Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1907, Page 9, Image 10

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- i . i . .
: Ceaarally rirmar Tone PrTiU it
Llit f Grains.
Foreign Markets Are Higher and
Russian Government Is Bayla
"M F'asnlaa Districts
Corn Scares Gooa Aavaaee.
i. OMAHA. Jan. 10. 1907.
. 1 "r"11 raoelpts of all train at prt
Ki7.I".tk!u and tn strengin In lha lor-
S.?J PWi"' ,..f'ner"J1y firmer lona pre
Uraay. 7' Weat cto Ho abova yss
; "Ported that tha Russian govern-
;-windJlir,ct ' "a-urad this will ma
lllK reduco Russian ahlpmenta tor tha
f.J' . con"tlna ara much mora
,or ,h movement of corn, so
Ii.toreporu '"" P" ol tha
fI i5 f cmr" ba secured It la said
1" m?X?men: wll 'noraasa rapidly. Com
Saurai V yesterday a closing
-i. r'mrJp 1w"t receipts were (40,000 bush
tiLf . ,hPmnta fco.OuO bushels, against
U . U,S ot 7.K bushels and
shlpraentsof 1W.000 bushels. Corn recelpta
v.? IL ,oco .bu,n's -"d shipments 689.0W)
ftushe a, against receipts last year of 68,000
oushela and ahlpments of M9.000 bushels.
ki JZ rnp were 223,010 bushels wheat, 8H.000
ii- . flur, 244,000 bushels corn, 600 bush
aia oata.
-iiIV!??lLclo H3Hd higher on wheat
and S1 hither on corn.
wroomhall estimates Argentina shipments
or wheat thla week at Soo.ooO bushels, com
frZi wlth . bushels last week and
esa.ooe bushels a year ago. He estimates
corn shipments at 1.600,0u0 bushels, acainst
h pments last week of 1,824,000 bushels and
shipments of 301,000 bushels a year ago.
t i ' tn" largest elevstor concerns at
Lincoln. Neb., with elevator In southern
Nebraska and northern Kansas, says It
has only bought 7,000 bushels of grain of
all kinds ilnca January 1. A Nebraska
C Ity house saya farmer deliveries are light.
Corn has been shipped out of country els
vatora and there are plenty of cara.
Liverpool Is paying- lc per bushel premium
Tor Oalveston shipments of corn as com
pared with shlpmenta from tha eastern
Atlantlo ports. This Is quite unusual and
arises from the fact that the southwestern
eprn Is much drier than that grown east of
the Missouri river.
. .Local range of optional
ArUclee. Opn. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes'y
May... 69 B
69 B
384 B
May... 384B
Oats I I
May... 344B
34A S44B
A asked. B bid.
Omaha Cash Prices.
"'WHEAT No. I hard. o64Wc; No. I hard,
WSWHo; No. 4 hard, 674,64c; No. 3 spring,
oRNNo. S, 84635c; No. I yellow. 86c;
No. 8 white, 864iu36c.
OATS No. a mixed, mJ(32e; No. I white,
aSifl3ci No. 4 white. 82&324c.
A f K No. X 69c; No. 8, 674c.
, ' . Carlot Hccelpts. -
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago 86 211 118
Kanaaa City 84 24 27
Minneapolis 260
Omaha 12 68 18
Ouluth 42
flU Louis 18 106 61
Featnrea of the Trad Ins; and Closing;
Prices on Board ut Travels.
CHICAGO. Jan. 10 Continued small re
celpta In the northwest were chiefly re
aponslble today for strength In the local
wheat market. At tha close the May de
livery was up SWHc Cum was a shade
higher. Oats were up 4(g4c. Provisions
were 124(q224c higher.
Sentiment in the wheat pit was bullish all
day and a good general demand was In
evidence for the greater part of the ses
alun. The buying led by local short al
Ihough commission houses with northwest
connections- were -lively 'bidders. The
greater part of the offerings cams from
sruall holder, t Tha-chM -factor oontrlbtitlna
to- the strength of the market outside of
the small northwestern movement were
Arm cables, damage by rain In tha Ohio
Valley to the fall aown crop and an active
demand for cash wheat at Minneapolis. The
nutrKPi eaaea on somewhat about the mid
dle of the day on realising, aalea, but
quickly rallied on a renewed demand by
shorts and commission houses. The close
w as Arm. May opened KG He higher at 7CV4
to.tjc. sold between T5Tn 7bc an.i VtiV.ia itoc
and closed at 7ti'4j7tic. Clearances of
wheat and flour were equal to 8H8.0W bushel.t.
Primary recelpta Were 80,otiO buanels
against 74A.O0O bushels for the same dav laat
year. Minneapolis, Duluth and ChlCHgo re
ported recelpta of 827 cara against 613 cars
last week and 642 cara a year ago.
Trading In th corn pit was quite active,
commission houses and local shorts beinit
flood buyers. Cash houses were the luri
ng sellers. Firm cshles. small kx-al re
ceipts and the poor grading of arrivals wer.
the main reasons for the firmness shown.
The market waa ateady all day and closed
at a alight advance. May opened unchanged
o fco higher at 4SVJ to 43Hc, advanced to
4Hlio and closed at 43Vn l3-i. Local re
ceipts were 217 cars, no contract grade.
Tn strength of wheat and corn waa a
sustaining factor In th oats pit, tha mir-ket-being
firm throughout the entire ses
sion. Trading was In small volume and by
commission houses chiefly. Msy opened a
ahade higher at 8tiV,c. sold up to SijHc and
closed at tha highest point. Local re
ceipts were 118 cara
frovlalona were firm .till day on buying
by local packers . and outside Investors
The chief strengthening influence was the
continued small movement of live hogs to
western packing centers. At the close May
pork was up 22Uo at 81182 Lard waa up
UJo at 8 M. JUba were 15o higher at 89 id:
Juatrmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
aowrhea4rn' Cr"i 0t, lW ri hoB
Tha leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. close.; Yes)
Corn '
July '
43 Vju
16 10
14 60
18 10
1 66
16 10
16 10
15 85
16 40
16 66
I 37
is e?u
1 77Vi!
t 46
. I 60
s oa
I 60
8 8TU
8 87H
I 22
8 02H
No. J.
Cash nuotatlona were aa follows:
FLfpUR-Steady: winter patents,
$60; sinter stralghta. $3.008.40; spring pat
ents. $i7ltf 80; spring gtrajghta. UlOwS-Sj;
bakers, $2.yru1.$a
WHEAT No. 1 spring. 76To; No. L
8M'71ic; No. $ red, 7lVTa5. '
CORN-No. $. 4tc; No, $ yellow. 41o.
K 1 E No. 1. 80c.
BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 488o.
8SKH-No. 1 flax. $1.16; No. 1 north
west srn, $1.22. Timothy, prims, $4 36.
Clover, contract grade, $14.00.
..i,9,I0-8h,!rl r,t"- ld loose.
$8.6008 r.. Mess pork, per bbl.. $16.10. I.ard
per 100 Ibe.. $.22Vo9.2&. Short clear aides
l boxed). $t.l2Vsti.37Vi.
Recelnts aud shipments of flour and
rr.ln: , Recelpta Shipments.
lour. bbla 29i0 47
Wheat, bu H1.6tO 234 400
Pern, bu. 2i,ln) 2Mu0
Oata. bu 144, 7u 17 0m
Rye. bu.
Barley, bu 48.600 a.100
On the Produce sxrhange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries. EBlc
dairies, 20r7c. Fksb, steady; at mark,'
essea Included. Hijil3c; flrats. 23c; prime
frit, He; fxtras. tec. Cheese, steady. 11
f 1 10.
Mlaaeaaialla Grain Market.
T8ti'iVr; No. 1 hard. 7Vae0c; No. 1
northern, 78ij"7c; No. I northern, lt9
7u.c; No. ( northern. 73c
KI-OUM First patent $4 800480: second
patents. $4.064 18, first clears, W j3 3t;
tecond cleara $i.xa! .
BRAN $16.60.
Liverpool Grata Market.
nn; No. 3 red. western. M. Futures,
steady; March, as 3Vd; May. 6s 8d;
Ju'v Cs.
CORN Spot, arm; American nilxeU. new,
s A; American mled, old. 4 6Vid.
Futures, firm; January, to ?Vh March,
Qastatloss ! tk Day Varlsas
NKW TORK. Jan. 10.-FLOrR Recelpta,
Z1.I18; exports, 4.827 bbls. Market
dull, with better Inquiry; Minnesota
patents 84 0WI-4.8A; Minnesota bakers,
88.864)1.75; winter patents, 804fl-7S; winter
straights, 88.40(18 60: winter extras, 82 0
tf8.00j winter low gradea, 12.700 2. A.
