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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1907)
1 nJi ( 1 .1 ( NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 10 Pearl PAY OF RECEIVERS ALLOWED Jidga.Grtea Puw on Controrersy Be gerdint? Officer & Tnuj Bank. MURPHY CLAIM CUT THIRTEEN HUNDRED John Berae.helm Allowed Lamp Sam tf Three Thoa.a.d Dollar. Which a Amoant af tha Bill Rfndrrrd. Judge Green yesterday dUeosed of the matter of tha compensation of John Ber helm and L. F. Murphy, receivers of the Officer A Fusey bank, which has b?cn hang. Ins; nra since January. 1906. The roceivers were appointed Beptember 17, lo. a few days after' the death of Thomas Officer, enlor member of the firm, which pre cipltated the crush of the bank, supposed to ba one of the soundest financial Institu tion In the state of Iowa. In his original application for compensa tion 'Receiver Murphy asked that he be al lowed $2, a year for the first four years and S1.0O0 for 1906, making I11.2U0 In all. Mr. Berenhelm asked to be s Mowed a lump sum j vi w,uu'. All or tne clerical' work of the receivership devolved upon Mr, Murphy. The amounts asked for by the receivers were resisted by Attorney J. J. Stewart, representing some of the largest creditors of the defunct bank. The hearing was then postponed at the suggestion of tfr. Stew, art And It wao not until yesterday that the matter finally camo up for disposal. The amount asked .by. Receiver. Peres helm was allowed In full but tha court made a reduction In the claim of deceiver Murphy. He allowed him $2,400 a year for the first two years, $1,800 for the next two years, 11,100 for 1H and KWO for 190. making a total of 110,800. From this Is to ba de ducted S5.200, which Mr. Murphy has al ready drawn on account. At the time tha bank went Into the hands of tha receivers Its liabilities were sched uled at K124.456, with assets of $506,879. As was expected a considerable portion of the assets proved of little or no value and others uncolleotable. Together with the proceeds of the estate' of Thomas Officer the creditors of the de funct banking firm have 'received divi dends amounting to C2tt per cent of their claims and Receiver Murphy announced yesterday thst It was likely another divi dend of Z per cent would be paid In the near future, making a total of 65 per cent which the creditors will have realised. . The receivers have on hand 111, 117. 67 and there is $3,000 In Chicago. In addition to this It Is understood that Attorney Stewart, administrator of the estate of Thomas Of ficer, has some funds on hand and from these two sources the last dividend of 3ft per sent, will be paid. . In the divorce .suit of Carrie M, Bmlth s gainst Fred C. Bmlth, Judge Green yester day handed down his decision awarding the decree of divorce to the husband on bis erosa petition and taxing the costs against the wife. The court also decreed that the title to the property, which is at present In the wife' name, should be 1n the hus band. The trouble -between the Smiths culminated in the divorce court after Mrs. Bmlth had shot her husband In the thigh with a revolver; the wound confining- him ' to the hospital for several weeks. Judge 'Jreen overruled . the motion of the JVdsfense for a new trial In the personal j f -Injury damage suit of John Burgar against the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Rail, way 'company. In which the plaintiff secured verdict for $6,000. A motion on behalf of the defense for a Special for Saturday ' AT Brown's C. 0. D. Market 128 W. Broadway. Tel. 65 FRESH DKKSSKD CHICKENS FRESH DBKSBEI) TURKEYS Our Best Beet pound ...... Pot Roast, per 50 to Qt Best Rib Boiling Beef, per lb 4 Home-mada Pure Pork Sausage. per pound, ..10 Nice, Lean Beet for Mince Meat per pound ........54 Kidney Suet, per pound ; . . . . .5 - - (.. at. 1 ' GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Fort Mackenzie, Wyo., Jan. Is, B07 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, fur urnlshlng and Initialling fixtures, making service connections and Installing watt meters In buildings, and transformers for electric lighting at this post, will be re ceived here until 10 a. m. (mountain time), February , 13u7. Plans and specifications tiisy be seen at offlwi of depot quarter, master, Bt. Louis; chief quartermaster, Omaha, IVnver, Chicago and Bt. l"aul. and at this office, at which lattar place all In. formation may be obtained. U. S. reserves the right o eueept or reject any or all OMs or any part thereof. Knclos proposals a sealed envelopes marked. "Proposals for tlectrlc Fixtures," addrei-sed Second Lieu tenant R. H. Kelley, Q. M Jl(Vlt-l?