Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Governor Davidson Ttlli Legislature f
Tlino to Aid the Etat.
sTssrwa Petata la Wklea th Uir
( I
kra Cast Warlc Flafaraaa
for the Beaeat t
tha ri.
s-i I i
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MADIBON. Wla, Ju. W-Th
Governor JunM O. Davidson to th
Wisconsin legislature wu presented tod?.
Tb governor recommend insurance legis
lation that wUl protect th policy bold en i
a constitutional amendment providing for
an In coma tax; amendment of Ua law giv
ing the Stat Ballroad oommlaaloo JurUdlo
tlon over all tba transportation oompanlaa
of tha tat a and for atata control of local
public aervlca corporation, and says in
In recent years tbla atata has ao-
Oompll.hed much In tha way of bringing
public service corporations under atata con
trol and competing them to give th people
better service at more reasonable rata
than before obtained. While the advanoe
made Is In every way commendable, tb
work along thla line Is far from complete.
The people are supreme. What they want
In just legislation they will have, and If
obstaclea come in their paths, no matter
In what form they present themselves, they
will ba swept aside.
Income Tmt If eeesaary.
It would seem that th evils of tba
present system of taxing personal property
Ar k .4 . V. . m .ini.fw r J H n ClM
should be placed upon corporate, income
and Inheritance taxes. The mortgage ex
emption law has entirely failed to meet
the expectations of Its advocates, and th
results or Its enactment naa provea every
argument advanced In favor of the exemp
tion ff credits.
I wlnh to urge upon the legislature th
Importance or a constitutional amendment
nrovlrilna for an Income tax. Such a tax
Is unsurpassed as a leveler of the public
The Inheritance tax law passed In 190g
has already proved to b a most fruitful
source of state revenue. The experience
of the last two years with thla law has
emDhustzed the fact that some effective
state supervision Is essential to a proper
collection or the tax.
The work accomplished by th State Rail
way commission during tha one and one
half years since Its creation more than
Justifies the long struggle tor Its estanuaii
ment. The law. however, should be m
amended as to extend to tha commission
Jurisdiction over all transportation com
panies In the state, regardless of th loca
tion 01 ineir Jinea wun respect xo munici
cal limits, or tha character of their service,
It has long been the settled policy of thla
state that capitalisation of corporations
should be measured by actual Investment.
The necessity for th large increase of
capitalisation ty the Chicago at wonn
western and the Chicago, Milwaukee at 8t.
Paul Railway companies Is not apparent
and may justly challenge th attention of
the legislature.
More Power Over Railroads
The State Railway commission should
also be clothed with adequate power to
determine the value of the railway prop
erties of the state and to employ experts
as may be required to aid In this work.
A Question of the utmost importance to
large classes of our people relates to th
control and regulation oy tne state or local
public service corporations. Those corpora
tions. In the absence of governmental re
straint, have grown In wealth and power
and have become the masters Instead of
tha aervanta of the neonle.
There Is a growing sentiment In favor of
municipal ownership, and encouragement
should be extended In this direction, espe
cially with resDect to water works and
gas and lighting plants. I recommend th
necessary legislation to enable any city or
Tillage to establish publio utilities or to
acquire such as may already exist under
the power of eminent domain, and to pay
for the same out of the proceeds of cer
tificates of Indebtedness, which msy be a
Hen on the property so acquired.
Manv Deonle have come to rerard Ufa
Insurance as a savings bank account, and
certainly their equities In Insurance poli
cies are entitled to the same careful legis-
. latlon and state supervision as have been
adopted In regard to banks.
',' " There Is one Inconsistency In the banking
law which should be - remedied. It Is In
the Interests cf the state to encourage th
.largest degree of Industry and thrift on
the part of all people by protecting savings
banks. Legislation is urgently recom
mended preventing the establishment 01
branch banks, or requiring an increase
In capltallsatlcn by' the parent bank for
' each branch Institution opened by It.
In general, the primary law has been a
, success and gives every indication of ac
compllahing the results promised Tor it.
Denees Woold Sue Railroad.
8PRINOFIELX). III.. Jan. 10. Governor
Deneen sent n special message to the lag-
, Islature today recommending an appropria
tion of $60,000 for the purpose of prosee-
. cutlng a suit against the Illinois Central
Railway . company to collect back taxes
claimed due the state under the company'
Charter provision reiuirlng payment of 7
' per cent of Ha gross earnings yearly to th
' The Investigation made by accountants,
th governor says, has demonstrated that
. earnings amounting to large sums have
. been wrongfully omitted from th semi
annual statements and practices "have been
' for years In vogue whereby In the appor
; tlonment of revenue between the various
divisions of the system now operated by
' the company the charter line earnings hav
; been systematically and persistently mint-
mixed. Large quantities of ' coal, lumber
and other materials are hauled free over
th charter lines for th bene At of th
other branch lines. This practice la char
acterlsed as "a mere device to minimise
the gross earnings of the 'charter line."
