Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA .DAILY' BEE: SATURDAY, JANUARY" 12, 1007. i u n i I il I If 1 ( ! 1 1 t 1 'W 7 ! 1 Ji Si : t 1 1 ii ADS MARE THE GOODS CO lewipiper Adtertiiinr ths Meetpkons of Actite Buiineai. EXPERT DEMONSTRATION OF ITS VALUE aperlor and Cheaper Thaa Amy Other Mod of Promoting Trade . Peaetratea Rrmotfil Mantlet and Ilabltatloa. I,ruls Wiley, spoke on "Newspaper Ad vertising: Why It , la , the Beat," before tho Twenty-third street (New York) Toung Men s Christian association class In advertising on Wednesday evening Mr. Wiley's long experience - as advertising tnnnaKT of the New York Times furnished him iwlth an abundance of material fee his address, and his remarks were followed with . eager attention by his hearers. He spoke In part as follows: "Newspaper advertising: is the most de sirable of all advertising; for at least three reasons: First. It is the cheapest ndvertilng known. That is to say. It reaches more people in proportion to' the money ex pended than any other kind of advertls- Heeond. It is the quickest In results. Third. A newspaper Is the most natural ' r appropriate place for advertising. 'I 'have said that newspaper advertising ensts less than any other. Think of being ' able, to buy space In a newspaper at one tenth of a cent for each 1,000 readers which, while it la a low rate. Is quite common. On this basis 100 lines of advertising, a large enough space to compel attention, would cost exactly tl for each 1,000 readers. That Is to my, you can reach one person for 1-100 part of a cent with a 100-line ad vertisement. If the newspaper rate he one-fifth of 1 cent per line per 1,000 read ers (which is an ordinary enough rate) the cost of advertising in its pases would ', be exactly one-fifth part of 1 cent per i render for a WO-line advertisement. In a , certain New York newspaper, about which j I am supposed to .know nothing, space rr.ay I be bought for less than one three-thou-' sandth part of 1 cent per line for each ' buyer of the newspaper In the metropolitan district alone, to say nothing of Its many i thousands of readers in outside territory. I While those figures and percentages seem to be extraordinarily low. they could be made substantially lower by taking the 64 ' vertlslng rates, and undoubted circulations of other newspapers; even as low prob ably aa one-twentieth of 1 Cent per line per 1,000 readers. Estimated on this basis the cost of a loo-line advertisement would , be only 60 cents for each 1,000 readers. ' There ia no magazine advertising, no street ' car advertising, no bulletin board advertls- i Ing in the same class for low cost in com- I parlson with the newspaper figures I have Just mentioned. I am sure I need not dwell longer on this phase of newspaper adver ting. The Best of All. more Important reason why newspa- ndvertlsing Is best of all la because Juces the quickest results. One rea- thls is because the people have sted by the newspapers to prompt responding to advertisements. A e proportion of the advertising In newspapers, notably the retail mall classified advertising, must hded to- promptly on account of. and this, aa I say, has edu- 1 people to quick action, and, be- la,' i Is an age where time Is the a ahle of all commodities, espe- hose who are managing an ad- lampalgn. The greatest period tween the beginning of an ad- campalgn and that happy, or pfSflaps. unhappy, occasion when the re sults are figured up, the greater the op portunity for something to go wrong for the factory to burn to the ground; for the bank to fall with which the advertiser has made his financial arrangements; for a strike or boycott to raise its sinister head with the resulting cutting off of the supply of goods or largely Increasing their cost of production, that probably were not foreseen In laying out the advertising plan 'of r&nipulgn; for the cost of new materials to go sky-rockeMng; for the hundred and ono other things that might happen and freisjently do happen. The dally news paper as an advertising medium reduces this great risk to a minimum, because In stead of requiring your copy six weeks la advance of going to press, six hours, or it may be six minutes only, are necessary. In fact, a newspaper advertising campaign may be begun and finished while one Is Waiting for some monthly publication to go to press. Celerity and Timeliness. "With quick action goes opportune action. I et me Illustrate what I mean by oppor tune action: Let us suppose there has been a collision or other accident on a il as V V 1 ' I I ft u - 5 1 tlme-.Y :.'vn? Ill sS Kosmeo Removes the Signs of Age, Keeps the Skin Young It will protect your skin from the discomfort and irritation caused by exposure to sun and wind and give you a sun-proof complexion. 