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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1907)
The Omaha Sunday Bed PART L NEWS SECTI01I PAQIS 1 TO 10 Ooan Into the Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best & West OMAHA, SUNDAY M0UN1N0, JANUARY 6, 1907-FOUR SECTIONS-THIRTY-FOUR FAGES. SINGLE COrY FIVE CENTS. VOL. XXXVI-NO. 29. FERMENT IN GERMANY Kaiser with Eiffioultj Kept from Taking. Fart in Campaisrn for Beiohstag. YON BUELOWS LETTER A COMPROMISE Chancellor Writt w"hera Impsror Had Hoped to Isine Eojal Manifesto, ""UARY ELECTION MAY BE MADE A FARCE f GoTernment Has Power to OrdT Anotasr Veto if lefeated. UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE IS THREATENED Large KoUllat Gain Might Cum tli Kmperor (a Reduce Number of Votes of the Empire. BERLIN. Jan. B.-(Hpeclal.) The kaiser hope to carry the country and capture a "patriotic" Reichstag within nix weeks." Ha has net January 26 as election day. , According to trustworthy Information, tha emperor waa on lha verge of Intruding hla picturesque and virile personality Into tha fight In much the tame way aa Mr. Roose velt Interfered In tha recent struggle over the governorship of New York. Only hla majesty's Intervention would have been more along Russian lines than American llnca. However, he waa anxious to Issue a lurid manifesto to his people urging them to "vote Imperially" and to smash (he sedl tlous and unholy 'alliance between tha Catholics and the socialists who appear to be obstructing his path to world-glory. He waa only persuaded , by Prince von Buelow and other counselors, whp pointed out that such an Innovation would be bitterly resented, especially by the liberal element,' without whose aupport the gov ernments case la hopeless, and that support would be alienated at a stroke by import ing the cxar'a ukase methods Into mora or less liberated Germany, Chancellor von Buelow's recent letter waa decided upon aa a compromise. few days of calm retrospect have filled the government leaders with the gravest doubts as to the wisdom of dissolving tha Relohstag at a moment when the country la rocking with discontent, ft la positively known that the loaders do not cherish much confidence that the Reichstag to be selected will be a whit more tractable than tha nadlral Talk la Heard This fear la exposed In a statement by a prominent South German newspaper to the effect that the Prince von Buelow will not hesitate in the event of defeat to tear the ballots of January 36 Into shreda and appeal to the country a second time. The constitution permlta the repetition of such a process indefinitely, but a revolution would almost Inevitably be the flouted coun try's answer If the government's disgust with tha electorate became simple defiance. Current report absolves Prince von Bue low of any such Intention. It In reported that he would oonalder a government defeat at the polls tantamount to his own political rth warrant, and would summarily ab f ' dtcate the chancellorship. Borne wild talk i Is In circulation, but saner Judges cannot conceive that the kaiser will dream of any thing more! radical than tha abolition of universal suffrage. Tha empire' la now ablaae with campaign excitement. All parties have Issued their calls to battle and appeals for election expense. The government ts making frantlo petitions to voters to sink petty differences and to atand shoulder to shoul der for broad national Ideals. There is al most universal expectation that the social ists will win heavily and that the Catho lics, whom the government dislikes, will simply make way for the socialists, whom tha government despises. Notwithstanding the fact that tha coun try la undoubtedly at the aenith of an un precedented prosperity, the Increased cost of living, the colonial scandals, the eccen tricltlea of the kaiser, Germany's uncom fortable foreign position, polios Injustice and heavy taxes combine to put the eled torate Into the ugliest mood It has shown for generations. Social democracy, aa the only consistent party opposition, will hardly fall to reap the benefits of this winter of discontent. NEWSPAPERS JHGHT FOR LIFE Portuguese Government to Bo Ignored by Press Vnless Bill ta Withdrawn. LISBON. Jan. B. (Special.) An Interest- , . T ... An V. V. . 1 government and the newspapers, which promises exciting developments. Recently the government brought forward a bill In Psji lament regulating the lights and the liberties of the press, which was generally condemned as being of a reactionary nature. The second act in the drama took place when the proprietors and political directors of nearly all of the Lisbon papers held a meeting after which they came to the fol lowing agreement: "That anyone aiding In any way to caray this bill Into law shall be Ignored in the public, press and ahall be regarded aa nonexistent." neither the persons nor the speeches of the members of the government will be 'men tlond In the Lisbon press, and only tha Miicha nt the onnosltlon writ I ha rnnrtA All of the principal newspapers both In Lisbon and the provlncee have adhered to this resolution. The fall of the govern ment is even predicted If the bill Is not quickly withdrawn. CARAVAN ROUTE THREATENED Withdrawal of British Treona froas Dthala May Basalt la Mare Tremble, CALCUTTA. Jan. I. (Special.) Referring to the decision of the government of India to evacuate