Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Secretary of lute Bend K&kri Rco
mtodatiant to Leciiletnra.
Cattle O ol Paase. Jleeessltate. a
Larger Aptreprlatlea for tae
F. pease, at tk Board aa
the Exaaataare.
(From, Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 10.-8pecial. Secretary
Royse of the BUt Banking board ha made
the following recommendation! to the legis
lature: While the banking act of thla state In the
main ha proven very satisfactory, expe
rience nan shown that some needed amend
ments are required to make It effective.
Under the present provision banks under
the supervision of this department are re
quired to pay for but one examination each
year. Experience proves that It Is some
times necessary to make mors than one
examination each year In order to keep
the requirements of the law enforced. This
Is usually due to the negligence or In
competency of the management of the
bank, snd I would respectfully recommend
an amendment providing that an exam
ination fee (hall be paid for each exam
ination found necessary by the department.
There Is no reason why. In eases where
the management makes more than one ex
amination necessary, that the work should
be done for nothing.
With regard to a surplus fund, under
the piesent revenue law a bank Is taxed
on Its capital, surplus and undivided
profits. This provision of the law ha a
tendency to discourage, on the part of
banks, the building up of a surplus fund,
which Is certainly a safeguard to the sol
vency of a bank, and the department be
lieves that It would be wise to only tax
the capital and surplus up to the point
where the surplus equals 20 per cent of
the capital. This would have a tendency
to encourage' the building up of a surplus
which could not be but beneflolal.
F.xtendtn; Lesa Limit.
It Is further recommended that the pres
ent banking act be amended so that a
bank may loan 20 per cent of It capital
and surplus to any one Individual, Arm or
corporation. Instead or 20 per, cent of Its
capital, aa now provided.
The appropriation for each examiner by
the last legislature was f 1.200 for the bled
nlum. making two each year for expense.
which Includes transportation. 1 It must be
evident to the lawmaking body that this
sum Is entirely inadequate unless the ex
aminers accept free railroad transports
. tlon. If, In the opinion of the next leals-
l.lim k. ..llrn.J ...... . . .,,11 ..J
should be abolished, the present banking
act should be amended and appropriation
made sufficient to cover the traveling ex
penses of the examiners, which. It Is esti
mated, would require an appropriation
about double th amount heretorore appro
My predecessor recommended that th
Word '"bank" be defined by statute,, and
my experience bears him ' out In making
the' recommendation. The statute should
rovUi that the word "bank" Or "Danker
e used only by an. Individual, firm or cor
poration . chartered to do a banking busi
ness, and ti e word "bank" or ' bank rig '
be specifically denned as doing any one of
the following: Receiving deposits, paying
checks, buying and selling exchange.
Pursuing any one or all of the above a
a miriness should constitute a bank or
banking business end neoewiltnt a proper
authorization by the supervising authorities
of the state.
board deckled to let th Pell company put
In seven 'phones, and pay each company
17 per month.
tat Health Officers. lavestlgate
itery Told Qoreraor.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Jan. 10. (Special
Telegram.) Th local Board of Health
was' not little surprised to receive a
Visit of Inspection of Its methods of car
ing for smallpox In th pest house at
Alllanc today, caused by the complaint
(if C W. Rhode to th governor, who t
one caused Dr. Bpauldlng, state health
Inspector, and Dr. Sward, secretary, to
com to Alliance to Inquire Into th mat
ter. They visited th pest nous and took
very opportunity to make a full Investi
gation. They stat that they will report
to th governor that th statements made
to him by Rhodes ar . wholly without
foundation In truth. .That th party rep
sented as having been picked up on th
street with ' smallpox . had In fact been
rooming at the Rhodes rooming house for
three weeks When th disease was dis
covered, and that the family had every
chance to become Infected during that
time. That Rhodes' clothing was thor
oughly fumigated when he was discharged'
by Dr. Bellwood and that Rhodes was di
rected to take a thorough bath, and It Is
his own fault If direction were not car
ried out by Him. That all necessary med
ical attendance, as well as all necessary
maintenance, was furnished by the au
thorities. That the house where the fam
ily lived was thoroughly fumigated. That
they visited th pest nous and found It
In as good condition as any In the state.
That they ar fully satisfied that every
attention which was necessary for the
comfort of those confined In th pest
house was furnished.
