Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Kntered at Omaha postofflc aa eond
clas matter.
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Address complaint of Irregularltl In de
livery to City Circulating Department.
6maha Th Bee Building.
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Communication! relating to newa and edi
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Remit by draft, express or poatal order,
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Only I-cent stamp received In payment of
mail accounts. Peraonal check, except on
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State of Nebraska. Douglaa County. a:
Charlea c. Roaewater. general manager
f The Bee Publishing company, being duly
worn, any a that the actual number of full
and complete coplea of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Pee printed during the
month of December; 1006. waa aa follow!
1 11,870 17 88,870
I 80,880
4. 81,710
. .......... 81,700
II... 31,760
1 31,760
tO 38,670
'tl 81,690
II 31,00
it 30,890
14 31,710
ft 31,630
It 33,130
tl 31,770
tl.... 31,610
it..' 31,630
10 .' 80,800
11 31,810
II 88,180
14 81,80
IS 33,170
14 30,400
Lea unaold and returned coplea., 8,841
Net total 73,14
Dally average 81,391
General Manager.
Subscribed In my praaence and vworn to
(Seat) M. B. HUNOATE,
Notary, Public,
Sabacrtber leaf lac Ik eltv tarn
porarlly shoald aart To Bee
mailed to aen.. AddVc will s
changed aa oltn ii reejacstcd.
Alaska should now demonstrate the
value of its boasted coal deposits by
relieving the fuel shortage on the Pa
clflc coast.
The allegation that the Philadelphia
dynamiter came, from Iowa Is more
easily believed since the lynching at
Charles City.
One humane society Is recognized
as a good thing In any community, but
two humane societies may be too much
Of a good thing.
dt Persia has really reached a stage
where it can change rulers .without a
revolution it may soon pans Russia in
the race toward enlightenment.. '
, Senator Foraker'8 eagerness for
Senator Tillman' to "speak on the
Brownsville incident shows that he
wants to keep the resolution warm.
In preparing a collection of Amer
ican antiquities the government board
should not forget to. Include : the. ex
pired railway pass of a congressman.
With but five populist balldts. cat
in the Fifty-first representative dis
trict, Representative Carlin Is entitled
to insist upon being known as a demo-
"at- - ' -U, -
What the governor. of South Dakota
said about North Carolina boTrds may
not pasa into proverb, but as a clear
cut analysis of the case it Isentitled
t recognition.
Fort Omaha threatens to take the
place of the Indian warehouse as the
annual beneficiary of saving work on
the appropriation committee by Second
district congressmen. .
Scientists who declare that eating
candy prevents consumption would be
received with acclaim did not other
scientists declare that eating candy
produces appendicitis.
Russian revolutionists' seem to think
the holiday season should be cele
brated as Americans observe, the
Fourth of July, but Uncle Sam still
holds the record for casualties. -
With $1,100 saved in the postage
stamp account, Nebraska legislature
are pparently going on the theory
that economy should bejia at home
and It Is to be hoped that It 'will not
stay there.
Senator Allison expresses doubt as
to the enactment of currency legisla
tion at this session of . congress.
Friends and opponents of pending bills
may as well turn their attention to
other things. ..-. .
Some of our democratic city council
men are apparently of the opinion that
there Is no need of enlarging the ga
company's storage tanks so long a the
coupcll chamber Is at all times ready
with a reserve supply.
The Water board has met once more
and re-elected officers for the ensuing
year. This is a necessary formality
to secure the required signatures to
the salary vouchers, whose Issue is the
only business of the board.
After reading the effulgent eulogy
of the minority house leader, who by
threatening to bring down a small
earthquake frightened a big railroad
into giving htm a sidetrack, one would
naturally suppose that he spelled his
name Tremor Instead of Trenmor.
It Is gratifying to note from the or
ganization of the two houses and the
preliminary proceedings, the new Ne
braska legislature looks like business.
AM accounts seem to agree that the
atmosphere In the vicinity of the state
house Is decidedly clearer than it usu
ally is at this period Tf every second
year when the lawmakers commence
their abode at the capital.
To be sure, the lobbyists are on the
ground In ample force with regular
headquarters established for the dif
ferent railroads and other large cor
porate Interests, but-the door-sills are
as yet undergoing no serious wear and
tear from the procession of incoming
and outgoing legislators.
The temper of both senate and house.
so far as outward evidences go, Is em
phatically promising for the redemp
tion of the pledges that were the Issue
before the people at the last election.