1 know my Kosmeo will do this. But I don't even ask you to take my word for it. ... 1 do ask you to prove for yourselfby the use of one 60c jar how much cleaner, clearer, fresher and more luxurious your akin will feel after a single application of Kosmeo. Before you go out in the run and wind, juet rub a little Kosmeo on your face and hands it isn't necessary to rub hard then wipe it off. Your skin will be perfectly protected against all exposure. And when you come back after your walk or ride ia over, you will be delighted to find your akin free from burn or tan, and from that irritating dryness which causes wrinkles. Kosmeo i this Motaotina la tha imt natural war. which ara just banastii tha akin, baa) th fully gruna and dust and rayiratioael ssuaunars day and It soakastaaskia soft and alaan. ' A fuIWUad lax of Xoamao nam, bat Wo. I want too to know that all 1 Est told rou about It la trua I SRanla rou out thaa Ws wiue la tatprntvanant eomfort, luxury ana aa Oo to your drtMrriat today and start this aa, H la wartk i rtb ataruna Bow. If tha druniat haan't fcoanaa, sand tteUt t ih row daalar's nana, and I will aand ra a fulaavad Jai, and taa Ki talis aow to ass komi&au, srauud. baukwbicat Ask Your Druggist For A Free Sample Box A trial wffl aonrutaa you that Konmao hi saparior to any faoa pranaiatknl roa have r aaad. KosaMO U diSarant from anythina you nava avar uaad Bafora, Mrs. Cervalse Graham, 1301 FOR SALE BY THE BENNETT COMPANY, AND ALL EETAIL DRUGGISTS. rallrrvid, or a steamboat has sunk or been burned, and a great loss of life has been the result. To meet such exigencies as these the causally or accident Insurance com panies have for some time followed the custom of having advertisements of what they offer the public set up. in the news paper offices, ready for Instant release. As doofi as the news of the accident reaches the advertising department of the newspaper, the casuallty company Is noti fied, -the order Is given perhaps over the telephone, and its advertisement probably appears In the same Issue of the newspaper containing the account of the disaster, or at the latest In the following Issue. "Another Illustration: A manufacturer wtrhes to place his grods on the market and at the same time to advertise them to the public. We will suppose he wishes to tal:e up one section of the country at a time, which would be the easy way. We will assume that the New England states are to be the theater of his activities. After his goods are all ready, he senda out his salesmen with samples of his goods and proofs of the various newspaper adver tisements he .is to. run, each one . marked with the date on which It Is to appear, together with photographed copies of orders . for Insertion. All enterprising deilers would fall over each other In get ting In line. All of this, of course, could not be, done so quickly, so cheaply, so op portunely and with such special reference to-. my one locality In any other medium than In a dally newspaper. "I have previously stated that newspaper advertising Is the best for three reasons; third reason being because a newspaper Is the most natural or appropriate place for advertising. This third reason Is probably the most Important of all three, because it places advertising In Its true place as a part of the news of the day. Where Is there such an appropriate place for the news of the day, whether it be advertising or any other news, as In a dally' newspaper? Dur ing the past decade or two the people of this country have been gradually educated to understand that good advertising Is really news and It is part of the spirit of the times to want Its advertising1 news servod up fresh every day. The spirit of ' the times cannot be ignored or opposed by the advertiser any more than by any one else that way prosperity and success He. Widespread Reading; of Newspapers. "The appetite of the American people for the news of the day Is astonishing. We are a newspaper reading people. 8lnce the In stitution of the rural free delivery system by the postofflce authorities very few lo calities In this country are so situated that a dully newspaper cannot reach it while the news Is fresh,' and as a result nearly every resident of rural districts wants to get his dally newspaper. Newspapers are literally everywhere.' ' I ' could write a pamphlet the size of one whole issue of Printer's Ihk on this phase of the subject alone. The widespread reading tt the American dally newspaper Is the direct re cult of the unequalled facilities for dis tribution afforded by tha 'most wonderful transportation system In the whole world to as great a degree, perhaps, as to the fact .that the American newspapers are the best In the world. "The