice Clothing Sale!
3 THE Vollmer Clothing Comp-
any'Sj Lease expires April first.
Thley move out then; their stock
3 must be turned into cash.
Notice the Sacrificing Prices:
Any Overcoat k in the
House sizes to
44 values to
$20.00, at...,
Any Black or Blue
, Suit values up to
$20.00, sizes 33 to
44; a suit,
S00 .Odd Suits. val
ues to $12-50, sizes
32 to 42, $98
120 Discount
$1.75 Young Men's Vests,
.values to $2.50; sizes 32 to
38, at 98
Children 's Suits, Overcoats
and Reefers, values to $9.50,
at $3.98
Men's Wool Underwear, in
cluding union suits, values to
$2.50 a garment, at ...98
Boys' and Children's 50c
Caps, at .... .25
Men '8 Caps, 75c and $1.00" val-"
ties, for ........ 48
Men's Caps, values to $2.00,
at 98
Our big line of Men's and
Boys' Hats, values to $1.00,
at ..48
50 dozen Men's and Boys'
Tuxedo Hats, values to $2,
at 98
Silk SuspendersHalf price
and 50 green trading stamps.
3 .Picture Department
That 20 Per Cent
Discount Sale
11 Parents Slips Show Your Amount
of Discount.
20 Per Cent Discount a Picture Fram
ing, Framed Pictures In Galleries, Py
rography Materials and Fancy Mirron.
S'' 1 Extra Specials Saturday:
29 Per Cent Disceuat on all China, Water
Color and Oil Paintd.
20 Per Cent Discount on Water Color,
Pastel amd Oil Papers.
Metal Frames
1C3 Odd Metal, varieua sizes, slight
ly damaged during the holidays, val
ues up to $5. on sale Saturday, 69a
neat designs, tor beginner, each 10c.
Children's Day
INFANTS SHOES -Comfortable!
. Let baby's feet grow naturally;
hand turned, 1 laced or button, in
kid and patent leather,
60c value at,
pair ..... ......-.
Boys' Storm Calf Shoes Best wearing shoes
made to keep healthy boys healthy,
and unhealthy boys feet dry, sizes
up to 2 at $1.69; sizes 2 to 5, pr. .
. .And fifty Green Trading Stamps.;
Women's Warm Lined Shoes Laced,
plain toe and patent tips, good for
cold feet, $1.75 and $2 values, for
And fifty Green Trading Stamps.
For Dances and Parties A pair of
those dainty patent colt, ties or
three-atrap slippers, pair
ng shoes
Children's Cocvts HaJf Price
Bearskins, Velours, Velvets, Cheviots
and Broadclots, 2 to 14 years. This is no
job offered you, but our regular stock.
Not a garment reserved.
$2.60 Coats for
$3 Coats for S1.5o
M Coats for S2.0O
$5 Coats for 2.60
811k, Velvet and
Bearskin Hoods, nil
colors and sizes:
11.00 Caps for.. 60o
79c Caps for. . .49c
60c Caps for. . .33o
Children's Depart
ment, Second Floor.
Saturday Waist Special
$1.25 Fine Saxony Flannel Waists,
pleated fronts and piped in taf
feta, fancy stock and cuffs, regu
lar $5.95 waist Saturday, special
at $2.95
Women's Special
Coat Offerings
for Saturday
110 Fancy Mixture Coats,
50 5 a. notched velvet
collar, (regular $10 value,
Saturday $4.95
Women's Fine Kersey Coat,
50 in. long, half satin
lined, regular $15 value,
Saturday, special. $7.48
All Small Furs About Half
Price. Sable Fox Scarfs,
regular $6.50 value, Satur
day $3.95
Knit Underwear for Saturday
The startling low prices announced at the beginning of
our great white goods sale particularly those prices apply-'
Ing to knit underwear are
Here you have dependable, wearable knit underwear
a temptation to the economical to lay in an entire season's
Ladies' Wool and Cotton and All Wool Union Suits Bro
ken sizes, worth up to $2.50, to close, a suit 69
Ladies' Fleeced Cotton Union Suits 50c value, a suit,
Saturday, at ; 35
Ladies' Ribbed Wool Plaited, Vests 65c value, to close
will go at .......... .33
Ladies ' Ribbed Fleeced Cotton Vests and Pants
25c value, to close, each 15t
Children's Ribbed Fleeced Union Suits Medium weight,
drop seat, 25o value, to close, a suit 15
Muslin Underwear Sale
Saturday's Special Offering
Corset Covers and
Drawers made extra
full, trimmed in lace and
cluster tucks, each 19c.
