Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
J TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1907. 13 T! 0. at W "l sr. in GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET antasBBMantsng firm Undertone ia Wheat, Altbonch Cleao it Unonanced. FOREIGN WEAKNESS PREVENTS ADVANCE Heeefvte Light, Especially la the Hkwwt, Vim Tkn Is 4eea DmhI far Oaak Article Cera HstkM Firm. 1 " '. OMAHA, January 11, 1807. Although prlcea were unchanged at lh end of tha session, tbera waa a firm under tone la wheat today. Receipts were light aa compared with laat year tha greatest falling oft bring In tha northwest, where tha cash article waa In good demand at advanced price. Option prices were kept from advancing to a large extent by the fact that IJverpool waa lower In tha fao of aa advance In America yes terday. Predictions of mow and rain for the winter wheat bait waa a favorable bit of new. Argentina sleipments were not large, but reports Indicate condition favorable to an increased movement. Corn waa Inollntd to bo strong, especially the May, due to buying of that month by heavy operators. May opened lower, but advanced to yesterday' clone. Receipt were not quite as large as expected, and estimates for tomorrow ara smaller. Wheat receipts were 818,000 bushels and Shipments 284,000 bushel, against reoelpU laat rear of 440.000 bushels and shipments f 1W,K0 bushels. Corn receipts were WX buahels and shipments 4t".0n0 bushels, against receipts last year of 6.0o bushels and shipment of 4S2.000 bushels. Clear ances were 818.834 bushels wheat. 10,717 bushel corn, 11.675 buahel oats, and flour and wheat equal to 600.0UO bushel. Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd lower on wheat and unchanged to Hd lower on corn. . Argentina shipments of wheat wars 736.000 bushels; corn shipments were 1.138,000 bush els. Bradntreet's weekly clearance were 1.2M.O0O bushel corn and flour and wbaat equal to 4.O73.O0O bushels. While the weather continues favorable, shipper of oats ara said to be holding them back and using their cars for corn, aa conditions sre better for shipping corn and every one Is afraid of It not keeping while oats can be marketed at any time. This la one of the explanations for a da crease In movement of outs of lata. Local range ot options: Artlclea.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. j Tea? M'hear-) I I I I May... 62 Bl BSHBI O B fl&HB 69B torn- ' 0jMy... 88 Bl 88HAI 88 B SStfcA 8SB May... 84A) M A341TB 25 a S4A A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. KHWe; No. S hard, fWHi7c; No. I hard. 445 i'.4c ; No. 4 hard, G7jitV4c: No. t spring. G3tt7Vc CORN No. t, 36a6Vic: No. I yellow, is tJSnVic; No. I white, 3oi0ia OATS No." a mixed. 824i321Jo; No. I white, 83c; No. 4 white, S2o. KTK No. a. 6ic; No. 8, S7H. Carlot Kecelpta. , Wheat. Corn. Oats tThlcago M ill Kansas city Minneapolis Omaha Duluth BL Louis 22 'a . 12 .. 23 .. 68 .. 23 28 20S SO CHICAGO GRAM AXD PROVISIONS Feataree cf the Trading aad Closing Prices on Board ul Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 11. Reports from Argen tina that the wheat crop of that country will exceed previous estimates weakened the local wheat market today. At the close wheat for May delivery was off a shade. Corn was up He. Oats were un changed and provisions were 641 20c lower. The advices from Argentina offset a number of bullish reports from the north west and caused an easier feeling In the pit for the greater part of the day. Re ceipts In the northwest continued small and severe snow blockades on the railroads banished hope for any immediate Increase movement stocks at Minneapolis Increased only 46,ooo bu., compared' with an Increase of l,3t8,0u bu. for tne same day last year. In the southwest conditlona were declared favorable for the growing crop. Demard was slack and trading quiet throughout the day. The market closed steady. May 'opened a shade lower at 7'c, sold between SttftTtUsc and 74V,'l4'7t,c and cloaed at 7to. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 6!tf.800 bu. Primary receipts were 178,000 bu., against 640.OUO bu. for the same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 266 cars, against 4M last week and 444 cars one year ago. Trading In the corn pit was very quiet and prices held steady throughout the day. Unsettled weather In the corn belt strength ened the market somewhat. Trading was confined almost entirely to commission houses. The cloee waa steady. May opened unchanged to a shade higher at 4H43o to 43c, sold between 43Ho and 4343v.o and closed at 4.',(fc 48Tc. Local receipts were 283 cars, with none of contract grade. The feeling In the oata pit was somewhat easier, but prices showed little change. Bnvall holders were chief sellers and cash liousea the leading buyers. May opened a hade to He lower at 3&e to Sti'o'Jic, sold at 3c and closed at S6Sc. Local re ceipts were 138 cara. Provisions were weak on selling by local longs who were actuated by the fact that the local receipts of live hogs were much larger than had been expected. At the clone May pork waa off 20o at tl.42H. Lard was 5c lower at W.46. Ribs ware down 10c at 19.00. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, ST. cars; corn, 211 cars; oats, 108 cars: hogs, 23.000 head. ' The leading futurea ranged aa follows: Artlcles.l Open.) High.l Low. I Close. Y eg' y.. Wheat May July Corn Jan. May July Oats Jan. Mar July Tork Jan. May July Lard Jan. May July Ribs Jan. May July 7 :r?i-.&.i.' 1 ai. T5H 3SS 394 TV 3i!SJ(8' S!4 S43'n4.1iV :43$rS!43v044 43T4k 43Ti! 43-. 4T as arii 4 a4 14 10 14 424 14 774 9 60 55 8 7H 10 f 34 .WitlV JWvVi 15 2H) 16 924 1 424 IS H 14 40 1 BU 9 4b 50 i 50 i m oo 8 8241 If. lTVal 124l No, 1 Caah quotations were as follows; FLOUR Steady: winter patents, 83.200 a0; winter straights. 33.00Sj3.40; spring pst ents. $3.7tia(: spring straights, $2,104(440; bakers, 82.3M2.80. WHEAT No. t spring. 7517?: No. I prlng. 456T8C: No. 2 red, TljT2c. - CORN-No. X. 4c; Nia t yellow, 41c. OATS-No. 1 ss c; Nc3t white. 88c; No. I white, 84 35 4c RYE No. , fflc. HARI.KY Fair to choice malting. 48065c, 8EKD8-N0. 1 flax. $1,134; No. 1 mirth western. $1 tA,. Prime timothy. 34.35. Clover, contract grade, 814.09. PROVtSION9-hort rlba. sides (loose) $8 5iia T4. Mess pork, per bbl.. $1510. Lard. Cnr Short clear aides (boaedK Keoetnti and shlDmenta nf A fjaln: ... Rcelr.t. Shipment-. r n'ai, uifis.tMMtiMi Wheat, bu Jin, bu Oh IS, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu 30. 70 19.5ilO 8.50 .as. .183.UU0 14 100 lTWU IIO 3 01 1.900 80. On the Produce exchange todar the hut. w, -narfcet was steady: rreamerlea, HtfSlc; drtlrlea, tuff:.-. Ea-se. Arm; st mark, caaea Included, lie 23c; ll rat, 3Sc; prime firsts. t4c; extraa, 2vc Cheese, steady, 131114c Kaaeaa City Grata asvd rVwrlaleaw. KANSAS CITT. Jan. ll.-WHEAT-Jay. 7io; July. 70c; September, TUc. Caah- No. S hard, rtSTClc; No. 8. 4wu714c; No. red, 715. c; No. 8, e."o4c- CORN May, o; July. 9c: September. Cash: No. I mixed, 37.374c; No 1 iurVt; No. t white, Ke; No. 8, 37VuSc OATS No. t white, a64w3c; No. t mixed. 