Rye flour, dull; fair to good, 83 80;
choice to fancy, 88. 85 4 20. Buckwheat
fl,;!1.r.-9",,'tL 82.1ina26, spot and to arrive.
BUCKWHEAT Luil, 8126 per 100 Ibe.
CORNMEAb-flindy! flne white and yel
low, l 161.20; coarse, $1 081.10; kiln dried,
R IE Nominal; No. t western, KSc c. I. f.
New York; Jersey and state, 4jj(6c, de
livered New York.
B A RLE Y Nominal; feeding, H.U e. . f.
WHEAT Receipts, 4fl,0nO bu.; e- ports,
8A.2A4 bu.: snot market flrrn: Nn 1 red 79v
I elevator, and KOVjc, f. o. b. afloat; No. i
nunnern, 1'uiutn. iw&c, I. o. D. anoat; No.
8 hard winter, 86ttc, f. o. b. afloat. A
higher range of wheat prices today re
flected firm English cables, small north
west receipts and fears of domestlo crop
damage. Bears were aggreaslva. however,
and checked an Important advance, al
though the close waa firm on strike talk
from Argentina, showing Ho to He net
nMay, 82tr2 7-lc. closed at 82ac;
July, 20c; closed at 82Hc
CORN Receipts, 118.260 bu.j exports. 82,627
bu.; spot market firm; No. 2, 58c, elevator,
and 60o. f. o. b. afloat; No. 8 yellow and
No. I white, 60o. The option market was
stronger on covering of January shorts,
?lJr.f to Ho net higher; January,
&J862M.c. cloned at 62Hc; May, 60So; July
closed at b0c.
OATS Receipts, 81.600 bu.; exports, 476
bu.; spot market barely steady; mixed
oata, 28 to 82 lha. 89fc-.Wic; natural white,
? to 88 Ibe.. 4041c; clipped white, 89 to 40
lbs, 40tf43Vkc.
HAY Firm: shipping, 86C90c; good to
choice. $1.0691.16.
HOPS Bteady: atate. common to choice,
12. 18&28C; 106. 8i911c; Paciflo coast,
1806, 1417c; 1806, 10014c.
HIDES Bteady; Oalveston, 20 to 26
pounds, 20c: California, 21 to 26 pounds,
lie; Texas dry, 24 to 86 pounds. lo.
LEATHER Steady; acid, 8728c.
TALLOW -Firm; city (12 per pkg.).
"&?i.countr'' P"s"S. free), VC.
.BIK Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
HtrlHc; Japan, nominal.
PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, 114.60
16.00; mess, $8.0099.60; beef ham. 128.60
25.00; city extra India mesa. 810 SO
$22. 6a Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies,
10.2&fjl2.50; pickled hams. $12.00. Lard,
firm; western prime. $.404i'9.60; refined,
firm; continent, $9.90; South America, $10.8Fi;
compound, $S 254(8.60. Pork, steady; family,
8l8.6fVfiri9.0O; short clear, $17.2519.00; mess,
EGOS Firm; state, Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy selected white, 8OTfl4c; choice,
29 300; mixed, extra, 29300; western firsts,
27c (official price firsts, 27c); seconds, 6fr
POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick
ens, 12fij 16c; turkeys, 134ilfc; fowls, 81.10,
BUTTER Steady. Street price: Extra
creamery, 33c. Official: Creamery, common
to extra, 23332c; held, common to extra,
2p3oc; atata dairy, common to firsts, 21 "a
26c; renovated, common to extra, 17W'!I24c;
western factory, common to first, 18lr1V4c;
western Imitation creamery, firsts. 28324c.
CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, small
and large, September, fancy, 14V4c: Octo
ber, best, 18Hi$14c; good to prime, l?Hf?13c;
winter made, average best, 12c; Inforlors,
St. -I.nnls General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. lO.-WHEAT-Futures,
higher; cash, dull; track, No. 2 red cssh,
75Vo75c; No. 3 hard, 717Sc; May, 760 ;
July,- 74Hc.
CORN Higher; track. No. I cash, 3XQ
4fV. No. 2 white, 41Vi842c; May, 41V;
July, 42ic-
OATS Firm; track, No. 2 cash, 36V4c; No.
( white, 2c; January, StVtc; May. 35c.
FIjOUR Steady; red winter patenti, $8.55
6175; extra fancy and straight, $3.10&-3.46;
clear. $2.562.85.
SEED Timothy, steady at $3.253.75.
CORNMFAISteady. $2.20.
BRAN Weak; sacked, east track. 93fHc.
HAY-Steady; timothy, $16.00(319.00; pral.
rle, $10.0015.0(.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing,
$18 80. Lard, higher; prime steamed, J9.0Iiy
ury sau mean, sieaoy; ooxea extra snort,
$9.25;' clenr ribs, $9.87V4; short clears, 89 61.
Bacnn, steady; boxed, extra short, $10.00;
Clear 'ribs, short clears, $10.25. c .
POULTRY Quiet ; chickens, lie; eprlpgs,
12c; turker. 12Hc: ducks, -11 Hci gsese. HC
I BUTTER-Steady; creamery, 2a33uc;
I dairy. 224270. .
; EOOS Firm at 22e.
I The receipts and shipments of flour and
grain were: Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls o,ono 16 0no
Wheat, bu 18.00 30,0 0
Corn, bit 106.000 1 86.000
Oata, bu 61.000 61.000
Kanaaa City Grain and Provision.
(UTjia; juiy. oirc; Depiemoer, ivc. i;asn: ISO
,2 hard, f!84iB71V4c; No. 8. 6700; No. 2
, red, 7T&72c; No 3, 8lft70c.
1 CORN May, Wic; July, S914c; Beptember,
. 4oac. Cash: No. f mixed, XV,c; No. 8,
,c: No. 2 white. 88c; No 3. tle.
I OAT8 No. 1 white. 35ij30c; No. 3 mixed.
S4.if;.1fio. . .
RYK-Steady, 0S:c.
HAY Steady, unchanged: choice timothy.
tlS.6tif1.)i choice prairie. $11.00jS'11.25.
BKTTEH Creamery. 80c; nacklna. 18c.
I KOOS Firm, He higher; flrats, 2Hc; sec
. omls, 18c.
I The receipts and shipments of flour and
grain were: Recelpta Shipments.
1 Wheat, bu 84.000 79.000
Corn, bu 24,000 22 0W
Oata, bu ,...18,000 13,000
Board of Trade quotations for Kansas
City delivery. The range of prices, as re
ported by Logan Bryan, 111 Board of
Trade building, was:
I Open. High. Low. Close.
May July
May July
6B54I . 70 69H 68A
SSrTil3RT4'ftS9s8Hni 38A
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Jan. 10 CORN Higher', No. t
yellow, 40c; No. 8, 40c; No. 4. Sc; no grade.
3Rfi37c. '
OATS Higher; No. I whits, 35c; No. 3
white. 84o, 1
RYE Steady; No. t. ?fllc.
WHISKY On the basis of $1.2 for fin
ished goods.
Mllitsskt Grain Market.
northern. 7Mr79c; No. 3 northern, TMjTSc:
Mar. 7.e6Hc, asked. .
RYE Steady: No. 1. 67e.
BARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 66Vr$66c; sam
pler ti4oHc.
CORN Firmer; No. I cash, 39143o;
May, 48Va3o. asked.
Dnlath Grain Market.
DULUTH, Jan. 10. WHEAT On track:
No. 1 northern, TV; No. t northern, 76o;
May. 78c; July. 7ic.
OATS To arrive, Arise.
Toled teed Market.
TOLEDO, O.. Jan, 10. PFJEDS Clover,
rash and January, $8.50; February, $8 V:
March. $S70; April. $4.47. Timothy, $2.06.
Alalke, $7.67.
Philadelphia Produce Market.'
eieany; western rresn, xie at mark.
CHEESE Bteady; New York full creams,
fancy, 140; choice, 140.
lint and
NEW YORK. Jan. 10 BrQAR Raw
quiet; fair refining, 8u31-32o; centrifugal, fci
test. loS 17-3-Jc; molasse sugar, fl2 36-320
Refined, steady; No. 8, 430c; No. 7. 4.26e; No'
8. 4.80c: No. 8. .15c; No. 10. 4.06c; No. It'
4 Our; No. 12.; No. 13. 3 k0c; No U
$.rc; confectioners' A. 4 80c; mould A, 6 16e
cut loaf and cruahed. 6.6uc: powdered, 4.9uc
granulated. 4 kc: cubes, 6.06c. '
MOLASSBS-Steady; New Orleans open
kettle, good to choice. 37tr4Hc.
ket steady; open kettle centrifugal, I 8-lija
3 13-14c; ctntrlfugal white. 4 1-16.-: centrif
ugal fellow, 3Htj4 1-16c: aecond. 9-lfcj.