Muslin Skirts, extra
full body, 3 12 yard ruffle of em
broidery, 18 in. wide, headed with
fine tucks, regular $2.00 valu,
Saturday special, 98c.
DINNER.WARE of QUALITY at Reduced Prices for Saturday
s 10 Per Cent off on any sale
sets or open stock some sets
greatly reduced, such as:
100 Piece in the Kent. Pink
and Gold SUJterns, full number
of pieces, a set, $7.98.
The Blue Lugano An English
Porcelain Set A Beauty; dark
flow blue, always seld at $16 a set, 100
pieces on sale for $12.98.
Japaaese Sugar and Cream, six dif
ferent kinds, have sold up Jto $1 a pair,
on sale Saturday, the two pieces for 50c,
Glaia Trays in about ten different
shapes, sold at 10c, 12c, 15c, and 2 0c
en sale, each, 6c.
Tulip Jugs a large jug with bin, yellow and red tulips,
regular 35c value, Saturday each 18a
Specials In Hardware Saturday
20 per cent discount on any base burner or soft coal heat
ing stove.
Regular 25c Standard Bread Toaster 15
Regular 24o Braided Clothes Line for 15
Extra nice Japanned Mail Boxes, with lock and 2 keys . .$1.25
And Thirty Green Trading Stamps.
Wash Boiler, all kinds, prices up from .........96
And Forty Green Trading Stamps.
Scrub Brushes, extra quality 10
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Ladies' 95c Ice Skates, special . . . . ... .75
See Our Special Table of 10c Items.
ennett'sM Grocery
a U'w t
Bennett' Capitol Flour
per sack fl-SO
And Seventy-flv Oreen
Trading Ktamps.
Corn Meal, yellow or
white, 10-lb sack. lOo
And Twenty Oroen
Trading btamp.
Navy Bean, finest, 10
lbs. for BSo
Bennett's Belt Coffee.
three pound for B1.00
And 100 Oreen Trading Stamp.
Tea, any kind, lb 680
And Fifty Oreen Trading Stamp.
Maine Corn can, 10c: do can 91-00
Qeneaee Tomatoes, full weight can,
10c; doren cans 81.10
"Best We Have" Early June Peas,
can, 10c; dozen cans ...SI IS
TJneeda Buscults package to
Pull Cream Cheese, pound 80o
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
Swiss Cheese, domestic pound.... BSO
And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps.
Royal Luncheon Cheese, Jar 84
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
IVREK SwilTts Bally from Fin
est Dairies Fresh Oooatry Boll
Butter pound Bso
Bulk Mince Meat, pound lOo
"Best We Have" Corn, two cans 8 So
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamp.
Bennett' Capitol Premium Chocolate,
pound Mo
And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps.
Diamond 8 Chill Sauce, bottle. ., .Boo
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
A. B. C. Catsup, bottle BSo
And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamp.
Golden Queen Corn, three can BSo
Diamond C Soap, ten bars for... BSo
Bennett's Capital Wheat two pkgs.
for BOo
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamp.
Bennett's Capitol Oats, two pkgs. BOo
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Extracts, bottle ISo
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Currants, cleaned, pound... lOo
Seedless California Raisin lOo
Seeded Raisins, package .... lOo
California Prunes, per lb......... .Bo
Japan Rice, four pounds BSO
And Twenty Oreen Trad In a- Stamps.
Jell-O assorted, three pkgs BSo
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
Lincoln Butterlne, two lbs Bflo
And Five Oreen Trading Stamps.
