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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1907)
12 THE .OMAHA-.. DAILY. .BEE: SATURDAY, JANUAKV 12, 1907, ituwrrwani TMrty-ffive Ibraoclhi want ad offices for ; tlhe convenience of patrons j,iiMn i mn'jn IliMim imnii inn. i- 'IP 1 INI ,1 1 P , ' - - Jljj '-Wt-sW .nsyrti.tfiiHsVi ' mi .ni in iiumbsW mi fcii iw(iiriiiiwiiniiiim.n mii n EGGS DOWN OF THE PERCH He Trait Prices Drop ai Mercury Gad Up in the Tubs. ' BUTTER STILL RANGES IM THE H GH MARKS Green Vegetables More Plent If ul.Tha'a Kver nd Krult Is In Good lap. ply. Save Stranberrtea, Which Are Scarce. Warmer sveather brought the predicted drop in the price of egga. and the beet freqh ess sold Friday morning for 26 cenU a dosen. Storage egga or candled egga or egg by any of the aeveral names applied to the seoond grade are not for nale today In the larger markets and the careful buyer, may put her own construction upon the fact. They were Juat "egga" Friday and aold for 26 centa a dosen. While the package creamery butter re mul n a at 36 centa a pound, there Is a de cided Improvement In the quality of the oheaper'gradea of country and tub creamery butter. A very good quality of country butter la to be had for 26 centa a pound, while the beat country creamery sells for Ss centa a pound. For the firai time lit aeveral weeks there are no atrawberrUs In market and there have not been for aeveral days. Some are expected Saturday morning, however, and, will eell for about 60 centa a quart Florida orangsa are decidedly aecond to the Cali fornia now Belling from 80 to 40 centa a dosen, while tne uavela being from 16 to 60 cents a doaen. Malaga grapes still sell for 20, SO and 40 cents a pound and pineapple from 16 to S centa each according to else. Grape fruit rangea from S to 16 centa each and la very good. The green tops on the vegetable Yacka grow larger and more numerous each week and to the hot house varieties are being added more of the product of the southern truck gardens. Theae are all fine, fresh looking things In aplte of their long Journey and are very much In demand. New potatoes are a good deal larger than big marble and will aoon be selling by meas nit Inatead of weight aa at present. They re fine and smooth and sell at 10 centa a pound or three pounds for 26 centa. New turnips are almost as large as the old and ell at 10 centa a bunch, three bunchea for 26 cents; new carrots sell for the same prlca Cauliflower Is lb. and op to SO centa a head; egg plant 20 and SO cents each; string beans and they are nice too 20 centa a quart; radishes, 6 and 10 cents a bunch; green onions, 6 centa a bunch; water cresa, i centa a bunch; cabbage, 6 and 10 cents a head; artechokes, 26 centa each; new beets, 10 cents a bunch, or three bunches for 26 cents; cucumbers are 20 cents each;, sweet potatoes, 40 cents a peck; Irish potatoes. 20 cents a peck, or 76 cents a hushel; head lettuoe Is 10 and 15 centa and leaf lettuce 6 cents a bunch. There are two kinds of freeh tomatoes, the outdoor garden kind, selling at 2o cents, and the hothouse, selling for 36 cents a pound. Celery Is 6 and 10 cents a bunch; cranberries. 12V centa a quart and mushrooms 76 cents a pound: Chickens range from 17 to(S cents a pound, with a special Saturday price prom ised, Ducka are 16 and 17 centa, gees 12H rents aud turkeys 22 cents a pound. A, liberal variety of fish was offered on the Friday morning market. Black bass sold at 2S cents a pound; halibut, which was the special of the day, K cents a pound; perch, 10 cents; white fish. 16 cents; salmon. It cents; pike, 16 cents; crapples, 16 centa; unflsh, 12 i centa; trout, U cents. nj ! Follow the example of thousands and put your ad in The Sunday Bee If you cannot come to The Bee office, step into one of the following drug stores (you will find one near your home). These drupf stores are branch offices of The Bee Want Ad D partment and you will pay the same rates as you would at the Bee office and receive the same prompt attention. Albach, W. XJ.. 40th and Farn am. Beranek, 8. A., 1408 South 16th street Becht'a Pharmacy, T20 South ICth street Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce, streets. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Avenue. Conte, J. B., 81st Avenue and Farnam street Crissey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cormak, Kmll, 1262 Bouth 13th street Eastman Pharmacy, 4040 Hamilton. Ehler, P. H., 2802 Leavenworth Foster st'.Arnoldl. 213 North 26th street Freytag. John J.. 1814 North 24 th street Florence Drue Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 1929 Lake street. Oreen's Pharmacy, corner Park. Ave and Pacific Oreenough, O. A., 102S South 10th street Qreenough, G. A., 10th and Hickory. . I , i I I i 'ii " s5' h ' . i M . . .. . :. eB llll III I 1IHII lIUI ! IMIUI H ' I - - - I I - - . i r I IT 1 .c x.0. ii .nil a f B" k M S SI I St Specials for Saturday Puritan Flour, sack $1.15 A. B. C. Flour, sack, $1.15 Milexco Flour, sack $1.15 1-lb can Rumford Baking Powder 19c Vz-o. can Royal Baking Powder 21c -lb. can Prices' Baking Powder 21c Best Creamery Butter, . per. lb. S2c Stewart Corn, 15c seller, per can 11c M, Slimmer & Bro. 2601 Cuming St, Groceries and Meats Tel. Harney 2499. pickerel 1t centa a pound. Lobsters are 46 and 66 centa a pound and oysters 45 and 66. centa a quart. Foar Sapper lleaaa. Mushroom Pattlee. Turkey and Celery Halad In Lettuce Cups. Cheese and Nut Sandwiches. Pineapple Jelly with Whipped Cream. Vanilla Ice Creum. Small Uponge Cakes. Coffee with Whipped Cream. Chicken Mousse with Lettuce and Nut Bilad. Brown Bread and Butler Sandwiches. Olives. Salted Almond. Peach Bavarian Cream. Fancy Cakes. Coffee. Oyster Pattlea. Celery and Nut Sandwiches. Chicken Balad. Macaroon Ice Cream. , lemon Cocoanut Caks. Coffee. Cold Chicken In Cranberry Jelly Cifps. Celery and Oyster Pattlea. Bread and Butter Sandwiches. Lemon Jelly wiui Whippod Cream. Ice Cream. Lady Fingers. Cocoanut Macarocn. Bonbons. Coffee. For chestnut stuffing, peel, skin and cook tender enough chestnuts to make half a pound when they are chopped fine. . Add to thi chestnuts four ounces of butter, three ounces of bread crumbs, and a little grated lemon peel and powdered mace, salt and pinch of cayenne. Te this mix ture and the beaten yolka of three eggs. If dinner la to be served at I o'clock, the dressing may be put In the foml the night before. Onion Soup One larce Spanish or thre LBextuuda ontoua. two tablespoonfula of but- Hayden. Wm, C, 2930 Farnam street Hanscom Park Phar., 1601 South 89th arena. Hoist, John, 624 North 16th street Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth street King's Pharmacy, 8238 Farnam street. KounUe Place Pharmacy, 3004 North 24th, Patrick Drug Co., 1602 North 24th street Lathrop, Chas. E., 1324 North 24th street Peyton, L. B.. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames avenue. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Schafer, August 2631 North 16th street. Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming streets. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha streets. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace streets, i Wlrth, O. H., 40 th and Hamilton street. ; THE LANCE GROCERY CO. POINTS ON TOE NEW PURE FOOD LAW All of our gooda are up to the KIOK STANDARD Or QTXAX.XTT re quired by the new law. Since we have recently doubled our floor space, we find It neoeseary to purchase all goods In larger quantities, which enables us to sell at low prices, a few of which follow. 