MOLASSES New syrup. hf84o.
Oils aad Rasln.
NEAV YORK. Jan. 10-Ol L-Cottonseed.
easy: prime yellow, Hc. Turpentine, hrm.
RoSlN Firm; strained, common to good.
$4 214.60
OIL. CITY, Pa.. Jan. 10. OILCredlt
balances. $1.68: runs. 136.667 bbls.; average
96. 47 bbls.; shlpmenU, 170 MM bbla; aver
sge. 160.156 bl'ls.
SAVANNAH, Oa.. Jan. 10 OIL Turpen
tine, firm, eVHc; salea, IBc; receipts, 371
bbls.; shipments, 84 bbla
ROSIN-Flrm; salea l.Mt bbls; receipts.
IT1T bbls.; shipments, 849 bbls: stock, feu ib
bbls Ouote: A. B. C and U $3 96 : F. 96
(t4U): O. 84.06: H, M 80: I. $4 60: K, 36.16:
M, $6.66; N, K36; Wtl, 8a 76; WW. $7.00.
sfarket it Dull and Narrow and MoTiment
it Elcceiib.
GOULDS AND HARRIMANS ARE LOWER Steps to stop Alleged Vnlawfnl
Practices Caases Preasare Against
Stocks Affected Close I
NEW YORK. Jan. 10 The etm k market
today waa exceedingly dull and narrow
and the movement of prices very sluggish.
There was some appearance of good ab
sorption of a few stocks, which had a
sympathetic strengthening effect on the
general market, but the responsive move
ment drsgged dully. The demand that Im
prersed sentiment was for a few of the
speculative favorites and had the appear
ance of revived operations by pools which
were previously active In the stocks, but
which have been quiescent for some time.
St. Paul and Reading were especlully fa
vored In thla class of oneratlona. There
was a striking movement also In New '
lora central and some of the Industrials
below the first class, especially among the
railroad equipment companies, made good
gains. There waa no large following at
tracted to the market leadership thus -serted,
but It had an Influence on senti
ment as Indicating the sunnosed nnlnlon
toward the speculation of large capltallsta
n.,,u unun ixn i urviiurs in Biocitn. i nere
were laggards In the upward movement and
exceptions after It was Inaugurated.
The activities of the Interstate Com
merce commission and of other govern
mental functionaries In measures of In
quiry or opposition to corporations seemed
to focus the depression. It was perceptible
In the early heaviness of Union Pacific and
also in the weakness of the Gould stocks,
presumably based on the suit of the Mis
souri state officials, against the combina
tion amongst those roads. There was a
eharp break in the Canadian Pacific group,
wnlch seemed to be connected with tho
large advances which have occurred in
those stocks In connection with hopes of
dividend Increases which have not been
fully reallmd. The impression due to the
governmental activities In pursuit of cor
poration Irregularities was deepened by
the news of steps taken to place legal ob
stacles In the way of the departure out of
the jurisdiction of the authorities of influ
ential financiers from whom Information Is
sought in the pursuit of the Inquiry. On
the side of the money market developments
were In favor of the market. The post
ponement by the secretary of the treasury
of the date for the return of the $12,',0,(01
of government deposits with the national
banks so as to set forward the payment
of the Installments two weeks was re
ceived with relief aa the removal of a
threatened embarrassment before the re
cuperation of the banks had been suffi
ciently completed to make the transaction
easy. It was accepted also as Implying a
furihfr postponement by the call for the
$26,000,000 of government deposits which it
was Intended originally to begin io call In
on February 1. The Bank of England s
retention of the 8 per cent discount rate
was not a surprise in view of the continued
heavy demands upon that institution.
Withdrawals for today were $7,100,000 for
shipment from Tendon to South America
The strong weekly return whs thus neu
tralised. It was made evident also that a
decline in sterling exchange at New York
to the gold Import point would be regarded
as a disturbing Incident in the Iindon
market. The Bank of France reported a
small decrease In gold holdings, but a
heavy loan contraction. The call loan rate
here ruled below 6 per cent and there
were no bids higher than 8 per cent for
time loans for any period. The disturbing
effect of the break in the Gould and Cana
dian Pacific groups Impaired the earlier
strength of the market and the closing was
Irregular, with a mixed showing of net
Bonds were Irregular; total sates, par
value, $1,!52.000. United States 2s coupon
declined per cent on ca!l.
The following are tho quotations on tne
New York Stock exchange:
le. High. tow. C!.
Adam Ciprea no
AmalnmiteH Copper ! mo ijihj 1114 n4
a. C. A P T,6on 45H 444 ti
Ara. 0. A P. pfd ino lotn 1024 inj
Am. Cotton Oil W44
Am. cotton on prd y.'.y. m
Amrlrn RxpreM 4o
Am. H U pfd n
Am. Ice securities...,. wo 1714 17 M
Am. Unwed Oil 1.109 1S4 II II
Am. LlntMd OH pfd 17
Am.t LoeomotlT 1.900 74 '714 n
Ara. LocomotlT pfd .' 110
Am. 8. A R 1.40a 1MH 15? 1M?
Ara. S. A R. pM fOO 117 imj iif
Am. Sugar RaBnlng I.jno 14 iu 1314
Am. Tobacco pfd etfa. too (7 II M
Anaconda Mining Co I. ton t4 tta tMit
Atchlaon ll.ono 107 1M 106
Atchlaon pfd i.ina 101 torn, 100
Atlantic Coaat Lin 4,00 111 lsi 110
Baltimore A Ohio I.soo 121 120 120
Pal. A Ohio pfd too 4 14 13
Brooklyn Rapid Tr 6.I00 lt 11 t
Canadian ParlAo 4,100 1H 191 11244
Central of N. J , us
Cheaapeaka A Ohio l,no M tS B5'4
Chlrao Orrat Weatern 400 17 17 17
Chicago A N. W IM0 fUl 101 204
C. II. A 8t. P II.UO 164 151 161
Chicago T. A T a
Chlcaio T. A T. p(d n
C C, C. A St. L ton It it an
Colorado P. A 1 4 600 66 6 66
Colorado A Bo 1,600 10 17 17
Colo. A 80. lat pfd....,
Colo. A Bo. Id pfd.. 57
Conaolldatad uaa no lss Ul
Corn Product 1,1(10 13 13 2.1
Corn Producta pfd 1,30) 85 ajs
Dalavar A Hud ion too 221 121 121 u
Dal.. L. A W 6(H)
Danvcr A R. 0 41
D. A R. O. pfd 100 tS 81 li
Distiller' gacurltle Too 73 72 71
rt 1,400 43 42' 42 V
Sri let pfd 100 76 76 76
Erie Id pfd too M ' M 6
General Blectrte 1,100 ni 167 167
Hocking Valley jj
Illinois Central lit
International Paper tflt 11 17
Int. Paper pfd 100 10 10- 10
Int. Pump
Int. Pump pfd o
low Central , lop n u JJ
Iowa Central pfd too 6t , 611 60
Kanau Cltr So 100 11 ! 19
K. C. Bo. pfd 100 ao o ,
LouIbtIII A N 1,100 144 i4j i43u
Heiloas Central 400 M t le
Mtnn. A St. Loul ... J,
M., Bt P. A B. B. II 1,700 134 111 131
St., Bt. P. A B. B. M. pfd. 40 1U 140 !(,
Mlaaoart Paciflo II.611O l h m
I . K. A T 1.IHO 40 l
if ',.K-..TpM 109 n 71
National Lead too 75 74 74
N. R. R. ol M. pfd 100 11 61 5K
Nw York Central 11.600 m 13 113
N. T. O. A W 4TH
Norfolk A W low ao 10 toe;
Norfolk A W. pfd 600 10 u ga
North Amarloaa sg
Pad no Mall 1.100 11 is u iiu
People Oaa
P . C, C. A Bt. L
P reaaed Steel Car
Preeaed B. C. pfd
Pullman Palaae Car
Reading lat pfd
Reading M pfd
Repuklle Steel
Republte Bteel pfd
Rock liland Co.
7.700 140 13n 13
1.300 M M
4,100 67 IS U
100 N H M
1U. M0 111 117 137
400 40 K 11
4 M Mi
Rock laland Co. pfd to 14
bu 1 a 1. r. id pid
Bt. L. B. W
Bl. U B. W. pfd
gout hern Paclfle
Bo. Paciflo pfd ,
Be. Rallwar
Jo. Rallwar pfd
Teaneeee C. A 1
Teaaa A Pacific
T., Bt. U A W
T.. St. L. A W. pfd
t'nloa Paclfle
I'sloa Paciflo pfd
V. B. Bipreea
IT. B. Realtr
V. 8. Rubber
I'. S. Rubber pfd
V. 8. Bteel
V. t. Bteel pfd
V. -Carolina Chemical ..,
Va. -Caroline Chris, pld....