3'Joc. KS Weak; firsts, tic; eeoonda. 184c. HAY Steady; eholt-e timothy, $li.6uu 14.04 ehoh e prulrle, 11 1 .tvrlLtt. R Y K Steady, 4uUic. BUTTER Crsaiutry. 8uc; packing, lie. The receipts aad shipments of grain were; Receipts. SUlpmenta W heat. km. M o no Out ra, ba. Uim 64 0 Oata. bu. Il.ouo iiuu -.Ro'I..' TnLA quotatlona for Kaasaa Clur delivery. The range of prU-ea, aa r arr 33S S'i 34 S 33S 16 KTVi is to 18 M 16 42U 14 45 It 40 t 224 47H 46 51S 474 8 8?4 a 80 9 ' 00 I 174 134 ported by Logan A Bryan. 11 Board of Trad building, waa: Article. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat May July. Corn 70MNB SSieB Hay.. 2 89 July I4j,Se4l B Bid. MEW YORK GESERAI MARKET aetafloae ef the Day aa Varleas Coaamedltle. NEW'YORK. Jan. 11. FLOUR Receipt. W.128 bbls.; exports, 44.134 bbla: market steady, with quiet trade; Minnesota patents, ROOfMW; Minnesota bakers, ta.atyx.75; winter patenta, t3.ttj-75: winter straights, 11.4043 10; winter extraa. 12.80 3.00; winter low gradea, 170fcl0. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, t3 8.Va8.80; choice to fancy I3.8I4H2. Buckwhewi flour, dull, 82.lwV2.2S, spot snd to arrive. BUCK WHEAT- Dull, 8125 per 100 Ibe. , CORNMEAL Steady; flne white and yel low, tl.16fjrl.20; coarse, tl .0-4J1.10; kiln dried, RTE Nominal; No. t western. te e. L f. New York ; Jersey and slate, 4gttc. de livered New Tork. BARLEY Nominal; feeding, 14.15 Cll Buflalo. WHEAT Receipts, 128,001) bu.: exports, 24.377 bu.; spot market steady; No. I red, 79c, elevator; No. 1 red, it4c, f. o. b. afloat; No. I northern, Duluth, &c. f. o. b. afloat; No. I hard, winter, 84o, f. o. b. afloat. Th wheat market waa unsettled all day. At first weaker on an absence of short Interest, prices had an Irregular advance through the afternoen on big dally aad weekly clearances, fair local bull support and export business, closing net unchanged. May, fcSc, closed 8-'c; July, cloaed CORN Receipts, 71100 bu. ; exports, 80.43 bu.; spot market steady; No. t, Uo ele vator and toe f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow, (0c; No. X white, 504c. Option market waa quiet, but steadier, on light receipts and unfavorable weather news, closing partly Vc net higher; January, fcio, cloaed 6iie; May, to n-l&geoo, closed K)c; July. 60 ls-lftABCic, closed 80c OAT8 Receipts, 121,600 bu.; exports, 11.400 bu spot market steady; mixed oats. 24 to 33 pounds, 89c; clipped white, 88 to 40 pounds, 40&43H0. HAY Firm; shipping, I5l0c; good to choice. I1.06OI.15. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 104, 11$ 23a; 1905. 8911c; Paclflo coast, 1808. M17c; 1905, 10014c HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 15 pounds. 20c: California,. 21 to 25 pounds, lie; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, lie, LBATHRR Quiet; acid, 27&28c. TALLOW-Bleady; city (82 per pkg ). He; country (pkgs. free), 88tte. RICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra, H4Hc; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef. Arm; family. 114.50 15.00; mess, 39.00O9.60; beef hams. 323.50 B 25.00: city extra India meaa, I20 R0 $2360. Cut meat a, 'steady; pickled bellies, 10.25.'nlt60; pickled ham. $12 00. Lard, steady; western prime, $9.4050; refined. Arm; continent, $996; South America, $10.86; compound, 8S.26&8.75. Pork, steady; family, $18.5ii19.00; short clear, $17.25lr19.00; mesa, $17.S0j 18.60. BUTTER Steady. Street price: Extra creamery, S3c. Official: Creamery, common to extra, 2332c; held, common to extra, 230c; state dairy, common to firsts, 21'o 26c; renovated, common to extra, 17Uf24e; western factory, common to firsts, Jftif'Jlvic; western Imitation creamery, first. 31i24c. CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, small and large, September, fancy, 14Vc: Octo ber, beat, 13tfn4c; good to prime, 124313c; winter made, average best, 12c; Inferiors, llfM2o. BOOS Firmer; state Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. sj(34c: choice, Joe; mixed, extra. 30c; western firsts, 27'ii 2Xo, official price firsts, 27c; seconds, 20-5 2rtc POULTRY Live dull; western chickens, llc: fowls, 13ftc; turkeys, 12Hc. Dressed Irregular; western chickens, iag:l6c; tur keys, 1317c; fowls, 8i(13c. St. Lonla Geaeral Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 11. WHEAT-8teady; track No. 1 red cash, 75Vf&'76'c; No. f hard, ?i413Vvc: .May, 75m l!Mr ; July, 74Vfi74c COUN Ktrm: track No. 2 cash. 400'4c; No. I white, 42c: May. 41Hc; July, 4. Sc. OATS Firm; track No. 2 cash, 86c: No. 2 whlt Sfiic; January. 35c; May. 36V35'ic. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $3.55 6175; extra fancy and straight, I3.10i83.46; clear, $2.5ty2.85. SEED Timothy, steady at $5.263.75. , COKNMKI. Dull; $2.20. BRAN Weak; sacked, east track. 9g95c. HAY Quiet; timothy, 816.00 19.00; prairie.- $11 00113 09. .--'. IRON OOTTON TIES 31.02. BAOOINO-9HC HEMP TWINE 9e. I'ROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing. $18.40. Lard, lower; prime steam, $9.00. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra ahorte, $9.25; clear ribs, t$9.37H; short clears, $9.50. Baoon, steady; boxed, extra short, $10.00; clesr ribs. $10.12H; short clears. $10.25. POULTRY Weak; chickens. 10c; springs, lie; turkeys. U'o 13c; ducka, 11c; geese, 8 "4c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 28533Vso; dairy. 22(&?7e. tXKiS Firm, 22c, Receipts. Shipments. ... 6.000 . ,0(10 ... 23,0110 33.W10 ...204,001) 80.000 ... 80,000 88,000 Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oata, bu Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 11. WHEAT Mar ket steady: No. 1 northern. 7b4i78c; No. 2 northern, 74 78c; May, Wc bid. . RYE Firmer; No. 1. 6777Hc. PARLEY Steady; No. 2, 66&56c; sample, I 44fo5ic. CORN-Steady; No. I caah. 314e3Sc; May, 43tii3Tc asked. Mlaaeapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. H. WHEAT May, 78V4i'784c: July. 79tc; No. 1 hHrd, 804f 80ie; No. 1 northern, 7474o; No. 3 northern. 7647i77o; No. t northern, 73r74c. FLOUR First patents. $4.2va4.80: second patenta, I4.0MH 16. first clears, $3.25433.36; second clears. $2.40fl9 80.. BRAN In bulk. tl5.75O18.00. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Jan. 11. CORN-Higher; No. I yellow. 40,;c; No. 3, 404c; No. 4. 3B4c; no grade. 84S37c. OATS Higher; No. 1 white, S64c; No. I White, 36c; No. 4 white, 34c. RYE Unchanged; No. 3. tySWe. WHI8KY-On the basis of $1.28 for fin ished goods. LIVERPOOL, Jan. lL-WHEAT-Spot. nrrn; rno. 1 red. western winter, s. fu. 1 turrs, dull; March, 6s 4d; May. 6s SHd; juiv. na. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4s 8d; American mixed, old. 4s 54d. Fu tures, quiet; January, 4a 24d; March. 4a Daleth Grain Market. DULUTH. Jan. 11. WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern. 7c; No. 2 northern, 74c; May, Tf7ic; July. 7c. OATS To arrive. S4c RYE 67c. BARLEY acC4Sc. ' Philadelphia r red are Market. PHI LADELPH I A. Jan. 1L-EOOS Firm, fair demand: western fresh, 17c. at mark. CHEK8E Steady, fair demand: Naw York full creams, fancy, 144c; choice, 144c Telede 8d Market. TOLEDO. Jan. 11. REED Clover, cash snd January. $8574: March. 