Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. Douglas 6 IS.
Our Greatest January Clearing Sale
' Simply a case of success based on merit. We have been nearly doubling all former records on
Bales doing it every day. Prices are of the saving sort, in many instances they are cut to and
below cost. This sale will continue throughout the month, but in certain lines there will be a de
cided advantage in choosing early. ,
The Great January Sale of Linens Continues
Our Hnen store, because of Its Immense distributing power and the large quantities imported, is enabled
to sell the very best linens at exceedingly low prices. Haven't we proven it this month? Make Friday linen
buying day. We mention Just a few of the many sav ings: '
Silver Bleached Damask by
the Yard, All Linen
All fur 5e Silver BWched Da
mask. In this January Rale 49c yard.
All our It. 00 81lver Bleached Da
mask in thin January Kale T5c yard.
All our $1.25 Silver Bleached Da
mask in this January Pale 89c yard.
All our II. BO Silver Bleached Da
mask In thla January Sale tl.OU yard.
All our I1.C5 Silver Bleached Da
mask In thla January Sale $1.10 yard.
Bleached ,Table Cloths, All
All our 11.75 Bleached Table Cloths,
In this January sale 11.19 each.
All our I12S Bleached Table Cloths,
In this January sale $1.69 each.
All our 1311 Bleached Table Cloths,
In this January sale $2.00 each.
January Clearing Sale of Blank
ets and Comforters
11.50 and $1.75 robe blankets at 68c each.
$2.00 and 12.26 robe blankets at 89c each.
Our regular stock, no Job lots or specially
bought seconds, but new, clean, honest
goods, 390 a pair and up.
We ask you to see them, compare them
with those of othrr stores. Our blankets
have always stood the test. This month
you can buy them st leas than mill prices.
St. Mary's blankets, Amana blankets, North
Btar blankets. New Bremen blankets,
Oregon blankets, etc.
We can sell you a 'comforter, filled with
absolutely pure new cotton, soft as down,
light and fluffy, covered with sllkoline and
full six feet wide at 8c each. Big reduc
tions on all other comforts.
January Clearing Sale of
Torchon Laces Friday.
A treat saving opportunity. It
i will pay you to lay in a supply of
these laces for the trimming oi
muslin undergarments, etc.
Friday, at 8 a. m., we place on
special sale one lot of fine torchon
laces, edgings and insertions, from
one to two and a half inches In
width, regularly priced at 10c,
ltVic.and 16c.
On Special Kale Friday, at, per
yard 5
ccntVies of tho city, and yet the railroads,
wh'.lo they were assessed at 15 per cent of
the total assessment of the state, as shown
by the auditor's report for W&, and prac
tically paid 15 per cent of all the state
and county taxes, paid for municipal pur-
pi-rso only 2.2 per cent of taxes so paid
"The reason for this Is apparent. The overruled him and delegated the authority
valuable railroad properties located within I to Speaker Nettleton to name this com
tne corporate limits of cities Is spread, mlttee, as . well as the other committees
under the present system, along the entire ! to which has been delegated authority to
line. There la but one mile In every ten , get up platform measures, In accordance
of a railroad located within a city, and
consequently the railroads escape 90 per
cent of the municipal taxes which they
should pay.
Example of I'afalraeas.
"A splendid example of the Iniquity and
unfairness of the old system has just oc
curred. Recently the Northwestern system
purchased three blocks of ground In
Omaha at a coat approximating $3:0.(00.
Prior to this time this entire property. In
addition to its state, county and school
district taxes, paid a municipal tax Ilka
other - local property on Its entire valua
tion. Now, granting that the State Board
of Equalisation will Increase the total Val-
uatlon of that port of the Northwestern ,
system which purchased this property by
the price paid for It, the amount of taxes
contributed by this property for. the state,
county and school district purposes will
probably approximate the amount hereto
fore contributed, but the amount of taxes
contributed for municipal purposes will ba
reduced (0 per cent, as It will be spread
over the entire Una.
-"This is not a complaint of Omaha alone,
but every city and village tr the state In
which the railroads have sidetracks' and
depots receives less taxes for municipal
purposes from the " railroads than If It
taxed their fixed "property within their
boundaries like local property and per-
4- 1 1 11 v
Here are a few extraordinary snaps for Friday and Sat
urday. Do not miss them if you have girls to dress. ,
or 33
A special lot of fine coats in elegant mixtures and rich plain
colors that sold for $6.00 on sale now, CJiX QA
sizes G to 14 years C)w)
Children's coats, sizes 2 to 6 years, in all the newest bearskin
...".rlfr. .33 1-3 Discount
Children's Hoods and Baby Bonnets are reduced 33Va
which makes 50c bonnets 34c, $1.00 bonnets 67c, the $1.50
ones now $1.00, $2.00 ones now $1.34, $3.00 ones now
$2.00, $4.00 ones at. $2.67.