Wabeeh pfd
Wella-Pargo gipreee
Wei4lohoua Klectrte
Weeter I'nlos
Wlsconal Central
Wle Central pfd
Nortkera Paclfle
Central Leather ,
Central Lieather pld
Bloaa-SheSleld Steel
Great Northers pfd
Int. Meiropollta
lilt Mel. pld.
. IW0 (344
tm 117 117
. I I'M 11 11
4o 12 (14
'. 'i&
Ka) 13 13
00 11 12
. 17,400 lto u
3 N
'. '"ioo 'i 'ii
.' ii.400 4 '4
. 1700 107 1M
.. 10 M 17
. 'i.ioo 'i "ii
. 1.100 11 m
'. '"ioi iii" iii"
.' l$ni "i6 14
Ml II 16
. . 100 142 io
00 M 16
u lui W
'. 'iiioi iis" ii
. i.ioo n m
luO 7 74
ra.4o share.
tateaaeat Bask ( Fraaee.
PARIS. Jan. 10 Tha weekly atatement
of the Bank of France abowa the follow
ing change: Notes In circulation, de
creased 14.e,0i franca; treasury deposits
decreased 7i.67Ti.)0 francs: general deposits'
decreased .276.0u franca: 'gold in hand, de
creased 7.4Jo.Oi4 franca; silver In hand de
creased 1,156. u francs; bills discounted, de
craased Jl.275.0uO franca; advance, in.
creased $,6o0,uuu franca.
Stateaaeat Bask of Kaslaad.
LONDON. Jan. 10-Th weekly statement
or tho Bank of England ahowa the fol
lowing rhangea: Total, reaerve. Increased
1.73V. QUO; circulation. decreased (;
bullion. Increase 1,171 li4; other securities
decreased Ai,73AwV, other drpuslU,
crei d .'.ftoO.(HXl; public dep0""1. de-c-reijerl
,t.o,; nott-s reserve. Increased
A1..59.H)"; government securltlea, decreased
100.(o0. The proportion of the bank's re
serve to liabilities this week la BH.H7 per
cent; last week, it waa 33.50 per cent.
we w York Money Market.
steady, 2M' per cent; ruling rate. 6V, per
cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at i.H
per cent: time loans dull and strong: slaty
and ninety days, six bid; sis months.
per cent.
per cent.
artual business in bankers' bills at It.MT'Vtr
4.MV5 for demand and at $4 ArtOtft .ftttS for
sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4.4i'94.ol and
$4.Kflt''a4 M; commercial bllla, M M.
SILVER Bar, 6S?c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, easy; railroad, Ir
regular. Cloaing quotations on bonds were as fol
l'. 8. rat. la. reg
do coupon
Japan la. td aerlea..
do 4e etfa
do 4a etfa
do Id aerie
Mn. Central 4a
do let Inc
Minn. A Bt. L. 4a..,
M , K. A T. 4a
do I
f g. la. rag....
do coupon
V. 8. old 4a reg.
do eoupon
V. B. n. 4, reg.
do coupon
Am. Tobacco 4..
do 0
Atchlion gen. 4a
do ad). 4a
Atlantic CUtl
Bal. A Ohio 4a..
do la
.... n
.... 13
.... II
N. R. R. of M. 0 4a,
V T. C. g. la...
N. 1. C. g. la...
... 73
... H
... l
4a 12
-io. Pacific 4a....
do la
M. A W. r. 4a...
). B. L. rfdg. 4.
Penn. con. !e.
Reading gen. 4a..
ft. U A I. M. e.
t. L. A 8. F. fg
Brk. R. T.
Central of Oa. 6a.. ..!"
do let Inc.
do Id Inc..
, 77
do M Inc..
Cbee. A Ohio 4e...l(H
Chicago A A. Ia... 74
C, B. A Q. n. 4a.... M
C, R. I. A P. 4s.... 77
do col. e at
St. L,. 8. W
a.. 7
Jeabnard A. L. 4.... IV
io Pacific 4a
do lat 4a etfa 4
Ho. Railway 6 Ill
-tt;u. 1. u 1, 4a
104 Teaaa A P. la 117
rolo. Ind. la.
76 T . Bt. L. A W. 4.. U
Colorado Mid. 4...
. 71 Teiaa A P. ll
a.. Ill
... l
... 74
... 11
... 14
Colo. A Bo. 4a.......
Cuba 6a
D. R. O. 4a
niatlllera Bee. I. . .
Erie p. I. 4
Hocking Val. 4a...
Japan I
U A N. unl. 4....
Man. c. g. 4a
Bid. offered
. 4 ,T., Bt. U A W.
.101 t'nlon Paclfle 4a...
. 17 V. 8. Steel Id la..
. IT Wabaah 1
. H; do deb. B
.104.W,atern Md. 4a...
. V"W. A L. E. 4a..
.loisjwia. Central 4a....
.100 I
, Ex-Interest.
Boston Btocka and Bonds.
BOSTON,- Jan. 10 Call loans, 6'ijl0 per
cent; time loans, tj7 per cent. Official
Quotations on stocks ami bonds were,
Atrhlaon adj. 4a a2 blngham 14
do 4 100 cel. A Heels too
Mri. Central 4a, 86 Centennial 40
Atchlaon 104 Copper Range I
do pfd 100 Daly Weet 11
Ronton Albany. ..U Franklin X
Boaton A Maine 160 Oranby 13
lioiton Klevated 160 lale Hoyal 11
Kllrhburg pfd 134 Maaa. Mining
Mexican Central M Michigan 11
N. Y.. N. H. A H...1M) Mohawk U
Per Marquette 63 (Hd Dominion 64
t'nlon Paciflo 1" Oeceola 161
Am. Pneu. Tube 13 Parrot 30
Amer. Sugar 184 Uulncjr 11
do pfd 13o Shannon 10
Am. T. A T 131 Tamarack 140
Am. Woolen ib Trinity 32
do pfd 103 United Copper 73
Ertlaon glee. llluv..i.'i V. 8. Mining 7
'Hon. I. A 8 ii V. 8. Oil 11
Maaa. Electric ill Utah
do pfd 70 Victoria 7
I'nltrd Fruit 10a Winona 12
I'nlted 8. M 46 Wolverine 110
do pfd 28 North Butte 11;
t'. S. Bteel 4 uutte Coalition 17
do pfd ll Nevada ID
Adventure b Mitchell 6
Allouea al. A Arliona. 171
Amalxamated Ill , rcuniaeh 81
Atlantlo li ireene Con 10
Hid. Asked.
London t'loalns; Stocks.
LONDON, Jan. 10. Closing quotations on
the Slock exciiMiiitf were;
l onaola. money K M , K. A T
.. 41
.. 13
.. i
.. 411
.. 7a
.. 73
.. 70
.. 88
.. 6
.. la
.. 4
.. 61
.. ID
.. 3
.. 9.
do account bl
Norfolk A W
Anaconda 16
Atchlaon 110
do pfd 104
Baltimore A Ohio 111'
do pfd
Ontario A W
Hand Mine
Canadian Paclfle 118
Chea. At Ohio....
I hli ago Ot. W..
C, M. A St. P.
Denver A R. Q.
do pfd
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
Illinois Central .
boulevllle A N..
.... 67
Southern Rallwar
.... 1
.... 2i
.... 43
.... 84
.... 44
.... 77
.... II
do pfd
Southern Pacific ..
t'nlon Paciflo
do pfd
U. 8. Steal
do pfd
do pfd
Spanlah 4
SILVER Bar, quiet, 31T,d per ounce.
MONK V 3 Hi per cent.
The late ut ulscount In tha open market
for short bills is 4Va6 per cent; for three
months' bills, 4 16-lt4(t per cent.
Boston Copper Market.
Closing- quotatlona on Boston copper rrfar
ket, reported by Logan at Bryan, 112 Board
of Trade building, Omaha:
Adventure I Nevada Consolidated.. HI
Alloue 10 North Butte 118
Atlantlo 13 Old Dominion 14
Bingham 4Oaraola 10
Black Mountain 10 Pneu. Service II
Boaton Conaolldatad.. 11 Pneu. Service, pfd... 11
Butte Coalition 91 Uulnry 117
Calumet A Arliona. .17 Shannon 10
Calumet A Hecla. ..800 Tamarack 141
Centennial 41 Tenn. Copper 64
Copper Range 86 Trinity 12
Daly West 1 United Fruit 1(18
Eaat Butt 14 I'nltrd Bute, com... 47
Franklin 14 I'nlted Statea, pfd... 48
Oreen Copper 11 t'tah Consolidated.... 47',
O-anby II t'tah Copper 17
Helvetia 4 Victoria 7
lal Royal 11 Winona 11
L 8. A Pittsburg.... 17 Wolverine 181
Maaeachusetta Canane 11
Michigan 11 Mplaaluf 11
Mohawk 13
Nevr York Mining- Stocks.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10,-Cloilng quotations
on rr.lnttuc stocks were
Adama Con
Brunswick Con. .
