12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1907. V f 2 : H 5? 5 M t M M H s ? H H r M 5 m iiimiiiiihi i I.I mm 1 FRIDAY In Our New Basement WE OFFER HUNDREDS OF DIG BARGAINS IN REMNANTS Odd Lengths, Factory Ends, Etc., Etc. We have filled this gigantlo daylight salesroom with hundreds of the mot desirable bargains. We want you to visit this model basement store tomorrow and yon will see how much money yon can save on Just the goods yon need right now. Oar lower prices do it. Here Are The Bargain Leaders: 74c 111 0tA I Si - 1 H Omaha's Pnr FaaiI m 5! fWZ Vif-A i : a There isn't a store in Town tha makes such Special Effort on a GROCERIES BY TELEPHONE & T- J - J tA. 11 i . A . R inue, bu uou i uesitate to give us a , Special lot Persian Lawns, worth up to 35c yard. These remnants are up to 44 Inches wide, one of the great est January white goods bargains ever of f ered, jrard . . . . Novelty Dress Ginghams choicest styles and colorings checks, stripes and plaids all absolutely fast 1 colors, at. per yard KJPOs Thousands of yards Scotch and Nurse Stripe Seersucker j 1 Ginghams, in long mill lengths, regular price i"sO 12 He yard, at, per yard . . . . V 2 L1 , a Hurry Up Call In time. We like & to be troubled occasionally t manes us tmnK we are more de r a eemoj 01 your iraae, wnen we w is have a chance to be 'Accomodating H One Ounce bottle of Van Du- R 9 today, with every 35c bottle of M Curtain Madras and Dotted Drapery Swiss in desirable r lengths, yd OC 16-inch Dress Percales I n light o r dark grounds, dots, stripes and figures. One of the greatest percale bargains ever offered, yd . , ..5c New up-to-date pat terns, printed batiste. This is the regular 16c grade, large as sortment t o chose from, at, ot per yard .... O2C 36-inch gray plaid Suiting, for spring wear, long f lengths, yd.... DC 1,000 yards Percallne Sillcla and Sateens, Suitable for all lining purposes, 19c C values, yd OC Full standard black and white and blue and white apron check ginghams, 6 cases, at, r 1 per yard .... JzC 15c Flannelettes for wrappers and waists, every Z yard will be sold at, per yard 3 2 C Short lengths dress ginghams, many pieces in this lot to match, unusual bargain, each 1C Genuine A. C. A. Bed Ticking, sold everywhere at f C 20c yard, at, per yard ljC I FORENOON ONLY j . AFTERNOON ONLY i Various grades and lengths, 36-lnch BLB ACHED flUSLIN, and CAM BKIC, on sale from 8 till 12 o'clock, at, per yard lc Remnaati LHce-strlped Lawn-;, Checked and Striped Dimities, White Poplin, etc, not one yard worth less than 15o, on ale at 1:30, at, yard. 5c Remnants from January Sale of Linens Accumulated lot of bleached, silver bleached and col ored Table Damask remnants, in all kinds and qualities, at much less than import price. Linen and Cotton Towels that f are Imperfect, each 1C Remnants of Fine Cotton 1 I yd Toweling, usual 6c kind Full size hemmed crochet Bed Spreads, generally sell at 98c, dui are somewhat im perfect, Friday, each. . . 39c Remnants of Black and Colored DRESS GOODS A HALF THE REGULAR PRICE 25o dress goods at 9o yard cashmeres, plaids, waistings, challies and novelty suitings 3 to 10 yard lengths, f ' 25o values, at, per yard . .', . .JO 45o dress goods at 15o yard consisting of silk and wool suitings, panamas, henriettas, voiles and fancy f mixtures, 3 to 10 yard lengths, at, per yard I DC 65c to 85o dress goods at 29o yard Panamas, voiles, Scotch suitings, cheviots, storm serges, henriettas and fancy suitings, 3 to 8 yards lengths, at, yard .... AJC Silk Remnants On 3 bargain squares, fashionable dress silks, chiffon taf feta, French messalines, pretty printed radium silks, 20 to 27 inches wide worth 75o and $1.00 a i yard, at, per yard OVC'VJ In Main Silk Department 20 pieces 36-inch oil 7f boiled black taffetas, worth $1.25 yard, at, yard. . JC Short ends of silks, about 3,500 pieces of silks of all'descrip tions (sample pieces) in last section, main j department, worth up to 50c, each lDO Several hundred pieces 12 to IVi yard lengths 'travellers' samples worth up to 75o each new f f A basement, at, each '...... OC-IUC BRANDEIS Boston Store 5 Center ijWhy, I'Arkainlu well send it right up or Quick Delivery Orders. Tou need the goods, we need the 5 1 M zer'a Vnnllln fllven A vott VT? V x.