news value of a newspaper la not de creased, as erroneously stated by some, by a lanre volume of advertising any more than Its circulation Is decreased by It. In fact, ioth are Increased to a great extent. The ule Is tha, big circulations and big advertising patronage usually go together. Aa already stated, advertising Is news, and the more news there Is In a publication the more people want the publication. I know of newspapers that publish as many aa 10.000 to 12,000 distinct ana separate ad vertisements In one Issue, or considerably more than tha Immense number of 1,000,000 distinct and separate advertisements In one year. Such a newspaper, assuming that It has one extra reader that it would not otherwise have on account of -each ad vertisement (say the man who Inserted the advertisement) has 1,000,000 extra a year It would not otherwise have on account of the advertising patronage. Of course, no one knows how many readers are at tracted by advertising, but It is safe to assume that the average number for each advertisement Is several times one. This Is something that advertisers as well as newspaper men should think about." Brains, December 29. A Weather Prophet. Then exists a stone which. It is said, un failingly foretells the changes In the weather. The stone was found in Finland many years ago by an explorer, and has since been watched by scientists with great ntierest. It presents a . white, mottled appeajranoe In sunshine, gradually turning from gray to black as a rainstorm ap proaches. Tha stone Is composed of clay, nitre and rock salt. In dry weather the salt In tha stone Is prominent, but when the air Is Oiled with moisture the salt absorbs the moisture and turns black, thus forming the barometer. New York Tribune, The Beauty Maker ' It k tka ttttla blood active, by vlna all fotaiau mafctaf tha to hara ona, and I want yon to bow that rou will set muca aaoafacoua. trial of Ko Hit Is worth sUrttag at sand tb hue to ata. Michigan Avenue, Chicago ALONZO J. WHITMAN, FELON One VoTr of I ninth and Senator Now in Vtw Trk Peiitantiarj. RACE FOR CONGRESS HIS WATERLOO With Wealth, Edaratloa, Talent Power Ontwel.hed by Aaablcl.a, He Becomes Most Versa tila ot Forcers. "I am frank to admit that I spent a cool $26,000, trying to buy my election to congress. I Just' missed tha coal by 193 votes., If I had known $26,000 was not enough I would gladly have spent another $26,000." . , 1 . Seated In his room at a prominent hOlel Alonio J. Whitman, once mayor of Duluth, Minn., made this statement to a reporter. But the hotel was the Ryan, in St. Paul, the time was about 1901, and Alonio J. Whitman, Instead of being a candidate for office or a figure of any sort In politics, was a fugitive from Justloe, one of the most notorious forgers In the United States, the object of search by tha Plnkertons and the much-sought man of many states. And that Interview that night secured his arrest. The 1906 report of the Plnkerton Detec tive agency devotes .much space to . Whit man, to whose conviction at Buffalo.. N. T., It refers as "the most Important .-achievement during the year." Upon that con viction he was sent to' the penitentiary at Auburn for eight years. There are men In Omaha who - knew Alonso J. Whitman; knew him when he was not a felon, not the most notorious forger In the United States; knew him when he was mayor of Duluth and. knew him when he was spending that "$26,000" to get elected to congress from the old Fifth district of Minnesota, and knew him whon he was a leader on the floor of the state senate In the North Star state. . And the reporter to whom Whitman made that remarkable statement Is now In Omaha. Crime for Which Ha Is Paylaa;. Here are a few notes front the Plnker ton report concerning ex-Mayor... ex-Senator, ex-Candidate for Congress Whitman: December 11. Alonso J. Whitman was taken to Auburn (N. Y.) state prison to begin his sentence of eight years and five months, to which he was sentenced October 27, 1906, at Buffalo, N. Y., where he had been convicted of grand larceny In the first degree. Joseph Boothman, also con victed at Buffalo, N. Y., waa, October 27, sentenced to Ave years and eight months in Auburn (N. Y.) state prison, waa taken there on December 6. After Whitman and Boothman were sentenced their attorneys applied to Judge Lambert for certificates of reasonable doubt, which were refused. Meanwhile, pending Justice Lambert's de cision, attorneys made annother applica tion to Justice Dickey of Brooklyn, and were granted a hearing on December 7, but on Assistant Attorney Ryan of Erie county then explaining that Justloe Lam bert had refused to grant these certificates justice uicxey aid likewise. From the time of the forgery, June 27, 1904 Until Whitman's mniHnllnn rutnl.. 