s TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: 'THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1007. 8 X I I : Want - ads AdrmlarMrata for Ik waat aal rnlimai will It ttkm taatll 13 tn. for the evening rdlllon aad aatfl 9 . m. (or 1hf naming Bad Bandar editions. CA8I1 ntTUS FOR WAJIT ADS. One Insertion, 1 1-3 eenta fr word I two or more eonsecnllre Insertions, 1 rent ser word each Insertleai more than one Insertion, If not ran eon aerutlrelr will be charged for at the rate of I 1-3 reals per word. 91 ISO pe line for one month. Jto ad tAkea for less than 20 cents. CAM! HATES FOR JIOTlCK. Heath and Fnneral Plotters, Cards of Thanhs and Lodge Hot lees. T rents per llae for one edition, morning of evening) 8 cents a Una for each addi tional edition. Bandar, lO eenta line. Ho ad taken for less than SO cents. BR ASCII OFFICES. Want ads for The Bee mar be left at nr of the following- dm stores one Is "roor corner dMa-arlst" lliey are all branch offices of The Beo and yoar ad will be Inserted lost as promptly and at the same rates as at the 'mala office la The Bee building, Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Albach, W. C. 4th and Farnam. Beranck, 8. A.. 1402 S. 16th 8t. Becht's Pharmacy, 70 S. 14th HI. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Rcrrils Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce Bts. f'llfto.i Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. Cfinte, J. R., 81st Ave. and Farnam. t'rivMcv Pharmacy, 24th nnd Lake. Cerniak. Emll. 1264-6 8. 13th St. Kiiitman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Khr, P. It.. 2S2 Lcnvenworth. Kontcr & Arnold. 213 N. 25th 8t. Frevtng, John J.. 1!H4 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. (iolriman Pharmacy. 20th and l.nke Bts. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave and JPaific. Oreenough. O. A., 1025 8. 10th St. C.recnough, G. A., loth and Hickory. Ilayden, Wm. C, 2930 Farnam St. lcom Park Phar., 1501 S. 2th Ave. Moist, John. 621 N. 16th 8t. Huff, A. 1, 2924 Lenvenworth Bt. King's Pharmacy, 239 Farpnm St. Konntze Place rharmacy, SS04 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1802 N. 24th St. Latnrop, Chas. K.. 1324 N. 24th St. I'eyton 1 E., 24th and Ieu venworth. cinratnga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Hchnefer's Cut Price Drug 8tore. 16th and Clll'HBO. Srha-fer, August. 26.71 N. IKth Bt. Bchrildt, J. IC. 24th and Cuming Sts. S'orni Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bts. Walnut Hill I'harmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 2flth nnd Grace Bts. Wlrth, O. H 40th and Hamilton ""Sts. BIHTIIS AMI DEATHS. The following births and deaths were re ported to the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending Wednesday noon: Births W. M. Sweeney, 1712 Charles, bov; Gust Nelson. 2602 Burt, boy. Deaths John H. Tate, 2121 Lake, 69; John Kohnut. 165 Wool worth, 2 months; Huldah J Putman, 3620 North Twenty-eighth, 87; William Rose, 1144 North Nineteenth, 34. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Charles Ware Hlckey, Bennington 26 Kilu Belle Wltte, Elkhom 22 Frank H. Ware, Norfolk 21 Lena E. Hoffman, Omaha 20 Gilbert J. Banders, Vllllsca, la 24 Lulu Bowers, Omaha 18 Thomas Young, Woodbine, la 26 Jtose M. Blevlns, Woodbine, la 24 Herbert Whltlock, Breckenrldge, Minn.... 23 Wulda Lindquist, Omaha 23 DEATHS AND FtFJERAL NOTICES. DUNN-Ellxiibeth, Jan. 8, 1907, In her 83d year, mother of William H., Elijah and Jlenry W. Dunn. ... .:-! Funeral services from Cole-McKay Co.'s chapel, 1617 Capitol Ave., Thursday at 3 p. m. Interment at Aurora, 111. Aurora, 111., papers please copy. The funeral service of Mr. John H. Tate, who died Monday night at his late place of residence, 2121 Lake street, will be held at Plymouth Congregational church. Twentieth and Spencer streets. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment private. CARD OF THANKS. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors, and especially to the teachers and students of the Omaha Commercial college and Miss Bessie Towns ley, for their kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our be loved daughter, Clara. Alao for the many beautiful Moral offerings. MR, AND MRS. ULS SALLANDKR AND FAMILY. We hereby wish to thank our many kind friends and neighbors for their sympathy shown during the Illness and death of our dear wife and mother. Also for the many beautiful flowers. H. HANSEN AND FAMILY. I.ODOE NOTICES. Notice, Easiest Members of Omaha Aerie No. 3 Fra ternal Order of Eagles, are requested to meet at undertaking parlors of Frank Janda, 1235 South Thirteenth street, Thurs day, January 10, at 3 p. ni., to accompany Iti body of our lute Brother Adolph Hruza to the l nion . station, xiurial at North Lend. Neb. 1. W. CANAN, W. W. DODGE, Secretary. Worthy President. MISCELLANEOUS The MID-WINTEB TERM of boyi.es colleqe Cpeus Wednesday, January 2. The new catalogue ia ready. Address H. B. Uoyles, President, Omaha. R 863 OMAHA tiafe and Iron Works make a spe cially of tire escapes, shutters, doors and utiett. u. Aiiureen, rrop., ivx a. Jinh 8t. K 7U 61UN FAINTING S. H. Cole. 13c2 Douglas. v Oil lOWA.SanUary Cleaning Co., 11 Farnam. o.