8 k X. Qxeea, Trading wuiyi WAfca aim) yiuvuil SATURDAY Fancy Prunes per pound Mustard Sardines, 10c can, cans for ... Fancy Codfish, four pounds tor Extract, ...5c 25c 25c .. 5c ..25c per bottle Baked Beans. 2-pound can, . four cans for Navy Beans, ten- pounds for Fancy Bweet Corn, two-pound can 4- Fancy Early June Pe, 2-pound can, 4 for Sack Bait, three sacks for 25 c . 5c 25c 10c And $1.00 In Green Trading Stamps. Salad pressing, 16c bottle , for JC Toilet Soap Special 26c box for ,10c The Laiige t4ta and Cuming Streets rw: sow ter, two quarts of stock, salt and pepper. Peel and chop the onion Into dice. Pul the butter In a frying pan and when It is hot, add the onions and stir until a nice brown. Put the stock on to boll and when It bolls skim the onions out of the butter and add them to the, stock. After they have simmered for thirty minutes add aalt and pepper and serve. A closet la more convenient and roomy If fitted with one or two polea, depending upon the aist of the closet, upon which to place hangera, than the ordinary hooka Every woman ahould have a number of clothes hangera and uae them for waists, skirts and wraps. They not only economise closet apace, but prevent the gowns from getting creased and crumpled. The hang ers may be padded with cotton sprinkled with aachet powder and then covered with Inexpensive silk. Never wash white china silk blouses In hot water. It will turn them yellow after they have been laundered a few times. A lather ahould be made from white laundry soap, and in thla rub the waist lightly. Then rinse In warm water to which a little ammonia bus been added. A last rinsing in blueing water will help to keep the silk white. A t haaare ( Method. "rnvestigatlona don't aeem to be held In the aplrlt of courtesy and forbearance that once prevailed," remarked the old-tlm tat-sman. "No," answered Senator Sorghum; "Ins SPECIALS Fancy Sweet Navel Oranges, f e per dozen IJC Strictly Fresh Eggs, -n per dosen ....."v Olive, per TP quart JJC And $3.00 In Green Trading Stamps. Jam and Jell, all flavors, 15o C aise for JC 21 pounds Pure Cane Oranu- f AA luted Sugar for I.UU 48-lb. sack Purity Flour, every C pound guaranteed, sick 1. 1 J And $3.00 in Green Trading Stamps. MEAT DZPAKT&UlsTT We always give you your money's worth. Steak, good and tender, 4 lbs..95o Klb Roast, per pound To 'Good Small Hams, per pound.. 9Ho Kp. 1 Skinned Hams, pound.. iavo Pork Loins, per pound Ss 11 lbs. Leaf Lard fpr 91.00 Grocery Co. Telephone Douglas 1530 Ad. Xfo. BR.AN BREAD Kecommended by Physicians for Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Made Only By Estella E. Fead Cafgrf' 2202 Farnam Street , Telephone Douglas 306. situation la becoming rather difficult. Peo ple now hold investigations because they really want to find something out, Instead of merely for the sake of soothing their minds." Washington Star. Sexto Foretala1 the Westker, When anybody saks Abe Hicks, sexton of the Bushby orthodox meeting house, what he thinks about the probabilities for fair weather, Mr. Hicks gives his opinion with the air of one having authority. "When I took the old bell rope In hand last night to ring her for the Christian Endeavorera," Mr. Hicka will aay on occa sion, "she's aquunched up dry aa an old bone. You no need to carry your umbrellas toduy, unlesa you want 'em for looks." But there are other times when Mr. Hicks shakes his head at the hopeful leaders of a plcnie party. "Better plan te stay nigh ahelt-r tody so' a )u tan (e( under cover," he says "They do good work" We have hundreds like this Thos. Dugher (EL Co. ....Dealers In-.