1905, we were almost continuously employed gathering evidence and assisting the dlo- inci attorney s omce at tfullalo In Whit man's prosecution. Whitman waa tried on one Indictment and acquitted: then came a mistrial on another Indictment, because the wife of one or tne jurors, wno was sick, received $50 by mail, with a promise of S150 more should her husb .1 remain sick lonu- enough to cau mistrial, but he was finally convicted -n October and sentenced as related. The crime for which Whitman and Booth man were convicted waa as follows: June zi, 1904, Whitman caused to be purchased from the National Hudson River tvinlt Hudson, N. Y., a draft for $61, payable to F. H. Hubbard, the amount of which was raised to $9,000. On July I, a messenger appeared at tne fidelity Trust company (member), Buffalo, N. Y., with the raised arart and a letter from Hubbard renuent. Ing that an account be onened In bis name. Joseph Boothman, posing as F. H. Hub- Dara, regan cnecking out tha money, but un juiy o wnitman sent a rormer ac quaintance with a $760 check to the bank, which was paid and delivered to Whitman. This acquaintance, at the time, did nut know of the swindle being oernetrsted unit at Whitman's trial was pne of the best WllIlC3BBt?a. January 20. 190. Joseph Rrfalhman died at ino Auoum iin. i.j prison. Culmination of TLonsr Train. But this crime for which Whitman Is now serving a term Is but the culmina tion of a long train of them, some ar more spectacular. For years he has been regarded aa the most versatile of forg ers. He has dpne time In other peniten tiaries. For years he had been-hunted by many states and at one time he stood convicted in one state while the officials In other states were watting for a. legal opportunity to seise him. At the same time he was a fugitive. He has had nu merous formal charges In numerous states pending against him at the same time. Alonso Whitman was a child of for tune. He had wealth, education, talent and these gave him power. He came from a good family In New York. He waa graduated from Hamilton college. , His father was rich and the son ambitious. To gratify that ambition best and to use the money his father gave him U the greatest advantage he decided to go west. In Duluth, Proctor Knott's "Zenith City by the unsalted sea," Alonso Whitman cast anchor. He then boarded the ship of state, walking up the gang-plank of politics. Sure enough, he was light the west was the place for ambition and wealth. In 1884 he waa elected U the state senate, carrying the city of Duluth by the largest majority ever given a can didate there for an elective office. The young man was an accomplished orator. urbane In all his manners and his cam paign fairly swept people off their feet. Though a democrat he simply wrecked the republican organization In that republican stronghold. In the legislature he be came a leader. He drafted and had car ried what was called the Whitman elec tion law; and this law remained In effect In Minnesota until It waa superseded by the Australian ballot system. Elected Mayor of Dnlnth. The people of Duluth were proud of the record their young senator had made and in 1888 elected him mayor of Duluth. In this office he Increased his popularity. He had passed the bounds of a local politician and became a state leader. In that fierce national campaign of 1888 be was chairman of the democratic stale committee having been to the national convention aa a dele gate from his state. His management of the state campaign was signally success ful, and to reward him still further, his party in the Fifth district nominated him for congress In 1890. That was the cam paign in which ha sought to pave his way to tha national capital with $26,000. But be lost lost by 193 votes. Whitman was a good winner, but a poor loser. That defeat, so far as tha world, which was Ignorant of his lavish system of bribery in his vain race for oongress, knew, was the stepping stone downward to his ruin; It marked, it seems, the beginning of his Criminal career. Whitman was a gam bler. His losses at that game and at the game of politics made him desperate. He decided to recoup his fortune by tha most direct and eaay method. Ills First Pnblla Crlsna. And befora that year was out that year in which he reached the pinnacle of his political career, he was a criminal, a crim inal in the eyea of the law and the people who had worshiped at his shrine, pouring out tha libation of their hearts at the ballot bos. It was not tha crime of paying $X.000 in bis desperate attempt to secure a seat In the United States congress that Alonso J. Whitman was charged with. Of that crime lor which he was never punished er even arraigned before the bar of Justice