Comatock Tunnel
Con. Cel. A Va..
Horn Sliver
Iron Silver
Leedvlllo Coo. ...
Utile Chief ...
.. II
.. M
.. 70
.. 0
... II
... 78
... V
... I
Sierra Nevada
Small Hope ..
.Itaudard ......
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, Jan. 10. In the market today
the supplies of money were ample to sat.aiy
the moderate inquiry. Discounts were
firmer In view of the adverse foreign ex
changes. The volume of business on the
Stock exchange was not large, owing to
the nearness of the settlement. There Waa
aoma disappointment at the fact that there
was no reduction in the discount rate of
the Bank of England, but thla waa offset
later by the favorable bank return, which
caused a slight hardening of prices of
British securities. Large exports of gold
to South America caused an easier close.
Forrla!ners were 11 mt during the early art
of the day. but closed weuker on conti
nental selling. Japanese continued to
harden. Americans developed a steadier
tone, although business was not brlak.
Parity was exceeded during the forenoon.
Atchison, Topcka A Santa Fe and United
States Steel were supported In anticipation
of Increased dividends. Later the market
became quieter, owing to the New York
advices being uninteresting, and trading- at
the close was quiet. Chicago, Milwaukee 4k
St. Paul lumped i point five minutes be
fore the close of the market and finished at
164,. Kafltrs were active and strong. Japa
uife Imperial 6s of 1904 closed at 102.
PARIS, Jan. 10.-Price on the Bourse to
day were firmer, on tha decision of the
Bank of France not to raise Its discount
rate. Russian Imperial 4s closed at 75.95
and Russian bonds of 1904 at 494.
BERLIN, Jan. lO.-Prlces on the Boura
today were stronger.
Treasary Statement.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-Today a state
ment of the treasury balance in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,04) gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balance,
$42,461,614; gold coin and bullion, $104,067,044;
(old certificate. $66,211,910.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Jan. 10. WOOI-Market Is busy
In all departments, with tha demand fairly
active for about all gradea. There la no
falling oft In the Interest shown by woolen
mills and thla feature haa the appearance
of permanency. Heavy importations from
Australia are anticipated during the pres
ent year. Leading domestic quotations fol
low: Kentucky. Indiana and Missouri
Combing, S blood, 3&uG4c; combing, t
blood. 348Sr. Texas, scoured basis, fine
11 months. 72Q73c; flne six to eight months,
67'awic; fine fall clean. 6041 63c. Calif. mla,
scoured basis Northern choice, 67'yrc;
northern good, 6culc; middle counties,
6uti6; southern, 6-1 A Jo; fall free, 64nfcc'
Oregon, scoured basis Eastern No. 1
staple, 70Ui3c, eastern No. 1 clothing, 68u
7oc; Valley No. 1, eofc-V-'c. Territory staple
acoured basla Fine. 72'a73c: fine medium
tW7uc; medium, oofiuoc. Territory, ordi
nary, acoured basis Fine. 6ir70c: fins
medium, Vii'c. Colorado and New Mexico
Spring acoured X, 67uM9c: No. 1, ni,i-i
Pulled wools, scoured baula Extra, 704i72c:
fine A. r.'0'c; B aupers, 4;'fi5Lc. '
ST. LOl'IS, Jan. 10. VCHL-8tedy me
dium grades, combing and clothing 24
c; light flne. aac; heavy flne, USUc
tub washed, Sutac. '
Hlsh Grade Uasollns Hlsher.
CLEVELAND, Jan. 10. The Standard Oil
company today advanced aaaoline testing
bt degree from 22'?c to BHc per gallon
Quotations of deodorise stove gasoline
remain unchanged at 15c. Theaa two
gradea of gasoline are the only ones now
quoted by the Standard, the others bavins;
bean withdrawn from tht tuarkeu
Eetttr FteliDi Gnerally fretgili in
Otttl Trade,
Moderate Recelpta of "beep aad
Iiaabs, with Trices Fully Steady,
Demand Good aad Trads
qalte Active.
BOl'TH OMAHA, Jan. 10, 1907.
Receints were;
Cattle. Hoga Shesp.
... t.348 ...1) 8,0-jO
... ,T9 1.44$ J. 2.3
... S.636 .NH 4.00
... 4,4"0 i.oTO J.iXiO
Official Monday
Official Tutsday
Official Wednesday..
Official Thureduy....
Four days this week. .28.182 29,829 4.3."0
Same days last week....24.3:7 16.177 20.173
Same days weeks ago.. S,r22 16.6T.8 1o.2n
Same days t weeks ago,. 24. 203 80.165 2X216
Same duys 4 weeks ngo. 21.3H1 $2,577 7,3
Same days last year.... 16. 708 $4,6.09 29.447
The following table shows the receipts ol
cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha fjr
ths year to dale, compared with last year:
1907. 1!. Inc Deo.
Cattle J5 Tg,; K m i429
Hons 64.1 64.0 9.
cheep 40,236 4s, 84 8.750
Good to choice corn fed steers $& fytf
Fair to good corn fed steers 4.76ti6 40
tomon to fair steers 4 004 75
Good to choice fed cowe $.4y4 60
Fair to good cows and helfere.... 2 if$ 60
Common to fair cows and heifers . l.Anj$.60
Good to choice at kers and feedent. 4 2tr(4.75
Fair to rood stockere and feeder. $ .U4 20
Common to fair stockers .753 40
Bulls, stags, eto l:$n4 26
veal caive 4.0096.SO
The following table snows the average
Price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1907. l06.1906.1904.l0$.190;i.1901.
Dec. SO...
Dec. 31...
Jan. 1....
Jan. 2....
Jan. 3....
Jan. 4....
Jan. 6 ...
Jan. 6....
Jan. 7....
Jan. 8....
Jan. 9 ...
Jan. 10...
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha $2.86'n6.60 J.aitJ.35
Chicago I.t);a7.15 6.55(6. 56
Kansas City 2.tmi 50 6.5o6 60
St. Louis 2 0o-(li.N6 6.j62V
Sioux City 2.5oSi0.86 6.2ota35
The otticial number or cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'scs
C, M. & St. P 2 12..
Wabash' $
Missouri Paciflo 6 I
L'nlon Pacific 60 )4 10 1
C. & N. W. (eust).... 5 t)
C. & N. W. (west).... 2.' 19
C, St. P., M. A O... 22 S 2 1
C, B. & Q. (east).... 3 6 .. 1
C, B. & g. (west).... 40 13 1
C., R. I. & P. (east).. 2 6
C, R. I. & P. (west).. 2 1
Illinois Central 4 1..
Chicago G. W 1 1
Total receipts 176 77 15 "s
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, esch buyer purchasing tr-
number of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Bluep.
Omalia Packing Co 6u 782 !l
Swift and Company 932 1,48 1,161
Cudahy Packing Co 1,021 1,101 768
Armour & Co 6ir7 1,750 333
Carey & Benton 15
Lohman & Co 128
MoCreary & Carey 26
W. I. Stephen 139
Huston & Co 76
Hamilton & Rothschild .. 4
U F. Hues 19
J. H. Bulla 1
Mike Haggerty 76
J. B. Root A Co 208
T. B. Inghram g
Sullivan Bros 6 ....
V. A. Rrltton 7 '.,
Nels Morris ..i... 18 i .. .
S. & S 241
Other buyers 671
Totals .4.636 6.452 $.242
CATTLE There were no new develop
ments In the cattle trade this morning, the
market continuing In a good hoalthy con
dition with fair supply and good demand.
There was very little here In the way of
deal ruble beef steers, the supply being
limited to common and medium giades of
half fat or warmed-up nativea. The demand
was very fair and the market reasonably
active at steady prices. If anything tho
reeling was a little better than yesterday,
but sellers as a rule were not quoting it
any more than steady.
Cows and heifers alao sold at about the
same notches as yesterday, the market
being quoted as steady with the demand
good. The bulk of the receipts changed
hands in very fair season In the morning.
The Blockers and feeders In sight changed
hands very readily at good firm prices. The
heavier and more fleshy cattle are In best
demand, but even the common grade ara
selling fairly well.
Representative sales:
$4 feeders.. 824
8 75
11 cows...