88.47H: April. 88.474. Timothy. $105. Alslke. $7 424. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. ll.'-COFFEB-Forures opened steady at unchanged prices, or about, due to firm European cables, hut later cables from Havre were easier and the market her sold off durlnr the middle session to a net decline of 6m points under scattering liquidation. Trading was very quiet during the early session, but became more active later and the market ruled a little firmer on rumors that big roasting Interest were buying the near months with the Intention of taklnc up all the actual coffee tendered. The close was firm on the near months and steadv on the late, with nrleea net unchanged to 10 points lower Bales for the day were reported of 62 000 he as including Jsmiurf at 5 26c March 6 SMia.4c; May, 5.frrfiS6c: September. I ntj Rtue: December, 40nc. Spot Rio. steadv; No. T Invoice. 7c; Hantoa No. 4. tc Mild, steady; Cordova. $134c. Catten Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 11 CVVTTOV Spot cloaed steady; middling upland lO.sOc; nild dllna gulf. 11 06c: no sales. 1 LIVERPOOL, Jan. ll.-4TrTTON Spottn good demand, prices tfji points lower Americas middling fair, .70d; good mid dling. 4-tid; middling, 6 8fid; low mlddllnv I74d; gMd ordinary. I KM; ordinary. 6.10d' The sales of the day were li.0u bales, of vhlch LM were for export and speculation snd Included ll.aO American. Receipts tOena bales. Including W.sro Arrertcan ' 8T liOUIS. Jan. 11. COTTON Steady middling. Kwc; sales. 432 bales: receipts.' Suit bales; shipments, bales; stock, 30,176 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 11 COTTON Spot closed eteady. J-Je up: middling luae salee. IsUt bales spot and 2, Km Ules to arrive. NEW YORK STOCKS LND BONDS Itod of PtnntylTanlg for Additional Cap. iUl Olyet Mark, a E.ock. SPECUUTORS FEAR OTHER BIG DEMANDS IWUly Late la the Day te Beyta hy UneoTeTeal Bear lateresta Oes la Tone Strong Threwgh at the Llat. NEW TORK. Jan. 11. Ppeculatlve senti ment on the stock market today ' received a rude shock In the announcement made late yesterday that the Pennsylvania rail road had in contemplation the offer of $3j0,00O.0u0 additional capital. The volume of new securities thus indicated Is In Itself sufficiently Imposing to have a marked effect on the supply of capital. For sev eral reasons the effect of the news was aggravated. For one reason It wa a total surprise. None of tha recent large Issues of capital have come unheralded by con jecture or accurate forecast. There has been no recent discussion of an Important additional Issue of Pennsylvania capital. On the contrary It hat been regarded as In the position of having already supplied most of Its requirements. Thta waa the Impression created by the official explana tion of the company's finances given out at the time of the sale of $50,000,000' Penn sylvania bonds In. Paris last year. The sale of large holdings of Baltimore A Ohio, Norfolk 4V Western and Chesapeake Ohio stock out of the treasury In tha meantime have caused a belief that even the addi tional needs then Indicated had been par tially supplied. The revelation that Instead the company felt In need ot power to raise tioO.OOO.OOO was accepted as an acknowledg ment that the actual necessities had been widely underestimated. The Inference waa suaaested that similar miscalculation might be supposed In the case of other railroads as the pressure of traffic on available facilities has by no means been confined to the Pennsylvania railroad. Meantime news continued to come to hand of the Issue of long term notes by railroad companies on a basis of 6 per cent or upa-ards to supply immediate needs and avoid the necessity of an attempt to sell permanent securities In the present un promising condition of the security market. The moat vulnerable points In tk day's market were stocks which misrht be as sumed to be most affected by possible need of additional lasues. Canadian Pacific and New York Central, next to Pennsylvania Itself, were most conspicuous. The north western railroads, which have alreadv undergone the effect of new capital de mands, were comparatively little affected. The prospect of a strong bank statement was of little effect In checking the weak ness In the stock market, although the money market was appreciably easier as . result. The flow of cash from the Interior to this center during the week seems to havs been heavy, estimates by the banka themselves pointing to receipts on balance of about $9,000,000. In addition the sub treasury' operations have yielded to the banks since the last bank statement a sum of $2,568,000. The heavy debit balance of the subtreasury at the clearing house to day, which was over $2,000,000, was largelv due to disbursements for transportation of the malls and does not figure In the esti mate, for this week. The stock market liquidation for the week would operate to reduce the loan Item, but the effect of the purchase of notes of various corporations which has been made during the week can only be conjectured. The prevailing feeling over the enormous capital requirements overhanging the money market precluded any favorable consideration of the more Immediate replenishment of the money market which Is promised. The vigor of the rally late In the day was a testimony to the dimensions of the bear Interest left uncovered as a result of the early rush to sell. The severest pressure was felt during the first hour, when Penn sylvania touched 1864, an extreme decline , PolnU. St Paul wa strong on the rally and the tone was strong throughout the list at tbe closing. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,218,000. United States old 4e. coupon, advanced 4 per cent on calL The following are the quotations on the Near Tork Stock exchange: Batas. High. Lew. Cteaa. Adams Ixpraai a Amalgamate Copper tlTSS llMfc 1174 ' Am, C. A r. M Am. Cottoa Oil TOO liu, 414 io4 mi 4 Mm., t.i pra, i.,'...,.,, .... American Kxpreas 100 140 U0 ZtT M Am. H. A L. ft Am. lea Securities, , Aa, U1111I Oil Am. LlasMt Oil pM Am. LocomotlTe Aa. Locomotive t4.... Aai 8. A R Am. A It. M Am. gngar Retains Am. Tobaoeo prd etfs....i Anaconda Mining Ce Auhisoa Atcklaoa s(4 Atlaatle Coast Lin Baltimore A Ohio., Bal. A Ohio prd Brooklyn Rapid Tr. : its tt t4 ITSu K- I. not is n 7114 100 110 us io4 II. aeo 1(1 itot Ul SOS 114 lit 116 140S 151 114 114 tot tT H KH lt.Tnt tfti 8U tU H.M lots, 104 1V44 tot lan l.iot iso lit in 4.10O llt 11TH IIK'4 tf V, t.iot ti sH toi ui m iMvt uaaaotan Pida r Mitral of Naw Joraoy.. Choa. at Ohio,....- Chicago Oreat Western.., Caleago a N. W..; C, at. a BU P Chicago T. T Chicago T. A T. pfd c. c. c. a st. L Colorado T. a I Colorado a Bo Cols. Av to. lit prd....... Celov-A Bo- M pl Consolidated Oaa , Corn Products, rfg Corn Producta ptd, rlg... Delaware a Hadaoa Del.. L. a W , Denver a R. O D. R. O. pfd , Dlvtfllcra' Securities .... Brie trim 1st ptd , Erie M p(d III t3 IT os t M 0 KM 17 tt .na n 11 vi t.n 1T IT l.wo t tnt tt.TOt 1M4 Ul 11. Tnt sot x tot H 67 7 t4 " IB llTVi 117U loot 114 Liot Kit B4 B too x4 m tit too it !iH 41 14 I.KJO t.tnt It, SOS tot 41 (34 TI4 414 Tt at TI-4 41 M Oanaral gloctrie I. lot Horklof Valley, ofarod X Illlnola Central lit" 1H 154 IN 144 17 80 B) International paper Int. Paper pt4. Int. Pump Int. Pump nld.'