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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1907)
f 5 THE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 6, 1907. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED SALESMEN FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS u. 11 L r 4 J a Ad Tertleeiaeata . for the want ad eolaanne will Ve Ukta atatll 13 aa. for the (Ttilag editlea aad aatll t) . m. -fr the aaaralac aad hmdif edlftaae. 7 cash R4Tfss roa waut ads. Oh Insertion, 1 l- easrte w4 (o ar mar censeeattvo taaertloae, eont er wcri raek insertion aaor a than aaa Insertion, If mat na seentl-rely will a efcard fa at the rata af 1 1-9 ceata par ward. $1,110 per llaa for aaa snanttu Ha ad Ukta for laaa tkai St) oearta. CASH RATES FOR HOTICES. Death aad Fnnaral notices, Carda of TXaake aad Lode; Notices, T caata par llaa for aaa edition, aaarnlagr or enln a oeata a llaa far each addl tlaaal edltlem. Saadny, lO ceata a llaa. Ma ad taken fas less tkaa SO j f eeata. BRAKOH .OFFICES. J Waal ada far The Boa aaar e left j?Tar af tha Ilnlnc Irag etoree- one la "roar earner ra((lit"-they a-ro all branch affioca of Tk Baa and y-onr ad wUl ko Inserted jnat aa promptly aad at tka ansae rntes aa at tka mala offloo la Tka Baa kalldlas, Seventeenth and Faraaaa atraota. 1 Albeeh. W. C, 40th and Farnam, 2 Baranek. 8. X. 1 8. 1th St. Each t' a Pharmacy, 730 S. 18th St. fvimuii jrnnrmacy, Afenson, eo. ernls Park Pharmacy, and Cumin. CauaUln. ! T4 ath .nil Plorre Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 221a Military in, vrmie, J. P.. nat Aye. ana jrarnam. Crlaaey JPhamacy, 84th and Lake. Gorman, Emll, U63 S. 18th 8t Eastman Pharmacy, 4644 Hamilton. Khler, P. H., ) Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold, 2U N. 2Sth 8t. FreytSg, John J., lift N. Mth St. Florence Drog Co., Florence, Nab. Goldman Pharmacr. loth and Lake Bta. r Green's Pharmacy, oorner Park Art and recino. i Greenough, G. A., 1W5 8. 10th St J Greenough, (V A., loth and Hickory, Hayden, Wm. Ca 8980 Parnara 8t. Han acorn Park Fhar., 1&1 B. 29th Ave. jioint, jofin, na in. tntn t. Cbloaao. Bchaefer, August, 2681 N. 18th Bt Bchmldt, J. It., 24th and Cuming Bta. Storm Pharrrutrv. lHth mi Martha Pita. JValnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. waiion i-narmaov, atn and orace tta. Wlrth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta. MARRIAGE LJCEUISEVS. The following marriage Uoeaaea bare been ' isaued: 1 Name and Residence. Aire 'August Lk Knabe. Omaha- 84 na M. Reed, Omaha 21 lr Vaverka. South Omaha 23 ncea Clsar, South Omaha 1 Wa Stuart Dales, jr., Orand Rapids, ich. lid Mae Walsh, Brentford, Ont... arlea H. Rlaeman. Omaha. V, Bchwarta, Omaha larenca R. Deuel. Chlcaero. Ill Mary 10. Rumbel, .Omaha Carl E. Hollenbnck, Omaha es Kllaaon, Omaha BIRTHS AHD DEATHS. The following births and deaths were re ported to the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending Saturday noon: nth, boy: Frank Hooper, 2719 Charles, girl; wuiiam jvnoin, zuzv tun, ooy; tn. kooo, 1102 North Twenty-seventh avenue, boy: Ri J. Lisle, 2G15 Fort, girl; John Roslcky, 2332 South Nineteenth, glrl; James Ryan, 828 South Twenty-fourth, girl; Anton btaituy, 8017 South Twenty-rourui, boy. - Deaths Mildred, kstroin, ZltO Burdette. 1: Joaeph Wheeler, tie North Twenty- ith, 4 days; Joseph MoOxath, Douglaa rfounty, ea, DEATHS. AHD FUXERAL IfOTIOKg. M'QREEVY Mlchaal, at his home, 2 California St. Funeral notice later. v WIVDHEIM-Mri Oeorare P. ' Funeral will take place Tueaday, January t, at 2 p. m., from 'MM Harney Bt. Inter- ment froepect i-uii cemetery. 'vtpQREEIVY Michael, aared 81 years. "Vv-f Muff, A. L., 2KM Leavenworth St. I . King's Pharmacy, 2Z Farnam St. tt-i Kountte Plaoe Pharmacy, 8304 N. Mth. 1 Jf ratrlck Drug Co., 1602 N. J4th St. . 1 J Latbrop.Chas, HI, 1824 N. Mth Bt. I 1 1 1 'ton I E- Mth and Leavenworth. If if ' Btosa Irug Co., Mth and A mo a At. V 1 f c'1f's Cut Price Drug Stora, lth and Funeral from realdenca. 2&2S Cnllfornla J street, to St. John's church, klonday at r. A.Uk m m At I Tr.1 V fMT 11 1 Ich., oematary. No flowera, , jt- : CARD OK THlUKJ . We wish to express our heartfelt thank to our many friends aad neighbors for their help and aympath .during the sor row and bereavement It the loss of our little son; alao for tha rrany floral tributes sent. MR.; AND MRS CURIS JBN8EN. -rr MONEY TO tuAN CHATTELS Cash inAny Amount tlfl to $300 WANItU ON FURNITURE, PIANOS KT-ji OR ON VOI R SALARY IF BTKAD1- EMPLOYED. without saourlty ori",lu,,'i "e very lowest ruur cou nndenuai. SALAEIED PEOPLE --.others furnished mosey upon their -n names, without security; easy pay Xtnte: offices in 43 arlnclDal eitiaa. 8v. ourselt money by getting my terms first. d. h; tolman, 714 New Tork Life Bldg. X Sob DR. PRIBBENOW'8 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, olansa. haraaa. etc , In any amount: leaa than half ratea: perfect privacy. Immediate attention; any temia wanieu, payments suspended when sick or out of work. &4 Karbach Blk & Om..W ICtW da - . Bowen, 703 N. Y. life Bldj. advance prlvau money on ohartals or salary; easy to set; no red tape. You get snuuay aame oay asaea (or at am 11 east. vspen evenings uu 7. , XiM PRIVATE PARTY Will loan small sums te aeraons on their paiary pruvmau iney nolo, good position. wviuiuwuw. awuqh n a oare riee I X-67I 12x i i - k1 KMl A ROI A H K DHjAT. nr mum PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or alary loans. (33 Paxtea Biaek. 