Dthala and the Aden Hlnter- in ! a land. - to foi statlo the Pioneer aays: Aden will have forego the advantages of having a hill itlon. but this Is of small consequence compared with the bad effect likely to be produced among the local tribesmen by the withdrawal of troupe from the Turkish frontiar. The difficulties experienced by Colonel Wahab In earrytng out the delimitation of i the Hinterland- were aggravated by the action of the Turkish authorities, wko had pushed th!r military poets wall Into de batable land. The British occupation of Vfcj.lnhala cheeked any further movement of ijBhe kind and created a feeling of outifl. jP dence among the tribes, who had no desire to come under Turkish rule. Now the old feeling of uncertainty will revive and there may be a renewal ef eUatsrbanoe aiong carat aa routes. SUMMARY OF THE BEE aaday, Jnwuary . 1T. v TU WXATUB. FORECAST FOR NEBRASKA Snow Sunday and colder In east portion. Mon day fair. FORECAST FOR IOWA laical snows and colder Sunday. Monday talr. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour, Deg. Hour. Deg. ... 41 ... 42 ... 3 6 a. m a. m..... 1 a. m I a. m.,... a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m U in M 83 83 , 82 36 85 1 p. m... 1 p. m... t p. m... 4 p. m... 6 p. tu..'. t p. m... 7 p. m.. 41 DOMZ8TIO. Crank wrecka a big Phil, with a bomb, killing and wo .nk T sev- oral people, because he was m given a loan of $5,000. X, Page 1. President Jeffrey of the Rio Grande railroad testifies regarding the effect on competition of the consolidation of the Union and Southern Pacific lines. X, Page 4. Wreckage floating ashore Indicates pos sibly the Pacific mail steamer ' Panama may have been wrecked with over 100 people pn board. X, Page 8. Chicago convention will ask president to send special message to congress ask ing for Immediate passage of reciprocal demurrage act X, Page W. H. Michael, consul general at Cal cutta, India, is on his way home on a sixty-day leave. Rumpr says he will not return. X, Page oehbkax rows. Real estate men agree that Omaha prop erty Is priced too low at present and that coming season will see activity In building continued. XX, Page 3. New York's census at end of ltot shows the population of the city to have grown 876,000 during the year, or more than a thousand a day. IL Page 8. City Engtneer Rosewater plans another big storm sewer for Omaha drainage sys tem to be built during the year. XX, Page rOBEIOIT. Electoral campaign throwa all Germany In a ferment and emperor has strong de sire to take an active part. X, Page 7 Japan and Russia are having a difficult time, attempting to renew treaty relatione broken off by the war. X, Page 1 KIBliKa. Indications that reform forces in the legislature and the corporation element will bring the contest to a Showdown early In the session. Corporations make stand In the senate, X, Page 1 Governor Sheldon announces he will ap point Rpbert Cowell railway commissioner In case his failure to be sworn In with other officers Invalidates his title to office. X, Page 3 Supreme court rebukes John T. Cathera in deciding case brought against Frank IS. Moores as mayor X, Page 3 Supreme court decides building lnspoctor must issue permit for erection of gas rcelver. X, Page S X.OCAX General Manager Mohler of the Union Pacific and Grand Master Hannahan of the Firemen's brotherhood take steps to prevent, a spread of the strike pn the Southern Pacific. - X, Page T Father who lives In Kansas kidnaps his child from the Creche where it had been left by its mother. Child Is later re covered. XX, Page 8 Three Omaha-Chicago roads now In active' competition for the fast mall con tract for next four years. XX, Page 10 Grand nephew of old Red Cloud a wit ness in the Modlsett land fraud case. X, Page S Kansas City is asking for still greater discrimination against Omaha In grain rates to the southeast. X, Page 7 Federal court holds that Indian woman who has been allotted li .id still retains the title, though It had been passed to husband fnom whom she was aubsequently divorced. X, Page 7 Newe from western army posts. XX, Page What is doing among the secret so clctles. XX, Page 8 Tappenlngs In Omaha suburbs. XI, Page WOaLAJfa WOBX, Nebraska Publlo Library commission re port 'shows that the traveling library work is growing steadily in popularity and women's clubs are aiding in its ex tension. X, Page Omaha Toung Women's Christian asso ciation Is planning frr a big reception, under direction of Its gymnasium depart ment, on Tuesday evening, at Ita present quarters. X, Page OCIAxV Omaha society folks are looking fbr a little quiet since the holidays are past Bridge Whist holds sway aa an amuse ment, and will shorten the hours of Lent. X, Page COTJJTCH. BLUTTI AJTD IOWA. Long looked for report of Engineer Kelrsted on valuation of water works ar rtvea and is locked up until council com mittee meets. X, Page Civic league of Des Moines files some sensational affidavits, alleging fraud In making' up Jury list and drawing the Juries. I. Page IPOBT Some facta about a few of the notable boxing referees In the United Slates. X, Pae B Scores In the doubles and singles In the city bowling tournament. X, Page t atAOJJBXn CTXOaT. In the Magazine Section of The Sunday wm IounQ "r t . Albert L. Mohler, vice president and gen eral manager of the Union Pacific rail road; an Account of Bomb Thrpwtng In Rome; Gossip of Plays and Players; Mu sic and Musical Mattera; Stage Beauties In the Making; John C. Nelson's Rise In the World; Cretans Win Their Long Fight; When Steamboats Churned Mis souri's Waters; "The Angel from Pitts burg;" Cualnt Capers of Cupid; The Doom of King Peter; Weekly Grist of Sporting Gossip. 