..... Iowa Central Iowa Central prd.. Kanaa City go.... K. C. So. p(d Loaunrlll a M Meilcaa Central .. Mlaa. a 8t. Lou la. lot tot 1T4 II 17 tot lot lot M to tt sou 88 H tt tt 2 142 84 47 lit 1M s 2 m 4 t(l tt 4e I. 1434 1U xe N M4 n U U tot 113 H Ul M., SL P. a 8. 8. M. M . St. p. a B. 4. st MNwosrt Pacltc pti. t.MS I. I0 s tr 11 TJ M Ml to MtaMurt, K. a T m . k. a t. prd National Lead K. R. R. ot kf. prd New Tork Central N. Y., O. a W Norfolk a w Noelolk a W. pd North Americas ........ Pacta stall Peaatylvaale ........... Paopia'a Una P . C C. a St. L Preaaad Steel Car Pram id 8. C. ptd Pullman Palace Car Vending Reading lot prd Reading Id ptd kepablle Steel Republic Steal prd Rack Island Co Rock laiaad Ce- prd.... st. L a t r M prd.. St. Loula 8 W tt. L 8. W. pld toulhera PaclAa to. Paeita ptd to. Railway Bo. Rmiway prd TiiMtM C. a I Tcxaa a Paetna T.. St. L a w T . Bt. L a W. pi.... talon Pacific t'nloa Paclfle prd V. B. Kxpreee ... f. B. Really C. B Rubber V. B. Rubber pie. V. 8. Sleel V. 8. tleel prd Va.-Carollaa Chemical . Va.-Cara. Cham. ptd.... Wauaah Wabash pfd .Weila-rnrse Rxueeas ... Weaiera l uloa . W healing L. Wlaoaaala Ceatral , aw iz too 74 lot 6 11. toe iu 4. tot 47 MO tl tat tt n 1.4US XIU 17t4 17 17 tt.toe im im in 1.SJ0 tt M M TT 1.704 U 4 M ts its iies m .1P4.T04 117 1 114 an ir L4nt 4A It. lot t.ioo an lot 11400 tt n 47 84 M tt II 4T 84 tt 117 11 ! 'ti 81 41 47 84 ta H 117 11 tl 1M ?! tat H7 I. Txt 11 tut tl l.tot 2'X u n 11 let 42 tt.JM 1T 177 17f 1S t p. ' lap 111 lit its II 81 4 ie .... lea 4 44 T4.40S t.4os io iaa H It IT U4 tt Kit 107 101 it II tt It Ill 11 u 14 It be 1.8ot 11 4 84 14 Wia. Ceatral pld , Northern Paclsa 1st 1U li Ceatral Leather eve ueairai iaaiaer pin.... Bleea-Bhetleld Steel .... ti 11 1st j T4 74 Oreat Northern pfd I Int. Metrueolluts l.aie Imu Met. pfd en !: 1M ee - 4ev Tl IS TJ Total aak lor Ike day, LliltOI aharaa. Xew Terk Mlalea Iteeka. NEW TORK. Jan. 11. Cloaing quotations oa nclniag stocks werei Adama Con. A Ik Braaca bruaewlcfe Can. . Comatock Tunnel Can. I el. Vs.. Horn Silver .... Iron Hirer Laedvllle Cea. ... Ltle Cfciat Oatarte ... Ophlr Potoat saves .... .. It .. 74 .. II ..114 ..lie .AH .. 8 Be a isierrn Nevada at Small Hopes ". . .Standard . IU Tresasry taleaaeat. WASHINGTON. Jan. U.-Todayg atavte. ment of the treaaury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 1150.000. Out cold reserve, shows; Available caatt balance. tSn,n.51S: gold coin and bullion. 1106.258,433; gold oertincatee. SM.tajna, . NEW TORK, Jan. U.-MONET-On call, firm at fo per centj ruling rale, fvu per cent; closing bid, $ per cent; offered at 4 per cent; time loans, easier; sixty and ninety days and six months, f per cent; prime mercantile paper, ttft&dj per cent. STERLING HXCHANOE Strong, then easier, with actual business In bankers bills at M.-htHS for demand and at $4.80464)4 .8N0O for sixty-day bills; posted rate. $4.8104.81 H and $4.84V43H.84; commer clal bills, $4-S. SILVER Bar, tBc; Mexican dollars, Wae. BONDS Qovsrnroent, firm; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotations en bonds were aa fof lowsi tr, Japan ta, M eerlee... H'4 do 4a rtfn n de 4Sa etfa M do M series . L. a 74. nnl. 4a 10 Mia. e. a 4a ae aaapua .! t. B. an. reg 11 de eanpoa let V. 8. old 4a, reg. to do eoanea 101 p. s. a. 4a. reg s'Mei. Central 4a a do coupon v is Am. Toon oca 4s Tltn do 1 Ine 17 Mian, a Bt. u ta.. M do ta .lit M , R. a T. 4a t Atchison gea. 4s.. do adj. 4s Atlantic C L. 4s. BnL a Ohio 4a... do la Brh. R. T. a. ta.. central of Oa. ta. ..11 .. tl .. M ..lot .. tl .. tl ..lit do U 17 N. R. R. at M. S 4a M N. T. C. g. t4a tl S. J. C. g ta. 114 No Paclte 4a 101 do la T N. a W. e. 4a. n O. 8. L. rtdf 4a.... M Penn. enf. Ia 17 Reading saa 4a. 11 do let Inc...., do M Inc , Mo M tne ... n Chea. Ohio 4a.. Chicago a A. a C, B. a q. n. 4a.. C. R. I. a P. 4a.. do eat. 4a 104 S, L a I. M. t. U..11JS T3t. u a g. r. tg ta. n 8t. L. S. W. a. ti.... 7 Seaboard A. L 4a... t:V T4 (8o. Paoltc to tl CCC. a g. L s 4a.. 101 do let 4a stra. 44 Bo. Railway ta. 111 Tataa a P. la 114 ioio. ma. aa, asr. A. 71 Colorado Mid. 4a Colo, a Bo. 4a...., Cuba ta D. a R. O. 4a.... Dlattlmra' Ben. ts. trie p. L 4a. do gen. 4a Mocking Val. 4a. Jaiaa ts 14 M iT., Bt. L W. 4... IS 101 1'iloa Pnctno 4a 101 i L. g. steal Id ta.... r t7 ewalah la 111 .. t .. 17 ..104 do dab. B. 74 Weatern Md. 4n..v... 11 W. a L g. e... II Wis. Ceatral 4a. M " Hid. Offered. Bostoa Stocks aa Beads. BOSTON, Jan. 11. -Call loans, frgs per cent; time loans, 64J7 per cent. Official quotations on stocas and Donas ware Atrhleoa adj. 4a.. tt lAmalsumated .111 do 4a Men. Central 4a., Atchison do ptd .ielAtlantie . M;bin(ham , .lot U-al. a Heels. ... lfi ... n ... ... 41 ... to 1 ... t ... 11 ... 1 ... 11 ... 4 ... 1 ... M ...144 ... 10 ...114 ... 80 ...117 ... 11 ... 71 ... 41 ... 11 ... 47 ... 11 , , .190 ...117 ... 87 ... II ...171 ... 81 .101 i Centennlnl ... Copper Range Paly Wait Pranklln Boston a Albany 117 Boiton a Maine 140 Boston Elaeated Ul Fllchburg prd 1M tela Royals Met. Central M'Meea. Mining n. I., .-f. rl. a H...1IS Michigan Pern Maraueue M Mohawk Union Pnclge 17lMont. C. a C. Am. A. C. ptd II Old Dominion .. Am. Pnao. Tube 11 Osceola Amer. Sugar 114lparrot do ptd 111 Outncr llllfhnnnoa Am. T. T Am. Woolen do prd Dom. I. a 8 Edteon Bloc. Illu... Man. Electric do prd Mam. One Vnlted Fruit United 8. M. On pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Adveoturs Allows tlld. Asked. l4jTamarark ..101Trlnlty .. U United Copper .. ..ttt U. 8. Mining.... 11 U. g. Oil .. at run .. 44 Winona ..lot "WolTerlna .. at North Butte .... .. 11 I Butte Coalition . .. 41 NeTida ..lMCal. a Artaone. ... 4jOrcena Con .. tt LosdSB Ctonlag Sleeks, LONDON, Jan. 11. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Console, money ... at lilt do acreant .... M It-It M.. K. a T 40 N. T. Central 131 Annconda ......... Atchlaon do ptd Baltimore a Ohio. Cnnadlas PaelOo . Chea. a Ohio Chicago Ot. W ... c. m. a at. p... DeBeeri Denear A R. X. ... do prd Erie do let prd do Id prd Illlnoli Central ... .. It Norfolk a W t3 ..104 do prd tl ..104 Ontario a W 41 ..lit Penneylranla TO ..17 Rand Mines 1 .. M Reading 79 ,. 17 Southern Railway ... 11 ..UT do pfd M .. 23'Miuthern PaclBa .... 16 .. 41.1'nlon PaclAa 1U .. tt do pfd tt . 43 ,V. B. Steal.. .. 60 ..101 .. II . .. st . T7 do prd . U .111 Wabaah do prd Loulirtlle a N .147H il8panliu 4a SILVER Bar. quiet, 81Tkd per ounce, niui 1. 1 -JY8i per cent. The rate ot disoount In the open market for short bills la 6 per cent; for three months' bills, ( per cent. Bostoa Copper Market. Closing quotations on Boston oopper mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, Omaha: Adventure 8 Nevada Consolidated. 11 Allonni ................ 41 Meets) fltt--r..i,..tt7 Atlantlo ... 16 Old 'Dominion i. S4 Bingham 11 Osceola Ill Black Mountain 10 Pneu. Servtoe 11 Boiton Consolidated.. 