- DAVIS BROS., machinists; general repair ing. 1406 Jackson tit. Tel Douglas Koo. i eov 4 in AUCTION ER It you want your stock of gooos soiu or reauceu write me at Ulen wooa, ja., capi. . . r owier. K-M7I3 J22 RUBBER STAMPS Western Stamp and Biencu cu., &u B. izin ai. ttena lor cata logue K-MS14 F7 PATENTS F. J. LAKSON & CO.. patent lawvsra patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb, -4114 6HARPE MACHINE SHOPS - Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawlns. iatlerns. castings, machine work. 604-l3 b. ivtn Bt. 014 Patents, trade marks, guaranteed or no fee, National Investment Co., Douglas Block, 6ix K3 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Men with team and rig to sell a. Una of high-grade family remedies. spices ana extracts to consumers; in us be honest, suter and liidu.irlous. Tii liladaione Medicine Co., Huwardrn. Ia. L 78 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAM B BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha. lteveluttous of past and future described Parlors. Ill 8. Ivta ttu, O, boston Bioie, WANTED MALE HELP V. S. NAVY enlists young m"n and me chanics of good physique and character, citizens of I". B., 17 to 35 years. Special tay and training lor qualified men. anj advancement when qualified. Greatly In creased pay for men who re-enllst. Re tlrmcnt after 30 years' service for en listed men. with 8T.fiO.70 to 31.OH2.17 ( pay) jer annum. Privilege of discharge hy purchase! Navy Recruiting Stations, P. O. Hldgs.. UmailH, Lincoln, Hastings and Sioux City. B MBJ J:4 WANTED-At once, 5"0 sound young men, aged IK to 3ft. for firemen and brakemen on leading western railroads and for new roads now being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen $100 per month; brakemen $75; positions now open; call or write at once for particulars. National Ry. Training Ass'n, 610 X, Paxton B!k., Omaha, Neb. B M4 M WANTED Men to learn barber trade, ftj prepare you for positions t2 to 20 weekly. Great demand for barbers, 10 positions for every graduate. Few weeks completes. Money earned from start. Tools given. Call or write. Moler Barber College. 1116 Farnam St. B M396 10x MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying trade pays $6 to 38 per day. We tench you by practical Instructions In three months; position guaranteed; free cata logue. Coyne Trade School, 4975 Easton Ave., Bt. Louis, Mo. b s.6 WANTED A watch. You get It for a few hours of your time. Write at once to Malena Company, Warrlorsmark, Pa, B M136 Feb3x WANTED Five boys: good wages: perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co.. 212 8. 13 St. B 8(4 Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, N. Y . L. B 3.6 RULER and forwarder; must have good references. A. 1. Root, (Inc.). l?0-r12 Howard. B-811 STOP! THINK! Tour time is too valuable to look for a poult ion. THAT TS OUR BUSINESS. See us at once or write. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N, (Inc.). MM-! N. Y. Life Bldg. B M6R8 10 WANTED High claas sosp salesmen. Ad dress Swift and Company, South Omaha. B M404 11 WANTED Bright young man or woman, able .o keep books and handle typewriter, to take permanent position tn lumber and coal office; resident of South Omaha pre ferred. Address In own hand, stating experience, aalnry expected to start and references. Address Y 171, Bee. WANTED High class soap salesmen. Swift H r..mr.!inv finntV. Hmnha H M404 13 WANTED Young man. reliable, not afraid of work; give reierence ana nnui. A 503, Bee omce. B 617 lOx WANTED Two good salesmen to call on omana merennnis: mui imve s ad dress. Address B 604. Bee office. MEN to drive teams. Sunderland Bros. Co., 20th and Hickory. a-vu WANT Railway mail clerks. Salary 3800. Examination soon. iTeparaiiuii uw. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. T. WANT KD A 11 around printer In interior X' V. m - Ir n Pti-tn-Huffl ari inYl and Tlli t Pfl press man. Steady situation. No boorer nor cigarette fiend wanted. 316 per week. Address Y 137, Bee. B 643 llx A CORPORATION owning and operating inausinai railway ou niinma v desires representatives on a high re munerative basis. Address L. B. H Room , Flatlron Bldg., New York. B 641 9x STOP! THINK! Tour time Is too valuable to look for a position. once or write. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN. (Inc.), 840-1-2 N. X. Lire Bldg. B 665 WANTED For the U. B. Marine Corpa, men between ages 21 ana jo; an oppor tunity to see the world. -For full Informa tion apply In person or by letter to Re cruiting Officer, Cor. 12th and Farnam streets, Omaha, Nebraska. B 667 F7 WANTED Two salesmen who can sell cream separators . Address uenerai Agent, Monarch Cream Separator, Clar inda. ia. B-6S0 10 WANTED Engineer. Omaha Box Co., B-676 10 East Omaha. YOUNG MAN to learn drug business. W. A. Plel, 18th and Farnam. h-m ia WANTED FEMALE HELP OIRLS to operate power machine In shirt and overall factory; permanent worn, m. B. Smith & Co., 11th and Douglas Sts. C 877 NEW concern needs experienced steno grapher, state reference ana experience. P. O Box 1038, Omaha. C M615 10 WANTED 5 laundry girls. M. E. Smith'i factory, 11th and Douglas Sts. c 8JS COOK. WANTED 3003 California St. GIRLS To work on power machine and finishers. Burgess onirx 1,0., riarnam St. C 422 Feb4 GOOD girl for general housework. C. E. Burmester, iozz ram Ave. j w WANTED A girl for genertrl Vdusework. Tel. Harney 4o4. 