Everyone reallzes.that "there Is many
a ellp 'twixt the cup and the Up," yet
the first prerequisite to the enactment
of the expected reform measures Is a
manifested disposition on the part of
the lawmakers to do the right thing
by the people.
The disposition seems to be there
and if the reforms fall later to ma
terialize, the change will have to be
charged up either to bad faith or to
corrupt manipulation.
If Governor Hoch's statement in his
message be true, that the laws passed
by the legislature two years ago are
saving Kansas consumers of oil more
than half a million dollars annually,
it Is a striking Illustration of the effi
ciency of state regulation. The open
ing of the memorable struggle with
the Standard Oil octopus in Kansas
resolved Itself practically Into legal
provision for maximum rates for oil
fehlpments' within the state, with en
forcement by the Kansas board of
railroad commissioners, and with ad
ditional restrictions on discrimination
in oil prices. For since one region in
Kansas -i a large producer of oil. It
was the policy of the trust to practice
discrimination both in oil prices and
in transportation rates and services to
destroy competition at every stage of
production and commerce.
The proofs marshalled In the gov
ernor's message establish the fact that
the legal limitation upon discrimina
tions of all sorts has been vitalized by
giving the state railroad commission
jurisdiction of complaints of violation
and powers to provide remedy. The
result on the one hand accordingly is
a large number of Independent refiner
les in successful operation, rapidly de
veloping the rich oil resources which.
the OH trust had practically monopo
lized, while on the other hand the con
sumers are supplied at a lower aver
age price than before, which is also
equitable to all' consumers, and not
extortlonally'htgh to some) and unduly
low to others. - l1 -
: "The whole matter, however remote
some of the consequences may. ap
parently be, thus reducos to the en
forcement of maximum state rates un
der a state railroad commission, com
petent and loyal to public Interest,
showing clearly that this method of
exercising public authority Is likewise
adequate , to remedy a multitude of
other abuses and wrongs in Industry
and commerce within state bounds and
perhaps beyond the Jurisdiction of the
national government.
It was of course to be expected that
the traffic managers of the Harriman
and - Hill transcontinental Systems
would endeavor to maintain that' such
a combination 'of parallel and' previ
ously Independent and competing
lines ' under one management, aa
each of ' them has - been organized,
does not make against competition.
That jB.the crux of the investigation
before the Interstate Commerce com
mission, as it was of the proceedings
under the anti-trust law by which the
Northern Securities company was ju
dicially dissolved. Traffic Managers
Stubbs of the Harriman and Hannlford
of the Hill combine, each vested with
despotic powers over his entire system.
or executing the orders of the despotic
clique In control, are In the position of
defendants, and admission of restric
tion of competition by them would be
tantamount to a plea of guilty.
Yet aside from the specific proof of
elimination or Impairment of competi
tion by auch combinations. It Is inher
ently a contradiction of competitive
motive. It is not denied that there
may be other motives for proprietary
control of a competing road, like
economy of administration, avoiding
duplication of services and speculative
schemes, most of which., however, are
Involved in competition, but unques
tionably the paramount motive Is Its
annihilation, a fact which no sophisms
nor protestations of the chief Instru
ments for Its accomplishment ran
change or obscure.
The essence of . proprietorship Is
dominion. Competition tinder unified
dominion over parallel roads Is as un
thinkable a liberty under despotism.
Unified dominion In Industry, as In the
political fie)d, is potential tyranny, and
experience shows that such power,
while it might conceivably be "benev
olently" employed, will be often self
ishly abused, bo that its very exist
ence is not only an evil, but the grav
est peril to the people.
' The defensive point against this
fundamental fact made by the traffic
managers when pinned down Is merely
a play upon words, whereby they sub
stitute for "competition" the mere
seal, activity and Interest of employes
of parallel roads after the very
ground had been cut from under
competition by common control. But
the power 4o compete in rates and
services Is practically destroyed when
an Interest not to compete Is created
by merged ownership.
The principle of Industrial Inde
pendence Is, Indeed, more vital today
to the public welfare than ever it was
before. A railroad, though necessar
ily a monopoly as to mere local ship
ping points, could, through discrimi
nating rates, charge back onto these
any sacrifices of revenue at Junction
or points of competition with other
roada. While interposing to restrain
to no small extent this abuse, the law
Is now threatened with nullification
through .the elimination of all compe
tition by common ownership or con
trol of previously competing roads.
What now concerns the public Is the
fact of the ominous peril of whose ex
istence there have recently been such
surprising revelations. Relief depends
largely upon due appreciation of the
conditions confronting us as a pre
requisite to ability of the public au
thorities to apply the remedy at the
right place.