This man Rhodes has a police court rec
ord for wlfe-beatlng and abuse of his
family, having -In. the short time ha has
lived In Alllanc been twice fined, once
tlO and onoe $100 for that offense.
been no suffering here for want of coal.
but there Is none of the dealer that can I
keep any stock of It on hand.
Railroad Improvemeats at Ashlaaa.
ASHLAND, Neb., Jan. . (Special.)
Th new subway which th Burlington I
building under Its track on Silver street
I near completion and th road Is rspldly
working out Its various alterations In th
yards at this point Tne yards have been
extended for over a mile In each direction
and many new sidings put In. This neces
sitates a cutting out of several hills and
the removal of Immense quantities of dirt.
A new pumping station has been Installed
on the Schuyler branch and the water main
I being laid to the central yards, whro
a new stand-pipe of Immense capacity I"
being erected. When completed the new
water service will be modern In every de
tail. Early In the sp.lng work on the new
passenger station, the freight depot, the
coal service buildings and th new round
house will begin, when all of the Improve
ments, which have been necessitated by
the, advent of the Ashland-Sioux City ex
tension, are completed, over $90,000 will
have been expended.
Victim of Brnle Wreck Bald Diamond
' Ulnar Was Takes from Him.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Jan. lft (Spe
cial.) It ha developed that, previous to
his death, Eugene O'Neill, a victim of the
Los Angeles Limited wreck at Brule last
; week, mad th . ugly charge that, Im
mediately after the wreck and while he was
in a boxcar. Injured so badly that he could
' not help himself, he was robbed of a dia
mond ring that was upon his finger.
The story of the charge Is being Inves
tigated by County Judge Mullln, to whom
O'Neill related It, both being members of
the Knights of Columbus, and Mullln hav
ing Incidentally visited th Injured men at
the hospital. The body of th San Fran
cisco man is still her, relative being 'on
the way from California. Until their ar
rival it is not known whether any further
Investigation will be had.
Sew Creamery at Norfolk.
NORFOLK. Neb., Jan. lft (Special.)
Norfolk has a new creamery company and
butter will begin to be made here at once.
Prominent local business men have formed
the new organisation, with a capital of
110,000 to start with. J. V. Ransom Is pres
ident, W. A. Wltslgman vie president and
George D. Butterfleld secretary. The city
milk houso has been bought as a place In
which to start operations. Later th com
pany will get larger quarters. It Is
plan ed to Induce farmers of all northern
Nebraska and southern South Dakota a
.vast cream-producing section to ship their
product here.
Low Telephone Rates.
DAVID CITY. Neb.. Jan. 10.-(Bpeclal.)-The
Bell Telephone company has in the
past year made several effort to .have
Its telephones placed In the court house,
but the old board was not willing and
used th Surprise telephones, paying for
them 113 per month. Wednesday the new
extraordinary Array of Bargain
Events at Drandeia,
Big Special ' Pnrrhuse of High
Grade,' Desirable Goods. .
Saturday will be the greatest spe
cial sale day of the entire reason.
Our great new store main floor, our
immense new bargain basement, our
ever popular old store, will be- devoted
almost exclusively to these rare bar
gains. '
These waists were purchased at far
Jess than their cost to maks. Made
of One albatrosses, mphalrs, French
serges, etc., plain and plaited effects,
in newest and most popular ideas,
long or the-juartr sleeves, worth
It and t Saturday, main floor new
store, at Mc
tlo AND I to.
Entire sample Unas from on of th
greath manufacturer of An shirts
In the United States. Th vary new
est styles, all kinds and all alios
positively greatest shirt values ever
known In Omaha -Saturday, on sal
at 2(o and lc.
W bought from Wiener Bros.,
Broadway. New York, thslr entire
stock on hand of Jewelry, watch
and leather goods, which w will sell
price or Uss, In )wlry department,
main floor new store.
Bought from Mm. Burby, a fash
ionable Fifth Ave. milliner, all her
stunning and original pattsra hats.
This artlstio millinery show th lat
est New York ideas, elaborately trim
med and worth regularly up to t2S,
Saturday at It.
Bought from Oonella Bros., I01i
Farnara street. Omaha, all their large
and email plaster Parle statuary,
busts, pipe racks, mural placauea,
wall frleses, bi nse effects, statuettes,
etc. Uonellas' prtcee up tu 111
Saturday at fo. 10a, ISO, two and II.