11 Pneu. Service, ptd... 11 Butta Coalition nQlney 114 Calumet Artiona..l7! gnannoe M calumet a tiecia. .. .ew iimaracs i l&e Centennial . 41 Tenn. Copper M Copper Range ..... Daly Went Gnat Bulla Pranklln Oreena Copper Oranby Helvetia Isle Royal L. 8. a Plttabarg Maaiaabueeita Michigan . tl Trinity 11 . 11 I'nlted Pnilt 101 . IT I'nlted States, com... 47 .14 Vnlted Btatee, prd... 41 . t I'tah Consolidated.... 17 11 t'tah Copper 17 4 Victoria .. H Winona .. It Wolverine Cananee .. 11 Nlplssing . , II .lit . 11 . 14 Mehawk St kU-dlv. 1 par east. Forelga Flaaaelal. IXJNDON, Jan. 1L The supplies of money decreased Iti the market today, owing to the preparation for the settlement. Dis counts hardened In expectation of future large gold exports to South America. On the Stock exchange the transactions were narrow, but the tone waa fairly steadv There were moderate declines In consols and home rails, which were attributed to anticipations of dear carry-over rates for the settlement. Bankers were reported to be preparing to charge almost as high as at the time of the last account for carrying over Americans. Ameri cana had an undecided tendency and trans actions were limited. In the forenoon firlces moved to over parity, but eased ater pending the receipt of the Wall street cloaing quotations. Later they became weak and the market fell away and closed at the lowest prlcea of the day, with the final quotations slightly steadied. Copper shares continued strong. Japanese Imperial 4s of 1904 closed at 102. BERLIN, Jan. 11. Prices on the Bourse today were Irregular. Americans, es pecially Canadian Pacific, were 'weaker owing to realisations. PARIS, Jan. 11. Prices on the Bourse today were weak on the rumor that the government Intends to- Introduce In the Chamber of Commerce a bill providing for a tax on Incomes. Russian Imperial 4s cloaed at 76.40 and Russian bonds ot 1904 gt 496. Bask Clearlaga. OMAHA, Jan. 11. Bank clearings for today were (1.894,202.86 and for the corre sponding date last year 81.604,780.36. Waal Market. BOSTON. Jan. 11. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin of Boston, basing Its report upon sutlslica gathered for tbe govern- ; ment, win aay tomorrow of tne wool mar ket: While the market Is quiet in the amount of business put through, the situa tion Is becoming nervous and there ta a good deal of suppressed excitement among merchants. The continued strength of for eign primary markets snd the pronpeot of sn advance in values at the London auc tion sales opening Tuesday ars causing merchants to oonslder the possibility cf higher prlcea hare. All gradea ot domestic stock are below parity ot Imported grades. Supplies in dealers hands ara steady. The opportunities for speculation la tint new American clip are given consideration and it la believed by some that contracting In advance of spring may expand. The con ditions here do not encourage speculation as values are no higher and the leading mills are well supplied with raw mateiler There Is a certainty of heavy Importations, estimates for 8o,0C0.0iO pounda alone from Australia being made. Already 23.0uv,iu0 pounds or more have been bought there for direct Importation largely, It Is believed, lh manufacturers accounts. The market It Arm at unchanged prices. Fine snd fine medium Idaho, t'tah, Wyoming, etc, sell at 2uT.c principally; rail Texaa at titi'lie and middle country California at t('J3c. Quarter-blood Indiana sold at 8J1jS3'ic. Tbe shipments of wool from Boston to January 10, inclusive, according to the same authority, are 12,924 892 pounds, against lt,4l'4.9ti4 pounds at the tame time last year. Tbe receipts to January 10. In clusive, are 8.718.693 pounds, against 9.7o7.iXJ pounds for the same period last year. ST. LOlMS. Mo., Jan. Il.-WOOL Steady; medium gradea combing and cloth ing. 244'A4o; light, fin-,; heavy, flne, Iteulic; tub washed. 30$3oc. CSvmparatee! Apples aad Dried Pralfa. NEW TORK. Jrn. 11-IVAPORATED APPLE4J Market Is reported steady at the recent Improvement In prlcea, with a de mand more active for the lower grades fancy, Sc; choice, 8Hc: prime. fcc. CALIFORNIA 1'rtIED FRUITS Prunaa, steady In tone, with prlcts ranging from to to tc, according to grade, for California fruit. Oregon to Hm are quoted at Ijhc. Apricots are quiet and unchanged; choice lo; extra chulce. 17jlac; fancy, Lo 1 peachee are quiet, but steady; choice 13c: .fir. f-rt.h!.. flw.' fu .... u ll.. t, ' , " 7 - - n-tiBiue are i firm In lone, owing to light supplies of tha more popular aorta; loose Muacalei. 7r 1 Vc: seeded. 7tiluc: I .union livr, 1 i... 1 - . m v w v t OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cutis Gie.trt.llT otttdr and in lomt Epotg Etroif, SLISHTLY LOWER PRICES FOR H06S Sheep aad La nabs Caatlaaa la Mod erate Receipt, with Prices Steady . aad Trade Fairly Active a Meet Klada. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. lL 1807. ReeelDts were-. CaUle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 4.848 t,A t,tr ... 4.789 $.443 8.23 ... ., 8.W1 4.trf7 ... 4.818 6.94 8.849 ... Z.8U0 4 500 8.00V Ofllelal Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday.. Official Thursday .. Official Friday rive dsys this week..5iH 85,918 Same days laat week.... 18.314 81.77 tl. M Burnt! days t weeks ago.. 4.W1 4.7 15.470 Same days I weeks ago.. 26.W9 89,858 80.442 Same days 4 weeks ago.. SI. M 40,014 87,787 Same days Isst year.. ..18.800 48.470 82.188 The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor the year to dote, compared with Inst year: 1907. 19 Inc. Iea, 88.1711 &.181 S.047 Hog" 90,462 73.444 ..... 12.W4 IP 4S.4S6 51.665 8.180 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. good to choice corn fed steers 85.4twff4.2l Fair to good corn red steers 4.7W4.40 Comon to fair steers 4.0U4.4.75 Oood to choice fed cows S.nfl4 60 Fair to good cows and heifers.... Common to fair cows and heifers.. l wX60 good to choice st kers and feeders. ttOud.Ti Fair to good stockers and feeders. I 4'04.K Common to fair stockers t.7HT3 40 Bulls, stags, eto tn4.28 Veal calTee 4.00iS.S0 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat seversl daye, with comparisons: rate, 18U7. 1906. 1J6. 1904. 10S. 11901. 101. Dec. $0. Dec 11. Jan. 1.. Jan. 2.. Jan. 8.. Jan. 4.. 6 0b 4 52 4 61 4 3R 4 85 tii 4 47 4 64 4 t& 4 S4 4 30 4 24 5 14 4 64 4 83 4 22 4 96 421 5 11 4 TO 4 41 6 3fi 2i 4 9S 4 tsi S 07 4 43 4 19 4 94 4 29(141445 4 77 4 28 8 0J 4 32 6 22 4 47 4 47 28 6 04 6 171 4 46 4 W 4 4 J4 29 I I 60 4 45 4 40 4 09 $ II 4 27 6 851 4 4 4 4 4 09 6 04 4 23 6 221461 442 4341a 6 14 4SUH6 20I482 40 4 14 ( 25 6 22 4 58 4 63 4046 24 Jan. t.. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 4... i... 8... 8. Jan. 10. Jan. 11. Sunday. RANGE OP PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. 6.2tV-tf.32H 5-Ul -(!. f) 6.tHKtJii.60 6.90iU5.56 Omaha Chicago Kansas City... Bt. Louis....... ..t2.2Miti.60 .. 