The horrifying resort to lynch law
In our neighboring state of Iowa af
fords a peculiarly timely illustration
of the demoralising tendency of indis
criminate executive clemency to crim
inals and the stimulus given to mob
violence by the undue multiplicity of
pardons and paroles. The Iowa lynch
ing, apparently participated In ac
tively or passively by the entire com
munity, is openly excused and justi
fied by pointing to a similar case of
wife murder in the same county, in
which the murderer, after being con
victed and sentenced to be hanged,
twice received reprieves and then a
commutation to life imprisonment.
Peoplo seeing convicted criminals es
caping merited punishment by the ar
bitrary interference of executive par
dons are naturally tempted to con
clude that the only way to make sure
that the law Is vindicated is to take
Its execution Into their own hands.
This lesson should not be lost upon
Nebraska, where the pardoning power
has been lately even more flagrantly
abused. Prosecuting officers, Judges
and juries have been doing thelrwork
In this state largely to no avail be
cause the penitentiary has had an open
door for prisoners to walk out by
tlcket-of-leave purporting to be a par
don, commutation or parole handed to
them by the governor without even
setting up any claim in mitigation of
their offenses. It is simply good for
tune that the fair name of Nebraska
has not been besmirched with the
odium of a lynching now and then to
make sure that some red-handed vil
lain should not go unwhlpped of Jus
tice. In view of the suits to annul merg
ers of competing railroads the pro
vision of the Nebraska constitution is
worth remembering. The men who
framed this Instrument inserted the
following clause:
No railroad corporation or telegraph com
pany shall consolidate its stock, property
franchisee or earnings, in whole or In part,
with any other railroad corporation or tele
graph company owning a parallel or com
peting line; and In no case shall any con
solidation take place except on public
notice of at least sixty day to all stock
holders in such manner as may be pro
vided by law.
A subservient 'supreme court in
days gone by has taken the edge off of
this prohibition by holding that two
roads connecting the same points were
not parallel because they intercepted
at their terminals, nor competing be
cause Intermediate points on one road
had no benefit of the other. But or
dinarily, if the Harriman and Hill in-
terests undertake to consolidate their
holdings In Nebraska this section of
our constitution might at least make
them trouble.
The sale of a farm of 400 acres In
Douglas county several miles from
Omaha at a price averaging $125 an
acre Is striking testimony to the In
creasing land values in thla vicinity.
Doubtless the Improvements on the
farm represent a considerable part of
the purchase price, but even taking
that Into account such a figure testi
fies strongly to the. prevailing pros
perity. A fight over pure food legislation Is
sighted by the law-makers at Lincoln.
The fight, however, Is not to be so
much over restrictions as to food adul
teration; but aa to whether the super
visory powers shall be vested in the
board of health or in a pure food com
mission. The psospect of a few sala
ried Jobs Is always enough to precipi
tate a fight.
The redoubtable Charles Wooster
ccmea to the front with a qualified de
fense of the hireling lobby. Wooster
Is Inclined to believe that the law
maker who Is approached occupies the
same position as the woman who
winks, and he is sure that no one ever
approached him improperly when he
was in the legislature.
Some railroad managers say that
Inability to punish employes ade
quately for disregarding rules Is re
sponsible for many accidents. As it
Is an open secret that the operating
departments otten wink at such disre
gard of rules until an accident occurs
It might be Well to apply adequate
punishment all around.
The charge that Senator Bailey
bought a ranch with money famished
by H. C. Pierce would be of greater
interest at Washington if the United
States owned unoccupied land in
And now the farmers' Institutes are
resolving themselves Into advisory
bodies to Indicate to the legislature
what lawa are demanded by the peo-
pie. To be effective the institute
dates will have to be moved up in or
der to permit them all to speak before
the law-makers get out of hearing.
The first ballot in the Michigan sen
atorial caucus disclosed one Smith
with 35 votes, another Smith with IS
votes and still another Smith with 2
votes. The Michigan Smith family
should hold a reunion.
There Are Olhera.
Portland Oregontan.
Oregon legislators who, for obvious rea
sons, will very soon buy tickets to Salem
can And a precedent in Jonah, I, 3, wherein
It ways, among other things, "He paid Ma
fare thereof, and went."
Jmmt Like the Otkera.
, Minneapolis Journal.
Mr. Guggenheim of Colorado Is aston
ished that anyone should quastlon his right
to pay the campaign bills of the legisla
tors who are to elect him to the senate.
Why, they all do that!
Starting Ont for a Record.
Baltimore American.
Fire, wrecks on land and sea and epi
demics have marked the beginning of the
new year. Destiny certainly seems to be
after humanity just now with a big stick.