10 Pages cxassm axorxov. In the Children's Section of The Sun day Bee will be found Buster Brown;' Talk With the Busy Bees; Little Journeys by Little Folks; Little June's Narroe Es cape; Winter Sports for City Children; "The Story fit the Saratogas;" Lovely Lily and the Shark. 4 7fM KOTWin op onjr nstzirip fall. K(W YORK r11l KEW TOHK Kl.,-la New tonic saw tor a Mtw Yohst ,. iinenk...., ..rnalt t e.i Vdr Mains Oa I u in bits... ...l'.raa i.',.. St. Leuta.... NKW TOHK Livaaroni,. JC CJ Irl.. PUVkMllTH. soi'TMinrroN. fkllftfilils... MKftRINa ItllU... l.K.Mli .flout. TUIfcOTE HANKS ST. JOHNS. X B. POM TLA NO. MB-. c.l ' - WK. t'ibrt ANTWtaP WUinS Erj m La Sarola Lka MaBWofcs.... huiianta ' :a faau..... TREATY IS NOT MADE Considerable Friction Felt letwsen Japan and Russia in Drawing. Up Agreement. COMMERCIAL PRESTiGE IS AT STAKE Be 'i Desire to Hold Controlling aO;. r in Chinese FroTince. Iv" NAVIGATION BONE OF CONTENTION Japan Would Declare Knsso-Cbinese Treatj Abrogated by War. CZAR CLAIMS TO STAND FOR OPEN DOOR Allegation Made that Ruaala Has Yielded More Than Justice De maads, bat Japan laalsts oa More. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 6. (Special.) The dispute between Russia and Japan is everywhere discussed with a measure of anxiety. The Russo-Japanese negotiations began at St Petersburg, apparently under favorable auspices, each party professing I desire to deal with outstanding questions In the spirit of give and take. Moot ques tions were those which the Portsmouth treaty had referred to the good sense and the good will of both governments, more partioularly the conclusion of a commer cial treaty and the definition of the fishing rights to be conferred upon Japanese sub jects on the Faclfto coast of Russia. The Russian government tsckled the unpleasant task in the spirit of a self-respecting sportsman who, having lost a certain sum regards It as a debt of honor, and proceeds to pay every penny, but naturally expects his obligations to extend no. further than the debt Incurred. Hence the negotiations opened well. Corea's International status being among the first topics dealt with Russia evinced a most liberal attitude. foregoing its right to question Japan's in terpretations, the deductions and the prac tical consequences of which, were it ani mated by a desire of profiting by technical arguments In Its favor, it might have done. Its motives were the desire of establishing lasting peace and cultivating neighborly terms with Its recent adversary. For the same reasons further exorbitant claims which the Mikado's government advanced were regarded as mere deal res, not as practical proposals, still leas as Irreducla ble demands. This point it Is claimed, has not been appreciated. It is claimed that Japan in sists upon unacceptable terms, the refusal of which by Russia may be arbitrarily In terpreted aa a refusal to observe the Ports mouth treaty, while their acceptance would transform the peace between the two em pires Into the merest armistice. That is the present position, and it Is claimed that It deserves the attention of all of the sincere friends of peace. Japan Wants Rivers. In the first place then, it appears that Japan requires the rivers Sangaxt and Amur to be opened to international navi gation. Russia, asking" wherefore, receives the answer: Because the third clause of the Portsmouth treaty involves this act of self .denial and abrogates, ipso facto the Algun treaty by which China In ltu8 con ferred upon Russia the right of navigating those rivers, and also because, last year, Japan concluded a treaty with China by which the latter state throws open to lta trade all commercial centers in the Amur and Sungaii baaln. Here the . cxar'a Jurisconsults Join issue with the Japanese, pointing out that the Portsmouth treaty neither Implies nor In volves Russia's renunciation of special rights on the rivers aforesaid, and cannot possibly be taken to abrogate the treaty concluded by China and Russia because International treaties are annulled In a different way. In the third clause of the Portsmouth treaty the Russian government declares that It possesses In Manchuria no territorial privileges or preferential or ex ceptional concessions calculated to Infringe upon Chlna'a sovereign tights, or Incom patible with the principle of equality of rights. Now, the authorization to navigate the Amur and the Bungarl rivers Is not In cluded by that declaration because It la not a mining, railway or agrarian privilege, neither doea it encroach upon China's sov ereign rights any more than the navigation of the Prussian stretch of the River Vis tula by Russian steamers would be a vio lation of the king of Prussia's sovereign rights. Riparian peoples are accustomed to accord each other navigating privileges on the river systems that traverse both countries. These rights are the outcome of geological situations and are bestowed only by neighbors upon each other. As the Portamouth treaty could not abrogate the Algun treaty, neither could last year's agreement between China and Japan