4WI weoaieriji. V-4325 9 WANTED A laundress to live In the house. Mrs. C. T. Kountxe, Sis Dewey Ave. C 624 10 EXPERIENCED operators to make wrap pers. The Princess Mfg. Co., 21 So. 14ih Bt. C 623 10X WANTED Girl for general housework; one willing to care lor DaDy part or the time, at 2a21 Bristol. C 618 10 YOUNG women of good address make large Incomes taking snnscrlptlons lor DRESS, the most beautiful mugasfne of our times; sells on sight: commission most liberal of any; spare hours can be turned Into money; regular systematic workers can make 32,500 to IS.Ooo yearly; several young women now make 3o to 350 per week. Write nt once for terms and instructions. DRESS, 24-26 E. 21st St., N. Y. C-649 9x WANTED Two dining room girls; will furnish tickets; wages, 318. Koehler Ho. tel. Grand Island, Neb. C M1 11 M'DOWELL Dressmaking school, 163 Farn. C M608 F8 LADY WAITRESS First-class; highest wages. See ma eager Dellone hotej. C-75 11 WA NTED A good girl for general house. work. (k a. gitn Ave. c 677 11 WANTED SITUATIONS , . POSITION by lady to do writing, address envelopes or general omce work; refer ences. Address H 643, Bee. A M639 llx YOUNG man wants place In private family to work for board and room wlille go ng to achool. Boy Its' College. Tel. Doug. 19t4. A eu4 WANTED Situation by man of more than rive mm- ability, In wholesale grocery house. Salary to start not so much of an object as a good connection. Address O-MS. Uee. A 693 13X SALESMEN Experienced advertising cal endar men. Something new to add to your line 01 ii. txix s, raieni moveity Co., Fulton, 111. L 425 9x YOUNO I.ADY stenographer desires office space where she may compensate for same by doing Ught stenographic work and minding the office, with privilege of taking In work. Address L 44. Bee. A Sso 13x AGENTS WANTED WANTED Live agents in every county and town In the United 8tates to sell the Acme Metallic Sanitary Hens' nest, the bust iwM on the market; pries, U) cents for single nest, or $6 per doten; territory fur Miie; a quick seller. Metallic Mfg. Co., tiK toss UlUg4 OaUU iMa . iTA li Don't Forget Thai You Can Telephone your want nds direct to The Bee, Douglas 238, and pay for the advertisement when you call for the answers. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS THREE pleasant furnished rooms, mod-rn, gas range In kitchen; adults only; refer ences required. 2701 Woolwnrtn Ave. E MU 10X DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnnm E RSO Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks E 381 FRONT room, well heated: nicely fur nished; strictly modern. 2469 HanJjs, TWO nlcelv furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping; new fiat. 2018 Dav enport. E 696 x FINELY furnished suite of rooms 2702 Farnnm. E M572 12x FURNISHED room for gentleman; private family. 316 N. 18th. E " 3 FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern; gentlemen preferred. 127 80. 2fith St. E 6i3 13X TWO nlcelv furnished rooms, complete, for light housekeeping; heated; new flat. SMS Davenport. E-70 i: FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD VIENNA hotel; private dining tooma; cafe. NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences; excellent table; pri vate family. 2469 Homey. F 8S4 NICELY furnished warm rooms; modern conveniences; good board, ine none, cmji Harney St. , F-M8 J24X Fl.'RNISHED rooms, modern, with o"Id- Z4I CaSS Bt. r-i" WITH board, a furnished south room, suitable for two; steam heat, 'fh""8 Douglas 4460. F M534 12x LARGE, desirable rooms, partially or fully furnished, good closets, nice location, good home for two or four; first class board If desired; reasonable. Address O 542, Bee. F-MS37 15x FOR RENT HOUSES SEE us when shipping household goods te large cities west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. US. D S86 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex cept furnace 320. -room houBe, all modern, new furnace 325. C. M. BACHMANN, 438 Paxton Block. D492 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller & lueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D 887 tirUTCIVQ In all parts of the city. The tiUU oiO 0- F. iavu Co., Bee Bldg. D am UnTTCTTQ In all parts of the city. R. UUUoriO c peters & Co.. Bee Bldg. D 89 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 890 OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, more, store. H. H. goods; storehouse 11JO-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1659. D 891 4232 Burdette, 10 rooms, barn, 33. 211 N. 2Sth Ave., 7 rooms, god repair, 325. 1S23 N. 22d, 5 rooms, bath 321 50. FLATS. 2C3 N. 24th St., 6 rooms, new. modern, 337.60, Caldwell, 5 rooms, bath, 316. For balance of list call at office. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. D 663 9 332.60 Strictly modern, eight-room brick house. 1301 So. 28th St. D Mt40 14x 7-ROOM house, all modern, 2723 Cuming St. D M376 l-ROOM flat, modern, good repair, opposite Hansoom parK xaa. Phone Douglas D 892 FOR RENT Modem 9-room brick house: 1126 8. 31st St.; 340 per month. Thomas Brennan, room 1. N. x. Lire Bldg. D 893 12-ROOM. modem, close In, 8. W. cor. 27th and Jackson. Fine condition inside, will be painted outside, $tv). Bemls, Paxton Bin. pnone uougias d.d. u mj4 FOR RENT 8-room brick house, basement finished, all modern, new furnace, only half block from car, goon neighborhood; rent 326 per month "(worth 350). C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Block. D 336 VERY nice house. 7 rooms, strictly mod ern, practically new, 335. 3614 TxMtvcn- wortn. l 401 Jl4x WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 14H6. Office, 1713 Webster Bt. 1 894 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern excent furnace, close in, 211 N. 28th Ave.; new plumbing, paint and paper complete. Will repaint outside when weather permits; a. Apply at wx . lain di. d mi: 4-ROOM apartment, modem, 663 8. 28th St. 2U 12-room house, modern. 604 8. 27th St. 300. 