1 U"u7.20 a.iti.5ii 2.aMi.75 2&ti6.K) Sioux City 8.20.86 The OhlClai numher nf psrf nf ntnclr brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. A 8t.. P 4 4 .I Wabnsh 1 .. .. Missouri Pacific t 2 .. I'nlon Pacific system 22 12 8 C. A N. W.. east.... 4 84 2 1 15 a l l C. A N. W., west.... 28 C, St. P.. M. A O.... 14 C, 73. A Q.. east S C, B. Q.. west 17 C. R. I. A P., east.. 6 C, R. t. ft P., west.. .. Illinois Central 2 Chicago Qt. Western. .. Total receipts 101 17 The disposition of the day's receipts wag as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co... 438 920 2 Swift ana Company... Cudahy Packing ,Co... Armour A Co Vanaant Co Lohman 4 Co McCreary A Carey Hill A Son P. P. Lewis Hueton A Co L. F. Hubs Mike Haggerty J. B. Root A Co Sullivan Bros V. A. Brltton Frey-Bruen Other buyers. .i , 748 834 115 6 112 4 20 89 101 S6 63 61 43 I 'isi 1.2S3 1663 1.624 997 1.748 618 1U Total...'......... t;816 4.471 ' 3.556 CATTLE-Recclpts of cattle were not very large this morning, although the sup ply was fairly liberal for a Friday. There were no new developments in the trade, the market remaining In about the same condition as noted yesterday and the day before. Any one that had beef steers that were at all desirable had no trouble In securing good, steady prlcea, at least, and in some cases strong. Cows and heifers were also fully steady with yesterday and In some cases the salea of the more desirable grades looked strong. There were comparatively few stockers and feeders In sight and they, changed hands at good prices. No great change has taken place In tha cattle market any day this week, prlcea having been very even throughout the whole time. On Monday and Tuesday, however, there waa a downward tendency, the market being quoted slow to a little lower on both daya. During the remainder of the week the tendency was upward, so that what little decline actually look place the first of the week has been fully re covered 'nd the market today can aafely be quoted aa strong, compared with last Friday. This Is true of all kinds of killing cattle, both steers and cows. Oood feeders having weight and quality have been grad ually Arming up every day and are now 16T-2iv hlrcher than a week ago. As high as 84 80 has been paid this week, for good range feeders. Representative sales? BEEF STEERS. Na. I. ... 14 It fc I ll 4..,., t II. ... I .... t 41.... 4... M tl.... At. Pr Ms. ....1011 4 tt 14 .... tor 4 u 14 ....1071 4 tt I .... til 4 4t I .... T 4 44 I ....1144 4 40 t , .... t4 4 4 I .... Ill 4 tt 81 A v. Pr. ,...uit 4 tt ...litt 4 to ...11K I to ...lilt I to ...11M I 0 ...mi t at ...1114 t It ...1IOT t It ...till I It ...1111 I M ...lilt I 11 ...116 I 11 ...U4S I M ...114 I l ...1171 I 4 ...litt I 44 ...1J74 ITI .... Ill 4 41 I... .... 147 4 64 17... .... m U 4... .... 414 4 41 14... ....IUl 4 49 14... ....lull 4 7t 4... ....10M 4 TO 11.... ....10U 4 Tt 4... ....1011 4 Tl 1 .. OOWB. .... 84 8 H lo... .... 114 I It.... 1001 t 4 1"74 I 4 10.11 I 4t 141 8 80 W IU not 1 tt 1 l'I t tt 1071 I M 10OI U 1671 I 40 1054 I tt 1011 1 to 104 I 44 1011 I 4? 1 l7t I T 14 8 Tt ien 1 Tt Mr I Tt 1014 lit 1121 I 10 117 I It lot 8 tt 11M 4 00 Ml 4 Ot Hut 4 40 Ill 4 W lot 4 Ot ' 1140 ts int 4tt ... 117 t 71 ... Ml I It ...Ml 8 tt ... 17 S I tt ...IbOt I Ml ... tAt I to ...1.161 I tt .. .IU04 8 00 ... ill I 00 ...1030 I Ot ...MO I 00 ... M7 I it ...not t it ...1111 I 11 ... tM ID .. .1(1117 I 84 ... let I M ...141 I It I to ...1111 8 tt ...tut I It ... 147 I II ...1044 I K ...Hot let 1 40 ...Be t 4t ...laat t 4 21... I. .. II. .. 11... ... I. .. 14... I... 14... 17... It... I... II. .. II... 84... 4... to..., 17... I... 8... 4... ... It... 1... II... I... 17.'!.'! n!!!! 14.'.'.'. ll!!!! 14!!!! to.... .!!! it.... t HEIFERS. it la 1 tit in 11 win u 44 t M 1 ,471 IN 4 , tl 8 It It ... tw it ... 44 M ... M M ...1K 0 ...1144 i 1 ... 414 I tt ...lit I tt ,.. tS I to ...UM I t ...Itu I It ...14S ttt ...100 171 ...Ul I 0 ...1140 1 at ...14ft I I ...IK 4 11 ...MM 4 11 .. .178 t 84 14 '"'"' BULLS. loit 8 aa 14ft I ti 1170 I It lie I It UW I 14 144 I tf 1MI I at 14t 8 4t 171 t 44 im a tt 1U I VI lilt 8 to CALVES. t t 4 m 1 I is I at t 1 10 8 It I 1 ill t tt I 1 in IM I 1 1M t to 1 1 lit t I t let t t 1 1 4 t 81 I 1 110 I 5 FEEDERS. 8 IM 8 X4 I 1 14 8 t I ttt I It I 8 4a I 4) I..... I II 8 tt 4 1 It 4 40 1 t W 18 n it 171 4 Bt 1 t U 1 IW IM 10 I SO ie I u ltfl 4 fte 1 It 4 M tat IM mis W IN loi 4 It . 4 M . ta 4 It .M IN HOGS Hogs sold a shade to 2V lower this morning under ths influence of unex pectedly large receipts st must market cen ters, together with a lower opening on provisions. Sellers were not Jim pone J to put up with very much of a decline and muds a hard fight to hold ths market up, but la tplls of tlirlr efforts It a as. as noted, a trifle lower than yesterday. The hogs sold largely at 8K. - t whereas over half of all the hogs yeaterdav sold st 88.80, with a considerable sprinkling at la.SJH- The ton today waa 88 J6, the same as yesterday. While the trade waa a little slow, aa ta apt to be the ease when buyers are acting on the bear tkle, still the bulk of ths receipt changed hands In fair sea son. The hog market has been jumping hark and forth at quite a lively rate this week. It stsrted out on Monday with a 10c break, which was followed by an advance of about 6c on Tuesday. Thta gain was all lost on Wednesday. On Thursday there was an average advance of about TV a small part of which was lost todsy. The msrket Is now tvtfrtic lower tbsn tt waa at tha close of last week. Represents tive salrs: Ae. ta. Na 8h Pr. tt tat ... tit Tt iu at i pa 47 Ml 4 t It 17 lit tt t to n tot ... in 71 Ill lM I It 14 BM ... t It t til 4t t tt T4 141 ... I Tl l ... I to m ut ... ttt 11 Ill ... IN 7 til let t 1 7i in tt t tt Tt Irl ... ttt ll sn to i io tt Ill to t to n res SIM 41 tit ... t M 17 1ST ... I 14 M4 t SO 11 M ... IN 7 171 10 t 10 44 141 K I It tm ... t so 1 Ut 40 t M tt MS 4ft I 10 14 1 40 4 SO Ti VI ... 4 K tl tti tt t 11 7 tut ... i r 71 Ml 8 t 11 44 404 ... t It 41 Ml ... t 11 in.. 71.. 74.. .. .. Tl.. 44... .. T... 41.. 7.. ..mi ..1SI ... in tt t 17 ... t n 0 t 17 N t 17 40 t 17 4 t 17 ... I 17 ... t r .lit .lot .177 .11 .lit .1)4 .194 .114 ,K7 .ITT .o . t 17 t 17 t 17 t 17 t 17 t T7 t 17 t 17 I 17 t 17 t 17 a I 11 18 II 71 Tl TT .114 ... .114 40 .tot ... Ill 111 Tl I 0 11 141 110 t 17 ..Ill t 77.. tf.. to.. It.. 41.. 13. . 70.. 71.. Tt.. It.. ..Mi 10 ..17 4 ..741 IM ..111 ... ..114 t4t ..Kf Bt ..Ul ... ..M ... ..a ... ..ioi ... It I M t It t 10 I 10 t to t It t 10 t M t at t M I 10 .ut I M SHEEP Receipts of sheep were moderate again thla morning, but large enough to aupyjy the requirements of the market at the iiresent time. The demand was good and the offerings for the must part changed hands In fair season In the morning. While In spots the market looked a little strong It could hardly be quoted other than steady. A bunch of the Hartal wethers sold at 86.80, which was only 6c lower thsn was paid for the same stuff jj the high time of the season. The Rosa lambs brought 17. 60, the same as yesterday and day be fore. The market aa p. whole was In a good, healthy condition and the feeling Is thst It ought to continue so while receipts remain moderate. Quotations on killers: Oood to choice lambs, S7.OO07 60; fair to good lambs, 84.75 Ti.00; good to choice yearlings, lamb weights, 8H. (K itj.: fr to good yearlings, lamb weights. to.7tVHo.00: good to choice yearlings, heavyweights. 