Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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William Jtckin, Alleced Horn Surc-ar,
Waives Preliminary Eeaiiir.
Osear Prlata, Who Tosses Friend
Threes h Plate Class Wladew,
Chara-e-d with Malleleas De
atraetloa ef Properly.
M e i 's Suits and
Overcoats 1
II - , Ji. 'W -a'
fVERYTHING thai i.
inter cat mo. faacauting.
ad spectacular ia business n bound up
ia the ene word, SALESMANSHIP, kit
lk ideal eccupatioa lor Ik yousfKaa. It of en
more chance of success, greater iruits of victory
tLaa any ethei field of work. The earning power of
taletmaa it limited only by kit ability to aell goodr
ad wleamaMkip it only the development of your power of
tonceotjatSoa. yow ability to reaaoaulo persuad the ate el losical thoucht and
- -
lif" conruKing aigunent. All this can be taught, taught at easily, carefully and
thoroughly a booUeeping, teaojrapoy ot aay othet timmrai prole
Cr,ll7Mr,l7 lIlCV There may U a few n"... the sense that,
JVla-ii IV!- men hare more aamral adaptability tkaa others, but k is th
carefully bained man, the deep thinking man, the man who hat studied the "whys, bows and wherefore" of hit
calling that continue to bring in business and make hit telling ability the ground work of a permanently tucceaiful
career. Th "natural" salesman may forge to tha front tpaunodically, just at the spectacular soldier may carry
the isolated fort by hit brilliancy of dash and courage. It taket more than mere dash and "go" to keep oa winning
fort and orden. It tales the brilliancy of a Sheridaa and the dogged persistence of a Grant to win permanent
victory. It is the determined, deep thinking, f ar-teeing General who cuts the notches en the winning stick, no matter
whether the botches mean victory on battle-field ot profits in the cash drawer.
No matter bow little natural ability yon have, you can develop your persuasive powers, your will power, youf
ability to convince others. Take a moment to look over your future in perspective. 'What does k offer you
Are yog engaged in woik now that suits your tutes and ability ? Have you free play for your ambitions Are
you held back by lack of opportunity from making a name for yeurael i Don't you want to break the cords
that are binding you and bm lommbody ?
TI4P CUri DfTilM MPTT-Tfra u th only ratkl, ewnplet and rational system oOe
lATaE iJnUljUUll mtU I nJU otlnt ta science of ssUlaf and txui&aa bulldinf. it
Do not tako oar word for f Aese f afemenfs, bat writ
for tha samii of mtudonta in your own neighborhood.
Wo err willing to Ut thorn talk for na.
174 The ReswUie
raenlrM nearly a mtTlloe dollars to promote thlt woaderhuly taeeeasfal avatam and apraad Ita teaching
woiK of Mr. Samoa la blag felt la every oooatty oa tha (loos. Tha
echooi baa ever atadeat. eeatttted throat hoot tha world. Over
1,000 BToraineot flrmt nave adopted ear system ia tb handling ef their
elllnc force. Over to el ear ttudenta are veteran salesmen in all liaee
of basineat manager, proprietor, end executive bead ef great
Ito matter what yoar present position Is yoa eanjtpar a shortJHm every
day to acquire tb latest and moat approved method ef getting and
holdiag trade Increasing sale and profits. Tka iastroetioa b earried
ass atiraly by mail. Wltboat loalng on moment from yoar present
work, or Interfering with yoar regular done yoa have aa opportunity
ROW to acquire tha Information and experience which every veteran la the
elling baalaet ba takes year of the hardest kind of effort to acquire.
Wow the
Check the sabiecti'beiow that yoa are
Interested in and receive absolutely free
our valuable booklet of selling infor
mation, ' 'Why, Wherefore and There
fore, or send IScents with theeoupon
andkaeeive also ' As a Man Thtnketh,"
that remarkable little book by James
Allen, and the . inaraslne, 'Business
Philosopher," for three months.
id friOa Stlf Un.Ui,
SmImot Uato . film- at laaaaarlal
Electtd by Couitf Board at Annul lleet
' inc to Buooeed Jmninc .