Jersey Butterlne, two lbs BOo
And Five Oreen Trading Stamp.
Premium' Butterlne, two lb 40o
Granulated Sugar Doanl Orson
Trading Stamp.
Bennett' Capitol Mlnoo Meat, three
package for BSo
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamp.
Spur Pickle, quart '. . ...lOe
And Ten Green Trading Stamp.
Chow Chow Pickle, quart ISo
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamp.
Stuffed Olive, pint BBo
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamp.
Small Sour Pickle dosen So
Meats Meats
Fresh Fork Shoulder Boast, lb. . ,8M
Fresh Spar Bib, three lb for BSo
Morrell' Iowa Frio Bacon, back,
elected light narrow strips, aver
a- 6 to lbs., on sale, lb.... 10
8 OOO lb Armour's selected narrow
and lean Baoon small strips,
pound UVi
Thirty Oreen Trading Stamp with
each (-lb. and 10-lb pall i-ard; any
brand, at ur regular prion,
New Holland Herring, Just In, per
keg 70o
IfeMir f roTidinc for CoDiolidatisn About
Finiihtd by Erton.
Provision Enables Mayor nnn Cssa.
ell to Increase Total Fnnd
from Million to Million
( ssi. Qnnrtor.
Attorney J. P. Breen Saturday afternoon
.will hare ready for delivery to Representa
tive Mlko Lee n draft of the Omater Omaha
bill to bo Introduced In th legislature.
Accompanying this bill will be several
amendment and change on th city char,
ter, theao auggestlon being what are
thought necessary for Omaha regardlei
of any consolidation proposition.
J Tba charter change have to do mainly
' with th funds, there being a provision
th that th city council and mayor shall hav
power to Increase th total fund to tl.2oO,-
W la pine of U.uuo.vMt an cow LL case,
thus making th charter of sufficient elas- I
tlclty to meet any contingency in the event
of consolidation before th next legislature
Th Real Estate exchange and Commer
cial club hav been .active In figuring out
th present needs In th way of increased
appropriations for fire, police, .park and
engineering department of Omaha. Th
proposed plan Is to hav n charter provision
taat th maximum amount to b set sslde
for th engineering department shall be
tlSZ.Ouo, which sum shall cover not only the
engineering department as It 1 now ope
rated, but include all present operations of
th street commissioner' office, making the
two department virtually one. Fund used
by the two . department during ISO
amounted to 1170,40, and apportionment
set asida for this year for th same depart
ment aggregate SltS.SoO, th difference In
those sum being due to Mayor Dahlman'
cut of IS0.0U0. Th proposed $191,000 total
for th two department is about 3,0u0
more than wan allowed In lKM.
Division at Fnnd.
Just how th 1182.000 should be divided
among the various department of th en
gineer office la n matter which la left for
th council to decide on Just as they have
beta apportioning tba general tuaA of
UtSS.OOO through the ; various department.
It la proposed to make the police and fir
funds I1M.0O each, th charter at present
allowing th former 1115.000 and th latter
1176,009. No change ha been suggested In
th lighting fund, which 1 now specified in
th charter at $70,000. Th park fund, ac
cording to th proposed change, should
be raised from $30,000 to a minimum of
$75,000 and maximum of $100,000, although
it 1 believed those figure will be changed
to $60,000 and $75,000, respectively, before
th amendment are offered for coiuadera.
Uon at Lincoln.
No Changs 1 contemplated In th library
fund, which now stands at $22,000.
With th addition mentioned to engi
neering, police, firs and park fund (con
sidering the Inst at $60. OOO). there would be
added to present running expense of the
city $132,000. Th proposition is to add
$150,000, adding th difference of $13,000 to
what la known as the general fund. ' The
charter now authorise the city to raise
by taxation n gross sum of $750.u00 for gen
eral purpose and $20,000 for linking fund.
Th addition mentioned would Increase
th total amount to be raised to $1,150,000,
or $Ai0,ud0 more than Mayor Dahlman ex
pert to run th city on this year.
