A t ar 4 4 v g A W a"f - ft -, a 1 TT y rtax PERUNA EDITORIAL NO. I. A Crusado Against Secret Medicines. Thert hsj 1b in Indiscriminate crasads sgtiiut Amsriotn commercial enterprises. Tnis moat extraordinary ATTACK UTOJT BUSIHZS3 corpora tions has InrolTed mannf&ctraren f nearly all kinds, haa spared few pro dueers of any sort. . . Each and Tery one of these antcrnritet nerhana dM.rv.d Whether their opponents hare dealt with them Justly or not, they art prompt ly adjusting themselves to the sew conditions, and demonstrating to the business world that In the larger things they hare been gorerned by sound financial integrity, evta if ia some few particular! the times were ripe for reform. Like other great tadnstries, THJ FATO9T XEDICUTE UTDUSTET la coming in for its share of censure. Secrecy of composition has been the mala war-cry against these medicines. It was admitted on the part of patent medicine manufacturers, that their formula wert kept secret They felt obliged to do this, in order to preTent Imitators from imposing on tho public. After a proprietor had spent hundreds Of thousands of dollars in adrertising a remedy, the secrecy of his formula was his only protection against others stepping in and reaping the reward of hi tremendous outlay in advertising. The unwillingness of patent medicine manufacturers to reveal the in gradients of their compound was perfectly natural They felt that they da. served protection from tho government the same as any other citiien who procures a patent on aa invention or a process. BUT THIS COVSLDE&A TIOS CIS NOT HEP BACK TEX CBITICS. The agitation was kept up until Congress enacted a law making it obliga tery en the part of suoh manufacturers to expose certain ingredient oa tho label of each package. It was thought best to include alcohol in the list of objectionable ingred fonts. This being the only objectionable ingredient contained in Parana, the manufacturer of this very excellent remedy promptly obeyed the law. . Indeed, he voluntarily went farther than this. Dr. Hartman, after serious consideration of the matter, has concluded to put PLAINLY ON THE LABEL OF EACH BOTTLE the principal aotire constituents of which Peruna is com posed. While we do not agree that the claim against secrecy has been a just one, yet from this time on we have concluded to take Peruna out of the list of secret patent medicines. Pe-ru-na Continues to Have the Confidence of the People. We now offer Peruna to the publloasa regular pharmaceu tical product It is just as ethi cal as any compound put np by the medical profession. No straining of medical ethics can find any fault with it THE FEIN CI PAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS are prominently incorporated in the label on tho bottle, that the people may bow that the claims made for Peruna have a true justification. The only departure we shall make from medical ethics in the conduct of Peruna affairs in the future, is the fact that we shall continue to advertise and ' ell our product TO THE PEOPLE. ' If we would agree to sell to doctors only, to advertise for doctors only, then the medical fraternit would be obliged to recognize Peruna aa beinsr entirely Within their approval. BUT WE SHALL NOT DO THIS. 7 We shall continue to offer Peruna to the people. We shall continue to ( convey to the people our claims for Peruna aa a household remedy. We shall continue to supply the people with free literature, teaching them how to use our medicine, teaching them how to avoid disease, teaching them many things of benefit to the home. We shall continue to do this, whether the medioal profession like it or not We are nronoein? from this time on to take the rmblio into our eonfldenna. " i o r Notwithstanding that some imitators and substitutors will be attempting to put up something which they consider just as good as Peruna, we are going to draw aside the veil of secrecy and allow any one who chooses to know exactly OF WHAT PEBTNA IS COMPOSED. This ought to disarm all honest criticism. We expect, however, that crit icism will continue. On some pretext or other those who are envious of the success of Peruna will continue to find fault But we are determined to give uch people no just complaint ' PERUNA IS A GREAT MEDICINE. It has become a household word in millions of homes. Our faith in tho remedy