Had Bee Worklagr for Farmers In
Vicinity of Tecnmseh.
TBCL'MBEH, , Neb., Jan. 10 Two paroled
convicts from the - Nebraska penitentiary,'
w ho were working for Johnson county
farmer, .have "skipped" for parts un
known. One ( of the men was J. Patterson
and he was working for Appeincn St com
pany east of town. He Is sandy, medium
build, quits bald, and aged perhaps 27
year. His time would have been out In
July. Patterson left Sunday and it Is be
lieved he Journeyed south. The other man
Is Arthur Allen. He Is aged probably 23
years, 1 small of stature and part his
hair in the middle and curls on forehead.
Allen left on the northbound passenger
train Wednesday night. He had been
working for J. L. Jobes, south of town,
and drove Jobes' horse to town and put it
up at Townsend St Reynolds' livery barn.
His time would have expired In May.
Both were serving short sentences for
burglary and both were good prisoners
when confined behind the walls. Allen I
said to have denned three suit of clothe
before leaving. As the Jobes family was
away from home It Is not yet known
whether he appropriated anything before
going or not. The state will pay f es!i
for the apprehension of escaped paroled
New Rate for Supervisors.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 10. (Special.) In
following a ruling by the county attorney
the Adam county Board of Supervisors has
departed from the long established custom
by which new members of the board have
begun thslr service On the second Tuesday
In January following their election. The
constitution declares that all county of
ficer shall begin their service on the
first Thursday following the first Tuesday
In January. The office of supervisor, how
ever, I not mentioned In th constitution,
nor Is there any statutory provision de
claring directly when supervisors' terms
begin. The only law on the subject 1 one
providing for a reorganisation of boards
on the second Tuesday in January fol
lowing election. Until this year outgoing
members of the board have always served
until the second Tuesday. County Attorney
Snider ruled to the contrary and accord
ingly the terms of the new members will
date from the first Thursday after the first
This Is a question which has occasioned
considerable discussion In various counties
throughout the state. It has never been
passed upon by the supreme court and
there Is, therefore, no fixed rule to follow.
The Adams county board has reorganised
with Charles E. Hill as chairman.
Beatrice Commercial Club Work.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 10. (Speclal.)
The directors of the Beatrice Commercial
club held a largely attended meeting last
evening. Letter from a fruit evaporating
company, from parties desiring to exploit
our cement deposits, a shoe factory and
also a company to manufacture wire
fence and heavy wire products, express
ing a willingness to locate in Beatrice
If given th proper encouragement were
read and referred to th proper commit
tees. A resolution was Introduced and
unanimously adopted commending the
Burlington Railroad company tor building
its handsome new station In Beatrice.
Further steps were taken looking to ex
tension and improvements of the Inaltltu
tlon for Feeble Minded Youth by state ap
propriation. It was decided to postpone
the annual banquet of the club from Jan
uary IT to January 14. The club now has
a membership of about ISO member in
good standing and it expects to do much
good for' Beatrice the coming year.
Brlda Contract Eajotaed.
BEATRICE; Neb., Jan. 10.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) 8. A. Kinney of Wymore today
filed an Injunction against the County
Board of Supervisor and the John Qtlll
gan Bridge company of Falls City to pre.
vent them from carrying out th contract
for furnishing material and labor for
bridge In Qag county during th year
HOT Suit 4a brought on th grounds that
th contract let to th Ollllgan company
was Irregular and exorbitant In price.
County Judge Spaftord granted the Injunc
tion and the case will probably be called
next week In the district court. The oon-
tract for building bridge was let to th
Ollllgan company at sd much per foot, and
It is claimed that it will amount to 1X100
more than Sparks received for the aame
Jail Break In ; Seem Cnreale.
COLUMBUS, Neb., Jan. M. (Special.)
It will not be necessary for Ed Tsohudy
and Anton Hughes to apply for a pardon
from the power that be until they are
caught again. They have been In the
Platte county Jail serving out a senteno of
thirty days, and then thirty days mors was
given Tsohudy for breaking out of Jail
once betor and resisting Officer Burke.
About noon while the watchman waa not
looking Hughe and Techudy In some way
unbolted th bars of the window of th
Jail and got out. They have not been
caught and It la presumed that no one
will trouble themselves or be to much ex
pense to catch them, but will feel that It
la good riddance If they will only keep
Me smrplas f Coal.