Or It may be that events are shaping them
selves to show an unsuspected amount of
human agency in the big disasters of the
Temptation to Mpelllnc Reform,
Baltimore News.
President Roosevelt has been elected an
honorary member of the Gaelic society of
Chicago because of his proficiency In the
Irish language and literature. Has It been
taken Into consideration what temptations
to spelling reform Gaelic combinations of
consonants present to one addicted to suoh
ventures T
Overworked Trainmen.
New York Tribune.
One of the engineers in the railroad wreck
near Washington swears that he wae on
duty continuously thirty-three hours and
had had only eight hours' sleep In fifty
seven hours. If that Is true he was In no
condition to have charge of a locomotive,
and putting him In a place of auch responsi
bility showed a reckless disregard of human
life. If his case Is typical, aa la reported,
of what Is going on throughout the country,
point Is given to Mr. James J. Hill's re
marks on the present danger of railroad
Banishment of Lobbyists.
Philadelphia1 Record.
The professional lobbyist who takes
money for his lobbying is an unmitigated
nuisance. Governor Folk of Missouri pio
poaea to aboIlBh htm. A bill la now under
consideration in the Missouri legislature
which makes the act of taking money for
legislative lobbying a mtsdomeanor.. lov
ernor Sheldon of Nebraska recommends a
similar statute. Something haa been dona
in Pennsylvania to temporarily drive away
from the precincts of the capltol the brasen
assemblage of bowses who, speaking in the
name of party organisation, dominated the
work of legislation. If the paid lobbyists
could also be banished there would be a
great resulting Improvement not only In
the promotion of legitimate measures, but
in the defeat of Illegitimate schemea bol
stered by corrupt methods.
Necessary Fond for Enforcement
Provided by Coaarreaa.
St. Louis Republic.
' Now that congress haa mnde an appro
priation to enforce the pure food taw, we
may expect to see the effects of Its 'ap
plication to the evils It is Intended to cor
rect. Some criticism has been directed
against what has been .called the insuffi
ciency of the appropriation to carry out
free operation of the measure.
Whatever the merits of this clnlm may
be, enough money haa apparently been
provided to at least prove the efficiency of
the law. Public Interest In the early en
forcement of Its provisions is vital, since a
careful scrutiny of the statute shows that
it possesses the essentials of a powerful
remedy against adulteration of food.
Being Interstate in lta scope, the measure
J strikes at the very root of the evil in that
It prevents the shipment from one mate to
another of articles of food that fall within
the restrictions. Investigation which pro
ceded the enactment of the law, and upon
the results of which It was framed, demon
strated that many of the adulterated foods
were of the kind manufactured for export
throughout the country.
While under the law the manufacture of
these adulterated foods cannot be pro
hibited nor thalr sale restricted In the
state where they are produced, the effect
of the measure should cripple the Industry
In a way that will destroy the greatest
profits In the making. The tnattor of pro
hibiting the manufacture or sale of adul
terated foods within any state i left to the
legislatures of the several statea. Already
In a number of states steps have been
taken to bring about this very relief.
The action of the federal government In
attacking the evil through Its Interstate
regulations will undoubtedly lend Impetus
to the effort's of the states to protect the
public health from the effects of Impure
Political Grip of Corporation Hear
ing the End.
Chicago News.
From many wtstern states are reported
moves to break three big links In the chain
whereby the railway corporations have held
the political and Industrial life of the na
tion and the slates mora or less bound.
Sixteen commonwealths contemplate legis
lation to extend provisions of the new na
tional railway regulation statute to within
state commerce. As things atand. for ex
ample, a railway can keep on giving re
bates on business that begins and ends In
a given state. The federal government's
luck of Jurisdiction, over such commerce
leaves a wide opening for abusea within
state borders, and possibly a loophole for
manipulating discriminations on Interstate
Paisra have given to tho railway com
panies their most subtle meana of con
trolling politics. Under the new law for
bidding the giving of free tickets for In
terstate rides It might be possible for a
railway lohbylst to give a Chicago political
heeler desiring to go on his line to Iowa,
for Instance, two tickets, one from here
to a station on tho Illinois bank o( the
Mississippi river and another from a point
on the wrst bank to hia destination. Be
that as it may. the average politician says
of state passes alone that "they help some."
Seven western states-are reported as con
templating antl-pnaa legislation. '
As railways have subtly held control of
politicians through the pasa, so the bosses
have mysteriously dominated the voters by
moans of the back room caucus. Direct
primary legislation la planned In four
states, and in Illinois It la urged, that the
present law be tightened.