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE YVISNER. NEB. Omaha 'Bee Enclosed Jind money order for $4.39 and keep our ads up until we notify you to stop. We are pleased with your ads as they do gtod work. Yours truly DUGHER & CO. Results are what you want. Then put your ad in next Sunday's, Bee. A few of the many things you can advertise.' Furnished Rooms Furnished Rooms and Board Houses for Rent Lost and Found Articles You can get a competent girl for housework, you can sell your real estate or buy a new home through Bee Want Ads THE BEST IN OMAHA That'a the reputation we have In the meat line. It has taken hard work and long experience to acquire that reputation but It la worth the effort and we are glad to be able to asmre our patrons that they can ab solutely depend upon our meats and poultry. Our meata are all carefully selected. Poultry Is dressed In our own shop and hung in the cold room not thrown promiscuously on chunks of Ice to become water soaked and soggy; That'a a point worth remem bering. SPECIALS FOE SATUIDAY Pork Lions ; . ,' lOHe Choice Lean Bacon, by the slrli.s, at ,..16Vfco t Pounds God Lard 8 So Spring Chickens, (our own dreaslng), at llo JOS. BATH'S CASH MARKET 1931 rarnam Street. i&nnBBnsBHesA We R.oaLst Coffee! I IM JVsX MOCHA MIXTURE I pound 3 3o S pounds for SI WT MflSTFOMfl M ,7. S ....... in miu inn yvi. 'Fhons Bong. 1628. 313 So. 11th SI firmly. "There wa'n't a mite o' give to my old bell rope till yesterday, but last night ahe'a most as m'lst aa a sponge, all kind o' stringy an' s podgy. I tell ye, I ahould put off that enterprise o' yours till next week. The roada'll be prime after the two days' rain that's, coming to us." Youth's Companion. Foibles mud Follies. Procrastination and Sloth once ran a race. Procraatlnation never atarted und Sloth ' never got there, ao the race waa declared a dead heat. The marriage of Loquacity to Preoccu pation la Ideally happy. She Is never In terrupted and he never hears. ' Flirtation pointed a gun, which was a coquette model, at a youth and pulled the trigger. "She didn't know It waa loaded." Negligence left his coat on the front steps to find that Slovenliness had wiped his feet n It. Goaalp picked the lock for Backbiting to go in and steal his neighbor's reputation. Impertinence, finding Curiosity peeping through his .neighbor s keyhole, promptly broke down the door. Because Insincerity tried t vote fur all Ad no. is. Vegetables and Fruits that denote perfection in cultural development, breathing the atmos phere of the resourceful south, amid the balmy breezes, and soft sunny light, twlxt glow of green and varied sights, security treas ured within the folds, invisible to the eye but, obviously present in taste. , Fresh Mushrooms New Beets New Turnips Green Onions New Carrots lnf Lettuce Ripe Tomatoes Head Lettuce Spinach ' Slender Cucumbers Button Radishes Cauliflower Crisp Celery Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dos..24c Creamery Butter, per lb....8Hc Walter Baker's Chocolate, per pound '. 83c Llpton's No. 1 Tea, hi lb. can. 20c Choice Imported Sardines, 2 cans, at 2!tc Imported French Peas, per doien cans $2.00 Large Juicy Navel Oranges, per dozen ' .24c Plump Turkeys Fat Geese Young Ducks Tender Chickens at greatly reduced prices for Sat urday. Sommcr Bros Iieeaents ef Ooed Llvln 28th and Farnam St the candidates at once he was arrested for stuffing the ballot bo. Century Mag azine. For the Open I'hasasiloaahlBi. An amusing story of amateur eport comes from Ilock vl lie, Md., where each year there la held a aeries of races "for all comers." The aun waa biasing down on a field of hot, excited horses and men all waiting for a tall, raw-boned beast to yield to the Im portunities of the starter and get Into line. The patience of the atarter waa nearly exhauated. "Bring up that horse!" he shouted. "Bring him up! You'll get Into trouble pretty aoon If you don't!" The rider of the refractory beast, a youth ful Irishman, yelled back: "I can't