'Phone i uouaiaa io. X ios tAHLr. LvA" ur r H-B-nnunii, aocom nivvating; au Business confidential. ISA! Douglas. 'Xr-tOS MONEY loaned on pianos, rnltura. lew. elnr, boraes, cows, etc C F. Reed. $19 S. wm. X 1 FURNITURE, nvs stock, salary loans. Duff urera iaa Co.. room s. Barker ftiot-k. X-tll CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loana Foley Loan Co.. lsM Farnam Su Jt-ll PATENTS J J. LARSON A CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb, su Petrnta, trade mark, guaranteed er re fee. National luvuatiueiit Co., Douglas Block. SHARPS MACHINE PHOP3 Patenta procured, uiventloiia afv.injnj, diawlnca. patterns, caaiua. Mil Msg Jtork. e4-lll aa AAA SI, -4U4 enlence; verythlng strictly ce . Triable Credit Co.. V raus 307-808 Paxton B1K. i r BILLINGS-BOYLES AND BACKING Jotrh Bllllnes once said. "I luvt rooster fer 2 things. On la the crow that U In him and the other Is the spurs with." If you are ever tempted to think see how we "back up" the crow. We back up our crow by occupying occupied wholly and solely by a business We back up our crow by showing an attendance greater man war. or any other business college in this section of the country. We back up our crow by the fact that we have become the most success ful business college in all this section of the country, and yet bare only been In the business college field for eight years, and In that time have passed competitors who have been located In this section for 25 years. We back up our crow with the fact that Omaha business men prerer Bovlea graduates as bookkeeDers. stenozraDhers and telegraphers. We back up our crow with the largest and highest paid staff of Instruc tors In all this section of the country. We back up our crow with a practical method of Instruction, a thorough business equipment and a complete course that is long enough to guarantee the thorough, unfailing competence of We want you to Investigate "our have done so you will feel that this Is your spurs out In the big, busy business Pay us a visit tomorrow. The winter days old. It you can't call, at least writ BOYLES COLLEGE BOTLE3 BLDO. H. B. BOYLES, President U. S. NAVY enllats young mtn and ma- chanlca of good phyalque and character, cuizona or u. ts., 1. to 44 yeura. special advancement when qualified. Greatly In creaaed pay for men who re-enlist. Ka- uremenl after 30 ycara service tor en listed men, with ISSu To to fl.062.1T pay) per annum. Privilege of discharse by purchase. Navy Kecrultlng Btatloha, P. O. Hldfs., umtla, Lincoln. Hastings and Bloux City. U MtUe WANTED At onoa, 500 sound young men, a-ea i to st, for nremen ana ur.iiii.u on leading western railroads and for new roada now being oorapleied; eicpertena unnecaaaaxy: firemen $100 par month; brakemen 176; poaillona now open; call or write at onoa for particulare. National Ry. Training AmX X. Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. B M4u8 F4 WANTKIV-Man tn lMrn barber trade. We prepare you for pooluons U to - weakly. Ureal demand tor Darrjera, iu positions for every graduate. Few weeka oomoletea. Monev earned from Start. Tools alvan. Call or writ. MOier uru College. 1116 Farnam St. M lvx iinai-UjADB DOOKKeepera, axeiiui'"""j ofnr. And ulMinnn are In demana. AI you are caiabla of fllllnu a posluon or this kind. e us without delay or write WESTluKN REF. & BOND AKS'N. Q.KO.), Suite S40-2 N. Y, L,lf Bldg. B-410 S and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying trade paya (6 to P per duy. We teaoti you by practloal lnatructions la three months: nosition guaranteed; free cattt logue. Coyne Trade School, 4975 Eonton Ave., Bt. louis, MO. o oiv WANTED A watoh. You get It for a few hours af your time. Write at once to Alalena Company, warnorsmarK, rt 41 Aiio r euox WANTED--Flve boys; good wages; perma nent job. A. D. a . co p. 01. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. I B-878 RULER and forwarder; must have good A. L Root, Uuc.). "10-1212 B 814 references, Howard. AMERICAN Barber-Colleg course shortest and cheapest. Douglaa bt. write to day. B-264 6x WANTED A thorough practical man capa ble of handling bom taciory irom to flnleh. Must understand buying ahooka, lumber, etc Address Y 118,, Care Bee. MAKE big money selling splendid copper- gold mining and Industrial atocKs. vvnte Si. J. Maokey, 2Ui8 6 tout St., Denver, Colo. B M8i4 tx IX weeks' instrnctlon In traveling salee- manshlp, Foaltien guarantees upon com pletion, uraasireei aysieui, N. Y. B 82 5x WANTKD High olasa soap salesmen. Ad dress Swift and company, aoutn n, u jmat aa WANTED Ruler; steady Job. highest wugea. Address Brown at Buenger, bioux FaTla. S. D. B-M4U3 7 WANTED-tenographer with ability for Seneral of Clue work, uooa pay. a a area 684. Bee. B-M398 WANTlfiD Experienced railroad fireman for work out or city; no iee cnargea. Iuuulreat Room No. 109, Midland hotel. B 416 7x WANTED Young men for railroad service. aa Gierke, eperatora, eta; experience un necessary. Ve teach and place you in poaltloa; short course, low tuition, high salaries. Write