35.764)6.00; fair to good yearlings, heavyweights. 85 646.7B; good to choice old wethers, 85.364J6.80; fair to good old wethers, 86.0O96.85; good to choice ewes, 34.86&6.25; fair to good ewes, $4 06.86. Quotations on feeders: Oood to choice lambs, 8. 254;i4.50; medium lambs, 85.7WW 25; light lambs. 84.arvff5.jr.; yearlings, I5.164io.6o; wethers. ti.754itS.26; ewes, ti.60yH.60; breed ing ewes, 14.605.(10. Representative sales: No. At. Pr. 82 . 4 15 ....'...107 4 80 11 6 10 65 7 25 6 7 26 66 7 26 65 7 26 85 7 60 X 6 80 92 6 80 9 6 20 , 100 6 10 114 4 90 89 7 28 100 7 60 157 6 26 62 t 75 60 7 00 21 western yearlings ewes 102 western 231 western ewes 1(0 western lambs 40 western 15 western ltl western lambs lambs lambs 5fd wejlern lambs 241 western wethers 313 western wethers 76 western ewes ... 131 western ewes ... 105 western ewes .... 114 western lambs ... tf native lambs .... t native ewes 20 western lnmbs ... 118 western lamba ... CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hega Five Ceate Lower Sheep Blow. CHICAGO. Jan. 1L CATTLE Racelnta. 2,000 head; market steady; common to rime. 84.wat.20; cows. 82.764.76; belfers. i 6otl6.00: bulls. t2.76'u 4.60: calves. IX75n 8.76; stockers and feeders. S2.6Ojy4.40. nuuo-Keceipts. so,uoo head; market 6c lower; prime shipping grades. lAVi&ri.M; packing. tO.42VV0H.62; assorted light. 86.46 (166O; pigs, 6.0(a.30; bulk of sales. 84.46 66.62. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000 head; market slow; sheep, t3.otxri6.76; year, lings, e4.SO4ni.60; lambs, i5.76S1.7S. Mew York Live Stack Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 11. BEEVES R. ctipts, 8,899 head: good to choice steers), steady to firm; medium and common steers, slow to a shade lower; bulls, steady; me dium cows, a shade higher; bologna cows and good fat. steady. Steers. 6.00&.20; oxen. t4.60iQS.00; mixed cattle, 83.00; bulls. 83 2o4j4.10. few extras at 84.45: eowa. tl.85i 4.10. Liverpool and London cables quoted live cattle steady at U'o lie per lb., dress-d weight; refrigerator beef. 9&8c per lb. Exporlr. 15 cuttle and 40 sheep. Estimated tomorrow, 820 cattle and t,S2o quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 817 head: market steady to strong: medium veals. ts.OOj Ken tucky calves, 85.00; dressed calves. Arm; city dressed Veals, 8ijl4ViC per lb., a few extras st 15c; country dressed, 74118c per lb. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.021 head; market for sheep steady, for lamb barely steady and slow; common sheep. 84 26; yearlings. tS.004j4.40; lambs, 7.87wa 8.35; culls, 84 00. . . HOGS-Receipts, 3,476 hesd, all for slaugh terers; market nominally higher and quota ble at t6.Xtj7.26. pigs Included. Kaasaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Jan. II. CATTLB-Re- l.lnt. 9 flrt h.ft In.lillna 1m ,l, .. market steady. Choice export snd dressed! ; beef steers. tS.50$i.60; fair to good. I.C08 , 4.60; western-fed steers. t3.50fl5 60; stockers no recaers. 13.u11r44.70: southern s eers. $3 25 4i6.00; southern cows, 12.004(3.75; rattve co g 1210(34 40; native he fere. t3.t04l'4.'.6, bulla. $2.75-iH.?i; calves. t3.2&4)7.50. HOGS Receipts, K'.OiO head; market weak to 60 lower. Top, t.50; bulk of aales. tn.SiU 66.46; heavy, tti.4wu4.60; rackets. 6.X7'4i I 4.47H; pigs and llghta, 15.504(4 46. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipt 5.0X) head; market steady for sheep; lambs 10c lower. Lambs, t6.6n4i7.50: ewes and yenr llnKs, 4.;&66.2S; western-fed yearlings, 86 80 ti.ilu; western-fed sheep, 84.804)6.16; stockers and feeders, t3 2&4l5.50. , St. Lea la Live sleek Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. U. CATTLE Receipts. 2,10 head, Including 1,000 Texana. Market strong; native shipping and export steers. 84 8614.78; dressed eef snd butcher steers. 14 lti4(8.5; steers under 1.0(0 pounds. l).2j 4.65; stockers and feeders. 83. 26 tl 4 50- cows snd heifers, I2.i54r4.0o; canners. 11.7542 35 bulls. I2.tif(i4.86; calvea. I12&4j00; Texas and Inrtlir. steers, 2 50i4.50; cows and helf. era. 12.004)3.75. HOQS-Recelpts, 10.600 head; market 60 low.e,:. cP'f. and "ht. 25 91.45; packers, 468 butchers and best heavy, 66.40$ SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, l,0f0 head; market steady: native muttons, 85 Hr?e 5 do: lambs. tn.204if 60; culls and bucks 82 00 4J3.73; Blockers, t2&04i3.50. Sloes City Live Sleek Market. 8IOTJX CITY, la.. Jan. 11. Special Tele- (rsm.) CATTLE Receipts, 500 head. Mar et steady; beeves. 13 .754.86; cows, bulls r.7,J. - 'IK,,0'V ttockers and feeders. eJ.""JT.26; calves and yearlings, fl-SOWi l-J I 1I!U tinnalnla A tVk. I a - . 86 tt4!:lnf " ' ttlit, St. Joeenh Live glsx-k Market. frrT JOflFTPTf Jen 11 i A 1 l'l e. n t.0h head; market steady; natives, 14 04t 7.00: stockers and feeders. 13 2fVn4 n HOGS Receipts. 8.9ul head; market 5e lower; top, f. 60;' bulk of aales. 8 S5K4 45 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, f.zi head; market weak to lower. Stack la Slsjkt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yeaterdav: Cattle- Hogs South Omaha 2,6(0 4 6G Bloux City 6 4 & a) Sheep, 8.UU0 Kansas City 2.JO IO.OiO St. Joseph 1.0H4 8.W1 St. Louis to 10.5.0 Chicago 2,000 tO.OiO t.0 2.77 1.000 4.0.0 ToUla ".064 70,161 17,787 Oils aad Reala. NEW YORK. Jan. ll.-OH-Cottonseed eney. prime yellow, MVsC Turpentine, firm 72'fi72Kc. rosin Firm; strained, common to good OIL CITY, Pa.. Jan. 11 OIL Credit bal ances, tl 68. Runs, 123.6K7 bbls.; average Sr7.T77 bbla.; ghlpmenta, ltf7,8S8 bbls.; average! If 1 lrJ8 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., Jan. 1L OIL Turpen tine, steady; 6MV4C ROSIN F'lrm; quote: A. B. C. D. 8400 K. I4.U6; F. 84 10; tl. 14 16: H. 84 40: I. 84 50: K. 86.16; M, t5.u; N. Ki6. W G. tn.75; W W. ITCH lam aad Malaaaea, NEW YORK. Jan. 11 STOAR Raw, quiet; fair rehnlng. 34i3l-r2; ventrifueal, W st. SS'JJ ll-!c; niulnsiie sugar, Tri2 26-.2c. RcflosJ, slsady; No. 4. 4.80c; No. 7, 4.26c; No. 1 8, 4 20c: No. , 41V; No. 10. 4rrV; No. 1L 4 01V; No. 12. 8c; No IS, 1.8tc; No. 14, a-WSc; confectioners' A. 4SOc; mould A, IVIScj cut loaf and crushed. t.f"r: powdered, 4,80c; granulated, 4 80c: cubes, 8.05c. tOLASFEB Steadv; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. 27fi48o. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 11. 8 t'O A R Mar ket steady; open kettle centrifugal, 3 s-lljj 113-lsc; centrifugal white. 4 1-lsV; centrif ugal yellow, JKtiHl-IV: second. 2rt 9-ita. MOLASSES New syrup, tvtitto. OMAHA WHOLRIALR MAftKRT. Ceadltlea at Trad aad Qaetattaaa aa tastle aad Paaey Predaee. JXXJ8 Per doa.. 224?2V; market easy.- LIVE POULT RT-llena, &jiV; rooster, tc; turkeys.' lOfcllo; duck, twioc; young roosters, ItjaiV; geese, 84jc BUTTER Packing stock. mc choice to fancy dairy, 83uJ5c; creamery. 2741310. HAY Choice upland. t?6o; medium. 81.00; eonr.e, 88 0OU8.60, Rye at raw, tVieJtjl.OO. BRAN Per '.on, tiion. NEW VEOETABLES. TOMATOES Florida, per 4-basket crate of 80 lbs., t7.6O4fe.00. , WAX BEANft-Per hu. box. t3.6K;a.0O. LEAP LETTUCE Hothouse, per dog. Bends. 