-14-PT- LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINT ING. Bids will be received by the State Print ing board at the office of the secretary of stats at Lincoln, Nebraska, on or before I o'clock p. m. Tuesday. January 22 11. for printing and binding Lm copies atlh of Vol. S. Part . amj Vol. j. prt 1 of the report of the Nebraska Geological Survey: also for furnishing mated uuun tltles of six forms of lithographed blanks for the governor. . Btjeciriuations for same ran be found on file In the office of the secretary of stile All bids must be accomimnu J by a bund tqual In amount to the prulmbl cost of the work bid upon. The Luard reeervee Ilia right to reject any and all bdia. Lincoln, Net... January pi, tmil. 8TATK PKlNTLNG BOARD. By LOU, W. FHAZ1KK. Secretary to the Board. J12-d&t STOCKHOLDERS MKUTINO. Notice is bartby given that annual nesting of the stockholders of The Vuilduig company will be held at 4 o'clock p. m.. Tuesday, Jsnuary a. 1W)7, at ths efflce of said cvmpany lit The It.s building Omaria. for ths election of a board of du K-turs for the ensuing year and the Iran, nation of such other bualueaa as may pron erly etime before such uMiiot iwxiT iWATii;" BLUFFS St. Tel. 43. now trial In the personal Injury suit of Mr Louisa Reed against the owners of tl.e Sapp building was srgucd before Judge Green yesterday afternoon and by him taken under advisement. Hater Does the Business. The best evidence of this fact Is that we are sn line on prices. Next, we have 30 men and 12 teams busy the year round at our wholesale and retail yards. Council ininp, la. It casts you nothing to find out how much your lumber will cost you delivered at your nearest station, the freight paid. There are no strings on us, but ship to anyone who has the money. C. Hafer. NEW PURE FOOD LAW. TRADE WITH JARVIS. THE , STRAIGHT WHISKY HOUSE. See Stephan Bros, for the latest and best Invtrted burners. 629 West Broadway. MAYOR HOIAOi IP A PROWLER Supposed BnrRlnr Prove to tie Colored Man In Search of His Wife. At 1 o'clock Friday morning pedestrians on Fifth avenue could have witnessed Mayor Macrae perambulating around his residence with bare feet and clad only In a nightgown. At that hour the mayor was aroused from his dreams of municipal ownership of the water works by the watch dog barking. His honor at once suspected that burglars were In the neighborhood and he started to Investigate without wait ing to put on any apparel. Glancing around the porch he noticed a man hiding in the Shadow of the house. He went for him and the fellow started to run. "Stop and hold up your hands, or I'll fill you full of buckshot.' yelled the chief executive of the city, but the fellow only ran the faster and disappeared around the alley. - , The mayor returned to the house and. s curing his revolver, but still neglecting to don any apparel over his nightgown, again sallied forth aftor the supposed burglar Creeping cautiously around the house Dr. Macrae ran pulump against the fellow, who proved to be a strapping big negro. "Hold up your hands, or I'll shoot you on me spot," ordered tne mayor and up went the negro's hands. - Just as the mayor had the fellow backed up against the wall, a window overhead was raised and a voice exclaimed, "Don't hurt Mr.'. Johnson, Massa Don, I knows him well." It was the voice of the mayor's family colored cook, Marie, a recent ar rival from sunny Tennessee. N Explanations followed and - It developed that "Mr. Johnson," who la a waiter on a dining car, had been to dancing school with his -wife and Mario and trouble had enlued between him and his wife. "Mr. Johnson" supposed his . wife had oome across the river and was spending the night with Marie.' When assured by the mayor that bis wife was not In his house Mr. Johnson said he would go home, and he retired after the mayor had given Mm a little advice about not prowling around other people's houses at that hour In the morning. Thinking It a good Idea to hasten the fel low's footsteps a little. Mayor Macrae de elded to send a couple of shots after him In the air. He pulled the trigger and to his surprise found that every chamber In1 the revolver was empty. . ; "I would have been In a nice fix If tho fellow had been a real burglar," .said the mayor, while reciting his experience to seme friends at the Grand hotel last even ing. Combination gas ana elsotrls chandeliers and tbe celebrated Welsbsch Incandescent gas burners. Why not see us before yon buy. We ekn eertlnly please you og price and quality of goods. Stephen Bros., U West Broadway. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP IRON, METALS AND RUBBER BT J, KATALMAN. 