HERMAN, Neb., Jan. 10. tSpeclsXr-Tne
Crowell Oraia company received a car of
bard coal yesterday and the car had not
been on the elding over aa hour until th
farmer war unloading from It. Tber baa
New of Nebraska.
'PLATTSMOUTH I Ray Wledeman and
Miss Emma Marvin were united In mar
riage last evening.
COLUMBUS The board of supervisors
reorganised at Its last meeting and elected
Hon. Mahlon Clother chairman.
EUSTI8 The school , board on account of
the crowded condition of the schools has
decided to rent another building.
BLUE HILL A. M. Potts and R. H.
Merritt of this city took In the shoot at
Geneva Wednesday and will also take part.
PLATTSMOUTH Some person .wiped"
a pair of high-topped shoes from from the
court house belonging to Frank Bvoboda,
tne janitor.
ORAND ISLAND The newly elected
county board has organised by the re
election of J. E. Moncrlef of this city as
EUSTI8 Frank Majewskl and I-ena
Buehl were married today by Rev. Hinder
man, pastor of the South church, fifteen
miles south of Eustls. ...
BEATRICE Mrs. R. Walker, whose three
children are ill from the smallpox at their
home northwest of the city, wss taken
down with the disease yesterday.
BEATRICE Hose company No. t held a
meeting and decided not to send a delegate
to the State Firemen's convention to be
held at Grand Island next week.
YORK Samuel E. Cain, former council
man of the city of Yorkwnd a business man
who has taken a great Interest In the city
of York, was married to Miss Daisy Welch
of Waco.
BLUE HILL The women of the Metho
dist Episcopal church served dinner and
supper at the church for the benefit of
those who attended the Farmers' Institute
Wednesday and Thursday.
DAVID CITY The new Board of Super
visors met Tuesday, after a little ecrap,
electing W. I. Runyon of Rising City
chairman, after which he appointed com
mittees for the ensuing year.
BEATRICE At the senslon of 'the county
board of supervisors yesterday Dr. C. 8.
Curry was unanimously elected county
physician. The committees are engaged In
checking up the various county offices,
i BEATRICE The annual debate between
the Beatrice and Lincoln High schools will
be held In this city next Friday evening.
Beatrice will be represented by Earnest
Hahne, Clifford Phillips and Henry Brandt.
HASTINGS A huge meteor was wit
nessed by many persons In Hastings Mon
day night. It cast a strong light over
the town and exploded with a loud report
when seemingly only a short distance
EU8TIS The recent sleet storm did lit
tle or no damage except to soften the
roads, which are In bad shape. Not much
grain Is moving at present, but a rush, is
expected a soon as th roads get in shape
for travel.
BEATRICE Cards are out announcing
the approaching marriage of Miss Blanche
Fretdaam to Mr. Edmund Kalmon of Al
bany, Ga which Is to occur at the home
of tho bride's parents In this city at hlgn
noon January 23.
HASTINGS In a shooting tournament
Tuesday afternoon C. C. Holsworth of
Juniata won tne county championship with
a score of forty-eight blue rocks out of
a possible fifty. Another county shoot
will be held February 2.
BEATRICE Owen Rlckett died yesterday
morning at his home In West Beatrice,
aged 74 years. He leaves a widow and three
children, two sons and a daughter. The
funeral was held today and Interment was
In Evergreen Home cemetery.
HASTINGS The funeral of George
Misen, sr., of Juniata was conducted from
the family home in Juniata yesterday after
noon. Mr. Misen waa one of the pioneer
settlers in Adams county. He " was th
father of County Clerk George E. Misen.