Body Jaat Created by tbo Coaaaale
alonrra, Alae Rale to Place
Three Ma oa Each
The IfoarJ of County CommlaBlonera met
Tuesday morning and reorganised for the
i-omlng year by electing K. O. Solomon
chairman to aucceed Fred Brunlng. A new
committee that on claims waa created and
Copynlaaloner Tialnor waa choeon aa ita
cl.Rirhian. In reorganizing tho committees
the bourd adopted a new rule. Heretofore
each- ccmmlttee hae had two members be
aides Its chairman. During the coming year
each committee will have four members
In addition to the chairman. That la, all
the commissioners are members of all the
committees, there being five commissioners.
Chairmen of the several committee were
.elected as fo'.lows: Clalma, Tralnor; finance,
l.'re; Judiciary, Brunlng; court house and
Jail, Kennard; detention school, Kennard;
charity, tiruning; county hospital, Tralnor;
rouda. I're; bridges, Tralnor; construction.
Uruiilng. v
In thanking bla colleagues for their se
lection of himself as chairman, Commla
aloner Solomon referred to the flourishing
financial condition of the cou ity.N He
pointed out that 14,800 had been turned over
by the county Judge aa exceaa feea of that
office for the year and that $5,S0O had
been turned over from the office of the
county register of deeds. Other offices, he
said, had very encouraging report to
make. He declared that the detention
echooi ought to be provided with a perm a
ntnt home, and that an addition ahould be
built to the county hospital for the ac
eommodation of Juvenile and of insane
prisoner. Or, he said, a better plan would
be to Immediately provide plan for the
erection of an entirely new court hous and
Jail. The board, he said, must move with
conservatism and keep the tax levy to
J the lowest possible figure.
VT reek In a ( Ballsttnara Saw aa lte
. .... . . b . . a . . a
Wrecker will begin to tear down the
buildings on the site of the proposed Cnhn
block February 1. All leasea have expired
- or will expire before that date, and speci
fication for the removal of all building
along Sixteenth atreet between Capitol
avenue and Davenport atreet have been
Issued to contractor. They provide thai
a distance of 130 feet north and eouth, or
half the entire piece must be wrecked by
February 15, and. the wrecking must be
completed by March L Immediately after
March 1 construction will begin on the new
tructure. .. . . . . , . r (
Merebaala Natloaal of Omaha and
Three la loath Osnaha
Hold Meetlaa-a.
The annual meeting of the stockholder
of the Merchants' National bank Tuesday
morning resulted In the re-election of the
entire old board of director and list of
officer. Luther Drake ia president, Frank
P. Hamilton vice president, Fred P. Ham
ilton and B. H. Mlele assistant cashier.
The director are: Luther Drake, John 8.
Coad. Q. 8. Roger. Frank P. Hamilton
and George E. Prltchett. Net profits to the
tockholders for the year 1908 were the
largest In the history of the bank. The
other national banks had their meetings
cheduled for I p. m.
The South Omaha banka held their an
nual electlona Tueaday morning and after
noon. The election were for the moat part
merely formalities. It being well understood
who would be chosen before the meeting.
The directors' meeting of the South Omaha
National waa held at 10 a. m. At this
meeting the following officer were elected
H. C. Bostwick, president; Truman Buck,
vice president; K. A. Cudahy, vice presi
dent; John C. French, caahler; H. C.
Miller, assistant cashier; John 8. King, as
slatant cashier; Jamea Bowen, assistant
cashier. Director: H. C. Bostwlck, Quy
C. Barton, Truman Buck, E. A. Cudahy,
J. P. Lyman, Edgar M. Moraman, Jr.; H.
C. Miller, J. D. Standlsh, John C. French
and K. C. Barton.