ab rogate It snd In neither document Is the Aigun treaty mentioned. The first clause of the Chlno-Japanese treaty provides for the opening of various Manchurlan centers to international commerce. To this Russia has offered no objection, although the term for the evacuation has not yet expired. Nor does It affect the river navigation. Evacaatloa of Masehsrla. The complaints which are being uttered that Russia Is slow to evacuate Man churia and that the foreign powers are Indifferent to its procrastination are deeply to be regretted because being ut terly groundless they betray a spirit which would not be conducive to such re lations between the two countries as would guarantee lasting peace in the far east. The truth Is that it Is -conceded quite generally that Russia haa with drawn Its troops with commendable promptitude, and so much more quickly than Japan that at present Its military establishment there la numerically loss, much less, than that of its neighbor. In deed, Japan haa about twlee as many sol diers as Russia there. ' The dissatisfaction expressed at Rus sia's attitude on the question of the Sag hall en fisheries la equally unfounded. So scrupulously has the Russian government acted In this matter and so anxious haa It been not to prejudice any ostentations point that even, where it might reasonably farm out the flsheriea to Its own subjects on long-time leases, as heretofore, it has declined to grant leases for longer than a twelve month. On the other hand It li J 01 published complaints, although Its aubjecta have not yet received either fish cry lights in Southern Saghalien or the property which was seised there. And yet tee tenth clause of the Portsmouth treaty completely guarantees those rights. Outaldera who stand up tor the open door and equal opportunities have sug gested that aa a new conciliatory element of the discussion that Russia should give way on the aubject of the navigation of the Bungarl and Amur, aipt Japan'a con tention and eschewing precedents consider the Aigun treaty abnegated by the an. iCotaUnued OA TUird Page. KITCHENER'S STAR ASCENDANT Title ef Viceroy May Be All that la Left te Lord Mfato. CALCUTTA. Jan, B. (Special.) And now It la reported that Lord Kitchener Is to be given a hand still more free In connection with the military government of India. The troubles in this connection between Lord Kitchener and Lord Curson, the viceroy, will be remembered by all. It was at that lime supposed that the home office had dona all that could possibly be done along these lines, and the surgestlon Is made that If things continue In this direction much longer the viceroy. Lord Minto, will have little roal power left except that which clings round the title of viceroy. On the occasion of his visit to the great Mohammedan college at Allgarb. Lord Kitchener made a pleasant reference to the association: which he had formed with Mohammedans all over the world In the course, of hla career. He added: "It Is very satisfactory to see that the education given here tends to Increase the feelings of devotion and loyalty to the klng-em-peror, and that spirit for military service which distinguished your forefathers In the past. As you are aware a large proportion of the Indian army consists of Moham medan officers and men. These constitute some of the finest and bravest soldiers I have the honor to command and worthily maintain the credit and reputation of the Mohammedan races of India. As president of the Gordon college In Khartoum I wish to thank you for the kind expressions you have used about that Institution. Of course it is a small one compared with Allgarh, but I continue to receive excellent reports of the progress that ts being made and the enthusiasm of the Mohammedan popula tions, and I hope in the course of time the students of the Gordon college will rival Allgarh In competition for university honors." IRISH LEAGUE ISSUES BOOK Pamphlet Dealing with EaforeemeBt of Laborers Act la Pub- liahed by Society. V by Society. DUBLIN, Jan. B. (Special.) The United Irish league haa Just published a pamph let containing instructions as to the best manner of putting the laborer's act of 1506 into force. The pamphlet opens with a description of the act and a comparison with the previous law. Mr. Wyndham having facilitated the passage of the land act by express pledges of legislation on be half of laborers brought in the following session a bill which was rather an ag gravation than a redress of their griev ances. The Irish party appeared reluctant to recommend the rejection of so colorles-i a measure. They accordingly let the second reading of the bill pass and proceeded laboriously to amend It In committee. When amendments of value were Intro duced Mr. Wyndham proceeded to kill hla own ill-fated offspring. The result of the agitation which followed waa the act of 1906, which is described In the pamphlet aa a .'great Improvement on lta predeces sors; It gets rid qf most of their delays, obstructions, and colls Of red tape and substitutes a cheap, speedy and efficient procedure, which if It can only be placed In the hands of capable -and business-like inspectors of the local government board with courage to face the. difficulties of the situation resolutely will in a few "short years transform the face of the country, and effect a most salutary change In the housing of the laborers of Irelapd." VISCHER COMPLETES TRIP British v Representative la Xlsrerla Makes Long Journey Through Desert of Sahara. CAIRO, Jan. B. (Special.)