- today, with every 35c bottle (J 7n . T-ft... TT HI si . i I Specials (or Friday In Fish ; y Department i W T4nl1hnt nor 1h low fri Choice Codfish (whole fish) R J S3 v C U a Holland Herring, per keg.. 750 5? 8 tparate ZatoanMs 3 Q Oonglas at, 17th H ud Wn Ar eada from Brandals Is. 2 CasaEaaKaaBa sal Remnants and Odd Pieces Embroideries The finest qualities of new nainsook, swiss and cambric embroideries, fresh from the import cases, daintiest pat ternswidths up to 10 inches on bar- (? f gain squares, at DC'iZ 2C Extra wide embroideries, corset cover widths and skirt flouncings many openwork and eyelet effects, g at, per yard )C REMNANTS OF LACE Thousands of pieces in a variety of desirable lengths many widths many kinds on bargain square, at, per yard Laces and Insertings in vals, torchons, etc white and C cream in match sets Friday, per yard OC All Silk Mesh Veilings Some are the least bit water stained chenille dots and hair line stripes white and colors, worth up to 35o yard, at 3C $3" $1- m H Friday and Saturday, we will Bell the regular $3.00 ALL CHAMOIS VESTS AND CHEST PROTECTORS AT $1.10 We have a large stock and must move It now is your chance, Friday and Saturday only. by mall add 16c for postage. P. 8. Keep your feet warm with Hair Insoles. 10c a pair, all sizes, by mail 4c extra. BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam. You Can Rent a Typewriter AnyRHabe for $D5 I I I I I B I i B I PER MONTH. FOX TYPEWRITER & SUPPLY CO. 1822 Farnam St, Omaha. TeL Doug. 3S74 Food for ak anil nrvoua m NftPVRA work and youthful rigot II Ul WOO Kon a a rciult of r. work or mental exertion ehould take GHAT'S NERVE POOD PILI8. Thy will Bake you rat end eleep end be a man asaltt. 91 Boat tnN tM If Mail. Sherman ZL NcConnell Drug Co Kth and Oodse 8ta., Omaha. Nek 3 Busiivess Boosters Try the Want AM OoJnmna of The Dellclosts la I the most delicious flavors la cakes and j puy. OMAHA WEATHER 1-X)RKCAST Friday Fair and warmer.' Tr TT TV IT TV IT TrVTrVTT raEiliIILJl I. 3 BARGAIN FRIDAY- In All Its Money-Saving Charm And there wouldn't be any money saving unless there was that em phatic, dependable quality-domination which is to us The Very Wine of Business Life "Vonr Money's Worth or Your Money Back"- this principle covers every nickel's worth of goods you buy at Bennett's. Thre Raging Bargain Eyents for Bargain Friday; he Great White Goods he Closing Out Clothing he Green Tag Furniture Ladies and Children's Knit Underwear We never like to carry goods over from one season to another and we won't. Here's de pendable, wearable Knit Underwear cut mer cilessly for Bargain Friday: Ladies' Ribbed Fleeced Cotton Vests and Pants, 25c value, to close, each 15 Ladles' Ribbed Wool Plaited Vests, 65c value. to close, each 3l Ladles' Fleeced Cotton Union Suits", grey and peeler. 