. Rebates and drawbacks hav been allowed
to shippers against the Income and re
' celpts of the charter line, thereby reduo
' lng the amount of the Income and receipts,
This clearly Illegal practice, the governor
ays, deprives the state of revenue - to
which it was Justly and honestly entitled.
Speaker Shurtleff" announced to the
house today that during the session of tb
legislature none but members, ex-members.
congressmen and" others privileged by th
rules to' com upon th floor of th house
would be allowed that privilege. Th
speaker's decision to keep out lobbyists
was loudly applauded by members on both
aides. . ,
rvteea at , Flysaaatn Charek
Bartal Is at Frst Uwi'
Cesset.ry. -.
Funeral services of John H. Tats, who
died Monday night at his residence, tUl
Lake street, were held at I p m. Thursday
at the Plymouth Congregational 'church,
Twentieth and Spencer streets. Rev. Fred
W. Leavltt, pastor of th church, had
charge of the ceremonies and was assisted
by Rev. D. R- Turnbull. pastor of th First
United Presbyterian church. Th body was
taken to Forest Lawn cemetery for burial,
which was private. The pallbearers were:
Frank Lehmsr, Oeorg L Fisher, Council'
man W. 8. Sheldon. J. J. Smith, M. IX
.Copland and Charles T. Boudlnot.
s as
rraak IUha Will Represent Tel Jed
kel Twraers at World
At Turner hall. Thirteenth and Dorcas
at rests. Wednesday evening tb Tel Jed
Sokol society Installed officers fog th year
' and selected Frank Rtfca to represent
Omaha Bohemian turners at Prague, Bo
hernia. In June and July, when a world's
meet will b held Mr. Riha is a young
man. but has been prominent la local Bo
hemias athletic circles, having been 'mad
Instructor of tb Omaha aooUty on account
of his knowledge of oalasthaojeg and abil
ity as aa athleta,
M fit' e
Hie Growth in Sales is the Evidence
8,000 Barrels
18,000 Barrels
131,000 Barrels
702,000 Barrels
939,768 Barrels
1,006,495 Barrels
1,109,315 Barrels
1,201,762 Barrels
1,365,711 Barrels
1,403,788 Barrels
1906 - 1,543,468 Barrels of Beer
i i
I ass i i i (SS'imiM I "III
ales for 1906
This Exceeds that of All Other BOTTLED BEERS.
The high standard of quality, fine flavor and exquisite
taste have won for Budweiser its great popularity.
We court the
investigation of
all Pure Food
Kill I
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'a
St. Louis, U. S. A.
5"s rrf
Xl X)Mni-e. tj n n w -,
SV map
' -
8j Thsj Hav Hot tad Will lot Try to
IaflaE0 Lsglalgtiou.
Wk Tlaa Co ss as Tar Will Him M.a Bofora CaaasaUteea x
rrmil Their Side
Th Ingal departments of th Union Pa
cific Northwestern and Burlington . la
Omaha dear their companies are maintain
ing or wUl maintain iobbjrlata at Lincoln
during th present seaatoa of the legisla
ture and protest that they have no thought
of seeking to Inllueno legislation or th ac
tions of th members In aay way.
"Is th report correct that you are going
to withdraw your representatives from Lin
coln during the legislature T" was asked
th Union Pacific and aa ofBolai author
laed to speak mad this statement:
W have no lobbyists at Lincoln now.
nor shall we hav aay. We are not trying
to lafiueoce legislation, aw interior with
or dictate to the lawmakers. W hav on
man In Lincoln who Is authorised to keep
a Hat of tha bills as they are Introduced
and keep us Informed on the measures that
affect our Interests. He Is not authorised
to. nor will he solicit any votes for or
against any measure. We expect to keep
this representative In Lincoln to perform
this service during the season. And we ex
pect when the proper time comes to have
representatives appear before committees
and present our side of the cas whenever
a bill la under discussion in which the busi
ness of the Union Pacific is Involved. This
Is a right which w and all other business
concerns have."
Barllagtoa aad Horthwestcra.
"Is the report true that th Burlington
means to withdraw its representatives from
Lincoln during th legislature?" was asked
Mr. DUswortb of th legal department of
that road.
"I guess that's right." he replied.
"That la, you are going to call them home,
are yout"
"Yes. all except on man to look out for
bills that are introduced simply to keep
a tab onNthem that w may know what
they are."