his t people up to this time knew nothing. His I first publlo offense toward the close of , IK) was that of swindling bookmakers of eastern race tracks out of large turns ot money. The Impetus Whitman gained from his first crime, backed by the momentum of bis secret political plunderlnga, gave him start on the downward course he was never able to overcome. In 1R92 In" his home town, Dannvllle, N. Y., he raised an $8 draft to $80 and swindled a friend. More of that Heeord. And more of his continuous vaudeville of crime is recited In this statement by W. A. Plnkerton: In 1901 because of the arrest of one of his associates for swindles with him in I Chicago, he fled to Europe, and In Septem ber of that year circulated worthless paper in,juonuon and fans, returning to the I riiied States in 1896, and on Information furnished by us. was arrested In New York City for the San Francisco authorities, and on August 30 or that year was convicted and sentenced to nine years In the San Quentln (Cal.l penitentiary, but, on a legal technicality, obtained a new trial and was released November 18, 1896, and the case roppeci oy tne California authorities.. February 23. 1RH7. he waa arrested In New York City for swindling a member of $f86 on Dogus cnecK, but the alibi witnesses pro uced by him. on account of their un doubted respectability, 'so thoroughly per- piexra tne jury mat tney acquitted nim. June ix, iws, he was arrested in St. Louis, Mo., for swindllna a hotel In Boston. Mass.; pending trial waa released on ball. which he forfeited. July, of the same year, he waa convicted In Chicago, III., for obtaining money under false pretense and sentenced to one year In the house of correction, but pending an appeal was released on bail. In May. X. he was arrested In New York for swindling a hotel, but forfeited his ball, and In November of the same year. i-r iorgenes on memoers in urooKiyn. If. Y., Pittsburg, Pa., and Woonsocket, R. I., we caused his arrest, with (Robert Knot and others, all of whom were convicted except Whitman. As evidence to convict Whitman for his participation in these forgeries was not obtainable he was sur rendered to the Illinois authorities, when decision had been rendered against him. and he served his sentence. . In New York City In July. 1901. he was gain convicted of forsrerv and nentenond to two years and six months In Sing Sing prison, which he -appealed, and was re leased on oau. August 30 of the same year ie was rearrested In Boston. Mass.. for the crime of 1K98, pleaded guilty to that forgery Indictment, but, through the Inter vention of his mother, 80 years of age, and on his promise to reform, he was paroled on suspended sentence. In 1902 the aDDcllate d via on of the state nf New Yark revnraAft Ih. .Tiilv l? ifeil conviction against him, and the district at torney, unable to obtain further evidence, nol proBeed the case. From then until his rrest In 1904 be lived in his native town. Dansville, N. Y.. where he had manv friends still having confidence In him and to whom he pretended that he had reformed and Intended becomlrur a minister of the gospel, nut while thus deceiving his friends he operated more extensively than before, resulting In his final conviction and sen tence at Buffalo as stated herein. It Was the Senator, All Right. One night, either - in the latter part of 1900 or the earty part of 190L a reporter sauntered into the Ryan hotel in St. Paul. Ho got a tip from a man who knew Whit man that he or "the fellow tha hooks like lm was upstairs. He had registered un der a different name. The reporter went to the room designated, knocked and was admitted by an extremely cordial Invita tion. He greeted the occupant of the room as "Mr. Whitman." "Glad to see you, old man, but I guess you're mistaken In my name," replied Whitman. But ''after some insistence he admitted his Identity, not once losing his even temper and nice urbanity. "Well, I guess they'll be getting me again," he laughingly said, referring to the police. They were, sure enough, quite glad to meet "the senator." It was on this occasion that Whitman related the story of his lavish bribery In his congressional campaign and other such depredations. He did so, too, with as much serenity aa if he might have been discuss ing the escapades of another man. He said he had staked his whole soul on winning that election and if he had known how near he was coming to victory he could have dug up another $26,000, though his pile was then getting low. , BOGUS BOOZE FROM ABROAD Judicial and Scientific Observations a Popular Brands of Imported -Whisky. In 1906 Dr. H. W. Wiley, who watches our food and drink to see that It Is pure. went to England to find out what aort of stuff was exported