for catalogue. Chlougo Hallway and Commercial Institute, R. 61, 86 Washington St., Chicago. B W ANTED Energetic trustworthy man or woman to work. In NeDraaKa, representing large manufacturing company; salary $60 to $a per month, paid weekly; expenses advanced. J. U, Moore, Omaha, Neb. 6u7 tx MEN Learn yiumMng; day and night olaaeea; Western Pluniblng iraue ejciiooi; special terms; lio Tremont Su, Denver, Colo. W. T. Crean, manager. B CIVIL service examinations will soon be held In every state. Full Information and queatlons recently usea or tne commis sloa free. Columbian Correspondenu C'ullege. Waahlngten. p. C. tt WANTED Larg. first-class house of twenty-five years' standing, manuiaciur fang a staple line of goods In oonstant daily use. wants a good man to manage branoh wboleaale business; salary, $1.M) per year, payable monthly, together with all expensea and extra commtsstona. Ap plicant muat furnlSTT good references and $1,000 cash, which la satisfactorily secured. Addreea Preatdent, ill S. th St.. St. Louis. Mo. B LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED kixpenance unneceaaary, II noneat. aniDi tlous and willing to learn the buainesa thoroughly by mall; aplendld Income aa aured; write at enoe for full particulars. Addreea either Office National Co-operative Realty Co., 7 B, Athenaeum Bldg., Chicago, or 7t B, Maryland bldg.. Waah tagtan. P. C al 471 ax - WANTED OaneraJ railroad draftsmen three mass proaias, track anu maauory work. to tluo. Mr. Wlnslow, Lai Mooadaeck Block. Chloago. tt 4ai ix WANTED Men ta travel, deliver samples and advertise our goooa looany; auary ll par mouth and expeAtaee. Besley Co., (toy. A, Moaoa bluck, Cxacaa. WANTED Men every where to tack adver- Ualog carda and aisirtDuie auverviaing aaar.plea; salary $21 per week; $3 a day expeuae allowance. Unity Supply C'u Deak A Chicago. B 463 ix WAITED Railway mail clerks; salary $ai; examinations saon: preparauou tree. "rnkUn Iual-tute, Raoheater, NVV. 'WANTED Clerk for office; salary $50 per month; elate age and previous experience. Addreas O (ua. alea. B 441 ix WANTED Clerk for office; salary $(0 per uenth; state age and otevloua xri ien e. Address B bit. care Bee. B ix A BUSINESS puaitlon. Accountant, s-jw. Manager, $A5uo. galeaman. .iera, 11 ku. Drauahtaman. tl.MA). Others on f.le. write for list. Buelness Oi'portunlty Co.. I Union Souare. N. Y. B 4w ax CIVIL senrtoe employee are paid well for eaay work; examlnatlona or an ainna aoon: Booklet E 1:4. describing poaniona and telling eaalent and quickest way to aecure them, la free; write now. Wash ington Civil Service School, Maryland that air on him to back, up the crow we crow unduly, Just Investigate ana the only college building In Omaha college for business college purposes. each and every one ot our graduates. spurs. And we know that when you the college that will help you to "win world. term has Just opened. Is but three for & catalogue. OMAHA, NEB. B WE WILL make you a present of $100, glva you a splendid suit of domes every ninety davi. enlarae vour Dlcture free and pay you a of $86 per memth and all traveling ezpenaea, with our check for (50 when engaged, to take orders for the areatest and most Veil- able portrait house In the world. All this will be guaranteed. Address R. D, Martel, Dept. 660, Chicago, 111. B 181 x WANTED Detectives, shrewd. reliable man for profitable secret service, to act unaer oraers; no experience ntrwwry, Write H. C. Webster, Indianapolis, lnd. WANTED All-round blacksmith. Write to Box m. Fairmont, Neb.. 8-MUi 7X IN SIX weeka we eduoat you In aaleoman- auip. secure you aositlon as traveling salesman with reponalble firm. Addreaa Tha Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. X B 485 6x WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc.: no canvassing. Addreea National Distributing Bureau, luO Oak land Bank Bldg., UUoago. 111. B i&t X ELEVAT0R MEN I teach you deportment, skillful operation, self-confidence. Emergency Questions answered positively and correctly. If you are dissatisfied with your ay check address w. lis, care Bee. a i WANTED Bright young man or woman. able to keep Books and handle typewriter to take permanent position In lumber and coal otnee; resident of houth Omaha pre ferred. Address in own band, stating experience, salary expected to start .and references. Address X 171, Bee. B M571 12 WANTED at once. Elevator conductor for passenger elevator. Must be experienced careful, courteoua and Intelligent. No boys need apply. See Mr. F. V. Peck, Main Dioor. ine Bennett company. B M661 t WANTED at once, smart boy for: Station ery Department, not under 16, one wllllni to get on. See Mr. Russell, Stationery Department, Main Floor. The Bennett Company, B Mo48 8 WANTED Foreman, ulp-to-date ad , and job man; shop modern; linotype; life position for right man; wages right. Kearney (Nebraska) Hub. . B MOtis S - WANTED Bookkeeper, bright, energtro person who will make himself gen erally useful. Columbian Optical Co., ill & 16th St. B 6HO 6x ANY person willing to distribute our sam- gles; $20 weekly. "Empire," 2 Laaalle t., Chicago, I1L Steady position; no canvassing. B M&tjs Cx Calls for high grade men are Increasing every day. You ahould doroand the high est price