All of thla legislation will b opposed.
Railway lobbies may circulate local pasaes
more freely than ever.' Politicians will be
reluctant to give up even the state-pass
graft ami slow to give over to the voters
their control of politics. Citizens of all
commonwealths should remember how pub
lic opinion brought recent national legisla
tion and should concentrate auentlua upon
their (cspicllv stats houses.
Mlaar Srenes anil tneldeata Sketched
a tke Spot.
The medal constituting part of the Nobel
peace prise recently awarded President
Roosevelt by the Norwegian Storthing la a
solid plate of gold about four inches In
diameter and contains ISO worth of the
yellow metal. It bears the profile head cf
Alfred Nobel, with the dates of his birth
and death on one side, and on the other
three male figures, two of which are strug
gling In combat and the third Is acting as
peacemaker. Surrounding the figures are J
the words, "Fro pace et fraternltnte gen
tium" "For the peace and brotherhood of
nations." The president's name Is deeply
out Into tbs rim of the medal.
John Sharp Williams was chatting pleas
antly with Charlea H. Groavenor, James
W. Wadt-rrth and Joseph W. Babcock,
all seeming to be In the merriest of moods.
A southern congressman observed the quar
tet disapprovingly and later Bald to Mr.
Williams: "Seems to me you are getting
pretty thick with republicans, and high
tariff, stand pat republicans at that I"
"Tea," was the quick reply, "those fellows
are republicans alt right, and of the dyed-in-the-wool
type. I only wish that there
were more like them." "Why er Isn't
that treason T" stammered Mr. Williams"
friend. "Not a bit of It. sir. They are
defeated republicans," said the gentleman
from Mississippi, aa he strode to his seat.
A notable feature of President Roose
velt's administration which HHs not at
tracted wide attention Is the number of
men of large wealth who are serving the
public at the request of the president, re
lates the Washington Herald. Mr. .Roose
velt has not attached them to the publlo
service because of the wealth, but because
of special fitness which he recognised In
them. Among the rich young men who
have been put In prominent places by Presi
dent Roosevelt are Assistant Secretary of
State Robert Bacon, James Rudolph Gar
field, soon to be secretary of the Interior;
John E. Mcllhenny, civil service commis
sioner, and Olfford Plnchot, the official na
tional forester. The fortune of each of
these gentlemen Is large and their govern
ment salaries represent, a mere pittance in
their cost of living. Mr. Bacon mnde his
fortune aa a member of the firm of J.
Plerpont Morgan A Co., while Messrs. Gar
field and Plnchot inherited the greater part
of their fortunes, as did also Mr. Mcll
henny. Otljer persons of ample fortune
who are doing valuable work for the gov
ernment, but who are not much heard of,
are Theodore Gill, one of the world's
greatest authorities on fishes, and Dr. Har
rison O. Dyer, who is said to know more
about mosquitoes than any other living
man. Numerous other rich men are on
the government pay roll at nominal sal
aries,' working for the pleasure of "doing
things," as President Roosevelt likes to
put It. The president Is said to be con
vinced from his long experience in public
life that if decent and ungreedy rich men
were more numerously represented In office
there would be less danger of official graft
and corruption.
A circular Issued by the National Grocers'
association, advising members that there Is
nothing In the pure food law that prohibits
the sale of goods containing coloring mat
ter or preservatives, and that "fictitious
names may be used with Impunity . until
next October," caused Secretary Wilson of
the Department of Agriculture to utter a
few warm words of advice and warn
ing. "While the machinery for en
forcement haa not . been completed,"
said Secretary Wilson, "the law is In
force and any merchant or manufacturer
who violates It does so at his peril. If
any of these gentlemen think they can defy
tit law with impunity, - let them try it." '
The secretary sold that' labels now In the
hands of manufacturers and dealers may
be used until the 1st of October, because
the department has no desire to Impose
upon them a heavy loss.
"But," said the secretary, "on all prod
uct entering Into Interestate or foreign
Commerce It will be necessary to have a
label that will show what the package con
tains. If the old label does not show thla,
a paster put upon the package must show
it For Instance, If a package contains
cottonseed oil, either the label or the
paster must show that It la cottonseed oil,
and not olive oil. If unwholesome color
ing matter Is used by the manufacturer,
he will lay himself liable to prosecution.
NO aniline dyes, or deleterious preserva
tives will be permitted In food products,
and manufacturers may aa well make up
their minds to that and adjust their busi
ness accordingly."