to this country under the names ' of Scotch and Irish whisky. At about the same time certain publlo spirited Englishmen were trying to learn exactly what was being sold to them under the same names, and two retail liquor deal ers were under prosecution charged with selling liquors falsely marked. The case was heard by Mr. E. Snow Fordham, magistrate, In the North London police court, and in giving his decision he found It necessary to define the word "whisky," which he did thus: Whlakv. I have no doubt, is a word de rived a century or so ago from the word "usquebaugh," which signifies a spirit dis tilled in a form or pot still in Ireland or Scotland from uTaln grown and generally malted In Ireland or Scotland. In both Ireland and Scotland from earliest times the national alcoholic beverage "us- quebaugh," now whisky, haa been distilled by pot stills. It certainly was so made when It was first known aa "Irish wnisKy snd "Scotch whisky," and I must hold that to be "Irish and "Scotch whisky" now the spirit must be obtained in the same methods by the aid of the form of still known as the pot still. The product of the patent still, unmixed with put stlil whisky, cannot d insn or dcoicii whisky, although made in Ireland or Scotland: the patent still is not used to obtain spirit by the method known aa Irish or Scotch. As to the material to be used to produce Irish or Scotch whisky. It must be such as haa always been used in the Irish and Scotch forms of still commonly. This, I find from the evidence I have heard, is In Irish whisky barley malt as to about 76 per cent, and aa to the rest of the maah, barley. wheat, oata and rye, or any or mem; ana In Scotch whisky it Is wholly barley malt. There is a distinct difference in the ma terial used to produce Irish and Scotch whisky in the cot at 111. but the material used to produce spirit In the patent still Is the same whether it be produced in Ire land or Scotland. The accused liquor dealers had sold fluids produced by a patent still from a mash consisting to a large extent of matse, to which a dash of whisky made from barley malt in a pot still had been added," and these compounds the magistrate held not, to be Irish and Scotch whiskies, re spectively. The mixtures were Vortti about half as much as real whlsklea, and the court held their vendors to have Infringed the Maw. Of the practice of selling sub stitutes for whisky, Mr. Fordham said: The misrepresentation with regard to Irish and Scotch whisky haa become very usual, and Its adulteration by the addition to It of patent still spirit, made largely from malxe, has baen gradually Increasing for years, and the result has been taken by the unsuspecting public to the benefit of the distillers, dealers and retailers, until the so-called "blenders" have dared to con coct and place upon the market and sell to the retailers raw new patent still spirit with a mere dash of Irish or Scotch whisky In it aa "Irish whisky" and "Scotch whisky." The retailer has. In fact, sld this effort of adulteration to the publlo under the description by which It was sold to him. It is time the fraud upon the publlo in the matter of the sale of whisky waa stopped, and though doubtless these prose, cutlons are very costly to those who en gage In them, the information obtained and published in the course ot the hearing of these two summonses Is most valuable, and the result of thla trial seems to me to afford ample Justification for the proaa cutlona. ( Pr. Wiley found that "the mixing of the Scotch whisky with grain . spirit Is quits general practice both for home con sumption and for export," and ha could not find that "any genuine malt whisky without admixture et grain spirit waa bvt- r There's a satisfaction, to us in rendering Helpful Credit Service Hartman's Credit Plan has certainly other credit plans. It Is not a cold business proposition an Inflexible business ays- tsa tern. We look beyond the point of mere money-making and endeavor to give the-peo-Jirffe pie the help they need. We excuse them from payments when 111 or out and In case the bread-winner of the family Is removed through death his given the goods without another cent being paid. We're here to serve all nnr hvln. Wo'll Ifw.t mn .nn1v - - I' - v ..( j WH til IVWl tlartm&n's Great Saturday Special all day Satur day till 10 p.m. Sat of eKntvas or forks, "Wm. Rogers' " SUv".r....o5C These Forks or Knives are made by ware to be solid silver, but It Is solid nlckol sliver, an d very superior to any plated ware ever made. It Is the same In the center as on the surface. There is nothing U wear off or tarnish; it is guaranteed for 50 years; a complete set of these $1.76 Knives or Forks, set of , put up In nice box, all day Saturday.' olid Oak Crasser, like cut, finely finished, large French beveled plate mirror, best cabinet work throughout, carved mirror stand ards, large slse case, special clearance of only 20, S M fa actual value $14; sale J LL price at Hartman's only Special January Clearance of all Carpets and Ruga, Draperies and Crockery Discounts up to 83 H CREDIT TERMS: $23 Worth. $2.50 Cash.