All our $3.75 Bleached Table Cloths.
In this January sale $2.50 each.
All our $4.50 Bleached Table Cloths,
lit this January sale $3.00 each.
All our $6.00 Blcaohed Table Cloths,
In this January sale $3.89 each.
All our $1.00 Bleached Table. Cloths,
In thla January sal $4.31 each.
All our $7.60 Bleached Table Cloths,
In this January sale $5 00 each.
Bleached Napkins, All
All our $2.28 Bleached Napkins, In
this January sale $1.69 a dosen.
All our $3.00 Bleached Napkins, In
this January sale $2.00 dozen.
All our $3.25 Bleached Napkins, In
this January sale $2.28 dosen. . -
All our $3.50 Bleached Napkins, In
this January sale $2.38 dosen.
All our $4.50 Bleached Napkins, In
this January sale $3.38 dosen.
All our $5.00 Bleached Nepklns, In
this January sale $3.89 dosen.
January Bargains in Our beau
tiful Cloak Department. Hun
dreds of High Class Garments
at Half the Regular Prices.
All the Winter Coats, made with fine
storm collar of German Marten, quilted
lined, excellent broadcloth, regular price
PRICE, $11.26.
All the pretty grey mixed coats, cut Very
full and wide, regularly sold at $16.50,
$5.00 Coats for $2.50.
$7.50 Coats for $3.75.
$10.00 Coats for $3.00.
$10.00 Coats for $5.00
$12.50 Coats for $6.25.
$15.00 Coats for $7.60.
150 pretty Tea Gowns, In silk, crepe de
chine. Albatross and dainty woolen effects,
all at half price.
$10.00 Gowns for $5.00; $12.50 Gowns for
$6.25. .
$25.00 Dresses, $12.50; $30.00 Dresses, $16.00.
$10.00 Waists for $5.00: $12.50 Waists for
Second Floor.
Howard Cor: Sixteenth Street. .
mltted tteir .franchises jand rolling stock to
escape municipal taxes altogether."
McMullen Lose Flgbt.
Though Mi-Mullen (ought vigorously for
the adoption of his resolution giving au
thority to the elections committee to draft
i a primary bill, the house this morning
lth the resolutions Introduced yewterday.
The speaker will name the four committees
In the morning.
Among the Important bills Introduced
I was a Joint resolution by Sackett of Gage,
J memorialising congress to enact a law to
prevent railroads from enjoining the col
lection of their taxes In the federal courts
Until after the taxes had been paid, when
a suit to recover may be Instituted. It la
In line with the Lee amendment to the
state constitution. Among; the other Im
portant measures In the house was a bridge
bill, permitting county boards to reject all
bids and buy lumber and build their own
bridges; ' bills In both house and senate
Compelling those who practice Christian
, und.rco an exam,nat,00 before
the State Board of Health and a bill by
Armstrong In the house to repeal the wolf
bounty law.
The "stamp act" again came up this
morning when Speaker Nettleton announced
a requisition had been 'made for stamps
and the answer received was to the effect
that when an appropriation had been mado
to pay for them the stamps would be
forthcoming. Vitll a bill has been Intro
duced and passed no stamps' wilt be fur
nished the members. The house voted
down a motion to adjourn tomorrow until
Monday. The senate adjourned until Mon
day. . . .
Senator Gibson of Douglas has Introduced
Bee, January 10. 1907.
, . Towels
All our 15c Huck Towels, In this
January Pale 10c each.
All our 25c Huck Towels, In this
January Bale 15c each.
All our 4Sc Huck Towels, In this
January Sale 25c each.
All our $1.0.0 Huck Towels, In this
January Sal 9c each.
-Crashes and Towelings.
All our 12Hc Brown Linen Crash, in
this January sale o per yard.
All our 16c Brown Linen Crash, In
this January sale K'Hc per yard.
All our lllHo Bleached Linen Crash,
In this January aale 9c per yard.
All our 15o Bleached Linen Crash, In
this January sale 12Vc per yard.
All our lHHc Bleached Linen Crash,
in this January sale 13c pferTard.
All our 15c Checked Glass Toweling,
In this January sale 11c per yard.