obtainable for your nervlces. We are In a position to get that fer you, therefore, you should register with us at once. Call or write at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., INC, 40-1-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. B M-6S0 T WANTED FEMALE HELP YOUNG WOMEN of good address make large lncomea taking subscriptions for DjtESS, the most beautiful magaalne of our times; sella on sight; commission most liberal of any; spare, hours can be turned into money; regular systematic workers can make &6uu to $6,uuo yearly; several young women now make tJu to $00 per week. Write at once for terms and in struction. DRESS, 2-at E. 21st St., N. Y. C 606 tx QIRL8 to operate power machine In shirt and overall factory; permanent work. M. U. Smith di Co., 11th and Douglas Sts. C-77 WANTED Cash girls and wrappers for new Brandeut basement. J. L. llrandels A Bona. C M345 6 WANTED 5 Uundry girls. M. E. Smith's factory, 11th and Douglaa Bis. C U$ OOOK WANTED SOW CaUforma St. C 286 WANTED Experienced girl to do second work and laundry work. Inquire Mrs. A. D. Braodela, tit) 80. Mth. 'Phone 774. C M34o 6 WANTED Second girl; references re quired. Ibli Farnam St. C M312 WANTED Manicure girl; Mondumin iloial Brb.r clbop, Sioux City, la. C :lx SECOND girl wanted at 2226 Farnam. C 328 W A NTKD Experienced houbawork. Mra M. Spenoer Bt. girl for general M. Hamlin, lsa) C M331 6x wanteu competent cook; good wagui rdierences required. Apply Mrs. Arthur c. bmitn, uui rark Ave. C MJM t WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. W. U. Ure, 3uo3 Binney St. Tel. Taylor 4166. T CiiH t WANTED Experienced stenographer and office clerk; muat be good penman. Ad dresa C 611. Bee. C SU HELP WANTED Experienced coat hands In alteration department. O'Donoboe Red mond Normlle Co., loth and Howard Sta. C M39 7x WANTEDChooolate and bon ben dippers. Balduff, 1620 Farsara. O M414 t WANTED A young girl to aaalst In light housework. 2630 St. Mary's Av. C U7 (x GIRLS To work on power machine and flulabere. Burgees Shirt Ce feci Farnana St. C 4i2 Febi LADIES te do piece werk ; $3 per dosen; uiaurlals furnished; no oenvaaaing; steady work; s tamped envelope. Beat Mfg. Co., Cham plain Bldg., Chicago. C 44 ix SEWERS Gingham aprons; make highest wagea; malarial sent to door free of charge; alaniped addresaed envelope for tart!oulara. L. P. IU char da, 4u04 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. C 4a6 x WANTED Experienced lady stenographer one who can operate bmllh A-Temler ma chine; ateady employment. Addreaa P 633, care Bee. C M5J0 7 WANTED Lady with long hair, to pose for picture. Addreea L as. Bee. c bi x WANTED Head saleslady for busiest book selling spot In Omaha. Good .alary to the right girl. Must be experienced and eMcated. AvtiLy by lUr, E &. Bee WINTER TERM of the Omaha Commercial College NINETEENTH AND FARNAM. JUST OPENED BE3T TIME TO BEGIN START TOMORROW. SYSTEM OP BOOKKEEPING You will forms, methods and office practice. SYSTEM OF SHORTHAND Remarkable speed; can be mastered In a few months, has no shade, position or slant to worry the learner. It will pay you to investigate and compare- Call and talk It over. TELEGRAPHY Splendid course and way. New equipment. Positions for ENGLISH For backward students. Private Instruction free. CIVIL SERVICE We prepare you for write us for particulars. GYMNASIUM, LECTURE COURSE AND students. NEW BUILDING We have the finest newly equipped and furnished. Fine TIME TO BEGIN January 7 will be the A few months spent in any department will mean a good position. Shall we enroll you as a student: CATALOUGB Free to any address. DAY AMD KIOHT SESSIONS. Rohrbough Bros., 19th and Farnam Omaha If you are capable of filling an office posi tion ot any description you should lose no time, but register with this association at onoa. We are In need in part: STENOGRAPHER, Insurance Office, 70. STENOGRAPHER, Insurance Ofllce, 840. STENOGRAPHER, Wholenale House, to STENOGRAPHER, Implements, too. STENOGRAPHIC R, Lincoln, $50, BOOKKEEPER ac STENOGRAPHER. CASHIKR, 836. Immediate action la nacessarv on tha above. Call or write for complete List of vacancies. WavSTWRN RBP. A BOND ASS'N. INC.. Suite Sl-S N. Y. Ufa Wdir. C-67 WANTED Bookkeeper, bright, energetlo person who win make herself gen erally useful. Columbian Optical On., 211 S. Mth St. C6C9 sx LADIES We are still In need of more help. aecoraung sora piuows; experience not necessary: work taken home. Call fore noons at 2S11 So. 13th St. C 664 6x WANTED Lady with lens; hair to assist in introducing a new toilet article. Ad dress P 517, Bee. C 61 6x WANTED A girl desiring a rood home and willing te assist with housework and ore of child; waftps paid. Mrs. Talmaire fnone A-iarney cmo ex ACTIVE lady to represent manufacturer, leaving samples; ti per day to start; per manent; state nationality, rellprlon. Ktig wall, tti Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. C 469 6x GIRL for general work; small family: gc-od wages. 