- $2 a Month $50 Worth. $5 Caaht $4 a Month MU-14 iwi fnr tha United States." That is, the mixture "of patent still spirits with real whiskies, wihich Mr. Ford nam aeciareu not to be whisky, Is the stuff that passes here under the names of "Irish" and "Scotch." It Is not .held that this blend nf ltnunra la harmful or that it ia not pal atable, but It Is not the Scotch or Irish whisky which men call for and pay for. New York Sun. A MODEL STREET RAILWAY Franchlsed Corporation In Ohio Cap ital Manifests Enlargement of tha Heart. The people of Columbus, O., don't care a fig about municipal ownership. They know when they are well off. They boast that they have the best street railway system (Judged by its methods and by the service it gives them) In the country. The rate of fare (of which the patrons of the road almost universally avail them selves) Is seven tickets for 25 cents, or three and fifty-seven one-hundredths cents a fare. This rate, like all the other provisions under which the company now operates, waa established by the blanket franchise granted for a period of twenty-five years by the city council In 1901. At the time this franchise was granted the company. In tha preliminary discus sion, conceded six tickets for a quarter. Some radicals demanded eight. The com promise of seven tickets for a quarter was subsequently effected. The franchise ss finally grafted, however, contained the further provision that when ever the gross annual receipts of the com pany should reach the aum of 11,760.000, tickets must be sold at the rate of eight for a quarter practically a flat 8-cent fare, and so well has the policy of tha company IT'S Does your back ache? Do you get up lame in the morning? Do you feel dull arid tired? Does it hurt you to bend over, to lift anything, to get up from a chair? Do you have sudden "catches," or etltches of pain in the, back? Does a dull, throbbing ache settle in the small of your back and bother you day and night? Do you sometimes feel that you simply cannot straighten -up? If you do have backhache, be careful not to make the very common mistake of treating it aa a muscular trouble. Do not rub the sore place with lini ment nor put on plasters, for the seat of the trouble Is Inside In the kid neys, which lie Just beneath the small of the back, on either side of the spine. A cold, a chill, a fever, overwork, overeating or overdrinking may start a slight congestion or inflammation in the kidneys that will at once Interrupt the kidneys' work of filtering the blood, "it Is this condition that sets up the acting, and makes your back so bad. . Yoa cannot make any mistake by treating the kidneys at once, for it is these, small- troubles that lead to dropsy, diabetes and Brlght's disease. If there Is any doubt In your mind that the kldneya are affected, notice the urine for a few days. If passages are BOAN'ScMDNEY. sM4!rJB been designed to serve- a higher mission than -'fXN vntr K Vrtir - glIV . I 1,1 B, M I, 1 V. Wm. A. Rogers,' Ltd ., the famous Silverware Yonr Money Worth or Tour Money Back at Hartman'a. Iron Bed Bpecial This rich, heavy design, exclusive lfartman pattern, made in large quantities lor our great chain or 12 stores; ;ii Biwrrn, 3.99 can be had in any or the desir able new colors, special offering for all next week and tomorrow at the very low price of nly. Xltohan Cabinets, exactly like cut, large slse, 2iix46 Inches, two drawers, bins and boards made of light finished hard wood, giving it a clean, sanitary ap- sr f sat pearance; bins hold 60 pounds ijC ia of flour, heavy legs well made J tj J in jvery particular, special at.. . t2 GREAT STORES THROUGHOUT THE 16-1418 DOUGLAS STREET succeeded that it is now estimated hardly more than two years will elapse before the system of eight tickets for the same price will go Into effect. The franchise also provides for practically universal transfers, and will continue to do so when the fare Is eight tickets for a quarter. In Columbus today, for a fare of 8.67 cents, a passenger may not transfer back to the line on which he originally purchased his ticket, but all other lines are open to him. This makes a fare for the distance that may be traveled believed to be the lowest in the world. It Is unquestionably the lowest in America and on the average Is lower than the S-cent fare charged oft European roads operated under municipal