0t MAIW ST. PHONJS (SO. JARVIS NEVER LOSES A CUSTOMER' Revival Meettngs Innday. Rev. James O'May. pastor of the Broad way Methodist church, baa been selected to do the preaching for the first week of the union gospej meetings, which begin Sunday evening at the First Presbyterian church land eontlnue to the end of the month. The services will commence at 7:30. The' young people's societies of the several churches which will participate In the union meetings will bold meetings each evening Just prior to the general meeting. These services will be held at Bt. John's English Lutheran church The First Presby terian church young people will name the leader for Sunday evening's meeting, the Broadway Methodist church the leader for Sunday, January ), the Fret Christian church the leader for Sunday, January Z7, and the First Congregational churoh the leader for Sunday. February f Rev. Mott Mitchell of Coin. Ia., who will conduct the singing at the union meetings, wll arrive In the city today and for the present will be the guest of Rev. James O'May. Rev. Mr. Mitchell Is a graduate of the Northwestern university and was soloist of the glee club of that Institution. He wss engaged as singing evangelist at Kansas ' City two years ago during the revival meetings there and has filled a number of similar Important engagements since. A chorus choir will be organised for the union meetings from the several churches participating. ICE CREAM AT WHOLESALE. WH TAKE ORDERS TO BE DELIVERED ANT REASONABLE DISTANCE FROM THE- C1TT. I. MUCCL CO. BLUFFS, IA. BOTH 'PHONES. NOTHING NEW AT JARVIS-ALL OLD WINE8. BtAtiES AND WHISKIES, . K. T. PluroWsg Co. . TL 90.- Night tea We have a combination' maple syrup that ig very nice. It la composed of maple syrup and cane syrup. It oomee In quart bottles and sells at !&c per bottle. It would go very nice with your pancakes In the morn ings. Speaking of pancakes, we have a brand kuawn as the Falcon pancake flour; sella at 10 and Sc per package. We Uo have buckwheat. 40c per sack. We have a brand of tomatoes knows a ths Adoo. They are the whole tomatoes packed solid; 11c per can; something very fine. We have honey brought In by our farmers that Is certainly One. c per comb. In fish we have smoked halibut, that extra good, Jc per lb. It also Is packed -n boxes, sliced, ready for the table; 10d a package; white smoked fish, tc lb.; codfish, the old-fashioned kind. Be lb.; salt mackerel. J for Sc; salt herrings. for Wc Ilarlel A Miller. AasMl yo Per t ent Dlseonat gale. Beginning .Monday, on mouldings, at C. B. Alexander, S33. Broad way. THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY" JARVIS CELLS BEST WINES AND WHI8KIE8. Me Wlckbaas Unite Schools. In view. It Is said, of her approaching marriage, Mlas Kate Wickham has resigned her position ae superintendent of drawing and penmanship la Us schools of (big city. THE OMAHA Miss Grace Foster, one of the teachers at the Washington avenue school, It Is under stood, has been selected to succeed Miss Wickham. D. L. KERR has 1W acres Improved Okla. farm to exchange for Co. Bluffs or Omaha residence. Houses on mo. payments and fori rent. Address ft Brosdway. 'Phones 417 and 408 Red. PHONE JARVISAIHU. ALL. LIQUORS. nrnwEisER pdttled pkf.r is FERVED ONLT AT FIRST-CLASS BARS AND CAFES. Et-TRKAHHEH AUKS MORE PAV Contends He ierved Poor Days After - Term Expired. The Board of Supervisors had before It yesterday a claim of L. G. Conslgny, the retiring county treasurer, for $53.7tJ for sal ary for January 4, 8, and T of this year. The claim was based on the contention (hat he had served the county those days In excess of his term. The claim was referred to the county attorney, who gave It as his opinion that Mr. Conslgny's term ended on January 7, at the time the new treasurer, J. W. Mitchell, was Inducted Into office. The board rejected the claim end It Is understood that Mr, Conslgny will take the question Into the courts. O. J. McManus, the retiring county super intendent of schools, has also filed a similar claim for seven days salary on the ground that his term expired January 1. This claim has, however, not been brought be fore the board, but it was stated yesterday that It would meet the same fate as that of Mr. Conslgny. This matter was up before the board when R. V. Innes retired from the office of county auditor. At that time the claim was referred to the county attorney, but a compromise was effected without the question being brought to an Issue. The county was divided Into the following districts yesterday for the supervision of Driclge, road work, etot BlllliS IjBVlnn T Innnln Q'.t-lit land. Grove, Macedonia townships'. Johns CenUr, Valley, Knox, Pleasant, James townships. Sets Belknap. Carson, 8tlver Creek. Washington, Hardin, Keg Creek townships. Spencer York. Minden, Neola, Norwalk, Hasel Dell, Hoomer townships. Haker Rockford, Cr scent. Garner, Lewis, Kane, outside the city townships. The greater part of yesterday's session was taken up In allowing bills and claims. Hard Coal. We have all the different sixes of hard coal. Bridensteln 4k Bmlth, Sixth and Four teenth avenue. Both 'phones M2. ATTEND SWAINS ft MAUER'B PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE. EVERT DAY THI8 WEEK, JAN. 7 TO JAN. 12. '07. DON'T MISS THIS SALE. IT MEANS DOLLARS TO YOU. 836 AND 33S B'WAY. GRANDMA IS WELL AT 90. ' SHE AL WAYS USED A LITTLE JARVIS LIQUOR. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee January 11 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Walter Bell and wife to Albert An. oersen, ots and ' 7, block 2, In Carters addition to Hancock. Ia. w a k . , j N. P. Dodge and wife to Mamie Ernest lot S, block 4, In Bayliss' TJUrd add. to Council Bluffs, w d 8. E. Humphrey and wife to Paul I. '.Van,Prder' lot 83 Rnd . bloca . In Highland Place add. to Council Bluffs, w d Frederick T. Joy" and wife to 8.' E.' Humphrey, lots 23 and 24, block . hi H,nlHnd Place add. to Council 7S0 376 ISO "tun, W U . .,,,,,, Luerotla McClean to Alice McGlil' lot 6, bWick 14. In Pierce's sub. In Council Bluffs, w d Nathan W. Wells, trustee, to Omaha A Council Bluffs and Suburban Railway company, land in sec. IS, 14..and- and lots In Re gatta Place and Manawa Park. d.. Nathan W. Wells, trustee., to Omaha & Council Bluffs and Suburban Railway company, lot , block . In Evans' second Bridge add. to Council Bluffs, d William C. Scott and wife to Ralph I. Scott, nwU ne 1-78-42, wd.. Nathan P. Iyidge and . wife to Con gregational church of Council Bluffs, part wtt swV 6-74-43. w d Joe G. Bone et al to Annie E. Bone, lot 7. block 12, In Central sub.; lot 4. block 20, In Burns' add.; part lot 4. block B. In Mynster's add to Council Bluffs; sw 20-74-41 and se4 JO-7S-4I. q c d 120 15 Ten transfers, aggregating $1,285 A. Metsgae 4t Co, New Location of Wholesale Bakery. IIS Mynster Btreet. Council Bluffs. 1 Home-Made Breed a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. JARVIS WHISKY, BOND BOTTLINO. ROBERT BURNS' ICC CIGAR, OLD TIMES' 6C and SPINA IOC CIGAR. MA. LONET CIGAR CO.. DISTRIBUTORS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. , Hlsch School Debaters Chosen. The preliminary debate at the high school yesterday afternoon to choose the team to appear in the contest with the East Des Moines High School on February 1 resulted In the selection of Robert Bender, Alice Brooks and John Howe with V.era Spetman, Ada Pagenstecker and James Fonda as alternates.- The subject debated was "Municipal Ownership, of Street Hallways" and 1111 twelve contestants were, Glen Mills, Charles Arnold. Alice Brooks, John Howe, Ada Pagenstecker, Gertrude Hooker, Lydia Lacy. Ouy Bourtclus, Robert Bender, Catherine Morehouse, Vara Spetmau, James Fonda. The Judges were Superintendent Clifford, Prof. l. Fred Grass, Prof. A. R. Heaps, Miss Marcla P. Waples and Miss Edith Fllcklnger. The contest yesterday was preliminary to the InterscholgstJc championship-debate of the state, to be held some time In April at Iowa City. At the meeting of superln. tendents of schools from all over the state last spring in Iowa steps were taken to encourage debating in the high schools. The stats divided Into four districts to correspond with the present teachers' as sociations. The high schools in each dls. trlct will hoid dtbates until one Is left and this one will represent the district at the final championship debate to be held In Iowa City. A neat window and many nice things la ft. Look in; there Is something in It you want. O. Mauthe, K8 West Broadway. OLD WHISKIES, THE JARVIS STORE. Blj Thirst, bnt So Money. Thomas Redmond, claiming to be a machinist, was brought to ths county Jail yesterday afternoon from Neola to spend thirty days as the guest of Jailor Gallup. Redmond drifted Into Neola Thursday with a strong thirst and no means m(ih which to quench It. To raise the needed funds neamona visited the store of George Cooper, from which he succeed? In getting away with a set of furs and twelve pairs f gloves unnoticed. He quickly disposed ft the furs and with the money thus realised proceeded to load up on aloohoile beverages. The bundle of gloves attracted attention and led to the discovery of the theft and Redmond waa arrested. Mayor Fooa yesterday morning sentenced bun to thirty days In the county ja4L Shortly after bis an-teat at lbs county bestlle Red, ua4 ahewef s!ua v cvlla after DAILY DEE; SATURDAY, his debauch and County Physician Snyder was called to attend him. Dr. Snyder pre scribed homeopathic dooes of "spirits fermentl.'. From latest accounts Redmond was taking kindly to the treatment, his only objection being to the smallness of the doses. ' Shoe Store for gale. Will Invoice about W.000.00, doing a good business and making money. Will dlscoun SB per cent for quick sale. Duncan Dean, WHISKY, BRANDT, GIN. RUM tViVVa. ALL DKINKB A JAR V IS tnnnell In ( rippled List Councilman Knudscn Is carrying bis right nand in a eling and Councilman Wallace. chairman of the special water works com mittee. of which Councilman Knudsen Is a. mcumur, is carrying nis left Hand like wise In a sling. Roth of the rouncilmen deny that their present predicament the result of any differences of opinion re carding municipal ownership of the water works although when both appeared the meeting of the council yesterday after noon with their hanos bandaged up thel fellow members looked somewhat askance at them. Councilman Wallace explained that he had inadvertently, without malice aforethought, shoved his hand through glass door In his adlte of offices, while Councilman Knudsen ascribed his Injury to a sup or a knire whiie dissecting a bunch of bananas for a cus.'omer. Mr. Knudsen made' light of his Injury and the cold set In it, and now there is a possibility of blood poisoning. 