The Packer' National bant held It elec
tion In the early afternoon, making no
changes In the personnel of the bank. Tho
offlcera are:
John F. Coad, president; A. W. Trumble,
vice president; F. J. Morlarty, cashier;
Charlea A. Dunham, assistant cashier;
J. F. Coad, Jr.. assistant caahler.
The directors are C. D. Brown, Elmer E.
Bryaon. John F. Coad, J. E. Curtis. T. R.
Daniel. Luther Drake, F. McOtverin, F. J.
Morlarty, A. W. Trumble.
The Union Stock Yards National bank
aUo held It directors' meeting between 12
aod 1 p. m. -The offlcera are a follow:
John A. Crelghton, president; F. H.
Davis, vice president; E. F. Folda, vice
president; J. L. Da via, cuhler; N,
Heckard, assistant cashier.
Board of Directors John A. Crelghton,
F. H. Davis, E. F. Folda, SUnton Palmer,
C. T. Kountse, I. L. Kountae. 8. McRob-
ert. W. J. C. Kenyon. F. R. Uedrlck
An Interesting feature of the banking
business In Omaha 1 the exhibit ot clear
ing by the eeveral bank for the year
im. It la:
F1rt National I135.M9.SS8.J1
Omaha National 1.515. T'-i.M
Merchant Si H
1'nlted State 71.tri7.4is.7J
Nebraska 2a.U,l, -.;!
Farmers' Co-operative Compel Oreaniwd
to Combat With the Combine.
Coneera fro poses to Valte Five
Thoaaaad Cream Prodaeera la
Maaafaetar aad Sale
f Batter.
The Farmer' Co-Opera tive Creamery and
Supply company, with the avowed purpose
of fighting the Creamery "trust" by taking
Into membership all the farmers in this
part of the country, has been organised at
Omaha. It ha secured control of the plant
and business of the Harding Cream com
pany at 82 Harney street and will make
this It office and central depot.
Thla plant Include a creamery, fully
equipped, with a capacity of 40,000 pound
of butter daily; a big Ice cream bualnea
with a daily capacity of 6.000 gallons, with
an established wholesale bualnea through
out the state, and a refrigerating plant with
a dally output of twenty-five ton of Ice.
The concern propose to unite 5,000 cream
producer In the manufacture and sale of
butter and the purchase of all farm sup
pile. The Harding Cream company al
ready has 1.000 patron. The member of
the association will ehare In the profits of
the entire butlneaa and will have their
butter fat produced at actual cost- Mem
ber will be furnished separators and- like
rood at factory cost Nonmembcra will
be charred a trifle more than member.
Farmer will be encouraged to ahlp their
milk direct to Omaha instead of selling It
at the country stations of the other cream
eries. Charles Harding, formerly president of
the Harding Cream company, la president
and general manager of the new organisation
After waiving preliminary examination
In police court Tuesday morning William
Jackson, colored, was bound over for trial
In the dletxict court under bond of S600 on
the charge of breaking and entering the
apartments of Mrs. E. Jordan at the Nor
mandle flats, where he I alleged to have
stolen a gold watch. The watch was found
In a pawn shop and Jackson was Identified
by the pawnbroker as the man who had
pawned the watch, Mrs. Jordan failed to
Identify Jackson as the thief, although he
had been seen In the flats and had aald he
was there to beat some rug. Jackson is
also believed to be the maa who robbed
the apartments of Judge Benjamin 8.
Baker and stole diamonds and Jewelry
valued at $300.
H. M. Bowl by was arrested early Tues
day at his home, !015 California street, by
Detective Drummy and Maloney on ad
vice received from Denver, where he I
wanted on the charge of forging two notes.
one for S500 and the other for 1000. Bowlby
left Denver after the alleged forgeries and
brought his family to Omaha several weeka
ago. He Is being held- on the charge of
being a fugitive from Justice and the Den
ver authoritlea have been advised of his
Sam Msrchenl, an Italian laborer who
Uvea at 1402 Leavenworth street, was ar
rested Tueeday morning by Detective)
Mitchell and Sullivan on the charge of
stabbing John Rouse, a fellow employe at
the Union Pacific yards, November 18.