ia stronger than ever. Every year we expect to establish new plants in foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied with i val uable nouseaoia remeay. ."v WE AEE GOING TO DO EVERYTHING IN THE OPEN, We are going lo tell bur uiutuuici. exactly wht they are taking, and let them jdgo. fsr themselves how much foundation our critics have for their claims. All we ask of the public is to be aa fair with us as we are with them, V? I m i " Worth twice the price to read to the children and. will do older people goed. IS v RICHARD L. METCALFE'S BOOK "01 Such Is the Kingdom and Olher Stories From Life' i NOW READY" FOR DELIVERY Two hundred pages, cloth bound, printed trom clear type on heavy paper, (lit side and back stamps; aent postpaid on receipt of 11.00. Address orders to Richard L. Metcalfe, Care Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. SOMETHING ABOUT THE BOOK "too" Blxby In Lincoln Journal: "It contains tlilrty-aevan choice sketches from life, with a wcit and wholcome eson in every una. It is worth twite thu i"ce to read to the children and will do older people good like a medicine. It ought, to be in every home. Um oln Kveniuc News: "Mr. Metcalfe's writings have that touch of human Interest that eitliralla and in tnu collection there Is not a dull or uniuler.-uiig Hue. Omaha Pally News: "It Is an Interesting- little volume. The sketches are of a heart Intermit nature and iuoiuihi with originality of style." Omaha he: "It la tilled with homilies of the oJd-fastiloned, homely pre Crpts, rluvorea with the spire of life, tinctured with the touch of humanity and non with warmth of love. Kvery production goes down Into the common walks of every-day life and buiis n i n-isun for the old or the young, or both, and the crowning virtue, the basic principle, the keynote of the whole volume, is to be found In the simplicity, iho intensity, the magnitude of love love tint of the . parent for the child, and love luHt of the father for his children. Mr. Metcalfe has put his originality In thought and literary style to gooU uenj g.tuit to t-.is readers oin solid food for the mind.'' 5 . W NO MATTER 1 WHAT iYGU WAIST It Will Save you timonnd xnonoy it you will u so ... . RED CLOUD SCION ON STAND Orsnd-NepbiwefOld liooi Chief Tsstifis ia Modisstt Cue. ONE OF INDIANS INDUCED TO FILE. Teaas; Man la Uradaate ef Hale mu mm latelllaent a If Hla Skis Were White. Car The moat Important evidence brought out at the land trial Saturday was that of Harry A. Clrtud, a full-blood Ogalalla Bloux Indian, graduate of the Carlisle Indian school and a grand-nephew of the famous Bloux. Chief Red Cloud. Cloud Is a bright, handsome young man, with a fine faco, resembling In many respect the feature of his famous grand-uncle In the days of hla greatest renown. He la possessed of an acute Intelligence, la highly educated, and but for his swarthy Indian color tins al the bearing of an educated white man. HIM evidence was to the effect that he had been solicited to make a filing by Bmoot and that he made the filing for the ModUetts at Rushvlll In consideration of the S. "The money was paid me by Mr. pale. I had no Intention of living oa the land and gave Mr. Dale distinctly to under stand that fact," said the witness. "I was told that by filing on landa In Ne braska It would not alienate my rights to an allotment as an Indian when such al lotment was to be made. There was some talk about permitting the Modlaetta to use the land for Bracing purposes for the filing fee and improvements. My Impres sion was that an Indian would not have to -live on the land, and It certainly was not my Intention to sever my trlbeJ re lottos with my people by making a home In Nebraska." ' Other Indian Witnesses. The other wltneese of Bntnrday fore noon were Indians. They were Prank Going, John Oalligo, Edward O. Bottle youn, Louis Deon, Benjamin MUlen and Herbert Bissounette. The testimony was ot a similar character and In effect that the only reason they made the filings was In consideration of the 125, which wa promised and paid them by the Modlsetta, Dale or Going and which they understood was given ' them from the Modlsetta. Bettelyoun had to give his testimony through an Interpreter. The two Inter preters employed at the trial are John Monroe and Marshal Hand. All of the Indians belong to the Sioux tribe and