26 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON FRAMED PICTURES. COUNCIL BLUFFS PAINT AND GLASS CO., MERRIAM BLOCK. JARVIS, PURE FOOD LIQUOR8. MINOR MESTIOS. Davis, drugs, Stockert sells carpets. Fine engravings at Leffert's. Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Plumbing and heating, Bixby A Son. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Dhone . Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel SJS. TROUBLE. WISK-ALL THROAT Annual 20 discount sale on mouldings u'k'mb muiiuay. u. Alexander, 31 U way Htl'VVISlSEK BOTTLED BKER 19 S?,ySU ONV AT JIUST-CLASS BARS 1 no city council held a short adjourned Besslon yesterday afternoon and paosed on the assessment schedules for the sidewalks laid under the John Sklnkle contract. No u.iier ousiness Desides this was transacted buu me cuuncu aajourned to Monday night, DIAMONDS AS AN INVfcS l-MKNT, aw A-r.r r r.Kl AWUUT IT. COLD IS BETTER, JARVIS WHISKY LIQUORS ' LU AaB-JARVIS Mrs. E. H. Ohlenrtnrf mn arlih vat riss a serious accident Thursday evening at her i.imiic uh rainier avenue. Bha started down un i-euur ana in tne uarknosH -tepned upon tne ramiiy cat, which lay curled up on one of the steps. Mrs. Ohlcndorf was thrown heavily to the floor below, receiving a deep cut on the forehead, besides a ..uiuunr vi uiuises ana a severe shaking up. !.A ?.ea,ut,lful ,na ornamental gas burner, trie Sslsbach chick lamp, complete, 11.2 Stephan Bros.. G2S West Broadway. OORDON RYE IN BOND. JARVIS. PORT. SHERRT.' MrariT or . dot. lltl'ls ' v""'"" A large pane of glass In the front en ...nue ui me store of c S. Proctor at a.i l -tn l nruHUH&v w;ll nm.n u v. Trsmiuay mornina Dv three mn who were seen running art., t v.a n.,iaH uironuig gums naa uwaKened the owner. uvrr me more. wnetner tho men Intended robbing the store or broke 1. 10 niunim m pure miacnier la not known. AI'.V SIZES OF STORM DOORS. STORM SASH, STORM WINDOWS AND WEVtllER STRIPS AT GEO. HOAG- (VjArsjj 8. .... - OUCKBNHEIMER IN BOND, JARVIS. Kate Little, a nurse for forty years In hte family of Mrs. Charles Test Stewart, 45 South Seventh, died yesterday morning from the Innrmtties of- old age. She was a native of County Meath, Ireland, and had been in the Stewart family during the greater part of her residence In this country.. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Francis Xaviers church and interment will bo In 1st, Joseph's cemetery. . Sheridan and Rock Springs, Wyo., coal 8,tock; also all other grades. Fenlon Wickham Coal Co., 1U7 Pearl St. Both phones - . - , OLD CROW IN BOND-JARVIS, . Councilman Wallace Is in receipt of a letter from W. Kiersted, the expert em ployed by the city In the water works tt,' "tat'" he "111 arrive In Council Bluffs this morning and will remain here several days. A meeting of the special water works committee will probably be held some time today in order that the members may go over the report with Mr. Kiersted before the meeting of the city council next. Monday night. JARVIS. THE SQUARE-DEAL HOUSE. Hew Sheriff Named. SIDNEY. Ia.. Jan. 11. (Special.) Dr. T. C. Harris of Bartlett, who was appointed sheriff by the Board of Supervisors to fill vacancy, Is a man 64 years of age and ho has lived In Fremont county since 1869. H has conducted a general store at Bart lett for thirty years and Is also a prac ticing physician. He has been county cor oner for the last two years and was re elected at the last slectlon. He sold his store Wednesday to George Clark of Bart lett and will at once remove to Sidney. Tills leaves Bartlett without a physician. The appointment of Dr. Harris came as a complete surprise, but apparently was the most satisfactory appointment that could have been made. DON'T BLAME YOU FOR KICKING NEXT TIME TRY JARVIS' STORE. lews Kews Notes. AMBS-John Sullivan had a finger torn frrom his right hand In a corn shredder a I n'lles ouh of Ames this afternoon, f wa attempting to repair the machinery when the accident occurred. nery .,AMflC'lr, Shugart had hie arm broken this afternoon in leaping from a buggy to which was hitched a frightened horse He tllt ,Hlmat ,WSr" driving the horse, when the "animal became frightened ami cramped the buggy. The boys" believing it waa'VePr1sul,tm,,,'1' ttnd tL -V- A "HOT WHISKY TODDY" WILL CURE ALL COLDS. SEE JARVIS. Corn Palace riaaneee. MITCHELL. 8. D.. Jan. H.