Roase was badly cut by Marches! and had
to spend several weeks at St. Joseph's hos
pital for repair, but filed a complaint
against his assailant aa soon as he was
able to leave the hospital.
Because he held a grievance of long
standing against C. O. Zakem for a real
or fancied slight, OUIe Shofe, an Italian.
drew his revolver on Zakem Monday night
In a pool room at 1004 South Thirteenth
treet, but the weapon waa taken from
him by Zakem and friend before any
damage was done. Shofe was discharged
In police court Tuesday morning on ac
count of a lack of evidence corroborating
that of Zakem.
Charged with having robbed the store of
M. J. Pyle at Kanaas City. Mo., several
weeks ago, Helm and Morris Lefflkovlts,
alia SUveratlne. were arrested Tuesday
morning by Detectives Mitchell and Sulli
van and' Officer La hey. The brothers are
charged with being fugitives from Justice
and the Kansas City officials have been ad
vised of their arrest. The men were ar
rested at the Missouri Paclflo freight depot.
where they had gone to receive part of the
polls that are alleged to have been ob
tained In the burglary of the store at
Kansas City.
A complaint waa filed In, police court
Tuesday morning by Ben Shafton, Ills
Douglas street, charging Oacar Prints with
malicious destruction of property. It la
alleged that Prints and several kindred
spirits were on a spree Monday night and.
In a quarrel In front of the store of Shaf
ton, Prints threw one of his friend
through the plate glass window ot the
Catherine Smith, a colored woman who
lives at 1124 Capitol avenue, was acquitted
In police court Tuesday morning on the
charge of picking the pockets ot Antone
Buda for 170 early Monday morning. Buda
was positive that the woman had taken
hi money while he was basking In the
charm of her delectable conversation, but
It was proven that he had been In several
questionable place before he had met the
woman and waa not positive that he had
the 170 when he fell a victim to the wile
of his dusky charmer.
Pick out any Suit or Overcoat you like in this great stock, excepting blues and blacks
and purchasesame at a great saving in price. This is our regular JANUARY REDUC
TION SALE, which means a decided clearing of all winter garments at greatly reduced
$20.00 and $18.00 Suits 1J. CO
Reduced to IfoJV
$16.50 and $15.00 Suits ff PA
Reduced to llc-rjU
$13.50 and $12.00 Suits O 7P
Reduced to Oe f J
$10.00 and $8.50 Suits PA
Reduced to 03U
$25.00 and $22.50 Overcoats
Reduced to ,
$20.00 and $18.00 Overcoats
Reduced to
$16.50 and $15.00 Overcoats
Reduced to
$13.50 and $12.00 Overcoats
Reduced to
$10.00 and $8.50 Overcoats
Reduced to
15th Sts
15th Sts
Polleenaa Appears at Resldeaee la
Ttaae te Save Baploeloa ef
Blaalagr Lasap.
By his quick action In removing the seat
of trouble Patrolman Frank Ooodrlch pre-
Hay FaTfT god asthma Get Color Ilsxns
from Dr. John Howard.
Sapleat Healer Appears at City Hall
aad Explains His Woader
fal Passer to the
John Howard, colored, a iieensed atreet
peddler, started In Tuesday morning to rid
the city hall of all asthma and hay fever.
Noticing the painters and decorators wen
presenting the interior of the municipal
building with fresh color and hearing that
the administration was trimming down the
running expenses of the city, Mr. Howard
thought the psychological moment for of
fering hie panacea for asthma and hay
fever had arrived. Consequently he ap
peared at t'ae city hall front door Tuesday
morning like a new Moae In the wilder
ness, knocked on the door and was ad
mitted by Superintendent Rowden.
Explaining hi method and medicine,
Mr. Howard said he searched men, not with
X-ray tools nor for their valuables, but
with an all-seeing scientific eye. He said
he had been on speaking terms with asthma
and hay fever for four years and had a
medicine which would drive those ailments
out faster than a cat sliding down a steep
Un roof.