All our lHc Checked Glass Toweling.
In thla January sale 12Vc per yard.
Embroideries, Two January
NHinsock and Cambric edging from
four to sixteen inches In width, lnsertlngs
from one and a half to three Inches in
On lot at per yard lc.
One lot at per yard 25c.
Main floor.
Wait for our January sale on Muslins,
wide sheetings, ready made sheets and
pillow cases.
Remarkable Values in Dress
Goods and Silks for Friday's
Great Clearing Sale.
Every piece to be sold Friday has that
stamp of newness and beauty that you al
ways expect to get at Thompson, Belden
& Co's., exclusive, out cf the ordinary.
right up to the minute In texture and
I weave. And best of all, during this great
'sale. $1 will buy nearly as much as two'
will at any other season of the year See
our display In Sixteenth street window.
Come Friday.
January Glove Special, 38c
a Pair.
Women's silk lined cashmere
gloves, Id brown and navy, soft
suede finish and embroidered
backs, fine value at 75c.
Friday January Hale Price, per
pair 38
Main floor.
Into the senate a' bill of far-reaching In
fluence upon the saloon business In Omaha,
South Omaha and Lincoln. It prohibits
the taking out of suloon licenses by brew
ers, breweries, distilleries or any manu
facturers of liquor In the name of any one
else and prevents manufacturers from In
teresting themselves In any way In the se
curing of licenses by any. person. The
bill will prevent running saloons by brew
eries In the name of agents and will make
only bona fide owners and operators of sa
loons eligible to secure licenses.
Another feature of the bill which will
affect Omaha and South Omaha la a pro
vision that In cities of over 26,000 Inhab
itants no mors than one saloon to '1,000
population shall be licensed. The bill pro
vldes for the numbering of each license
consecutively In the order of Issuance and
declares all licenses Issued after the pro
portlonate number has. Issued null and void.
It Is provided any taxpayer may go Into
the district court to enforce this law. The
penalty for violation Is a fins of from
$tt0 to $1,000.
That the fight of two years ago to pre
vent legislation hostile to the practice of
healing by Christian Scientists wllUbe re
peated this year Is assured by the Intro
duction of a bill by Senator ' Wilson of
Pawnee, the effect of which will be to re
quire Christian Science healers to ' be li
censed by the State Board of Health. Ben
aior vviison is a pnysicran ana took a
prominent part as a member of the house
In the fight of two years ago, when a
similar measure was up. Senator. Wilson's
bill Is S. F. No. W. It places under the
Jurisdiction of the State Board of Health
all persons who maintain offices or re
spond to calls for the treatment of phy
leal or mental ailments, real or Imaginary,
or who "suggest, recommend or' prescribe
any form of treatment" with or without a
fee for "any physical or mental aliment.
real or Imaginary." Such persons shall be
construed as practicing medicine aad must
be licensed by the State Board of Health.
The 'bill does not prevent emergency treat
ment or ordinary household remedies.
Deseaat of Property Bill.
; Senator King of Polk today Introduced
the bill relating to the descent of property,
complied by a commutes of Omaha at
torneys, consisting of T. J. Mahoney, D.
M. Vlnsonhaler, C. W. Delamatyr, W. T.
Nelson, D. L. Johnson and others, and In
dorsed by a number of woman's organ
isations, who assert the property rights
of the widow were more equitable under
It than under the present law. Com
panion bills were Introduced repealing the
present laws relating to dower and
courtesy rlghta. The law places the sur
viving wife ' on the same footing as the
surviving husband. It provides . the real
estate shall be given one-fourth to the
surviving husband or wife If ths survivor
is not the parent of all the children of ths
deceased and ons or mors children or
Issue of one or more deceased children
survive. One-third goes to the surviving
husband or wife If the survivor Is parent
of all the children of the deceased and
two or more children or one child of nne
or more deceased children survive. If the
survivor is parent of all of the living
children of the deceased and only one
child or the Issue of one child la living
ha or she shall receive one-half. Two
thirds of the real estate shall gq to the sur
vivor If no child or Issue of a deceased
child survive. The remainder of ths real
estate goes to relatives In tbs same man- as Is provided In case there Is no sur
vlving husband or wife.
The bill also makes provision for the
descent of property where no husband or
wife survives and for ths division of per
sons! property. It provides ths surviving
husband r wife, whr U-r Is no will.
may elect to take advantage of either the
statute or the will.