-tSpeoUl ) The annual statement of the corn palace committue has Just been made public by Treasurer Smith and the showing Is per. haps the best made for the financial end of the enterprise. The total receipts were IH,U.M, of which amount 10,OC5 were for the sale of tickets and ft. 483 subscribed l.y tbe citls:ns of tbe city to start the fall exhibition. After all the expenses were paid there was a balance left of 13.434.96, which waa applied on the Indebtedness of the association, which was occasioned by the erection of a new building in ln. The dates selected for ths corn palace this year are September 23 to Sa. For a musical at traction arrangements are now being made for the best in the United States, ths eon ttaut for which will be closed ia a week or ten days. hew Bank at Hreadlann. HURON. 8. P., Jan. H.-Bpeclal.-At Broadfield. th first station out from this city on the north branch of ths North western railway, will be opened February L the Broadland State bank, with p. J Brlggs president. E. U Abel vice president and R. J. Mahaffy cashier. The institution is backed by some of the moet prosperous farmers and business men in Beadle county and la looated In a splendid fanulner atie stockralslng section. See 8. D. U. ad No. ia nera ta JANUARY 12, 1007. tin CENTRAL Doth PhoncG, 24 600-602 Broadway Here is afew of our prices that will bring all economical buyers to our 6tore. Just r note a few of these prices, and compare them with others who sell goods at what they call low prices: 21 lbs. CANE GRANTJATED SUGAR.. $1 500 SACKS CENTRAL FLOUR-every t&ck warranted $1.00 JERSEY CREAM FLOUR, per saek.73 BEST BREAKFAST BACON STRIPS, per pound Fancy Navel Oranges, each If Fancy Macina Lemons, each 1 New York Apples, per peck ..20 Sugar Com, per can 5 20c Can Salmon, each 10 Good Rio Coffee, 2 pounds .25 All our goods are guaranteed to be strictly fresh, and deliver to all parts HOUSE CAUCUS ENERGETIC Speaker and Entire List of Employee Are Chosen In Twenty MinnUi. KENDALL TO 'RESIDE OVER SESSIONS rsseai Not I.lkelr to Be So I naalmous Committees of Both Houses Are Bald to Be Made t'p. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Jan. 11. (Special.)-Bclec- tion of the house employes at the republi can caucus this afternoon went through n a flash. A slate was prepared in advanre and the slate was voted jn with no Opposi tion, Bpeaaer, spcaaer pro tern, cierxs, door keepers and all assistants were se lected within twenty minutes. The caucus met at 2 o'clock and by 2:20 the results were announced as follows: 8eaker N, E. Kendall of Monroe Speaker Pro Tern A. F. N. Ilumbletnn of Mahaska. Chief clerk, C. P. Bonedict, fehelby; assistant clerk, Dennis O'leary, Pottawat tamie; reading; clerk. A. E. Keoford. Alda: engrossing: clerk, Mrs. Heist, Wayne; en rolling clerk, Gertrude Marshall, Polk; Journal clerks, E. J. Frisk, Polk, W. O. watt, Unn; tile clerk, H. C. Dyers. Han- coca; assistant' nie clerk, L,ars Nelson, Cherokee; bill clerk, B. S. Record, Dalla.s; assistant bill clerk, C. Harwood, Mont gomery: eergeant-at-arms, Jack H'ffle- inger, Urundy; assistant postmaster, Bertha Jimbly. Calhoun: chief door keener. C. W. Hazelton. Winneshiek: assistants. T - I) Roos of Boone, Oeorae Wneatley of Fav- ette, W. T. Graham of Lucas. I. B. Jones of Monroe, R. C. Kennelly of Omhrle. J. W. Plumber of Butler Henry Johnson of F.mmet. James R Vrnnhfr nt Unrinn I n White of Hamilton, George D. Thomas of Polk, R. O. Sheuy of Wnn; pages, Kenneth Robinson, Donald Patterson, George H. Lister, Herbert Shears. Everett McDonald.' hdward Smith. J. Robinson, Leo Pickett, Frank Jay; cloak room janitors, R. N. Hyde and Homer Jones. Striving; for Positions.' The senate caucus tomorrow afternoon at 8 o'clock will settle the question of po sitions so far as the thirty-second general assembly is concerned. It is generally con ceded that the appointment of committees both houses has been concluded and. hough there are some disappointed ones, for the most part there has been less ex citement over the question of committee positions than at former sessions. Neither fhe speaker nor Lieutenant Governor Garst will announce their committee appoint ments till they have been Installed In office. 6peaker Kendall will probably give his out Monday or Tuesday. Garst will not announce his till Thursday or Friday. Kelly, one of the Polk county house mem bers, hag been wanting the position of Chairman of agriculture. Sullivan of Polk wanted insurance. Both were told that those committees would go to old mem- bers. In the senate Eeklcs will probably get agriculture. There was a move to give It to Croseley, but opposition arose to Crossley. Friends of Senator Newberry want him to have the position. Senator Dan Turner is confident of the election of his candidate, Cass, as en grossing clerk In the senate. He has wenty-one senators pledged to vote for Cass, and nineteen elect in the caucus. Miss Lois Rigby, who has held the po- itlon, Is meeting opposition because tho Scott county senator this year Is a demo crat. MUs Hutchison, a committee clerk at the last session, seemed to have an Inside track for a time, but Cass today developed strength. Joe Toulouse Is here after a position. Toulouse was prominent n the late campaign. He