The little forethought which Mr. Howard
offered In City Clerk Butler's office, while
he opened up his line of goods on the coun
ter, was thla wise:
"The hay fever am the antu-pasm at I
the nerves and brain, a tickling at de roof
ob de mouth, creating In de upper nostrils
a tightening across de bridge of de nose
and an Itching and burning sensation in d
eyes. De .anti-spasm stahts wld meeslng
and a pain through de eyeballs. Toh got
to watch de eyeball. The mucous rnem
brames lining de eyelids get wus, de nos
trils swell, de tonsils become Injured and
red and de throat Increases more or leas
painful, difficult and swollen. There ia
loss of sleep. Toh see things what yoh
don't 'member selng befoar'.
"The asthma am the anti-spasm ob the
haht, nerve and lunga, and begins wld a
light tickling across the bronchoes In de
lungs, causing a wheezing and crouplsh
cough. This spasm will occur at any time
ob de day or night and by standing or lying
till. You'll wake up at de night time
with a smuggling feelln' In the breast;
then begin with a terrible struggling for
breath, leaning out of the window, gasping
for fresh air, wld a pain in the breast and
a cramping In the lung. Tou got to be
careful you don't fall out of the window.
My medicine cures you when all other
medicines fail, because It acts on the lining
of de lungs by qualifying the sensation
Go Somewhere
Homeseekers' Excursions. To points in Nebraska, Kan
sas, eastern Colorado, "Wyoming and other destinations in
the west and southwest, first and third Tuesdays of each
Reduced One Way Bates. First and third Tuesdays in each'
month to various points in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado,
Indian Territory, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Mis
souri, Mexico, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South
Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
Winter Tourist Rates Daily. To California and Colorado;
also to resorts in Florida, Cuba and south. I
To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, daily, $25.85
To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Jan. 20, 21
' and 22 $18.15
To Salt Lake City, Jan. 15, 16 and 17 S32.00
To Dallas, Texas, Jan. 19 and 20 $21.20
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent,
1602 Farnam Street. Omaha.
I ULUmir fr-"- hi i i-wain i i
I tr', r,, -' . .iJl mm gfni.n H&sHmvimj,rrmir7na -.- .... ..ammvaam
!in he? : rxn r!''H
UlLl IS UJ ti
J . -
" I a S 1 . 1 . . Is ..a. Jk . -.
vented what might have been a .erlou " B'r ""u "J"""" 1 " u "'""
fire, involving the occupant, of numerous j Th.ere noth'n Hk,1 f vmg thing, out of
.. i vieir T,...d.v momin, whiu system. My medicine purifies yo' blood.
mvmiuivm v miu avj nt ctiiu its
from three to six weeks this dreadful dls-
Toath Talk No. 103
The usual run of "Painless
Dentistry" advertisements savor so
strongly of cheapness snd quack
lam that a well balanced person
gives them little or no thought
other than to wlh there really was
such a thing as painlessness In
dentistry. I tell you there is such
a thing.
I do not wish to be classed with
the Bo-called "palnles dentists."
but I do give you my word that,
by the aid of proper remedies, rare
and skill. I have practically elimi
nated pin from my operations. I
oa a prove It
Thone Doug. 1ST. 131 Bee illUg.
Speetaealar Shaw Will Be Given by
Kosstat Measorlal Chareh
at the Aaaltorlam.
Arrangement are being completed by the
Kounlze Memorial church for a big spec
tacular show at the Auditorium called
"The Reformation, or the Life of Martin
F. j I.uther." Some of the mot prominent men
of the city will take the leading part and
the ahow will be put on on a magnificent
scale. A large chorua of linger Is now
belns drilled to take part in the exhibi
tion. The dates are February 3 and M
In the evening, with a matinee on Febru
ary S.
- - .
Okle Iasaleaaeat Ptrsa Establishes Its
Weetera Heaaaaarters la
Tats City.