A bill granting a pension of $26 a month
to Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, the widow of
the distinguished confederate general, Is
pending in the senate. Jackson waa a
graduate of th West Point Military
academy and served In the United States
afmy several years before the civil war.
Upon the occasion of the visit of President
and Mrs. Roosevelt to Charlotte, N. C,
last year Mrs. Jackson was one of the first
persona the president met. He presented
her to Mrs. Roosevelt and .the two paid a
visit to the home of Mrs. Jackson, who has
lived In Charlotte many year.
Senator Cullom la over 70 and has given
up smoking. When he was taken 111 In the
Navy department recently the naval sur
geon who was called In pronounced It a
tobacco heart from overindulgence and
directed him to abstain. Senator Cullom
promised and haa kept his word, but he
laughs as he says: "It Wasn't ao much of
a Job as the doctor thought It would be,
for I often didn't amoke for a month at a
i time and never more than one cigar or
a part of one a day.
Llllle Langtry, vaudeville queen, becomes
Lady de Bathe, and tha British aristocracy
may be counted upon to raid the show.
Captain James E. White, general super
intendent of the railway mail service, haa
resigned after serving sixteen years In that
position. He retires because of Ill-health.
John D. Rockefeller again admonishes
the people to be economical. Wnen a man
Is handing out advice he always insist
upon giving that for which he haa the
leat use.
Israel Munson Spelman, Harvard's oldest
living graduate, celebrated his ninetieth
birthday on December SO. He Is a graduate
of the class of '36. He was at one time
president of the Boston A Maine railroad.
Rudyard Kipling, who dislikes the winter
climate of England, will blot out the win
ter months from his calendar iy a visit
to South Africa, where he has k beautiful
house near Cape Town, given to him by
Cecil P.hodes.
Emperor William, among other Christmas
tokens he gave to Ambassador Tower,
presented him with a large portfolio of
drawings by the (amour artist Menial,
dealing with military subjects of th time
of Frederick the Great.
A California woman married a man who
bad lost both lege and an arm In a railroad
wreck, and then ah engineered the lawsuit
whereby he gut a verdict of 10(W
damage. And yet they say that woman
has no head for business.
Milton H. Smith, president of the Ixmli.
ville a Nashville Railroad company, will
resign on March I. His advanced age la
the reason assigned for the step, he being
new 77 year old. He will be aucceedeJ
by Vic President Coorgc B. Evans.
tmmlaratloa aa a Dosres of National
Van Norden"s Magazine.
We hellevs that this nmgatlne Is the only
periodical that has laid emphasis on the
existing phenomenal Immigration as a
leading cause of our unprecedented pro
perlty. The following table show-! the num
ber of Immigrants for a number of years:
Tear ended June . 1RW
. 4r.:.:R?
. jii.ns
. 44S.R72
. 4-.!i-;
. MS.743
. ir,7.Mfl
. SI 2.87
Tejir ended June lm
Tear ended June , lv
Tear ended June ., lwio
Tear ended June Sn. 1iil
Year ended June SO, 192
Tear ended June . 11
Year ended June SO. 14
Year ended June SO, Ju5
Tear ended June 80, 19U8
It will be noticed that figures suddenly
rose In the summer of WQ. the beginning
of the present vast Industrial activity. The
year 1905 passed the million mark for the
first time, and so striking I the Im-rease
thla season that a dally paper reports that
the secretary now pred!ot that next Juno
SO will show an Immigration of
Think of It; at that rate a city as large
as Albany added to our population every
three weeks the year round! '
Every year, at that rnte. will add to the
republic a population equal to the'cltles of
Boston, Rochester, Syracuse. Albany, Buf
falo and Pittsburg combined.
Every Immigrant murt wear shoes and
clothea and be fed and housed. Wbcn It
was announced that a half of San Fran
cisco was to be rebuilt, but for the same
population as before, our traders and man
ufacturers shouted with delight at . the
prospect of so much business; but how
overwhelming Is the thought that Boston.
Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, Buffalo and
Pittsburg aro not only to be wholly built
anew,- but that a population equal to what
they had" In 1900, and a population that
never existed before In this country, must
not only be provMed with houses, but clad,
fed, given many comforts and luxuries, be
sides providing employment for doctors,
lawyers, teachers, railway men and a hun
dred classes of wage earners!
Will prosperity continue? Nations are
struggling fiercely for "new markets" for
their wares. This favored land of ours Is
having great markets thrust upon It. for
In the coming ten years, with immigra
tion at this year's rate, the populous lands
of Holland, Belgium, Denmark and Swlts
erland that Is, their, equivalent in numbers
will be added to our people, and this
"new market" will be absolutely our own;
no nation can Interfere with It.