BEATRICE Word was received here
from Lincoln yesterday announcing the
death of Mrs. Chris Scharton, a former
resident of this city. The cause of death
was consumption. Deceased was 60 years
of age and leaves a husband and ten chil
dren. PLATTSMOUTH William A. Ingall of
8helby, Neb., and Miss Irene Leesley weie
united In marriage at the home of the bride's
patents. Mr. and Mrs John E Leesley, in
this city yesterduy. Rev. J. E. Houlgate,
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church,
ASHLAND Three unsuccessful attempts
have been made by Incendiaries to burn
the home of Otto Anderson, a prominent
farmer In Saundera county. At tlve last
attempt bloodhounds from Beatrice were
put on the trail of the firebugs, but were
unable to track them,
ASHLAND During the last year new
cement walks to the amount of 78,365 feet,
costing 11,6.2), were built by cltisens of
Ashland. There were 2,648 feet of cross
ings put In by the city at a cost of
Th crossings put In for ths city In the
year 19ue were 3,111 feet, amounting to
BEATRICE Mrs. H. J. Melnts died yes
terday morning at her home In Logan
township northeast of Beatrice from pneu
monia. Mra Melnts was born in the
Province of Hanover, Germany, and lo
cated In Gage county tsn years ago. She
was 65 years of age and is survived by a
family of two daughters and five sons, all
TECUMSEH The annual meeting of the
Johnson County Medical association will
be held at the Commercial club rooms,
Tecumaeh, Tuesday, January 14. In the
aflerncun a business session will be held
at which tlms ths officers for the coming
year will be named. A banquet will be
tiven at the Arcade hotel in the evening.
r. M. Stewart of Tecumseh will be th
toast niaaler.
BLUE HILL The following officers were
elected at the regular meeting of the Blue
Hill Volunteer Fire department on Wednes
day evening: Joe Chapman, chief; George
illaon, foreman of hose- cart No. 1;
Charles Armstrong, foreman of hose cart
No. 2; W. Klett, formean of hook and lad
der truck: Joe Cook, secretary; F. Muchow,
treasursr. Several new members were
ASHLAND The Missouri Paciflo railway
has a largs number of men at work at
Louisville driving piles along the Platte
river Snd rip-rapping the north bank of
the river at a point below Its bridge. A
huge blanket is being woven of willows, on
which Immense quantities of rock will be
dumped, with th bop of preventing th
Inroads of the river on the railroad's road
bed next spring.
ASHLAND The local managers of the
Ice houaes of Swtft and Company and
Armour 4 Co. now sxpress , the belief
that owing to the continued mild winter
weather they will be unable to fill their
ice houses at this point. The houses of
! both plants are now entirely empty. Last
vear Utile Ice was harvested, but both
companies had supplies sufficient not only
to nteet their needs, but to supply local
GENEVA Last night the Modern Wood
men of America gave their annual enter
tainment consisting of a program of muslo
and speaking and an oyster supper to their
wives and fanuliea Retiring Chief Consul
John Waring waa chairman. County At
torney A. L. Curtiss, J. J. Burke, Charles
H Sloan snd Mr. Waring were the speak
er's. The lodge team gave a drill under
Captain T. Sheldon. The evening waa en
Joyed by all present.
NORFOLK Dora Teel. a girl from
Tekamab. preferred a wayward life to re
turning home with her mother. The
mother arrived here from Tekamah and at
tempted to induce the girl to go back
home, and the girl promised. In fact she
went to a hotel with her mother and then,
on ore text that shs wamea to marry a
J man who dropped In, promising to be at
the morning train, ouaappearea. ins ais
couravsd mother went home alone.
PERU In honor of her recent election
as secretary of the State Teachers' asso
ciation. Miss Kathryn Wood a professor
of Latin In the Slate Normal school, was
railed out by the atudents yesterday for
a chapel talk. Mlas Woods spoke very
highly of ths recent meeting, complimented
President Crabtree upon the large normal
attendance and closed by quoting Presi
dent Stephens as saying that ha believed
at least one-half of thla year's attendance
consisted of normal school students and
gradual. She predicted a must success-
Nay Mtxnton
Patterns, all kinds
10 Discount
on All Regular
Lines of Corsets
Phone Douglas 981
Well Worth' While
ST IS well worth your while to go a long ways out of your way in order to attend
this great sale, for on each dollar you spend here now you save from 5 to 15
nickels, or enough to pay your railroad fare from 8 to 25 miles. Just think of it! So
if you spend $10 just see what you save, from $2.50 to $7.50, That sounds great,
but it's a FACT! For instance, $75 Coats for $25, and so on proportionately.
Here are a few of our Friday specials, but only a few, for, on account of lim
ited space, many of our best bargains go unmentioned.
Have You Seen the Magnificent Embroideries
We Put On Sale Friday
"We call attention to this ad in reference to them. They are without exception the best and grandest values ever of
fered anywhere. They are a spcial purchase for this gigantic UNLOADING SALE.