'Phone Harney 1816 Georgia Ave. C 643 6x WANTED Washerwoman, son at 2028 Maple St. Appl ly In C 68 rer- oSo 8X WANTED at once, high class, smart, well put on. saleslady, one making good In present position, and willing and anxious to get opportunity for advance. Bee Mr. RiiBsell, Stationery Dept., Main Floor! The Bennett Company. C M549 g w WANTED SALESMEN WANTED! An experienced clothing salesman for Kansas and ' Nebraska and South Da kota; men without trade need not apply. FELIX ROTHSCHILD & CO, W Market St, Chicago. WHOLESALE CLOTHINO SALESMEN VANTED Aarons, Marks Co., East Water St., Mil waukee, Wis., men's clothing manufac turers, want experlenoed salesmen with at least $35,000 sales record for Iowa, southern Nebraska or Kansas. Our line, ranging from $6 to $16, has established merit and with good men wno wisn to better themselves for the fall selling of 1907, liberal contracts will be considered. Applications strictly confidential. L WANTED Men with team and rig to sell a line of high-grade family remedies, aptcea and extracts to consumers; muat be honest, sober and Industrious. The Gladstone Medicine Co., Hawarden. Ia. L 47 SALESMAN WANTED for our high grade nursery stock. Stock guaranteed. Write ua and see what we can do for you. Osborn's Nurseries, Bloomfleld. Ind., Green Co. L MT72 Ja SALESMAN capable of earning $3,500 per rer, with full line of soaps, extrxcts, etc., urnlshlng dealer the $2 for $1 selling plan, meetln muil-nrder competition. F. F. Cook, Sales Dept., Detroit, Mich. 1J -1 WANTED Several high-grade, experienced roat Baiesmen lor l'.J7, men capable of earning large salaries; staple line, old es- tabllxhed jobbing 'me. Address 1110 Lumber Exchange, TXInneapolls, M'nn. T L-604 x SALESMEN Side line; something new In advertiHlng novelties that will take the place or calendars. Write for sum pit;! V. W. Dana, box 16, Fulton, 111. L-602 ; . ' w A mtei Hustling aaleaman who ran make good; colonisation proposition. Irri gated larma on small monthly payments. augur beet district; unique plan, fine seller; money maker for homeseeker. In vestor and agent. San Luis Valley Land Co., 'iemple block, Kansas City. Mo. U-610 tx WANTED Two salesmen calling on aaloon trade to carry Royal Pepstn Ultters and Pretoria Rye as a aide line; exoellent proposition. Addreea Jul 8. 4th St., at. L.ouis, mo. Is-Ol sx SIDE line traveling men can make $26 to M per week carrying aide line of tha moat up-to-date advertising fans of our exclusive and special dealgua; season now opening; apply at once. The Kmper Thomaa Co., 'Fan Dept., Station H, Cin cinnati, Ohio. L-46 x SALESMAN wanted for this atate to sell pure aluminum rooking utensils to the house furnishing trade; good commission paid; we only want a first-class men of ability. Apply at once. Illinois Purs Aluminum Co., (Mfgs.), Lemon t. ill. Lr-400X BIX aaleamen for 1907; must be business producers; can make at least $4,000 net. The Barton-Parker Co., Cedar Rapids, la. L 464 x SALESMEN Travel for old reliable whole rale houae, staple line, aells to all class or merchants, good hustlers, fer Nebraska territory for 1807; $68 a month and ex penses. Address Box 7tt, At. Louis Mo. L 46 tx WANTED Salaam en of ability and neat appearance to call on all merchants in their territory; elegant aide line, con venient to carry; good commissions; Erompt remlttan oe. Belmont Mfg Co., InclnnaU, Ohio. L 462 x OROCERY SALESMEN WANTED A few honest, energetic men may eeoure exclu sive territory Bailing hotels, restaurants, farmers and ether large consumers; per. manent and profitable employment; state present occupation and mention refer, ences. John Sexton A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chicago. L 6u0 t A SALESMAN visiting Ice factories, brew eries, cold storage and steam plants will learn of highly profitable aide line. Ad dreas Factory. Box 6U. Cincinnati. O. L 1J (X CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions with $100 monliily advance; permanent position ' to light man. Jeas 11. Smith Co.. le troit, Mich, L 4 tx HARDWARE and drug salesman wanting a good aide or excluaive line ahould ad dreaa MaueAU lixywtt, Kilach Bldg.. St. LU!s, 1 L-t t get the latest and best In theory. Everything modern and up-to-aate. for Its simplicity, legibility and facilities. Taught In a most practical graduates. x positions In the government. Call or LITERARY SOCIETY Free to all ' business college building to be found; location and clean surroundings.- best time to start In our new classes. SPECIALTY, salesmen, experienced, who nail vtiu. rwviu, un kuvcilwu inuyi it. i tary medicine; a money maker and good I territory; January 1 contract; salary, can show record, on advertised proprie commission, expenses. Troy St., Chicago, 111. Ilarwood. 