-. According to reports received here from Nafada In the hinterland of Senegal Mr. Hans Vlscher, British assistant resident at Kano, Nigeria, has reached Malfonl after an adventurous Journey across the Sahara from Tripoli, His route was through Mursuk, a Turkish garrison town 000 miles south of Tripoli, and then south across the desert to the oasis of Bllma. . Bllma lies 1,000 miles south of Tripoli. Mr. Vlscher, who Is of Swiss extraction, originally intended to start his return Jour ney from England to his post at Kano. Numerous delays caused Mr. "Vlscher to make his start much later than anticipated. A number of native pilgrims returning to their homes from Mecca heard of Mr. Vlscher's projected Journey and obtained permission to accompany him,. He traveled as an official representative of the British government and there is no doubt that his Journey will have an Important effect in increasing British prestige among the Ma hommedana of Western Africa. No European of the present generation has previously accomplished the Journey through the heart of the great Sahara, The route apart from the most 'trying oll matlo conditions ts very dangerous, lying aa It does amid the territories of uncontrolled and savage tribes. BRITISH PROPOSAL REJECTED Germany Held Responsible tor Actios of Twrkey Regarding Debt of Macedonia. CONSTANTINOPLE. Jan. 6. (Special.) The debt council has rejected the British proposals for the relief of the Macedonian budget, but haa pledged Itself to covar Macedonian deficits from the surplus of the tithes attached to the loan service. Should this surplus be Insufficient the coun cil and the government will make good the deficiency. The British proposal was to take from the surplus of the customs and other rev enues the sum of 1260,000 annually to cover Macedonian deficits. German Influence is the direct cause of the rejection of that proposal, for Germany ardently desires that the surplus of such revenues shall be de voted by the porte exclusively to the pay ment of the kilometric guarantees for the Bagdad railway. The responsibility taken by the debt coun cil In order to further German alms can be considered very serious. IMPERIALISTS DISLIKE ORDER Grant ef Constitution Orange River Colony Ralaes Protest f mm Britishers. JOHANNflBl'RG, Jan. l(Speclul.) The announcement of the grant of a constitution to the Orange River colony is deplored here as being the last blow tn the driving of the wedge of Bund influence light through British South Africa. The Rand Dally Mall bitterly denounces the new arrangements and regrets that an attempt Is being made to force the growth of South Africa union by means of a poli tical hot-house commission and a consti tution based upon the assumption that lha Boers are ready to shed tUcir national ideals at any uiomeuU BOMB WRECKS BANK Kan from Garner, la, Throwa Ixplosive at Cashier of Philadelphia Institution. LOAN FIRST DEMANDED OF PRESIDENT Bemb Thrower and Cashier Are Killed and Eix Men Injured. FORCE OF EXPLOSION IS TERRIFIC Books and Valuable Papers Ton to Bhreds and filowi Into Street. PRESIDENT MAKES REMARKABLE ESCAPE Celling Over Hla Desk Spattered with Blaoa and Head of Anarchist la Foul la Ceraer af Hie Reese. PHILADELPHIA. Jan, S. Two men dead, a score of others Injured, two of whom may die, and the ' beautiful Interior of a bank building ruined, la the result of a bomb being dropped In the Fourth Street Na tional bunk here today by a man who had demanded a loan of 15.000, for which he could show no collateral. The Identity of the perpetrator of the outrage la a mystery, for he was blown to pieces by his own engine of death. Nothing la left to tell who he la but a bunch of ten keys, found in a fragment of clothing belonging to the bomb thrower. A plate In the ring holding the keya bore the name of R. Steele, Gamer, la., and the police are look ing up the man. The other man killed was W. Z. MoLear, cashier of the bank, who had been talking to the stranger and had refused his request Among the most seriously Injured are: William Crump, colored, private meesenjrer to the president of the bank; badly mangled and may die. William Wright, bank employe: may dlo. Thomas B. Rutter, Lansdale, Pa.; frac tured skull. Frank LaRold, clerk. A. F. DonUnicl, clerk. C. R. Horton, clerk. Miss Julia Brady, stenographer,- First Calls on President. Tho man who dropped the bomb called upon Richard H. Rushton, president of the bank, also president of the Philadelphia Cloarlng House association, shortly before noon and asked for a loan of BK.000. The president quickly slsed him up aa eccentric and turned him over to the cashier with the Idea that the latter would have him taken from the building. Before leaving the man ahowed Rushton a picture of a woman and a child with . the remark: "Ain't they all rlghtT" A few moments later there was a terrific explosion which shook the big building and completely wrecked the Interior of the bank. Cashier McLear was In his office when the man threw the bomb and was Instantly killed. With the exception of his right arm and shoulder he - was not mangled. The most or4ltnalr InlimaJ las Tl'IITInm rsiim ilia colored messenger wuu I list lit? cs iitrtuivi A a ... ai a tempt to seise the object which the man was about to drop but was an Instant too late. The messenger. If he survives his terrible Injuries probably- will be blind. Eight ef the bunch of ten keya found are small and flat and similar to those used In opening tin boxes. The keys have been photographed by the police and the pictures will be sent to various cities In the hope of finding a clue which will clearly tabllsh the Identity of the bombthrower. A description of the man given by Presi dent Rushton has been telegraphed to Gamer, la., and other towns In that sec tion of the west President Raahton Talks. 