To care for this mighty movement rnll
roads must Increase their rails and equip
ment; new turnpikes must be built; as
many fr.?torlea of all kinds must be opened
as existed in 1SW; the mines must be made
to produce 15 per cent more than they do
now; we shall require millions more of
bales of cotton, and the farmers will need
to use their utmost skill to produce enough
food for the enlarged number of consumers.
Imagine the demand for electrical appli
ances alone that such a migration will
Railroad Managers Drifting Away
from Patrona of Roads.
Minneapolis Jourral.
B. F. Yoakum, chairman of the executive
committee of the Rock Island, made a state
ment to the New York Herald the ether
day which is worth noting in connection
with the current discussion of the relations
between tho railroad and the public. Mr.
Yoakum had been out on an extended in
spection tour, talking with the people along
the line, studying tholr interesta and In
forming himself with regard to the ability
and dispoeltion of that road to serve its
publlo to the beat advantage, and when he
got back to New York he had reached the
conclusion that what was needed waa a
more mtlmate and friendly relation between
the railroad and public.
He said: ''In devoting our efforts to the
development of the railroad I fear we have
been forgetting the real owners in other
words, the men along the line who art
shipping their cattle, produce and mer
chandise, and whose Interests are bound
up with the property." By "the real
owners" Mr. Ycakum, of course, meant to
symbolise the obligation whioh the rail
road owes to the public along its line, to the
business men of all classes who have taken
it for granted In developing their business
that the railroad will furnish St reason
able prices the service which the public
along Its line, to the business will require.
He continued, "A corporation whose man
agement Is closely Identified and stands on
friendy terms with citizens of the com
munities served has In their good will and
friendship an asset of Inestimable value."
and he believes that a better understanding
"would have a wholesome effect in stopping
the present unnecessary agitation against
"Owners and managers of great corpor
ations," he says, "have unfortunately dur
ing the last few years drifted away from
direct contact with the public," and by s
doing have suffered. What Mr. Yoakum
calls attention to Is a natural result rail
road and other kinds under control of n
few. The management cf tho Ircal enter
prise comes in contact with its local public
and Is interested In that public s weirare.
The local enterprise absorbed In the trust
or the railroad merger falls into tha control
of men who have no personal interest In
local concerns, and erect between them
selves and the publlo they aerve a feeling
of remotenes and Indifference wnicn
destroys the interest of the local public and
sacrifices Its sympathy and goodwill.
But what else Is to be expected If the
railroad Is to be operated as a stock-dealing
enterprise whose management Is Inter
ested chiefly. If not solely, in the extraction
of the largest posnlbte net earnings for the
payment of the largest possible dividends,
regardless of whether the service rendered
Is satisfactory or the physical condition of
the property is able to meet the demands
likely to be made upon It? Mr. Yoikum
has touched upon a live Issue. His ex
planation of the difficulty Is In large meas
ure the correct one. It is significant that
It comes from a railroad man of so much
. Labels of the Slew Era.
Springfield Republican.
Th old label was "Raipberry Jam;" but
now It reads, "Compound apple Jelly,
raspberry flavor." Another old label waa
"Vermont marl syrup:" but now It reads,
"Vermont syrup, mad from choicest maple
and cane sugar mixture." It's a new year
and a new era In commercial honesty.
Comes from the txtt tea gard us cf the world and reaches your table
with its native purity and delicious flavor. If you hare never ufd Tetley'a
you have never tried the bent tea growu.
McCORD-BRADY CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha.
(Ir)iis Ready to Foreclose Ilia Mrt
aa oa the Democracy.
Brooklyn Eagle (Ind. Dem.).
Formal application for first place on th
next presidential ticket of the democratic
party has been filed by Mr. Bryan, who has
had some cxierlence as a candidate. True,
he has not said, In so many words, that he
wants th nomination, but thr can be no
doubt about the meaning of We recent
pronouncement. Calling attention to the
fact that he has net said he would not, ba
a candidate, he protests that sucn a nigit
honor Is something no American citizen
should decline. This Is not subject to
variety of Interpretations. It has all th
significance, though not the phraseology of
an application. It serves notice upon th
country generally and the democratic party
more particularly. Also. It is the plainest '
sort of an Intimation to other aspirants a
sort of keep-off-the-nrasa notification.
So, the democratic kismet materialises
once more, boblng up, as it were, with
typical serenity. He made a poor record
at the polls In 18 and a worse one four
years later, but nothing In the political
code prevents him from referring his
traduccrs, respectfully or otherwise, to th
Mill poorer showing mnde by Alton B.