would like to be Journal clerk. C. F. Dusey of Creston la here and asking for a senate position. Mr. Pusey has evolved a scheme for keeping track of the bills so that the standing of any bill can be determined at any time. He wants a senate desk position no as to allow him to work out his scheme for the benefit of the members of both houses. Koalar Roper an Lynching. Ensign Roper of the Salvation Army, the man who stood by George Cullen at Charles City and urged tbe man to pray; arrived in Pes Moines today. He aald; "Ths memory of the banging haunts me as a terrible nightmare still. You would not believe that men could be so possessed as those fellows were. "We pleaded and begged them to desist. They refused and went after the terrified creature as if they wanted to lap up his blood. Men close and pressing about me Were strangers," Governor Cummins said today concern ing the Charles City lynching: "I want to most heartily commend Judge Kelly of Charles City for his prompt and vigorous action In demanding of the grand Jury a prompt and thorough Investigation of the lynching and for tbe manly and determined effort to bring about punishment to the guilty parties. No object lesson could be more wholeeome at this time than the action of Judge Kelly," While Governor Cummins ia unwilling at this time to discuss his possible action in the matter. It is understood that if Judge Kef.y succeeds in getting prompt investi gation the governor, will take no official action whatever in tbe matter. Plea la Pen at loo Years. David Martin, a prisoner st the State penitentiary at Anamosa serving a life sentence fur murder, died there Wednesday. He was 100 years old. Hs was a colored bum wu4 was raiacS la alvery au4 la the GROCERYIEAT MARKET of the city. If you can't come, early days was coachman for President Andrew Jackson. Prominent Capitalist Dlrs. James H. Windsor, a prominent capi talist of this city, died this morning. Hi) came to Des Moines in 1873 and was one of the founders of the Agar Packing com pany of this city. Ararae Rehearlnc Colonel M. L. Temple today argued be fore the supreme court for a rehearing In the case of Charles Woodward of De catur county, convicted of murdering his Wife. NO BAR AT THE JARVIS STORE. .REDEEMING PARTY PLEDGES Soath Dakota Lcnlslntora Start In Enrly by In t roilnclns; Bills with that Object In View. PIERREJ, S. P., Jan. 11. tSpecial Tele gram.) The South Dakota Central railway today filed with the secretary of state a resolution of extensions which are to cover a large part of the state. One extension Is from the present terminal of that road, Rutland, Lake county, to the city of Water town; one from Rutland to Brookings, a line from Watertown to Aberdeen and three lines to the Missouri river at points from Crow Creek north through the state, The so-called administration measures, which have been advocated in the pas', campaign, will not be allowed to wait for aotlon as they were practically all started on their way the first day on which bills oould be Introduced. Most of them carry emergency clauses, which would, put them Into operation as soon as passed, and leave no delay in their going Into effect. Glass of Codington presented mpst of the adminis tration bills in the house, including the primary election, anti-pass, providing pen alties for campaign contributions by cor porations, requiring reports of uampi:g:i expenses to be made by party committee-! to proper designated officers, and prat idln penalties for lobbying on the part of cor porations. The reciprocal demurrage measure was presented by Whlttemore of Hamlin. In the senate like bills were introduced by Cook, Dillon and Byrne- with the addi tion of the employers' liability or fellow servant act by Jenkins of Brookings. A long list of minor bills waa presented, and the first day's record of any past session was broken with forty bills and resolutions, the rushing in of the adminis tration bills being the cause of the lurg. number, In the senate a number of committee clerks were named: Fred Klttenblll oi Grant, agriculture! J. F. Armstrong of Faulk, appropriations; H. Schancke of Yankton, Judiciary; N. L. Merner of Brown, ways and means; J. W. Burnham. state affairs; F. E. Hilts, railwaya: Erie West. f'"".u' '"'"""i a. omun, cities and mu mcipai corporations; W. A. Kinsey, mili tary affairs; E. P. Hays, senate Journal. The sonata ordered the printing of 6tx; extra copies of the primary election bill for distribution. The senate passed a reso lution to present a chair to retiring Gov ernor Elrod. Dakota Lawyer Threatened. . MITCHELL 8. D., Jan, ll.-(Spec:1l.)Ar a result of his activity in having arrested three women who were conducting a dis orderly house State Attorney Spangler ha? received a letter threatening dire vengeance on Ills person by an unknown correspond ent. The adjourned term of November court will convene here Tuesday next and the fellow declares that If the state at torney makes his appearance In the case and attempta to get the girls Into Jail and they are landed there through Ms efforu he would lie In wait for the attorney night after night and catch him on the way home, when be would throw carbolic acid in hl.