Allowance for Stamps, bat Na Moay
I Parrhase Them.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. ' W.-l8pecll. Immedi
ately after th house opened. Speaker Net
tleton brought up the stamp act and threw
the membtrs Into a fit of laughter by
telling them that a requisition had been
made for stamps and the answer had been,
there wss no appropriation with which to
buy them. "You will have- to pass a bill
before we can get them," he concluded.
The resolutions Introduced yesterday
providing; that the speaker appoint four
committees of seven members each to1 act
with like committees from the senate In
making up bills, covering the main points
In the platform, were adopted. Over one
only was there any fighting, the motion to
appoint a committee to get up a statewide
primary bill. McMullen had, In a resolu
tion to have the standing committee on
elections of the house act with ths senate
committee, and Farley of Hamilton moved
the speaker name the committee of seven.
The latter motion prevailed after McMullen.
had made several talks on his resolution.
In one of his speeches 'McMullen said:
"It Is my position that we follow the plat
form generally but not specifically In mat
ters of this kind." McMullen Is opposed
to a statewide primary, but desires a
primary which will not Include the nomina
tion of state officers. He said: "I think
I am consistent with ths platform and
there Is no reason to. think my position is
influenced by any corporation, Inasmuch as
I Introduced . the same .measure two years
ago, at which .time the railroads were In
control in the house. If a majority of the
committee reports for a statewide primary
I will support the measure In the main.''
. In his talk for the Farley resolution Ned
Brown of Lancaster made the statement he
was for following the pledges In the plat
form and he said he would not be satisfied
with any primary bill which is not state
wide In Its scope.
The first discussion of the morning came
on a motion by Hansen of Merrick to havo
the movers of the motions providing for
the appointment of Joint committees waive
the courtesy of being named as chair
men of the committees, which Is usually
the custom. McMullen of Oage at once
requested an explanation of tho motion.
Hansen explained It had practically been
put up to the speaker to name either the
men who made the motion for the commit
tee orthe chairman of the standing com
mittees as chairman of the Joint commit
tee, therefore his motion was to relieve
the speaker of any embarrassment. Clarke
of Douglas seconded the motion and waived
his right to be named a chairman of any
McMullen was thoroughly aroused over
the resolution and said it was an unusual
resolution, to say the least. He believed
the man who had studied a question- suf
ficiently and had become sufficiently Inter
ested In It to offer a resolution regarding
it should have the courtesy of being either
chairman or a member of the committee.
Barnes of Douglas thought the resolution
unusual and out of place. Marsh was for
the resolution and Ned Brown was for It.
The debate was getting warm when the
speaker called Van Housen to the chair
and. talked. ' He informed the house that
he had no authority to name the chairman
of any of the Joint committees Inasmuch
as the committees would organize them
selves after they met. Ths resolution was
then laid on the table,
A motion by telnauei''6f pawnee requrr-
lng cdmmlttees to "notify the Introducer of
a measure when he measure Is to ba die-,
cussed, was ccrleJ, -.
Cono of Saundors introduced the follow
ing resolution: ' ,j : .
Be it resolved. - That,' the committee on
mines and minerals-be' requested to draft
and Introduce a bill prohibiting the citi
zens of this stata from Inventing In m.ncs
and mining stock outside of Nebraska.
The speaker ruled the resolution Ouf of
order because he said such a thing was Im
possible. It made the house laugh any
Cone's motion to have the dilly Journal
printed as It is to appear In the published
Journal at the end of the session was re
ferred to the commttte on printing. ' -Hawer's
resolution to have all - bills
amendltng the statutes refer to Cobbey s
statutes was amended by Fries of Howard
to Include Wheeler's statutes and adopted.
On motion of Ned Brown of Lancaster it
was ordered that two ventilators be in
stalled in the house st not to exceed a
cost of $7$. On roll call Marlay only voted
against It.
At the afternoon session a motion to. ad
journ from Friday until Monday at t p. m.
was voted down. It was decided to adjourn
Saturday noon until 2 p. m. Monday. Con.
sent was given the senate to adjourn today
until Monday.
The following bills were Introduced:
H. R- No. H By Walsh of Douglas. To
provide for successor to the estate of de
cedent: gives husband and wife right to
Inherit estate of the1 other absolutely.
H. R. No. 43 By Walsh of Douglas.
Gives Innocent party after divorce no dis
tributed share In estate of guilty party
unless decree awards such share sepa
rately. H. R. No. 44 By Walsh of Douglas.
Gives wife right to convey real estate by
deed and convey right of dower.
H.. R. No. 4V-By Armstrong of Nemaha.