48c. CELERT California, per dot., TEcsTtl CUCUMBERS ilothouae, per dog., 81.754J HORSERADISH Case of 2 dog.. 2180. RADISH E8 Per da bunches, tout hern, large bunches. 76c: hot house, 8640o. ORE EN PEPPKRltPer t-baket crate, t4.6M4jViU PARSLEY Hothouse, Pr dog. bunchea. 40c; southern, 80c. HEAD LETTUCESouthern, per cVML. ll.Hll.2S. SHALLOTS Southern, per bu.. 6O0. OLD VEGETABLES. TURNIPS. CARROTS, BEETS, rAA SNIP!--Per bu., 76c. SWEET POTATOE Knsg. par bbL, t2.26: Illinois, per large bbl,, 83.00. ONIONSt-Home grown, per bu., 80c; Spanish, per crate, U-00; Colorado, per biL IOC. NAVT BEANS Per bu.. 21.46; No. & 21-&0. , LIMA BEANS Per lb., 6C. CAB RAO IB Holland seed, home grown, lHo per lb. EOQ PLANT Per dos.. 83 25438100. POTATOES-Per hu-, 404,600. RUTABAUAS-About loO lbs. U aaoa, 1.50. CRANBERRIES per bbl.. 28 OOtflOOt, APPLES Hen Davie, choice, 82.00; tenor, per bbl.. t2t; Jonathans, 83.80; Now )for apples. 83.26. I'EARS-Wlnter Nells, per box. 8300. . GRAPES Malaga, per bbl.. t5.00t21.00. . TROPICAL FRUIT. 9,RNaES-Florlua oranges, all slses, 1225412.50; California navels, axtia fnacy. LnMONS- Llmoniera, ex'ra fancy, 2-4) slxe, 84.50; 200 and 860 alae, $4.60; Othf brands. oOc less. ANANAS-Per medlum-alxed bunch, 2VUU?'J!.a6J Jumbos, t2 60444.60. DATES Kada way, 6'c; sayers, Sc; Hal. tlTo'"' "W ,tu,Tea w'"ut datee, 8-1U box, KRAPB rRUIT-Slse 64 to 64 and 80 to 94. FI0-Cnlifornla. bulk. 6He; 4-crown T7V!k,1fn' 15c: 6-crown, 14c; 8-crown, 12c COCOANUTS-Per aack ot 100, 84.60. BEEP CUT PRICES. No. 1 rib. 14c; No. 2 rib, 10c; Na 8 rib, ic; No. 1 loin. 17c; No. 2 loin, 12c; No. I k;ln. 8c; No. 1 chuck. 6Vc; No. 2 chuck, to; Na 2 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 7c; No. 2 round. 6Vtc; Na 8 round, Sc; No. 1 plate, 4Vc; No. 2 plate. 4c; No. 3 plate, tc MISCELLANEOUS, w CHEESE-Swiss. new, I6c; Wlsconnln brick, 16V; Wisconsin llmberger, lo: t"'". 16Vjic; Young Americana, lc. FlaH-Trout, 12c; halibut. 12c; catfish, 1601 buflalo, 8c; bullheada. 12c; black bass, flne stock, 25c- salmon. 12c; pike, 13c; red anap. per, fresh frosen. 13c; whlteflsh. fresH froien, 13c; yellow perch, dressed and scaled. 8c; pickerel, fresh froien, c: frog legs, 40o per Hot. saddles. CURED FISH-Kamlly whlteflsh, per quarter bbl., 109 lbs., 84 00; Norway mack- hi ,V H?-1 W 00; nerrtn bbls., 200 lbs. each. Norway, 4k. tf 00: Nor. k' : Holland herring. In kegs. milkers. 80c; kegs, mixed, 70c HIDES AND TALLOW Oreen lalted, Na. l,.i2!'cV.No-,1' 4c; buU bides. licTgreei J..5; sheep pelts. 60c4J1.26, Tallow, NoTl, M.I Walnuts. Na h.e Jh-ii laTMj"."'" shell . loc; Braxlls. 1516c; pecans. VxaTic; filberts, 134jl4c; peanuts; raw. mat T': Crornla almonda, haVsl shell. lc: soft shell, 17c HONET-Per 24 frames, 22.50. re?.I88EilN"r YtK barrU ter COFFEE-Roasted No. 85, 26c per lb., No. 30. He per lb.: No. 25, 19c per iTbT; No! . lc Pt lo-: No, O, lie per lb. . 8J,?CP-InbbU- 7 Pr a-al.; In cases, cases, 24 2V-lb. cans, 81.86. SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks. 85.21: granulated beet. In sacks, till. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern. 654j6rtc; Maine, tl.15. Tomatoes, 2-lb cans, U.10; t-lb. cans, 97ictl.0O. Pinew apples, grated. 2-lb., V te'i ; sliced, ji i 472.20. Gallon apples, fancy, 82 Os. Csll PrlcoU, tl.9gt26. Pears, n.76 2.60. Peaches, fancy, tl. 7542.40; H C peachea, t2.0O4?2 .60. Alaska salmon, red! $1.26; fancy Chinook. F., t210; fancy sock, eye, F., tl.96. Sardines, quarter oil, t2.7ti three-uuartrir mustard, 23.00. Sweet poU toes, fl.104jl.26. Sauerkraut, tl.00. Puinp. kins. 80cll.00 Wax beans, 2-lb., 66ml lima beans, t-tb. 75c4T41.36. Splnuch. 31.85 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 11. METALfi There Was a decline In lh. T ..... ., .... with spot closing at 188 16s and futures at uTl7s Sd. Locally, the market was easy and closed at eU.OOti 41.26 for spot. Copper was higher In London, with spot quoted at 108 12a 4d and futures at lu9. Locally, the market continued firm. Lake quoted at 124.264? 26.00; electrolytic, 224.00, uuuiii, za.nyn.2a. j,ead waa un changed at ti.0u-6.30 In the local market and at 19 17s fed In London. Spelter was unchanged at 27 15s In London and at 6.664i.76 In the local market. Iron was higher In London, with standard foundry quoted at 60s 6d and Cleveland warranto at 61s lHd. Locally, Iron was unchanged; No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted st 126 26 t''J 26; No. 2 northern foundry, t24.754j 26.76- . No. 1 southern foundry, 126.504124 60; No 2 southern foundry, ta.0OW26.00. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Jan. 11. M ETA V8 Lea d, steady at to. 10. Spelter, steady at to. 664.75. Wantaa Bald to Be Polaeaed. CHICAGO, Jan. 11. It was definitely de termined today that the womag whose life- -less body waa found yesterday in a room In the Hotel Whltcomb on Weat Madison street waa poisoned. She came to the hotel with a man who signed himself "M. ' Friedman and wife." He disappeared be fore the death of the woman waa discov ered. Nothing In the effects of the woman gave the slightest Indication of her place of reaiuence. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Bessie Kavan to Matlas Dober et al., ntj lots 1 and 2, block t, Murray's add t& Walter E. Keeler and wife to Charlea B. Williamson, lot 6, block 1, and lot 18, block 4. Everett Place MO Mary S. Boehme to Otto A. Boehme, lot 7. block 11; sVs lot 12, block 10. Kountxe Ruth add., and other lota l Catherine B. Nash to Beua Jackson, lots 1, 2, 3 snd 4, block 4. Thoraason A Goos add WO Linlnger A Metcalf Co. to Llnlnger Implement company, lot 8. block 4, Marsh's add., and other lota 1 Ban e to same, lot 8, block 4; lot 8, block 4, Marsh's add., and other lots 1 Robert O. Fink to D. C. Patterson. I part lota 4 and 7, block 9. McCague's add Lorl M. Payne to Ignatius J. J. Bruechert, lot 13, blotk 4. Van Csmp's 1 Bessie Kavan et al. to John Barsell, south So feet lot 2, block 2, Mur ray's add 105 Same to John Podrasky et al., north 84 feet s lot 2, block t, Murray's add 128 George Warren and Francis Smith to Bessie Kavan, lot 2. block 2, Mur ray's add 400 Lena Jatkson to Allen T. Richmond. nS lot 1. block 204Vt. Omaha 1,000 Mat Dobal et al. lo Beanie Kavan, n!4 lot 1. block 8, Murray's add ... 1 Adella Klrwlt to Mattie Klewlt, eTtM 0 feet north 60 feet lot 11, block 10, South Omaha 1 Bame to John Kiewit. jr., south 24 feet lot 10, block 10, South Omaha.. 1 Alice Meyer and hushund to Omaha Safe Deposit and Truat company, iH lot 21 and south 38 feet lot 22, block 2, Summit Place 2,200 John M. Thurston and wlft to the Omaha National lla.ik. Interest wH nt awV, sec. 4-15-13 toO Christen P. Chrlstensen to Johanna Schwartt, lot 4. block 6. Deer park 1,700 Henry Duve Pncklng company to the Independent Packing company, lot i, block 3o9. 8uth Omaha t,60Q Eliulth J. Cox and husband to John J. Toms, lot 1 block 4. Plelnvl -w . 760 EtM-neser L. Browniee et al. to W. J. Hyncs. east to fe-t lota 3) and 21 W. Millard k Caldwall'a add 23.000 Total NeieuarK-4te.i