, Tt Cftatcc Oiuafra Ull, an already
drafted, provide that whenever n city of
th first class shall adjoin th boundary lln
of a metropolitan city for the aggregate
distance of a mile th city of th first class
shall become part of the such metropolitan
city upon the filing with the governor of a
certiiicate by the county surveyor stating
that the boundary lines adjoin In the
manner stipulated. Omaha and South
Omaha boundary lines adjoin for over two
miles. The bill mentioned contemplates
consolidation by legislative enactment in a
manner similar to that which ha been ac
complished in many part of the country,
Kansa City being an Instance.
The bill provide that the governor shall
Issue a proclamation, and if that Is issued
four months or more before th date of
the regular tat and county election
within th year then the city council of
th metropolitan city shall have power and
It shall be Its duty to divide th consoli
dated territory Into twelve wards, and at
the next election, as provided for In the
act, an election shall be held throughout
th consolidated territory.
Should an election be held next Novem
ber under this bill the South Omaha offi
cials would only be cut off of four month
The rst of the bill contains legal provl
uu mm!, turulnif Mvar nuhUo nranarty.
Assistant Attorney General Bar
Psblle Is Intra of that
by Now.
8peclat Assistant Attorney General M. C.
Burch of Washington la In Omaha enroute
to the west on business connected with the
investigation of land matter. Mr. Burch
visited District Attorney Ooss and Special
Assistant District Attorney Rush at the
federal building Friday morning for a brief
"There is no significance In my visit
here," said Mr. Burch. "I merely stopped
over for a short visit and will proceed
west this afternoon. I Just learned of th
acquittal of th Modlsett this morning
while on th train. Mr. Rush nnd Mr.
Ooss hav made an excellent fight, but It
is hardly to b expected that tbey should
win all of them. The trial ha shown on
very Important thing, and that 1 that the
government I in deadly earnest In the
prosecution of alt violation of th land
law, and I venture th observation that
the parties will not take any more
chance to obtain control of publlo lands.
"Ja Uio east lh pubjlo aud ogrporaUraf
are beginning to realize that when th
government get after any violation of th
law that it mean buslnet, and th ten
dency is growing rapidly to adhere as
Closely a possible to the law in every de
partment of Industrial and commercial
Commissioner Hesitate Before l'sur
on Bid of lv Trast ssd
Let th taxpayers of th county drop
thetr load of dull car at the threatening
prospect of being taxed usurlously by th
Ice trust for supplier of the congealed sum
mer comfort to th county Institutions this
summer. Th commissioner hav not yet
let th contract. Th Ice trust wants $6
cent n hundred for Ic delivered to the
court house and county JulL Thl is $7 a
ton. Coal Is almost as cheap and doesn't
melt a fast while the delivery man la car
rying it from th wagon to th nous.
Those who are In n position to know
wink th eye and those who hav observed
th campaign of economy now being con
ductal t th commissioner Siid tag county
auditor, shrewdly guess that the Ice man
ha another bid coming. The trust ad
mitted that in making this bid It was al
lowing for all th vicissitudes of weather
and the chances of a short crop. In other
words, the trust wasn't taking any chance
and was letting th county take them all.
If there should be a small crop of Ice th
trust would still have a fair profit from th
county, and if th Ice crop should prov to
be normal the profit would be very grati
fying indeed to the company.
It is likely the commissioners will hold
up the Ice bids for a month or two until It
1 known what kind of an lc harvest ther
will be.
In th matter of printing, alio, th county
I going to save a wad of money. It Is
said th printer of th city "got together
last year and th county paid about thre
price for it printing. Tills year new spe
cifications were prepared and there Is an
amazing reduction on th price. Lai it year
the plain record cost 115. this year It I
$6 23. The four appearance docket last
year cost $1U, this year the price I $4SL
Tax receipt for back years cost $&2 last
year and the same number this year coat
$j00. Th ao.ono sheet of typewriting paper
needed cost $150 last year, whll thl y
they at oJXurd fur PX