are from the Pine Ridge agency, being em ployed there in various capacities The hearing adjourned at 12 : p. m. Bat urday until 9:30 a. m. Monday. . W2 CLAIM PEBUITA TO BE A CATAJLRH REMEDY. Bn? a bottle and try it li it helps you, be honest and acknowledge that it has helped 70a. If you want as to we will publish your statement exactly as you furnish it tous. We will add no words, take away no words. If you wish us to we will publish your portrait in connection with it We will not do this without your written request without your entire consent Peruna haa cured thousands of people of chronio catarrh, in manr chases and a, locations. At least, that is what the people say to us, through unsolicited tes "timonials. Peruna will cure many thousand more, in spite of fabricated alanden to the contrary. r7 " wTf. nniv awrvK v-ww unrrn ni? PTfUTrw to nmrrarw tttw V As) V w a. S . 4 V eMWe A aMM W -aa a H W M aB W VVM r I T A AaT, INGREDIENTS PRINTED ON THE LABEL. "We guarantee that every testimonial wa use is absolutely true in the exact language of tho testifier. We guarantee that every photograph published is the photograph of the Eerson whose) nam It bears, that every word of every testimonial was author :ed by the hand that signed it We are determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than they are, by dealing squarer than they dare to. Wo are determined to meet falsehood . with truth, duplicity with candor, insincerity with sincerity. We know that the users of Peruna will appreciate our stand. We believe that the dealers in Peruna will applaud our course. We expect even our op ponents will be obliged to acknowledge finally that Peruna is not only aa . honest and useful remedy, but one of the GREATEST HOUSEHOLD MED I CINES ON THE CONTINENT. FATAL ACCIDENJ IN GERMANY Forty Workanem Burled 1st Railway Cnt and Thirteen Dead Are rteeevered. BINGEN, Hesse, Jan. 5. Forty workmen were burled yesterday evening In the cat ting of a new railway line between Lam scheld and Lelnlngen. The dead bodies of thirteen of the men and fifteen Injured workmen have been recovered. An embankment hod collapsed, burying two uicn. To rescue them large parties of other laborers employed along the line were Immediately act to work aDd a wide pit was dug, In which were about fifty men, when the overhanging hillside fell, burying forty of the laborers under masses of earth. Those who were not burled be gan to dig out their comrades, while mes sengers were aent to nearby villages ask- Ung for help, several physicians and a larg force of workmen were sent, to the acene of the disaster. The rescue work, which was continued throughout the night. waa dangerous, owing to the possibility of ft li masses of earth falling on the labor ers. Most of the workmen killed were young men. Among the Injured are three children. It is probable that there are atill fifteen bodies beneath the fallen earth. for reciprocal demurrage by adopting a resolution declaring that ennare should pas a federal law Inderaing and meklng It the duty of the Interstate Commerce com mission to make proper rules for reciprocal demurrage. MAGNETISM CFH0RSE SHOWS A Mew Yorker Dlsrnwrsea the Itlmslsi Tktr Give Society aaal Kewspaarra. Greater New Tork pulled oft Its annual horse show Inst week. Before the open ing hour the directors of the Horse Show association put away a square meal and talked ot the coming event. One of the talkers waa Patrick Frnncla Murphy, prom inent aa a show manager, and a breeay spieler. Among other remarks, he said: The most fascinating, the mo? delight fully fresh and notnbly Interesting event of the year Is at hand. Society will now return society with a big "8," which U written ' about and paragraphed as an assemblage of well dressed people who Would rather be bored together than alone. We always hove with us the 'press that sounding board of the voice that multiplication table of words. The Jour nalist refogntees his great duty.' The lamp o? truth must be kept burning. A former New Tork editor on a recent visit found the newspapers dull, nothing but headlines that gave him a headache; lines saying the right thing and convey ing a wrong Impression, possibly like the country newspaper "with Its hospitable In vitation on the outside page "For the evil. effects of alcohol see our Inside." It haa been "discovered