Parker. Moreover, he has the further con
solation of knowing that much of the
thunder he exploited as a nominee has,
according to his statement cf the caaa,
been stolen by one Theodore Roosevelt, ,
which theft he construes Into a compliment,
because Mr. Roosevelt happens to be presl- '
dent. It Is further construed ns an Indorse
ment, a vindication, a Justification, with
more to the same effect. j
Mr. Bryan makes no exception when h
says "such a high honor Is something no
American citizen should decline." He d'-s
not even except the present Incumbent of
the office of president, notwithstanding th
fact that Mr. Roosevelt has almost regis
tered a negative vow in heaven. However.
It Is worth while recalling that at rhort
Intervals Mr. Bryan reminds the president
of tills vow, fearing, perhaps, that possibly
he will forget it. He may. He haa Just
received warrant for forgetfulnesa from
Nebraska. He has Just been told that no
American citizen should decline, and h
la an American citizen.
Unfortunately. Mr. Bryan cannot run both
conventions. He cannot prescribe a pro
gram for the republicans. It Is not with
in his province or Jurisdiction, to tell th
party In power that It should dismiss from
its mind all thoughts of Theodore Roose
velt, thus taking the president at hie word.
So Mr. Bryan must take his chances. Ho
must foreclose the mortgage he has or
seems to have upon the democratic nomi
nation, with tho possibility that the prefer
ences of Roowvelt will not be consulted
when the next national convention of th
republicans, having disposed of preliminar
ies, gets down to serious business. Al
ready a Roosevelt league la In existence
which is to say, the campaign for another
term for the president has begun.
Well, the republicans can afford to "abide
tho event." Apparently, the democrats havo
no choice. The man who did not bellcvo
In miracles was asked what view he would
take of the case of one who fell three times
from the roof of a fifteen-story building
without injury. The first fall he called an
accident, the second a coincidence, the third
a habit. Tho party ha contracted tha
Bryan habit. Though the Parker nomi
nation was an Interlude or lntermlpslon.
the habit persists. Those who look for
availabilities elsewhere find scant cause for
encouragement the kismet Is there, with
every grappling Iron out. He Is on th
roof, ready for tho third fall.
"That man's too mean to swear off any-
"iiaay. Don't Judge' him harshly. You
never saw him in action about the time
Ola taxes ware due did you 2" Philadelphia t
' "The pirrot that Jack gave his fiancee for
a Christmas present broke off their en
gagement." "w hy t"
"Because the parrot kept saying, 'Klsa
your Nellie, Jack,' and his fiancee's noma
la Margaret." lialtlmore Ameilcan.
"Yes, his wife refused to vote at the
election and he says all the other women
In the club are awfully mad."
"What reason did she give?"
"Said she hadn't been introduced to any
of the candidates." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"I suppose," said the bachelor, "when
you have some serious Illness It niUBt ba a
great comfort to be married."
"Well," replied Henpeck, "sometimes
when you're married It seems as if It
would be a great comfort to have some
fatal Illness." Philadelphia Press.
"Do you expect that bill you Introduced
In congress to pass?"
"No," answered the statesman, "but It
will serve its purpose as a reminder to my
constituents that I am here." Washington
Opportunity had knocked at a ma.n's door
and there had been no response.
"The lazy, good for nothing sluggard!"
exclaimed opportunity, turning away. "1
.sn't worth a minute of anybody's time!"
From which we learn that Opportunity
rometimea keeps on knocking. Chicago
"That western poetess we met th other
night is all soul.
"I know slut is."
"You have read her poems then?"
"Then how could you tell?"
"I saw her feet." Baltimore American.
Louis E. Thayer in Success.
H wanted a Job, and, like everyone else,
He wanted a good one, you know;
Where his clothes would not soil and his
hands would keep clean,
And the salary mustn't tie low.
He asked for a pen but1 they gave him a
And he turned half away with a shrug,
But he altered his mind, and, seising lbs
spude he dug!
He worked with a will that I bound to
And the months and the years went
The way it was rough and the labor was
But his lienrt he kept filled with a song.
Some Jeered him and sneered at the task,
but h" plugged
Just aa hard as lie ever could plug;
Their words never seemed to disturb him
a bit as he dug.
The day ra-ne at last when they called for
the spade
And gave him a pen in lta place.
The Joy of achievement was sweet to his
And victory shone in his face.
We rnn't always get what we hope for at
Success cuts many- queer Jigs. .
But one thing Is sure a man will succeed
If he digs.