help It! Thla here's been a cab horse, and he won't start till the door shuts, an' I ain't got no door!" Harper's Weekly. Wllk aa Eye to the Fatare. Sheridan was about to start on his twenty-mile ride to Winchester. "I could do It quicker In an automobile, of course," he said, "but that would kneck the poem Into the middle of the next war." Pausing just long enough to permit the young man with the camera to take a snap shot ef him. he dashed the rua sls into a s steed and was off like an arrow. Chicago Tribune. COST OF THE CIVIL WAR Statistics of Vital and Financial Losses Incurred on Both Sides of the Conteat. Questions are constantly being asked, and statements are numerously made, as to the comparative forces engaged In the civil war of 18U1-66, and to loasea of the war and other mattera of Interest. It la not difficult to get Information as to matters on the northern side, since all records and reporta of the war are pre- ' served, but on the southern side the de sired particulars are not ao easily obtained. Borne of our records were destroyed and many were captured and carried to Wash ington, and In the course of time Interest ing Information Is brought to light. Mr. Caienove O. Lea of Richmond, but now residing In Washington, has been searching In the archives of both sides, and he has got hold oji variety of Important particulars from the oltlclHl records. Fram some figures of his recently printed state menta in the Richmond Dispatch, the fol lowing are extracted: Whitea from northern states 2,3K3,081 Whltea from southern states 81M2 Negroes 18o,iiW Indians Orand total J,lsu3,HJ It la claimed that some of these were ninety-day emergency men and that If the entire force be reduced to a three-years' baala the aggregate will be 1,320,271 The total confederate enlistments were" eo6,ooo. 1 From this It la seen that the southern army had to fight nearly, If not quite, four to one. The following figures are Interesting: Federal prisoners In confederate hand 270,(4) vuiiicuriaiv prisoners in leuerai hands 220.000 Confederatee died In federal prisons.. a.iM Federals died In confederate prlnona.. 21,(74 Percentage confederates deaths In federal prisons r 1 Percentage federal deaths In Confed erate prisons , . When we come to figures of costs and lossea we have the following: Cost of the war to the United States $3,08,438,(3S Pensions paid by United States since 18tM S.127, 801280 Interest paid by United States since 18& on United Slates debt t7M.81,3 Total to United States ),0U8S1,63I Confederate bonds lost my the war 12.000.000,000 Confederate notes lost by the war iOO.OOO.OOo Censua valuation In the aouth, 1W1, In excess of valuation 1870 2,37t,R30,17S Bank capital and circulation Ir-at J1XW6,42 Specie spent In Km rope during the war by the south 18,076,000 ' Increase of state debt of south during reconstruction 293,020,(41 Total confederate loss $6,296,012,249 Orand total of losses tl4.SU5,t73,7UT When It la conaldtred that the south' fought for four years against such odds of men and agalnat enormous superiority in material supplies, all the southern ports being closed by blockade agalnat the world, and after suffering vast losses In men and property, has recovered to the remarkable degree now enjoyed, one of the most aston ishing facts In human history is presented to the world. New Orleans Picayune. AN OLD and WELL-TIIIED ItEMEDT. FOR OVER SIXTY TEARS sua. wns&ows bootbtxsto mtavv baa been used lor ever SIXTY TEARS b rlLLlONS of sWTHKRH for their CHIL. KEN WHILE TEETHING. WITH 1'LR fcXT 8UCCB.HS. IT SOOTHES Ihe CHlI n" fcOFTtNS the OUMS. ALLAYS all PAIi? ' CURES WIND COLIC, and la the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Drull gists in every part of the world. Be aura nt ask for w MllS. WLNSLOW'S SOOTULNQ tfYIU'B