by a thoughtful observer that one of the worst effects of alcohol Is that It produces the tem perance orator, with apologies to Frnncla Murphy of blue rbbon fame. Ever since the world's creation, thla pleasant vice of drink has been attacked and cherished. , When from excess of rich wines a man suffers from gout he keeps on drinking It helps him to bear the pain. A. new terror now has been added to alcohol; It Is charged that stimulants are given to horsee to produce -the qualities necessary to win In a show ring; that. In fact, alcohol Is first aid to a blue ribbon. A denial haa been published. It Is ad mitted, however, that champagne frequently haa been given. " From a long experience with human af faire it ia found that the difference be tween a peeelmlat and an optimist Is one cocktail. Bpeaklng from a two-legged standpoint, the effect of chnmpagne on a quadruped should be two fold. A bottle of "society water" given to a mounted weight-carrying hunter would make him feel like another man. We may at last hear that favorite sound known In litera ture as a horse laugh. By drink, and other aids to a short life and a merry one, the animal may de teriorate. But veterlnaries are - now un necessaryany one can "treat" a horee. We ahall probably hear that the horae show ltd la off. Steps will be taken to provide a home for fallen horsea. ' The Woman'a Temperance union to avoid temp tation to colts will Insist on removing all bars in the horse ring. , The board of director present this week a palatable feast. They know tha proper Ingredients for a successful show, sprink ling of aristocrats, a quantity of good clothing and some horses. As a relish, there will be on view a few persona who have committed Indiscretions. This brings the good people. There la ho one so curious in regard' to the veiled aide of life aa a throughly atraighttaced woman. It is aa pleasant to notice the frailties of others aa to Indulge in our own. There Is less risk, and It coata nothing. IWTiHL4flll4llliilfiiJa1MJ8Uj J ; f y3 A Genuine Cut Price Piano Sale! If you want to nave money on a Piano purchase, then you should not fall to visit th Sohmoller & Mueller Piano Co., as we have the largest line of Standard Pianos In the city. Every instrument Kttarnntecd to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. We carry a complete line of Stein way, NU'gvr, Emernon, llartlmaii, A. It. Chnso, Mrrhail. Knrtiman and 13 other makes, and quote prices which save &xitei U-iiAW1 the purchaser from 178 to siaw on a nign grBae msirunu-ui. Oar New York buyer purchased five carloads of Pianos tor spot cash at about one-third regular value, and we are willing to divide our good fortune with our customers; but you must hurry and call at once, for at the tempting prices this stock will not last very long. .Notice a few of the many bargains which await your careful Inspection: , ' $260 Camp A Co., cottage siie, octaves $300 Hall Son, medium else 88 $200 Kimball, thoroughly overhauled, parlor sice 8115 $350 Cnlckerlng, parlor else ?135 $350 Sterling, In finest condition $158 $275 Hallet & Davis, walnut case, slightly used $105 $400 Krakauer Bros., looks new $175 $325 Vose & Sons, fine walnut cftse $100 $350 Francis J. Bird, a beautiful sample piano. . -$210 $375 Steger & Sons, parlor site, used only three years .$225 $400 Mahogany Sample Piano, only $250 $450 Chippendale style, Circassian walnut case $275 $500 Colonial Style Cabinet Grand, walnut case, upright. $300 $50 Carved Art Style, modeled walnut case $325 Fourteen Square Planoa, Including Stetnway, Cnlckerlng, Knabe, Vose, Emerson and other standard makes, 25, $35. $45 n" Mason & Hamlin, Kimball, Farrand St Votey and other standard Organs, $10t $15 $20 nd P- TERMS: To Suit The Purchaser Out-of-town purchasers should write at once for catalogues, prices and bargain list regarding this great money-saving sale. We ship Pianos everywhere and guarantee freight charges both ways if the Instrument, after careful examination, Is not entirely satisfactory to Its owner. New Pianos for rent, $3 and np. We Tune, Move, Store and Repair Pianos. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Manuf Jcturers of High Grade Pianofortes. Established In 1059. 1311-1313 Farnam St., Omaha. Telephone. Doug. 1625. JJ Hamane Rifles for Spain. MADRID. Jan. S. It haa been decided by the government to provide the civil guards with a humane riot rifle for use in quelling disorders. Tha weapon wlltf only kill at short range and la expected to lessen the chancea of Injury to other than rioters. The trouble caused by the raising of octroi dues, which caused an advance in food value, continues at several points. - Argentina Budget Resorted. BUENOS AYRES, Jan. 5. The budget commission, has submitted Its report to congress. It shows that the revenues, esti mated at 22,000,000 pesoa paper, are bal anced by the expenditures. The financial situation of tha country, the report de clares, is Improving yearly. The revenues for 190S were 11000,000 pesos more than the estimates. Oeiaaaerclal Treaty May Fait. RIO JANEIRO. Braatl. Jan. I. A com mercial treaty with Argentina is opposed by the Notlcin. which asserts that Braill should not make any concessions. Should the policy of Argentina tend to damage Brasil'a Interests, Brasil can exclude wheat,' flour and meat from Argentina without any inconvenience. Asacrleain, Pork Barred. BERIJN, Jan. (.The Lokal Anaelger today announced that It had learned from a responsible source that the discontinuance of the American official microscopic exam' inatlon of pork must result In the exclusion by Germany of all shipments, which ar not accompanied by certificate aa tha Imperial sanitary regulations require. Date for Hlsnops Meet! age. PARIS, Jan. 5. Tha meeting of the French bishops called by Cardinal Richard will be held beginning January IS. Two sittings will be held dally. A chateau be longing to Count Pranqueville. which Is spacious and la surrounded by high walla, haa been chosen aa the meeting alace. Daeliat Serloasly III. PARIS. Jan. l.-The condition of Lieuten ant Bpltler, who waa wounded in a duel Wednesday, is reported aa satisfactory. His relatives, however, are anxious, aa his con dition is sad to be very extremely. Kloar Oscar Reeov.rl.ar. STOCK HOLM. Jan. 8.-Klng Oscar con ttnuea to gain atroogly. He waa .able to alt up for longer perloda during the past two daya and aleepa well at night. SIX ARE INJURED IN WRECK Relief Train Finally Reaches Men Bart em 'Frisco Road In Mlasonrl. CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo.. Jan. 5. A re lief train returned here last night from Meeleys station, twenty miles north of here. bringing the injured passengers, who were hurt when a smoking car over-turned near there Thursday evening by the slipping of tha 'Frlaco track, which had been weakened by rains. The relief train waa the first train over the track In forty-eight hours. Tha injured are: Met Haas and A. G. Btrotsack of EL Loula .... O. B. Hess or lunrsion. mo. Robert V. Bheck, Advance, Mo. John Frend of Benton, Mo. J. A. and F. B. Marshall of Morely. Mo. It la bcllved all will recover. The other pasaengera who were marooned by the flood conditions were also brought back on the relief train. Too Deep for Him. The atory Is told of a lank, disconsolate looking farmer who one flay during tne progress of a political meeting in Cooper Institute stood on the stepa with tha air ffffBnWIrli-t'r11'"''--1'""-1111 ' " 1 .ii.iufPni-.L-i'; .......... u ... ... r..aj BETWEEN SEASON SALE OF- 2" ONIMOD SHOES 4 We Give FactsName Prices No Time For Foolishness! SALE Starts Monday morning at 8 a. m. THE BEST and MOST SERVICABLE Men's Shoes on the market THE LEADERS IN , STYLE, WORKMANSHIP AND WEARING QUALITIES. This sale is to be held for th? purpose oUnak ing room for our SPRING stock which will arrive very soon. In the BETWEEN SEASON we will sell ; All shoes that sold for $6.00 at S4.9S All shoes that sold lop $S.OO at. $3.98 . All shoes that sold for $4.00 at S2.9S All shoes that sold for $3.80 at $2.48 All shoes that sold for $2.60 at $1.98 Taking advantage of the best is your duty. These are the best men s shoes on the market and at sacrifical prices. a igrrffr--,w- I REGENT SHOE CO. 205 So. 15th Street. Omaha 4t 2C Mb! Cm 3 ZI of one who haa been surfeited with a feast ; !f of some sort. . ' ' rw vnu know who's talking- In there R now" demanded a stranger briskly, paus- , Q lng for a moment beside the disconsolate jg farmer, "or are you Just going InT" No, sir; I've Just come out," said the farmer, decidedly. "Mr. Everts la talking in there." "What about." aaked the stronger. "Well, he didn't Bay." the farmer an awered. passing a knotted hand across hla forehead. Youth'a Companion. i Piles Can Be Cured '9. '4 I Douglas and 17th Sts. 3 Separate Entrances Douglaa St.. 17 th St. and A road. Connecting Brandels' N.w Stor.. Telephone pj Douglas 647 Private Exchange Connects with All Departments Our Second Floor i s Now Open 4 R N Lher O I- THE DEE WANT ADS TftO VIEWS OF DEMURRAGE Forty AaaoelatloHB f Shippers Watat Reciprocal I -air, While Railway Presldeata Oppose It. CHICAGO. 'Jan. 4. Railroad presidents today made a personal appeal to thi Chi cago Commercial association to aid In a friendly attempt to Improve existing trans portation conditions and relieve the prevent car shortage. Arrangements were made for a meeting next Monday between the ex ecutive committee of the association and the railroad men to discuss ths arguments which the railroads have prevented to show that a reciprocal demurrage law would be unfair to the railroads and a pos.tlve injury to the shlppera While theae negotiations ware being niade a convention ot shippers representing forty associations in twenty staUe here, declared Tweoty.three Years of Agoay with Piles Befe.ro Valac Pyramid PUe Care Trial Package Free. Wa offer to every piles sufferer a free trial package of the wonderful Pyramid Pile Cure to prove the genuineness of our Claim. If you tried a so-called "cure for piles'' and It did not relieve you, can you con ceive of anything that would mure surely prejudice you agalnat ltT Wa know this and yet we are glad to place our remedy on trial because we know what it will do and wa know also that wa are running no risk of failure to relieve. Itead how grateful thla sufferer la to the Pyramid Pile Cure after undergoing K every torture with piles: "This is to certify that I have used X three S0c boxes of Pyramid Pile Cure and It has benefited me more than any other pile remedy I have ever used. I had most lost all hope of ever gutting any rem edy that would help me until I tried Pyra mid Pile Cure. 1 believe they will entirety cure me If 1 continue tnelr use, which I In tend doing so long as I can get money to pay for them. I do not think anyone ever suffered very much more than i have at times. Then I would be ao nervous I couli not gejt any ease in any position I could place myself. "I oanuot express my gratitude for the good your medicine haa dona ma. I will continue lo tell my frlenda of their merit. Tours. Emma Uodenhsnier, Hertford, Ind." If you are euflerlng from plies we make no charge for a trial package of the Pyra mid Pile Cure. Thla sample will relieve the itching, soothe the inflamed membrane and start you on the way to health. After you have used the sample go to, the drug- I gist for a 60-cent box of the remedy, which contains suppositories Just like the sam ple we are sending you. Write today and relieve your suffering. It costs you noth ing. Pyramid Pile Cure. X Pyramid J3Wg , Marshall, Mich. THIS ENTIRE FLOOR IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED 8 FOR THE DISPLAY AND SELLING OF GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES g Here the thrifty housewife will find genuine bargains in groceries that we have S been unable to properly risplay on our lower floors. Every day will bo a special bargain day in this great new salesroom. :: :: :: . :: This daylight salesroom is finely adapted for its daily use. Good elevator service, plenty of room, and groceries shown in a way that makes satisfactory selection very easy, k This is bound to be one of the most welcome and genuinely economical features of Court- 0 ney's great modern grocery. 3 Courtney's Prices Always Wean a Great Saving to the Family Purse To demonstrate the truth of this policy, we offer these bargain specials for Monday v on our second floor. These specials are nn indication of the quality of bargains that may be found every day in this new grocery salesroom: S& 600 doten Hart Pride of Michigan TEAS, can 600 doien 3-pound FI LL STANDARD TOMATOES, can 600 down SAC CJTY COKX, can. . . .'. IlcCtf) ""..lOcOi') 7c('r ) 600 dozen ROCK SALMON, 1-lb. flat tins, a tin Jeanne d'Arc RED KIDNEY 15KAN, can NEY BEAN, 9c($,') pounds Gibson's ANTI-LYE J 1 5 lbs. NES, pound for J 15c0) i I s 5 AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER IMPORTANT SPECIALS FOR THIS DAY '4 ourtney & Co. Bee Want Ads Bring Results