Repealing wild animal bounty.
H. R. No. 4ft By Masters of Furnas.
Provides majority In cities of 5,000 may
vote water works-bonds. . ..'
H. R. No. 7 By E. P. Brown ,t Lan
caster. Judgment In criminal oases not to
be set aside on technicalities.
H. R. No. 48 By Brow a of Lancaster.
Relating to Judgments In criminal causes
on error to the supreme court.
H. R. No. 4I-By Sohoettger-of Wash
ington. Gives county boards right to re
ject bridge - bids and build. Uielr own
H. R. No. 50 By Van Housen of Colfax.
To .fix the minimum rate of charges for
railroad companies and any and nil car
riers engaged In the transportation of
passengers and baggage by railroads at t
cents per mile. - '
H. R. No. 61 (By Fletcher of Antelone.
To define Christian Science healing and
to regulate ths practice of Christian Sci
ence Insofar as U relates to .the treat
ment of diseased -or supposedly diseased
human beings In the state, of Nebraska!
to provide fur the examination of Chris
tian Science healers and to provide nan.
alttea for the violation -thereof. .
H. R. No. 63 By Kelter of Nuckolls. An
set to provide for the payment of Inci
dental expenses Incurred during the Thir
tieth session of the legislature of the state
of Nebraska.
H. R. No. 6-By Kelfer of Nuckolls. To
prohibit the importation Into thla state of
afflicted and vicious children, and to pro
vide . penalty for the violation of this
H. R- No. 64 By Harrison of Otoe. Re
moves $5.0u0 limit In suits for damage In
can- of death.
H. R. No. 65 By E. W. Brown of Lan
caster. Making Judges of the suprm
court, district courts and countv courts
Ineligible for election to anv office except
re-election to the same office or that of
district Judge to the office of supreme
H. R. No. 6-By E. W. Brown of Lan
caster. Provides for quieting title to real
For those who live
by brain work
food exists.
ThrVa a Rsuon"
estate sgalnst unenforceable liens by lapse
of time.
H. R. No. 57-Py Olelm of Red Willow.
To purchase supply of statute for the use
of the state nnd making an appropriation
of $5,SO for 650 copies.
II. R. No. M-By Rurkley of Polk. To
prohibit unfair commercial discrimination
ltwwn different section", Himmunltie or
localities, or unfair competition, and pro
viding penalties ther'fiur.
H. R. No. 5 By Whlrham. Gives town
board In cities of 1.000 o 1S.00O power to
prohibit' billiard tables, pool rooms, etc,
H. R. No. HO-Hy McMullen of Oage. An
act to create the State Board of Health
bacteriological laboratory . .
II. R. No. Sl-Hy KlUen of Oage. Pro
hibits the pooling of bridge contractors,
to compel the production of books and pa
pers of such bridge contractors and asso
ciations; to provide a manner for securing
evidence and to provide for a penalty for
violation of this act.
H. R. No. 62-By Klllen of Oage. To
define the term "Itinerant phvslclan;"
to provide for a license for 'lttnefrmt phvi
slclnna, and for the cancellation of such
licenses; to provide fees for the same,
and for the disposition of said fees, and
to provide penalties for violation of the
provisions of this act.
Greater Part ef Time Taken Vp
Stralghtealna Matters Oat. .-
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan 10. (Special.) The morn
ing session of the senate was taken up
largely In unraveling tangles Into which
the senators wound themselves In two mat
ters. When the Journal was read King of
Polk called attention to the resolution of
fered the day before by Thomas of Doug
las providing all citations In bills should be
to the Cobbey statutes. The resolution em
powered the secretary to change the cita
tions where the compiled statutes had been
referred to. Senator King said hs thought
any change made by the secretary or his
force would Invalidate the bill, and under
the proper head he moved to reconsider the
Thomas resolution. The motion carried,
and Thomas then offered to strike out the
objectionable passage. McKesson of Lan
caster thought both statutes should be re
ferred to and offored ah amendment 'Jo
that effect, and Epperson moved a substi
tute to allow' the Committees to change the
citations). King called attention to the
fact tho matter was covered by a rule" and
ho thought It should be referred to the
rules committee. The subject wss becom
ing complicated, and Wilson of Pawnee
came to the rescue with a motion to lay
the whole matter on the table, which was
The second, entanglement came about
through a confusion of two requests from
the house, one for a Jptnt committee to
consider the printing of the messages of
the-outgolng and the Incoming governors,
and the other for a Joint committee, to
take up Senator Thomas' proposal to print
the Journal dally. Both requests were
compiled with. I
The disposition of a number of the sen
ators to. economise was brought out by a
resolution offered by Aldrich ' of Butlar
directing the committee on public. lands
and buildings and the other committees
having to do with state institutions to
make, their visits to these Institutions
within the next ten days. He explained
bis purpose was to have all of ths Jun
keting: trips pver with by the time the
busy part of the session was reached.