21 feeders
5 steers. .
$ 00
3 85
4 40
4 30
3 10
2 65
4 15
8 30
3 80
3 85
3 46
6 bulls. ...1346
24 heifers. ..721
159 feeders. .971
2b feeders.. 860
66 cows 926
11 cows 8o2
72 cows 9S8
23 heifers... 619
12 cows 1U91
120 feeders. 916
6 steers. ...1171
21 cows 80
88 feeders.. 994
2 75
2 85
3 60
4 20
3 10
8 10
8 75
2 66
I 26
4 65
4 80
8 06
4 26
10 feeders.. 971
8 heifers....
22 heifers. ..610
23 feeders.. 887
13 bulls.... 1287
32 feeders.. 740
10 feeders. . 840
16 cows 913
13 cows 1040
16 ,
10 ,
... 110
... Ml
... IV)
... M
... Ill
... ni
... 60
... 174
... IH0
... 117
... 140
... 187
... IM
... 131
... Ill
... 0t
... no
... 1
... Ml
.... 10
.... no
... 11
... 120
.... 10
.... 14
... 1M
... lot
... mo
... 480
... 630
... 611
... 614
... 421
... u0
... 184
... T70
No. Av.
1' I H
II 1260
II 1310
I 10
I 10
I 44
I 41
( M
I 10
t 4f
I 46
I Si
t 44
I 18
I 44
I 74
t 10
I It
I 1
I Tl
t M
t SO
t 16
t 10
t 10
I 14
I as
I 4
4 04
4 M
4 00
4 40
4 at
4 11
I is
t IS
t at
t 14
4 60
4 U
4 M
4 U
I 06
I 6
I 46
I 10
I 16
I to
t 0
i u
I 00
I 10
I 10
t to
t 16
I 10
I 16
I 86
I 16
I 40
I 40
I 40
I 60
I 64
I 10
t 60
t 60
I 40
II ,
II ,
11 ,
10 ,
I 00
I 14
t 7
I 16
I 15
1 K
.. Ill
.. 127
.. 171
.. 710
.. 711
.. 417
.. tut
.. 867
.. TOO
I 44
t 44
I 44
t 7
I 7
I 71
4 10
4 16
I Tl
I Tl
4 0
4 1
4 40
t 76
8 to
t M
I ts
t W
I 6
I ii
t M
I 44
I 4
I 4
t 4
t 16 11
. 114
4 60
4 6
40 i.
4 16 1.
f hi 1 a no
4 4
II 464 I Tl 1 7u
J. L. Shaffer.
26 feeders.. 1067 4 so
J. J.
48 feeders.. 1022 4 80
O. M. Shaffer.
57 feeders.. 1072 4 M
HOGS-Hoas sold 674o hlsher this morn
Ing and tha insrktt was quit lively whsn
onos warmed up. As will be noted from
the sale the hotf aold largely at $6 30 aa
asalnat $6.224i 26 yesterday. While there
was a small sprinkling of sales at $6 27 4
and also at $0,324. It waa pretty much a
one-price market, and that price waa as
noted sbovs, $6.30. While some of the buy
ers were still bvailsh and holding back
sllU Ui daind was food nwua to clui
6 08 4 52 4 Bl 361 $61
6 244 4 47 4 64 261 6 V4 4 $0
24 8 14 4 64 6 831 6 221 4 96
(21 6 11 4 39 4 61 6 86 6 221 4 96
6 44 t 07 4 43 6 29 1 6 191 4 9
6 20S 6 14 4 46! 4 77 C 29 t 02
6 31'i 6 2J 4 47! 4 67 6 28; 6 04
6 171 4 4SI 4 HI 6 $4 6 24
23 I I 501 4 6f 40 6 09 6 IS
6 27S 6 20 I 4 r 6 4H 6 Ot'l & 06 1
6 23 6 221 4 4 621 6 39 4 15 6 14 ;
6 3o fi 20 4 6-J I 6 40 14 5 26
up the early arrivals In prettv fair season
at the prices indicated.
Representative salfS
N. A. . ft. fee. Av. Bk. Pr
II 1M l I 748 40 I 1
II ...10 to r SO ran ... to
J Ill ... I r 48 li 40 80
76 in ... 4 17 t rtr 40 1 10
t tit ... I r;4) 14 .4 ... TO
U Ill ... I M 17 Id ... I In
46 ... t 17 41 In IO I 10
44 Ill 10 I l"! 11 HI M I 80
71 " ... II" II 1-4 DO I 8
71 IW ... I t 61 t7 10 I to
TO ... I 10 74 144 1M I I
71 Ill ... I 10 71 too I I"
70 tH ... I 0 71 M ... m
M St ... HI It I I M I M
14 144 ... I 80 84 t' ... I 80
44 Ill 140 1 10 41 t7 ... 181
II lit ... I 10 71 f7 40 I 87
II trt ... I 10 44 146 ... 4 t
M Itt 10 I M 71 14 ... 4 11
47 SM 140 4 80 44 t.4 ... I 81
71 It 170 I an 41 K, ... I 89
II 168 M I 10 ill 4 I 81
48 I47 ... IH K 3.1I io I lt
U SM 40 10 US M7 ... I 11
17 i! ... 110 IS 171 ... 82
0 !' ... 110 41 SIS ... 4 1.
7 tl 140 10 1S4 ... I 81
64 IKI 110 I 10 86 in ... t 86
II 191 ... 4 SO 70 HI ... St
71 1M ... I IA 48 IM ... I 15
41 lat ... I 10 II Ml ... I II
11 !6 M I M
SHEEP Both sheen and lambs were fullv
stesdy this morning and the feeling, If any
thing, was a little better, fnder the In
fluence of the good demand the fifteen or
sixteen cars In sight changed hands at an
early hour. Odod lamhs sold a high as
I1.0O, the same price that was
paid tot
'Id up to
them yesterday. Good wethers sold up to
$5.66, the highest that anything of that
kind has rtrmivhr In Mvftral .4v
As will be Inferred from the above the
market I In a good, healthy condition,
with the demand fully equal to the present
supply. It would be well for shippers to
still bear In mind that buyers do not want
anything unfinished and It would I very
poor policy to ship anything of that kind.
wuyeia are all looking for good, well fin
Ished sheep and lambs and they do
not l
want anything else.
Quotations on killers: Good to choice
lambs, $7.0o&7 60; fair to fond lamb. $6.75
ft 7.00; good to choice yearlings, lamb
weights, $6 00 6. 26; fair to good yearlings,
lamb weights.; good to choice
yearlings, heavyweights. $5.76w6.00; fair to
good yearlings, heavyweights, $5.6iU6.75;
good to choice old wethers, $5.3tVii6.66: fair
to good old wethers, $u.r(6.36; Kood to
choice ewes, $4.866.26; fair to good ewes,
Quotations on feeders: Good to choice
lambs, $ri.2.ii6.i0: medium lamhs. $5.7r4i5.26;
llRht lamhs. $4.Vi5.2,-); yearlings, $5.1Mii.5i;
wethers. $1.75! 26: ewes, $3.60(U-4.W; breed
ing ewes, .M.60f5.tiO.
Representative sales:
11 western ewe
228 western yearlings ...
100 western lambs
75 western cull lumbs...
421 western ewes
50 western yearlings ...
90 western lambs
384 western lamhs
67 western wethers
7 western lambs
v..tern ewes
6o western ewes
48 western wethers
516 western lambs
. 108
. 86
. 75
. 60
. 114
. 80
. 74
. 75
. 136
. 67
. 103
. 102
. 119
. 79
4 75
6 75
7 36
6 26
6 16
6 75
7 36
7 30
5 60
7 25
5 00
6 00
6 66
7 50
Cattle and hern Steady Horb p'lve to
Ten tents llluhrr.
CHICAGO, Jan. 10. CATTLE Receipts,
9,l he.'id. Market steady; common to
nrlmo ahlonlnir steers. 14.OXii7.00: cows. $2.75
G4.76: heifers. $2.lsii6.oii; IuiIIh, $2.7iV(j4.r0:
. -. . . . ..... '. , ' a . . ...
caives, -. i!'; siocaers anu teeners,
HOGS Receipts, 24,000 head. Market 6'o
10c higher; choice shipping lions, $6.6u1i6.AH;
heavy butchers. $il.(-Vub.5714; packing, 5'i.42'
i6.f; pigs, $ii.(X'i6.3o; bulk of sales, $o.47
uutrp iK'n t a. M KSIo,-olrt 18 lain
head. Market sheen. $:I.00C(HU):
yearllnga, $4.ifi.5o; lambs, fcj.i&tt
Kansas t'lty Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 1,7(X) head. Including :) southerns.