1M0 N. I L-42S 6x SALESMEN can easily make 10 a day sell- ing our grim winiow letters, noveny signs and changeable signs; catalogue rree. Sullivan Co., tub W. Vui bait . .A. Chicago, IU. L-6U 6x SALESMEN for 1M7 to handle our line In Nebraska; we have men making ovor $UX) per week; high commissions, permanent position for canabln salexman. mcaiiis- ter-Coman Co., 6 Dearborn St, Chicago. L 17 fx WANTED Energetic salesmen to sell stock in a nrst-i'lass gold mining company; very small capitalization; write for par ticulars. F. K. Paget t. Spring Valley, New York. aj YO Ox WANTED Salesman for country territory. Expenses paid. Position will pay $1,500 per year to the rljrht person. Reference required. The Smith Premier Typewrite Co., 1G1 Farnam St. L M4o WANTED XGENTS AGENTS Opportunity of lifetime: Na ex perience necewiaxy: big cash proflta dally; one intent made IZ1 In one hour: every one will buy; we Issue more accident and alcknoee policies than any other similar company in the world; we give the moat popular and cheapest insurance written; new plan; fl a year pays for SuOO policy; no assessments or dues; other amounts In proportion: death benefit: weekly In demnlty, free medical attendance; original and popular features; either aex; all claims promptly and liberally aettled ciainta prompuy ana iiDeraaiy seiuea; in- aurance aaseats $60OXK; reliable repre- man lutl xrmm uatitorl avartrarVium n1nult?oi I territory; liberal, permanent income lit' creasing each year; absolutely sure. Ad dress International Corporation, 231 Broad way, tuept. it,). New york. j tttt ex cash salary ana an expenses to men with rigs to introduce our Guaranteed Poultry and Stock Remedies. Send for contract; we mean business and furnish best references. G. R. Blgler Co., X 61S, Dpnngneia. ah. j autu gx WANTED Gentleman or lady of fair ad. ucatlon to travel for mercantile house of large capital: territory at home or abroad, to ault: weekly salarv of II ner vaup and expensea. Address Joseph A. Alex ander, Omalia, Neb. J 60S SX WE PAY $36 a week and expensea to men wnu rigs to introduce poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. n, Atirsons, Avan. j GET NEXT to newest goods: slickest schemes; money getting plans, formulas. etc. Anree nig w-page noons. 10 cents. progressive Monthly, Brooklyn. N. Y. 1 J AOHNTS coin money sel In "Ptar" In. wi icu mam lauiyi, iniiiieiiBe uunmnQ, large profits; exclusive territory. Star Ught co. cnicago. J 468 6x YOU can make $3,000 yearly handling our . gasoline lamps and lighting- system: writs quick for territory, catalogue and partic ulars. W. E. Bible, manager, 302 W. Leke DL, Chicago. J 467 6x aaa. pruni 10 agenin; wr Keep only smau margin; agents sell enormous quantities medicated gloves, armlets and masks, which cure chapped, rough or discolored hands, arms aad face and keep skin soft and white; we have tine proposition to make you. Common Sense Mfg. Co., arise uuve, est. iouis. j 601 ox AGENTS Something extraordinary; self generating gns . burners, fitting kerosene lamps; brilliant. WhUtij gas llarht; liberal Inducements: exclusive territory; positive monopoly; description free; established. reliable. Eastern Gas Light Co.. 280 Broadway, New Ycrk. J 491 6x BIO, easy money fitting glasses; $60 to $100 weegiy; experience unnecessary; write for free "Booklet 6." National Optical Col lege, Bt. A.OU1B, JHO. J 475 6X WANTED Agents to sell Dry Fut Ineoles: a boon to rheumatic, calloua and tender feet; 100 per cent profit. Dry Fut Inaole Allg. CO., SU3 W. lath SU New YOrk. J 478 x AGENTS Gaa lamp with detachable heater ana oonKer; lamp makes Its own gas; equals electricity; heater heats any room; cooker cooks anvthlmr; all three coat 1 cent dally. Booklet free, s-lvlng whole sale prices. Monarcn Co., 123 Liberty St., yfyi. ew iont, j 4Y4 ax CORPORATION owning and operating In dustrial railway and mining enterprise aesires representatives on a hlirri re- nuinerauv Dual. r x 4l. Boot on. J-M568 ix WANTE&--SITUATIONS YOUNG man wanta place In private family to work for board and room while go'ng to school. Boyles' College. Tel. Doug. 19x4. A u4 COMPETENT young woman decree em ployment, clerical office or store. Ad dress lOSSjjniEee. A M4S3 7x LOST AND FOUND WILL party who took a pair of skates off the back platform of Dodge car December 1 return to Be utflceT No questions. ' Lost 488 LOST or strayed. One brown corker spaniel pup with short tall, curly hair, very playful. Finder, will please notify Charles I Rcwe, 623 S 28th St.. or Tel. Douglas 7477, or Aau 4407-2 and I will pay $6 reward. Loat $U . LOST-Fur scarf. Liberal turned to lfrg Farnam St. reward If re Lost -362 6x PARTY seen picking up lady' gold watch Friday ml'l pkaae return to Mia Bell, wash gooda department Hayden Bros., at once and avoid further trouble. Lout 13 tx LOST Lady's open face gold watch; full nam in back, on lh between iarnam and Howard. Reward for return to He office. Lost 674 tx LOST A sealskin neck piece. Reward on return to 29u6 Pacific. Loat Mam i FLORISTS HESS at BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 811 L. HENDERSON, ia Farnam. 1263. TeL Doug. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at hom. Miss Suyrd tey VhifiaO. -f.1 THE VAN SANT SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING 71G-717-718 NEW YOIIK LIFE BUILDING This la an age of specialties In education. There Is n greater de mand In any line than for specially well educated and efficient stenog raphers. A school that makes a specialty In this line can get results that can not be reached In a school In which stenography Is a "side show. The Van Sant School of Shorthand and Typewriting makes a specialty of shorthand, typewriting and office practice, and geta results that make an urgent demand for every . stenographer It get" ready for a position. One of the largest employers of stenographers In this section said: "I would give a Van 8ant student ten dollars a month more aa a beginner than I would give a beginner from any other