ownership, because in the case of the latter a second fare is collected where the pas senger travels a prescribed distance. Under the same franchise the company receives 6 cents for single cash fares, but these are paid mostly by nonresidents, the townspeople using the tickets. The company'a relations with its em ployes seem to furnish an object lesson in the lubrication of corporate machinery. Many of the motormen and conductors have been with the company from ton to fifteen years. A few have served continuously for thirty years. There is an established working day of nine hours and voluntary service of more than nine hours is paid extra. Tha com pany some years ago inaugurated a system of profit sharing with Its employes and the result! haa been not only to emphasise the good will prevailing toward the corpor ation among the men but it has also tended to increase the efficiency of the service. The profit sharing dividend Is paid on total amounts of wages earned at the. same ratio per cent, aa Is paid to stockholders on the stock, and the system extends to employes in all departments. In order YOUR KIDNEYS - i am m , -i n mi rueiamMnasaa Co IWIaVs, XT! lrt J VvJ r,,lbef yjL NW of work, family is who need a. Saturday Only Set of (Knives or forks' Wm. Kofers' make $1.7 S value, at Hartman'a Saturday Only- 85c maker. We do not claim this liniiu villi, 85c Oak Bldeboard, like cut, rich Hart man special design, handsomely carved, top drawers swelled, and one lined for silverware, large French beveled mirror, m nftC massive in construe- MOt tlon, ' $20 value, at xiarimen a uniy Special aale of fine Pic tures. Every Picture in the house at one-half price, all marked plainly 1,200 to se lect from. Great values. U. S. CREDIT TERMS: $100 Worth. $10 Caah. $5 a Month Larger Amounts in Proportion to be entitled to a dividend employes must have worked six months continuously prior to a dividend paying day. The company also furnishes to conduc tors and motormen having been In the em ploy of the company for five years ono uniform suit each year, and to those hav ing been in the employ ten years two uni form suits each year. At Christmas time this company has for the last several years distributed to their married employes a turkey and to tho single ones a silver dol lar. Another feature of tho company's gratui ties Is the employes' annual picnic at which time free transportation over the lines of the company and an outing for em ployes and their families are given.; The Columbus company paves, cleans and sprinkles the-streets traversed by its lines between the tracks and for a considerable distance on each side. It is well known In the city that the street repair work of the company Is the chief factor In maintaining these thoroughfares. Ohio Magasin'e. Original Food of Man. Comparing the human body and the steam engine in a lecture at the Working men's college. Prof. Osier said one differ entiating feature was that while the engine had only one furnace, and a large one, the human body consisted of myriads of little furnaces that is, cells. Milk was the' original food of man. It contained the four things that were necessary as food fat, curd, sugar and salt all dissolved in water. Dr. Weir Mitchell once showed him a robust looking patient and he remarked! "He looks as if he had been living ea the fat of the land." "No," replied Dr. Mitch ell, "on the fat ot the cow." That patient had a five years' milk diet except on Sun days, when his wife insisted on rloe pud ding, j irregular, painful, -or too scanty, dis colored, or full of sediment, the kid neys need help right away, and there is no other medicine more helpful than, Doan's Kidney Pills, a simple remedy for the kidneys, yet so powerful that It quickly cures the cause and so ends all the painful and; annoying symp toms. Home testimony proves the un failing merit of Doan's Kidney Pills. OMAHA TESTI310XT Mrs. M. Toeney, of 1623 Dorcaa St., Omaha, Neb., says: "It is seven years ago since I gave a statement telling what great benefit Doan's Kidney Pills had given In my case. I suffered so severely from backache that at times I could scarcely move and to stoop waa an utter Impossibility. To add to my misery, trouble wtth the kidney' secre tions of a most annoying and disturb ing nature existed. My husband pro cured Doah's Kidney Pills for me. This grand remedy not only proved effective from the very start, but In a very short time removed tha causa of the trouble, thus effecting a complete and radical cure and I want the poqple of Omaha to know that that cure has been per manent. Doan's Kidney Pills are at good as gold. As a kidney medicine they have no equal." ' PILLS M.Y.. Proprietor. n'V "-- j! ! 1 IV.'ilU 1. f'j 1 aW-.JL 1 k -A I J