Market cteady to weak; choice export und
dressed beef steer. $o.4"iC(.60; fair to good,
$4.(Vfi6.3u; western fed steers. $3.75ft)5.5ti;
stockers and feeders, $3.2M4.P0; soul hern
steers, $3.26(15.00; southern cows, $2.00413.25;
native cows, $2.2M4.50; native heifers, $3.10
M.90; bulls, $3.2n('4.10; calves, $3. 251 1 7.60.
HOGS Receipts, 12,700 head. Market IVfiP
74c hisher; top, $6,624; bulk of sales, $6.40
476.50; heavy, $i.4744i6.524; packers, $6.4lKii
6.50; pigs aud lights. $5.50((i6.45.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000
head. Market steady; lambs, $6.5037.60;
ewes and yearlings, $4.&0u6.16; western fed
yearlings, $5.60i.5u; western fed sheep,
$4.6046.;6; stockers and feeders, $3.25'0'5.00.
si. I.onls l.lve Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 10.-CATTLE Receipts.
1,604 head, including 1,000 Texans; market
strong; native shipping and export steers,
$4.604ifl85; dressed beef and butcher steers,
$4.VOti6 46; ateera under l.O") lbs., $3.50'u4 80;
stockers and feeders, $2.603 4.80; cows and
heifers, $2.fx1i5.M; earners, $1.752.36; bulls,
$''.20Cy4 00; calves, $3.507.50; Texas and In
dian steers, $2.oCKy6.6o; cows and heifers,
H(XJS Receipts, 7,000 head; market 10c
higher; pigs and lights, $5.9xij6.56; packers,
$6.15''q6.SOi butchers and best heavy, $6 403
SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts. 6"0
head; market higher; native muttons. $4.00
fi6.60; lambs, $5.00(7.76; culls and bucks,
$2.00i3.76; stockers; $3.0043 3.50.
New York Live stork Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. BE BV ES Re
ceipts, 17 head, consigned direct; nothing;
doing; dressed beef, more active at 7iu9c
fer lb.; extra beef, 94c; exports, 10Q cat
le; estimated for tomorrow, 16 cattle.
CALVES Receipts, 54 head; market for
veals steady; barnyard and western calves,
nominal: veals, $7.f'a7.70; no choice here;
dressed calves steady: dressed veals, 849
144c per lb.; country dressed, 74'124e..
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,426
head; market steady; sheep, $3.30313.60;
culls. $3.20; lambs, $8 2O&U.40.
HOGS Receipts, 1.4J0 head; market
stesdy for all weights; quotations, $6.85
.. . , . . , W
7.1o, Including pigs.
"Ions City Live Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY, Jan. 10.-8peclal Tele,
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; mar
ket steady; stockers, steady; beevea, $4,263
6.86; cows, bulla and mixed, $2.60(34.60: stock
ers end feeders, $3.0O4p4.26; calves and year
lings. $2.75380.
HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head; market 6C10o
higher, selling at $63043686; bulk of aalea.
$4 26(Sj 274-
SHEEP AND I .A MBS Receipts, 300
bead; market strong.
t. Joseph Live Stock Market.
BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. 10. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 2,600 head. Market active to strong;
natives, $4.60(86.76; cows and heifers, $2,260
4.00; stockers and feedera, $3.25-4.00.
HOGS Recelpta, 10,013 head. Market 6
10c hlKher; bulk of sales, $6.374t.474.
SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, 3.750
head. Market steady to atrong; lambs.
$7.50; yearlings, $6.20.
' stork In fllsjht.
Receipts of live stock at ths six principal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
South Omaha 4,) ,600 3on0
Sioux City 600 810 2O0
Kaneaa City 1.7(0 12,7m 8.00
St. Joseph 3,600 10.013 8,750
St. Louis 2,600 7,0(10 600
Chicago 3.000 24.000 18.0U)
.20,600 60,611 33,464
Metal Markst.
was a considerable) decline In the London
tin market, with spot closing at 189 6a
and futures at 190 6s. Locally the market
waa easy, In sympathy with the break
abroad. Spot was quoted at $11,003-41.40.
Copper was higher abroad, with spot quoted
at 107 17a 6d and futures at ln8 2a 6d
In the London market. Locally the market
waa firmer, available supplies being very
light and demand moderate. Lake la quoted
at $24.25(u4.76; electrolytic. $24.Wu'24.25, and
casting at $23.7524.00. Lead waa firm at
yesterday's advance locally, spot being
quoted at $6.0C(li.30. In London the market
waa la 3d higher at 19 7a 6d. Spelter was
unchanged at 27 16a In London and at
$6.65f(i6.7t locally. Iron waa lower in ths
English market, with standard foundry
quoted at 69s lOd, and Cleveland warrants
at 60s 74d. Locally tha market waa un
changed; No. 1 foundry northern 1 quoted
at ti'aX.'Jfi; No. 2 foundry northern,
$24. 75(& 16.76; No. 1 foundry southern. $ft.6)a-(i
26.50; No. I foundry southern. $26 Ooi'Jb.Oo.
ST. LOl'IS. Jan. 10. METALS Lead,
iteady at $4.10; spelter, steady at $6.tky
A 70.
Evspsrated Apple aad Dries Frills,
APPLES Market shows an advancing ten
dency and demand enema to be improving
a little, although not active, a steadier
tons being due to the sttltude of the hold
ers. Fancy are quoted at 9ij94c; choice,
84c; prime, tUo.
are In better supply on spot owing to
recent arrivals, but the tone of the mar
ket remains firm. Quotatlona range from
3c to ku for California grades; Orraons, UOs
to 40s are quoted at 7tiHc. Apricots are
quiet and unchanged, with choice quoted
at loo; extra cnoica, 171 ik ; fancy, 1cu2in
ed I
Peaches ruled steady: fancy. 13c. Ralai
are unchanged; loose Muscatels are quoted
at 7Mti.4o; seeded raisins, 74T10c; Londoi
layers, Sl.4o4il.h6.
Condition of Trade anel Qaotatloas AS
staple and fa hey Prodnre.
FOGS Per dot., v623c; market easy.
LIVK POl'LTHY-Hens. KJV; roosters
tc; turkeys. hj;:tc; duck, loc; youn
roosters. M)My; gee.e, S'aic.
Bt'TT EH Packing stock. 19'ic; cholc
to fancy dairy, 2.lyiPc; creamery, 27jj31o.
HAY Choice upland, e.fx'; inedlui'i. IS.OO,
eonree, $K.taHS.50. liye straw, $ti.6ou7.00.
BRAN Per 'on, $15.00.
NISW V K t tT A I1LK8.
TOMATOKS Florida, per -baaket ctat
of SO lbs., $T .50tfAOU.
WAX HKANS-Per hu. box. $3.6Hr.C10.
LF.AF LfciTTl't'El Hothouse, per dog.
heart". 4fc
CKLKRY-Callfornla, per dos.. 76cJ3$l 0ft
CL'CLMBKHS Hothouse, per dos., tl.iovf
H'RSKHAD13II Case of 2 dog.. $1.n.
RAD1S1IKS Per do, hunches, aoulhern.
larae bunches. 75c: hot house. 3fiT4oc.
OKKL'N PEPPERS Per 6-basket cra
$4 6KB 1.1.00.
PARSl.KY Hothouse, per dos. bunches,
4oc; southern, Hoc.
HEAD LETTUt E Southern, per dos..
$1. o 'ii 1.26.
BH ALLOTS Southern, per bu.. BOo.
SNIPS--Per lui., 75c.
SWEET POTAT'Jn-KarJit. re? bbl..
t': Illinois, per large bbl., $3.00.
ONltNS-Hom) (rown, per bu., 0oj
vpanlsli, per crate, $2.00; Colorado, per bu..
1 toC.
BEANS Per bu..
$1.66; No. X
11 so
LIMA BEANS-Per lb., 6ie.
CABBAGE Holland seed, homo
1tc per lb.
KOO PLANT Per dos , 25$3.00.
POTATOES Per bu., 4060C.
RUTADAliAS .About lba to
CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $8.0O4T90O.
APPLES Ben Davis, choice, $2.00; fancy,
per bbl.. $2 26; Jonathans, $3.50; New Tor
apples, $3.26.
PEARS-VVlnter Nells, per box, $3.00.
GRAPES Malaga, per bbl., $5.0037.00.
ORANGES Florida oranges, all sixes,
$2 2ft'i2.ii0; California navels, extia fancy,
all sizes, $3.00; fancy, $2.85.
LEMONS L Imoniera. extra fancy, 240
size. $4 50; aft) and 360 aixe, $4.60; othef
bruiids, uOc less.
RANANA8.-Per mortlum-slxed bunch,
$2.(Kii2 25; Jumbos, $2 6"ii3.50.