It's a chance of a lifetime. You can't afford not to buy. No one can who stops to look at the -wonderful values that
are offered at this great sale. If you have seen the window display you know what to expect. If not, all we can do is to
tell you about them.
30,000 yards of fine Linen, Batiste, Baby Irish Batiste, Swisses and Nainsooks Allovers, Flouncings, Yokings, Edges,
wide and narrow bands and insertions, Medallions,' Festoons and Appliques. Not one yard of this immense assortment sold
for one cent less than 50c and from that up to $4.00 a yard. Friday you take your choice of the whole in four big lots:
Sale commences at 8 o'clock. Be on time.
59c yard
A Few of the Many Excep
tional Good Values in the
Linen Section
Remnants of Table Linen, heavy weight Scotch
satin damask, full 70 Inches wide, grass
bleached, pretty floral, fleur-de-lis and snow
drop designs, and worth one dollar per yard,
2 yards for $1.35
2 yards for S1.69
3 yards for i .$1.08
Another case (1260 yards) of that brown kitchen
crash Toweling, heavy and absorbent, for which
other houses sell at Cc per yard, our UN
This stock consists of genuine Irish hand em
broidered Table Clpths, Bed Spreads, Sheets,
Pillow Cases, Shams, Squares, Trays and Scarfs,
all perfectly new, some slightly mussed or soiled
from window display and interior decorations,
but In good condition otherwise.
The prices range from ' -t II pieces, sold at
25c each to the large pieces - -Hi at $20 each. All
placed on one table and disposed of at one-half
their marked price. This is a bona-fide slaught
ering sale and absolutely the best value in de
pendable merchandise ever offered in this city.
Great Sale o! Ladies' Colored
Silk Taffeta Petticoats
Shades of navy, white, brown, red, tan, grey,
green and changeable shades. Prices were
$4.95, $5.50 and $5.95. See display In 16th
Street window all at $3.05
Ours is the most complete stock ever put on
sale In Omaha.
20 Off
Regular Prices
WAISTS Everyone at less than half, $1.98,
$119 -70
Those Who Have Read and
Friday We Make ,
This Great Silk Offer
30 pieces of fine, soft Silks, in all plain shades,
both light and dark, sold regular at 75c a yard,
WILL BE All wool French Challies, "Taocy
FlgureB. Checks and Stripes, light and dark
grounds, sold at 60c to 76c. FRIDAY AT, YD.,
Basement Bargains
Friday's Great Sale of Longj
Cloths, Shirtings and Fancy
White Mercerized Goods
Come early and look for the White Bargain
Square. There you will find thousands and thou
sands of yards of dainty, dotted, figured, striped
and checked white mercerized goods suitable for
waists, dresses, men's shirts, etc., worth 30t
and 25c and 35c a yard, on sale for Friday at,
only 15 yard.
You will find great Immense lots of plain fine
white shirtings, long cloths, cambrics and white
stuff for muslin undergarments and other pur
poses, all a full yard wide and over, .worth up
to 20a a yard, all on Bale for Friday at, only,
yard, 10c and 8tf
Here are bargains that seldom come your
way. Take them.
Winter Underwear Half Price
Marshall Field's great sample stock of fine
woolen and cotton underwear is fast going out
to all the people. Never before In the history of
Omaha has such high grade garments been of
fered to the public at such ridiculously low
We were fortunate, indeed, in securing this
great collection of ladles', misses', boys' and chil
dren's Union Suits, Vests, Pants, Shirts and
Drawers. No store in Omaha or elsewhere can
duplicate the purchase. No store can even ap
proach the extremely low prices which in every
Instance are cut precisely in half.
Thousands of garments will go Friday all the
way from 10c to $1.00. Come by all means.
50 pairs 11-4 Wool Blankets, in white, red and
gray, Oregon wool, soft and brilliant, worth
$5.50 a pair elsewhere, our price Friday, per
Pair $4.25
12-4 Leltone Cotton blankets, soft, heavy fleece
value $2.50, now, pair $1.05
11-4 Cotton Blanket, tan and gray twilled and
good grade, cotton filling, was $1.48 -now
500 pairs FOR ONE DAY ONLY, good, full sUe,
whites, tans and grays, worth 69c, now, per
Pair 30
50 Comfort Sllkollne covered, tied and knotted,
good grade, cotton filling, was 1.58, now..lo
Comforts, very best quality, Sllkollne covered,
one piece, pure white, cotton filled, $1.98,
now $1.69
All our best sateen covered Comforts, good, full
size, very sanitary, one piece, cotton filling
worth $4.00, at $2.70
House Furnishing Dept.