school. WhyT Simply be- . cause they are thoroughly and practically educated In the duties of a stenographer, and can do a good day's work the first day they are em-, ployed. The name of attending the Van Sant School has boon worth an extra 1120 the first year to many stenographers, and the advancement Is always rapid to those who are extra good at the beginning. The lnstruo tloS la thorough, and the students participate in actual work for which they receive pay. Many have more than earned' tuition while attending the school. The students of this school are filling positions In Omaha and all over the country as stenographers, teachers and reporters. A trial week will be given free to any ana who wtshea to sea tha prao tlcal working of the school before enrolling. Money promptly refunded for unexpired tuition to any one who for any reason may wish to leave the school. Payments may be made monthly In advanoa, if more coop venlent. There Is na risk of any kind In attending the Van Sant School. Its teachers are experience'' praotloal stenographer and reporters of na tional reputation. The demand for Its studenta Is not confined to Omaha. Its call for mature teachers ot both . A C . arillina I lit r'n f VJCllUlllv VUl 1 i ICC riano bale If ti want to aave money on a piano purchase, then you should nut fall to visit our siore, aa tuu eiitiiv siut. ui dhhu.bji Steger, Kmerson, llardmun. A. R. Chase. McPhail and KurUman planus Is offered from $76 to $150 below eastern prices. Our New Tork buyer purchased five carloads of pianos for spot cash at aooui one-imru regular value and we are willing to divide our good fortune with our customers, hut you must call at once, for at the tempting prices this stuck will not lost very lung. $dbO Camp & Co., collage size, 6 octaves. $ 65 $auu Hall & Son, medium alze ..$ 8a IJiil Kimball, t!ioruuUy overnauiea, panor . slse $115 $) Chlckering, parlor size $135 $360 Sterling, In finest condition $168 fci76 Hallet oc Davis, walnut cuse, slight ly used (I $400 Krakauer Bros., looks new $lri $;U Vose & Sons, fine walnut case $1D0 $360 Francis J. Bird, a beautiful sample piano a&iu $375 Sieger A Son, parlor slse, used only three years $226 $K) Mahogany sample piano, only $J60 $160 Chippendale style, Circassian walnut case $35 $600 Colonial style cabinet grand, wal nut cue, uprirnt juo $660 Carved art BTyle, modeled walnut case -jd Fourteen square pianos, Including: Steln- wav. Chlcker na. h.naDe. vose. rjmerson, and other standard makes $16, $36, $46 and UP- . . Mason k Hamlin, . KJmnan. rarrana s Votey, and other standard organs $10, $16, M and up. . M4r . fit . tr rrv T $5 tO S10 CASH AINU UC, IU " " will bring one of thene bargains to your home. New pianos for rent $8 and up. We tune, move, store and repair pianos. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnam St. ToL Doug. 162S. MCU flNICC nnA HI H OIMP I ' wtw ' TYPEWRITERS If you don't want a new one, buy one seo- ond. hand, we can aeu you aecunu-nanu typewriters that look like new, work like new and will do just aa good service as new ones, at prices ranging from one third to one-half of the regular prlow of the new machines. We have three Fox Typewriters, model t (not visible), guaranteed to be just line new In appearance, durability and quality of work, uomplete with baseboard, metal cover, etc., at $76. Remingtons, No. 6 $37.60 to $78 00 Remingtons, No. 2 16.00 to 80.00 Densmores, Noa, 4 and 5 16.00 to 25.00 Olivers. No. 8 36.')0 to 60 00 Smith Premiers, Noa. 2 and 4.. 35 00 to 6.0 Underwoods. No. 4 4t.uu to BUckensderfers, No. 6 12.50 to U.00 1 .. a o C 1 f OX lyPcWIRcr Ot OUUUIV KKJ. J r , 183! Farnam St., Omaha. Douglaa 3874. Vt uU 6 SACRIFICE DOESN'T EXPRESS IT. Fine furniture for a Bonis. For Instance, large solid oak sideboard goed at aid; ex tension table, $6; .x chairs for $6; china cabinet, juat new, U, coat $40; red vel vet davenport, $16, condition perfect, cost $SW; parlor rockers, $a; others, $10; cherry center table, $6; cheaper tuckers; mag nificent Wilton velvet rug, new, lrxl2, oust $ti0; another rug, $5; new Ingrain carpet, $; $15 mattress, $6; and anything we have aucrilictd. Bring cash with you or don't come. Lcavmt' city. Call 2112 Locust- Q a-U 6x FOR SALE Numbering stump. In good condition, inquire ueorge At. rigui, esse ottice. W-Ml BEND us your mall orders for drug; freight paid on 410 10 1. juyers-uuion Drug Co., Omaha, 18 J7 BHERWIN WIILIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Siiermau sx . McConnell Drug Co. 48 Ai ALL'S safes, new, 2d-haud, 1818 Farnam. 4 4M8 FEW bargains In 2d-hand soda fountains; rcnluiy payments. Aengiit, aoas rarfiam. g 840 ONE 8-luch Jenkins' valve for sale. Apply w. aa- atriages, engiueer, cue xiiug. y-iii:x GASOLINE engine and wood-working machinery tor saie cneap. .ippiy Alienor Fence Mfg. Co., 2o7 N. 17th St. g-M42 COAL 46.25 ton; burr egg, big alae, good; try It; a pnoues. uiiiuuu aa teain. Q KM J10 BARGAINS In unredeemed jewelry. 