- One more addition In the implement busi
ness bss been secured to help Omaha to
ward the 200.0LM mark. P. P. Mast Co. of
Springfield. O., have established in Omaha
their headquarters for this territory and
have secured warehouse room with the
Omaha Implement and Transfer company,
which will do their transfer work. The
headquarter were formerly at Council
fllufts, but the entire stock was burned
recently In the Are which destroyed the
building of the Union Transfer company.
P. P. Mast m. Co. manufacture plows, cui
t'.vatura, drills, wlndmtl's. lawnmowera and
i ther farm machines and Implements
'hatles liamfotd Is the local eeut
walking hi beat at Fifteenth and Chicago
treet the officer saw an unusual glow in
the stairway entrance at 820 North Fif
teenth .treet. Rushing In he discovered
a hallway lamp ablase, threatening every
second to explode and set lire to the build
ing. Realising the danger of a fire In the
talrway and that prompt action would be
necessary, he grabbed- the mass of flam
and. returning to the aldewalk, threw it
into the street.
The building thus rescued from a fire I
three stories high and extend, from Chi
cago street to the alley. The two upper
floors are occupied for the entire length
by families, many of them with children.
The main floor accommodate, several
A fire fed by kerosene, starting In tha
talrway of the first floor, might easily
proceed to the roof before being discovered
at that hour of the night, cutting off that
avenue of escape, while every flat would
be quickly filled with smoke, placing sleep
ing persons in danger of suffocation.
ease will pass way and neber return no
City Clerk Butler declared he felt some
thing coming on. Mr. Howard was driv
ing hay fever out of the plumbing Inspec
tors' office when the town whistles blew at
II o'clock.
Red Cross Appeals for Aid for Bat
terers froaa Flood aad
Secretary Charles L. Magee of the Ameri
can National Red Cross society 1 sending
out a circular In connection with the caae
' of the famine stricken people of China.
The famine. Is due to a flood which has
devaatated an Immenae area. The Harri
man steamship line have agreed to carry
shipments of foodstuff and other relief
supplies to China free of charge. The Red
Croe society aks for contribution of
money. The circular read:
Report, from Shanghai lately received by
the Bed Cross tell of the terrible devasta
tion along the Grand canal caused by the
heavy summer rains. In July much of the
country was already under water from knee
deep to wnlst deep, and In some places the
people had to wade through water up to
their necks. West of the csnal what was
tormerly a fertile plain covered with good
crops and prosperous hamlets Is now a
VH(l ia. T.iriium. i i ii . naiiuw
In !.! with tbe Pare Fond Law curaoea up u .rvn UUUUi :., en-
The National Food and Drug act which terea aow UO'ning me porcn and
takes effect Januarv 1. 1907 ri,. . I stole ju in dims, joining eise was dts-
fect Chamberlain s Cough Remedv in I turbed. a the Quet was evidently far
manner. No special label are required on I mon,r only
Saeakthleves Steal Tweaty Dollars
at Oa Place aad Dla.
taoad at Other.
Porch climbers got In their work Tuesday
morning at the home of E. A. Klrtly. 1010
amiih Tarentvilrhth atreet whr. th. et point and Btretchlna- 100 II out toward
- - - ' ' , . 1. ...,,tKK.,t ll.ri. urxA thun -. . .u
Don't make a mistake at the be
ginning. If you are interested
in securing honest dealings and
successful medical treatment.
the Reliable Specialists of the
Call and Bo Examined Free or Write.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Permanently Established in Omaha, Nebraska.
this remedy under that act, as it Is free
The borne of Mrs. Walta. 1131 North Sev
from opiate and narcotic of everv rh.r- enteentn tret. wui entered Monday night
acter, making It a safe remedy for mothers I by burUir- wh0 raised a front window
to use with their children. This remedy
ba. been In use for so many years, and
Its good qualities are so well knowa. that
so on need hesitate to use it when troubled
with a cough or cold.
and ransacked the house. A diamond
stickpin, valued at 110; was stolen.
Mr. Uadersuaa Disposes ef Ills later.
est aad the Firm Will Be Kaewa
aa the llersoar Tailoring- Ce.