Black Japaned, full sized, Dust Pan, worth 10c,
sale price 5
85c wood lined Zinc Stove Boards for ... .49
Iron Stove Shovels, at, each 4
6-in. Stove Pipe, per Joint 10
39c Coal Hods at 29
Oil Heating Stoves, the large size, "Perfection,"
at $4.50
Gaa Heating Stoves at $1.47
Plates, Cups and Saucers, Fruits, Oatmeals, Cake
Plates, Shaving Mugs, Fancy Figures, etc., val
ues up to 36c, all at. each 19
Glass Sugar Bowls, Cream Pitchers, Water Pitch
ers, Celery Trays, Bon Bon Dishes, Pickle
Dishes and other Glassware, In fancy designs,
worth up to 25c, all at, each Q
Best White English Seml-Poroelaln Cups and
Saucers, with neat embroidery, nice, firm goods
per set 40
1,000 Dozen 25c-50c-75c Handkerchiefs
ON SALE SATURDAY (MAIN FLOOR) Through an extraordinary good streak of luck we bought 1,000 dozen
fine Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs all importer's samples hundreds of exquisite designs regular selling prices 25c, 50o
and 75o each but on account of a missing thread in the embroidery here and there on a few handkerchiefs in each box,
we have placed the entire one thousand dozen all out for Saturday's sale a one-fifth their intrinsic value. Instead of 25c, 50c
and 75c they go on sale Saturday morning at 10t and 15 each. Come early.
ful meeting for next year under th lead
ership of Prealdent Waterhouse of Omaha.
ORAND ISLAND Nicholas W. Race of
thla cty ha. received P"nt rthu , on a
which. It la claimed. Is deatlned to revolu
tionise the enure vaive .,..... -
allegea that he haa bn offered .
for the patent right., but refuse, to sell.
It 1. averted for the new device that It
will Sive quicker action. P"'0'
control of pre.eure and allow the full
prendre of the pipe In which It i. ued.
howlrut the mortsage record for Johnaon
county for the year lw. are from the rec
ord, of the county clerk: Number farm
mortgagee filed 13; amount. NW.IMW.
Number reieu, t, .
Number town and city mortgage, filed,
eiglity-.lx; -amount. 6t.78&. Number re
leased, aeventy-three; amount, $.i6,at0.l7.
Number chattel morgagee filed. 644;
amount, 116 331. 01. Number releeeed. 441 ;
amount. ino.U63.63.
PLATTSMOUTH The Bank of Caaa
county haa re-elected Its board of direotina,
who re-elected the following ofBcera:
President. Charles C. Parmele; vice preal
dent. Jacob Triach: caahler, T. M. Patter
son; aaaistant cashier. K. V. Patterson,
the usual dividend was declared and the
urplu. rained from I15.0IO to IJii.tou. The
plattamouth State bank haa elected thee
officer.: President. J. W. Newell; vice
president, 1. P. Palter; cashier, J. M. Rob
erts. FREMONT Mr.. Mary Remlch died at
the r-.ldrnce of her son-in-law, O. R De
1a Maiyr. yesterday of general de l'l y at
the age cf S3. She was born in New Hamp
shire. Her maiden name waa Pike, a fain
tly which baa aiwas been prominent la
that state. Her husband, James K, Rem
lch, alxo of a leading New Kngland family,
died about twenty-five years ago and she
haa since lived with her son-in-law, Mr. Lw
lai Matyr. She was a life long member of
the Congregational church and a woiuaa of
rare social qualities.
COLUMBUS morning a. a
switch engine wa backing up in the Union
Paclhc yard, at the crossing of Murrat
street It backed Into a wagon driven by
a young man. The young man was thrown
frum the wagon sky high, arid, strange to
say, was not badly hurt. The brakeman,
Joe Ray, waa badly bruised in attempting
to rescue the driver, who waa carried to
his home on a stretcher. The horse, was
not Injured, but the wagon was knocked
int? kindling wood and will not be used to
deliver meat for Mike Caaaln.