"Are you going to hav any lobbying
donsT" f
"No sir, not a bit. We hav only on
man there now and he la there simply aa a
business matter, to keep a tab on the bllla.
which Is necessary for any business con
cern, whose affairs are Involved In legis
lation. But we shall not solicit the vote of
a single legislator, nor try to Influence his
vots In any way."
"As to withdrawing our representatives
from Lincoln during the session of legis
lature I am unable to answer the question,"
said Carl C. Wright of the legal depart
ment of the Northwestern. "We have no
representatives there now except Mr. Mc
Olnnls and he Is our regular agent In
Lincoln, has been for years snd we expect
will be for years to come. But his work
Is of the most legitimate character. We
must have someone to look out for the
bills which affect our Interests and this Is
all ha Is there to do with tha legislature.
"We will have absolutely no lobbying
dons, nothing of the sort. We expect when
occasion arises to appear before the com
mittees in due form snd look out for our
Interests, but that Is as far as we will go.
Not a man In the employ of the company la
authorised to Influence or try to Influence
legislation In either house or senate."
Balldlasr Persalts.
Th following building permits have been
issued: Dr. William Curry, Twenty-ninth
and Manderson, 12, Ml dwelling; Dr. C. &
Bhepard, Twenty-seventh avenue and Capi
tol avenue. t&OO repairs.
DlAMONt-rroser, uts and tJodf.
Situation iiBetUron Nebraska Bailrtadi
Than for Bom Time.
Scarcity of Mea at Weitera Mia. Is
the Clales Advaaeed ay th
Manager. of th
With the announcement from the Union
Pacific that the coal shortage on its line
is over for the time being comes the state
ment from other Nebraska lines that the
coal situation Is better than It has been
for some time. Thursday morning the
Burlington had 227 cars loaded with coal
standing In the Omaha yards.
The claim Is made that the trouble with
the western mines is a scarcity of men at
the mines. The railroads claim they have
done everything possible. Ths Burlington
has delivered to the Colorado roads over
1.SU0 cars of empties, besides ths cars which
have gone to Colorado laden with merchan
dise from th east. Another theory Is th
clulm from Colorado that the trouble lies
with the railroads for falling to put In a
reduced rate on coal during the sumrnnr
months last year. Heretofore it has been
customary for the roads to make a re
duction in th summer as an Inducement
for larg quantities of coal to be hauled
and stored at the large centers. A move
Is now on foot to-Indue the roads to put
In this reduction for the coailng summer.
Mack Werk Next laaaaaer.
The Union Pacific is making extenfive
preparations for a large amount of work
during tb coming summer. Contracts
hav been let for two large Jobs of double
tracking. Kllpatrick Bros. Collins have
secured the contract for double-tracking a
stretch of forty miles from Rawlins to
Wamsutter, Wyo.; D. C. Bradbury of Den
ver has secured th contract for double
tracking th main line from Valley to
Silver Creek, except from Benton to Colum
bus, which is already double-tracked. The
Bradbury contract calls for the building of
sixty-seven miles of double track.
Bee Report. Verlged.
P. Montmorency, assistant general freight
agent of the Burlington, has returned from
Kansas City, where he attended a meeting
of th Transmlssourl Freight bureau, which
put in the reduced rates on grain in ac
cordance with the request of th Kansas
iUUrowi commUsieo, Mr. Aioatiuortoov
verified the report in The Bee that rate
on grain were reduced from Kanus points
to Omaha, which also curried with It 4
I reduction from the lines from Kansas in
t to Omaha.
Hallway Note, aad Per.onala.
Superintendent Brown of the Hock Inland
waa In Omaha Thursday.
General Superintendent Cable of th
Rock Island left for the eusl Thursday.
C. K. Spens. general freight agent of the
Burlington, Is In Chicago attending a meet
ing of tlij tard of review of the Truus
mifc.lsslppl Freight bureau.
Oeneral Manager Moliler of the Union
Pacific la still In Chicago In attendance at
the meeting of the executive commute? of
managers of the western railroads.
General Munager Atterburv of the
PenmiylvanlH, uim.ii request, will exchanQ
pasaes with other railroads. Thla I. dif
ferent fro'n the spirit of that roud for ths
last two years.
The announcement has been made tht
gasoline motors will be, put on the Harrl
man line this summer between Halt ltke
and Ogden and will furnlph coin petit Von
between the Harrlman Hue and the bait
Lke & Ogden road.
Bill Aaalnat Belling.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.. Jan. 10-Sena.
tor Kly of Dunklin county introduced a
bill In the seiiule loJ.iy providing hii
amendment to the anti-pool Scllini law by
prohibiting the registering of berft outside
the state by the use of the telephone. Tha
bill is designed to sVvt the defect found
In the present law "by the supreme court's
recent decision lu tn Oldham Iraaa
Kansas UU. "