King of Polk asked the resolution go
over. one day. He said he was In doubt
as to the advisability of sendlng"all cf the
committees around t the public buildings
at' the expense of the stats when . tho
work might all be done by a Joint com
mittee of both houses at a much smaller
expense. Sackett of Oage also spoko In
favor of a Jptnt committee. At the re
quest of Senator King the resolution went
Over'a day.
A large part of the afternoon session was
taken up considering tha question, of, ad.
JournmehU . Latta of Burt offered a mo
tion thatwhen the 'senate adjourn It be
nntll $ p. " m.. Momlfey. Lieutenant Gov
ernor Hopewe,U, on a point of "order, r"'ad
three days and .lt would bo necessaW t3
hWH.. o.,n. e k- ti
.'..V .' "".. - .
motion was made to adjourn for three
days, but this was ruled but. Finally a
committee Was appointed -to confer with
the house, but before It could get Into
action a committee from the house ap
peared report the house had decided
not to adjourn until Baturday noon. .Finally
It wab decided to request permission of
the house for the senate to adjourn until
Monday, but before the request could be
m u n h: - nrown nr rna nmiu a nr. r .1
and announced the house had already given
Its 'consent Hs was received with' cheers.
The senate also got Into complications
when It came to considering the communi
cations from the. house, reporting that body
had appointed the Joint- committees on pri
mary, railway commission, terminal taxa
tion, free pass legislation' and one covering
the several planks of the republican plat
form. The -last mentioned was taken up
first and Aldrich -moved to refer It to the
committee on Standing committees. The
complications became so - Intricate that
Aldrich suggested It go over until Monday.
Ths discussion of another of the communi
cations was cut off "by the motion of Wil
cox to adjourn until Monday at I o'clock.
The following bills were Introduced into
the senate today: .
8. F. No. 72 By Wilson of Pawnee. To
psohlbit practice of healing except by
licensed physicians..
8. F. No. 7-By .King of Polk. " To pro
vide for succession to the-estates of de
cedents. '
- 8. F. No. 74 By King. Act to abolish
dower right of Innocent party to divorce.
B. F. No. 75 By King. To repeal present
law relating to dower.
8. F. No. 78 By Gibson of Douglas. To
requlra saloon licenses to be taken out only
by bona fide owners of saloons and to limit
the number of saloons.
8. F.' No. -77 By Gibson. Fixing pay of
election boards at city and school district
8. F. No. 78 By Gibson. Providing for
a fee of $6 to election -boards In counties
of .over 14.000 population at general elec
tions. B. F. No. 79 By Root of Cass. Upon re
quest, to amend the law relating to grant
ing of letters testamentary..
8. F. No. SO By Root. I'pon request, to
aSHlgn residue of an estate by decree of
a 'oounty Judge to such persons as are by
law etumea mereio.
8.' F. No. $1 By Root. Abolishing Stat
Board 'of Charities and Corrections.
B. V. No. sa By Root. Providing a nsw
trial shall not be granted where it appears
substantial Justice has been done.
8. F. No. 4 By Root. Providing a new
trial shall not be granted on account of
the smallness of damages where verdict
equals actual pecuniary lose.
8. F. No. 84 By Thomas. Regulating
the Issuing of corporate stock and fixing a
penalty for the violation thereof.
8. F. No. tfc By Thomas. Increasing
clerk hire In register of deeds office in
counties of over 126,000 population.
8. F. No. M By Dodson. Providing for a
fee of KiO to be paid by applicants to prac
tice medicine under reciprocal rules relating
to reciprocal relations wun otner states.
8. F. No. s7 By Sackett of Gage. Con
current resolution memorialising congress
to enact a law to prevent railroad compa
nies and other tax debtors from Interfer
ing by Injunction In the federal court with
the collection of Mate, county, school dla-
triot ana municipal taxes.
8. F. No. 8 By King of Polk. To es
tablish and determine the heirship who die
a F. No. 89 By King of Polk. Granting
cities of second class power to grant fran
chises for period not exceeding twenty
years to water works, gas, electric light
and power, heating, telephone, telegraph
and street car companies.