8-room flat, moaern. 4ox . z4tn St. 300. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK, Phone Douglas &!. D 695 FOR RENT 9-room modem brick house, hard wood finish, on car line. Apply at 29w) pacific St., or i-none Marney 2018. J- MiilO 10X 14-ROOM modem house, all furnished, close . ,, i. .1 r i 1 1 1 , . 6t. D M340 STEAM heat, all modem, 7-room house. 220 N. Z31. !-MuU 8-ROOM all modem house; references re 1 I T . . I CnA-.& C3. D-M442 12x FOUR-ROOM flat, second floor; very pleas ailia B " mil . J nsa-i.Es, miss J. 471 II 01. D M 607 3-ROOM, modern cottage, fine yard, stable. $25. O. F. Davis Co. D M547 li 9-Room house, 1123 Park Ave. Inquire 2620 . . . L. a. ft enn . r l..eaveiiwori.ii ci, a aiaa ix 7-ROOM furnished house, modern, $25; owner will taxe one room and board with tenant; no children. 2850 Meredith Ave. D 619 hrt SIX-ROOM house, modern except furnace, 24 8. Wh St.. W. 8. Frank. 321 Neville Block. Tel. Douglas 36U0. D M6I8 12 FIVE ROOMS, first floor fist. 18( N 22d St. Modern exceot heat. Hot water at tachments, $18. Phone Harney 27i. D M647 lOx 224 N. 25th St. 8-room flat, strictly mod ern; tenant pays water; $50. 2210 Clark St. 6 rooms, bath, toilet, gas, S and water. 1231 Park Wilde Ave., 8 rooms, all modern, 0 and water. McCagus Investment, 15o( Dodge St. D M659 15 8-ROOM modem house, except furnace. Apply 1523 Jackson St. D MoOO NEW DWELLING TO LET. JANUARY 15. 2115 Douglqa. 3 rooms, strictly modern, gas and electric lights, hardwood floors and finish. Telephone Douglas 1064. W. Far nam Smith & Co., 13J0 Farnam St. D M661 11" 3-ROOM house, modem except furnace. 313 per month. 2f7 Pierce St. Apply 13A So. 26lh Ave. D 0,4 Ux L6-ROOM house, $23 per month, to party riiir-ch-ialn m small Dart of niv furnliiii. as I am leaving city. 415 N. Z3d. D-73 10x FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE For Farm land, or sale, a fine modern residence in Beatrice, Neb., on- best residence street; 11 rooms, bath, electric light, gas, water, furnace; lot 75 by about 150 feet, barn, fine lawn and t'ees: prcperty would cot to build about 3U.UWJ. Audi X Ua. care Bee -at4 U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HURRY AND GET YOUR CHOICE FROM 48 OF ' THE FINEST SU BURBAN RESIDENCE LOTS IN HALCYON HEIGHTS. Right In Benson, Just two blocks south of Military Ave. and car line. Every lot Is high and slightly and most desirably situated for choice homes. You can't find their equal In value at these prices 3250 to 3575. See us today for prices and terms and make your selec tion at once. Kussell & McKitrick Co., Sole Agents. 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney Bts. l 1'J W THRFF. NFW FLATS. Eight Mocks from P. O.; rent for 31.500; can be had for 313.500; every convenience) special assessments all paid. GRAHAM, 604-Bee Bldg. RE-636 W NON RESIDENT OWNER Says "Sell 2 Acres, Benson; $900 Cash" This Is a first class proposition, only IS uiocks irom Military Ave.; paven romi, less than 6 minutes walk to street car; building up nil around It. This tract lays splendid; will divide Into 8 fine. 60-foot lots, or would make a beautiful subur ban home. See us right away about this. Hastings and Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. RE MfiOfi FINE suburban tract of two acres on 30th M. car line; nice trees, good grade, splen did site to build. Price, 31,600. GRAHAM, 601 .Bee Bldg. RE-632 10 GOOD double house, 8 rooms each, on Em met St., near 2nth; must be -taken quicic at 34.750. GRAHAM, 604 Roe Bldg. RE-633 10 FOR SALE Two modem houses and large barn one block north of Hatucora park; pnved street, east front, lot 76x150. East ern owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Bldg. RE 423 TRY TO MAKE 3500. A house of 8 rooms, modern except furnace, close in, 2407 Burt St. OfTer 31.750. Don't bother tenant. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg RB-634 10 2810 MIAMI ST., house 6 rooms, nice lot. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. KE 635 10 FINE, new, modem house, Wirt St. 36,250. a. Hawver, 1614 Emmet St., Sole Agent. RE M408 F4 KERR-ftHALLCROSS CO.'S ABSTRACTS OF TITLES Mre the safest. You are pro tected by a 310,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit wben you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6487. RE- A SMALL MODERN HOME. If you v.uiii cumlort rather than luxury, and quality rather than quantity, buy this cozy home and enjoy life. House has reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, I sleeping rooms, with good pantry, front and hack porches, every room papered, a good clean cellar well cemented, very best of modern plumbing, sewer, water, gas, electric, light, floored attic, carpenter work li the finest kind and house Is built of best material and built right; yard is entirely enclosed with good Irou and board fence, permanent walk in front of lot and cement1 walk. In yard and around house, good coal shed and tool house, fine lawn over entire lot, fruit trees, giape vines and grape arbor, rose bushes and shrubbery: house has storm windows for every window and full screens for windows and doors. The lot Is a south front lot 126 feet deep and faees two 60-foot streets. Is in good neighborhood of home owners. In the booming north side, one block from the best car line In the city and 25 minutes ride from the postofrice. 