418 N. lath. - v-ja ju FOR SALE A handsome bookcase, ma hogany nnlsu, at a bargain. Aeiepnone Harney lu2X Q 668 X ONE Remington typewriter. No. t In good condition, lor saie cneap. can at Aiee otfice, Q-liOi FOR BALE Model "K" Wlnton Automo bile; fully equipped; top lights, etc; only run MO inllea; guaranteed first-class condition. Price '),ouu. Addreas C. E. WlikAiis. Dewey hotel, Omaha, Neb. Q M847 $8 PAIR of roller skates, 48 ban bearing, some ltlcnarosona. owner naa otner puai nea. Addreas Box M, Atlantic. Ia. Q-Mbi 6x 1 BUS f EET S wire cable, in good condition, for aale aheap. K. W. Baker, Bupt. bee Bldg. g-387x FOR 8AI.B 10 H. P. Weallnghouse, 12 H. P. Stevena traction engines, cheap. J L. Bundean, Wahoo, Neb. Q M.1 lOx FOR BALE Cheap, t palra of plgeona; 1 pairs are homera; alao pen and other effects. Address A 63o, care Bee. Q 420 Ix NO. 6 REMINGTON, good as new, J5. 171' Chicago Bt. Q-M636 8x SINGER sewing machine, nearly nr.". solid oak $8. 1818 Davenport. Q Ju-17 6x TF.T.VPHONE POISES. PTiflTS AND Tl BH I have 60,000 poles, 76.00D posts, SfjfO . Tl R. ties: I produce my own stork, do not belong to tha trust and ran aave the ooniumcr 8 prr ceuu h. hi. 1 nomi.wm 4, MUua, Q 471 X aexea la far beyond the supply. B Typewriters It Is not what WE want to sell you, bat what YOTT want to buy. By giving the people just what than want at the right price we have built ug) a prosperous business, extending all ovaS the iniildle west. WRITE TODAY. Remington No. 2... Remington No. 6... Remington No. ft..., RemiiiKton No. 7.... Smith Premier No. Smith Premier No. Underwood Oliver Bllckensderfer Dennnore ...$M to f ... :5 to $40 ...$.l& to $75 .... to $76 l..$Ju to $40 $40 to $76 ....$46 to $76 ,...$:& to $00 ,...$16 to $ ,...$15 to $40 The above is only a part of our Immense assortment of machines. ' Write for anything you want, we have It, Dealers supplied, amenta wanted. All makes) of machines for rent. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGER 1603 Leavenworth St. 'Phone Red 6693. Omaha Q-54 0 FOR SALE Hunting ferrets. Write ts) R. A. Bennett, David City, Nebraska. Q 487 ix FOR SALE Bargain, M-horee boiler, !S home engine, steam feed pump, shafting pulleys. Chester A. Hodge, Vinton, la, U 450 6x STEEL RANGE, gaa stove, refrigerator, baby go-cart; like new; tables and othea furniture. Inquire 1921 Wirt. Q-4M2 6x FOR EXCHANGE Farms for Merchandise I We have 1,830 acres of .first class valley land, on North Platte river, In Scott's Bluff county, Nebraska, seven miles from the county seat, and an Irrigated 160-acre farm in same locality, both Improved, which we will trade for a good stock of general merchandise in any good town Invoicing about $22, 000. Call or write if you have anything to match it, Want to trade quick. Stewart-Leavenworth Co. 118 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 1 Z-632 TO EXCHANGE 1:0 acres In Keith county. Neb., close to the county seat, smooth land. In the valley; price $J0 per acre. $1,000 mortgage on long time. 160 acres, clear, In Burleigh county, N. D., price J0 per acre; will trade these two for a stork of merchandise. 640 acres of school land lease In eastern Holt county, Neb.; fine land, no hills j price $16 per acre; wants stock of hard O. A. ' ANDERSON, Correstlonvllls. Iowa. 2-670 to To Exchange B-Room cottage located a little nortri of liemls Park, $1,400, to exchange fos modern 6 or 7-rooin houee. Will pay dif ference In caali or except encumbrance, 0. 0. Carlberp;, 811 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 74S7. S BALE OR TRADE Clean stock of gro ceries, with or without building, for turn land In eaalern Nebraska. Address Itlulr, Box 166. Z M336 FOR EXCHANGE 320 acres of first-class farm land, near Oni'iha, for Iowa land or city property. Riktr & Chambers. 40a Bee Bldg. Z 429 tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE $'JO,000 equity In a large tract of land near Kansas City to exchange for Income property. Ad. dress 8. E. E., India nola. Ia. Z M4M 8 HORSES AND WAGCNS FOR SALE CARRIAGES We have a large and complete assortment of reflnlBhed closed carriages prices from $3i0 und up; heaisea and funeral cars, $3o0 and up. Tiiase vehicles have been carefully renniHhrd and some of them are almost equal to new. If you cannot coma and In spect them, write ua what you want and get our photographs and descriptions. JAJdtM Ul IMNAiSUII AM, rKJIN Ot Ct.a 867 Wabaah Ave., Chicago. P 467 x A GOOD driving horse, t years old, darn bay, weight pounds, thoroughly city broke, a good looker; price $135, woriti the money; can be seen at The Oeia Stable, lDlh and Casa. V 6 HOKSEO-AU kinds. Mysrs, 1716 Jackson, P-M411 Ft 6-YEAR-OLD hay driving mar; s-year-old. heavy work hurae. 41 tl and Center. P 418 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, atoves, carpets, clothing and shoe; pajf; the best price. TvL Douglas 81)71. N-M378 J14 WANTED About 600 loads of good filling, H. Rumbel it Co., 14tb and Nicholas. N So I HAVE oustoniera for bargains on West Leavenworth k. B. Kawver. 1814 Emmet. N-U4U6 t WANTED At once, new 7 or 8-room mod ein houite, full lot, near car; good loca thm; prefer Kountse Place or Wall tit Hill. Addreaa D SM. Bee. N 441 . 4 LOTH, on outskirts as cheap as Vt to $100 a doxen or more. Blngle or together. Ad dress atonre Jzi Bee- N 44 t DETECTIVE AGENCY WETMORE Detective rrvloe. 'Ption Red KiM. Rooms 11 and 12. I'ulon Iilk.. 16tb, and Farnum. M-i. Jit OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INSTITUTE. 418 N. Douglas-ltal Y. U Tel, Jf .1 i T