1 was very busy," said President Rush- ton, "when the man entered my office, snd I asked him to be seated for a moment. He was very poorly dressed, had patches plosion is unknown. BIsbee and Bikers on hla shoes, and his entire appearance field, nearby towns, were severely shaken. made me a bit curious. While he was waiting for ma to finish the business I had In hand, at the moment I happened to no tice that he looked at me very curiously. I asked bis business and he gave hla name aa G. E. Williams and said he wanted a loan of 16,000. He did not look like a man who could make a loan of that amount and I asked blm for collateral. He said something about an Insurance policy and that It would mature tn from one to five years. I waa then convinced the man was a crank and decided to dismiss him at once, not for a moment thinking there waa any harm In him. I told him that he would have to see the cashier and directed him out in the banking department At the same moment I called my colored mes- senger, William Crump, to see that the man was quickly taken out of the building. Aa I turned to continue my work at the desk there was a terrific explosion. The man had no time to reach the cashier; the explosion came so sudden." Bomb Throwers' Body Fouad. The roar of the explosion brought the tenants on all floors to their feet and a general rush waa made to the elevators and stairways. Aa the excited people came out there waa a rush from the street to rescue those who it was thought were caught In the building. Meantime an alarm was turned in and firemen were quickly on the ground. There being no Ore in the place the firemen and policemen ordered every body out and a strong guard was thrown about the building. After President Rush ton had recovered himself he told what had happened and a search for the bomb thrower was made. At the moment It was supposed he had not been killed, but in taking out the body of Cashier McLear and looking for others, portions of a body were found that plainly Indicated that the man had been blown to pieces. The escape of President Rushton waa almost miraculous, for the damage is great est in his office. The celling over his desk Is bespattered with blood and under a pile of wreckage In one comer of the office waa found the head and shoulders of the bomb thrower as well as his overcoat Mr. Rushton does not know how he escaped, but recollects going up the steps of the building to tha Down Town club, a dining organisation, where be waa later found In a dazed condition. Not only la the entire Interior of the bank wrecked, but the large windows looking out on a small aide street were blown out. The explosion scattered all the books and papers of the Institution, which were not In the vaults at the time Some of them were blown out of the windows and were returned by those who found tbem. t ashler Refnseo Money. Eugene Mcllhone. assistant to the cashier, returned to the bank after having his wounds dresaed at the Pennsylvania hos pital. j Was about twenty-five feet from Mr. McLear," ha said. "I was very busy at the time as the bank waa on the point of closmg lta doors after completion of the ICunilaued oa Secoud lint e l GAMBLE'S FRIENDS CONFIDENT oath Dakota Seaatorshtp May Come t'p In Canena Monday Right. PIERRR 8l D. Jan. S. (Special Tele gram.) Governor Crawford and practically all the state officials, Including the con gressmen elect and Senator Gamble are In the city, ready for tho work of the session. Senator Gamble Is accompanied by a strong delegation from Tankton, who are all working In his Interests. At the present they express the utmost confidence In the outcome, and the Indications point to his election without much of a fight. At the same time there Is an element of danger present, which might develop, but which Is being well kept down. It Is expected the matter of the senatorshlp will he brought up In the caucus for organisation which will be held Monday night In which ease the point will be raised by the stal wart faction that It Is not a proper matter for such a caucus, and that action should be deferred until the charges which have been made against the senator have been Investigated. It will be urged that if the charges are not founded on fact he will lose nothing by such action as the vote cannot be taken until the Ed. which will give ample time for the Investigation. If the charges are not proved Gamble will re ceive every vote of the stalwarts, but oth erwise they do not believe he should re ceive their votes. In the speakership contest it ts conceded that either Chaney or Carroll will win. Their strength appears to be well divided and It will likely take the caucus to de cide. As both are friends of Gamble and the Incoming administration the leaders are keeping out of the fight so far as