1 Owner Is anxious to sell and will sell with or without furni ture. Furniture consists of a very com plete outfit for housekeeping, all brand new and first class. You will say that it's the neatest thing you ever saw. Cut this out and come In, address Is withheld for rea sons, but It Is all good. HASTINGS & HEYDttN, 1704 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. RE 654 9 CLOSE IN New brick flat can be bought at a bargain, three strictly modern flats, well built, have storm windows and donrs, window shades that go with the building; practically no expense for two or three years; tenants pay water rent; only eight blocks from postofrice; yearly rental, $1,680, or a little over 10 per cent gross; lot 60x132, fenced In; good stone walks, street paved, all special taxes of every description paid. You don't often find a better finished property In Omaha. Owner nonresident. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Tel., Doug. 1781. Bldg. RE M 646 14 x BEMIS PARK N Will sell my fine 7-room home at a sacri fice if sold ta once. This property Is lo cated In Bemls Park, House strictly modern and built two years ago. If you are in the market for a good and well bulir house investigate this. Will be pleased to show you the property at any time. Price 34,000. About half cash. Ad dress, M 45, care Bee. RE M662 10 Bunch of Lots 13 lots 60x128 One tract. In Benson, 3 blocks to car; practically level land. Lota worth $150 each; $1.5u0 cash buys the bunchy Address J 644. Bee. RE M6S6 11 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 164 Farnam, 6 and 54 per cent loans on real estate; no delay. ' W-M26 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-27 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Faj-nain Smith & Co., ISM Farnam St. W 92s LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. W 9'9 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. W-9J0 $1,000,000 TO LOAN cn business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas, Brennan, R. 1. N. Y. Ufa. W-931 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters Co. W-j0 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 6o5t First National Bank Bldg W-9J3 f wmN vnu hava Idle monev rail rr write and tell us how much you have that you would like to loan on first-class real es tate mortgage and we will procure bor rower. Hastings A Heyden. 174 Far nam St. W 666 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INSTITUTE. 418 N. Y. L. TeL Douglaa-1404. PERSONAL CITV ftTV RAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, ed. 211 8. 11 th Bt. Tel. Doug. 2M. 0 fl? not Ironed, U-687 SEWING machines rented, any make, 75c ItD, n-.. I . ... .... . L. U . n . 1 " " " rv i, ..n, per mUHWI. crwiiM- hnnd machines for sale. 37.0 and up. Neb. Cycle Co., lith and Harney. U 917 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King1, 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. 3.9. U-911 PLEATING But1ot.g. t Embroidering. Delng and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only 6c per yaid. Send for price list and sample. , GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 400 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1036. U-919 YOUNG MAN of good chnracter and habits ",' rB " correspond with a young laay with a view to matrimony. Am not rich, mit am steadily employed at a fair salary. i.fny on8 thinks they can be satisfied with such conditions, let me hear from tnat one. Am very much In earnest, so V. " ""e unless you mean It. Address 238. Bee. nM.au 12. T"E SALVATION ARMY solicits castoft clothing; n fact, anything you do not "oWe co"ect, repair and sell, at 114 N. m" St.. for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and r-v-. VHIl. U Oil FSF'!': medical and surgical treatment at ..-ikiiioii Meuiral college, 14th and Dav enport Sts n,.oi.i ,i flneinent cas..; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 117. ncreq uay or night. L lv THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and -eavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 13S7. U-920 JJAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge UIS' U 921 MACiN PTIPtre'ltment and bath. Mrno. 1'iauii L, 1 I Bmlth, US N. 15, 2d iloor. L" 6W0 ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation S!mX Ho"'c for Women at 3s24 N. 24th "- yjmu.au, iseb. U Mlw 5 AjE 1,0,he during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanl tiirii;m 71S First Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia. MASSAGE ft" circulation. 410 N. 16th room 2, second floor. U 386 F3 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut fTiM s; send for free catalogue. Myers- v-o., umana. u va MASQUE costumes. Lieben. Tel. 4115, Open vvillllBS. U s-4 COSTUMES, 3318 S. 20th. Sack. Tel. Red 7073. U 35i F2X FOR anything In the sewing machine line iu tr. C. t ioaman & Co., 1514 Cap. Ave. U 193 J10 ECZEMA Rllnlofolv nnr. h. T A Tim Jon salve. B. J. Scannell, agent,' 509 Ware U M (87 J 21 DR. C. N. SOMMER, homeopath. Bee Bldg U-M787 J22 TYPEWRITERR-All makes, for rent, 32 to ' vrnuiii i ypewruer exenange, ItJia 1 1 11 I - n ........ L. Mil Y . . .rn . ii "ui in. x minis rten now. U-MS8U Jan28 DR. VOGEL'S Drlvafe home (nr larilaa ha, fore and during confinement; best and t-ucapesi in tne city. 23l H. 13th St. U-M341 WANTED Information regarding the ad dress of Jacob Shaft or his heirs, If he is ueau. Auareos was Des, Moines, Ia., about IMA. and bitee una Htnk n-.,,n.r Nebraska. Small recovery can probably be made. Address Harvey Spalding & . Sons. Washington. D. C. U Mti44 lOx MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve ruuu riiia, i iwi, posipaiu. siierman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 923 FOR SALE FARMS COLORADO LANDS The Lieber Land comuanv of lloiro Coin have 100,000 acres of cnoice farmlna land for sale. Mr. H. E. Hliultz, representing .us uuiupttn; , can oe tounu at tne omce of the Globe Land and Investment com- Eany, with samples of grain raised in incoln county, Colorado. We also have cnoice noinesteada we can locate you on, Our next excursion will be on Tuenriuv January 15, 1907. As to rates and other iniorniatlon, cull at omce of Globe Land and Investment company, rooms 1 and 1, i ttiieroun uiock, umana. ri Basil 11) COLORADO HOMESTEADS Any young man or woman over the age of 21, can secure a homestead that will be worth 31,000 to them as soon as they file on it. Call on Mr. H. E. Shults at Globe Land & Investment Co., Patterson block, Omaha, an'd learn how it can be done. H M685 16 BEST LAND IN TEXAS IS BRAZOS VALLEY LAND. It makes owner and tenant rich. It pays 315.0" per acre rental. It Is in the oil and gas belt; 45 inches or rain per annum. it is ricn, DiacK prairie land. Unim proved land, 310 to $15. Tracts 300 to 6.00O acres. No trades; list free. Hlland P. Lockwood. San Antonio, Tex. H-M337 U WE SELL land in Nuckolls county, Neb., the great corn, small grain, alfalfa and tame grass country In southeastern No braska. Write us for land list. O. D. Fnllmer & Son, Nelson,. Neb. H 901 EXCLUSIVE sale. 8,0 acres, Kerr county, Texas; mixed farming; 3.1 an acre. Write Immediately. Box 4u Sibley, I a. H M6o5 12x CUBA lands. Robertson, IX Neville Blk. H-fi:1 Feb 7x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES 1207 Howard, 3 Story and convenient base ment, F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. 1-686 1 3 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St., 8ouih Omaha Apply to manager. 1134 FOR RENT iJirge comer store room. IKth and Vinton Sts.. $30. C. M. Bachmann. 4.& Paxton Block. I M62I FOR RENT The V 3-story and basement building 10l"2 Douglas St. Apply on the premises or to David Cole I 86 SVORE ROOM and basement near Thomp son A Helden's new store. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. 1-671 11 WANTED TO RENT ROOM and board with private family, by lady who is out during the day. Address A. Norris, 21:9 Charles St. K M38 lOx YOI'N(LI.ADY stenographer desires office space where the may compensate for same by doing light stenographic work and minding the oflice. with privilege of taking in work. Address L 44, Hue. K-3M) 13x WANTED TO RENT Five or- six-room new house; muat be modem and in g ol residence district. Someone who is build ing or will build may secure a des ruble tenant bv communicating with me. Ad dress F 511. care Bee K Mu87 lox POCL AND BILLIARD TABLES FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world in cheap b'' . fixtures; easy ray men's. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar. 407 8. loth 8t. CHIROPODY DR. ROY Warts, moles removed by elec tricity. H. i, Ivjb Farnam. Tk. Doug. Ut7. "413 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE Numbering stamp. In good condition, inquire Ueorge it. 1101. nee office. Q-Mi-l BEND us your mall orders for drug'); freight paid on 310 lots. Myers-Dliion Drug Co.. Omaha. Q-4).t7 BHKHWIN W1ILIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman Ac McCounell Drug Co. IALLS safes, new, 2d -hand, IMS Farnnm. W . FEW bargRlns In 2d-hand soda fountains; monthly payments. Derignt, IMS farnam. VI M0 ONE 6-lnch Jenkins' valve for sale. Apply W. 11. Bridges, engineer, Bee Bldg. W-MUx GASOLINE engine and wood-working machinery for sale cheap. Apply Alienor Fence Mfg. Co., 207 N. 17th St. SI-M423 COAL 35.25 ton; burr egg, big size, good; try it; 3 phones. Harmon & Weeui. Q-42 J 10 BARGAINS In unredeemed Jewelry. 418 N. Ittin, trnfJUMI Jim FOR SALE A handsome bookcase, ma hogany finish, at a bargain. 3tf"3 Dewey Ave. Q &y.x ONE Remington typewriter, No. 8, In good condition, lor sale cheap. Call at-nee office. Q MtUSx FOR SALE Model "K" Wlnton Automo bile; fully equipped: top lights, etc.; only run K) miles; guaranteed first-class condition. Price ',ui. Address C. E. Wllkins, Dewey hotel, Omaha, Neb. Q-M947 1,500 f EET 4 wire cable, in good condition, ior sale cheap. K. W. Baker, Stipt. Hee Bldg. Q 387x FOR SALE 10 H. P. Westlnghouse, 12 H. r. htevens traction engines, cheap. J. L. Buniloan, Wahoo. Neb. Q M 391 lOx FOR SALE Large double flat-top desk. $10. nunuiiKn at rteyuen, id rarnam pi. Q-U22 11 FURNITURE sacrifice, leaving city; $35 parlor rocker, 31": $4i china cabinet. Just new, $26; 3! velvet Davenport, $15: $12 rug, $j; few other things. 2112 Locust St. Cull at once. Q 0o 9 LEUREN stercoptlcon. nearly new. with 3 boxes of slides, screen rheostadt, 3i3; cost 3100. 38 N. liith. Q h74 I1x FOR SALE CHEAP. One office counter. I office di sk, quartered nan. For particulars phone D( ua'as 4.6. Q-MU7K 11 PART of furniture of 6-rooiVi house for snle, cheap; leaving town; house for rent reasonable. 415 N. 23d. Q-j;73 1lx MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Cash in Any Amount $10 to $300 LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC., OR ON YOUR SALAR y IF STEADILY EMPLOYED, without security or publicity, at the very lowest rates; with payments to suit your con venience; everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co., Rooms 307-308 Paxton Blk. X 364 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon th'-lr own nurses, without security; easy pay ments; offices In 63 principal cities. Save yourself money by getting my terms first. D. H. TOLMAN. 