-i eyes, so thut he would never nee his family ngaln. The unknown proposes to further wreak his vengeance on the attorney by 0RV1S MARKET o GROCERY Both 'Phones 46. Orvis Best Flour, per sack Ilawkeye Corn, 4 cans Fine Apples, per peck Armour's Woodehnck Soap, ten bars .25 Twenty lbs, Sugar.. $1.00 Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs..25 Cheese, per lb 15 Soda and Oyster Crackers, Ir lb 5, Good Coffee, per lb.. . .15 Tea Iust, 2 lbs 25 15 20o Fackago Tea Sittings, each. .....9 Comb Honey, per comb , .10 1 Gallon Can Furo Georgia Sorghum, each 25 Good Boil Beef, 8 pounds .25 Salt Pork, per pound 8 Lard, 3 pounds 25 Corn Beef, 8 pounds 25 Ficnio Haras, per pound Pork Loins, per pound 10M Pickled Ox Tongue, per pound Bologna, per pound ..; 5, sell them as represented. Wo telephone. the use of coal oil and matches to burn up the fine residence of the attorney. Mr. Spangler Is not daunted by the threatenlngs of this Individual and will appear in court Tuesday and perform his duty. I. Id to Go on nt St a rats. STURGIS. S. P., Jan. 11. (Special.) John T. Milek, tbe newly elected Slate's attorney pf Meade county, mot In confer ence with about forty of the leading busi ness men of Sturgis at the city hall on Wednesday evening to discuss with them the position he intends taking toward fhe saloons and houses of ill repute during his administration. Mr. Milek stated that he has given the house of 111 repute putslde the city limits ten days' notice to close up. He gave his. reasons for this course as follows: First, because it waa accord ing to law; seepnd, that he thought t would be for the best Interests pf the community, both morally and financially, saying that fully one-half the costs against (ha county for prosecutions of criminal cases could be traced to cases which originated in this place. ' On this proposition harmony prevailed, there be ing no dissenting opinion expressed while several commended In short talks. Mr. Milek was then asked what atti tude he was going to take toward the sa loons. He replied that he waa going to have screens removed, tables taken out, see that the salapns did not sell to minors or habitual drunkards and order them to close from 12 o'clock Saturday nights to 5 o clock on Monday mornings. Jnll Delivery Foiled. MITCHEI.U 8. D., Jan, U. (Special.).. George Pavla. a colored man, Is confined in the county Jail on a charge of stabbing another negro. He attempted to make his escape and was given every opportunity by the officers of the Jail. Davis took 'a boy n the Jail into hi confidence, who, how ever, revealed the plans to Sheriff Cook. Duvis was given a saw by a man aeveral weeks ago, and with It he sawed away three bars, enough to climb through Into the corridor, watting for the deputy to come and lock up for the night. When he came Davis slipped out and made for the door leading out of the engine room Into freedom through an inclined chute. Two officers were stutloned there with a rope across the opening nnd when Davis ap peared on a dead run lie was thrown bact twenty feet .Into the rooi):. where he was nabbed by the sheriff. Telephone Men Elect. SIOUX FALLS. 8. p.. Jan. 11. (Spa rial.) At a business session held during the fourth annual convention of the South Dakota Telephone association, which has Just concluded Its work In (his' ulty, the fallowing officers were re-elected for the ensuing year: President, C. 8. Kennedy, Canton; vice president, J.. A. Steninger, Parker; aecretary-treaaurer, R. Buck, Hudson. On motion it was decided to change tha name of the organisation to the South Dakota Independent Telephone association. Btnrarls Merchants Orn-nnlse. STURGIS, S. P., Jan. 1 1. (Special) The merchants of Kturgls met In the city hall on Wednesday evening and took the preliminary steps toward the organisa tion of a protective association. The ob ject of the meeting wii to devise ways and means for the mutual protection f ill merchants against that class of debt ors known as "deadbeats." The delin quents are to be given a certain length jf time in which to square up. and If they refuse will be placed on the black- ' list. Wyoming Wool Growers to Meet. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Jan. 11 (Special.) The National WooJ Growers' association, headquarters of which are In Cheyenne! has arranged the program for the forty third annual convention of the association, hich will be held In 6aJt Lake City Jan uary IT, It and 19. 557 Broadway. v...S1.00 '.'..'....'..?. 25t v ; 20f Navy Beans, 6 lbs....25 Hulk or Link Sausage, 3 Us 25 Salt Tork, per lb...t.10r Pork Roast, per lb,...10 Bacon, per lb 12' Lamb Stew, per lb 4r Pot Roat, per lb 5 Boiling Beef, per lb 4t