DATES Kadaway, fcc; Bayers. 6c; Hal
$1 HI' neW aU,red wulnut dates, 9-lb. box,
GRAPE FRUIT-Sise 64 to 64 and 80 to ,
FIGS Colirornia, bulk, 6V4e; 6-crown
Turkish, lftc; 5-crown, 14c; 3-ciown, 12c.
COCOANL'TS-Per sack of I'M), $4.50.
No. 1 rib, 14c; No. 2 rib, 10c; No. rib,
7c; No. 1 loin, 17c; No. 2 loin, 12c; No. I
loin. 9c; No. 1 chuck, 6Hc; No. i chuck, 5c;
No. 8 chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, 74c; No. i
round, 64c; No. 8 round, 6c; No. 1 plats,
44c; No. i plate, 4c; No. 3 plate. Sc.
CHEESE SwIhs. new, 16c; Wisconsin
brick, 164c; Wisconsin limberger, 1401
twItiH, 164c; YoutiB Amet leans, 1040.
P'LSH-Truut, 12c; halibut, 12c; catflh, ISo;
buflalo, 8c; bullheads, 12c; black bass, fins
stock, 25o- salmon. 12c; pike, 12-c; ted snap
per, fresh frozen, 13c; whlteflsh, freeh
frozen, 13c; yellow perch, dressed and
scaled, 8c; pickerel, fresh frozen, 9c: frog
legs, 40c per Bos. saddles. i- ibft f amily wh tensh. ner
I quarter bbl., Mo lbs.
a .... 1 X! n , IU IW,
. 100 Ihs.. 14 110: Norwnv mulr.
trel, No. , $35 00; No 2. $28.00; herrlna; u
bbls., ao lhs. each, Norway, 4k. $P 00; Nor.
way. 3k.' $0.00; Holland herring, In kegs,
milkers. 80c; kegs, mixed, 70c.
HIDES AND TALLOW-Oreen Halted. No,
1, 12Vc; No. 2, 11c: bull hides, JolOc; green
hides. No. 1. lie; No. 2. 10c: horse, $lJtKi
010, siirrp pens, SVCUi'ei.0. lailOW, P40. i.
I c.':
-' w. e, 0-4;.
NUTS French walnuts, 134o; California
ralnuts. No. 2, hard shell, 3c; No. 1, soft
shell. lo4c; P.raxlls, ir(ilc: pecans, lliif
niDerts. U'uHe: neannta. raw.
i roasted, 9c; Ciillfo.-nla almonds,
eiien. inc; son uncll, lfo.
HONEY Per 24 frames, $3.50.
CIDER New York, half barrel, $2.78: bar
rel. $r,.oo.
t;OFFEE-Roasted, No. 86, 26e per Ib.t
No. 30, 2lc per lb.; No. 25, lc per lb.: No.
20, lc per lo. ; No. tl, 13c per lb.
SYRLT-ln bbls.. 27c per gal.; m cases,
10-lb. cans, $1.70; cases, U 6-1 b. cans, $1.80:
cases, 24 24-lb. cans, $1.85.
SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, $
granulated beet. In sacks, $5.11. l
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west
ern, oofo&oc; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes, 8-Ib.
cans, $1.10; 8-lb. cans, 74c$1.00. Pin,
apples, grated. $-lb., 2.06jrs.8O; sliced, tl 90
4(2.20. Gallon apples, fancy, $2.06. Call,
fornla apricots, $1.902.26. Pears, $1,763
2.60. Peaches, fancy, $1.752.40; H. Q.
J leaches, $2.00f?2.50. Alaka salmon, red.
1.25; fancy Chinook, F.. $2.10; fancy Buck,
eye, F., $1.95. . Sardines, quarter oil, $2.7$t
three-quarter mustard, $3.00. Sweet pota
toes. $1.10'1.26. Sauerkraut. $1.00. Pump
kins, 80c&$1.00. Wax beans, 2-lb., 661 Vie 1
lima beans. 2-lb., 75c(ff1.35. Splnuch, $1.35.
Cheap peas. 3-lb., 60c; extras, &octfiLlU;
fancy, $1.3i(al.75.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 10. COTTON flnov
closed steady, 10 points lower; middling up.
lands. 108c: middline srulf. 11.10c.
1.196 bales.
closed easier. Sales, 8,100 bales. Low
ordinary. 6c, nominal; ordinary, 7'c, nom
inal; good ordinary. 8 8-lGc; low middling,
7-16c; middling, 10-16c; good middling,
Uc; middling fair. 12-iwc. nominal: fair. 1.V1
nominal. Receipts, 12.878 bules; stocks, 404
, 691 hales.
ST. IJUIS. Jan. 10.-OOTTON-Steady:
middling. 10c. Sales, 392 bales; receipts,
1,(8(0 hales; shipments, 360 bales; stock, 29..
484 bales. .
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 10,-COFFEE-Market
for futures opened steady at a decline of i
points, under lower cables and selling for
Wall street people, supposed to. be for long
account. Prices sIlDDed off to a net riJ!
i r",r!,of bo"t 15 points on sales during tha
Ml 1 1, fi la utH.lnn In ...It. n 1.1 - 1 . 1
middle seaaion, In spite of a cable claiming
that the government was buying 15,000
onus oi mo ana w.uw nags or Santos coffee
In the primary markets daily. Later thers
was some Improvement on covering and
European buying and the close waa called
firm at a net decline of 5Ctfl6 polnta. Hals
for the day were reported of 47,0(0 baas
Including March at 6 36Cu5.50c; May, 6 504
8.60c; July, 6.7o$G.80c: September, 5.808690c;
October, 5.96c; December, 6 H).loc. Spot
market waa quiet; Santos No. 4, 8c Mild
coffee, quiet; Cordova, 9(jl24c.
Bank Clearing;.
OMAHA, Jan. 10 Bank clearings for to-'
day were $1,763,358.16 and for the corre
sponding date last year $1,838.92.44.
Josephine H. Weldenfeller to Gould
Diets, lot 3, block 18, West Omaha. $ 1.600
Margaret 8. Colvin to Gould Diets, lot
4, block IS, West Omaha 1,500
Ellen B. Stoeckel and husband to
Josephine H. Weldenfeller, lot 3,
block 18, West Omaha 1,603
Same to Margaret S. Colvin, lot 4,
block 18, West Omaha 1,500
Same to Gould Diets, lot 2, block 18,
West Omaha 1.500
Madison M. Ormsby and wife to
Charles ll. Brown, lots 6, 12 and 10,
block 4; lot 3, block 16. and lot 16,
block 7, Boulevard Park 600
Hastings A Heyden to Lizzie R. Stan
ley, lot 11, block 1, Hastings & Hey
den's Second Add 400
Laura b. Ennls and husband to Hora
tio F. Curtis, w5u ft. lot 10, Mc
Candllsh Pla?e 3,000
John J. Ryan to John Klempnauer,
w4 block 16. Second Add. to Cor
rlgan Place, South Omaha 376 .
Anna U. Conroy to same, t-4 4 block
16. same 400
John C. Rabrm and wife to Iver Han
sen and wife, lot 19, block 3, Hlme
baugh's add 1,200
Samuel D. Mercer to Elizabeth I'hl,
lot 3, block B, Saunders ot Hlme
baugh's Add 1
Ellis L. Blerbower to William T.
Seaman, lot 9. Motter's Sub 475'
John W. McDonald to Edward J. Mr-
Laughlln. lot 10, block 10, Clifton
Hill 700
Same to Mary 1-1 Mooney, lot 2, block
14. Clifton Hill 1,136
Henry W. Berry to Anna S. Lessard,
lot 7. block 2. Clifton Hill 1
Anson C. Issard and wife to Henry
W. Berry, same , 1,
Josephine Salerno and husband to
Sarah Sgarlato, lot 6, block 2, Forest
Hill 4,000
City of Omaha to Haarman Bros. Co.,
w50 ft 12th street adjoining lot 1.
block 222. Omaha 1.90
Eliaabeth I'hi and husband to Julia
5. Miller, lot 8, block ii, Saunders
A Hlmebaugh's Add 1,900
Mark Zlnas Forscutt and wife to Wil
liam O. Jensen, 4 lot 16, block 3,
R. V. Smith a 1,600
Robert O. Fink to Herman 8ohafTer,
lot 18, block 7, Pullman Place, South
Same to aame, lot 8, block 9. same.. ....
Same to same, lot 1, block 4. same.... ....
Same to aame, lot 13, block 4. aame ,
Same to same, lot 14. block 4, same..., ,,,,
Same to same, lot 15, block 7. sams
Same to tyme, lot 23, Mock 1, same ,,
Sums to same, lot L block 7, same