50c value, a suit 35t Ladies' Wool and Cotton and all Wool Union Suits, broken sizes, worth up to 2.60. to close, a suit 6) Children's Ribbed Fleeced Union Suits, me dium weight, drop seat, 25c value, to close, a BUit 15 HOSIERY Ladies Ribbed Cashmere Hose, 25c value, pr.l9c Boys' extra heavy fleeced hose, 25o value, pair. 19 Boys' heavy Bicy cle Hose, 17c val ue, pair .lSVs GLOVES Ladies' Silk and Wool Lined Cashmere, also fancy and black Golf Gloves, 50c value at 25t Ladies' 8-button Tre fousse Pearl Kid Gloves, black, tan, gray and white, per Palr $1.08 Big Lot Odds and Ends in Women's Fancy Neckwear at Less Than Half Regular Prices Bargain Friday ii Women's Coats $15.00 Women's Fancy Mixture Made of fancy plaid and mannish mixtures, 50 in. long, trimmed in velvet, braid and buttons, regular $15 value; bargain Friday ... $7.43 $25.00 Women's Tight or loose fit ting kersey coats, 52 in. long, heavy satin lined thro' out, handsomely trimmed and tail ored, regular $25 value; bargain Friday . $13.75 Linens! Linens! These Linens are solid, heavy, fine goods' They have that "lead-weight feeling" when he,ld in one's hand that forces linen lovers to say, "My, that's good." Snaps for Bargain Friday 50 dozen heavy Turkish Wash Cloths, Bargain Friday, each 1 64.in. Bleached Mercerized Damask, best quality, regular price 75c yard, Bargain Friday, yard 50 22-in Bleached Napkins, heavy weight regular price 75o doz., Bargain Friday 50 Dainty Lingerie and Muslin Underwear THREE SPECIAL TABLES Table 1 Regular 60c value for 23J-. Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemise and Short Skirts, trimmed in lace and tucks. Table No. 2 Regular 75c value for 39 Gowns, Skirts, Chemise, Corset Covers. Drawers and Short Skirts, trimmed in dainty lace, embroidery and inserting. Table No. 3 Regular $1.00 value for s$A Gowns, Skirts, Chemise, Corset Covers, Drawers and Short Skirts, handsomely trim med in lace and lace inserting, embroidery and tuck. Corset Selling Extraordinary 2c an Inch 2c an Inch A Factory End Sale from several great Corset mills. Haven't had a sensational Corset sale for a long time haven't had room in our limited advertising space to ex ploit it when we wanted to. Fact! BARGAIN FRIDAY HERE 'S OUR PLAN: Your choice of all $2.50, $1.50 and $1 Corsets at 2c an Inch. s! 36c js.19, 38c and so on up to size 35 TWO CENTS AN INCH. Several hundred dozen salesman's samples and mil ends, including such standard makes as Royal Worcester R. & G., W. B., F. & C. and others. BARGAIN FRIDAY-SECOND FLOOR TWO CENTS AN INCH. Embroideries Embroideries Corsat Covar Smbroldary W I d o range, new open work deal ana, good trulls' edging-, having place for running ribbon through, values up to 1 5c yard; at 19o rina Swiss and jralnaook rioaaolngs Neat, effective pattern tl-la. wide, wprth 76c yard. at... 39c 46 In. wide, worth $1.25 yard. at..69o Xmbcoldery Rampla Strips at Iwt rrloaa Patterns are exclusive In character and different from the general atyle, worth up to 12 Ha yard, at 6c Allovac Embroidery In small, neat, open work dutilgns, desirable for waists, yokes, etc., worth up to 6o yard, at 1 83o Embroidery Bands From 6 U 14 In. wlde, neat, dainty designs for fronts of waists and dress panels, worth up to 11.00 yard, at lo baxb or ra or Txtuaroa Plain and fancy weaves, Chenille and velvet dotted, plain chiffon. In all the new colorings I5o values, yard So 1t3 valUKS, yard 86a Keady-lfade Tells of Chiffon. 1H yards long, 26o value, at To I yards long, 98u value, at 69o t yards long, 11.60 value, at 8 bo Week Baffs, In black, ' light ' blue, pink and fancy combinations, worth up to ft each, at gas Bargain Friday in Crockery A 83J4 per cent reduction on four patterns Dinnerware, which must be closed out in ten days. These goods are very beat English and American Porcelain and have been some of our best sellers. lOO-Piece Dinner Sets in German China Just four of them, wlh cupa that do not match. These sets would readily sell at f 16 r.:r. .'.8.98 Colonial Table Tumblers Made of the very finest crystal, regular $1 doz on sale bargain vn Friday, 6 for JVC WHITE CHIXA FOR DECORATIXQ AT OXE-THUtD OFF. Just Two More Days to Buy at This Big Reduction. CLOTHING and GROCERY on Page 8 8 Speca Offerings for BRRGAIN FRIDAY Rtmnants and Odd Lots at a Fraction of Their Value THE RELIABLB TWf Special Bargain In our January Sale of Undermuilin$ Undermuslins Greatly Under priced The most completo assortment of dainty undermuslins ever brought to Omaha of beauty in design and quality of material surpassing anything shown elsewhere. FRIDAY'S OFFERINGS ARE SPECIALLY INTERESTING Ladles' Gowns, all styles and dalntly ininmea, sold up to $1.60. choice f0" ns Corset Covers, worth almost double the rriaay price, newest styles, finely trimmed, at 39c and Greatest Silk Values Ever Shown All odd pieces of High Grade Silk, from V2 to 20-yard lengths, val uta Hum ouo 10 i.zo yam, on bargain square, Friday, yd.25 T r - I r. n . . n . . ' ju mam ana jjeparimem r riaay. Ladles' Muslin Skirts, made exception ally long and full trimmed with sev eral rows of lnce Insertions and tucks, slilrts In the lot worth up to $2.60, Friday, choice 81.50 Ladles' Muslin Drawers A sample line, trimmed with hemstitching and tucks, worth double, at. choice. 1Q Broken lines of Ladles' Wool Vesta and Pants, regular $1.00 values, Fri day "t G9 Ladles' Skirts, worth regularly to $1.75, In Friday, sale at QQ Ladles' Vests and Tanta, heavy fleeced worth to 50c, at 39c and. . . .25 Children's Heavy Fleeced Vests Krw day t Ioa $1.00 color Moasalines, Louisienes and neca laneta, limit of one pattern to a customer, at, per yd All kinds of Fancy Checks and Novel- lies at, yard jo Fancy Plaids, regular $1.00 values l 73 36-in. Black Pongees, regular $1.00 vaiue, at, yard 50 Remnants of Wool Dress Goods 600 Henriettas at 25c 10,000 yards of 35c and 50c Henriettas, In all colors, In good long lengths, at, a yard vn 6,000 yards of 40, 44, 60-ln. Mohair. in all colors, In good length that sells from 50c to $1.00a yard, on sale at, a yard o-r 2,000 yards of 62-in. Broadcloth that sold from $1.00 to $1.50 a yard, in remnants of 1 to. 6-yard, all col ors, at, a yard o -a V f About 2,600 yards of Stevens' fine Broadcloth, made to sell at $1.60 to $2.00 a yard, will go at, a yd.49 About 1,000 yards of Stevens' cele brated Broadcloths, in all colors, that sells at $2.00 to $3.00 a yard, la lengths from 1 to 5 yards, all will go at, a yard 59 16c Danish Cloth, all colors and cream in gooa long lengths, at, a yd..8H Fancy and Table Linens Here is your chance to get remnants of the finest goods mada at one-fourth of their value. Odd lot of Dresser Scarfs, center pieces and stand tops, slightly soiled, all sizes. In one lot at, each 24 Odd lot of Towels, Turkish and Huck, all linen and union, extra 'large sizes, sold up to 16c a piece, only 6 to a customer, at. each 8V4 Odd lot of Napkins, In bleached and unbleached, 18x18 and 22x22, most of them full dozen, sold regularly up to $2.25 a doz, in three lota at. a dozen, $1.25, 89c and Kf)A Remnants of Table Linen, all high grade gooda from our regular stock and sold from 69c to $1.75 a yard, In good lengths, from 1H to 3ft yds., In bleached, silver bleached and unbleached, we will place In three lota at, a yard, 69c, 59c and.. 494 Manufacturers' stock of Merc. Tabl Linens, In lengths from 2 to 3ft yds., would be worth in regular way up to 75c a yard, only two uatterns in customer at, a yard 24 Lace Curtains and Draoeries From our great stock, to close at lower prices than ever known iui mei uuouuise 01 equal quality Detore m Umaha. Brussel Net Lace Curtains from 1 to 3 pairs of a pattern, that sold at $8.60 and up to $10, at; pr. .$4.08 Brussel Net Lace Curtains that sold at $3 to $5, go at. pair $2.98 Brussel Net Lace Curtains that sold at $5 up to $10, go at, each ....98 Corded Arabian Curtains at, pair, $3.75. $2.98. $2.25, $1.75 and-98c Zlon City Cable Net, In ecru, at, pair, $5. $4.25, $2.98 $1.08 Zion City Barnett Lace Curtain, 64-in. wide, 3H long, In white or ecru, at $5. $4.60, $3.98. $2.98. ...$1.98 Nottingham Lace Curtains that sold at $7.60, $5.00, $4.50 and $3.00 a pair, go at, each 085 Lace Curtains, In odd lota at, each, 98c. .49 250 200 Lace Curtains, 3 yarda long. 48 in. wide, at, pair 75 600 pair Lace Curtains, at, pair, 69c. 49c, 39c 01-4 Comfort Sllkoline that sold at 12 Wo and 15c, go at, Friday only, yd.10 Portieres at half price. Friday Bargain Room Specials The crowds that attend these Friday sales attest the superior quality of Hayden offerings. Not only do you gain in price but quality is higher and variety greater than you'll find elsewhere. Read these items : rMaal1 ywd?! Z' L,nM' Wrth "P 12 yard' ,n ,on m,n md9' 10c Percales, extra heavy quality, 36-ln. wide. 'long mill ends, at, yd. 7ttC outing Flannels, extra heavy quality at, yard 7c Enow White Muslin. In long mill ends, on bargain square atyd.'.' 12 V4c Twilled Shirting, extra heavy quality at . ft 22 16c Sheer India Llnon. 36-ln. wide, in Ijng mill ends at ! aZ Z. 15c Teasledowna and English Fleece Back Flannelette, In long remnanta 30c Sheetings, bleached and unbleached, slightly soiled, while thev last" Vrt. day at ' 35c Table Linen, snow white, limit of 5 yds. to a customer,' Friday yd ir$ 10c Brown All Linen Toweling, limit of 10 yda. to a customer, at,' yard 15c Snow White Cambric, on bargain square at ft V 84c Amoskeag Apron Check Gingham, at, yard .1 15c Dotted Swisses, 36-ln. wide, at, yard '!!!!!oS Cotton Bod Blankets, worth 75c pair, while they last, ateach .7.7,7.7.'. ll Friday Shoe Bargains Misses' and Children' Long Jersey Leggings, 75c kind, at tni Ladles' Nice 7-buttoa Overgaltera . Ladles' Gun Metal College cut Blucher, genuine welted sole," stylish "shoes 13 alue. at $ AO Ladles' Felt Lined Kid Foxed Shoes, $1.60 kind, at ST'Xn Children's Warm Shoes, felt lined lnl Boys' and Girls' School Shoes, GOOD ONES 81 "o 120 pair mlamated Rubbers at Four Rousing Underwear Specials In our Men's Furnishing Department: Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular 60c values, heavy fleece lined, rarment254 Men's Madras Shirts, a great line of high grade goods. In broken lota worth up to $1.00, choice ' osr Men's Hose, In heavy plain cotton or fancies, worth up to 60c pair,FrTday at, pair Men's Wool Underwear, worth up to $2.00 a garment, to close quickly Frldaf at, garment , ' ' .704? Haydens' For Groceries LOWEST PRICES. HIGHEST QUALITY AND FRESHEST GOODS. t-lb. cans Baa City Sweet Bugar fyrn.6c i-lb. cans Standard Sweet Sugar Corn .4c t-lb. cans June Feaa , 4c t-lb. cans Gulden Pumpkin (c 1-lb. can Baked liuana Jc Standard Swet Sugar Corn, per doi.4jo Oyster Crookers, per lb 4c The best Hand I'lcked Navy Beans, pur pound 2',ic The best Rolled Oatmeal, per lb tfec 1-lb, Flat caimon, per can juc Potted Meats, per can IHc Cold Water Starch, per pk( Jo ti lbs. BEST PURE LATED SUOAR CANE GRANU- $1.00 TMtm AJTD TZOCTASZ.a v&a JT SIlCODal AIb COsLTBTITIOK Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, Rutabagas. Beets, Red or Yollow Onlona, per Ib.lo Large Heads Fresh Cabbage to 2 Heads Fresh Lettuce 6a Large Bunches Fresh Radishes So Large Bunches Fresh Shalols So Large Bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips 8o New Honey, per ralc UWo Fancy Hallowe'en UaU. pe ib 7V4o Fancy Large, Highland Navel Oranges, per doten : i&a Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per qt to Always wait and read Haydens' Gro cery prices before purchasing. It will save you money. Ml ITU 0,