Jo Baras Takes Some Cosafort O.t of
Tssil la Senate.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 10. (Special.) Jos Burns
of Lancaster got considerable pleasure out
of the entanglements some of the so-called
progressive senators got Into during ths
proceedings. "Tbeae fellows have got tb;
closest organisation they bave ver had In
tho senate and still they can't run things
tight," bs said gleefully, after listening to
in Popularity and Esteem, and is ACCEPTED
some of the senator's attempts to extricate
themselves from one of the parliamentary
entanglements that marked Thursday's
session. Sens tor McKesson of Lancaster
nl' declares, "the other fellows," refer
ring to those who opposed his motion
Wednesday to appoint certain senators
members of tho Joint committee on railroad
legislation, "had an organisation." He
said they already had a "slate" picked out
and that It consisted of the seven Included
In Dodson's substitute motion.
A test vote to determine accurately who
belong to the "progressive" and who to
the '.'conservative" factions In the senate
may not be taken for some time. When
Burns of Lancaster sidestepped on his de
mand for a roll call on the motion favored
by the. .'"progressives" to leave the selec
tion of Joint committees on platform legis
lation to me committee on stand. ng com
mittees It was thought the test Would
come Thursday on a report from the com
mittee. The committee did not report
Thursday and will not hold a meeting until
Monday night. Now both McKesson and
Burns have Indicated they do not Intend
to fight the report of the commit tee. This
is taken by the "progressives'' as nn indi
cation the "conservatives" are not anxious
for a test Just now. 1
.The cpmmunlcatlon from the house re
garding a Joint committee to prepare bills
covering all of the plunks In the republi
can platform', which caused a long ami
complicated discussion In the senate on
the method of procedure, is said by mem
bers of the house to have been sent by
mistake. The resolution Introduced In the
house by Raper, providing for this Joint
committee, was wfthdrawn by him and
never passed by that lody, as other specific
resolutions had already been Introduced.
The senate-did not' act on the resolution
but laid It over until Monday.
Walsh of Douglas has' divided the state
Into three pieces. In a discussion of the
purchase of ventilators this morning, which
proposition was backed by. tire Lancaster
and Douglas delegations, Walsh said
move to amend tho motlofv-to buy one to
represent Lancaster, .courjty, one. to repre
sent Douglas county and one, to represent
the unorganised territory."
The appointment of - Cap Vila Derby to bo
mall carrier for the. state xifflcori. by the
Board of Public Lunds and Buildings, has
revived ths question .of the, authority to
appoint. Captain Derby, 'succeeds Colonel
Richards, who has hid the place for four
years. It Is understood a majority of the
state officers filed with Governor Sheldon
petition asking for 'the' reappointment of
Richards, and then tho board got together
and chopped his head off." - Governor Hoi-
comb. Governor Dietrich and - Governor
Mickey appointed mail carriers and, It is
said, Governor Mickey has a ruling f rom
the legal department which says this power
Is vested in the. governor,-.-; - -.-
"We have taken up $150 worth of time in
discussing, a $15 proposition,", said Cone o(
Saunders during -the-defeats-on be Installa
tion of " verttUators li.thtrouW. '.
'Yes,' and .. 00, Dor csfit"'',lf hould bo
charged up Ifl -tho' gentleman, trom Saun
ders," quickly retaliated Whfsh. of Douglas,'
"Vi, 'L' "
Fr,er Of Howard Ms developing as
rbater and speaker early In the session.!
ne nrsi sprung into tne jimeugni lour
years ago during a dlsoussfoh'of an appro- I
priatlon L for the payment '.of sugar beet.'
bounties. During the entire session right
up Jo the. last he had not made A speech
or attracted unuxual attention. When this -matter
came Up right at the last of the '
session, JTrles got tho floor. and to tho sur- !
prise of the house made one of the most '
forceful .speeches of the session. He had
In that quiet way of his prepared himself
for all emergenclea and he had letters and
documents that few people knew were In
existence. He carried his point and re
ceived the cheers- of the house, and gal
leries., . . ' i .
"This Is not a pass, but a cordial Invita
tion to to be tho guest, of the Ne
braska State Poultry association at their
annual exhibition, Lincoln . Auditorium, i
January 14 to, 1$, ;1S07." ..v ,
The above Is the reading matter on the
tickets received by the members of the
legislature this morning from -sLuther P..