Mr. Llnderman, who haa been a member
of the firm of LJndermtn 4 Hersog Tailor
ing company, at 1415 Douglas street, and
the local manager, ha. sold out hi Inter,
euls and will retire from the management.
The Arm in the future will be known as
the Herxog Tailoring company and will be
under the maniigement of D. H. Beck, for
r.:erly with Charlea E. Moloney. Mr. Beck
state, that In the future, as In the past, all
t.:irim-nts will be made in Uutaha by Ouvha
Teraalaal Ceanpaay Asks Ceaaty aad
City Be Eajolaed frosa Sell,
lag Properly,
The Omaha Brldare and Terminal Railway
company tiled a petition In the district court
TueeUay asking an Injunction against the
city if Omaha, the City of South Omaha,
Robert O. Fink, treasurer, and Douglas
county to prevent the sale of property
owned by the plaintiff and which haa been
advertised for aale by Treasure, Fink for
delinquent taxes. The plaintiff company de
clare, that all the property advertised Is
used for rtght-of way and trackage pur
poses and therefore is under the control of
the State board of Equalisation.
Winter Visitors Excursions
will enable you to visit your friends in Mason City,
Carroll, Harlan, Dubuque, Waterloo, Marshall
town, Fort Dodge, Is., Faribault, Mankato, Austin,
Rochester, or Red Wing, Minn., at about
On Half tha Usual Rata
Tickets on sals Saturdays and Sundays.
Notify your friends that the same rates apply the
Other way. yull information from
Cltf Tfektt Agtnt, ti farnam 5t, Omaha.
groups of cottage which rise, above the
sheet or water ana can oniy dc reacnea ty
boat. The people are In a state of sbsolute
destitution, not only their crops, but also
the reeds which constitute their fuel being
destroyed by the flood.
In a district about V mllea In length
and HO miles In width on each side of the
Grand canal, total area of 40.0u square
miles, the crop have been almost totally
destroyed and in the eojntrv beyond only
partial crops have been aaved. It la cer
tain that one-half or two-third of the
population of lD.tM'.CXO or lS.UiO.OOO of the
afTevted region will be on the verge of
starvation during the winter and ten of
thousand muxt perlah unlea help is given.
Thousands of houses have also been de
stroyed, and men, .women and children by
tene of thousand have left their homes to
beg elxewhere. Home throw their children
Into the water and then commit atik'ldn,
others are selling tnelr children for almost
nothing. Farmers are forced to sell their
work animala to buy food and have no
wheat to iilant next year's crop. Hundreds
are already dying from famine and fever
in their desolate and foodleaa home. There
la im hope of relief before the ripening of
(he new cro next June and the condition !
of these million In the flixided country will I
be indescribably awful during the winter. 1
The need I so uraent that the response )
for aid should be generous snd prompt to
mitlgut the sufferings of these starving
If you have anything to trade advertl
It In the For Exchsnge column of Tbe ,
lie. Want Ad page
The afflicted will find It to their ad.
vantage to consult us before placing
their cases elaewhere. Treatment,
however. Is a personal matter for nach
man and ahould be Investigated at
once. Now le the time to enjoy life,
health, vigor and strength. Success
means action. Tou must do It your
self. No pne can cur you unless you
mak rha ant mnv. mnA that flrat
move Is to see us personally. Have you ever had a real, aclentlfic, "up-to-date"
examination? When we know your true condition, then we can explain the
practical application of our method to your particular case and advise you
regarding many aclentir,". points that every man should know. Our highly
recommended method fur curing Blood Poison, Bala Diseases, Sores, Ulcers,
Aeaa, Urlaary Diaealttea, Mervoas OeoUae, riles, aVaptare, DUeaaea ef tae
aUaaers aad Blade aaa all Diseases reoalia te Mem.
Consultation free, confldntlaid Invited.
Northwestern Medical and Surgical Instituta
N. W. Cor. IStb aad Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb.