rrrn olvita Sunday bee: januaut 6. 1007. n CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Eellioc Operation 1 IrtdominftttFit m Littrpoal WwkniMi GOOD INCREASE IN VISIBLE EXPECTED Wlatrr Wheat Flaat tlare of Sw and Wku Hard free Come Dtat tteeerte Will Hat OMAHA. Jim. t, IBM. "There was quit a large trad at the tart," say tha Exchange Drain company letter, "(Ailing operation predominating on tha weakness la Liverpool, which we du to free offering of Argentina sorts, with prediction for large world hipmenl. Commission houses were on both side of tha marks! and while fluctuations wer thutow tha local rrowd, including the calper, wara Inclined to be bullish on the vnuatlun. and thera free covering hy horts. Tha market quieted down to qulta Lin extent, but there waa aome selling on expectations 01 a good sued increase in tha visible. Many conservative people in the trade wera of the opinion that declines bad aona far enough and a tha winter wheat plant Is bare of snow a hard freese might create sutnclent Injury to bring In damage reporta. nitre are hints of a uet. ter cash, demand. "The bear crowd started In with raiding; taotica aa&ln at tha start on improved weather and Increased receipts, but strung support was extended, commission houses buying very freely, many resting orders being reached in the May and under that roint was more than sufficient to absorb II offering. There was a big trade and it looks te ua aa If stout resistance would be hown toward all declining tendencies. "There waa free selling of May hind by Vocal loner, commission houses buying, however, on resting orders, but the market did not show much snap and closed ea.y." Prlnary wheat receipt were t4.0jO bu. a.nd shipments 2!P,ij) bu. ; against receipts 11 year ago of 663.0f0 bu. ami shipments of 753,0 bu. Corn rec eipts were 744,000 bu. and ahipments ftno.imo hu.; against receipts a yr ago of 783,000 bu. and shipments of 4i2.0X) bu. Clearanoes were 46.1.000 bu. corn, 10,000 bu. oata, and flour and wheat enusl to 463,000 bu. Liverpool closed Hflid lower on wheat and tf lower on corn. ' Kroomhall estimstes world's wheat ship ments at 0 nnn,i)f lu"hels, as compared with 8,112,000 buchcls last week and 8,H2.oto bush Is last year. A large en port bualncs, In wheat and Corn has been closed the last few days, owing to deillne In prices, but th exact figures are withheld, exporters not carina; te tell all their bjtl-en. If the Halms of the seaboard are rlcht. sales of wheut In the last three days are Mose to l.ooO.nott nusneia and corn over BOO.ooo bushels. That there Is more export business on the way Is evidenced by the enlarged engagements of ocean room of late, which hne taken up the surplus .tonnage and strengthened ocean rates from New Tcik to Liverpool irom ia t ia, Local range of options: ter market wag steady creamery. SEiJSlc; eairy, asjjcc. uii, nrm; aa mars, cases Included. ii023c; fi ma. 13c; prime first. Uc; extra, Cheese, eteady, U14e, EW TOUe HSKRAb MARKET Qectatlea ef the Day Varloas Cosnmodltlee. NEW TORK. Jan. . FLOUR Receipt. 14.717 bbl; exports, lt.SSf br.lt. Market dull and barely steady: Minnesota pat ents. $4. OOat.JO; Minnesota bakers, M il I 75; winter patents. It l6l 7$i winter straights, $3.40U 3 60; winter extras. 12 80 $01 winter low grades. $!.709 2.0, Ry flour, dull; fair to good, $3 65310; cholea to fancy, tl 16 6 410. Buckwheat flour, quiet; $2 1 55, 1 25. spot and to arrive. BUCKWHEAT ljuiel; $1.24 per 100 pounds. TORNMEAL Steady; fine white and relow, II. 2091. 25; coarse. $1.1001.12; kiln dried, $2.76 (fr 2.80. RTE Nominal; No. 2 western, 84e c. I. f. New York; Jersey and slate, MtfOSc. de livered New York. B A KLET Nominal! feeding. 4.U . L f. Burrslo. WHEAT Receipts. 31.000 bu.; exports. 1.009 bu.) salea, 1 800,000 bu. futures. Spot market easy: No. 2 red, 7810, nom inal, in elevator) No. 2 red, 80 "4 o. nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Dululu, 81 Ho. f. o. h, afloat; No. t hard winter, sJSc, f. o. b., afloat. The early wheat market apld at new low prices for iie season on prospects for large world's shipments and easier cables, but rallied on covering and closed Vo net lower. May, 81 7-14 81 ll-16e, closed at 81Hc; July, St 011 fee. closed at $H4c. i-uns iieceipts, 83.8t cu.; exports, NEW YORK STOCKS ANDBONDS Market Opens Active ud Volume f Early Transactions is Lares. BIG DEMAND FOR HAFRIMAN ISSUES k Btateaaeat Show Decrease la Reserves Instead of Kapected laerease and Reaction Fol lows Ita Pahlleatloa. 1,834.81 .88 1.M7.01S.58 Saturday Totals $9,828.037 4 $8.832.3S8 64 Increase over tha corresponding week last year, 1.&48.K. Holiday. few Tork Money Market. NEW TORK. Jan. I. MONET On call, nominal; tune loans, easy; sixty and ninety davs snd six months. 6 per cent. FK1MB MERCANTILE FAFER Vu per cent. BTKRUXO EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 SbJVrf t.fc'Ntn for demand and at $4 8u7u4 S5 for slxty-d;iy t ills; posted rates, Ilrt4 n4 hl4 4m. SIL.VEit Bar, and $4.!iu'.2,U'4.8ti; commercial bills, 69Ttc; Mexican dollars. steady; railroad. Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yes y. NEW TORK. Jan. S. The speculative re vival which developed yesterday In the stock market had the effect of bringing In h large additional participation today, i'he tranaaotlona for the two hours were largrly In excess of the recent average for a full days business. Prices wavered wnen the oomplexiun of tlio bank statoment became known and a siiarp rvaoiLon followed Ita publication. The late rally In the market did not carry prices buck to the previous high point but the closing tone was strong. J no greatest speculative aotlvlty centered In tiie llarrlman group, especially Union Pacltlc. The disclosures of yesterday at the Inquiry by the Interstate Commerce cominisiun of the wide scopo of the ac tivities of Its executive In the purchase of stocks and the acquirement of a voice In the control In other railroads came as a surprise to niose of the stockholders them- 88.321 bu. 8 pot market steady: No. I, i i.h i hi, ,i ua. lt ;I?,v-or;aan,4,i0' t-..0, 5-A fW,,t: !them aid there waV nS sign of the inxlety No. 2 yellow. 33c: No. 1 white, too. On- I i -y, ,v ,... , tlon market waa quiet and about steady, inquiry in the possible disclosure of a en closing fcc net lower. January closed fct 1 dltion In the aiTalrs of tha Harriman cuin- 61Vc; May. H9i0ic, closed at iOSo, ! panles that would make them amenable to UT J"!,BPi' Bt. "He. I legal process bv the arovernment. The sneo- . VA1 o Ke?tpt. 17T.B00 bu.i exports, ; ulatlve spirit was fostered alao by . the S.49I bU. 8pot market Steady; mixed . nni.-k relaxation In tha mnoev market which hae occurred during the week. Con fidence on this point was somewhat shaken by the showing of the bank statement, the net result of which was a cutting down of the surplus to a nominal figure. The large loan increase was readily attributed to the nnancing oi the January tlrst settlements. The decrease of $i2,(ioy in the cash Item in stead of an estimated gain of $3.A)0,0U0 had more Influence on sentiment. The failure to take account of the needs of the trust companies in the provision of the final 1 per cent Installment of the i per cent cash reserves which came Into requirement on January I probably explains the dis crepancy, ine course or the money mar ket, however, is evidence of the actual strengthening of the money position and It was this consideration that induced the later support and the rally In the market. Rates for the time loans for all periods have declined to a 6 per cent basis. There was a notable expansion also in the buy ing of bonds at the Stock exchange und Saneral hardening of prices. Total sales of onds par value, $l,4M,ix. Bonds were dull and there was no In dication of an Important demand for re investment auch as usually appears at the period of disbursement of yearly profits, united States new 4s registered declined Vt and the coupons per cent on call during the week. The following are the quotation on the New York Stock exchange: Bales. HlfH. Lew. ciasc (4c. HOND-Oovernment, nrm. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: Wheat I May. Corn May. Oats-1 May. 6S7,V 68T4A VW $7B S4A S4A! I WdA 63V4A OSTiA 37V.B 37B JIHA 84HA S4HA 84A oats, 28 0 S pounds, 8039Vo; natural wiiiie, v to sz pounos, 4 1 "c; cupped white, 38 to 4ft pounds, 4O044O. HAY Firm: shipping, $5 90c; good to choice. $1.051.15. HOPS Steady: state, common to choice, 1908. 18023c; 1905, Sllc; Pacific ciast. 1908. 1417c; 10S. 1014c. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 10 to 25 pounds, 20c: California, 21 to 25 pounds, lie; Texas dry, 84 to 80 pounds, 19c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 27 28c. TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg), te; country (pkgs. free), 96Wc. PROVISIONS Bef. firm; family, $14.50 15.00; mess, $9,0019.60; beef hams, $23.60 25.00; city extra India mess, $20 50W 22.60. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 110.50 1 2 50: pickled hams. $12.00. Lard, barely steady; western prime, $9.40 9.60; refined, quiet; continent, $9.85; South America, $10.66: compound. $8.2508 50. Pork, steady; family, $18.60l.O0; shprt clear $17.2519.00; mess, $17.50 18.60. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, IHfip; Japan, nominal. POt'T,TRY Live, quiet; fowls, 13c; west ern chickens, 12c; turkeys. 15c... Iressel, stesdy; western chickens, 120'lac; turkeys, U'f17o; fowls. 812c. ' BUTTER-Steady; street price, extra creamery, 18c; official price, creamery com mon to extra, $3 2c; held common to extra, 22(&30c; state dairy oommon to firsts. 21 fa 3 A?: renovated oommon to extra, lR'ic; western factory oommon to firsts, lWJ2c; western imitation creamery nrats, zjvw. CHEESE Firm ; state full cream, email ana targe, oeptemner. ranov, i4e: state. October best. 13Hfil4c; state, good to prime. i-WOiAC) atate, winter matte, average beat, 12c; atate. Inferior, llffilJc. EOQS Irregular; selected. S333c; choice, tS4Fuc; mixed, extra, 28c. A asked. R bid. Omaha Ctsh Prices. WTJEAT-No. I hard, 15Hc; No. I hard. S'98ixc; No. 4 hard. n-kwc; No. S spring, tflfllTc. CORN No. J. 34fS4c; No. 4, 3r49SS1c: No. 3 yellow. S4Vic; No. 1 white, 36H' 3Gc. OATS No. S mixed, SlHtt32e; No. 3 whit S?ac: No. 4 white, 3L'c. RTE No. t B9c; No. 8, 58c Carlut Receipts. Wheat. Corn, Oots Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth tit. Leuls .... 85 109 271 se 81 2a 588 3a 'ii 286 ii 'ii U. S. rrf Is, re....104H! 4s ennpnn I'M1 V. I. 1 rf tot 4q emipon H'JH V. oia 4s. reg in coupon lt'V V. 8. B. 4j, rt 12UV4 do tn'ipon 1J9H Am. Tobacce 4s 77 do 10w Atchison o. 4s Mi's do 1J. 4s H Atlantic C. U 4s..-,. Bsl. A Ohio 4l to: do SVti 1 tlrk R. T. a. 4n '. M ...... f Central of Da. it.. lo lit Ine do fd Inc doM lae Chea. A Ohio 4a.. rhlriao & A. IH--C, I). q a. 4a.. C, R. I. A P. 4a.. do col. fia CfC. A 8. L. (. 4s. Cola. Ind. la, Colorado Mid Tola. A So. 4a.... Cuba Sa I). A R. O 4s.... ntatlllani' Sac. 5a Erie p. I. 4s do ga. 4a Horklns Val. Ha. Japan 4a Bid. "Asked. .110 i Japan (a. Id sartaa ... n 4o 4a ctfa rH do 4Wa ctta 24 do M srrles r:, . A N. unl. 4a lt4 Man. e. ff. 4a... U. Cantral 4a do lat Inc...., XT Minn. St. U 4a.. M , K. A T. 4s. M do 1 XTUj N. R. R. ot M. a. 4a H4 N. T. C. . ISs NU, j. r. . sa i No. rarlBc 4s 10IX do la , 74 N. A W. a. 4a... O. 8. U rtils 4s Penn. eonT. ts- Heading ten. 4a 44 Mt4 1WU. t. U A i. M. e 5 .li4 74 at. U A P. F. fg. 4a. 12 WT Bt. U S W. a. 4a.... 7t 77 Iseahoard A. L. 4s.,.. D lie Pacltr 4a M 1"! do lat 4a ctfa U A. T do Railway ta 111 as 72 -Texas ft p. is its i M ,T . St. U A W. 4a. M ltli t'nlon Pacific 4a lfllV r? y 8. Steal M is P4 17 W'ath la 111 7 'do Crb. B 71 UH Vnt Md. aa 1 1(H4 w. A U B. 4a k . ni Wis.. L'antral 4s l London dosing: atociia. LONDON, Jan. 8. Closing quotations on the otocK exenange were: Consola, money eo account Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd , Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian I'acldc . t'hea. A Ohio...... Chltaso Ot. W..., a, m. a at. ( neiieara Denver A R. O... I do pfd Erie do 1st pf4 do 2d pfd Illinois t antral ,. LoulKTllla ft N... 17 M.. K. A T. 7tlt'N. T. Central.. ST. 4. Lnals General Market. LOUIS. Jan. l-WUBAT-Iiwir; CHICAGO GRAIX AXD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading: and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. 5. A new low record price for the May delivery In wheat waa reached th the local market tod.W. when that bp tton sold at 75Vc. The decline was caused to some extent by liberal lecetpts at all primary points In the I'nited btotes. At the close May was a point b -low the final quotation or yesterduy. corn was un rhanged. Oats were d'ff'ic lower. Pro vision; were from 2c higher to IHV; lower. Sentiment In the wheat pit was bearish all day, but during the last hour the de sire to sell became less urgent and the market became steady. The new low record mam was touched toon, nil") the , opening and also later In the day. Th general situation showed little chnnire. Weather conditions were favorable for the move ment, the demand for cash wheat continue.), low and trade In flour was exceedingly dull. I'he market was influesced at flic opening by lower prices at Uverpool ami by liberal receipts In the northwest. Later the market waa bearishly affected by largj primary receipts, the tot I movement today being 804,000 bu., ns against GtfS.uuO fur th corresponding day one year ano. Cash nnd commission houses wero the principal sell ers and shorts the chief buyers. Tne mar ket closed steady. May opned unchanged to He lower at 75-,tt7&4c, sold off t TeWo and closed at Vji'TOVic. Clearances ot wheat and flour were equal to 452,000 bu. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 457 cars, as against, 6ju lust week and 428 one year apo. peeplte renewed efforts by the hears to break the corn market, price held steady all day, because of good support by several lending commission houses. Improved weather conditions and liberal receipts were factor favoring lower prices, but they were offset by large clearuncea. The mar ket cloned steady. May opened unchanged to a ahade higher at 43c to 43 3 U Wo, sold off to 43Tc nnd closed at 4.1c. Local re ceipt were $88 cars, with two of contract grade. Trading In oats waa fairly active and th market was easier because of liberal re ccIdis and In sympathy with wheat. Com mission houses and ensh interest were the , chief Seller, while the principal demand came rrom snorts. May opened 'vtc lower at B-36T4c, sold up to iJV(To and closed at 3&ui7xC Locil receipts were tt cara. Provision opened weak on realising ale, but soon milled on buying by lota; packer and shorts. The demand for l rd waa especially active. At the close Mav pork waa up 2V" at'$16.K'4. lard was off SH8c at $8.46 and rtua were up SWo at $U 'CH7J.06. Estimated receipt fof Mondavi Wheat, 77 ran; corn, 563 cars; oata, ST) cars; hogs, 45,ooo head. The leading futures ranged as follows; trsok. No 3 red cash, 74Viii'75: No. i hard, 7XHlf7!Hc; May, T4c; July. 3V. CORN Lower; track. No. 2 cash. 40c; May, tlc; July, 42c; No. 2 white, 4K-. uAiD-Lawrr; iracs, r. o. m cssn, soooc, January, 84c; May, SoioiUc: No. 3 white. srr3si,ic. ' FIjOL'R Steady; red winter patents, $3.55 63.76; extra fancy and straight, t3.liKuW.af; Clear, tZM'gi.hu. SHED-Tlmothy, steady; $3.23C5.75. . . . vCOKNMEAL Quiet, $2. 20. , . RRAN ull; sacked, east, track,. S&(J0j4c. HAY Steady) timothy, $15ul; prairie, IRON OOTTOITIBB-1.02." ' 1 B A OOI N Q 8'4o. ' UBMP TWINTaS-4c. I'RO VISIONS Pork, lower; jobbing, $18.80. Lard, higher; prime steam, $9.05. Pry salt meats, teady; boxed extra shorts, ti.nw) .37H; clear ribs, $9.374; short clears, $!t.50. tiacon steady; boxed extra shorts, r'.73fj-10.U; clear ribs, Slv UVri abort clear, tld.36. - . BUTTER Steady; ' creamery, XQWHc; dairy, Say27e. EtiQS Higher at 22c. POULTRY Scarce; chickens. 10'4c; springs. 11 Vic; turkeys, 13c; ducks, llVic; geese. Vie- Receipts. Shipments. , 4.000 6,000 2S iJ 17.WI , 189,000 226. (tno i. ao.ooo tio.oix) r Ptour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS C1TT. Jan. 5-WHEAT-Miiy (ttaB: July, o. Caab: No. t hard. C'ttTlc; so. s, tefmajoi-o; no. rea, iu'vaii't-c; io. , 70c. ' ' CORN May. Xc: July. X)e: September. 39c. Cash: No I mixed, atSVic: No. 3, StJc; No. 2 white, 37Vc; No. 3, 37Vc. OATS No. 2 white, 36c; No. 2 mixed, 2itAc. IIAY-Steady; choice timothy,. $l.&0-3 lt.uu; choice prairie. $11.00(11.50. RYE (Steady, tlu2c. 1'XJGS tedy; firsts, Tic; seconds, 18Vc 111. TTElt Creamery . Sue: packing, 18Ac. Receipts. Smpments. 1W.WX) W.IWO 36.000 ' fL.000 10.000 lT.-uO Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oat. Vi Board of Trade quotation for Kama Cltv delivery. The range of prices, as re ported by Logan 4 Bryan, 113 Board of Trade tuliainf. wi ArtlcU. Osen.l IJtgh.l Low. Close ! Yes' Wheat- I I I May... 69GTigTrt 6?H'694S'7V9:)'S'T4 July... H & 68V!a,tti',UtS t Corn- I I May... SBV "a H! S8HB3SHHB 5uly..,(S97tjV4l 29V4 , 3Vki 3H39W Articles. Open.l lligh. Low. Close. ITes'y. i Wheat May Ju!y t'nrn Jan. My Jan. May July Pork Jan. May July Lard Jan, ft; Rlbe Jsa, May July a (XI 88 Sav it m i ts 14 SO in SS-'H I 03U' T5', SSt, 4' S3 V IS fJV 18 fo IS so 25 S 77V4 S Of. 17 TOVilTSIsfrVi 74", 89 42 48 3-, ts 33 16 XI 16 5 1 80 S ITU S 43: eo S 77U S3 43 4314) SJ in Phllndelplitn Produce Market. nilLAPEJPHIA, Jan. 5. BUTTER Unchanged, extra western creamery, offi cial price. SI'V. street price 3c; extra nearby prints. 3i!c. I30L1S-Steady but quiet; nearby fresh and western fresh. 27c, at mark. . . CHEEflkV-Pull and steady; New Tork full creams, fancy. HVc; New York full creams, choice, Ud New Ycrk full creams, fair to good, 14c. ' MllrrnnVee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. S W7rEAT-8te tdy : No 1 northern, 7&Vij781,c; No. 2 northern, TtVjjfTSc; May. liKivtc, asked. DAHLCI-SlMUy: f0. a, OtolXUW., KUIipia, 44Ti3dc. OATS Hteady; standard. SWTp. CORN Steady; No. 3, cah. 3a3V4c; May. 43c, asked. Minneapolis Grain Market.' MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 5 WHEAT Miy, Voio7C; July, TiW-: No. 1 hard, 7T!tjf ;-e: -..o. 1 hnrtltern. 7IT4677W; No. 3 northern 74iVff T4rc. FUJI R-First patents, (4.2un4 j: second patents, tlot.ii 4 16; first cleats. $3.2.(h3.: second cleiirs. $2.4O5?2.ti0. BRAN 1.60. ' a'-a.sJWavi 1$ MU 16 60 S M 45 OS 18 00 14 80 14 SO S 2?, no UH S 78 171 17W 1 aa. No, S. Cash quotatlnr. were a follow: FLOUR Iiy; winter patents. S3 S04IS 10 winter airtight, .it4t; spring patents. ai rwia.av; ayriuaj svraignta, et.lu'ag.40 bnkete. St $04 SO. W HTEAT No, I spring. 76t8Voi Koj. I snrlr. 7115rlUa. CORN No. t, S98.C! No. t yellow, 0V;O 41Ho. OAT-No. S, S3tr; No. I whit. 5ug SHc; No. S white, SJA8b, RYE No. I 410. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 47V 12c. w BFEntS-Na. 1 flax. Silt: No. 1 north western. $1 30. Prime timothy, $4 Si. Clover, Ctminin ITIUf, fid. (D. PROTSIONS Short ribs, sides (loosel U iu.-Tt.T. lies nork. per bbl.. r.4 .02U. IjltA per lot be.. Se ts, Short clear side (boxed). a au. Recelots and shipments of flour and p-ain: ueceiprs. Mhlpmenta r tour, pots ,,. s7."a Wheat, bu T7(e Corn, be 31 ( Oat, bu ....tnt taa) Rye. bu IfrO Barley, bu M.tuO On the Produce exebacg tgday the but- SMfl S'1ll SB bO 2tx 4. 10,Vj0 Adnms Ki; Anialsamatad Copper Am. C. r Am. ('. A r. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd Amsrtcan Bxpreaa Am. H. A U. pfd Am. lo aacurUlaa. ....... Am. Unaoad oil ATO. Uaaaad Oil pld Am. LocomotlTa ..) Am. LiocomtHlvs pfd Am. 8., A R Am. 8. A R. 0(4 , Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tubaoco pfd ctra.... Anacoaaa Minim Ce Atchlaon ,, Atchlaon pfd Atlantis Coast Line Baltimore A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd..:: Brooktra Rapid Tr. ...... Canadlaa facile , Cwtral ot N. J Chesapeake A Ohio Chicage Oraat Wsstern.. Chicago A N, W ,(.. C, U. A at. p Chicago T, A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C, C. C. A It. L....... Colorado r A I Colorado A go Colo. A Be. lat pld., Colo. A lo. Id pld..; I'onsonaaia uaa , , Com Products Corn Products pfd , Delaware A Hudaon bal.. U A W Danvcr A R. O o. a r. a. pi. Distillers' Securities Brie Brie lat pfd Brio 14 pfd uanaral Electrlo Hocklnf Valla,, off.red Jlllnola Central , ntarnatlonal Papar ........ Int. Papar pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd lows Cantral lows Central pfd Kansas Clljf Bo ....... k. a to. pid LoulsTllle A N Uealutn Cantral sllna. A St. L U , bt. r. A S. M M , g. P. A B. . ld Ulaaiuiri tMlfta Miaaourl. at. A T M.. K. A T- pfd.... Kattossl Lead N. R. R, at II. pft New York Central N. Y . O. A W Norfolk A W ,. Norfolk A W. sfd North Aaiertcaa Pacta stall ,. Penuejrlvania People's (iaa P., I'.. C ell. U Pressed Steel Car Preeeed 8. C. pfd... Pullmaa Palaca tar. ........ Heading Heading lat pld Ha-dlHg Id pfd... kapubilo Steel Hepublle Strei pfd Hot k lelsnd Ce , Hack Island Co. pfd at. U A 8. r. td pfd at. Louts 8. w t. L . W. pfd..., eU hern Peel no to. Pacllc pt4 a. Hilwy , aa. ilaliwar pfd Taaneaee C. A I Teaaa A fatlnc T.. t. U A W T , 81. L. A W. pM I'oloa twdLs Vlnion Pacific pfd. V, 8. Kssrees,.... U. 8. heaity U. 8. ttubtwr U. . Rushes ptd U. 8. Steel U. (. Steel pld V. -Carolina Chemical ., Vs. -Wera. Chats- 4 .... Wsbaag wbah pfd Wella-Farso Cxprvaa .... Waatlughouaa Kleclrtc ., Wsstern I'nloo. Wheellnf A U K. ....... Wlacoasis Uealral Wla Csotral p'd Narthara PaciAc Cestral leather Ceatrii leather pfd giaaa-ShafWId Steel ... Oreat Kun Sera i,td ..... let. Matropolitaa Int. Met. pld tn ,. 124.000 121 4 11VS I-'' .. 8,100 4'e 444k 4414 100 101, 101 S 1114 100 11 ll 31S ...It' ,..103 ,..12Sti ...in S7 ... 1SV. ...lt6Si ... ' ... 434 ... M ... 44H ... rvi ...41 ...175 ...144 Norfolk A W. do pfd Ontario A W PennaylYanla Kand Mlnea Kradlnf Southern Railway do pfd Southern Paclflo .. Union Paolflo do pfd 11. 8. Steel do pfd Wabaah do pfd . 41 .luavt . 44 . 4e . 714 . 7 . 70 ,. S414 . IT . M4 .lf4' ..104H .. IB SILVER Har. quit., 32 5-16d per ounce. MONLY i'uiV, tier oenL The rate u uiscuimt in the open market for short bills is 47 per cent; for thrve months bills, 4VU& per cent. Dosten Copper Market, Closlnar Quotations on Boston corner mar ket, retiorted by Logan & llryan, 112 BoarJ of lTsue Dunaing, timana 400 147 100 100 It 1,400 744 tun 110 845 It 17 7 74 7J llisi 10 140 It Adventure Allouea Atlantic Bingham Black Mountain .... Buatoo Conaoltdated. Butts Coalition Calumet A Arizona.. 179 Calumet A Hecla. . . .! 0MAH LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Gner.llT Eteady with Last Week's Closing Frices. HOGS ARC HICHtST SINCE OCTOBER Fat Ewes Generally Qaarter Uwer for the Week, with Sheep and Lambs Ten to Fifteen Lower All Areead. at 4 J07 A. 8 a t ll4 Hi li:i 84 4 It's) 44.... II... 41... St .1 "4 .. .14 ...tit 40 I W ... 4 174 44 s Jl RecelDts were: Oftlclal Monday .... OfllclRl TuesdAy Official Wednesday Official Thursday ., Official Friday , Official Saturday , OMAHA, Jan. S, 1C7. lame. jius". lw fc" , 2,6S9 4. bit S.34T 6.M) 8HEKlOnly one car ef mixed stuff was reported in till morning. The re ceipts fur the weeJt show a considerable gslti over Isst week, but sre only nloiit on an e.U;ility with the Corresponding; week of a year sis. The market this week has been In rather unsatisfactory condition. VTnreasote able warm weather In the east a well a in most sections of the west has limited the consumption of mtitton to a very large txteut. Tbe falling off In the demand was felt first at the eastern markets which de clined, while the market at thla rxt'nt was utrejiirt heating up. Th result waa that the first of this week the mxiket here wu as high, and In eimls possibly higher, than (In markets farther east. As eastern mar kets continued to break down packers at . this point naturally took the bear aid and ' prices since Monday hav 3.047 Z.S8I l.t4 4 2..J 1,?1S 250 lti.4i Sn.Wl S8.8J 22.Z1S Six dava this wwlc ...ifihtl 27.937 Baino day Inst week.... T.117 l.tft Same day S weeks tuito....25.t'4 4t.733 8nme day S weeks ago. .81.817 4i.m came day 4 weeks ag...l.u!s SD.vai Bame week last year, ...14,848 S1.4i4 The followlna- table shows the receipts of cattle, hugs and sheep at South Omaha fur tin jeur to oate, compared wnn last rf' 19t7. 1A Inc. . IXo. Cattle 12.61S 12,848 271 Hogs ,.t4.S10 Sl,4 .... S.9H Bheep 1,18 fc,Ug .... S.SUI CATTLE orOTATlONa. Good to choice corn fed steer $5.4T)1 .3 fair lo good corn fed steers Comon to fair steers Uood to choice led cow ralr tu guud cows and heifers. Common tu fair cow and Iielfsr., I.buio0 Good to choice St kers and feeder. 4.2tU4.bO rTtir to good stockcrs and feeder. 8.4"'ti4.iu Common to fair stocker i-Wui iti nuns, stags, eto z.Ju.J Veal calves 4.00iB.jt) The following table shows the average price of hogs at Kouth Omaha for the hut several days, with comparisons: e been steadily winking to a lower basis. As receipts here 4,iiJ heve consisted largely of ewes, they nat 4.6.8 urally have suffered the mogt, bel' g right 4.748 i as Zf.c lower than Monday. On tne oilier l.bbi ' hsnd good Isttibs. wethers and yearlings are. a a rtue. on y enout ia too tower. liven after the decline the market a this point Is still high as compared with other. The Chicago lrovere Journal of yester day quoted the bulk of the sheep and year lings at that nolnt tbiix) lower than early In the week with ewes showing about the seme toss, while lamb were quotca uvjuo off. Operator on th market at Ihl and other selling points are cautioning shippers to keep consignments down to a moderate basis fur th coming week on th ground that the consumption, a noted above, la lighter than usual on ccount of warm weather brevnillner at the bla eastern con. turning center. There I a general feeling or conlldenoe in the future of the maraet. and so far a can b observed there 1 no reason tor the exercise ot naste in nis poslng of holdlnas. th general opinion being that price will rapidly recover whenever light receipt give th market a oreatrong spell. wuotatlons on killers: uooa to' cnnice lambs, $7.0u1F). fair to good iamb, $11 7541 4 7(yu6.40 4.0ow4.7S 8.ti"u4.oO 2.6t"u3 tW Dale. 1907. l06.U9t.!18l4.tl:.!18t2.l01. Deo 27... Dec. 28... Dec. Dec. SO. . , Dec, 31.. MS 6 lo, 21 T, 24V41 1 t 4 6 ON 4 S2 I S 451 6 87 4 Di 4 66 4 61 8 26, 6 H 7 4 49 61 I t 08 4 52 4 61 36 6 SB i Mi S 2t 24 4 83 4 77 4 M 4 30 Date. 1807. 190S.!lM.1804.180.18u2.UOL Jan. 1... Jan. S... Jan. J.,, Jan. 4... Jan. - ... I S ( 4 S 24 8 11 6 2S4 6 07 4 43i 6 -,i i HI 4 ii 8,1 h 2J 4 47 4 64 4 61 4 67 1 s S3; 6 (W 6 28 221 4 P5 221 4 94 1 4 H t 29 6 02 604 Sunday. Omaha . ... Chicago ... Kansas City St. Louis .. Sioux City RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. ...Sl.a64iti.Ot) ... 16.Vu7.20 ... t.lDfetl QO .Otij. fo 2.aOi.X Hogs. S6.otNit.874 6. (Oani.oo 6.2."Ka6.rtJ4 6.7hSt.oo 6.2o4tti.36 of stock ine omclai numher of enra brought In today ly each road was uiiie. nogs, eneep. ti se Ha Mohawk U 6S', Nevada Coiiaolldstea. 1414 15 North Butte Ill I44 Old Dominion 61 lVt Oeceol 161 IS Pneu. Service 11 III Pneu. Service, pfd... t Unlncy 1ISV4 Shannon 1H 2t,4oO 1544 Mitt 's34 100 11SS4 IK'S, l'V t.te is4k l'l is 'a (00 IK4 M 47 11,10ft tM Uf i"7t4 ;,0 II' 0 106 400 1U0S4 100 109 I4W lUk 19l4 1324 T.oto lai isi 121S iso uvt ;h 11, 0 ' lit 14 l"S 1,100 1K4 lt 1H Ill 4.100 44 4114 8.100 17 1744 17 'a 1.700 IM4 80Z'4 (01 14,51)0 15Si lauls IM14 88 IM 1144 1 ' lto 45S ' 144 ti too T4 17 mti 400 4C4 I7t4 e-4 1.70O M 47 74 100 1S'4 Uti UlVh I.D'W t uih n Centennial 414 1'amarack 124 Topper Kange 8V Tenneesee Copper ... Dallr eit l',Trlnltr 31 Eaat Butts 13 I'nited Elates, com., list Franklin l t olled Slates, pfd... 474 Greene Copper 9Zt4 I tan Conaoltdated .. e4 Granby 14 Man Copper Helvetia a icioria lata Royal C, M. & St. P. Ry Mo. ao. rty Union Vacltlc Byslem. C. 4c N. W. Ry. (east) C. & N. W. hy. (west) C, St. P., M. & O. HT U., r. & W. teust)... C. IS. He g. (west).. O , R. L & P. Ky. (E) Illinois central Chic. Oreat West.... Total receipts Winona L. B. A Pittsburg.. 21 Wolverine Maaaachusetts 84 Cananea . Michigan , 2Ji Niplaslng St .... te, .... 11 .....ItO .... HVt .... 14V, ClenrlnK House Otateiueajt. NPiW YORK. Jan: 6. The statement of MV the clearing house bmiks for the week (five oay shows mat the banks hold 147, 826 more ttutn the legal reserve require ments. This Is a decrease of $6,221, 400 as compared with lust week. The statement follows toe 1 tuo 24 t4 400 42 42(4 100 II M 1.400 14 11 I,u0 44 S4 43 400 ly, 7C4 I0 4V4 44 S 1,000 160 : le04 140 iz 100 1104 17u4 119 l.ouo 11 lie 184 124 (4 111 45 83 74 4T4 76 8i 400 400 0 J0 100 II 40 't8 60 at 80 41 1.6O0 146 144 144 I.4O0 87 17 2 10 40 W 60 10 si 10 Loan Deposit Legal tenders Reserve required .... Circulation Bpecle , Reserve ......,.. Surplus Ex-U. S. deposits.... ' " Increase. .$l,049.6.T7,RnD $16,6.M4,6O0 . ,,0X1,678.3(10' 19.277.iO 77.341.000 6.9t,-9,5u0 . 250,144,676 4.819,300 Decrease. 6S.844.2O0 $ 6.800 .. 172,961,400 6,371,900 . 250,2M,4')0 4ft2,100 147.8 . B.22I.400 4.428,226 6,263,260 New York Mining: Stocks NEW YORK, Jan. 6. Closing quotations on mining stock were Adama Cos to Alloa 660 Ureses II ! nriMiavtck Pnn Mt4 CoraatcKk Tunnel w I Con. fsl. A VS.. I,0 400 1. WO 100 41 12 4.700 114 l.0 4a 40 W "ioi" it" 8,400 41 31,100 140 m ii tt 40 7J 74 41 143 1U 47 41 t 1 41 r w 4o 40 131 110 HI 76 .... S ...111 . . . lao ...410 ... I Little Chief 8 Ontario 411 Ophlr so Potoal Savage blerra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard 28 . 44 . 8 . U .304 Horn Oliver ... Iron Silver ... Leadvilis Con. Foreign Financial 47 I LONDON, Jan. 8. Th supplies of money too U 144 in were Increased in the market today owing 144 to th further alairiDution 01 dividends. I Rates were easier. Discounts wero weak. 41 On the stock exchanae a week of fair ac- 1 I tivlty finished with a Arm undertone nnd i-a SB 7 1 18 10 19 4 S 9 U 1 2 75 lt4c: No. t 11; bull Mdee, rreenj hide. No. 1. 11c; No. $, JOtl horse, Sl.et-J 6: sheen pelt. 601 ifW.20. tauow, no. a. V; No. S. to. Nirrs French walnuts. raJIfornla walnut", Ne. t. hard shell. 13c; No. 1. eofS hell. 16Vic; rtratil, 16plc; pecans, lw.ac; nilwrta. 131fl4c; pesnuts. rnw, li roasted. 9c; Csllfomla almond, hard hell, 10c: oft shell, 17c. HON KT Per 14 frame. $3 so. CIDER New Vork. half barrel, $17; bar rel. S6 0f. COFFFE Roasted, ino. s rno per in. No. SO, Slo per lb.; No. 86, 19c per lb.j No. t lfio per lb.; No. IL ISc per lb. PTRCP In bhls., 17c per gai.; In eaeea. 10-lb. carta, n.70i eases, u -40 eana, u.so cases, 24 84j-lb. can. $1.S5. Bl'OAR Granulated cane. In sack. 8.tl grsntilntol beet, in sacks, $5.11. CAN N KD OOOl8 Com, stsndsrd west rn. tVaOtic; Main, i.it. loniatoe. 8-In. cans, U.10; S-lb. cans, TM;C1($1 00. Pine apples, grated. S-lb.. i.0W.SO; sliced, $1 M ITS. SO. Gallon apples, fancy, $"-'.06. Cull. rnig apricots, i.ta'. j. t ears, i.ni'iy 60. Peaches, fancy, $1.7STT2.40; H, C, peaches, $t.0(ffl 50. Alaska salmon, red, $1.86; fancy Chinook, K., $210; fancy sock, eve, F., $1.86. Sardine, quarter oil, $17S tnree-qunrtr muitaru, eo.vv, rwm pc'a : oes. 81 l'Wl.RS. hsuergrnut. ii.taj. rtimrx kin, SOctiSl.OO. Ws beans, S-lb., oiix- lima Dean. -in.. (ecsii.e. ppinacn, 11. .10. Cheap peas, 2-lb., 600; extra, SOcfiXWI fancy, $1.8i4jl.71i. . , Oil (tesln, NSTW TORK. Jan. onCritt'MUieert. Irregular; prime crude, f. o. b., mill, $fo prime yellow. 4o4. retroleum. steady; re. fined. New York, $7 80: Philadelphia anJ Baltimore, $7.44; Philadelphia and Baltl. more, in DUla, 4-. Aurptniine, exeauy. 70W0H0. R081N'-teady good, 84. 20. luniua, tt.tMU r.taj: fair ttf gooa lamua, e iwaj 7.00: aood to rhnlce vearllnirs. lamb weights S6.ltKi4.S0; fnlr to' good yearllngn, lamb weight. I6.7M.10: aood to choice year lings, heavy weight, $f.8Mj.00; fair to gooa yearlings, heavy weights, 9.n4io.!v goed to choice old wethers. $r.l04i6.75; fall to good old wether. IVtttittO; good to choice ewe, f 4.9isut.15; fair to good ewe, t4.S5ir4.BO, quotation on feeder: Qood to choice laml. toab-o60; medium lsmbe, Sn.7N(f0t6; Unlit iambs. 14 .26.ri4.26: vearllnas. t5.ltaj6.60; wethers, i.TYS 26; ewes, $3.50oji50; breed ing ewes, 44.BOa.oo. No. 2 western lamb S western lamb S western lambs 4 western lambs 94 western lambs r Av. 61 64 70 67 78 Pr. 600 S 00 ( 50 T 00 TOO The dlaposltlon of th day' receipts waa a follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Omaha, Packing Co. swift and Compauiy Cudahy Packing Co Armour &. Co ,. V. Lewla Mike Haggerty J. 13. Root & Co T. IS. Ingram., Other buyer 100 IS 6 17 8 2 140 1,0,1 1.403 1,621 2.1JS "'i 128 OUIVAQO " LITE BTOCK MABSBT Cattle aad Sbeep Steady Hog Stroasj to Higher. CHICAOO, Jan.' 6. CATTLttRecelpts, cr.i t. .... .1 . . . ., -T. -. .,Aa. v.... ..-a e, i(Wi)7 9ft1 cows and heifers, $1.666.86; stockers and feeders, $2.sW4.m; . .exans, ii.nu v calves. t6.0llijN.26. HOQS Receipts, 16,600 head; merkot strong to 5a hlaher: mixed and butchers, tO.ZMttVUH; good heavy, $.(. 66: rough heavy, $i.20i4f6.3O; light, $i.2ni(i.47i4; 86.7051 V bulk nf snles. 86 4Xijfl.50. SH1CEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.nO head; market ateadyi aheap, $8.76435.801 iamb, ti.bWtH.16. Kansas City Live Stoets Market. KANSAS) CITY, Jan. o-ATTLSj Re ceipts, 860 head, Including 160 outhrns market steady-: choice exuort and dressed beef steers, $5.5O$l.60; fair to good, RiVytf 5.60; western fed steer, 8.7W(e.fI BtooKer and feeders, Iliooaptit; aoutnern eteer, t1.26ft5.00: southern cows, $2.04t.50; natlv cows. $226.25: native heifers. $3 006.00 bulls, $3,(tJS4.23; calves, $8.6v4jj7.50. ReoeipU for the week, So.oOO head. IIOQS Receltits, S.OUO head; opened steady to a ahnde hlKher. advance lost: top. $6.5244: bulk of sales, $6 4ixiii 4','; heavy, I0.4f.ji) 6.n24: pnekers, $ti.4tij.50; pigs and lights, $6.25.40. Receipts for Uut week, 46.4U0 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS No reoelpt! mar ket steady; lambs, $6.S6ff7.50; fed ewes and yearlings, $4. 76ry1.15; western fed yearlings, $5.75426.60; western fed sheep, 4.50tu4t.$6; stocker and feeder, $125 4. 75. , 1 New York 1,1 ve f toek Market. . NEW YORK, Jan. 6. BEKVESReeelat. 510 head; nothing doing; market feeling firm; dressed beef quiet, but firm st 7g4)o per pound for native aides: estra beef, SVic: exports, 699 cattle and 6,loO quarter of Uef. CALVBS Receipt, 21 head; niarket feel ing steady; dressed calve la light eupply and steady; city dressed veal, V'lo; country dressed, 7fil2V4c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1,706 head: market steady; demand moderate, but fully equal to supply, all old early; fairly good sheep, $5.fjf); lambs, $7.8rV?j8.20; no very prime or choice lamb here. HOGS Receipts, 8,6'8 head: none for sal In live weight; would sell hlghsr If here. trained, common to) 104 H 44 10) 1104 1(3. 8J0 13 ltd HI 3. SOU l.iou t.&0 04 M) "iio 84,400 l 44 a 4 ii u 44 . 7. oo 100 mo ii . $,1 14 too . 134 toe' II .US.ue lal 100 44 704 11 4ts K 110 lal . "40 43 ! 83 111 a 13 63 7 77 10 J3, 1 44 40 e ' t . 14 4 Peoria Market. PBOrm. Jsn. S.-CORN-Iower; No. S yellow. JSc; Niv 5. SVic; No. 4. 7Vc. OATS Firm; No. 2 white, S5c; No. I white. J4i,f 84c; No. 4 white, SSo. RY r. riteaav; mo. j, onTiio. MIIIBKV-On bl of tl ti for flnl8hd good. IJverpeel Crala Market. UVFRPOOU Jan. i,-WHltUT-rot. flrrn; Ne. t red western winter, ts. Fu ture, dull: alet-ch, 6$Xdi May. 6r,d; Julv. 6 USd. CORN-Siot, teady; American enlisd. new, 4stV,d: old. 4a 4Sd. Futures, qulot; January, tall'.td; March, 4 L Palatb Grata Market. PULtTTH. Jan. . WJJBAT On track: No. 1 northern, 76Se Siortherii, l4a; Way. T7o: July. Tlfic. OATB-Te arrive. K4ci. RXE 680. lRLaif S341. 7J 100 60 I. too 14 lef . I.eUO W 11 4t 11 lk? 41 13 114 47 40 4" lt.1 Ki 4 a further increase in consols and kindred securities owing to the cheaper rates for money. Hume rails benefited by Invest ment purchases, while Kaffirs and foreign era hardened on continental support. American started Arm in sympathy with the better tone at the close of buRlnrcs in New York yesterday. Local buying was "till email, the business transacted being principally for New York account In an ticipation of a better New York bank statement. The market closed firm. Jap anese Imporial Mixes of lM-t, closed at 101. HttRLIN, Jan. 6. Price on the bourse today were firmer. The strength of Amer icans was a prominent featuio of the ses sion. PARIS, Jan. 5. Prices on the bourse to day wtiie stronger owing to the better money conditions in London und New 85 1 York. Huselitn Imperial fours closed at j 70.70 und Russian bonus or I'M at 4.14. 11 ' im Break on Copper Market. J. BOSTON. Jan. 5. One of the moat sensa- l! tlnn.il breaks in the copper market In year 1 OCClirrcu lu'iay. iriiuiy, wuiii ua, uccn si? 1 steadily lining for some time, dropprd 14 I ... I..,- .A . qd 1 alllA . .. . . the close. Totaia 140 6.1M CATTLE The yards wara nraottoally bare of cattle this morning, aa usual on a Saturday, but the receipt for the week nave oeen vary iiDerai, snowing a large gain over the corresponding Week of a year ago., The quality of the cattle com ing forward at toe piescnt time is not too good, the receipt . consisting largely of warmed-up or half fat steer, with only a light sprinkling: of the better grades. The market on beef steer has beet) In pretty fair shape all the week, In eplte of the tact that ft broke in the middle. At the commencement of the week price firmed up under the very good buying de mand, but on Wednesday under the Influ ence of liberal receipts the advance was lost, th market for that day being both low and lower. During the latter half of the week price have gradually firmed up until at the close they are back to where they were at th oloo of the week. No very choice cattle have arrived during the period under review, but there waa a load or twn Brood Anmivh tn hrlntF 1ft which euuu the top price lor the week. $4.2Mi6.76; dressed beef and butcher teer, Th. .r,..l. In r-nti . a r.H h.lf.n k.. Itl lkK Oil! KtPHTH linillT 1.000 11)S.. t3.7Vcl4.40: characterised by a very exoellent demand i stockers and feeder. liWfct.&O: cow and ii,. i,utr ui.inh kw. k... : heifers. ti2.',fi6.O0: canners. Il.7nsf2.36: bulls; free sailers all th week and which ou ! $2.20jI.OO; califs, $3 Wi4.pO: Texa; and In most aays nave commanaeo strong prices. iihm '", ..ivl.v, '""--' .1.. .v,- Ka I . ......ii t.Mkf8SO kind have been pretty alow Bale a good ' HOGS Receipt. tWO ead. Market w share of the week and still at the cloee ar c higher; pigs and lights. $6. 75g.60; pack ers, t.nyfjo.oo; tiutcneri anu uci iicavy, $0. 404iO.ua. 8t. I.onls Live Stock Market. ST. IjOTTIS. Jan. B. CATTLE Receipts, 400 head, Including 100 Texan. Market wa steatty; native snipping ana espuri vieers, DlVlK-kfilf ft Ten K TT7J rJtTV Tl N 15 Finn. eWiSoTHa. ROSIN Firm; los. S.9T.1 bW.! sct, 74 18 bbls. ; A. P and C, $8 KifM.O0 D, $3.96'ht 400; a S3.53-l.03V4j: F, S4.0O4j4.u5; O, $4 .ill)) 4.07H-: H, 4l&(U4.26: I, 4 Wt.; K, SR,nf. M, 8O.60: w, t.a; v. u., b.w; v. vv., n.N. OIL (iTY. pa.. Jan. o. : I L credit nai anoea. Sl.tSi runa, bbls.; average, U7, 61 bbls,; sluptnenU, loj.ttil bbl. averages lCnV DDI. Bvaperated Asple aael DrteA FTtilts. NHW TORK. Jan. 5. EVAPORATED APPLlOS-rMarket continue auiet and tha absonce of any important demand im parts rather an easy tone to the market situation. Fancy are quoted at fooj hole. 8&8e; prktne, 7 (iTsci. CAIJFORNIA DRIED klUi ITS-Prune) are firm with quotations for California fruit ranging from So to 8c, acooixllng to sine. etc. Oregon prunes, 60s to 4oa are quoted at 7i Sc. Apricot are nominally unchanged. with choice aunts flat iftc; extra- choice. 17yl&o; fancy, Is4ja0o. Peache are quiet but steady, with otioioe qinnea at ijo; ex tra choice, 12: fancy, 13a Raisins are unchanged; loose muscatel are quoted at 7H6Wc; seeded ralsln. 1B10o) London lay era. U.4feiil.fi6. Bngrar and Molasses. NFTW TORK, Jtn. 6 eUOArV-Raw' ateadyi fair refining, Sl-ltc; centrifugal, 84) test, I S-lSa. Molasse sugar, S 13-lftc. Re fined, steady; No. 6, 4.30c; No. 7, 4.2T)c; No. S, 4.20c; No. , 4.15c; No. 10. 4.06c; No. 11, 4.00c i No. 12, 8 96c; No. IS, 8.8': No. It. S.k&r; oonfectloners' A, 4.60c; mould A, 5.15c out loaf and crushed, 5.50c; powdered, 4.90o granulated, 4.80c; cubes, 6.0fic. MOLA88FJ8 Sleady ; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. 37t48c. NEW ORLilANiJ. Jan. 6-BrOAR-Mats ket steady; open kettle, S'H.'&O 13-Pic ; cen trifugal whit. 4 8-16V: seconds, 26 S-I60. MOLAAHiS New. 29'rj4a Metal Market. NEW TORK, Jan. . M ETALft Tn the absence of cable, the metal markets were generally quiet and price showed no quotable change. Tin was practically nominal at $4i.0tg41.26, Copper continued firm, with Lake quoted at $24.0017!4 2R: elt-c-trolytle, $21 76 24.00; casting, $28 5043-23.75. Lead wa quiet and unchanged, with quota tron ranging from $6.0oifi.25, according to delivery. Spelter was unchanged at StV8nV.g 6.75. Iron I rather unsettled ana noiacrs are aid to be a little easier in m in- tance. HT T.07TTS. Jan. B. METAIB Tjced. higher at 88.10; spelter, strong at $0.70. Wool Market. HT Tr7TTS Jan. S. WOOLr-Steady: me- Inm srrades. combing and clothing. SCf '4c; light fine. Bog23c; heavy fine, ltt17V4c! tuo wasnea. stsBjaa. Mtssoarl Athlete lolnred. HT. LOUIS. Jan. 5. Clarkson Potter, o clety man and former Yale athlete, con nected with a prominent brokerage firm, is In Df. LUse 9 no"lnui 111 a tnuuii cuiiui- tlon from ,an injftry received New Year' day at th Country club in a game of foot bait During th forenoon Tuesday a game of foot ball wa played by member of tha Country club and Mr. potter was kicked In th baeg. Jn oecaine 111 "ii nuer aim wa taken to the hospital. Finally It be came necessary to perform an operation nd 111 condition is repurieu iimiij vei jr critical. He wa married Uire year ago. HU brother, Harry potter, is a wen Known hookey player. lie JO 4 17 la lo 11 U ta ..... Ik Ha a !" 187 ls 4 t Trensery Slatemeat. WASHINGTON. Jan. S.-Today' tat. ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund exclusive of the $150.i0.0u0 gold reserve shows: Available rash balance $M1, 419,473. Cm'IiI coin and bullion $103,345. 042. Uold certlrlcate $09,416,310. Tela! aalta lor th dar. 111. loo ahar loo lv lou l'", 1 (IMrn, l.oue 11 1 toe 11 Moo M ' I loo 14 Cotton Market. NPTW TORK, Jon. 6 COTTON Spot clo-ed stendy, 10 points higher: middling up. UirvN. Pittc'; middling gulf, 11 Kv; no sab. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 5. CO'lTON-JJnot. pood business done. prices fci7 points higher; Am-rlcan m'ddllng fair. 6.64d; gotKl nvd.iUug. 6.HVI; niidlllng. 6ft4d: low mPl- abotit as high as they weie a week ago, Veal calve have been in exceptionally good demand, especially toward In close of the week, and in eplte ot pretty fair offerings price hav tended upward, as high a Ju.io being paid for the best. The demand for the better kind of feed ers weighing around 80o to 90o pounds ha been especially good all the week and there have not been enough cattle of that de scription lo meet His requirement of buy er, lu ooiistuiuer.uu uf til price bave been very firm and are, if anything, a much as lo'ulac higher for the week. On the other hand, the lighter and commoner kinds of oattle are pot muoli wanted, the trade being rather dull, although the de mand has been sufficient to keep the mod erate supplies well cleaned up. The favora ble weather for feeding operations, together with the tact that many of the short-led cattle being marketed nave proven good money-niHkers, Is evidently stimulating the dnmand for cattle suitable lo be pluced on immediate feed. Representative sales: EUEK STEERS, No. Av Pr No. At. Pr. I 141 4 it U 1044 8 44 1 liJ4 4 H COW8. 8 1014 80 . $...... $ 44 i 10 I 1 14 I 40 CALVES, t 11 I M 1... 1 m 1 44 1 HOGS Bold Zo higher Ihl morning and the market was reasonably active at the advance, so much so that the great bulk uf the receipts changed hand before 10 o'clock in the morning. As will be noted SHEEP AND LAMBS None on sale. OMAHA WHOLES. A LB MARKET. 6.74d; good ordlnarv, 6 S4d; ordin trv. 7 1W ' 5 Hid. The sales of the day were 1M00 ltri li , rciles. of Which 1.0 were for speculation .104 8 It ,.1K4 8 tf 114 4 CO 110 I 04 Conditio) of Trade aad (etUttn Staple aad Faney Produce. T7" i", J TJ A ir71.ryi ' in a r-Lr ax t- aautf rTUOl t!l Ut'ti.i 4jVifV iiiu.sa.tFV SB-taw j . LIVE POULTRY Hens, htfSc: rooster. 6c; turkey". 10il8o; ducks, $10c; young roosters. VuH'mh: get-se. 8'aOc IIUTTKR Packing slock, Wte; choice to fHncy dairy, 23u2oc; creamery, ffyBlc. HA X Choice upland, $i-.CU; iiienium, 111 00; course, 88.otKa8.oo. live straw, Kt-ouw va. URAN-Per ton. 81 6 V NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOK.S-Florida, per 6-baaket crate . . a., 11... mn uvrui . . ' . Ul l III., l.lVfl.v WAX HKAiva -i sr bu. box. tlDOjji.OQ. LEAF LETTl;CE-Huthos' for l0. heeds. 4fc r r ClOLEJiY California, per do., T6o4j61 09. CUCUilBEKS Hothouse, per do., HOttgERADlSH Case of S del.. 81. 80. RADISH fc.S Par do bunehc". snutbern. large bunches, 7bo; not house. iaoa, GREEN PEPPPU4-Pr tr-baaeet erat, 84 60ltn 00. PAKbLtCYHothousa, per dea, Bunehea, 40c; southern, 80a. HEAD LEnuLE Southern, per dog.. tl.itl.B. bHALLOTH Boutern r b" . 0c. OLD VEGETABLES. TURNIPS, CARROTS, ptUTS, PAR- SN IPS Per bu.. 76o. BWKUT P4jTA'iXBe-Kan. per bbl. $2.i: illin iia. per large bul $3.00. from the sales below the most of th hog, ''X'V - 7. ii hi.An Tile iT old at $.'4.ab, a against $a27Aj4.;fc.. Hpanlah. per crate, $2.0; Colorado, per bu, yesterday. Ine popular price today wa t63Mi. u against 46.30 yesterday. The .VAVT BEAN& Per bu., $1 66; No. . 1 top was th same for both day, SjJ.27 ,1,69 . nnwa-ti.. n, Kiye The quality of the hogs waa not so good JrVV; r.Tdl TT, 1 " ,1 i toda-, which fact would have considerable I C'ARHAOtiWHoUand seed, I ftoston Storks nod Honda. ben ring on the 11 ic es paid. lieccipt of hogs this week hav been about the same us last week, but con. tat : mrA ivt,i,rt u.l 'iii'liiileil 8 r0 Ainf.rli'j.1 .i,l,.rii I.I u ainaller than a vep a ,i I'h i U j Re elpts. 4,000 bales, all American. orices hav uveruged liighar than for sum I-- I c-n I..- ECi,TT.V C. , A . i. k. 1. 'I'l.. 1, , ... ... 1 rlllllD. CI. wi 1". i7".' i".-""""., .nun w.. " I ' i an u- , wmi-iilL Q 4.1,1 reevnf. ' vftm-e. and barrlnar a Ilitle set hack ,.n 1 " 11 ' . ' hem grown lHc per lb. T;g plant-Pt dm., $2.r.a$100. ?5f-rATOi:8 Per bu.. 40r6oc. RUTAUAGAbJ About loo lb, to sack middling. lOSc; sales, 841 bslcs; vauce, and barring a 111 tie set back lull bales: alilnment. none; ftick. 27.!H1 Wednetday. lias worked higher until all APl'L.t "en . i-a is, cno e, fi y. iari BOSTON. Jan. a. -Call loans. nVylj per I bah-s. the close It la 10 higher than ono week Pr ,l,u'-., J ona inwiia, n . -aw M-;v tillliKAM), Jin. n tri i t ri cpnt , ao. ttoga touay soiu on. an average at closed firm; sales. 4.?i5 bh-s; receipts. 11,08,1 the higliest point touched lhce October Tetede Seed Merket, TOLEDO, Jan. a SKED4J Clover, cask nd January. M4; February. $8 40; March, $ 85; Aprlf. $8 i; prim timothy, $2.06; prim alsika, $7.60. Ceffee Market. NH7W TORK, Jan. l.-OOrrTE-Mxket for future cpened tedy at unchanged price and Improved a partial S point dur ing the seaejoa ea steady European cables, talk of decreasing primary receipt and buying by trad Interests. Th oluee waa staady, net unchanged to I eolnts higher. Vle, were reported of $8 260 bag. Including March iMitkSoc; May .b!t vou; July t loc; Auarust lUc; eteptenieer ..&aaec; Lwcem twr 4 . Biot markets steady: No. 7 Rio 7; Hantoe No $. 4o; oiiltj OOffee teaayi voroov vtvQ. cent; tint loang. 6'ul per cent. Official 4)uotutlons on stocks ant ponds wero: Atchlaoe sdi. 4s M lBlnahan 4 4 ,. ' !. SI H lex. Casual ts.,,., tVUlhlBOB a yfd goaton A Albeny aaaloa A atalas.... Buatos leveled .. agiunbsrg old ... IV' a loan Central N. Y.. N. H. A H erera Maraualt ,. Vstoa ractflc lsooal As. Pn. Tub 13 Parrot aur. usar li Quiacr ....... 4e at ,..li Bivaanoa Asa. T. A T U7Tsaurfe Am. Wools MiTriultr d sfd 10u L"atU4 OoDpaf Bdisoa Bum. 111.. ...12 V. . klsing Mass, glacut t x a on.. ' apple. $3 25. $8 SMM fA Davis, choice, Sl.rt); faney, or .la.. I41 l eoleonial . . .10l'opnei Basse .. HiDalr Weet ..U Krasklla ..Ill lal k urate .,, . av Maaa. liinlsx . ,.ir. Ulclan .. I Monae, .. iMnnl. C m C . 44 IU14 Dovlnlao 1414 . 41 II . as , I . t: , 44 I bnlca- stock. SMi.OtO bales: low ordlnarv. 1 16. With the single exception of two dava 6816c. nominal; ordinary. TS-ltic. nomlnsl, ' lu October the market is the highest that good ordinary, M?c; low middllne. i.c; middling. ItiJc; good middling, 11 6-j6c; mid. dling fair, 13 6-ltic. nominal; fair. 12 15-10c, nominal. St. Joseph Live Btoek Market. ST. JOSF.PH. Jan. 5. CATTLE7 Receipt. 81 head. Market nominal ; natives. 4 iou , J on; co anu nfiien, ,fciui tAJ, sujeaers i and feeders, $3.25ii4.WV u llfMIS Hecelnts. 4,ij! head Market was 14 ! Btrong to 6c higher; top, io.iygt.au. bulk of 'V gale. $0,404:6 16. Vai i HHEtP AND LAMBS Receipt, 15$ head. ; Market nominal, it hus been since last July. Representative sale: s fd Pelted rnilt tailed S. at 4 P4 TJ B. Iteel 4 pfd 44vntsr Aiiauea 4a.asia4 atiantl bid. Aked . 4 Vtak ..107 Vlclarla .. 4 'Wlnena ,. clWelvrto .. 4 Nonfc Butte ... ..104 Buna Coalition ,.. 1, Nevada ,. 44 Cal. A Artaoaa. ,.1J Ariaaaa Com. .. .. U Oreeee Coa . 4..s . 14 . 4 . i: i .113 I Hall . i .171 . 44 . Urn lea City Live Stork Market. BIOCX CITY. Jan. . (Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, 0 head; market stead; lueves. to iimiO.Ia: cows, bull and mixed, $2 h4 60. sto. kers and f. eiiers. $3.00 calves and yearling, $2 63. Ku. Ill iCB Hec il ls. 6.2ou head; niarket steady to weak, selling at $o.hijt 15; bulk of ailea, 8 i-m n. Rssk tlearlaga. OMAHA. Jan. Hank clearing for to day wer $l.&:4,16.e, nd for in eorre- South OmhB eponding dal last year 81. 647.014.68. - I Bloux City ... Jla.r?. Ie3. Kansaa 4"lty Monday $l.a4.J77.61 Sl.lou.JJt $4 St. Joeeph ... Tuesday fit. lxmi Wednesday Z.o7.1oj 15 l.V 60 4) Chicago Thursday l.48 18 48 1,686.764 74 Friday L$vk.le.4 U77.7U U I - Total Btnek la Slgbt. Receipts of live stock-tit the lx principal evtero (tiarkets yealcrduy were a follows: , lame. it'iK Bneep if . Jt fl 6.2i .... ) a.iM M i.Ui 4" J.IO0 ,. 4a0 M.OJ0 1,84 Si, 162 s'.Ota) I.2M Ne. A. 8k. Pr. ivo. Av. sh. Pr. 12 10 ... 8 40 40 14 ... ll 14 44 ... 4U 40 161 $00 4 71 tit 144 I 11 41 2b4 ... 113 II 171 ....130 l 444 ... 418 4 171 ... 4 10 17 2S4 $0 4 4 114 ... 4 l Ii .11 ... 4 If 0 8u4 ... I tf K4 ... 4 12 I, 211 W 4 SO 46 ...... 1 lea, 1 811 44 4 40 40 til ... 4 11 , rnw too 4 40 M 1 ... n 41 174 ... 4 0 46 .174 ,,, 4 ct 141 -.171 14 4 40 14 294 ... 4 11 II. .,,,.,.160 0 4 o . I4.......J1.I Ma) 114 II ..211 ... 180 II 244 4 11 40 tit ... 4 10 47 214 ... I : II 214 ... 4 14 Ti t'.l ... 4 12 14 Ill ... 1 40 4 2.11 ... 4 12 4 Ill ... I 44 II 4 40 I 12 M i ... IS M 171 110 l U I I 44 4 40 an 211 40 4 2 4 W7 40 4 M U ... 4 22 tv 1(1 4ft 4 4 14 224 110 I 11 as !! ... t N M 81 0 I 21 14 14 40 4 ! II 2M 140 I 21 14 11 ... 4 12 14 J" ... 4 12 44 til ... I l; It let 184 I 14 7 214 44 4 11 II 12 ... I 14 II 4 10 4 U-i i. :4 44 I II II tl ... 112 II 241 111 II 121 ... $ 11 It 211 ... 4 St I 17 11 ... 4 1.1 It t'4 ... 4 14 i 5 Ul ... 4 18k W ai 144 4 H II 1.4 4 4 l' 44 BU ... I 44 11 Ill ... I 22 41- 2ai ... 4 14 4. IM 80 ll: II I'-i ... 124 II 41 0 4 11 44 it ... Ill 41 Ill 44 I 12 11... 221 ... 4 M 14 15 4 II 1-7 ... I 44 l'l 4 4 11 14 txt 44 4 M PKAKH-Winter Nells, per boi Plre Iiss HetnkT Adjusted. UN KRANCIRCO. Jan. 6. The tocV- bolder ef th Firemen Fund Insurants company will meet Thursday next to eon. Ider the amount of new stock to be Issued for distribution among policy holders who lost In the fir of April 18. The total loss of the company was $11,000,000. The term of settlement tnst nave oeen nrcrpieu oy a majority of th policy noiner inciun the payment of 50 per cent of the face of claim, a adjusted, nnd the remainder in stock or tne company, to we iwiuni basis of $600 a share. An assessment ot $300 per ahare levied on the shareholder b bn wH pain un. Callforala Land Claimant. ' ' n vt AND. Cal.. Jan. B - Claims to tt entire front of Oakland, Berkeley and Ala. meda, stretching rrom tne uounaary un between Alameda and Centra Costa coun ties to Alameda Point, and to a portion. If not all, of Ijike Merritt, are to be nsserted by John Bird and Ada Hlrd of Alameda, surviving children ot urnan jmu, wii'i wae a pioneer or mis county. iney mrraur have Instituted the work of establishing title which, they allege,' oomea to theirt through the Prrglta grant and subsequent deeds to their father. Among the heaviest owner or in mnas ciaimeci oy me mmi 1 the Southern Panlfle Railroad company. Oil Friee Adraare. TJiT-rHnCRfl. Jan. 6 -Tha Standard Oil company advanced the price of Raglaa i cent toaay, niauiing tuv huuiuhuh vw. RHAL E STATU THAHSrHHS. per box, $8.00. ORAPfcS Malaga, per I.l'l.. $3.004j7 0ft. Tltul'K AL FRUIT. ORANGES Florida orapges. all lxes, $!2.1(i2 60; CnJifoi nla navels, extra fancy all slurs. 13.00: fancy. 82. So. i.EMtiNS-1. tiioii.rr1. tx'ra isncr. sn size, $4 60; 3"0 ana sou ie, 4400; otner branas, buo l.ts BANANA-i'er meanim-siea Duncn, $2 onuj2 2..: Jnmtios, 2 5003.11, DATid Kadsway, lc; saver. Ic; Hal low is. new stuffed walnul dates, S-1U, bug. 81.10. llHAra RL.it tsias 04 10 ui ana so to se. 84.25. Flos California. puia. oc; -crown Turkish, lie; 5-crown, 14e; S-crown, 12c. Ribs: No. 1. J4'fcc; No. t 4c; No. $. 6Uc Loin: No. 1, lhc; No. S, 12Q,c; No. S. Sc. Chuck: No. 1, 4ct N14. 2. Ui Ne. S. 4c sr. . 'kvl.. 4... J TaJ All AOUI1U . 1 U. j, st, nu. Iti nu, , vTgM Piute: No. 1. 4r No. S. ioi No. 1, $c. MISCtLLANKOUS. . CHEESK.-Svtia. new, lie; WUconpln prick, 16'ic; NVIsconsin llmberger, I4o; twins. lMi-; Toung American, Wo. B i.tii i ruui jic, r s.ioui, i.l, lo'u-ii. 100; buflAlo, So; Lullhesos. 12o; black bass, tin Stuck, 2oc' salmon, 12c; pike. IV; rtj snap- .er, frtsn froseq, lie; wruiensn, ircsn roaen, 13c; 'rl.jw perch, dressed and scaled, to; phjkuel. fri-sh froxen, So; freg Cgrrle A. Quinoy and husband to C hone I. tunger, wet eo iu 101 1, Thorneir add S ,109 J. B. Brisbia and W. R. Wall to Mary P. Furgey, lot 3, bioea iii, ior. ence J. H. Osborne to The Missouri River Lumber co lute 1 ana A ouci , Boyd's Bert Smith to The Missouri River Lumber Co., lot 8, 7. 8, 8 and 10, block 16; lot , , 7, I and , block 16, Royd's Andrew Anderson, to Lyda B. Martin, lot 6, 20th and Ames Ave. sub A. W. Clark et al. to V. M. Blsson, lot 10. block S4, Carthage Abraham U Patrick and wife to Calli le Kpley. Jot IS, block 7, Brlgge' Plaae J. M. Browne and wife lo I rank Crawford, sub lot 12 and $3, tag lot 6, sec. 16-15-13 , William Mallord Ui Jcppe Chrlsten sen, lot 18 end 30, block 1, lilme baugh 4b Patterson sub Henry Rlx and wife to Clara B. Far low' lot 1 and 22. block 108, Flor ence Robert C. Strehlow and wife to Abra iiam Newman, soul! V lot, 15, block , Brown Park Robert O. Strehlow end wife to Abra ham Newman, north H lot 15, block J, brown park A. Newman and wife to 11. Jacoheon, south Vi lot 16, block S. Hrowa park Arthur East to Thomas F. Haye. lot 6. block 7. Matthews' sub SMsa Whit ahd husband to Oeorg vj I.i.mla. lot 1 Hltnehaugh Place Harriet L, Joy apd husband to George W. Ixionils. lot 1. HlinebatiKh Place Robert O. Fink to Fred D. Wed, lot O, UC9 UU X.700 1 1 500 800 100 400 tn 1,600 L50Q 1,860 50 1 addle. -rdir.ily whlteflsh. per 4, 4k: per d I'HKIi FISH euarter bbl.. ! lbs.. $4 00: Norway mick- rtl. Ne. 1. $35.(0; No t $2$ 00; h-rrti.g U bbls., w) lbs. each. Norway, 4k. $r 00; Nor. way. Ik. $.0u; Holland herring, in kegs, niliKer tve: 4egB. ndxed, 7o, lilDt-S AND TALOOW-Oreq salted, No. ToUl $11,750 W, Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investmsntjecurities. W ar In th market for 60 to 1.10 share. UNION STOCK YAKUti HTOCK. 1320 FirmraSt., Tel. Douglas KM 8