HAYES CENTER The annual meeting
of the stockholders of the Hayes County
Fair association was held here today. The
report of officer, showed the aaaoclation
to be In good financial condition. The
following officers were elected for 11W7: 8.
M. Klnalnxer, president; fl E. Rathbun,
vice president; C. A. Ready, secretary;
j. D. Cruxrn, treasurer; S. M. Klnslnger,
C. B. Ready, S. L. Smith. M. U Tennant,
T. J. Rlrchall. C. Bailey and E. B. May.
dlrectora. The directors were authorized
to Increase the capital stock for the pur
pose of making further Improvements.
BEATRICE At a meeting of the Beatrice
Volunteer Fire department lust night the
proportion of the Beatrice Ometery asso
ciation to furnish the department a plot of
ground in Evergreen Hume cemetery on
which to erect the monument was ac-cpt-d.
Fire Chief ViJte reported con
siderable progress In the matter of sollelt
lna' funds lur the luoauiueul. alias (jlibert
of New York, who I. to give the farce
comedy, "Tho Magistrate," at the Paddock
for the benefit of the monument fund, an
nounced that rehearsals will start next Mon
day evening. The entertainment will be
given in about three weeks by borne talent.
BLUE HI1.L Tne Farmers' Institute was
held here Wedneeday and Thursday and
waa largely atienaea. rne following apoke
on farm topic: William Moliler. on
"Alfalfa and Tame Oraaaes:" ex-Oovernor
Pojmer on "Gate cf the Davey Herd;"
Mr. Mohler on "Fruit Growing;" Mr. Poyn
ter on "Some Ese"41al. for Successful
Farming." Thursday'- eession: "Econonilo
Pork Production," C. !. Lulelllng; "Care
of the Pure Herd." V D McKee: "The
Growing, Selection and Care of Seed Corn,"
Mr. Lewclllng; "The Feeder Type of Beef
Steer," Mr. McKee. I-are premiums are
offered for the best half dosen ear. of
corn exhibited and there are a lot of things
that ought to attract every live farmer In
thla and adjoining counties.
HASTINGS A legal fight ha. developed
from the attempted sale by the Hastings
school district of a vacant square of school
ground. For several years the square has
been used for base ball and other athletic
purposes. Some week, ago the achool
board declined to allow the ground, to be
used for base ball this year, and at a
meeting Monday night the board decided
to sell the property to two bidden. A
partial payment of the purchase price was
made, but the deed was not delivered
pending; the preparation of an abstract.
Before the abstract wss completed six
cltisens who were among those who pe
titioned for the use of the ground, fur
base ball purpose began Injunction pro
ceedings, and an order was issued by
Couuty Judge Lungaa .restraining me de
livery of the deed. It I. asserted m the
ir..." ,h,?' chool district haa no
r,' ll V f1.1 "Chool property without being
authoitzed to do .0 by a vote of the people.
t,MiAli 1J!,1'AN,IIr A J- White, who
advertised himself as a doctor of vlta
opathy, wa. laat night found guilty by a
Jury of practicing- medicine without a li
cense. The caaa baa occupied the atten
tion of the district court for two days.
The charge contained two counts, one In
volving the Illness of W. W. Matter, and
one Involving Mr.. Betsey Sands a. a
patient. From the latter It wa. .hown
he accepted payment In the sum of 1106,
but on the stand the woman slated that
she had no complaint to make and wa. a
wltnea. for th. physician, whose defense
was thst he .Imply Instructed In the science
of health .and did not practice medicine.
ORAND ISLAND Chief of Police Koep
lln, somewhat aroused by the pitiful plea
of a little girl to "stop those men drinking
In her father', .hop," played a role similar
to that of a male bovine In a china ahop
yesterday and two of the victims were
promptly arraigned before the Commission
for Inebrlatea and sent to the Lincoln
asylum for treatment. The little girl wa.
th. daughter of a shoemaker naaied
Beroth. Owing to the father', drinking
habits the family Is without credit. The
little one was sent to the ehop for a little
money to buy the necessaries of life and
was turned away. There wa. a "can
rushing party" In the shop. The chief,
who wa. well acquainted with Bemth'e
habit., went up and saw. two other In
ebriate. In the place. He took two of them,
kicked the third out and had Bernth and
Chrla Cordeki promptly examined and seat
to the Stale Lttulluu huspltaX