any surface Indications are concerned. The fight for secretary of the senate is now fully three cornered with Armstrong of Faulkton. Simons of Davison and Mun son of Clark In the contest each feeling confident Cone of Minnehaha appears to be In the lead for chief clerk of the house over Peter son of Lawrence. J. D. Elliott United States disfMct at torney, when shown a Washington special In regard to his salary, said, "I am not worrying over the situation, and if neces sary to refund the payments I have re ceived I am not like one who cannot do it and even If I get no salary I have been paid In the fun of playing the game." TONS OF DYNAMITE EXPLODE Accident In Arlsena Mine Resnlts In Injury ef a Hanker ef Men. FX PASO, Tex., Jan. S. The magaztne containing 9,700 pounds of dynamite at the Denn-Arlzona ahaft in Lowell, Arte,, ex ploded late yesterday evening with ter rific force. Kvery wlndowpane In Lowell was shattered and the shock was felt at Douglas, twenty-six miles away. Distress ing rumors were current for some hours of many killed and others Imprisoned in the shaft, but Investigation showed that all were untrue. There were thirteen men at work tn the shaft on the l.ono and 1. 100-foot levels, all 1 v uyiii en ajs;u, a iw iiiunt btoiiuucv m I . - fured was Joe Colle. foreman of the mine. who whs struck by a - frying j piece of wreckage and sustained a fractured skull. W. E. Wallace, who was tn the same room with Oolle, escaped with ' a seriously braised back. J. D. Adklnann and four other men tn the blacksmith shop, located only sixty feet from the powder magaxlne, got off with minor Injuries. Lee Wyatt, a carpenter at the. mine, waa Just starting to drive home when the magaxlne blew up. His buggy was demolished and his horse blown I to atoms, but Mr. Wyatt escaped with trifling Injuries, r- istandlng that he was In the midst perfect shower ef timbers. Superintendent Pattlson estimates the damage, outside of the loss of the ex plosives, at 16,000. The cause of the ex- , but escaped serious damage. ADOLPHUS BUSCH IS WORSE St. Loala Brewer Has Relapse Two Meiabere of .Family Are 111. and ST. LOUIS. Jan. 6. Adolphua Busch, the wealthy brewer, who was recovering from I a acvere attack of pneumonia, suffered a : relapse and passed a very restless night ' jyr- Ltiedeking has attended him almost ( conataritly since yesterday and said this morning that Mr. Busch's condition shows , mtie improvement but he hopes to make j a mor favorable report before the day Is enjcd. MrB' Adc.tphus Busch. who waa confined t0 her bed a MVere cold during the ! crltlcaj period of her husband's Illness, was compelled to again take to' her bed today, having become completely exhausted through constant watching over her hus band. Dr. Luedeklng this evening stated that Mr. Busch had practically thrown off the attack of pneumonia and ia now suffering from acute bronchitis, which has lain dormant In his system since his return from Europe last summer. For the last week the patient has been unable to lie down. Awake and asleep he alts up In a big arm chair to prevent at far as possible the paroxysms of coughing which at Intervals rack him. Preparations are being made to take htm to Aiken, S. C, to recuperate as soon aa he can travel. August A. Busch. the eldest son, was confined to his bed today by a sever at tack of sciatica. DEFENSE OF MRS. BRADLEY Formal Written Statement of Former leister Brown Aelcaofvt trains; Paternity ef Twe Children. ALT LAKE CITT. ttah. Jan. I. George P. Hoover, the Washington attorney who has been retained In the defense of Mis. Anna M. Bradley, the slayer of former Senator Arthur Brown, departed for Wash ington thla evening-, having In his posses sion a formal written statement made by Arthur Brown In 1905 In which he acknowl edges the paternity of two of Mrs. Brad- j ley s children. Their names are Arthur Brown Bradley and Mark Montgomery Brown Bradley. The statement specifically declares that "these are my children by Anna M. Bradley." These are the children whom Brown ape ciflcally disowned tn his last will. Attorney Hoover secured other material to be used In Mrs. Bradley's defense at Washington. Military Reservation tbaadourd. WASHINGTON, Jan. . By an executive order the military reservation at Fort Davis, Tea., embracing about gto acres of land, having become useless for military purposes, has been transferred to the con trol of the secretary of the interier for disposition, FIGHT FOR CONTROL Contest letween Corporations and Be formers to Be Forced Parly in Session. LOBBY MAKES ITS STAND IN SENATE First Test Likely to Come with the leport of tho Committee on Committees, CORPORATIONS DEPEND ON PHILLIPS If He rails Then They Ixpeot to Lose tho Openinc Bound. COMMITTEES TO BE NAMED ON TUESDAY Resolution Rearardlaa- Lobbyists Likely te Cannae the PreeeSar In nv Sumner ef Legisla tive Matters. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Jan. t (Special.) A "show down between the members of the legisla ture who are sincerely working for the enactment of reform laws and those who are hedged about with corporation strings and Influence is coming shortly and may be a part of the program of the proceed ings during the early part of the week. The affair will be pulled off In the senate, because there seems to be no doubt In the house the corporation representatives are aadly in the minority, while in the sen ate the matter ia In doubt. It has been suggested that the lines be drawn as soon as possible, so that the people of the state will know who are representing their In tercets and who are lined up on the other side. How the conflict will be started haa not yet been settled, but It ts coming, and it will be hot and serious until one side or the other Is tn complete eontroj of the upper house. It may come ever a minority report on the report of the committee on committees, and If that matter Is com promised and settled It will come on some other proposition, but there Is a feeling In the reform element and in the-element which is supposed te be against reform that the matter should be settled before the session gets down to passing bills and the branding Irons applied where they be long. Depends oat PhtHlps. The corporation lobby is making a desper ate effort to control the senate committees, having come to the conclusion that they must defeat reform legislation that affects them adversely In the senate if at all. A man who stands close to one of the rail road . lobbyists, who haa been on the ground from the first, describes the situa tion and the steps leading up to it aa fol lows: "We figured an the time that we would have to get oar work tn In the ssrmte, and started out to organize through tha second term membership. You remember what a scrap we had at the senate caucus when Sackett, who was put up by the reformers as the seventh man on the committee on committees, was beaten out by a margta of "only one vote. In order to head blm eft we had to take up Phillips of Holt W,ho is not exactly our kind of people, but he was the only one for whom we could get the necessary votes in addition to those we could place with anybody. The Job now cVpende on whether Phillips will go through with us and let our fellows have the committee places that we need. We thought we had the serrate committee at least 4 to S, but at last accounts it looked as If it would be at least 4 to 8 against us. We'll know when the committee list comes out. If the new members have all the best chairmanships and the second-termers are on the back seats, we will have lost the second round and we will have to get busy to come up to the scratch agala with an even chance." House Committees Tuesday. Speaker NetUeton la going to have bla committees ready to report to the members of the house Tuesday morning. He has been constantly at work since the ad journment Thursday afternoon, and today, he announced be bad aknest completed bis tank. He believes it is courtesy due the house members to make no public an-, nouncemont of the personnel of the com mittees until he Informs the house ef bla action. The senate committees win be ready for announcement at the same time. Some of the tn embers of the house are beginning to wonder if the anti-lobby reso lution adopted Thursday morning applies to everyone who Is Interested In a bllL The members Interviewed so Interpret tho resolution and the sergeant-at-arms will be Instructed to eject forcibly, it necessary, any person who tries to Influence any. member on any measure, on the floor of the house. Kvery person Interested will i be given an opportunity to be beard be fore a committee on any measure under consideration. This rule applies te heads ef state institutions as well as regularly acknowledged paid corporation lobbyists. All go In tha same class according to this legislature. Just what part the fuslonists Intend to play In the enactment of legislation this winter Is, of course, problematical, while It frequently has been published It was their plan to make as much political capital out of the session as possible, the leaders have said the fuslonists would as sist the republicans In the enactment of reform laws, rather than obstruct them. For this reason some surprise has been ex pressed thst Patrick of Sarpy should Jump Into the game with an anti-lobby bill. It Is said Patrick has been the local attorney for the Burlington in hia town. It stands to reason the republican members will pass measures covering the republican state platform, which have been introduced by republicans. This move of Patrick will give the fuslonists, however, an oppor tunity to orate and charge tbe republicans with insincerity. It seems to be the general lmprasion, however, that some auch meas ure will become a law. Objection to Bpeelao Levy. There aeems to be no doubt this legisla ture will pay considerable attention to the affairs of the State university and there has been some sentiment fur an abolition of the 1-mill levy, giving to the university in its place, a specific appropriation. Un der the present plan of giving a 1-mlll levy there is no way the exact amount of money the university fund will receive can lie determined, and for that reason srare of the members think It would be better for the regents to ask for a specific ap propriation. Inasmuch as the public schools recvlve appropriation through a levy, the state debt Is being paid by a levy, and now the Stale Fair board wants a levy, at tention has been in this direction, and there Is a possibility if not a probability that the levy proposition at least will be headed off where It is. The tight over the county option bill this winter will be along different ttnee from the fight of two years ago, when tbe brewers tied up alia the railroads. Vl