Ludden, secretary of tho association. To-
remove the ticket farther away, from the i
nut. class, thera la printed -this on the'
back & the card: ,"Presentitbo guest's J
ticket to tha doorkeeper." ..-
Major- General EDpersqn, i .tho senator
from Clay county,-aeho- -heads, the com
mittee. on military-afflrs-,$threo,tpns to re
sign. This morning bo- feceived a letter
from a constituent' .teiyng him that under
ths military code It ws up , to him to go
mounted, and tho- constituent.-offered to
sell him a horss -cheap.- '.. . ' , .
"Unless I am furnished on -automobile
and a Uniform In ..keeping with my po
sition," sold tho senator, "i shall certainly
resign. I absolutely refuse to rld a horse."
Major Blrkner this afternoon furnished ths
gentleman frem Clay -with, a disability cer
tificate to help along ths-a.utomoblle Idea.
For many years with th Brennan-Lov
Company, bas opened an office at Sit
Ramge Building associating .with the
Aetna Life Ins. Co Jolm Pal general
agent, and writing all lines of Insurance.
Telephone Douglas 4I.
exative promo Quinjjxa
CurMCoUbiOncjI4ry.Ck4aUi2 tya
Take Hanscom ParK Line (East Side) Cars to
Hickory Street
(Continued from First Page.)
aider tho Illinois Central-Southern Paclflo
route, via New Orleans to San Francisco,
as a competitor of 1 1 i-o Union Pacific
Southern Pacific line via Ogden. He did,
however, recognise as strong competitors
tho lines connecting with the Bouthern
Pacific at Kl Paso.
At the conclusion of Mr, Munroe's evi
dence the hearing was adjourned until
January II at Seattle.
' Tariff Schedule llearlnar Hnt.
Interstate Commerce Commissioners
Prouty and Clark completed taking of tes
timony relative to objections by the rail
roads to the rule of the commission re
quiring the publication of a uniform tariff
schedule by sll roads. The effort will bo
made to devise a method which will meet
the wishes of all parties.
Attorney la Silent.
NEW. YORK, Jan. 10. United States Dis
trict Attorney Stlmson, who will liavo di
rection of the proceedings in behalf of ths
Interstate Commerce commission, would
not say today whether or not writs or
warrants ne exeat to prevent Fl H. Harrl
man, Henry C. Frick, H. H. Rogers' and
possibly William Rockefeller from leaving
the country havo been Issued.
"That fact cannot be officially an
nounced," he said, "until the warrants have
been served and become a matter of publlo
record." '
James Stillman, who had been mentioned
during the Interstate Commerce' commis
sion's sessions In this city and who, was
expected to be a witness, sailed for Europe
nn Tuesday on account, as was announced,
of ill health. . .
Messrs. Rogers, Harrlman and Frlck
were each shown the dispatch from Chi
cago announcing that counsel for the gov-
I ernment had asked for writs of tie exeat
to prevent them from leaving the country.
Each said hs had not thought o( leaving
ths country at this lime.
SCHUYLER, Neb,. Jan. 10.-(8peetal Tel
egram.) Miss Clara Louise, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kropf, was united
in marriage lo Mr. Oeorge .Kares of Gar
rison. Neb. The ceremony, which was a
brilliant; one, took place, at the bride's
I homo at $ o'clock today. Rev. Collor of tha
Holy Trinity church officiating. Mr. and
Mrs. Kares wll' visit several cities through
I the state and will then go to Garrison,
i where they will make their homo In tho
. future, Mr. Kares being the cashier of tho
Garrison State bank.
DIAMONDS-Frenter, 15th and Dodgo.-
Cnr Strike Hotel. 1
' JANES VILLE, Wis., Jan, 10.r-Runawny
freight oars of the St. Paul rallrcisd
crushed Into the Union hotel today and
seriously injured two persons, ' "
boyp's "tt?;:.r4 MS"
' . (Jharles Frohman Presents
In Goldsmith's Comedy,
Prices' 25c to $2.00. " .
s triaxTi, com. iwdat,
Wednesday MODJEBXA ' ( ,
Seat sale Saturday. ,
OURWOOD Tonight';
Bund., Tues., Thurs., gat. Mats.
Next week Z.ord and Xdr AlgT
liin WVl . lr.-tsc-soe Tie
bvx LOOT nr ww tokx
1bOBS Doug, 494.
Tonight and Bat. Mat. and Eve.
Smplro Olty Quartette Tasvel Xlokey
A Besom Eight Kit Bansal Japs) Alea
andia A Bertie j Hum A MasettS Vera A)
Wilios and tbs Klaodrome.
Prloes lOo, gfto. Mo.
JTA a ft