714 New York Life Bldg. X-905 DR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rat"; perfect privacy, Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 209 South 15th Bt. X SOS Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.. advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X 907 PRIVATE PARTY - Will loan small sums to persons on their salary provided they hold good positions. Confidential. Address N 46, care Bee. X 678 12X FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salarv loans.. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 746. X 9 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1.S01 Douglas. ' X 000 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elrv, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 810 S. 18th. X 910 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Ixian Co., room 8, Barker Block. X-911 CHATTELS, salary .and lewelry loans. Foley l,oan Co.. 154 F. rr.'tr. St. X-91'.' LOST AND FOUND LOST Near Florence, December 21, small English (tetter bitch, black and white, ticked nose, one eye In black, othe.- In white. Reward for return or information which will lead to recovery. M. L. Learned, Bee Building. Lost 679 lox WILL party who took a pair of skates oft the back platform Jf Dodge car December I return to Bee oliiceV No questions. Loat-483 LOST or strayed. One brown cocker spaniel pup with short tail. Curly h.iir. very playful. Finder will please notify Charles I Rowe. 5:3 8 26th St., or Tel. Douglas 7477, or Ash 4497-2 and I will pay $5 reward ; Lost 3 1 PRINTING I VNir.TAn High grade 197 Calendars, LimjoiML g, E. coiner 16th St. and Si JORVE Capitol Ave. . -h7 CENTRAL PRINTING CO. Fine lob work: typewritten letters. 110 8. 17th St., 1V blocks north Bee Bldg. 618 J19 WATERS PRINTING CO., 1307Ioward St. JENNINGS PRINTING CO. 'Phone Doug las tsSO M376 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and siios; pay the best prices. Tel. Douglas 3971. . IN " JV1 3 1 s14 WANTED To buy cottage of 5 or rooms, modern, or good building lot; will pay rash; must be right price. Address D V. .,e ' N-630 10 H ORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE HORSES All kinds. Myers, 1715 Jackson. FOR SALE I'acer, black mare, young, sound. 2-mlnute speed, and green trotter. Breeder, P. O. Box 130, Harlan. Ia. P M'i89 lOx FLORISTS HESS & 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. H U HENDERSON. 1513 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1253 - PLUMBING LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 15th St. Tel. Douglas WT. FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wlra Fenclnf 5c per foot- 2(6 N. 17th Su Tel. Red 814. Vr .11 DETECTIVE AGENCY WETMOK! Ietectlve Service. "Phone Red r:M. Rooms 11 and 12. Union Blk . 15th and Farnam. Ml-. J DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at home. M BUSINESS CHANCES FOR EXCHANGE Stuck general dry goods, invoiced at about Stock not running and can le moved to any point desire. I. Big lines of cnllcns, sheet ing. lei-ciles. ami all classes of doint sties; big lines of ladles', men and children's tii, iimiiiiig gooos, notions, etc., some clothing. Owner requires reasonable amount of rush will take nniance in goixl land ami will assume encumbrance If IhihI is good. What have you? lKk this up at unci' If you want a quick, fair deal. C W. H'tnier. Son Manhattan Build ing, St. Paul, Minn. Y 1 9x MAILED (IN FREE RFJUKST. An elaborately illustrated and ably edited resume of the past year's developments In the mlm-s and town of Ouldlleld, o be published under the auspices of tho Oohltleld Mining stock exchungo, will be sent to any address in the world, free of cost. If Int. rested In Nevada nines or stocks, s n.l us your address.' We are members of the mining stock exchanges of Ooldfleld, Reno and San Francisco, and are the oldest established brokerage hous In Ooldfleld. W. F. Bond A Co., Gold field, Nev. 682 10X Do You Wish to Make n Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that J-ou want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or Hloux City, Ia. Y-300 F3 Drug stores for sale. F. V. Knlest, N. T. Ufa . Y-373 FOR BALE Saratoga Hotel, located at242J Amis Ave.; 26 rooms, good location; rea son for selling, proprietor leaving city, Y-M447 ix FOR BALE A$l. 200 stock of harness and saddlery. In Carroll, Wayne Co., Ne braska. Only stock In town. No dead tock. Address, E. W. Clossnn Co.,. Sholes, Neb. Y Mo!9 10 STOCK OOOIS FOR TRADE. Consisting of clothing, Indies' coats, hsts, shoes, etc., nice condition, In good Iowa town: want a house and lot worth about $2.2511. Address C 505. Bee.. Y-631 9 RESTAURANT outfit in good city of R.500 people, eastrn Nebraska, doing gool business: only one other restaurant In town; cheap. Riker Chamber. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas-612. Y-.MKS3 11 MY MEAT MARKET for sale cheap. If tiken at once. A. Christiansen. Blair; Neb. Y M'Wl 13x When You Write " to Advertised remember It takes only ar. extra stroke of two of the pen to mention the fact thai Vou saw their ad In Tha Re. . GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR FROZEN FRESH beef and mutton. Head. (uarters Philip pines olviHlon, olllce of the chief commis sary, Manila, P. I., December In, 1S0S. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 11 o'clock a. m April 10, llxii, at which time and place they will be opened In the presence of the at tending bidders, for the furnishing and delivery of six million six hundred thou sand ,600.KiO) pounds of froxen fresh bef and two hundred thousand (200.000) pi unris of frozen Irtish mutton to the subs.stei.es department at Manila, P. 1., during the year ending June 3D, 19. The. accepted beef and mutton will be admitted free of customs duties. The United Suites reserves the right to decrease the amount called for' in the contract by not to exceed 40 per cent upon reasonable notice to the contractor, or to increase the amount called for with the consent cf the contractor. Bach pro posal must be accoiuianled by a bidder's guaranty In the amount of 320,00), or by ctrtitied check for that amount on a bank of approved standing In Manllu'. The bidder to whom the contract Is awa ded will be required to give bond, . the pen .lty of which will be fixed by the chlei- com missary. Information furnished on appli cation to the chief commissary, head quarters department of the Missouri, Omaha, Neb. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked: "Proposals for frozen fresh beef and muttoh for fiscal year 190S. to be opened April lo, 1907," and addressed to the undersigned. A. L. Smith, Colonel, A. C. G., U. S. army, chief com missary. D27jl0f9m9. PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY, DRAFT and Hiding Homes and Draft and Pack Mules. Chief Quartermaster's Office, Oimilia. Nebraska, Jnnuary 9, 1907. Sealed proposals In triplicate. wIM tie received-( this office until 11 o'clock a. m central standard time, Februury 81 1907, and then opened. In the presence of attending bid ders, for three hundred and eight ($08) cavalry horses, five (0) draft horses, three (3) riding horses, one hundred and twelve 112 dralt mules, wheel, llfty-i-ix (561 draft mules, lead, seventy (70) pack mules, for machine gun platoons, and one (11 cart mule, for delivery at Omaha. Neb., or other prominent railroad points. All of the draft mules are required for 4-mule teams. The animals to conform to speci fications for cavalry and riding horses and mules. I nlted States reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished on applica tion. Envelopes containing proposals to be Indorsed "Proposals for Horses or Mules," and address, d to Major THOMAS CKUBE. Chief Quartermaster. J9-I0-1112 F 6-7. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER. master. Fort Mackenzie, Wyo., Jan. 1", 1!I7. Fealed proposals. In triplicate, for furnishing and Installing fixtures., making service connections and Installing watt meters In buildings, and transformers for electric lighting at this post, will be re. reived here until 10 a. m. (mountain time), February 9, 19117. Plans and specifications may be seen at offices of depot quarter, master, St. Ijuls; chief quartermaster, Omaha, Denver, Chicago nnd St. Paul, an4 nt this office, at which latter place all In formation may be obtained. U. 8. reserves the tight to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Enclose proposals In scaled envelopes marked. "Proposals for Electric Fixtures." addressed Second, Lieu tenant R. li. Kelley, Q. M. J10-11-12-14-F7-3 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Jan uary 7. 19o7. Sealed proposals, in tripli cate will be received here until 11 a. m., central time, February . 1907. and then opened for constructing one Cavalry Drill Hull, and an addition to Building No. One, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Full In formation and blank "forma of 'proposal furnished on application to this office, where plans and specifications may be seen. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, or any part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed, ' Proposals for Public Buildings. " and ad dressed to Captain J. E. Nurmoyle, Quar termaster. J7-8--lUlt4-5 CONSTRUCTING ' QUARTERMASTER'S Office, Fort Des Moines, towa, December 24. 1906. -Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until U m.. 'standard time, January 12, 1!7, for furnishing and! Installing electric light fixtures, transform ers. and Installing wait meters iand wiring for electric lighting lh." public buildings at Fort Den Moines, Iowa. Inforni'iMon fur nished on application.. United. States re. serves right to accept or retcct any or all proposals or pirts thereof. Envelopes con. talnlng proposals should be endorsed. "Proposals for Electric Ught Fixtures." etc., addressed W. E. Cole. Q M. D2-?-7-2S-Jlft-11 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF TUB UNION LAND COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the I'idon Land company for the election of five di rectors and the transaction of fcuch other business as may lawfully come before the meeting will be held at the office of the general solicitor,. Cnkin Pacific - Building, till and Farnam 8ts.. Omana, Webraska, on Monday, the 14th day of Janjary, 1907, at la o'clock a. m. The stock transfer books will be cHsed ten days previous to the meeting. ALEX MILLER. Secretary. Dated, New York, December 20th. 1906. ; D'-3d ?0 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of Tha Bee Building company will be held at 4 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, January 22. 1907, at the office of said company In The Bee building, Omaha, for tht clectlou of a board of di lectors for the ensuing year and the tianf action of such other business as may prop erly come before such meeting C. C. ROBE WATER, Secretary. J2dl4t DAB DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMMACCIOTTI, D. V.S. CITY VKTKHIHARIAN. Office and Infirmary. 2sUi and Mason Sts., OMAHA. NFB Telephone U. - 1 r 4 , I.